1. 商务英语常见词汇商务英语中使用的单词和短语与日常生活语言略有不同。
2. 商务英语邮件写作技巧商务英语邮件是商务交流中最常用的一种通信方式之一。
3. 商务英语谈判技巧商务英语谈判是商业交易中最重要的一环。
4. 商务英语电话沟通技能在商业交易中,电话沟通是必不可少的方式之一。
5. 商务英语文化差异商业谈判不仅仅在语言上存在差异,还在文化上存在不同。
Lesson 11. International trade: can be defined as the exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another.2. International specialization: one country producing more of a commoditythan it uses itself and selling the remainder to other countries.3. The theory of comparative advantage: holds that even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, i.e. it has absolute disadvantage in producing both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.4.国际专业化:international specialization 绝对利益:absolute advantage比较利益:comparative advantage5. rich in advantage over point on across borders6.Translation:(1) 在复杂的经济世界中,没有一个国家可以完全自给自足。
In the complex economic world, no country can be completely self- sufficient.(2) 随着制造业和技术的发展,出现了另一个刺激贸易的因素,即国际专业化。
I. 国际贸易1. 国际贸易基本概念国际贸易是指各国之间的货物和服务的买卖活动。
2. 贸易方式和贸易条件- 直接贸易和间接贸易:解释两种贸易方式的概念及其区别。
- CIF和FOB等常见贸易条件的含义:介绍常见贸易条件的意义和应用。
3. 国际支付方式- L/C(信用证)和D/P(付款交单):解释两种常见的国际支付方式的定义和应用场景。
II. 商务信函写作1. 商务信函格式商务英语中的商务信函通常包括信头、称呼、正文、结束语和签名等部分。
2. 商务信函常用句型- 开头部分:引言、自我介绍和目的陈述等。
- 主体部分:要点阐述、安排会议或商谈时间等。
- 结尾部分:表示感谢、表达希望进一步合作等。
III. 商务会议和谈判1. 商务会议准备- 规划议程:制定会议议程并明确会议目标。
- 材料准备:准备好与会议相关的文件、报告和资料等。
2. 商务会议礼仪- 会议室礼仪:介绍商务会议中的行为规范和注意事项。
- 会议用语:常用商务会议英语表达和掌握技巧。
3. 商务谈判技巧- 谈判策略:了解不同的谈判策略和技巧。
- 求同存异:平衡双方利益并达成双赢的谈判结果。
IV. 商务演示和口语表达1. 商务演示技巧- 制作PPT:介绍如何制作专业的商务演示文稿。
- 演讲技巧:掌握演讲技巧和有效的语言表达方法。
2. 商务口语表达- 电话沟通技巧:提供商务电话沟通的常用表达和技巧。
- 社交场合用语:掌握商务社交中的常用表达和礼仪。
国际商务英语总复习 .doc
Lesson 1 International Business(1) International business: it refers to transaction between parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export.(2) Commodity trade: exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another.(3) Licensing: in licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. Such intellectual property may be trademarks, brand names, patents, copyrights or technology.(4) Franchising: it can be regarded as a special form of licensing. Under franchising, a firm, called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.(5) Franchiser: it can be develop internationally and gain access to useful information about the local market with little risk and cost, and the franchisee can easily get into a business with established products or services.(6) Management contract: Under a management contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized servicesto another within a particular period for a flat payment of a percentage of the relevant business volume.(7) International turnkey project: a firm signs a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion. Projects are often large and complex and take a long period to complete.1. (1) Please tell the difference between international business and domestic business.International business involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business. The followings are some major differences between the two:1. The countries involved often have different legal systems, and one or more parties will have to adjust themselves to operate in compliance with the foreign law.2. Different countries usually use different currencies and the parties concerned will have to decide which currency to use and do everything necessary as regards convertion etc. uncertainties and even risks are often involved in the use of a foreign currency.3. Cultural differences including language, customs, traditions, religion, value, behavior etc. often constitute challenges and even traps for people engaged in international business.4. Countries vary in natural and economic conditions and may have different policies towards foreign trade and investment, making international business more complex than domestic business.(2) Please explain the differences between visible trade and invisible trade. Which is becoming more and more important and accounts for an increasing proportion in international trade?International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption of resale in another. This form of trade is also referred to as visible trade. Later a different kind of trade in the form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. gradually became more and more important. This type of trade is called invisible trade. Thday, the contribution of service industries of the developed countries constitutes over 60% of their gross domestic products and account for an increasing proportion of world trade.(4) Please elaborate on the two categories of international investment. What is their major difference?The first kind of investments, foreign direct investments or FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in in a host country.The second kind of investment, portfolio investment, refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling. Such financial assets may be stocks, bonds or certificates of deposit.(5) Why do firms sometimes choose it as a means of entering a foreign market?Firms choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to start business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty. Besides, they can benefit from locational advantages of foreign operation without any obligations in ownership or management.(6) How is it different from licensing?In comparison with the relation between the licenser and the licensee, the franchiser has more control over and provides more support for the franchisee.(7)Under what condition is a management contract most applicable?When a government forbids foreign ownership in certain industries it considers to be of strategic importance but lacks the expertise for operation, management contracts may be a practical choice enabling a foreign company to operate in the industry without owning the assets.(8) In what way is its variant BOT different from it?BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project where B stands for build, O for operate and T for transfer. For a BOT project, a firm operates a facility for a period of time after building it up before finally transferring it to a foreign company. Making profit from operating the project for a period is the major difference between BOT and the common turnkey project.5. Translation:(1)国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而比国内贸易要复杂得多。
学习目标1、Income Level and the World Market2、Regional Economic Integration3、Economic GlobalizationGNP and GDPPer capita income and per capita GDPHigh-income, middle income and low-income countriesStandards for classificationRepresentative countriesTriad and QuadUnited StatesWestern EuropeJapanCanadaOther important markets for ChinaTrade Terms1.GNP国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.Trade Terms2.GDP国内生产总值: Gross Domestic Product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.Trade Terms3.National income国民收入4.Per capita income人均收入Trade Terms5.Per capita GDP人均国内生产总值: It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.Trade Terms6.PPP购买力平价: Purchasing power parity7.Consumerism消费主义8.Income distribution收入分布: The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people.Trade Terms9.Infrastructure基础设施10.Staple goods大路货11.Invoice (开)发票12.Creditor country债权国Trade Terms13. OECD经合组织,经济合作与开发组织:Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development.14. The Commonwealth of IndependentStates 独联体,独立国家联合体Trade Terms15. ASEAN 东盟,东南亚国家联盟: Associationof Southeast Asian Nationals.16. NIEs(亚洲四小虎): Newly IndustrializedEconomies17. Factors of production生产要素Trade TermsGNP and GDP are two important concepts used to indicate a country’s totalincome. The difference between them isthat the former focuses on ownership ofthe factors of production while the latterconcentrates on the country whereproduction takes place.Trade TermsIn assessing the potential of a country as a market, people often look at per capita income since it provides clues about the purchasing power of its residents..Trade TermsCountries of the world are divided by the World Bank into three categories of high-income, middle-income and low-income economies.Trade TermsChina with a per capita income of over $1100 is a middle-income country though it was a low-income country just a few years ago.Trade TermsAs far as China is concerned, other markets we should pay particular attention to are those around us: the Four Tigers, the ASEAN countries, Russia, etc. These countries with very promising market potential and can offer good business opportunities to China.Regional Economic Integration-Business Knowledge(1)Major objectives of regional integration(2)Four levels of regional economic integrationA. Free trade areaB. Customs unionC. Common marketD. Economic unionRegional Economic Integration-Business Knowledge(3)European Union (EU)(4)Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)(5)Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)Trade Terms1. Economic integration经济一体化2. Free trade area自由贸易区: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policyTrade Terms3. Customs union关税同盟: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policy4. Tariff rates关税税率Trade Terms5. Settlement结算,结账6. NAFTA北美自由贸易协定: North American Free Trade AgreementTrade Terms7. Common market 共同市场: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.8. Banknotes circulation 货币流通Trade Terms9. Cartel 卡塔尔10.APEC亚太经合组织,亚洲太平洋经济合作组织: Asia Pacific Economic CooperationTrade Terms11.OPEC石油输出国组织: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries12.European Commission 欧盟委员会13.Council of ministers 部长理事会14.Dual-Ministerial Meeting 双部长会议Trade Terms15. Quota Restrictions配额限制16. Economic Union 经济同盟: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency.Trade Terms17. EU欧盟,欧洲联盟: European Union18. EC欧共体,欧洲共同体: European Community19. Benelux荷比卢(比利时、荷兰和卢森堡三国):Belgium, Netherlands, LuxemburgTrade Terms20. Mercousur 南方共同市场: Southern Cone Customs Union21. ECSC欧洲煤钢共同体: European Coal and Steel CommunityTrade Terms22. EEC欧洲经济共同体: European Economic Community23. EURATOM欧洲原子能共同体,欧洲原子能联营: European Atomic Energy CommunityTrade Terms24. SOM高官会议: Senior Officials Meeting25. TILF贸易投资便利化自由化: Trade and investment liberation and facilitationTrade Terms26. ECOTECH经济技术合作: Economic and technical cooperation27. Political entity 政治实体Trade Terms28. Sovereign state 主权国家29. Multi-polarization 多极化Trade Terms30. Sub-committee 分委员会31. Territory economies 区域经济体Trade Terms32. Pacific Rim 环太平洋圈33. Informal Meeting of Economic Leaders 领导人非正式会议Trade TermsThe past decades witnessed increasingly growing importance of regional economic integration.Trade TermsThe most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest free market formed by the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1991.Trade TermsThe members of an Economic Union are required not only to harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry polices, etc., but also use the same currency.Trade TermsThe European Commission is one of the governing organs of the European Union. It is the body that puts proposals to the Council of Minister for decision and sees that the members carry out their duties under the treaty.Trade TermsAPEC was set up at the Ministerial Meeting held in the Australian capital Canberra attended by 12 members of Australia, the United States, Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand and six ASEAN countries.Economic Globalization-Business Knowledge(1) Economic globalization as an objective trendA. Basic featureB. Advantages and negative impactsEconomic Globalization-Business Knowledge(2) Multinational corporationsA. Organization- parent and affiliatesB. Characteristicsa. Enormous in sizeb. Wide geographical spreadc. Longevity and rapid growthEconomic Globalization-Business KnowledgeC. Need, goals and rolesa. Profitb. Securityc. As vehicles for cross-border transfer resourcesEconomic Globalization-Business KnowledgeD. Four typesa. Multi-domestic corporationb. Global corporationc. Transnational corporationd. World companyTrade Terms1. Share holders 股东2. Economic globalization 经济全球化3. Board of directors 董事会4. Inputs 投入Trade Terms5. Economic environment 经济环境6. Parent MNC headquarter 跨国公司母公司,总部7. Affiliate MNC子公司,分支机构,附属机构8. Branch company 分公司Trade Terms9. Subsidiary company 子公司10.Day-to-day running 日常管理Trade Terms11.MNC跨国公司: Multinational corporation, are made up of vast numbers of foreign subsidiaries, companies in which over 50 percent is owned by the parent company.Trade Terms12.Home county 母国: The country where the headquarter of the investor is located.13.Host country 东道国: The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates.Trade Terms14.MNE跨国企业: Multinational enterprise: A typical multinational enterprise shall be defined as a business organization which owns (whether wholly or partly), controls and manages assets, often including productive resources, in more than one country, through its member companies incorporated separately in each of these countries. Each member company is known as a multinational corporation.Trade Terms15.Economies of scale 规模经济16. Increase and growth 数量的增多和规模的增大17. Revenue adjusted for inflation(除去通货膨胀后的)实际收入。
International Business SummaryI. Definition of International BusinessInternational business refers to commercial activities carried out on the international level, including cross-border trade, international investment, and multinational cooperation. International business is becoming increasingly important in the context of globalization, posing new challenges for the operation and management of international enterprises. Through international business, companies can expand their markets, acquire resources, increase revenue, and enhance competitiveness, promoting economic development.二、国际商务环境与市场1. 国际商务环境国际商务环境包括政治、经济、文化、法律等因素。
2. 国际商务市场各国市场的规模、结构、需求以及消费习惯存在差异,了解不同国家的市场特点对于开展国际商务至关重要。
国际贸易英语知识点总结一、国际贸易术语(Incoterms)1. FOB (Free on Board)- 含义:卖方在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船只后,卖方即完成交货义务。
- 示例:We offer the goods FOB Shanghai.(我们提供上海港船上交货价的货物。
)- 相关费用:卖方负责将货物运至装运港船上之前的一切费用,包括国内运输、装卸等费用;买方负责从装运港到目的港的运费、保险费等。
2. CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责支付货物成本、保险费和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。
- 示例:The price is quoted CIF New York.(价格报的是纽约港到岸价。
)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物到达目的港之前的成本、保险费和运费;买方负责卸货后的费用,如进口关税等。
3. CFR (Cost and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责货物成本和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。
- 示例:We can supply the goods CFR London.(我们可以供应伦敦港成本加运费价的货物。
)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物运至目的港的成本和运费,买方负责保险费及卸货后的费用。
1. 信头(Letterhead)- 包含公司名称、地址、联系方式(电话、传真、电子邮箱等)。
- 例如:ABC Company.123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001.Tel: +1 - 212 - 1234567.Fax: +1 - 212 - 1234568.Email:*******************.2. 称呼(Salutation)- 如果知道对方姓名,用“Dear Mr./Ms. + 姓氏”,如“Dear Mr. Smith”;如果不知道具体姓名,可用“Dear Sir/Madam”或者“To Whom It May Concern”。
国际商法知识点总结 英文
国际商法知识点总结英文Key Knowledge Points in International Commercial Law1. Principles of International Commercial ContractsInternational commercial contracts are the backbone of global trade. Understanding the principles of contract law is crucial for companies engaged in international business. The key elements of a valid contract include offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations, and certainty of terms. In the international context, parties may encounter issues such as choice of law, jurisdiction, and the enforceability of contracts across borders.2. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)The CISG is the most widely adopted international treaty for the sale of goods. It provides a uniform set of rules for contracts for the international sale of goods and governs the rights and obligations of both buyers and sellers. Understanding the provisions of the CISG, such as the obligations of the parties, the determination of the contract price, and the remedies for breach of contract, is essential for businesses engaged in international trade.3. International Trade LawInternational trade law encompasses the rules and regulations that govern the exchange of goods and services across national borders. It covers areas such as import and export regulations, tariffs, customs duties, and trade agreements. Businesses need to be aware of the legal framework governing international trade to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.4. IncotermsIncoterms are internationally recognized terms that define the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade transactions. They provide a set of standard rules for the interpretation of trade terms, such as delivery, transport, insurance, and risk allocation. Understanding the different Incoterms is essential for negotiating and drafting international commercial contracts.5. International Dispute ResolutionDisputes are inevitable in international commercial transactions. Understanding the various methods of international dispute resolution, such as litigation, arbitration, and mediation, is crucial for businesses engaged in cross-border trade. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of dispute resolution mechanism should be carefully considered based on the specific circumstances of the dispute.6. Intellectual Property Rights in International BusinessIntellectual property (IP) rights play a crucial role in international business, as they protect the creations of the mind, such as inventions, trademarks, and copyrights. Understandingthe principles of IP law and the international treaties and conventions that govern IP rights is essential for businesses engaged in cross-border trade, as it helps protect their intangible assets from infringement and unauthorized use.7. Cross-Border Mergers and AcquisitionsInternational mergers and acquisitions involve complex legal issues related to corporate law, antitrust law, and regulatory compliance. Understanding the legal framework governing cross-border M&A transactions, including the due diligence process, merger control regulations, and the negotiation and drafting of acquisition agreements, is essential for companies seeking to expand their global footprint through M&A activities.8. Compliance with International Regulations and StandardsInternational businesses need to comply with a myriad of regulations and standards, including those related to product safety, environmental protection, anti-corruption, and data privacy. Understanding the legal requirements and best practices for compliance in different jurisdictions is essential for maintaining the reputation and sustainability of the business.9. International Commercial ArbitrationArbitration is a widely used method for the resolution of international commercial disputes. Understanding the principles of international arbitration, including the selection of arbitration rules, the appointment of arbitrators, the conduct of arbitral proceedings, and the enforcement of arbitral awards, is essential for businesses engaged in cross-border transactions.10. Legal and Ethical Issues in International BusinessOperating in the global marketplace raises various legal and ethical challenges for businesses, such as bribery and corruption, human rights violations, and supply chain management. Understanding the legal and ethical issues in international business is crucial for companies to navigate the complex landscape of global trade while upholding ethical standards and corporate social responsibility.In conclusion, international commercial law is a vast and complex field that requires a deep understanding of legal principles, regulations, and customs that govern cross-border transactions. Businesses operating in the global marketplace need to be aware of the key knowledge points in international commercial law to ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities in the global economy.。
1. 商务礼仪:商务环境下的礼仪规范及其应用。
2. 商务信函:商务英语中常用的书信格式和写作技巧。
3. 商务电话:商务英语中常用的电话用语和技巧。
4. 商务谈判:商务英语中常用的谈判技巧和表达方式。
5. 商务会议:商务英语中常用的会议用语和表达方式。
6. 商务报告:商务英语中常用的报告格式和写作技巧。
7. 商务演讲:商务英语中常用的演讲技巧和表达方式。
8. 商务旅行:商务英语中常用的旅行用语和应对策略。
9. 商务文化:商务英语中的文化差异和交流技巧。
10. 商务市场:商务英语中经常涉及的市场术语和行业知识。
实用国际商务英语部分整理1.国际贸易是什么?分类?①directions:1.Import trade进口贸易2.Export trade出口贸易3.Transit trade过境贸易②contents1.Trade in goods (visible/tangible)货物贸易2.Trade in services (invisible/intangible)服务贸易1)Financial services金融服务2)Communication services通信服务3)Construction and related services 建筑及相关工程服务4)Transport services运输服务5)distribution services 分销服务6)Tourism and related services旅游及与旅行相关的服务7)Health and social services健康与社会服务8)Educational services教育服务9)Etc.3.Trade in technology/ technology trade 技术贸易1)License trade 许可贸易2)Franchising 特许专营3)合作生产cooperative production2.保护主义P7策略和手段黑色字体①reasons for trade protectionism1)infant industries 新兴产业2)Unfair competition 不公平竞争3)Balance of payments 国际收支平衡4)Cultural identity 文化认同5)The senile industry argument 非常衰老的行业②different means of protection1)tariff barriers 关税壁垒2)Non-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒A.quota 配额(进口国限制出口国,进口的数量有一个数量的限制或者上限)B.Voluntary export restraints 自动出口限制(出口国被进口国自动出口限制)C.Import license 进口许可证D.Product standard 产品标准ernment procurement policy 政府采购3.商务谈判的流程four stages :①enquiry询价/询盘It is usually made by the buyer, inquiring the seller about the terms and conditions of a sale. Occasionally, it is made by the seller.Whoever makes an enquiry is not obliged for buying and selling.②offer and counter-offer,报价/报盘/发盘和还盘Offer is a declaration that he or she is willing to sell or buy a certain amount of specified goods atspecified price under specified terms.Form:Verbal offer 口头报价and written offer 书面报价firm offer 实盘: a definite intention to make a contract under a clear, complete and final trade terms non-firm offer虚盘: without engagementRequirements for an offer:1. The offer should have a specified offeree.2. The offer must be definite.3. The offer must show the offeror’s intention to conclude a contract with the offeree4. The offer must reach the offeree.Withdrawal of an offer: 撤回An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer.Revocation of an offer: 撤销Offer can be revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance. But it can not be revoked:If it is indicated it is irrevocable. OrThe offeree acts in reliance on the offer.The termination of an offer:the period of validity expiresThe offeror has received a refusal or counter-offer of the offeree.The offeror has effectively withdrawn or revoked the offer.Counter offer:还盘The rejection or partial rejection of the offer is a counter-offer.It is virtually a new offer initiated by the offeree to the original offer.③acceptance受盘It is an assent to the terms of an offer or counter-offer.It means the formation of the contracted relationship and is binding upon both parties.④conclusion of a contract达成合同What is contractDifferent formsFormation of contract合同的格式Execution of the contract:合同的履行Preparing goods for shipmentApplying for inspectionReminding, examining and modifying L/CChartering 租船and booking shipping spaceGoing through customs formalities 通过海关的正式手续Taking out insurance if necessary 如果需要办理保险Preparing documents for bank negotiation 准备银行议付的文件Settlement of disputes 解决争议4.Incoterm 2010按……分类?分别什么特点?IncotermsInternational Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms国际贸易术语解释通则Incoterms 2000Key terms:Group E---departure 启运地合同EXW EX WORKS(... named place)工厂交货(……指定地点)Group F--- main carriage unpaid 主运费未付(主运费是从出口国到进口国,之前运至船或承运人都是卖方承担)FCA FREE CARRIER(... named place)货交承运人(……指定地点)FAS FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP(... named port of shipment)船边交货(……指定装运港)FOB FREE ON BOARD(... named port of shipment)船上交货(……指定装运港)Group C---main carriage paid 主运费已付CFR COST AND FREIGHT(... named port of destination)成本加运费(……指定目的港)CIF COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT(... named port of destination)成本、保险费加运费(……指定目的港)CPT CARRIAGE PAID TO(... named place of destination)运费付至(……指定目的地)CIP CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO(... named place of destination)运费、保险费付至(……指定目的地)Group D—Arrival (2000) 到达DAF DELIVERED AT FRONTIER(... named place)边境交货(……指定地点)DES DELIVERED EXSHIP(... named port of destination)目的港船上交货(……指定目的港)DEQ DELIVERED EX QUAY (DUTY PAID(... named port of destination)目的港码头交货(……指定目的港) DDU DELIVERED DUTY UNPAID(... named place of destination)未完税交货(……指定目的地)DDP DELIVERED DUTY PAID(... named place of destination)完税后交货(……指定目的地)Group E---departure 启运地合同It is called a departure term whereby the seller only makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller’s own premises.Group F--- main carriage unpaid 主运费未付(主运费是从出口国到进口国,之前运至船或承运人都是卖方承担)These terms call upon the seller to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed and paid by the buyer. FOBFOB, Free On Board (d port of shipment)船上交货(……指定装运港)“Free on Board" means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship's rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across theship's rail, the FCA term should he used.Group C---main carriage paid 主运费已付In these terms the seller has to contract and pay for carriage, but the seller does not assume the risk of the loss of or damage to the goods or additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and dispatch.CIFCIF COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT(... named port of destination)成本、保险费加运费(……指定目的港)“Cost, Insurance and Freight" means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship's rail in the port of shipment.The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurringafter the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer. However, in CIF the seller also has to procure marine insurance against the buyer's risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.CFRCFR Cost and Freight (d port of destination)成本加运费(……指定目的港)“Cost and Freight means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship' s rail in the port of shipment.The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer when goods passed ship’s rail at the port of shipment.Group D—Arrival (2000) 到达The seller has to bear all costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the country of destination.5.提单性质?分类?Nature of a B/L:Receipt of the goods货物收据Document of title物权凭证Evidence of the contract of carriage运输合同的证明Types of bill of lading:1.按货物是否已装船划分According to whether the goods have been loaded on board of the carrying vessel (On board B/L;Shipped B/L)已装船提单(Received for shipment B/L)收货待运提单2.按提单中收货人栏的填写方式划分According to the address of the consignee(Straight B/L)记名提单(Open B/L;Blank B/L;Bearer B/L)不记名提单/空白提单/来人抬头提单(Order B/L)凭指示提单(To order)(To the order of XXX)“To order”equals to “To the order of the shipper”“To the order of XXX”Endorsement: 背书Full endorsement 完全背书,记名背书Blank endorsement 空白背书Order endorsement 指示背书3.按对货物的外表状况是否有不良批注划分:According to the apparent condition of the received cargo(Clean B/L)清洁提单、(Unclean B/L or Foul B/L)不清洁提单4.按运输的组织形式(运输方式构成)的不同划分(can be divided into)According to whether transshipment is involved in transit(Direct B/L)直达提单(Transshipment B/L or Through B/L)转船/联运提单(Combined Transport B/L;Intermodal Transport B/L;Multimodal Transport B/L)多式联运提单5.按船舶的营运方式划分According to mode of operation of a ship(Liner B/L)班轮提单(NVOCC B/L)/(House B/L)货运代理签发提单6.按签发提单的时间划分According to the date of issuance(Advanced B/L)预借提单(Ante-dated B/L)倒签提单(Post-dated B/L)顺签提单7.按提单内容的繁简划分Long Form B/L 全式提单and Short Form B/L 简式提单According to the simplicity of the bill content8.Freight Prepaid B/L 运费已付and Freight to be Collected B/L 运费到付According to the payment condition of freight9.Original B/L 正本and Copy B/L 副本According to the validity7.不同支付方式?特点?①汇款商业信用commercial credit 顺汇remittance②托收商业信用逆汇reverse remittanceFeatures1. Low cost. Low banking fees, help reduce financial expenses and control the costs.2. Easy to use. Simple procedures, easy to use as compared with L/Cs.3. Lower risk. The importer can only take delivery of the goods after acceptance or payment, which helps reduce the risks for the exporter as compared with open account sales.③信用证Features:Banker’s credit 银行信用Document transaction 逆汇缺点是费用较高(high expense),操作需要有一定水平(complicated operation),否则有可能因为操作者操作不当而造成交单不符合信用证的规定而被开证行拒付的风险。
International Business EnglishLesson 1International BusinessBusiness Knowledge:The major differences between international business and domestic businessA.Differences in legal systemsB.Differences in currenciesC.Differences in cultural backgroundD.Different in natural and economic conditionsThe major types of international businessA. Trademodity tradeb.Service tradeB. Investmenta.Foreign direct investmentb.Portfolio investmentC. Other typesa.Licensing and franchisingb.Management contract and contract manufacturingc.Turnkey project and BOTTrade Terms:1.Customs area关税区:2.Conversion货币兑换3.Visible trade有形贸易: The form of commoditytrade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)4.Invisible trade无形贸易: The form of transportation,communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.5.FDI外国直接投资: Foreign direct investments.Returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country. / P.256.One country acquires assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them.6.Portfolio investment证券投资: Purchases of foreignfinancial assets for a purpose other than controlling.7.Stocks股票: Capital stocks or bonds.8.Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government or afirm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest.9.Maturity(票据等)到期10.C ertificate of deposit大额存单11.L icensing许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases theright to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.12.F ranchising特许经营: Under franchising,franchisee is allowed to operate in the name of another, franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.13.T rade Mark商标14.P atent专利15.R oyalty专利(许可)使用费,版税16.C opyright版权17.L icenser许可方18.L icensee被许可方19.F ranchiser特许方: A firm who provides thefranchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.20.F ranchisee被特许方: A firm is allowed to operatein the name of another.21.M anagement contract管理合同:Under amanagement contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flat payment or a percentage of the relevant business volume.22.V alue chain价值链23.T urnkey project“交钥匙”工程: For an internationalturnkey project, a firm signs a contract with a foreignpurchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion.24.B OT建设、经营和移交: Build, Operate, Transfer25.E xpertise专门知识26.B onus红利、奖金、津贴27.R oyalty 许可使用费28.I nternational investment国际投资: Supplyingcapital by residents of one country to another.29.C ontract manufacturing承包生产30.G ATT关贸总协定: General Agreement on Tariffsand Trade31.I nternational business国际商务: Transactionbetween parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areasof the same country is also regarded as import and export.32.I ntellectual property知识产权33.O il deposit: 石油储备= oil reserves34.t he reserves of natural resources 自然资源储备35.P ersonal advancement个人的晋升,个人素质的提高以及个人事业的进步等。
国际商务英语学科考试复习要点Lesson 1 International Business商务术语:FDI GDP BOT patent copyright value chain franchising考点:国际商务贸易的主要类型(major types of international business)A.Trade(贸易):a. commodity trade (商品贸易,也叫有形贸易visible trade )b. service trade (服务贸易, 也叫无形贸易invisible trade)B. Investment (投资): a. foreign direct investment (FDI 外国直接投资)b. portfolio investment (证券投资)C. Other types (其他类型): a. licensing and franchising (国际许可与特许经营)b. management contract and contract manufacturing (管理合同和承包生产)翻译练习:1.随着经济全球化的发展,无形贸易即使在发展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也逐渐增大With the development of economic globalization, invisible trade accounts for an increasing proportion of the world trade even in the developing countries2.BOT是“交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey projectLesson 2 Income Level and the World Market商务术语:GNP PPP ( purchasing power parity 购买力平价) Staple goods (大路货)creditor country ( 债权国)考点:国民生产总值和国内生产总值(GNP 和GDP)GNP: refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economyGDP: refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.Per capita income (人均收入): It is calculated by dividing its national income by its population Triad and Quad (三方组合和四方组合): A. United StatesB. Western EuropeC. JapanD. Canada翻译练习:1.国民生产总值和国内生产总值体现了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面可以互换使用。
英译汉1.Domestic business 国内商务国内商务2.economic 2.economic globalization 经济全球化球化3.host country 东道国东道国 intellectual4.property intellectual 4.property 知识产权知识产权5.non-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒非关税壁垒6.national product 国民产值国民产值7.per capita GDP人均国内生产总值8.Durable equipment耐用设备9.Staple goods大路货10.Creditor country债权国11.Customs union关税同盟12.Dual-Ministerial meetings 12.Dual-Ministerial meetings 双部长会议双部长会议13.European Commission 欧盟委员会anization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)石油输出国组织 15.North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)15.North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)北美自由贸易协北美自由贸易协定16.Board of directors 董事会17.day to day running 日常管理18.the parent MNE 18.the parent MNE 多国公司目公司多国公司目公司19.national economic welfare 国家经济利益20.the legal jurisdiction 法律经管范围21.self-sufficient 21.self-sufficient 自给自足的自给自足的22.farm produce 农农品23.the endowments of nature 自然禀赋24.perfect competition 完全竞争25.output per many-year of labour人均年产量26.production capability 生产能力27.consumption preference 消费偏好28.cost advantage 成本优势rge-scale production大规模生产30.tariff barrier关税壁垒31.International Chamber of Commerce国际商会32.customs clearance结关33.EDI电子数据交换34.Incoterms国际贸易术语解释通则35.destination port目的港36.binding obligation有约束力的义务37.international trunk call国际长途38.the business line业务范围39.force majeure不可抗力40.cross-border contract进出口合同41.clearing system清算系统42.leverage杠杆作用43.trade credit account贸易信贷往来账户44.centrally planned economy中央计划经济45.financial status财务状况46.to open account开立账户47.Consignment transaction寄售交易48.a usance draft远期汇票49.documentary collection跟单托收50.impeccable documents正确无误单据51.correspondent bank往来行52.confirming bank保兑行53.transportation clause运输条款54.clean credit即期信用证55.deferred payment credit不可转让信用证56.freight prepaid运费预付57.prepare documents缮制单据58.consignor托运人59.consular invoice领事发票60.notify party被通知人61.contract carriers契约承运人62.intermediate product半成品63.ultimate consumers最终消费者64.natural product province产品自然领域65.time lag 时差66.claim on goods 对货物的索赔67.premium 保险费68.insurer 承保人69.insurable interest 可保利益70.settlement of a claim 理赔71.freight forwarder 货运代理行72.utmost good faith 最大诚信原则73.valued policies 有价保单74.exchange rate 买入价75.balance of payment 收支平衡76.direct quote 直接标价77.buying rate 买入价78.financial policies 金融政策79.financial policies 资金80.retained capital 预留资金81.grace period 优惠期82.a specialized mandate 特殊使命83.direct investment 直接投资84.tax holiday 免税期 85.greenfield strategy 绿地战略86.customer mobility 客户流动87.investment return 投资回报88.start from scratch 政府债券89.market maker 股票经营商90.standing committee 常务委员会91.underlying securities 基础证券92.global trade rules 世界贸易规则93.the reciprocal tariff concession list 互惠关税减让表94.a uniform tariff system 统一关税体系95.the non-discrimination principle 非歧视原则96.escape clause 豁免条款97.a new economic order 新经济秩序98.trade concession 贸易减让99.Special Drawing Rights 特别提款权100.maturity 100.maturity 到期日到期日101.certificate of deposit 101.certificate of deposit 大额大额102. cartel 102. cartel 卡特尔卡特尔汉译英1.1.国际商务国际商务international business2.2.无形贸易无形贸易invisible trade3.3.国内生产总值国内生产总值gross domestic products4.4.证券投资证券投资portfolio investment5.5.交钥匙工程交钥匙工程turnkey project6.6.国民生产总值国民生产总值Gross National product Gross National product((GNP GNP))7.7.收入分配收入分配income distribution8.经济合作与发展组织the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development9.9.基础储备基础储备infrastructure10.10.外汇储备外汇储备foreign currency reserves11.11.区域经济一体化区域经济一体化regional economic integration12.12.自由贸易区自由贸易区free trade area13.13.欧盟欧盟European Union14.14.亚太经合组织亚太经合组织Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)16.16.部长理事会部长理事会Council of Ministers17.17.经济全球化经济全球化Economic Globalization 18.18.跨国企业跨国企业multinational economic environment19.19.生产设施生产设施manufacturing facilities20.20.自然资源分配自然资源分配the distribution of nature resources21.21.初级产品初级产品the primary commodities22.22.比较优势论比较优势论the theory of comparative advantage23.23.互利贸易互利贸易the mutual beneficial trade24.24.资源储备资源储备资源储备 the reserves of natural resources the reserves of natural resources25.25.技术创新技术创新technology innovation26.26.贸易方式贸易方式patterns of trade27.27.关税区关税区customs area28.28.自动出口限制自动出口限制voluntary export restraint29.29.名胜古迹名胜古迹places of historical interest30.30.贸易条款贸易条款trade terms31.31.修改信用证修改信用证amendment to the letter of credit32.32.集装箱运输集装箱运输container transport33.33.运费付至运费付至CPT34.34.报价报价quotation35.35.有效期有效期the validity period36.36.付款方式付款方式modeOf payment37.37.仲裁仲裁arbitration38.38.对销贸易对销贸易cunter trade39.39.实际头寸实际头寸net positions40.40.双边协议双边协议bilateral agreement41.41.易货贸易易货贸易barter42.42.垂直合并,纵向组合垂直合并,纵向组合vertical combination43.43.汇率浮动变化汇率浮动变化exchange rate fluctuation44.44.资信状况资信状况credit standing45.45.分期付款分期付款payment by installments46.46.即期汇票即期汇票sight draft47.47.付款交单付款交单document against payment document against payment((D/P D/P))48.48.商业信用证商业信用证commercial letter of credit49.49.开证行开证行the opening bank50.50.受益人受益人the beneficiary51.51.统一惯例统一惯例the uniform customs and practice52.52.循环信用证循环信用证revolving credit 53.53.保兑信用证保兑信用证confirmed credit54.54.远期信用证远期信用证usance credit55.55.票面价值票面价值face value56.56.资金周转资金周转capital turnover57.57.空运提单空运提单airway bill58.58.产地证书产地证书certificate of origin59.59.运输标记运输标记shipping marks60.60.装运港装运港port of shipment61.61.原始的生产方式原始的生产方式primitive mode of production62.62.竞争机制竞争机制competition system63.63.运输体系运输体系transportation system64.64.公共承运人公共承运人common carriers65.65.保证金保证金margin66.66.股票投资股票投资investment in stocks67.67.货物保险货物保险cargo insurance68.68.外汇储备外汇储备foreign exchange services69.69.共同基金共同基金the common pool70.70.代位追偿代位追偿subrogation71.71.近因原则近因原则the doctrine of proximate cause72.72.预约保单预约保单open policy73.73.平安险平安险F.P.A74.74.水渍险水渍险W.P.A75.75.金本位制金本位制gold standard76.76.平价平价par value77.77.布雷顿森会议布雷顿森会议the Bretton Woods Conference78.78.间接标价间接标价indirect quote79.79.储备货币储备货币reserve currency80.80.世界资本市场世界资本市场World capital market81.81.借贷成本借贷成本the cost of borrowing82.82.产权产权产权((股票股票))投资equity investment83.83.经济结构调整经济结构调整economic restructuring84.84.合资公司合资公司joint venture85.85.并购并购acquisition86.86.生物遗传学生物遗传学biogenetics87.87.自动出口限制自动出口限制Voluntary Export Restriction Voluntary Export Restriction((VER VER))88.88.证券交易所证券交易所the Stock Exchange Market 89.89.普通股普通股ordinary share90.90.补偿基金补偿基金compensation fund91.91.金边债券金边债券gilt92.92.期权期权option93.93.协商机制协商机制a consultative mechanism94.94.双边谈判双边谈判bilateral negotiation95.95.签约国签约国the signatory countries96.96.充分就业充分就业full employment97.97.多边贸易体制多边贸易体制multilateral trade system98.98.国际组织国际组织international organizations99.99.技术转让技术转让technology transfer100.100.商品协议商品协议commodity agreement101.101.国际货币体系国际货币体系international monetary system102.102.优惠关税优惠关税preferential preferential((customs customs))tariff103.103.承包生产承包生产Contract manufacturing104. tariff rates 关税率105. settlement 105. settlement 协议协议106.Shareholders 股东股东107.board of directors 董事会 108.parent company 母公司 109.affiliate 子公司 110.day-to-day running 日常管理 101.multinational corporation 跨国公司跨国公司102.home country 母公司所在国母公司所在国103.host country 东道国 术语解释1.affiliate MNC: a MNC which is associated or controlled by its parent MNC without losing its own identity.2.Absolute advantage: an advantage possessed by a country engaged in international trade when, using a given resource input, it is able to produce more output than other countries possessing the same resource input.3.Arbitration: the setting of a dispute by means of a neutral third party rather than by a court of law.4.A correspondent bank: a bank which acts 4.A correspondent bank: a bank which acts as an as an as an agent agent for another bank.5.All 5.All risks: risks: risks: extensive extensive extensive insurance coverage insurance coverage insurance coverage of cargo, of cargo, of cargo, including including coverage due to external causes such as fire, collision, pilferage etc., but usually excluding ”special” risk such as those resulting from acts of war, labor strikes and the perishing of good, and from internal damage due to faulty packaging, decay or loss of market.Buyback: an agreement by an export of plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment.Bill Bill of exchange: of exchange: of exchange: a a a signed signed signed document document document that that that orders orders orders a person a person a person or or or an an organization, such as a bank, to pay a fixed sum of money on demand or on a certain date to the person specified.Capital: the contribution to productive activity made by investment in physical capital and in human capital.Customs clearance: the formalities necessary to satisfy the customs officers before they will allow goods to the cleared from customs for dispatch or delay elsewhere.Banknotes circulation: movement of the printed paper money issued by a bank, usually the country’s central bank.Contract: a legally binding agreement made between two or more people.Clause: part of a legal document that deals with a particular item or condition in it.Confirmed credit: a letter of credit to which a number of other document such as shipping documents have been joined by the exporter to obtain payment from the bank.Commission: the amount paid to an agent, which may be an individual, a broker, or a financial institution, for consummating a transaction involving sale or purchase of assets or services.Commercial invoice: a document identifying numbers such as invoice number, date, shipping date, mode of transport, delivery and payment terms, and a complete listing and description of the goods or services being sold including prices, discounts and quantities.Common pool: a fund contributed by all insured parties in the name of premium against certain risk, outof which the claims if those suffering losses are paid.capital infrastructure: the basic physical requirements, without without which which which the the the industry industry industry cannot cannot cannot function effectively, function effectively, function effectively, water water and electricity installations, qualified and killed professionals in technology and administration.Capital market: markets where corporations and governments sell securities to investors in order to raise funds for long or short periods.Consumerism: considerable desire to make purchase for consumption.Distributor: a person who sends goods from those who produce them to them to those who use them.Documents against acceptance(D/A): documents are handed over to the importer upon his acceptance of the bill of exchange drawn by the importer upon his acceptance of the bill of exchange drawn by the exporter. Payment will be paid on a laterdate.Documentary credit: a letter of credit to which a number of other documents such as shipping documents have been joined by the exporter to obtain payment from the bank.Devaluation: the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange exchange value value value of of of its currency its currency its currency in in in units of units of units of gold gold gold or as or as or as compared compared with other currencies.Envisage: picture in the mind as a future possibility; imagine Economic of scale: the long-run reduction in average costs that occurs as the scale of the firm’s output is increased./the reduction in unit cost and increase in profit obtained when goods are produced in large quantities.EDI: an electronic system that sends specially-prepared document direct from the computer of one company to that of another, so avoiding delays and improving services to customers.Equity investment :a type of investment by buying the ordinary shares of a company.Exchange rate: the ratio between one currency unit and the number of number of units units units of another of another of another currency at currency at currency at which which which it it it is possible is possible is possible to to exchange the two at a given time.Economic integration: economic integration is a term used to describe how different aspects between economic are integrated. As economic integration increase, the barriers of trade between markets diminishes. The most integration economy today, between independent nations, is the European Union and its euro zone.FOB FOB: in foreign trade contracts, the seller’s delivers the : in foreign trade contracts, the seller’s delivers the goods on board the ship named by the buyer at the named port of of shipment. shipment. shipment. From From From that that that point, point, point, all all all charges charges charges and and and risks risks risks have have have to to to be be borne by the buyer.Fair trade: in international trade, the principle that maintains that there should only be free trade with those countries which themselves extend free trade.Full employment: an economic situation in which all persons physically and mentally capable of doing some kind of work, canfind employment.Gold reserves: the stock of gold coin and bullion held by a note-issuing bank in country on the gold standard. GNP : refers refers to to the market market value value of goods and services produced by by the the property property and and and labor owned by labor owned by labor owned by the the the residents residents residents of of of an economy an economy GDP : refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.Host country: in international trade, the country in which a multinational corporation is active, but which is not the home country of that corporation.Hyperinflation: an extreme form of inflation; the situation that exists in a Economy when the money supply is being increased very rapidly, resulting in an increase of over 20%in the annual growth of the money supply or of the price level. Infrastructure: large-scale public services, such as water and power supplies, road, rail and radio communication,etc. needed to support economic activity, esp. industry, trade and commerce.Integration: combine into a whole.Inflation: a general rise in prices within an economy, accompanied by a reduction of the value of money.International trade: the exchange of goods and services between countries through exports and imports.Irrevocable credit: a letter of credit to which the paying bank has added its guarantee that payment will be made against presentation of certain documents.Intermediate products: goods that enter into the production of other goods. In the manufacturing process, goods and materials pass through various states of production, frequently requiring transfer from one plant to another or sale by one firm to another.Indemnity: a basic idea in all branches of insurance that the insured should be in the same position after a loss as he as be was before it, i.e. neither richer nor poorer as a result of loss.Intellectual property: certain non-tangible assets held,principally covering the areas of patent protection,registered trade marks and designs, and copy right.Joint venture: a commercial undertaking by two or more people,differing from a partnership in that it relates to thedisposition of a single lot of goods or the termination of aspecific project.just-in-time inventory: making or ordering only just enoughparts or materials for the factory’s immediat immediate e needs, soavoiding the expense of keeping stocks.Liberalize: of trade, the act of government in lifting controlover import and exports.Letter of credit: A written instruction by a bank or some otherfinancial institution. To its agent or another bank, eitherlocal local or or or aboard, to aboard, to aboard, to lend lend lend the bearer the bearer the bearer of of of the letter certain sums the letter certain sumsof money for a fixed period of time.Loan: a commercial transaction between two legal entitieswhereby one party, known as lender agrees to put at the disposalof another known as a borrower certain property, usually money ,for its temporary use, with am understanding by both partiesthat the property will be returned. Money circulation: money in the hands of the public and beingused to pa for goods and services.Most-favored nation Most-favored nation clause: clause: clause: an an an understanding principle understanding principle understanding principle of the of theWTO whereby each country undertakes to apply the same rate oftariff to all its trade partners.Negotiable transport document: transport document can betransferred from one person to another by endorsement.Non-tariff barriers: all public regulations and governmentpractices that introduce unequal treatment for domestic andforeign goods of the same or similar production.North American free trade agreement(NAFTA 北美自由贸易协定):NAFTA is a trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, theunited states, which entered into force on january1,1994. Itwas preceded in 1988 by a trade agreement covering Canada andthe U.S.U.S.——the Canada –U.S. free trade agreement, which servedas a negotiating framework for the expanded agreement.Option: a contractual agreement between a buyer and a sellerto buy or sell a particular security commodity or currency ata specific price within a pre-determined period of time.Partnership: a contractual Partnership: a contractual relationship relationship relationship undertaking by undertaking by undertaking by two or two ormore people, differing from a partnership in that it relatesto to the the disposition of disposition of a a a single single single lot lot lot of of of goods or the termination goods or the terminationof a specific project.PPP: purchasing power parity.Protectionism: the deliberate use or encouragement ofrestrictions on imports to enable relatively inefficientdomestic producers to compete successfully with foreignproducers.Productivity: the relation between the output or amountproduced in a given period and one unit of the factors ofproduction employed in producing that output.Preferential customs tariff: a lower (or zero) tariff on aproduct from one country than is applied to imports from mostcountries. This violation of the MFN principle is permitted inspecial cases.Per capita income : It is calculated by dividing its nationalincome by its populationQuota: a Quota: a limit limit limit placed by placed by placed by a a a government government government on the on the on the amount amount amount of imports of importsor commodity.Revenue: the money received by a firm from selling its outputof goods or services or money earned by government fromtaxation.Reserves: in a business, amount set aside from profits to meetcontingencies or for future investment.Specialization Specialization: : to restrict one’s economic activities tocertain particular field.Subrogation: the legal right of an insurer to receive any moneyobtained by the insured as a result of his making use of hisrights against third parties; this reduces the cost of the lossto the insurer and prevents the insured from obtaining more thanhis full indemnity.Stock exchange: a markets where stocks and shares are boughtand sold under fixed rules, but at princes controlled by supplyand demand.Settlement: a payment of money claimed.Tariff Tariff: a form of tax that occurs as the scale of the firm’s : a form of tax that occurs as the scale of the firm’soutput is increased./the reduction in unit cost and increasein profit obtained when goods are produced in large quantities.Terms of payment: the terms agree upon between a sellers anda buyer regarding a transaction with respect to the mode andtime-table of payment.Trade fair: a big exhibition where manufactures and sellers anda similar or related products display their goods, meetcustomers and each other.Transfer Transfer of technology: of technology: of technology: a a a complicated complicated complicated aspect of international aspect of internationalbusiness. Technology can be divided into two types: non-tacitand tacit. It can be transferred through various modes, eitherexport of products and goods or though service. The mostimportant feature of technology transfer is it is a transferof the right to use, not the right to ownership.Terms of trade: a measure of the trading success of a countryby comparing the prices of its imports with the prices of its exports.Triad and Quad : A . United StatesB. Western EuropeC. JapanD. CanadaW.P.A: a wider coverage than the F.P.A. partial loss of ordamage to damage to the insured goods the insured goods the insured goods is is is excluded only excluded only excluded only where where where the loss the loss the loss to tothe insurer and prevents the insured from obtaining more thanhis full indemnity.简答1.Major difference between international business anddomestic business: A . differences in legal system; B.differences in currencies;C . differences in culturalbackground; D . differences in natural and economic conditions.2.Major types of international business: A. tradea. Commodity tradeb. Service tradeB. investmenta. foreign direct investmentb. portfolio investmentC. other typesa. licensing and franchisingb. management contract and contract manufacturingc. turnkey project and BOT3.Explain the concepts of GNP and GDP respectively and point out their major difference. Can we use them interchangeably? GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy. GDP measure the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy. The difference between between GNP GNP GNP and and and GDP GDP GDP is that is that is that the the the former former former focuses om ownership focuses om ownership focuses om ownership of of the factors of production while the latter concentrates on the place where production while the latter concentrates on the place where production takes place. We can use them interchangeably.4. what is the free trade area? And what is Customs union? In what way is a customs union different from a free trade area. Free trade area is the first trade area is the first and loosest and loosest and loosest form of regional form of regional economic integration. Members of a free trade area area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders. Custom Union is the second form of regional economic integration that goes a step farther by adopting the same trade policy for all the members toward countries outsides their organization in addition to abolishing trade barriers among themselves . Since imports from other other countries countries are subject subject to to the same tariff no matter matter which which member they export export to, to, it is impossible for non-members to get into the market of the customs union in a detour as they possibly do in the case of trade with a free trade area.5. Describe briefly the characteristics of MNEs.①they are usually enormous in size in terms of the amount of annual sales and of resources it controls.②they have a wide geographical spread, and ②they have a wide geographical spread, and seek to set up an seek to set up an integrated production and distribution network in the world. ③MNEs enjoy longevity and rapid growth. They have a long development history and rapid growth record.6. how are MNEs usually usually operated? operated? operated? And And how are important decision made?①the operation ofMNES is under the control of parent MNE at their home countries. ②the affiliate MNEs also have their own decisionmaking mechanism, however the major decision, such as those on corporate goals, new investment and their location are made by parent MNEs.8. Which theory makes more sense, absolute absolute advantage advantage advantage or or comparative advantage. Comparative advantage sound more plausible .As it is very difficult to find for a country a product with absolute advantage, and also, a country still gains from trade for its products with comparative advantages.9. What are the important factors that one has to take into account when talking about the possibility of international specialization?Whether the internationalization will happen or not is decided by trade patterns, economic of scale, innovation.The production capacity and conditions decide what a country can produce and trade, the economies of scale decides if a country has a cost advantage for the traded product, and the innovation decides if the traded product is competitive in the foreign market.10. Why is it necessary to have Incoterms? And what is the purpose of making amendments and additions to Incoterms? The purpose of Incoterms is to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade term in foreign trade, thus, the uncertainties of different interpretation of such terms in different countries can be avoided or at least reduced to a considerable degree.And the purpose of making amendments and additions is in orderto bring the rules in line with current international trade practices.11. What contents should be included in a firm offer?A firm offer s a promise to sell goods at a stated price. The major terms include time of shipment, made of payment, description of goods and validity period.12.Give the major item of the contract proper.This includes four major parts: the full name and address of the buyer and seller; the description of the commodities; the terms and conditions for the transaction; indication of the number of original copies of the contract and other additional terms.13. Please Please define define define counter counter counter trade. trade. trade. What What are the possible reasons for its attraction. An umbrella term for several sorts of trade in which the seller is required to accept goods or other instruments or trade, in partial or whole payment for its products. Counter trade transactions include barter, buyback, or compensation, compensation, offset offset requirements, and clearing agreements. Counter trade is allegedly popular in less development countries and in planned economies, it attracted much interest in the past. Now as the landscape od landscape od economic system economic system economic system drastically drastically drastically changed changed changed recently, recently, recently, it it attracts much more attention.14.What is the difference between a clean draft anda documentary draft?For a clean draft, it is a draft without attached additional documents; for a documentary draft, it is a draft supported supported by by title documents, such as an invoice, bill of lading or insurance policy. In fact everything having a real commercial value is know as a documentary draft.15.How dose L/C offer security to the buyer and the seller? ①it enable exporters obtain, through a correspondent bank,duarantees that the invoice for goods sent by them will actually be paid by the buyer actually be paid by the buyer——the importer.②it also provides the buyer with a guarantee that goods will be received in good order, for L/Cs are subject to appropriate。
以下是一些常见的商务英语知识点:1. 商务礼仪:商务英语中的礼仪包括会议礼仪、商务交际礼仪、商务餐厅礼仪等。
2. 商务信函:商务英语中的信函通常包括邀请函、感谢信、询价信、投诉信等。
3. 商务电话沟通:商务电话沟通通常需要用到一些专业的词汇和表达方式。
4. 商务会议:商务会议是商务活动中常见的沟通形式。
5. 商务谈判:商务英语中的谈判技巧对于商务人士来说非常重要。
6. 商务文档:商务英语中的文档包括商务报告、市场调研报告、商务计划书等。
7. 商务英语词汇:商务英语中有很多专业词汇,如销售、市场营销、财务等。
8. 商务英语口语:商务英语口语通常包括商务谈判、商务演讲、商务交流等。
9. 商务英语阅读:商务英语阅读包括阅读商务新闻、商务杂志、商务合同等。
10. 商务英语翻译:商务英语中的翻译通常包括口译和笔译。
祝您学业、事业成功!《国际商务英语》复习资料Lesson 1♦In compliance with: in conformity to♦For short: in abbreviation♦Portfolio (n.): securities♦Franchise (vt.): authorize the privilege to sb.♦Lease (vt. / n.): rent ~ sth. to sb.house ~, long-term ~♦Royalty (n.): a share in the profit made from intellectual property♦Advisable (adj.): proper, good, wise-- It’s not ~ to make him angry.♦Access to sth.: the right to use sth.have / gain ~ to sth.-- Only staffs have access to the backstage.♦Participate (vi.): attend, take part in~ in some activity♦Flat (adj.): fixed~ rate♦Bonus (n.): additional payment 补助,津贴,分红,奖金♦Expertise (n.): expert advice, profession skills♦Give rise to: cause♦Cost plus: additional fee to the cost♦Variant (n. / adj.): changed factor, differentLesson 2♦Assess (vt.): estimate the value♦Clue (n.): tip to find out the solution♦dividend (n.): share, surplus, bonus♦distort (vt.): twist♦parity (n.): equation♦tap (vt.): develop♦bear sth. in mind: keep thinking of sth.♦haven (n.): safe place, harbor♦populous (adj.): having a large population♦diversify (vt.): make sth. various♦spur (vt.): stimulate♦complementary (adj.): forming as a whole♦suffice (vi.): be able-- The food can suffice till next week.♦proximity (n.): closeness~ to sth.♦observations (n.): result, opinions from observingLesson 3●Witness (vt. / n.): testify 见证,目击●Liberal + ize (vt.): make sth. free 自由化●Fall under: be classified as 归类为●Detour (n.): a temporary route instead of main route 绕路,迂回●Adoption (n.): accepting 采用,采纳●Erode (vt.): wear away 腐蚀●Autonomy (n.): self-governing 自治⏹Autonomous region●sovereign state: independent country 主权国家●political entity: 政治实体●set the stage for: provide basis for 为。
其中,一些重要的词汇需要掌握其中英文对照,如:报价-quotation,采购-procurement,销售-sale,运输-transportation,保险-insurance,货款-payment,退税-tax refund,质检-quality inspection,市场调研-market research,营销策划-marketing plan。
国际商务英语重点总结第一章一、选择判断题1. What is communication?Transmission of information and meaning from one person or group to another.二、简答题1.Why do you need good communication skills?(为什么你需要良好的沟通技巧)Good communication skills are essential for(良好的沟通技巧是……的基本)Job placement (工作安排)Job performance (工作表现)Career advancement (职业发展)Success in the new world of work (事业成功)2. How may the sender encode a message?(发件者通过什么方式发送信息)Verbally or nonverbally. By speaking, writing, gesturing.(口头或者非口头,类似说、写、手势)3. What kinds of channels carry messages?(信息以什么方式承载)Letters, e-mail, memos, TV, telephone, voice, body.(信件、邮件、备忘录、电视、电话、声音、躯体)4. How does a receiver decode a message?(接收者如何接收信息)Hearing, reading, observing.(听、读、观察)5. When is communication successful?(什么时候沟通被视为成功的)When a message is understood as the sender intended it to be.(当信息被理解为发送者所期望的时候)6. How can a communicator provide for feedback?(如何给沟通者提供反馈)Ask questions, check reactions.(提问、检查反映)7. Keys to Building Powerful Listening Skills(建立强大倾听技巧的关键)Stop talking.(停止说话)Control your surroundings.(控制周围的环境)Establish a receptive mind-set.(建立一个尊重的态度)Keep an open mind.(保持一个开放的思维方式)Listen for main points.(聆听主要观点)Capitalize on lag time.(利用滞后时间)Listen between the lines.(在范围内倾听)Judge ideas, not appearances.(从观点做出判断而不是外表)Hold your fire.(控制脾气)Take selective notes.(做简要笔记)Provide feedback.(提供反馈)8. Nonverbal Communication(非口头沟通包括哪些)Eye contact, facial expression, and posture and gestures send silent messages.(眼神交流、面部表情、姿势和手势发出的无声信息)9. Keys to Building Strong Nonverbal Skills(建立强大非口头沟通技巧的关键)Establish and maintain eye contact.(建立眼神沟通)Use posture to show interest.(用姿势表示兴趣)Improve your decoding skills.(提高接收信息的技巧)Probe for more information.(探索更多信息)Avoid assigning nonverbal meanings out of context.(避免意思之外的非语言表达)Associate with people from diverse cultures.(将人与其对应的文化背景相联系)Appreciate the power of appearance.(对外在作出赞赏)Enlist friends and family.(争取朋友和家人的帮助)10. Improving Communication Among Diverse Workplace Audiences(提高与不同场所中对象的沟通技巧)Understand the value of differences.(理解价值观的差异)Create zero tolerance for bias.(争取零偏差的理解对方观点和表达自己观点)Learn about your own cultural self.(了解自己的文化)Learn about other cultures(了解其他的文化)Make fewer workplace assumptions.(少做工作场所的假设)Build on similarities.(建立相似的对比)第二章一、选择判断题1. Choosing Communication ChannelsFace-to-face conversation , Telephone call , Voice mail message , Fax , E-mail , Face-to-face group meeting , Video-or teleconference , Memo , Letter , Report or proposal .二、改错题1.从观众的角度和利益出发,语气客气委婉2.强调使用第二人称you,而不是we,us,our3.使用交谈语气但略显正式不要太口语化,同时要简洁4.使用积极的语言,即多使用肯定句,尽量不要出现强硬的must和否定假设5.使用包容性词语,不要出现his/her等易产生性别歧视的用词6.使用有礼貌的语言,不要过分命令化和粗鲁化第三章一、简答题1. Collecting Information(获取信息的途径)Search manually (books, magazines, journals).(手动搜索:书籍、杂志、期刊)Access electronically (Internet, databases, CDs).(使用电子方式:网络、数据库、CD)Go to the source (interviews, surveys, questionnaires, focus groups).(直接接触:采访、调查、问卷调查、小组调查)Conduct scientific experiments (measure variables using control groups).(科学实验:设立对照组、实验组进行比较)2.Tips for Making Outlines(制作大纲的技巧)Define main topic in title.(将主题定义为标题)Divide the topic into three to five main points.(将主题分为三到五个主要论点)Break the components into subpoints.(进行分段)Make each component exclusive (no overlapping).(每一个段落进行分别论述:段落内容不重复)Use details and evidence to support subpoints.(使用细节和证据证明论点)3.The advantages of direct strategy and indirect strategy(直接策略和间接策略的优点)Direct strategy:(直接策略)Saves reader’s time(节约读者时间)Sets a proper frame of mind(树立的观点鲜明)Prevents frustration(避免歧义)Indirect strategy:(间接策略)Respects feelings of audience(尊重读者感受)Encourages a fair hearing(鼓励平等的倾听)Minimizes a negative reaction(减少抵触情绪)4.When direct strategy and indirect strategy use?(直接策略和间接策略使用的合适时间)Direct strategy:(直接策略)Receiver is receptive(接收者是易接受的)Receiver requires no education about topic(接受信息不需要该主题的相关知识作为基础)Message is routine(常规消息)Indirect strategy:(间接策略)Receiver may be upset or hostile(接收者是不安或敌对的)Receiver must be persuaded or educated(接收者必须被说服或教育)Message is sensitive(信息比较敏感)二、改错题1.用分号和逗号将长句分开易于浏览2.主动语态与被动语态间的转换,主动语态更多用于商务写作,被动语态强调动作而非动作执行者,被动语态也常用于宣布坏消息3.并列与平行架构间的省略,并列式尽量主语一致4.词序、主语引起的歧义需要改正第四章一、简答题1. Designing Documents for Readability(设计文章使文章更具有可读性)(1)Employ white space.(留出空白)Headings(标题)Short paragraphs(短小的段落)Ragged-right margins(右边距合适)(2)Choose appropriate typefaces.(选择合适的字体)Useful for body text(用于正文的字体)Times New Roman、宋体Useful for headings(用于标题的字体)Arial、方正姚体(3)Use bulleted and numbered lists.(使用项目标号或标号列表)Break up complex information into smaller chunks.(把复杂的信息分成更小的块)Use numbered lists for sequences.(使用标号列表)Use bulleted lists for items that don’t require a certain order.(使用不需要标号的列表)2. How to Proofread Complex Documents(如何校对复杂的文件)Allow adequate time.(留出足够多的时间)Print a copy and set it aside for a day.(打印一份复印件至于旁边)Be prepared to find errors.(做好寻找出错误的准备)Read once for meaning and once for grammar/mechanics.(一遍从语法出发一遍从结构出发)Reduce your reading speed.(减慢你的阅读速度)For documents that must be perfect, have someone read the message aloud.(对于文件必须是完美的,应该有人能够大声的将上面的信息读出来)Note names, difficult words, capitalization and punctuation.(注意名称、生僻词、大小写和标点符号的正确运用)二、改错题1.避免句子冗长,将宾语从句that或其他动词前的内容删去2.避免使用there is/was或it is/was,尽量将其删去3.移除重复词或用其他词进行简略化的代换4.将术语转化成普通话语5.将带ment或tion的名词转化为动词6.去掉不必要的副词7.用更清晰的话替换模糊词,例如用名字而不是The man,明确的计划而不是The plan,清晰的形容词而不是笼统的形容词,具体的方式而不是一个动词8.使用数字标号代替First,图标进行更加清晰的描述,尽量用首词进行段落或topic的概括第五章一、选择判断题1. Writing Plan for Information and Procedure E-Mail Messages and MemosSubject line: Summarize the message content.Opening: Expand the subject line by stating the main idea concisely in a full sentence.Body: Provide background data and explain the main idea. In describing a procedure or giving instructions, use command language (do this, don't do that).Closing: Request action, summarize the message, or present a closing thought.2. Writing Plan for RequestsSubject line: Summarize the request and note the action desired.Opening: Begin with the request or a brief statement introducing it.Body: Provide background, justification, and details. If asking questions, list them in parallel form. Closing: Request action by a specific date. If possible, provide a reason. Express appreciation, if appropriate.3. Writing Plan for RepliesSubject line: Summarize the main information from your reply.Opening: Start directly by responding to the request with a summary statement.Body: Provide additional information and details in a readable format.Closing: Add a concluding remark, summary, offer of further assistance, or request for further action.二、简答题1. Components of E-Mail and Memos(E-mail和备忘录的组成部分)(1)Subject Line(标题)Summarize message clearly and concisely.(清晰概括地总结信息)Avoid meaningless one-word headings, such as "Help" or "Urgent."(避免使用单词作为标题例如"Help"或者"Urgent")(2)Opening(开头)Frontload main idea immediately.(立即表达出中心思想)Avoid reviewing background.(避免重复背景)(3)Body(主体)Organize information and explanations logically.(将信息和解释有逻辑地组织起来)Cover just one topic.(紧紧围绕着一个主题展开叙述)Use numbered and bulleted lists.(使用标号或顺序表)Consider adding headings for visual impact.(考虑添加小标题带来视觉上的的更深印象)(4)Closing options(结尾)End with action information, dates, and deadlines.(以活动信息、日期、截止期限等结尾)Summarize the message.(总结全部信息)Provide a closing thought.(避免封闭式的思想)2. Using E-Mail Smartly, Safely, and Professionally(如何聪明地、安全地、专业地使用E-mail)(1)Getting Started(开篇)Consider composing off line.(考虑好整篇的思路)Type the receiver’s address correctly.(正确输入接收者的地址)Avoid misleading subject lines.(避免对主题有任何误导)(2)Content, Tone, Correctness(内容,语调,正确性)Be concise.(简明)Don’t send anything you wouldn’t want published.(不要发送任何你不想公开的信息)Don’t use e-mail to avoid contact.(不要用电子邮件避免联系)Care about correctness and tone.(关注语气是否合适)Resist humor and rage.(避免过分地幽默和愤怒)(3)Netiquette(礼节)Limit any tendency to send blanket copies.(限制对使用复制的倾向)Never send “spam.”(永远都不要发送垃圾邮件)Consider using identifying labels, such as ACTION, FYI, RE, URGENT.(考虑使用合适的标签)Use capital letters only for emphasis or for publication titles.(仅用于强调和标题时使用大写字母)Seek permission before forwarding.(在转发前寻求许可)(4)Reading and Replying(阅读和回复)Scan all messages before replying.(回复前阅读所有信息)Acknowledge receipt.(确认收到)Don’t automatically return the sender’s message.(不要自动送回发件人的消息)Revise the subject line if the topic changes.(如果主体变更要修改主题行)Provide a clear, complete first sentence.(使用清晰完整的首句)Never respond when you are angry.(永远不要在愤怒时回复)(5)Personal Use(个人使用)Don’t use company computers for personal matters unless allowed by your organization.(除非组织允许,不要使用公司电脑进行个人事务)Assume that all e-mail is monitored.(假设所有邮件都被监控)(6)Other Smart Practices(其他小技巧)Consider cultural differences.(考虑文化差异)Double-check before hitting the Send button.(在发送前再做一次检查)第六章一、简答题1. Why are letters still important in business?(为什么在商务中信件仍然很重要)They produce a permanent record.(可以形成永久性的记录)Unlike e-mail, they are confidential.(相比于邮件更加机密)They convey formality and sensitivity.(可以表述更敏感的信息也更正式)They deliver persuasive, well-considered messages.(他们传递更具有说服力和更深思熟虑的消息)2. Goals in Adjustment Letters(调整信件的目的)To rectify the wrong, if one exists(如果存在错误可以纠正)To regain the confidence of the customer(重拾顾客的信心)To promote future business and goodwill(促进未来的业务和商誉)3. Using Sensitive Language(使用敏感语言需要注意的)Don’t use negative words (trouble, regret, misunderstanding, fault, error, inconvenience, you claim).(不要使用负面词语)Don’t blame customers—even when they may be at fault.(就算顾客有错误也不要指责客户)Don’t blame individuals or departments w ithin your organization.(不要指责你组织中的部门或个体)Don’t make unrealistic promises.(不要许不切实际的诺言)第七章一、简答题1. When is persuasion necessary?(何时需要进行劝说)Requests for time, money, information, special privileges, and cooperation require persuasion.(需要时间,金钱,信息,特权和合作的时候需要进行劝说)2. Why are requests granted?(为什么请求是理所当然的)Requests may be granted because the receivers:(请求是理所当然的因为接收者)are genuinely interested in your project.(对你的项目很感兴趣)see benefits for others.(看到了别人的利益)expect goodwill potential for themselves.(对他们自己很有潜力)feel obligated as professionals to contribute their time or expertise to "pay their dues."(觉得有义务为为专业人士贡献时间或对方会支付相关费用)3. Persuading Within Organizations(组织内部的劝说)(1)Persuading subordinates(说服下属)Instructions or directives moving downward usually require little persuasion. However, persuasion may be necessary to:(指令或命令通常只需要较小的说服力,然而说服仍然是必要的)ask workers to perform outside their work roles(要求下属扮演工作之外的角色)accept changes not in their best interests (such as pay cuts, job transfers or reduce benefits).(要说服的事情不影响其利益,如:削减工资,工作调整,削减福利)(2)Persuading the boss(说服上级)In requests moving upward:(说服上级的基础)provide evidence.(提供证据)don’t ask for too much.(不要求太多)use words such as “suggest” and “recommend.”(使用“建议”和“推荐”等词语)Sentences should sound nonthreatening, for e xample, “It might be a good idea if....” (语句中不携带威胁的成分,例如“如果这样,这将是一个很好的办法”)4. Gaining Attention(如何吸引注意力)Question(设问)Benefit(达成相关利益)Offer(提供一个选择)Quotation or proverb(引用谚语)Related fact(相关事实)Testimonial(客户评价)Startling Statement(令人吃惊的例子)5. Maslow’s Hie rarchy of Needs(马斯洛的需求层次理论)Physiological needs include the need for food, clothing, and shelter.(生理需求保罗对食物、穿衣和居住的需要)Security and safety needs include the need to be free from physical danger and to be secure in the feeling that physiological needs can be met.(安全需求包括对身体安全和安全感还有心理安全的需要)Social needs involve the need to be loved, to be accepted, and to belong. (社会需求包括被爱,被接受和归属感的需要)Ego needs involve the need to be heard, to be appreciated, and to be wanted.(尊重需要包括被倾听背心上和被需要的需求)Self-actualizing needs involve the need to achieve one’s fullest potential.(自我实现需要包括实现个人目标的需求)6. Eliciting Desire(如何激发顾客欲望)Testimonials(客户评价)Names of satisfied users (with permission)(满意的客户名称:被允许提供的情况下)Money-back guarantee or warranty(退款保证或保修)Free trial or sample(免费试用的样品)Performance tests, polls, or awards(性能测试、投票、抽奖)Objections and questions(对反对意见的反馈和解答)7. Motivating Action(增加积极性的方法)Offer a gift(赠送礼物)Promise an incentive(承诺奖励)Limit the offer(限量供应)Set a deadline(设立截止日期)Guarantee satisfaction(保证满意)第八章一、简答题1. Guidelines for Developing Informal Reports(撰写非正式报告的步骤)Determine problem and purpose.(决定主题)Gather data.(收集数据)Organize data.(整理数据)Write first draft.(初稿撰写)Edit and revise.(编辑和修改)2. Gathering Data for Reports(为报告收集数据的来源)Company records(公司记录)Personal observations(个人观察)Surveys and questionnaires(调查问卷)Interviews(采访)Printed material(印刷品)Electronic resources(电子资源)二、作文题rmation Report(信息报告)Information reports provide findings without analysis or persuasion. For example, your boss asks you to investigate prepaid legal services as a possible employee benefit.(信息报告提供无分析或说服的结果。
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国际商务英语重点总结第一章一、选择判断题1. What is communication?Transmission of information and meaning from one person or group to another.二、简答题1.Why do you need good communication skills?(为什么你需要良好的沟通技巧)Good communication skills are essential for(良好的沟通技巧是……的基本)Job placement (工作安排)Job performance (工作表现)Career advancement (职业发展)Success in the new world of work (事业成功)2. How may the sender encode a message?(发件者通过什么方式发送信息)Verbally or nonverbally. By speaking, writing, gesturing.(口头或者非口头,类似说、写、手势)3. What kinds of channels carry messages?(信息以什么方式承载)Letters, e-mail, memos, TV, telephone, voice, body.(信件、邮件、备忘录、电视、电话、声音、躯体)4. How does a receiver decode a message?(接收者如何接收信息)Hearing, reading, observing.(听、读、观察)5. When is communication successful?(什么时候沟通被视为成功的)When a message is understood as the sender intended it to be.(当信息被理解为发送者所期望的时候)6. How can a communicator provide for feedback?(如何给沟通者提供反馈)Ask questions, check reactions.(提问、检查反映)7. Keys to Building Powerful Listening Skills(建立强大倾听技巧的关键)Stop talking.(停止说话)Control your surroundings.(控制周围的环境)Establish a receptive mind-set.(建立一个尊重的态度)Keep an open mind.(保持一个开放的思维方式)Listen for main points.(聆听主要观点)Capitalize on lag time.(利用滞后时间)Listen between the lines.(在范围内倾听)Judge ideas, not appearances.(从观点做出判断而不是外表)Hold your fire.(控制脾气)Take selective notes.(做简要笔记)Provide feedback.(提供反馈)8. Nonverbal Communication(非口头沟通包括哪些)Eye contact, facial expression, and posture and gestures send silent messages.(眼神交流、面部表情、姿势和手势发出的无声信息)9. Keys to Building Strong Nonverbal Skills(建立强大非口头沟通技巧的关键)Establish and maintain eye contact.(建立眼神沟通)Use posture to show interest.(用姿势表示兴趣)Improve your decoding skills.(提高接收信息的技巧)Probe for more information.(探索更多信息)Avoid assigning nonverbal meanings out of context.(避免意思之外的非语言表达)Associate with people from diverse cultures.(将人与其对应的文化背景相联系)Appreciate the power of appearance.(对外在作出赞赏)Enlist friends and family.(争取朋友和家人的帮助)10. Improving Communication Among Diverse Workplace Audiences(提高与不同场所中对象的沟通技巧)Understand the value of differences.(理解价值观的差异)Create zero tolerance for bias.(争取零偏差的理解对方观点和表达自己观点)Learn about your own cultural self.(了解自己的文化)Learn about other cultures(了解其他的文化)Make fewer workplace assumptions.(少做工作场所的假设)Build on similarities.(建立相似的对比)第二章一、选择判断题1. Choosing Communication ChannelsFace-to-face conversation , Telephone call , Voice mail message , Fax , E-mail , Face-to-face group meeting , Video-or teleconference , Memo , Letter , Report or proposal .二、改错题1.从观众的角度和利益出发,语气客气委婉2.强调使用第二人称you,而不是we,us,our3.使用交谈语气但略显正式不要太口语化,同时要简洁4.使用积极的语言,即多使用肯定句,尽量不要出现强硬的must和否定假设5.使用包容性词语,不要出现his/her等易产生性别歧视的用词6.使用有礼貌的语言,不要过分命令化和粗鲁化第三章一、简答题1. Collecting Information(获取信息的途径)Search manually (books, magazines, journals).(手动搜索:书籍、杂志、期刊)Access electronically (Internet, databases, CDs).(使用电子方式:网络、数据库、CD)Go to the source (interviews, surveys, questionnaires, focus groups).(直接接触:采访、调查、问卷调查、小组调查)Conduct scientific experiments (measure variables using control groups).(科学实验:设立对照组、实验组进行比较)2.Tips for Making Outlines(制作大纲的技巧)Define main topic in title.(将主题定义为标题)Divide the topic into three to five main points.(将主题分为三到五个主要论点)Break the components into subpoints.(进行分段)Make each component exclusive (no overlapping).(每一个段落进行分别论述:段落内容不重复)Use details and evidence to support subpoints.(使用细节和证据证明论点)3.The advantages of direct strategy and indirect strategy(直接策略和间接策略的优点)Direct strategy:(直接策略)Saves reader’s time(节约读者时间)Sets a proper frame of mind(树立的观点鲜明)Prevents frustration(避免歧义)Indirect strategy:(间接策略)Respects feelings of audience(尊重读者感受)Encourages a fair hearing(鼓励平等的倾听)Minimizes a negative reaction(减少抵触情绪)4.When direct strategy and indirect strategy use?(直接策略和间接策略使用的合适时间)Direct strategy:(直接策略)Receiver is receptive(接收者是易接受的)Receiver requires no education about topic(接受信息不需要该主题的相关知识作为基础)Message is routine(常规消息)Indirect strategy:(间接策略)Receiver may be upset or hostile(接收者是不安或敌对的)Receiver must be persuaded or educated(接收者必须被说服或教育)Message is sensitive(信息比较敏感)二、改错题1.用分号和逗号将长句分开易于浏览2.主动语态与被动语态间的转换,主动语态更多用于商务写作,被动语态强调动作而非动作执行者,被动语态也常用于宣布坏消息3.并列与平行架构间的省略,并列式尽量主语一致4.词序、主语引起的歧义需要改正第四章一、简答题1. Designing Documents for Readability(设计文章使文章更具有可读性)(1)Employ white space.(留出空白)Headings(标题)Short paragraphs(短小的段落)Ragged-right margins(右边距合适)(2)Choose appropriate typefaces.(选择合适的字体)Useful for body text(用于正文的字体)Times New Roman、宋体Useful for headings(用于标题的字体)Arial、方正姚体(3)Use bulleted and numbered lists.(使用项目标号或标号列表)Break up complex information into smaller chunks.(把复杂的信息分成更小的块)Use numbered lists for sequences.(使用标号列表)Use bulleted lists for items that don’t require a certain order.(使用不需要标号的列表)2. How to Proofread Complex Documents(如何校对复杂的文件)Allow adequate time.(留出足够多的时间)Print a copy and set it aside for a day.(打印一份复印件至于旁边)Be prepared to find errors.(做好寻找出错误的准备)Read once for meaning and once for grammar/mechanics.(一遍从语法出发一遍从结构出发)Reduce your reading speed.(减慢你的阅读速度)For documents that must be perfect, have someone read the message aloud.(对于文件必须是完美的,应该有人能够大声的将上面的信息读出来)Note names, difficult words, capitalization and punctuation.(注意名称、生僻词、大小写和标点符号的正确运用)二、改错题1.避免句子冗长,将宾语从句that或其他动词前的内容删去2.避免使用there is/was或it is/was,尽量将其删去3.移除重复词或用其他词进行简略化的代换4.将术语转化成普通话语5.将带ment或tion的名词转化为动词6.去掉不必要的副词7.用更清晰的话替换模糊词,例如用名字而不是The man,明确的计划而不是The plan,清晰的形容词而不是笼统的形容词,具体的方式而不是一个动词8.使用数字标号代替First,图标进行更加清晰的描述,尽量用首词进行段落或topic的概括第五章一、选择判断题1. Writing Plan for Information and Procedure E-Mail Messages and MemosSubject line: Summarize the message content.Opening: Expand the subject line by stating the main idea concisely in a full sentence.Body: Provide background data and explain the main idea. In describing a procedure or giving instructions, use command language (do this, don't do that).Closing: Request action, summarize the message, or present a closing thought.2. Writing Plan for RequestsSubject line: Summarize the request and note the action desired.Opening: Begin with the request or a brief statement introducing it.Body: Provide background, justification, and details. If asking questions, list them in parallel form. Closing: Request action by a specific date. If possible, provide a reason. Express appreciation, if appropriate.3. Writing Plan for RepliesSubject line: Summarize the main information from your reply.Opening: Start directly by responding to the request with a summary statement.Body: Provide additional information and details in a readable format.Closing: Add a concluding remark, summary, offer of further assistance, or request for further action.二、简答题1. Components of E-Mail and Memos(E-mail和备忘录的组成部分)(1)Subject Line(标题)Summarize message clearly and concisely.(清晰概括地总结信息)Avoid meaningless one-word headings, such as "Help" or "Urgent."(避免使用单词作为标题例如"Help"或者"Urgent")(2)Opening(开头)Frontload main idea immediately.(立即表达出中心思想)Avoid reviewing background.(避免重复背景)(3)Body(主体)Organize information and explanations logically.(将信息和解释有逻辑地组织起来)Cover just one topic.(紧紧围绕着一个主题展开叙述)Use numbered and bulleted lists.(使用标号或顺序表)Consider adding headings for visual impact.(考虑添加小标题带来视觉上的的更深印象)(4)Closing options(结尾)End with action information, dates, and deadlines.(以活动信息、日期、截止期限等结尾)Summarize the message.(总结全部信息)Provide a closing thought.(避免封闭式的思想)2. Using E-Mail Smartly, Safely, and Professionally(如何聪明地、安全地、专业地使用E-mail)(1)Getting Started(开篇)Consider composing off line.(考虑好整篇的思路)Type the receiver’s address correctly.(正确输入接收者的地址)Avoid misleading subject lines.(避免对主题有任何误导)(2)Content, Tone, Correctness(内容,语调,正确性)Be concise.(简明)Don’t send anything you wouldn’t want published.(不要发送任何你不想公开的信息)Don’t use e-mail to avoid contact.(不要用电子邮件避免联系)Care about correctness and tone.(关注语气是否合适)Resist humor and rage.(避免过分地幽默和愤怒)(3)Netiquette(礼节)Limit any tendency to send blanket copies.(限制对使用复制的倾向)Never send “spam.”(永远都不要发送垃圾邮件)Consider using identifying labels, such as ACTION, FYI, RE, URGENT.(考虑使用合适的标签)Use capital letters only for emphasis or for publication titles.(仅用于强调和标题时使用大写字母)Seek permission before forwarding.(在转发前寻求许可)(4)Reading and Replying(阅读和回复)Scan all messages before replying.(回复前阅读所有信息)Acknowledge receipt.(确认收到)Don’t automatically return the sender’s message.(不要自动送回发件人的消息)Revise the subject line if the topic changes.(如果主体变更要修改主题行)Provide a clear, complete first sentence.(使用清晰完整的首句)Never respond when you are angry.(永远不要在愤怒时回复)(5)Personal Use(个人使用)Don’t use company computers for personal matters unless allowed by your organization.(除非组织允许,不要使用公司电脑进行个人事务)Assume that all e-mail is monitored.(假设所有邮件都被监控)(6)Other Smart Practices(其他小技巧)Consider cultural differences.(考虑文化差异)Double-check before hitting the Send button.(在发送前再做一次检查)第六章一、简答题1. Why are letters still important in business?(为什么在商务中信件仍然很重要)They produce a permanent record.(可以形成永久性的记录)Unlike e-mail, they are confidential.(相比于邮件更加机密)They convey formality and sensitivity.(可以表述更敏感的信息也更正式)They deliver persuasive, well-considered messages.(他们传递更具有说服力和更深思熟虑的消息)2. Goals in Adjustment Letters(调整信件的目的)To rectify the wrong, if one exists(如果存在错误可以纠正)To regain the confidence of the customer(重拾顾客的信心)To promote future business and goodwill(促进未来的业务和商誉)3. Using Sensitive Language(使用敏感语言需要注意的)Don’t use negative words (trouble, regret, misunderstanding, fault, error, inconvenience, you claim).(不要使用负面词语)Don’t blame custo mers—even when they may be at fault.(就算顾客有错误也不要指责客户)Don’t blame individuals or departments within your organization.(不要指责你组织中的部门或个体)Don’t make unrealistic promises.(不要许不切实际的诺言)第七章一、简答题1. When is persuasion necessary?(何时需要进行劝说)Requests for time, money, information, special privileges, and cooperation require persuasion.(需要时间,金钱,信息,特权和合作的时候需要进行劝说)2. Why are requests granted?(为什么请求是理所当然的)Requests may be granted because the receivers:(请求是理所当然的因为接收者)are genuinely interested in your project.(对你的项目很感兴趣)see benefits for others.(看到了别人的利益)expect goodwill potential for themselves.(对他们自己很有潜力)feel obligated as professionals to contribute their time or expertise to "pay their dues."(觉得有义务为为专业人士贡献时间或对方会支付相关费用)3. Persuading Within Organizations(组织内部的劝说)(1)Persuading subordinates(说服下属)Instructions or directives moving downward usually require little persuasion. However, persuasion may be necessary to:(指令或命令通常只需要较小的说服力,然而说服仍然是必要的)ask workers to perform outside their work roles(要求下属扮演工作之外的角色)accept changes not in their best interests (such as pay cuts, job transfers or reduce benefits).(要说服的事情不影响其利益,如:削减工资,工作调整,削减福利)(2)Persuading the boss(说服上级)In requests moving upward:(说服上级的基础)provide evidence.(提供证据)don’t ask for too much.(不要求太多)use words such as “suggest” and “recommend.”(使用“建议”和“推荐”等词语)Sentences should sound nonthreatening, for example, “It might be a good idea if....” (语句中不携带威胁的成分,例如“如果这样,这将是一个很好的办法”)4. Gaining Attention(如何吸引注意力)Question(设问)Benefit(达成相关利益)Offer(提供一个选择)Quotation or proverb(引用谚语)Related fact(相关事实)Testimonial(客户评价)Startling Statement(令人吃惊的例子)5. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs(马斯洛的需求层次理论)Physiological needs include the need for food, clothing, and shelter.(生理需求保罗对食物、穿衣和居住的需要)Security and safety needs include the need to be free from physical danger and to be secure in the feeling that physiological needs can be met.(安全需求包括对身体安全和安全感还有心理安全的需要)Social needs involve the need to be loved, to be accepted, and to belong. (社会需求包括被爱,被接受和归属感的需要)Ego needs involve the need to be heard, to be appreciated, and to be wanted.(尊重需要包括被倾听背心上和被需要的需求)Self-actualizing needs involve the need to achieve one’s fullest potential.(自我实现需要包括实现个人目标的需求)6. Eliciting Desire(如何激发顾客欲望)Testimonials(客户评价)Names of satisfied users (with permission)(满意的客户名称:被允许提供的情况下)Money-back guarantee or warranty(退款保证或保修)Free trial or sample(免费试用的样品)Performance tests, polls, or awards(性能测试、投票、抽奖)Objections and questions(对反对意见的反馈和解答)7. Motivating Action(增加积极性的方法)Offer a gift(赠送礼物)Promise an incentive(承诺奖励)Limit the offer(限量供应)Set a deadline(设立截止日期)Guarantee satisfaction(保证满意)第八章一、简答题1. Guidelines for Developing Informal Reports(撰写非正式报告的步骤)Determine problem and purpose.(决定主题)Gather data.(收集数据)Organize data.(整理数据)Write first draft.(初稿撰写)Edit and revise.(编辑和修改)2. Gathering Data for Reports(为报告收集数据的来源)Company records(公司记录)Personal observations(个人观察)Surveys and questionnaires(调查问卷)Interviews(采访)Printed material(印刷品)Electronic resources(电子资源)二、作文题rmation Report(信息报告)Information reports provide findings without analysis or persuasion. For example, your boss asks you to investigate prepaid legal services as a possible employee benefit.(信息报告提供无分析或说服的结果。