下文是店铺为大家搜集整理的托福考试中阅读理解部分的必背单词,欢迎大家阅读参考!托福阅读理解的'必背单词:地理学Tropic of Capricorn 南回归线The tropics 热带地区The temperate zone温带The frigid zone寒带Hemisphere半球pole 极点Polar circle 极圈The Arctic 北极区The Antarctic 南极地区The primemeridian南极地区The Arctic circle 北极圈The Antarctic circle南极圈frost 冰冻,严寒Atmosphere大气层spell轮替Climate气候Temperature气温precipitation降水;冰雹托福阅读理解的必背单词:数学power 乘方square 平方division 除法divide 除以algepa 代数quantity 表示量的数(或符号)equation 方程式,等式formula 公式root 根geometry 几何geometric 几何的dimension 维parallel adj. 平行的 n. 平行线quadrilateral 四边形托福阅读理解的必背单词:海洋学tentacle 触须organism 微生物tissue 组织sea-floor spreading 海床扩展diminish 减少continental shelf 大陆架continental island 大陆岛exoskeleton 外骨骼symbiotic 共生关系gulf 海湾cove 小海湾harbor 海港coast 海岸cape 海角island 岛islet 小岛volcanic island 火山岛archipelago 群岛isthmus 地峡。
一起加油吧!托福阅读TPO真题词汇题考察的单词汇总原词音标词性释义同义词dramatic[dromsetik]adj.戏剧性的,引人注目的strikingattain[o'tem]V.到达,达到achieveprone[praun]adj.易于……的likelychampion I'tpempion]V.拥护,支持supportattribute[o'lnbjut]V.把……归于ascribe autonomous[o'tanamas]adj.自发的,自治的independent penchant[pent font]n.倾向,爱好inclination incredible[mknrdobol]adj.难以置信的unbelievableout of sight[aut av salt]在视野之外hiddenoverlie[.ouvalai]V.在……上面coverso much fbr到此为止that is enough about plugged['plAgid]adj.塞紧的,堵住的filled up threaten[•Oretn]V.威胁endangerdelicate[ddikit]adj.纤弱的,易损的fragile progressively[pragresivli]adv.日益增加的;逐步increasingly devoid of缺乏的,没有的lacking in precious I'prejas]adj.珍贵的,宝贵的valuableexposed[iks'pnuzd]adj.裸露的,暴露的visible propulsion[pra'pAlJan]n.推进moving forward readily[redili]adv.轻而易举地easily assistance[a'sistons]n.帮助,援助helpexpanded[ik'spaendid]adj.扩大的,延伸的was enlarged feasible[fizobol]adj.可行的achievabledevise[divaiz]V.设计,发明createintegral[intigrol]adj.必须的essentialarduous[ard3uos]adj.艰苦的difficult particular[pa'tikjdh(r)]adj.特别的specific guarantee[.gasran'ti]V.担保,保证ensurepale[peil]V.变得黯淡lose significance adjacent[o'dseisnt]adj.邻近的neighboring,nearby ensuing[in'sjuzig]adj.接着发生的subsequent unprecedented[Anpresidentid]adj.史无前例的unlike anything inthe pastvirtually[va-tjuoli]adv.几乎almost,nearly inevitable adj.不可避免的unavoidableinhibit[inhibit]V.抑制restrictin the same breath同时immediately indefinite period不确定的一段时间whose end has notbeen determined rebound[n'baond]V.恢复recovermarked[markt]adj.引人注目的considerable principal[pnnsspalj adj.最重要的majortrappings[traepigz]n.装饰decorations accumulate[dvkju:nijdleit]V.堆积,累积build upadj.倾斜的incliningsloping['shupnj]foul[faul]V.弄脏polluteexhibit[igzibit]V.呈现showfacilitate[fn'sihteit]V.促进,使变得容易make easier suspended[sn'spendid]adj.悬挂着的hung(原型hang)afford晔d]V.提供,给予offer overwhelming[.aovo'welmiq]adj.势不可挡的,占绝对优势的powerful implement[impbmnnt]n.工具toolundisputed[Andfspjurtid]adj.无可争议的acknowledged significant[sig'nifikont]adj.重要的important relatively[rebtivli]adv.相对地comparatively diversification[dai(v3:sifi'keijh]n.多样化emergence of manyvarietiespromote[pra'maut]n.促进,推进encourage[ikspbitid]V.运用,利用utilizedexploited(exploit的过去式)vastly[vaestli]adv.极大地greatlygrew accustomed to习惯became used to[n'temd]V.保留,保存maintainedretained(retain的过去式)rudimentary[(ru:di'mentri]adj.基本的,根本的basic meticulously[malikjolasli]adv.无微不至地,细致地carefullyendured[in'djusd]V.忍耐下去survivedplausible adj.似乎合理的believable phenomenon fn'nDmmnn]n.现象,事件occurrence critically['kritikh]adv.关键地,极重要地fundamentallyinitiated[inijleitid]V.开始started accustomed to[o'kAStamd tu]习惯于used to countering against对抗acting against assured[a Jord]V.保证guaranteed sustain[so'sten]V.支持,支撑maintain sovereign[savsnn]n.君主,元首master engraved[ingreivd]V.雕刻carved widespread[waidspird]adj.普遍的common surpassing[so'pa:sig]adj.胜过的exceeding intact[in't^kt]adj.未受损伤的undamaged interpreted[in'lo:prilid]V.理解understood legible[kdjnbol]adj.可以辨认的recognizable converge[knn'vedj]V.聚集move closer instructive[m'strAktiv]adj.有指导性的informative eroded[froudid]V.侵蚀worn down current[k»rnnl]adj.现在的present rebound[ribaondj V.恢复recover generating['djenoreitiij]V.产生producing conjunction[kondjArjkJan]n.连接combination extracted[iks'trektid]V.提取removed termed[t»m]V.被叫做called,known as compact[kom'psekt]V.压紧compressed coating[kotig]n.覆盖层layeralbeit[olbiit]conj.尽管though endeavors[en'devoz]n.尝试efforts deteriorated[di'tiaridreitid]V.恶化worsen exhibited[ig'zibitid]V.陈列,展览displayed crude[krud]adj.粗糙的roughinduce[indjus]V.引起stimulate substantial[sobstaenjbl]adj.大量的largeentirely[m'tainrli]adv.完全地completely humble[hAinbal]adj.谦逊的modest particular adj.特别的specific indigenous[in'did3an9s]adj.本地的native graphically[grafikki]adv.生动地vividly regulating[Yegjuleitir)]V.调节controlling harnessed[ha:nist]V.利用utilized pessimistic[.pesi'mistik]adj.悲观的negative unaltered[An'oJtjrd]adj.未改变的unchanged comparative[kam'pieroti v]adj.相对的relative potentially[patEnJbli]adv.潜在地,可能地possibly innumberable adj.数不清的countless alteration[olto'reJon]n.改变changeoccasionally[okei3on(o)Ii]adv.有时once in a while authoritative[o'Gon.tetiv]adj.有权威的official rudimentary[rudomentori]adj.基本的basic installed[ins'toild]V.安顿,安置put in place pioneers[.paia'nirz]n.先驱者leaders。
awkward adj. 笨拙的 adj. 尴尬的end up 结束,告终football hooligans 足球流氓glamorous adj. 富有魅力的,迷人的guilt n. 罪行, 内疚value n. 价值, 重要性, 价格, (pl)价值观 vt. 评价, 估价, 重视bother vt. 烦扰 vi. 烦扰,操心 n. 烦扰birth rate n. 出生率generous adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的shuttle n. 航天飞机;穿梭;梭子;穿梭班机、公共汽车等vt. 使穿梭般来回移动;短程穿梭般运送 vi. 穿梭往返gear to 使适合clash n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触 vt. 冲突,抵触,使...发出撞击声 vi. 引起冲突nun n. 尼姑, 修女by far adv.到目前为止prior to 在...之前pay tribute 朝贡settle n. 有背的长凳 vt. 安放,安顿,解决,决定,付清(欠款) vi. 定居,降落uplift v. 提高, 振奋 n. 高扬, 道德的向上, 精神昂扬proficient adj. 熟练的,精通的 n. 能手,专家adequate adj. 足够的, 充足的, 适当的, 能胜任的a home from home 像家一样温暖的地方magnificent adj. 壮丽的,宏伟的,极好的weird adj. 怪异的,离奇的 n.命运;预言者take delight in 以...为乐vivid adj. 生动的,强烈的,鲜艳的,清晰的,逼真的leave a bad taste in someone's mouth 给某人留下坏印象debate n. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论cramped adj. 狭促的, 难懂的, 难辨的bear fruit 结果实,有成果in vain adj. 徒然(白费,无效)decor n. 装饰,陈设,布置organize vi. 组织起来 vt. 组织nod n. 点头, 打盹, 摆动 v. 点头, 打盹, 使...摆动theorist n. 理论家glance down 朝下一看brand-new adj. 崭新的clothes make the man 人靠衣装bunch n. 一串,一束,一组,凸起,大量vi. 凸起,使成一束(或一群等) vt. 使成一束burn out 烧掉cope with vt. 对付(应付,克服)tame adj. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的 vt. 驯养,使...驯服 vi. 变得驯服credit n. 信用, 荣誉, 贷款, 学分 v. 归功于, 赞颂, 信任establishment n. 确立,制定,设施,机构,权威commonly adv. 一般地,通常地,普通地wealthy adj. 富有的 n. 富人out of shape 身体状况不佳poverty n. 贫穷,贫困graceful adj. 优雅的audio book 有声读物legislation n. 立法, 法律talking book 有声读物celebrity n. 名人, 著名,著名人士, 名声, 名誉, 社会名流escalator n. 自动扶梯brand new 崭新的, 全新的industrious adj. 勤劳的, 勤奋的recommend vt. 建议, 推荐, 劝告 vt. 使成为可取, 使受欢迎folk music n. 民间音乐Toyota n. 丰田汽车,丰田(日本城市)cannot carry a tune 唱歌走调appearance n. 外表,出现,出场fall short of someone's expectations 未能达到某人的期望terrific adj. 极好的,非常的,极度的hiking n. 徒步旅行interior adj. 内部的,内地的,国内的,在内的 n. 内部scenic spot 名胜,风景区wiped out 精疲力竭的exaggeration n. 夸张,夸大tighten someone's belt v. 束紧腰带,节约度日calm n. 平稳,风平浪静 adj. 平静的,冷静的 vt.&vi. 平静下来,镇静part n. 部份,零件,角色,部位 vt. 分开,分离,分配 vi. 分离,离开 adv. 部份地 adj. 分离的bellboy n. 侍者,饭店里的年轻服务员 =bellhopblock buster n. 巨型炸弹,(出版人或制片人为了促进销售额而大力宣传的)书或影片visionary adj. 幻影的, 幻想的,有远见卓识的 n. 空想家, 梦想者,预言家religious adj. 宗教的,虔诚的,细心的 n. 修道院成员, 僧侣build up stamina 增进耐力break new ground 开垦处女地开辟新天地nerd n. 缺乏吸引力的人, 对社会无能的人, 尤指书呆子pastime n. 消遣,娱乐a cliffhanger 一场充满悬念的比赛disabled people 残疾人, 伤残人scandal n. 丑闻,中伤,反感,耻辱repeat n. 重复,反复 vt. 重复,复述 vi. 重复 adj. 重复的,反复的mega 兆, 百万be reluctant to 不情愿做某事job satisfaction 工作满意pay off 付清; (付清工资后)解雇; <非正>取得成功; 使得益stuffing n. 填塞物, 填充剂动词stuff的现在分词a wholesome diet 健康的饮食习惯cash n. 现金 vt. 兑现,付现款 adj. 现金的disposable adj. 用完即可丢弃的come up with v.提出 v.想出Cavalier n. 骑士, 武士 adj. 满不在乎的, 无忧无虑的be supportive of 非常支持、配合某人dozens of 几十out of one's depth 超出了某人的能力范围family adj. 家庭的 n. 家庭kickboard n.踢水板compete on a level playing field 公平的竞争performance n.表演; 演技; 表现; 执行modest adj. 谦虚的, 适度的, 端庄的。
TOEFL阅读中"关键"词汇mores 风俗,习惯submit 屈从;提交;主张,认为backfire 产生反效果;逆火speculate 推测;思索;投机(venture)wield 行使(权利);挥舞(宝剑)recreation 再创造;消遣,娱乐peer 同等人,同辈人;凝视project 预测;凸出;投掷,发射;计划mitigate减轻,缓和negate 否认familial 家庭的vain 无用的,虚荣的vein 面纱;掩饰bound n. 范围 v. 跳跃;以...为界;bind的过去式和过去分词be bound to do 必定,一定rationale 基本原理,论据launch 开始,发动;发射supplant = in place of 代替retain 保留status quo 现状downplay 低估,贬低radical 词根,激进分子;根本的;激进的conviction 信念;定罪credit 功劳,声望,信任appeal to 求助于gloss 掩饰;使有光泽explain away 搪塞,把...解释过去complementary 补充的complimentary 称赞的,问候的indefensible 站不住脚的misgiving 疑虑dissent 异议,不同意dispense with 免除exempt 免除shun 避开identity 身份,本体;同一性,完全相同;特性sustain 维持;遭受;忍耐contend 主张,声称;争论(n. contention)object n. 物体 v.反对(objection n.反对)objective n. 目标; adj.客观的dispose 处理,处置;安排,使用except that 只是,只可惜;除了fanciful 幻想的,想象中的apprehend 领会,理解;逮捕;忧虑whereupon 于是,因此administer 实施;给与;服用(药);管理formulate 明确地表达champion v. 拥护; n. 冠军posit 断定,假定advance 使前进,推进;促进,加速;提出,倡导primacy n. 首位,首要(adj. primary)priority 优先权vary vi. 变化variation n. 变种,变体,变化variable adj.可变的; n. 变量invariably adv. 不变地,总是gross 明显错误的;总的;十足的;粗俗的converse adj. 相反的; n. 相反的事物; v. 交谈scheme 方案,计划,安排presume v. 假定--> presumable adj. 可假定的,可能的--> presumably adv. 可能,大概trade 职业,行业;手艺;交易,贸易court 追求,求爱;招致,带来course 路线;过程,进程;课程only adj. 的;adv. 仅仅,不过conceive 想象,构思perceive 察觉,感知harbor v. 怀有,窝藏; n. 海港,避难所move 打动,感动;提议concede 勉强承认bear 带有,具有;承载,忍受;生(孩子);熊buffet 打击;餐具柜illuminate 阐明,照亮be committed to doing 致力于,献身于(=be devoted to doing)not so much ... as... 与其说...不如说...mete out 分配,给与(奖惩)viable 可行的,能生存的(n. viability)revolutionary 革命者;革命的--> the Revolutionary War 独立战争reside in 存在于;居住repertoire 常备剧目outrage 使愤慨nuance 精微玄妙之处incipient 初期的mortal 致命的;世间的,人类的shed 脱落;流出;倾注in (the) light of 根据,按照in terms of 就...方面来讲as of 在...时discrepancy 矛盾,差异plague v. 折磨 n. 瘟疫interpose 插入,插话,使介入discourse 论文;演讲,谈话ascribe ... to... 将...归因于... attribute ... to... 将...归因于... owe ... to... 将...归因于... credit... to/with... 将...归因于...。
托福阅读重点词汇分享托福阅读重点词汇总结1perspective 透视画法;观点,方法;前景,远景prospect 前景,景色;前途;勘探,寻找appreciate 理解,认识,意识到;欣赏;感激elaborate v. &adj. 精心制作,详细描述;精心制作的 address v.从事,忙于;n. 演讲appropriate v. 拨给资金,盗用/ adj.合适的strain n. 血统,品系,菌株;紧张,张力;v.扭伤,拉紧 article n. 物品,商品intrigue v. &n 激发兴趣;密谋;阴谋intriguing adj. 激发兴趣的assume v. 承担,担任;假装;假设bark n. 树皮; 犬吠bill n.议案,法案; .鸟嘴;账单champion vt. 支持,拥护;n.冠军aging n.老化,陈酿complex n. 综合体 adj.复杂的托福阅读重点词汇总结2concern n. 公司垄断组织“康采恩”就是它的音译attribute v. &n 归因于;特征,属性default n. &v. 不履行;违约;拖欠;默认值drill vt. 钻孔;训练,操练exploit v. 开发,利用n. 功绩fair n. 集市,交易会;adj.公平的,美丽的 adv.公平地,直接地 fairly adv. 相当地,公平地game n. 猎物,野味;fashion vt. 形成,塑造 n.时尚,方式inviting adj. 引人注目的,吸引人的alternate v. &adj. 交替,轮流; 交替的托福阅读重点词汇总结3alternating adj.交互的,交替的alternative n. &adj. 可供选择的方案option;选择性的optionalfigure n. 人物;体形hit n. 轰动一时的人物或作品vt. 偶然碰见find n. 发现物spring v. &n 跃出,触发;弹簧,弹性;泉水humor n.体液import v. &n 重要;进口preserve v. &n. 禁猎区;蜜饯;保护quality adj. &n 1.优质的;性质,品质issue v. &n. 流出; 出版,发行;问题jar v. &n 震动;坛子envision v.想象,预想literature n. 文献;文学lot n. 一块地;命运,签fine adj. 细小的,美好的;v.罚款minute adj. 微小的,细小的novel adj. 新颖的casual 偶然的,随便的托福阅读重点词汇总结4causal 原因的,因果关系的pound v. 猛击;乱敲rear v. &n饲养,栽培;后面的produce n. 产品尤指农产品project v. &n使突出,伸出;放映,投射;方案,工程relief n. 凸起,浮雕;痛苦减轻,安慰provided conj. 倘若,在…条件下。
TPO17:(55)1.Impetus [ˈimpitəs] n. 推动,促进,刺激;推动力例句:This development provided an impetus to a long-held desire to secure direct relations with the East by establishing a sea trade.译文:这种发展提供了一个新的契机,那就激发了欧洲与东方建立一个海上的航路来确保两者之间不间断的贸易往来。
2.immensity [iˈmensi ti] n. 巨大,无限, 广大, 巨物, 无限的空间例句:Marco Polo, of the willingness of people in China to trade with Europeans and of the immensity of the wealth to be gained by such contact made the idea irresistible Possibilities for trade seemed promising.译文:马可波罗带回了中国人希望和欧洲人通商的意愿和对于欧洲人来说只要一纸合约便可以获得的取之不尽的财富,所有的这一切,都让欧洲人无法抗拒。
3.irresistible [ˌiriˈzistəbəl] adj. 不可抵抗的;不能压制的;极为诱人的;无法抗拒的例句:见上一单词4.maritime [ˈmæritaim] adj. 海的;海事的;沿海的;海员的;海上的例句:Europe's maritime tradition had developed in the context of easily navigable seas.译文:欧洲的航海传统是在那些比较容易航行的海域中建立和发展起来的。
5.navigable [ˈnævigəbəl] adj. 可航行的;可驾驶的;适于航行的;可通航的例句:见上一单词modity [kəˈmɔditi] n. 商品,货物;日用品;期货例句:Spices were the most sought-after commodities.译文:香料变成最为普遍的日用品。
1.Viewer观众mercial 广告3.skip 跳4.skate 滑5.real time 实时6.segment 部分7.meanwhile 同时8.cassette 磁带9.capacity 容量10.option 选项11.durable 耐用的12.directly 直接的13.cheer sb up使某人振作起来14.remain 保持15.tragic 悲剧16.renovation 创新17.department 部门18.skateboarding 滑板19.pursue 追求20.market v营销21.drinks 饮料22.audience 观众23.decade 十年24.brutal 残忍地25.violent 暴力的26.cruel 残酷的27.murder 谋杀28.disastrous灾难性的29.harsh 粗糙的;严厉的30.drought干旱31.vast 极大32.insurance 保险33.research 研究34.detect 查明35.detector 探测仪36.detective 侦探37.graphic 图像38.take measure 采取措施39.interface界面40.grab 抓41.illegal 非法42.regular有规律的43.involve 牵涉44.drug 药45.responsible 责任46.arm 装备47.effect 影响48.affect v.影响49.specie 种群50.rhino 犀牛51.enable 使··能52.vanish 突然消失53.trophy 纪念品54.exotic 奇异的55.jungle 丛林56.shrink收缩57.target 目标58.poacher 偷猎者yout 布局60.evaporate蒸发61.expert 专家62.reliance 依赖63.prove 证明64.fascinate迷住boratory实验室66.climate 气候work 网络68.heightened加强的69.spot 认出70.be involved in 参与71.humidity 湿度72.concentrate 集中v73.bullet 子弹74.prevent 防止preventfrom75.portrait 肖像76.still-life 静物77.be deprived of 被剥夺78.contradict 与……矛盾79.be exposed to 曝光80.strategy 策略81.desertification 沙漠化82.remove 移除V.83.removal 移除n.84.additional 额外的85.intelligent 智慧的adj86.context 背景87.flatten 变平88.purpose目的89.ensure 确保90.uniform 一样的91.separate分离92.mechanical机械的93.involve 包含94.marine 海洋95.tsunami 海啸96.plantation种植园97.extreme 极度的98.replace 替换99.ancestor祖先100.mistakenly 错误adv101.origin起源adv.102.original 原创的103.original plan原计划104.race种族105.racism种族主义106.consequently 结果107.consequent 结果adj.108.be capable of=be able to do能够109.visible 可视的110.invisible 不可视的parison 比较112.in comparison 相比之下113.take advantage of占…的便宜114.accomplish 完成115.accomplishment 成就116.control 控制117.expand 扩张118.piston活塞119.textile mill纺织城120.seed种子121.grain 谷物122.technical term 术语123.stalk 杆子124.essential 重要的125.vital 至关重要的126.account 账目127.account for 说明128.invention发明129.get access to 进入130.literature 文学131.analyze 对…进行分析132.analysis n.分析133.perspective角度134.persuasive说服力的135.intermediate中间的136.membership会员137.inappropriate不适合138.academic学术的139.purchase购买140.unharmed 不受伤的141.harmful 有害的142.harmless 无害的143.unconscious 无意识的144.consciousness意识145.care 关心146.careful 小心147.carelessness粗心大意148.caring 关心149.courage 勇气150.bold 勇敢的;明显的151.courageous 勇敢的152.discourage 泄气153.enthusiastic热情154.court 场;法院155.sample 样品156.emphasize vt. 强调,着重;加强语气;使突出157.emphasis n. 强调;158.sacrifice 牺牲159.leave for去…地160.innocent 天真无邪的;清白的161.occur 发生162.legal 合法163.suspect 怀疑v164.poison 毒165.long term 长期166.short term 短期167.present 现在adjply with 遵从169.facility 设备170.facilitate有助于171.on the rise 升高172.property 财产,房产173.property price 房地产价格174.guarantee==promise 保证承诺175.extra 额外的176.extreme 极端177.expense 花费178.drug 毒品179.supervise 监督180.supervisor 监督者181.in charge of 负责182.paycheck薪水183.tend to 倾向于184.threaten 威胁185.format格式186.advantage优点187.contract 合同188.bottom 底部189.put down 放下190.put off ==postpone推迟191.service服务192.gender 性别193.occupation职业194.source 来源195.resource 资源196.journalist 记者197.journalism新闻业198.sensitive 敏感199.concern 担忧200.decision 决心201.description 描述202.politician政治家203.political政治的204.right 权力205.injury 受伤206.cancellation 取消207.recycle 循环利用208.bin 箱子209.take up 占据210.promote 促进211.aware 意识到212.campaign运动213.shame 耻辱214.resident 居民215.hall 大厅216.member 成员217.memory 记忆218.have access to 可以接近219.invite 邀请220.offspring 后代221.resistance 抵抗222.enhance 提高223.crucial 重要的224.field 领域225.territory 领地226.pea 豌豆227.heredity 遗传228.hypotheses假设229.inherit 遗传230.dominant 显性231.recessive 隐性232.groundbreaking 开创性的233.destiny 命运234.united 联合235.slave 奴隶236.divide 分裂237.apply to 运用238.contestant 参与者239.administration 管理240.agency代理;中介241.supplement补充242.medical 医学的243.lengthy长的244.trial 实验;审判bel 标签246.side effect 副作用247.direction 方向248.achieve 实现249.accomplish 完成vaccomplishment 成就250.standard 标准251.adjust 调整v252.adjustable可调节的253.forbid 禁止254.requirement要求255.in term of 依据;以…而言256.circumstance环境257.statistic统计258.wage 薪水(工人)259.gap 间隙260.minority少数民族261.deny 否认262.immigrant移民mand命令264.obey 服从itary 军事266.reward 奖reward him forhis efforts267.annual 每年的268.decline 降低269.reduce 减少270.tradition 传统271.factor 因素272.consider 考虑273.structural 结构(上)的274.bully 以强凌弱275.scare 恐吓276.leisurely 休闲的277.plague困扰278.nightmare 噩梦279.insomnia失眠280.depression 压抑281.encounter 遇到282.acquire获得283.corresponding相对应的284.method 方法285.consist of 由…构成286.manner礼貌287.dean 院长288.contribute to有助于289.individual个体的290.suppress 压制291.pamphlet小册子292.absorb 吸收293.drawback 困难294.credit 信誉;学分295.semester 学期296.short of 缺少297.going out of business 倒闭298.recommend推荐299.night shift夜班300.transfer from 转到301.career fair 招聘会302.wait table 服务员303.coworker同事304.yell at sb 对某人大叫305.trial审判306.jury 陪审团307.take…into account 吧…考虑进去308.prison监狱309.insist on坚持做310.capture俘获311.run for竞选312.parliament上议院313.be supposed to do 应该314.conflict冲突315.poet 诗人316.delicate微妙317.moral道德318.incredible 不可思议的319.appreciation赏识320.psychology心理学321.obesity肥胖322.obese 肥大的323.productive生产力324.tragedy 悲剧325.weakness 弱点326.flaw 缺陷327.defect 缺点328.anger生气329.audience 观众330.punishment 惩罚331.horror 恐惧332.relief 安慰333.healing 康复的adj334.stadium运动场petition 竞争336.ancient 古老的337.precise 精确338.element 元素339.fitness 健康340.marathon马拉松341.warrior战士342.tug-of-war 拔河343.army 军队344.spiritual精神的345.branch树枝346.leather皮347.fit 匀称348.target 目标349.Egyptian 埃及人350.approve of 赞同351.object to反对352.rivalry竞争(对敌人)bination合并354.harmony 和谐355.deliver 运送356.accident 意外357.vulnerable脆弱的358.boost 提高359.liability职责360.victim 受害者361.bartender酒保362.be at fault有过错363.advanced 高级的364.nutrient营养物365.replace替换366.disorder 混乱367.concentrate 集中368.greedy 贪婪的369.garbage 垃圾370.ideally理想的371.basket篮372.chemical reaction 化学反应373.tissue 组织(生)374.nervous system 神经系统375.illness 疾病376.sailors 水手377.spot 地点378.disaster 灾难379.mine 采矿380.weed 杂草381.pesticide杀虫剂382.treatment 对待anic有机的384.chemical 化学的385.fertilizer化肥386.pest害虫bor 人力388.perhaps 大概;也许389.plant 星球390.tariff关税391.dispute 争论392.treat 对待393.cross 穿过394.invest 投资v395.investment 投資n396.priority优先397.prioritize 优先化398.apply申请399.various 不同的400.allergy过敏401.alarm 警报402.fault错误403.overcome 克服404.express 表达;快递405.value价值;珍惜406.extinguish 灭火407.primary首要的408.sociology社会学409.make it up补偿410.assignment任务411.convince说服v412.elementary school小学413.van 货车414.discount折扣415.shrink 缩小416.galaxy星系417.squeeze挤418.establish 建立419.pottery陶瓷420.ceramic陶瓷的;陶瓷制品421.essential重要的422.vehicle 车辆423.keep track of 跟踪424.wheel轮子425.crop 庄稼426.store 商店;贮存427.storage贮存428.grind v.磨碎;n.磨anize 组织430.supply 供给431.give rise to 导致432.earthworm蚯蚓433.continent大洲434.fundraiser资金筹集435.sight up 登记436.implementation 实施n 437.implement 实施v438.interpersonal 人际的439.eliminate消除440.resume简历441.recommendation letter推荐信442.shelter 遮蔽处443.sponsor 赞助444.financial 金融的445.monetary 货币的~ polity 446.phenomenon现象447.witness 见证448.extracurricular activities课外活动449.participate参加某事;分享某事450.revise修订ment 评论452.moody 情绪化的453.unapproachable无法接近的454.pleasant令人愉快地455.obligation责任456.teaching assistant 助教457.thesis论文458.familiar熟悉的459.disappoint 失望460.graduation 毕业et彗星462.perception知觉;察觉(力)463.despite 尽管464.spin 旋转465.eventually最后466.mercury汞467.asteroid小行星468.shooting stars 流星469.play a huge role in起巨大作用470.b e in charge of=beresponsible for 负责471.disgrace耻辱472.get rid of 去掉473.stick 粘贴474.attach 贴上475.monitor 显示器476.retire 退休477.submit 提交478.in a row 连续479.current现在的480.adopt 采取481.drop out退出482.petition 请愿书483.pet 宠物484.request 请求485.symphony 交响乐486.raise money 筹钱487.monarchy 君主制488.ruler 统治者489.symbolic 象征的490.symbolic meaning 象征意义491.wield 支配492.sovereign 独立主权493.hereditary 遗传的494.succession 继承495.stability 稳定的496.continuity 连续性497.predictability 可预测性498.affection 喜爱;情感499.loyalty 忠诚500.constitutional 宪法的501.constitution 宪法502.reign 统治503.revolt 造反504.throne 皇位505.firing squad 行刑队506.considerate 体贴的507.thoughtful 沉思的508.approve of 赞同509.disapprove 不赞同510.nonrenewable 不可再生资源511.exhausted 用尽,累512.solar power 太阳能513.fossil fuels 化石能514.unrealistic 不现实515.dependable 可信赖的516.sufficient 足够的517.reliance 依赖518.conservation 保护519.alternative 可替代的520.proponent 支持者521.phased 渐进的522.critic 批评家523.consumption消费524.lessen 减少525.no variety 没变化526.appeal to 取悦527.unsatisfactory不满意的528.satisfactory 满意的529.satisfaction满意530.cautious 谨慎的531.on top of that 除此之外532.penalizing 对…予以惩罚533.ultimate 最终534.initiative 主动权535.press 压;新闻536.chromosome染色体537.repetitive重复的538.replicate复制539.diagnosis诊断540.liver 肝541.avenue 大街542.identify 确定543.associated with 与…联系起来544.contrast 对比545.extortion 敲诈546.Problematic 有问题的547.Cocaine 可卡因548.burglary 盗窃549.thrive 繁荣550.dedication 奉献thededication of teachers551.life expectancy 寿命552.morality 道德553.taboo 禁忌554.prestige 威望555.initial 初始的556.obtain 获得557.technological 技术的558.lower 降低vunch 发射560.instinct 本能561.merchandise 商品562.trendy 时尚的veryfashionable563.demand需求564.profitable 有利可图的565.expand 扩张566.profit 利润567.spoiled 变质568.bacteria 细菌569.activate 激活570.moisture 湿度571.powder 粉状572.prominence 显著573.perspective 视角574.reformation 革新575.reform 改革v576.roughly 粗略的577.enlightenment 启蒙578.enlighten 启发v579.long to 渴望580.revive 复兴581.nude 裸体的582.statue 雕塑583.dignity 尊严584.flourish 繁荣585.leap 跃进586.figurative 比喻的587.via 通过588.mythological 虚构的;神话的589.biblical 圣经的590.leaf 树叶591.plague 瘟疫592.priest 神父593.afterlife 死后594.widespread 普遍的595.catholic天主教596.protestant 新教597.pope 教皇598.rigidity 刻板599.ally 同盟600.rampant 猖獗601.behead 砍头602.blood shed 流血603.debt 债604.vow 发誓605.banish 驱逐606.rebellion 叛乱607.liberty 自由608.rallying 集会609.overthrow 推翻610.oppressive 压迫的611.noblemen 贵族612.condemn谴责613.ratify 批准614.legislature 立法机关615.coup 政变616.maintain 保持617.operation 操作618.power plant 发电站619.necessitate使成为必须620.draining 排水的621.block 阻挡622.power grid 电网623.barrage 阻挡624.operator 操作员625.riverbank 河堤626.scorpion 蝎子627.hostile 敌对的628.recognize 识别recognizable629.recognition 承认;认出630.formidable 令人敬畏的631.exceptional 杰出的632.contraction 收缩633.bury 埋634.flesh 肉635.nocturnal 夜的636.take for granted 认为…理所当然637.inhabit 栖息638.fund 出资639.carnivorous 肉食的640.stealthy 秘密的641.approach 方法;接近642.charge 收费v;电荷n643.briefly 短暂644.venomous 有毒的645.infection 感染646.jaw 颌647.wide 宽的648.buffalo 水牛649.corpse 尸体650.attribute to 归咎651.mating 交配652.polymer 聚合物653.property 性能654.opaque 透明655.insulator 绝缘体656.alter 改变657.inhale 吸入658.swallow 吞659.inject 注入660.epidemic 流行病661.unrestrained 无限制的662.regulate 控制v663.license 许可664.series of 连续的665.fertile 肥沃的666.great plains 大平原667.plow 耕668.Atlantic Ocean 大西洋669.dust storm 沙尘暴670.filth 污物671.blizzard 暴雪的672.acre 英亩673.indigent 贫困的674.indigenous 本土的675.herd 种群;畜牧676.exodus 大批的离去677.migrate 迁移678.tidal wave 潮汐波679.forecasting 预报680.coin 硬币;杜撰;创造681.barometer 气压计682.vacuum 真空683.deduce 推导684.rotation 旋转685.means 方式686.satellite 卫星687.judgment 判断688.accuracy 精确(性)689.unprecedented 史无前例的690.precedent 前例;在前的691.bounce跳;反弹692.absence 缺席;缺少693.supreme 最高的694.in favor of 赞成695.abortion 堕胎696.controversy 争论697.contrary 相反的698.protest 抗议699.issue 发布700.quilting 缝纫艺术701.blanket 毯子702.colonial 殖民的mentate 纪念704.incorporate 包含705.hygiene 卫生706.be split into 分割707.categories 种类708.pyramid 金字塔709.inverted倒转的710.spare 节省;多余的711.loose松的712.ideology 意识形态713.corruption 腐败714.evil 邪恶的715.virtue 美德716.civic 市民的717.chimpanzee 大猩猩718.boundary 界限719.captivity 囚禁720.diary 日记721.Portuguese 葡萄牙人722.document记录723.inherently 天性的724.workforce 劳动力725.fatal=deadly 致命的726.enrich 使富有727.amorphous 无定型的728.raw material 原材料729.sulfur dioxide SO2730.possession财产731.Mediterranean 地中海732.distinguishable 可区分的733.vase 花瓶modity 商品735.diamond 钻石736.modify=change slightly修正737.inherit 继承738.scroll(鼠标)滚动。
A考題答案中文abandoned left a. 被遺棄的aberrant abnormal a. 脫離常軌的 , abort quit v. 夭折 ;中止abruptly suddenly ad. 突然地 ; 意外地absorb take in v. 吸收 ;被⋯吸引absorb appeal v. 吸收 ;被⋯吸引absorb learn (學習 )v. 吸收abstract not concrete a. 抽象的 ;非實際的absurd ridiculous a. 荒謬的 ;可笑的abundance large amount n. 大量abundance great number n. 大量abundant affluent a. 豐富的 ;大量的abundant ample a. 豐富的 ;大量的abundant numerous a. 豐富的 ;大量的abundant plentiful a. 豐富的 ;大量的abundant substantial a. 豐富的 ;大量的abundantly plentifully ad. 豐富地 ; 大量地access reach v. 接近accessible easy to reach a. 易接近的accessible reachable a. 可接近的accidental unexpected a. 意外的 ;偶然的accommodate provide for v. 提供accomplished skilled a. 熟練的accomplished achieved a. 實現完成的account description n. 說明account for explain v. 說明accumulate collect v. 累積 ;聚集accumulate pile up v. 累積 ;聚集accurate correct a. 正確的accurately correctly ad. 正確地be accustomed to get used to phrv. 習慣get accustomed to become used to phrv. 習慣acknowledge recognize v. 承認actually in fact ad. 事實上added extra a. 附加的 ;額外的adept skilled a. 熟練的adherent supporter n. 擁護者adjacent nearby a. 毗連的adjacent neighboring a. 毗連的adjust modify v. 調整 ;改變⋯以適應admit let in v. 准許進入adopt enact v. 採用advance improvement n. 發展 ;增長advent arrival n. 出現 ;到來advent beginning n. 出現 ;到來affair matter n. 事件 ;事情afford provide v. 提供 ;給予aggravate increase v. 加重 ;增劇aggravate annoy v. 使惱火aggregate overall a. 聚集的 ;合計的aggregate combined a. 聚集的 ;合計的agile astute a. 靈活的 ;敏捷的agile clever a. 靈活的 ;敏捷的agile quick and active a. 靈活的 ;敏捷的agile move and act quickly a. 靈活的 ;敏捷的air feeling n. 氣氛alarm warning n. 警告alarm sound v. 警報albeit even though conj. 儘管;雖然albeit although conj. 儘管;雖然allow enable v. 允許allude suggest v. 暗示allude to refer to phrv. 提到ally with link to v. 結盟 ;聯合alter change to v. 改變amazing remarkable a. 令人驚訝的、非凡的ambiguous vague a. 模棱兩可的 ; 不明確的ambivalent mixed a. 矛盾的ample spacious a. 寬敞的ample plentiful a. 充足的 ;豐富的anchor hold in place v. 使固定ancient old a. 古老的ancient antique a. 古老的annihilate destroy v. 消滅annihilate completely remove v. 消滅annually yearly ad. 每年anomaly irregularity n. 異常的人或物antagonist competitor n. 對手 ;敵手anticipate expect v. 預期antiseptic clean a. 抗菌的antithesis opposite n. 對立面antler horn n. 鹿角anxiety worry n. 憂慮 ;擔心apart from except for phr. 除了⋯之外apart from exception phr. 除了⋯之外apparatus equipment n. 儀器 ;設備apparent obvious a. 顯然的apparently clearly ad. 顯然地appeal attraction n. 吸引力broad appeal wide popularity a. 廣泛的吸引力appealing attractive a. 有吸引力的appear seem v. 似乎appearance rise n. 出現appearance showing up n. 出現appearance arrival n. 出現application use n. 應用appreciable noticeable a. 相當可觀的approach method n. 方法approach move toward v. 接近approximately roughly ad. 大約地architecture structure n. 構造archive record v. 存檔archive stock v. 存檔archive store v. 存檔arduous difficult a. 艱鉅的arid dry a. 乾旱的arise emerge v. 出現arrangement configuration n. 安排 ;佈置array range n. 一系列article item n. 物品article object n. 物品as a rule in general phr. 通常assert declare v. 斷言 ;宣稱assertion strong statement n. 斷言 ;主張asset advantage n. 資產 ;有利條件assimilate combine v. 同化assistance help n. 幫助;協助assorted various a. 各式各樣的assume believe v. 假定 ;設想assume suppose v. 假定 ;設想assume take on v. 承擔assumption premise n. 假設astonishing amazing a. 驚人的astute clever a. 敏銳的attachment to preference for n. 依戀attain achieve v. 達到 ;獲得attainment achievement n. 達到 ;獲得attendant accompanying a. 伴隨的attest to confirm v. 證實attribute accredit v. 歸於 ;認為attribute to credit with v. 歸於 ;認為attribute characteristic n. 特徵attribution character n. 屬性augment increase v. 增加 ;提高available obtainable a. 可獲得的avenue method n. 途徑 ;手段avenue means n. 途徑 ;手段avid enthusiastic a. 熱中的be aware of familiar with phrv. 瞭解B考題答案中文barely just ad. 僅僅barge boat n. 駁船barrier obstacle n. 障礙barrier impediment n. 障礙visual barrier obstacle to view phr. 視覺阻礙battle struggle n. 搏鬥 ;奮鬥beckon invite v. 招喚 ;引誘be beforehand foreordain v. 預先being creature n. 生命beneficial advantageous a. 有益的blossom flourish v. 興旺blossom thrive v. 興旺boast puff v. 自吹自擂說 ; 吹噓boast exaggerate v. 自吹自擂說 ; 吹噓bombard assail v. 炮擊 ;轟擊bombard assault v. 炮擊 ;轟擊bombard strike v. 炮擊 ;轟擊boom expansion n. 激增 ;爆漲boon great benefit n. 利益boost raise v. 增加 ;提高boundary periphery n. 邊界branch division n. 分支breed reproduce v. 繁殖 ;飼養brilliant bright a. 光輝的 ; 明亮的brittle breakable a. 脆弱的brittle fragile a. 脆弱的broadly generally ad. 大體上broadly extensively ad. 大體上bulk great quantity n. 大部份bulk majority n. 大部份bulk large portion n. 大部份bulk large part n. 大部份bulk major part n. 主體burgeon expand v. 急速成長bustling lively a. 活躍的C考題答案中文camouflage blend with circumstances v. 偽裝camouflage decorate ( 裝飾 )v. 偽裝camouflage disguise v. 偽裝camouflage hide v. 偽裝cardinal fundamental a. 基本的cargo shipment n. 船貨 ; 貨物celebrated famous a. 著名的central essential a. 主要的certain specified a. 指定的chancy risky a. 冒險的channel direct v. 引導channel guide v. 引導channel provide v. 提供幫助chaotic disorganized a. 混亂的cherish value v. 珍愛chief major a. 主要的chisel carve v. 刻 ; 鑿choose opt v. 選擇chronic persistent a. 長期的 ;不斷的chronic confirmed a. 長期的 ;不斷的chronic habitual a. 長期的 ;不斷的chronic inveterate a. 長期的 ;不斷的chronically constantly ad. 長期地circuitous indirect a. 迂迴的circumstance condition n. 環境 ; 情況cite quote v. 引用cite refer to v. 引用classic typical a. 典型的clear apparent a. 顯然的clear visible a. 容易看見的cling to attach to v. 附著close careful a. 嚴密的 ;周密的clue hint n. 線索coating cover n. 覆蓋層coincide with be at the same time as v. 同時發生collaborate cooperate v. 合作collaboration joint effect n. 合作成果collect gather v. 收集collide with run into v. 碰撞collide hit each other v. 碰撞commemorate celebrate v. 慶祝 ; 紀念compact compressed (結實的 ) a. 緊密的 ;簡明的compact concise a. 緊密的 ;簡明的comparable equivalent a. 可比較的compel push v. 強迫compelling convincing a. 令人信服的compensate reimburse v. 賠償 ; 補償compensate for balance phrv. 賠償 ;補償complaint protest v. 抗議complement supplement n. 補充物complement add to v. 補充completely totally ad. 完全地complex elaborate a. 複雜的complex system n. 複合物 ;綜合體complicated made things more difficult a. 複雜的complicated complex a. 複雜的component constituent a. 組成的composition mixture n. 合成物comprehensive understandable a. 能理解的comprehensive complete a. 全部的comprise form v. 組成comprise make up v. 組成concern interest v. 感興趣conclusive final a. 最後的conclusive ultimate a. 最後的conducive contributive a. 有助於 ...的configuration form n. 佈局 ;結構configuration arrangement n. 佈局 ;結構confine limit v. 限制confront face v. 面臨congeal solidify v. 使凝結consecutive successive a. 連續的consequence result n. 結果 ;重要性consequence importance n. 結果 ;重要性consequent later a. 隨後的consequent resultant a. 作為結果的consequent resulting a. 作為結果的consequential significant a. 重要的consequently therefore ad. 因此consequently thus ad. 因此conserve save v. 保存consider think about v. 考慮 ;認為consider think as v. 考慮 ;認為consider view as v. 考慮 ;認為considerable substantial a. 相當大的consist of compose of v. 由⋯組成consistent regular a. 一致的be consistent with be compatible with phr. 一致的consistently regularly ad. 一致地conspicuous notable a. 明顯的constant stable a. 固定的 ;不變的constantly always ad. 經常 ; 不斷地constellation collection n. 一系列 ;一群constellation combination n. 一系列 ;一群constitution component n. 構造constrain restrict v. 限制constraint limit n. 限制constraint restriction n. 限制consume eat up v. 消耗 ; 吃 ; 喝consumed used up v. 消耗contemplate consider v. 沉思contentious disputed a. 好爭吵的continual constant a. 不間斷的 ; 連續的continuous uninterrupted a. 連續的 ;持續的on the contrary on the other hand phr. 恰恰相反on the contrary whereas (然而 ; 反之 )phr. 恰恰相反contrive create v. 發明contrive invent v. 發明conventional customary a. 習慣的 ;慣例的conventional traditional a. 習慣的 ;慣例的converging concentrating a. 收縮的 ;會聚的convert transform v. 使轉變convert into change to v. 轉變成convict condemn v. 宣判convict sentence v. 宣判convict doom ( 判決 )v. 宣判conviction belief n. 相信 ;信念conviction strong belief n. 堅定的信念cope with deal with phrv. 應付 ;處理cope with handle phrv. 應付 ;處理core center n. 核心 ;要點correspondence harmony n. 一致corroborate confirm v. 證實 ;確證costly expensive a. 貴重的 ;昂貴的counsel advise v. 忠告counter oppose v. 反對counter of in the opposite of a. 相反的counterpart equivalent ( 同等物 )n. 複本 ;副本counterpart similitude ( 類似物 )n. 複本 ;副本counterpart version (版本 )n. 複本 ;副本countervail compensate v. 抵銷 ;對抗countervail oppose v. 抵銷 ;對抗copious plentiful a. 豐富的 ;大量的couple associate v. 與⋯聯繫起來covered included a. 隱蔽的 ;有蓋的crawl move v. 爬行 ;移動create invent v. 創作 ;產生creative inventive a. 創造的crest peak n. 頂峰critical crucial a. 關鍵的critical essential a. 關鍵的criticize debate ( 爭論 ; 辯論 )v. 批評 ;責備crucial important a. 重要的crucially decisively ad. 關鍵地crushed ground a. 碾碎了的cumbersome awkward a. 笨重的 ;麻煩的cumbersome clumsy a. 笨重的 ;麻煩的cumbersome unwieldy a. 笨重的 ;麻煩的curb control v. 控制 ; 遏止current present a. 現在的D考題答案中文dam block v. 築壩 ;控制dangle hang v. 懸擺 ;吊daring bold a. 大膽的debate argue v. 辯論 ;爭論decimate destroy v. 大量毀滅decimation destruction n. 大量毀滅degree extent n. 程度degree measure n. 程度delicate dainty a. 易碎的 ;精美的delight please v. 使高興delight pleasure n. 高興 ;愉快deluxe lavish a. 奢華的demand need n. 需要 ;需求in great demand in popularity phr. 普遍demise extinction n. 死亡demography population n. 人口統計dense crowded a. 稠密的 ;密集的dense thick a. 稠密的 ;密集的depend rely on v. 依賴 ;依靠dependable reliable a. 可信賴的depict describe v. 描述depict portray v. 描寫 ;描繪depletion drain n. 消耗 ;用盡deposit lay down v. 放下 ;放置deposit accumulate v. 沈積derive arise v. 源於 ;導出design create v. 設計designate identify v. 命名 ;指定detractor critic ( 批評者 )n. 誹謗者 ;惡意批評者detrimental harmful a. 有害的 ;不利的deviate digress v. 偏離deviation departure n. 背離devise create v. 設計 ;發明devoid of without (prep.) a. 缺乏的devoid of lack of a. 缺乏的devoid of scant of a. 缺乏的devoted dedicated a. 虔誠的 ;專心致志的devoted to concentrated on a. 虔誠的 ;專心致志的dictate order v. 命令dictate determine v. 口授 ;命令differential uneven a. 差別的 ;獨特的diffuse spread (out)v. 擴散 ;散佈diffuse travel v. 擴散 ;散佈diligent careful a. 勤奮的diligently carefully ad. 勤奮地dilute reduce v. 稀釋 ;使薄弱dim decrease v. 變暗淡disassemble break apart v. 拆開disassemble break up v. 拆開disband dismiss v. 解散 ;遣散discard throw up v. 摒棄 ;丟棄discard throw away v. 摒棄 ;丟棄discernible noticeable a. 可辨別的discernible discriminating a. 可辨別的discharge release v. 釋放disentangle disband v. 解開disgust distaste v. 厭惡disintegrate break apart v. 分解 ;碎裂disintegrate fall apart v. 分解 ;碎裂disintegrate tear apart v. 分解 ;碎裂dismantle demolish v. 拆開 ;拆除disorder anarchy n. 混亂dispensable not necessary a. 非必要的dispersal distribution n. 散佈 ;驅散displace move out of position v. 迫使 (人 )離開disposition temperament n. 性格 ;性情dispute contention n. 爭論 ;爭執dispute argument n. 爭論 ;爭執dissipate disperse v. 驅散dissipated dispersed a. 分散的dissuade discourage v. 勸阻distinct clear and recognizable a. 清楚的 ;明確的distinction difference n. 差別distinction excellence n. 優秀 ;卓越distinction honor n. 榮譽distinctive characteristic a. 有特色的distinguish notice from the difference v. 區別 ;識別distribute spread v. 分配 ;散佈distribution geographic range n. 分佈區域distribution dispersion n. 散佈disturb upset v. 打亂 ;擾亂diverse distinct a. 不同的diversification emergence of many varieties n. 多樣化diversity variety n. 多樣性divest get rid of v. 剝奪divest deprive v. 剝奪domestic home a. 家庭的 ;國內的dormant hibernated a. 休眠的 ;不活動的dormant inactive a. 休眠的 ;不活動的dramatically greatly ad. 戲劇性地drastic extreme a. 激烈的 ;極端的drastically obviously ad. 大大地 ;徹底地drastically severely (嚴重地 )ad. 大大地 ;徹底地dual double a. 雙的 ;雙重的duplicate copy v. 複製duplicate repeat n. 複本durable lasting a. 經久的 ;持久的duration length n. 為期E考題答案中文earn acquire v. 賺得 ; 贏得ease facilitate ( 使容易 )v. 使減輕 ; 使緩和eccentric erratic a. 古怪的 ; 反常的eccentric strange a. 古怪的 ; 反常的efface eliminate v. 消去elaborate detailed a. 精巧的 ; 詳盡的elaborate dainty a. 精巧的 ; 詳盡的elapsed passed a. 過去的 ; 經過的element weather condition n. (惡劣的)天氣eliminate remove v. 排除 ;消除elusive difficult to catch a. 難懂的 ; 難捉摸的emanate emerge v. 散發 ;產生embark on start v. 從事 (著手 )embed insert v. 插入 ;植入embed implant v. 插入 ;植入embed enclose v. 插入 ;植入emergence appearance n. 出現emergency crisis n. 緊急情況emergent developing a. 新興的employ use v. 利用enable allow v. 使能夠enactment establishment n. 制定encapsulate state briefly v. 概述encourage stimulate v. 激勵 ;刺激endangered not abundant a. 瀕臨絕種的endeavor enterprise n. 努力endow bestow v. 捐贈engulf swallow v. 吞沒enhance improve v. 提高 ;增強enhance intensify v. 提高 ;增強enjoy experience v. 經歷enlist obtain v. 謀取(支持、贊助等)enormous great a. 巨大的enrich enhance v. 使富足ensue result v. 因⋯產生ensuing subsequent a. 接著發生的ensure guarantee v. 保證 ;擔保entail involve v. 牽涉enthusiastic eager a. 熱情的be entitled to have the right phrv. 有⋯權利environment setting n. 環境ephemeral short-lived a. 短暫的ephemeral transient a. 短暫的episode event n. 事件equilibrium balance n. 平衡era period n. 時代 ;年代eradicate remove completely v. 根除 ;消滅erect build v. 建立erratic unpredictable a. 不穩定的 ; 古怪的erratic irregular a. 不穩定的 ; 古怪的escalate extend v. 逐步擴大essential crucial a. 極重要的established qualified a. 已制定的establishment formation ( 構成 )n. 建立 ;創立estimate projection n. 估計estimation evaluation n. 估計euphoric extremely happy a. 心情愉快的evaluate judge v. 評價eventual later a. 最後的eventually later ad. 最後eventually ultimately ad. 最後evidence proof n. 證據evident apparent a. 明顯的evident obvious a. 明顯的evoke arouse v. 喚起 ;引起evoke create in the mind v. 喚起 ;引起evoke draw v. 喚起 ;引起evoke produce v. 喚起 ;引起evoke promote v. 喚起 ;引起evoke stimulate v. 喚起 ;引起exaggerate overstate v. 誇張 ;誇大excavate dig out v. 挖掘excavation dug-out n. 挖掘exceed beyond above v. 超越 ;勝過exceed surpass v. 超越 ;勝過exceedingly extremely ad. 極其 ; 非常excess go beyond n. 超越 ;勝過exclusively only ad. 專門地 ; 獨佔地excrete expel v. 排泄 ;分泌exercise use v. 運用exhausted tired a. 精疲力竭的exhausted used up a. 耗盡的 ; 用完的exhibit demonstrate v. 展示 ;陳列exhibit display v. 展示 ;陳列expand stretch v. 展開 ;增長expand increase v. 展開 ;增長expanse area n. 一大片區域expansive large a. 廣闊的expediency advantage ( 優勢 ;利益 )n. 方便 ;利己expediency convenience n. 方便 ;利己expedient fitting a. 權宜的 ; 方便的expend use v. 耗盡explicit obvious a. 明確的 ; 清楚的explicitly clear ad. 明確地exploit take advantage of v. 利用exploit make use of v. 利用exploit utilize v. 利用explore investigate v. 探測 ;探索expose to subject to ( 遭受 )v. 使經歷express communicate v. 表達extant existing a. 現存的 ; 尚存的extant not extinct a. 現存的 ; 尚存的extant remaining a. 現存的 ; 尚存的extend stretch v. 延伸extend reach v. 延伸become extinct die out phrv. 滅絕extol praise v. 讚美extraneous inessential a. 無關的 ; 外來的extraneous from outside a. 無關的 ; 外來的extraordinary exceptional a. 異常的exude give off v. 滲出 ;發散exude release v. 滲出 ;發散F考題答案中文fabricate produce v. 製造in fact actually phr. 事實上far-reaching extensive a. 深遠的 ;廣泛的far-reaching broad a. 深遠的 ;廣泛的fascinating extremely attractive a. 迷人的fashion way n. 樣子 ; 方式fashion make v. 形成 ; 造fashionable popular a. 流行的 ;時尚的feasible achievable a. 可實行的feasible practical a. 可實行的feast eating n. 盛宴ferry transport n. 渡輪fertile reproductive a. 肥沃的 ;多產的fertile productive a. 肥沃的 ;多產的figure out map (詳細規劃 )phr. 計算出 ; 解決finding discovery n. 發現first and foremost above all phr. 首先 ; 首要地flake fragment n. 小薄片flattery praise n. 恭維flee run away from v. 逃走flexible adaptable a. 易適應的float stay on the top v. 漂浮float upward rise phrv. 浮起flourish prosper v. 繁榮 ;興旺flourish thrive v. 繁榮 ;興旺flourishing prosperous a. 繁榮的flow movement n. 流動fluctuate change v. 變動fluctuation variation n. 變動 ;起伏focal point centre area n. 焦點follow track v. 跟隨for instance for example phr. 例如 ; 譬如forage search for food v. 覓食forage feed n. 飼料formidable excessive a. 巨大的foster urge v. 培養 ;促進foster promote the development of v. 培養 ;促進foster encourage v. 鼓勵foul pollute v. 弄髒 ;污染fragment break up v. 使成碎片fragmentation break n. 破裂fragmentize break up v. 使成碎片frankly sincerely ad. 真誠地frankly openly ad. 坦白地friction conflict n. 爭執 ;不合function operation n. 效用 ;作用function utility n. 效用 ;作用fundamental basic a. 基礎的funds money n. 資金furthermore in addition ad. 此外G-H考題答案中文gap opening n. 缺口 ;裂口gear adjust v. 使適合generate produce v. 產生genuinely actually ad. 真誠地given particular a. 規定的 ; 特定的govern regulate v. 統治 ;管理govern control v. 統治 ;管理grasp understand v. 領會 ;理解groom make up v. 裝扮 ;使整潔groom clean v. 裝扮 ;使整潔groundless unfounded a. 無根據的grounds reasons n. 根據 ;理由groundwork base n. 基礎groundwork basis n. 基礎groundwork foundation n. 基礎grudging unenthusiastic a. 勉強的guarantee ensure v. 保證 ;擔保H考題答案中文hallmark characteristic n. 戳記 ;標誌hamper district v. 防礙 ;束縛hamper restrict v. 防礙 ;束縛hamper make difficulty v. 防礙 ;束縛handy convenient a. 便利的 ; 靈活的haphazard random a. 隨意的harness use v. 利用harness utilize v. 利用harsh drastic a. 嚴厲的 ; 嚴酷的hasty hurried a. 匆匆的 ; 急忙的haul pull v. 拖; 拉havoc destruction n. 浩劫hazard danger n. 危險heed notice v. 留心 ;注意heighten increase v. 增加 ;提高heir inheritor n. 繼承人 ; 後繼者hence therefore ad. 因此heritage legacy n. 遺產 ;傳統heritage tradition n. 遺產 ;傳統heterogeneous varied a. 由不同種類組成的hide conceal v. 隱藏hinder interfere with v. 妨礙hint clue n. 暗示 ;跡象hint implication n. 暗示 ;跡象hint indication n. 暗示 ;跡象hint lead n. 暗示 ;跡象hire employ v. 雇用hobby pastime n. 嗜好hold support v. 支撐 ;保持hold keep up v. 支撐 ;保持hollow an empty space n. 中空homogeneous uniform a. 同種的host of great number n. 大量however yet conj. 然而hub center n. 中心huge large a. 巨大的hurdle fence v. 用籬笆圍hypothetical supposed a. 假設的 ; 假定的I考題答案中文ice sheet glacier ( 冰河 )n. 冰原identical the same a. 同樣的idiosyncrasies peculiarity n. 特性ignite set on fire v. 點燃illusion Impression (印象 )n. 錯覺 ;幻像immediately closest ad. 接近 ; 緊接著immense great a. 巨大的immense huge a. 巨大的immense vast a. 巨大的immensely extremely ad. 非常immigration movement n. 移居immobile fixed a. 固定的 ; 靜止的immobility absence of motion n. 固定 ;靜止immoral indecent a. 不道德的immoral improper a. 不道德的impermeable impenetrable a. 不能滲透的impermeable impervious a. 不能滲透的impetus incentive n. 刺激 ;促進impetus stimulus v. 刺激 ;促進implausible unbelievable a. 難以置信的implement tool n. 工具imply indicate v. 意味imposing impressive a. 給人深刻印象的imprecise inexact a. 不精確的improbable unlikely a. 不像會發生的inaccessible unreachable a. 難接近的inadvertently unintentionally ad. 非故意地inadvertently without knowing ad. 非故意地inauspicious unfavorable a. 不吉利的incidentally by the way ad. 順便一提inclement unfavorable a. (氣候 ) 嚴酷的be inclined tend v. 傾向inconceivable unimaginable a. 難以置信的inconclusive without result ( 毫無結果 ) a. 不確定的incorporate include v. 包含incorporate merge v. 吸收 ; 併入incursion invasion n. 入侵indicate demonstrate v. 指示 ; 指出indigenous native a. 本土的 ;土生土長的indispensable significant (重要的 ) a. 必不可少的indispensable essential a. 不可缺少的indispensable necessary a. 不可缺少的indispensable needed a. 不可缺少的indispensable required a. 不可缺少的indispensable vital a. 不可缺少的induce bring v. 引起induce cause v. 引起ineffectively without any result ad. 無效地inert motionless a. 遲緩的 ;惰性的inert motiveless a. 遲緩的 ;惰性的inevitable unavoidable a. 不可避免的inference conclusion n. 推斷的結果infirm weak a. 不堅定的 ;衰弱的inflate expand v. 膨脹 ; 擴大infrastructure foundation n. 基礎建設ingenious very clever a. 心靈手巧的ingenuity cleverness n. 心靈手巧 ;獨創性ingenuity creativeness n. 心靈手巧 ;獨創性ingenuity inventiveness n. 心靈手巧 ;獨創性ingenuity resourcefulness n. 心靈手巧 ;獨創性inherent essential a. 內在的 ;固有的inherent internal a. 內在的 ;固有的inherent instinctive a. 與生俱來的inherent in characteristic of a. 與生俱來的inherently essentially ad. 固有地inhibit hinder v. 約束 ;抑制inhospitable unfavorable a. 冷淡的 ;不適宜的inhospitable adverse a. 冷淡的 ;不適宜的initial first a. 最初的initially originally ad. 最初 ; 開頭initiate begin v. 開始 ;創始initiate start v. 開始 ;創始innovation new n. 革新 ;創新innovative new a. 創新的inordinate excessive a. 過度的Instant moment n. 片刻 ;瞬間instantaneous immediate a. 即刻的instigate incite v. 唆使 ;煽動instructive informative v. 富有教育意義的insufficient inadequate a. 不足的intact untouched a. 完好的intangible nonmaterial a. 無形的intangible immaterial a. 無形的integral essential a. 構成整體所需要的intense strong a. 強烈的intentionally deliberately ad. 有意地 ; 故意地intermediate in-between a. 中間的 ; n. 媒介intimate close a. 親密的intricate carefully shaped a. 複雜的intricate complex a. 複雜的intrigue interest v. 引發⋯興趣intriguing fascinating a. 迷人的intrinsic essential a. 本質的 ;內在的intrinsic inherent a. 本質的 ;內在的intrusive invasive a. 侵入的invade move into v. 入侵 ;侵犯invaluable highly useful a. 極寶貴的Invariably always ad. 始終如一地 ; 一貫地invent devise v. 發明inviolable without exception a. 不可違背的inviolable allowing no attack a. 不可違背的invoke appeal v. 懇求 ,祈求irrecoverable permanent a. 不能挽回的irreparable isolated permanentseparateda. 不能挽回的a. 孤立的 ; 分離的J-LJ~K考題答案中文jettison release v. 拋棄jolt shock v. 震動 ;震驚judge estimate v. 評判junction connection n. 連接 ;接合juncture connection n. 連接 ;接合justified right a. 正當的justify prove v. 證明 ...是正當的key significant a. 重要的 ; 關鍵的L考題答案中文lading cargo n. 貨物lading shipment n. 貨物landscape scenery n. 風景 ;景色large extensive a. 大的 ;大量的largely mostly ad. 大部分 ; 主要地launch initial v. 發起 ; 發動launch initiate v. 發起 ; 發動launch start v. 發起 ; 發動legitimacy authority n. 合法性of legitimacy lawful a. 合法的legitimately properly ad. 正當地 ; 合法地leisure free time n. 閒暇leisurely slowly a. 悠閒的 ; 從容不迫地lethal fateful a. 致命的lethal deadly a. 致命的liberal extensive a. 寬大的of likelihood probable a. 可能的liken to compare v. 比較likewise similarly ad. 同樣地linger wander v. 徘徊 ; 漫步linger stroll v. 徘徊 ; 漫步link put together v. 連接 ; 結合link consist of v. 連接 ; 結合link connect v. 連接listening advertent a. 留神聽的livelihood means of support n. 生活 ;生計locale place n. 現場 ;場所locate find v. 找出lucrative profitable a. 有利益的luxuriant thriving a. 茂盛的Mmagnify enlarge v. 放大magnitude extent n. 巨大 ;廣大magnitude amount n. 量 ; 大小maintain continue v. 維持 ;使繼續majestic magnificent a. 壯觀的make their way travel phrv. 前進malleable pliable a. 有延展性的 ;可塑的mandatory required a. 強制的 ;義務的mandatory obligatory a. 強制的 ;義務的manifest reveal v. 表明 ;顯現manipulate control v. 操縱marked considerable a. 顯著的markedly distinctly ad. 顯著地mask cover v. 遮避 ;掩護 ;偽裝mask disguise v. 遮避 ;掩護 ;偽裝massive enormous a. 巨大的massive huge a. 巨大的mastery control n. 控制matter issue n. 問題 ;事件maximum greatest size n. 最大量mean average n. 平均值merely no more than ad. 僅僅merely only ad. 僅僅merely simply ad. 僅僅merge blend v. 合併 ;融合merge combine v. 合併 ;融合meticulously carefully ad. 小心地microbe germ n. 微生物 ; 細菌milestone significant event n. 里程碑 ; 劃時代的事件milky way galaxy n. 銀河mimic imitate v. 模仿mimic copy v. 模仿miniature small a. 微型的minuscule tiny a. 微型的minute very small a. 微小的minute tiny a. 微小的minutely in detail ad. 詳細地 ; 精密地minutely finely ad. 詳細地 ; 精密地mirror reflect v. 反映 ;反射misconception wrong idea n. 誤解misleading erroneous a. 使人誤解的misleading inaccurate a. 使人誤解的misunderstanding wrong idea n. 誤解misunderstanding false idea n. 誤解mock pretend v. 模仿modest limited ( 有限的 ) a. 適度的modest not too large ( 不大的 ) a. 適度的modification alteration n. 修改 ;改變momentous significant a. 重要的monitor observe v. 監控 ;監視monopolize dominate ( 支配 )v. 獨佔 ;壟斷monotone tedious a. 單調的 ; 乏味的monotonous boring a. 單調的 ; 無聊的moreover additionally ad. 此外moreover in addition ad. 此外motif pattern n. 圖案set in motion start phrv. 開動mount climb v. 登上mount grow v. 增長mount increase v. 增長mundane material a. 世俗的 ; 平凡的mundane ordinary a. 世俗的 ; 平凡的myriad countless a. 大量的 ; 無數的myriad innumerable a. 大量的 ; 無數的myriad numerous a. 大量的 ; 無數的N-ON考題答案中文narrow limit v. 使變窄nature character n. 天性 ; 本質nearly almost ad. 幾乎 ; 差不多necessary required a. 必要的needless to say obvious phr. 不用說nevertheless however ad. 然而 ; 儘管nevertheless in spite of ad. 然而 ; 儘管nocturnal nighttime a. 夜間的notable important a. 顯著的 ;重要的notable outstanding a. 顯著的 ;重要的note record v. 記錄have nothing to do with in no relation to phrv. 不相干noticeable obvious a. 顯而易見的notwithstanding despite prep. 雖然 ; 儘管O考題答案中文objective purpose n. 目標oblige force v. 強迫obscure conceal v. 使變暗 ; 遮掩obscure hide v. 使模糊obscure unclear a. 模糊的obscure not clear a. 模糊的obsession with fixation on n. 癡迷 ;迷戀obtain acquire v. 取得 ;獲得obvious evident a. 明顯的occasion event n. 重大活動offset make up v. 補償 ;抵銷offset compensate v. 補償 ;抵銷offset balance v. 補償 ;抵銷old male aged male n. 老人omit exclude v. 遺漏 ;刪去omit neglect v. 遺漏 ;刪去ongoing current a. 進行的onset beginning n. 開始onset start n. 開始opaque impenetrable a. 難理解的optimal most advantageous a. 最佳的option choice n. 選項 ;選擇orchestrate stage-manage v. 精心安排orientation perspective n. 觀點orientation introduction n. 介紹originally at the first ad. 起初 ; 原來ornament decorate v. 裝飾ornamental decorative a. 裝飾的ornamentation decoration n. 裝飾outbreak sudden increase v. 爆發 ;突然發生outcome result n. 結果outermost farthermost away a. 最遠的overview summary n. 概要overwhelming powerful a. 壓倒性的P-QP~Q考題答案中文pacify assuage v. 使平靜paradox contrary n. 相反 ; 矛盾paradoxically seemingly contradictory ad. 似非而是地parcel out distribute phrv. 把 ...分成幾份 ; 分配pare away remove v. 修掉 ; 削減patch spot n. 斑點patch area n. 小塊土地partly in some degree ad. 部份地peak highest point n. 高峰(期)peak maximum n. 高峰(期)peak time of the greatest period n. 高峰(期)peculiar strange a. 奇怪的 ; 獨特的penetrate enter v. 穿入 ; 穿透perceptible appreciable a. 可感知的perceptible noticeable a. 可感知的peril danger n. 危險perilous dangerous a. 危險的perilous risky a. 危險的perilous hazardous a. 危險的perilous toxic a. 危險的periodically from time to time ad. 週期性地periodically regularly ad. 週期性地perishable easy to spoil a. 易腐壞的permanent lasting a. 永恆的permeate penetrate v. 滲透 ; 瀰漫permit allow v. 允許perpetual constant a. 永久的 ;連續的persist continue v. 堅持 ; 持續persist last v. 堅持 ; 持續persistent long lasting a. 耐久的personality character n. 個性 ;性格pertinent relevant a. 相關的pervasive widespread a. 普遍的phenomenal extraordinary a. 異常的phenomena [pl.]events n. 現象phenomenon observable fact n. 現象phenomenon occurrence n. 現象piecing joining n. 接合pigment color n. 色素pigmentation coloring n. (生物的)天然顏色pigmentation dye n. 染色pinnacle high point n. 頂點 ;頂峰pinpoint describe precisely v. 準確地解釋或說明pinpoint clearly identify v. 準確地解釋或說明pinpoint precise a. 精確的plausible paradoxical a. 似是而非的plausible believable a. 貌似有理的pledge promise n. 保證 ;誓言plumage feather n. 羽毛within the ordinary citizen'sa. 負擔得起的affordablepocketbookpopular widespread a. 流行的 ;廣泛的popular broad appeal a. 流行的 ;廣泛的pore hole n. 毛孔 ;細孔pore space (空間 )n. 毛孔 ;細孔portion part n. 一部分portion constituent n. 一部分pose place v. 擺姿勢 ;展現pose present v. 擺姿勢 ;展現posit propose v. 斷定 ; 假定posit suggest v. 斷定 ; 假定posit assume v. 斷定 ; 假定postulate presume v. 假定postulate hypotheses v. 假定potent powerful a. 有力的potential possible a. 潛在的 ;可能的practically nearly ad. 幾乎 ; 差不多precarious insecure a. 不穩定的 ; 危險的precede be beyond v. 高於 ; 超出precede come before v. 在⋯之前precious valuable a. 寶貴的precipitate bring about v. 使⋯突然發生precision accuracy n. 精確 ; 正確preclude rule out v. 排除 ; 阻止predicament difficult situation n. 尷尬的處境 ; 困境predicament serious situation n. 尷尬的處境 ; 困境prediction prophecy n. 預言predominant most aggressive a. 佔優勢的predominant very noticeable a. 佔優勢的predominant principal a. 佔優勢的predominantly primitively ad. 佔優勢地predominately mainly ad. 主要地preeminent foremost a. 卓越的 ;顯著的premise assumption n. 假定 ; 前提premise assume v. 假定 ; 前提preoccupation with concentration on phr. 專注於preordain appoint v. 預定 ; 註定preordain foreordain v. 預定 ; 註定preordain ordain v. 預定 ; 註定prerequisite requirement n. 必要條件prerequisite something needed to happen n. 必要條件prerequisite something required n. 必要條件preserve protect v. 保存 ; 保護preserve retain v. 保存 ; 保護preserve save v. 保存 ; 保護presumable probably a. 可推測的 ; 可能有的prevailing dominant a. 佔優勢的prevailing popular a. 流行的prevalent common a. 普遍的 ;流行的prevalent prevailing a. 普遍的 ;流行的previous past a. 先前的 ;以往的。
老托福阅读词汇总结名词:1. phenomenon(现象)2. hypothesis(假设)3. strategy(策略)4. consequence(结果)5. trend(趋势)6. concept(概念)7. method(方法)8. factor(因素)9. principle(原则)10. theory(理论)动词:1. analyze(分析)2. evaluate(评估)3. interpret(解释)4. demonstrate(证明)5. illustrate(说明)6. emphasize(强调)7. conclude(得出结论)8. utilize(利用)9. integrate(整合)10. acquire(获得)形容词:1. significant(重要的)2. effective(有效的)3. diverse(多样的)5. crucial(关键的)6. relevant(相关的)8. numerous(许多的)9. essential(必要的)10. considerable(相当大的)副词:1. gradually(逐渐地)2. ultimately(最终)3. frequently(频繁地)4. accurately(准确地)5. precisely(精确地)6. significantly(显著地)7. thoroughly(彻底地)8. effectively(有效地)9. consistently(一致地)10. extensively(广泛地)介词:1. in addition to(除了)2. in contrast to(与...相反)3. as a result of(由于)4. in terms of(就...而言)5. with regard to(关于)6. in relation to(与...相关)7. on the basis of(基于)8. for the purpose of(为了...的目的)10. with respect to(关于)这些词汇在阅读理解中经常出现,掌握了这些词汇,可以帮助我们更好地理解文章内容,准确回答问题。
有三类词汇入选:1)似曾相识,却不知其确切含义2)一词多义,只知其一不知其二3)熟词僻义,熟者过熟僻者极僻perspective 透视画法;观点,方法;前景,远景prospect 前景,景色;前途;勘探,寻找appreciate 理解,认识,意识到;欣赏;感激elaborate v.&adj. 精心制作,详细描述;精心制作的address v.从事,忙于;n. 演讲appropriate v. 拨给(资金),盗用/ adj.合适的strain n. 血统,品系,菌株;紧张,张力;v.扭伤,拉紧article n. 物品,商品intrigue v.&n 激发兴趣;密谋;阴谋intriguing adj. 激发兴趣的assume v. 承担,担任;假装;假设bark n. 树皮; 犬吠bill n.议案,法案; .鸟嘴;账单champion vt. 支持,拥护;n.冠军aging n.老化,陈酿complex n. 综合体 adj.复杂的concern n. 公司(垄断组织“康采恩”就是它的音译)attribute v.&n 归因于;特征,属性default n.&v. 不履行;违约;拖欠;默认(值)drill vt. 钻(孔);训练,操练exploit v. 开发,利用n. 功绩fair n. 集市,交易会;adj.公平的,美丽的 adv.公平地,直接地fairly adv. 相当地,公平地game n. 猎物,野味;fashion vt. 形成,塑造 n.时尚,方式inviting adj. 引人注目的,吸引人的alternate v.&adj. 交替,轮流;交替的alternating adj.交互的,交替的alternative n.&adj. 可供选择的方案(option);选择性的(optional)figure n. 人物;体形hit n. 轰动一时的人物或作品vt. 偶然碰见find n. 发现(物)spring v. &n 跃出,触发;弹簧,弹性;泉水humor n.体液import v.&n 重要;进口preserve v.&n. 禁猎区;蜜饯;保护quality adj. &n 1.优质的;性质,品质issue v.&n. 流出; 出版,发行;问题jar v.&n 震动;坛子envision v.想象,预想literature n. 文献;文学lot n. 一块地;命运,签fine adj. 细小的,美好的;v.罚款minute adj. 微小的,细小的novel adj. 新颖的casual 偶然的,随便的causal 原因的,因果关系的pound v. 猛击;乱敲rear v. &n饲养,栽培;后面的produce n. 产品(尤指农产品)project v.&n使突出,伸出;放映,投射;方案,工程relief n. 凸起,浮雕;(痛苦)减轻,安慰provided conj. 倘若,在…条件下。
托福阅读中的100个核心词汇1. a couple of 两三个,几个Although he thought of the key idea in 1951, the first maser was not completed until a couple of years later.2. account for 解释Variations of clay composition and the temperatures at which they are fired account for the differences in texture and appearance.3. adapt to 使适应于They have been able to adapt to ecological changes.4, adorn with sth 用…装饰Some pots were adorned with incised or stamped decorations.5.appeal to 吸引Publishing literature consisting of exciting stories that would appeal to both children and adults6.apply to 适用于Ethological theory began to be applied to research on children in the 1960’s.7.at best 充其量,最多Hunting is at best a precarious way of procuring food, even when the diet is supplemented with seeds and fruits.8.at intervals 相隔一定距离However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual.9.at the expense of sth 在损害…的情况下A multitude of microorganisms make their livings directly at the expense of other creatures.10.at the height of sth 在…最鼎盛时期The violin had reached the height of its popularity by the middle of the eighteenth century.11.back and forth 来回地They then spiral back and forth between the Earth's magnetic poles very rapidly.12.be absent from 缺席,不在Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women line were not considered an important force in history.13.be capable of 能…的Many animals are capable of using objects in the natural environment as rudimentary tools.14. be characterized by 以…为特征The nervous system of vertebrates is characterized by a hollow, dorsal nerve cord that ends in the head region as an enlargement, the brain.15.be composed of 由…组成Ocean life is primarily composed of plants.16.be concerned with 与某事物有关Ethnology is concerned with the study of adaptive, or survival, value of behavior and its Evolutionary history.17.be distinct from 与…不同Jupiter and the other giant planets are of a low-density type quite distinct from the terrestrial planets18.be essential to 对…不可缺少Public performance is essential to verbal art.19.be exposed to 使接触,使遭受Body contact reduces the surface area exposed to the cold air.20.be far from 离…很远,根本不是But far from being random, molt is controlled by strong evolutionary forces that have established an optimal time and duration.21. be hostile to 极不友好的,极厌恶的Ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans22.be regarded as 被认为是Humanity's primal efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number are usually regarded as the earliest mathematics.23.be related to 与…有关的,相联系的Why is dancing closely related to popular music in the United States?24. be responsible for 对…负责In fact, nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen to helium are responsible for most of the energy that stars produce.25. be sensitive to 对…敏感的Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals.26.be subjected to 经历,遭受Oil is formed when organic material trapped in sediments is slowly buried and subjected to increased temperatures and pressures, transforming it into petroleum.27. be superior to 优越于Natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones28 .be traced to 找出根源The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.29. be/become aware of 意识到,认识到People became aware of the new service by word of mouth or newspaper advertisements.30. be/become/get accustomed to 习惯于In the harsh environment of northern Europe, Scandinavian women had been accustomed to practicing forms of shifting cultivation, and they immediately understood Native American horticulture.31. be/become/get involved in 与…有关联的Two distinct processes are involved in molting.32.benefit from 从…中受益Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and homework.33.break down 分解All of these forces slowly break down the Earth's exposed rocky crust into smaller and smaller pieces that eventually become clay.34.by far 到目前为止Marine sediment is by far the most important environment for the preservation of fossils.35.by means of 通过,凭借The topic of the passage is developed primarily by means of Adividing the discussion into two major areas.36.by virtue of 由于Many are uninhabitable, by virtue of their small size and particular characteristics37.confine to 限制在一定范围之内The delivery service was at first confined to cities.38.conform to 符合Parks should be designed to conform to the topography of the area39.contribute to 有贡献,有助于Transportation contributed to the development and maintenance of trade.40.cope with 对付Under certain circumstance the human body must cope with gases at greater-than-normal atmospheric pressure.41.date back to 始于In the United States, rent controls date back to at least World War II.42. depend on 依靠The gulls depend on the falcons for protection.43. deprive sb/sth of sth 剥夺..某事物Plant stems die when deprived of water.44.derive from 获得,起源于Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input.45.due to 由于,因为Due to their dense structure, iron meteorites have the best chance of surviving an impact, and most are found by farmers plowing their fields.46. evolve from/out of 从...进化来,从…发展来The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual.47.extract from 提取It turns out that some fossils can be extracted from these sediments by putting the rocks in an acid bath.48.feed on 以…为食物Predators are animals that capture and feed on other animals.49.focus on 集中(注意力于They focus on the meaning of their parents' words.50. get rid of 处理掉Atoms or molecules get rid of excess energy by themselves, without any outside intervention.51.give access to 向…开放To connect the pueblos and to give access to the surrounding tableland, the architects laid out a system of public roads with stone staircases for ascending cliff faces.52.give birth to 使诞生,引起Most insects lay eggs, but some give birth to live young.53.give off 发散,发出If Jupiter were larger, it would give off much less heat.54.give rise to 引起,导致The musical Renaissance was too short to give rise to a new musical style.55.go beyond 超过,越过An interviewer can go beyond written questions and probe for a subject's underlying feelings and reasons.56.go out of business 停业,关门The shop went out of business.57.have nothing to do with 与…无关A species’survival may have nothing to do with its ability or inability to adapt.58.impart to 传授给They functioned as sanctuaries where the elders impart tribal lore to the younger generation.59.impose on 强加于New regulations were imposed on nontraditional education.60.in common 共同No two comets ever look identical, but they have basic features in common.61.in favor of 赞同,支持The artist was in favor of a traditional style of painting.62.in quantity 大量,大批There were also a number of poor-quality figurines and painted pots produced in quantity by easy, inexpensive means.63.in season 当季Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only in season.64.in spite of 尽管,任凭In spite of problems with their condition, restoration, and preservation many panel paintings have survived.65.in the absence of 在缺乏…的情况下The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities.66.in view of 由于In view of the rate at which the radio sources emit energy, they should disappear in a few million years.67.instead of 代替Instead of working with light, however, he worked with microwaves.68.invest in 投资He started to invest in the town’s cultural development.69.lead to 导致,引起In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves that will lead to biological devastation.70.leave out 排除Explanations of animal behavior that leave out any sort of consciousness at all and ascribe actions entirely to instinct leave many questions unanswered.71.off the mark 不正确This analogy is not far off the mark.72.on behalf of 代表Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth though rarely to any action on behalf of truth.73. on the basis of 在…的基础上Antoine Lavisher, on the basis of careful experimentation, was led to propose a different theory of burning74.owing to 由于,因为Marine sediment is by far the most important environment for the preservation of fossils, owing to the incredible richness of marine life.75.perceive sth as sth 认为Although art deco in its many forms was largely perceived as thoroughly modern, it was strongly influenced by the decorative arts movements that immediately preceded it.76.pick up 学会Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues.77.put off 推迟Some tasks could not be done in the winter, other had to be put off during harvest time.78.regardless of 不顾Ultimately, literature is aesthetically valued, regardless of language, culture, or mode ofpresentation.79.result from 因..而产生Most functions result from the needs of the local area and of the surrounding.80.result in 结果,导致The upward movement of fieldstones should result in pure soil.81.set about 开始,动手African American artists of this period set about creating a new portrayal of themselves and their lives in the United States.82. set aside 留下将来用Certain parts of town were restricted to residential use, while others were set aside for industrial or commercial development.83.so far 到目前为止The Paris Exhibition of 1889 included both the widest span and the greatest height achieved so far.84.sort out 把…分类Clay particles are sorted out by size and weight.85.spring up 涌现In the early colonial day in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic Coastline.86.stem from 起源于It can be argued that much of New York City’s importance stems from its early and continuing advantage of situation.87.stretch out 伸展,伸出The residues from these explosions left huge black marks on the face of Jupiter, some of which have stretched out to form dark ribbons.88.strive for 为…而奋斗As they began to strive for social and cultural independence,their attitudes toward themselves changed.89.take account of sth./take sth into account 考虑到Artists are recognizing the distinction between public and private spaces, and taking that into account when executing their public commissions.90.take advantage of 利用Many families could take advantage of previously unavailable fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare.91.thanks to 由于kiwis smell out earthworms thanks to nostrils located at the tip of their beaks.92.to some extent 某种程度上Their attitudes toward themselves changed, and, to some extent, other segments of American society began to change their attitudes toward them.93.turn out 结果是,证明是Some potash was exported from Maine and New Hampshire in the seventeenth century, but the market turned out to be mainly domestic.her in 宣告…的来临Autumn could be ushered in by severe frost.95. wear away 磨损Natural forces wear away the Earth's crust96.wipe out 消灭,肃清Entire crops can be wiped out by fungal attacks both before and after harvesting.97.with respect to 在…方面The year 1850 may be considered the beginning of a new epoch in America art, with respect to the development of watercolor painting.98. with the advent of 随着…的出现 With the advent of high-resolution radio interferometers during the late 1970's, part of the answer became clear. 99.with the aid of 借助于 It is now taught with the aid of computers. 100.with the exception of 除..以外With the exception of printing patterns directly onto the cloth, whether by block, roller, or screen, all of these are based on dyeing; that is, the immersion of the fabric in a dye bath. 以上就是 100 个托福阅读核心词组的详细内容,考生需要全部记忆这 100 个词组,在以后的托福阅读考试中都很有可能碰到这些。
托福阅读的核心词汇退步decline/halt/repress/recession/cease/fall减少decrease/abate/curb/curtail/drop/ebbevaporate/fade/lower/reduce/restrain/shrinkslacken/slump/subside/wane/diminish/subtract增加/发展increase/develop/enlarge/expand/grow/raiseadvance/aggrandize/amplify/augment/boost/broaden/enhance/enlarge/escalate/extendfurther/heighten/inflate/magnify/mountprogress/proliferate/spread/swell/widen发展/进步/加强/丰富/增加develop/advance/evolve/expand/flourishfoster/grow/maturate/mature/promote/ripenthrive/amplify/augment/broaden/cultivatedeepen/enlarge/enrich/extend/intensifymagnify/perfect/refine/spread/strengthenenhance/stretch/widen/hike/aid/assist/boost/boom/blossom/expedi(a)te开始/产生begin/start/commence/originate/initiategenerate/form/unfold/arise/create/kindleignite消灭/消失/消散extinguish/abolish/annihilate/crush/destroy eliminate/eradicate/erase/extirpate/obliterate quell/remove/stamp out/suppress/repress quench/smother/stifle/suffocate/trample disappear/depart/disperse/dissipate/dissolve ebb/end/evaporate/expire/fade/fade away/flee recede/retire/retreat/sink/wane/withdraw废除/取消/抵消/使无效abolish/eliminate/annul/nullify/annihilate cancel/dissolve/invalidate/negate/neutralize obliterate/revoke/retract/delete/erase/efface counteract/offset/act against改变change/alter/vary/modifyadapt/adjust/convert/evolve/diverge/lower diversify/diminish/fluctuate/merge/reform reduce/regenerate/remake/renovate/resolve revolutionize/shape/shift/substitute/temper transform/turn/vacillate/revise/customize不改变continue/hold/keep/persist/remain/stay/sustain maintain/retain/reserve/preserve/conserve/fix 保留preserve守conserve存reserve保持持keep/retain/maintain/sustainuphold/perpetuate/perseverepersist怀疑(的)suspicous/doubtable/dubious/rule outwith hold/skeptical确认/验证/证明/论证corroborate/approve/authenticate/certifyconfirm/endorse/justify/prove/ratifysubstantiate/support/validate/verifyaffirm/ascertain/attest/determine/manifestsettle/tesify/uphold/warrant处理/管理/命令/控制/支配cope with/handle/administer/demand/command/conduct dominate/employ/exercise/govern/manipulate supervise/utilize/wield/dispose (of)/array大量的copious/ample/bountiful/extensive/full/generous lavish/liberal/lush/overflowing/plentiful/profuseprolix/replete/rich/abundant/capacious/substantial sufficient少的/缺乏的lacking/meager/scarce/insufficient转折词副词:alternatively/conversely/nevertheless however/instead/still连词:but/while/whereas/and/nevertheless介词:despite/in spite of思考类动词总结Think/assume/conceive/conclude/expect/ determine/hold/judge/presume/reckon/see/ sense/suppose/comprehend/consider/deduce infer/deliberate/evaluate/examine/meditate/ mull/mull over/muse/ponder/rationalize/ reason/reflect/resolve/ruminate/speculate/ study/turn over/weigh/contemplate/convey思考类名词总结(观点/概念/理论)Notion/idea/view/concept/perception perspective/observation/examinationwitness/judgment/approach/hypothesis impression/supposition/theory/thought apprehension/comprehension/realization consideration/interpretation/understanding speculation/version/picture/inclination/ideology 支持类单词总结Support/maintain/insist/hold/uphold/agree/ accede/admit/consent/assent/verify/revel in/ glory in/believe in/dictate/celebrate/value反对类单词总结Contradict/decline/disagree/dispute/dissent/oppose/protest/refuse/abandon/neglect/disapprove/condemn核心的;主要的;基本的;内在的essential/chief/crucial/corefundamental/main/key/inbornprincipal/elementary/primaryindispensable/central/vitalunderlying/inherent/intrinsic/inborn重要的;显著的important/valuable/substantial/big/considerable/critical/crucial/decisive/earnest/exceptional/markedmeaningful/momentous/paramount/salient/significant/weightyeminent/influential/outstanding/distinctive/esteemed/grandhonored/illustrious/leading/majestic/notable/powerfulprominent/remarkable/solid/superior/conspicuous限制/阻挠limit/confine/compress/decrease/lessennarrow/bar/bind/cap/check/constraint/curbimpede/inhibit/obstruct/restrict/crampdiminish/block/choke/frustrate/hamperhinder/retard/stall/throttle/thwart托福阅读高分的重点是词汇托福阅读被大家认为是最好拿分且最不可以丢分的地方,目标就是向着30分冲击。
托福阅读TPO核心词汇 .
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托福阅读TPO核心词汇第一篇:Groundwater(TPO1)groundwater n. 地下水saturate ['sætʃəreɪt] v. 浸透; 使湿透; 渗透; 使充满available [a'vail·a·ble || -ləbl] adj. 有空的, 有用的abundant [a'bundant || -nt] adj. 大量的; 丰富的; 充足的; 富裕的meteoric [me·te·or·ic || ‚mɪːtɪ'ɑrɪk ,-ɔrɪk /-ɒrɪk] adj. 流星的; 大气的; 疾速的circulate [cir·cu·late || 'sɜːkjʊleɪt] v. 循环, 环行; 传阅; 传播, 流传; 流通; 使循环; 传递; 使传播; 传阅soak [səʊk] n. 浸泡, 浸渍; 烂醉; 酒鬼v. 使上下湿透, 吸入, 浸; 浸泡, 渗透precipitation [pre·cip·i·ta·tion || prɪ‚sɪpɪ'teɪʃn] n. 猛然落下; 急躁; 猛冲; 鲁莽solid [sol·id || 'sɑlɪd /'sɒl-] n. 固体; 立方体; 固态物; 固体非流质食物adj. 固体的, 坚固的, 实心的underfoot adv. 在脚下面, 碍事beneath [be·neath || bɪ'niːθ] adv. 在...之下gravel [grav·el || 'grævl] n. 砂砾; 砂砾层v. 铺碎石, 使搁浅, 使困惑particle [par·ti·cle || 'pɑrtɪkl /'pɑːt-] n. 粒子, 极小量, 点grain [greɪn] n. 谷物; 谷粒; 谷类v. 使成粒状; 对粒面进行处理; 使深深渗入; 成粒状, 结晶pebble [peb·ble || 'pebl] n. 小圆石, 小鹅卵石v. 用卵石铺; 在上印卵石花纹; 用卵石连续扔coarse [kɔːs] adj. 粗糙的, 粗俗的, 下等的steadily adv. 稳定地, 有规则地, 无变化地laden ['lad·en || 'leɪdn] adj. 装满的; 苦恼的; 负担重的consolidated [con'sol·i·dat·ed || -tɪd] adj. 巩固的; 统一的; 团结的deposit [de·pos·it || dɪ'pɒzɪt] n. 存款, 堆积物, 定金v. 存放; 堆积; 沉淀fanwise adj 呈扇形的sandbar n. 沙洲pore [pɔr /pɔː] n. 毛孔; 细孔; 气孔v. 注视, 凝视; 默想, 沉思; 钻研, 熟读gap [gæp] n. 缝隙, 间断, 缺口cement [ce·ment || sɪ'ment] n. 水泥; 接合剂v. 接合; 巩固; 用水泥涂; 粘牢percolate [per·co·late || 'pɜrkəleɪt /'pɜː-] v. 过滤; 使浸透; 使渗出; 过滤; 浸透; 渗出consolidation [con·sol·i·da·tion || kən‚sɒlɪ'deɪʃn] n. 巩固, 强化, 加强; 合并; 联合, 统一; 变坚固proportion [pro·por·tion || prə'pɔrʃn /-'pɔː-] n. 比例, 部份, 均衡v. 使成比例, 分摊, 使均衡crystalline [crys·tal·line || 'krɪstəlaɪn] adj. 水晶的, 结晶性的, 透明的volcanic [vol·can·ic || vɑl'kænɪk /vɒl-] adj. 火山的, 猛烈的, 象火山的bubble [bub·ble || 'bʌbl] n. 泡沫, 幻想v. 冒泡, 沸腾; 使冒泡, 滔滔不绝地说porosity [po·ros·i·ty || pɔ'rɑsətɪ /pɔː'rɒ-] n. 多孔性, 有孔性permeability [per·me·a·bil·i·ty || ‚prmɪə'bɪlətɪ/‚pɜː-] n. 渗透; 可透性; 渗透性; 导磁性cavity [cav·i·ty || 'kævətɪ] n. 洞; 腔; 空穴crevice [crev·ice || 'krevɪs] n. 裂缝basalt [ba·salt || 'bæsɔːlt] n. 玄武岩consist [con·sist || kən'sɪst] v. 组成, 构成; 一致, 符合; 在于, 存在于instantly [in·stant·ly || 'ɪnstəntlɪ] adv. 立即地; 即刻地film [fɪlm] n. 软片, 影片, 薄膜v. 覆以薄膜, 拍摄; 生薄膜, 拍电影relative [rel·a·tive || 'relətɪv] n. 亲戚, 关系词adj. 有关系的, 比较的,Sam 老师前沿工作室。
托福阅读考试常见词汇整理以下是托福阅读考试中常见的词汇整理:1. abstract 抽象的2. academic 学术的3. accommodate 容纳4. accuracy 精确度5. acquire 获得6. adapt 适应7. adequate 足够的8. advocate 拥护者9. aggregate 合计10. allocate 安排11. alter 转变12. analyze 分析13. annual 每年的14. anticipate 预期15. apparent 明显的16. approach 方法17. approximate 或许的18. arbitrary 任意的19. artificial 人为的20. assess 评估21. assign 指定22. assume 假设23. attain 实现24. attribute 归因于第1页/共6页25. autonomous 自主的26. aware 意识到的27. bias 偏见28. bond 结合29. boundary 边界30. brainstorm 想法31. bribe 贿赂32. calculate 计算33. capable 有力量的34. capture 捕获35. cause 导致36. cease 停止37. challenge 挑战38. clarify 澄清39. clause 条款40. coherent 连贯的41. collaborate 合作42. collide 碰撞43. commence 开头44. commission 委员会45. commodity 商品46. compensate 补偿47. compete 竞争48. complex 简单的49. comprehensive 全面的50. comprise 包括51. compute 计算52. conceive 构想53. concept 概念54. conclude 结论55. conduct 进行56. confer 商讨57. confine 限制58. conform 符合59. consistent 全都的60. constrain 限制61. construct 构造62. consume 消费63. contend 主见64. convert 转换65. convey 传达66. coordinate 协调67. core 核心68. corporate 公司的69. correspond 对应70. criterion 标准71. crucial 重要的72. currency 货币73. data 数据74. debate 辩论75. decade 十年76. deduce 推断77. define 定义78. demonstrate 证明79. denote 表示80. dense 密集的81. deploy 部署82. depict 描绘83. derive 派生第3页/共6页84. design 设计85. detect 发觉86. determine 确定87. devise 设计88. differentiate 区分89. diminish 削减90. discriminate 卑视91. dismiss 解雇92. distort 扭曲93. distribute 分发94. diverse 多样的95. domain 领域96. dominant 占主导地位的97. draft 草案98. dramatically 显著地99. duration 持续时间100. dynamic 动态的101. economy 经济102. edit 编辑103. emerge 消灭104. empirical 实证的105. enable 使能够106. encounter 患病107. energy 能量108. enforce 执行109. enhance 增加110. ensure 确保111. entity 实体112. environment 环境113. equate 等同114. equivalent 等效的115. erode 侵蚀116. essential 重要的117. establish 建立118. estimate 估量119. evolve 演化120. exceed 超过121. exclude 排解122. exhibit 呈现123. expand 扩大124. expert 专家125. explicit 明确的126. exploit 利用127. expose 暴露128. external 外部的129. extract 提取130. facilitate 促进131. factor 因素132. feasible 可行的133. feature 特征134. federal 联邦的135. feedback 反馈136. file 文件137. fluctuate 波动138. focus 焦点139. format 格式140. forthcoming 即将到来的141. foundation 基础142. framework 框架第5页/共6页143. function 功能144. fundamental 基本的145. furthermore 此外146. generate 生成147. global 全球的148. goal 目标149. grade 成果150. grant 授予以上是托福阅读考试中常见的词汇整理,期望对您有挂念!。
托福阅读核心词汇总结托福阅读核心词汇总结思考类动词总结Think/assume/conceive/conclude/e某pect/determine/hold/judge/presume/reckon/see/sense/suppose/comprehend/consider/deduce/infer/deliberate/evaluate/e某amine/meditate/mull/mull over/muse/ponder/rationalize/reason/ reflect/resolve/ruminate/speculate/study/turn over/weigh/contemplate/convey 思考类名词总结(观点/概念/理论)Notion/idea/view/concept/perceptionperspective/observation/e某aminationwitness/judgment/approach/hypothesisimpression/supposition/theory/thoughtapprehension/comprehension/realizationconsideration/interpretation/understandingspeculation/version/picture/inclination/ideology 支持类单词总结Support/maintain/insist/hold/uphold/agree/accede/admit/consent/assent/verify/revel in/glory in/believe in/dictate/celebrate/value 反对类单词总结Contradict/decline/disagree/dispute/dissent/oppose/protest/refuse/abandon/neglect/disapprove/condemn核心的;主要的;根本的;内在的essential/chief/crucial/corefundamental/main/key/inbornprincipal/elementary/primaryindispensable/central/vitalunderlying/inherent/intrinsic/inborn重要的;显著的important/valuable/substantial/big/considerable/critical/crucial/decisive/earnest/e某ceptional/markedmeaningful/momentous/paramount/salient/significant/weighty eminent/influential/outstanding/distinctive/esteemed/grand honored/illustrious/leading/majestic/notable/powerfulprominent/remarkable/solid/superior/conspicuous 限制/阻挠limit/confine/compress/decrease/lessennarrow/bar/bind/cap/check/constraint/curbimpede/inhibit/obstruct/restrict/crampdiminish/block/choke/frustrate/hamperhinder/retard/stall/throttle/thwart退步decline/halt/repress/recession/cease/fall减少decrease/abate/curb/curtail/drop/ebbevaporate/fade/lower/reduce/restrain/shrinkslacken/slump/subside/wane/diminish/subtract增加/开展increase/develop/enlarge/e某pand/grow/raiseadvance/aggrandize/amplify/augment/boost/broaden/enhance/enlarge/escalate/e某tendfurther/heighten/inflate/magnify/mountprogress/proliferate/spread/swell/widen托福技巧:根底理解题解题技巧新托福的根底理解题除插话题和修辞目的题外,主要仍是现行托福中使用的传统题型。
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Exploit 利用Deliberate 故意的Probe 探索Feud 结仇Ensue 接着发生Contention 争吵,看法Exclusive 唯一的Endorse 赞同Coordinate 协调Livelihood 生计Render 报答, 使成为, 呈现Meticulous 小心翼翼Linger 逗留Optimum 最好的Hail 赞扬Slot 缝Formulate 规范Susceptible 易受影响的Pronounced 明显的Ascertain 弄清楚Twist 扭Spawn 大量生产Prone 易于..Primitive 原始的,基础的,最初的Instinctive 天生的Scorching 炎热的Intense 剧烈的Parching 炎热的Strenuous 费力的Mitigate 减轻Epic 宏大的,史诗Devise 计划,发明Contour 轮廓Reel 轮Deteriorate 恶化Circuit 线路Entail 使。
成为必须Slender 苗条的Secrete 分泌Elaborate 详细解释Intimidate 威胁Entomology 昆虫学Shed 蜕皮Lodge 借宿Mantle 覆盖物Mollusk 软体动物The bulk of 很多Revolt起义Terrace 叠层Indigo 靛青Unravel 拆开Motif图形Saddle 鞍状物Take on a role 扮演Have one’s heart set on= set one’s heart on Give it a shot试试Tract土地Meager 极少的Erg 沙质沙漠Gypsum 石膏Brood 沉思Relive 再经历Stifle 抑制Vaudevilles 歌舞杂耍Amorous 多情的Suffice it to say that 只想说Suffice 足够Take hold 掌握Get the credit for 因..得到称赞Narrow down 减少Kayak皮艇Affliated with 隶属于Grove 小树林Sap 树液Spout 喷出Bear a resemblance to 相似Crust 地壳Asthenosphere 岩石圈Proficient熟练地Intermidiate 中等的You bet 不客气Venture 冒险Prose 散文Vernacular 当地的Legacy 遗产Matamorphosis 变形Holometabolism完全变态Molt 脱皮Hind leg 后腿Chrysalis 茧Larva=larval 幼虫Pupa=pupal蛹Imago 成虫Potent 强有力的Quell 制止Snare 陷阱,抓住Dull=lessen 减少Repurcussion 后果Akin to 与.相似Overt 公开的Presume 以为,假定Intriguing 神秘的Elucidate 解释Anchor 固定Dynamic 有活力的,动力的Resolve 解决决定Confrom to 遵照Dismiss 解散,驳回Configuration 外形,构造Proliferation 增殖Sever 断Radical 激进的,根本的Coalesce 联合Discern 看见,识别Composite 混合EjectAdminister 管理,给予Impose 强迫,推行Finite 有限的Intrinsic 内在的,固有的,基础的Comprising 包括Outright 正直的,完全的(adv) Procure 努力取得Detain 拘留Retain 保留Inception 开始Expedition 远征,探险Indigenous 固有的,土生土长的Dwell 居住Avid 渴切的Compact 紧凑的Prompte 迅速的,Swell 膨胀,增长Perilous 危险的Bendable 可弯曲的Rigid 固执的,坚硬的Multitude 大量Furnish 装饰,布置,供应,提供Landscape 装点Dubbed 授予Municipal 市政的Entitlement 权利,资格Designate 标明Initiate 开始the initiated 外行Spark 引发Lament 抱怨Conclusive 令人信服的Fortuitous 偶然的Implement 工具Jolting震动Supersede 超过Resent 憎恨Intrusive侵略的Premise 前提,假设Gear 搭配,使兴奋Grudging 不愿的Pertinent 恰当的,有关的Threshold 限制Tantalize 取笑Tantalizing 诱人的Enigmatic 谜一样的Harness 利用自然资源Luxuriant 繁茂的Outperform 超过Hallmark 特点Lethal 致命的Decimation 大量毁灭Pulverize打碎Affront=Insult 冒犯Apcae with 快速的Aptly 适合的Attachment to倾向于Attire 服装Avail 利用Biting尖锐的Come of age 成名Come to the forefront 有重要作用Cast off抛弃Coarse粗糙的Cohesion凝聚力Cluster 集中Concomitant with 同时发生的Consorted 交往Cumbersome 沉重的Dampened 潮湿Demise死亡Devastate 摧毁Dictate 决定Discrete 分泌,分离的Discreet 小心的Divergence 不同Drab 单调的Drastic 激进的Elicit引出Embrace接受Enactment实行Entomb 陷入Eradicate根除Exalted 高级的Excavate挖掘Execute 执行,创造Extol赞扬Fade from 从..消失Fixture日常用品Fuse结合Graphic生动的Henceforth 从今以后Herald 宣布Hinterland 腹地Ignite 点燃Immutable 不变的Inception 开始Incinerate itself 燃烧Incised雕刻的Ingenuity 机灵Ingot 银块Inhibit 阻碍Intensive 集中的,透彻的Intent 目的,意向Intermittently 间歇的Intervention 干涉Renounce 拒绝Mandate 授权Maneuver 诡计Margin 空白Meteoric星星的,迅速的Miniscule 微小的Myriad无数Notwithstanding 尽管Noxious 有毒的Ocillate震荡Overtake 超过Partitioning 分割Periphery 弥漫,渗透Plunge 投入Ponderous 笨重的Postulate假定Precarious 不稳定的Preside over 管理Presumably大概Prolific 丰富的Pry off 翘起Puncture=pierce 刺穿Rapture 破裂Reckless 不负责的Score 乐谱Scurry 快走Secure 获得Sedentary 长坐的Shy away from 躲避Synchronous 同时的Skyrocket快速上升Snap 折断Spot识别Staggering 令人惊愕的Stationary固定的Strain疲劳Stunning 极好的Subjugate 征服Sumptuous奢侈的Surge 汹涌Thwart 阻挠Substantiate 证明Convulse 震动A1 abundant 丰富的plentiful 丰富的2 accelerate 加速increase 增加3 accessible 可达到的reachable 可达到的4 accordingly 因此for that reason 因此5 account for 说明explain 说明6 accumulate 积聚collect 收集7 acute 急性的intense 剧烈的8 adhere 粘附stick 粘附9 adjunct 辅助addition 附加10 adorn 装饰decorate 装饰11 adverse 相反的negative 负面的12 advocate 提倡者proponent 支持者13 aesthetical 审美的artistic 艺术的14 astound 令人极为惊奇surprise 令人惊奇15 attachment 喜爱preference喜爱16 attain 获得achieve 获得17 attendant 伴随的accompanying 伴随的18 attire 衣物clothing 衣物19 attribute 特征characteristic 特点20 aviation 航空navigation 航空B21 barren贫瘠的infertile 贫瘠的22 bias 偏见prejudice 偏见23 bizarre 奇异的odd 希奇的24 boost 促进raise 提高25 bound 限制limit 限制26 break 与…相分离departure 与…相分离27 bring about 导致cause 导致C28 calculate 计划determine 决定29 carry 支撑support 支撑30 cast off 丢弃get rid off 抛弃31 cease 终止stop 停止32 celestial 天上的astronomical 天文的33 chance 偶然的unplanned 未计划的34 characterized 具有特色的distinguished 杰出的35 classify 分类categorize 分类36 coarse 粗糙rough 粗糙37 cohesion 凝聚unity 结合,统一38 coin 创造,杜撰create 创造39 collectively 共同地together 一起40 comparably 类似similarly 同样地41 compile 收集put together 收集42 compose 创作create 创作,创造43 comprise 由….组成consist of 由…..组成44 conceal 隐藏hide 隐藏45 concentrate 集中cluster 集中46 conclusive 最后的,结论性的definitive 最后的,确定性的47 concomitant with 与…..相一致in conjunction with 与…..相一致48 condone 宽恕mercy 宽恕49 confined 被限制的limited 限制的50 conflict 冲突opposition 相反51 conjectural 推测的based on guessing 基于猜测的52 consciously 有意识地on purpose 有目的地53 conserve 保存retain 保存54 considerable (数量、程度)巨大的great 巨大的55 considerable 巨大的much 许多的56 considerable 大量的substantial 大量的,坚实的57 consort 合伙人,伴侣associate 合伙人,伙伴58 conspicuous 明显的noticeable 明显的59 constituent 组成部分component 成分60 constitute 构成make up 构成61 consult 商量counsel 商量62 consumption 消费eating 吃63 contemporary 当代的existing 现存的64 counteract 抵消negate 取消,否定65 counterpart 副本version 版本66 crucial 重要的,关键的essential 重要的,基本的67 cumbersome 麻烦的burdensome 麻烦的68 customary 习俗的usual 一般的D69 dampen 使潮湿moisten 使潮湿70 daring 大胆的bold 大胆的71 deft 灵巧的skilled 熟练的72 deliberate 深思熟虑的careful 小心的73 demand 要求order 命令74 demonstrate 证明show 显示75 dense 密集的thick 周密的76 depress 降低lower 降低77 depressed 沮丧的saddened 悲伤的,沮丧的78 derive 取得,获得obtain 获得79 detect 发现discover the presence of 发现…..的存在80 detectable 可察觉的,可测出的measurable 可测量的81 detectable可察觉的,可测出的sizable 巨大的82 devastate 损坏ruin 毁灭83 devote 投身dedicate 致力84 dictate 规定determine 确定85 diffuse 扩散travel 传播86 dirt 土壤soil 土壤87 disaster 灾祸catastrophe 大灾祸88 discreet慎重的careful 小心的89 discrete 离散的separate 分离的90 dispute 争论argument 争论91 disseminate 传播spread/impart/inform 散布/传播/传播92 distinct 截然不同的different 不同的93 distinct 明显的obvious 明显的94 distinct 分别的,截然不同的separate 分离的95 distinction 区别difference 差别96 distinguished 不同的differentiated 不同的,有区别的97 divergence 分歧difference 不同98 dogma 教条belief/doctrine 信仰/教条99 domain 范围,领域field 土地,领域100 dominate 占优势be prevalent in 占优势101 dramatic 引人注目的striking 引人注目的102 drastic 猛烈的radical 根本的103 drastic 激烈的severe 猛烈的104 draw 吸引attract 吸引105 durable 耐久的lasting 持久的106 durable 耐久的endurable 持久的107 dwelling 住宅house 房子E108 eagerly anticipate 热切地期望look forward to 盼望109 elaborate 详尽的,精巧的detailed 详细的,精细的110 embed 植入encase 包裹111 embrace (欣然)接受welcome 欢迎112 embracer 接收者recipient 接收者,收件人113 emerge 出现appear 出现114 emit 发射give off 发射115 employ 雇用hire 雇用116 enable 使能够allow 准许117 enable 使能够help 帮助118 enact 制定法律,扮演角色perform 扮演角色119 end 目的goal 目的120 entire 全部的whole 全部的121 entity 实体object 物体122 entomb 埋葬trap 使陷于….之中123 eradicate 根除eliminate 清除124 essential 基本的fundamental 基本的125 evidence 表明indicate 指出126 exalted 高贵的superior 出众的127 exceed 超越surpass 超过128 execute(按计划或设计)做成,制成create 创造129 exert 施加apply 施行130 exorbitant 昂贵的expensive 昂贵的131 expedient 权宜之计makeshift 权宜之计132 exponential leaps 几何级数般的跳跃rapid increases 快速增加133 expose 揭露uncover 揭露134 expose to 暴露于subject to 使经受,使遭受135 extend 延长increase 增加,扩大136 extend 延伸stretch 伸展137 extol 赞美praise 赞扬138 extract 提取remove 清除F139 faction 帮派side 一方140 fade (form) 淡出disappear (form) 消失141 fashion 制作create 创造142 fatal 致命的deadly 致命的143 feed 填入put 放入144 fine 细小的minute 微小的145 first rank 顶级的highest quality 最高档次的146 fixture 固定装备commonplace object 常规物体147 flatter 奉承compliment 赞美148 forage 喂草料feed 喂食149 forward-looking 有远见的progressive 进步的150 frame 给…设框pose 使摆放姿势151 fundamental 基本的basic 基本的152 fuse 融合combine 联合G153 gap 裂缝opening 裂缝154 give way to 被..所代替turn into 转变为155 glow (炽热)发光shine 发光H156 hard 坚硬的firm 坚硬的157 hemisphere 半球side 一侧158 herald 预示,宣布announce 预示,宣布159 homogeneous 同源的uniform 一致的I160 imitate 模仿copy 复制161 immunity 免疫protection 保护162 implement 工具tool 工具163 implication 内涵significance 含义,意义164 impose 加强(要求)demand 要求165 in place of 代替instead of 代替166 inadequate 不充分的deficient 缺乏的,不足够的167 incise 切割carve 雕刻168 inclination 爱好,倾向preference 爱好169 induce 导致cause 导致170 inevitable 不可避免的ineluctable 不可避免的171 influx 流入arrival 到达172 ingot 金属锭 a block of metal 一块金属173 inhibit 阻止hinder 妨碍174 initially 最初at first 第一175 initiate 创立begin 开始176 instance 案例case 案例177 instantaneous 立竿见影的immediate 立即的178 integral 整体的,构成整体所必需的essential 基本的,必需的179 intense 强烈的extreme 极端的180 interchangeable 可替换的equivalent 等值的181 intervention 干涉influence 影响182 intricate 复杂的complex 复杂的183 inviting 吸引人的attractive 吸引人的J184 jolt 使震惊的shock 使震惊的L185 lament 令人对….感到遗憾complain about 抱怨186 lure 引诱attract 吸引M187 magnify 扩大increase 提高188 magnify 扩大intensify 加强189 magnitude 量值,大小extent 范围190 maintain 维持preserve/keep 保持/保持191 major 主要的principal 主要的192 maneuver 策略,花招trick 诡计193 margin 边缘edge 边缘194 marked 明显的pronounced 明显的195 meticulous 过分注意细节的careful 小心的196 milestone 里程碑significant development 重大发展的197 minuscule 微小的tiny 微小的198 minute 微小的tiny 微小的199 modify 改变change 改变200 monopolize 垄断dominate 支配201 moreover 进一步说furthermore 进一步说202 mundane 世俗的ordinary 平常的203 myriad of 无数的many 许多的N204 nevertheless 然而however 然而205 novel 新颖的innovative 创新的206 noxious 有害的harmful 有害的O207 obtain 得到acquire 获得208 obtain 获得get 得到209 outbreak 爆发beginning 开始210 outline 概要summarization 概述211 outstanding 出类拔萃的excellent 很好的P212 peak 顶峰maximum 最大值213 peculiar 独特的distinctive 独特的214 penetrate 穿过go through 穿过215 persist 坚持continue 持续216 pertinent 相关的relevant 相关的217 phenomenon 现象event 事件218 pick up 沿着follow 沿着219 picture 想象,描写imagine/describe 想象/描写220 pit 深坑hole 洞221 ponder 沉思meditate 沉思222 ponderous 笨重的heavy 沉重的223 pore 孔hole 洞224 position 位置location 位置225 potential 潜在的possible 可能的226 prefer 倾向,喜欢favor 喜欢227 preoccupation 全神贯注involvement 全神贯注228 preside over 掌管manage 掌管229 prevailing 主要的most frequent 最经常的230 prevent 阻止avoid 避免231 primary 基础的fundamental 基本的,基础的232 principal 主要的main 主要的233 prior to 在…之前preceding 前面的234 prominent 卓越的distinguished 杰出的235 prominent 卓越的prestigious 著名的236 property 特点characteristic 特点237 proponent 支持者supporter 支持者238 prospect 前景possibility 可能性239 protrude 突出project 突出240 puncture 刺破pierce 刺破R241 rapid 快速的swift 迅速的242 rare 稀罕的infrequent 不经常的243 rather 相反instead 相反244 readily 容易地easily 容易地245 realization 认识到awareness 认识到246 reap 收获gain 获得247 reckless 不负责任的irresponsible 不负责任的248 refreshing 给人新鲜感的unusual 不同寻常的249 relate 与…有关connect 与…有关250 reliance 依靠dependence 依靠251 remarkable 非凡的extraordinary 非凡的252 restricted 受限制的limited 受限制的253 revise 修改change 改变254 rich 丰富的abundant 丰富的255 robust 强壮的strong 强壮的256 roll back 把…压到标准水平reduce 降低,减少257 rotate 旋转alternate 交替258 rotate 旋转turn 旋转259 roughly 大约approximately 大概260 rudimentary 初步的,尚未发展完备undeveloped 尚未发展完备的261 rupture 爆裂burst 爆裂S262 sanitation 卫生health 卫生263 scale 攀登climb 攀登264 scope 范围range 范围265 secure 弄到,获得acquire 获得266 secure 安全的safe 安全的267 set 设置establish 建立268 settle 定居locate 坐落269 shield 保护protect 保护270 shy away from 躲避avoid 躲避271 simultaneous 同时的synchronous 同时的272 since 因为because 因为273 site 地点location 位置274 skepticism 怀疑doubt 怀疑275 skilled 熟练的expert 熟练的276 skyrocket 快速上升的increase rapidly 迅速增加277 smother 窒息eliminate 清除278 snap 断裂break 断裂279 sole 唯一的only 唯一的280 solemn 严肃的serious 严肃的281 some 大约approximately 大概282 sort out 区分separate 分离283 spark 引起,开始bring (about)/usher (in) 引起/开始284 spawn 引起,大量生产create 创造285 speculate 推测hypothesize 假设286 spot 发现identify 确定,鉴别287 staggering 令人惊愕的overwhelming 压倒性的288 staple 主要部分basic element 基本组成部分289 stationary 静止的fixed 固定的290 stimulate 刺激encourage 鼓励291 story 故事tale 故事292 strategy 诡计scam/trick 诡计/诡计293 strength 力量的源泉basis 基础294 stress 强调emphasize 强调295 stringent 严格的strict 严格的296 struggle 挣扎competition 竞争297 subject to 易受….的susceptible to 易受….的298 subsidize 资助finance 资助299 substantiate 证实verify 证实300 subtle 精巧微妙的slight 细微的301 succinct 简短的concise/terse 简明的/简短的302 sufficient 充足的adequate 充足的303 sumptuous 诸多的luxurious 诸多的304 supplement 补充extension 扩展,延伸305 support 支持hold/upload 支撑/支持306 supposed 假定的seeming 表面上的307 supremacy 至高无上的dominance 优势308 supreme 至高无上的most outstanding 最出类拔萃的309 surge 汹涌进行accelerate 加速发展310 suspend 悬挂hang 悬挂311 symmetrical 对称的proportionally balanced 比例平衡的T312 tangle 纠缠twist/jumble 缠绕/使混乱313 tempting 吸引人的attractive 吸引人的314 thankful 感谢grateful 感激315 trace 痕迹imprint 印记316 trend 倾向tendency 趋向U317 unadorned 未装饰的disorganized 混乱的318 undergo 经历experience 经历319 uniform 统一integrate 整合320 unique 独一无二的particular 独特的321 unravel 弄清discover 发现322 usher in 开始begin 开始V323 vary 改变differ 与…不同324 vast 宽广的,巨大的large 巨大的325 vibrate 震动convulse 震动326 vigilant 警惕的alert 警惕的327 virtually 实质上(几乎)actually/practically/almost 实际上(几乎)W328 witness 目击observe 观察Y329 yield 产生provide 提供。