BC-01 使用说明书

无线充电参数:输入功率:5V/2A 或9V/1.67A 输出功率:10W/7.5W/5W 无线充电距离3-6mm(max)转换效率:慢充≥70%,快充≥75%工作频率:110-205KHz蓝牙参数:蓝牙版本:5.0工作频率:2.4G 声道:立体声FM 频道:85-110MHz 蓝牙距离:≤10m TF 卡:最大支持32G包装清单:1*BC-011*汽车出风口夹子1*延长支架1*USB 数据线1*使用说明书产品参数产品名称:BC-01材料:防火 PC+ABS 颜色:黑色使用方法1.将夹子通过螺帽固定住本产品,确保支架可以灵活旋转2.接通电源:将产品通过电源线连接汽车内USB 充电口(快充模式需要使用高通快充适配器)3.按压出风口夹子固定至出风口,然后调整好位置并固定螺帽4.蓝牙使用:* BC01两边双灯闪烁为蓝牙模式,打开手机蓝牙,找到蓝牙设备BC01;进行连接配对* BC01显示屏闪烁为FM 调频模式,将频率调至与汽车收音机同一频率(FM 调频时,将汽车收音机 的频率调整到当地无电台频点,然后再将BC01的频率和汽车收音机频率调节一致) *配对成功,播放音乐*当放音乐时如果有杂音请上/下调整频率0.1MHZ 5.无线充电:*将带无线充电功能的手机放置在支架上与产品贴近即可充电(建议先将蓝牙设置好再放置手机进行充电)6.取出手机触摸开合按键会自动打开支架,然后取出手机特点1. Qi 认证无线充电标准2.快充支持10W/7.5W/5W,适用于安卓和苹果系统。
3. 无线支架感应:当手机摆放在无线蓝牙支架时,两边的夹臂会自动将手机夹住。
4. 异常感应:当支架上没有手机时,两边的夹臂会自动合拢。
5. 延伸支架可以灵活伸缩调节,可以很好的把手机调整到合适的位置,便于放置和取出。
6. 全新升级静音设计:使用静音马达,夹臂活动时没有马达噪音。
7. 360°旋转:支持360°角度旋转,便于找到最合适的位置对手机操作和放置取出8. 带有过流保护、过热保护、短路保护功能,使用更安全9. 认证:FCC/CE/ROHS保修服务本产品自购买之日起十二个月内在正常使用情况下无材料和工艺缺陷。

对关键部件和电路进行冗余设计,并在必要时启 动备份系统,以提高整个系统的可靠性和稳定性 。
根据实时监测到的电磁干扰情况,智能调整系统 的工作参数和运行模式,以最大程度地降低干扰 对系统的影响。
包括无线充电系统、电磁干扰源 、测试仪器等。
虽然采取了电磁兼容技术,但车载无线充电系统仍可能产生一定 的电磁辐射,需要进一步优化设计以降低辐射水平。
面对日益复杂的电磁环境,车载无线充电系统的抗干扰能力仍需不 断提升,以确保在各种环境下的稳定性。
由于车载无线充电系统涉及多个领域的技术标准,标准化推广过程 中存在一定的难度和挑战。
车载无线充电系统的生产商或进口商需要向认证机构提交符合性认证申请,并提供相关 测试报告和技术文件。
认证机构将对申请的产品进行电磁兼容性和抗干扰性能测试,评估其是否符合相关标准 和法规要求。
如果产品通过测试并符合相关要求,认证机构将颁发符合性认证证书,并对获证产品进 行定期或不定期的监督抽查,以确保其持续符合认证要求。
发射端和接收端之间通过 磁场耦合实现能量传输, 耦合系数决定了传输效率 。
系统需要实现精确的控制 和保护功能,以确保安全 、高效的充电过程。
02 03
车载无线充电系统可广泛应用于停车场、充电站等场所,为电动汽车提 供便捷、安全的充电服务。同时,该技术还可应用于其他领域,如智能 手机、可穿戴设备等。

二、适用范围本标准适用于以下范围内的无线充电设备:1. 手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑等消费电子产品;2. 电动汽车、摩托车等交通工具;3. 医疗器械、工业设备等特殊领域。
三、安全规定1. 设备设计(1)无线充电设备应具备防雷、防过压、防短路、防过热等保护功能。
2. 充电线圈(1)充电线圈应采用高性能、耐高温、耐腐蚀材料,确保线圈在使用过程中稳定可靠。
3. 充电功率(1)无线充电设备的功率应根据设备用途和用户需求进行合理设计,确保充电效率和安全性。
4. 充电频率(1)无线充电设备的工作频率应符合国家无线电管理相关规定。
5. 充电距离(1)无线充电设备的充电距离应根据设备用途和用户需求进行合理设计,确保充电效果。
6. 充电时间(1)无线充电设备的充电时间应根据设备功率和电池容量进行合理设计,确保充电效率。

换句话说,电力发送器PTx和电力接收器PRx 之间不需要电线和连接器,从而实现无线充电功能。

1.1 A
VIN = Nom; Porx = 2.5 VIN = Nom, IOUT = Max
110 145 200 72% 70%
5、发射端原理 Transmitting terminal principle
5.1 原理图(部分) Schematic diagram (part)
6.1 发射端 PCB 原件位置正面 Transmitting terminal PCB original location front
2、 发射端电器性能 Transmitting terminal electrical performance 2.1 发射端输入 Transmitting terminal input 2.2 发射端额定输出 Transmitting terminal rated output 2.3 发射端工作指示状态 Launch the Work instructions state
Notes and Conditions
VIN = Nom, IOUT = Max VIN = Nom, IOUT = 0 A
VIN = Nom, IOUT = Nom VIN = Nom, IOUT = Max VIN = Min to Max
Min Typ Max Unit
18.5 19 19.5
03 05
20 50
4.5 5 0
5.1 200
Output Over Current
Switching Frequency
Peak Efficiency

奥舒尔(OZIO)车载充电器生产商是中山市亚美斯电子科技有限公司具体型号如下:(车载万能充电器)奥舒尔B41(黑)/B42一、技术参数型号B42 品牌奥舒尔/OZIO输入电压12V-24V 输出电压5V-6V类型直充充电电流500mA电池类型锂离子指示功能七彩充电指示灯外形尺寸30×80(mm)产品认证CE、E-MAKE、RoHS、FCC二、产品卖点1、500毫安快速充电,2种方式对手机进行充电:车载12V或24V电源,和电脑USB接口。
贴心提醒不适合的手机型号:三星D908/三星F659 诺基亚8800(车载充电器)奥舒尔车B21(黑)/B22【品名】OZIO奥舒尔车用手机充电器/五合一USB车载充电器B21【品牌】OZIO奥舒尔【型号】B21【重量】约120克【配件】5个通用转换头(2个诺基亚\1个摩托罗拉\1个三星\1个索尼爱立信)、1个烟插头充电器、1个USB 数据线【技术参数】输入参数:12V-24V(内置保险丝)输出参数:5V-6V充电电流:500mA外形尺寸:150*130mm产品认证:CE,E-MAKE,RoHS,FCC【特性】1.国际USB标准接口输出。

Thank you for purchasing and using this product!In order to bring you a better ex erience, read this manual and also lease refer to your mobile hone or your electronic product manualPlease read this o eration instruction carefully and kee it ro erly before using this roduct.Product Specifications Product Name Automatic Car Mount Wireless Charger ModelCTEZ59 Size ::s 118x83x67)mmNet Weight 叮37gIn utSV::: 2A / 9V::: 2AOut ut10W Max) 妇irgl心ction氏沺m=6-8)m mA lication Model Com atible with iPhone, Samsung, LG,Moto etc.Automatic car mount wireless charger x1, Package IncludesMiao-USS中arging cable xl,Airvent dp xl,Suction cu holder x1, M anual book x 1 The arameters above are denved from the laboratory of ANDOBIL, The actual arameter would be different Because of roducts and other factorsProduct Overviewp ,uc otg r A 乡o心g ps 勺InstructionsHow to use the air vent clip1. Unsc面the fixed nut and choose thea;, vent c1;p, set the ball ;n the fixed nut . Fasten the nut ;nto the spher;cal,:1 top and ush the nut fordbly ;nto theround hole at the back of the veh;cle bracket.2. Rotate dod切ise to tighten the nut.then如s able toad丿ust the angle of the automatic car mount劝闭ess cha勺er.3. Fix the automabc car mount wireless charger on the suitable lace of outlet The"'a"'two gears ,n the cli , left or nght can be selected, 几IS recommended that the如ck wind回choose one·I ",thin choose two· 江4. p为the Micro-tJS charg四a,b团叩the区哼,呴寸忒e.Pull down the LED bracket and the area of height adjustment appears.Cust可沺"'can adjust the height of the LED bracket acco吐ng to the sizes of their mobile hones.5 Put the mc心le hone in the bracket to trigger switch The arm kx:k automat四lly cla飞themob l e如e,anda北m乖alf,,starts the wireless charging. At the same tim�the LED bracket lights u . 什there is no res ond with the arm lock ta the u er haW of the hone6. After use, short ress any on the邓de edg e, the arm lock如政hes automa归ly.You can take out your hone from the mount easily as shown in the icture.How to use the suction cup holder''t. Unscrew the fixed nut and choose thesuction cup心氓The,e has a connectk>n ball on the di , m ake tho ball go th心gh the fixed nut ay attention that the screw thread must be toward to the groove. Push the connection ball mto the groove2. Adjust the angle to suit for your line of sight, then rotate clockwise to tighten the fixed nut com letelyse 抓u w『and You g re p he m w da ss a lah g 什一e w ”th 5dan Id to Cle ho ss 3the gla 』4. Budde the mobile hone mount to tre long ole, and rotate the adjusting knob to fix the mobile phone base twist the s in button at the long bar to draw or ull the long rod buckle the base of long ole and lock the buckle of fasten the sucke『勹t 立尸-』沁\二I 、『尸t ''"f 卢�k 穸S.Plug归M;oo-USB中匆屯志叩妇区1nterface.Pulldc,,,ntheLED如et 印the area of h e,ghtadjustment芩rs.Cu叩mers can ad」ust the he;ght of the LED bracket a coord;ng to the sizes of如r moblle phones6. Put the mobile hone in the bracket to 四ge『switch.The arrn杠k automatia,lly dampsthemobilep比杠氓rdau.,,认starts the wireless cha屯ing.At the same bme, t he LED bracket lights u . �there is no 『es ond with the arm lock, ta the u er half of the hone7 After use, s hort r,ss any on the s,de edg�the arm lock st,e灿己au缸m妇V You can扫ke out your hone f『om the mount easily as shown in the 如"'The LED bracket corl'esponds to the phone modelLED BRACKET SCALEPHONE MODEL47"iPhone 8s o ·iPhone X / GALAXY SB / GALAXY S9 5 5" 旧8plus/ GALAXY S8+ / GALAXY S9+ 6 3" Note BThe LED light display status of wireless charger CHARGING STATUS LED LIGHT DISPLAY STATUS Power onThe red indicator light is bright for 3 seconds and then goes out. Standby The indicator light goes out.Cha『gingThe blue lig b h r ti , breathes to be bright d d a a r r k k fo un r t 1 il s, cy g h i t n fo g a r [[1s t , h b e r t ig im h et ) until Mobile hone full W t s h e h e co e b n n l d u t s h e e a n p g d h h o t t h n ;e e , n ;a , g lw f o u e a ll s y o s o f -u o e tn lect fo r r ;c 2;t 0 y, of electricity Abnormal FODThe red lig 1 ht flashes 10 times:d fe o t r e e c ;g t;n on o )bjectt li h g e h1t s for s, extinguishes fo『1s and n goes outBuilt-in battery withW so h u e n n d w u i ll in g ro o m n p t t he ch a h r o g n ing , th a e nd be th e elow voltagemotor will not start.,&, Notes1. Please install the car holder in the good cond巾on before drivingnavigation and do not o erate and ad」ust the bracket during driving2. The automatic car mount sup ort 4-6 5 inches of mainstream model mobile phone, wireless charging will need to mobile hone have the function.3. The mobile phone c ase with metal on the back will lead to the failure of w,rele艾啦ing funct i on and the ossib,hty of damage to the vehicle su port. Please check ca响lly before use.4. Please turn on car vent cond巾on fan)when m hot day or long time use, it'll hel you to cool down the wireless car cha『ger and s eed up charging s eed5. Low ower, lease turn off the screen and charge your hone for 10minutes Then o en you『map,it can avoid lose power very quickly6. Not toys for fun, lease keep it away from children7. If you choose the suction c驴holder,flease clean u the sulface before using to ensure its a sorption i the cu holder is not used for a long t,me.8. If you choose the suction cup holder, please do not stick the bracket to the dashboard or windshield for a long time,ft°u can reinstall the bracket before using it for the next time. A er take off the car holder, lease use lastic wra to rotect the suction cu holde「9. If you choose the suction cu holder, please do not affix to curved surfaces, lush fabrics, or bu�r SU『faces.Do not install the car mount on a lace that will mf uence the o eration of airbag and driving10. We do not recommend to a�ly the suction cu on leather, wallor filmed glass surfaces as t e suction cu is designed with strong viscosity and attraction�Q CER oHS 三Warranty CardCustomer Name Phone Number Product Name: Date of Purchase: Address: Notes Email: su ***************SI旧凶归l砬obit Tatu ""YYCo, Ltd.Andobil is the trademark registe呡I in U5 and othe『countries.All rights 『eserved.MADE IN CHINABDate20180806FCC StatementAutomatic Car Mount Wireless ChargerUser ManualThis device complies with part 15 and part 18 of the FCC Rules. Operation is Subject To the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this devicemustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not explicitly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority tooperate this equipment.Note: this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 and part 18 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, usesand canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged totry to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna--- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.--- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Theequipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. During the operation of device a distance of 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top surface of the device must be respected.VMPI0009AThis device complies with Part 18 of the FCC Rules. This equipmentgenerates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Increase the separation between the equipment and any other radio device.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.。

will turn on blue breathingly, and the left and right telescopic arms will automatically open after 5 seconds to wait for the mobile phone to be placed; if the product does not turn on red after power on (not turn on, flash or turn on other color lights) All indicate that there is a problem with the product, please stop using it and return it to the seller for processing).
Air vent mount
Adjust the position of the top piece of the air outlet and the rotatable clip assembly according to the position of the air outlet blade; insert the blade and select the lock switch position according to the thickness of the blade; suitable for one-key locking of the air outlet of most cars. Silicone touches the car, tighter and fits better to protect the car from scratches.


1. 输入电压:AC 220V±15%
2. 输出电压:DC 200-750V
3. 输出电流:最大输出电流可达到100A
4. 充电模式:支持CC/CV、CP/CC/CV等多种模式
5. 通信方式:支持CAN、RS485等多种通信协议
6. 工作温度:-30℃~+50℃
7. 防护等级:IP54
8. 安全保护:过流保护、过压保护、欠压保护、短路保护等
1. 快速充电:最大输出电流可达到100A,可以满足不同车型的快速充电需求。
2. 智能识别:支持多种识别方式,包括IC卡、RFID等,可以实现智
3. 安全保护:内置多重安全保护机制,如过流保护、过压保护等,确
4. 易于维护:采用模块化设计,易于维护和升级。
5. 环保节能:具有高效率、低功耗的特点,符合环保节能要求。
CTEK MXS 7.0 7A 12V 自动汽车电池充电器产品说明书

USER MANUALCTEK BATTERY CHARGER MXS 7.0FOR ALL TYPES OF LEAD-ACID BATTERIESFULLY AUTOMATIC 5 YEAR WARRANTY12V 7A E N D EF R E SI T N LS E D KF I N OEN • 34 • ENREADY TO USEThe table shows the estimated time for empty battery to 80% chargeCHARGING PROGRAMSSettings are made by pressing the MODE-button. After about two seconds the charger activates the selected program. The selected program will be restarted next time the charger is connected.The table explains the different Charging Programs:ERROR LAMPIf the error lamp is lit, check the following:1. I s the chargers positive lead connected to the batterys positive pole?2. Is the charger connected to a 12V battery?3. T he clamps are short circuited?4. H as charging been interrupted in or ?Restart the charger by pressing the MODE-button. If charging is still being interrupted, the battery......is seriosly sulphated and may need to be replaced. ...can not accept charge and may need to be replaced. ...can not keep charge and may need to be replaced.WARNING!The spark protection on the battery charger is disabled during SUPPLY program.E NEN • 5*S u p p l y p r o g r a m i s n o t t i m e o r v o l t a g e l i m i t e d .TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSCharger model MXS 7.0Model number1053Rated Voltage AC220–240VAC, 50–60HzCharging voltage NORMAL 14.4V, AGM 14.7V, RECOND 15.8V, SUPPLY13.6V Start voltage 2.0VCharging current7.2A maxCurrent, mains 1.2A rms (at full charging current)Back current drain*<1Ah/monthRipple**<4%Ambient temperature -20°C to +50°C, output power is reduced automatically at high temperaturesCharger type 8-step, fully automatic charging cycleBattery types All types of 12V lead-acid batteries(WET, MF, Ca/Ca, AGM, GEL)Battery capacity14―150Ah up to 225Ah for maintenanceDimensions191 x 89 x 48mm (L x W x H)Insulation class IP65Weight0.8kg*) Back current drain is the current that drains the battery if the charger is not connected to the mains. CTEK chargers has a very low back current.**) The quality of the charging voltage and charging current is very important. A high current ripple heats up the battery which has an aging effect on the positive electrode. High voltage ripple could harm other equipment that is connected to the battery. CTEK battery chargers produce very clean voltage and current with low ripple.SAFETY• The charger is designed for charging 12V lead-acid batteries. Do not use the charger for any other purpose.• Check the charger cables prior to use. Ensure that no cracks have occurred in the cables or in the bend protection. A charger with damaged cables must not be used.A damage cable must be replaced by a CTEK representative.• Never charge a damaged battery.• Never charge a frozen battery.• Never place the charger on top of the battery when charging.• Always provide for proper ventilation during charging.• Avoid covering the charger.• A battery being charged could emit explosive gasses. Prevent sparks close to the battery. When batteries are reaching the end of their lifecycle internal sparks may occur. • All batteries fail sooner or later. A battery that fails during charging is normally taken care of by the chargers advanced control, but some rare errors in the battery could still exist. Don’t leave any battery during charging unattended for a longer period of time.• Ensure that the cabling does not jam or comes into contact with hot surfaces or sharp edges.• Battery acid is corrosive. Rinse immediately with water if acid comes into contact with skin or eyes, seek immediate medical advice.• Always check that the charger has switched to before leaving the charger unattended and connected for long periods. If the charger has not switched towithin 45 hours, this is an indication of an error. Manually disconnect the charger.• Batteries consume water during use and charging. For batteries where water can be added, the water level should be checked regularly. If the water level is low add distilled water.• This appliance is not designed for use by young children or people who cannot read or understand the manual unless they are under the supervision of a responsible person to ensure that they can use the battery charger safely. Store and use the battery charger out of the reach of children, and ensure that children cannot play with the charger. • Connection to the mains supply must be in accordance with the national regulations for electrical installations. LIMITED WARRANTYCTEK SWEDEN AB, issues this limited warranty to the original purchaser of this product. This limited warranty is not transferable. The warranty applies to manufacturing faults and material defects for 5 years from the date of purchase. The customer must return the product together with the receipt of purchase to the point of purchase. This warranty is void if the battery charger has been opened, handled carelessly or repaired by anyone other than CTEK SWEDEN AB or its authorised representatives. One of the screw holes in the bottom of the charger is sealed. Removing or damaging the seal will void the warranty. CTEK SWEDEN AB makes no warranty other than this limited warranty and is not liable for any costs other than those mentioned above, i.e. no consequential damages. Moreover, CTEK SWEDEN AB is not obligated to any warranty other than this warranty.SUPPORTCTEK offers a professional customer support: .For latest revised user manual see . By e-mail: ************,by telephone: +46(0) 225 351 80, by fax +46(0) 225 351 95.By mail: CTEK SWEDEN AB, Rostugnsvägen 3, SE-776 70 VIKMANSHYTTAN,SWEDEN.VIKMANSHYTTAN, SWEDEN 2011-09-01Bengt Hagander, PresidentCTEK SWEDEN ABEN • 78 • EN20015462FCTEK PRODUCTS ARE PROTECTED BY2011-09-19。



智能感应车载无线充电机6mm齿轮箱产品分类:塑胶行星齿轮箱外径:6mm材质:五金旋转方向:cc&ccw齿轮箱回程差:≤2°(可定制)轴承:烧结轴承;滚动轴承轴向窜动:≤0.1mm(烧结轴承);≤0.1mm(滚动轴承)输出轴径向负载:≤120N(烧结轴承);≤170N(滚动轴承)输入速度:≤15000rpm工作温度:-30 (100)智能感应车载无线充电机6mm齿轮箱结构:智能感应车载无线充电伸缩电机齿轮箱图纸:伸缩电机齿轮箱定制开发案例:项目名称:数据线收线自动装置、耳机收线模块项目介绍:兆威通过蜗杆齿轮箱伸缩来控制数据线自动收线提高小体积产品的收线速度;利用塑胶齿轮材料提高使用产品寿命、降低噪音。

DC5V-9V 1.5~2A 5V-9V 1A 到 2A 10W <6mm 当充电时温度高于60°时自动停止充电1分钟,等温度下降下来后再重新充电 当充电时输出电流大于2A时自动停止充电,防止损坏充电器 73% 最大 兼容符合QI无线接收产品 0°C – 60°C,10 – 85% -20°C – 80°C, 95% 单线密绕式 10T
再重电压 充电电流 功率 传输距离 过温保护 过流保护 转换效率 兼容性 工作温度与湿度 储存温度与湿度 线圈 线圈匝数
输入电压 输出电压 充电电流 功率 传输距离 过温保护 过流保护 转换效率 兼容性 工作温度与湿度 储存温度与湿度 线圈 线圈匝数
无线充电模组参数 DC5V-9V 1.5~2A 5V-9V 1A 到 2A 5W <6mm 当充电时温度高于60°时自动停止充电1分钟,等温度下降下来后再重新充电 当充电时输出电流大于2A时自动停止充电,防止损坏充电器 73% 最大 兼容符合QI无线接收产品 0°C – 60°C,10 – 85% -20°C – 80°C, 95% 单线密绕式 10T
OMNIA C2 磁吸式车载无线充电器使用说明书

磁吸無線充電器 (支援 iPhone 12 系列)
USB-C 輸入 *為達到最佳充電效 率,需使用 18W 以 上的 QC 充電器。
注意: 請選用合適電壓的充電頭作為 OMNIA C2 的電源,以免產品受到損壞。
Magne�c Wireless Car Charger
EN User Manual
TC 使用說明書
75% Charged
Please read user manual carefully before using the product.
CCAJ21LP0930T2 2021
備考 1.〝超出 0.1 wt %〞及〝超出 0.01 wt % 〞係指限用物質之百分比含量超出百分比含量基準值。 Note 1 :“Exceeding 0.1 wt %” and “exceeding 0.01 wt %” indicate that the percentage content of the
想了解更多資訊, 歡迎造訪 ADAM 商店。
設備名稱: 車用磁吸充電器 Equipment name
,型號(型式) : OMNIA C2 Type designa�on (Type)
限用物質及其化學符號 Restricted substances and its chemical symbols
單元 Unit 外殼
Protec�ve Func�on Mul�ple Circuit Protec�on Over-Heat Protec�on Short-Circuit Protec�on Over-Voltage Protec�on Over-Current Protec�on Flame Retardant Protec�on