产品质量保证书,英文篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuaranteeADSguaranteesthatallhardwaveandframecomponenthavebeencarefu llymanutacturedarefreefromdefectsinworkmanship.andmaterialf orapericelofthere,andEEAHealthandSafetyStandards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn’tclearlymentionit.Afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,w eformallyofferproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasin gquality.Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeoffici alqualitystandardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecess aryprovidethenecessaryqualityinformation,suchastheinspectio nreportandotherrelevantinformation.Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheprod uctpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfollowit,orisresponsibleforthecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,the suppliershouldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.Ifitisin deedtheresponsibilityofsupplier,thesuppliershallbearfullres ponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.Theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.Ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompa nybearsthelosscausedbytheusingoftheproducts.Incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuy erandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.Ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇三:产品质量保证书文章类型:保证书文章来源:天诺时空范文一:质量保证书尊敬的客户:首先感谢您选择购买我们的产品!为保证产品质量,明确购销双方产品质量责任,确保产品质量合格,保证产品安全,特作如下保证:一、我公司提供的产品质量原则上按购货方规定的技术标准执行。
英文质量保证书格式英文质量保证书格式篇一:质量保证书英文翻译qualityguaranteethankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts! toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andthepro ductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstam pedtothebuyer.third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswithoffi cialsealstampedtothebuyer.fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtrademarkoftheprod uctsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute: thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththesupplie rproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.theremainingsamplesf ailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek. incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerandseller negotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguarantee ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformtospectficati on.repiacementwitlentcost thecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate -ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.fireda magecausedbybuildingdetects. actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbre akageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
质量保证书英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn’tclearlymentionit.Afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,w eformallyofferproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasin gquality.Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithoffic ialsealstampedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeoffici alqualitystandardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecess aryprovidethenecessaryqualityinformation,suchastheinspectio nreportandotherrelevantinformation.Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheproductpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfo llowit,orisresponsibleforthecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,the suppliershouldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.Ifitisin deedtheresponsibilityofsupplier,thesuppliershallbearfullres ponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.Theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.Ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompanybearsthelosscausedbytheusingoftheproducts.Incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuy erandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.Ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:质量保证书-英文CERTIFICATEOFQUALITY,HEALTH,PURITYANDANALYSISSANITARYANDVET ERINARYCERTIFICATETOWHOMITMAYCONCERNTheundersignedLapinlacommuneveterinariancertifiesthatthemil kproductsdescribedhereinaremanufacturedfromsoundrawmaterial sandthemanufacturingiscarriedoutundersanitaryconditions.Theproductsareatthetimeofshipmentsound,wholesomeandfitforhumanconsumption.TheproductsareproducedinValoEdibleFatsandi ngredients,productsispermittedanywhereinFinland.Theproducti sfreefromB.S.E.EU-Registrationnumber:60220Exporter:Destination:Specificati onProductsDEMINERALIZEDWHEYPOWDERASPERCONTRACTNO.CH/99/66.809AND 4760bagsProteinScorchedparticlesDateofExport:Apr.20,2011StaphylococcusaureusSalmonellaShippingMarks:neg.inneg.inCH99/66.8091g50gneg.in1gneg.in50g------------------ShenzhenCHINALapinla,Apr.20,2011Lapinlacommuneveterinarian 篇三:质量保证书中英qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrre sponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirec ttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
【精品文档】质量保证书英语-范文word版 (9页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==质量保证书英语篇一:质量保证书英文翻译Quality GuaranteeThank you for choosing to buy our products!To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with theofficial quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it isindeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shippedwith the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇二:质量保证书中英quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls toperform tospectfication .repiacement witlent cost the customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge tomate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses.megigence .abuse.firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any otherdirect to affect its ap-pearance and performance classbreakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
Quality Assurance Guarantee LetterDear valued customer,We are committed to providing you with the highest quality products and services. To ensure your satisfaction, we have implemented a comprehensive quality assurance program. This guarantee letter serves as a promise to deliver the promised quality and address any issues that may arise.First and foremost, we guarantee that all our products are made from the finest materials and components. We source our materials from reliable suppliers who adhere to strict quality standards. Our manufacturing process is also closely monitored to ensure that each product meets our high-quality standards. We believe in delivering products that are not only durable and reliable but also superior in performance.In addition to the superior quality of our products, we also provide exceptional customer service. Our dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We value your feedback and welcome any suggestions for improvement. If you encounter any issues with our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will promptly address your concerns and take necessary actions to resolve the problem.We understand the importance of timely delivery and ensure that our products are delivered to you within the agreed timeframe. We have a reliable logistics team that coordinates the transportation and delivery of our products. In the event of any unforeseen delays, we will promptly inform you and work towards minimizing the impact on your schedule.Furthermore, we provide a warranty for our products against any manufacturing defects. If you discover any defects in our productswithin the warranty period, we will repair or replace the affected products at no additional cost to you. Our warranty terms and conditions are provided in detail in our product manuals and on our website.We are committed to continuous improvement and regularly review our quality assurance processes. We invest in training and development forour employees to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver the highest quality products and services. We also stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies to ensure that our products are always at the forefront of innovation.We sincerely hope that you will be satisfied with our products and services. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We value your business and look forward to serving you for many years to come.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Company Name]。
篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent costthe customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. megigence .abuse. firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
产品质量均符合欧洲标准bs en653:1997之规定,满足eea健康与安全标准。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇三:质量保证书-英文certificate of quality, health, purity and analysis sanitary and veterinary certificate to whom it may concernhuman consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registration number: 60220 exporter: destination: specification products demineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and4760 bagsprotein (n x 6.38) moisture ash (550c) ph (10% sol. 20c) scorched particles (admi) nitratestandard plate count enterobacteriaceae yeasts moundssulphite reducing clostridiaspecification min. max. max. 6.2 disc a max.max. max. max. max. max.g5,000/g 10/g 50/g 50/g 10/g 12.0% 4.0% 1.0% --6.9 30mg/kanalysis 13.5% 2.1% 0.5% 6.4 disc a passes test3,000/g < 5/g < 5/g < 5/g < 5/g121,380.00 kgs gross 119,000.00 kgs netvalo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki, finland shenzhen, chinaweight (kg)date of export: apr. 20, 2011staphylococcus aureus salmonellashipping marks:neg. in neg. inch99/66.8091 g 50 gneg. in 1 g neg. in 50 g------------------ shenzhen china。
【最新推荐】翻译质量保证书-word范文 (16页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==翻译质量保证书篇一:质量保证书.doc(英语翻译)质量保证书Quality Certificate1、产品质保期为一年(人为因素、使用保养不当、不可抗拒灾害除外)。
Time limit for product quality is one year (except for human factors, or improper application or maintenance, or unpredictable disasters).2、质量保证期内,如有下列情况,本公司酌情收取相应费用:In case of the following during time limit for quality, customerswill be charged at the Company's discretion:⑴ 未依据产品说明书指示工作程序使用所致损坏;Damage due to application not according to the specified operation procedure in the Product Instructions⑵ 擅自拆卸、扩充、改装所损坏;Damage due to unauthorized disassembly, addition or modification; ⑶ 非我公司技术人员维修所致损坏;Damage due to maintenance not made by technical staff from the Company; ⑷ 不可抗拒灾害的设备损坏;Device damage due to unpredictable disasters; ⑸ 属定货范围以外的备品。
Spare parts outside of supply ranges篇二:保证书,英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shippedwith the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇二:保证书英文翻译担保书本担保书于201X年9月签订。
质量保证书 英语(作文)
质量保证书英语(作文)Here's a sample of a quality assurance letter writtenin English, adhering to the given requirements:We stand by the quality of our products. It's not just a promise; it's a commitment we make to every customer. You can trust that when you choose us, you're getting the best.When it comes to satisfaction, we don't cut corners. We go the extra mile to ensure that every detail is perfect. From the design to the manufacturing process, we leave no room for error.Our team of experts is dedicated to quality assurance. They're constantly monitoring and testing to ensure that our products meet the highest standards. You can rest assured that you're getting the best when you buy from us.In case there's any issue with your purchase, we're here to help. Our customer service team is always availableto address any concerns or questions you may have. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.So, why wait? Experience the difference that quality makes. Choose us, and you'll see why we're the best in the industry. You won't be disappointed.。
质量保证书英文范本篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn ’tclearlymentionit.Afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,w eformallyofferproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasin gquality.Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithoffic ialsealstampedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeoffici alqualitystandardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecess aryprovidethenecessaryqualityinformation,suchastheinspectio nreportandotherrelevantinformation.Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheprod uctpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfo llowit,orisresponsibleforthecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,the suppliershouldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.Ifitisin deedtheresponsibilityofsupplier,thesuppliershallbearfullres ponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.Theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.Ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompa nybearsthelosscausedbytheusingoftheproducts.Incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuy erandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.Ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:质量保证书中英篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abu se.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredb ythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
【最新2018】质量保证书 英文版-范文模板 (6页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! ==质量保证书英文版质量保证书英文版【1】CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY, HEALTH, PURITY AND ANALYSISSANITARY AND VETERINARY CERTIFICATETO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThe undersigned Lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. The products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption. The products are produced in Valo Edible Fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in Finland. The product is free from B.S.E.EU-Registration number: 60220Exporter:Valo Edible Fats and Ingredients, Helsinki, FinlandDestination:Shenzhen, ChinaDate of Export:Apr. 20, 201XSpecificationProductsWeight (kg)DEMINERALIZED WHEY POWDER AS PER CONTRACT NO. CH/99/66.809 AND4760 bags121,380.00 kgs gross119,000.00 kgs netSpecificationAnalysisProtein (N x 6.38)MoistureAsh (550c)Ph (10% sol. 20c)Scorched particles (ADMI)NitrateMin.Max.Max.6.2Disc AMax.12.0%4.0%1.0%--6.930mg/kg13.5%2.1%0.5%6.4Disc Apasses testStandard plate count Enterobacteriaceae YeastsMoundsSulphite reducing clostridia Staphylococcus aureus。
质量保证书,英文范本篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts! Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andthepro ductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn’tclearlymentionit.afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,weformally offerproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasingquality. Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstam pedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswithoff icialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeofficialqualitysta ndardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecessaryprovidethenecessaryq ualityinformation,suchastheinspectionreportandotherrelevantinformation. Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtrademarkofthepro ductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheproductpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfollowit,orisresponsiblefor thecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,thesuppliers houldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.ifitisindeedtheresponsibilityofs upplier,thesuppliershallbearfullresponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute: Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththesuppli erproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.Theremainingsample sfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek. ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompanybearsthel osscausedbytheusingoftheproducts. incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerandseller negotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryo ccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuarantee adSguaranteesthatallhardwaveandframecomponenthavebeencarefullyman utacturedarefreefromdefectsinworkmanship.andmaterialforapericelofthere (5)yearsdateofpurchase. ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformtospectficati on.repiacementwitlentcostThecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.Scratchesangbridgetomat e-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.Fired amagecausedbybuildingdetects. actsofGodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbr eakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty. TheproductqualitycompliestoEuropeanstandards,BSEn653(1997),andEEa HealthandSafetyStandards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
中英文质量保证书【篇一:质量保证书-英文】certificate of quality, health, purity and analysis sanitary and veterinary certificate to whom it may concernthe undersigned lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. the products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit forhuman consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registration number: 60220 exporter: destination: specification productsdemineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and4760 bagsprotein (n x 6.38) moisture ash (550c) ph (10% sol. 20c) scorched particles (admi) nitratestandard plate count enterobacteriaceae yeasts moundssulphite reducing clostridiaspecification min. max. max. 6.2 disc a max.max. max. max. max. max.g5,000/g 10/g 50/g 50/g 10/g 12.0% 4.0% 1.0% --6.9 30mg/kanalysis 13.5% 2.1% 0.5% 6.4 disc a passes test3,000/g 5/g5/g 5/g 5/g121,380.00 kgs gross 119,000.00 kgs netvalo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki, finland shenzhen, chinaweight (kg)date of export: apr. 20, 2011staphylococcus aureus salmonellashipping marks:neg. in neg. inch99/66.8091 g 50 gneg. in 1 g neg. in 50 g------------------ shenzhen chinalapinla, apr. 20, 2011 lapinla commune veterinarian【篇二:质量保证书英文翻译】quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:first, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. the national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. after the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation. sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. if it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.if it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.【篇三:住宅质量保证书中英文版(中英文已改)】太原星河湾(二号园)住宅质量保证书星河湾住宅质量保证书 02/03敬告用户:2、该楼房经用户装修更改或用户使用不当而造成损坏,我公司不再承担保修责任。
质量保证书,英文篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuaranteeADSguaranteesthatallhardwaveandframecomponenthavebeencarefu llymanutacturedarefreefromdefectsinworkmanship.andmaterialf orapericelofthere,andEEAHealthandSafetyStandards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书中英篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbr idgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.me gigence.abuse.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperforma nceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
产品质量保证书中英版Quality GuaranteeADS guarantees that all hardwave and frame ponent have been carefully manutactured are free from defects in workmanship .and material for a pericel of there (5) years date of purchase.If any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent costThe customer is totally rresponsible for anydamage .Scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. Megigence .abuse. Firedamage caused by building detects.Acts of God and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.The product quality plies to European standards ,BS EN653(19xx),and EEA Health and Safety Standards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
2018-2019-品质保证书,英文-优秀word范文 (4页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==品质保证书,英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译Quality GuaranteeThank you for choosing to buy our products!To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with theofficial quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it isindeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign asupply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇二:质量保证书-英文CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY, HEALTH, PURITY AND ANALYSIS SANITARY AND VETERINARY CERTIFICATE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThe undersigned Lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. The products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit forhuman consumption. The products are produced in Valo Edible Fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in Finland. The product is free from B.S.E.EU-Registration number: 60220 Exporter: Destination: Specification ProductsDEMINERALIZED WHEY POWDER AS PER CONTRACT NO. CH/99/66.809 AND4760 bagsProtein (N x 6.38) Moisture Ash (550c) Ph (10% sol. 20c) Scorched particles (ADMI) NitrateStandard plate count Enterobacteriaceae Yeasts Mounds。
质量保证书英文翻译篇一quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:first, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. the national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. after the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality. second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. if it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.if it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.英文保证书篇二This is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the Business named above from the possible Seller named above to the possible Buyer named above.This is not a contract.This is not a legally binding agreement.This is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only.This is being signed in order to enable the Possible Buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price.This letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the Possible Buyer.The terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by Possible Seller and Possible Buyer.The word "shall" is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.英文产品质量保证书篇三接下来,小编为你提供英文产品质量保证书,仅供参考:certificate of quality, health, purity and analysissanitary and veterinary certificateto whom it may concernthe undersigned lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. the products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registration number: 60220exporter:valo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki, finlanddestination:shenzhen, chinadate of export:apr. 20, 2014specificationproductsweight (kg)demineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and4760 bags121,380.00 kgs gross119,000.00 kgs netspecificationanalysisprotein (n x 6.38)moistureash (550c)ph (10% sol. 20c)scorched particles (admi)nitratemin.max.max.6.2disc amax.12.0%4.0%1.0%--6.930mg/kg13.5%2.1%0.5%6.4disc apasses teststandard plate count enterobacteriaceae yeastsmoundssulphite reducing clostridia staphylococcus aureus salmonellamax.max.max.max.max.neg. inneg. in5,000/g10/g50/g50/g10/g1 g50 g3,000/g< 5/g< 5/g< 5/g< 5/gneg. in 1 gneg. in 50 gshipping marks:ch99/66.809------------------shenzhen chinalapinla, apr. 20, 2014lapinla commune veterinarian英文保证书篇四guarantor’s name: (father of the guarantee) —————————————————guarantor’s name: (mother of the guarantee) —————————————————-guarantee’ name: ———————- gender: ——————- dob: ———————The guarantor(s), parents of an exchange student (namely, the guarantee), hereby signs this letter of guarantee and guarantees that the guarantee will leave the usa duly after the exchange programends and if the guarantee does not leave the usa on schedule the guarantor will bear the resulting legal liabilities.The guarantor entrusts china international personnel consultant corporation to handle the relevant procedures of participating the exchange program for their child, and the guarantor shall submit all the application materials in accordance with the requirements of china international personnel consultant corporation and guarantee that all the submitted materials are true and legal.The guarantor shall urge the guarantee to leave the usa in accordance with the requirement of this letter of guarantee wi www.baihuawen.c n thin two weeks after the exchange period is over, and if, for any reason, the guarantee fail to do so, the guarantor shall bear the following joint guarantee liabilities:1.The guarantor shall bear the legal liability that the guarantee shall bear for failing to return china within two weeks after the program’s termination.2.If the guarantee fails to return china within two weeks after the termination of the exchange program, china international personnel consultant corporation will take reasonable and lawful measures to find and repatriate the guarantee, and the guarantor shall pay all the relevant costs that actually occur in this process plus punitive damages.3.The guarantor shall also compensate china international personnel consultant corporation rmb100, 000 if the guarantee fail and return china within two weeks after the program termination.The guarantor agrees that china international personnel consultant corporation will exercise all the above rights for claiming compensation. guarantor:————————- ————————-(father of the guarantee/print) (mother of the guarantee/print)signature:————————- ————————-(father of the guarantee) (mother of the guarantee)date:英文保证书篇五The products we provided to the shandong rizhao huagui technology limited company are in accord with the countrys related standards and the industry standards. we guarantee five years free repair. we promise the color of the lacquer not fade away in five years, the lacquer not peel off in two years.company name:(seal of the full name of material company)tel:name:date:。
产品质量保证书,英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts! Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andthepro ductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn’tclearlymentionit.afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,weformally offerproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasingquality. Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstam pedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswithoff icialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeofficialqualitysta ndardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecessaryprovidethenecessaryq ualityinformation,suchastheinspectionreportandotherrelevantinformation. Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtrademarkofthepro ductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheproductpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfollowit,orisresponsiblefor thecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,thesuppliers houldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.ifitisindeedtheresponsibilityofs upplier,thesuppliershallbearfullresponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute: Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththesuppli erproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.Theremainingsample sfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek. ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompanybearsthel osscausedbytheusingoftheproducts. incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerandseller negotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryo ccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuarantee adSguaranteesthatallhardwaveandframecomponenthavebeencarefullyman utacturedarefree()fromdefectsinworkmanship.andmaterialforapericelofthe re(5)yearsdateofpurchase. ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformtospectficati on.repiacementwitlentcostThecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.Scratchesangbridgetomat e-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.Fired amagecausedbybuildingdetects. actsofGodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbr eakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty. TheproductqualitycompliestoEuropeanstandards,BSEn653(1997),andEEa HealthandSafetyStandards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
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Quality Guarantee
Thank you for choosing to buy our products!
To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:
First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.
Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.
Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer. Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.
Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation. Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on
the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.
Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.
Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:
The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.
If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products. In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products. Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.。