1、分词作状语(1)条件:状语从句,前后主语一致(2)形式:分词作状语在句首+分词作状语在句后(3)省略方式:关系词(可保留)+动词形式变化(-ing/-ed)一、用作时间状语1. 典型例句When [As soon as] the mouse saw the cat, it ran off.Seeing the cat, the mouse ran off. 见到猫,老鼠就跑了。
真题示例:When _______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. (2006浙江卷)A. comparedB. being comparedC. comparingD. having compared二、用作原因状语1. 典型例句As she was very weak, she couldn’t move.Because she was much discouraged, she moved on to London.(1) ______ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. (2006四川卷)A. FacedB. FaceC. FacingD. To face三、用作条件状语1. 典型例句If you work hard, you will succeed.If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fall.If we had been given more time, we could have done it better.四、用作让步状语1. 典型例句Although living miles away, he attended the course. 虽然住在几英里以外,他仍去上课。
句式转化一 分词词组与从句的相互转化
句式转化一分词词组与从句的相互转化1. 第一分词扩展定语与定语从句1) Der sogar die deutschen Partizipialkonstrucktionen beherrschende Ingenieurbeeindruckte seine deutschen Gesprächspartner.01/95Der Ingenieur, der sogar die deutschen Partizipialkonstrucktionen beherrschte, beeindruckte seine deutschen Gesprächspartner.2) Dem Piloten, der seit acht Jahren fliegt, ist noch nie etwas Ähnlichespassiert.05/98Dem seit acht Jahren fliegenden Piloten ist noch nie etwas Ähnliches passiert.注意事项:1) 从句中的动词为反身动词时,第一分词作定语时需保留反身代词sich:Eine Ausbildung, die sich immer mehr verlängert, ist volkswirtschaftlich nicht vertretbar.Eine sich immer mehr verlängernde Ausbildung ist volkswirtschaftlich nicht vertretbar.2) 用haben作助动词的不及物动词只能够成第一分词:Auf der Straße konnte man Kinder sehen, die spielten und lachten.Auf der Straße konnte man spielende und lachende Kinder sehen.3) 定语从句中的谓语是Adj. + sein/werden时,将sein去掉:Die Hochschulen, die generell für alle offen sind, ...Die generell für alle offenden Hochschulen ...4) 将werden变为第一分词:Die Zahl der Arbeitsplätze unterhalb der Führungsebene, die immer größer wird, ...Die immer größer werdene Zahl der Arbeitsplätze unterhalb der Führungsebene ... 2. 第二分词扩展定语与定语从句1) Die von den Ärzten vorgeschlagne Behandlung war sehr teuer.97/95Die Behandlung, die von den Ärzten vorgeschlagt wurde, war sehr teuer.2) Der vor einer Woche vom Direktor unterschrieben Vertrag wird heutediskutiert.98/95Der Vertrag, der vor einer Woche vom Direktor unterschrieb wurde, wird heute diskutiert.3) Lohnt es sich denn, den Wagen ständig zu pflegen. 99/95-Ja, ein ständig geplegter Wagen lässt sich doch besser verkaufen.4) Das sorfältig in Kisten verpackte Obst wurde ausgeladen.00/95Das Obst, das sorfältig in Kisten verpackt wurde, wurde ausgeladen.5) Alle im Laufe des Semesters erbrachten Leistungen zählen am Ende.02/96 Alle Leistungen, die im Laufe des Semesters erbracht wurden, zählen am Ende.6) Die auf einer CD-Rom gespeicherten Daten gehen weniger leicht verloren alsDaten auf Disketten.03/96Daten, die auf einer CD-Rom gespeichert (worden) sind, gehen weniger leicht verloren als Daten auf Disketten.7) Der Bundestag hatte sich mit zwei Gesetzentwürfen zu befassen, die von parlamentarischen Ausschüssen eingebracht worden waren.03/句式转化二独立的分词词组与从句的相互转化1) Auf dem Schild steht: …Ausfahrt freihalten“. Das bedeutet:97/96Die Ausfahrt ist freizuhalten/ muss freigehalten werden.2) Allgemein formuliert, kann man sagen, dass die Mannschaft eine sehr guteLeistung vollbracht hat.00/97 (第二分词词组与条件从句)Wenn man es allgemein formuliert, kann man sagen, dass die Mannschaft eine sehr gute Leistung vollbracht hat.3) Partizipialsätze, im Unterricht geübt und in der Prügungsordnung vorgesehen,sind im Alltagsdeutsch wenig relevant.04/97 (第二分词词组与定语从句)Partizipialsätze, die im Unterricht geübt und in der Prügungsordnung vorgesehen sind, sind im Alltagsdeutsch wenig relevant4) In Berlin angekommen, besuchte er gleich seinen Freund.00/97(第二分词词组与时间状语从句)Nachdem er in Beijing angekommen war, besuchte er gleich seinen Freund.5) In Beijing angekommen, ist sie sofort in die Arbeit gestürzt.01/98 (同4))Nachdem sie in Beijing angekommen war, ist sie sofort in die Arbeit gestürzt.6) Aus dem Urlaub zurückgekehrt, erzählten sie allen Bekannten von ihrerabwechslungsreichen Reise.05/97 (同4))Nachdem sie aus dem Urlaub zurückgekehrt waren, erzählten sie allen Bekannten von ihrer abwechslungsreichen Reise.7) Wenn man mit anderen Gebieten vergleicht, sind die Ernteerträge hier indiesem Jahr sehr gering.00/98 (第二分词词组或介词词组与从句)Mit anderen Gebieten verglichen, sind die Ernteerträge hier in diesem Jahr sehr gering.Im Vergleich zu anderen Gebieten sind die Ernteerträge hier in diesem Jahr sehr gering.8) Verglichen mit der Zahl im Dezember vergangenen Jahres stieg die Zahl derArbeitslosen um 14 866 Personen. (同6))Wenn man die Zahl mit der Zahl im Dezember vergangenen Jahres, stieg die Zahl der Arbeitslosen um 14 866 Personen.1. um...zu, damit...与zu + N1) Die gelben Lampen werden verwendet, um die Einfahrt besonders zukennzeichnen.97/98Zur besonderen Kennzeichnung der Einfahrt. werden wie gelben Lampen verwendet.2) Zur anhaltenden Entwicklung der chinesischen Wirtschaft braucht das Landviele kompetete und qualifizierte Fachkräfte.01/96Damit sich die chinesische Wirtschaft anhaltend entwickelt, braucht das Land viele kompetete und qualifizierte Fachkräfte.3) Man ergreift Maßnahmen, damit sich die Lage verbessert.02/97Zur Verbesserung der Lage ergreift man Maßnahmen.4) Zur möglichst schnellen Verbreitung von Nachrichten haben die Menschenverschiedene Informationssysteme eingerichtet.05/96Um die Nachrichten möglichst schnell zu verbreiten, haben die Menschen verschiedene Informationssysteme eingerichtet.Damit die Nachrichten sich möglichst schnell zu verbreiten, haben die Menschen verschiedene Informationssysteme eingerichtet.5) Die Sommerzeit wurde eingeführt, damit Energie gespart und das Tageslichtbesser ausgenutzt wird.07/97Zum Energiesparen und zur besseren Ausnutzung des Tageslichts wurde die Sommerzeit eingeführt.2. bei –ung / 其他名词与wenn从句1)Bei Änderung der Geschwindigkeit eines Körpers ist seine Bewegungungleichförmig.98/96Wenn die Geschwindigkeit eines Körpers sich ändert / geändert wird, ist seine Bewegung ungleichförmig.2) Beim zu langen Sitzen vor dem Fernseher wird die Gesundheit der Kindergeschädigt.01/97Wenn die Kinder zu lang vor dem Ferseher sitzen, wird ihre Gesundheit geschädigt.3) Bei frühzeitiger Kündigung durch den Mieter trägt dieser die Kosten.02/98Wenn der Mieter frühzeitig kündigt, muss er die Kosten tragen.Der Mieter trägt die Kosten, falls er frühzeitig kündigt.4) Bei steigenden Scheidungszahlen werden großfamiliäre Verwandtschafts-beziehungen wichtiger.04/98Wenn die Scheidungszahlen steigen, werden großfamiliäre Verwandtschafts- beziehungen wichtiger.3. nach + Dat 根据…… 与wie... / ...,dass...1) Nach den Feststellungen der Ärzte essen heute viele Leute zu viel.98/97Wie die Ärzte festgestellt haben essen heute viele Leute zu viel.Die Ärzte haben festgestellt, dass heute viele Leute zu viel essen.2) Nach Aussage des Betriebsleiters wird es wohl in diesem Jahr keineLohnerhöhung geben.02/95Wie der Betriebsleiter sagte wird/werde es wohl in diesem Jahr keine Lohnerhöhung geben.1. trotz + Gen 与obwohl从句1) Obwohl die Bevölkerung energisch protestiert, soll das Atomkraftwerkerrichtet werden.99/96Trotz des energischen Protests/ energischer Proteste der Bevölkerung soll das Atomkraftwerk errichtet werden.2) Der Ingenieur trug sein Hemd trotz der Kälte offen.07/96Obwohl es kalt war, trug der Ingenieur sein Hemd offen.2. wegen + Gen 与weil/da从句1) Wegen des immer größer werdenden Ozonlochs könnte es zu einerErderwärmung kommen.03/95Weil/Da das Ozonloch immer größer wird, könnte es zu einer Erderwärmung kommen.2) Wegen der günstigen Lage im Rhein-Main-Gebiet wurde Mörfelden zu einemgefragten Wohnort.04/96Weil/Da die Lage im Rhein-Main-Gebiet günstig war/ist, wurde Mörfelden zu einem gefragten Wohnort.3) Weil sie von der Polizei dazu aufgefordert worden sind, verlassen die Gästedas Lokal.08/96Wegen der Aufforderung von der Polizei, verlassen die Gäste das Lokal.3. durch + Akk / dadurch, dass... 与indem从句1) Viele Länder der Dritten Welt hoffen auf einen höheren Lebensstandard durchden Einsatz moderner Technik.99/98Viele Länder der Dritten Welt hoffen auf einen höheren Lebensstandard, indem moderne Technil eingestezt wird / sie moderne Technik einsetzen.Viele Länder der Dritten Welt hoffen auf einen höheren Lebensstandard dadurch, dass moderne Technil eingestezt wird / sie moderne Technik einsetzen.2) Der Handel will durch Preissenkungen die Kunden in die Geschäftelocken.06/95Der Handel will die Kunden in die Geschäfte locken, indem er den Preis senkt.4.主语从句1) Im 18. Jahrhundert war die Verwendung des Französischen durch die Adligenvöllig üblich.05/95Im 18. Jahrhundert war es völlig üblich, dass die Adligen Franzosisch verwendeten/verwandten.2) Die Einführung des Ökosteuer macht vielen Autofahrern das Lebenschwer.06/98Dass die Ökosteuer eingeführt werden, macht vielen Autofahrern das Leben schwer.3) Eine Verbesserung der finanziellen Situation ist nicht in Sicht.07/98Dass sich die finanzielle Situation verbessern wird, ist nicht in Sicht.5.其他1) Als ich 6 Jahre alt war, ging ich zur Schule.97/96Mit 6 Jahren ging ich zur Schule.2) Ohne Ihre Hilfe hätte ich die Arbeit nicht so schnell abschließen können.99/97Wenn Sie mir nicht geholfen hätten, hätte ich die Arbeit nicht so schnell abschließen können.3) Als sie auf Dienstreise war, schloss ihr Stellvertreter eine德语考试德语写作高分技巧1)被动式。
1、状语从句中的谓语动词是系动词be时:1.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句中的连接词与主语并把be改为being. 即可。
As he is a tailor, he knows what to do with this material.→Being a tailor, he knows what to do with this material.1.2、从句的主句主语与从句主语不同时,只要保留从句的主语,其它变化同以上1.1。
As he is still a child, you shouldn't be too hard on him.→He being still a child, you shouldn't be too hard on him.1.3、当从句是否定句时,只要在being 前加否定词not ,其它变化同以上1.2。
As he was no tall enough, he couldn't reach for the apple.→No being tall enough, he couldn't reach for the apple.2、当从句的谓语动词是进行时态(现在进行时态或过去进行时态)时:2.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句中的引导词与主语并去掉助动词be保留现在分词即可。
有时为了强调进行状态,亦在分词前保留being.While he was reading the book, he nodded from time to time.→While reading the book, he nodded from time to time2.2、当从句与主句的主语不同时,除保留从句主语外,其他变化同以上2.1When he was giving a telephone call, his wife was reading a novel.→He giving a telephone call, his wife was reading a novel2.3、当从句是含not的否定句时,只要在being 前加否定词not ,其它变化同以上1.1与2.2 As Tom is not working in his office, No one receives the telephone.→Tom not working i n his office, no one receives the telephone.3、当从句中的谓语动词为一般时态(一般现在时与一般过去时)的实义动词时:3.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句主语并将实义动词改为现在分词即可Look round when you cross the street.→Look round when crossing the street.3.2、当从句与主句的主语不同时,只要保留主语,其他变化同以上3.1When they left the airport, we waved again and again to them.→They leaving the airport, we waved again and again to them.3.3、当从句是含not的否定句时,只要在现在分词前加not,其他变化同以上3.1与3.2As he didn't know anything about the accident, he went to work as usual.→.Not knowing anything about the acc ident, he went to work as usual.4、当从句的谓语动词是一般时态(一般现在时与一般过去时)的被动态时:4.1、当从句主语与主句主语相同时,只要去掉从句中的连词与主语并去掉be保留过去分词即可。
1. 作时间状语时,可转换为when或while等引导的从句,通常放在句首。
如:Seen from the top of the hill (= When it is seen from the top of the hill), the school looks like a big garden.2. 作条件状语时,可转换为once, if或unless等引导的从句,一般放在句首。
如:Given more attention (= If it was given more attention), the fire could have been avoided.3. 作原因状语时,可转换为because, as或since等引导的从句,多放在句首。
如:Encouraged (= As she was encouraged) by the teacher, the girl was very happy.4. 作让步状语时,可转换为though, although 或even if引导的从句,常放在句首。
如:Left (= Although she was left) alone at home, Jenny didn’t feel afraid at all.5. 作方式或伴随状语时,常可转换为并列分句,可位于句首或句末。
如:Surrounded by his students, the teacher went into the lab. (= The teacher was surrounded by his students and he went into the lab.)6. 过去分词(短语)作状语时,有时为了强调,前面可带连词when,while, if, though, as if, unless等。
分词做定语和状语与定语从句和状语从句的转换12 1
• 分词短语作定语与定语从句之间的转换 • 分词短语作状语与状语从句之间的转换
分词短语作定语与定语从句 之间的转换
• The meeting held last week is very important. • =The meeting which was held last week is very important. • 过去分词短语作定语,表被动
• Tell the boy playing there not to make loud noise. • =Tell the boy who is playing there not to make loud noise。 • 现在分词短语作定语,表主动且动作正在进行.
• 练习题:32E 1,4,6,9,12
• 主语+think/find/consider+it(形式宾语)+不 定式/宾语从句(真正宾语)
• It seems that John is not coming er all.
• =John doesn’t seem to be coming after all.
• It seems +表语从句 • =表语从句主语+seem+不定式做表语
• The house standing on the corner of the street was built in 1955.
• =The house which stands on the corner of the street was built in 1955
• 现在分词短语作定语,表主动
11 醉翁亭记
Told that his mother was seriously ill,Li Ping hurried home quickly.被告知妈妈病得很严重,李平急忙跑回了家。
(先于谓语动作发生)Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks more beautiful.=When(it is)seen from the top of the hill,the city looks more beautiful.从山顶上看,城市显得更美丽。
Moved by the heroic deeds,the children couldn't help crying.孩子们被英雄事迹感动,情不自禁地哭了起来。
Lost in thought,he almost knocked into a tree.由于陷入了沉思,他差点撞到树上。
现在分词与定语从句转换Doing (1)【内容】(1)动名词和现在分词(2)现在分词与过去分词对比应用:状语,表语,伴随或方式,原因,条件,让步等(3)现在分词作定语时与定于从句之间的转化。
【构成形式】主动: doing sth 被动: being doneHaving done having been done.【应用】1.做主语。
(2) 特殊句型。
It is no use doing sthIt is useless doing sthIt is no good doing sthIt is a waste of time doing sthIt is worthwhile doing sthThere is no point\ use in doing sthThere is nothing wore than doing sth 没什么比做…更糟糕的。
(3) 练习一下。
(1)Forbid doing sth; allow doing sth ,advocate doing sth ; admit doing sth ; Advise\ suggest doing sth; risk doing sth; appreciate doing sth; enjoy doing sth; Envy doing sth; avoid doing sth; consider doing sth; delay doing sth; deny doing sth. Dislike doing sth; escape doing sth; excuse doing sth; finish doing sth; forgive doing sth. Understand doing sth; give up doing sth; imagine doing sth; keep doing sth; mind doing sth. Miss doing sth , practice doing sth, put off doing sth, resist doing sth; can’t help doing sth; Can’t stand doing sth; devote to doing sth; look forward to doing sth, stick to doing sth; be used to doing sth, object to doing sth; be busy in doing sth; adapt to doing sth; be occupied in doing sth;(2)Sth need \ require\ want doing(3) allow\ permit\forbid\advice doing sth(4) 练习The light in the office is still on. He forgot (turn) it off.Don’t you remember (see)the man before?I can’t bear (laugh).you will forbid (photograph) in the park.= you will in the park.Your composition needs (correct) .= Your composition needs .做介词宾语(1) 动词 + 介词 + doing sthBe used to doing ; be related to doing; get down to doing ; be given to doing =beaddicted to doing ; put one’s mind to doing ; give rise to (引起); be equal todoing sth ; devote one’s to doing sth ; lead to doing sth;object to doing ; lookforward to doing sth; be opposed to doing sth ; stop\ keep\ prevent sb from doinghsth; protect sb from doing sth; forbid sb from doing sth; Remind sb of doing sth ;Warn sb of doing sth ; Rob sb of doing sth; inform sb of doing sth ; accuse sb ofdoing sth ; feel like doing sth.(2) 形容词 + 介词 +doing sthBe busy in doing ; be occupied in; be interested in ; be responsible for doing sth..(3) 主语+ have + fun\ pleasure \a good time\ trouble \ difficulty \ problem in doingsth;have no hesitation in doing sth(4) what\ how about doing sth (征求意见)(5)go + shopping\ swimming\ camping\ climbing\hiking\ running\skating\ walking\sightseeing\dancing\ fishing\ riding\ jogging\ hunting\ driving\ boating ……练习I used to (get) up late , but now I am used to (get) up early.The rain prevented us from (go) out .She objects to (marry) me.你对打篮球感兴趣吗?我读懂他有困难。
如:They did not go to the Summer Palace because they had a lot of work to do.由于从句的主语与主句的主语都是they,可以把从句中because和they去掉,把had变成having,即成现在分词短语作原因状语:Having a lot of work to do,they did not go to the Summer Palace.二、从句如果表示主动、完成,进行的动作,则转换成现在分词;如果表示被动,则转换成过去分词。
1.When he heard a cry for help,he rushed out.从句中,he was与heard是主动关系,表示“他听见”。
Hearing a cry for help,he rushed out.2.The boy Cater went up to his teacher and said“sorry”because he was great-ly touched by his words.从句中,he was touched是被动关系,是“孩子被深深地触动了”,则变成过去分词作原因状语。
Greatly touched by his teacher's words,the boy laterwent up to him and said“sorry”.三、如果从句的主语与主句的主语不一致,该怎么办?请看下例:1.As the heroes' deeds moved them deeply,they decided to study even harder.句中,主句的主语是they,而从句主语是the heroes'deeds,主语不一致,这时可以把从句变换一下句型,变成被动语态。
一、不定式结构作状语不定式结构作状语通常有以下几种情况:1、目的状语(分词一般不能作目的状语)He bought a bicycle to go to town more quickly .To catch the train ,she hurried through her work注:表目的的不定式还常与so as或in order连用,构成so as (not) to do和in order (not) to do 结构,其中so as (not) to do 不能用于句首。
To get there in time, we got up very early.= In order to get there in time, we got up very early.= We got up very early (in order/so as) to get there in time.2、原因状语不定式结构作原因状语常用在作表语用的形容词后。
I’m sorry to hear that .We’re proud to b e young people of China .We are glad to hear the news.3、结果状语不定式结构作结果状语,有时表示未曾预料到的、或令人不快的结果。
He ran all the way to the station ,only to find the train had left .★而现在分词作结果状语常常是可以预料的结果,是伴随谓语动词而产生的自然结果The police opened fire ,killing the robber .He died ,leaving his wife with five children .4. 有时,不定式还可修饰一个句子,表明说话人的态度。
一.现在分词作状语1.当从句中主语与主句的主语一致,我们可以省略掉从句中的主语及be 动词的各种形式及连词。
When i was walking along the street, i met John.改写成When walking along the street, i met John.最后我们可以把它写成Walking along the street, i met John2.当从句主语与主句主语一致,我们把连词及主语省掉,然后把从句中的动词改成现在分词形式:If you work hard, you will surely succeed. 改成Working hard, you willsurely succee.(现在分词做时间状语)Because i had no money, i borrowed some from John. 改成Having no money, i borrowed some from John.(现在分词做原因状语)It rained heavily in the south, so that it caused serious flooding in several provinces. 改成It rained heavily in the south,causing serious flooding in several provinces.(现在分词做结果状语)They stood there for an hour and watched the game.改成They stood there for an hour, watching the game.After I had dressed myself, i went to school. 改成Having dressed myself, i went to school.(现在分词做时间状语) 注意:having done 作状语时用来表示动作发生的先后顺序,如Having answered the questions, i was allowed to leave. 有时为了把关系说清楚,我们仍然保留连词,比如下面这些句子If caught, the thief will be punished.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless watered every day.Generally speaking, when (it is) taken according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.-----Who should be responsible for the accident?------The boss,not the workers. They just carried out the order as told.When first introduced to the market, these products enjoy great success.二.过去分词作状语当状语从句中从句主语与主句主语一致,从句的主语及被动语态中的be动词和连词去掉,就剩下了过去分词做状语的情况。
分词的形式:(not ) doing现在分词的一般式(主动、进行)(not ) done过去分词的一般式(被动、完成)(not ) being done分词的进行被动式(被动、进行)(not ) having done分词的完成式(主动、完成)谓语与分词非谓语转换的一般原则do/does/didis/are doingwas/were doing--- doingis/are/was/were done--- doneis being done--- being donehas/have done--- having donehas/have been done--- (having been) done分词与从句的转换1 分词作定语,相当于定语从句1) The hospital was an oldbuilding that/which was built in 1931.--- The hospital was an old building built in 1931.2) Do you know the girl whois standing over there?--- Do you know the girl standing over there?3) The man who spoke to usthe other day has gone toLondon.--- The man speaking to us the other day has gone toLondon.4) He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people who were exposed to cholera.--- He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.5) He found that it came from the river which was polluted by the dirty water.--- He found that it came from the river pollutedby the dirty water.6) He immediately told the people in Broad Street who were astonished to remove the handle from the pump.--- He immediately told the astonished people inBroad Street to removethe handle from thepump.7) He found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.--- He found supporting evidence from two otherdeaths linked to the Broad Street outbreak.8) The building which is being built is a new hospital.--- The building being built is a new hospital.2.分词作状语,相当于状语从句:1) While I was waiting for thebus, I caught sight of her.--- (While)waiting for the bus, I caught sight of her.2) As he was educated by theparty, he became a great fighter.--- Educated by the party,he became a greatfighter.3) Because I hadn’t receivedan answer, I wrote to him again.--- Not having received an answer, I wrote to himagain.4) If we had been givenenough time, we could have done it better.--- If (having been) givenenough time, we couldhave done it better5) Though he had made greatachievements, he didn’t pride.--- Though having made great achievements, hedidn’t pride.2.分词作状语,相当于并列句或可以与with转换:1) He died, and left hisdaughter much money.--- He died, leaving his daughter much money.2) The teacher entered theclassroom, followed by his students.--- The teacher entered the classroom and hisstudents followed him.The teacher entered theclassroom and he wasfollowed by his studentsThe teacher entered theclassroom with hisstudents following him.3. 独立主格作状语,相当于状语从句journey.--- The shower being over,we continued ourjourney.disappointed.--- All the tickets (havingbeen) sold out,they wentaway disappointed.4. 分词做表语或宾补1) He got interested in the two theories explaining how cholera killed people.2) He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people.3) He was frightened and his mind was confused.4) He found that the windowswere broken.--- He found the windowsbroken.5) I found that my heart wasbeating fast at the newsof bomb explosion.--- I found my heartbeating fast at the newsof bomb explosion.练习:1. A man was arrested by the police. What was his name? (合并成简单句)--- What was the name of the man arrested by the police?2.There is a young woman who is dressed in green. (改成简单句)--- There is a young woman dressed in green.3.The concert which was given by the band was a great success. (改成简单句)--- The concert given by the band was a great success.4.What’s the language spoken in that area? (改成复合句)--- What’s the language which/ that is spoken in that area?5.We’ve already reached the target set in the program. (改成复合句)--- We’ve already reached the target that / which was set in the program.6.站在门口的那个人是我的爸爸。
V-ing (现在分词)作状语v-ed/done(过去分词)作状语,表语,定语,宾补一.现在分词的形式形式主动形式被动形式否定形式一般式doing beingdone not doing/beingdone完成式havingdone having been done not having(been)done二.现在分词作状语辨析:动词的-ing 形式和动词不定式作结果状语的区别。
辨析:(1)动词的-ing 形式作结果状语通常表示自然而然的结果。
(2)动词不定式作结果状语通常表示意想不到的结果,常与only 连用,构成“only to do sth.”三.连词+动词的-ing 形式作状语,省略状语从句的主语和系动词be ,表示主动或者正在句子功能例句1.作时间状语,相当于when,while,as,after 等引导的时间状语从句Crossing the road,the old man was knocked over by a car.=When he was crossing the road,the old man was knocked over by a car.2.作原因状语,相当于as,because,since 等引导的原因状语从句Having eaten too much ,he couldn 't go to sleep.=Because he had eaten too much,he couldn't go to sleep.3.作条件状语,相当于if,once,unless 等引导的条件状语从句Using your head,you 'll find a good way.=If you use your head,you'll find a good way.4.作方式或伴随状语,相当于and 连接的并列谓语动词。
Four people entered the room looking around in a curious way.=Four people entered the room and looked around in a curious way.5.作结果状语,可扩展为有并列谓语的句子。
He went out, shutting the door behind him. 他出去后将门随手关上。
Not knowing what to do, he went to his parents for help. 由于不知如何办是好,他去找父母帮忙。
Given more encouragement, the boy could have behaved better. 如果多给这个孩子一些鼓励,他本来会表现得更好。
Faced with difficulties, we must try to overcome them. 在遇到困难时,我们必须设法克服。
3) ※部分过去分词来源于系表结构,作状语时不表示“被动关系”,其前不用being。
这样的过去分词及短语常见的有:lost in(陷入某种状态)、seated(坐着的)、hidden(躲着)、stationed(驻扎)、lost/absorbed (沉溺于)、born in(出身于)、dressed in(穿着)、tired of(厌烦了)等。
Lost/Absorbed/Buried in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound. 因为沉溺于思考中,所以他没有听到那个声音。
Born in this beautiful town, he hates to leave it. 出生于这个美丽的小镇,他不愿离开它。
现在分词的一般式(doing)表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生或在说话时正在进行;现在分词的完成式(having done)表示发生在谓语动作之前的一个“主动”动作;现在分词的完成式的被动式(having been done)常和表示次数的短语及时间段(for+一段时间)连用,表示发生在谓语动作之前的一个“被动动作”,这种情况下不能用过去分词替换,其它情况下通常被过去分词所替换,使句式更简洁。
(1) 表时间:Having finished the work,Tom went out for play.做完工作后,汤姆出去玩了。
Heated, liquids can be changed into gases.加热后,液体可以变成气体。
Studying in the university, he was very popular among his classmates.在大学学习期间,他在同学中很受欢迎。
Hearing their teacher's voice, the pupils stopped talking at once.一听到教师的声音,学生们立即停止讲话。
Having finished his homework the boy was allowed to watch TV play.完成了家庭作业后,这个男孩被许可看电视。
Seeing the cat, the mouse ran off. 见到猫,老鼠就跑了。
He went out, shutting the door behind him.
Given more encouragement, the boy could have behaved better.
Faced with difficulties, we must try to overcome them.
lost in(陷入某种状态)
born in(出身于)、
dressed in(穿着)、
tired of(厌烦了)等。
in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound.
Born in this beautiful town, he hates to leave it.
状从与分词互换 “三步法”及分词作状语being的去留问题
状从与分词互换 “三步法”及分词作状语 being 的去留问题主讲人:李佳桐例句:When they heard the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai. =Hearing the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai.在含有状语从句的主从复句中,可将状从转化为分词的形式,具体步骤如下:步骤一:去掉连词,但除特别强调外不可去或表让步转折如 unless, though, although 等不可去。
(注意:before, after 从句省略时,应变为动名词结构!此处 before/after 为介词。
若从句主语与主句一致,可去掉从句主语;若从句主语与主句不一致, 则保留从句主语(独立主格)。
有 be 动词去掉 be 动词;没 be 动词,看从句中的动词与主语之间的关系,主动进行-ing ,被动完成-ed 。
注意:另有一种“连词+it is+adj.”结构中,可直接去掉 it is 。
如:If (it is) possible, we’ll build another railroad in this area.If (it is) necessary, we should try it again.Being 何时去?何时留?保留大致分三种:A.表原因,逻辑主语(常)为人时,常保留。
B. “Be+普通 adj./n ”常保留,如 cute, ill 等。
C. 逻辑主语为代词或 There be 结构,常保留。
D. 独立主格中表“正在被...”,常保留。
去掉大致分三种: A.短语结构,常省略。
B. 被动结构,常省略。
根据英语语言的从简性C. “Be+分词 adj./adv.”,常省略。
D. 带有强调连词后,常省略。
------------ 《大学英语语法讲座与测试》语言的从简性,即能省则省。
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如:They did not go to the Summer Palace because they had a lot of work to do.由于从句的主语与主句的主语都是they,可以把从句中because和they去掉,把had变成having,即成现在分词短语作原因状语:Having a lot of work to do,they did not go to the Summer Palace.Ex: 1. Opening the window, I saw a butterfly flying into my study_______________________________________________________________ .2. If you work hard with a strong will, you can also make a difference.________________________________________________________________ .二、从句如果表示主动、完成,进行的动作,则转换成现在分词;如果表示被动,则转换成过去分词。
1.When he heard a cry for help,he rushed out.从句中,he was与heard是主动关系,表示“他听见”。
Hearing a cry for help,he rushed out.2.The boy Cater went up to his teacher and said“sorry”because he was great-ly touched by his words.从句中,he was touched是被动关系,是“孩子被深深地触动了”,则变成过去分词作原因状语。
Greatly touched by his teacher's words,the boy laterwent up to him and said“sorry”.Ex: 1. Although we have nothing to do here, we can’t leave here._________________________________________________ .2. After he was told many times, Olive finally understood the question____________________________________________________ ..3. Given the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into theinternational stars._____________________________________________________________________ .4. Seeing that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that l ittle doll on her bed.______________________________________________________________________ . 三、如果从句的主语与主句的主语不一致,该怎么办?请看下例:1.As the heroes' deeds moved them deeply,they decided to study even harder.句中,主句的主语是they,而从句主语是the heroes' deeds,主语不一致,这时可以把从句变换一下句型,变成被动语态。
即成As they were deeply moved by the heroes' deeds.从句的主语与主句的主语都是they,就可转换成:Deeply moved by the heroes' deeds,they decided to study even harder.下列的句子中主语也是不同的。
2.The professor came into the lab;a group of students followed him.这是两个简单句,如果中间加个and也可看成并列句。
但主语不同,可以先把第二句变成:He was followed by a group of students.全句就转换成:Followed by a group of students,the professor came into the lab.四、如果看不出有从句,该怎么办?请看下例:He recognized the man who had been his classmate ten years before,so he went over to say hello to him.这句中,看不出有从句。
这一句可以改写为:Because he recognized the man who had been his classmate ten years before,he went over to say hello to him.变成一个原因状语从句,即可转换成现在分词作原因状语。
Recognizing the man…许多有and或没有and的并列句,只要主语一致,往往可能换成分词作伴随状语。
如:The students went home from school;they talked and laughed.可转换成:Talking and laughing,the students went home from school.五、如何判断要不要有一个Being?如:As he was very old,he had to give up his teaching.可转换成:Being very old,he had to give up his teaching.再看下例:As he was moved by the story,he decided to learn from the heroes.则转换成:Moved by the story,he decided to learn from the heroes.而不是Being moved…这是因为前面的那一句的was是系动词(link verb),后面跟的是表语(形容词或名词)。
又如:As he was an engineer,he knew exactly what to do.an engineer是名词作表语,即可转换成:Being an engineer,he knew exactly what to do.而后面那一句的被动语态was是助动词,只需过去分词就可以了。
如:The children went out to play after they had finished their homework.由于有时间的先后,从句的动作发生在前,主句的动作发生在后,因此,要用现在分词的完成式作时间状语。
即:Having finished their homework,the children went out to play.如果是表示一个既完成又被动的动作,可以用现在分词的完成被动式。
如:As she had been given such a good chance,how could she let it slip away?可转换成:Having been given such a good chance…状语从句与分词作状语的转换专项练习1._______with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A. CompareB. When comparingC. ComparingD. When compared2. When first ______to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A. introducingB. introducedC. introduceD. being introduced3. “We can’t go out in this weather,”said Bob, _____ out of the window.A. lookingB. to lookC. lookedD. having looked4. _____ the interview, the manage went to his office, _____ by the interviewer.A. Having finished, followedB. Finished, followedC. Finishing, followingD. Being finished, being following5. Finding her car stolen, _____.A. a policeman was asked to helpB. the area was searched thoroughlyC. It was looked for everywhereD. she hurried to a policeman for help6. _____ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.(2006年全国卷I)A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising7. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketball, _____ that all children like these thing. (2006年全国卷II)A. thinkingB. thinkC. to thinkD. thought8. _____ automatically, the e-mail will be received by all the club members.(2006年上海卷) A. Mailed out B. Mailing out C. To be mailed out D. Having mailed out9. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always _____ the same thing. (2006年江苏卷)A. sayingB. saidC. to sayD. having said10. When _____ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. (2006年浙江卷)A. comparedB. being comparedC. comparingD. having compared11. The storm left, _____ a lot of damage to this _____ area. (2005年全国卷I)A. causedB. to have causedC. to causeD. having caused12.“You can’t catch me!”Janet shouted, _____ away. (2005年全国卷II)A. runB. runningC. to runD. ran13. _____ in a white uniform, he looks like a cook than a doctor.(2005年湖南卷)A. DressedB. To dressC. DressingD. Having dressed14. ________ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.(00’上海)A. Being foundedB. It was foundedC. FoundedD. Founding15. When ________, the museum will be open to the public next year. (02’上海春)A. completedB. completingC. being completedD. to be completed16. Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.(03’上海春)A. invitedB. invitingC. being invitedD. having invited17. ___ into use in April 2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. (2005年上海)A.PutB.PuttingC.Having putD.Being put。