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Lesson 6 The sporting spirit



from The sporting spirit 6-1. I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the would could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.


【讲解】that if only…cricket作saying的宾语从句。其中的if 从句是非真实条件从句。could meet和would have是表示与现实事实不符的虚拟结构。if only意为“只要”,引导非真实或真实条件句。


amazed:十分惊奇的,吃惊的;显示出惊奇的(very surprised),动词形式为amaze,名词形式为amazement,例如:

I was amazed at the news. 我听到这消息大为惊诧。

I am amazed that he has never read The Lord of the Rings.


goodwill:善意,友善;友好,亲善(kind feelings towards or between people and a willingness to be helpful),例如,

Princess Diana’s heart is full of goodwill to all men. 戴安娜王妃的心里对所有人都充满善意。

inclination:(性格上的)倾向;意向;爱好,癖好(a feeling that makes you want to do sth.),动词形式为incline,形容词形式为inclined,例如,

My inclination is to agree. 我倾向于同意。

have an inclination for sports爱好体育

follow one’s own inclinations随心所欲

6-2. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce if from general principles.


【讲解】that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred作know的宾语。one泛指人,可译为“人们”。it指international… hatred。


concrete:具体的;确实的(definite and specific),例如,

a concrete proposal/example 具体的建议/例子

Money is concrete and wealth is abstract.



concrete 亦可做名词,常见意为“大理石”。

orgy:无节制行为(an orgy of sth. used emphasize that people suddenly do a lot of a particular activity),例如:

an all-night orgy of reading 彻夜的尽情阅读

an orgy of looting and burning 大肆抢劫并纵火的暴行

hatred:仇恨;敌意;憎恶(an angry feeling of extreme dislike for sb. or sth.),例如:

have /nurse a ferocious hatred of/for sb. 对某人怀有深仇大恨utter one’s hatred against the enemy 说出对敌人的憎恨deduce:演绎;推论;推断(to use the knowledge and information you have in order to understand sth or form an opinion about it),例如:

From his conversation, she deduced that he had a large family.她从他的谈话中推断出他家里人口多。

deduce联想到deduction(演绎法)、induce(归纳)和induction (归纳法)。

6-3. Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. 【译文】现在开展的各种体育项目几乎都具竞争性。

【讲解】practised nowadays是过去分词短语,作定语,修饰sports。
