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如果你是大学应届毕业生,以下的坏习惯你一定要避免;如果已经是职场人,那当你在拟订今年的目标时,别忘了回顾一下职场生活。你可以做出哪些改进,来让自己在工作中变得更有创造力、更令人愉快? When you’re considering goals for this year, don’t forget to examine your work life. What changes could you make to bee a more productive and pleasant colleague? 当你在拟订今年的目标时,别忘了回顾一下你的职场生活。你可以做出哪些改进,来让自己在工作中变得更有创造力、更令人愉快?Experts offer this list of mon bad habits at work -- and how to break them: 专家们列举了工作中普遍存在的陋习,以及改正它们的方法: Do you spend your first hour at work wondering what you should work on today? "So many people, when they leave their office at 4 to 6 pm, really have no clue what they’re going to do first thing the following morning," said Glenn Davis, president of the Next Step Group, which recruits sales and sales management professionals for software and other panies. It’s more efficient to plan your next day before you leave work。

你是不是每天都要在办公室先花上一个小时考虑该做什么? Next

Step Group公司总裁Glenn Davis说:"很多人在下午4-6点离开

办公室时,对第二天一早要做什么一点头绪也没有。下班前为第二天做个计划会提高效率。"Next Step Group公司专门替软件公司及其它公司招聘销售及销售管理人员。 Answering every email message as it es in may make you seem responsive, but it’s not productive. "You feel like you’re being a hero because you’re dealing with all your email," said Valerie Frederickson, CEO & founder of Valerie Frederickson & Co., an HR executive search and consulting firm. "But it has nothing to do with achieving your goals." 每收到一封电子邮件就立刻去回复。这个做法也许表现出你能积极响应,但并不是一定有成效。人力资源执行官搜索及咨询公司Valerie Frederickson的CEO和创始人Valerie Frederickson说:"你感觉自己像个英雄,因为你处理完了所有的电子邮件,但是这对于完成目标没帮助。" Yes, you save time when you work from home by not muting. But too many people are easily sidetracked by the laundry, their kids, a quick errand. "People like to say, ’I get so much more done’" working from home, Davis said. And some do -- but not everyone. If you work from home, make sure you’re putting in a full day’s work -- and that you’re aessible to your colleagues during the workday。是的,在家工作让你不必把时间浪费在路上。但是有

很多人会因为洗衣服、孩子和突发状况不能集中精神。Davis说:"人们喜欢说,在家办公,‘我能多做这么多’"。有些人的确是,但并不是每个人。如果你在家办公,确保你安排了一整天的工作量,而且在工作日,同事们都能联系到你。 Everyone has emergencies from time to time. But it’s annoying to have to repeatedly fill in for the colleague who is late every morning because he’s checking on his home remodeling project, or who misses an entire afternoon because she scheduled a routine dentist appointment for 1:30 pm。每个人都会时不时有紧急事情,但有些情况让人恼怒,比如你总是要顶替一位每天早晨由于检查家庭装修而迟到的同事,或顶替下午

1:30去看牙医而整个下午都没来的同事。 People who show up 5 or 10 minutes late for a meeting cause a "domino effect," Davis said. Meetings later that day may be thrown off schedule because the earlier ones ran late. And people who show up on time feel their time is being wasted。按

Davis的话说,开会晚到5或10分钟会引起"多米诺"效应。因为前面的会议开晚了,那么当天安排在后面的会议的时间都会被打乱。而且准时到会的人也会感觉自己的时间被浪费了。 Leslie G. Griffen, an HR consultant and career coach, is sometimes hired by panies to approach an employee who doesn’t bathe and ask them to improve their hygiene. The problem is
