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1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At the woman’s home.

B.At a hotel.

C.At a hospital

2.How is the man going to pay for the car?

A..By earning money on holidays.

B.By asking for money from his parents.

C.By borrowing money from the woman.

3.What are the speakers talking about?

A.How to fix a machine.

B.How to operate a machine.

C.How to read instructions.

4.What will the woman probably do before eight?

A.See a doctor,

B.Go to a movie.

C.Visit a friend.

5.When will next bus No.39 come?

A.In about 5 minutes.

B. In about 25 minutes.

C. In about 30 minutes.



6.How will the man go to England?

A. By train.

B. By air.

C. By ship.

7. Where can the man take a train to Manchester?

A.In Euston station.

B.In Heathrow.

C.In the north of London,


8.What does the ask the woman to do?

A. Open the door.

B.Open the windows.

C. Help him repair a door.

9.Who will the speakers ring up for help?

A. The police.

B. A neighbiur.

C. A repairman


10.Why does the man like listening to the news on the radio?

A. He will get the news as it happens.

B.He can hear the news more clearly.

C.He doesn’t like to stay in one place.

11.How does the woman like to get the news??

A. From the news.

B. On TV

C. Over the radio.

12.What does the man think of the newspaper?





13.Where does Sally want to go?

A. To the zoo

B. To the London Eye

C. To the Covent Gardens

14.What is Billy interested in?

A. Operas.

B. Boats

C. Animals

15.What does the man suggest the woman do in London?

A. Go shopping

B. Enjoy an opera

C.Visit her parents

16.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife

B. Brother and sister

C.Father and daughter


17.What did the speaker use to do?

A.He watched TV a lot

B. He stayed home and did homework

C. He played sports with his classmates

18. What kind of books does the speaker read now?

A. Novels

B. Textbooks

C. Cartoon boo

19.What does the speaker think of doing homework with his friends?

A. He can chat with them,

B. He can learn a lot from them.

C. He can concentrate on study

20.What does the speaker want to be in the future?

A. A writer

B. A doctor

C. A teacher

第二部分: 第一节:单项选择(15分)

2 I. A smile costs ____ . but gives much.

A. anything

B. something

C. nothing

D. everything

22. -- Why not stay here a little longer?

-- ____. but I really have to go.

A. Never mind

B. I'd love to

C. Pleased to meet you

D. I can't find any reason

23. I've ordered some pizza, so we ____ worry about cooking when we get home tired.

A. can't

B. dare not

C. needn't

D. may not

24. You'd better write down her phone number before you ____ it.

A. forget

B. are forgetting

C. forgot

D. will forget

25. The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras_____ to our shop for quality problems.

A. returning

B. returned

C. to return

D. to be returned

26. I can't tell you --way to the Wilson's because we don't have __ Wilson here in the village.

A. the; a

B. a; /

C. a: the

D. the; /

27. She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went ____ the road.

A. on

B. along

C. from,

D. off

28. James has just arrived, but I didn't know he ____ until yesterday.

A. will come

B. was coming

C. had come

D. came

29. We'll reach the sales targets in a month _____ we set at the beginning of the year.

A. which

B. where

C. when

D. what

30. -- I spent two weeks in London last summer.

-- Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay, ____ you?

A. mustn't

B. haven't

C. didn't

D. hadn't

31. Group activities will be organized after class __ children develop team spirit.

A. helping

B. having helped

C. helped

D. to help

32. -- Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?

-- Yeah, but I have no idea ____ he did it; that's one of his favorite universities.

A. when

B. why

C. that

D. haw

33. It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I____ it?

A. had done

B. have done

C. did

D. am doing

34. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn't get a taxi __ the bus had dropped her.

A. until

B. when

C. although

D. where

35. -- Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my written report.

-- ____ . But I have one suggestion.

A. That's a good idea

B. You are modest
