
青岛大学2011年硕士研究生入学试题科目代码:__607___ 科目名称:基础英语(1)(共10页)请写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效PART I VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE (40 points)Choose one of the four answers that best completes the sentence.1. The English language contains a of words which are comparativelyseldom used in ordinary conversation.A. latitudeB. multitudeC. magnitudeD. longitude2. Jack is not very decisive, and he always finds himself in a as if hedoesn’t know what he really wants to do.A. fantasyB. dilemmaC. contradictionD. conflict3. Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients __________with doctors’ orders.A. complyB. correspondC. interfereD. interact4. The politician says he will __________ the welfare of the people.A. prey onB. take onC. get atD. see to5. The famous scientist _______his success to hard work.A. impartedB. grantedC. ascribedD. acknowledged6. The______ from childhood to adulthood is always critical time for everybody.A. conversionB. transitionC. turnoverD. transformation7. The medicine __________ his pain but did not care his illness.A. activatedB. alleviatedC. mediatedD. deteriorated8. Up until that time his interest had _______ focused almost on fully mastering theskills and techniques of his craft.A. restrictivelyB. radicallyC. inclusivelyD. exclusively9. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______.A. deterioratedB. dispersedC. dissipatedD. drained10. No one can function properly if they are _______ of adequate sleep.A. deprivedB. rippedC. strippedD. contrived11. The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries.A. provokedB. irritatedC. inspiredD. hoisted12. Imposing steep fines on employers for on-the-job injuries to workers could bean effective________ to creating a safer workplace, especially in the case ofemployers with poor safety records.A. alternativeB. additionC. deterrentD. incentive13. The disjunction between educational objectives that stress independence andindividuality and those that emphasize obedience to rules and cooperation with others reflects a _________ that arises from the values on which these objectives are based.A. conflictB. redundancyC. gainD. predictability14. A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structuremirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more_________ the ideas.A. complicatedB. elementaryC. fancifulD. inconsequential15. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, heselectspeople __________ and ask them questions.A. at lengthB. at randomC. in essenceD. in bulk16. In fact as he approached this famous statue, he only barely resisted the________to reach into his bag for his camera.A. impatienceB. impulseC. incentiveD. initiative17. Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only _______the crisis.A. precedesB. prevailsC. ascendsD. accelerates18. Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because itssubject was very_______.A. obscureB. indefiniteC. dubiousD. intriguing19. Contrary to the popular conception that it is powered by conscious objectivity,science often operates through error, happy accidents,__________ and persistence in spite of mistakes.A. controlsB. hunchesC. deductionsD. calculations20. Contrary to the antiquated idea that the eighteenth century was a _________Island of elegant assurance, evidence reveals that life for most people was filled with uncertainty and insecurity.A. tranquilB. clannishC. decliningD. recognized21. David likes country life and has decided to __________ farming.A. go in forB. go back onC. go through withD. go along with22. A subway modernization program intended to________ a host of problemsranging from dangerous tracks to overcrowded stairwells has failed to meet its schedule for repairs.A. initiateB. deploreC. discloseD. eliminate23.Challenging James Baldwin, who wrote of Black Americans as being in aperpetual state of rage, Mr. Cose remarks that few human beings could_________ the psychic toll of uninterrupted anger.A. enhanceB. refineC. surviveD. refute24. A diligent scholar, she devoted herself_________ to the completion of the book.A. assiduouslyB. ingenuouslyC. theoreticallyD. sporadically25. A hypothesis must not only account for what we already know, but it must alsobe________ by continued observation.A. interruptedB. verifiedC. discreditedD. refuted26. A leading philosopher of our time, Ludwig Wittgenstein, laid down a rule towhich good historians _______ : “ Of that of which nothing is known nothing can be said.”A. protectB. amendC. adhereD. succumb27. A major outbreak of food poisoning in 1993 underlined the serious________ inthe then-current system of food inspection.A. expectationsB. innovationsC. deficienciesD. objectivity28. A man incapable of ________ action, he never had an opinion about somethingthat he had not worked up beforehand, fashioning it with lengthy care.A. self-consciousB. spontaneousC. coherentD. calculated29. A sense of fairness dictates that the punishment should fit the crime, yet inactual practice, judicial decisions _________ greatly for the same type of criminal offense.A. coincideB. simplifyC. compromiseD. vary30. According to the Senator, it was not hypocrisy for a politician in search of votesto _______ a mother on the beauty of her plain child; it was merely sound political common sense.A. ridiculeB. intimidateC. complimentD. Evaluate31. Although a few of her contempories _______ her book, most either ignored it ormocked it.A. dismissedB. appreciatedC. disregardedD. deprecated32. Although he had the numerous films to his credit and a reputation for technicalexpertise, the moviemaker lacked originality, all his films were sadly _______ of the work of others.A. independentB. derivativeC. unconsciousD. contradictory33. Although, as wife of President John Adams, Abigail Adams sought a greatervoice for women, she was not a feminist in modern sense, she _______ the traditional view of women as “beings placed by Providence” under male protection.A. anticipatedB. regrettedC. acceptedD. repudiated34. American culture now stigmatizes, and sometimes even heavily _______behavior that was once taken for granted: overt racism, cigarette smoking the use of sexual stereotypes.A. penalizesB. advocatesC. ignoresD. advertises35. Social scientist have established fairly clear-cut _______ that describe theappropriate behavior of children and adults, but there seem to be confusion about what constitutes appropriate behavior for adolescents.A. functionsB. normsC. regulationsD. rigidity36. After reading numbers of biographies recounting dysfunctions and disasters,failed marriages and failed careers, Joyce Carol Oates _______ a word to describe the genre: pathography, the story of diseased lives.A. dismissedB. hypothesizedC. coinedD. reiterated37. All critics have agreed that the opera’s score is _______, but curiously ,no twocritics have agreed which passages to praise and which to damn.A. intolerableB. unsurpassedC. conventionalD. uneven38. The ________ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence ofsome physical aspect in the life style of the people.A. implementationB. manifestationC. demonstrationD. expedition39. Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man, occasionally he wouldfeel a touch of _______ for the old days and would contemplate making a briefexcursion to Boston to revisit.A. anxietyB. aspirationC. nostalgiaD. inspiration40. Although Josephine Tey is arguably as good a mystery writer as Agatha Christie,she is clearly far less________ than Christie, having only written six books in comparison to Christie as sixty.A. coherentB. prolificC. equivocalD. PretentiousPART II WRITTEN EXPRESSION (10 points)Directions: Each sentence in the following has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, write down your answer.ExampleServing several term in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important UnitedA B CStates politician.DThe sentence should read, “Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.” Therefore, you should choose (B).1. The main attractive at Sequoia National Park is thirty-five groves of giantA B Csequoias, the largest living things in the world.D2. In films, optical printing can be combined with blue-screen photography forA Bproduce such special effects as characters seeming to fly through the air.C D3. The developed countries of the world are using up valuable resources at a rateA B C unprecedented human history.D4.Over the entirely surface of the Earth, there is not a cubic inch of air nor an ounceA B Cof soil in which water is not present.D5. Periods of sleep are necessary for the preservation of life, and while such periodsA Bthe body apparently recuperates from the effects of waking activity.C D6. Electricity is the phenomenon associated with positively and negativelyAparticles charged of matter at rest and in motion, either individually or in great numbers.B C D7.The Mayo Clinic, one of the world’s largest medical center, was founded in 1889Ain Rochester, Minnesota, as a voluntary association of physicians.B C D8. The planet Venus is comparing with Earth in terms of size, mass, and density, butA Bhas a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, a slow rotation, and no moon.C D9. Art criticism of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century North Americaexamined the degree to which sculpture embraced the spiritually values that wereA B Cideal for that period.D10. Fewest of her poems were published during her lifetime, but when they wereA B Crediscovered in the 1920’s, Emily Dickinson became known as a major writer.DPART III READING COMPREHENSION (30 Points)In this section there are three reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage 1Social critics and the general public in the United States have blamed television for every social ill from declining academic performance to juvenile delinquency. Concentrating on the negatives, however, sometimes leads people to ignore the equally important questions about the positive contributions television does make or could make. Clearly, the content of television can be beneficial or harmful. What about the medium of television itself?Some contend that television as a medium engenders intellectual passivity, displaces creative and intellectually demanding activities, and interferes with schoolwork. The evidence does not support the worst fears of television's critics. Television displaces some activities, but primarily those that are functionally similar to it. Television viewing is associated with low school achievement and low reading ability, but these effects appear to be due to or confounded by other variables such as time spent viewing. On the positive side, properly designed television can teach reading skills and motivate children to read.Television does not inherently encourage passivity, intellectual or physical. People can watch television actively or passively. Young children's patterns of attention and learning from television demonstrate that when they are absorbed in television they are mentally active and selective. They think about and evaluate what they are seeing. However, the predominance of "pure entertainment" on television in the United States eventually leads viewers to adopt an attitude that television requires little mental effort because they believe the medium is undemanding and areconfirmed in this view by the banal nature of many programs.Television formats, forms, and production techniques can be used to stimulate viewers to think actively about what they are viewing or to interact with the program. Children learn to "read" the production cues denoting interesting and comprehensible content. Well-placed special effects can direct attention, formats can signal important content, and production features can emphasize content messages. These techniques are used in good educational programs to maximize viewer involvement.1.The author mentions "declining academic performance" in line 2 in order toA.describe how it contributes to juvenile delinquency.B.argue that television causes a reduction in brain cells.C.support teachers' efforts to limit television viewing.D.give an example of a consequence attributed to television viewing.2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an effect of excessiveviewing?televisionA. Neglect of schoolworkB.Replacement of more challenging activitiesC. Intellectual passivityD.Damage to eyesight3.The author suggests that children who learn to read through television.A.absorb more information from television than from schoolwork.B.are more sight-oriented than sound-oriented.C.watch television more actively than is commonly believed.D.have a difficult time transferring their reading skills to books.4.The author believes that viewers have a negative opinion of television in the UnitedbecauseStatesA.it tends to shorten the attention span of children.B.it is largely devoted to entertaining programming.C.its programs are frequently interrupted by technical problems.D.it contributes to low self-esteem.5.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?cational programs are difficult to produce.B.Television formats have undergone few changes in the past decade.C.Television programming can be designed to increase viewer involvement.D.Special effects on television have replaced the role of the imagination.Passage 2In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects, appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence – as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills youwith despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. No solution ever comes to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. If half the energy that goes into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the slums and ghettos, at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would have gone a long way to arriving at a solution. Our strength is sapped by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake. In a well-directed effort, it would not be impossible to fulfill the ideals of a stable social program. The benefits that can be derived from constructive solutions are everywhere apparent in the world around us. Genuine and lasting solutions are always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.Before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each other's problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information. "Talk, talk, talk," the advocates of violence say, "all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser." It's rather like the story of the famous barrister who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. "Possible, my lord," the barrister replied, "none the wiser, but surely far better informed." Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.6. What is the best title for this passage?A. Advocating Violence.B. Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice.C. Important People on Both Sides See Violence As a Legitimate Solution.D. The Instincts of Human Race Are Thirsty for Violence7. Recorded history has taught usA. violence never solves anything.B. nothing.C. the bloodshed means nothing.D. everything.8. It can be inferred that truly reasonable menA. can't get a hearing.B. are looked down upon.C. are persecuted.D. Have difficulty in advocating law enforcement.9. "He was none the wiser" meansA. he was not at all wise in listening.B. He was not at all wiser than nothing before.C. He gains nothing after listening.D. He makes no sense of the argument.10. According the author the best way to solve race prejudice isA. law enforcement.B. knowledge.C. nonviolence.D. Mopping up the violentPassage 3Roger Rosenblatt’s book Black Fiction, in attempt to apply literary rather than sociopolitical criteria to its subject, successfully alters the approach taken by most previous studies. As Rosenblatt notes, criticism of Black writing has often served as a pretext for expounding on Black history. Addition Gayle’s recent book, for example, judges the value of Black fiction by overtly political standards, rating each work according to the notions of Black identity which it put forward.Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological, and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents (围绕) much of the fictional enterprise. Rosenblatt’s literary analysis discloses affinities and connections among works of Black fiction which solely political studies have overlooked or ignored.Writing acceptable criticism of Black fiction, however, presupposes giving satisfactory answers to a number of questions. First of all, is there a sufficient reason, other than the racial identity of the authors, to group together works by Black authors? Second, how does Black fiction make itself distinct from other modern fiction with which it is largely contemporaneous (同时代的)? Rosenblatt shows that Black fiction constitutes a distinct body of writing that has an identifiable, coherent literary tradition. Looking at novels written by Blacks over the last eighty years, he discovers recurring concerns and designs independent of chronology. These structures are thematic, and they spring, not surprisingly, from the central fact that the Black characters in these novels exist in a predominantly White culture, whether they try to conform to that culture or rebel against it.Black Fiction does leave some aesthetic questions open. Rosenblatt’s thematic analysis permits considerable objectivity; he even explicitly states that it is not his intention to judge the merit of the various works, yet his reluctance seems misplaced, especially since an attempt to appraise might have led to interesting results. For instance, some of the novels appear to be structurally diffuse (冗长的). Is this a defect, or are the authors working out of, or trying to forge, a different kind of aesthetic? In addition, the style of some Black novels, like Jean Toomer’s Cane, is inclined to expressionism or surrealism; does this technique provide a counterpoint tothe prevalent theme that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted, a theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expression?In spite of such omissions, what Rosenblatt does include in his discussion makes for an astute and worthwhile study. Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels, bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little known works like James Weldon Johnson’s Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. Its argument is tightly constructed, and its forthright, lucid style exemplifies levelheaded and penetrating criticism.11.The author of the passage objects to criticism of Black Fiction like that byAddison Gayle because itA.emphasizes purely literary aspects of such fiction.B.misinterprets the ideological content of such fiction.C.misunderstands the notions of Black identity contained in such fiction.D.substitutes political standards for literary criteria in evaluating such fiction.12.The author of the passage is primarily concerned withA.evaluating the soundness of a work of criticism.paring various critical approaches to a subject.C.discussing the limitations of a particular kind of criticism.D.summarizing the major points made in a work of criticism.13.The author of the passage believes that Black Fiction would have been improvedIf Rosenblatt hadA.evaluated more carefully the ideological and historical aspects of BlackFictionB.attempted to be more objective in his approach to novels and stories by BlackauthorsC.explored in greater detail the recurrent thematic concerns of Black Fictionthroughout its history.D.assessed the relative literary merit of the novels he analyzes thematically.14.The author’s discussion of Black Fiction can be best described asA.pedantic and contentiousB.critical but admiringC.ironic and insincereD.argumentative but unfocused15.It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be LEAST likely toapprove of which of the following?A.An analysis of the influence of political events on the personal ideology ofBlack writers.B. A critical study that applies sociopolitical criteria to autobiographies by blackauthors.C. A literary study of Black poetry that appraises the merits of poems accordingto the political acceptability of their themes.D.An examination of the growth of a distinct Black literary tradition within thecontext of Black history.PART IV TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH INTO CHINESE (30 Points) Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera, and other expensive forms of culture, accessible to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defense, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones (试金石)for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire; they carry the most profound messages that can be sent from one human to another. PART V WRITING (40 Points)Some surveys show that Chinese students prefer government jobs to enterprise jobs. Chinese students should be encouraged to choose challenging jobs, not the safe, cautious government “golden rice bowls” that they prefer. Do you agree or disagree? State your opinions.In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, diction and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.。

青岛大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 819 科目名称:材料力学(共6页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、单选或多选题(每小题5分,共15小题,75分) 1.下列结论中哪些是正确的?答: 。
A.(1)、(2); B.(2)、(3); C.全对; D.全错。
2.图示任意形状截面,它的一个形心轴z c 把截面分成I和II两部分。
在以下各式中哪一个一定成立A .I I zc + I II zc =0; B.I I zc - I II zc =0;C .S I zc +S II zc =0;D.A I = A II 。
3.下面有关强度理论知识的几个论述,正确的是 A.需模拟实际应力状态逐一进行试验,确定极限应力; B.无需进行试验,只需关于材料破坏原因的假说; C.需要进行某些简单试验,无需关于材料破坏原因的假说; D.假设材料破坏的共同原因,同时,需要简单试验结果。
4.压杆临界力的大小, A.与压杆所承受的轴向压力大小有关;B.与压杆的柔度大小有关;C.与压杆所承受的轴向压力大小无关; D.与压杆的柔度大小无关。
5.图示应力状态的主应力σ1,σ2,σ3和最大剪应力τmax 的值为 (应力单位:MPa)。
A σ1=50,σ2=50, σ3=-50,τmax =100;B σ1=50,σ2=50, σ3=50, τmax =0;C σ1=50,σ2=50, σ3=-50,τmax =50;D σ1=50,σ2=-50,σ3=-50,τmax =-50。
6. 细长杆AB受轴向压力P作用,如图示。
设杆的临界力为P lj ,则下列结论中 正确的A.细长杆AB的抗弯刚度EI min 的值增大,则临界力P lj 的值也随之增大,两者成正比关系;B.若压杆AB的长度L增大,则临界力P lj 的值减小,两者成反比; C.临界力P lj 的值与杆件横截面的形状尺寸有关,临界应力σlj =πE/λ2值与杆件横截面的形状尺寸无关;D.若细长杆的横截面积A减小,则临界应力σlj =P lj /A的值必随之增大。
青岛大学2020年881 教育管理学考试大纲

考试科目代码及名称: 881 教育管理学
2. 题型结构
(2)简答题: 占总分的40%

青岛大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 808 科目名称:英语综合(共4页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效Part One Linguistics (50 points)I. Define the following terms briefly. (10 points)1. metalanguage2. competence3. phoneme4. inflection5. cohesion6. conceptual meaning7. linguistic sexism8. illocutionary actII. There are 10 statements/questions below. Indicate the right choice in each of them by writing the corresponding letter (A, B, C or D) in the given space. (10 points)1. A story by Robert Louis Stevenson contains the sentence “As the night fell, the windrose.” Could this be expressed as “As the wind rose, the night fell.”? If not, this may indicate a degree of ______ about word order.A. arbitrarinessB. dualityC. non-arbitrarinessD. recursiveness2. Which of the following sound segments in English matches the description of voicedalveolar stop? ______A. [ g ]B. [ d ]C. [n ]D.[b]3. Which of the following words is not backformed? ______A. medicareB. escalateC. enthuseD. resurrect4. Decide which one of the underlined constructions or word groups is a headed structure.______A. The man nodded patiently.B. The ladder in the shed in long enough.C. Mary seemed happy.D. They will be leaving tomorrow.5. Which of the following does not belong to the category of two-place predicates?______A. giveB. betweenC. like (verb)D. remember6. The following conversational fragment is to some degree odd, and such oddness can beexplained by reference to Grice’s theory in terms of the violation of Maxim of ______.1): Would you like some coffee?2): Mary’s a beautiful dancer.A. QuantityB. QualityC. MannerD. Relation7. Pairs of words like “friendly: unfriendly”, “honest: dishonest”, “normal: abnormal”, and“logical: illogical” belong to ______ antonymy.A. gradableB. relationalC. complementaryD. componential8. The hypothesis of Linguistic Determinism is associated with which of the followingscholars ______.A. F. SaussureB. M. A. K. HallidayC. E. SapirD. N. Chomsky9. Which of the following words should not be considered to be an instance of sexistlanguage?A. salesmanB. humanityC. forefatherD. manmade10.Which of the following is not included in the advantages of a constituent structure tree?A. It reveals the linear word order of a sentence.B. It shows the hierarchical structure of a sentence.C. It illustrates the syntactic category of each structural constituent.D. Is emphasizes the main suprasegmental features of a sentence.III. Answer one of the two essay questions below with at least 300 words. (30 points)1.Why is Ferdinand de Saussure regarded as the ‘father of modern linguistics’? Whatsignificant contributions has he made to the establishment of linguistic study as a modern field of inquiry?2.What are the stages of first language acquisition? Describe each stage with its prominentfeatures and examples.Part Two Translation (50 points)I. Translate the following into Chinese. Your translation should be an intelligibly fluent representation of the original text. (25 points)The study of ancient architecture is more than a history of old ruins. Ancient buildings are fossils that map the progress of cultures. Farming was the key factor that transformed nomadic hunter-gatherers into Neolithic(the later part of the STONE AGE)settled peoples. This revolution began in about 6000 BC in the Middle East and, by 2000 BC, had spread to Africa, Europe, and Asia. The Mesoamericans (玛雅人)began farming around 1500 BC. Permanent structures were constructed and basic building techniques developed. New specialized professions emerged, such as priests and craftsmen. Metal tools developed and building materials such as timber, mud brick, and stone were soon mastered. Over centuries, new social institutions were invented and took physical form as buildings.II. Translate the following into English. Your translation should be an intelligibly fluent representation of the original text. (25 points)学问要有根底,根底要打得平正坚实,以后永远受用。

科目代码: 859 科目名称:管理学请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效

2011年山东青岛大学管理学考研真题A卷一、填空题(每空1 分,共26 分)1.管理是指各级管理者在执行计划、组织、领导、___以及创新等各项管理职能的过程中,通过优化配置和协调使用组织内的各种___有效地达到组织___的过程。
2. 哈罗德•孔茨和海因•韦里克按不同的表现形式,从抽象到具体,将计划分为一个层次体系:___、___、______、___、___规划和预算等。
3.管理原理的主要特征:___、___、___、___4.管理创新的过程:___、___、___、___5.领导的作用:___、___、___6.控制的要求:适时控制、___、___、___7.亨利·明茨伯格认为管理者扮演着10 种不同的角色,分三个方面:__、__、__二、辨析题(每题10 分,共20 分)1. 职权和权力没有区别2. 决策的本质是选优,对决策方案如何选优,管理学家赫伯特·西蒙提出“绝对理性”和“最优原则”。
三、简答题(从10 个题中选择9 个题,每题6 分,共54 分)1.企业核心竞争力2.管理的效益原理3.管理的行政方法4.德尔菲决策方法5.网络计划技术的含义及步骤6.顾客忠诚7.企业文化8.战略联盟与网络型组织9.企业流程再造10.影响管理幅度的因素四、论述题(从6 个题中选择5 个题,每题10 分,共50 分)1.知识经济条件下的企业组织创新2.美国心理学家弗鲁姆的期望理论及启示3.控制与计划、组织和领导等管理职能的关系4. 沟通的障碍及其克服5. 布莱克(Robert R. Blake)和莫顿(Jame S. Mouton)的管理方格理论6. 影响企业伦理的因素及改善企业伦理行为的途径。

青岛大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码:354 科目名称:汉语基础 (共8页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸相应的位置上,答在试卷上无效。
壹 汉语语言学基础知识(共80分)一、填空题(每小题1分,共30分)1.现代汉语普通话以语音为标准音。
6.语言学的三大发源地是 、印度、希腊-罗马。
12.《现代汉语通用字表》规定了 种基本笔画。
15.确定语素的方法是 。
19.词义的色彩包括 、语体色彩和形象色彩。
20.词汇意义可分为 和色彩义。
21.由一个语素构成的词是 。
22.汉语词类划分的主要依据是词的 。
23.双音节形容词的重叠方式是 。
26.词类是词的 性质的分类。
27.“以免”在复句中表示 关系。
28.“即使……也”是表示 关系的连词。
30.大多数“被”字句中,“被”引出的是 。


A.行动研究B.撰写日记C.观摩讨论D.案例分析3.学生在解题过程中对题目浏览、测查、完成情况的监控及对速度的把握主要采用了( )。
A.认知策略B.元认知策略C.管理策略D.复述策略4.贾德所作的著名的水下击靶实验证明的是( )。
A.智力技能中规则的迁移B.陈述性知识的迁移C.动作技能的迁移D.认知策略的迁移5.“一千个人看小说,就有一千个哈姆雷特”,这实质上体现了下面哪个理论的观点?( )A.认知主义学习观B.行为主义学习观C.建构主义学习观D.人本主义学习观6.“榜样的力量是无穷的”,这一观点与下面哪位心理学家的看法异曲同工?( )A.布鲁纳B.班杜拉C.布鲁姆D.斯金纳7.程序性知识特有的表征方式是( )。
这种观点认为( )。
A.课程即学科B.课程即经验C.课程即活动D.课程即文化的再生产11.道德包括三种成分,道德认知、道德情感和道德行为,那么你认为责任感和义务感属于( )。
A.道德认知B.道德情感C.道德行为D.道德观念12.最早系统阐述科学教育思想,并明确构建教育学体系的是( )。
目 录2011年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2012年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2013年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2013年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题(含部分答案)2014年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2015年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2016年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2017年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2011年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2012年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2013年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题2013年青岛大学经济学院431金融学综合[专业硕士]考研真题(含部分答案)一、名词解释(每题3分,共30分)1.实际利率答:实际利率是指物价水平不变,从而货币购买力不变条件下的利息率。

青岛大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码: 615 科目名称: 数学分析 (共 2 页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、解下列各题(满分30分)1. 求极限 nn n n ++++∞→Λ3321lim . 2. 求极限 ∫∫+∞→xt x t x dt e dt e 022022)(lim .3. 设 ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠=0,00,1sin )(x x x x x f ,问函数在)(x f 0=x 处是否连续?是否可导?二、解下列各题(满分30分)1. 证明:若函数在区间)(x f ),[+∞a 连续,则在)(x f ),[+∞a 的任意有限闭区间上一致连续.2. 证明:若函数在区间连续,且存在有限的极限,则在区间)(x f ),[+∞a )(lim x f x +∞→)(x f ),[+∞a 上一致连续.3. 问xx f 1sin )(=在区间上是否一致连续?为什么? )1,0(三、(满分10分)设在的某邻域内有定义,且在此邻域内有(或),并在点可导,证明)(x f 0x )()(0x f x f ≥)()(0x f x f ≤0x 0)(0=′x f .四、(满分10分)计算dx xx x ∫+⋅23cos 1sin cos .五、(满分20分)设在区间上连续)(x f ],[b a )(b a <,且;又令0)(>x f ∫∫+=x b x a dt t f dt t f x F )(1)()(. 证明:(1)2)(≥′x F ;(2)方程在区间内有且仅有一个实根.0)(=x F ),(b a 六、解下列各题(满分30分)1. 判定级数 ∑+∞=−1arctan )1(n nnn 的敛散性. 2. 设是上的单调函数,)(x u n ],[b a Λ3,2,1=n ,且级数和级数均绝对收敛,证明函数项级数在上绝对收敛且一致收敛.∑∞=1)(n n a u ∑∞=1)(n n b u∑∞=1)(n n x u ],[b a 3. 求级数 ∑∞=1n nn x 的收敛域及和函数.七、解下列各题(满分20分)1. 设,且具有连续的二阶偏导数,求),(22y x e y x f z +−=f yx z ∂∂∂2. 2. 计算 ,其中是圆柱面被平面和所截的部分之外侧.∫∫++=Szdxdy ydzdx xdydz I 32S 122=+y x 0=z 3=z。

3 .课程实施个教学过程,[答案】课程实施是指将课程方案付诸实践,将理想课程变成现实课程的过程。
5 . 为什么说19世纪中叶以前教育管理理论处于萌芽阶段?【答案】19世纪中叶以前,教育管理事务多由一般行政机构的行政人员兼理,后来即使设立了专门机构,也因为教育管理事务不受重视而同其它行政事务合并为一个行政部门。
这就必然直接限制着教育管理思想的发展,致使教育管理理论迟至19世纪末20 世纪初一般管理理论迅速发展时,才开始进入英基时期。

二、简答题:(60 分,每题 20 分) 1. 试述学校危机事件的主要类型及其对学校的影响 2. 试述我国教师考核工作的原则及其有效贯彻 3. 一个良好的学校领导班子应具备哪些素质
三、综合分析题:(50 分)
据《中国青年报》2016 年 1 月 18 日报道:把学生和老师绑在“评价” 与“被评价”两端的评教系统,已经陆续覆盖了国内高校。这个 1920 年代 起源于美国高校、针对教师教学效果而建立的评价模式,在中国高校却面临 着名存而实亡的尴尬。 “评教是逼教师取悦学生”“学生评教等于误人子 弟”“学生评课加剧了教师的‘丑角化’”等说法在“青椒”们经常出没的 论坛上层出不穷,还有的老师干脆指出:让学生评教有弊无利,早该废除。
高校已经不再是传统意义上的“清水衙门”。近几年来,随着高校招生 和基建规模不断扩大,经费来源多元化,加之其自主决策权扩大、更广泛地 参与市场经济等因素,高校的经费大幅增加,但是原有的高校财务管理和监 督机制相对落后,跟不上经费增长的步伐。
(摘自《 中国青年报 》2012 年 04 月 18 日 03 版)
即可。 � 视点犀利,欢迎发表自己的独到见解,但是Байду номын сангаас须有理论依据。 � 抓住要点,条理清晰,文字简练。
近一个月内,长春大学师生茶余饭后议论着该校原副校长门树廷受贿一 案:2003 年至 2011 年间,门树廷利用自己负责学校后勤和基建的职务之便,
索取和收受他人贿赂 939 万余元。长春市中级人民法院以受贿罪判处门树廷 无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并没收财产 100 万元。
青岛大学 2015 年硕士研究生入学考试试题

2011年山东青岛大学基础德语考研真题I.Leseverständnis (25 P)Veranstaltungen zum Thema ChemieVerschiedene Personen suchen eine passende Veranstaltung zu Themen aus dem Bereich der Chemie. Schreiben Sie den Buchstaben für die passende Veranstaltung in das Kästchen recht s. Jede Veranstaltung kann nur einmal gewählt werden. Es gibt nicht für jede Person eine geeignete Veranstaltung! Gibt es für eine Person keine passende Veranstaltung, schreiben Sie den Buchstaben X.Achtung: Die Veranstaltung im Beispiel (Text A) kannni cht mehr gewählt werden!A (Beispieltext)Die Ausstellung …Liebig und seine Zeit“stellt das Leben des großen Naturwissenschaftlers (1803–1873) dar.Die Bedeutung Liebigs für die Chemie nicht nur des 19. Jahrhunderts, sondern auch für unsere Gegenwart wird mit vielen Beispielen verdeutlicht. Alle historisch und naturwissenschaftlich Interessierten sollten diese Ausstellung besuchen. 15.05.–22.06., täglich außer montags von 10h bis 16h.BDie Stadt Bochum lädt alle interessierten Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur Informationsveranstaltung …Aus dem Labor in den Alltag“ein. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler berichten über ihre aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse und deren Bedeutung für unser Leben und unsere Arbeit. Beispielsweise wird gezeigt, wieComputer dank chemischer Prozesse immer kleiner werden. Stadthalle, 7. August, 18h.CDer Chemielastwagen des Bundesministeriums für Forschung fährt seit Januardurch Deutschland. In dem Lastwagen können Interessierte chemische Experimente durchführen. Fachleute beantwortenFragen und diskutieren über Umweltschutz und chemische Technologien. Schulen können den Lastwagen unter folgender Nummer bestellen: Tel. 060/5873259DDer Vortrag …Kunststoffe sind mehr als Plastik“ stelltdie neuesten Kunststoff-Produkte vor. Viele Beispieleaus dem Alltag zeigen die Bedeutung dieses modernen Materials. So gibt es heutzutage Kunststoffe, diestabiler sind als Stahl. Durch sie kann z. B. das Gewicht von Fahrzeugen deutlich reduziert und Treibstoff eingespart werden. Der Vortrag richtet sich an Chemiestudierende aller Semester. 14. August, 20h,Hörsaal 10EDas Theaterstück …Justus und Monika entdecken die Chemie“ ist für Kinder zwischen 6 und 10 Jahren. Das lustige Theaterstück informiert nicht nur über chemische Prozesse in der Umwelt, sondern berücksichtigt auch die Bedeutung der Chemie im Alltag der Kinder. 19.–30. Juni,täglich außer samstags jeweils 15h–16hFKönnen Sie einige Naturwissenschaftlerinnen nennen?Außer Marie Curie fällt vielen sicher niemand ein. Dabeigibt es mittlerweile viele Frauen in denNaturwissenschaften. Allerdings sind ihre Entdeckungen eher unbekannt. Nur wenige wissen z. B., dass eine Frau das erste Kopierverfahren entwickelt hat. Der Arbeitskreis …Frauen in der Chemie“stellt in einer Ausstellung bedeutende Chemikerinnen vor. 23. Mai–15. Juli, 10h–12hG…Waschen – gestern und heute“ lautet ein Vortrag über Waschen und Waschmittel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte, der sich an Verbraucher allgemein ebenso wie an Schulklassen wendet. Wie funktionieren Seifen und Phosphate? Welchen Beitrag leistete und leistet die Chemie in diesem Bereich? Und vor allem: Wie umweltschädlich sind Waschmittel und wie kann man umweltschonend waschen?7. April, 19hHNur wenige Mädchen und junge Frauen interessieren sich scheinbar für Chemie und Physik. Das möchte der …Mädchentag“ändern.Schülerinnen der 13. Klasse besuchen naturwissenschaftliche Institute der Universität und der Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler unterstützen die Schülerinnen bei Experimenten und sprechen mit ihnen über Arbeitsmöglichkeiten im naturwissenschaftlichenAufgaben:Welche Veranstaltung passt zu …II.Grammatik (15 P)A.Setzen Sie bitte die passendePräteritumform ein! (5 P) Beispiel: Er immer an ihrer Mutter.(hängen)→Er hing immer an ihrer Mutter.1.Als er dort ankam, es in Strömen.(gießen)2.Als er den Zahnarzt mit der Zange sah, er wie amSpieß.(schreien)3.Der Bundespräsident den früheren Abgeordneten zumpolitischenStaatssekretär.(ernennen)4.Wir auf keine nennenswerten Schwierigkeiten.(stoßen)5.Der Kerl den ganzen Tag um unser Haus herum.(schleichen)6.Am Anfang Gott Himmel und Erde.(schaffen)7.So angestrengt er auch , es fiel ihm nichts Vernünftigesein.(nachdenken)8.Es war bitterkalt. Wir sogar im Bett.(frieren)9.Als Karlchen dann auch noch in den Honigtopf ,verlor die Mutter die Nerven.(greifen)10.Er seine Ansprache mit einem Dank an alleMitarbeiter.(schließen)B.Ersetzen Sie bitte das einfache Verb durch eine Verbindungaus Verb+ Verbalsubstanz oder umgekehrt! (5 P)Beispiel:a.Manche Geologen meinen, dass in der Nordsee mit umfangreichen Erdölfunden gerechnet werden könne.→Manche Geologen sind der Meinung/ vertreten die Meinung, dass ...... .b.Geben Sie mir bitte sofort Nachricht, wenn sich derGesundheitszustand des Patienten verschlechtern sollte!→ Benachrichtigen Sie mich bitte sofort, wenn ...... .1.Aus seinen Andeutungen schlossen wir, dass er an einer Fortsetzung unserer gemeinsamen Arbeit nicht interessiert sei.2. Die französische Kultur hat zuallen Zeiten einen großen Einfluss auf das Geisteslebenin den romanischen Nachbarländern ausgeübt.3.Ich hatte meine Zweifel, ob es so gehen würde.4.Vor dem Wissenschaftsrat referierte Professor Meier über seine neuesten Forschungsergebnisse.5.Island erhebt Anspruch auf die alleinige Kontrolle über diesesFischfanggebiet.C.Geben Sie bitte die folgenden Sätze in indirekter Rede wieder!(3 P)1.Tobias bat den Vater: …Kümmere dich bitte um mich!“2.Tobias fragte den Vater: …Muss ich das denn unbedingtnoch diese Woche erledigen?“3.Tobias fragte den Vater: …Warum konntest du damals nichtMedizin studieren?“D.Formen Sie die unterstrichenen Satzteile bzw. satzwertige Partizipialkonstruktionen in Nebensätze umoder umgekehrt! (2 P)1.Von dem Geräusch erschreckt, lief die Katze schnell weg.2.Ein Gewinn des letzten Spiels würde für ihn die Meisterschaft bedeuten.III.Wortschatz (30 P)A.Bitte kreuzen Sie bitte das passende Synonym an.(6 P)1.das Lichtbilda.das Plakatb. der Prospektc.das Fotod. der Zettel2.die Lohn- und Gehaltsempfängera.die Beamtenb.die Arbeiterc.die Arbeitnehmerd.die Angestellten3.die Belegschafta.das Personalb. die Kundschaftc.die Stellenbesetzung c. die Arbeitsstelle4.die Fusiona.der Zusammenschlussb.die Verbindungc.die Aufnahmed.der Ausschluss5.die Prokuraa.die Großmac htb.die Übermachtc.die Vollmachtd.die Allmacht6.das Budgeta.die Bilanzb.der Haushaltc.die Rechnungslegungd.der KostenvoranschlagB.–männer oder –leute? Bitte ergänzen Sie!( 5 P)Beispiel: Bismarck ist einer der bekanntesten Staats männerDeutschlands.1.Im Mittelalter schlossen sich die Kauf oft zuGruppen und Verbänden zusammen.2.Schon lange vor Weihnachten sieht man in denKaufhäusern überall Weihnachts herumlaufen.3.Das ist typisch für die Film4.Liebe Lands !5.Sie hat schon zwei Ehe überlebt.C.Bitte analysieren Sie die Zusammensetzungen!(5 P) Beispiel: Monatsende →das Ende des Monats1.Hustenbonbon2.Überlebenschance3.Honorarlehrkraft4.Arbeitsbeschaffungsmassnahme5.AufnahmetasteD.Bitte drücken Sie die Satzinhalte anders aus.Benutzen Sie bitte reflexive Verben! (5 P)Beispiel: W o ist der Konferenzraum, bitte?→Wo befindet sich der Konferenzraum, bitte?1.Er ist so unbeständig. Du kannst ihm nicht trauen.2.Mir geht es heute nicht so gut.3.Er nimmt am politischen Leben nicht mehr teil.Wir leben nichtmehr zusammen.4.Die beiden liegen ständig miteinander im Streit.E.Wählen Sie bitte den passenden Ausdruck und kreuzenSie den entsprechenden Buchstaben: a, b, c oder. EineAntwort ist richtig.(9 P)Urlaub: Fünf Wochen sind StandardKein anderes Land gilt als so reiselustig wieDeutschland. Das ist kein Wunder,müssen doch Arbeitgeber hierzulande ihre (1) viel länger als anderswobeurlauben. So haben Deutsche einen tariflichen Urlaubs-(2)von 6 Wochen im Jahr, nur die Schweden sind mit fast 7Wochen in der EU besser dran. (3) sind in der EU 5 Wochen. Wer unter keine tarifliche Regelung (4) , muss sich mit dem gesetzlichen Anspruch (5) . Nach dem Bundesurlaubsgesetz darf man 24 (6) -tage im Jahr Urlaub machen. Rechnet man den Samstag heraus, sind es 20 Tage. Das ist EU- (7) , selbst in Osteuropa. Großzügigere Regelungen gibt es in Österreich, Dänemark, Frankreich, Luxemburg und Schweden. Dort schreibt das Gesetz 25 freie Tage pro Jahr vor. Bei den gesetzlichen (8) bleibt es oft auch. Denn nicht in allen Ländern konnten die Gewerkschaften Tarifverträge mit mehr Urlaub (9) .Kreuzen Sie bitte die richtige Lösung an!1.a. Kameraden b.Kollegen c.Geschäftspartner d. Mitarbeiter2.a. -recht b. -begehren c.-anspruch d. -verlangen3.a. Gewohnt b. Üblich c. Gebraucht d.Praktisch4.a. fällt b. ist c. liegt d. steht5.a. zufrieden b.befriedigenc. begnügend. genügen6.a. Fest- b. Geburts- c. Feier- d. Werk-7.a. Bräuche b. Normen c. Standard d. Regeln8.a. Pflichten b. Vorgaben c. Regelungen d.Zugaben9.a. triumphieren b. durchsetzen c. gewinnen d.reichenIV.Übersetzen (50 P)A.Übersetzen Sie bitte den folgenden Text ins Chinesische!(25P)Wenn das Leben nicht so war, wie man es sich vorgestellt hatIn jedem Leben gibt es Ereignisse, die schwer zu akzeptieren sind. Diese können mit der Zeitgeschichte oder der privaten Geschichte in einem Zusammenhang stehen. Es gibt Entscheidungen, die man bedauert, die aber nicht mehr rückgängig gemacht werden können. Es geht um mögliche Lebenswege, die man hätte einschlagenkönnen und die man nicht eingeschlagen hat. Oder es sind schmerzhafte Erfahrungen, die man zu wenig betrauert hatund die aus diesem Grunde immer noch in der Erinnerung …zuvorderst“ stehen.Wie geht man damit um? Die Tiefenpsychologie bietet hier eine Hilfestellung an. Ist das Leben nicht so gelaufen,wie man sich vorstellt, dass es hätte laufen sollen, manes aber auch nicht mehr verändern kann, sollte man sich nicht nur das Ergebnis des Lebens anschauen, sondern auch den Lebensweg. Zum Weg gehört ja, dass man immer wieder an Wegkreuzungen gerät, an Orte, an denen sichdie Wege verzweigen. Diese Verzweigungen entsprechen Wahlsituationen, die in jeder Biographie erlebt werden.In Bezug auf Lebensübergänge sprechen wir auch oft von notwendigen Wahlsituationen.Wenn man den Lebensweg und das Ergebnis miteinander vergleicht, dann wird man die Entscheidungen, die man getroffen hat, besser verstehen und das Ergebnis besser akzeptieren.B.Übersetze n Sie bitte den folgenden Text ins Deutsch! (25P)“城市,让生活更美好”:这是上海 2010 年世博会的主题。

青岛大学2012年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 869 科目名称:财务管理学(共7页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效注:(PVIFA10%,5)=6.105(PVIF10%,1)=0.909 (PVIF10%,2)=0.826 (PVIF10%,3)=0.751(PVIF10%,4)=0.683 (PVIF10%,5)=0.621一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1、企业与其所有者之间的财务关系体现为()。
A企业内部各单位之间的利益关系 B 债权债务关系C投资与受资关系 D经营权与所有权关系2、下列财务比率反映企业短期偿债能力的有()。
A资产负债率 B流动比率C利息保障倍数 D股东权益比率3、如果某一投资方案的净现值为正数,则必然存在的结论是()。
A投资回收期在一年以内 B获利指数大于1C投资报酬率高于100% D年均现金净流量大于原始投资额4、某企业本期息税前利润为3000万元,本期实际利息费用为1000万元,则该企业的财务杠杆系数为()。
A 3B 2C 0.33D 1.55、可以作为比较最佳筹资方案重要依据的成本是()。
A个别资金成本 B综合资金成本 C边际资金成本 D资本总成本6、下列筹资方式中,资本成本最高的是()。
A发行普通股 B发行债券 C发行优先股 D长期借款7、当贴现率与内含报酬率相等时()。
A净现值大小0 B净现值等于0 C净现值小于0 D净现值不一定8、下列各项中,不属于信用政策的是()。
A信用标准 B信用条件 C收帐政策 D现销政策9、与传统定期预算方法相比,属于滚动预算方法缺点的是( )。
A预算工作量大 B透明度低C及时性差 D连续性弱10、发放股票股利的结果是()。
A企业资产增加 B企业所有者权益增加C企业所有者权益内部结构调整 D企业筹资规模扩大11、某投资方案贴现率为18%时,净现值为-3.17,贴现率为16%时,净现值为6.12,则该方案的内部报酬率为()。

更多资料下载: QQ: 1275181476 1398338755
A. eloquent B. effective
雄辩的 有效的
C. emotional
A. sunk B. reduced C. forced D. declined
下沉 be reduced to doing sth 不得不做某事 be forced to do 被迫做某事 下降
12. You must insist that students give a truthful answer consistent with the reality of their world. 句义:你必须要求学生给出与现实一致的真实答案。 答案:C 考点:词义辨析
A. eradication B. exclusion
根除 to the exclusion of 排斥
C. extension
the extension of 延长
D. inclusion
18. She answered with an emphatic “No” to the request that she attend the public hearing.
05. My cousin likes eating very much, but he isn’t very particular about the food he eats. 句义:我表弟很喜欢吃东西,但他对吃什么并不讲究。
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