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分 类 号 学校代码 10487
学号 M200970637 密级
学 位 申请 人 : 李帅俊 学 科 专 业 : 材料学 指 导 教 师 : 邱小林 教授 乔学亮 教授 答 辩 日 期 : 2012 年 1 月
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Require来自百度文库ents for the Degree of Master of Engineering
关键词:硅太阳能电池 背电场 导电铝浆 玻璃粘结剂 耐水煮性能 光电性能 碳纳 米管 氟化改性
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
With the exhausting of traditional energies (such as coal, petroleum) and the environmental pollution’s worsening, new types of energies including solar cell get more and more attention. Solar cell is a kind of idealist energy source which could convert sunlight into power directly and produces no pollution in the conversion process. In all types of solar cell, crystalline silicon cell is used widest for its mostly developed technology and highest efficiency. At present, the conversion rate of monocrystalline silicon solar cell could get 24.7% and that of polycrystalline silicon solar cell could get 19.8%. Aluminum conductive paste is a key material in forming of the back surface field (BSF) of silicon solar cell, which can improve solar cell’s performance by reducing light transmission, charge carriers’ neutralization and prolonging their existing time. The cost of crystalline silicon cell could be cut down and its efficiency increased. Just for the reasons mentioned, aluminum conductive paste used in crystalline silicon cell also becomes people’s research focus. This thesis made a deep exploration on glass powder, which was an important part of aluminum conductive paste. We obtained the suitable materials, proportion and melting method that could produce best glass powder and further, best aluminum conductive paste. After that, we also did research on the influence of glass powder and aluminum powder ’s proportion. On the basis of all these former working, we did experiments on improving the paste’s electrical property by adding tin powder and also got very good results. At last, a research was done on carbon nanotubes’s fluorination, which could promote their application in aluminum conductive paste. For the glass powder, our research focused mostly on the influence of melting temperature. We chose Bi2O3、B2O3、Al2O3、ZnO、SiO2、P2O5、Zn3(PO4)2· 4H2O as the raw materials and at the proportion of 45: 25: 2: 15: 3: 4: 6 to melt glass. Then they
Study on the Aluminum Conductive Paste Used in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell
Candidate : Li Shuaijun Major : Materials Science
Supervisor : Prof. Qiu Xiaolin Prof. Qiao Xueliang
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
were fused under different temperature of 1000、1050、1100、1150℃ for 30 minutes to produce four kinds of glass powder, mixed them respectively with aluminum powder, organic binder and auxiliaries to prepare conductive paste, analyzed the pastes’ poach resistance. After the testing, We confirmed that 1050℃ was the best melting temperature. We also did DTA and XRD analysis to the glass sample which was produced under the temperature of 1050℃, the results showed that glass’s softening temperature was about 500℃, its structure was microcrystalline. On the basis of former work, we did experiment about the influence of glass powder and aluminum powder ’s proportion to the conductive paste’s property. Under the condition of glass and aluminum’s total content was 77%, We prepared five samples that with the content of glass is 5%、3%、2%、1%、0.8% respectively, then analyzed their poach resistance properties, adhesion and electrical resistivities. The results showed that with the decrease of glass powder, aluminum conductive paste’s poach resistance property became better, the adhesion and electrical resistivity decreased. From this experiment, we confirmed the paste which contained 1% glass powder had the best comprehensive property. At last, the best conductive paste was screen-printed on silicon slices and sintered into aluminum coating under 850℃ for 30s, its microstructure was observed by SEM, the SEM results showed that the aluminum powder piled densely and the alloy between aluminum and silicon was well formed. Based on all the above works, the experiment on improving aluminum conductive paste’s electrical property was done by the way of adding extra tin powder. It was mixed with the conductive paste at different proportion of 0.3%, 0.8%, 1.3%, and then the samples’s electrical properties were examined. The results showed that with the tin powder ’s increasing, the solar cell’s photoelectric conversion efficiency(Ncell), short circuit current(Isc) and the fill factor(FF) increased after first decreasing, open voltage(Uoc) and equivalent series resistance(Rs) decreased after first increasing, the equivalent parallel resistance(Rsh) decreased. When the tin powder ’s content was 1.3%,
保密□ ,在_____年解密后适用本授权书。 本论文属于 不保密□。
学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日
指导教师签名: 日期: 年 月
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
摘 要
随着煤、石油等传统能源的日益枯竭和环境污染的加剧,新型清洁能源受到了 人们的重视,其中最受瞩目的当属太阳能电池。太阳能电池是可以直接将光转换为 电能的装置,且转换过程中不产生任何污染。晶体硅太阳能电池是目前多种太阳能 电池中技术最为成熟、光电转换效率最高、应用最为广泛的一种,目前国外单晶硅 太阳能电池实验室转换效率最高已达到 24.7%,多晶硅太阳能电池达到 19.8%。在上 述太阳能电池中,导电铝浆被广泛用于背电场形成材料,可以减少光线透射,提高 利用率;同时降低光生载流子复合速率,延长其寿命,从而提高电池性能。通过导 电铝浆的使用,可以有效降低成本,提高电池效率。因此目前对于晶体硅太阳能电 池背电场用导电铝浆的研究也受到人们的重视。 本论文对导电铝浆中的玻璃粘结剂、玻璃粘结剂与铝粉配比进行了比较深入的 研究,得到了综合性能较好的导电铝浆配方。在此基础上,又对浆料的电性能提高 进行了尝试,也取得了较好的效果。最后对一种碳纳米管氟化改性新方法进行了探 索,有望促进其在导电铝浆方面的应用。 对于玻璃粘结剂的研究主要集中在熔炼温度对于浆料可靠性影响方面。通过参 考大量文献资料,选用 Bi2O3、B2O3、Al2O3、ZnO、SiO2、P2O5、Zn3(PO4)2·4H2O 为玻璃原料,并按照 45:25:2:15:3:4:6 比例配比,分别在 1000、1050、1100、 1150℃四组不同温度下熔炼 30min,然后用所得玻璃分别制得铝浆,丝网印刷烧结后 通过耐水煮测试检测浆料可靠性,优化出最佳玻璃熔炼温度。并对所得玻璃粉进行 DTA 和 XRD 测试,结果表明其为软化温度约 500℃的微晶玻璃,符合低熔点无机粘 结剂标准。 接下来研究了不同玻璃粘结剂与铝粉比例对于导电铝浆综合性能的影响,得到 了导电浆料最佳的配方。在玻璃粘结剂与铝粉总含量保持 77%不变条件下,试验了 玻璃粘结剂含量分别为 5%、3%、2%、1%、0.8%时,导电铝浆的耐水煮性能、附着 力、烧结铝膜电阻率等性能。实验发现,导电铝浆的耐水煮性能随着无机粘结剂含
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
量减少而提高,附着力和铝膜电阻随着无机粘结剂含量减少而降低。最终优化出最 佳玻璃粘结剂比例为 1%。并对最优铝浆烧结膜进行 SEM 分析,结果表明,铝粉堆 积致密,接触良好,铝膜层与晶体硅基层形成了良好的合金层。 在以上成果基础上,研究了低熔点金属粉对导电铝浆电性能影响。所选金属粉 为锡粉,添加比例分别为 0.3%、0.8%、1.3%。实验结果表明,太阳能电池光电转换 效率(Ncell) 、短路电流(Isc)和填充因子(FF)随锡粉含量增加先降低后升高; 开路电压(Uoc)和等效串联电阻(Rs)先变大后减小;等效并联电阻(Rsh)则随 锡粉含量增加而降低。其中锡粉含量为 1.3%时,转换效率最高,达到 16.34%。 碳纳米管在导电铝浆电性能增强方面有很好的应用前景, 但是其具有易团聚、 溶 解性差等缺点。氟化改性是增强碳纳米管分散性和溶解性的一种有效手段。传统方 法以氟气作为氟源,由于氟气具有毒性,导致实验设备复杂,成本昂贵。最后我们 探索以聚四氟乙烯为氟源对碳纳米管进行改性研究,取得了较好的效果。
Huazhong University of Science & Technology Wuhan 430074, P.R.China January , 2012
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