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with serial measurement”method in this paper significantly reduces the total test time for the time consuming HCI tests since a great portion of the HCI test time is actually spent on stress.The innovative‘。fuse”test structure for GOI tests successfully
These are just a small part of the works in the area of semiconductor reliability test and data analysis.We hope our studies can help contribute the booming
As an important property of the quality of a product,reliability,still a burgeoning
subject,is receiving more and more emphases now.The integration level increases and critical line pitch decreases continuously as the application of new material and manufacturing technology in the semiconductor industry requires higher reliability performance for IC products.The rapid advacement of semiconductor manufacturing
prevents metal burnout caused by the transient current upon breakdown.The differences of the EM parameter extractions in JEDEC standard are clarified and a beRer estimation is proposed based on T50 data.The EM test is studied to help select a beaer combination on test conditions.An HCI data analysis example is used tO discuss the extrapolation deviation in least square estimation(LSE)when applying
Due to the lack of analytically traceable models,numerical iterative methods are required in MLE,which prevents the popularization of the MLE method because it requires professional statistical software and/or engineer with powerful programming skills.We successfully implement MLE,by Microsoft Excel,an easy to use and widely accepted software,and this makes it realistic for the prevalence of MLE method in practice.Furthermore,an innovative user—defined Weibull丘t function makes using the MLE estimation just as simple as using an Excel build.in function.
Based 013.order statistics and Gauss-Markov theorem,the best linear unbiased

estimation(BLUE)method is all accurate and efficient parameter estimation method.
一————————————————————.——! ! ——————————————————————————————.———一 ———__—————————————●___———————————————————_——__●-_———_—————————————一
semiconductor industries and semiconductor reliability in China.
Key WbMs:Wafer level reliability,Accelerated—life-test,Weibull distribution, Maximum likelihood estimation
性寿命分布参数估计的各种常用方法。最佳线性无偏估计以次序统计量理论以及 高斯-马尔可夫定理为出发点,是一种高精度且有效的可靠性寿命分布参数估计 方法。然而,它只能应用于样本总数比较小的场合并且不能应用于I型截尾数据。


性。因此我们认为,可以在一定条件下选择使用极大似然估计取代最佳线性无偏 估计进行可靠性参数估计。
阻碍极大似然估计法进一步推广的一个重要原因是极大似然估计法通常没 有解析解,需要使用计算机迭代的方法进行数值求解,一般需要使用专业的统计 软件或者使用者必须具备较强的编程能力。Microsoft Excel软件简单易用并且有 着广泛的使用基础,我们在Microsoft Excel中成功的实现了可靠性寿命分布参数 的极大似然估计,对于极大似然估计法在工程实践中的推广有着现实的意义。除 了使用Excel“规划求解”的功能,我们进一步以自定义的Weibullfit函数,使在 Excel中进行参数的极大似然估计如同使用Excel内置函数一样简单快捷。
semiconductor IC products.
Hot carrier injection(HCI)test of the MOSFET devices,electron migration(EM) test of the metal interconnects and gate oxide integrity(GOI)test are the most popular WLR test items.Effective and efficient tests and reliable data analyses are the most critical aspects for successful reliability evaluations.The proposed“parallel stress
Y 95371.1
学校代码;10246 学 号:043021154

系: 信息科学与工程学院

业: 电子与通信工程

名: 龚 斌
指导教师: 汤庭鳌教授
完成日期: 2005年11月lO日
可靠性是研究产品使用寿命的的一门新兴学科,作为产品质量的重要属性, 产品可靠性愈来愈受到人们的重视。随着新的材料与工艺的应用,半导体集成电 路的线宽进一步减小、集成度进一步提高,对集成电路可靠性的要求也不断提高。 近年来,中国的集成电路制造产业迅速崛起,对国内集成电路可靠性的研究提供 了良好的环境。本文『F是在这种背景下研究了半导体集成电路的晶圆级可靠性测 试及数据处理方法。
different fitting methods Based on the basic LSE assumptions,the widely used method for data fitting,we propose to use suitable fitting method based on the error properties ofthe variables. 2
半导体集成电路的哥靠性测试及数据处理还有很多工作需要进行。希望我们 的研究对于国内半导体集成电路产业以及半导体集成电路可靠性工作的发展有 一定的帮助。
关键词:晶圆级可靠性,加速寿命试验,威卸尔分布,极大似然估计 中图分类号:TBll4.3
makes it a good opportunity for IC reliability researches in mainland China.This
paper studies wafer level reliability(WLR)tests and data analysis methods for
半导体集成电路的晶圆级可靠性的主要测试项目包括MOS器件的热载流子 注入测试、栅氧化层完整性测试以及余属互连线的电迁移测试。有效的测试与可 靠的数据分析是可靠性测试成功的关键。注意到热载流子测试的主要时阳J是在电 应力加压阶段,我们提出了“并行加压、串行量测”的方法以解决MOS器件热 载流子测试时间过长问题。而运用带“保险丝”的测试结构,我们可以有效的防 止栅氧化层测试过程中,在栅氧击穿时瞬问大电流造成测试结构余属连线烧毁的 问题。针对JEDEC标准给出的两种计算电迁移测试中参数估计的方法,我们讨 论并澄清了这两种计算方法的差异,并给出了基于T50的更好的计算方法。双 应力加速测试常常被运用在晶圆级可靠性加速寿命试验中,我们以电迁移双应力 加速测试为研究对象,讨论如何进行适当的实验条件组合,达到较好的参数及『F 常应力下的寿命估计。最d,-乘估计被广泛的应用于试验数据的拟合,我们以热 载流子的测试数据分析为例讨论了最小二乘拟合中不同的拟合方式造成数据外 推的偏差问题,并基于最小二乘法的基本假设,建议根据变量的误差特性选择恰 当的拟合方式。
Parameter estimation of lifetime disffibution is the basis for reliabmtv data
parameter analysis-The commonly used reliability
estimation methods are reviewed,
However,BLUE is applicable at small sample sizes and cannot be applied on type I censored datasets.The maximum likelihood estimation(MLE)is another parameter estimation method with several good properties.The perfect correlation between MLE and BLUE in our study makes it possible to use MLE instead of BLUE for reliability parameter estimations.