
2C80-2CFF:古埃及语 (Coptic)
2C80 2CA0 2CC0 2CE0
2D00-2D2F:格鲁吉亚语补充 (Georgian Supplement)
2D00 2D20
Georgian ⴰⴱⴲⴳⴴⴵⴶⴷⴸⴹⴺⴻⴼⴽⴾⴿ
2D30-2D7F:提非纳文 (Tifinagh)
⧎⧏⧐⧑⧒⧓⧔⧕ ⧫
2A00-2AFF:追加数学运算符 (Supplemental Mathematical Operator)
2A00 ⨀ ⨁ ⨂ 2A20
⨌⨍ ⨎ ⨏ ⨐ ⨑ ⨒ ⨓ ⨔ ⨕ ⨖ ⨗ ⨘ ⨙ ⨚ ⨛ ⨜ ⨯
2A80 ⪀ ⪁ ⪂ ⪃ ⪄ ⪅ ⪆ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪋ ⪌ ⪍ ⪎ ⪏ ⪐ ⪑ ⪒ ⪓ ⪔ ⪕ ⪖ ⪗ ⪘ ⪙ ⪚ ⪛ ⪜ ⪝ ⪞ ⪟
⌘⌙ ⌜⌝ ⌞⌟
⍺⍽ ⎛⎜⎝ ⎞⎟
2400-243F:控制图片 (Control Pictures)
2400 2420 ␢ ␣
2440-245F:光学识别符 (Optical Character Recognition)
2460-24FF:封闭式字母数字 (Enclosed Alphanumerics)
2300-23FF:杂项工业符号 (Miscellaneous Technical)
2300 ⌀ ⌁ ⌂ ⌃ ⌄ ⌅ ⌆ ⌇ ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ ⌌ ⌍ ⌎ ⌏ ⌐ ⌑ ⌒
2320 ⌠ ⌡
⌤⌥⌦⌧⌨⟨ ⟩ ⌫⌬
⍳⍴ ⍵
astm d330物理测试标准

astm d330物理测试标准
ASTM D330是美国材料与试验协会(American Society for Testing and Materials,ASTM)发布的一个标准,其全称为"ASTM D330 - Standard Specification for 1-Octanol (98 % and 99 %)"。
以下是ASTM D330标准中包括的一些物理测试项目,这些测试项目通常用于评估1-辛醇的质量和性能:
1.密度:ASTM D330规定了测量1-辛醇密度的方法,以确定其
4.水含量:ASTM D330标准中包括了测量1-辛醇中水含量的测
5.酸值:1-辛醇的酸值用于评估其酸性,ASTM D330中规定了
因此,在进行测试时,建议查阅最新版本的ASTM D330标准以获取准确和详细的测试信息。
2022-2023学年度九年级数学下册模拟测试卷 (6286)

2022-2023学年度九年级数学下册模拟测试卷考试范围:九年级下册数学;满分:100分;考试时间:100分钟;出题人;数学教研组题号一二三总分得分注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.从一定高度掷一个瓶盖,落地后,下列判断中正确的是()A.盖面朝上的概率大B.盖面部下的概率大C.一样大D.无法判断2.已知△ABC,如图建立直角坐标系,则点A的坐标是()A.(33,3) B.(532,52) C.(3,33) D.(52,532)3.下列说法正确的是()A.tan80°<tan70°B.sin80°<sin70°C.cos80°<cos70°D.以上都不对4.若⊙O1圆心坐标为(2,0),半径为1;⊙O2的圆心坐标为(-1,0),半径为3,则这两圆的位置关系是()A.相交B.相切C.相离D.内含5.一辆卡车沿倾斜角为α的山坡前进了100米,那么这辆卡车上升的高度为()A.l00 sinα米B. l00cosα米C.l00tanα米D.100 tanα米6.在△ABC 中,∠C= 90°,如果∠B = 60°,那sinA+cosB=()A.14B.1 C.122+D.132+7.如图所示,电线杆 AB 的中点C 处有一标志物,在地面D点处测得标志的仰角为45°,若点 D到电线杆底部点B 的距离为a, 则电线杆 AB 的长可表示为()A.a B. 2a C.32a D.52a8.已知等腰三角形底边长为 10 cm ,周长为36 cm ,那么底角的余弦等于( ) A .513B .1213C .1013D .5129.在平面直角坐标系内有一点 P (tan45°,sin60°),则点P 关于x 轴的对称点 P 1 的坐 标为( ) A .(-1,32) B . (32,-1) C .(1,32-) D .(32-,1) 10.如图是一束从教室窗户射入的平行的光线的平面示意图,光线与地面所成的∠AMC=30°,在教室地面的影长 MN=23m ,若窗户的下檐到教室地面的距离 BC=lm ,则窗户的上檐到教室地面的距离AC 为( ) A .23mB . 3 mC . 3.2 mD .332m11.如图,已知一坡面的坡度3i =α为( )A .15B .20C .30D .4512.计算991002(0.6)(1)3-⋅-的值是( )A .53B .53-C .35D .35-13.有甲、乙两把不同的锁,各配有 2 把钥匙,共4把钥匙,那么从这4把钥匙中任意取2把钥匙,能同时打开甲、乙两把锁的概率是( ) A .12B .23C .34D .5614.在一仓库里堆放着若干个相同的正方体货箱,仓库管理员将这堆货箱的三视图画了出来.如图所示,则这堆正方体货箱共有( ) A .9箱B .10箱C .11箱D .12箱15.如图,AB 切⊙O 于 B ,割线 ACD 经过圆心0,若∠BCD=70°,则∠A 的度数为( ) A .20°B .50°C .40°D .80°16. 如图,PA 切⊙O 于点 A ,PBC 是⊙O 的割线且过圆心,PA=4,PB= 2,则 ⊙O 的半径等于( ) A .3B .4C .6D .817.正三角形的内切圆半径与外接圆半径及高线长的比为( ) A .1:2:3B .2:3:4C .1:2:3D .1:3:218.已知关于x 的一元二次方程221()04x R r x d -++=无实数根,其中 R 、r 分别是⊙O 1、⊙O 2的半径,d 为两圆的圆心距,则⊙O 1、⊙O 2的位置关系为( ) A .外切B .内切C .外离D .外切或内切19. 如图,两个等圆⊙O 和⊙O ′外切,过0点作⊙O ′的两条切线 OA 、OB ,A 、B 是切点,则∠AOB 的度数为( ) A .30°B .45°C .60°D .90°20.将一个圆盘,一个皮球和一个长方体模型按如图所示的方:式摆放在一起,其左视图是( )A .B .C .D .21. 如图所示,立方体图中灰色的面对着你,那么它的主视图是( )A .B .C .D .22.下列几何体,圆锥、正方体、圆柱、长方体,左视图、主视图和俯视图完全相同的几何体是( )圆锥 正方体 圆柱 长方体 A .B .C .D .23.圆O 的直径为12cm ,圆心O 到直线l 的距离为7cm ,则直线l 与圆O 的位置关系是( ) A .相交B .相切C .相离D .不能确定24.在ABC △中,90C ∠=,若1sin 3B =,则cos A 的值为( ) A .13B .233 C .1D .3225.如图,直角梯形ABCD 中,AB DC ∥,90A ∠=.将直角梯形ABCD 绕边AD 旋转一周,所得几何体的俯视图是( )26.如图,已知AD 为等腰三角形ABC 底边上的高,且tan ∠B=34,AC 上有一点E ,满足AE ∶EC=2∶3.那么,tan ∠ADE 是( ) A .53 B .32 C .21 D .31 评卷人得分二、填空题27.如图,⊙O 内切△ABC 于D 、E 、F 点,AB=7,BC= 5,BE=2,则 AC= .28.如图, 如果函数y=-x 与y=x4-的图像交于A 、B 两点, 过点A 作AC 垂直于y 轴, 垂足为点C, 则△BOC 的面积为___________.29.如图,自动扶梯AB 段的长度为20米,倾斜角A 为α,高度BC 为 米(结果用含α的三角比表示). 30.计算:sin 60cos 60o = ,22sin 44cos 44o o+= . 31.如图所示,CD 直角△ABC 斜边上的高线,且 AC = 10 cm ,若sin ∠ACD=35,则CD= cm .32.如图,某处位于北纬 36°4′,通过计算可以求得:在冬至日正午时分的太阳入射角为 30°30′',因此,在规划建设楼高为20m 的小区时,两楼间的距离最小为 m ,才能保证不挡光. (结果保留四个有效数字)33.如图,身高1.6m 的小丽用一个两锐角分别为30°和60°的三角尺测量一棵树的高度,已知她与树之间的距离为6m ,那么这棵树高大约为 .(结果精确到0.1m ,其中小丽眼睛距离地面高度近似为身高)34.已知正三角形的周长是 6,则它的面积为 .35.已知△ABC 中,90=∠C ,cosB=23,AC=52,则AB= .36.计算:(52)(52)+-= .37.某口袋中有红色、黄色、蓝色玻璃球 80个.小明通过多次模球实验后,发现摸到红球、黄球、蓝球的频率依次为 20、30、50,则可估计口袋中红球的数目为 ,黄球的数目为 ,蓝球的数目为 .38.如图,这是一个正方体的展开图,则号码2代表的面所相对的面的号码是______.39.在图中有两圆的多种位置关系,请你找出还没有的位置关系是 .40.如图,在△ABC中,AB=2,AC=2,以A为圆心,1为半径的圆与边BC相切,则 的度数是.BAC41.当你乘坐的车沿一条平坦的路向前行驶时,你前方那些高一些的建筑物好像“沉”到了位于它们前面那些矮一些的建筑物后面去了.如图所示,当你所在的位置在范围内时,你会看到后面那座高大的建筑物.42.阳光下,高8m的旗杆在地面的影长为16 m,附近一棵小树的影长为10 m,则小树高为m.43.我们在语文课《桃花源记》中学过“初极狭,才通人,复行数十步,豁然开朗”,是因为.44.在相同时刻的物高与影长成比例.小明的身高为1.5米,在地面上的影长为2米,同时一古塔在地面上的影长为40米,则古塔高为米.45.如图,房间里有一只老鼠,门外蹲着一只小猫,如果每块正方形地砖的边长为1米,那么老鼠在地面上能避开小猫视线的活动范围为平方米(不计墙的厚度).解答题46.如图是某班全体学生身高的频数分布直方图,该班共有位学生;如果随机地选出一人. 其身高在 160 cm 到 170 cm 之间的概率是.47.一个画家把 14 个边长为 lm 的正方体摆成如图的形式,然后他把露出的表面都涂上颜色,那么被涂上颜色的总面积为 m2.48.小华与父母一同从重庆乘火车到广安邓小平故居参观. 火车车厢里每排有左、中、右三个座位,小华一家三口随意坐某排的三个座位,则小华恰好坐在中间的概率是.评卷人得分三、解答题49.从甲地到乙地和从乙地到丙地都分别有火车和汽车两种交通工具,小波的爸爸要从甲地到乙地参加会议后,再去丙地办事,问小波爸爸任意选取交通工具,从甲地到丙地都乘火车的概率是多少?50.把两块相同的含 30°角的三角尺如图放置,如果 AD =6,求三角尺各边的长.51.如图,它是实物与其三种视图,在三种视图中缺少一些线(包括实线和虚线),请将它们补齐,让其成为一个完整的三种视图.52.如图,AB是半⊙O的直径,弦AC与AB成30°的角,AC=CD.(1)求证:CD是半⊙O的切线;(2)若OA=2,求AC的长.53.某校有A、B两个餐厅,甲、乙、丙三名学生各自随机选择其中的一个餐厅用餐.(1)求甲、乙、丙三名学生在同一个餐厅用餐的概率;(2)求甲、乙、丙三名学生中至少有一人在B 餐厅用昝的概率.54.在电视台举行的某选秀比赛中,甲、乙、丙三位评委对选手的综合表现,分别给出“待定”或“通过”的结论.(1)写出三位评委给出 A 选手的所有可能的结论;(2)对于选手 A,只有甲、乙两位评委给出相同结论的概率是多少?55.如图,楼顶有一根天线 AB,为了测量天线的高度,在地面点 C处测得楼顶B 点的仰角为 45°,测得天线顶点A 的仰角为 60°,且点C到楼的距离 CD 为 l5m,求天线 AB 的长. (结果保留根号)56.如图所示,是水库大坝的一个横截面梯形 ABCD,AD∥BC,其中坝高为6 m,AD=8 m,CD=10 m, BC= 22 m, 问:(1)背水面 AB 的坡角是多少度?(2)AB 与 CD 哪个的坡度大?57.已知正三角形的周长是 6,求它的面积.358.一辆旅游大巴沿倾斜角为25°的斜坡行驶100 m,分别求旅游大巴沿水平方向和铅垂方向所经过的距离.计算:cos245°+tan60°•cos30°.60.化简3()4(2)-+--- .a ab a b-+2a5b【参考答案】一、选择题1.B2.D3.C4.A5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.B 21.A 22.B 23.C25.D 26.无二、填空题27.无28.无29.无30.无31.无32.无33.无34.无35.无36.无37.无38.无39.无40.无42.无43.无44.无45.无46.无47.无48.无三、解答题49.无50.无51.无52.无53.无54.无55.无56.无57.无59.无60.无。
Valvair II Sandwich Regulator V547P 3 8 原始 M.P.C.

Installation & Service Instructions V547P3/8" Valvair II Sandwich Regulator Original M.P.C. Design ISSUED: February, 2002Supersedes: November, 2001Doc.# V-547P, ECN# P28822, Rev. 3Pneumatic DivisionRichland, Michigan 49083!!WARNINGTo avoid unpredictable system behavior that can cause personal injury and property damage:•Disconnect electrical supply (when necessary) before installation,servicing, or conversion.•Disconnect air supply and depressurize all air lines connected to this product before installation, servicing, or conversion.•Operate within the manufacturer’s specified pressure, temperature,and other conditions listed in these instructions.•Medium must be moisture-free if ambient temperature is below freezing.•Service according to procedures listed in these instructions.•Installation, service, and conversion of these products must be performed by knowledgeable personnel who understand how pneumatic products are to be applied.•After installation, servicing, or conversion, air and electrical supplies (when necessary) should be connected and the product tested for proper function and leakage. If audible leakage is present,or the product does not operate properly, do not put into use.•Warnings and specifications on the product should not be covered by paint, etc. If masking is not possible, contact your local representative for replacement labels.WARNINGFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation,its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application,including consequences of any failure and review the information concerning the product or systems in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.EXTRA COPIES OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INCLUSION IN EQUIPMENT / MAINTENANCE MANUALS THAT UTILIZE THESE PRODUCTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE.PneumaticIntroductionFollow these instructions when installing, operating, or servicing the product.Disassembly1.Remove pressure from the regulator supply.2.Remove regulator from manifold or mounting bracket, discard gasket (30).3.Turn adjusting knob fully counter clockwise (manually adjusted models).4.Remove four top cover screws (27) and cover (26), discard gasket (28).Remove pressure gage if installed.5.Carefully remove upper piston assembly (9, 25, 17), main spring (19),lower piston assembly (18, 25, 15), spring (4), and pilot valve assembly (2, 3, 24).6.Remove adjjusting screw (17) from upper piston (9). Adjusting screw has left hand threads.7.Remove and discard o’rings (25, 15, 24) from upper piston (9), lower piston (18), and pilot valve (2).8.Unscrew bottom plug (8), remove o’ring (20) and discard.9.Remove spring (7), main valve assembly (6), and screen (5).Cleaning1.Clean all parts with warm water and soap. Dry thoroughly.2.Inspect all parts.3.Replace damaged parts.LubricationP rior to reassembly, lubricate the following items using Magnalube G (tube in kit).O’rings (25, 15, 20, and 24)......Generous coating of lubricant.Adjusting screw (17).................Small amount on threads.Upper piston (9).......................Wipe coat to bore for lower piston.Body (1)....................................Wipe coat to relief valve bore.Valve (6)...................................Wipe coat to pilot valve bore and o’rings.................................................on main valve.Bottom plug (8).........................Wipe coat to main valve bore.Reassembly1.Install new o’rings (20, 25, 15, 24) on bottom plug (8), lower piston(18), upper piston (9), and pilot valve (2).2.Assemble screen (5), main valve assembly (6), valve spring (7), andbottom plug (8), into bottom of body.3.Install pilot valve spring (3) and pilot valve (2) into pilot valve bore inmain valve.4.Assemble the lower piston (18), main spring (19), and upper piston (9).T urn the adjusting screw (17) into the assembly until the tip of the screw is flush with the screw hole in the lower piston (Adjusting screw has left hand threads).5.Carefully install spring (4), lower piston assembly (15, 18, 25), main spring (19), and upper piston assembly (9, 17, 25) into body.6.Install new gasket (28) on body (1).7. Turn adjusting knob (10) fully counterclockwise, then install cover (26)and bolts (27) to body.8.Assemble pressure gage to body (1). NOTE: Slide mounting screws into holes in body before installing gage.9.Install gasket (30) on body (1) and assemble regulator to manifold or mounting bracket.Parts Included In K352367 KitItemDescription28Gasket 30Gasket15O’ring For Upper And Lower Piston 20O’ring For Valve Guide Plug 21O’ring For Valve (Lower)22O’ring For Valve (Upper)23Seal (Square Cut) For Valve Assy 24O’ring For Pilot Valve Assy25O’ring For Upper And Lower Piston (Outer)Tube Of Grease。

2019-2020学年长春市第三十中学高三英语上学期期末试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACanadais one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Here are 4 attractive places worth your visit.ChurchillChurchill is a town with the nickname "Polar Bear Capital of the World”, where tourists can safely view polar bears from special vehicles in the autumn and winter. Thousands of beluga whales, which move into the warmer waters of theChurchill Riverduring July and August, are a major summer attraction. Churchill is also a destination for bird watchers from late May until August.Niagara FallsNiagara Fallsis a group of three waterfalls, crossing the border betweenCanadaand theUnited States. The largest of the three is Horseshoe Falls, also known asCanadian Falls. Niagara Falls illumination(彩灯)is a must for any visitor! Every night of the year, the three waterfalls are illuminated in color1 s creating an attractive scene that can be viewed from near and far.VancouverVancouverisCanada's third-largest city, always named as one of the top five worldwide cities for its comfortable environment and quality of life.Vancouverhas an active nightlife scene, whether its food and dining, or bars and nightclubs. From mid-June to early July, the Vancouver International Jazz Festival features 300 concerts, including a free opening Downtown Jazz Weekend.OttawaThe capital ofCanadais situated on the banks of theOttawa Riverand has a lot ofEnglish buildings in it. It is a beautiful city which has the Parliament buildings on the banks and English influenced houses and parks around. There are museums and art galleries that will give you a complete knowledge of the English culture there. It is really the heart ofCanada. So if you are a history and art loverOttawais the best choice for your visit inCanada.1. If you want to watch birds, which place will you choose to visit?A. Churchill.B.Niagara Falls.C. Vancouver.D.Ottawa.2. What is the best season for visitingVancouver?A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Autumn.D. Winter.3. What doNiagara FallsandVancouverhave in common?A. They are both famous for natural scenery.B. The best visiting time are both at nights.C. They are both located inCanadaentirely.D. The tickets there are both free at weekends.BWe all know that a healthy lifemeans getting both plenty of exercise and enough good-quality sleep, but reality often gets in the way. The new research indicates that doing enough exercise could make up for some of the unhealthy impacts of bad sleep. While the health benefits of exercise and sleep are nothing new, it's the relationship between them that is interesting in this particular study — it could even give doctors another option to suggest for patients dealing with sleep problems.“We found those who had both the poorest sleep quality and who exercised the least were most at risk of death from heart disease, stroke, and cancer,” says epidemiologist Bo-Huei Huang, from the University of Sydney in Australia.Participants were grouped into three levels of physical activity (high, medium or low) and were also given a sleep quality score from 0-5 based on the amount of shut-eye they got, how late they stayed up, insomnia, snoring and daytime sleepiness.Those with the highest risk of dying from cancer or heart disease during the study period were those with the worst quality sleep and who didn't meet the WHO recommended guidelines for exercise. That risk went down for people with poor quality sleep but who did meet the exercise guidelines.In the case of all forms of cancer, for example, those at the unhealthiest end of the sleep and exercise scale had a 45 percent higher risk of dying from cancer than those with good sleep scores who kept physically active. However, that risk just about disappeared for those who didn't score well on sleep but did score well on physical activity.For now it's not clear why more exercise might make up for poor sleep, as far as our health goes. It could be that the increased activity iscounteractinginflammation (炎症), or reducing irregularities in glucose metabolism, suggest the researchers.“Considering that physical activity is perhaps more modifiable than sleep, our study offers people morehealth incentives to be physically active.” says population health researcher Emmanuel Stamatakis, from the University of Sydney.4. This research is of particular interest in that ________.A. it’s in this study that exercise is known to be beneficial to sleep.B. this study offers people more health treatments to be physical active.C. it could enable doctors to cure patients of their sleeping condition.D. the relationship between exercise and sleep is updated in this study.5. Which of the following statements istrueaccording to the passage?A. Those who had the poorest sleep quality were most at risk of death from heart disease.B. Those scoring lowest on sleep and exercise scale were more likely to die from cancer.C. There’s no risk of cancer for those who didn't sleep well but did score well on physical activity.D. It's evident that in terms of health more exercise could make up for poor sleep.6. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 6 mean?A. interactingB. increasingC. preventingD. causing7. Where can this passage most probably be taken from?A. A research findings reportB. A medical examination reportC. A poor sleep study reportD. A physical activity study reportCTexas has been one of the most restrictive gun-rights states in America.Thanks to a new law,however,the state will be one of the most relaxed,to the degree that police are discouraged from even asking about someone's guns. And if they do, they may not have much power to do anything if the person refuses to show a license.To be sure, the law is strict in its own way,offering a model for regulation. Under the law, open-carry citizens have to be licensed, a process that includes safety and shooting tests. They also have to show no prior psychological problems, and they have to be at least 21 years old.It is true that gun violence dropped sharply after restrictive laws were put in place in countries like Great Britain and Australia. However,the US public seems more interested than ever in weapons and the power they convey,despite gun control groups' concern over the increase of violence. Most states in America have steadily expanded gun rights since the end of a 10-year assault(攻击)weapons ban in 2004. Black Friday this year saw the biggest gun cache(贮存)ever purchased in one day.Considering those trends,there's a heated debate about whether the new Texas law is a model piece oflegislation(立法)for a changing America,or a walking disaster just begging for trouble. As the law doesn't provide any punishment for those who refuse to show a license to a police officer, critics fear that officers may find it tough to handle potentially deadly situations. After all, armed citizens will no longer be considered suspicious, even though a lot of people might be alarmed by the sight. Most police in Texas have been told to not engage gun carriers unless they are doing something questionable or appear drunk.For sure,New Year's Day will be an exciting one for Texas gun owners. What's not yet known is how the rest of Texas will respond.8. All of the following are required in the new Texas law for open carry EXCEPTA. age limitB. mental conditionC. online registrationD. gun-operating skills9. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?A. The reason for putting forward the new Texas law.B. The present situation of gun possession in America.C. The impact of the assault weapons ban in 2004.D. The inaction of the US government as to gun control.10. What do critics think the new Texas law will probably lead to?A. Heavier workload for policemen.B. Disrespect for officers.C. Lack of trust among citizens.D. Difficulty in crime prevention.11. What is the author's attitude towards the new Texas law?A. Negative.B. Cautious.C. Indifferent.D. Approving.DA dog spentthe lastfour years of his life waitingat a crossroad in the Thai city ofKhon Kaenas if waiting for someone. People originally thought the dog had been abandoned, but then realized that he looked healthy, sopeople asked around about him. It turned out that the dog had indeed been spending most of his time around that crossroad, but a woman had been coming round regularly to bring him food and water.One day, while photographing the dog everyone called Leo, a reporter met the woman who had been taking care of him. She had come to drop off some food. After learning the story about the dog and the woman, the reporter decided to share the story on social media. The post soonwent viraland the photos of Leo got shared hundreds of times. And the photos reached the eyes of Leo’s former old owner.Nang Noi Sittisarn, a 64-year-old woman fromThailand’sRoiEtProvince, almost had a heart attack when her daughter showed her a photo of the beloved dog named BonBon she had lost during a car trip. When she learned that he had been waiting for her in the same spot for the last four years,her heart melted(融化).Auntie Noi told her daughter to drive her to where the dog was waiting. When she got there and called his name. BonBon,the poor dog started wiggling(扭动)his tailand came to her,but when she tried to take him home with her, he was unwilling to follow. She didn’ t want to force the dog to come with her so she agreed to leave him with his new master. However, she and her daughter will come to visit him regularly.12.Why did the dog look healthy after separation from his former owner?A. He walked around the crossroad constantly.B. He was kept at a woman’s home all the time.C. A local reporter brought him food and water.D. A woman looked after him on a regular basis.13. What does the underlined phrase “went viral” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Changed surprisingly.B. Spread quickly.C. Appeared gradually.D. Fell directly.14. How did Nang Noi Sittisam feel about the dog's waiting for her?A. Shocked.B. Regretful.C. Touched.D. Proud.15. What can we mainly learn from the story about the dog?A. Unbelievable success is worth waiting for.B. We should adjust ourselves to environments.C. We need to learn to be faithful and thankful.D. No one knows the result until the last minute第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2024年山东省菏泽市成武县中考二模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—Who is ________ writer of the book Hamlet?—William Shakespeare, a great English writer.A.a C.the2.—The girl’s beautiful voice and pronunciation caught our ________ in yesterday’s English speaking competition.—Yes, many students couldn’t help cheering for her.A.condition B.attention C.invention3.—How amazing ChatGPT is!—Yes. The new invention makes it quite ________ for people to write papers and stories.A.simple B.late C.natural4.—Will Mr. Gao come to our party?—Yes, he will. He ________ the invitation happily.A.reached B.accepted C.achieved5.—The paper cutting is pretty lively. Who made it?—It ________ be Amy. None of us except her is able to do it.A.can B.might C.must6.—I’m worried about leaving my friends and going to a new school.—Take it easy. I’m sure you’ll ________ your classmates if you are friendly to them.A.get along with B.catch up with C.come up with 7.—Where is your mother, Daming?—Oh, she ________ Shanghai on business and she’ll come back next week.A.has returned from B.has been to C.has gone to 8.—World Book Day is ________ April 23rd every year.—I see. More than 100 countries around the world hold all kinds of reading B.on C.in9.—I’m wondering ________ at a low price.—You can book one through this official app.A.when I can buy the air ticket can I buy the air I can buy the air ticket10.—We should take action to protect the environment.—________. That’s very important.A.Don’t mention it B.It doesn’t matter C.I agree with you二、完形填空Have you read The Tale of Peter Rabbit, one of the best-selling children’s books of all time?It’s a very 11 children’s book, written by Beatrix Po tter. The book was published in 1902. It centres on Peter Rabbit.Beatrix was born in 1866. She and her brother kept many small animals as pets! They 12 liked to draw their pets. And Beatrix also loved exploring and drawing nature when they visited beautiful places.Beatrix was very smart, and studied many subjects, but she was 13 interested in mycology (真菌学) — the study of mushrooms! She even wrote a 14 paper about it, but women at that time couldn’t be scientists.One day, Beatrix wrote a letter to her friend’s son, and told the story of Peter Rabbit. She 15 to make the story into a book. The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published in 1902 and it was a great 16 ! Later, she wrote, illustrated (做插图), and published 17 books.In 1905, Beatrix 18 a farm in the Lake District. She learned about farming and bought more farms and land to help save the landscape. She enjoyed country life very much, and was very active in protecting the 19 .When Beatrix died, she left almost all her farms and land to the National Trust, a 20 which protects historic places and landscapes. You can even visit Hill Top Farm today, which isexactly like it was when Beatrix lived there! B.common C.famous12.A.all B.both C.none 13.A.especially B.hardly C.lonely 14.A.humorous B.scientific C.scared15.A.forgot B.prevented C.decided16.A.failure B.success C.adventure17.A.more B.less C.fewer18.A.lent B.bought C.environment C.country三、阅读理解Vicky bought a pair of jeans at an online shop——Great Shop on November 9.She wants to return it to the shop because it’s too large for her. Steps for returning things to Great Shop:·You will get all yourmoney back on things in new condition.·You need to request a return within 20 days after buying something.·Underwear and products without labels (标签) can’t be returned.Have more questions?****************************************************21.Why does Vicky want to return the jeans?A.Because of their size. B.Because of their color. C.Because of their price. 22.Vicky can return the jeans to Great Shop by ________.A.making a phone callB.meeting the managerC.going through an online process23.If Vicky returns the jeans in new condition, she can ________.A.get a gift card B.get back $39.99 new jeans at better pricesLi Na is a middle school student. Last term, while she was watching a clothing show on TV, a kind of traditional clothes called hanfu caught her eye. How she wished to have her own hanfu!She told her mother that she wanted hanfu. Her mom thought for a while and said, “You can have it if you make progress by the end of this term.” She felt disappointed but decided to make it.After that, Li Na studied harder than before. Whenever she faced difficulties, she tried her best to solve them. Sometimes she thought about giving up, but she fought on. Then, in the final exam, she made great progress. And her mom was happy with her. Finally, the “big” day came. When she got home one afternoon, she saw a beautiful big box on the table, “Wow, hanfu!” Her wish came true.On a sunny Saturday, Li Na wore her own hanfu to a park with her family. There, a lot of people were attracted (吸引) by her clothes including some foreign children. Li Na introduced hanfu to them proudly. She told them that hanfu—a symbol of Chinese culture —is getting more and more popular. That day, she enjoyed the beauty of hanfu and experienced the traditionalculture.Looking back at the past days, she thinks she has got a lot more than the new clothes. Whenever she sees hanfu, it reminds her that hard work can help people get what they want. 24.When did Li Na watch the clothing show?A.Last term. B.Last month. C.Last week.25.Li Na finally got her hanfu by ________.A.making some money B.studying hard C.doing chores every day 26.What did Li Na do in the park?A.She took part in a hanfu show.B.She introduced hanfu to people there.C.She helped foreign children put on hanfu.27.What has Li Na got besides hanfu?A.Some foreign friends. B.Some advice on exams. C.An important life lesson.A young man jumped off a bridge to save a woman who fell into the river earlier this month in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He was awarded a second-class merit citation (表彰) on Sunday.The honor is the highest that the Hangzhou government gives to people who have acted bravely without considering their own lives. Peng Qinglin received the award certificate on his hospital bed.Peng Qinglin, a 31-year-old deliveryman from Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, was delivering (递送) his first order of the day on June 13 along Xixing Bridge, when he heard a call for help. In no time, Peng jumped off the 12-meter-high bridge over Qiantang River, before swimming to the drowning woman in the river and dragging (拖) her to safety. Peng was later taken to the hospital and was found a fracture (骨折) in his spine.Peng’s story is quite touching, and people all over Hangzhou have been singing his praisesfor his jump at that moment. Also, Pen g’s story has been widely spread throughout China.“I watched the video,” one netizen (网民) from Guangdong Province said. “Although he felt fear of the height, he bravely jumped into the river to save the woman. What a great hero he is!” However, Peng said,“There are many heroes we don’t know in Hangzhou. I just happened to be the one who got noticed.”According to official policies, people like Peng who are awarded a second-class or above merit citation are able to enjoy preferential (优惠的) healthcare treatment in Hangzhou, and they can apply to become a citizen of the city.In addition, the delivery company that Peng works for gave him a cash award of 50,000 yuan as well as the chance to study in college for free.28.Who is Peng Qinglin?A.A 31-year-old doctor.B.A young college student.C.A deliveryman from Hunan Province.29.Which picture shows the meaning of the underlined word “drowning”?A.B.C.30.Which is the right order of the following events?①Peng received the award certificate in hospital.②Peng jumped off the bridge bravely.③Peng began to send his order of the day.④Peng heard a call for help.A.①-④-②-③B.②-④-①-③C.③-④-②-①31.What can we learn from Peng Qinglin?A.Work hard in order to live a better life.B.Give a helping hand when others need it.C.Face the problems of the society bravely.The “Chinese Bridge” Competition is an international Chinese language and cultural competition. It is held every year. Its goal is to increase interest in learning Chinese among students from other countries and to provide them with an increasing understanding of the Chinese language and culture.The first “Chinese Bridge” Competition was held in 2002. Since then, over 800,000 students from more than 100 countries have taken part in preliminary rounds (预赛) held abroad. Over 4,200 excellent contestants (参赛者) have traveled to China for the competition.The competition offers different categories (类别) and different levels, providing students with the opportunity to show their talents through speeches, traditional art performances, and singing.In 2023, 16 university students and 6 high school students from Ethiopia took part in the competition. Among them was Gemechis Mclaku, a fourth-year Chinese language student. He gave a speech and performed a Chinese music piece. He won first place in the university student category. Gemechis believes learning Chinese is useful because it allows him to better understand different parts of the world. Winning this competition has filled him with great excitement and pride.Siyane Tadesse, a 10th grader, won first place in the high school student category. She expressed her joy at the victory and shared that learning Chinese had been challenging for her. However, she found inspiration in a Chinese saying: One minute on stage requires ten years of practice off-stage.This encouraged her to work hard. Today her hard work has paid off.The “Chinese Bridge” Competition serves as a meaningful platform (平台) for cultural exchanges between China and other countries. It plays an important role in improving understanding among different cultures.32.What do the numbers in Paragraph 2 tell us?A.The Chinese language is easy to learn.B.Foreign students are hard-working.C.The “Chinese Bridge” Competition is popular.33.What type of talents can students show in the competition?A.Traditional art performances. B.Dancing. C.Sports skills. 34.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.Giving a speech. B.Learning Chinese. C.Winning the competition. 35.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? (Paragraph 1 = ①……)A .B .C .四、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。

USB30性能优势解读USB 3.0(又称为SuperSpeed USB)是一种用于连接计算机与外部设备的通用串行总线接口。
相对于前代的USB 2.0,USB 3.0在传输速度和性能方面有着显著的提升。
下面将解读USB 3.0的性能优势。
1. 更快的数据传输速度:USB 3.0的传输速度比USB2.0快10倍以上。
USB 2.0的最大传输速度为480Mbps(60MB/s),而USB3.0的最大传输速度为5Gbps(625MB/s)。
这意味着在传输大容量文件时,USB 3.0可以以更快的速度完成操作,提高工作效率。

Capacities Chart .................... 344, 346 Carbon Monoxide Hazard .............. 52 Carrying Cargo .............................. 202 Cassette Player
Charging System Indicator .... 58, 328 Checklist, Before Driving............. 206 Child Safety ...................................... 20 Child Seats........................................ 25
Before Driving ............................... 191 Belts, Seat ..................................... 8, 41 Beverage Holder............................ 101 Body Repair .................................... 310
Maintenance............................... 279 Usage .................................. 111, 117 Air Outlets (Vents)................ 110, 115 Air Pressure, Tires ........................ 282 Alcohol in Gasoline........................ 350 Aluminum Wheels, Cleaning........ 305 Antifreeze ....................................... 253 Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) Indicator................................ 59, 219 Operation .................................... 218 Anti-theft, Audio System............... 179 Anti-theft Steering Column Lock .. 76

广州2024年小学四年级上册英语第三单元期中试卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 填空题:I want to make new friends this year. I will be _______ (形容词) and say hello to everyone.2. 选择题:What is the opposite of "easy"?A. SimpleB. DifficultC. HardD. Tough3. 填空题:I love to eat ______ ice cream.4. 听力题:I see a _____ (cat/dog) in the yard.5. 听力题:My cousin is a ______. She enjoys participating in debates.6. 填空题:My uncle loves __________ (音乐).7. 听力题:The ancient Egyptians built ________ for their dead.8. 填空题:I can speak ______ languages.9. 选择题:How many oceans are there in the world?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 610. 选择题:Which part of the body do we use to hear?A. EyesB. EarsC. NoseD. Mouth答案:B11. 听力题:We love to play in the ___. (park)12. 选择题:What is the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. YangtzeD. Mississippi答案:B13. 听力题:My favorite pizza is _____ (cheese/pepperoni).14. 选择题:What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. RapunzelD. Little Red Riding Hood答案:B15. 填空题:A ____(canyon) is a deep valley with steep sides.16. 选择题:What is the Kuiper Belt?A. A region of asteroidsB. A region of cometsC. A belt of starsD. A region of gas giantsMy uncle is skilled at ____ (carpentry).18. 听力题:A _______ is a series of processes that occur during a chemical reaction.19. 填空题:The __________ was a period of great cultural and artistic achievement in Italy. (文艺复兴)20. 听力题:The ____ is a small creature that loves to explore its environment.21. 填空题:The ocean is ________ (深).22. 听力题:The chemical formula for ytterbium chloride is _____.23. 听力题:The chemical formula for calcium phosphate is ______.24. 听力题:Neutralization reactions occur between acids and _____ (bases).25. 选择题:What is the name of the famous ancient city in Peru?A. Machu PicchuB. TikalC. Chichen ItzaD. Petra答案: A. Machu Picchu26. 选择题:What do we call the time when we celebrate Christmas?A. HolidayB. FestivalC. VacationD. All of the above27. 听力题:The first man-made satellite was launched in _______.28. 听力题:Some birds migrate to find ______ during winter.A __________ is a reaction that involves a change in energy.30. 听力题:The toy is ________ and colorful.31. 选择题:What is 45 + 55?A. 85B. 90C. 95D. 10032. 填空题:My ________ (堂姐) loves to read books.33. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. BreadB. CheeseC. Tomato sauceD. All of the above答案: D34. 听力题:The energy required to break bonds is known as ______ energy.35. 选择题:What do you call the main character in a movie or play?A. DirectorB. ActorC. ProtagonistD. Supporting actor答案:C36. 听力题:A chemical reaction can be reversible or ______.37. 选择题:What do we call the lines that run north to south on a map?A. LatitudeB. LongitudeC. EquatorD. Axis答案: BThe teacher tells a ______ (funny) story.39. 填空题:I want to learn ________ (游泳).40. 选择题:What is the capital of Italy?A. FlorenceB. VeniceC. RomeD. Milan答案: C41. 填空题:The __________ (现代科技) helps us explore new places.42. 听力题:Basalt is an example of a ______ rock that forms from lava.43. 选择题:What is the opposite of ‘new’?A. ModernB. OldC. FreshD. Young44. 选择题:What is the term for an animal that can live both in water and on land?A. MammalB. ReptileC. AmphibianD. Fish答案: C45. 听力题:She wears a _____ (红色的) dress.46. 选择题:What is the largest organ in the human body?A. HeartB. SkinC. LiverD. BrainWhat do you call a person who writes poems?A. PoetB. LyricistC. AuthorD. All of the above答案:A48. 填空题:The sun rises in the ________ (东方).49. 填空题:We have a garden full of _____ (香草).50. 填空题:I enjoy visiting the __________ with my family. (博物馆)51. 听力题:A __________ is a mixture that does not settle.52. 填空题:I like to draw pictures of my favorite ____. (玩具类型)53. 填空题:The signing of the Treaty of Versailles ended ________.54. 填空题:The _____ (草) is green and lush.55. 选择题:What is a common pet?A. ElephantB. DogC. LionD. Bear56. 填空题:The ancient Romans built _______ to honor their leaders. (雕像)57. 选择题:Which of these is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. OrangeMy teacher always encourages us to be kind and call others __.(我的老师总是鼓励我们友善,称呼他人为。

第38卷第6期学报No 6Vol 382023年6月JournalofLeshanNormalUniversityJun ꎬ2023DOI:10.16069/j.cnki.51-1610/g4.2023.06.009四川方言叹词 哦嚄 的 小三角 研究凌艺桓(华中师范大学㊀文学院ꎬ湖北武汉430070)摘㊀要:近年兴起的网络热词 哦嚄 来自四川方言ꎬ作为四川方言高频叹词ꎬ 哦嚄 有其独特的语义特征和语用价值ꎮ将真实语料与 小三角 (表-里-值)理论相结合ꎬ共时研究与历时研究相结合ꎬ适合于分析 哦嚄 这一方言叹词ꎮ在此基础上ꎬ将 哦嚄 与意义相近的叹词进行列表对比分析ꎬ能全面直观地展现 哦嚄 一词的丰厚韵味与独特价值ꎮ关键词:四川方言ꎻ叹词ꎻ 哦嚄 ꎻ 小三角 理论中图分类号:H172.3㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀文章编号:1009-8666(2023)06-0059-08收稿日期:2022-04-02作者简介:凌艺桓(1998—)ꎬ女ꎬ四川资阳人ꎬ华中师范大学文学院硕士研究生ꎬ研究方向:汉语词汇㊁方言ꎮ㊀㊀作为四川方言中极富代表性和表现力的老派叹词ꎬ 哦嚄 在四川人日常生活以及方言影视剧中的使用频率一直居高不下ꎬ近年来更是凭借其诙谐爽利的特点和表意简明的功能进入网络领域ꎬ受到不同年龄段人们的欢迎ꎮ经考察ꎬ笔者注意到 哦嚄 一词在网络交流中常以表情包形式出现ꎬ用于表示起哄㊁幸灾乐祸等情绪ꎬ此外也在少数情况中表示 遗憾㊁惋惜 ꎬ例如: 哦嚯ꎬ节目异常ꎬ请稍后重试 (咪咕视频提示语)ꎮ但在四川方言中ꎬ 哦嚄 的意义却远不止于此ꎮ因此ꎬ对 哦嚄 一词进行理性地认识和思考ꎬ对其语义色彩和语法功能进行系统的分析是极有必要的ꎬ这对语言研究和方言保护大有裨益ꎮ叹词 哦嚄 并非四川方言所独有ꎬ由于地区间语言接触ꎬ 哦嚄 在重庆㊁云南㊁贵州㊁湖北等地的部分方言点均有分布ꎬ但受各方言片区习用语法系统的影响ꎬ其语义特征㊁语用功能等并不完全一致ꎮ基于此ꎬ本文是以四川方言(以成渝片区为主)中的叹词 哦嚄 为主要研究对象ꎬ旨在探究其在日常生活中的使用情况ꎮ本文以邢福义(1984)提出的 小三角 (表-里-值)理论为基点ꎬ将共时研究与历时研究相结合ꎬ借用对比分析法及认知语言学㊁语篇分布理论㊁信息焦点㊁功能语言学等ꎬ对四川方言叹词 哦嚄 的语表形式㊁来源演变㊁语义特征㊁语用功能及语用价值进行描写㊁研究ꎬ力求全方位㊁多角度地展现 哦嚄 一词的整体面貌ꎮ文章的方言语料一部分来自四川方言影视剧«幸福耙耳朵»ꎬ其余语料为笔者自拟ꎮ㊀㊀一㊁ 哦嚄 的语表形式和来源语表形式是一个语言现象显露在外的可见形式及相关特征ꎬ也是最容易被人观察㊁注意到的部分ꎮ[1]439邢福义认为ꎬ小到语素㊁词ꎬ大到复句和句群ꎬ都有着自己的语表形式ꎮ在语音方面ꎬ作为口头习用叹词ꎬ 哦嚄 的语音随意性较强ꎮ在四川地区ꎬ 哦嚄 一词的读音可大致分为[o11xo55]㊁[o51xo55]㊁[o51xo213]和[o11xuãr55]四种ꎮ经笔者考察ꎬ四种声调的使用并无特定的地域分布规律ꎬ而是与说话人的日常语言习惯有关ꎮ相较而言ꎬ四川人对[o11xo55]㊁[o51xo55]的接受度和使用频率要比[o51xo213]㊁[o11xuãr55]更高ꎮ另外ꎬ在意义和用法上ꎬ带儿化的[o11xuãr55]一般只用于表示窃喜㊁幸灾乐祸ꎬ其他三者声调则通用于惋惜和幸灾乐祸两种语义情境ꎮ叹词的书面符号是借字而成ꎬ故至今并未有与 哦嚄 确凿对应的本字见于辞书ꎮ除了本文书写所采用的 哦嚄 ꎬ该词也常被写作 哦嗬 哦嚯 和 哦豁 ꎮ在这四种写法中ꎬ 哦豁 的使用频率最高ꎬ但 豁 在词义上几乎与 哦豁 毫无联系ꎬ有随意之嫌ꎮ而比较«现代汉语词典»对 嗬 嚯 嚄 三词的释义可以发现ꎬ 嚯 嗬 所表达的惊奇义远不如 嚄 出乎意料[2-3]ꎬ因此我们认为ꎬ此处选用 嚄 记音更为恰当ꎮ作为方言典型叹词ꎬ 哦嚄 通常置于句首㊁句中作独立成分或单独成句ꎬ少数情况下也可作谓语和宾语ꎮ例如: 你 哦嚄 过来 哦嚄 过去ꎬ也没得作用ꎮ (谓语) 她听到过后就说了句 哦嚄 ꎮ (宾语)但是ꎬ立足四川方言区纵观语言事实ꎬ绝大部分情况下 哦嚄 都是作为独立语出现ꎬ不具有完全的述谓性[4]ꎬ也不能与其他语气词连用ꎮ在考释 哦嚄 来源的过程中ꎬ我们发现一些有趣的问题ꎮ«巴县志»卷五«礼俗 方言»篇提到: 通语惊叹词曰呜呼ꎬ巴语声转曰恶祸ꎮ恶读上声ꎬ祸读去声ꎮ 这里的 恶祸 便是指 哦嚄 ꎬ«巴县志»认为ꎬ 哦嚄 乃是古代汉语通语中 呜呼 的声转ꎬ 哦嚄 与 呜呼 之间是否存在一定的联系?我们认为是有的ꎮ首先ꎬ 哦嚄 与 呜呼 在语音形式上相关性高ꎮ 哦[o11] 与 呜[u55] 的音同为舌面㊁后㊁圆唇元音ꎬ而 嚄[xo55] 与 呼[xu55] 的声母和声调则完全一致ꎬ韵母也较为接近ꎻ其次ꎬ从语义上看ꎬ虽然 哦嚄 另有 幸灾乐祸 的情态义ꎬ但其使用语境与 呜呼 仍然有一定的相似性和可比性ꎬ即都是用于不尽如人意㊁会带来损失的状况中ꎮ2002年ꎬ蒋宗福对 哦嚄 做出进一步考察ꎬ他在«四川方言词汇考释»中指出: 昭人对事物失败㊁失散等之叹惜词曰哦何㊁哦何完了㊁哦何吹了ꎬ即嚄之长盲ꎮ嚄ꎬ«声类»云: 嚄ꎬ大唤也ꎮ 大声可为喜而大声ꎬ则曰既ꎬ曰唏晞ꎮ惊喜则曰欢ꎮ失望大声则曰诶ꎮ至丧失而曰嚄ꎬ其义至极ꎬ故其声亦至极也ꎮ [5]蒋宗福将 哦嚄 的音义结合起来探讨ꎬ认为 [xo55] 乃是因丧失某物而发出的叹息遗憾之 大唤 ꎮ从 哦嚄 的音义特性上看ꎬ我们认为蒋宗福的考查结果是有参考价值的ꎮ«巴县志»一书与蒋宗福的考释都指向一个结论ꎬ即 哦嚄 是一个由 呜呼 嚄 等叹息声发展而来的表示惋惜等情感态度的心理叹词ꎮ关于 哦嚄 的演变是一个怎样的过程ꎬ目前语言学界尚无确定的考证和推断ꎬ但追溯这个词语的可能来源ꎬ对研究工作有一定的意义ꎮ㊀㊀二㊁ 哦嚄 的语义特征语里意义是一个词或一个结构隐含在内的意义㊁内容或关系ꎮ[1]440 哦嚄 的语义十分丰富ꎬ我们在对其语义特征进行详尽描摹和叙述的同时采取 表里互证 法ꎬ探讨 哦嚄 的语义色彩与其语调形式之间的关系规律ꎬ并将 哦嚄 与共同语和四川方言中意义相近的叹词进行列表对比分析ꎬ以便更加直观深入地突出 哦嚄 的语义特征ꎮ㊀㊀(一) 哦嚄 的语义分类从总体上说ꎬ 哦嚄 是一个表情叹词ꎬ用于传达说话人对周围事物或对方说话内容的感情态度ꎮ 哦嚄 用于对当事人而言不利㊁不妙的境况中ꎬ如事物折损消耗㊁忘记要紧之事㊁得知不虞消息等等ꎮ根据 哦嚄 所表达情绪和使用语境的不同ꎬ可以大致将其语义分为两类:一是表示惋惜ꎻ二是表示幸灾乐祸ꎮ要注意的是ꎬ无论是表达惋惜还是表达幸灾乐祸ꎬ 哦嚄 都附带一种调侃㊁缓和情绪的意味ꎬ因此在面对火灾㊁地震㊁车祸等会造成巨大损失㊁危害人身安全的严峻形势或得知某人死亡伤残时ꎬ说话人即使感到惊诧㊁惋惜ꎬ也不宜用 哦嚄 ꎮ依据 哦嚄 的前身 呜呼 嚄 等叹息声可以推断出ꎬ 惋惜 应为 哦嚄 的中心语气意义ꎮ那么ꎬ表示惋惜㊁遗憾的 哦嚄 是如何发展出幸灾乐祸义的呢?我们认为ꎬ这与反语修辞以及四川人豁达幽默的性格有关ꎮ当 哦嚄 表示幸灾乐祸时ꎬ话语的实际意义与 哦嚄 的原义 惋惜 恰好相反ꎬ这其实是一种 反话正说 的手段ꎮ作为一种特殊的表达方式ꎬ 反语 修辞能够传达出说话人幽默㊁讽刺㊁强调等语气ꎬ增强语言的表达效果ꎮ当说话人故意以叹息之声表达对对方的调侃戏谑时ꎬ语义与语表形式之间的矛盾也就使得话语充满了鲜明活泼的感情色彩ꎮ另外ꎬ上文提到ꎬ即使说话人用 哦嚄 表示幸灾乐祸ꎬ也绝非恶意嘲笑ꎬ而是充满嬉笑谐谑ꎬ具有很强的玩笑色彩ꎮ 四川人嘻哈打笑的乐观心态ꎬ练就了其能侃善谑的本事以及 言子 功夫ꎮ [6] 哦嚄 幸灾乐祸义的产生和流行正是川人这种幽默爽利的性格在语言表达上的投射ꎮ 哦嚄 这一幽默灵动的用法由于贴合了四川人的性格和语言习惯而被频繁使用ꎬ久而久之ꎬ 幸灾乐祸 也就作为 哦嚄 的一个正式义项被固定下来ꎮ1.表示 惋惜作为说话人在突发不利情况发生瞬间或讲述㊁听闻坏消息时出于惋惜的感叹词ꎬ 哦嚄 具有较强的临场性和瞬时性ꎮ 普通的句法结构ꎬ即使脱离语境进行分析ꎬ也有其自身的句法结构义ꎬ当进入某种语境ꎬ还会获得语境意义ꎮ[7]因此当 哦嚄 表示 惋惜 时ꎬ具体语境还赋予其 意外㊁无奈㊁懊恼㊁焦躁 等情态义ꎮ准确地说ꎬ四川话中的 哦嚄 更接近于混合式感叹ꎬ能同时表达多种复杂的感情ꎬ其语气和情绪比普通话中的 啊 哎 唉 哎哟 天啊 等叹词更为生动丰富ꎮ哦嚄 所能表达的话语意义十分灵活ꎬ人们在对所发生之事作出反应或是在与他人进行对话时ꎬ往往一句 哦嚄 就能道尽心中所蕴藉的种种情绪ꎮ在实际运用中ꎬ虽然 哦嚄 能同时传达出多种情感ꎬ但其含义侧重和感情程度也因语境变化而有所差异ꎮ我们可以结合具体语例来理解 哦嚄 一词所能表达的含义:1)表示 惋惜 ꎬ兼表 意外 惊诧(1)(突然停电)哦嚄ꎮ(2)(从电视上看见冬奥会比赛中武大靖摔倒)哦嚄!(3)(发现小狗的脚瘸了)哦嚄ꎬ狗娃子ꎬ你脚杆啷们怎么搞起的?(4)A:说是果果把脚杆摔流血了ꎬ她老汉儿带她去包了下ꎮB:哦嚄ꎬ严不严重哟?(5)A:好霉啊ꎬ上午手机落了ꎮB:哦嚄ꎬ找到没得喃?在例(1)(2)(3)中ꎬ 哦嚄 是说话人在突然停电㊁运动员摔倒㊁发现小狗受伤的一瞬间出于意外的下意识反应ꎬ其中例(1)还表达出对停电影响自己生活的无可奈何ꎬ例(2)(3)均有对运动员摔倒㊁小狗受伤的惋惜㊁意外ꎮ例(4)(5)中ꎬ 哦嚄 作为接语出现ꎬ表达应答者在听闻坏消息后的惋惜㊁吃惊ꎬ其后所带的补充说明话语ꎬ在 惊诧 之外也传达出应答者对当事人的同情㊁关切情绪ꎮ2)表示 惋惜 ꎬ兼表 失望 无可奈何 这时的 哦嚄 传达出说话人在得知坏消息和事件未能如愿的情况下遗憾可惜的情绪ꎬ其程度较浅ꎮ换言之ꎬ尽管事件不如人意ꎬ但不至于让人感到紧张㊁恼怒ꎮ(6)A:我听到小李说陈家巷那家烤肉店关了ꎮB:哦嚄ꎬ那家烤肉少很好吃ꎮ(7)A:我们晒到外面的花生遭耗子啃啊ꎮB:哦嚄ꎮ(8)我昨天想起把虫草炒来吃ꎬ翻出来一看ꎬ哦嚄ꎬ过都过期了ꎬ晓得好久买的哦ꎮ(9)哦嚄ꎬ下雨了ꎬ出去耍不成了噻ꎮ(10)(学校里停电几分钟后又来电)学生们:哦嚄!例(6)(7)(8)中ꎬ说话人对 喜欢的烤肉店歇业 老鼠偷吃自家花生 食物过期 这三件事情感到惋惜㊁遗憾ꎻ例(9)中说话人用 哦嚄 传达出因下雨不便外出玩耍的失望和盼望雨停却无可奈何的情绪ꎻ例(10)是四川方言中非常有趣的例子ꎬ我们可以将其与例(1)对比起来进行探讨ꎮ供电恢复能使人们的生活恢复正常运转ꎬ但这可能并非学生所愿ꎬ对于心智尚不成熟的中小学生更是如此 停电时的 哦嚄 表示学生面对停电这种突发情况的意外惊诧以及对 顺理成章 停课的窃喜㊁幸灾乐祸ꎬ而来电则意味着教学秩序恢复正常ꎬ此时的 哦嚄 表达出学生因不能继续偷懒而失落遗憾㊁无可奈何的情绪ꎮ同是一个 哦嚄 ꎬ在停电前后却表达出了同一群体两种截然不同的情绪ꎬ可见该词表意之灵活多变ꎮ3)表示 惋惜 ꎬ兼表 懊恼 焦躁 醒悟要注意的是ꎬ这里 哦嚄 的感情程度较2)中明显更深ꎬ常用于会给人们带来一些麻烦或是造成不小损失的突发事件中ꎮ(11)(不小心把盘子打碎)哦嚄!(12)(关闭电脑时突然想起文件没有保存)哦嚄!哦嚄!我论文好像搞忘保存了!天哪!(13)(偷看电视的小孩猛然意识到妈妈回来了)哦嚄ꎬ哦嚄ꎬ糟了ꎬ我妈回来了ꎮ(14)(突然下起倾盆大雨)凤姐: 哦嚄!搞快点回去ꎬ老娘的衣服还晾到外面在!(«幸福耙耳朵») (15)哦嚄ꎬ我钥匙呢ꎬ哎呀ꎬ我屋头还炒起菜的ꎬ天嘞!例(11)说话人对自己失手打碎盘子这件事感到懊恼㊁惋惜ꎻ例(12)中说话人猛然醒悟到自己忘记保存文件ꎬ辛苦写的论文白费劲了ꎬ用 哦嚄 来表示此时自己的懊恼㊁焦躁㊁醒悟㊁无奈和些许恼怒之情ꎻ例(13)中小孩猛然意识到妈妈快到家了而自己已经来不及关电视ꎬ可能会受到母亲的责备ꎬ 哦嚄 表达出小孩的懊恼㊁醒悟和紧张焦躁ꎻ例(14)中 哦嚄 传达出突然下雨来不及赶回去收衣服的焦躁㊁无可奈何ꎮ例(15)中说话者猛然发现自己忘带钥匙ꎬ感到懊恼ꎬ同时对无法进家门关火这件事情感到焦急ꎬ所以再用 哎呀 天嘞 等叹词加以宣泄ꎮ例(12)(13)中的 哦嚄 有一个共同点ꎬ即都采用反复的形式ꎮ在语言运用上ꎬ词语反复可以起到增强语气㊁放大情绪㊁突出强调的作用ꎮ四川人习惯将 哦嚄 作为一个独立运用的感叹词ꎬ但在日常对话中ꎬ为宣泄情绪ꎬ 哦嚄 也会以反复的形式出现 例(12)忘保存文件的懊恼焦躁ꎬ例(13)将会被母亲责备的懊恼紧张都因此得以淋漓尽致地呈现ꎮ2.表示幸灾乐祸当不幸降临到自己身上时ꎬ 哦嚄 是一种自嘲ꎻ而当不幸降临在他人身上ꎬ说话人一声 哦嚄 则既可能是真切的惋惜ꎬ也可能表示幸灾乐祸ꎮ 哦嚄 的这一义项大致等同于普通话中 哈哈 等叹词所表达的调侃义ꎬ多用于长辈对晚辈或亲密朋友间的善意揶揄ꎬ带有很强的玩笑色彩ꎬ不能用于严肃场合ꎮ要注意的是ꎬ在四川方言中ꎬ 哦嚄 不用于恶意嘲讽挖苦ꎬ也不常用于晚辈对长辈或是关系一般的人之间ꎬ否则可能引发误解ꎮ(16)A:我英语作业搞忘带了ꎮB:哦嚄ꎬ那你小心遭老师收拾哦! (17)(得知王宝器因打麻将被老婆教训)兄弟伙: 哦嚄ꎬ之前就喊了你夹起尾巴做人ꎬ这下遭了噻! («幸福耙耳朵»)(18)(逗小孩)哦嚄ꎬ你妈老汉儿走了ꎬ不要你了哇ꎮ在例(16)(17)中ꎬ 哦嚄 均有对好友遭遇的调侃㊁幸灾乐祸ꎬ有调和气氛之用ꎮ例(18)小孩在商场无理取闹ꎬ其父母冷处理假装离开ꎬ这时路人想提醒孩子赶上父母ꎬ此处的 哦嚄 看似幸灾乐祸ꎬ实则是对小孩的关心ꎮ受人们复杂认知心理的影响ꎬ 哦嚄 在表示 幸灾乐祸 时其情感对象逐步扩大ꎬ也即不再局限于以别人的不幸为乐ꎬ也可以是以发生在自己身上的不好㊁不利的事件为乐ꎮ这时 哦嚄 表达的情态义更接近于 窃喜 ꎬ这种情况相对较少ꎮ例如: (19)(公司停电)哦嚄!好不容易停回电ꎬ搞快点下班啰!(20)我今天上吐下泻ꎬ哦嚄ꎬ这下又要瘦了ꎬ嘻嘻ꎮ上述两例的 停电 和 上吐下泻 在客观认知中都属于坏事ꎬ但说话人并不以为然ꎬ相反还认为是对自己有利的事件ꎬ因此用 哦嚄 来掩饰心中的喜悦情绪ꎮ㊀㊀(二) 哦嚄 的语义色彩与语调形式表情叹词多用于笼统地表达说话人内心的感受和情绪ꎬ故其语义具有较高的模糊性ꎬ 哦嚄 一词也不例外ꎮ为了区分其不同义项ꎬ理清说话人的真实意图ꎬ除了依靠交际语境ꎬ听话方还可以充分利用听觉视觉条件ꎬ以说话人的语气㊁语调㊁语速及其表情体态为辅助进行清晰辨义ꎮ一个句子不仅具有一定的结构成分和结构方式ꎬ为了适应具体环境中的交际需要ꎬ它还必须有特定的语调ꎮ [8]在语言交流中ꎬ语气语调是语义信息㊁说话者情感传递不可或缺的因素ꎬ其受说话者情感因素的影响而变化ꎬ让听者得以准确地捕捉到说者的情绪状态以及试图传达的重点信息ꎮ有着直接抒发胸臆效用的叹词ꎬ其语调形式尤为丰富ꎬ 哦嚄 也不例外ꎮ例如表嘲讽㊁幸灾乐祸等情感时是尾音拉长而稍升高ꎻ表惊诧㊁懊恼时语调变为升调且高ꎻ表惋惜㊁无奈时降调偏低ꎮ除语调㊁语气外ꎬ语速在叹词意义表达方面的作用同样不可忽略ꎮ一般情况下ꎬ当说话者处于激动㊁喜悦等积极情绪时ꎬ其说话的语调会自然提高ꎬ语速也会随之加快ꎻ而在急切㊁紧张㊁惊诧等心理状态出现时ꎬ其说话的语速则更为偏快ꎻ反之ꎬ当说话者处于懊恼㊁无奈等消极情绪时ꎬ其说话的语速则会减慢ꎮ自然ꎬ无论是语调㊁语气还是语速ꎬ都会随着主体感情的强烈程度而有所差异ꎮ[9]为更好理解 哦嚄 一词是如何通过运用不同的语调㊁语速来表达其丰富复杂意义的ꎬ我们不妨结合已搜集的实际语料进行分析:(21)(吃饭时不慎将筷子掉落在地)哦嚄ꎮ面对生活中一些小插曲ꎬ例如在使用过程中不小心掉落笔㊁梳子㊁筷子等ꎬ四川人也习惯用 哦嚄 一词加以 抒发胸臆 ꎬ这正是其性格中 感性直白 一面的体现ꎮ在这类使用语境中ꎬ 哦嚄 的惋惜㊁意外等语义特征变得很弱ꎬ感情色彩趋于淡化ꎬ更多是起到对这些小插曲的缓和作用ꎬ故而发音缓慢ꎬ语气㊁语调较为平稳ꎮ(22)哦嚄ꎬ狗娃子ꎬ你的脚杆啷们搞起的?说话人不经意发现小狗的爪子瘸了ꎬ急于弄清楚情况ꎬ此处的语速因意外吃惊而有所加快ꎬ语调也相应上升ꎮ(23)哦嚄ꎬ我考级没过ꎮ说话人为自己考级未过感到惋惜ꎬ情绪低落ꎬ这里 哦嚄 语调低沉ꎬ尾音拉长而下降ꎮ(24)哦嚄ꎬ我的笔喃?在考试之前ꎬ说话者突然发现自己忘记带笔ꎬ这里的 哦嚄 表现了说话人意识到自己忘事瞬间的懊恼㊁不顺心等情绪ꎬ此时语速紧凑ꎬ语调偏低ꎮ(25)哦嚄!哦嚄!我手机掉到厕所头去了ꎮ此处连续出现的两个 哦嚄 突出了说话人在手机掉进厕所后的焦躁㊁自责㊁无法接受ꎬ又因事发突然ꎬ故而也有意外㊁茫然等情绪ꎬ此时 哦嚄 语气较重ꎬ语速加快ꎬ语调明显抬高ꎮ(26)A:我校牌落了ꎬ门卫不要我进去ꎮB:哦嚄ꎬ那你要遭起咯ꎮ这里 哦嚄 一词用于表达应答者对朋友不幸的幸灾乐祸ꎮ说话者对对方的处境以及接下来可能的遭遇持戏谑㊁嘲讽之情ꎬ其语调大致可分为高升调和曲折调两种情况:其一ꎬ说话者当众起哄ꎬ音节拉长ꎬ语调高而上扬ꎻ其二ꎬ对话仅发生在两人之间ꎬ说话者不事张扬ꎬ其戏谑之情通过阴阳怪气㊁略带曲折的语调表现出来ꎮ㊀㊀(三) 哦嚄 与近义叹词的比较哦嚄 与四川方言叹词 哦哟 哎呀 以及普通话近义叹词的语义区别见表1:表1 哦嚄 与近义叹词对比情况汇总词语意义与 哦嚄 的区别哦嚄方言叹词ꎬ表示惋惜㊁幸灾乐祸ꎮ语境的不同赋予该词不同的情绪意味ꎬ如惊诧㊁无奈㊁焦躁等ꎮ哦哟[o53yo21]四川方言叹词ꎬ表示惊异㊁赞叹㊁讥讽ꎮ1. 哦哟 不能表示惋惜ꎮ2. 哦哟 的讥讽义范围更广ꎬ且更侧重对对方得意之事的调侃ꎮ哎呀[10]四川方言叹词ꎮ1.哎呀1[ai21ia21]ꎬ表示惋惜㊁焦躁或不耐烦㊁不满意ꎮ2.哎呀2[ai55ia13]表示惊讶或赞叹ꎮ1. 哎呀 不能表示幸灾乐祸ꎮ2.在表示 惊讶意外 义时ꎬ 哎呀 的使用范围更广ꎬ不只是对突发不利事件感到意外ꎮ啊㊁哎叹词ꎬ表示惊讶㊁惊异ꎮ在表示 惊讶 义时ꎬ 哦嚄 只限用于听闻坏消息或用于突发不利情况中ꎬ而 啊 哎 的使用范围更为广泛ꎮ哎哟叹词ꎬ表示惊讶㊁痛苦㊁惋惜等ꎮ与 哦嚄 相比ꎬ 哎哟 的惊讶义更为广泛ꎬ可用于中性㊁积极㊁消极等语境中ꎮ哦嚄 往往不能表示痛苦ꎮ哎哟 不能表示调侃㊁幸灾乐祸ꎮ唉叹词ꎬ表示伤感或惋惜ꎬ能表示失落㊁无奈的情感ꎮ 唉 不能表示幸灾乐祸ꎮ天啊叹词ꎬ表示惊讶ꎬ难以置信的感情ꎮ1. 天啊 不能表示调侃㊁幸灾乐祸ꎮ2.在 意想不到 这层意义上ꎬ 天啊 的程度较 哦嚄 更深ꎬ更侧重于事件的 难以接受 ꎮ呵哟叹词ꎬ表示赞叹㊁戏谑或惊异ꎮ同是表 戏谑 ꎬ 哦嚄 是对对方不幸的戏谑ꎬ偏重幸灾乐祸ꎬ 呵哟 没有这方面的特点ꎮ呵哟 不能表示惋惜ꎮ嘿嘿叹词ꎬ形容得意或满意ꎮ 嘿嘿 在得意㊁嘲讽之意上与 哦嚄 重合ꎬ但其表示 满意 的意义项在 哦嚄 中没有体现ꎮ㊀㊀三㊁ 哦嚄 的语用功能与语用价值表-里-值 小三角的最后一环 值 ꎬ指的是词语或结构的语用效应及其在运用中产生的特定价值ꎮ邢福义认为ꎬ一个语法单位或是一种语言现象能够在语言系统中存在ꎬ在语言交际中承传ꎬ必定有其语用价值上的根据ꎬ否则便会被淘汰ꎮ[1]442在此章中ꎬ我们引入语篇分布和信息焦点理论ꎬ探讨 哦嚄 的语篇分布及相应语用效果ꎬ实现 表 值 结合ꎬ以便更深入地挖掘 哦嚄 一词的独特语用价值ꎮ㊀㊀(一) 哦嚄 的语篇分布和语用功能如果把叹词置于语篇或会话中来进行观察ꎬ其主要功能就体现为组织话语的程序性功能ꎮ[11]当叹词 哦嚄 处于会话结构中时ꎬ一般有三种分布形式:位于话轮前端㊁位于话轮中间和作为独立话轮出现ꎮ①1.位于话轮前端当 哦嚄 位于话轮前端时ꎬ形成 哦嚄+后项 的模式ꎮ该模式既可以是在某种情境下引出话题的发语ꎬ也可以是作为应答反馈的接语ꎬ其信息焦点一般集中于后项所表述的内容ꎬ 哦嚄 则起到标记情感态度㊁引人注意的作用ꎮ例如: (27)A:哦嚄ꎬ我作业搞忘啊带ꎮB:哦嚄ꎬ那现在回去拿搞得赢不?例(27)中ꎬ第一个 哦嚄 位于发语的前端ꎬ一方面宣泄着说者的情感ꎬ表达其忘记带作业的惊诧㊁焦急㊁懊恼等情绪ꎻ另一方面有着对话语信息的强调和提示作用ꎬ能够引起听话人的注意ꎮ第二个 哦嚄 位于接语的前端ꎬ起着标记说话人立场和情感态度的作用ꎮ前面提到ꎬ位于接语前端的 哦嚄 既可以是积极的㊁肯定的ꎬ也可以是相对消极的ꎬ具体情况需要根据后项内容以及说者语气态度加以判定ꎮ例(25)接语中有表示关切㊁建议的内容ꎬ故而此处的 哦嚄 表达了说话人对对方处境的惋惜ꎬ表现出他的立场ꎮ2.位于话轮中间当 哦嚄 位于话轮中间时ꎬ形成 前项+哦嚄+后项 的模式ꎮ此时的 哦嚄 往往起着连贯承启的作用ꎬ作为 黏合剂 和情感线索将前后的内容加以衔接ꎮ例如:(28)A:又停电了ꎬ等哈打麻将只能手搓ꎮB:你那个算啥子哦ꎬ我衣服丢到洗衣机头才刚刚开搅ꎬ哦嚄ꎬ安逸了噻ꎬ这热的天等到来电衣服怕要泡馊哦!在例(28)中ꎬ 哦嚄 是一个非概念的情绪表达ꎬ表示说话人对停电一事及其可能引发后果的惋惜㊁不满㊁无奈ꎮ在这样一个话轮中ꎬ若删掉中间的叹词 哦嚄 ꎬ虽不损害前后语句表意的完整ꎬ但会对话语连贯性和说者主观态度的明晰程度造成影响ꎬ换言之ꎬ会对听者能否省力地理解语句造成影响ꎮ因此ꎬ此处 哦嚄 除了凸显说话人立场态度ꎬ还能给听者提供 情感线索 ꎬ协助其准确解码ꎬ快速理解说者表达意图ꎮ3.作为独立话轮出现当 哦嚄 作为独立话轮出现时ꎬ话轮中无话语焦点ꎬ听者必须借助其他话轮或说者的表情语气才能对 哦嚄 的意味加以推导ꎬ例如: (29)A:妈哟嘞ꎬ遭逮到不按导向车道行驶ꎬ扣了我2分ꎮB:哦嚄ꎮA:莫在这儿给我幸灾乐祸的哈ꎮ在这种结构模式中ꎬ 哦嚄 没有前后项内容ꎮ一般来说ꎬ在实际语用中听话人根据说话人的语气语调便能推定此处 哦嚄 的情态义ꎮ另外ꎬ后句中听话人 不要幸灾乐祸 的 谴责 和抱怨ꎬ也可以表明这里的 哦嚄 表示的是说话人戏谑㊁幸灾乐祸的态度ꎮ㊀㊀(二) 哦嚄 的独特语值李宇明将语言的职能分为工具和文化两大范畴ꎮ他认为ꎬ语言作为工具是用于交际㊁体现思维ꎻ在文化方面是起承载㊁反映文化以及增进身份认同和情感依存的作用ꎮ[12]我们可以在此指导下对 哦嚄 的语用价值作积极探索ꎮ1.工具范畴1)表意灵活ꎬ交流便利在四川方言中ꎬ 哦嚄 是一个包含多重意蕴情绪的混合式感叹语ꎮ 哦嚄 的情态义虽然丰富ꎬ但一旦进入具体语境ꎬ其语义就会变得十分明确ꎮ因此ꎬ在对所发生之事作出反应或是在与他人进行交流时ꎬ往往一句 哦嚄 就能道尽说话人心中蕴藉的种种情绪ꎮ如:(30)(公司停电)A:哦嚄!。
2022-2023学年度九年级数学下册模拟测试卷 (8345)

2022-2023学年度九年级数学下册模拟测试卷注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.随机掷两枚硬币,落地后全部正面朝上的概率是( )A .1B .21C .31D .41 2.已知外婆家在小明家的正东方,学校在外婆家的北偏西40°,外婆家到学校与小明家到学校的距离相等,则学校在小明家的( )A .南偏东50°B .南偏东40°C .北偏东50°D .北偏东40°3.如图,小颖利用有一个锐角是30°的三角板测量一棵树的高度,已知她与树之间的水平距离BE 为5m ,AB 为1.5m (即小颖的眼睛距地面的距离),那么这棵树高是( )A 32+)mB .(32)mC mD .4m4.掷一次骰子得到偶数点的概率是( )A . 61B . 41C . 31D . 21 5.张华的哥哥在西宁工作,今年“五.一”期间,她想让哥哥买几本科技书带回家,于是发短信给哥哥,可一时记不清哥哥手机号码后三位数的顺序,只记得是0,2,8三个数字,则张华一次发短信成功的概率是( )A .16B .13C .19D .126.如果小强将镖随意投中如图所示的正方形木板,那么镖落在阴影部分的概率为( )A .61B .81C .91D .1217.如图,请你在正方形地板上涂上阴影部分,使得小猫在地板上自由地走来走去,它最终停留在地板上的概率是 41.( ) 8.从圆外一点向半径为1cm 的圆引两条切线,切线长为3cm ,它们所夹的锐角是( )A .30oB .60oC .90oD .45o9.如图,⊙O 1和⊙O 2内切,它们的半径分别为3和1,过O 1作⊙O 2的切线,切点为A ,则O 1A 的长为( )A .2B .4C .3D .510.在平面直角坐标系内有一点 P (tan45°,sin60°),则点P 关于x 轴的对称点 P 1 的坐 标为( )A .(-1,32)B . (32,-1)C .(1,32-)D .(32-,1) 11.如图,是一水库大坝横断面的一部分,坝高h=6m ,迎水斜坡AB=10m ,斜坡的坡角为α,则tan α的值为( )A .53B .54C .34D .43 把Rt △ABC 各边的长度都扩大3倍得Rt △A ˊB ˊC ˊ,那么锐角A 、Aˊ的余弦值的关系为( ) A .cosA=cosA ˊ B .cosA =3cosA ˊ C .3cosA =cosA ˊ D .不能确定 13.一个密闭不透明的盒子里有若干个白球,在不允许将球全部倒出来的情况下,为估计白球的个数,小刚向其中放人 8 个黑球,摇匀后从中随机模出一个球记下颜色,再把它放回盒中,不断重复,共模球 400 次,其中 88次摸到黑球,估计盒中大约有白球( )A .28 个B .30 个C . 36 个D . 42 个14.小敏在某次投篮中,球的运动线路是抛物线21 3.55y x =-+的一部分(如图),若命中篮圈中心,则他与篮底的距离l 是( )A .3.5mB .4 mC .4.5 mD .4.6 m15.中央电视台“幸福52”栏目中“百宝箱”互动环节,是一种竞猜游戏,游戏规则如下:在20个商标中,有5个商标牌的背面注明一定的奖金额,其余商标牌的背面是一张笑脸,若某人前两次翻牌均获得若干奖金,那么他第三次翻牌获奖的概率是()A.14B.15C.16D.32016.已知⊙O半径为 4 cm,直线l与圆心距离是3 cm,则直线l与⊙O公共点个数为()A.O 个B.1个C.2 个D.不能确定17.如图,AB 是⊙O的弦,过点A作⊙O的切线 AC,如果∠BAC=55°,那么∠AOB 等于()A.55°B.90°C.110°D.12018.若两圆没有公共点,则两圆的位置关系是()A.外离B.外切C.内含D.外离或内含19.若⊙O1和⊙O2相交于A、B两点,⊙O1和⊙O2的半径分别为2 和,公共弦长为 2,∠O1AO2的度数为()A.105°B.75°或 15°C.105°或 15°D.15°20.如图,三个半径相等的圆,两两外切,且与△ABC 的三边相切,设AB= a,那么圆的半径 r等于()A.314a+B.314a-C.33a D.14a21.已知⊙O1和⊙O2相切,两圆的圆心距为9cm,⊙1O的半径为4cm,则⊙O2的半径为()A.5cm B.13cm C.9 cm 或13cm D.5cm 或13cm 22.一个正方体的木块在太阳光下的影子不可能是()A.正方形B.长方形C.一条线段D.三角形23.物体的影子在正东方向,则太阳在物体的()A.正东方向B.正南方向C.正西方向D.正北方向24.若一个几何体的主视图和左视图都是长方形,俯视图是正方形,则这个几何体可能是( )A .圆柱 B. 圆锥 C.棱柱 D .棱锥25.在一个有 10 万人的小镇,随机调查了 2000人,其中有 250 人看中央电视台的早新闻,在该镇随机问一个人,他看早新闻的概率大约是( )A .0.75B . 0.5C . 0.25D . 0.125 评卷人 得分 二、填空题26.如图,一束光线照在坡度为1:3的斜坡上,被斜坡上的平面镜反射成与地面平行的光线,则这束光线与坡面的夹角α是 度.27.18= ,72= .28.掷一枚质地均匀的小正方体,它的六个面上分别标有1、2、3、4、5、6,则朝上一面的数字是奇数的概率是 .29.掷两枚硬币,一枚硬币正面朝上,另一枚硬币反面朝上的概率是 .30.如图,有6张牌,从中任意抽取两张,点数和是奇数的概率是________.31.设⊙O 1与⊙O 2相交于A ,B 两点,且O 1在⊙O 2上,O 2在⊙O 1上,则∠AO 1B=_____度.32.在△ABC 中,∠C= 90°,AC= 5,tanB=15,则 BC= . 33.在△ABC 中,∠C= 90°,若2cos 3A =,则tanA= . 34.若 A 是锐角,且2cos 30A =,则3tanA= .35.已知312x y z ==,则222225x y z xy yz zx-+++= .36.如图所示,CD 是 Rt △ABC 斜边上的高线,若3sin 3A =,BD=1,则AD= .37.如图,C 、D 分别是一个湖的南、北两端A 和B 正东方向的两个村庄,CD= 6 km ,且D 位于C 的北偏东30°方向上,则AB =__________km .38.在Rt ABC △中,90C ∠=,5AC =,4BC =,则tan A = .39.从 1、2、3、4、5 中任选两个数,这两个数的和恰好等于 7 的概率是 .40.如图,北京奥运的5个吉祥物“福娃”都已放置在展桌上,其中“欢欢”和“贝贝”的位置已确定,则在另外三个位置中任取两个,其中有“迎迎”的概率为 .41.在边长为 3 cm 、4cm 、5 cm 的三角形白铁皮上剪下一个最大 的圆,此圆的半径为 cm .42.太阳光线所形成的投影称为 .43.如图是一束平行的阳光从教室的窗户射入的平面示意图,光线与地面所成角30°,在教室地面的影长3m ,若窗户的下檐到教室地面的距离 BC= lm ,则窗户的上檐到地面的距离 AC 为 m .44.“五一”黄金周期间,梁先生驾驶汽车从甲地经过乙地到丙地游玩.甲地到乙地有2条公路,乙地到丙地有3条公路.每一条公路的长度如下图所示(单位:km).梁先生任选..一条从甲地到丙地的路线,这条路线正好是最短路线的概率是 .45.已知⊙O 1和⊙O 2的半径分别是2和4,01O 2=6,则⊙O 1与⊙O 2的位置关系是 .46.当太阳光与地面成55°角时,直立于地面的玲玲测得自己的影长为1.16m ,则玲玲的身高约为 m .(精确到0.01m )47.若等腰三角形的顶角为 120°,腰长2cm ,则周长为 cm . 评卷人得分 三、解答题48.身高 1.6m 的小明在课外数学活动小组的户外活动中,准备利用太阳光线和影子测旗杆AB 的高度. 如图所示,在小亮的帮助下,小明圆满地完成了任务.(1)他们必须测出哪几条线段的长?(2)若旗杆的影长为 4m,小明的影长为1.2m,请你帮小明计算出旗杆的长.49.画出图中几何体的三种视图.50.如图是一个食品包装盒的侧面展开图.(1)请写出这个包装盒的多面体形状的名称;(2)请根据图中所标的尺寸,计算这个多面体的侧面积和全面积(侧面积与两个底面积之和).51.如图所示,把△ABC 放在与墙平行的位置上,在点 0处打开一盏灯,点A、B、C在墙上的影子分别是点 D.E、F,请在图中画出△ABC 在墙上的影子.(1)要使△ABC 的影子小一些应该怎么办?(2)△ABC 与它形成的影子相似吗?52.下图是一个食品包装盒的侧面展开图.(1)请写出这个包装盒的多面体形状的名称;(2)请根据图中所标的尺寸,计算这个多面体的侧面积和全面积(侧面积与两个底面积之和).53.如图,BC 是⊙O的直径,0 是圆心,P 是BC 延长线上一点,PA 切⊙O于点 A,若∠B=30°,问 AB 与 AP 是否相等?请说明理由.54.根据生物学家的研究,人体的许多特征都是由基因控制的,有的人是单眼皮,有的人是双眼皮,这是由一对人体基因控制的,控制单眼皮的基因f是隐性的,控制双眼皮的基因F是显性的,这样控制眼皮的一对基因可能是ff、FF或Ff,基因ff的人是单眼皮,基因FF或Ff的人是双眼皮.在遗传时,父母分别将他们所携带的一对基因中的一个遗传给子女,而且是等可能的,例如,父母都是双眼皮而且他们的基因都是Ff,那么他们的子女只有ff、FF或Ff三种可能,具体可用下表表示:你能计算出他们的子女是双眼皮的概率吗?如果父亲的基因是Ff,母亲的基因是ff呢?55.某电脑公司现有A、B、C三种型号的甲品牌电脑和D、E两种型号的乙品牌电脑,希望中学要从甲、乙两种品牌电脑中各选购一种型号的电脑.(1)写出所有选购方案(利用树状图或列表方法表示);(2)如果(1)中各种选购方案被选中的可能性相同,那么 A 型号电脑被选中的概率是多少?56.如图,水坝的横断面是梯形,迎水坡BC的坡角30∠=°,背水坡AD的坡度为B2DC宽25米,坝高CE是45米,求:坝底AB的长,迎风坡BC的长以及BC 的坡度.(答案可以带上根号),,,,其正面分别画有四个不同的几何图形(如57.有四张背面相同的纸牌A B C D图).小明将这4张纸牌背面朝上洗匀后摸出一张,将剩余3张洗匀后再摸出一张.,,,表(1)用树状图(或列表法)表示两次摸牌所有可能出现的结果(纸牌用A B C D(2)求摸出的两张牌面图形既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形纸牌的概率.58.在锐角ABC △中,15AB =,14BC =,84ABC S =△.(1)求tan C 的值;(2)求sin A 的值.计算:cos 245°+tan60°•cos30°.60.计算:=⋅-20062005)31()3( .【参考答案】一、选择题1.D2.D4.D 5.无6.C 7.无8.B 9.无10.C 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.B 21.D23.C 24.C 25.D二、填空题26.无27.无28.无29.无30.无31.无32.无33.无34.无35.无36.无37.无38.无40.无41.无42.无43.无44.无45.无46.无47.无三、解答题48.无49.无50.无51.无52.无53.无54.无55.无57.无58.无59.无60.无。

1.人教版一年级数学下册期中过关测评试卷 、填空。
2.十位是5,个位是0,这个数是( )。
( )个十是100。
80里面有( )个十。
6个一和3个十合起来是( )。
47和54这两个数中,( )接近50,( )接近60。
30比( )大1,比( )小 1。
3•最大的两位数比最大的一位数多( )。
4. 写出4个十位上都是7的两位数,并从小到大排列。
口>□>□>□5. 在O 里填上“〉” “V”或“=”。
360 63 99 + 10 100 30 + 7O 43 - 36•从右边数中选 3个,写出四道算式。
□0口=口 口0口=口□0口=口 口0口=口7.先找规律,再接着往下写。
、选一选,并在你认为合适的答案下面打“V”1.97 9820 2123小汽车的价钱比飞机便宜一些,小汽车可能要多少钱?63元57元42元1.60元1.20 + 60= 17 —8= 12 —4= 60 +9= 18-9= 5 + 40= 90 —60= 11 —7=65 - 5= 13 —6= 89 —80= 10 + 30=48 — 8= 13 —4= 9 + 60= 100 —40=2. 6 + 40 — 6= 30 + 10+ 8=48 — 40 + 4= 82—80 + 9=四、列式计算2.金鱼缸里有15条红金鱼,6条花金鱼,再买几条花金鱼就和红金鱼同样多? □0口 = 口 3•美术小组有30人,其中女生有20人,男生有多少人?□0口 = 口4.商店原有48台电视机,卖出了 8台后,还剩下多少台?□0口 = 口3. 2.用两个28元 32元 13元台灯的价钱接近 30元,台灯的价钱可能是多少元? ?元有30个,一共有多少个?5.□0口= 口。
新概念青少版1B Unit20

What time is Lucy’s music lesson?
Read and fill in the blanks
Karen Hello, Linda!
Nice to _s_p_e_a_k_
to you!
How are you ?
And _H_o_w__ is
Nice to speak to you-----在电话里问候 某人的习惯用语
surprise 惊奇,意外 lesson 课 half past ---点半 talk 谈话 a quarter to / past
---点 三刻 / 一刻
find 找到
When 什么时候?
look for 寻找
next 下一个
English lesson 2:15
Mei Yangyang: Come on! Hurry up! Xi Yangyang: Am I late? Mei Yangyang: Yes, you are.
Your English lesson’s at a quarter past two and it’s two o’clock now! Xi Yangyang: Oh, no! I must do my homework.
• thirteen past six a.m. • 下午,可 在时间后加上pm或
p.m.。 • four o'clock p.m. (下午四点
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2021届沈阳市第三十中学高三英语三模试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AAre you looking for somewhere special to go this weekend? Do you want to try something new?Check out one of these hot new restaurants.Fast BestFast food doesn't have to be junk food, as this café proves. Do you fancy a really good hamburger made with the best ingredients, or old-fashioned fish and chips fried to perfection, all on the table in super-quick time? Speed and quality are important here, and the prices aren't bad either.Your Local Caff (小餐馆)Remember when cafés served full English breakfasts—sausages, beans, fried bread, bacon and eggs—with a strong cup of tea? Well, this place still does and you can have your breakfast at any time you like during the day while you listen to your favourite tunes from the 1980s.Last Days of the RajA centrally located Indian restaurant, perfect for eating before or after the cinema or a show. In summer enjoy your meal in the beautiful garden. The most popular dishes are lamb and chicken cooked with mild, medium or hot spices. For brave customers there is extra hot!The Chocolate BoxThe owner of this small café used to cook all kinds of food, but then she realised she preferred desserts to anything else. If you want meat or fish, don't come here. They only do desserts! Lots of different kinds of sweets. Chocolate lovers will be excited by the range of chocolate cakes.1.Fast Best suits a person ______.A.who has a sweet toothB.who loves spicy foodC.who wants to have good breakfastD.who gets 30 minutes off for lunch2.Which is true about Last Days of the Raj?A.You can listen to great music in it.B.It serves hot food with pepper.C.It serves an all-day breakfast.D.It is prefect for vegetarians.3.Which restaurant serves only desserts and sweets?A.Fast Best.B.Your Local Days of the Raj.D.The Chocolate Box.BThe first patient who died on my watch was an older man with a faulty heart. We tried to slow it down with treatment, but it suddenly stopped beating completely. Later, whenever I would have a case like that one, I found myself second-guessing my clinical management. However, it turns out that thinking twice may actually cause more harm than good.In a working paper, Emory University researchers found that when doctors delivering a baby have a bad result, they are more likely to switch to a different delivery method with the next patient, often unnecessarily and sometimes with worse results.Because doctors make so many decisions that have serious consequences, thefalloutfrom second-guessing appears especially large for us. A 2006 study found that if a patient had a bleed after being prescribed (开药) warfarin, the physician was about 20% less likely to prescribe later patients the blood thinner that prevents strokes (中风). However, if a patient was not on warfarin and had a stroke physicians were still no more likely to prescribe warfarin to their other patients.These findings highlight interesting behavioral patterns in doctors. In the blood-thinner study, doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm (prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm(prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting a patient) and less affected by letting harm happen (not prescribing a blood thinner and the patient having a stroke). Yet a stroke is often more permanent and damaging than a bleed.But this phenomenon is not unique to medicine. ''Overreaction to Fearsome Risks'' holds true for broader society.For instance, sensational headlines about shark attacks on humans in Florida in 2001 caused a panic and led the state to prohibit shark-feeding expeditions. Yet shark attacks had actually fallen that year and, according to the study, such a change was probably unnecessary given the extremely small risk of such an attack happening.Humans are likely to be influenced by emotional and often irrational (不理性的) thinking when processing information, bad events and mistakes. As much as we don't want to cause an unfortunate event to happen again, we need to be aware that a worst situation that can be imagined doesn't necessarily mean we did anything wrong. When we overthink, we fail to rely on thinking based on what we know or have experienced. Instead, we may involuntarily overanalyze and come to the wrong conclusion.I have treated dozens of patients who presented with the same illnesses as my first patient, who died more than a year ago. Instead of second-guessing myself, I trusted my clinical instinct (本能) and stayed the course. Every one of those patients survived. You should trust your instinct in your life, too.4. The first two paragraphs suggest that________.A. bad medical outcomes affect doctorsB delivering babies can be difficult workC. some doctors are not very experiencedD. doctors sometimes make silly mistakes5. In the blood-thinner study, doctors________.A. tend to prescribe less effective medicineB. are more concerned about the patients' safetyC. become less confident in writing a prescriptionD. believe a stroke is more treatable than a bleeding6. What does the underlined word ''fallout'' in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. ResultB. BenefitC. DifferenceD. Absence7. The author will probably agree that________.A. we should not doubt our own decisionsB. our experience will pave way for our futureC. humans are emotional and irrational on the wholeD. instincts don't necessarily lead to wrong directionsCUntil quarantine (隔离期) ends, we are left picturing what sport we might do: working out at the gym, playing on a competitive sports team, swimming, biking, or rock climbing. However, we don’t often think of martial arts as possible activities; instead, we rule it out because we think it’s dangerous, uncommon, and even, impossible. Martial arts aren’t considered a sport, right?Well, here’s some good news: you’re wrong! Martial arts aren’t much more common than people think, and you can start learning at any age. Practicing martial arts is a great way to keep in shape, both physically and mentally. They’re much less boring and much lessarduoussport than they’re usually described as in movies, so do not worry that they need a lot of effort.Martial arts generally require you to focus on the position and movement of every one of your legs and arms,sometimes even your breathing too. Think about it: when you leave the gym, your mental state has improved and you are much calmer. This is because you’ve only paid attention to one activity. It is a great way to clear your head. Andpracticing it can help you learn to stay more focused, which is the greatest advantage of martial arts training.Martial arts also improve your coordination (协调性), and greatly improve your posture (姿势). I have personally seen students go from slouching (没精打采) to walking tall with their shoulders back in just a couple of months.There are many styles and countless kinds of martial arts. Whichever one you like better, know that all of them are good choices.8. What can we know about martial arts from the first two paragraphs?A. They often have people hurt.B. They are difficult to practice.C. People have a wrong view on it.D. People practice them more often.9. What does the underlined word “arduous” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Interesting.B. Difficult.C. Friendly.D. Exciting.10. What is the biggest benefit of practicing martial arts?A. Adjusting the breath.B. Enjoying one’s free time.C. Correcting the movement.D. Keeping one’s attention.11. What does the writer think of martial arts?A. They are notsports.B. They attracted many teenagers.C. They are beneficial and helpful.D. They were invented to protect others.DImaginary friends in childhood refer to the invisible beings that a child gives a personality to and plays with for over three months.Crabbycrab(蟹)appeared on a holiday in Norway by running out of my four-year-old son Fisher's ear after a night of tears from an earache. Like other childhood imaginary friends, Crabby should be a sign thatFisher's mind is growing and developing positively. Indeed, research shows that imaginary friends can help develop children's social skills.Research has shown that the positive effects of having imaginary friends as a child continue into adulthood. Adolescents who remember their imaginary playmates have been found to use more activecoping(应对)styles,such as seeking advice from loved ones rather than bottle things up inside. Even adolescents with behavioral problems who had imaginary friends as children have been found to have better coping skills through the teenage years.Scientists thinkthis could be because these teens have been able to adjust themselves to the social world with imagination rather than choose to be involved in relationships with more difficult classmates. It could also be because the imaginary friends help to reduce these adolescents,loneliness.These teens are also more likely to seek out social connections -they tend to turn to others for advice. Current research by Tori Watson is taking this evidence and looking at how adolescents who have imaginary friends as children deal withbullying(欺凌)at school. It is found that teens who remember their imaginary friends are better at dealing with bullying.While we know a lot about childhood imaginary friends such as Crabby Crab and the positive effects they can have, there is still a lot to learn about imaginary friends.12. What is Crabby crab?A. It is a crab Fisher caught inNorway.B. It is Fisher's imaginary friend.C. It is a toy Fisher like much.D. It is a cause of earache.13. Why do children with imaginary friends have better coping skills?A. Imaginary friends help improve their adjustment.B. Having imaginary friends makes them smarter.C. They have rich imagination.D. They are no longer alone.14. What will a child with imaginary friends probably do if he is bullied?A. Escape from the bully.B. Fight with the bully bravely.C. Keep silent about being bullied.D. Ask a parent or a teacher for help.15. What is the author's attitude towards the effect of imaginary friends?A. Concerned.B. Doubtful.C. Optimistic.D. Indifferent.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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根据《中国农药工业协会团体标准管理办法》的相关规定,中国农药工业协会批准T/CCPIA 001-2019《30%毒死蜱微囊悬浮剂》等19项团体标准,其中产品标准18项,植保无人飞机安全使用农药操作规范1项,标准
生态毒理A、B3、B4、B7、D 类
环境影响试验(生态毒理试验(A、B2-7、C3、D 类)、环境归趋试验(A1-8类))
环境影响试验(生态毒理试验(A、B、D 类))
毒理试验(急性毒性、重复染毒毒性、特殊毒性(致突变性试验))15湖南省职业病防治院GLP 毒理实验室毒理试验(急性毒性)
环境影响试验(生态毒理试验A 类,环境归趋试验A 类)毒理试验(急性毒性)
序号标准编号标准名称实施日期1T/CCPIA 001-201930%毒死蜱微囊悬浮剂2019-03-01 2T/CCPIA 002-201988%草铵膦可溶粒剂2019-03-01 3T/CCPIA 003-2019 5.7%甲氨基阿维菌素水分散粒剂2019-03-01 4T/CCPIA 004-201925%硝磺草酮•莠去津可分散油悬浮剂2019-03-01 5T/CCPIA 005-201990%莠去津水分散粒剂2019-03-01 6T/CCPIA 006-2019600g/L吡虫啉种子处理悬浮剂2019-03-01 7T/CCPIA 007-201912%五氟磺草胺·氰氟草酯可分散油悬浮剂2019-03-01 8T/CCPIA 008-201930%氰氟草酯可分散油悬浮剂2019-03-01 9T/CCPIA 009-201925%多效唑悬浮剂2019-03-01 10T/CCPIA 010-*******g/L噻苯隆•敌草隆悬浮剂2019-03-01 11T/CCPIA 011-201920%苄嘧磺隆·乙草胺可湿性粉剂2019-03-01 12T/CCPIA 012-201960%吡唑醚菌酯•代森联水分散粒剂2019-03-01 13T/CCPIA 013-20190.12%噻虫嗪颗粒剂2019-03-01 14T/CCPIA 014-201920%氰氟草酯可分散油悬浮剂2019-03-01 15T/CCPIA 015-2019450g/L二甲戊灵微囊悬浮剂2019-03-01 16T/CCPIA 016-20195%己唑醇悬浮剂2019-03-01 17T/CCPIA 017-2019 5.7%甲氨基阿维菌素微乳剂标准2019-03-01 18T/CCPIA 018-201910%联苯菊酯水乳剂2019-03-01 19T/CCPIA 019-2019植保无人飞机安全使用农药操作规范2019-03-01
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GO对农药的增效机制分为3种,一是GO 尖锐的片层结构可机械地损伤昆虫的体壁,造成昆虫迅速失水;二是损伤的体壁为农药对昆虫体壁的穿透提供新的通道;三是吸附了农药的GO可沉积到玉米螟的体壁上,提高了农药的利用率。