


Typical Norwegian lowland landscape
Reine in Lofoten, Northern Norway
The Storting is the Parliament of Norway
Most populous urban areas of Norway
• 挪威,挪威王国是在斯堪的纳维亚半岛西部部 分北欧国家,瑞典,芬兰和俄罗斯接壤。
National emblem
பைடு நூலகம்
The capital city of Norway is Oslo.
Harald V
Jens Stoltenberg
• Norway is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy , with King Harald V as its head of state and Jens Stoltenberg as its prime minister.
Oslo 奥斯陆
Bergen 卑尔根
Trondheim 特隆赫姆
Fredrikstad 费德列斯达
Drammen 德拉曼
Skien 希恩
Kristiansand 克里斯蒂安桑
Tromso 特罗姆瑟
Ålesund 奥勒松
Tnsberg 滕斯贝格
早餐 breakfast
Norwegian open sandwich
乌尔内斯木板教堂被列出被联合国 教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。
Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim

norway 挪威英文简介

norway 挪威英文简介

挪威英文简介Norway ,officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Scandinavian unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and the subantarctic Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometres (148,747 sq mi) and a population of about 5 million. It is the second least densely populated country in Europe. The country shares a long border with Sweden; it is also bordered by Finland and Russia to the north-east; in its south Norway borders the Skagerrak Strait across from Denmark. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. Norway's extensive coastline, facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea, is home to its famous fjords.Two centuries of Viking raids tapered off following the adoption of Christianity by King Olav Tryggvason in 994. A period of civil war ended in the 13th century when Norway expanded its control overseas to parts of Britain, Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland. Norwegian territorial power peaked in 1265, but competition from the Hanseatic League and the spread of the Black Death weakened the country. In 1380, Norway was absorbed into a union with Denmark that lasted more than four centuries. In 1814, Norwegians resisted the cession of their country to Sweden and adopted a new constitution. Sweden went to war with Norway but agreed to let Norway keep its constitution in return for accepting the union undera Swedish king. Rising nationalism throughout the 19th century led to a 1905 referendum granting Norway independence. Although Norway remained neutral in World War I, it suffered heavy losses to its shipping. Norway proclaimed its neutrality at the outset of World War II, but was nonetheless occupied for five years by the Third Reich. In 1949, neutrality was abandoned and Norway became a founding member of NATO. Discovery of oil and gas in adjacent waters in the late 1960s boosted Norway's economic fortunes. In referenda held in 1972 and 1994, Norway rejected joining the European Union. Key domestic issues include immigration and integration of ethnic minorities, maintaining the country's extensive social safety net with an aging population, and preserving economic competitiveness.Norway is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, with King Harald V as its head of state and Jens Stoltenberg as its prime minister. It is a unitary state with administrative subdivisions on two levels known as counties and municipalities. The Sámi people have a certain amount of self-determination and influence over traditional territories through the Sámi Parliament and the Finnmark Act. Although having rejected European Union membership in two referenda, Norway maintains close ties with the union and its member countries, as well as with the United States. Norway participates with United Nations forces in international missions, notably in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Sudan and Libya.Norway is a founding member of the United Nations, NATO, the Council of Europe, and the Nordic Council; a member of the European Economic Area, the WTO, and the OECD; and is also a part of the Schengen Area.Norway has extensive reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, fresh water, and hydropower. The country has the fourth-highest per capita income in the world. On a per-capita basis, it is the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East, and the petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of the country's gross domestic product. The country maintains a Nordic welfare model with universal health care, subsidized higher education, and a comprehensive social security system. From 2001 to 2006, and then again from 2009 through 2011, Norway has had the highest human development index ranking in the world. In 2011, Norway also ranked the highest on the Democracy Index, and according to UNDP Norway is the world's best country.。



玫 状各异的玫瑰花。 瑰 玫瑰漆画过去 漆 在乡下和农场居 画 民中十分流行,

—— 芬兰
古代挪威人被称为维京人。北欧史诗般的年代早已过去, 维京人的传奇故事也变得遥远而陌生。
世界声誉的挪威艺术家——爱德华 · 蒙克

蒙克(1863.12.12 - 1944.1.23)是现 代表现主义绘画的先驱,多以生命、
强烈的夸张造型,抒发自己的感受和 情绪。 • 毕加索、马蒂斯以及德国和法国就曾 吸收他的艺术养料。
• 蒙克与世长辞后,向奥斯陆捐赠了油
画、版画、素描和水彩画等。後来为 纪念蒙克,建造了蒙克美术馆。
拍 卖 之 最:
• 北京时间2012年5月3日,纽约 拍卖上,蒙克1895年创作的 《呐喊》最终以1.07亿美元落 槌,创造了最高价格纪录。
• 之前的纪录是毕加索1.06亿的 《裸体、绿叶和半身像》。
挪威现存30座木制教堂,而奥 尔内斯木制教堂则是它们当中 最引人注目的一座。 教堂是一个四方形的三层建筑, 每层都有陡峭的披檐,颇似东 方的神庙。
教堂内的陈设至今仍保持着中 世纪时的风格。
1979年,被联合国教科文组织 列为世界文化遗产之一。
• 民俗博物馆是世界上最早 的露天博物馆,这里集中 展示了整个挪威的民风民 情。能在一天内“走遍” 挪威全国。 • 这里约有170 个自挪威各 地迁移过来的木造建筑。 迁移是先在原地解体,然 后运到这里,再依专家指 示照原型复原。有古老的 城市建筑,如旧式加油站。


❖ 挪威是一个单一的 议会民主和君主立宪制,国王哈 拉尔五世,作为国家元首和总理斯托尔滕贝格。
Harald V
Jens Stoltenberg,
❖ The northern part of the country is also known as the Land of the Midnight Sun because of its location north of the Arctic Circle, where for part of each summer the sun does not set, and in winter much of its land remains dark for long periods.
Trondheim 特隆赫姆
Fredrikstad 费德列斯达
Drammen 德拉曼
Skien 希恩
Kristiansand 克里斯蒂安桑
Tromso 特罗姆瑟
Ålesund 奥勒松
Tønsberg 滕斯贝格
Thank you
❖ The country is richly endowed with natural resources: petroleum, hydropower, fish, forests, and minerals.
❖ 该国拥有丰富的自然资源:石油,水电,鱼 类,森林和矿产。
Oil production has been a big part of the Norwegian economy since the 1970s (Statfjord oil field).
露兜叶熏三文 鱼
冰冷的三文 鱼因其洁净美味和卓越品质而 享誉全球,已经使得对鱼生品 质要求严苛的日本人对挪威三 文鱼偏爱有加。



N ati on alDayMay 17th,1814The kingdom of Denmark ceded its Norway to Sweden kingdom ,according to the treaty of Kiel (《Kiel 条约》. This announced that Norwegian belonged Denmark had been end, Norway wasbelongingtokingdom of Sweden, but has the independent law and freedom. This wasthe symbol that shows Norway is a independent country!CelebrationNorwegian in entertaining way to celebratetheir National Day. In this grand festival, the Norwegian change the usual casual wear , everyone's in beautiful dress, a lot of people still wear the national dress “bunad ”, clothes don't striped flag, hand flag, took to the streets to watch the parade, celebrating the festival, that's a really gorgeous.National bird——Cinclus(河鸟)National flower——Erica(欧石楠)Erica is a genus of approximately 860 species of flowering plants inthe family Ericaceae. The English common names "heath" and"heather" are shared by some closely related genera of similarappearance. The genus Calluna was formerly included in Erica–itdiffers in having even smaller scale-leaves (less than 2–3 mm long),Capital City——Oslo(奥斯陆)a. Oslo is Scandinavia peninsula's(斯堪的纳维亚半岛)oldest capital.b. Southeast of Norway; northern of Europe.c.Capital and the biggest city of Norway.d.City where the Nobel Peace Prizes are given. means “god”and “grassland”.© 赵明轩制作f.People are enthusiastic and the city centre is very international.g.Norway's political, economic, cultural and transportation center and the most major port.h.Population: 560484(2008)i.Place of interest:Vigelang Park ; Akershus Castle© 赵明轩制作Language——NorskNorsk is similar to svenska and Dansk.This three languages can also understand each other if you can speak one of them.There are two different spelling patterns.Population5,080,200 ...... 2013 4,752,735 ...... 2009 4,737,171 (2008)4,521,000 (2002)Climate© 赵明轩 制作The southern and western parts of Norway experiencemore precipitation and have milder winters than the south-eastern part. The lowlands around Oslo have the warmest and sunniest summers but also cold weatherand snow in wintertime (especially inland).Norway,has the area of 385155 square kilometers, including the svalbard (spitsbergen bergen island), -----the Norwegian nature reserve (cloth), It is in the west of northernScandinavia, Sweden east, northeast border with Finland and Russia, the south with Denmark facing each other across the sea, west the Norwegian sea. More than 21000 kilometers long coastline, natural harbor.Is the narrow mountainous country, Scandinavian alberta, plateaus, mountains, glaciers across accounts for about two-thirds of above. South hill, lake, swamp. Most of the temperate there is maritime climate, internal cold weather in the mountains. Norway is one of the important maritime countries in the world, and its shoreline twists in turns, there were some 150000 offshore islands, is a good port, and a scenic area.Norwegian Forest Cat挪威森林猫。



挪威属于北欧国家,位于欧洲 北部,东与瑞典接壤,西邻大西洋。 海岸线极其蜿蜒曲折,构成了挪威 特有的峡湾景色。此外,挪威还与 芬兰、俄罗斯接壤。挪威的领土还 包括斯瓦尔巴群岛和扬马延岛,首 都为奥斯陆。挪威的自然资源十分 丰富,其主要表现在石油、水利、 渔业、森林和矿产等方面,其中挪 威经济很大程度上依赖石油产业及 国际油价。所以挪威建立了国家石 油基金,将石油产业的利润用于海 外投资,避免了经济过热问题。自 2001年起挪威已连续六年被联合国 评为最适宜居住的国家,并于2009 年、2010年连续获得全球人类发展 指数第一的排名。
“万岛之国”-挪威 Norway
挪威 Norway
挪威王国,简称“挪威”, 意为 “通往北方之路”,北欧五国之一,位 于斯堪的纳维亚半岛西部。挪威领土南 北狭长,海岸线漫长曲折,沿海岛屿很 多,被称为“万岛之国”,领土与瑞典、 芬兰、俄罗斯接壤,领土还包括斯瓦尔 巴群岛和扬马延岛。首都为奥斯陆。 挪威是高度发达的工业化国家,石 油工业是国民经济的重要支柱,挪威也 是西欧最大的产油国和世界第三大的石 油出口国。自2001年起挪威已连续六年 被联合国评为最适宜居住的国家,并于 2009-2013年连续获得全球人类发展指 数第一的排名。 挪威是一个高度发达的资本主义国 家,北约成员国之一,经济是市场自由 化和政府宏观调控成功结合的范例。挪 威也是创建现代福利国家的先驱之一。 此外,造纸,造船,机械,水电,化工, 木材加工也是挪威的传统发达产业。挪 威目前还不是欧盟成员国,不使用欧元。
河鸟water ouzel
体长约20厘米的深褐色河乌。特 征为颏及喉至上胸具白色的大斑块。 下背及腰偏灰。深色型的白色喉胸 块可能呈烟褐色,偶具浅色纵纹。 通常的浅色型喉胸纯白。亚种 leucogaster腹部白色。幼鸟灰色较 重,下体较白。虹膜红褐;嘴近黑; 脚褐色。尖厉刺耳的鸣声。飞行时 发出粗哑的zrets叫声。能在很多地 区的湍急多岩的溪流水下步行猎食 昆虫,并频繁地从水中浮起。用苔 藓构成圆顶巢,通常筑于瀑布後面 的罅隙中。分布于古北界、喜马拉 雅山脉、中国西部及缅甸东北部。 甚常见于海拔2400~4250米的适宜生 境。



Lofoten Islands
• The spectacular Lofoten is carved by ancient glaciers. Vestfjorden fjords and the Norwegian mainland isolation open to it alone to stay in the vast sea. Nevertheless, from a distance looks Islands chain still like an indistinct, always together. Therefore, the locals called it "Lofoten walls."
how to get there
1 take a ship
2 take a plane
Vigeland Sculpture Park
• In the Norwegian capital Oslo, a famous Vigeland Sculpture Park, also known as "Life Park. Some called "sex theme park, in fact, is not accurate. Here, you can through a series of sculpture group portrait, to fully appreciate the secretive and meaning of life. Distribution shaped granite, bronze, cast iron, 192 park, a total of 650 personal body statue, from human infants, children, adolescents, the elderly and other adult to various stages through the "Pillar of Life", "Spring of Life" the four parts of the "bridge of life" and "wheel of Life" presents the theme "life". It is the world's largest sculpture pa• The Songna Fjord total length of 204 km, 1300 m deep. Known as the world's longest, deepest gorge bends, is called the highest of the fjord. It includes Orange fjords and Nairobi Fjord tributaries fjord. The former facing the scenic rich Ram valley and the world's steepest mountain railway extension - Rich Ram Railway, which has Europe's most narrow waterway fjords



• 饮食
挪威广大的国土却有三分之一位于北 极圈内,因此份量充足又能提供热能的饮 食,便形成日常生活的餐饮模式。 早餐份量充足,起士、熏鲑鱼、鸡蛋 、麦片、面包、咖啡、红茶等,午餐用得 不多,晚餐可以品尝烧烤驯鹿肉或雷鸟, 不过著名的维京料理却是一种以冷食为主 的餐点,有兴趣也可以试试。 挪威人最爱喝啤酒,葡萄酒和威士忌 ,但价钱很高。
挪威(英文名:The Kingdom of Norway)(挪 威文:Kongeriket Norge),全称挪威王国,意为 “通住北方之路”。位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛西部,东 与瑞典接壤,西邻大西洋。海岸线极其蜿蜒曲折,构 成了挪威特有的峡湾景色。此外,挪威还与芬兰、俄 罗斯接壤。挪威的领土还包括斯瓦尔巴群岛和扬马延 岛,首都为奥斯陆。1905年6月7日,挪威宣布脱离瑞 典和挪威联盟成为主权独立的国家。2009年10月,根 据联合国开发计划署联合国发展指数排名,挪威荣 登最适宜居住国家榜首。
• 礼仪
挪威人非常喜欢握手。无论何时 ,当陌生人相会,总要握手及互道姓 名。同样地,当以后遇见了不怎么熟 的人,你也得在招呼时及道别时握手 。 • 服饰礼仪 挪威女子喜欢穿紧身上衣和裙子 搭配的服装。有些地区的女子喜爱折 叠式的超短裙,她们头饰很简单。已 婚的妇女把头发束起;未婚女子则戴 一顶小帽或无边女帽,帽带系在下巴 处,或在头发上扎根彩带。
挪威是世界上环境最好的国家之一,有 着独特的气候风光和充满艺术气息的文化背 景。 挪威连续6年(2001—2006)被联合国 评为最适宜居住的国家! 2009年10月,根据联合国开发计划署 联合国发展指数排名,挪威荣登最适宜居住 国家榜首。
挪威是世界上七个承认同性婚姻 的国家之一。 在新近由美国《福布斯》杂志为 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)所做的一 项“最勤奋的国家”评比中,挪威位 列第六。



Norwegian design: Norwegian design is known for its simplicity, functionality, and use of natural materials such as wood, stone, and wood Norwegian design often reflects on the country's cultural heritage and traditions while also incorporating modern elements and technologies Some of the most common Norwegian designers include Arne Jacobsen, who is known for his minimal designs that are soft feature sleep lines and smooth surfaces, and Torbj ø rn R ø dland, who is known for his use of traditional materials such as wood and wood to create functional yet artistic designs Norwegian design is also represented by many other designers who work in a variety of fields and genres
The country has a long history of Viking raids and exploration, and later because a great power in the 19th century due to its rich natural resources



挪威英文简介Norway ,officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Scandinavian unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and the subantarctic Bouvet Island. Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometres (148,747 sq mi) and a population of about 5 million. It is the second least densely populated country in Europe. The country shares a long border with Sweden; it is also bordered by Finland and Russia to the north-east; in its south Norway borders the Skagerrak Strait across from Denmark. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. Norway's extensive coastline, facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea, is home to its famous fjords.Two centuries of Viking raids tapered off following the adoption of Christianity by King Olav Tryggvason in 994. A period of civil war ended in the 13th century when Norway expanded its control overseas to parts of Britain, Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland. Norwegian territorial power peaked in 1265, but competition from the Hanseatic League and the spread of the Black Death weakened the country. In 1380, Norway was absorbed into a union with Denmark that lasted more than four centuries. In 1814, Norwegians resisted the cession of their country to Sweden and adopted a new constitution. Sweden went to war with Norway but agreed to let Norway keep its constitution in return for accepting the union under a Swedish king. Rising nationalism throughout the 19th century led to a 1905 referendum granting Norway independence. Although Norway remainedneutral in World War I, it suffered heavy losses to its shipping. Norway proclaimed its neutrality at the outset of World War II, but was nonetheless occupied for five years by the Third Reich. In 1949, neutrality was abandoned and Norway became a founding member of NATO. Discovery of oil and gas in adjacent waters in the late 1960s boosted Norway's economic fortunes. In referenda held in 1972 and 1994, Norway rejected joining the European Union. Key domestic issues include immigration and integration of ethnic minorities, maintaining the country's extensive social safety net with an aging population, and preserving economic competitiveness.Norway is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, with King Harald V as its head of state and Jens Stoltenberg as its prime minister. It is a unitary state with administrative subdivisions on two levels known as counties and municipalities. The Sámi people have a certain amount of self-determination and influence over traditional territories through the Sámi Parliament and the Finnmark Act. Although having rejected European Union membership in two referenda, Norway maintains close ties with the union and its member countries, as well as with the United States. Norway participates with United Nations forces in international missions, notably in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Sudan and Libya. Norway is a founding member of the United Nations, NATO, the Council of Europe, and the Nordic Council; a member of the European Economic Area, the WTO, and the OECD; and is also a part of the Schengen Area.Norway has extensive reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, fresh water, and hydropower. The country has thefourth-highest per capita income in the world. On a per-capita basis, it is the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East, and the petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of the country's gross domestic product. The country maintains a Nordic welfare model with universal health care, subsidized higher education, and a comprehensive social security system. From 2001 to 2006, and then again from 2020 through 2020, Norway has had the highest human development index ranking in the world. In 2020, Norway also ranked the highest on the Democracy Index, and according to UNDP Norway is the world's best country.。




• Norway established a national oil fund. State Oil Fund effectively avoid economic overheating problems , which for such a small country like Norway is very important
• If the first visit or invited to attend the family dinner, the guests if they can bring a bunch of flowers or candy as a gift for the hostess, it would be very welcome. During dinner, the guests should toast master, but this is limited to six guests in less time, if more than six, there can toast to the hostess, because if guests are proposing a toast to the hostess, she will undoubtedly get drunk . When the end, be sure to formally apologize to the hostess.
• Norway is the 6th-largest arms exporter in the world. • Hydroelectric plants generate roughly 98–99% of Norway's electric



Top things to do and see推荐活动 和观光项目
• • • • • • • • • Go on a fjord cruise 峡湾巡游 Glacier walking on the Folgefonna Glacier 福尔格冰川行走 Hardanger National Tourist Route 哈当厄尔国家旅游路线 Vøringsfossen Waterfall 沃尔令斯瀑布 The Barony in Rosendal罗森达尔的伯爵庄园
Top things to do and see推荐活动 和观光项目
• Go on a fjord cruise峡湾巡游 • Hike to the top of Preikestolen登上布道台 • Explore the Kjerag Mountain and if you dare, stand on Kjeragbolten谢拉格山探险, 如果您有足够的勇气,还可以站在谢拉格 伯顿(Kjeragbolten)之上 • Go kayaking with a guide on the fjord在向 导陪同下到峡湾中泛独木舟 • Drive the Lysevegen Road在吕瑟路体验驾 驶乐趣
Pinnekj tt
Thank you!
• 由于挪威三面环海,海洋资源丰富,因此 挪威饮食离不开鱼类和水产品。最具挪威 特色的菜品有烤制或腌制三文鱼(gravat laks),煮虾(reker),鳕鱼(torsk),鱼 汤(fiskesuppe),鲸肉(hval),帝王蟹 ( King Crab)等海鲜。肉类有羔羊肉、小 牛肉、牛肉,驼鹿肉和驯鹿肉也比较常见。 • Pinnekj tt(咸羊排)挪威国菜:Pinnekj tt 是挪威国菜,是挪威的传统名菜,其在圣 诞大餐中的地位,不亚于美国感恩节餐桌 上那只火鸡


挪威王国(挪威语:Kongeriket Norge或 Kongeriket Noreg), 简称“挪威”(挪威语:Norge 或Noreg), 意为“通往北方之 路”,北欧五国之一,位于斯堪 的纳维亚半岛西部。
挪威,位于北欧斯堪的纳维亚 半岛西北部,西临挪威海,与 丹麦隔海相望。国土面积为 385155㎞²
挪威食品中熏三文鱼(Røkt laks) 可能是挪威贡献给世界的最著名的 一种食材。当地随便一家餐厅都可 以品尝到美味的海鲜大餐
除了三文鱼外,鳕鱼也是必吃的美食, 鳕鱼属于冷水性鱼鱼干(Stockfish),很有 嚼劲,口感咸鲜。
“Spekema”腊肉通常是做成火腿 和香肠的干肉,是深受喜爱的夏季 食品。她往往还要配上干脆薄面片、 酸奶油和炒鸡蛋,而且一定要和爽 口的挪威啤酒外加一两杯阿夸威特 (挪威白酒)同时下肚,那才是美味 过瘾。 在挪威,吃鲸鱼可不是什么稀罕事,鲸鱼 肉的口感有点像小牛肉,反倒不像鱼肉。
挪威国旗由靛蓝色十字架加上白色边 和周围的红色组成。由于挪威曾受丹麦统 治,所以国旗上的十字源自丹麦国旗的十 字图案。挪威根据丹麦国旗为基本图案, 结合美国星条旗和法国三色旗的色彩,在 白色十字中加入蓝色十字,于是诞生了这 面三种颜色的国旗。其中红白蓝三色象征 自由与独立。
挪威简洁明了的国徽呈盾 形,红色的盾面上直立着一只 金色狮子,头戴王冠,持金柄 银斧。金狮是力量的象征,银 斧是挪威自由的保护者圣奥拉 夫的武器。盾徽上端是一顶镶 嵌着圆球和十字的金色王冠。
斯塔万格市(Stavanger)是挪威 第四大城市,人口近11万。它位 于挪威西海岸博肯峡湾中,因面 临大西洋,海上交通便利,是挪 威有名的商港和渔港。
旧名“维多利亚哈文”。英文名称 Narvik,属诺尔兰省,是挪威北部城 市。因北大西洋暖流经过,为不冻港。 瑞典北部与斯德哥尔摩之间电气铁路 的终点站。1883年起为瑞典铁矿石 的主要输出港。渔业发达。1940年 英、德海军曾在此激战。



哈丹格峡湾的天然美景, 真是如诗如画,美得令人 摒息静气,胸壑为之激荡 不已。
佛拉姆(Flam)是挪威缩影火车的起点, 火车站就在松恩峡湾旁,数万吨级的远 洋豪华油轮可轻易停泊,带來一批批漂 洋过海的各国旅客。
挪威缩影火车最著名的景点, 要算是克柔丝佛森 (Kjsofossen)瀑布,水量充沛 如万马奔腾,水声震耳欲聋, 水花飞溅,沾衣欲湿。
•还将通过标示北极圈的石 制记念碑。
挪威.特朗索 Tromso
做客拉普人帐篷 极光漫舞北方巴黎
• 特朗索是北挪威的第一大城,享有 「北极圈里的巴黎」的响亮美称。
• 一九二六年挪威国家地磁探測局便 选定这里设立的「极光观测中心」, 让特朗索俨然成为欧陆的极光之城。
• 极光剧院,让夏天到访的旅客也能 一窥极光现身时的奇幻曼妙。
挪威.特伦罕 Trondheim
挪威第三大城 海盗王的首都
•建于西元872年挪威最 古老的都城,也是海 盜王的首都。 •其中Nidaros大教堂为 斯堪的纳维亚中世纪 最大的建筑物。 •维京海盗遗迹。 斯堪的纳维亚最大的 木建筑、克里斯汀山 顶要塞。
挪威.波多 Bodo
挪威国营铁路北端终点 •波多位于挪威国营铁路的 北端终点,又是出入罗浮 敦群岛(Lofoten)的枢纽, 因此交通地位格外重要。 •罗丁教堂(Rodin Church)这 座石材所筑的巴洛克式教 堂较有可观。 •波多南郊约33公里处的 Saltstraumen 有全世界最大 的漩涡奇景,巨浪在长三 公里的峡湾间翻腾,声势 惊人。
冰河与海水侵蚀出千万个曲 折深遂的峡湾,构成挪威最 傲人的特殊景观。
长200公里、深达1308公尺的松恩峡湾Sogne Fjord),拦腰橫切过挪威国土中部,最高的峭壁 有2,400公尺高,是全世界最深、最长的峡湾。
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