


air______________l,itatlsetohxoyuggehn there was _a__la_c_k__o_fle_ffr_te_s_h__a.ir
Becauascehoef _________________, pmuyt ohnedaad _______. So I had to m__a_s_k_________ and had a rest.
What do you think has caused this kind of problem?
1.How did people travel in the year AD 3008?
2.Who drove the carriage?
3.What did he experience in the hovering carriage?
4.What happened to Li Qiang later? Why?
Hovering carriage
Operator(操作 员)
Float, bend, press, move swiftly, fasten, fly
Crowded Impression
Main idea of Para. Wang Ping’4s home. ( An example of the future life)
Pair work
Try to summarize the passage by finding out what happened to Li Qiang before, during and after the journey.



Problem Solution Feeling
air wasth_i_n___l;i_tt_l_e__ oxygen; a_l_a_c_k__o_f___ fresh air
headache put on a mask
In the year 3008, the air__w_a_s__th_i_n____, as though there was l_it_t_le_o_x_y_g_e_n_l_e_f_t . Because of _a__la_c_k__o_f_fr_e_s_h__a_ir__, my head _a_c_h_e_d__. So I had to _p_u_t_o__n_a__m_a_s_k_ and had a rest.
4.What happened to Li Qiang later? Why?
Hovering carriage
Operator(操作员) Computer
Float, bend, press, move swiftly, fasten, fly
1. What was the new surroundings like? 2. Did Li Qiang feel comfortable? What problem did
he have? 3. Who helped him solve the problem, and how? 4. What was Li Qiang’s feeling then?
Module 5 unit 3 Reading


T_h__e_e_x__p_e_r_ie_n__c_e_in the capsule.
What will be para 3-4 mainly (abo)uet?nvironment ( ) education
( ) transport ( ) work
() communication
( ) housing
4.What happened to Li Qiang later? Why?
Hovering carriage
Operator(操作员) Computer
Float, bend, press, move swiftly, fasten, fly
there was _a__la_c_k__o_fle_ffr_te_s_h__a.ir
Becauascehoef _________________,
pmuyt ohnedaad _______. So I had to
m__a_s_k_________ and had a rest.
What do you think has caused
this kind of problem?
Transpeople travel in the year AD 3008?
2.Who drove the carriage?
3.What did he experience in the hovering carriage?
Environment air wasth_i_n___li;tt_l_e___ oxygen;



2. What was the green wall made of? What’s the purpose of building this kind of green wall? The green wall was made of trees. The leaves of the trees will provide muchneeded oxygen to the house.
On-line shopping
—distance education
on the earth; on land on the earth in space stations; under
the sea; on other planets
the Spaceship to Mars
人教课标版 高二必修5 Unit 3
What did the people use as vehicle in the past?
sedan chair
What kind of vehicle will we use in the future?
a solar energy car
spaceship, personal flying cars
made mud small houses
flats in high buildings houses along the street with many shops
modern flats, floating;
◆A table and some chairs rose from _u_n_d_e_r_t_h_e_f_lo_o_r_ as if by magic. when Wang Ping _fl_a_s_h_e_d a switch on a computer screen.

(完整ppt)人教版高中英语必修五Unit3 Reading课件

(完整ppt)人教版高中英语必修五Unit3 Reading课件
◆A table and some chairs rose from _u_n_d_e_r_t_h_e_f_lo_o_r_ as if by magic. when Wang Ping _fl_a_s_h_e_d a switch on a computer screen.
Reading: First Impressions
Read the text quickly, then put the following sentences into the correct order: a. We were transported into the future by a
Read the text carefully and then fill in the blanks about the details of Li Qiang’s future tour.
In _th_e__ti_m__e_c_a_p_s_u_le_: ◆ The seats were _c_o_m__fo_r_t_a_b_le_ and we
comfortable time capsule. b. I arrived at Wang Ping’s home and
everything in his house made me surprised. c. I won a travel to the year AD 3008. d. I have my first try to master a hovering
2. What is a “time lag”? 3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule ? 4. Who guides my trip? 5. Why did my guide give me some tablets? 6. Who transported us to the future?

人教版高二英语必修五unit3 reading (共30张PPT)

人教版高二英语必修五unit3 reading (共30张PPT)

Well-known for their expertise, his parents'
company, called "Future Tours", transported me
safely into the future in a time capsule.
他父母的公司叫做“未来之旅”,以其技术高超而 闻名。他们把我装在一个时间舱里,平安地把我送 入了未来。
lay relaxed and dreaming.
我们放松地躺在那里做梦,这时时间舱开始 轻轻地左右摇晃
A few minutes later, the journey was completed and we had arrived. I was still on the earth but one thousand years in the future. What would I find?
my friend and guide, Wang Ping, was very understanding and gave me some green tablets which 、
helped a lot.
因此,我一开始就感到神经紧张和心神不定。但是 我的朋友兼导游王平很细心体贴,给了我几粒绿色 药片,倒是挺起作用的。
很快,我就次恢复过来了,跟着他去领取了一台由 电脑驱动的气垫车。
These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat, you can move swiftly.

人教版高二英语必修五Unit3 Life in the future-Reading 课件 (共30张)

人教版高二英语必修五Unit3 Life in the future-Reading 课件 (共30张)

Predict the context of the passage.
Get the general idea of the passage.
Writing style
Whose first impression is it?
Li Qiang’s first impression
4.This text is an introduction both to the more advanced forms of transport in AD 3008 but also to the advantages and problems of life in the future.
Step 4: The Summary of the reading passage. I am ta_k_i_n_g__ up the prize to travel to 3008. I can’t
a solar energy car
Do you want to go traveling in the future like the mechanical cat---“Duo La A Meng”?
The time ine can bring you to the future.
3.How did I feel when I was in the capsule?
The seats in the capsule are very comfortable.
4.Who guides my trip?
My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.
the future in a _________.



4.What was the wall made of? And why?
4.What happened to Li Qiang later? Why?
Hovering carriage
Operator(操作员) Computer
Float, bend, press, move swiftly, fasten, fly
We collect a _h_o_v_e_r_in__g_c_a_r_r_ia_g_e___driven
by_c_o_m__p_u_t_e_r_. These carriage _fl_o_a_t__ above the ground and by _b_e_n_d_in_g__ or _p_re_s_s_i_n_g_ down in your seat, you can _m_o_v_e__s_w_i_ft_ly__. Soon I could _f_l_y__ very fast. However, I __lo_s_t_s_i_g_h_t_o_f_ Wang
uncertain Main idea of Para.1:
How I came to take a time travel journey and__t_h_e_f_e_e_li_n_g_a_b_o_u__t _th__e_jo_u_r_n_e_y_.
1. What did they do in the capsule? 2. Where did they arrive in the capsule? Main idea of Para.2:
What do you think has caused

人教版高二英语必修五Unit3 Life in the future-Reading 课件 (共38张)

人教版高二英语必修五Unit3 Life in the future-Reading 课件 (共38张)

For the first two paragraphs:
1. Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD 3008?
2. What is a “time lag”? 3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule ? 4. Who guides my trip? 5. Why did my guide give me some tablets? 6. Who transported us to the future?
In the past Now
In the future
bicycle Transport
cars, Highspeed rail, airplanes, helicopter
spaceship, time travel personal flying cars
a solar energy car
3.How did I feel when I was in the capsule?
The seats in the capsule are very comfortable.
4.Who guides my trip?
My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.
For the fourth paragraph: • What did Wang Ping’s house look like?
His house is a large bright, clean room. It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting. • What was the green wall made of? What’s the purpose of building this kind of green wall?


T_h__e_e_x__p_e_r_ie_n__c_e_in the capsule.
What will be para 3-4 mainly (abo)uet?nvironment ( ) education
( ) transport ( ) work
() communication
( ) housing
Whose first impression
Li Qiang’s first impression
The passage is mainly about:
A. how Li Qiang was transported to the future. B. how Li Qiang got to the future and his first impression of it. C. what the life is like in the future
Module 5 unit 3 Reading
What will life be like in one thousand years’ time?
Predict the context of the passage.
Get the general idea of the passage.
Writing style E-mail
We collect ahovering ___c_o_m__p_u_te_cr_a_r_r_ia_g_e__driven float by__________. These cbaerrniadgien ______ apbreosvesitnhge ground and byg________ or _m_o_v_e__s_w_ifdtolywn in your seat,flyyou can ____________.loSsotosnigI hcot uolfd _____ very fast. However, I __c_r_o_w_d_e_d____ Wang Ping because it was too ________.

人教版英语必修五Unit 3(reading) 课件(共36张PPT)

人教版英语必修五Unit 3(reading) 课件(共36张PPT)

save living space
short of space
busy; look like markets
Air quality own family
oxygen supply
easy to get lost
poor quality in public places
What ’s the main idea of the passage?
a switch on computer screen
Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.
Discuss which changes to life in AD3008 are good or bad and give reasons for your choices. Then please finish the chart.
•Life in the Future
DWohyaotuisknthowis?thWishcaatritsoiotns cfuhnacrtaicotne?r?
Time Machine
Present Future
What changes can we find out during different times?
Combine the sentences EGxehoarugsetewdasafetxehrauasdtaeyd’sawftoerrk,aGdeaoyr’sge took swoomrek.tHabelettosoktosohmelep thaibmleftesetl obehtetlperh. im feel better.
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It is large, bright and clean. 3.What were there in the room?
It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting
4.What was the wall made of? And why?
It was made of trees, because their leaves provided the room with much-needed oxygen.
Wang Ping’s house had a _l_a_rg_e_, __b_r_i_g_h_t_ and _c_le_a_n__ room. It had a __g_re_e_n__ wall made of_t_r_e_e_s__, a _b_r_o_w__n__fl_o_o_r___ and _s_o_ft_ _li_g_h_ti_n_g_.
Problem Solution Feeling
air was t_h_i_n__; _li_tt_l_e_ oxygen; _a__la_c_k__o_f__ fresh air headache put on a mask better
In the year 3008, the air__w_a_s__th_i_n____, as though there was l_it_t_le__o_x_y_g_e_n_l_e_f_t . Because of _a__la_c_k__o_f_fr_e_s_h__a_ir__, my head _a_c_h_e_d__. So I had to _p_u_t_o__n_a__m_a_s_k_ and had a rest.
Main idea of Para. 4 Wang Ping’s home. ( An example of the future
Pair work
Try to summarize the passage by finding out what happened to Li Qiang before, during and after the journey.
1. Which year are they going to travel to? 2. What is a “time lag”? 3. Who guides Li Qiang’s trip? 4. How are they going to travel? 5. How did he feel when he was in the capsule ? unbelievable, worried, unsettled, nervous,
1. Choose one paragraph to read aloud and retell it. 2. Preview the reading on Page 22.
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
uncertain Main idea of Para.1:
How I came to take a time travel journey and__t_h_e_f_e_e_li_n_g_a_b_o_u__t _th__e_jo_u_r_n_e_y_.
1. What did they do in the capsule? 2. Where did they arrive in the capsule? Main idea of Para.2:
Main idea of Para. 3
My first impression on the life in 3008.
1.Where did they arrive later?
A strange-looking house
2.What did Wang Ping’s house look like?
1. What was the new surroundings like? 2. Did Li Qiang feel comfortable? What problem did
he have? 3. Who helped him solve the problem, and how? 4. What was Li Qiang’s feeling then?
T__h_e_e__x_p_e_r_ie_n__c_e_in the capsule.
Байду номын сангаас
What will be para 3-4 mainly (abo)uet?nvironment ( ) education
( ) transport ( ) work
() communication
( ) housing
4.What happened to Li Qiang later? Why?
Hovering carriage
Operator(操作员) Computer
Float, bend, press, move swiftly, fasten, fly
Table, chairs and bed can rise_f_ro__m__u_n_d_e_r_t_h_e_f_lo__o_r_. I had a _b_r_ie_f__m_e_a_l__ and _a_h_o__t _b_a_th__ and __s_li_d_i_n_to___ bed to sleep.
Whose first
Li Qiang’s first
impression is it? impression
The passage is mainly about:
A. how Li Qiang was transported to the future. B. how Li Qiang got to the future and his first impression of it. C. what the life is like in the future
We collect a _h_o_v_e_r_in__g_c_a_r_r_ia_g_e___driven by_c_o_m__p_u_t_e_r_. These carriage _fl_o_a_t__ above the ground and by _b_e_n_d_in_g__ or _p_re_s_s_i_n_g_ down in your seat, you can _m_o_v_e__s_w_i_ft_ly__. Soon I could _f_l_y__ very fast. However, I __lo_s_t_s_i_g_h_t_o_f_ Wang Ping because it was too c_r_o_w__d_e_d_.
Module 5 unit 3 Reading
What will life be like in one thousand years’ time?
Predict the context of the passage.
Get the general idea of the passage.
Writing style
What do you think has caused this kind of problem?
1.How did people travel in the year AD 3008?
2.Who drove the carriage?
3.What did he experience in the hovering carriage?