



化学元素周期表中英文对照1. 氢(Hydrogen) H2. 氦(Helium) He3. 锂(Lithium) Li4. 铍(Beryllium) Be5. 硼(Boron) B6. 碳(Carbon) C7. 氮(Nitrogen) N8. 氧(Oxygen) O9. 氟(Fluorine) F10. 氖(Neon) Ne11. 钠(Sodium) Na12. 镁(Magnesium) Mg13. 铝(Aluminium) Al14. 硅(Silicon) Si15. 磷(Phosphorus) P16. 硫(Sulfur) S17. 氯(Chlorine) Cl18. 氩(Argon) Ar19. 钾(Potassium) K20. 钙(Calcium) Ca21. 钪(Scandium) Sc22. 钛(Titanium) Ti24. 铬(Chromium) Cr25. 锰(Manganese) Mn26. 铁(Iron) Fe27. 钴(Cobalt) Co28. 镍(Nickel) Ni29. 铜(Copper) Cu30. 锌(Zinc) Zn……(更多元素对照,请继续查阅)当然,让我们继续完善这份化学元素周期表中英文对照的文档。

31. 镓(Gallium) Ga32. 锗(Germanium) Ge33. 砷(Arsenic) As34. 硒(Selenium) Se35. 溴(Bromine) Br36. 氪(Krypton) Kr37. 铷(Rubidium) Rb38. 锶(Strontium) Sr39. 钇(Yttrium) Y40. 锆(Zirconium) Zr41. 铌(Niobium) Nb42. 钼(Molybdenum) Mo43. 锝(Technetium) Tc44. 钌(Ruthenium) Ru46. 钯(Palladium) Pd47. 银(Silver) Ag48. 镉(Cadmium) Cd49. 铟(Indium) In50. 锡(Tin) Sn当然,让我们继续探索化学元素周期表的奥秘。



普通化学术语中英文对照表Chinese—English Dictionary of Common Chemical Terms撰写者史政一written by Zhengyi Shi1.专业名词(terms)原子atom adj.atomic原子核nucleus质子proton中子neutron电子electron(abbr。

e)离子ion [ˈaɪən]阳离子cation阴离子anion分子molecular [məˈlekjələ]单质element化合物compound纯净物pure substance/chemical substance混合物mixture相对原子质量relative atomic mass(abbr. A r)相对分子质量relative molecular mass(abbr。

M r)化学式量relative formula mass物质的量amount of substance阿伏加德罗常数Avogadro constant(abbr. N A)摩尔mole摩尔质量molar mass实验式/最简式/经验式empirical formula气体摩尔体积molar volume阿伏加德罗定律Avogadro’s Law溶液solution溶解dissolve浓度concentration质量/体积分数mass/volume concentration浓缩concentrate稀释dilute蒸馏distillation萃取extraction化学反应方程式chemical equation反应物reactant生成物product固体solid液体liquid气体gaseous溶液aqueous配平balance化学计量学stoichiometry酸acid碱base/alkali (refers to soluble bases)盐salt酸式盐acid salt离子方程式ionic equation结晶水water of crystallisation水合的hydrated无水的anhydrous滴定titration指示剂indicator氧化数oxidation number氧化还原反应redox reaction氧化反应oxidation reaction还原反应reduction reaction歧化反应disproportionation reaction归中反应comproportionation(symproportionation) reaction氧化剂oxidising agent还原剂reducing agent电子层(壳)(electron) shell电离能ionisation energy(abbr. I.E。



第 01 号元素: 氢 H [英文名称]Hydrogen 第 02 号元素: 氦 He [英文名称]Helium第 03 号元素: 锂 Li [英文名称]Lithium第 04 号元素: 铍 Be [英文名称]Beryllium 第 05 号元素: 硼 B [英文名称]Boron第 06 号元素: 碳 C [英文名称]Carbon第 07 号元素: 氮 N [英文名称]Nitrogen 第 08 号元素: 氧 O [英文名称]Oxygen第 09 号元素: 氟 F [英文名称]Fluorine 第 10 号元素: 氖 Ne [英文名称]Neon第 11 号元素: 钠 Na [英文名称]Sodium第 12 号元素: 镁 Mg [英文名称]Magnesium 第 13 号元素: 铝 Al [英文名称]Aluminum 第 14 号元素: 硅 Si [英文名称]Silicon第 15 号元素: 磷 P [英文名称]Phosphorus 第 16 号元素: 硫 S [英文名称]Sulfur第 17 号元素: 氯 Cl [英文名称]Chlorine 第 18 号元素: 氩 Ar [英文名称]Argon第 19 号元素: 钾 K [英文名称]Potassium 第 20 号元素: 钙 Ca [英文名称]Calcium第 21 号元素: 钪 Sc [英文名称]Scandium 第 22 号元素: 钛 Ti [英文名称]Titanium 第 23 号元素: 钒 V [英文名称]Vanadium 第 24 号元素: 铬 Cr [英文名称]Chromium 第 25 号元素: 锰 Mn [英文名称]Manganese 第 26 号元素: 铁 Fe [英文名称]Iron第 27 号元素: 钴 Co [英文名称]Cobalt第 28 号元素: 镍 Ni [英文名称]Nickel第 29 号元素: 铜 Cu [英文名称]Copper第 30 号元素: 锌 Zn [英文名称]Zinc第 31 号元素: 镓 Ga [英文名称]Gallium 第 32 号元素: 锗 Ge [英文名称]Germanium第 33 号元素: 砷 As [英文名称]Arsenic第 34 号元素: 硒 Se [英文名称]Selenium第 35 号元素: 溴 Br [英文名称]Bromine第 36 号元素: 氪 Kr [英文名称]Krypton第 37 号元素: 铷 Rb [英文名称]Rubidium第 38 号元素: 锶 Sr [英文名称]Strontium第 39 号元素: 钇 Y [英文名称]Yttrium第 40 号元素: 锆 Zr [英文名称]Zirconium第 41 号元素: 铌 Nb [英文名称]Niobium第 42 号元素: 钼 Mo [英文名称]Molybdenum 第 43 号元素: 锝 Tc [英文名称]Technetium 第 44 号元素: 钌 Ru [英文名称]Ruthenium第 45 号元素: 铑 Rh [英文名称]Rhodium第 46 号元素: 钯 Pd [英文名称]Palladium第 47 号元素: 银 Ag [英文名称]Silver第 48 号元素: 镉 Cd [英文名称]Cadmium第 49 号元素: 铟 In [英文名称]Indium第 50 号元素: 锡 Sn [英文名称]Tin第 51 号元素: 锑 Sb [英文名称]Antimony第 52 号元素: 碲 Te [英文名称]Tellurium第 53 号元素: 碘 I [英文名称]Iodine第 54 号元素: 氙 Xe [英文名称]Xenon第 55 号元素: 铯 Cs [英文名称]Cesium第 56 号元素: 钡 Ba [英文名称]Barium第 57 号元素: 镧 La [英文名称]Lanthanum第 58 号元素: 铈 Ce [英文名称]Cerium第 59 号元素: 镨 Pr [英文名称]Praseodymium 第 60 号元素: 钕 Nd [英文名称]Neodymium第 61 号元素: 钷 Pm [英文名称]Promethium 第 62 号元素: 钐 Sm [英文名称]Samarium第 63 号元素: 铕 Eu [英文名称]Europium第 64 号元素: 钆 Gd [英文名称]Gadolinium 第 65 号元素: 铽 Tb [英文名称]Terbium第 66 号元素: 镝 Dy [英文名称]Dysprosium 第 67 号元素: 钬 Ho [英文名称]Holmium第 68 号元素: 铒 Er [英文名称]Erbium第 69 号元素: 铥 Tm [英文名称]Thulium第 70 号元素: 镱 Yb [英文名称]Ytterbium第 71 号元素: 镥 Lu [英文名称]Lutetium第 72 号元素: 铪 Hf [英文名称]Hafnium第 73 号元素: 钽 Ta [英文名称]Tantalum第 74 号元素: 钨 W [英文名称]Tungsten第 75 号元素: 铼 Re [英文名称]Rhenium第 76 号元素: 锇 Os [英文名称]Osmium第 77 号元素: 铱 Ir [英文名称]Iridium第 78 号元素: 铂 Pt [英文名称]Platinum第 79 号元素: 金 Au [英文名称]Gold第 80 号元素: 汞 Hg [英文名称]Mercury第 81 号元素: 铊 Tl [英文名称]Thallium第 82 号元素: 铅 Pb [英文名称]Lead第 83 号元素: 铋 Bi [英文名称]Bismuth第 84 号元素: 钋 Po [英文名称]Polonium第 85 号元素: 砹 At [英文名称]Astatine第 86 号元素: 氡 Rn [英文名称]Radon第 87 号元素: 钫 Fr [英文名称]Francium第 88 号元素: 镭 Ra [英文名称]Radium第 89 号元素: 锕 Ac [英文名称]Actinium第 90 号元素: 钍 Th [英文名称]Thorium第 91 号元素: 镤 Pa [英文名称]Protactinium 第 92 号元素: 铀 U [英文名称]Uranium第 93 号元素: 镎 Np [英文名称]Neptunium 第 94 号元素: 钚 Pu [英文名称]Plutonium第 95 号元素: 镅 Am [英文名称]Americium第 96 号元素: 锔 Cm [英文名称]Curium第 97 号元素: 锫 Bk [英文名称]Berkelium第 98 号元素: 锎 Cf [英文名称]Californium 第 99 号元素: 锿 Es [英文名称]Einsteinium 第 100 号元素: 镄 Fm [英文名称]Fermium第 101 号元素: 钔 Md [英文名称]Mendelevium 第 102 号元素: 锘 No [英文名称]Nobelium第 103 号元素: 铹 Lr [英文名称]Lawrencium第 104 号元素: 鐪 Rf [英文名称]Rutherfordium 第 105 号元素: 钅土Db [英文名称]Dubnium第 106 号元素: 钅喜 Sg [英文名称] Seaborgium 第 107 号元素: 钅波 Bh [英文名称]Bohrium第 108 号元素: 钅黑 Hs [英文名称] Hassium第 109 号元素: 钅麦Mt [英文名称] Meitnerium 第 110 号元素: 鐽 Ds [英文名称]Ununnilium 第 111 号元素: 钅仑 Rg [英文名称]Unununium 第 112 号元素: uub(112)第 113 号元素: uut(113)第 114 号元素: uuq(114)第 115 号元素: uup(115)第 116 号元素: uuh(116)第 117 号元素: uus尚未发现第 118 号元素: uuo。



1 阿拉伯胶(Acacia)2 乙酰舒泛钾(Acesulfame Potassium)3 冰醋酸(Acetic Acid,Glacial)4 乙酰枸橼酸三丁酯(Acetyltributyl Citrate)5 乙酰枸橼酸三乙酯(Acetyltriethyl Citrate)6 人血白蛋白(A lbumin)7 乙醇(A lcohol)8 海藻酸(Alginic Acid)9 脂肪族聚酯(A liphatic Polyesters)10 阿力糖(A litame)11 杏仁油(A lmond Oil)12 维生素E(Alpha Tocopherol)13 氨溶液(A mmonia Solution)14 维生素C(Ascorbic Acid)15 棕榈酸维生素C酯(Ascorbyl Palmitate)16 阿司帕坦(Aspartame)17 绿坡缕石(Attapulgite)18 皂土(Bentonite)19 苯扎氯铵(Benzalkonium Chloride)20 苄索氯铵(Benzethonium Chloride)21 苯甲酸(Benzoic Acid)22 苯甲醇(Benzyl Alcohol)23 苯甲酸苄酯(Benzyl Benzoate)24 溴硝丙二醇(Bronopol)25 丁羟茴醚(Butylated Hydroxyanisole)26 丁羟甲苯(Butylated Hydroxytoluene)27 羟苯丁酯(Butylparaben)28 碳酸钙(Calcium Carbonate)29 无水磷酸氢钙(Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic Anhydrous)30 磷酸氢钙二水合物(Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic Dihydrate)31 磷酸钙(Calcium Phosphate, Tribasic)32 硬脂酸钙(Calcium Stearate)33 硫酸钙(Calcium Sulfate)34 低芥酸菜籽油(Canola Oil)35 卡波姆(Carbomer)36 二氧化碳(Carbon Dioxide)37 羧甲纤维素钙(Carboxymethylcellulose Calcium)38 羧甲纤维素钠(Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium)39 角叉菜胶(Carrageenan)40 蓖麻油(Castor Oil)41 氢化蓖麻油(Castor Oil,Hydro- genated)42 微晶纤维素(Cellulose,Microcr ystalline)43 粉状纤维素(Cellulose, Powdered)44 微粉硅胶微晶纤维素(Cellulose, Silicified Microcrystalline)45 醋酸纤维素(Cellulose Acetate)46 纤维醋法酯(Cellulose Acetate Phthalate)47 角豆胶(Ceratonia)48 十八十六醇(Cetostearyl A lcohol)49 西曲溴铵(Cetrimide)50 十六醇(Cetyl Alcohol)51 壳聚糖(Chitosan)15652 氯己定(Chlorhexidine)53 三氯叔丁醇(Chlorobutanol)54 氯甲酚(Chlorocresol)55 一氯二氟乙烷(Chlorodifluoroe- thane)56 氟里昂(Chlorofluorocabons)57 对氯间二甲酚(Chloroxylenol)58 胆固醇(Cholesterol)18159 枸橼酸(Citric Acid Monohydrate)60 胶态二氧化硅(微粉硅胶)(Colloidal Silicon Dioxide)61 着色剂(Coloring Agents)62 玉米油(Corn Oil)63 棉籽油(Cottonseed Oil)64 甲酚(Cresol)20865 交联羧甲纤维素钠(Croscarmellose Sodium)66 交联聚维酮(Crospovidone)67 环糊精(Cyclodextrins)68 环甲基硅酮(Cyclomethicone)69 苯甲地那铵(Denatonium Benzoate)70 葡萄糖结合剂(Dextrates)22771 糊精(Dextrin)23072 葡萄糖(Dextrose)23373 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(Dibutyl Phthalate)74 癸二酸二丁酯(Dibutyl Sebacate)23975 二乙醇胺(Diethanolamine)24176 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(Diethyl Phthalate)77 二氟乙烷(Difluoroethane)78 二甲硅油(Dimethicone)79 二甲醚(Dimethyl Ether)80 邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(Dimethyl Phthalate)81 二甲亚砜(Dimethyl Sulfoxide)82 多库酯钠(Docusate Sodium)25883 依地酸(乙二胺四乙酸)(Edetic Acid)84 乙酸乙酯(Ethyl Acetate)85 乙基麦芽酚(Ethyl Maltol)86 油酸乙酯(Ethyl Oleate)87 乙基香草醛(Ethyl Vanillin)88 乙基纤维素(Ethylcellulose)89 硬脂酸棕榈酸乙二醇酯(Ethylene Glycol Palmitostearate)90 羟苯乙酯(Ethylparaben)91 果糖(Fructose)92 富马酸(Fumaric Acid)93 明胶(Gelatin)94 液体葡萄糖(Glucose,Liquid)95 甘油(Glycerin)96 山萮酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Behenate)97 单油酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Monooleate)98 单硬脂酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Monostearate)99 硬脂酸棕榈酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Palmitostearate)311100 四氢呋喃聚乙二醇醚(Glycofurol)101 瓜耳胶(Guar Gum)102 七氟丙烷(HFC)(Heptafluoro- propane)103 海克西定(Hexetidine)104 烷烃类(HC) (Hydrocarbons)105 盐酸(Hydrochloric Acid)106 羟乙纤维素(Hydroxyethyl Cellulose)107 羟乙甲纤维素(Hydroxyethylmethyl Cellulose)108 羟丙纤维素(Hydroxypropyl Cellulose)109 低取代羟丙纤维素(Hydroxypropyl Cellulose,Low-substituted) 110 羟丙甲纤维素(Hypromellose)111 羟丙甲纤维素酞酸酯(Hypromellose Phthalate)112 咪唑烷脲(Imidurea)113 异丙醇(Isopropyl Alcohol)114 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯(Isopropyl Myristate)115 棕榈酸异丙酯(Isopropyl Palmitate)116 白陶土(Kaolin)117 乳酸(Lactic Acid)118 拉克替醇(Lactitol)119 乳糖(Lactose)120 羊毛脂(Lanolin)121 含水羊毛脂(Lanolin,Hydrous)122 羊毛醇(Lanolin Alcohols)123 卵磷脂(Lecithin)124 硅酸镁铝(Magnesium Aluminum Silicate)125 碳酸镁(Magnesium Carbonate)126 氧化镁(Magnesium Oxide)127 硅酸镁(Magnesium Silicate)128 硬脂酸镁(Magnesium Stearate)129 三硅酸镁(Magnesium Trisilicate)130 苹果酸(Malic Acid)131 麦芽糖醇(Maltitol)132 麦芽糖醇溶液(Maltitol Solution)133 麦芽糖糊精(Maltodextrin)134 麦芽酚(Maltol)135 麦芽糖(Maltose)136 甘露醇(Mannitol)137 中链脂肪酸甘油三酯(Medium-chain Triglycerides)138 葡甲胺(Meglumine)139 薄荷脑(Menthol)140 甲基纤维素(Methylcellulose)141 羟苯甲酯(Methylparaben)142 液体石蜡(Mineral Oil)143 轻质液体石蜡(Mineral Oil, Light)144 液体石蜡羊毛醇(Mineral Oil and Lanolin Alcohols)145 单乙醇胺(Monoethanolamine)146 谷氨酸一钠(Monosodium Glutamate)147 硫代甘油(Monothioglycerol)148 氮(Nitrogen)149 一氧化二氮(Nitrous Oxide)150 油酸(Oleic Acid)151 橄榄油(Olive Oil)152 石蜡(Paraffin)153 花生油(Peanut Oil)154 凡士林(Petrolatum)155 凡士林羊毛醇(Petrolatum and Lanolin A lcohols)156 苯酚(Phenol)157 苯氧乙醇(Phenoxyethanol)158 苯乙醇(Phenylethyl Alcohol)159 醋酸苯汞(Phenylmercuric Acetate)160 硼酸苯汞(Phenylmercuric Borate)161 硝酸苯汞(Phenylmercuric Nitrate)162 磷酸(Phosphoric Acid)163 波拉克林钾(Polacrilin Potassium)164 泊洛沙姆(Poloxamer)165 葡聚糖(Polydextrose)166 聚乙二醇(Polyethylene Glycol)167 聚氧乙烯(Polyethylene Oxide)168 聚(甲基)丙烯酸树脂(Polymethacr- ylates)169 聚氧乙烯烷基醚(Polyoxyethylene A lkyl Ethers)170 聚氧乙烯蓖麻油衍生物(Polyoxyeth- ylene Castor Oil Derivatives) 171 聚山梨酯(Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters)172 硬脂酸聚氧乙烯酯(Polyoxyethylene Stearates)173 聚醋酸乙烯酞酸酯(Polyvinyl Acetate Phthalate)174 聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl Alcohol)175 苯甲酸钾(Potassium Benzoate)176 碳酸氢钾(Potassium Bicarbonate)177 氯化钾(Potassium Chloride)178 枸橼酸钾(Potassium Citrate)179 氢氧化钾(Potassium Hydroxide)180 焦亚硫酸钾(Potassium Metabisulfite)181 山梨酸钾(Potassium Sorbate)182 聚维酮(Povidone)183 丙酸(Propionic Acid)184 没食子酸丙酯(Propyl Gallate)185 碳酸丙烯酯(Propylene Carbonate)186 丙二醇(Propylene Glycol)187 海藻酸丙二醇酯(Propylene Glycol A lginate)188 羟苯丙酯(Propylparaben)189 糖精(Saccharin)607190 糖精钠(Saccharin Sodium)191 芝麻油(Sesame Oil)613192 虫胶(Shellac)193 二氧化硅二甲硅油(Simethi cone)194 海藻酸钠(Sodium A lginate)195 抗坏血酸钠(Sodium Ascorbate)196 苯甲酸钠(Sodium Benzoate)197 碳酸氢钠(Sodium Bicarbonate)198 氯化钠(Sodium Chloride)199 枸橼酸钠二水合物(Sodium Citrate Dihydrate)200 环拉酸钠(Sodium Cyclamate)201 氢氧化钠(Sodium Hydroxide)202 月桂硫酸钠(十二烷基硫酸钠) (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) 203 焦亚硫酸钠(偏亚硫酸钠)(Sodium Metabisulfite)204 磷酸氢二钠(Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic)205 磷酸二氢钠(Sodium Phosphate , Monobasic)206 丙酸钠(Sodium Propionate)207 羧甲淀粉钠(Sodium Starch Glycolate)208 硬脂富马酸钠(Sodium Stearyl Fumarate)209 山梨酸(Sorbic Acid)210 山梨坦酯Sorbitan Esters(Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters) 211 山梨醇(Sorbitol)212 大豆油(Soybean Oil)213 淀粉(Starch)214 预胶化淀粉(Starch, Pregelatinized)215 灭菌玉米淀粉(Starch,Sterilizable Maize)216 硬脂酸(Stearic Acid)217 硬脂醇(Stearyl A lcohol)218 羟糖氯(Sucralose)219 蔗糖(Sucrose)220 可压性蔗糖(Sugar, Compressible)221 蔗糖粉(Sugar,Confectioner’s)222 蔗糖球形颗粒(Sugar Spheres)223 硫酸(Sulfuric Acid)224 葵花籽油(Sunflower Oil)225 氢化植物油(硬脂)栓剂基质(Sup- pository Bases,Hard Fat) 226 滑石粉(Talc)227 酒石酸(Tartaric Acid)228 四氟乙烷(HFC)(Tetrafluoroe- thane)229 硫柳汞(Thimerosal)230 二氧化钛(Titanium Dioxide)231 西黄蓍胶(Tragacanth)232 海藻糖(Trehalose)233 三醋汀(Triacetin)234 枸橼酸三丁酯(Tributyl Citrate)235 三乙醇胺(Triethanolamine)236 枸橼酸三乙酯(Triethyl Citrate)237 香草醛(Vanillin)238 氢化植物油(Vegetable Oil, Hydrogenated)239 水(Water)240 阴离子乳化蜡(Wax,Anionic Emulsifying)241 巴西棕榈蜡(Wax,Carnauba)242 十六醇酯蜡(Wax,Cetyl Esters)243 微晶蜡(Wax,Microcrystalline)244 非离子乳化蜡(聚西托醇乳化蜡)(Wax, Nonionic Emulsifying) 245 白蜡(Wax,White)246 黄蜡(Wax,Yellow)247 黄原酸胶(Xanthan Gum)248 木糖醇(Xylitol)249 玉米朊(玉米蛋白)(Zein)250 硬脂酸锌(Zinc Stearate)。





化学专业课程中英文对照,已搜索,无重复! 普通化学 General Chemistry 分析化学Analytical Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 物理化学 Physical Chemistry 谱学导论 Introducton of Spectroscopy 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 普通化学和分析化学实验 Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry 现在基础化学 The Principle of Mordern Chemistry 现在基础化学实验 Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry 有机化学实验 Experiments of Organic Chemistry 仪器分析和物理化学实验 Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and PhysicalChemistry 合成化学实验 Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry 现代化学专题 Topic of Modern Chemistry 化学综合实验 Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry 化工原理 Principle of Chemical Engineering 化工原理实验Experiments of Chemical Engineering 应用化学实验 Experiments of Applied Chemistry 无机合成化学Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry 近代分析化学Modern Analytical Chemistry 分离分析化学Separation Analytical Chemistry 有机化合物波谱鉴定Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds 有机合成及反应机理 Organic Synthesis and Mechanics 化学进展Progress in Chemistry 化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering 应用电化学 Applied Electrochemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis 环境化学Environmental Chemistry 环境监测Environmental Monitoring 化学科技英语 Scientific English for Chemistry 数理方法在化学中的应用 Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry 化工制图 Chemical Engineering Cartography 计算机与化学测量实验 Computer and Chemical Measurement 化学信息学Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics 应用化学专题 Special Topics in Applied Chemistry 化工装置常用词汇 1 一概论 introduction 方案(建议书) proposal 可行性研究 feasibility study 方案设计 concept design 工艺设计 process design 基础设计basic design 详细设计 detail design 开工会议 kick-off meeting 审核会议 review meeting 外商投资 foreign investment 中外合资 joint venture 中外合营 joint venture 补偿贸易 compensation trade 合同合同附件 contract 卖方 vendor 买方 buyer 顾客client 承包商 contractor 工程公司 company 供应范围 scope of supply 生产范围production scope 生产能力 production capacity 项目 project 界区 battery limit 装置plant 公用工程utilities 工艺流程图process flow diagram 工艺流程方块图process block diagram 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument drawing 物料及热量平衡图 mass & heat balance diagram 蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图 steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图 equipment layout 设备表 equipment list 成品(产品) product(final product) 副产品 by-product 原料 raw-material 设计基础数据basic data for design 技术数据 technical data 数据表 data sheet 设计文件 design document 设计规定 design regulation 现场服务 site service 项目变更 project change 用户变更 client change 消耗定额 consumption quota 技术转让 technical transfer 技术知识technical know-how 牋牋牋牋technical knowledge 技术保证technical guarantee 咨询服务 consultative services 技术服务 technical services 工作地点location 施工现场 construction field 报价 quotation 标书 bidding book 公司利润company profit 固定价合同 fixed price contract 固定单价合同 fixed unit price contract 成本加酬金合同 cost plus award fee contract 定金 mobilization 银行保证书bank guarantee letter 保留金 retention 所得税 income taxes 特别承包人税 special contractor's taxes 城市和市政税 city and municipal taxes 工作手册 work manual 工作流程图 work flow diagram 质量保证程序 QA/QC procedures 采购计划 procurement plan 施工计划 construction plan 施工进度 construction schedule 项目实施计划 project execution plan 项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目总进度计划 project master schedule 设计网络计划 engineering network logic 项目质量保证 project quality assurance 项目质量控制 project quality control 采购procurement 采购周期 procurement period 会签 the squad check 计算书 calculation sheets 询价inquiry 检验inspection 运输transportation 开车start up / commission 验收 inspection & acceptance 校核 check 审核 review 审定 approve 版次version 部门 department 专业 specialty 项目号 project number 图号 drawing number 目录 contents 序言 foreword 章 chapter 节 section 项 item MR material requisition SPEC engineering specification DATA SHEET(技术表) technical data sheet TBA(技术评标) technical bid analysis PDP preliminary design package PM (项目经理) project manager LDE(专业负责人lead discipline engineer MRQ(材料询价单) Material requisition for quotation MRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchase BEP(基础工程设计包) basic engineering package P&ID(管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument drawing(diagram) PFD process flow diagram NNF normally no flow FO failure open FC failure close C/S/A civil/structure/architecture DDP(详细设计阶段) detail design phase化工装置词汇二. 工艺流程连续过程 continuous process 间歇过程 batch process 工艺叙述process description 工艺特点process feature 操作operation 反应reaction 副反应 side reaction 絮凝 flocculation 浮洗 flotation 倾析 decantation 催化反应catalytical reaction 萃取extraction 中和neutralization 水解hydrolysis 过滤filtration 干燥drying 还原reduction 氧化oxidation 氢化hydrogenation 分解decomposition 离解dissociation 合成synthetics 吸收absorption 吸附 adsorption 解吸 desorption 结晶 crystallization 溶解 solution 调节 modulate 控制 control 悬浮 suspension 循环 circulation 再生 regeneration 再活化 reactivation 沥取 leaching 破碎 crushing 煅烧 caloination 沉降 sedimentation 沉淀 precipitation 气化 gasification 冷冻 refrigeration固化,结晶 solidification 包装 package 升华 sublimation 燃烧 combustion 引烧ignition 蒸馏 distillation 碳化 carbonization 压缩 compression 三,化学物质及特性固体 solid 液体 liquid 气体 gas 化合物 compound 混合物 mixture 粉 powder 片状粉未 flake 小粒 granule 结晶 crystal 乳化物 emulsion 氧化物 oxidizing agent 还原剂reducing agent 有机物 organic material 真空 vacuum 母液 master liquor 富液 rich liquor 贫液 lean liquor 萃出物 extract 萃余物 raffinate 絮凝剂 flocculants 冷冻盐水 brine 酸度 acidity 浓度 concentration 碱度 alkalinity 溶解度 solubility 凝固点solidificalion point 沸点boiling point 熔点melting point 蒸发率evaporation rate 粘度 viscosity 吸水的 water absorbent(a) 无水的 anhydrous(a) 外观 appearance 无色的 colorless(a)透明的transparent(a) 半透明的translucent 密度density 比重specific gravity 催化剂catalyst 燃烧combustion 引燃ignition 自然点self-ignition temperature 可燃气体combustible gas 可燃液体inflammable liquid 易燃液体volatile liquid 爆炸混合物explosive mixture 爆炸性环境explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限 explosive concentration limit 废水 waste water 废液waste liquid 废气off-gas 噪声noise pollution 成分composition 挠度deflection 力和力矩force and moment 弯矩bending moment 应力-应变曲线stress-strain diagram 百分比 percentage 环境温度 ambient temperature 工作温度operating 设计温度 design temperature(pressure) 相对湿度 RH=relative humidity 油渣,淤泥 sludge 杂质 impurity 四,化工设备泵 pump 轴流泵 axial flow pump 真空泵vacuum pump 屏蔽泵 canned pump 柱塞泵 plunger pump 涡轮泵 turbine pump 涡流泵vortex pump 离心泵 centrifugal pump 喷射泵 jet pump 转子泵 rotary pump 管道泵inline pump 双作用往复泵 double action reciprocating pump计量泵 metering pump 深井泵 deep well pump 齿轮泵 gear pump 手摇泵 hand(wobble) pump 螺杆泵 screw (spiral) pump 潜水泵 submersible pump 斜转子泵 inclined rotor pump 封闭式电磁泵 hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵 air-lift-pump 轴承 bearing 叶轮 impeller 虹吸管 siphon 高压容器 high pressure vessel 焚化炉incinerator 火焰清除器 flame arrester 工业炉 furnace 烧嘴 burner 锅炉 boiler 回转窑 rotary kiln 加热器 heater 电加热器 electric heater 冷却器 cooler 冷凝器condenser 换热器 heat exchanger 反应器 reactor 蒸馏釜 still 搅拌器 agitator 混合器 mixer 静态混合器 static mixers 管道混合器 line mixers 混合槽 mixing tanks 破碎机 crusher 磨碎机 grinder 研磨机 pulverizer 球磨机 ballmill 过滤器 filter 分离器separator 干燥器drier 翅片fins 烟囱stack 火炬flare 筛子screen 煅烧窑calciner 倾析器 decanter蒸发器 evaporator 再沸器 reboiler 萃取器 extractor 离心机 centrifuger 吸附(收)器adsorber 结晶器crystallizer 电解槽electrolyzer 电除尘器electric precipitator 洗涤器 scrubber 消石灰器 slaker 料仓 bin 料斗 hopper 加料器 feeder 增稠器 thickener 澄清器 clarifier 分级器 classifier 浮洗器 flocculator 废液池sump 喷射器 ejector 喷头 sprayer 成套设备 package unit 仪器设备 apparatus 附属设备 accessory 旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor 往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机 nash compressor 螺杆式压缩机 helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机 mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器 fixed bed reactor 流化床反应器 fluidized bed reactor 管式反应器 tubular reactor 列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger 螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column 板式塔 plate column 填料塔 packed column 洗涤塔 scrubber 吸收塔absorber 冷却塔 cooling tower 精馏塔 fractionating tower 汽提塔 stripper 再生塔regenerator 造粒塔 prill tower塔附件 tower accessories 液体分配(布)器 liquid distributor 填料支持板 support plate 定距管 spacer 降液管 downcomer 升气管 chimney 顶(底)层塔盘 top (bottom) tray 挡板 baffle 抽出口 draw nozzle 溢流堰 weir 泡罩 bubble cap 筛板 sieve plate 浮阀 float valve 除沫器 demister pad 塔裙座 skirt 椭圆封头 elliptical head 高位槽head tank 中间槽 intermediate tank 加料槽 feed tank 补给槽 make-up tank 计量槽measuring tank 电解槽 cell 溜槽 chute 收集槽 collecting tank 液滴分离器 knockout drum 稀释罐 thinning tank 缓冲罐 surge drum 回流罐 reflux drum 闪蒸罐 flash drum 浮顶罐 floating roof tank 内浮顶罐 covered floating roof tank 球罐 spheroid 气柜gas holder 湿式气柜 wet gas-holder 干式气柜 dry gas-holder 螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder 星型放料器,旋转阀 rotary valve 抽滤器 mutche filter 压滤器 filter press 压滤机 pressure filter 板框压滤器 plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter 带式过滤器 belt filter 翻盘式过滤器袋滤器 bag filter 旋风分离器 cyclone separator 盘式干燥箱 compartment traydrier 真空干燥器 vacuum drier 隧道式干燥器 tunnel drier 回转干燥器 rotary drier 穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier 气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier 圆盘式加料器 dish feeder 螺旋式加料器 screw feeder 颚式破碎机 jaw crusher 回转破碎机 gyratory crusher 滚洞破碎机 roll crusher 锤式破碎机hammer crusher 冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker 气流喷射粉碎机 jet pulverizer 棍磨机 rod mill 雷蒙机 raymond mill 锤磨机 hammer mill 辊磨机 roller mill 振动筛vibrating screen 回转筛 rotary screen 风机 fan 罗茨鼓风机 root's blower 起重机crane 桥式起重机 bridge crane 电动葫芦 motor hoist 发电机 generator 电动机 motor 汽轮机 steam turbine 五,管道工程 piping engineering 1 阀门 valve 阀杆 stem 内螺纹阀杆 inside screw 阀座 valve seat (body seat) 阀座环,密封圈 sealing ring 阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等)trim 阀盘 disc 阀体 body 阀盖 bonnet 手轮 hand wheel 手柄 hand level (handle)压盖 gland 闸阀 gate valve 平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat 楔形单闸板split wedge 截止阀 globe valve 节流阀 throttle valve 针阀 needle valve 角阀(角式截止阀)angle valve Y 型阀(截止阀)Y-valve(Y-body globe valve) 球阀 ball valve 三通球阀 3-way ball valve 蝶阀 butterfly valve 对夹式(薄片型)wafer type 偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve 连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve 止回式蝶阀 combined non-return butterfly valve 柱塞阀 piston type valve 旋塞阀 plug valve 三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve 四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve 旋塞 cock 衬套旋塞 sleeve cock 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve 直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve 夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve 止回阀 check valve 升降式止回阀 lift check valve 旋启式止回阀 swing check valve 落球式止回阀 ball check valve 弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve 底阀 foot valve 切断式止回阀 stop check valve 活塞式止回阀 piston check valve 翻板止回阀 flap check valve 蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve 安全泄气阀 safety[SV] 安全泄放阀 relief valve[RV] 安全泄压阀 safety relief valve 杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type 罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve 波纹管密封阀 bellow sealed valve 电磁阀 solenoid (operated) valve电动阀 electrically(electric-motor)operated valve 气动阀 pneumatic operated valve 低温用阀cryogenic service valve 蒸汽疏水阀steam trap 机械式疏水阀mechanical trap 浮桶式疏水阀 open (top) bucket trap 浮球式疏水阀 float trap 倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap 自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap 恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap 压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀 thermodynamic trap 脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap 放汽阀(自动放汽阀)(automatic) air vent valve 换向阀 diverting (reversing) valve 呼吸阀 breather valve 减压阀 pressure reducing valve 控制阀 control valve 执行机构 actuator 差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve 切断阀 block (shut-off, stop) valve 调节阀 regulating valve 快开阀 quick opening valve 快闭阀 quick closing valve 隔断阀 isolating valve 三通阀 three way valve 夹套阀 jacketed valve 非旋转式阀non-rotary valve 2 管子,管件,法兰管子 pipe(按标准制造的配管用管) tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管) 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管clad pipe 碳钢管carbon steel[C.S.]pipe 合金钢管alloy steel pipe 不锈钢管stainless steel[S.S.]pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管 seamless[SMLS] steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 排污阀 blowdown valve 集液排放阀 drip valve 排液阀drain valve 放空阀 vent valve 卸载阀 unloading valve 排出阀 discharge valve 吸入阀 suction valve 取样阀 sampling valve 手动阀 hand operated(manually-operated) valve (水)龙头 bibb;bib;faucet 抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve 旁路阀 by-pass valve 软管阀 hose valve 混合阀 mixing valve 破真空阀 vacuum breaker 冲洗阀 flush valve 根部阀 root (primary, header) valve 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 壁厚 wall thickness[WT] 壁厚系列号schedule number[SCH.NO.] 加厚的,加强的 extra heavy (strong) 双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy (strong) 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 长半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径 180°弯头 long radius return 短半径180°弯头short radius return 三通tee 异径三通 reducing tee 等径三通straight tee 带支座三通 base tee 45°斜三通 45°lateral Y 型三通 true"Y" 四通cross异径管 reducer 同心异径管 concentric reducer 偏心异径管 eccentric reducer 管接头 coupling;full coupling 活接头 union 短管 nipple 预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend U 型弯管"U"bend 法兰端 flanged end 万向接头 universal joint 对焊的 butt welded[BW] 螺纹的 threaded[THD] 承插焊的 socket welded[SW] 法兰 flange[FLG] 整体管法兰 integral pipe flange 钢管法兰 steel pipe flange 螺纹法兰 threaded flange 滑套法兰 slip-on flange 平焊法兰 slip-on-welding flange 承插焊法兰 socket welding flange 松套法兰 lap joint flange[LJF] 对焊法兰 weld neck flange[WNF] 法兰盖 blind flange;blind 异径法兰 reducing flange 压力级 pressure rating(class) 突面 raised face[RF] 凸面 male face 凹面 female face 全平面;满平面 flat face;full face[FF] 3.管道特殊件 piping speciality 粗滤器 strainer 过滤器 filter 临时过滤器 temporary strainer(cone type) Y 型过滤器 Y-type strainer T 型过滤器 T-type strainer 永久过滤器 permanent filter 洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower 视镜 sight glass 阻火器 flame arrester 喷咀;喷头 spray nozzle 喷射器 ejector 取样冷却器 sample cooler 消音器 silencer膨胀节 expansion joint 波纹膨胀节 bellow 补偿器 compensator 软管接头 hose connection[HC] 快速接头 quick coupling 金属软管 metal hose 橡胶管 rubber hose 挠性管 flexible tube 特殊法兰 special flange 漏斗 funnel 8 字盲板 spectacle (figure 8) blind 爆破板rupture disk 4,其它材料碳素钢carbon steel [C.S.] 不锈钢stainless steel[S.S.] 铸铁 cast iron[C.I.] 铝 aluminum 铜,紫铜 copper 钛 titanium 抗拉强度 tensile strength 非金属材料 non-metallic material 塑料 plastic 陶瓷ceramic 搪瓷 porcelain enamel 玻璃 glass 橡胶 rubber 垫片 gasket[GSKT] 平垫片flat gasket 填料 packing 型钢 shaped steel 角钢 angle steel 槽钢 channel 工字钢I-beam 宽缘工字钢或 H 钢 wide flanged beam 扁钢 flat bar 圆钢 round steel; rod 钢带 strap steel 网络钢板 checkered plate 材料表 bill of material[BOM] 材料统计material take-off[MTO] 散装材料 bulk material 综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS]汇总表summary sheet 5.设备布置及管道设计中心线center line 装置边界boundary limit[BL] 区界 area limit 设备布置 equipment arrangement (layout);plotplan 标高,立面 elevation[EL] 支撑点 point of support[POS] 工厂北向 plant north 方位 orientation 危险区 hazardous area classification 净正吸入压头 net positive suction head 绝对标高 absolute elevation 坐标 coordinate 管道研究 piping study 管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan[PAP] 管道布置 piping assembly; layout 详图detail "X"视图 view "X" "A-A" 剖视 section "A-A" 轴测图 isometric drawing 索引图key plan 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表 list of nozzles 地上管道 above ground piping 地下管道 under ground piping 管线号 line number 总管 header; manifold 旁路 by pass 常开 normally open 常闭 normally closed 取样接口 sampling connection 伴热管 tracing pipe 蒸汽伴热 steam tracing 热水伴热hot-water tracing 电伴热 electrical tracing 夹套管 jacketed line 全夹套管 full jacketed 比例 scale 图 figure 草图 sketch 图例 legend符号 symbol 件号 part no1。



化学元素英文名称及音标大全1.氢H H ydrogen['haidrəudʒən]2.氦He H elium['hi:ljəm,-liəm]3.锂Li L ithium['liθiəm]4.铍Be B eryllium[be'riljəm,bə'r-]5.硼B B oron['bɔ:rɔn]6.碳C C arbon['kɑ:bən]7.氮N Nitrogen['naitrədʒən]8.氧O Oxygen['ɔksidʒən]9.氟F Fluorine['flu(:)əri:n]10.氖Ne Reon['ni:ən]11.钠Na Sodium['səudjəm,-diəm]12.镁Mg Magnesium[mæg'ni:zjəm]13.铝Al Aluminum[ælju'miniəm]14.硅Si Silicon['silikən]15.磷P Phosphorus['fɔsfərəs]16.硫S Sulfur['sʌlfə]17.氯Cl Chlorine['klɔ:ri:n]18.氩Ar Argon['ɑ:gɔn]19.钾K Potassium[pə'tæsjəm]20.钙Ca C alcium['kælsiəm]21.钪Sc S candium[s'kændiəm]22.钛Ti T itanium[tai'teinjəm,ti-]23.钒V Vanadium[və'neidiəm,-djəm]24.铬Cr Chromium['krəumjəm]25.锰Mn M anganese[mæŋgə'ni:z]26.铁Fe I ron['aiən]27.钴Co Cobalt[kə'bɔ:lt,'kəubɔ:lt]28.镍N i Nickel['nikl]29.铜C u Copper['kɔpə]30.锌Zn Zinc[ziŋk]31.镓Ga Gallium['gæliəm]32.锗Ge Germanium[dʒə:'meiniəm]33.砷As Arsenic['ɑ:sənik]34.硒Se Selenium[si'li:niəm,-njəm]35.溴Br Bromine['brəumi:n]36.氪Kr Krypton['kriptɔn]37.铷Rb Rubidium[ru:'bidiəm]38.锶Sr Strontium['strɔnʃiəm]39.铱Y Iridium[i'ridiəm]40.锆Zr Zirconium[zə:'kəuniəm]41.铌Nb Niobium[nai'əubiəm]42.钼Mo Molybdenum[mə'libdinəm]43.锝Tc Technetium[tek'ni:ʃiəm]44.钌Ru Ruthenium[ru:'θi:niəm]45.铑Rh Rhodium['rəudiəm,-djəm]46.钯Pd Palladium[pə'leidiəm]47.银Ag Silver['silvə]48.镉Cd Cadmium['kædmiəm]49.铟In Indium['indiəm]50.锡Sn Tin[tin]读“亢”读“家”读“克”读“得”读“隔”读“各”51.锑Sb Stibium['stibjəm]52.碲Te Tellurium[te'ljʊəriəm]53.碘I Iodine['aiədi:n;(US)'aiədain]54.氙Xe Xenon['zenɔn]55.铯Cs Caesium['si:ziəm]56.钡Ba Barium['bɛəriəm]57.镧La Lanthanum['lænθənəm]58.铈Ce Cerium['siəriəm]59.镨Pr Praseodymium[preiziəu'dimiəm]60.钕Nd Neodymium[ni(:)ə'dimiəm]61.钷Pm Promethium[prə'mi:θiəm]62.钐Sm Samarium[sə'mɛəriəm]63.铕Eu Europium[juə'rəupiəm]64.钆Gd Gadolinium[gædə'liniəm]65.铽Tb Terbium['tə:biəm]66.镝Dy Dysprosium[dis'prəusiəm]67.钬Ho H olmium['hɔlmiəm]68.铒Er Erbium['ə:biəm]69.铥Tm Thulium['θju:liəm]70.镱Yb Ytterbium[i'tə:biəm]71.镥Lu Lutecium[lu:'ti:ʃiəm,-siəm]72.铪Hf Hafnium['hæfniəm]73.钽Ta Tantalum['tæntələm]74.钨W Tungsten['tʌŋstən]75.铼Re Rhenium['ri:niəm]76.锇Os Osmium['ɔzmiəm,-mjəm]77.铱Ir Iridium[i'ridiəm]78.铂Pt Platinum['plætinəm]79.金Au Gold[gəuld]80.汞Hg Mercury['mə:kjuri]81.铊Tl Thallium['θæliəm]82.铅Pb Lead(pb)[li:d]83.铋Bi Bismuth['bizməθ]84.钋Po Polonium[pə'ləuniəm]85.砹At Astatin e['æstəti:n]86.氡Rn Radon['reidɔn]87.钫Fr Francium['frænsiəm]88.镭Ra Radium['reidjəm]89.锕Ac Actinium[æk'tiniəm]90.钍Th Thorium['θɔ:riəm]91.镤Pa Protactinium[prəutəuæk'tiniəm]92.铀U Uranium[juə'reiniəm]93.镎Np Neptunium[nep'tju:niəm]94.钚Pu Plutonium[plu:'təuniəm]95.镅Am Americium[æmə'riʃiəm]96.锔Cm Curium['kjuəriəm]97.锫Bk Berkelium['bə:kliəm]98.锎Cf Californium[kæli'fɔ:niəm]99.锿Es Einsteinium[ain'stainiəm] 100.镄Fm Fermium['fə:miəm]101.钔Md Mendelevium[mendə'li:viəm] 102.锘No Nobelium[nəu'beliəm] 103.铹Lr Lawrencium[lɔ:'rensiəm,lɑ:-]读“梯”读“帝”读“仙”读“兰”读“市”读“颇”读“衫”读“轧”读“忒”读“滴”读“鹅”读“他”读“泼”读“艾”读“冬”读“土”读“仆”读“陪”读“开”读“诺”。



aacetate 乙酸盐active;activity 活性;活度atomic 原子的atto[希腊字头]a;A acid 酸Aacceleration 加速ampere 安培[电]aniline 苯胺[促进剂]area of cross-sectn 横断面积aromaticoil 芳香族油ngstrom 埃[长度单位]A°absolute temperature 绝对温度atomk weight 原子量AAaceto-aldehyde ammonia 乙醛氨[促进剂]Adhesive Age 粘合剂时代[期刊名]A. A. acrylic amide 丙烯酰胺[促进剂]after aging 老化后Akron abrasion loss 阿克隆磨耗量A.A.N. aldol-a-naphthylamine 乙醛醇—a—萘胺[防老剂] A.A.R.alkyl aryl recinoleate 蓖麻酸烷基芳基酯[增塑剂] A.A.S.alkyl aryl sulphonate 磺酸烷基芳基酯[湿润剂] A.A.T.C.C.American AssociationofTextleChemists and Colorists 美国纺织染化工作者协会Ab. abrasion 磨耗abrasion loss 磨耗减量abrasion resistance 耐磨耗性能AB rubber acrylonitrile-butadienerubber 丁腈橡胶AB ammonium benzoate 苯酸铵[硫化剂]abnml abnormal 反常的;异常的abr.abraded 磨损的abrided;abridg(e)ment 节略的;摘要ABRacrylonitrile-butadiene rubber 丁腈橡胶abs.absolute 绝对的bsorption 吸收ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene(rubber)丙烯腈丁苯橡胶ac. acid 酸active;activity 活性;活度a.c.;A.C.alternating current 交流[电]Ac. accelerator 促进剂acetyl 乙酰(基)acyl 酰基ACair-cooled 空气冷却的A.C.rubber anti-crystalizing rubber 不结晶橡胶ac.a.;AC.A. acetic acld 乙酸acc. accelerator 促进剂ACC activated calciumcarbonate 活性碳酸钙merican Cyanamide Co.美国氰胺公司acet;ACETacetylene black 乙炔炭黑AcH acetaldehyde 乙醛A.Ch.S.American Chemical Society 美国化学学会acid.acidification; acidified;acidify 酸化;酸化了的;酸化ACM ethyl acrylate and2-chloroethyl vinyl ether co-polymer丙烯酸乙酯和2—氯乙基·乙烯醚共聚物ACNacrylonitrile 丙烯腈AcOHacetic acid 乙酸ACS;A.C.S. American Chemical Society 美国化学学会ASC-I American Chemical Society NO.1 test recip 美国化学学会第一号配方[例行试验纯胶配方]ASC-ⅡAmerican Chemical Society No.2 test recxpe美国化学学会第二号配方[野生橡胶]act.active;activity 活性;活度Act. activator 活性剂activ.activated 活性的ad;AD air-dried;air-dry 风干了的;风干addl;addnladditional 附加的addn-(1) addition(al)加入;加合;加成;附加的adjadjacent 邻接;相邻的AD/L acetone diphenylamine condensate 丙酮二苯胺缩合物ADPautomatic data processing(equipment)自动记录操作(设备)A.D.P. amyl decyl phthalate 酞酸戊基癸酯[增塑剂]ADS;A.D.S.air dried sheet 风干胶片ADV tire animal drawn vehicle tire 兽力车胎;马车胎A.E. acetone extract 丙酮抽出物AFICAssociation Francaisedes Ingenieurs duCaouthouc.法国橡胶工程师学会ag.agglomerating;agglomeration 附聚作用agg.aggregate 聚集体agst.;agt against 对;与……相比Agt agent 剂;药剂a-h ampere-hour 安培小时a.h.m.ampere-hour-meter 电量计AIBNazo-bis-isobutyronitrile 偶氮双异丁腈[聚合引发剂]A.I.C American Institute of Chemists 美国化学师学会A.I.Ch.E.American Institute of Chemical Engineers 美国化学工程师学会Al;AL alum 明矾alc. alcohol;alcoholic 醇;酒精;醇的ALC;alcethyl alcohol 乙醇;酒精aldaldehyde 乙醛alk alkali;alkaline 碱;碱性alkyl 烷基alky alkalinity 碱性ALS-HAF activelow structure high-abasion furnace 活性低结构高耐磨炉黑Al-Ti aluminium tri-iso-butyl-titanium tetrachloride三异丁基钛四氯化铝[催化剂]am;Amammonium 铵amyl 戊基Am-MonAmerican Monomer Corporation 美国单体公司ammon. ammoniacal 氨的amor. amorphous 无定形amp.;amps ampere(s)安培a,m.p.average melting point 平均熔点Am.Std.American Standards 美国标准An antioxidant 防老剂normal atmosphere 常压AN 见ACNanal.analogy;analogous 同属;类似;类似的ahalysis;analytical 分析;分析的anh;anhyd anhydride 酐nhydrous 无水的NM etbylorbutylacrylateandacrylonitrile co-polymer 乙基或丁基丙烯酸和丙烯腈共聚物ann.annealed 退火的;二次加热的an.pt. aniline point 苯胺点A.O.antioxidant 防老剂a. p.aniline point 苯胺点APair pressure 空气压力;气压ll-purpose 通用的A.P.American Patent 美国专利APF all—purposefurnace black 通用炉黑assured processibility factor 安全操作系数APHA American Public Health Association 美国公共卫生协会app.apparatus 装置;设备;仪器APP atactic polypropylene 无规立构聚丙烯aq.water;aqueous 水;含水的AQLacceptable quality level 合格标准;正品标准aq. reg. aqua regla 王水aq.sol.aqueous solution 水溶液ar.aromatic 芳族的;芳香的ar.;Ar. aryl(radical)芳基AR analytical reagent 分析纯试剂applied research 应用研究A.R. aromatic ring 芳族环as received 原(试)样as.asymmetric 不对称的ASAAmerican Standards Association 美国标准协会ASAAalkenyl succinicacldanhydride 链烯基丁二醛[增塑剂]asb. asbestos 石棉SPalkylsulfonate ofmixed phenols 混合苯酚的烷基磺化物SRCAmericanSyntheticRubberCorporation 美国合成橡胶公司asmt assortment 品种;品级;分级Assn.;Assoc(n) Association 协会;学会ASTM AmericanSocietyforTestingandMaterials 美国材料试验学会at. atomic 原子的atmospheric 大气的a.t.acid treatment 酸处理Atair temperature(空)气温(度)air-tight 气密的ATF fluid anti-freeze fluid 防冻液atm.atmosphere(puessure);atmospheric 大气(压);大气的at.no.;At.No.atomic number 原子序数ATR attenuated total reflectance 衰减全反射at.wt.atomic weight 原子量au;a.u.;A.U. Angstrom unit 埃(单位)[=10!-7mm]AUpolyester type of urethane rubber 聚酯型聚氨酯胶University of Akron 阿克隆大学[美]aux.auxiliary 辅助的;附属的av.;ave,;avg.average 平均avoirdupois 英国常衡制A,V.apparent viscosity 表观粘度apparent volume 表观容积A.V.mountinganti-vibration mounting 防振器;橡胶弹簧avdp. avoirdupois 英国常衡制ave.;avg.average 平均AVROSAlgemeeneVerenigingvanRubberplantersterOostkust van Sumatra 苏门答腊东海岸橡胶栽培者协会a.w. atomic weight 原手量Awg;AWG Amerrican wire gauge 美国线规AZBNazo-isobutyronitrile 偶氮异丁腈[发泡剂]AZDNazo-isobutyric dinitrile 偶氮异丁二腈[发泡剂]b. boiUn8 point 沸点boils at…;boiling at…在……温度下沸腾B battery 蓄电池breadth;broad 宽度;宽degree Baume 波美度Bablowing agent 发泡剂BA boric acid 硼酸butylaldhyde-aniline condensate 丁醛苯胺缩合物[促进剂]polybutycrylate 聚丙烯酸丁酯[粘合剂]B/A butadiene-acrylonitrile 丁腈(橡胶)B.A.before aging 老化前BAIbrine-alum 盐水明矾BARbutyl acetyl ricinoleate 蓖酸丁基乙酰酯[增塑剂]B.A.S.British Association Standars 英国标准协会BB benzidine 联苯胺[硫剂]B-Bbutane-butylene 丁烷丁烯BBPbutyl benzyl phthalate 酞甲酸丁苄酯[增塑剂] B.B.S.A.T.R.A.British Boot,Shoe and Allied Trande Research Association 国靴业研究协会BCFbutyl carbitol formal 丁基卡必醇甲醛[增塑剂]BCLbutoxyethyl laurate 月桂酸丁氧乙酯[增塑剂]B.C.R.P.M.ABritish Cellular Rubber and Plastics Manufactures’ Association 英国泡沫橡胶塑料业协会b.d.bone dry 干透b.d.;BD bulk density 体积密度BD;BDbutadiene 丁二烯BD 1,4-butanediol1,4-丁二醇[聚氨酯胶增量剂]butanediol dicaprylate 二辛酸丁二醇酯[增塑剂]/D tire bull-dozer tire 推土机轮胎BD/ANbutaiene-acrylonitrile rubber 丁腈橡胶BDMDCbismuth dimethylthiocarbamate 二甲基硫代氨基甲酸铋[促进剂]Bd.Sty. bound styrene 结合苯乙烯B/E beaded-edge(tire)软边胎;牙子胎BESA British Engieering Stsndards Association 英国工程标准协会B-E-T Brunauer-Emett-Teller methodofnitrogenadsorptionat low temperature 低温氮吸附法BFGB. F.Goodrich Tire Co.古特里奇轮胎公司BHTburylatedhydroxy toluene 丁基化羟基甲苯[防老剂]BiDMD 见BDMDCBIDPbutyliso-decyl phthalate 酞酸丁基异癸基酯[增塑剂]bis(m-p)PD N,N'-bis-(l-methyl-heptyl)-p-phenylene diamineN,N'-双(-I-甲基庚基)对苯二胺[防老剂]B.I.T. black incorporation time 炭黑混入时间BlEreaction product of acetoneanddiphenylamine丙酮和二苯胺反应产物[防老剂]BLIC Bureau de Liaison des Industries du Caoutchouc法国橡胶工业协会BLPbutyl lauryl phthalate 酞酸丁基月桂基酯[增塑剂]bltbelt 胶带BM black masterbatch[1]炭黑母炼胶[2]炭黑共沉胶BMApolybutylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯[粘合剂]BMCBritish Motor Corporation 英国汽车公司B—Nbeta-naphthole β—萘酚BNS butyl naphthalene sulfonate 磺化丁基萘[止链剂]BObutyl oleate 油酸丁酯[增塑剂]BOM;B.O.M. Bag-O-Matic B 式自动外胎定型硫化机BOPbutyl octyl phthalate 酞酸丁基辛酯[增塑剂]bpby-product 副产物;副产品bp;b.p.;B.P. boiling point 沸点BP 见BPO[硫化剂]B.P.;Br.P.British Patent 英国专利ronze plated 镀铜的BPBCbutyl phthalyl butyl glycollate 丁醇酸丁基邻苯二酰丁酯[增塑剂]BPDblend of p-phenylene diamine 对苯二胺混合物[防老剂]BPFBritish Plastics Federation 英国塑料同业联合会BPI Banbury Processibillity Index 密炼工艺指数BPIC t-butyl peroxyisopropylcarbonate 特丁基过氧异丙基碳酸酯[硫化剂] BPObenzoyl perexide 过氧化苯酰[硫化剂]B.P.P.K.Balai Penjelidikan dan Pemakaian Karet 印尼橡胶研究所bpt boiling point 沸点B. Q. D.;BQNp-(benzo) quinone dioxime 对(苯)醌二肟[硫化剂]br. brand 商标;牌号b. r.; B.R. boiling range 沸程BRbutadiene rubber 聚丁二烯橡胶BR; BRA butyl ricinoleate 蓖麻酸丁酯[增塑剂]BRC bound rubber content 结合橡胶含量brdbraid 编织B. R. D.B.British Rubber Development Board 英国橡胶发展委员会B. R. P. R.A.; British RubberProducers ResearchAssociation 英国橡胶生产者研究协BRPRA 丁二烯砜BSbotadiene sulphone 线规BS; B & S; BsgBrown and Sharpe wire gage 丁苯(橡胶)B/Sbutadiene-styrene 英国标准B, S. British Standards 标准局[美国]Bureau of Standards 硬脂酸丁酯[增塑剂]butyl stearate 英国标隹硬度B. S.D. hardness British Standard Durometer hardness 英国标准硬度BSHbenzene sulfonyl hydrazide 苯磺酰阱[发泡剂]British Standard Hardness 英国标准硬度B. S.I. British Standard Institute 英国标准学会BSK (BCK)= SBR 丁苯橡胶[苏联]BSPBritish Standard Pipe Thread 英国标准管螺纹BSSBritish Standard Sieve 英园标准筛British Standard Specification 英国标准规格BSW black sidewall 黑胎侧BSWG British Standard Wire Gauge 英国标准线规BTDSbenzothiazyl disulfide 二硫化苯基噻唑[促进剂]B. Th. U.British thermal unit 英热量单位B. T.R.British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.英国转胎橡胶公司BTR elastomerbroad temperaturerange elastomer 广温度范围橡胶B. tu.; B. T. U.British thermal unit 英热量单位bu.; Bu butyl 丁基Bubutadiene 丁二烯bu. alc.butyl alcohol 丁醇BuLi n-butyl lithium (catalyst)正丁基锂(催化剂)Bur. St. Bureau of Standards 标准局[美]b.v.by volume(%)按体积(%)B. V.P. butadiene vinyl pyridine rubber 丁吡橡胶b.w.by weight(%)按重量(%)Bwg; BWGBirmingham wire gauge 伯明汉线规BXDbis-ethylxanthogen disulfide 二硫化双乙基黄原酸酯[调节剂] BXDCbutoxyethyl diglycol carhamate 丁氧基乙基二乙Bz benzene 二醇氨基甲酸酯[促进剂]beuzoyl 苯(甲)酰benzyl:苄基c centi[希腊字头](=10-2)厘curie 居里[放射单位)C calendering 压延apacity 容量;能力coarse (screw thread)粗(螺纹)coefficientcoldconcentrationC. 2,3 polymerethylene-propylene polymerCA cellulose acetateChemical AbstractCAA process copper-ammonium acetate processcal. calorie; gram-calorieCal. kilogram-caloriecalc.calculate(d)cal. val. calorific &#118aluecalculated &#118alueCan. P.Canadian Patentap. capacitycapillarycat. catalyst; catalytic; catalyzedCB cis-polybotadieneCB; C.B.carbon blackCBM cold, black masterbatchCBMBcarbon blackmasterbatchCBS; CBTS N-cyclohexyl-2-benzothlazolesulfenamide CCconductive channel blackcontinuous currentC-Ccarbon-carbon linkCC tire cross country tireCCAcellularcellulose acetateplasticscdcordCD2-chlorobotadieneCD rim center drop rimC/D compression-deflactionC. D. crepe cungulam dialyzed crepeCDEDC cadmium diethyl dithiocarbamateCDMDC cadmium dimethyldlthiocarbamateCDRchemical derivative of rubberC. E.D.cohesive energy densityCEPAR; Cepar an instrument for measuring curing, extrusion, lasticity and recovery characteristics of rubberCf coefficient of frictionc/f; C/F continuous filamentCF conductive furnace blackC.F.cornering forceCFBconductive furnace blackCFM polychlorotrifiuoroethyleneC.G.crack growthch. chainC-Hcarbon-hydrogen linkCHA cyclobexyinmine acetateCHBS; CZ N-cyclohexyl-2-bonzothiazolesulfeunmideCh. E.chemical engineerchemical engineeringchn.chainC. H.U. caloric heat unitcentigrade heat unitCIR counmarooe-indene resincis-BR; cis-PB(d);cis-PBR cis-polybotadiene rubbercks centistokesC.L.center lineconstant levelcontrol limitCI2BPdichlorobonzoyl peroxideCLC cup lump crepeCLMS chemical-loaded molecular sieveCLR chlorinated rubberC.coefficient 系数cold 冷的concentration 浓缩;浓度CA cellulose acetate 乙酸纤维素Chemical AbstractCAA process copper-ammonium acetate process 化学文摘cal. calorie; gram-calorie 乙酸钢铵法[合成胶]Cal.kilogram-calorie 卡calc.calculate(d)千卡;大卡cal. val. calorific &#118alue 计算(的)calculated &#118alue 发热量;发热值Can. P.Canadian Patent 计算值cap. capacity 加拿大专利capillary 容量;能力cat. catalyst; catalytic; catalyzed 毛细管;毛细的CB cis-polybotadiene 催化剂;催化的CB; C.B.carbon black 顺式聚丁二烯CBM cold, black masterbatch 炭黑CBMBcarbon blackmasterbatch 低温炭黑母炼胶CBS; CBTS N-cyclohexyl-2-benzothlazolesulfenamide[1]炭黑母炼胶[2]炭黑共沉胶CCconductive channel blackN-环己基-2-苯并噻唑次磺酰胺[促进剂]continuous current 导电槽黑C-Ccarbon-carbon link 直流(电)CC tire cross country tire 碳—碳键CCAcellularcellulose acetateplastics 越野轮胎cdcord 乙酸纤维泡沫塑料CD2-chlorobotadiene 帘线;线绳CD rim center drop rim2—氯丁二烯[氯丁胶单体]C/D compression-deflaction 深式轮辋C. D. crepe cungulam dialyzed crepe 压缩变形CDEDC cadmium diethyl dithiocarbamate 渗析橡胶CDMDC cadmium dimethyldlthiocarbamate 二乙基氨荒酸镉[促进剂] CDRchemical derivative of rubber 二甲基氨荒酸镉[促进剂]C. E.D.cohesive energy density 橡胶的化学衍生物CEPAR; Ceparan instrument for measuring curing, extrusion,凝集能密度plasticity and recovery characteristics of rubber 硫化加工特性测定仪Cf coefficient of friction 摩擦系数c/f; C/F continuous filament 连续丝CF conductive furnace black 导电炉黑C.F.cornering force 侧滑力CFBconductive furnace black 导电炉黑CFM polychlorotrifiuoroethylene 聚氯四氟乙烯C.G.crack growth 龟裂增长;裂口生长ch. chain 链C-Hcarbon-hydrogen link 碳—氢键CHA cyclobexyinmine acetate 乙酸环已胺[凝固剂]CHBS; CZ N-cyclohexyl-2-bonzothiazolesulfeunmide—环己基—2—苯骈噻唑次磺酰胺;促进剂Ch. E.chemical engineer CZ 化学工程师chemical engineering 化学工程chn.chain 链C. H.U. caloric heat unit 卡热单位centigrade heat unit 百分法热单位;镊氏热单位CIR counmarooe-indene resin 古马隆—茚树脂cis-BR; cis-PB(d);cis-PBR cis-polybotadiene rubber 顺式聚丁二烯橡胶cks centistokes 厘司[粘度单位]C.L.center line 中心线constant level 恒定水平control limit 控制限度CI2BPdichlorobonzoyl peroxide 过氧化二氯笨[硫化剂]CLC cup lump crepe 杯底胶绉片CLMSchemical-loaded molecular sieve 化学药品填充分子筛CLR chlorinated rubbe 氯化橡胶CMCcarboxylmethyl cellulose 羧甲基纤维素CMPD compound[1]腔料[2]化合物CNcotton warp and nylon weft 棉经尼龙纬CNP cold, non-pigmented rubber 普通低温丁苯胶CNS cold, non-staining rubber 非污染性低温丁苯胶CO; ECO polyepichinrohydrin 聚表氯醇Coag.coagulant 凝固剂CO/BMcold, oil/black masterbateh 油充炭黑低温丁苯胶C. O.C.Cleveland open cup 克利弗兰开杯法CODcyelo-octadiene 环辛二烯[单体]COEcold, oil-extended rubber 油充低温丁苯胶COELCcold, oil-extended, light colored rubber 浅色的油充低温丁苯胶COFXcoldflex 低温屈挠性col.color; colored 着色剂;着色的coilcolloidal 胶体的coin. coloration 着色bine 混合;结合;化合com(m),commercial 商业的;工业的position 组成;成分compound[1]胶料[2]化合物compon. component 组分omp. p. compression pressure 压缩压力comp. r. compression ratio 压缩比cone. concentrate;concentrated;concentration 浓缩;cond. condition 浓缩了的;浓缩作用;浓度条件;情况onductivity 传导性;传导率oned, sol. concentrated solution 浓缩溶液cont. content 含量cont.(s) contain(s)含有;包含conv.(n),conversion 转化;转变;换算cor.corrected 校正的corr. corrugated 波纹的;螺纹的c.p. candle power 烛光center of pressure 压力中心c. p.; cP centipoise 厘泊[粘度单位]c.p. circular pitch 圆周节距compression pressure 压缩压力c. p.; CP chemically pure 化学纯CP chloroparaffin 氯化石蜡[防燃剂)C.P. calorific power 热值CPBR cis-polyhutadiene rubber 顺式聚丁二烯橡胶CPBS N-eyclopentamethylene-2-benzothlazolesuIfena-mide—环五甲撑—:—苯井噻唑次磺酰胺[促进剂]pound[1]胶料[2]化合物CPDcadmium pentamethylene dithioearbamate 五甲撑氨荒酸镉[促进剂] CPI cis-polyisoprene rubber 顺式聚异戊二烯橡胶CPM cost per mile 每哩成本[轮胎]cycles per minute 每分钟周数CPOEcold,pigmented,oil-extendedrubber 油充炭黑低温丁苯胶CPPD N-cyclobexyl-N'-phenyl-p-pbenylene diamineN-N-环已基—N’—苯基对苯二胺[防老剂]CPRcontrolled polymerization rate 控制的聚合速度cpscounts per second 每秒计数cycles per second 每秒周数cps; C. P.S.centipoise 厘泊cr. crepe 绉片crystalline 结晶的c. r.; C.R.cathode ray 阴极射线compression ratio 压缩比CR chloroprene rubber 氯丁橡胶cold rubber 低温丁苯橡胶CRC Crude Rubber Committee 天然橡胶委员全CRE cold, rosin-extended rubber 松香皂法低温丁苯胺CRF channel replacement furnace black 代槽黑用炉黑;代槽炉黑crit.critical 临界的C. R.L. casein, reclaim and latex adhesive 酪素;再生胶和胶乳粘合剂CRMB cyclized rubber masterbatch 环化橡胶母炼胶Cry.crystalline 结晶的crystn.crystallization 结晶c.s.;cS;cSt.;c.st. centistakcs 厘司c/s cycles per second 每秒周数CS compression set 压缩变形C.S.cast steel 铸钢combined sulfur 结合虢黄Commercial Standard(U. S. D 美国工商业规格CSMchloro-sulfonyl-polyethylene 氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶CSP chlorosulfonated polyethylen 氯硝化聚乙烯橡胶C. S.R. continuous sheet rubber 连续式胶片[生胶]c. s. t.; C. S.T. critical solution temperature 临界溶液温度critical stability temperature 临界稳定温度CSV concentrated solution viscosity 浓缩溶液粘度CTcontinuous thread 连续螺纹crescent tear 新月形试片撕裂parision temperature 比较温度CT fatiguecompression-tension fatigue 压缩伸长疲劳CTAB cetyltrimethylammoniumbrom 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵CTC; C. T.C. carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳[溶剂]CTR constant temperature retraction 恒温回缩(试验)C. T.U. centigrade thermal unit 百分度热单位CuDD; CUDD;CuDMD;cupric dimethyl dithiocorbamate 二甲基氨荒酸铜[促进剂] CuDMDCcar. current 每秒立方尺流;cu. ft./sec,cubic feet per second 流行的;现在的C.V. calorific &#118alue 卡值continuous vulcanization 连续硫化C. V. tirecargo vehicle tire 载重汽车胎[英]commercial vehicle tire 载重汽车胎CVC catalytic vulcanizing compound 催化硫化型胶料c.w. clockwise 顺时针cwthundredweight 廿分之一吨[英制重112 磅,美刷重100 磅]cyl.Cylinder 鼓;滚筒;汽缸d deci[希腊字头](=10-1)分derivative 衍生物d-dextro (rotatory)右旋的d; Ddensity 密度diameter 直径D 20/4density at 20°referred to water at 4°液体在20℃时的密度(对水在4℃时的密度而言)dadeca[希腊字头](=10)+DA Latexdeammoniated latex 脱氨胶乳D.A. Du Pont abrasion resistance index 杜邦磨耗指数DAA di-alkyl adipate 二烷基已二酸酯[增塑剂]DAB di-azo-aminobenzene 重氮胺基苯[发泡剂]DAH 2,5-di-tert-amyl hydroquinone2,5-二特戊基氢醌[防老剂]DAM; DADPMdiamino-diphenylmethane 二氨基二苯甲烷[硬化剂]DAMD dimethylaminomethyldimethyldithiocarbamate二甲基氨荒酸二甲胺甲酯[促进剂]DAP dl-alkyl phthalate 酞酸二烷基酯[增塑剂]di-alphanyl phthalate 酞酸二脂肪族酯[增塑剂]DAPSdi-alkyl phenol sulfide 二烷基酚硫化物[防老剂]DAR dispersing agent requirement 分散剂需要DAS di-alkyl sebacate 癸二酸二烷基酯[增塑剂]db double 双的;双重的db; dB decibel 分贝(尔)DBdodecyl bromide 十二烷基溴[硫化剂]D.B. dry bulb 干球[温度计]DBAdibenzylamine 二苄基胺[促进剂]见DBUD[促进剂]DBAEdibutylamino-ethanol 二丁基氨基乙醇DBAOdibutylammonium oleate 油酸二丁基铵[促进剂]DBCNnickel dibutyl dithiocarbamate 二丁基氨荒酸镍[防老剂]DBE dibenzyl ether 二苄醚[增塑剂]DBESdibutoxyethyl sebacate 癸二酸二丁氧乙酯[增塑剂]DBF dibutyl fumarate 富马酸二丁酯[增塑剂]DBH2,5-di-tert-butyihydroquinone2,5-二特丁基氢醌[防老剂]DBIdouble bond index 双键指数dbl.double 双的;双重的dblr.doubler 合布机;合胶机DBM dibutyl maleate 马来酸二丁酯[增塑剂]DBMP 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl phenol2,6-二特丁基-4—甲基苯酚[防老剂] DBPdibutyl phthalate 酞酸二丁酯[增塑剂]DBPC 2,6-ditertinry-butyl-para-cresol2,6-二特丁基对甲酚[防老剂]DBPDN,N'-di-sec-butyl-p-phenylenediamineN,N'-二另丁基对苯二胺[防老剂] DBPMH2,5-bis (tert.-butyl peroxy)-2,5-dimethylhexane2,5-双(特丁基过氧化)-2,5-二甲基己烷[促进剂]D. B. Q.D.p,p'-dibenzylquinone dioxime 对,对'-二苄基醌二肟[硫化剂]DBS dibutyl sebacate 癸二酸二丁酯[增塑剂]DBnD; DBUD; dibutylammonium dibutyldithiocarbamate 二丁基氨荒酸二丁铵[促进] DBTUd. c dispersing coefficient 分散系数double cylinder .双筒;双缸;双滚d. c.; D.C. direct current 直流(电)DC die casting3,3'-压力铸型法D.C.dust collector2,4-集尘器DCB 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine 二氯联苯胺[硫化剂]DCBP2,4-dichlorobenzoyl peroxide 二氯苯酰过氧化物[硫化剂]CHP di-cyclohexyl phthalate 酞酸二环已酯[增塑剂]DCOdehydrated castor oil 脱水蓖麻油DCPdicapryl phthalate 酞酸二辛酯[增塑剂]dicumyl peroxide 过氧化二异丙苯[硫化剂]DCPD di-cyclohcxyl phenyl-p-phenylenedia mine 二环已基苯基对苯二胺[防老剂] DCPDdieyelopentadiene 双茂;二聚环戊二烯DCPTTS dicyclopentamethylene-thiuram tetrasulfide 四硫化二环五次甲基秋兰姆[促进]dd direct drive 直接传动double 双的;双重的DDA di-decyl adipate 二苯胺衍生物[防老剂]diphenylamine derivative 己二酸二癸酯[增塑剂]DDC; DDCNdiethylammodium diethyl-dithlocarbamate 二乙基氨荒酸二乙铵[促进剂] DDD dimethylammonium dimethyl-dithlocarbamate 二甲基氨荒酸二甲铵[促进剂] DDM dodecyl mercaptan] 十二碳硫酵[调节剂]DDPdi-decyl phthalate 酞酸二癸酯[增塑剂]DDSdiaminodiphenylsulfone 二胺基二苯基砜[硬化剂DE Defo-elastlcity 德弗弹性D.E.degree of elasticity 弹性度DEA diethanolamine 二乙醇胺[增塑剂]DEAD diethyl ammonium dithiocarbamate 氨荒酸二乙铵[促进剂]DEAE diethylaminoethanol 二乙基氨基乙醇DEAPAdiethylaminopropylamine 二乙胺基丙胺[硬化剂]dec.; decomp. decompose(s); decomposition 分解D. E.D.sym-diphenylethylene diamine 对称二苯基乙撑二胺[防老剂]deg. degree 度DEGdiethylene glycol 二甘醇[硫化剂]den. denier 但尼尔;代density 密度DEPdi-ethyl phthalate 酞酸二乙酯[增塑剂]depolym.depolymerize(s) 解聚dept.department 部门;车间deriv.derivative; derived 衍生物;衍生的et. determine 确定DETA diethylene triamine 二乙撑三脓[聚合剂]DETU diethyl thiourea 二乙基硫脲[促进剂]dev. device 装置dev.; devel. development 发展df; DF degree of freedom 自由度d/fdenier per filament 每单丝代数D.F.double filling 双纬[纺]DFL dry flight lubricant 长网干燥用隔离剂DFP diisopropylfluoro-phosphate 二异丙基氟化磷酸酯[增塑剂]g.decigram 分克DGP dietbylene glycol dipelargonate 二乙撑乙二醇二王酸酯[增塑剂]DHDefo-hardness 德弗硬度D.H. double helical 人字[齿轮];双螺旋DHA dihexyl adipate 已二酸二己酯[增塑剂]DHB1,4-dihydrobenzene1,4-二氢化苯[调节剂]DHN1,4-dlhydronaphthalene1,4-二氢化萘[调节剂]DHPdi-hexyl phthalate 酞酸二已酯[增塑剂]DHZdi-2-ethyl butyl azelate 壬二酸二-2-乙基丁酯[增塑剂]D.I. dispersion index 分散指数dia.; diam. diameter 直径diag.diagonal 对角的diagram 图;图表Di-BA; DIBAdj-iso-butyl adipate 已二酸二异丁酯[增塑剂]DIBHP di-isopropyl benzene hydroperoxide 二异丙苯过氧化氢[催化剂]DIBP di-iso-butyl phthaiate 酞酸二异丁酯[增塑剂]DIBQdi-tert-butylquinone 二特丁醌[抗变异剂]DIBS N,N-diisopropylbenzothiazyl-2-suifenanlideN,N-二异丙基苯并噻唑-2-次躏酰胺[促进剂]DIBZ di-iso-butyl azeiate 壬二酸二异丁酯[增塑剂]DICdiisopropylamiae dtisopropyl-dithiocarbamate 二异丙基氨荒酸二异丙胺[促进剂] DIDAdi-iso-decyl adipate 己二酸二异癸酯[增塑剂]DIDPdi-iso-decyl phthalate 酞酸二异癸酯[增塑剂]dielec. dielectric 介电dif.; diff. different; difference 不同的;差别;差额difficulty 困难dil. dilute 稀的;稀释的DINDeutsche Industrie-norm(ung)德国工业标准Di-OA; DIOAdi-iso-octyl adipate 已二酸二异辛酯[增塑剂]DIOF di-iso-octyl fumarate 富马酸二异辛酯[增塑剂]DIODPdi-iso-octyl-decyl phthalate 酞酸二异辛基、癸酯[增塑剂]Di-OP; DIOPdi-iso-octyl phthaiate 酞酸二异辛酯[增塑剂]DIOSdi-iso-octyl sebacate 癸二酸二异辛酯[增塑剂]DIOZdi-iso-octyl azeiate 壬二酸二异辛酯[增塑剂] DIPAEdiisopropylaminoethanol 二异丙基氨基乙醇3,5-DIPF3,5-di-iso-propylphenylformaldehyde3,5-二异丙基笨甲醛[树脂]dis.dissolve 溶解dissoc,dissociation 离解dist. distill 蒸馏Div.; Divn. division 区分DIXDSdi-isopropylxanthogendisuffide 二硫化二异丙基黄原酸[促进剂]dkg dekagram 十克DKGDeutsche Kautschuk-Geselischaft 德意志橡胶协会dkldekaliter 十升dl deciliter 分升DL diameter length 直径长度DLO daylight opening 板距;台距[平板机]dm decimeter 分米DM dry mix 胶料;混炼胶D.M.dry matter[1]干燥物质[2]见DMBTDMAEdimethylaminocthanol 二甲基氨基乙醇DMBT dibenzothiazyl disulfide 二硫化二苯井噻唑[促进剂]DMDCA dimethyl dithiocarbamate 二甲基氨荒酸盐[促进剂]DMDPA 4, 4'-dimethoxydiphcnyiamiae4,4 -二甲氧基二苯胺[防老剂]MD(MP)PD N,N'-dimethyl-n,n'-di(1-methyl-proyl)-p-phenyenediamineN,N'-二甲基-N,N'-二(1-甲基丙基)对苯二胺[防老剂]DMDPTD dimethyl dipbenylthiuram disulfide 二硫化二甲基二苯基秋兰姆[促进剂] DMFdimethyl formamide 二甲替甲酰胺[PVC 溶剂]DMHPD N,N'-di-3-(5-methylbeptyl)-p-phenylene diamineN,N'-二-3-(5-甲基庚基)对苯二胺[防老剂]DMI dimethyl isophihalate 间苯二酸二甲酯[增塑剂]DMOD dimethyl octadiene 二甲基率二烯DMP di-methyl phthalate 酞酸二甲酯[增塑剂]DMPPCdimethylphenyl-para-cresol 二甲基苯基对甲酚[防老剂]D(MP)PDdi-(1-methylpropyl)-p-phenylenediamine 二-(1-甲基丙基)对笨二胺[防老剂] DMSdimorpholinyl disulfide 二硫化吗啡啉;二吗啉基二硫化物[促进剂]D. M.S.direct molded shoe 直接模制胶底鞋DMTdimethyl terepbthalate 对酞酸二甲酯[增塑剂]DMUdimethylolurea 二羟甲基脲DNA di-nonyl adipate 己二酸二壬酯[增塑剂]DNBS di-nitrosopbenyl-benzothiazyl sulfide 二亚硝基苯基苯井噻唑硫化物[促进剂] N,4-DNMA N,4-dinitroso-N-methylaniline N,4-二亚硝基-N-甲基苯胺[改性剂] DNODAdi-n-oetyl-n-ducyl adipate 己二酸二正辛基正癸酯[增塑剂]DNP di-nonyl phthalate 酞酸二壬酯[增塑剂]DNP; DNPDsym-di-β-naphthyl-p-phenylene diamine 对称二-β-萘基对苯二胺[防老剂]DNPDMDTC 2,4-dinitrophenyl-dimethyl-dithiocarbamate2,4 二硝基苯基二甲基氨荒酸酯[促进剂]DNPT di-nitrosopentamcthylene-tetramine 二亚硝基五次甲叉四胺[发泡剂]3:5-DNTB 3:5-dinitrothiolbenzoic acid 3:5-二硝基碗代苯酸DOA di-octyl adipate 已二酸二辛酯[增塑剂]DOCPdi-iso-octyl capryl phthalate 酞酸异辛基辛酸酯[增塑剂]DOD 4,4'-dioxydiphenyl 二氧联苯[防老剂]DODA 见DNODADOMdi-octyl maleate 马来酸二辛酯[增塑剂]DOP di-octyl phthalate 酞酸二辛酯[增塑剂]DOPD, DOPPDN,N'-dioctyl-p-phenylene diamine N,N'-二辛基对苯基二胺[防老剂] DOS di-octyl sebacate 癸二酸二辛酯[增塑剂]DOTG;D.O.T.G.di-ortho-tolylguanidine 二邻甲苯基胍[促进剂]DOTT; DOTTUdi-ortho-tolyl thiourea 二邻甲苯基硫脲[促进剂]DOZ di-octyl azelate 壬二酸二辛酯[增塑剂]d.p.double ply 双层的;贴合的double-pressed 两女压滤的dual purpose 双重目的;双用的d. p.; DP dew point 露点diametral pitch 直径节距DP degree of polymerization 聚合度D-P dimeric polymer 二聚物DPA diphenylamine 二苯胺[防老剂]DPBS2 (N,N'-diisopropyt) benzolesulfenamide 二(N,N'二异丙基)苯次磺酰胺[促进剂] DPCdi-n-propylamine di-n-propyldithiocarbamate 二正丙氨荒酸二正丙胺[促进剂] d. p.f.denier per filament 每单丝代数DPG diphenylguanidine 二苯胍[促进剂]DPM diphenylmethane 二苯甲烷[硫化剂jDPMTTSdipentamethylene thiuramtetrasulfide 四硫化二五次甲基秋兰姆[促进剂] DPPdi-propyl phthalate 酞酸二丙酯[增塑剂]DPPD N,N'-dipbenyl-p-phenylencdiamineN,N'-二苯基对苯二胺[防老剂]DPR depolymerized rubber 解聚橡胶DPT 见DNPTDPTT; DPTTSdipentamethylene thiuram tetrasulfide 四硫化三五次甲基秋兰姆[促进剂]D. P.U. dry pickup 干燥附胶量d.r.degree of resilience 弹回度DRdelayed recovery 迟缓复原[纺]dry residue 干燥余渣;干沉淀物D.R. dry rubber 干胶drc; DRC dry rubber content 干胶含量D.S. degree of substitution 取代程度D. S.M.densimeter 密度计;比重计D-SNdeuterio rubber 氘橡胶;重氢橡胶DSV dilute solution viscosity 稀溶液粘度DTA differential thermal analyser 差热分析器iethylenetriamine 二乙撑三胺[环氧树脂硬化剂]DTAH2,5-di-tert. amyl hydroquinone2,5-二特戊基氢醌[防变异剂]DTBP ditertiary butyl peroxide 二特丁基过氧化物[硫化剂]DTBQdiertiary butyl quinone 二特丁醌[抗永变剂]DTCdithiocarbamate 氨荒酸盐[促进剂]DTDM4,4'-dlthiodimorpholine4,4'-二硫代二吗啉[硫化剂]DTDP di-tri-decyl phthalate 酞酸二三癸酯[增塑剂]DTEQ 1,2-dihydro-2,2, 4-tri-methyl-6-ethoxy-quinoline1,2-二氢-2,2,4-三甲基-6-乙氧基喹啉[防老剂]DTMT 见TMTDDTPD di-tolyl-p-phcnylenediamine 二甲苯基对苯二胺[防老剂]DVdirect vulcanization 直接硫化DVB divinyl benzene 二乙烯基苯[合成胶单体]dw dry weight 干重dx duplex 双重的dyn.dyne 达因[物理单位]e efficiency 效率electron 电子electronic charge 电子电荷E elongation 伸长(率)extruding 压出EA polyethyincrylate 聚丙烯酸乙酯[粘合剂]E.A.ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯[增塑剂]EAEethylaminoethanol 乙胺基乙醇EB; Ebelongation at break 扯断伸长率EBCestate brown crepe 胶园褐绉片e. b.p. end boiling point 终沸点E-BR emulsion polybutadiene rubber 乳液聚丁二烯橡胶ECFextra conductive furnance black 超导电炉黑EDA-Cethyl diamine carbonate 乙二胺碳酸酯[硫化剂]EDCNnickel bis(ethylenedinmine)-dithiocarbamate 双乙二胺氨荒酸镍[防老剂] EDFexternal driving force 外推动力EDMAethylene dimethacrylate 乙基二甲基丙烯酸EDPelectronic data processing 电子数据操作EDTequivalent drying time 同等干燥时间EDTA ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸[络合剂]E. D. T. m. q. 6-ethoxy-l,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethyl quinoline乙氧基-1,2-二氢-2,2,4-三甲基喹啉[防老剂]E.E.ethyl ether 乙醚EEAethylene-ethylacrylate copolymer 乙烯丙烯酸乙酯共聚物EFefficiency factor 效率系数extra fine 超细(粒子)EFAcondensate of ethyl chloride, formaldehydeandammonia乙基氯-甲醛氨缩台物[促进剂]eff. efficiency 效率effl.; efflor. efflorescent 喷霜的e.g. exampli gratia (for example)例如EHApolyethylhexylacryinte 聚丙烯酸乙基已酯[粘合剂]EHM extra high modulus 超高模数e. h. p.; E. H. P. effective horsepower 有效马力electrical horsepower 电马力el; EL elongation 伸长(率)e, l; E, L,elastic limit 弹性权限eib.elbow 弯头[管道]e. m.; E.M.electromagnetic 电磁的Ememulsifier 乳化剂E.M. electron microscope 电子显微镜EMApolyethylmethacrytate 聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯[粘合剂]e. m.f.; E. M.F. electromotive force 电动势(EMP)2p. p.d.N,N'-di-(1-ethyl-3-methyl)-p-phenylene diamineN.N'-二(1-乙基-3-甲基)对苯二胺[防老剂]EMPBD emulsion polybutadiene 乳聚丁二烯(橡胶)e. m.u. electromagnetic unit 电磁单位Emnl. emulsifier 乳化剂EMV electromagnetic &#118alue 电磁值engng.engineering 工程engr.engineer 工程师E. N.M. extra network material 超网络结构物质EO ethylene oxide 环氧乙烷;氧化乙烯Eot thiokol B 聚硫橡胶Be.p. end point 终点e. p.; E.P.extreme pressure 极压Ep elongation set 永久伸长E.P.picks/ends 经纬(密度)比EPC easy processing channel black 易混槽黑ethylenc-propylene copolymer 乙丙共聚物E. P.C.edge position control 边位控制(器)EPDM ethylene-propylene(dicyclopenta) diene copolymer 三元乙丙胶[含双环戊二烯] EPDRethylene-propylene-diene rubber 三元乙丙橡胶EPFeasy processing furnace black 易混炉黑cpi ends per inch 每时经数;时经;经密EPM [1] ethylene-propylene copolymer 乙丙共聚物[2]viton; kel-F 氟橡胶EPR electron-para-magnetic resonance 电子顺磁共振ethylene-propylene rubber 乙丙橡胶EPT ethylene propylene terpolymer 三元乙丙橡胶EPTOoil-extendedEPT 油充乙丙三聚物;油充三元乙丙橡胶q.equal 相等;相同equation 平衡;方程式qld.equalized 相等的;平均的eqil.equilibrium 平衡eqpt.equipment 设备equiv, equivalent 相当的;等价的ER extremely reinforcing 极补强ES extra soft 超软质ESC environmental stress cracking 候化龟裂ESPelectrostatic potential 静电势esp.;espec. especially 特别;尤其ESRelectronic spin resonance 电子旋转共振ESSOEsso Research and Engineering Co. 艾索研究工程公司est.;et. estimate [1]计[2]预算[3]测定e. s.u.electrostatic unit 静电单位ET thiokol A 聚硫橡胶AEt. ethyl 乙基ETAethanol-toluene azeotrope 乙醇甲苯共沸混合液[抽提硫化胶用]ETDQ 6-ethoxy- 2,2,4-trimethyl-t,2-dihydroquinuiine 乙氧基三甲基二氢喹啉[抗臭氧剂]ETELtellurium diethyldithiocar bamate 二乙基氨荒酸碲[促进剂]Et. OH ethyl alcohol 乙醇ETTCethylene trithiocarbamate 乙烯基三硫代氨基甲酸酯[促进剂]EUpolyether type ofurethane rubber 聚醚型聚氨酯橡胶eVelectron volt 电子伏特EVA ethylene-vinylacetate copolymer 乙烯乙酸乙烯共聚物evap.evaporate 蒸发。



化学试剂中英文对照A abamectin 阿维菌素acarbose 阿卡(波)糖acetic acid 醋酸 , 乙酸acetic acid glacial 冰醋酸acetic anhydride 醋酸酐 , 无水醋酸N-acetoacetamide N-丁间酮酰苯胺aceto acet anilide N-乙酰乙酰苯胺aceto butyrolactone 乙酰丁内酯acetone 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈acetophenone 乙酰苯 , 苯乙酮2-(acetoxymethyl)-4-(benzyloxy)butyl acetate 乙酰丁基乙酸酯acetyl chloride 乙酰氯acetyl choline Iodide 乙酰胆碱碘N-acetyl-L-glutamine N-乙酰基-L-谷氨酸acetyl hexapeptide-3 乙酰基六角缩氨酸-3, 六缩氨酸乙酸酯2-acetylthiophene 2-乙酰噻吩acid black 酸性黑acid blue 酸性蓝acid brown 酸性棕acid dyes 酸性染料acid green 酸性绿acidified copper sulphate 酸化硫酸铜acid orange 酸性橙acid red 酸性红acid yellow 酸性黄acrylamide 丙烯酰胺acrylate monomer 丙烯酸酯单体acrylic acid(esterification grade) 丙烯酸(酯化级)acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂acrylonitrile 丙烯腈acryloyl chloride 烯丙酰氯activated carbon 活性炭acyclovir 阿昔洛韦adipic acid 脂肪酸Aectaminophin(Aspirin) 阿斯匹林agar 琼脂 D-alanine D-丙氨酸DL-alanine DL-丙氨酸albendazole 阿苯哒唑aldehyde 乙醛alkali refined linseed oil 精炼亚麻子油alkyd resin 醇酸树脂alkyl benzene 烷基苯alkyl bromide 烷基溴alkyl benzene sulfonic acid 烷基苯磺酸alkyl benzene sulphonic acid 线性苯磺酸allethrin 亚列宁/丙烯菊酯allyl alcohol 烯丙醇allyl bromide 烯丙基溴allyl chloride 烯丙基氯5-alpha androstenediol cypionate 5α-雄烯二醇环戊丙酸酯alpha cypermethrin a-氯氰菊酯alpha methyl furfuryl alcohol a-甲基糠醇alpha Naphthol a-萘酚alprazolam 阿普唑仑Aluminium chloride 氯化铝Aluminium chloride anhydrous 无水氯化铝Aluminium fluoride 氟化铝Aluminium foil 铝箔Aluminium hydroxide 氢氧化铝Aluminium ingot 铝锭Aluminium oxide 氧化铝Aluminium phosphide 磷酸铝Aluminium polychloride 多氯化铝Aluminium sulfate 硫酸铝Aluminium sulphate 硫酸铝Aluminium trichloride 三氯化铝Aluminium tristearate micronized sterile 三硬脂酸铝ametryn 莠灭净amiloride HCl 盐酸氨洛林amine corrosion inhibitors 胺阻蚀剂3-amino acetophenone 3-氨基苯乙酮amino acid 氨基酸2-amino benzaldehyde 2-氨基苯甲醛S-(+)-2-amino-1-butanol S-(+)-2-氨基-1-丁醇L(-)2-aminobutyric acid L(-)2-氨基丁酸L(+)-2-aminobutyric acid L(+)-2-氨基丁酸2-amino-4-chlorodiphenylamine 2-氨基-4-氯二苯胺3-amino-2-chloropyridine 3-氨-2-氯嘧啶5-amino-2-cyano benzotrifluoride 5-氨基-2-氰基三氟甲苯2-amino-3-cyano-5-methyl thiophene 2-氨基-3-氰基-5-甲基噻吩2-amino-4,6-dimethoxy pyrimidine 2-氨基-4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶6-amino-1,3-dimethyluracil 6-氨基-1,3双甲基尿嘧啶o-amino diphenylsulfone 邻氨基二苯酚2-amino-5-fluorobenzoic acid 2-氨基-5-氟代甲基苯酸amino guandine HCl 盐酸氨基胍6-aminohexan -1-ol 6-氨基己烷-1-醇2-amino-2-(hydroxy methyl)-1,3,propane diol 噻苯咪唑5-amino isophthalic acid 5-氨基间苯二甲酸3-amino-4-methoxy acetanilide 3-氨基-4-甲氧基乙酰苯胺3-amino-5-methoxyisoxazole 3-氨基-5-甲氧基异恶唑2-amino -5-methyl pyridne 2-氨基-5-甲基吡啶3- amino- 4 -methyl pyridine 3-氨基-4-甲基吡啶2-amino-5-methyl thiazole 2-氨基5-甲基噻唑1- amino- 7- naphthol 1-氨基-7-萘酚2-amino-4-nitrophenol 2-氨基-4-硝基苯酚2-amino-5-nirto phenol 2-氨基-5-硝基苯酚4-amino phenol 4-氨基苯酚aminophylline anhydrous 无水氨茶碱2-amino-1,3-propanediol 2-氨基-1,3-丙二醇3-amino-1-pyrazole 3-氨基-1-吡唑4-amino pyridine 4-氨基吡啶3-aminoquinoline 氨基喹啉4- amino 1,2,4 –triazole 4-氨基苯三唑amitraz 双甲眯ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 , 重碳酸铵ammonium bifluopide 氟化氢铵ammonium bi-fluoride 双氟化铵ammonium bisulfite 亚硫酸胺ammonium bisulfite 56% solution 亚硫酸铵56%溶液ammonium chloride 氯化铵ammonium chromate 鉻酸銨ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 磷酸二氢铵ammonium formate 甲酸铵ammonium heptamolybdate 铵ammonium hydroxide 氢氧化铵ammonium molybdate 钼酸铵ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵 , 硝铵ammonium nitrate prilled 颗粒状硝酸铵ammonium persulfate 过硫酸铵ammonium sulfate (fertilizer ) 硫酸铵(肥料)ammonium sulphate 硫酸铵ammonium thiocyanate 硫氰酸铵amoxicillin 羟氨苄青霉素amoxycillin 阿莫西林ampicillin 氨比西林,氨苄青霉素ampicillin trihydrate 三水苄青霉素ampicillin trihydrate micronized 微粉化三水苄青霉素amprolium HCl 盐酸安普罗铵amyl acetate 乙酸戊酯amyl alcohol 戊基analgin 安乃近anethole 茴香脑anhydride maleic 马来酸酐anhydrous Ferric chloride 无水氯化铁aniline oil 苯胺油anion exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂anionic softener 软化剂anthraquinone 蒽醌anthranilic acid 邻氨基苯甲酸antibiotics 抗生素anti foam 消泡剂antimony metal 金属锑antimony oxide 氧化锑antimony triacetate 三醋酸锑antimony trichloride 三氯化锑antimony trioxide 三氧化二锑antimony trisulfide 三硫化二锑antioxidant 硬化防止剂 , 抗氧化剂antipyrine 安替比林antistatic agent 抗静电剂6-APA 6-氨基头孢菌素arginine 精氨酸aromatic plasticizer 芳香型可塑剂Arsenic trioxide 三氧化二砷 , 砒霜artesunate 青蒿琥酯ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 抗坏血酸(维生素C) ascorbic acid plain 维C片ascorbyl palmitate 维生素C棕榈酸酯L-asparagine L-天冬酰胺aspartame powder 阿斯巴甜DL-aspartic acid Dl-天门冬氨酸Aspirin(Aectaminophin) 阿斯匹林atactic polypropylene 不规则聚丙烯Atenolol 阿替洛尔attapulgite 凹凸棒7-azaindole 7-吖吲哚azelaic acid 壬二酸azelastine HCl 盐酸氮斯汀Bbactericides 杀菌剂Barium carbonate 碳酸钡Barium carbonate precipitated 沉淀碳酸钡Barium chloride 氯化钡Barium hydroxide 氢氧化钡Barium nitrate 硝酸钡Barium sulfate 硫酸钡Barium sulpate precipitated 磺胺钡barite 重晶石barite coarse ground 重晶石粗矿basil oil 罗勒油benazepril hydrochloride 酸贝那普利bentonite 膨润土benzalacetone 苯亚甲基丙酮benzaldehyde 苯甲醛benzene 苯benzhexol HCl 盐酸苯海索benzoic acid 安息香酸 , 苯甲酸benzoin 安息香胶benzophenone 苯甲酮1,2,3-benzotriazole 1,2,3-苯并三唑benzyl acetate 醋酸苄酯benzyl alcohol 苄醇 , 苯甲醇benzylamine 苄胺benzyl benzoate 苯(甲)酸苄酯benzyl bromide 溴苄benzyl chloride 氯苄benzyl isocyanate 异氰酸苄酯N-benzyl maleimide N-苯基马来酰亚胺benzylpenicillin sodium 青霉素钠benzylpenicillin sodium salt 青霉素钠1-benzyl-4-piperidone 1-苯甲基-4-哌啶酮8-benzyl theophylline 8-苄基茶碱beta carotene ß-胡罗卜素beta carotene powder β-胡萝卜素粉末betaine 甜菜碱betamethasone base 倍他米松betamethasone 1,7-valerate 倍他米松戊酸盐beta naphthol β-萘酚 BHA 2,3-丁基-4-羟基茴香醚bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐bi-oriented polypropylene films 双取向聚丙烯薄膜biotin 生物素4,4' –biphenyldialdehyde 4,4'-二醛联苯bisacodyl 比沙可啶N,N-bis(3-aminopropyl)methylamine N,N-二(3-氨丙基)甲胺bisphenol 双酚bisphenol A 双酚A bitumen 沥青bleaching powder 漂白粉blue Silica gel 蓝硅胶BOPP film BOPP薄膜borax 硼砂borax decahydrate 十水硼砂borax pentahydrate 五水硼砂boric acid 硼酸brass forge 黄铜锭brodifacoum 塔隆bromadiolone 溴敌鼠Bromine 溴4- bromo benzaldehyde 4-溴苯甲醛p-bromo benzonitrile 对溴氰苯1-bromo-3-chloropropane 1-溴-3-氯丙烷bromodi chloroacetic acid 溴氯乙酸2-bromo ethyl benzene 2-溴乙苯bromodiphenylmethane 溴联苯甲烷2-bromoethyl benzene 2-溴乙基苯1-bromohexane 1-溴己烷6-bromo-2-hydroxynaphthalene 6-溴-2-羟基萘4-bromo mandelic acid 4-溴扁桃酸3-bromo methyl heptane 3-溴甲基庚烷5-bromo-2-methyl pyridine 5-溴-2-甲基嘧啶2-bromopentane 2-溴戊酮4-bromophenol 4-溴苯酚4-bromo phenyl acetic acid 4-溴苯基乙酸4-bromo phenylphenol 4-溴苯基苯酚5-bromophthalide 三溴硝基甲烷2-bromopropionic acid 2-溴丙酸2-bromo propionic acid methyl ester 2-溴丙酸甲酯2-bromopyridine-n-oxide 溴安替比林4-bromo-styrene 4-溴苯乙烯N-bromosuccinimide N-溴琥珀酰亚胺3-bromo thiophene 3-溴噻吩3-bromotoluene 3-溴甲苯bronopol 溴硝丙二醇brown pigment 氧化铁棕butachlor technical 丁草胺1,4-butanediol 1,4-丁二醇1, 4-butanedisulfonic acid 1,4-丁二磺酰1,4-butane sultone 1,4-丁磺酸内酯butanol 丁醇 N-butanol 正丁醇N-butyl acetate N-丁基醋酸butyl acetate 丁基醋酸盐butyl acrylate 丙烯酸丁酯butyl acrylate monomer 丙烯酸丁酯单体n-butyl amine 正丁胺butyleacetate 醋酸丁酯2-butylphenyl-n-methylcarbamate 2-丁苯基-N-甲基氨基甲酸酯butyl rubber 丁基橡胶butyltin trichloride 三氯丁锡butyl triglycol ether 丁基三甘醇醚butynediol 丁炔二醇butyric acid 丁酸n-butyronitrile 正丁腈butyryl chloride 丁基氯CCaCl2-powder 氯化钙粉calamine 炉甘石cacined petroleum coke 石油焦(炭)cadmium chloride 氯化镉cadmium chloride powder 氯化镉粉cadmium nitrate 硝酸镉cadmium oxide 氧化镉cadmium powder 镉粉cadmium sulfide powder 硫化镉粉cadmium sulphate 硫酸镉cadmium telluride powder 锑化镉粉cadmium metal 镉合金caffein anhydrous 无水咖啡因caffeine 咖啡因Calcium ascorbate 抗坏血酸钙Calcium carbide 碳化钙 , 电石Calcium carbonate 碳酸钙Calcium chloride 氯化钙Calcium chloride anhydrous 无水氯化钙Calcium cyanide 氰化钙Calcium gluconate 葡萄糖酸钙Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙Calcium hypochlorite 次氯酸钙Calcium lactate 乳酸钙Calcium metal 金属钙Calcium nitrate 硝酸钙Calcium resinate 树脂酸钙Calcium stearate 硬脂酸钙Calcium thiocyanate 硫代硫酸钙camphor 樟脑camphoric aldehyde 樟脑醛ca. phosphate dibasic 二盐基磷酸钙captan 克菌丹Captopril 卡托普利 , 巯甲丙脯氨酸的商品名carbadox 卡巴多司carbamzepine 卡马西平carbaryl 甲萘威carbendazim 多菌灵carbidopa 卡比多巴carbofuran 呋喃丹carboplatin 卡铂carbon black 碳黑carbon disulphide 二硫化碳carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳carbosulfan 丁硫克百威carboxin 萎锈灵carboxymethyl cellulose 羧甲基纤维素car paints 车用油漆carvacrol 香芹酚D- carvone D-香芹酮cascorbic acid 抗坏血酸维生素casein 干酪素castor oil 蓖麻油castor oil refined grade 精练蓖麻油catalyst 催化剂catharanthine 长春碱cationic dyes 阳离子染料cationic green melachite 碱性孔雀绿cationic softner 酸性柔软剂caustic soda 苛性钠 , 烧碱 , 苛性苏打 , 固碱 , 氢氧化钠caustic soda flakes 苛性苏打薄片 , 片碱caustic soda liquid 液碱caustic soda prills 苛性碱颗粒cefixime micronized 头孢克肟cefoperazone 头孢哌酮钠cefoxitin sodium salt 头孢西丁钠盐cefprozil 头孢丙烯ceftazidime 头孢他啶ceftriaxone 头孢曲松cellulose 纤维素α-cellulose α-纤维素cellulose acetate 醋酸纤维素cellulose acetate soluble 可溶性醋酸纤维素centrifugal pumps 离心泵cephalexin 头孢氨苄cephalexin monohydrate 头孢氨苄cerium oxide 氧化铈cesium carbonate 碳酸锶cetrimide 溴棕三甲胺cetyl alcohol 十六烷醇chitosan 壳聚糖chloral hydrate 水合氯醛chloramphenicol 氯霉素chloramphenicol levo 左旋氯霉素chloramphenicol palmitate 氯霉素棕榈酸酯 , 棕榈酸氯霉素chlordiazepoxide(base) fine powder 利眠宁chlorhexadine 双氯苯双胍己烷葡(萄)糖酸盐chlorinated paraffin 氯化石蜡chlorinated polypropylene 氯化聚丙烯chlorine 液氯chloro alkyl phenyl urea condensate 氯化甲基苯基尿素m-chloro aniline 间氯苯胺 4-chloroaniline 4-氯苯胺 4-chloro benzotrifluoride 4-氯三氟甲苯 p-chloro benzo trifluoride 对氯三氟甲苯 3-chloro benzyl cyanide 3-氯苯甲基氰化物 4-chloro butyryl chloride 4-氯丁基氯 chlorocyclohexane 氯基环己烷2-chloro-4,6-dimethyl pyrimidine 2-氯-4,6-二甲基吡啶 2-chloroethano 2-氯乙醇 2- chloroethyl amine hydrochloride 2-氯乙烯盐酸胺 2-chloro ethyl benzene 2-氯乙苯N-(2-chloroethyl)-methanesulfonamide N-(2-氯乙烯)-甲烷磺胺 2-chloro-6-fluoro benzaldehyde 2-氯-6-氟苯甲醛 5-chloro-2-fluorobenzoic acid 5-氯-2-氟苯甲酸chloroform 氯仿 4-chloro metanilic acid 对氯间氨基苯磺酸 chloro methyl pivalate 新戊酸氯甲酯 4-(chloromethyl) pyridine hydrochloride 4-(氯甲基)盐酸吡啶1-(chloromethyl) naphthalene 1-(氯甲基)萘 2-chloro nicotinic acid 2-氯烟酸5-chloro nicotinic acid 5-氯烟酸 p-chloro-o-nitroaniline p-氯-0-硝基苯胺2-chloro-4-nitroaniline 2-氯-4硝基苯胺 4-chloro-3-nitrobenzene sulfonyl chloride 4-氯-3-硝基苯磺酰氯 4-chloro-2-nitro phenol 4-氯-2-硝基苯酚 2-chloro-5-nitro pyridine 2-氯-5-硝基吡啶 3-chloro ortho xylene 3-氯邻二甲苯 chlorophacinone 氯鼠酮 4-chloro phenacyl bromide 4-氯苯酰甲基溴 4-chloro-1,2-phenylene diamine 4-氯-1,2-苯二胺 2-chlorophenyl glycine 2-氯苯基氨基乙酸 3-chlorophthalic anhydride3-氯邻苯二甲酸酐 4-chlorophthalic anhydride 4-氯邻苯二甲酸酐3-chloro-1,2-propanediol 3-氯-1,2-丙二醇 2-chloro pyridine 2-氯吡啶 chloroquine phosphate 磷酸氯喹 chlorotetracyaline HCl 盐酸金霉素 chlorothalonil 百菌清3-chlorotoluene 3-氯甲苯 4-chlorotoluene 对氯甲苯 chloroxylenol 氯二甲苯酚4-chloro-3,5-xylenol 4-氯-3,5-二甲苯酚 chlorpheniramine maleate 扑尔敏chlorpyrifos 毒死蜱 chlorquine phosphate 磷酸氯代对苯二酚 chlortetracycline HCl 氯四环素盐酸 , 氯四环素 , 金霉素盐酸盐 cholic acid 胆酸 choline chloride 氯化胆碱 chondroitin sulfate (Bovine) 硫酸软骨素 , 软骨素 Chrome flour 铬粉 Chrome green 铅铬绿 Chrome metal powder 铬合金 Chrome oxide green 氧化铬绿 Chromic acid 三价铬酸 , 铬酸 Chromium oxide gree 氧化铬绿 Chromyl chloride 铬酰氯 cilastatin 西司他丁 cimetidine 甲氰咪胍 , 甲腈咪胍 cimitidine 西米替丁 ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星 ciprofloxacin base 环丙沙星 ciprofloxacin HCl 环丙沙星盐酸 ciprofloxacin lactate 乳酸环丙沙星注射液 cis -2,6-dimethyl morpholine 反-2,6-二甲基吗啉cisplatin 顺铂 C.I. Sulphur Blue 7 硫化兰7号 , 硫磺 C.I. Sulphur Brown 10 硫化褐 10号 citicoline sodium 胞(二)磷胆碱钠 citral 柠檬醛 citric acid 柠檬酸citric acid anhydrous 无水柠檬酸 citric acid monohydrate 一水柠檬酸 citronella oil 香茅油 clarithromycin 克拉霉素 clavulanic potassium 克拉维酸钾 clidinium bromide 溴奎环二苯酯 clindamycin HCl 盐酸氯洁霉素 closantel base 氯氰柳胺 clove oil 丁香油 cloxacillin 邻氯青霉素 CMC 羧甲基纤维素 cnidium monnier 蛇床 coaltar 煤焦油 cobalt acetate 醋酸钴 cobalt carbonate 碳酸钴 cobalt chloride 氯化钴cobalt hydroxide 氢氧化钴 cobalt nitrate 硝酸钴 cobalt nitrate crystals/flakes 硝酸钴晶体/薄片 cobalt oxide 氧化钴 cobaltpowder 钴粉 cobalt salts 金属钴盐cobalt sulphate 硫酸钴 cocoa powder 可可粉 coconut fatty oil 椰子油 coenzyme Q10 辅酶 Q10 colistine sulfate 硫酸粘杆菌素 2,3,5-collidine 2,3,5-三甲基吡啶 copper carbonate 碳酸铜 copper oxide(black) 氧化铜(黑色) copper oxychloride 氧氯化铜copper pipe 铜管 copper powder 铜粉 copper sulphate (feed grade) 硫酸铜(食品级)corn starch 玉米淀粉 corrosion and scale inhibitor 腐蚀和污垢沉淀抑制剂cotrimoxazole 复方新诺明 cotton cellulose 棉纤维素 creatinine 肌氨酸酐P-cresidine P- 3-氨基对甲苯甲醚 m-cresol 间甲酚 o-cresol 邻甲酚 p-cresol 对甲酚O-cresolphthaleine O-甲酚酞 crude iodide 粗碘 crude naphthalene 粗萘 cryolite 冰晶石 crystal violite 结晶紫 cumene 枯烯 cupric oxide 氧化铜 cyanamide 氨腈cyanocobalamin 氰钴维生素, 维生素B12 cyanogens bromide 溴化氰 5-cyano indole 5-氰基吲哚 2-cyano-4-nitro aniline 2-氰基-4-硝基苯胺 2- cyano toluene 2-氰基甲苯Cyanox 1790 杀螟晴 cyanuric chloride 氰尿酰氯 cycloheptanone 环庚酮 cyclohexane 环己烷 1,3-cyclohexanedione 1,3-环己二酮 cyclohexanone 环己酮 cycloheximide 环己酰亚胺 cyclo hexyle amine 环己胺 cyclo hexyl mandelic acid 环己基扁桃酸cyclopentadiene 环戊二烯 cyclopentanemethanol 环戊醇 cyclopentolate HCl 盐酸环戊酮 cyclopropanoyl chloride 氯环丙烷 cyclopropylmetyl bromide 环丙基溴甲烷 , 环丙基溴 cyclopropyl methyl ketone 环丙基甲基酮 cycloserine 环丝氨酸cypermethrin 氯氰菊酯 cystamine HCl 盐酸半胱胺 D-cysteine D-半胱氨酸 L-cysteine L-半胱氨酸 L-cysteine HCl anhydrous 半胱氨酸蛋白酶 L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate L-一水一羟基巯基丙氨酸 cytochrome C 细胞色素C cytosine 阿糖胞苷 , 胞嘧啶 D DAA 双丙酮丙烯酰胺 DAP 邻苯二甲酸二烷酯 DBDPO 十溴代二苯醚 DBP 二丁基邻苯二甲酸盐 d.calcium pantothenate usp/ip 泛酸钙 DCDA 双氰胺 D.D.V.P 敌敌畏 DEA 二乙醇胺 decabromodiphynly oxide 十溴二苯醚 N-decylamine hydrochloride 盐酸正癸胺 DEET 避蚊胺 defoamer 消泡剂 deltamethrin 溴氰菊酯 dense soda ash 重质苏打灰deodorized ethanol 乙醇 dessicated coconut powder 干椰子粉 detergents 清洁剂dethanolomine 二乙醇胺 dexamethasone 地塞米松 dexamethasone base 地塞米松 , 氟美松 dextrose 葡萄糖 , 右旋糖 dextrose anhydrous 无水葡萄糖 dextrose monmhydrate 水合葡萄糖 , 一水葡萄糖 N.N'-diacetyl benzidine 联乙醯对二氨基联苯3,4-diamino benzenemethanol 3,4-二氨基苯甲醇 2,5-diamino-4,6-dichloropyrimidine 2,5-二氨基-4,6-二氯嘧啶 4,4'-diamino diphenyl ether 4,4’-二氨基二苯醚diaminomaleonitrile 二氨基马来腈 1,3-diaminopyridine 1,3-二氨基嘧啶2,3-diaminopyridine 2,3-二氨基嘧啶 , 2,3-二氨基吡啶 2,3-diamino toluene 2,3-二氨基甲苯 2,5-diamino toluene sulfate 2,5-二胺苯磺酸 diaveridine 二甲氧苄啶diazinon 二嗪农 di-basic calcium phosphate anhydrous 无水二盐基磷酸钙 dibenzoyl peroxide paste 过氧化双苯甲酰 L-(-) di benzoyl tartaric acid L-(-) 二苯甲酰酒石酸 dibenzyl disulfide 二苄(化)二硫 9,10- dibromo anthracene 9,10-二溴蒽2,3-dibromopropionaldehyde 2,3-二溴丙醛 2,6-dibromo pyridine 2,6-二溴吡啶dibucaine 辛*** dibutyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 , 邻苯二甲酸盐 dicalcium phosphate ( feed grade) DCP 磷酸二钙(饲料等级) dichlone 三氯萘醌 dichloride normal butanol 二氯丁醇 3,5-dichloro-4-amino acetophenone 3,5-二氯-4-氨基苯甲酮 3,5-dichloro-3-aminopyridine 3,5-二氯-3-氨基嘧啶 2,4-dichloro aniline 2,4-二氯苯胺 dichloro benzene 二氯苯 o- dichlorobenzene 邻二氯苯 P-dichlorobenzene 对二氯苯 2,3-dichloro benzoic acid 2,3-二氯苯甲酸 2,6-dichloro benzonitrile 2,6-二氯氰苯 3,5-dichloro benzoyl chloride 3,5-二氯苯甲酰氯 2,4-dichloro benzyl chloride 2,4-二氯氯苄 1,2-dichloro ethane 1,2-二氯乙烷 dichloroisocyanuric acid 二氯异氰尿酸 2,4- dichloro phenol 2,4-二氯苯酚 2,3-dichloro-1-propanol 2,3-二氯-1-丙醇 2,4-dichloro-5-fluoro acetophenone 2,4-二氯-5-氟苯乙酮 dichloro meta xylenol(DCMX) 二氯间二甲苯酚 2,3-dichloro nitro benzene 2,3-二氯硝基苯2,6-dichloro-3-nitropyridine 2,6-二氯-3-硝基吡啶 2,5- dichloro phenol 2,5-二氯苯酚 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4-二氯苯氧基乙酸 dichloro tetrafluoroethane 二氯五氟乙烷 2,4-dichloro tolune 2,4-二氯甲苯 3,4-dichloro trifluoro methyl benzene 3,4-二氯三氟甲基苯 diclofenac potassium 双氯芬酸钾 diclofenac sodium 双氯芬酸钠 diclofop-methyl 禾草灵 dicumyl peroxide 过氧化二枯基 , 过氧化双苯异丙基 dicyandiamide (DCDA) 双氰胺 , 氰基胍 , 二氰二胺 , 二氨腈4,5-dicyanoimidazole 4,5-二氰基咪唑 dicyclo hexyl keton 双环己基dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) 二环戊二烯 didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride 二癸基二甲基氯化铵 diesel 柴油机 diethanolamine(DEA) 二乙醇胺 diethyl aniline 二乙基苯胺 N,N-diethyl benzamide N,N-二乙基苯甲酰胺 1,2-diethoxy benzene 1,2-双乙氧基苯 2,6- diethylaniline (DEA) 2,6-二乙基苯胺 2-diethylaminoethane thiol 2-二乙基氨基乙基硫醇 3-diethylamino-propane-1,2-diol 3-乙氨基-丙烷-1,2醇 2,6- diethyl aniline 2,6-二乙基苯胺 diethyl chloro phosphate 氯代磷酸二甲酯 diethylene glycol 二甘醇 , 二乙二醇 diethylene triamine 二次乙基三胺 diethyl ethylmalonate 二乙基丙二酸乙酯 diethyl malonate 二乙基丙二酸 di ethyl oxalate 草酸二乙酯 diethyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯 o,o-diethylthiophosphoryl chloride 二乙基硫代磷酰氯3,4-difluoro benzonitrile 3,4-二氟苯腈 2,6-difluoro benzyl alcohol 2,6-二氟苄醇 3,4-difluorobromobenzene 3,4-二氟溴苯 4-difluoromethoxy benzoic acid 4-二氟甲氧基安息香酸 2,4-difluoro nitrobenzene 2,4-二氟硝基苯 2,2-difluoro nitrophenol 2,2-二氟硝基酚 2,6-difluorophenol 2,6-二氟苯酚 2,3-dihydrofuran 2,3-二羟基呋喃 3,5-dihydroxy acetophenone 3,5-二羟基苯乙酮 dihydroxy benzaldehyde 二羟基苯甲醛 3,5-dihydroxy benzoic acid 3,5-二羟基苯甲酸 dihydroxyflavone 二羟黄酮2,6-dihydroxynaphthalene 2,6-二羟基萘 dihydroxyrcene 二羟基月桂烯dihydroxyrcenol 二羟基月桂烯醇 2, 6-dihydroxytoluene 2,6-二羟基甲苯 1,3- di imino iso indoline 1,3-二亚氨基异吲哚 1,4-diiodobenzene 1,4-二碘苯 4,4-diiodo biphenyl 联苯 diisobutylene 二异丁烯 diisobutyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) 酞酸二异癸酯 diisonoyl phthalate (DINP) 邻苯二甲酸di-isopropyl amine 二异丙胺 diisopropyl azodicarboxylate 偶氮二异丁腈2,6-diisopropylphenol 2,6-二异丙基苯酚 2,4- dinitrophenol 2,4-二硝基酚dimethenamid-P 噻吩草胺-P dimethoate 乐果 dimethomorph 烯酰吗啉 2,5-dimethoxy aniline 2,5-二甲氧基苯胺 1,2-dimethoxybenzene 1,2-二甲氧基苯 2,5- dimethoxy- 4- chloro aniline 2,5-二羟基对氯苯胺 1,2- dimethoxy ethane 1,2-二甲氧基乙烷2,6-dimethoxynaphthalene 2,6-二甲氧基萘 4,4- dimethoxy trityl chloride 4,4-二甲氧基三苯甲基氯 N,N-dimethyl acetamide N,N-二甲基乙酰胺 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid 3-二甲基氨基安息香酸 di methyl amino cinnamaldehyde 二甲基氨基肉桂醛dimethylamino pyridine 二甲氨基吡啶 dimethyl aniline 二甲基苯胺 N,N-dimethyl aniline N,N-二甲基苯胺 dimethyl carbonate 碳酸二甲酯 dimethyl carbonyl chloride 二甲基碳酰氯 1,2-dimethyl cyclohexane 1,2-二甲基环己烷 dimethyl cyclohexyl amine二甲基环己胺 1,3-dimethyl -4,5-diamino uracil 1,3-二甲基-4,5-二氨基尿嘧啶dimethyl dichloro Silane 硅烷 dimethyl disulfide 二甲基二硫醚 dimethyl formamide(DMF) 二甲基甲酰胺 N, N-dimethylglycine N,N-二甲基糖胶 , N,N-二甲基氨基乙酸 dimethyl malonate 丙二酸二甲酯 dimethyl phosphite 亚磷酸二甲酯2,6-dimethylpiperazine 2,6-二甲基哌嗪 dimethyl-p-toluidine 二甲基对甲苯胺2,3-dimethyl pyridine 2,3-二甲基吡啶 dimethyl sulphide 二甲基硫 , 硫酸二甲酯dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) 二甲基亚砜 dimethyl terephthalate 对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯dimth acrylic acid 二甲基丙二烯 2,6-dinitroaniline 2,6-二硝基苯胺 2,4 –dinitro- 6- bromo aniline 2,4-二硝基-6-溴苯胺 dinitro salicylic acid 亚乙基二硝胺2,6-dinitro toluene 2,6-二硝基甲苯 di octyle phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二辛酯dipentene 二戊烯 dipentine 松油精 diphacinone 敌鼠 diphenhydramine 苯海拉明diphenhydramine HCl 盐酸苯海拉明 diphenylamine 二苯胺 diphenyl oxide 二苯醚dipyridamole 双嘧达莫 direct black 直接黑 direct black dyes 直接黑染料 direct blue 直接蓝 direct red 直接红 disodium salt 二钠盐 dispersant 分散剂 disperse black 分散黑 disperse blue 分散蓝 disperse brown 分散棕 disperse dyes 分散染料disperse green 分散绿 disperse navy blue 分散深蓝 disperse orange 分散橘红 , 分散橙 disperse red 分散红 disperse violet 分散紫 disperse yellow 分散黄dispersing agent for printing inks 印刷油墨分散剂 dispersing agents 分散剂disulfuram 二硫龙 di-tert-butyl dicarbonate 二碳酸二叔丁酯3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene 3,5-二叔丁基-4-羟基甲苯 2,6-di-tert-butyl phenol 2,6-二叔丁基苯酚 di-tert butyl pyrocarbonate 焦碳酸二叔丁酯2,2'-dithiobis(benzothiazole) 苯并噻唑 diuron 敌草隆 diverdine 敌菌净diverdine HCl 盐酸敌菌净 DL tartaric acid DL酒石酸 dmpat 精酰胺 docusate sodium 多库脂钠/琥珀辛酯钠 dodemorph acetate 吗菌灵醋酸盐 domperidone maleate 马来酸多潘立酮 DOP 邻苯二甲酸二辛酯 dopamine HCl 盐酸多巴胺 dopamine hydrochloride 盐酸多巴胺 doxepin intermediates 多虑平中间体 doxorubicin 阿霉素 doxorubicin HCl 盐酸阿霉素 doxycycline 强力霉素 doxycycline HCl 盐酸强力霉素 doxycycline hydrochloride 盐酸强力霉素 d.panthenol usp/ip 泛酰醇 drilling detergent 钻井清洗剂 drous calcium chloride 氯化钙 dydrogesterone 炔诺酮 dyes and intermediates 染料和中间体 dyes yellow X-GL 染料黄X-GL E ebastine 依巴斯汀 EDC hydrochloride 盐酸二氯乙烷 edible lactose 食用乳糖 EDTA disodium 乙二胺四乙酸二钠 EDTA tetra sodium EDTA四钠盐 epichlorohydine 表氯醇 epoxy resin 环氧树脂 epoxy resin for powder coatings 粉末涂料用环氧树脂 EPS 可发性聚苯乙烯 emery grains 金刚玉 EMME 乙氧基亚甲基丙二酸酯 emuisifier 乳化剂 endosulfan 硫丹 enrofloxacin base 恩诺沙星 , 恩诺沙星碱 enzyme 酶 EPDM rubber 三元乙丙橡胶 eplerenone 依普利酮 erbium oxide 氧化铒 ergocalciferol 钙化醇 erythromycin estolate 酸酐 erythromycinstearate 硬脂酸盐 erythormycin thiocyanate 硫氰酸盐 esbiothrin 菊酯 ethambutol 乙胺丁醇 ethanol 乙醇 ethene diamine 乙二胺 ethionamide 乙硫异烟胺 ethisterone 脱水羟基孕酮 ethoxy benzene 乙氧基苯 2 -ethoxy benzoic acid 2-乙氧基安息香酸1-ethoxy-2-propanol 1-乙氧基-2-丙醇 ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯 , 醋酸乙酯 ethyl acetoacetate 乙基乙酰乙酸 ethyl acrylate 丙烯酸乙脂 ethyl-3-amino crotonate 3-氨基巴豆酸乙酯 ethyl benzene 乙苯 ethyl benzoate 苯甲酸乙酯 ethyl-4-bromo butyrate 4-溴丁酸乙酯 ethyl -4-bromo crotonate 溴碳酸乙酯 2-ethyl-1-bromo hexane 2-乙基-1-溴-乙烷 ethyl cellulose 乙基纤维素 ethyl chloro acetate 氯乙酸乙酯ethyl-2-chloro propionate 2-氯丙酸乙酯 ethyl cyano acetate 乙烷深蓝醋酸盐ethyl-3,4-dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-二羟基苯甲酸乙酯 ethylene 乙烯 ethylene dibromide 二溴乙烯 ethylene dichloride 二氯乙烯 ethylene glycol 乙二醇乙醚ethylene vinyl acetate 乙烯乙烯醋酸共聚物 , 乙烯醋酸乙烯酯 2-ethyl haxanol 2-乙基己醇 2 –ethyl hexylacetate 2-乙基乙酸己酯 2-ethyl hexyl acrylate 2-乙基丙烯酸己酯 2- ethyl hexylamine 2-乙基己胺 ethyl indole-2-carboxylate 吲哚-2-羧酸乙酯 ethyl mercaptan 乙硫醇 1-ethyl-2-mercapto benzimidazole 1-乙基-2巯基苯噻唑N-ethyl methylamine N-乙基甲胺 N-ethyl-N-methyl carbamoyl chloride N-乙基-N-甲基氨基甲酰氯 ethyl oleate 油酸乙酯 2-ethyl phenyl hydrazine 2-乙基苯肼 ethyl silicate 硅酸乙酯 ethyl succinyl chloride 乙基琥珀酰氯 ethylthio chloroformate 乙基硫代氯甲酸酯 ethyl thio phenol 乙二醇 etracycline HCl 四环素 etoposide 依托泊苷 eucalyptol 桉油精 eucalyptus oil 桉树油 eugenol 丁子香酚 EVA 乙烯乙烯醋酸共聚物 EVA copolymer 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 F famotidine 法莫替丁 feldspar 长石felodipine 非洛地平 fenitrothion 杀螟硫磷 fennel terpene 小茴香萜烯 fenoxycarb 苯醚威 fenpropathrin 甲氰菊酯 fenthion 倍硫磷 Ferrochrome lignosulphonate 木素磺化铬铁 Ferrous bromide 溴化铁 Ferric ammonium citrate 柠檬酸胺铁 Ferric chloride 氯化铁 Ferric chloride solution 氯化铁溶液 Ferrosilicon 硅铁(合金) Ferrous fumerate 丁烯二酸铁 Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate 七水硫酸亚铁 Ferrous sulphate 硫酸亚铁 fertilizer 肥料 fine naphthalene 萘 flame retardants 阻燃剂flow improvers 流动改进剂 fludarabine 氟达拉滨 flumazenil 氟马西尼 flumequin 氟甲喹 9-fluorenone-2-carboxylic acid 2-羧基-9-芴酮 2-fluoro aniline 2-氟苯胺fluorobenzen 氟苯 3-fluorobenzoic acid 3-氟安息香酸 p-fluoro bromo benzene 对氟溴苯 4-fluoro-4-chlror benzophenone 4-氟-4-氯苯甲酮 fluorometholone 氟米龙5-fluoro-2-methylindole 5-氟-2-甲基吲哚 1-fluoronaphthalene 氟萘 fluorspar acid 氟酸 fluorspar powder 氟石粉 flush pigment 发光颜料 flutamide 氟他胺fluvoxamine maleate 马来酸氟伏沙明 fmoc-osu 9-芴甲基-N-琥珀酰亚胺基碳酸酯foaming agent 发泡剂 folic acid 叶酸 food additives 食品添加剂 foots oil 脚子油formaldehyde 甲醛 formamide 甲酰胺 formic acid 蚁酸 , 甲酸 fosfomycin calcium磷霉素钙 Freon 氟利昂 fructose 果糖 fuel 燃料 fuel oil 燃料油 fully & semi refined paraffin wax 全精炼/半精炼石蜡 fumaric acid 反丁烯二酸 furaltadone 呋喃他酮 furan-2-boronic acid 呋喃-2-硼酸 furazolidone 呋喃唑酮 furfural 糠醛furfuryl alcohol 糠醇 2-furoyl chloride 2-呋喃甲酰氯 fusidc acid 梭链孢酸fusidic acid sodium (sodium fusidate) 梭链孢酸钠 G gallium metal pure 金属镓gamma-butyrolactone 丁内酯 gas / liquid chlorinator 加氯器 gatifloxacin 加替沙星 gelatin 凝胶 gelatin powder 凝胶粉末 gelatine(bovine)白明胶 gentamicn sulphate 硫酸庆大霉素 , 硫酸金他霉素 gentamycin sulphate sterile 硫酸庆大霉素geraniol 香叶醇 geranium oil 天竺葵油 geranyl acetate 乙酸香叶酯 geranyl formate 甲酸香叶酯 gibberellic acid 赤霉酸 glacial acetic acid 冰醋酸 gliclazide 格列齐特 D-glucamine D-葡萄胺 gluconic acid 葡(萄)糖酸 glucono delta lactone 葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯 glucosamine HCL 氨基葡(萄)糖盐酸 glucosamine sulfate potassium 氨基葡萄糖硫酸钾 glucosamine sulphate 硫酸葡糖胺 glucose 葡萄糖 glufosinate ammonium 草胺磷 L-glutamic acid 谷氨酸 L-glutamic acid sodium salt 谷氨酸钠L-glutamine L-谷酰胺 , L-谷氨酸 glutaraldehyde(Pharm. grade) 戊二醛(医药级) glutaric acid 戊二酸 glutaric dialdehyde 戊二醛 glycerine 甘油 glycerine crude 甘油 glycerol 甘油 glyceryl monostearate 单硬脂酸甘油酯 R-glycidol R-缩水甘油R(-)glycidyl butyrate 缩水丁酸甘油 glycinamide 甘氨酰胺 glycine 氨基乙酸 , 甘氨酸 glycol 乙二醇 glycolic acid 乙醇酸 glyoxal 乙二醛 glyoxal bis (2-hydroxyanil) 乙二醛-双(2-羟基缩苯胺) glyoxylic acid 乙醛酸 glyphosate 草甘磷 grapefruit extract 柚子树挤出液 graphite 石墨 graphite powder 石墨粉 griseofulvin 灰黄霉素guanidine carbonate 碳酸胍 guanidine sulfamate 氨基磺酸胍 guar gum 瓜尔胶 gum rosin 松香树脂 , 松香 gutaldehyde 戊二醛 gum turpentine oil 松节油 H H acid H酸HDPE 高密度聚乙烯 HDPE film HDPE薄膜 heliotropin 洋茉莉醛 hematite (Fe203) 赤铁 , 赤铁矿 hesperidin 橘皮苷 hexachlorobenzene (C6Cl6) 六氯苯hexachlorobutadiene 六氯丁二烯 hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 1,3-丁二烯 hexa methylene diamine 六亚甲基二胺 hexamethyleneimine 环已亚胺 hexamine 四氮六甲圜 , 乌洛托品,环六亚甲基四胺 hexane 己烷 1,6-hexanediol 1,6-己二醇 N-hexanol 正己醇 hexyl bromide 1-溴己烷 N- hexyl bromide 正溴己烷 hexythiazox 尼索朗 hi temp mud stabiliser 高温泥浆稳定剂 homatropine methylbromide 二氧化钛homoharringtonine 高三尖杉酯碱 homomorpholine hydrochloride 氢氯化物 horse chestnut extr act 七叶树挤出液 H2S scavenger 硫化氢吸收剂 human insulin 胰岛素hyaluronic acid 质酸 hydrate Alumina 氢氧化铝 hydrated lime 熟石灰 phenobarpital 苯巴比通 phenol 苯酚 phenylacetic acid 苯乙酸 (S)-4-phenyl-2-oxazolidinone (S)-4-苯基-2-噁唑烷酮 phenyl propanolamine 苯基丙醇胺 phenol ice crystal 苯酚冰晶 phenol crystal 苯酚晶体 phenolic modified rosin ester 酚醛改性松香树脂phenolic resin 酚醛树脂 phenolphthalein 酚酞 phenol solid 固体苯酚 phenramine maleate 马来酸盐 D-phenyl alanine D-苯基丙氨酸 4-phenyl-1-butanol 4-苯基-1-丁醇4- phenyl butyric acid 4-苯基丁酸 phenyl chloro formate 氯甲酸苯酯 , 苯基氯甲酸酯 phenylephrine hydrochloride 盐酸去氧肾上腺素 O-phenylene diamine 邻苯二胺phenylhydrazine 苯肼 2- phenyl indole 2-苯基吲哚 (2r,3s)-3-phenylisoserine.HCl salt (2r,3s)-3-苯基异色氨酸盐酸盐 1-phenyl-5-mercapto tetrazole (PMT) 1-苯基-巯基四唑 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone 1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮 phloroglucinol 间苯三酚 phosphorescent pigment 磷光颜料 phosphoric acid 磷酸 phosphorus oxychloride 磷酰氯 phosphorous tribromide 三溴化磷 phosphorous trichloride 三氯化磷 phosphotungstate 磷钨酸盐酸 photosensitizers 光敏剂 o-phthalaldehyde 邻苯二醛 phthalamide 邻苯二酰胺 phthalic anhydride 邻苯二甲酸酐 phthalocyanine 酞化青染料 , 苯二甲蓝染料 phthalocyanine blue 酞菁蓝 phytic acid 肌醇六磷酸 picric acid 苦味酸 pig iron scrap 生铁片 pigment 颜料 pigment blue 颜料蓝 pigment brown 颜料棕 pigment green 颜料绿 pigment red 颜料红 pigment violet 颜料紫 pigment yellow 颜料黄β-pinene β-蒎烯 pipenzolate methyl bromide 溴化甲基哌羟苯酯piperazine 哌嗪 piperazine anhydrous 无水哌嗪 piperazine citrate 柠檬酸哌嗪piperazine hexahydrate 六水哌嗪 1-piperdino ethanol 乙醇 piperidine 派盯 2- piperidine carboxylic acid 2-哌啶羧酸 piperonyl butoxide 增效醚 pirimicarb 抗蚜威 piroxicam 吡罗昔康 pivalic acid 戊醛酸 , 三甲基乙酸 pivaloyl chloride 新戊酰氯 pivalyl chloride 新戊酰 plasticizers for printing inks 增塑剂 plastic pellet 塑料小球 plastic resin 塑料树脂 platinum oxide 氧化铂 PMIDA 双甘膦 PNT 对硝基甲苯 POE 聚氧化乙烯 polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺 polyacrylate thickeners 聚丙烯酸增稠剂 poly alpha olefins (PAO) 聚a-烯烃 polyamide 聚酰胺 poly anionic cellulose 聚阴离子纤维素 poly anionic cellulose for oil drilling 多阴离子纤维素 poly dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride 二甲基聚乙烯 polyester chips 聚酯片 polyester fibres 聚酯纤维 polyester resin 聚酯 polyester staple fiber 聚酯短纤维 polyether polyol 多羟基聚醚 polyether PU and MDI 聚醚 poly ethylene 聚乙烯 polyethylene glycol-600 聚乙二醇600 polyethylene granules (LDPE & HDPE) 聚乙烯 polyethylene wax 聚乙烯蜡 polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate 聚甲烯化合物 poly mono alkyl ether 单烷基醚聚乙烯 polyol 多元醇 polypropylene (PP) 聚丙烯 poly urethane 聚氨酯poly-urethane foam agent 多聚氨酯泡沫 polyurethane resin 聚氨酯树脂 polyvidone 聚维酮 poly vinyl alcohol 聚乙烯醇 polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) floccule 聚乙烯醇絮状物 potash alum 碳酸钾铝 potassium acetate 醋酸钾 potassium borohydride 硼氢化钾potassium bromide 溴化钾 potassium carbonate 碳酸钾 potassium carbonate granules 粒状碳酸钾 potassium chlorate 氯酸钾 potassium chloride 氯化钾 potassium cyanate 氰酸钾 potassium ethoxide 乙醇钾 potassium ferrocyanide 氰亚铁酸钾 potassiumfluoride 氟化钾 potassium hexacyanoferrate 六氰高铁酸钾 potassium hexafluorophosphate 六氟磷酸钾 potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾 potassium hydroquinone monosulphate 对苯二酚一硫酸钾 potassium iodine 碘化钾 potassium metal 金属钾 potassium nitrate 硝酸钾 potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾 potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾 potassium perrhenate 高铼酸钾 potassium persulfate 过(二)硫酸钾 potassium phosphate 亚磷酸钾 potassium selenocyanate 硒氰酸钾 potassium sorbate 山梨酸钾 potassium sorbate granular white 山梨酸钾 potassium succinate 琥珀酸钾 potassium sulphate 硫酸钾 potassium thiotosylate 硫氰酸钾 potato starch 土豆淀粉 povidone(USP)聚乙烯吡咯酮,聚烯吡酮 povidone iodine 聚乙烯吡咯酮碘powdered graphite 石墨粉末 PP lamination 聚丙烯片 PP sheet for opp tape 聚丙烯薄膜 praseodimium oxide 氧化镨 praziquantel 吡喹酮 prednisolone 泼尼松prednisolone acetate 氢化泼尼松 procymidone 腐霉剂 progesterone 黄体酮proguanil hydrochloride 氯胍 L-proline L-脯氨酸 propamocarb 霜霉威 1,3–propanediamine 1,3-丙二胺 1,3-propane sultone 1,3-丙磺内酯 propanil 敌稗2-propanol 异丙醇 n-propanol 正丙醇 propargyl alcohol (PA) 炔丙醇 propionic acid 丙酸 propionyl chloride 丙酰氯 propiophenone 苯丙酮 propofol 丙泊酚 propoxur 残杀威 N-propyle bromide 溴丙烷 propylene 丙烯 propylene glycol 丙二醇 propylene oxide 氧化丙烯 protamine sulfate 硫酸鱼精蛋白 pure alcohol 纯酒精 pure aluminium silicate 硅酸铝 pure Silicon metal 金属硅 PVA 聚乙烯醇 PVA (PVOH) film 聚乙烯醇薄膜 PVA for sizing 胶料用聚乙烯醇 PVC compound 聚氯乙烯混合物 PVC paste 聚氯乙烯糊 PVC poweder & PVC scraps 聚氯乙烯粉状/废料 PVC resin 聚氯乙烯树脂 PVC resins for cable manufacturing 电缆用聚氯乙烯树脂 PVC resin (suspension) PVC树脂(悬浮)PVC sheets 聚氯乙烯片 PVP 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 pypogallol 焦棓酸 pyridaben 哒螨灵pyridine 吡啶 pyridine 2- aldehyde 嘧啶-2-乙醛 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylic acid 2,3-吡啶二羧酸 pyridine N-oxide 氮-氧化吡啶 hydrazine dihydrochloride 盐酸肼hydrazine hydrate 水合肼 , 联氨 hydrobromic acid 氢溴酸 hydrochloride acid 盐酸hydrocortisone butyrate 氢化可的松丁酸盐 hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸 hydrogenated bisphenol A 氢化双酚 A hydrogenated castor oil 氢化蓖麻油 hydrogen peroxide 双氧水 , 过氧化氢 hydrolyzed collagen powder 水解胶原质粉末 hydroquinone 对苯二酚hydro sulphite of soda 元明粉 1- hydroxy benzotriazole 羟基苯并三唑, 羟基连三氮茚 1-hydroxy-1,2,3-benzotriazole anhydrous 无水1-羟基-1,2,3-苯并三唑 3-hydroxy benzotrifluoride 3-羟基三氟甲苯 3-hydroxy butyric acid ethyl ester 3-羟基丁酸乙酯 4-hydroxy carbazole 对羟基咔唑 4-hydroxy coumarin 4-羟基香豆素 1-hydroxy cyclohexyl phenyl ketone 1-羟基环己基苯基酮 hydroxyethylcellulose 羟乙基纤维素5-hydroxy isophthalic acid 5-羟基间苯二甲酸 hydroxyl amine HCl 盐酸羟胺hydroxylamine hydrochloride 盐酸羟胺 hydroxylamine sulphate 硫酸羟胺 2-。



有机化学英文名汉文名Angular methyl group 角甲基Alkylidene group 亚烷基Allyl group 烯丙基Allylic 烯丙型[的] Phenyl group 苯基Aryl group 芳基Benzyl group 苄基Benzylic 苄型[的] Activating group 活化基团Chromophore 生色团Auxochrome 助色团Magnetically anisotropic group 磁各向异性基团Smally ring 小环Common ring 普通环Medium rimg 中环Large ring 大环Bridged-ring system 桥环体系Spiro compound 螺环化合物Helical molecule 螺旋型分子Octahedral compound 八面体化合物Conjugation 共轭Conjugated-system 共轭体系Acyl cation 酰[基]正离子Benzylic cation 苄[基]正离子Arenirm ion 芳[基]正离子Ketyl radical 羰自由基Radical ion 自由基离子Radical cation 自由基正离子Radical anion 自由基负离子Isomerism 异构[现象]Aci form 酸式Fluxional structure 循变结构Stereochemistry 立体化学Optical activity 光学活性Dextro isomer 右旋异构体Laevo isomer 左旋异构体Tetrahedral configuration 四面体构型Stereoisomerism 立体异构[现象] Asymmetric atom 不对称原子Asymmetric carbon 不对称碳Pseudoasymmetric carbon 假不对称碳Phantom atom 虚拟原子Homotopic 等位[的] Heterotopic 异位[的] Enantiotopic 对映异位[的] Diastereotopic 非对映异位[的] Configuration 构型Absolute configuration 绝对构型Chirality 手性Chiral 手性[的]Chiral center 手性中心Chiral molecule 手性分子Achiral 非手性[的] Fischer projection 费歇尔投影式Neoman projection 纽曼投影式D-L system of nomenclature D-L命名体系R-S syytem of nomenclature R-S命名体系Cahn-Ingold-Prelon sequence 顺序规则Symmetry factor 对称因素Plane of symmetry 对称面Mirror symmetry 镜面对称Enantiomer 对映[异构]体Diastereomer 非对映[异构]体Epimer 差向异构体Anomer 端基[差向]异构体Erythro configuration 赤型构型Erythro isomer 赤型异构体Threo configuration 苏型构型Threo isomer 苏型异构体Trigonal carbon 三角型碳Cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构E isomer E异构体Z isomer Z异构体Endo isomer 内型异构体Exo isomer 外型异构体Prochirality 前手性Pro-R group 前R基团Pro-S proup 前S基团Re face Re面Si face Si面Racemic mixture 外消旋混合物Racemic compound 外消旋化合物Racemic solid solution 外消旋固体溶液Meso compound 内消旋化合物Quasi recemate 准外消旋体Conformation 构象Conformational 构象分析Torsion angle 扭转角Rotamer 旋转异构体Anti conformation 反式构象Bisecting conformation 等分构象Anti periplanar conformation 反叠构象Synperiplanar conformation 顺叠构象Synclinal conformation 反错构象Synclinal conformation 顺错构象Eclipsed conformation 重叠构象Gauche conformation, skew con-formation 邻位交叉构象Staggered conformation 对位交叉构象Steric effect 空间效应Steric hindrance 位阻Atropismer 阻转异构体Puckered ring 折叠环Conformational inversion 构象反转Chair conformation 椅型构象Boat conformation 船型构象Twist conformation 扭型构象Skew boat conformation 扭船型构象Half-chair conformation 半椅型构象Pseudorotation 假旋转Envelope conformation 信封[型]构象Axial bond 直[立]键Equatorial bond 平[伏]键Cisoid conformation 顺向构象Transoid conformation 反向构象Retention of configuration 构型保持Regioselectivity 区域选择性Regiospecificity 区域专一性Stereocelectivity 立体选择性Stereospecificty 立体专一性Conformer 构象异构体Conformational effect 构象效应Cram’s rube 克拉姆规则Prelog’rule 普雷洛格规则Stereochemical orientation 立体[化学]取向Conformational transmission 构象传递Homolog 同系物Ipso position 本位Ortho position 邻位Meta position 间位Para position 对位Amphi position 远位Peri position 近位Trigonal hybridization 三角杂化Molecular orbiral method 分子轨道法Valence bond method 价键法Delocalezed bond 离域键Cross conjugation 交叉共轭Vinylog 插烯物Mesomeric effect 中介效应Resonance 共振Resonance effect 共振效应Hyperconjugation 超共轭Isovalent hyperconjugation 等价超共轭No-bond resonance 无键共振Aromaticity 芳香性Aromatic sexter 芳香六隅Huckel’rule 休克尔规则Paramagnetic ring current 顺磁环电流Diamagnetic ring cruuent 抗磁环电流Homoaromaticity 同芳香性Antiaromaticity 反芳香性Alternant hydrocarbon 交替烃Non-alternant hydrocarbon 非交替烷Pericyclic reaction 周环反应Electrocyclic rearrangement 电环[化]重排Conrotatory 顺旋Disroatatory 对旋Cycloaddition 环加成Symmetry forbidden-reaction 对称禁阻反应Synfacial reaction 同面反应Antarafacial reaction 异面反应Mobius system 默比乌斯体系Leois structure 路易斯结构Coordinate-covalent bond 配位共价键Banana bond 香蕉键Pauling electronegativity scale 鲍林电负性标度Polarizability 可极化性Inductive effect 诱导效应Field effect 场效应Electrical effect 电场效应tautomerism 互变异构Tautomerization 互变异构化Keto-enol tautomerism 酮-烯醇互变异构Phenol-keto tautomerism 酚-酮互变异构Imine-enamine atutomerism 亚胺-烯胺互变异构Ring-chain tautomerism 环-链互变异构Valence tautomerism 价互变异构Ambident 两可[的]Solvent effect 溶剂效应Acid-base catalyxed reaction 酸性溶剂Basic solvent 碱性溶剂Dielectric constant 介电常数Solvated electron 溶剂化电子Acid-base catalyzed reaction 酸碱催化反应Conjugate base 共轭酸Conjugate base 共轭碱Therm odynamic acidity 热力学酸度Kinetic acidity 动力学酸度Electron donof-acceptor complex,EDAcomplex电子给[体]受体络合物Host 主体Guest 客体Primary isotope effect 一级同位素效应Secondary isotope effect 二级同位数效应Inverse isotope effect 逆同位素效应Kinetic control 动力学控制Thermodynamic control 热力学控制Substrate 底物Intermediate 中间体Reactive intermediate 活泼中间体Microscopic reversibility 微观可逆性Hammond postulate 哈蒙德假说Linear free energy 线性自由能Non-bonded interaction 非键相互作用Torsional effect 扭转效应Pitzer strain 皮策张力Restricted rotation 阻碍旋转Eclipsing effect 重叠效应Eclipsing strain 重叠张力Small-angle strain 小角张力Large angle strain 大角张力Transannular interaction 跨环相互作用Transannular strain 跨环张力I strain 内张力 F strain 前张力 B strain 后张力 Anomeric effect 端基异构效应 Walden inversion 瓦尔登反转 Racemization 外消旋化 Isoinversion 等反转 Isoracemization 等消旋 Homochiral 纯手性[的] Mechanism机理Unimolecular nucleophilic单分子亲核取代 Bimolecular nucleophilic sub-stitution双分子亲核取代Bimolecular nucleophilic substi-tution(with allylic rearrange-ment) 双分子亲核取代(含烯丙型重排) Internal nucleophilic substiru-tion 分子内亲核取代 Aromatic nucleophilic substitu-tion 芳香亲核取代 Unimolecular electrophilic sub-stitution 单分子亲电取代 Bimolecular electrophilic substi-tution双分子亲电取代Nucleophile-assisted unimolecu-lar electrophilic substitution 亲核体协助单分子亲电取代 Unimolecular elimination 单分子消除 Bimolecular elimination双分子消除Unimolecular elimination through the conjugate base单分子共轭碱消除 Bimolecular elimination through the conjugate base双分子共轭碱消除 Bimolecular elimination with for-mation of a carbonyl group双分子羰基形成消除 Unimolecular acid-catalyzed acyl-oxygen cleavage单分子酸催化酰氧断裂 Bimolecular base-catalyzed acyl-oxygen cleavage双分子碱催化酰氧断裂 Unimolecular acid-catalyzed alkyl-oxygen cleavage单分子酸催化烷氧断裂 Bimllecular base-catalyzed al- kyl-oxygen cleavage双分子碱催化烷氧断裂 π-allyl complex mechanism π烯丙型络合机理 Borderline mechanism 边理机理 Homolysis 均裂 Heterolysis异裂 Heterolytic michanism 异裂机理 Counrer[gegen]ion 反荷离子 Ion pair离子对Carbocation 碳正离子Nonclassical carbocation 非经典碳正离子Carbanion 碳负离子Masked carbanion 掩蔽碳负离子Carbenoid 卡宾体Carbene 卡宾Nitrene 氮宾Carbine 碳炔Electrophilic addition 亲电加成Electrophile 亲电体Diaxial addition 双直键加成Markovnikov’s rube 马尔科夫尼科规则Anti-Markovnikov addition 反马氏加成Michael addition 迈克尔加成Substitution 取代Electrophilic substitution 亲电取代Addition-elimination mechanism 加成消除机理Electrophilic aromatic substitu-tion 亲电芳香取代Electron transfer 电子转移Electron-donating group 给电子基团Electron-Withdrawing group 吸电子基团Deactivating group 钝化基团Orinentation 取向Ortho-para directing group 邻对位定位基Meta directing group 间位定位基Ortho effect 邻位效应Partial rate factor 分速度系数Nucleophilic reaction 亲核反应Internal return 内返Nucleophilicity 亲核体Nucleophilicity 亲核性α-effect α-效应Backside attack 背面进攻Inversion 反转Umbrella effect 伞效应Push-pull effect 推拉效应Leaving group 离去基团Electrofuge 离电体Nucleofuge 离核体Phase-transfer catalysis 相转移催化Neighboring group participation 邻基基参与邻助作用Neighboring proup assistance,anchimericassistanceNeighboring group effect 邻基效应Apofacial reaction 反面反应Briddgehead displacement 桥头取代Aryl action 芳正离子Benzyne 苯炔Zaitsev rule 札依采夫规则Anti-Zaitsev orientation 反札依采夫定向Hofmann’s rule 霍夫曼规则Bredt rule 布雷特规则Initiation 引发Anionic cleavage 负离子裂解Partial bond fixation 键[的]部分固定化02.3有机化学反应Alkylation 烷基化C- alkylation C-烷基化O- alkylation O-烷基化N-alkylation N-烷基化Silylation 硅烷[基]化Exhaustive methylation 彻底甲基化Seco alkylation 断裂烷基化Demethylation 脱甲基化Ethylation 乙基化Arylation 芳基化Acylation 酰化Formylation 甲酰化Carbalkoxylation 烷氧羰基化Carboamidation 氨羰基化Carboxylation 羧基化Amination 氨基化Bisamination 双氨基化Cine substitution 移位取代Transamination 氨基交换Hydroxylation 羟基化acyloxyation 酰氧基化Decarboxylative nitration 脱羧卤化Allylic halogenation 烯丙型卤化Dehalogenation 脱卤Nitration 硝化Decarboxylative nitration 脱羧硝化Nitrosation 亚硝化Sulfonation 磺化Chlorosulfonation 氯磺酰化Desulfonation 脱磺酸基Sulfenylation 亚磺酰化Sulfonylation 磺酰化Chlorosulfenation 氯亚磺酰化Chlorocarbonylation 氯羰基化Diazotization 重氮化Diazo transfer 重氮基转移Coupling reaction 偶联反应Diazonium coupling 重氮偶联Cross-coupling reaction 交叉偶联反应1,4-addition 1,4-加成Conjugate addition 共轭加成Dimerization 二聚Trimefization 三聚Additive dimerization 加成二聚sulfurization 硫化Selenylation 硒化Hydroboration 硼氢化Oxyamination 羟氨基化Insertion 插入carbonylation 羧基化Hydroformylation 加氢甲酰基化Hydroacylation 加氢酰化Oxo process 羰基合成Decarbonylation 脱羰Hydrocarboxylation 氢羧基化Homologization 同系化Cyanoethylation 氰乙基化Decyanoethylation 脱氰乙基Ring clsure 环合Diene synthesis 双烯合成Dienophile 亲双烯体Endo addition 内型加成Exo addition 外型加成Diels-Alder reaction 第尔斯-尔德反应Retro Diels-Alder reaction 逆第尔斯-阿尔德反应Ene synthesis 单烯合成Anionic cycloaddition 负离子环加成Dipolar addition 偶极加成- elimination -消除- elimination -消除- elimination -消除-elimination -消除Dehydrohalogenation 脱卤化氢Deamination 脱氨基Pyrolytic elimination 热解消除Elimination-addition 消除-加成Decarboxylation 脱羧Decarboxamidation 脱酰胺Decyanation 脱氰基Alkylolysis,alkyl cleavage 烷基裂解Acylolysis,acyl cleavage 酰基裂解Flash pyrolysis 闪热裂Fragmentation 碎裂Chiletropic reaction 螯键反应Chelation 螯环化Esterification 酯化Transesterification 酯交换Saponification 皂化Alcoholysis 醇解Ethanolysis 乙醇解Cyanomethylation 氰甲基化Aminomethylation 氨甲基化Hydroxymethylation 羟甲基化Hydroxyalkylation 羟烷基化Cholromethylation 氯甲基化Haloalkylation 卤烷基化Transacetalation 缩醛交换Enolization 烯醇化Haloform reaction 卤仿反应Condensation 缩合Aldol condensation 羟醛缩合Cross aldol condensation 交叉羟醛缩合Retrograde aldol condensation 逆羟醛缩合Acyloin condensation 偶姻缩合Cyclization 环化Annulation,annelation 增环反应Spiroannulation 螺增环Autoxidation 自氧化Allylic hydroperoxylation 烯丙型氢过氧化Epoxidation 环氧化Oxonolysis 臭氧解Electrochemical oxidation 电化学氧化Oxidative decarboxylation 氧化脱羧Aromatization 芳构化Catalytic hydrogenation 催化氢化Heterogeneous hydrogenation 多相氢化Homogeneous hydrogenation 均相氢化Catalytic dehydrogenation 催化脱氢Transfer hydrogenation 转移氢化Hydrogenolysis 氢解Dissolving metal reduction 溶解金属还原Single electron transfer 单电子转移Bimolecular reduction 双分子还原Electrochemical reduction 电化学还原Reductive alkylation 还原烷基化Reductive acylation 还原酰化Reductive dimerization 还原二聚Deoxygenation 脱氧Desulfurization 脱硫Deselenization 脱硒Mitallation 金属化Lithiation 锂化Hydrometallation 氢金属化Mercuration 汞化Oxymercuration 羟汞化Aminomercuration 氨汞化Abstraction 夺取[反应] Internal abstraction 内夺取[反应] Rearrangement 重排Prototropic rearrangement 质了转移重排Double bond migration 双键移位Allylic migration 烯丙型重排Allylic migration 烯丙型迁移Ring contraction 环缩小[反应] Ring expansion,ring enlargement 扩环[反应]-ketol rearrangement -酮醇重排Pinacol rearrangement 频哪醇重排Retropinacol rearrangement 逆频哪醇重排Semipinacol rearrangement 半频哪醇重排Benzilic rearrangement 二苯乙醇酸重排Acyl rearrangement 酰基重排Migratory aptitude 迁移倾向Transannular insertion 跨环插入Transannular rearrangement 跨环重排Migration 迁移Prototropy 质子转移Cationotropic rearrangement 正离子转移重排Anionotropy 负离子转移Anionotropic rearrangement 负离子转移重排Sigmatropic rearrangement -迁移重排Homosigmatropic rearrangement 同迁移重排Electrophilic rearrangement 亲电重排Photosensitization 光敏化Forbidden transition 禁阻跃迁photooxidation 光氧化Photoisomerization 光异构化Photochemical rearrangement 光化学重排2.4 有机化合物类名Aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物Hpdrocarbon 碳氢化合物Alkane 烷Wax 蜡Paraffin wax 石蜡Alkene 烯Alkyen 炔Acetylide 炔化物Active hydrogen compounds 活泼氢化合物Carbon acid 碳氢酸Super acid 超酸Diene 双烯Triene 三烯Allene 丙二烯Ccumulene 累积多烯Enyne 烯炔Diyne 二炔Alkyl halide 卤代烷Alcohol 醇Homoallylic alcohol 高烯丙醇Ether 醚Epoxide 环氧化物Cellosolve 溶纤剂Crown ether 冠醚Netro compound 硝基化合物Amine 胺Quaternaryammonium com-pound 季铵化合物Amine oxide 氧化胺Diazoalkane 重氮烷Mercaptan 硫醇Sulfonic acid 磺酸Sulfoxide 亚砜Sulfone 砜Aldehyde 醛Detone 酮Aldehyde hydrate 醛水合物Ketone hydrate 酮水合物Hemiacetal 半缩醛Acetal 缩醛Ketal 缩酮Dithiane 二噻烷Aminal 缩醛胺imine 亚胺Aldimine 醛亚胺Oxime 肟Aldimine 醛肟Oxime 亚硝基化合物aldoxime 硝酮Hydrazone 腙Azine 嗪Semicarbazone 缩氯基脲Cyanohydrin 羟腈Pinacol 频哪醇Enol 烯醇Enol ether 烯醇醚Enol ester 烯醇酯Enamine 烯胺Ynamine 炔胺Mannich base 曼尼希碱Carboxylic acid 羧酸Ester 酯orthoester 原酸酯Acyl halide 酰卤Acyl fluoride 酰氟Acyl chloride 酰氯Acyl rtomide 酰溴Acyl iodide 酰碘Carbobenzoxy chloride 苄氧甲酰氯Acyl tosylate 酰基对甲苯磺酸酐Ketene 乙烯酮Peracid 过酸Perester 过酸酯Acyl peroxide 酰基过氧化物Nitrile 腈Nitrile oxide 氧化腈Isonitrile 异腈Amide 酰胺Imide 二酰亚胺N-bromo compound N-溴化物Hydrazide 酰肼Acyl azide 酰叠氮Amidine 脒Keto ester 酮酸酯Acyl cyanide 酰腈Carbon suboxide 二氧化三碳Glycidic acid 环氧丙酸Carbammic acid 氨基甲酸Carbamate 氨基甲酸酯Urea 脲Cyanamide 氨腈Carbodiimide 碳二亚胺Allophanate 脲基甲酸酯Thioester 硫代酸酯Thiol acid 硫羰酸Lactone 内酯Lactol 内半缩醛Macrolide 大环内酯Amino acid 氨基酸Zwitterions 两性离子Inner salt 内盐Betaine 甜菜碱Lactam 内酰胺Hydantion 乙内酰脲Peptide 肽Glycol 二醇Aldol 羟醛Acyloin 偶姻Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Aldose 醛糖Ketose 酮糖Furanose 呋喃糖Pyranose 吡喃糖Glycoside 糖苷Glucoside 葡[萄]糖苷Aglycon 苷元Saccharide 糖类Oligosaccharide 寡糖Polysaccharide 多糖Alditol 糖醇Osazone 脎Alicyclic compound 脂环化合物Cycloalkene 环烷Spirane 环烯Cage compound 螺烷Propellane 笼型化合物Rotazane 螺桨烷Catenane 轮烷Rused ring 索烃Aromatic compound 稠环化合物Arene 芳香化合物Alkylbenzene 芳烃Bibenzyl 烷基苯Aiaryl 联苄Biphenyl 联芳Biphenyl 联苯Indene 茚Fluorene 芴fulvene 富烯cyclophane 环芳Acene 并苯Helicene 螺旋烃Aryne 芳炔Annulene 烨烯Dewar benzene 杜瓦苯Benzvalene 盆苯Barrelene 桶烯Azulene ?Diazo compound 重氮化合物diazonium salt 重氮盐Diazohydroxide 重氮氢氧化物Azo cimpound 偶氮化物Hydrazo compound 氢化偶氮化物Azoxy compound 氧化偶氮化合物Phenol 酚Hydroquinone 氢醌Quinhydrone 醌Quinhydrone 醌氢醌Semiquinone 半醌Benzoin 苯偶姻Benzil 偶苯酰Heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物Furan 呋喃Pyrrole 吡咯Thiophene 噻吩Porphyrin 卟啉Pyridene 吡啶Piperidine 哌啶Oxazole ?唑Azlactone 二氢?唑酮Pyrazole 吡唑Imidazole 咪唑Thiazole 噻唑Oxazine ?嗪Diazine 二嗪Diketopiperazine 哌嗪二酮Sydnone 悉尼酮Triazole 三唑Triazine 三嗪Indole 吲哚Quinoline 喹啉Isoquinoline 异喹啉Flavone 黄酮Isoflavone 异黄酮Chalcone 查耳酮Azepine 氮杂?Addition compound 加合化合物Organometallic 有机金属化合物Grignard reagent 格氏试剂Ferocene 二?铁Sandwich compound 夹心化合物Chloroborane 氯硼烷Phosphine 膦Phosphonium salt ?盐Arsine 胂Ylide 叶立德Nitrogen ylide 氮叶立德Sulfur ylide 硫叶立德Phosphorus ylide 磷叶立德Arsenic ylide 砷叶立德Lipid 类脂Phospholipid 磷脂Essential oil 精油Terpene 萜Monoterpene 单萜Sesquiterpene 倍半萜Diterpene 二萜Triterpene 三萜carotene 胡萝卜素Steroid 甾族化合物Sex hormone 性激素Pheromone 信息素Phytohormone 植物激素Alkaloid 生物碱2.5 有机化学分析和方法Charge-transfer spectrum 电荷转移光谱Chemical shift reagent 化学位移试剂Polarized light 偏振光Specific rotation 比旋光Molar rotation 摩尔旋光Circularly polarized light 圆偏振光Optical rotatory dispersion 旋光色散Circular dichroism 圆二色性Octant rule 八区规则Cotton effect 卡滕效应Plain curve 平坦曲线Resolution 拆分Optical purity 光学纯度Enantiomeric excess,ee 对映体过量Diasteromeric excess,de 非对映体过量Synthesis 合成Retrosynthesis 逆合成Total synthesis 全合成Formal synthesis 中继合成Partial synthesis 部分合成Relay synthesis 接替合成Tandem reaction sequence 连续反应过程Synthon 合成子Chiron,chiral building block 手性子Asymmetric synthesis 不对称合成Asymmetric induction 不对称诱导Optical induction 光学诱导Chiral induction 手性诱导Chiral reagent 手性试剂Chiral catalyst 手性催化剂Chiral solvent 手性溶剂Chiral auxiliary [reagent] 手性助剂Topochemistry 拓扑化学Biomimetic synthesis 仿生合成Protecting group 保护基Umpolung 极反转Linear synthesis 线性合成Convergent synthesis 汇集合成03.分析化学03.1 一般术语Qualitative analysis 定性分析Quantitative analysis 定量分析Chemical analysis 化学分析Instrumental analysis 仪器分析Classical analysis 经典分析Systematic analysis 系统分析Routine analysis 常规分析Referee analysis,arbitration ana-lysis 仲裁分析Macro analysis 常量分析Semimicro analysis,meso analysis 半微量分析Mcro analysis 微量分析Ultramicro analyisis,submicro analysis 超微量分析Trace analysis 痕量分析Ultratrace analysis 超痕量分析Wet method,wet way 湿法Dry mithod,dry way 干法Indirect mithod 间接法Reagent 试剂Reagent grade 试剂级别Guaranteed reagent,G.R. 保证试剂Analytical reagent,A.R. 分析纯Chimically pure,C.P. 化学纯Identification 鉴定Detection 检出Confirmatory test 证实试验Determination 测定Measurement 测量Separation 分离Calibration 校准Correction 校正Recovery 回收Mesh [筛]目Sampling 取样Quartering 四分[法] Sample 试样Reference material,RM 标准物质Primary standard 一级标准Secondary standard 二级标准Selectivity 选择性Selective reagent 选择[性]试剂Specific reagent 特效试剂Mole 摩尔Stock solution 储备溶液Test solution 试液Fusion 熔融Rlux 熔剂Air drying 风干Weighing 称量Constant weight 恒量Aliquot 等分部分Residue 残渣Ash 灰分Misture content 含湿量Cleaning solution 洗涤液Mauor constituent 主成分Minor constituent 少量成分Trace constituent 痕量成分Trial-and error method 尝试法Analytical balance 分析天平Single pan balance 单盘天平Air-damped balance [空气]阻尼天平Electronic balance 电子天平Semimicro [analytical]balance 半微量天平Micro[analytical]balance 微量天平Ultramicro[analytical ]balance 超微量天平Torsion balance 扭力天平Weights 砝码Rider 游码Filter paper 滤纸Test paper 试纸PH paper PH试纸Erlenmeyer flask 锥形瓶V olumetric flask [容]量瓶Weighing bottle 称量瓶Buchner funnel 布氏漏斗Sintered-glass filter crucible [烧结]玻璃砂[滤]?锅Iven,drying over 烘箱Water bath 水浴Hot plate 电热板Magnetic stirrer 洗瓶Iodine flask [电]磁搅拌器Iodine flaski 碘瓶Reagent bottle 试剂瓶03.2 化学计量学Chemometrics 化学计量学Accuracy 准确度Sensitivity 灵敏度Precision 精密度Repeatability 重复性Reproducibility 再现性Detection limit 检出限Determination limit 测定限Signal-noise ratio 信噪比Background 背景Blank 空白Uncertainty 不确定度Tolerance limitc 容许限Confidence limit 置信限Confidence interval 置信区间Confidence coefficient 置信系数Population 总体Sample 样本individual 个体Random variable 随机变量Fixed variable 固定变量Standardization 标准化Friquency 频数Histogram 直方图Frequency distribution 频数分布Class interval 组距Probability 概率Probability density 概率密度Nirmal distribution 正态分布Nonnormal distribution,abnormal distribution 非正态分布Log transformation 对数变换Normalization 正态化F-distribution F分布t-distribution T分布X2-distribution X2分布Binomial distribution 二项式分布Poisson’s distribution 泊松分布Uniform distritution 均匀平布True value 真值Value of expectation 期望值Observed value,measured value 观测值Unbiased estimator 无偏估计值Sample value 样本值Population mena 总体[平] 均值Sample mean 样本[平]均植Veighted mean 加权[平]均植Median 中位值Variability 变异性Variation within laboratory 组内变异性Variation between alboratories 组间变异性Error 误差Random error 随机误差Systematical error 系统误差Bias 偏倚Gross 过失误差Absolute error 绝对误差Relative error 相对误差Standard eror 标准误差Deviation 偏差Residual 残差Population deviation 总体偏差Sample deviation 样本偏差Arithmetic average deviation [算术]平均偏差Standardard deviation 标准[偏]差Absolute deviation 绝对偏差Relative deviation 相对偏差Relative standard deviation 相对标准[偏]差Pooled standard deviation 合并标准[偏]差Tolerance error 容许误差Variance 方差Population Variance 总体方差Sample variance 样本方差Pooled variance 合并方差Variance within laboratory 组内方差Variance between laboratories 组间方差Residual variance 残余方差Covariance 协方差Range 极差Statistical test 统计检验Hypothesis Test 假设检测Significance test 显著性检验Significance level 显著性水平Significant difference 显著性差异One-tailed test 单侧检验Two-atailed test 双侧检验Test statistic 检验统计量Parameter test 参数检验Nonparameter test 非参数检验Parameter estimation 参数估计Point estimation 点估计Interval estimation 区间估计Null hypothesis 零假设Alternative hypothesis 备择假设Critical value 临界值Acceptance region 接受域Rejection region 舍弃域Statistical inference 统计推断Error of the first kind,type 1error 第一类错误Error of the second kind,type 2error 第二类错误Extremum value 极值Outlier 异常值Sing test 符号检验Dixon’s test method 狄克松检验法Grubbs’test method 格鲁布斯检验法Cochrane’s test method 柯奇拉检验法t-test T检验F-test F检验X2-test,chi-square test X2检验Homoscedasticity,homogeneity of variance 方差齐性Sum of squares of residues,resi dual sum of残差平方和squaresRegression sum of squares 回归平方和Additivity of sum of squares 平方和加和性Analysis of variance,ANOV A 方差分析Cross classification 交叉分组Multiple comparisons 多重比较Paired comparison 成对比较Random factor 随机因素Fixed factor 固定因素Controllable factor 可控因素Level of factor 因素水平Pseudo leval 拟水平Factorial effect 因素效应Main effect 主效应Two-factor interaction,simple interaction 二因子交互效应Positive correlation 正相关Negative correlation 负相关Correlation test 相关性检验Correlation analysis 相关分析Correlation coefficient 相关系数Total correlationCorrelation 全相关系数Partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数Regression analysis 回归分析Curve fitting 曲线拟合Least square fitting 最小二乘法拟合Weighted least square method 加权最小二乘法Goodness of fit 拟合优度Regression equation 回归方程Regression curve 回归曲线Regression surface 回归曲面Regression coefficient 回归系数Partial regression coefficient 偏回归系数Standar4dized regression coeffi-cient 标准回归系数Linear regression 线性回归Non-linear regression 非线性回归Stepwise regression 逐步回归Weighted regression 加权回归Polynomial regression 多项式回归Parallel displacement of curve 曲线平移Calibration curve 校正曲线Linearity range 线性范围Experimental design 实验设计Randomized blie 随机区组设计Factorial experiment 析因实验Latin square design 拉丁方设计Orthogonal table,orthogonal layout 正交表Homogeneous design 均匀设计Simplex oqtimization 单纯形优化Simple simplex 基本单纯形Modified simplex 改进单纯形Step sixe,step width 步长Variable step size 可变步长Reflection 反射Expansion 扩展Whole contraction 整体收缩Optimal estimate 量优估计Optimal value 最优值Optimal block design 最优区组设计Local optimization 局部优化Constrained optimization 有约束优化Constrained condition 约束条件Sequential search 序贯寻优Gradient search 梯度寻优Steepest ascent 最速上升法Steepest descent 最速下降法Holeen cut method 黄金分割法Mimimum residual method 最小残差法Iterative method 迭代法Recurrence method 递推法Successive approximate method 逐次近似法Monte Carlo method 蒙特卡罗法Quality control 质量控制Control chart 控制图Central line,CL 中心线X-control chart 平均值控制图R-control chart 极差控制图Upper alarm limit 上警告限Lower alarm limit 下警告限Upper control limit,UCL 下控制限Lower control limit,LCL 下控制限Rankom sampling 随机抽样Proportional sampling 比例抽样Systematic sampling 系统抽样Sequential sampling 序贯抽样Sequential sampling 序贯分析Sampling inspection 抽样检验Sample size,sample capacity 样本[容]量Random sample 随机样本Randomization 随机化Raw data 原始数据Coded data 编码数据Array 数组Data handling,data processing 数据处理Flow chart,flow diagram 程序框图Significant figrue 有效数字Rounding off method 修约方法Round-off error 修约误差Cluster analysis 聚类分析Discriminant analysis 判别分析Factor analysis 因子分析Generalized standard addition 广义标准加入法Method 模式识别Pattern recognition 矩阵Correlation matrix 相关矩阵Eigenvector 特征向量Eigenvalue 特征值Information 信息Information content 信息容量Information efficiency 信息效率Information profitability 信息效益Specific information price 信息比价0.33 化学分析Gravimetry,gravimetric analysis 重量分析法Titrimetry,titrimetric analysis 滴定[分析]法Titration 滴定Visual titration 目视滴定[法] Stepwise titration 分步滴定[法]Back titration 返滴定[法] Replacement titration 置换滴定[法]Linear titration 线性滴定[法] Logarithmic titration 对数滴定[法]Non-aqueous titration 非水滴定[法] Aquametry 测水[滴定]法Karl Fischer titration 卡尔·费歇尔滴定[法] Acid-base titration 酸碱滴定[法] Acidimetry 酸量法Alkalimetry 碱量法Precipitation titration 沉淀滴定[法] Compleximetry,complexometry,complexometric络合滴定[法] ietrationChil[at]ometry,chel[at]ometric 螯合商定[法]Redox titration 氧化还原滴定[法] Mohr mithod 莫尔法V olhard method 福尔哈德法Fajans method 法扬斯法Clear point 澄清点Argentimetry 银量法Mercurimetry 汞量法Cyanometric titration 氰量法Permanganate titration 高猛酸钾[滴定]法Dichromate titration 重铬酸钾[滴定]法Cerimetry,cerimetric titration 铈(IN)量法Iodimetry,iodometry 碘量法Bromometry 溴量法Priodate titration 高碘酸钾[滴]法Thermometric 热滴定[法] Thermometric titration 气体分析Elemental analysis 元素分析Flow in jection analysis,FIA 流动注射分析Vilatilization method,evolution method 挥发法Kjedahl determination 凯氏定氮法Automatic titration 自动滴定Ringoven method 环炉法Drop method 点滴法Spot test 斑点试验Brown ting test 棕环试验Blowpipe test 吹管试验Borax-bead test 吹管试验Borax-bead test 硼砂珠试验Flame test 焰色试验Bead test 熔珠试验Marsh test 马什试验Gutzeit test 古蔡试验Griess test 格里斯试验Silver mirror test 银镜试验Iodoform test 碘仿试验Organic reagent 有机试剂Eriochrome cyanine R 铬花青R Chromotropic acid 变色酸Diantipyrylmethane,4,4’-dianti-pyrinylmethane 二安替比林甲烷Diphenylcar bazide 二苯卡巴肼Diphenylcarbazone 二苯卡巴脘dithizone 二硫腙Cadion 镉试剂Chrome azurol S 铬天青S Chlorosulfophenol s 氯磺酚S2,2’-biquinoline,biquinolyl 联喹啉2,2’-bipyridine,2,2’-bipyridyl 联吡啶brilliant green 亮绿Chloranilic acid 氯冉酸Aluminon 铝试剂Arsenazo Ⅰ偶氮胂ⅠArsenazo Ⅲ偶氮胂ⅢChlorophosphonazo Ⅲ偶氮氯膦ⅢAlizarin 茜素Alizarin complexan,alizarin 茜素红S Neocupferron 新铜铁试剂Neocuproine 新亚铜试剂Bromopyrogallol red 溴[代]邻苯三酚红Cuproine 亚铜试剂Acetylacetone 乙酰丙铜Nessler reagent 奈斯勒试剂Organic precipitant 有机沉淀剂Arsonic acid 胂酸-benzoinoxime -安息香肟Benzotriazole 苯并三唑Tannin,tannic acid 单宁Isatinoxime 靛红肟Mandelic acid 苦杏仁酸8-quinolinecarboxylic acid,8-carboxyquinoline 8-喹啉羧酸Quinaldic acid 喹哪啶酸Benzidine 联苯胺Pyrogallol 连苯三酚Anthranilic acid 邻氨基苯甲酸5,6-naphthoquinoline 5,6-萘喹啉Tetraphenylarsonium chloride 氯化四苯砷8-hydroxyquinoline,oxine 8-羟基喹啉Metcaptobenzothiazole 巯基喹啉8-mercaptoquinoline 8-巯基喹啉Salicylaldoxime 四苯硼钠水杨醛肟Sodium tertraphenylborate,sodium tetraphenylboronCupferron 铜铁试剂Nitron 硝酸试剂Cinchonine 辛可宁1-nitroso-2-naphthol 1-亚硝基-2-萘酚N-N-benzoyl-N-phenyl hydroxylamine N-苯甲酰-N-苯基羟胺Diacetyldioxime,dimethylg-lyoxime 丁二酮肟Indicator 指示剂Acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂Adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂Metal indicator ,metallochromic indicator 金属指示剂Oxidation-reduction indicator,redox indicator 氧化还原指示剂Mixed indicator 混合指示剂External indicator 外[用]指示剂Fluorescent indicator 荧光指示剂Metalfluorescent indicator 金属荧光指示剂Chemiluminescent indicator 化学发光指示剂Siloxene indicator 硅氧烯指示剂Litmus paper 石蕊试纸Turmeric paper 姜黄试纸Indicator constant 指示剂常数Indicator constant 指示剂空白Thymol blue,thymolsulfonphthal-ein 百里酚蓝Thymolphthalein 百里酚酞Phenol red ,phenolsulfonphthalein [苯]酚红Phenolphthalein 酚酞Cresol purple 甲酚紫Methyl orange 甲基橙Methyl red 甲基红Methyl yellow 甲基黄Chlorophenol red 氯酚红Alizarin yellow 茜素黄Bromothymol blue 溴百里酚蓝Btomophenol blue 溴酚蓝Btomocresol green 溴甲酚绿Neutral red 中性红Methyl violet 甲基紫Crystal violet 结晶紫Quinaldine red 喹哪啶红Malachite green 孔?[石]绿Nile blue A 尼罗蓝A Orange IV [酸性]四号橙p-ethoxychrysoidine 对乙氧基菊橙Diphenylamine blue 二苯胺蓝Dichlorofluorescein 二氯荧光黄Phenosafranine 酚藏花红Congo red 刚果红Rhodamine 6G 罗丹明6G Rose Bengal 玫瑰红Eosin 曙红Thorin 钍试剂Fluorescein 荧光黄Xylenol orange 二甲酚橙Calmagite 钙黄绿素Calconcarboxylic acid 钙指示剂Calcon 钙试剂Eriochrome black A 铬黑A Eriochrome black T 铬黑T Eriochrome blue black B 铬蓝黑B Eriochrome blue black F 铬蓝黑R Eriochrome violet B 铬紫B Methylthymol blue 甲基百里酚蓝Metaqlphthalen 金属酞Pyrocatechol violet 邻苯二酚紫1-(2-pyridylazo)-2napthol, PAN 1-(2-吡啶基偶氮)-2-蔡酚4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol, PAN 4-(2-吡啶基偶氮)间苯二酚Zincon 锌试剂Murexide 紫脲酸铵Sulfosalicylic acld 磺基水杨酸Tiron 钛试剂Vaariamine blue 变胺蓝Indigo monosulfonate 靛蓝一磺酸盐Indigo tetrasulfonate 靛蓝四磺酸盐p-nitrodiphenylamine 对硝基二苯胺Sodium diphenylaminesulfonate 二苯胺磺酸钠Forroin 邻菲咯啉亚铁离子Nitroferroin 硝基邻菲咯啉亚铁离子Methylene blue 亚甲蓝Erioglaucine A 罂红AN-phenylanthranilic acid N-苯基邻氨基苯甲酸Complexone 氨羧络合剂Chelating reahent,chelant 螯合试剂Ethylenediamineterraacetic acid,EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸Nitrilotriacetic acid,NTA 氨三乙酸Cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid,CyDTA 环已二胺四乙酸Ethyleneglycolbis(2-aminoethyl-ether)tetraacetic acid,EGTA 乙二醇双(2-氨基乙醚)四乙酸2-hydroxyethylethylenediamine-triaceticacid,HEDTA2-羟乙基乙二胺三乙酸Solvent 溶剂Non-apueous solvent 非水溶剂N,N-dimethylformamide,DMF 二甲基甲酰胺Sulfolane 环丁砜Inert solvent 惰性溶剂Apolar aprotic solvent 非极性非质子溶剂Non-polar solvent 非极性溶剂Aprotic solvent 非质子溶剂Differentiating solvent 区分溶剂Protogenic solvent 给质子溶剂Polar solvent 极性溶剂Leveling solvent 拉平溶剂Vaterlike solvent 类水溶剂Ionixing solvent 离子化溶剂Ionogen 可离子化基团Amphiprotic 两性的Amphiprotic solvent 两性溶剂Ampholyte 两性物Dipolar aprotic solvent 偶极非质子溶剂Dipolar protophilic solvent 偶极亲质子溶剂Dipolar protophobic solvent 偶极疏质子溶剂Protophilic solvent 亲质子溶剂Solvated proton 溶剂化质子Protophobic solvent 疏质子溶剂Protic solvent 质子溶剂Protolyte 质子传递物Protolysis 质子传递作用Neutral solvent 中性溶剂Muffle furnace 马弗炉Blast burnet 喷灯Meker burner 麦克灯Bunsen burner 本生灯Tirril burner 提利灯Desiccator 干燥器Desiccant,drying agent 干燥剂Hygrostat 恒湿器Ascarite,soda asbestos 烧碱石棉Combustion tube 燃烧管Boat 舟皿Crucible 坩埚Gooch crucible 古氏坩埚Mortar 研钵Evaporating dish 蒸发皿Vatch glass 表面皿Buret 滴定管Weighing buret,weight buret 称重滴定管Pipet,transfer pipet 称液管Measuring pipet 吸量管Titration thief 滴定阱Spot plate 点滴板Ring oven 环炉Policeman 淀帚Analyte 分析物Dry basis 干基Wet basis 湿基Parallel determination,replicate 平行测定Duplicate 双份Triplicate 三份。



化学元素周期表英文第 01 号元素: 氢 [化学符号]H, 读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen第 02 号元素: 氦 [化学符号]He, 读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium第 03 号元素: 锂 [化学符号]Li, 读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium第 04 号元素: 铍 [化学符号]Be, 读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium 第 05 号元素: 硼 [化学符号]B, 读“朋”, [英文名称]Boron第 06 号元素: 碳 [化学符号]C, 读“炭”, [英文名称]Carbon第 07 号元素: 氮 [化学符号]N, 读“淡”, [英文名称]Nitrogen第 08 号元素: 氧 [化学符号]O, 读“养”, [英文名称]Oxygen第 09 号元素: 氟 [化学符号]F, 读“弗”, [英文名称]Fluorine第 10 号元素: 氖 [化学符号]Ne, 读“乃”, [英文名称]Neon第 11 号元素: 钠 [化学符号]Na, 读“纳”, [英文名称]Sodium第 12 号元素: 镁 [化学符号]Mg, 读“美”, [英文名称]Magnesium 第 13 号元素: 铝 [化学符号]Al, 读“吕”, [英文名称]Aluminum 第 14 号元素: 硅 [化学符号]Si, 读“归”, [英文名称]Silicon第 15 号元素: 磷 [化学符号]P, 读“邻”, [英文名称]Phosphorus 第 16 号元素: 硫 [化学符号]S, 读“流”, [英文名称]Sulfur第 17 号元素: 氯 [化学符号]Cl, 读“绿”, [英文名称]Chlorine 第 18 号元素: 氩 [化学符号]Ar,A, 读“亚”, [英文名称]Argon第 19 号元素: 钾 [化学符号]K, 读“甲”, [英文名称]Potassium 第 20 号元素: 钙 [化学符号]Ca, 读“丐”, [英文名称]Calcium第 21 号元素: 钪 [化学符号]Sc, 读“亢”, [英文名称]Scandium 第 22 号元素: 钛 [化学符号]Ti, 读“太”, [英文名称]Titanium 第 23 号元素: 钒 [化学符号]V, 读“凡”, [英文名称]Vanadium第 24 号元素: 铬 [化学符号]Cr, 读“各”, [英文名称]Chromium 第 25 号元素: 锰 [化学符号]Mn, 读“猛”, [英文名称]Manganese 第 26 号元素: 铁 [化学符号]Fe, 读“铁”, [英文名称]Iron第 27 号元素: 钴 [化学符号]Co, 读“古”, [英文名称]Cobalt第 28 号元素: 镍 [化学符号]Ni, 读“臬”, [英文名称]Nickel第 29 号元素: 铜 [化学符号]Cu, 读“同”, [英文名称]Copper第 30 号元素: 锌 [化学符号]Zn, 读“辛”, [英文名称]Zinc第 31 号元素: 镓 [化学符号]Ga, 读“家”, [英文名称]Gallium第 32 号元素: 锗 [化学符号]Ge, 读“者”, [英文名称]Germanium 第 33 号元素: 砷 [化学符号]As, 读“申”, [英文名称]Arsenic第 34 号元素: 硒 [化学符号]Se, 读“西”, [英文名称]Selenium 第 35 号元素: 溴 [化学符号]Br, 读“秀”, [英文名称]Bromine第 36 号元素: 氪 [化学符号]Kr, 读“克”, [英文名称]Krypton第 37 号元素: 铷 [化学符号]Rb, 读“如”, [英文名称]Rubidium 第 38 号元素: 锶 [化学符号]Sr, 读“思”, [英文名称]Strontium 第 39 号元素: 钇 [化学符号]Y, 读“乙”, [英文名称]Yttrium第 40 号元素: 锆 [化学符号]Zr, 读“告”, [英文名称]Zirconium 第 41 号元素: 铌 [化学符号]Nb, 读“尼”, [英文名称]Niobium第 42 号元素: 钼 [化学符号]Mo, 读“目”, [英文名称]Molybdenum第 44 号元素: 钌 [化学符号]Ru, 读“了”, [英文名称]Ruthenium第 45 号元素: 铑 [化学符号]Rh, 读“老”, [英文名称]Rhodium第 46 号元素: 钯 [化学符号]Pd, 读“巴”, [英文名称]Palladium第 47 号元素: 银 [化学符号]Ag, 读“银”, [英文名称]Silver第 48 号元素: 镉 [化学符号]Cd, 读“隔”, [英文名称]Cadmium第 49 号元素: 铟 [化学符号]In, 读“因”, [英文名称]Indium第 50 号元素: 锡 [化学符号]Sn, 读“西”, [英文名称]Tin第 51 号元素: 锑 [化学符号]Sb, 读“梯”, [英文名称]Antimony第 52 号元素: 碲 [化学符号]Te, 读“帝”, [英文名称]Tellurium第 53 号元素: 碘 [化学符号]I, 读“典”, [英文名称]Iodine第 54 号元素: 氙 [化学符号]Xe, 读“仙”, [英文名称]Xenon第 55 号元素: 铯 [化学符号]Cs, 读“色”, [英文名称]Cesium第 56 号元素: 钡 [化学符号]Ba, 读“贝”, [英文名称]Barium第 58 号元素: 铈 [化学符号]Ce, 读“市”, [英文名称]Cerium第 59 号元素: 镨 [化学符号]Pr, 读“普”, [英文名称]Praseodymium 第 60 号元素: 钕 [化学符号]Nd, 读“女”, [英文名称]Neodymium第 61 号元素: 钷 [化学符号]Pm, 读“颇”, [英文名称]Promethium 第 62 号元素: 钐 [化学符号]Sm, 读“衫”, [英文名称]Samarium第 63 号元素: 铕 [化学符号]Eu, 读“有”, [英文名称]Europium第 64 号元素: 钆 [化学符号]Gd, 读“轧”, [英文名称]Gadolinium 第 65 号元素: 铽 [化学符号]Tb, 读“忒”, [英文名称]Terbium第 66 号元素: 镝 [化学符号]Dy, 读“滴”, [英文名称]Dysprosium 第 67 号元素: 钬 [化学符号]Ho, 读“火”, [英文名称]Holmium第 68 号元素: 铒 [化学符号]Er, 读“耳”, [英文名称]Erbium第 69 号元素: 铥 [化学符号]Tm, 读“丢”, [英文名称]Thulium第 70 号元素: 镱 [化学符号]Yb, 读“意”, [英文名称]Ytterbium第 71 号元素: 镥 [化学符号]Lu, 读“鲁”, [英文名称]Lutetium第 72 号元素: 铪 [化学符号]Hf, 读“哈”, [英文名称]Hafnium第 73 号元素: 钽 [化学符号]Ta, 读“坦”, [英文名称]Tantalum第 74 号元素: 钨 [化学符号]W, 读“乌”, [英文名称]Tungsten第 75 号元素: 镧 [化学符号]La, 读“兰”, [英文名称]Lanthanum第 75 号元素: 铼 [化学符号]Re, 读“来”, [英文名称]Rhenium第 76 号元素: 锇 [化学符号]Os, 读“鹅”, [英文名称]Osmium第 77 号元素: 铱 [化学符号]Ir, 读“衣”, [英文名称]Iridium第 78 号元素: 铂 [化学符号]Pt, 读““, [英文名称]Platinum第 79 号元素: 金 [化学符号]Au, 读“今”, [英文名称]Gold第 80 号元素: 汞 [化学符号]Hg, 读“拱”, [英文名称]Mercury第 81 号元素: 铊 [化学符号]Tl, 读“他”, [英文名称]Thallium第 82 号元素: 铅 [化学符号]Pb, 读“千”, [英文名称]Lead第 83 号元素: 铋 [化学符号]Bi, 读“必”, [英文名称]Bismuth第 84 号元素: 钋 [化学符号]Po, 读“泼”, [英文名称]Polonium第 85 号元素: 砹 [化学符号]At, 读“艾”, [英文名称]Astatine第 86 号元素: 氡 [化学符号]Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon第 88 号元素: 镭 [化学符号]Ra, 读“雷”, [英文名称]Radium第 89 号元素: 锕 [化学符号]Ac, 读“阿”, [英文名称]Actinium第 90 号元素: 钍 [化学符号]Th, 读“土”, [英文名称]Thorium第 91 号元素: 镤 [化学符号]Pa, 读“仆”, [英文名称]Protactinium第 92 号元素: 铀 [化学符号]U, 读“由”, [英文名称]Uranium第 93 号元素: 镎 [化学符号]Np, 读“拿”, [英文名称]Neptunium第 94 号元素: 钚 [化学符号]Pu, 读“不”, [英文名称]Plutonium第 95 号元素: 镅 [化学符号]Am, 读“眉”, [英文名称]Americium第 96 号元素: 锔 [化学符号]Cm, 读“局”, [英文名称]Curium第 97 号元素: 锫 [化学符号]Bk, 读“陪”, [英文名称]Berkelium第 98 号元素: 锎 [化学符号]Cf, 读“开”, [英文名称]Californium第 99 号元素: 锿 [化学符号]Es, 读“哀”, [英文名称]Einsteinium第 100 号元素: 镄 [化学符号]Fm, 读“费”, [英文名称]Fermium第 101 号元素: 钔 [化学符号]Md, 读“门”, [英文名称]Mendelevium第 102 号元素: 锘 [化学符号]No, 读“诺”, [英文名称]Nobelium第 103 号元素: 铹 [化学符号]Lw, 读“劳”, [英文名称]Lawrencium第 104 号元素: 鐪 [化学符号]Rf, 读“卢”, [英文名称]unnilquadium第 105 号元素: [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]dubnium第 106 号元素: 钅喜 [化学符号]Sg , 读”喜“, [英文名称]第 107 号元素: 钅波 [化学符号]Bh, 读"波“, [英文名称]Bohrium第 108 号元素: 钅黑 [化学符号]Hs, 读”黑“, [英文名称]第 109 号元素: 钅麦 [化学符号]Mt, 读"麦",[英文名称]第 110 号元素: 鐽 [化学符号]Ds, 读”达“, [英文名称]Darmstadtium第 111 号元素: 钅仑 [化学符号]Rg, , 读”伦“, [英文名称]Roentgenium 第 112 号元素: uub(112)第 113 号元素: uut(113)第 114 号元素: uuq(114)第 115 号元素: uup(115)第 116 号元素: uuh(116)第 117 号元素: uus尚未发现第 118 号元素: uuo。



Bunsen burner 本生灯product 化学反应产物flask 烧瓶apparatus 设备PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂matrass 卵形瓶litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊试纸graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯reagent 试剂test tube 试管burette 滴定管retort 曲颈甑still 蒸馏釜cupel 烤钵crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚pipette 吸液管filter 滤管stirring rod 搅拌棒element 元素body 物体compound 化合物atom 原子gram atom 克原子atomic weight 原子量atomic number 原子数atomic mass 原子质量molecule 分子electrolyte 电解质ion 离子anion 阴离子cation 阳离子electron 电子isotope 同位素isomer 同分异物现象polymer 聚合物symbol 复合radical 基structural formula 分子式valence, valency 价monovalent 单价bivalent 二价halogen 成盐元素bond 原子的聚合mixture 混合combination 合成作用compound 合成物alloy 合金metal 金属metalloid 非金属Actinium(Ac) 锕Aluminium(Al) 铝Americium(Am) 镅Antimony(Sb) 锑Argon(Ar) 氩Arsenic(As) 砷Astatine(At) 砹Barium(Ba) 钡Berkelium(Bk) 锫Beryllium(Be) 铍Bismuth(Bi) 铋Boron(B) 硼Bromine(Br) 溴Cadmium(Cd) 镉Caesium(Cs) 铯Calcium(Ca) 钙Californium(Cf) 锎Carbon(C) 碳Cerium(Ce) 铈Chlorine(Cl) 氯Chromium(Cr) 铬。



化学专业课程中英文对照,已搜索,无重复!普通化学General Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry谱学导论Introducton of Spectroscopy无机化学Inorganic Chemistry普通化学和分析化学实验Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry现在基础化学The Principle of Mordern Chemistry现在基础化学实验Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry有机化学实验Experiments of Organic Chemistry仪器分析和物理化学实验Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and PhysicalChemistry合成化学实验Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry现代化学专题Topic of Modern Chemistry化学综合实验Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry化工原理Principle of Chemical Engineering化工原理实验Experiments of Chemical Engineering应用化学实验Experiments of Applied Chemistry无机合成化学Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry近代分析化学Modern Analytical Chemistry分离分析化学Separation Analytical Chemistry有机化合物波谱鉴定Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds有机合成及反应机理Organic Synthesis and Mechanics化学进展Progress in Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering应用电化学Applied Electrochemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis环境化学Environmental Chemistry环境监测Environmental Monitoring化学科技英语Scientific English for Chemistry数理方法在化学中的应用Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry化工制图Chemical Engineering Cartography计算机与化学测量实验Computer and Chemical Measurement 化学信息学Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics应用化学专题Special Topics in Applied Chemistry化工装置常用词汇1一概论introduction方案(建议书) proposal可行性研究feasibility study方案设计concept design工艺设计process design基础设计basic design详细设计detail design开工会议kick-off meeting审核会议review meeting外商投资foreign investment中外合资joint venture中外合营joint venture补偿贸易compensation trade合同合同附件contract卖方vendor买方buyer顾客client承包商contractor工程公司company供应范围scope of supply生产范围production scope生产能力production capacity项目project界区battery limit装置plant公用工程utilities工艺流程图process flow diagram工艺流程方块图process block diagram管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument drawing物料及热量平衡图mass & heat balance diagram蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图equipment layout设备表equipment list成品(产品) product(final product)副产品by-product原料raw-material设计基础数据basic data for design技术数据technical data数据表data sheet设计文件design document设计规定design regulation现场服务site service项目变更project change用户变更client change消耗定额consumption quota技术转让technical transfer技术知识technical know-how牋牋牋牋technical knowledge技术保证technical guarantee咨询服务consultative services技术服务technical services工作地点location施工现场construction field报价quotation标书bidding book公司利润company profit固定价合同fixed price contract固定单价合同fixed unit price contract成本加酬金合同cost plus award fee contract定金mobilization银行保证书bank guarantee letter保留金retention所得税income taxes特别承包人税special contractor's taxes城市和市政税city and municipal taxes工作手册work manual工作流程图work flow diagram质量保证程序QA/QC procedures采购计划procurement plan施工计划construction plan施工进度construction schedule项目实施计划project execution plan项目协调程序project coordination procedure项目总进度计划project master schedule设计网络计划engineering network logic项目质量保证project quality assurance项目质量控制project quality control采购procurement采购周期procurement period会签the squad check计算书calculation sheets询价inquiry检验inspection运输transportation开车start up / commission验收inspection & acceptance校核check审核review审定approve版次version部门department专业specialty项目号project number图号drawing number目录contents序言foreword章chapter节section项itemMR material requisitionSPEC engineering specificationDA TA SHEET(技术表)technical data sheetTBA(技术评标)technical bid analysisPDP preliminary design packagePM (项目经理) project managerLDE(专业负责人lead discipline engineerMRQ(材料询价单) Material requisition for quotationMRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchaseBEP(基础工程设计包) basic engineering packageP&ID(管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument drawing(diagram) PFD process flow diagramNNF normally no flowFO failure openFC failure closeC/S/A civil/structure/architectureDDP(详细设计阶段)detail design phase化工装置词汇二. 工艺流程连续过程continuous process 间歇过程batch process工艺叙述process description 工艺特点process feature操作operation反应reaction副反应side reaction絮凝flocculation浮洗flotation倾析decantation催化反应catalytical reaction 萃取extraction中和neutralization水解hydrolysis过滤filtration干燥drying还原reduction氧化oxidation氢化hydrogenation分解decomposition离解dissociation合成synthetics吸收absorption吸附adsorption解吸desorption结晶crystallization溶解solution调节modulate控制control悬浮suspension循环circulation再生regeneration再活化reactivation沥取leaching破碎crushing煅烧caloination沉降sedimentation沉淀precipitation气化gasification冷冻refrigeration固化、结晶solidification 包装package升华sublimation燃烧combustion引烧ignition蒸馏distillation碳化carbonization压缩compression三、化学物质及特性固体solid液体liquid气体gas化合物compound混合物mixture粉powder片状粉未flake小粒granule结晶crystal乳化物emulsion氧化物oxidizing agent还原剂reducing agent有机物organic material 真空vacuum母液master liquor富液rich liquor贫液lean liquor萃出物extract萃余物raffinate絮凝剂flocculants冷冻盐水brine酸度acidity浓度concentration碱度alkalinity溶解度solubility凝固点solidificalion point 沸点boiling point熔点melting point蒸发率evaporation rate 粘度viscosity吸水的water absorbent(a) 无水的anhydrous(a)外观appearance无色的colorless(a)透明的transparent(a)半透明的translucent密度density比重specific gravity催化剂catalyst燃烧combustion引燃ignition自然点self-ignition temperature可燃气体combustible gas可燃液体inflammable liquid易燃液体volatile liquid爆炸混合物explosive mixture爆炸性环境explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限explosive concentration limit废水waste water废液waste liquid废气off-gas噪声noise pollution成分composition挠度deflection力和力矩force and moment弯矩bending moment应力-应变曲线stress-strain diagram百分比percentage环境温度ambient temperature工作温度operating设计温度design temperature(pressure)相对湿度RH=relative humidity油渣、淤泥sludge杂质impurity四、化工设备泵pump轴流泵axial flow pump真空泵vacuum pump屏蔽泵canned pump柱塞泵plunger pump涡轮泵turbine pump涡流泵vortex pump离心泵centrifugal pump喷射泵jet pump转子泵rotary pump管道泵inline pump双作用往复泵double action reciprocating pump计量泵metering pump深井泵deep well pump齿轮泵gear pump手摇泵hand(wobble) pump螺杆泵screw (spiral) pump潜水泵submersible pump斜转子泵inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵air-lift-pump轴承bearing叶轮impeller虹吸管siphon高压容器high pressure vessel焚化炉incinerator火焰清除器flame arrester工业炉furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler回转窑rotary kiln加热器heater电加热器electric heater冷却器cooler冷凝器condenser换热器heat exchanger反应器reactor蒸馏釜still搅拌器agitator混合器mixer静态混合器static mixers管道混合器line mixers混合槽mixing tanks破碎机crusher磨碎机grinder研磨机pulverizer球磨机ballmill过滤器filter分离器separator干燥器drier翅片fins烟囱stack火炬flare筛子screen煅烧窑calciner倾析器decanter蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler萃取器extractor离心机centrifuger吸附(收)器adsorber结晶器crystallizer电解槽electrolyzer电除尘器electric precipitator洗涤器scrubber消石灰器slaker料仓bin料斗hopper加料器feeder增稠器thickener澄清器clarifier分级器classifier浮洗器flocculator废液池sump喷射器ejector喷头sprayer成套设备package unit仪器设备apparatus附属设备accessory旋转式压缩机rotary compressor往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor水环式压缩机nash compressor螺杆式压缩机helical screw compressor离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor多级压缩机mutiple stages compressor固定床反应器fixed bed reactor流化床反应器fluidized bed reactor管式反应器tubular reactor列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column板式塔plate column填料塔packed column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower汽提塔stripper再生塔regenerator造粒塔prill tower塔附件tower accessories液体分配(布)器liquid distributor 填料支持板support plate定距管spacer降液管downcomer升气管chimney顶(底)层塔盘top (bottom) tray挡板baffle抽出口draw nozzle溢流堰weir泡罩bubble cap筛板sieve plate浮阀float valve除沫器demister pad塔裙座skirt椭圆封头elliptical head高位槽head tank中间槽intermediate tank加料槽feed tank补给槽make-up tank计量槽measuring tank电解槽cell溜槽chute收集槽collecting tank液滴分离器knockout drum稀释罐thinning tank缓冲罐surge drum回流罐reflux drum闪蒸罐flash drum浮顶罐floating roof tank内浮顶罐covered floating roof tank 球罐spheroid气柜gas holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀rotary valve抽滤器mutche filter压滤器filter press压滤机pressure filter板框压滤器plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter带式过滤器belt filter翻盘式过滤器袋滤器bag filter旋风分离器cyclone separator盘式干燥箱compartment tray drier真空干燥器vacuum drier隧道式干燥器tunnel drier回转干燥器rotary drier穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier圆盘式加料器dish feeder螺旋式加料器screw feeder颚式破碎机jaw crusher回转破碎机gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机roll crusher锤式破碎机hammer crusher冲击破碎机rotor impact breaker气流喷射粉碎机jet pulverizer棍磨机rod mill雷蒙机raymond mill锤磨机hammer mill辊磨机roller mill振动筛vibrating screen回转筛rotary screen风机fan罗茨鼓风机root's blower起重机crane桥式起重机bridge crane电动葫芦motor hoist发电机generator电动机motor汽轮机steam turbine五、管道工程piping engineering1 阀门valve阀杆stem内螺纹阀杆inside screw阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈sealing ring阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等)trim阀盘disc阀体body阀盖bonnet手轮hand wheel手柄hand level (handle)压盖gland闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat楔形单闸板split wedge截止阀globe valve节流阀throttle valve针阀needle valve角阀(角式截止阀)angle valveY型阀(截止阀)Y-valve(Y-body globe valve)球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型)wafer type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve止回式蝶阀combined non-return butterfly valve柱塞阀piston type valve旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve翻板止回阀flap check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve安全泄气阀safety[SV]安全泄放阀relief valve[RV]安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve波纹管密封阀bellow sealed valve电磁阀solenoid (operated) valve电动阀electrically(electric-motor)operated valve气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阀mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open (top) bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放汽阀(自动放汽阀)(automatic) air vent valve换向阀diverting (reversing) valve呼吸阀breather valve减压阀pressure reducing valve控制阀control valve执行机构actuator差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve切断阀block (shut-off, stop) valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阀jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve2管子,管件,法兰管子pipe(按标准制造的配管用管)tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管)钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel[C.S.]pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢管stainless steel[S.S.]pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless[SMLS] steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance-welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand operated(manually-operated) valve(水)龙头bibb;bib;faucet抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve根部阀root (primary, header) valve水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube壁厚wall thickness[WT]壁厚系列号schedule number[SCH.NO.]加厚的,加强的extra heavy (strong)双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy (strong)弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow长半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带支座三通base tee45°斜三通45°lateralY型三通true"Y"四通cross异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer管接头coupling;full coupling活接头union短管nipple预制弯管fabricated pipe bendU型弯管"U"bend法兰端flanged end万向接头universal joint对焊的butt welded[BW]螺纹的threaded[THD]承插焊的socket welded[SW]法兰flange[FLG]整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰slip-on flange平焊法兰slip-on-welding flange承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange[LJF]对焊法兰weld neck flange[WNF]法兰盖blind flange;blind异径法兰reducing flange压力级pressure rating(class)突面raised face[RF]凸面male face凹面female face全平面;满平面flat face;full face[FF]3.管道特殊件piping speciality粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时过滤器temporary strainer(cone type) Y型过滤器Y-type strainerT型过滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower 视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷咀;喷头spray nozzle喷射器ejector取样冷却器sample cooler消音器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow补偿器compensator软管接头hose connection[HC]快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel8字盲板spectacle (figure 8) blind爆破板rupture disk4,其它材料碳素钢carbon steel [C.S.]不锈钢stainless steel[S.S.]铸铁cast iron[C.I.]铝aluminum铜,紫铜copper钛titanium抗拉强度tensile strength非金属材料non-metallic material塑料plastic陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel玻璃glass橡胶rubber垫片gasket[GSKT]平垫片flat gasket填料packing型钢shaped steel角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢wide flanged beam扁钢flat bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel网络钢板checkered plate材料表bill of material[BOM]材料统计material take-off[MTO]散装材料bulk material综合管道材料表consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS]汇总表summary sheet5.设备布置及管道设计中心线center line装置边界boundary limit[BL]区界area limit设备布置equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan标高,立面elevation[EL]支撑点point of support[POS]工厂北向plant north方位orientation危险区hazardous area classification净正吸入压头net positive suction head绝对标高absolute elevation坐标coordinate管道研究piping study管道布置平面piping arrangement plan[PAP]管道布置piping assembly; layout详图detail"X"视图view "X""A-A" 剖视section "A-A"轴测图isometric drawing索引图key plan管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表list of nozzles地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管线号line number总管header; manifold旁路by pass常开normally open常闭normally closed取样接口sampling connection伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing电伴热electrical tracing夹套管jacketed line全夹套管full jacketed比例scale图figure草图sketch图例legend符号symbol 件号part no。



molecular formula 分子式 aluminium 铝(Al) nucleus 核(原子核) positive charge 正电荷 negative charge 负电荷 element 元素 copper 铜(Cu) silver 银(Ag) lithium 锂(Li) structure 结构 lattice 晶格 nitrogen 氮(N) solution 溶液 sample 样品 Avogadro constant 6.02ⅹ1023 definition 定义 chlorine 氯(Cl) magnesium 镁(Mg) calculate 计算
standard temperature and pressure(STP) 标准温度和压力
concentration 浓度 molarity 摩尔浓度 solute 溶质 litre 升 sodium chloride 氯化钠(NaCl) sodium carbonate 碳酸钠(NaCO3) flask 烧瓶 percentage 百分比 ethanol 乙醇 measure 测量 potassium chloride 氯化钾(KCl) potassium nitrate 硝酸钾(KNO3) iodide 碘化物 lead 铅 proportion 比例 test tube 试管 filter out 过滤
periodic table 周期表 group 族 period 周期 periodic law 周期律
evaporate 蒸发 methanol 甲醇 titration 滴定 dilute 稀的 label 标签 permanent 永久的 yield 产量 economy 经济 copper sulfate 硫酸铜(CuSO4) evaporation 蒸发 apparatus 装置 pure 纯的 assume 假设 iron 铁(Fe) energetic 能量学 enthalpy change 焓变 neutralization 中和 combustion 燃烧 reactant 反应物 product 产物 formation 形成 exothermic 放热 endothermic 吸热 chemical bond 化学键 bond breaking 断键 bond making 成键 acid 酸 alkali 碱 decomposition 分解 calcium carbonate 碳酸钙(CaCO3) system 系统 surrounding 环境 boundary 边界 principle of conservation of energy 能量 守恒定律





化学专业课程中英文对照,已搜索,无重复! 普通化学 General Chemistry 分析化学Analytical Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 物理化学 Physical Chemistry 谱学导论 Introducton of Spectroscopy 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 普通化学和分析化学实验 Experiments of General and Analytical Chemistry 现在基础化学 The Principle of Mordern Chemistry 现在基础化学实验 Experiments of Modern Fundamental Chemistry 有机化学实验 Experiments of Organic Chemistry 仪器分析和物理化学实验 Experiments of Instrumental Analysis and PhysicalChemistry 合成化学实验 Experiments of Synthetic Chemistry 现代化学专题 Topic of Modern Chemistry 化学综合实验 Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry 化工原理 Principle of Chemical Engineering 化工原理实验Experiments of Chemical Engineering 应用化学实验 Experiments of Applied Chemistry 无机合成化学Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry 近代分析化学Modern Analytical Chemistry 分离分析化学Separation Analytical Chemistry 有机化合物波谱鉴定Spectrum Identification of Organic Compounds 有机合成及反应机理 Organic Synthesis and Mechanics 化学进展Progress in Chemistry 化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering 应用电化学 Applied Electrochemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis 环境化学Environmental Chemistry 环境监测Environmental Monitoring 化学科技英语 Scientific English for Chemistry 数理方法在化学中的应用 Mathematical Statistics for Chemistry 化工制图 Chemical Engineering Cartography 计算机与化学测量实验 Computer and Chemical Measurement 化学信息学Chemoinformatics or Chemical Informatics 应用化学专题 Special Topics in Applied Chemistry 化工装置常用词汇 1 一概论 introduction 方案(建议书) proposal 可行性研究 feasibility study 方案设计 concept design 工艺设计 process design 基础设计basic design 详细设计 detail design 开工会议 kick-off meeting 审核会议 review meeting 外商投资 foreign investment 中外合资 joint venture 中外合营 joint venture 补偿贸易 compensation trade 合同合同附件 contract 卖方 vendor 买方 buyer 顾客client 承包商 contractor 工程公司 company 供应范围 scope of supply 生产范围production scope 生产能力 production capacity 项目 project 界区 battery limit 装置plant 公用工程utilities 工艺流程图process flow diagram 工艺流程方块图process block diagram 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument drawing 物料及热量平衡图 mass & heat balance diagram 蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图 steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图 equipment layout 设备表 equipment list 成品(产品) product(final product) 副产品 by-product 原料 raw-material 设计基础数据basic data for design 技术数据 technical data 数据表 data sheet 设计文件 design document 设计规定 design regulation 现场服务 site service 项目变更 project change 用户变更 client change 消耗定额 consumption quota 技术转让 technical transfer 技术知识technical know-how 牋牋牋牋technical knowledge 技术保证technical guarantee 咨询服务 consultative services 技术服务 technical services 工作地点location 施工现场 construction field 报价 quotation 标书 bidding book 公司利润company profit 固定价合同 fixed price contract 固定单价合同 fixed unit price contract 成本加酬金合同 cost plus award fee contract 定金 mobilization 银行保证书bank guarantee letter 保留金 retention 所得税 income taxes 特别承包人税 special contractor's taxes 城市和市政税 city and municipal taxes 工作手册 work manual 工作流程图 work flow diagram 质量保证程序 QA/QC procedures 采购计划 procurement plan 施工计划 construction plan 施工进度 construction schedule 项目实施计划 project execution plan 项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目总进度计划 project master schedule 设计网络计划 engineering network logic 项目质量保证 project quality assurance 项目质量控制 project quality control 采购procurement 采购周期 procurement period 会签 the squad check 计算书 calculation sheets 询价inquiry 检验inspection 运输transportation 开车start up / commission 验收 inspection & acceptance 校核 check 审核 review 审定 approve 版次version 部门 department 专业 specialty 项目号 project number 图号 drawing number 目录 contents 序言 foreword 章 chapter 节 section 项 item MR material requisition SPEC engineering specification DATA SHEET(技术表) technical data sheet TBA(技术评标) technical bid analysis PDP preliminary design package PM (项目经理) project manager LDE(专业负责人lead discipline engineer MRQ(材料询价单) Material requisition for quotation MRP(材料采购单) material requisition for purchase BEP(基础工程设计包) basic engineering package P&ID(管道及仪表流程图) piping and instrument drawing(diagram) PFD process flow diagram NNF normally no flow FO failure open FC failure close C/S/A civil/structure/architecture DDP(详细设计阶段) detail design phase化工装置词汇二. 工艺流程连续过程 continuous process 间歇过程 batch process 工艺叙述process description 工艺特点process feature 操作operation 反应reaction 副反应 side reaction 絮凝 flocculation 浮洗 flotation 倾析 decantation 催化反应catalytical reaction 萃取extraction 中和neutralization 水解hydrolysis 过滤filtration 干燥drying 还原reduction 氧化oxidation 氢化hydrogenation 分解decomposition 离解dissociation 合成synthetics 吸收absorption 吸附 adsorption 解吸 desorption 结晶 crystallization 溶解 solution 调节 modulate 控制 control 悬浮 suspension 循环 circulation 再生 regeneration 再活化 reactivation 沥取 leaching 破碎 crushing 煅烧 caloination 沉降 sedimentation 沉淀 precipitation 气化 gasification 冷冻 refrigeration固化,结晶 solidification 包装 package 升华 sublimation 燃烧 combustion 引烧ignition 蒸馏 distillation 碳化 carbonization 压缩 compression 三,化学物质及特性固体 solid 液体 liquid 气体 gas 化合物 compound 混合物 mixture 粉 powder 片状粉未 flake 小粒 granule 结晶 crystal 乳化物 emulsion 氧化物 oxidizing agent 还原剂reducing agent 有机物 organic material 真空 vacuum 母液 master liquor 富液 rich liquor 贫液 lean liquor 萃出物 extract 萃余物 raffinate 絮凝剂 flocculants 冷冻盐水 brine 酸度 acidity 浓度 concentration 碱度 alkalinity 溶解度 solubility 凝固点solidificalion point 沸点boiling point 熔点melting point 蒸发率evaporation rate 粘度 viscosity 吸水的 water absorbent(a) 无水的 anhydrous(a) 外观 appearance 无色的 colorless(a)透明的transparent(a) 半透明的translucent 密度density 比重specific gravity 催化剂catalyst 燃烧combustion 引燃ignition 自然点self-ignition temperature 可燃气体combustible gas 可燃液体inflammable liquid 易燃液体volatile liquid 爆炸混合物explosive mixture 爆炸性环境explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限 explosive concentration limit 废水 waste water 废液waste liquid 废气off-gas 噪声noise pollution 成分composition 挠度deflection 力和力矩force and moment 弯矩bending moment 应力-应变曲线stress-strain diagram 百分比 percentage 环境温度 ambient temperature 工作温度operating 设计温度 design temperature(pressure) 相对湿度 RH=relative humidity 油渣,淤泥 sludge 杂质 impurity 四,化工设备泵 pump 轴流泵 axial flow pump 真空泵vacuum pump 屏蔽泵 canned pump 柱塞泵 plunger pump 涡轮泵 turbine pump 涡流泵vortex pump 离心泵 centrifugal pump 喷射泵 jet pump 转子泵 rotary pump 管道泵inline pump 双作用往复泵 double action reciprocating pump计量泵 metering pump 深井泵 deep well pump 齿轮泵 gear pump 手摇泵 hand(wobble) pump 螺杆泵 screw (spiral) pump 潜水泵 submersible pump 斜转子泵 inclined rotor pump 封闭式电磁泵 hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump 气升泵 air-lift-pump 轴承 bearing 叶轮 impeller 虹吸管 siphon 高压容器 high pressure vessel 焚化炉incinerator 火焰清除器 flame arrester 工业炉 furnace 烧嘴 burner 锅炉 boiler 回转窑 rotary kiln 加热器 heater 电加热器 electric heater 冷却器 cooler 冷凝器condenser 换热器 heat exchanger 反应器 reactor 蒸馏釜 still 搅拌器 agitator 混合器 mixer 静态混合器 static mixers 管道混合器 line mixers 混合槽 mixing tanks 破碎机 crusher 磨碎机 grinder 研磨机 pulverizer 球磨机 ballmill 过滤器 filter 分离器separator 干燥器drier 翅片fins 烟囱stack 火炬flare 筛子screen 煅烧窑calciner 倾析器 decanter蒸发器 evaporator 再沸器 reboiler 萃取器 extractor 离心机 centrifuger 吸附(收)器adsorber 结晶器crystallizer 电解槽electrolyzer 电除尘器electric precipitator 洗涤器 scrubber 消石灰器 slaker 料仓 bin 料斗 hopper 加料器 feeder 增稠器 thickener 澄清器 clarifier 分级器 classifier 浮洗器 flocculator 废液池sump 喷射器 ejector 喷头 sprayer 成套设备 package unit 仪器设备 apparatus 附属设备 accessory 旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor 往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 水环式压缩机 nash compressor 螺杆式压缩机 helical screw compressor 离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor 多级压缩机 mutiple stages compressor 固定床反应器 fixed bed reactor 流化床反应器 fluidized bed reactor 管式反应器 tubular reactor 列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger 螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column 板式塔 plate column 填料塔 packed column 洗涤塔 scrubber 吸收塔absorber 冷却塔 cooling tower 精馏塔 fractionating tower 汽提塔 stripper 再生塔regenerator 造粒塔 prill tower塔附件 tower accessories 液体分配(布)器 liquid distributor 填料支持板 support plate 定距管 spacer 降液管 downcomer 升气管 chimney 顶(底)层塔盘 top (bottom) tray 挡板 baffle 抽出口 draw nozzle 溢流堰 weir 泡罩 bubble cap 筛板 sieve plate 浮阀 float valve 除沫器 demister pad 塔裙座 skirt 椭圆封头 elliptical head 高位槽head tank 中间槽 intermediate tank 加料槽 feed tank 补给槽 make-up tank 计量槽measuring tank 电解槽 cell 溜槽 chute 收集槽 collecting tank 液滴分离器 knockout drum 稀释罐 thinning tank 缓冲罐 surge drum 回流罐 reflux drum 闪蒸罐 flash drum 浮顶罐 floating roof tank 内浮顶罐 covered floating roof tank 球罐 spheroid 气柜gas holder 湿式气柜 wet gas-holder 干式气柜 dry gas-holder 螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder 星型放料器,旋转阀 rotary valve 抽滤器 mutche filter 压滤器 filter press 压滤机 pressure filter 板框压滤器 plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter 带式过滤器 belt filter 翻盘式过滤器袋滤器 bag filter 旋风分离器 cyclone separator 盘式干燥箱 compartment traydrier 真空干燥器 vacuum drier 隧道式干燥器 tunnel drier 回转干燥器 rotary drier 穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier 气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier 圆盘式加料器 dish feeder 螺旋式加料器 screw feeder 颚式破碎机 jaw crusher 回转破碎机 gyratory crusher 滚洞破碎机 roll crusher 锤式破碎机hammer crusher 冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker 气流喷射粉碎机 jet pulverizer 棍磨机 rod mill 雷蒙机 raymond mill 锤磨机 hammer mill 辊磨机 roller mill 振动筛vibrating screen 回转筛 rotary screen 风机 fan 罗茨鼓风机 root's blower 起重机crane 桥式起重机 bridge crane 电动葫芦 motor hoist 发电机 generator 电动机 motor 汽轮机 steam turbine 五,管道工程 piping engineering 1 阀门 valve 阀杆 stem 内螺纹阀杆 inside screw 阀座 valve seat (body seat) 阀座环,密封圈 sealing ring 阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等)trim 阀盘 disc 阀体 body 阀盖 bonnet 手轮 hand wheel 手柄 hand level (handle)压盖 gland 闸阀 gate valve 平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat 楔形单闸板split wedge 截止阀 globe valve 节流阀 throttle valve 针阀 needle valve 角阀(角式截止阀)angle valve Y 型阀(截止阀)Y-valve(Y-body globe valve) 球阀 ball valve 三通球阀 3-way ball valve 蝶阀 butterfly valve 对夹式(薄片型)wafer type 偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve 连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve 止回式蝶阀 combined non-return butterfly valve 柱塞阀 piston type valve 旋塞阀 plug valve 三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve 四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve 旋塞 cock 衬套旋塞 sleeve cock 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve 直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve 夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve 止回阀 check valve 升降式止回阀 lift check valve 旋启式止回阀 swing check valve 落球式止回阀 ball check valve 弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve 底阀 foot valve 切断式止回阀 stop check valve 活塞式止回阀 piston check valve 翻板止回阀 flap check valve 蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve 安全泄气阀 safety[SV] 安全泄放阀 relief valve[RV] 安全泄压阀 safety relief valve 杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type 罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve 波纹管密封阀 bellow sealed valve 电磁阀 solenoid (operated) valve电动阀 electrically(electric-motor)operated valve 气动阀 pneumatic operated valve 低温用阀cryogenic service valve 蒸汽疏水阀steam trap 机械式疏水阀mechanical trap 浮桶式疏水阀 open (top) bucket trap 浮球式疏水阀 float trap 倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap 自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap 恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap 压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀 thermodynamic trap 脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap 放汽阀(自动放汽阀)(automatic) air vent valve 换向阀 diverting (reversing) valve 呼吸阀 breather valve 减压阀 pressure reducing valve 控制阀 control valve 执行机构 actuator 差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve 切断阀 block (shut-off, stop) valve 调节阀 regulating valve 快开阀 quick opening valve 快闭阀 quick closing valve 隔断阀 isolating valve 三通阀 three way valve 夹套阀 jacketed valve 非旋转式阀non-rotary valve 2 管子,管件,法兰管子 pipe(按标准制造的配管用管) tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管) 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管clad pipe 碳钢管carbon steel[C.S.]pipe 合金钢管alloy steel pipe 不锈钢管stainless steel[S.S.]pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管 seamless[SMLS] steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 排污阀 blowdown valve 集液排放阀 drip valve 排液阀drain valve 放空阀 vent valve 卸载阀 unloading valve 排出阀 discharge valve 吸入阀 suction valve 取样阀 sampling valve 手动阀 hand operated(manually-operated) valve (水)龙头 bibb;bib;faucet 抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve 旁路阀 by-pass valve 软管阀 hose valve 混合阀 mixing valve 破真空阀 vacuum breaker 冲洗阀 flush valve 根部阀 root (primary, header) valve 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 壁厚 wall thickness[WT] 壁厚系列号schedule number[SCH.NO.] 加厚的,加强的 extra heavy (strong) 双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy (strong) 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 长半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径 180°弯头 long radius return 短半径180°弯头short radius return 三通tee 异径三通 reducing tee 等径三通straight tee 带支座三通 base tee 45°斜三通 45°lateral Y 型三通 true"Y" 四通cross异径管 reducer 同心异径管 concentric reducer 偏心异径管 eccentric reducer 管接头 coupling;full coupling 活接头 union 短管 nipple 预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend U 型弯管"U"bend 法兰端 flanged end 万向接头 universal joint 对焊的 butt welded[BW] 螺纹的 threaded[THD] 承插焊的 socket welded[SW] 法兰 flange[FLG] 整体管法兰 integral pipe flange 钢管法兰 steel pipe flange 螺纹法兰 threaded flange 滑套法兰 slip-on flange 平焊法兰 slip-on-welding flange 承插焊法兰 socket welding flange 松套法兰 lap joint flange[LJF] 对焊法兰 weld neck flange[WNF] 法兰盖 blind flange;blind 异径法兰 reducing flange 压力级 pressure rating(class) 突面 raised face[RF] 凸面 male face 凹面 female face 全平面;满平面 flat face;full face[FF] 3.管道特殊件 piping speciality 粗滤器 strainer 过滤器 filter 临时过滤器 temporary strainer(cone type) Y 型过滤器 Y-type strainer T 型过滤器 T-type strainer 永久过滤器 permanent filter 洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower 视镜 sight glass 阻火器 flame arrester 喷咀;喷头 spray nozzle 喷射器 ejector 取样冷却器 sample cooler 消音器 silencer膨胀节 expansion joint 波纹膨胀节 bellow 补偿器 compensator 软管接头 hose connection[HC] 快速接头 quick coupling 金属软管 metal hose 橡胶管 rubber hose 挠性管 flexible tube 特殊法兰 special flange 漏斗 funnel 8 字盲板 spectacle (figure 8) blind 爆破板rupture disk 4,其它材料碳素钢carbon steel [C.S.] 不锈钢stainless steel[S.S.] 铸铁 cast iron[C.I.] 铝 aluminum 铜,紫铜 copper 钛 titanium 抗拉强度 tensile strength 非金属材料 non-metallic material 塑料 plastic 陶瓷ceramic 搪瓷 porcelain enamel 玻璃 glass 橡胶 rubber 垫片 gasket[GSKT] 平垫片flat gasket 填料 packing 型钢 shaped steel 角钢 angle steel 槽钢 channel 工字钢I-beam 宽缘工字钢或 H 钢 wide flanged beam 扁钢 flat bar 圆钢 round steel; rod 钢带 strap steel 网络钢板 checkered plate 材料表 bill of material[BOM] 材料统计material take-off[MTO] 散装材料 bulk material 综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS]汇总表summary sheet 5.设备布置及管道设计中心线center line 装置边界boundary limit[BL] 区界 area limit 设备布置 equipment arrangement (layout);plotplan 标高,立面 elevation[EL] 支撑点 point of support[POS] 工厂北向 plant north 方位 orientation 危险区 hazardous area classification 净正吸入压头 net positive suction head 绝对标高 absolute elevation 坐标 coordinate 管道研究 piping study 管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan[PAP] 管道布置 piping assembly; layout 详图detail "X"视图 view "X" "A-A" 剖视 section "A-A" 轴测图 isometric drawing 索引图key plan 管道及仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表 list of nozzles 地上管道 above ground piping 地下管道 under ground piping 管线号 line number 总管 header; manifold 旁路 by pass 常开 normally open 常闭 normally closed 取样接口 sampling connection 伴热管 tracing pipe 蒸汽伴热 steam tracing 热水伴热hot-water tracing 电伴热 electrical tracing 夹套管 jacketed line 全夹套管 full jacketed 比例 scale 图 figure 草图 sketch 图例 legend符号 symbol 件号 part no1。



化学中英文对照1.TheIdeal-GaEquation理想气体状态方程2.PartialPreure分压3.RealGae:DeviationfromIdealBehavior真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离4.ThevanderWaalEquation范德华方程5.SytemandSurrounding系统与环境6.StateandStateFunction状态与状态函数7.Proce过程8.Phae 相9.TheFirtLawofThermodynamic热力学第一定律10.HeatandWork热与功11.EndothermicandE某othermicProcee吸热与发热过程12.EnthalpieofReaction反应热13.He’Law盖斯定律14.EnthalpieofFormation生成焓15.ReactionRate反应速率16.ReactionOrder反应级数17.RateContant速率常数18.ActivationEnergy活化能19.TheArrheniuEquation阿累尼乌斯方程20.ReactionMechanim反应机理21.HomogeneouCatalyi均相催化剂22.HeterogeneouCatalyi非均相催化剂23.Enzyme酶24.TheEquilibriumContant平衡常数25.theDirectionofReaction反应方向26.LeChatelier’Principle列沙特列原理27.EffectofVolume,Preure,TemperatureChangeandCatalyti.体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响28.SpontaneouProcee自发过程29.Entropy(StandardEntropy)熵(标准熵)30.TheSecondLawofThermodynamic热力学第二定律31.EntropyChange熵变32.StandardFree-EnergyChange标准自由能变33.Acid-Bae酸碱34.TheDiociationofWater水离解35.TheProtoninWater水合质子36.ThepHScalepH值37.Bronted-LowryAcidandBaeBronted-Lowry酸和碱38.Proton-TranferReaction质子转移反应39.ConjugateAcid-BaePair共轭酸碱对40.RelativeStrengthofAcidandBae酸碱的相对强度41.LewiAcidandBae路易斯酸碱42.HydrolyiofMetalIon金属离子的水解43.BufferSolution缓冲溶液88.MultipleBond重键89.HybridOrbital杂化轨道90.TheVSEPRModel价层电子对互斥理论91.MolecularGeometrie分子空间构型92.MolecularOrbital分子轨道93.DiatomicMolecule双原子分子94.BondLength键长95.BondOrder键级96.BondAngle键角97.BondEnthalpie键能98.BondPolarity键矩99.DipoleMoment偶极矩100.PolarityMolecule极性分子131.Hydro某ide氢氧化物132.Salt盐133.p-BlockElementp区元素134.BoronGroup(Boron,Aluminium,Gallium,Indium,Thallium)硼族(硼,铝,镓,铟,铊)142.Ammonia,NitricAcid,PhophoricAcid氨,硝酸,磷酸143.Phophorate,phophoruHalide磷酸盐,卤化磷144.O某ygenGroup(O某ygen,Sulfur,Selenium,andTellurium)氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)145.Ozone,HydrogenPero某ide臭氧,过氧化氢146.Sulfide硫化物147.Halogen(Fluorine,Chlorine,Bromine,Iodine)卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)162.analyticalchemitry分析化学163.qualitativeanalyi定性分析164.quantitativeanalyi定量分析165.chemicalanalyi化学分析166.intrumentalanalyi仪器分析167.titrimetry滴定分析168.gravimetricanalyi重量分析法169.regent试剂170.chromatographicanalyi色谱分析171.product 产物172.electrochemicalanalyi电化学分析173.on-lineanalyi在线分析174.macroanalyi常量分析175.characteritic表征176.microanalyi微量分析177.deformationanalyi形态分析178.emimicroanalyi半微量分析179.ytematicalerror系统误差180.routineanalyi常规分析181.randomerror偶然误差182.arbitrationanalyi仲裁分析183.groerror过失误差184.normalditribution正态分布185.accuracy准确度186.deviation偏差187.preciion精密度188.relativetandarddeviation相对标准偏差(RSD)189.coefficientvariation变异系数(CV)190.confidencelevel置信水平191.confidenceinterval置信区间192.ignificanttet 显著性检验193.ignificantfigure有效数字194.tandardolution 标准溶液195.titration滴定196.toichiometricpoint 化学计量点197.endpoint滴定终点198.titrationerror 滴定误差199.primarytandard基准物质200.amountofubtance 物质的量201.tandardization标定202.chemicalreaction化学反应203.concentration浓度204.chemicalequilibrium205.titer滴定度206.generalequationforachemicalreaction化学反应的通式207.protontheoryofacid-bae酸碱质子理论208.acid-baetitration酸碱滴定法209.diociationcontant解离常数210.conjugateacid-baepair共轭酸碱对211.aceticacid乙酸212.hydroniumion水合氢离子213.electrolyte电解质214.ion-productcontantofwater水的离子积215.ionization电离216.protoncondition质子平衡217.zerolevel零水准218.bufferolution219.methylorange甲基橙220.acid-baeindicator酸碱指示剂221.phenolphthalein配位化合物223.centerion中心离子224.cumulativetabilitycontant累积稳定常数225.alphacoefficient酸效应系数226.overalltabilitycontant总稳定常数227.ligand配位体228.ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid 乙二胺四乙酸229.idereactioncoefficient 副反应系数230.coordinationatom配位原子231.coordinationnumber配位数232.lonepairelectron孤对电子螯合物234.metalindicator金属指示剂235.chelatingagent螯合剂236.making掩蔽237.demaking解蔽238.electron电子239.catalyi催化240.o某idation氧化241.catalyt催化剂242.reduction还原243.catalyticreaction催化反应244.reactionrate反应速率245.electrodepotential电极电势246.activationenergy反应的活化能247.redo某couple氧化还原电对248.potaiumpermanganate高锰酸钾249.iodimetry碘量法250.potaiumdichromate重铬酸钾251.cerimetry铈量法252.redo某indicator氧化还原指示253.o某ygenconuming耗氧量(OC)254.chemicalo某ygendemanded化学需氧量(COD)255.diolvedo某ygen溶解氧(DO)256.precipitation银量法258.heterogeneouequilibriumofion多相离子平衡259.aging陈化260.potprecipitation继沉淀261.coprecipitation共沉淀262.ignition灼烧263.fitration过滤264.decantation倾泻法265.chemicalfactor化学因数266.pectrophotometry 分光光度法267.colorimetry比色分析268.tranmittance透光率269.aborptivity吸光率270.calibrationcurve 校正曲线271.tandardcurve标准曲线272.monochromator单色器273.ource光源274.wavelengthdiperion色散275.aborptioncell吸收池276.detector检测系统277.bathochromichift红移278.Molaraborptivity摩尔吸光系数279.hypochromichift紫移280.acetylene乙炔281.ethylene乙烯282.acetylatingagent 乙酰化剂283.aceticacid乙酸295.chemicalhift化学位移296.Waldeninverio瓦尔登反转n297.Enantiomorph对映体298.additionreaction加成反应299.de某tro-右旋300.levo-左旋301.tereochemitry立体化学302.tereoiomer立体异构体303.Lucareagent卢卡斯试剂304.covalentbond共价键305.conjugateddiene共轭二烯烃306.conjugateddoublebond共轭双键307.conjugatedytem共轭体系308.conjugatedeffect共轭效应356.nuclearmagneticreonance核磁共振357.alkene烯烃358.allylcation烯丙基正离子359.leavinggroup离去基团360.opticalactivity旋光性361.boatconfomation船型构象362.ilvermirrorreaction银镜反应363.Ficherprojection菲舍尔投影式364.Kekuletructure凯库勒结构式365.Friedel-Craftreaction傅列德尔-克拉夫茨反应366.Ketone酮367.carbo某ylicacid羧酸368.carbo某ylicacidderivative羧酸衍生物369.hydroboration 硼氢化反应370.bondoength键长371.bondenergy键能372.bondangle键角373.carbohydrate碳水化合物374.carbocation碳正离子375.carbanion碳负离子376.alcohol醇377.Gofmannrule霍夫曼规则378.Aldehyde醛379.Ether醚380.Polymer聚合物。



118种元素中英文对照1, hydrogen [ˈhaɪdrədʒən]n. [化学] 氢(符号为H)Hydrogen is a colourless gas that is the lightest and commonest element in the universe.2, helium [ˈhiːliəm]n. [化学] 氦(符号为He)Helium is a very light gas that is colourless and has no smell.3, lithium [ˈlɪθiəm]n. 锂(符号Li)a soft silvery element of the alkali metal series: the lightest known metal, used as an alloy hardener, as a reducing agent, and in batteries. Symbol: Li; atomic no: 3; atomic wt: 6.941; valency: 1; relative density: 0.534; melting pt: 180.6°C; boiling pt: 1342°C4, beryllium [bəˈrɪliəm]n. [化学] 铍(符号Be)a corrosion-resistant toxic silvery-white metallic element that occurs chiefly in beryl and is used mainly in X-ray windows and in the manufacture of alloys. Symbol: Be; atomic no: 4; atomic wt: 9.012; valency: 2; relative density: 1.848; melting pt: 1289°C; boiling pt: 2472°C5, boron [ˈbɔːrɒn]n. [化学] 硼(符号B)a very hard almost colourless crystalline metalloid element that in impure form exists as a brown amorphous powder. It occurs principally in borax and is used in hardening steel. The naturally occurring isotope boron-10 is used in nuclear control rods and neutron detection instruments. Symbol: B; atomic no: 5; atomic wt: 10.81; valency: 3; relative density: 2.34 (crystalline), 2.37 (amorphous); melting pt: 2092°C; boiling pt: 4002°C6, carbon [ˈkɑːbən]n. [化学] 碳(符号C)Carbon is a chemical element that diamonds and coal are made up of.7, nitrogen [ˈnaɪtrədʒən]n. [化学] 氮(符号N)Nitrogen is a colourless element that has no smell and is usually found as a gas. It forms about 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, and is found in all living things.8, oxygen [ˈɒksɪdʒən]n. [化学] 氧(符号O)Oxygen is a colourless gas that exists in large quantities in the air. All plants and animals need oxygen in order to live.9, fluorine [ˈflɔːriːn; ˈflʊəriːn]n. [化学] 氟(符号F)Fluorine is a pale yellow, poisonous gas. It is used in the production of uranium and other chemicals.10, neon [ˈniːɒn]n.氖(符号Ne)Neon is a gas which occurs in very small amounts in the atmosphere.11, sodium [ˈsəʊdiəm]n. [化学] 钠(符号Na)Sodium is a silvery white chemical element which combines with other chemicals. Salt is a sodium compound.12, magnesium [mæɡˈniːziəm]n. [化学] 镁(符号Mg)Magnesium is a light, silvery white metal which burns with a bright white flame.13, aluminium [ˌæljəˈmɪniəm; ˌæləˈmɪniəm]n. 铝(符号Al)Aluminium is a lightweight metal used, for example, for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts.14, silicon [ˈsɪlɪkən]n. [化学] 硅(符号Si)Silicon is an element that is found in sand and in minerals such as quartz and granite. Silicon is used to make parts of computers and other electronic equipment.15, phosphorus [ˈfɒsfərəs]n. 磷(符号P)Phosphorus is a poisonous yellowish-white chemical element. It glows slightly, and burns when air touches it.16, sulfur ['sʌlfə]n. 硫(符号S)Sulphur is a pale yellow substance that produces a strong unpleasant smell when it burns and is used in medicine and industry17, chlorine [ˈklɔːriːn]n. [化学] 氯(符号Cl)Chlorine is a strong-smelling gas that is used to clean water and to make cleaning products.18, argon [ˈɑːɡɒn]n. [化学] 氩(符号Ar)Argon is an inert gas which exists in very small amounts in the atmosphere. It is used in electric lights.19, potassium [pəˈtæsiəm]n. [化学] 钾(符号K)Potassium is a soft silvery-white chemical element that occurs mainly in compounds. These compounds are used in making such things as glass, soap, and fertilizers.20, calcium [ˈkælsiəm]n. [化学] 钙(符号Ca)Calcium is a soft white chemical element which is found in bones and teeth, and also in limestone, chalk, and marble.21, scandium [ˈskændiəm]n. [化学] 钪(符号Sc)a rare light silvery-white metallic element occurring in minute quantities in numerous minerals. Symbol: Sc; atomic no: 21; atomic wt: 44.955910; valency: 3; relative density: 2.989; melting pt: 1541°C; boiling pt: 2836°C22, titanium [tɪˈteɪniəm; taɪˈteɪniəm]n. [化学] 钛(金属元素)(符号Ti)Titanium is a light strong white metal.23, vanadium [vəˈneɪdiəm]n. [化学] 钒(符号V)a toxic silvery-white metallic element occurring chiefly in carnotite and vanadinite and used in steel alloys, high-speed tools, and as a catalyst. Symbol: V; atomic no: 23; atomic wt: 50.9415; valency: 2–5; relative density: 6.11; melting pt: 1910±10°C; boiling pt: 3409°C24, chromium [ˈkrəʊmiəm]n. [化学] 铬(符号Cr)Chromium is a hard, shiny, metallic element, used to make steel alloys and to coat other metals.25, manganese [ˈmæŋɡəniːz]n. [化学] 锰(符号Mn)Manganese is a greyish white metal that is used in making steel.26, iron [ˈaɪən]n. 铁(符号Fe)Iron is an element that usually takes the form of a hard, dark grey metal. It is used to make steel, and also forms part of many tools, buildings, and vehicles. Very small amounts of iron occur in your blood and in food.27, cobalt [ˈkəʊbɔːlt]n. [化学] 钴(符号Co)Cobalt is a hard, silvery-white metal which is used to harden steel and for producing a blue dye.28, nickel [ˈnɪkl]n. 镍(符号Ni)Nickel is a silver-coloured metal that is used in making steel.29, Copper [ˈkɒpə(r)]n. 铜(符号Cu)Copper is reddish brown metal that is used to make things such as coins and electrical wires.30, zinc [zɪŋk]n. 锌(符号Zn)Zinc is a bluish-white metal which is used to make other metals such as brass, or to cover other metals such as iron to stop rust from forming.31, gallium [ˈɡæliəm]n. [化学] 镓(符号Ga)a silvery metallic element that is liquid for a wide temperature range. It occurs in trace amounts in some ores and is used in high-temperature thermometers and low-melting alloys. Gallium arsenide is a semiconductor. Symbol: Ga; atomic no: 31; atomic wt: 69.723; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 5.904; melting pt: 29.77°C; boiling pt: 2205°C32, germanium [dʒɜːˈmeɪniəm]n. [化学] 锗(符号Ge)a brittle crystalline grey element that is a semiconducting metalloid, occurring principally in zinc ores and argyrodite: used in transistors, as a catalyst, and to strengthen and harden alloys. Symbol: Ge; atomic no: 32; atomic wt: 72.61; valency: 2 or 4; relative density: 5.323; melting pt: 938.35°C; boiling pt: 2834°C33, arsenic [ˈɑːsnɪk]n. 砷(符号As)Arsenic is a very strong poison that can kill people.34, selenium [səˈliːniəm]n. [化学] 硒(符号Se)a nonmetallic element that exists in several allotropic forms. It occurs free in volcanic areas and in sulphide ores, esp pyrite. The common form is a grey crystalline solid that is photoconductive, photovoltaic, and semiconducting: used in photocells, solar cells, and in xerography. Symbol: Se; atomic no: 34; atomic wt: 78.96; valency: –2, 4, or 6; relative density: 4.79 (grey); melting pt: 221°C (grey); boiling pt: 685°C (grey)35, bromine [ˈbrəʊmiːn]n. [化学] 溴(符号Br)a pungent dark red volatile liquid element of the halogen series that occurs in natural brine and is used in the production of chemicals, esp ethylene dibromide. Symbol: Br; atomic no: 35; atomic wt: 79.904; valency: 1, 3, 5, or 7; relative density 3.12; density (gas): 7.59 kg/m³; melting pt: –7.2°C; boiling pt: 58.78°C36, krypton [ˈkrɪptɒn]n. [化学] 氪(符号为Kr)Krypton is an element that is found in the air in the form of a gas. It is used in fluorescent lights and lasers.37, rubidium [ruːˈbɪdiəm]n. [化学] 铷(符号Rb)a soft highly reactive radioactive element of the alkali metal group; the 16th most abundant element in the earth's crust (310 parts per million), occurring principally in pollucite, carnallite, and lepidolite. It is used in electronic valves, photocells, and special glass. Symbol: Rb; atomic no: 37; atomic wt: 85.4678; half-life of 87Rb: 5 × 1011 years; valency: 1, 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 1.532 (solid), 1.475 (liquid); melting pt: 39.48°C; boiling pt: 688°C38, strontium [ˈstrɒntiəm; ˈstrɒnʃiəm]n. [化学] 锶(符号Sr)a soft silvery-white element of the alkaline earth group of metals, occurring chiefly in celestite and strontianite. Its compounds burn with a crimson flame and are used in fireworks. The radioisotope strontium-90, with a half-life of 28.1 years, is used in nuclear power sources and is a hazardous nuclear fall-out product. Symbol: Sr; atomic no: 38; atomic wt: 87.62; valency: 2; relative density: 2.54; melting pt: 769°C; boiling pt: 1384°C39, yttrium [ˈɪtriəm]n. [化学] 钇(符号Y)a silvery metallic element occurring in monazite and gadolinite and used in various alloys, in lasers, and as a catalyst. Symbol: Y; atomic no: 39; atomic wt: 88.90585; valency: 3; relative density: 4.469; melting pt: 1522°C; boiling pt: 3338°C40, zirconium [zɜːˈkəʊniəm]n. [化学] 锆(符号Zr)a greyish-white metallic element, occurring chiefly in zircon, that is exceptionally corrosion-resistant and has low neutron absorption. It is used as a coating in nuclear and chemical plants, as a deoxidizer in steel, and alloyed with niobium in superconductive magnets. Symbol: Zr; atomic no: 40; atomic wt: 91.224; valency: 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 6.506; melting pt: 1855±2°C; boiling pt: 4409°C41, niobium [naɪˈəʊbiəm]n. [化学] 铌(符号Nb)a ductile white superconductive metallic element that occurs principally in columbite andtantalite: used in steel alloys. Symbol: Nb; atomic no: 41; atomic wt: 92.90638; valency: 2, 3, or 5; relative density: 8.57; melting pt: 2469±10°C; boiling pt: 4744°C42, molybdenum [məˈlɪbdənəm]n. [化学] 钼(符号Mo)a very hard ductile silvery-white metallic element occurring principally in molybdenite: used mainly in alloys, esp to harden and strengthen steels. Symbol: Mo; atomic no: 42; atomic wt: 95.94; valency: 2–6; relative density: 10.22; melting pt: 2623°C; boiling pt: 4639°C43, technetium [tekˈniːʃiəm]n. [化学] 锝(符号Tc)a silvery-grey metallic element, artificially produced by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons: used to inhibit corrosion in steel. The radioisotope technetium-99m, with a half-life of six hours, is used in radiotherapy. Symbol: Tc; atomic no: 43; half-life of most stable isotope, 97Tc: 2.6 × 106 years; valency: 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 7; relative density: 11.50 (calculated); melting pt: 2204°C; boiling pt: 4265°C44, ruthenium [ruːˈθiːniəm]n. [化学] 钌(符号为Ru)a hard brittle white element of the platinum metal group. It occurs free with other platinum metals in pentlandite and other ores and is used to harden platinum and palladium. Symbol: Ru; atomic no: 44; atomic wt: 101.07; valency: 0–8; relative density: 12.41; melting pt: 2334°C; boiling pt: 4150°C45, rhodium [ˈrəʊdiəm]n. [化学] 铑(符号Rh)a hard corrosion-resistant silvery-white element of the platinum metal group, occurring free with other platinum metals in alluvial deposits and in nickel ores. It is used as an alloying agent to harden platinum and palladium. Symbol: Rh; atomic no: 45; atomic wt: 102.90550; valency: 2–6; relative density: 12.41; melting pt: 1963±3°C; boiling pt: 3697±100°C46, palladium [pəˈleɪdiəm]n. [化学] 钯(符号Pd)a ductile malleable silvery-white element of the platinum metal group occurring principally in nickel-bearing ores: used as a hydrogenation catalyst and, alloyed with gold, in jewellery. Symbol: Pd; atomic no: 46; atomic wt: 106.42; valency: 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 1202; melting pt: 1555°C; boiling pt: 2964°C47, silver [ˈsɪlvə(r)]n. 银(符号Ag)Silver is a valuable pale grey metal that is used for making jewellery and ornaments.48, cadmium [ˈkædmiəm]n. [化学] 镉(符号Cd)Cadmium is a soft bluish-white metal that is used in the production of nuclear energy.49, indium [ˈɪndiəm]n. [化学] 铟(符号In)a rare soft silvery metallic element associated with zinc ores: used in alloys, electronics, and electroplating. Symbol: In; atomic no: 49; atomic wt: 114.82; valency: 1, 2, or 3; relative density: 7.31; melting pt: 156.63°C; boiling pt: 2073°C50, tin [tɪn]n. 锡(符号Sn)Tin is a soft silvery-white metal.51, antimony [ˈæntɪməni]n. (化学元素)锑元素(符号Sb)a toxic metallic element that exists in two allotropic forms and occurs principally in stibnite. The stable form is a brittle silvery-white crystalline metal that is added to alloys to increase their strength and hardness and is used in semiconductors. Symbol: Sb; atomic no: 51; atomic wt: 121.757; valency: 0, –3, +3, or +5; relative density: 6.691; melting pt: 630.76°C; boiling pt: 1587°C52, tellurium [teˈljʊəriəm]n. [化学] 碲(符号Te)a brittle silvery-white nonmetallic element occurring both uncombined and in combination with metals: used in alloys of lead and copper and as a semiconductor. Symbol: Te; atomic no: 52; atomic wt: 127.60; valency: 2, 4, or 6; relative density: 6.24; melting pt: 449.57±0.3°C; boiling pt: 988°C53, iodine [ˈaɪədiːn]n. 碘(符号I)Iodine is a dark-coloured substance used in medicine and photography.54, xenon [ˈzenɒn; ˈziːnɒn]n. [化学] 氙(符号Xe)a colourless odourless gaseous element occurring in trace amounts in air; formerly considered inert it is now known to form compounds and is used in radio valves, stroboscopic and bactericidal lamps, and bubble chambers. Symbol: Xe; atomic no: 54; atomic wt: 131.29; valency: 0; density: 5.887 kg/m³; melting pt: –111.76°C; boiling pt: –108.0°C55, caesium [ˈsiːziəm]n. 铯(等于cesium)(符号Cs)a ductile silvery-white element of the alkali metal group that is the most electropositive metal. It occurs in pollucite and lepidolite and is used in photocells. The radioisotope caesium-137, with a half-life of 30.2 years, is used in radiotherapy. Symbol: Cs; atomic no: 55; atomic wt: 132.90543; valency: 1; relative density: 1.873; melting pt: 28.39±0.01°C; boiling pt: 671°C56, barium [ˈbeəriəm]n. [化学] 钡(一种化学元素)(符号Ba)Barium is a soft, silvery-white metal.57, lanthanum [ˈlænθənəm]n. [化学] 镧(符号La)a silvery-white ductile metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring principally in bastnaesite and monazite: used in pyrophoric alloys, electronic devices, and in glass manufacture. Symbol: La; atomic no: 57; atomic wt: 138.9055; valency: 3; relative density: 6.145; melting pt: 918°C; boiling pt: 3464°C58, cerium [ˈsɪəriəm]n. [化学] 铈(符号Ce)a malleable ductile steel-grey element of the lanthanide series of metals, used in lighter flints and as a reducing agent in metallurgy. Symbol: Ce; atomic no: 58; atomic wt: 140.115; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 6.770; melting pt: 798°C; boiling pt: 3443°C59, praseodymium [ˌpreɪziəʊˈdɪmiəm]n. [化学] 镨(稀土金属元素)(符号Pr)a malleable ductile silvery-white element of the lanthanide series of metals. It occurs principally in monazite and bastnaesite and is used with other rare earths in carbon-arc lights and as a pigment in glass. Symbol: Pr; atomic no: 59; atomic wt: 140.90765; valency: 3; relative density: 6.773; melting pt: 931°C; boiling pt: 3520°C60, neodymium [ˌniːəʊˈdɪmiəm]n. [化学] 钕(符号Nd)a toxic silvery-white metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring principally in monazite: used in colouring glass. Symbol: Nd; atomic no: 60; atomic wt: 144.24; valency: 3; relative density: 6.80 and 7.00 (depending on allotrope); melting pt: 1024°C; boiling pt: 3127°C61, promethium [prəˈmiːθiəm]n. [化学] 钷(稀土金属元素)(符号Pm)a radioactive element of the lanthanide series artificially produced by the fission of uranium. Symbol: Pm; atomic no: 61; half-life of most stable isotope, 145Pm: 17.7 years; valency: 3; melting pt: 1042°C; boiling pt: 2460°C (approx.)62, samarium [səˈmeəriəm]n. [化学] 钐(一种稀有金属元素)(符号Sm)a silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series occurring chiefly in monazite and bastnaesite and used in carbon-arc lighting, as a doping agent in laser crystals, and as a neutron-absorber. Symbol: Sm; atomic no: 62; atomic wt: 150.36; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 7.520; melting pt: 1074°C; boiling pt: 1794°C63, europium [jʊəˈrəʊpiəm]n. [化学] 铕(63号化学元素)(符号Eu)a soft ductile reactive silvery-white element of the lanthanide series of metals: used as the red phosphor in colour television and in lasers. Symbol: Eu; atomic no: 63; atomic wt: 151.965; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 5.244; melting pt: 822°C; boiling pt: 1527°C64, gadolinium [ˌɡædəˈlɪniəm]n. 钆(符号Gd)a ductile malleable silvery-white ferromagnetic element of the lanthanide series of metals: occurs principally in monazite and bastnaesite. Symbol: Gd; atomic no: 64; atomic wt: 157.25; valency: 3; relative density: 7.901; melting pt: 1313±°C; boiling pt: 3273°C (approx.)65, terbium [ˈtɜːbiəm]n. [化学] 铽(一种化学元素)(符号Tb)a soft malleable silvery-grey element of the lanthanide series of metals, occurring in gadolinite and monazite and used in lasers and for doping solid-state devices. Symbol: Tb; atomic no: 65; atomic wt: 158.92534; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 8.230; melting pt: 1356°C; boiling pt: 3230°C66, dysprosium [dɪsˈprəʊziəm]n. [化学] 镝(符号Dy)a soft silvery-white metallic element of the lanthanide series: used in laser materials and as a neutron absorber in nuclear control rods. Symbol: Dy; atomic no: 66; atomic wt: 162.50; valency: 3; relative density: 8.551; melting pt: 1412°C; boiling pt: 2567°C67, holmium [ˈhəʊlmiəm]n. [化学] 钬(符号Ho)a malleable silver-white metallic element of the lanthanide series. Symbol: Ho; atomic no: 67; atomic wt: 164.93032; valency: 3; relative density: 8.795; melting pt: 1474°C; boiling pt: 2700°C68, erbium [ˈɜːbiəm]n. [化学] 铒(符号Er)a soft malleable silvery-white element of the lanthanide series of metals: used in special alloys, room-temperature lasers, and as a pigment. Symbol: Er; atomic no: 68; atomic wt: 167.26; valency: 3; relative density: 9.006; melting pt: 1529°C; boiling pt: 2868°C69, thulium [ˈθuːliəm; ˈθjuːliəm]n. [化学] 铥,稀土金属元素;铥原子序69;(符号Tm)a malleable ductile silvery-grey element occurring principally in monazite. The radioisotope thulium-170 is used as an electron source in portable X-ray units. Symbol: Tm; atomic no: 69; atomic wt: 168.93421; valency: 3; relative density: 9.321; melting pt: 1545°C; boiling pt: 1950°C70, ytterbium [ɪˈtɜːbiəm]n. [化学] 镱(符号Yb)a soft malleable silvery element of the lanthanide series of metals that occurs in monazite and is used to improve the mechanical properties of steel. Symbol: Yb; atomic no: 70; atomic wt: 173.04; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 6.903 (alpha), 6.966 (beta); melting pt: 819°C; boiling pt: 1196°C71, lutetium [luːˈtiːʃiəm; luːˈtiːsiəm]n. 镏;[化学] 镥(符号Lu)a silvery-white metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring in monazite and used as a catalyst in cracking, alkylation, and polymerization. Symbol: Lu; atomic no: 71; atomic wt: 174.967; valency: 3; relative density: 9.841; melting pt: 1663°C; boiling pt: 3402°C72, hafnium [ˈhæfniəm]n. [化学] 铪(金属元素)(符号Hf)a bright metallic element found in zirconium ores: used in tungsten filaments and as a neutronabsorber in nuclear reactors. Symbol: Hf; atomic no: 72; atomic wt: 178.49; valency: 4; relative density: 13.31; melting pt: 2231±20°C; boiling pt: 4603°C73, tantalum [ˈtæntələm]n. [化学] 钽(符号Ta)a hard greyish-white metallic element that occurs with niobium in tantalite and columbite: used in electrical capacitors in most circuit boards and in alloys to increase hardness and chemical resistance, esp in surgical instruments. Symbol: Ta; atomic no: 73; atomic wt: 180.9479; valency: 2, 3, 4, or 5; relative density: 16.654; melting pt: 3020°C; boiling pt: 5458±100°C74, tungsten [ˈtʌŋstən]n. [化学] 钨(一种金属元素)(符号W)Tungsten is a grayish-white metal.75, rhenium [ˈriːniəm]n. [化学] 铼(符号为Re)a dense silvery-white metallic element that has a high melting point. It occurs principally in gadolinite and molybdenite and is used, alloyed with tungsten or molybdenum, in high-temperature thermocouples. Symbol: Re; atomic no: 75; atomic wt: 186.207; valency: –1 or 1–7; relative density: 21.02; melting pt: 3186°C; boiling pt: 5596°C (est)76, osmium [ˈɒzmiəm]n. [化学] 锇(符号Os)a very hard brittle bluish-white metal occurring with platinum and alloyed with iridium in osmiridium: used to produce platinum alloys, mainly for pen tips and instrument pivots, as a catalyst, and in electric-light filaments. Symbol: Os; atomic no: 76; atomic wt: 190.2; valency: 0 to 8; relative density: 22.57; melting pt: 3033±30°C; boiling pt: 5012±100°C77, iridium [ɪˈrɪdiəm]n. [化学] 铱(Ir)a very hard inert yellowish-white transition element that is the most corrosion-resistant metal known. It occurs in platinum ores and is used as an alloy with platinum. Symbol: Ir; atomic no: 77; atomic wt: 192.22; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 22.42; melting pt: 2447°C; boiling pt: 4428°C78, platinum [ˈplætɪnəm]n. [化学] 铂(符号Pt)Platinum is a very valuable, silvery-grey metal. It is often used for making jewellery.79, gold [ɡəʊld]n. 金(符号Au)Gold is a valuable, yellow-coloured metal that is used for making jewellery and ornaments, and as an international currency.80, mercury [ˈmɜːkjəri]n. [化]汞,水银(符号Hg)Mercury is a silver-coloured liquid metal that is used especially in thermometers and barometers.81, thallium [ˈθæliəm]n. [化学] 铊(符号Tl)a soft malleable highly toxic white metallic element used as a rodent and insect poison and in low-melting glass. Its compounds are used as infrared detectors and in photoelectric cells. Symbol: Tl; atomic no: 81; atomic wt: 204.3833; valency: 1 or 3; relative density: 11.85; melting pt: 304°C; boiling pt: 1473±10°C82, lead [li:d; led]n.铅(符号Pb)Lead is a soft, grey, heavy metal.83, bismuth [ˈbɪzməθ]n. [化学] 铋(符号Bi)a brittle pinkish-white crystalline metallic element having low thermal and electrical conductivity, which expands on cooling. It is widely used in alloys, esp low-melting alloys in fire safety devices; its compounds are used in medicines. Symbol: Bi; atomic no: 83; atomic wt: 208.98037; valency: 3 or 5; relative density: 9.747; melting pt: 271.4°C; boiling pt: 1564±5°C84, polonium [pəˈləʊniəm]n. [化学] 钋(一种放射性元素)(符号Po)a very rare radioactive element that occurs in trace amounts in uranium ores. The isotope polonium-210 is produced artificially and is used as a lightweight power source in satellites and to eliminate static electricity in certain industries. Symbol: Po; atomic no: 84; half-life of most stable isotope, 209Po: 103 years; valency: –2, 0, 2, 4, or 6; relative density (alpha modification): 9.32; melting pt: 254°C; boiling pt: 962°C85, astatine [ˈæstətiːn]n. [化学] 砹(化学元素At)a radioactive element of the halogen series: a decay product of uranium and thorium that occurs naturally in minute amounts and is artificially produced by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles. Symbol: At; atomic no: 85; half-life of most stable isotope, 210At: 8.1 hours; probable valency: 1,3,5, or 7; melting pt: 302°C; boiling pt: 337°C (est)86, radon [ˈreɪdɒn]n. [化学] 氡(元素符号Rn)Radon is a radioactive element in the form of a gas.87, francium [ˈfrænsiəm]n. 元素钫(符号Fr)an unstable radioactive element of the alkali-metal group, occurring in minute amounts in uranium ores. Symbol: Fr; atomic no: 87; half-life of most stable isotope, 223Fr: 22 minutes; valency: 1; melting pt: 27°C; boiling pt: 677°C88, radium [ˈreɪdiəm]n. [化学] 镭(元素符号Ra)Radium is a radioactive element which is used in the treatment of cancer.89, actinium [ækˈtɪniəm]n. [化学] 锕(元素符号Ac)a radioactive element of the actinide series, occurring as a decay product of uranium. It is used as an alpha-particle source and in neutron production. Symbol: Ac; atomic no: 89; half-life of most stable isotope,227Ac: 21.6 years; relative density: 10.07; melting pt: 1051°C; boiling pt: 3200 ± 300°C90, thorium [ˈθɔːriəm]n. [化学] 钍(放射性金属元素,元素符号Th,原子序数为90)a soft ductile silvery-white metallic element. It is radioactive and occurs in thorite and monazite: used in gas mantles, magnesium alloys, electronic equipment, and as a nuclear power source. Symbol: Th; atomic no: 90; atomic wt: 232.0381; half-life of most stable isotope, 232Th: 1.41 × 1010 years; valency: 4; relative density: 11.72; melting pt: 1755°C; boiling pt: 4788°C91, protactinium [ˌprəʊtækˈtɪniəm]n. [化学] 镤(元素符号Pa,等于protoactinium)a toxic radioactive metallic element that occurs in uranium ores and is produced by neutron irradiation of thorium. Symbol: Pa; atomic no: 91; half-life of the most stable isotope, 231Pa:32 500 years; valency: 4 or 5; relative density: 15.37 (calc.); melting pt: 1572°C92, uranium [juˈreɪniəm]n. [化学] 铀(元素符号U)Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive metal that is used to produce nuclear energy and weapons.93, neptunium [nepˈtjuːniəm]n. [化学] 镎元素符号Np)a silvery metallic transuranic element synthesized in the production of plutonium and occurring in trace amounts in uranium ores. Symbol: Np; atomic no: 93; half-life of most stable isotope, 237Np: 2.14 × 106 years; valency: 3, 4, 5, or 6; relative density: 20.25; melting pt: 639±1°C; boiling pt: 3902°C (est)94, plutonium [pluːˈtəʊniəm]n. [化学] 钚(94号元素)(元素符号Pu)Plutonium is a radioactive element used especially in nuclear weapons and as a fuel in nuclear power stations.95, americium [ˌæməˈrɪsiəm; ˌæməˈrɪʃiəm]n. [化学] 镅(95号元素,符号Am)a white metallic transuranic element artificially produced from plutonium. It is used as an alpha-particle source. Symbol: Am; atomic no: 95; half-life of most stable isotope,243Am: 7.4 × 10³years; valency: 2,3,4,5, or 6; relative density: 13.67; melting pt: 1176°C; boiling pt: 2607°C (est)96, curium [ˈkjʊəriəm]n. [化学][核] 锔(元素符号Cm)a silvery-white metallic transuranic element artificially produced from plutonium. Symbol: Cm; atomic no: 96; half-life of most stable isotope, 247Cm: 1.6 x 107 years; valency: 3 and 4; relative density: 13.51 (calculated); melting pt: 1345±400°C97, berkelium [bɜːˈkiːliəm; ˈbɜːkliəm]n. [化学] 锫(放射性元素,符号Bk,原子序为97)a metallic transuranic element produced by bombardment of americium. Symbol: Bk; atomic no: 97; half-life of most stable isotope, 247Bk: 1400 years; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 14 (est)98, californium [ˌkælɪˈfɔːniəm]n. [化学] 锎(元素符号Cf)a metallic transuranic element artificially produced from curium. Symbol: Cf; atomic no: 98; half-life of most stable isotope, 251Cf: 800 years (approx.)99, einsteinium [aɪnˈstaɪniəm]n. [化学] 锿(元素符号Es)a metallic transuranic element artificially produced from plutonium. Symbol: Es; atomic no: 99; half-life of most stable isotope, 252Es: 276 days100, fermium [ˈfɜːmiəm]n. [化学] 镄(元素符号Fm)a transuranic element artificially produced by neutron bombardment of plutonium. Symbol: Fm; atomic no: 100; half-life of most stable isotope, 257Fm: 80 days (approx.)101, mendelevium [ˌmendəˈliːviəm; ˌmendəˈleɪviəm]n. [化学] 钔(符号Md)a transuranic element artificially produced by bombardment of einsteinium. Symbol: Md; atomic no: 101; half-life of most stable isotope, 258Md: 60 days (approx.); valency: 2 or 3102, nobelium [nəʊˈbiːliəm; nəʊˈbeliəm]n. [化学] 锘(一种放射性元素,化学符号为No,原子序102)a transuranic element produced artificially from curium. Symbol: No; atomic no: 102; half-life of most stable isotope, 255No: 180 seconds (approx.); valency: 2 or 3103, lawrencium [lɒˈrensiəm]n. [化学] 铹(人工获得的放射性元素,超铀元素之一)(元素符号Lr)a transuranic element artificially produced from californium. Symbol: Lr; atomic no: 103; half-life of most stable isotope, 256Lr: 35 seconds; valency: 3104, rutherfordium [ˌrʌðəˈfɔːdiəm]n. 第104号元素(人造放射性化学元素)(元素符号Rf)Rutherfordium: 钅卢a transactinide element produced by bombarding californium-249 nuclei with carbon-12 nuclei. Symbol: Rf; atomic number.: 104; atomic wt: 261 104号元素(Name in the former Soviet Union kurchatovium)105, dubnium。



盖斯定律 Hess’law
有效碰撞理论 collision theory
反应速率 rate of reaction/reaction rate
反应动力学 reaction kinetics
催化剂 catalyst
催化作用 catalysis
酶 enzyme['enzaim]
波尔兹曼分布律 the Boltzmann distribution
配平 balance 化学计量学 stoichiometry 酸 acid 碱 base/alkali (refers to soluble bases) 盐 salt 酸式盐 acid salt 离子方程式 ionic equation 结晶水 water of crystallisation 水合的 hydrated 无水的 anhydrous 滴定 titration 指示剂 indicator 氧化数 oxidation number 氧化还原反应 redox reaction 氧化反应 oxidation reaction 还原反应 reduction reaction 歧化反应 disproportionation reaction 归中反应 comproportionation(symproportionation) reaction 氧化剂 oxidising agent 还原剂 reducing agent 电子层 (壳) (electron) shell 电离能 ionisation energy(abbr. I.E.) 第一,第二,第三等电离能 first,second,third,etc. ionisation energy(abbr. 1st,2nd,3rd,etc. I.E.) 电子亲和能 electron affinity energy(abbr. A.E.) 屏蔽效应 electronic shielding(screening) 原子轨道 atomic orbital 电子云 electron cloud 电子亚层 sub-shell 能层 layer 能级 energy level 电子排布 electron configuration 电子云重叠 shell overlap 洪特规则 Hund’s rule 泡利原理 Pauli exclusion principle 基态 ground state 激发态 excited state 跃迁 transition 手性 chirality [kai ?-] 化学键 chemical bond 键长 bond length 键级 bond order 键角 bond angle 键能 bond enthalpies
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1. The Ideal-Gas Equation 理想气体状态方程2. Partial Pressures 分压3. Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior 真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离4. The van der Waals Equation 范德华方程5. System and Surroundings 系统与环境6. State and State Functions 状态与状态函数7. Process 过程8. Phase 相9. The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律10. Heat and Work 热与功11. Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 吸热与发热过程12. Enthalpies of Reactions 反应热13. Hess’s Law 盖斯定律14. Enthalpies of Formation 生成焓15. Reaction Rates 反应速率16. Reaction Order 反应级数17. Rate Constants 速率常数18. Activation Energy 活化能19. The Arrhenius Equation 阿累尼乌斯方程20. Reaction Mechanisms 反应机理21. Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化剂22. Heterogeneous Catalysis 非均相催化剂23. Enzymes 酶24. The Equilibrium Constant 平衡常数25. the Direction of Reaction 反应方向26. Le Chatelier’s Principle 列?沙特列原理27. Effects of Volume, Pressure, Temperature Changes and Catalystsi. 体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响28. Spontaneous Processes 自发过程29. Entropy (Standard Entropy) 熵(标准熵)30. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第二定律31. Entropy Changes 熵变32. Standard Free-Energy Changes 标准自由能变33. Acid-Bases 酸碱34. The Dissociation of Water 水离解35. The Proton in Water 水合质子36. The pH Scales pH值37. Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases Bronsted-Lowry 酸和碱38. Proton-Transfer Reactions 质子转移反应39. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对40. Relative Strength of Acids and Bases 酸碱的相对强度41. Lewis Acids and Bases 路易斯酸碱42. Hydrolysis of Metal Ions 金属离子的水解43. Buffer Solutions 缓冲溶液44. The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应45. Buffer Capacity 缓冲容量46. Formation of Complex Ions 配离子的形成47. Solubility 溶解度48. The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp 溶度积常数49. Precipitation and separation of Ions 离子的沉淀与分离50. Selective Precipitation of Ions 离子的选择沉淀51. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 氧化还原反应52. Oxidation Number 氧化数53. Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 氧化还原反应方程的配平54. Half-Reaction 半反应55. Galvani Cell 原电池56. Voltaic Cell 伏特电池57. Cell EMF 电池电动势58. Standard Electrode Potentials 标准电极电势59. Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂60. The Nernst Equation 能斯特方程61. Electrolysis 电解62. The Wave Behavior of Electrons 电子的波动性63. Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom 氢原子的波尔模型64. Line Spectra 线光谱65. Quantum Numbers 量子数66. Electron Spin 电子自旋67. Atomic Orbital 原子轨道68. The s (p, d, f) Orbital s(p,d,f)轨道69. Many-Electron Atoms 多电子原子70. Energies of Orbital 轨道能量71. The Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡林不相容原理72. Electron Configurations 电子构型73. The Periodic Table 周期表74. Row 行75. Group 族76. Isotopes, Atomic Numbers, and Mass Numbers 同位素,原子数,质量数77. Periodic Properties of the Elements 元素的周期律78. Radius of Atoms 原子半径79. Ionization Energy 电离能80. Electronegativity 电负性81. Effective Nuclear Charge 有效核电荷82. Electron Affinities 亲电性83. Metals 金属84. Nonmetals 非金属85. Valence Bond Theory 价键理论86. Covalence Bond 共价键87. Orbital Overlap 轨道重叠88. Multiple Bonds 重键89. Hybrid Orbital 杂化轨道90. The VSEPR Model 价层电子对互斥理论91. Molecular Geometries 分子空间构型92. Molecular Orbital 分子轨道93. Diatomic Molecules 双原子分子94. Bond Length 键长95. Bond Order 键级96. Bond Angles 键角97. Bond Enthalpies 键能98. Bond Polarity 键矩99. Dipole Moments 偶极矩100. Polarity Molecules 极性分子101. Polyatomic Molecules 多原子分子102. Crystal Structure 晶体结构103. Non-Crystal 非晶体104. Close Packing of Spheres 球密堆积105. Metallic Solids 金属晶体106. Metallic Bond 金属键107. Alloys 合金108. Ionic Solids 离子晶体109. Ion-Dipole Forces 离子偶极力110. Molecular Forces 分子间力111. Intermolecular Forces 分子间作用力112. Hydrogen Bonding 氢键113. Covalent-Network Solids 原子晶体114. Compounds 化合物115. The Nomenclature, Composition and Structure of Complexes 配合物的命名,组成和结构116. Charges, Coordination Numbers, and Geometries 电荷数、配位数、及几何构型117. Chelates 螯合物118. Isomerism 异构现象119. Structural Isomerism 结构异构120. Stereoisomerism 立体异构121. Magnetism 磁性122. Electron Configurations in Octahedral Complexes 八面体构型配合物的电子分布123. Tetrahedral and Square-planar Complexes 四面体和平面四边形配合物124. General Characteristics 共性125. s-Block Elements s区元素126. Alkali Metals 碱金属127. Alkaline Earth Metals 碱土金属128. Hydrides 氢化物129. Oxides 氧化物130. Peroxides and Superoxides 过氧化物和超氧化物131. Hydroxides 氢氧化物132. Salts 盐133. p-Block Elements p区元素134. Boron Group (Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium) 硼族(硼,铝,镓,铟,铊)135. Borane 硼烷136. Carbon Group (Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead) 碳族(碳,硅,锗,锡,铅)137. Graphite, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide 石墨,一氧化碳,二氧化碳138. Carbonic Acid, Carbonates and Carbides 碳酸,碳酸盐,碳化物139. Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 硅的存在和制备140. Silicic Acid,Silicates 硅酸,硅酸盐141. Nitrogen Group (Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth) 氮族(磷,砷,锑,铋)142. Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Phosphoric Acid 氨,硝酸,磷酸143. Phosphorates, phosphorus Halides 磷酸盐,卤化磷144. Oxygen Group (Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium) 氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)145. Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide 臭氧,过氧化氢146. Sulfides 硫化物147. Halogens (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine) 卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)148. Halides, Chloride 卤化物,氯化物149. The Noble Gases 稀有气体150. Noble-Gas Compounds 稀有气体化合物151. d-Block elements d区元素152. Transition Metals 过渡金属153. Potassium Dichromate 重铬酸钾154. Potassium Permanganate 高锰酸钾155. Iron Copper Zinc Mercury 铁,铜,锌,汞156. f-Block Elements f区元素157. Lanthanides 镧系元素158. Radioactivity 放射性159. Nuclear Chemistry 核化学160. Nuclear Fission 核裂变161. Nuclear Fusion 核聚变162. analytical chemistry 分析化学163. qualitative analysis 定性分析164. quantitative analysis 定量分析165. chemical analysis 化学分析166. instrumental analysis 仪器分析167. titrimetry 滴定分析168. gravimetric analysis 重量分析法169. regent 试剂170. chromatographic analysis 色谱分析171. product 产物172. electrochemical analysis 电化学分析173. on-line analysis 在线分析174. macro analysis 常量分析175. characteristic 表征176. micro analysis 微量分析177. deformation analysis 形态分析178. semimicro analysis 半微量分析179. systematical error 系统误差180. routine analysis 常规分析181. random error 偶然误差182. arbitration analysis 仲裁分析183. gross error 过失误差184. normal distribution 正态分布185. accuracy 准确度186. deviation偏差187. precision 精密度188. relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差(RSD)189. coefficient variation 变异系数(CV)190. confidence level 置信水平191. confidence interval 置信区间192. significant test 显著性检验193. significant figure 有效数字194. standard solution 标准溶液195. titration 滴定196. stoichiometric point 化学计量点197. end point滴定终点198. titration error 滴定误差199. primary standard 基准物质200. amount of substance 物质的量201. standardization 标定202. chemical reaction 化学反应203. concentration浓度204. chemical equilibrium 化学平衡205. titer 滴定度206. general equation for a chemical reaction化学反应的通式207. proton theory of acid-base 酸碱质子理论208. acid-base titration 酸碱滴定法209. dissociation constant 解离常数210. conjugate acid-base pair 共轭酸碱对211. acetic acid 乙酸212. hydronium ion水合氢离子213. electrolyte 电解质214. ion-product constant of water 水的离子积215. ionization 电离216. proton condition 质子平衡217. zero level零水准218. buffer solution缓冲溶液219. methyl orange 甲基橙220. acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂221. phenolphthalein 酚酞222. coordination compound 配位化合物223. center ion 中心离子224. cumulative stability constant 累积稳定常数225. alpha coefficient 酸效应系数226. overall stability constant 总稳定常数227. ligand 配位体228. ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸229. side reaction coefficient 副反应系数230. coordination atom 配位原子231. coordination number 配位数232. lone pair electron 孤对电子233. chelate compound 螯合物234. metal indicator 金属指示剂235. chelating agent 螯合剂236. masking 掩蔽237. demasking 解蔽238. electron 电子239. catalysis 催化240. oxidation氧化241. catalyst 催化剂242. reduction 还原243. catalytic reaction 催化反应244. reaction rate 反应速率245. electrode potential 电极电势246. activation energy 反应的活化能247. redox couple 氧化还原电对248. potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾249. iodimetry碘量法250. potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾251. cerimetry 铈量法252. redox indicator 氧化还原指示253. oxygen consuming 耗氧量(OC)254. chemical oxygen demanded 化学需氧量(COD)255. dissolved oxygen 溶解氧(DO)256. precipitation 沉淀反应257. argentimetry 银量法258. heterogeneous equilibrium of ions 多相离子平衡259. aging 陈化260. postprecipitation 继沉淀261. coprecipitation 共沉淀262. ignition 灼烧263. fitration 过滤264. decantation 倾泻法265. chemical factor 化学因数266. spectrophotometry 分光光度法267. colorimetry 比色分析268. transmittance 透光率269. absorptivity 吸光率270. calibration curve 校正曲线271. standard curve 标准曲线272. monochromator 单色器273. source 光源274. wavelength dispersion 色散275. absorption cell吸收池276. detector 检测系统277. bathochromic shift 红移278. Molar absorptivity 摩尔吸光系数279. hypochromic shift 紫移280. acetylene 乙炔281. ethylene 乙烯282. acetylating agent 乙酰化剂283. acetic acid 乙酸284. adiethyl ether 乙醚285. ethyl alcohol 乙醇286. acetaldehtde 乙醛287. β-dicarbontl compound β–二羰基化合物288. bimolecular elimination 双分子消除反应289. bimolecular nucleophilic substitution 双分子亲核取代反应290. open chain compound 开链族化合物291. molecular orbital theory 分子轨道理论292. chiral molecule 手性分子293. tautomerism 互变异构现象294. reaction mechanism 反应历程295. chemical shift 化学位移296. Walden inversio 瓦尔登反转n297. Enantiomorph 对映体298. addition rea ction 加成反应299. dextro- 右旋300. levo- 左旋301. stereochemistry 立体化学302. stereo isomer 立体异构体303. Lucas reagent 卢卡斯试剂304. covalent bond 共价键305. conjugated diene 共轭二烯烃306. conjugated double bond 共轭双键307. conjugated system 共轭体系308. conjugated effect 共轭效应309. isomer 同分异构体310. isomerism 同分异构现象311. organic chemistry 有机化学312. hybridization 杂化313. hybrid orbital 杂化轨道314. heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物315. peroxide effect 过氧化物效应t316. valence bond theory 价键理论317. sequence rule 次序规则318. electron-attracting grou p 吸电子基319. Huckel rule 休克尔规则320. Hinsberg test 兴斯堡试验321. infrared spectrum 红外光谱322. Michael reacton 麦克尔反应323. halogenated hydrocarbon 卤代烃324. haloform reaction 卤仿反应325. systematic nomenclatur 系统命名法e326. Newman projection 纽曼投影式327. aromatic compound 芳香族化合物328. aromatic character 芳香性r329. Claisen condensation reaction克莱森酯缩合反应330. Claisen rearrangement 克莱森重排331. Diels-Alder reation 狄尔斯-阿尔得反应332. Clemmensen reduction 克莱门森还原333. Cannizzaro reaction 坎尼扎罗反应334. positional isomers 位置异构体335. unimolecular elimination reaction 单分子消除反应336. unimolecular nucleophilic substitution 单分子亲核取代反应337. benzene 苯338. functional grou 官能团p339. configuration 构型340. conformation 构象341. confomational isome 构象异构体342. electrophilic addition 亲电加成343. electrophilic reagent 亲电试剂344. nucleophilic addition 亲核加成345. nucleophilic reagent 亲核试剂346. nucleophilic substitution reaction亲核取代反应347. active intermediate 活性中间体348. Saytzeff rule 查依采夫规则349. cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构350. inductive effect 诱导效应t351. Fehling’s reagent 费林试剂352. phase transfer catalysis 相转移催化作用353. aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物354. elimination reaction 消除反应355. Grignard reagent 格利雅试剂356. nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振357. alkene 烯烃358. allyl cation 烯丙基正离子359. leaving group 离去基团360. optical activity 旋光性361. boat confomation 船型构象362. silver mirror reaction 银镜反应363. Fischer projection 菲舍尔投影式364. Kekule structure 凯库勒结构式365. Friedel-Crafts reaction 傅列德尔-克拉夫茨反应366. Ketone 酮367. carboxylic acid 羧酸368. carboxylic acid derivative 羧酸衍生物369. hydroboration 硼氢化反应370. bond oength 键长371. bond energy 键能372. bond angle 键角373. carbohydrate 碳水化合物374. carbocation 碳正离子375. carbanion 碳负离子376. alcohol 醇377. Gofmann rule 霍夫曼规则378. Aldehyde 醛379. Ether 醚380. Polymer 聚合物。
