磺达肝癸钠【商品名】安卓 ARIXTRA【通用名】磺达肝癸钠注射液磺达肝癸钠的不同规格【英文名】FondaparinuxNa【汉语拼音】anzhuo【成份】磺达肝癸钠【性状】磺达肝癸钠的化学名称:甲基O-(2-脱氧-6-O-磺酸基-2-磺酰胺基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖)-(1?4)-O-(β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸)-(1?4)-O-(2-脱氧-3,6-O-二磺酸基-2-磺酰胺基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖)-(1?4)-O-(2-O-磺酸基-α-L-吡喃艾杜糖醛酸)-(1?4)-2-脱氧-6-O-磺酸基-2-磺酰胺基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷十钠盐,分子式:C31H43N3Na10O49S8,分子量:1728。
磺达肝癸钠海外ANDA获批,国内申报进度领先恒瑞医药(600276)事件公司磺达肝癸钠美国 ANDA 获批5 月 18 日,公司发布公告,公司向美国 FDA 提交的磺达肝癸钠(方达帕鲁) ANDA 获得批准,公司可以在美国市场销售该产品。
磺达肝癸钠与肝素的作用机制相似,是一种选择性 Xa 因子抑制剂,他通过自身的戊糖结构与抗凝血酶 III( AT III)的活化部位特异性结合,使抗凝血酶对 Xa 因子的抑制速率增加300 多倍,从而快速抑制Xa因子,减少凝血酶的产生和纤维蛋白的产生。
相比于肝素,磺达肝癸钠对于Xa 因子的选择性更强,且不与血小板、血浆蛋白相互结合,极少发生肝素诱导血小板减少症等副作用,出血事件也更少,所以使用后无需监测。
磺达肝癸钠在非ST 抬高心肌梗死药物选择上优于同类产品。
其中,在非 ST 段抬高的心肌梗死治疗中,OASIS-5 及 OASIS-6 临床试验磺达肝癸钠相比肝素和低分子量肝素具有更好的药效和安全性,ESC 指南将磺达肝癸钠列为最优先的选择。
在 ST 段抬高的心肌梗死中, ACC/AHA/SCAI 及 ESC 的指南对接受非再灌注治疗患者也均有推荐磺达肝癸钠( 1B 级)。
磺达肝癸钠海内外获批厂家少,美国年销售额大约在1.3 亿美元左右。
磺达肝癸钠注射液最初由赛诺菲和欧加农公司联合原研,在美国最早于 2001 年( Mylan 公司)获得 FDA 的批准上市,用于术后深静脉血栓的预防。
2004 年,赛诺菲与安万特合并时,将其授权转让给了GSK。
磺达肝癸钠注射液药品名称:通用名称:磺达肝癸钠注射液英文名称:ARIXTRA (Fondaparinux Sodium Injection) 商品名称:安卓成份:磺达肝癸钠适应症:本品用于进行下肢重大骨科手术如髋关节骨折、重大膝关节手术或者髋关节置换术等患者,预防静脉血栓栓塞事件的发生。
用法用量:接受重大骨科手术的患者磺达肝癸钠的推荐剂量为 2.5mg,每日一次,手术后皮下注射给药。
不稳定性心绞痛/非ST段抬高心肌梗死(UA/NSTEMI)的治疗磺达肝癸钠的推荐剂量为 2.5mg,每日一次,皮下注射给药。
如果患者将接受经皮冠脉介入治疗( PCI),应根据当地临床实践,并考虑到患者潜在的出血风险,及距最后一次给予磺达肝癸钠的时间,在术中使用普通肝素(见【注意事项】部分)。
在主要的UA/NSTEMI 临床试验中,再次开始使用磺达肝癸钠治疗均不早于鞘管拔除后2小时。
进 展 ,针 对 特 定 凝 血 因 子 为 靶 标 的 新 型 抗 凝 药 物 不 断 涌 现 ,磺 达 肝 癸 钠 是 抗 凝 治 疗 “ 低 分 后
子肝 素时 代 ” 的先行 者 。 临床 试验 结 果 显 示 ,
与 传 统 的 抗 凝 治 疗 比 较 ,磺 达 肝 癸 钠 在 降 低 静 脉 血 栓 栓 塞 事 件 的 同 时 , 明 显 减 少 出 血 的 发 生 ,死 亡 率 也 大 大 降 低 。
欧 加 农 联 合 研 发 的 五 糖 化 合 物 ,后 其 全 球 上 市
许 可 权 被 转 让 给 葛 兰 素 公 司 。 磺 达 肝 癸 钠 注 射 液 于 2 01 1 获 得 美 国 F 0 年 2月 DA批 准 , 商 品 名 ARX R ( 卓 ), 现 已在 美 国 、 英 国 、 加 拿 IT A 安
和血 栓 的增 大 。
上 市 的 纯 化 学 合 成 的 抗 凝 血 药 ,适 用 于 (1) 预 防行 下肢 重 大 手 术 ,如髋 关 节 骨折 手 术 、髋
关 节 置 换 术 、 膝 关 节 置 换 术 等 患 者 发 生 深 部 静
脉血 栓 栓 塞 事 件 ( 2)预 防 血 栓 栓 塞 并 发 症
率 为4 4% , 明显 低 于 依 诺 肝 素 组 ( 3% ): 6
而 两 组 大 出血 的 发 生 率 没 有 明 显 差 别 ( 别 为 分
内嚣性途径 外灏性途 径
2 8 、 2 6 )。 .术 2 预 防 静 脉 血 栓 4d 栓 塞 事 件 :在 对 7 7 患 者 进 行 的 随 机 双 盲 临 3例 床 试 验 中 , 磺 达 肝 癸 钠 组 和 安 慰 剂 组 分 别 为
术 ・ 创新
USP 39Official Monographs / Fondaparinux4039•P H 〈791〉: 6.0–8.0, in a solution, at 20°–25° (2.5% w/v)Sensitivity check solution: 0.01mg/mL of USP•M ICROBIAL E NUMERATION T ESTS〈61〉: NMT 350 cfu/g Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS in water from the •W ATER D ETERMINATION, Method Ic〈921〉: It contains NMT Standard solution20.0% (w/w).Sample solution: Transfer the contents of prefilled sy-ringes to a suitable container, and mix well. Dilute with ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS water, if needed, to obtain a 5.0-mg/mL solution of •P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE: Preserve in tight containers,fondaparinux sodium.and store at or below 25° in a dry environment.Blank: Water•L ABELING: Label to indicate mass of active drug substance Chromatographic systemper container.(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.)•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS〈11〉Mode: LCUSP Endotoxin RS Detector: UV 210 nmUSP Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS Column: 4-mm × 25-cm; packing L46USP Fondaparinux Sodium Identification RS Column temperature: 25°USP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture A Flow rate: 1.0mL/minRS Injection volume: 100µLSystem suitabilitySamples:System suitability solution, Standard solution,Sensitivity check solution, and BlankInject the Blank in duplicate, the Sensitivity check solu-Fondaparinux Sodium Injection tion, and the System suitability solution. Inject theStandard solution at least six times consecutively.Suitability requirementsDEFINITIONSpecificity and baseline drift: The chromatogram of Fondaparinux Sodium Injection is a sterile solution ofa second Blank injection shows a baseline drift be-Fondaparinux Sodium in Water for Injection with sodiumtween 0.00 and 0.02 AU over 30 min. If necessary, chloride added for isotonicity. It is a clear, colorless toadjust the DMSO content of the Mobile phase until an slightly yellow solution.acceptable baseline is achieved. The chromatogram IDENTIFICATION of a second Blank injection does not contain peaks •A. The retention time of the major peak of the Sample between 3.00 and 30.00 min.solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as Chromatogram similarity: The chromatogram of the obtained in the Assay.System suitability solution corresponds to that of the •B. I DENTIFICATION T ESTS—G ENERAL, Chloride 〈191〉: Pro-reference chromatogram provided with USP ceed as directed in the chapter. Meets the requirements Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture B of the Chloride and Sulfate 〈221〉 test.RS.Signal-to-noise ratio: NLT 10 for the fondaparinux ASSAY peak in the chromatogram of the Sensitivity check •P ROCEDURE solution5 mM phosphate solution: 0.210g of monobasic so-Resolution: NLT 1.2 between fondaparinux relateddium phosphate dihydrate and 0.650g of dibasic so-compound C and fondaparinux related compound D, dium phosphate dihydrate. Dissolve in and dilute with System suitability solution; NLT 1.1 betweenwater to 1000mL. pH is approximately 7.3.fondaparinux related compound F and fondaparinux Solution A: 15±10 ppm of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)related compound G (see Table 2), System suitability in 5 mM phosphate solution (1 in 67000, v/v)solutionSolution B: 2.0 M sodium chloride solution in 5 mM Standard agreement: The difference in the mean re-phosphate solution sponse factors for each Standard solution is NMT Mobile phase: See Table 1. [N OTE—Make adjustments Solution A as necessary, and degas the Mobile phase Relative standard deviation: For six consecutive in-before use. Dissolved gas in the injected solution may jections of the Standard solution the calculated % RSD lead to baseline interference. Degassing of the Mobile of the area of the fondaparinux peak is NMT 2.0%.phase is critical to obtain a suitable signal-to-noise ratio The retention time of the fondaparinux peak should and higher sensitivity. An eluant generator1 installed be-be ±5% of the mean value. The calculated % RSD of tween the injector and the column may reduce the the response factors for six consecutive injections of baseline interference.]the Standard solution is NMT 2.0%. The calculated %RSD of the pooled response factors for all injectionsof the Standard solution is NMT 2.0%. The % RSD of Table 1the mean response factors for the duplicate prepara-Time Solution A Solution B tions of the duplicate Standard solutions is NMT(min)(%)(%) 2.0%.05050Analysis55050Samples:Standard solution and Sample solution25595Inject the Standard solution at least six times consecu-tively. Inject duplicate preparations of the Sample solu-30595tion. Record the chromatograms, and measure the re-355050tention times and areas for the major peaks (excluding 505050peaks before 3.00 and after 30.00 min).Calculations: For each injection of the Standard solu-System suitability solution: 5.0mg/mL of USPtion calculate a response factor (F R): Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture B RSStandard solution: 5.0mg/mL of USP FondaparinuxF R = (C S/r S)Sodium for Assay RS in water. Prepare in duplicate.1One suitable eluant generator is Dionex DEGAS EG40/50 (12×17 cm, thick-C S= concentration of fondaparinux sodium in the ness 2.2cm).Standard solution (mg/mL)r S= peak response of fondaparinux sodium fromthe Standard solution4040Fondaparinux / Official MonographsUSP 39Relative retention times (RRT) are calculated by Standard agreement: NMT 5% difference in the dividing the retention time of the peak by the mean response factors for each Standard solution 2retention time of fondaparinux established by the injectionStandard solution . Using the mean response factor Analysis: Inject the Blank in duplicate, the Sensitivity (F M ), calculate the concentration (mg/mL) ofcheck solution , and the Resolution solution . Inject Stan-fondaparinux sodium in each injection of the Sample dard solution 2 at least six times consecutively. Inject solution :triplicate preparations of the Sample solution . Record the chromatograms, and measure the retention times and Result = F M × r U × D Uareas for the sulfate peaks found.Calculations: For each injection of Standard solution 2,F M= mean response factor from the Standardcalculate a response factor (F ):solutionr U = peak response of fondaparinux sodium in theF = (C S /r S )Sample solutionD U = dilution factor for the Sample solution , ifC S= concentration of sodium sulfate in Standardneededsolution 2 (mg/mL)Acceptance criteria: 90%–105% (for the 2.5-mg/0.5-r S = peak response of the sulfate peak frommL injection) or 95%–105% (for the 5.0-mg/0.4-mL,Standard solution 27.5-mg/0.6-mL, and 10-mg/0.8-mL injections)Using the mean response factor (F M ), calculate the concentration (% w/w) of free sulfate in each IMPURITIESinjection of the Sample solution :•F REE S ULFATE D ETERMINATION[N OTE —Regenerate the anion-exchange column for 15Result = F M × r U × D U × (M r1/M r2) × (100/C )min with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide after each injection of fondaparinux sample, followed by equilibration with F M = mean response factor from Standard solution 2Mobile phase for 21 min.]r U= peak response of the sulfate ion in the SampleMobile phase: 3 mM carbonate solution using 0.106g solutionof sodium carbonate and 0.168g of sodium hydrogen D U = dilution factor for the Sample solution carbonate in 1000mL of waterM r1= molecular weight of the sulfate ion, 96.1Standard solution 1: Prepare a 1000-ppm sulfate solu-M r2= molecular weight of sodium sulfate, 142.0tion, using anhydrous sodium sulfate in water.C = nominal concentration of fondaparinuxStandard solution 2: Prepare a 10-ppm sulfate solution sodium in the content of the syringeby diluting Standard solution 1 in water.Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.50% (w/w)Sensitivity check solution: Dilute 1.0mL of Standard •O RGANIC I MPURITIESsolution 2 with water to 5.0mL.System suitability solution, Standard solution, Sensi-Resolution solution: 0.100g of anhydrous sodium sul-tivity check solution, Sample solution, and Chromat-fate and 0.100g of sodium chloride. Dissolve in and ographic system: Proceed as directed in the Assay .dilute with water to 100.0mL. Dilute 1.0mL with water Samples: System suitability solution , Standard solution ,to 100.0mL.Sensitivity check solution , Sample solution , and Blank Sample solution: In triplicate, combine and mix the Calculate the percentage (area/area) of each individual contents of a suitable number of syringes. Dilute 0.8mL unspecified impurity for each injection of the Sample (strengths of 5.0mg/0.4mL, 7.5mg/0.6mL, andsolution :10.0mg/0.8mL) or 2.0mL (strengths of 1.5mg/0.3mL Result = [r U /(r T + r S )] × 100and 2.5mg/0.5mL) with water to 5.0mL.Blank: A sample of the water used to prepare other r U= peak response of each impurity from thesolutionsSample solutionChromatographic systemr T = sum of all the peak responses for degradation(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability ).impurities from the Sample solutionMode: LCr S = peak response of fondaparinux sodium fromDetector: Conductivity; range 200 µS, suppressor cur-the Sample solutionrent 300mATaking into account the response factors for specified Column: 4.6-mm × 5-cm; packing L23, coupled with a impurities (see Table 2), calculate the individual neutralization micromembrane suppressor 2content (% w/w) of specified fondaparinux related Column temperature: Ambientcompounds B, C, and G:Regenerating solvent for the suppressor: Ultrapuri-fied water in a counter current direction Result = (r U × F i × 100)/{[Σ(r U × F i )] + r S }Flow rate: 1.0mL/min Injection volume: 50µL r U= peak response of each impurity from theRun time: 24 min Sample solutionSystem suitabilityF i = relative response factor for the individualSamples: Standard solution 2, Sensitivity check solution ,impurity peak (response factor ofResolution solution , and Blank fondaparinux sodium/response factor of Suitability requirementsindividual impurity [see Table 2])Specificity: The chromatogram of a second Blank in-r s = peak response of fondaparinux sodium fromjection does not contain a peak corresponding to the the Sample solutionsulfate ion.Calculate the total degradation product content by Signal-to-noise-ratio: NLT 10, Sensitivity check summing the mean unrounded content values for the solutionfollowing peaks: fondaparinux related compounds A,Resolution: NLT 10 between the sulfate and chloride B, C, D, F, and G and any unspecified impurities that peaks, Resolution solutionare not synthetic impurities. Exclude peaks below the Relative standard deviation: NMT 5% of the re-LOQ (0.003% w/w for fondaparinux relatedsponse factors for six consecutive injections of Stan-compound B, 0.002% w/w for fondaparinux related dard solution 2compound G, and 0.200% for all other degradation 2One suitable suppressor is Dionex ASRS 300 4mm.products and fondaparinux related compound E).USP 39Official Monographs / Formaldehyde4041Individual impurities: See Table 2.Formaldehyde SolutionTable 2CH2O30.03Relative Relative Acceptance Formaldehyde.Retention Response Criteria,Formaldehyde [50-00-0].Name Time Factor NMT (%)Fondaparinux» Formaldehyde Solution contains not less than related34.5percent, by weight, of formaldehyde compound A0.35 1.0 1.0 (a/a)(CH2O), with methanol added (9.0% to 15.0%) Fondaparinux to prevent polymerization.relatedcompound B a0.48700.150 (w/w)Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers, and Fondaparinux preferably store at a temperature not below 15°.related0.8 (w/w)/0.4Identification—compound C b0.76 1.0(w/w)cA: Dilute 2mL with 10mL of water in a test tube, and Fondaparinuxadd 1mL of silver-ammonia-nitrate TS: metallic silver is pro-relatedduced either in the form of a finely divided, gray precipi-compound D0.80 1.00.8 (a/a)tate, or as a bright, metallic mirror on the sides of the test Fondaparinux tube.related——B: Add 2drops to 5mL of sulfuric acid in which about compound E d0.9320mg of salicylic acid has been dissolved, and warm the Fondaparinux liquid very gently: a permanent, deep-red color appears.relatedAcidity—Measure 20.0mL into a flask containing 20mL of compound F e 1.29 1.0 2.0 (a/a)water, add 2drops of bromothymol blue TS, and titrate Fondaparinux with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide VS: not more than 10.0mL of related0.1 N sodium hydroxide is consumed.compound G f 1.341000.10 (w/w)Content of methanol—Fondaparinux——Internal standard solution—Dilute 10mL of dehydrated al-sodium 1.0cohol with water to 100mL.Total impurities—— 5.0Test solution—To 10.0mL of Solution add 10.0mL of the a Methyl-O-(4-deoxy-2-O-sulfo-α-L-threo-hex-4-enopyranosyluronate)-Internal standard solution, and dilute with water to(1→4)-O-(2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-sulfamino-α-D-glucopyranoside), tetraso-dium salt.100.0mL.b Methyl O-(2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-D-glucopyranosyl)-(1→4)-Standard solution—To 1.0mL of methanol add 10.0mL O-(β-D-glucopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-O-(2-deoxy-3,6-di-O-sulfo-2-amino-of the Internal standard solution, and dilute with water toα-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-2-O-sulfo-α-L-idopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-(2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-D-glucopyranoside), nonasodium salt.100.0mL.c0.8 (w/w) for Injection at 12.5 mg/mL and 0.4% (w/w) for Injection at 5Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 〈621〉)—The mg/mL.gas chromatograph is equipped with a flame-ionization de-d Synthetic impurity included for identification purposes only and excluded tector and a 2- to 4-mm × 1.5- to 2.0-m column containing from impurities calculations.packing S3. The carrier gas is nitrogen or helium, flowing at e The fondaparinux related compound F peak can appear as a complex seta rate of 30 to 40mL per minute. The column temperature of peaks in the region RRT 1.2 to RRT 1.24. These peaks, which may notbe fully resolved from each other, appear before the fondaparinux related is maintained at 120°. The injection port temperature and compound G peak. In such a case, the integration should be performed the detector temperature are maintained at 150°. Chromat-so that all such peaks are combined. Specified degradation products can ograph the Standard solution, and record the peak responses be assigned by reference to the specimen chromatogram of the Systemsuitability solution associated with USP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suita-as directed for Procedure: the resolution, R, between the bility Mixture B RS.peaks corresponding to methanol and alcohol is not lessf2-Deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-(β-D-than 2.0.glucopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-O-(2-deoxy-3,6-di-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-Procedure—Separately inject equal volumes (1µL) of the D-glucopyranosyl)-(1→4)-O-(2-O-sulfo-α-L-idopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-(1,2-dideoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-D-enoglucopyranoside), decasodium Standard solution and the Test solution into the chromato-salt.graph, record the chromatograms, and measure the re-sponses for the major peaks. Calculate the percentage (v/v) SPECIFIC TESTSof methanol in the portion of Solution taken by the formula:•B ACTERIAL E NDOTOXINS T EST〈85〉: NMT 3.3 USP Endo-toxin Units/mg of fondaparinux sodium100 × (V M/V)(R U/R S)•P ARTICULATE M ATTER IN I NJECTIONS〈788〉: Meets the re-quirements for small-volume injectionsin which V M is the volume, in mL, of methanol taken to•S TERILITY T ESTS〈71〉: Where it is labeled as sterile, itprepare the Standard solution; V is the volume, in mL, of meets the requirements.Solution taken to prepare the Test solution; and R U and R S •P H 〈791〉: 5.0–8.0, in a solution, at 20°–25°are the peak response ratios of methanol to that of the in-ternal standard obtained from the Test solution and the ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSStandard solution, respectively: between 9.0% and 15.0%•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE: Preserve in single-dose or in(v/v) is found.multiple-dose containers in Type I glass or other validatedcontainer-closure system. Store at or below 25°.Assay—Into a 100-mL volumetric flask containing 2.5mL of •L ABELING: Label it to indicate the amount, in mg, of water and 1mL of sodium hydroxide TS 2, introduce 1.0g fondaparinux sodium in the total volume of contents.of the Solution to be examined, shake, and dilute with •USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS〈11〉water to 100.0mL. To 10.0mL of the solution add 30.0mL USP Endotoxin RS of 0.1 N iodine VS. Mix, and add 10mL of sodium hydrox-USP Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS ide TS 2. After 15minutes, add 25mL of diluted sulfuric USP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture B acid and 4mL of starch TS. Titrate with 0.1 N sodium thi-RS osulphate VS. Each 1mL of 0.05 M iodine is equivalent to1.501mg of CH2O.。
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201811264330.6(22)申请日 2018.10.29(71)申请人 雅本化学股份有限公司地址 215400 江苏省苏州市太仓市太仓港港口开发区石化区东方东路18号(72)发明人 徐军 蒋信义 张敏华 周宇 徐萌 (74)专利代理机构 武汉蓝宝石专利代理事务所(特殊普通合伙) 42242代理人 吴阳(51)Int.Cl.C07H 15/04(2006.01)C07H 1/06(2006.01)C07H 1/00(2006.01)(54)发明名称一种磺达肝癸钠的制备方法(57)摘要本发明涉及磺达肝癸钠技术领域,且公开了一种磺达肝癸钠的制备方法,包括以下步骤:取混合酸20-30份倒入反应釜中进行搅拌,在搅拌状态下升温至60℃后保持温度在60℃继续搅拌20min,并将上述溶液留作备用,依次取乙酰基葡糖胺10-20份、甲醇20-23份和烷基硫代磷酸盐10-14份置入搅拌机中进行充分混合,通过子交换树脂回流反应10-20小时,反应温度控制在50-70℃,并将上述物料留作备用。
权利要求书1页 说明书5页CN 109111491 A 2019.01.01C N 109111491A1.一种磺达肝癸钠的制备方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤:1)取混合酸20-30份倒入反应釜中进行搅拌,在搅拌状态下升温至60℃后保持温度在60℃继续搅拌20min,并将上述溶液留作备用;2)依次取乙酰基葡糖胺10-20份、甲醇20-23份和烷基硫代磷酸盐10-14份置入搅拌机中进行充分混合,通过子交换树脂回流反应10-20小时,反应温度控制在50-70℃,并将上述物料留作备用;3)将步骤1)中制得的溶液在0.7MPa的压强下存放10-20分钟,使得反应釜的温度下降至40℃,依次加入甲苯30-40份和三氟甲磺酸酐20-30份,反应时间为2-3小时,反应温度为20-30℃,反应结束后加入碱性溶液30-60份洗涤,直至水溶液为中性至弱碱性,并将上述溶液留作备用;4)将步骤2)所制得的物料与步骤3)中所制得的溶液通过机械搅拌10-16小时,将混合物减压蒸馏,然后向混合物中加入乙腈10-14份加热回流,将析出的固体过滤去除,并将上述剩余的溶液留作备用;5)将步骤4)中的溶液依次加入甲苯20-40份和苄基氯14-18份,在室温下搅拌2-4小时,加入相转移催化剂10-14份,反应时间为10-14小时,并将上述反应完毕的化合物留作备用;6)将步骤5)中的化合物依次加入氯化铵水20-40份和食盐水10-14份,通过硫酸钠20-40份进行干燥,在减压环境下得到粗品,并将上述物料留作备用;7)将步骤6)中的物料溶解于30-40份蒸馏水中,加热稀释10-20分钟,将其置入反应釜中反应2-3小时,并将上述化合物留作备用;8)将步骤7)中的化合物通过在真空度为0.09MPa的条件下,减压浓缩1-3小时,通过氯化钠溶液30-50份循环洗脱,经过沉淀后制得高纯度磺达肝癸钠。
(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 2013.05.29C N 103122012 A (21)申请号 201110405005.9(22)申请日 2011.12.08201110364542.3 2011.11.17 CNC07H 15/04(2006.01)(71)申请人江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司地址222047 江苏省连云港市经济技术开发区昆仑山路7号申请人上海医药工业研究院(72)发明人林峰 姜浩 朱晓峰 陈建丽卢锐 钟稼义(74)专利代理机构北京戈程知识产权代理有限公司 11314代理人程伟 李媛(54)发明名称用于制备磺达肝癸钠的化合物及其制备方法、磺达肝癸钠的制备方法(57)摘要本发明涉及式I 所示的用于制备磺达肝癸钠的化合物及其制备方法、磺达肝癸钠的制备方法,该化合物可以通过容易获取的原料以较高的选择性和产率制得,从而大大简化了磺达肝癸钠的制备过程。
式I 中的各取代基的定义与说明书中的定义相同。
(66)本国优先权数据(51)Int.Cl.权利要求书4页 说明书20页(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请权利要求书4页 说明书20页(10)申请公布号CN 103122012 A*CN103122012A*1.一种式I 所示的化合物,其中,各单糖单元的类型以及内部键连的立体化学为D-葡萄糖-α-1,4-葡萄糖醛酸-β-1,4-D-葡萄糖-α-1,4-L-艾杜糖醛酸-α-1,4-D-葡萄糖,R 1、R 2、R 3、R 4各自独立地选自酰基或硅烷类保护基;R 5、R 6、R 7、R 8、R 9、R 10各自独立地选自苄基或苯环上有取代的苄基或硅烷类保护基;R 11、R 12各自独立地选自烷基、苄基或苯环上有取代的苄基;其中R 1、R 2、R 3、R 4中任意一个与R 5、R 6、R 7、R 8、R 9、R 10中任意一个不同时为硅烷类保护基;X 、Y 各自独立地选自N 3或带保护基的氨基。
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B RIEFINGFondaparinux Sodium. Because there is no existing USP monograph for this drug substance, a new monograph, based on validated methods of analysis, is beingproposed. The liquid chromatographic procedure in the Assay and the test for Organic Impurities are based on analyses performed with the Dionex CarboPac PA1 brand of L46 column. The typical retention time for the fondaparinux peak is about 15 min. The liquid chromatographic procedure in Free Sulfate and Residual Chloride Determination is based on analyses performed with the Waters IC-Pak Anion brand of L23 column, coupled with a neutralization micromembrane suppressor such as Dionex ASRS 300, Ultra 4 mm.(BIO1: A. Szajek.)Correspondence Number—C45930Comment deadline: November 30, 2013Add the following:Fondaparinux SodiumC 31H 43N 3O 49S 8Na 10 1728.08-D -Glucopyranoside, methyl O -2-deoxy-6-O -sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)--D -glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O --D -glucopyranuronosyl-(1→4)-O -2-deoxy-3,6-di-O -sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)--D -glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O -2-O -sulfo--L -idopyranuronosyl-(1→4)-2-deoxy-2-(sulfoamino)-, 6-(hydrogen sulfate), decasodium salt;Methyl O -2-deoxy-6-O -sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)--D -glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O --D -glucopyranuronosyl-(1→4)-O -2-deoxy-3,6-di-O -sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)--D -glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O -2-O -sulfo--L -idopyranuronosyl-(1→4)-2-deoxy-6-O -sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)--D -glucopyranoside, decasodium salt [114870-03-0].DEFINITIONFondaparinux Sodium is the sodium salt of a synthetic sulfated pentasaccharide anticoagulant based on the antithrombin binding moiety of heparin. It is synthesized froma natural source of chirally pure sugars (mono- and di-saccharides). A range of coupling, (de)protection and functionalization reactions leads to crude fondaparinux sodium, which is further purified to yield the drug substance. Fondaparinux Sodium contains NLT 95.0% and NMT 103.0% of fondaparinux sodium, calculated on the anhydrous and solvent-free basis. Fondaparinux Sodium is a white to off-white powder.IDENTIFICATION• A. 13C NMR S PECTRUMStandard solution: NLT 40 mg/mL of USP Fondaparinux Sodium Identification RS inacid, deuterium oxide containing 0.002% (w/v) 3-(trimethylsilyl) propionic-2,2,3,3-d4), enriched to 98% deuterated or equivalentsodium salt (TMSP-d4Sample solution: NLT 40 mg/mL of Fondaparinux Sodium in deuterium oxide with0.002% (w/v) TMSP-d4Instrumental conditions(See Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 761.)Mode: NMR, pulsed (Fourier transform)Frequency: NLT 100 MHz (for 13C)Temperature: 40System suitabilitySample: Standard solutionUsing a pulsed (Fourier transform) NMR spectrometer operating at NLT 100 MHz for 13C, acquire a free induction decay (FID) using a 90 pulse and a 5-s delay.Record the 13C NMR spectra of the Standard solution at 40, and set thetrimethylsilyl resonance to 0.0 ppm. Collect the 13C NMR spectrum with a spectral window of at least 235 to 10 ppm with spinning at 20 Hz. The number oftransients should be adjusted until the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal for the C-1 in the -D-glucopyranosyluronic acid ring of fondaparinux sodium in the Standard solution meets the suitability requirements. The Standard solution shall be run atleast daily when the Sample solution is being run. The chemical shift for the C-1resonance of the -D-glucopyranosyluronic acid ring of fondaparinux sodium in the Standard solution should be observed at 103.9 ± 0.1 ppm. Record the 13C NMRspectrum of the Sample solution at 40 using the same conditions.Suitability requirementsNumber of transients: The signal-to-noise of the -D-glucopyranosyluronic acidring of fondaparinux sodium in the Standard solution is at least 20/1 in the region near 103.9 ppm.Chemical shift: The trimethylsilyl resonance for the Standard solution should beset to 0.0 ppm, which acts as an external calibration for all samples.Chemical shifts for system suitability: The O-methyl and two carbonyl carbonsof fondaparinux sodium should be observed at 58.2, 176.7, and 178.0 ppm, all ±0.3 ppm, respectively, in the Standard solution .AnalysisSample: Sample solutionAcceptance criteria: Resonances for fondaparinux sodium should be observed at 58.32 59.5, 60.5, 60.8, 68.9, 69.2, 69.6, 98.9, 100.4, 101.1, 102.4, 103.9, 176.7, and 178.0 ppm. The chemical shifts of these signals do not differ by more than ±0.3 ppm. Other signals of variable heights and chemical shifts, attributable to fondaparinux sodium, may be seen between 58.0–80.5 ppm and 98.7–104.5 ppm.• B. C HROMATOGRAPHIC I DENTITYAnalysis: Proceed as directed in the Assay .Acceptance criteria: The retention time of the major peak of the Sample solution corresponds to ±5% to that of the Standard solution .• C. S ODIUM D ETERMINATIONAnalysis: Proceed as directed in Sodium Determination .Acceptance criteria: It meets the requirements.ASSAY• P ROCEDURE5 mM Phosphate solution: Dissolve 0.210 g of monobasic sodium phophatedihydrate and 0.650 g of dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate in water, and dilute with water to 1000 mL. pH of solution is approximately 7.3.Solution A: 15 ± 10 ppm dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in 5 mM Phosphate solution (1 in 67000, v/v). Filter before use.Solution B: 2.0 M sodium chloride solution with 5 mM Phosphate solutionMobile phase: See Table 1.[NOTE—Make adjustments to Solution A as necessary.] Table 1 System suitability solution: 5.0 mg/mL of USP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture A RSStandard solution: 5.0 mg/mL of USP Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS in water. Prepare in duplicate.Sensitivity check solution: 0.01 mg/mL of USP Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS Time (min)Solution A (%)Solution B(%)05050550502559530595355050505050in water from the Standard solutionSample solution: 5.0 mg/mL of fondaparinux sodium in water. Prepare in at least duplicate.Blank: WaterChromatographic system(See Chromatography 621, System Suitability.)Mode: LCDetector: UV 210 nmColumn: 4-mm × 25-cm; packing L46Column temperature: 25Flow rate: 1.0 mL/minInjection volume: 100 µLSystem suitabilitySamples: System suitability solution, Standard solution, Sensitivity check solution, and BlankInject the Blank in duplicate, the Sensitivity check solution, and the Systemsuitability solution. Inject the Standard solution at least six times consecutively. Suitability requirementsSpecificity and baseline driftThe chromatogram of the second Blank injection shows a baseline drift between0.00 and 0.02 AU over 30 min. If necessary, adjust the DMSO content of theMobile phase until an acceptable baseline is achieved.The chromatogram of the second Blank solution injection does not contain peaks between 3.00 and 30.00 min.Signal-to-noise ratio: NLT 10 for the fondaparinux peak in the chromatogram of the Sensitivity check solutionChromatogram similarity: The chromatogram of the System suitability solution corresponds to that of the chromatogram provided with USP FondaparinuxSodium System Suitability Mixture A RS.Relative standard deviation: For six consecutive injections of the Standardsolution, the calculated % RSD of the area of the fondaparinux peak is NMT2.0%. The retention time of the fondaparinux peak should be ±5% of the meanvalue. The calculated % RSD of the response factors for all replicate injections of the Standard solution is NMT 2.0%. The calculated % RSD of the pooledresponse factors for all injections of the Standard solution is NMT 2.0%. The % RSD of the mean response factors for each duplicate Standard solution is NMT2.0%.AnalysisSamples: Standard solution and Sample solutionInject the Standard solution at least six times consecutively and the Sample solution in duplicate. Record the chromatograms and measure the retention times and areas for the major peaks (excluding peaks before 3.00 and after 30.00 min).For each injection of the Standard solution , calculate a response factor (F R ):F R = C S /r SCalculate the mean response factor (F M ) for each duplicate injection, and determine the % RSD for the peak areas of fondaparinux sodium (r S ) for six consecutiveinjections of the Standard solution .Using the mean response factor, calculate the percentage of fondaparinux in the portion of sample taken:Result (% w/w) = (F M × r U× D × 100)/WAcceptance criteria: 95.0%–103.0% on an anhydrous and solvent-free basisOTHER COMPONENTS• S ODIUM D ETERMINATION(See Spectrophotometry and Light–Scattering 851.)2% Nitric acid solution: 21 mL nitric acid diluted with water to 1000 mLSodium solution: 1000 ppm sodium in 2% Nitric acid solutionStandard solutions: Prepare Standard solutions containing 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 ppm of sodium ion from the Sodium solution , diluting with 2% Nitric acid solution . Sample solution: 0.3 mg/mL of Fondaparinux Sodium in 2% Nitric acid solution Analysis: Concomitantly determine the absorbances of the Sample solution and Standard solutions at 330.2 nm by using a sodium hollow-cathode lamp and an air-acetylene flame. Using the absorbances of the Standard solutions , determine the sodium content in the Sample solution after appropriate blank correction.Acceptance criteria: 11.5%–15.0% on the anhydrous and solvent-free basisIMPURITIES• H EAVY M ETALS , Method I 231: Prepare a 5% solution in water; NMT 20 ppm. • F REE S ULFATE AND R ESIDUAL C HLORIDE D ETERMINATIONSolution A: 3 mM carbonate solution containing 0.106 g of sodium carbonate and C S = concentration of fondaparinux sodium in the Standard solution (mg/mL)r S = peak response of fondaparinux sodium from the Standard solutionF M = mean response factor for each duplicate injectionr U = peak response of fondaparinux sodium in the Sample solutionD = dilution factor for the sample (mL)W = weight of fondaparinux sodium taken to prepare the Sample solution (mg)0.168 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate in 1000 mL of waterSolution B: 4.2 g of sodium hydroxide in 1000 mL of waterMobile phase: See Table 2.Table 2Standard solution 1: Dissolve 164.9-mg sodium chloride in 80 mL of water, and dilute with water to 100.0 mL.Standard solution 2: Dissolve 147.9-mg anhydrous sodium sulfate in 80 mL of water, and dilute with water to 100.0 mL.Standard solution 3: Dilute 1.0 mL of Standard solution 1 with water to 100.0 mL. Standard solution 4: Dilute 1.0 mL of Standard solution 2 with water to 100.0 mL. Calibration standard solutions: Using appropriate volumes of the Standardsolutions , prepare calibration standards as shown in Table 3. Table 3 Resolution solution: Dissolve 150 mg of sodium nitrite in 100.0 mL of water. Combine 2.0 mL of this solution and 2.0 mL of Standard solution 1 in 80 mL of water, and dilute with water to 100.0 mL. Sample solution: 3 mg/mL of Fondaparinux Sodium in water Chromatographic system (See Chromatography 621, System Suitability .) Mode: LC Time (min)Solution A (%)Solution B(%)01000240100391000601000Concentration Volume ofSulfate Solution(mL)Volume of Chloride Solution (mL)Final Volume (mL)0.5 ppm SO 4-2/1 ppm Cl- 5.0, Standardsolution 410.0, Standard solution 3100.02.5 ppm SO 4-2/2.5 ppm Cl-0.50, Standardsolution 20.50, Standard solution 1200.05.0 ppm SO 4-2/5.0 ppm Cl-0.50, Standardsolution 20.50, Standard solution 1100.020.0 ppm SO 4-2/20 ppm Cl- 2.0, Standardsolution 22.0, Standard solution 1100.050.0 ppm SO 4-2/50 ppmCl- 5.0, Standardsolution 2 5.0, Standard solution 1100.0Detector: Conductivity (range 200 µS, suppressor current 300 mA)Column: 4.6-mm × 50-mm; packing L23, coupled with a neutralizationmicromembrane suppressorColumn temperature: AmbientFlow rate: 1.0 mL/minInjection volume: 50 µLSystem suitabilitySamples: Calibration standard solutions and Resolution solutionSuitability requirementsResolution: NLT 2 between the chloride and nitrite ion peaks, Resolution solution Response stability: ±5% between injections of 5-ppm of each of the Calibration standard solutions before and after the Sample solutionRelative standard deviation: NMT 3% for NLT 5 injections of 5-ppm Calibration standard solutionsAnalysisSample: Sample solution[NOTE—Regenerate the anion-exchange column with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide between two injections of the Sample solution .]Inject 50 µL of each of the Calibration standard solutions and 50 µL of the Sample solution in triplicate. The peak area responses for the chloride and sulfate ion peaks in the chromatograms obtained with the Calibration standard solutions show two peaks corresponding respectively to chloride ions at a retention time ofapproximately 3.6 min and to sulfate ions at a retention time of approximately 14.1 min. The Calibration standard solutions and the corresponding standardconcentrations are used to construct five-point calibration curves for both chloride and sulfate ions. The concentrations of sulfate and chloride ions in the Samplesolutions are calculated using the standard curves.Calculations: Calculate the free sulfate and residual chloride ion contents in % w/w of fondaparinux sodium in the solution to be examined:Result = C S × F × (1/C U ) × 100Report the average of the triplicate determinations.Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.30% free sulfate; NMT 1.0% chloride• O RGANIC I MPURITIESC S = concentration of the ion calculated from the quadratic calibration equation(µg/mL)F = conversion factor (µg/mL to mg/mL)C U = concentration of the fondaparinux sodium in the Sample solution (mg/mL)Analysis: Proceed as directed in the Assay .Samples: System suitability solution , Standard solution , Sensitivity check solution , Sample solution , and BlankCalculate the percentage of each individual impurity in the portion of Fondaparinux Sodium taken:Result (% area/area) = [r U /(r S + r T )] × 100The total impurities content (% area/area) is the sum of all mean unrounded contents of an individual impurity that are NLT 0.200%.Acceptance criteria: See Table 4. Table 4• P YRIDINE AND E THANOL D ETERMINATION (See Residual Solvents 467.) Pyridine standard solution: In a 100-mL volumetric flask containing about 20 mL of water, transfer 101.8 µL of pyridine accurately. Dilute with water to 100 mL. Internal standard solution: 500-µg/mL solution of 1-butanol in water Standard solution 1: In a 100-mL volumetric flask containing about 20 mL of water, transfer accurately 1.27 mL of ethanol and 1.0 mL of Pyridine standard solution . Dilute with water to 100.0 mL. Standard solution 2: Standard solution 1 and water (1:100). Prepare in duplicate (A and B ).Sample stock solution: 10 mg/mL of Fondaparinux Sodium in water in triplicate Sample solution: 2 mg/mL of Fondaparinux Sodium in water from the Sample stock solutionBlank: Waterr U = peak response of each impurity from the Sample solutionr S = peak response of fondaparinux sodium from the Sample solutionr T = sum of all peak responses for impurities from the Sample solutionName RelativeRetentionTimeAcceptance Criteria, NMT (%)Impurity peak A a 0.930.8 (a/a)Impurity peak B a 1.2b0.6 (a/a)Any unspecified impurity —0.3Total impurities—NMT 2.0%aNo impurities with known structures are present in fondaparinux sodium. b Impurity peak B can appear as a complex set of peaks and not fully resolved. In such a case, the integration should be performed such that all such peaks arecombined.Sample preparation: For the Blank , transfer 5.0 mL of water and 5 g of potassium carbonate to an appropriate headspace vial, apply stopper, cap, and mix. Forsamples and standards, add 5.0 mL of the Sample solution or Standard solution 2 with 5 g of potassium carbonate and 0.1 mL of the Internal standard solution to an appropriate headspace vial, apply stopper, cap, and mix.Chromatographic system(See Chromatography 621, System Suitability .)Mode: GC with headspace samplerDetector: Flame ionizationColumn: 0.32-mm × 30-m fused silica, 1.8-µm film thickness; support G43Temperatures[NOTE—At initial temperature NLT 3 min between injections.]Injector: 140Detector: 250Column: See Table 5.Table 5Carrier gas: Helium with a linear velocity of 20–30 cm/sInjection type: Split ratio, 1:7Head space autosamplerSample equilibration temperature: 80Sample equilibration time: 60 minTransfer line temperature: 110System suitabilitySamples: Standard solution 2 (A and B ) and BlankAssay a water Blank followed by six consecutive samples of Standard solution 2(A), followed by a single injection of Standard solution 2(B).Suitability requirementsBlank: The chromatogram of the water Blank should not present a peakcorresponding to ethanol or pyridine.Signal-to-noise ratio: NLT 40 of the pyridine peak in the chromatogram ofStandard solution 2(A)Relative standard deviation: NMT 5% for the average areas of the chromatographic peaks for ethanol and pyridine in six consecutive assays Initial Temperature ()Temperature Ramp (/min)Final Temperature ()Hold Time at Final Temperature(min)40—402040102400240—2405AnalysisSamples: Internal standard solution , Standard solution 2(A), and Sample solution Calculations: Calculate the ethanol and pyridine content in ppm (µg/g) infondaparinux sodium taken:Result = C s × (R U /R S ) × (V /M ) × DThe average of three independent assays constitute the results.Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 × 104ppm for ethanol and 50 ppm for pyridine SPECIFIC TESTS• B ACTERIAL E NDOTOXINS T EST 85: It contains NMT 3.3 USP Endotoxin Units/mg. • P H 791: 6.0–8.0, in a solution, at 20–25 (2.5% w/v)• M ICROBIAL E NUMERATION T ESTS 61: NMT 100 CFU/g• W ATER D ETERMINATION , Method Ic 921: It contains NMT 15.0% (w/w).ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS• P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in tight containers, and store at or below 25 in adry environment.• L ABELING : Label to indicate mass of active drug substance per container.• USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 11USP Endotoxin RSUSP Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RSUSP Fondaparinux Sodium Identification RSUSP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture A RS2S (USP37)Auxiliary Information - Please check for your question in the FAQs before contacting USP .C S = concentration of Standard solution 2 (µg/mL)R U = peak response ratio of solvent “s” in the Sample solution to solvent “s” in theInternal standard solutionR S = peak response ratio for solvent “s” in Standard solution 2 to solvent “s” in theInternal standard solutionV = volume of solution used to prepare the Sample solution (mL)M = mass of sample dissolved to prepare the Sample solution (g)D = dilution factor of the Sample solution。