



Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(30 marks)

Section A(22.5 marks)

Directions:In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, Band C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each questions.

You will hear each conversation TWICE.

Conversation 1

1. How did the woman come ?

A. By train.

B.On foot

C. By bus.

2. When do es the woman’s office close usually?

A. At 6:00 p.m

B. At 5:30 p.m.

C. At 7:00 p.m.

Conversation 2

3. What does the man want ?

A. A cup of tea and a piece of toast.

B. A piece of toast, a cup of tea and some jam.

C. Some jam and a piece of cake.

4. What can we learn from the conversation ?

A. The service is slow.

B. The woman is busy.

C. The food is delicious. Conversation 3

5. What are they talking about?

A. A film.

B. Dinosaurs(恐龙).

C. Cloning(克隆).

6. What are cloned dinosaurs like?

A. They always make trouble.

B. They are cleverer than expected..

C. They look much smaller.

Conversation 4

7. What will the man and his friends celebrate this evening?

A. Mr.Kollitz’s birthday.

B. Four couples’ wedding anniversa ry(结婚纪念日)

C. Two children’s birthday.

8. When will the man and his friends begin their dinner this evening?

A. At 7:00.

B.At 7:20.

C. At 8:30.

9. How can the woman get in touch with Mr. Kollitz ?

A. To send him an e-mail.

B. To call 892-4519 .

C. To call 883-4599.

Conversation 5

10. What are the speakers talking about ?

A. A way to improve air quality.

B. A problem with traffic rules.

C. A suggestion for city planning.

11. What does the man suggest?

A. Limiting the use of cars.

B. Encouraging people to walk.

C. Warning drivers of air pollution.

12. What does the woman think about the man’s idea?

A. It’s interesting

B. It’s worth trying.

C. It’s impractical.

Conversation 6

13. What does the man intend to do?

A. Invite the woman to exercise

B. Introduce the Impulse Club.

C. Take the woman to the shopping center.

14. What can we learn about the club?

A. People can’t swim there.

B. It has computer and television rooms.

C.It won’t close until 10 at n ight.

15. When will they arrive at the Impulse Club?

A. Right at 2 p.m

B. Long before 2 p.m

C. Shortly after 2 p.m

Section B (7.5 marks)

Directions:In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

You will hear the short passage TWICE.

Part Ⅱ Language Knowledge (45 marks)

Section A (15 marks)

Directions:For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence

21.After he graduated from college, he _______ his father’s business.

A. took in

B. took out

C. took over

D. took on

22. The how-to book can be of help to wants to do the job.

A. whoever

B. no matter who

C. whomever

D. Who

23.English is one of the_________languages of many countries, such as Ghana and India,but it is not their native language.





24.It is a question____________or not he should be elected chairman.

A. if

B. that



25.There _________in this room.That’s why it seems so small to you.

A.are too much furniture

B.is too many furnitures

C.are too many furnitures

D.is too much furniture

26. _____ worried the world a lot _____ Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370, carrying 227 passengers

and 12 crew en route (在途中) from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, mysteriously disappeared from radar in the early hours of March 8.

A. What; that

B. That; that

C. It; that

D. It; /

27. Some of the scientists held the point _____ the book said was right.

A. what what

B. what that

C. that that

D. that what

28. It was really a pity that the great writer died _____ his works unfinished two months ago.

A. with

B. from

C. because of

D. for

29. The train's late arrival made _____ quite impossible to get to Shanghai before eleven.

A. them

B. it

C. this

D. what

30.__________________________, I will visit you next Tuesday.

A.If you are convenient.

B.If it is convenient for you.

C.If it will be convenient for you.

D. If you will be convenient.

31. It was last night _______ I read about the history of English.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. when

32. ----Sorry, but let me explain.

----What excuse will you________this time.

A.mix up

B.pick up

C.make up

D. roll up

33. A student will be immediately punished if he is found in the exams.

A. cheat

B. cheating C . to cheat D. Cheated

34. For a moment nothing happened. Then all shouting together.

A. voices had come

B. came voices

C. voices would come

D. did voices come

35. Bobbie is always sick and weak his brother Frank is a good football player, as strong as

a horse.

A. when

B. as

C. while


Section B (18 marks)

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank, with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Waiting for the airplane to take off,I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then,an air hostess approached me and asked," Would you mind 36____ your seat? A couple would like to sit together." The only available seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts(石膏绷带),a black-and-blue face,and a sad expression. " Am I to sit there? 37_____!" I thought immediately . But a soft voice spoke:" She needs help." Finally I decided to move to that seat. The girl was named Kathy. She had been 38______ in a car accident and now was on her way for treatment.

When the sack and juice arrived,it did not take me long to 39_____ that Kathy would not be able to feed herself. I considered 40______ to feed her but hesitated,and it seemed too impolite to offer a service to a 41______. But then I realized that Kathy’s need was more important than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat. 42_____ she was uncomfortable about accepting my help,she 43______ . We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip my heart cheered and the 44_____ was really better spent than if I had sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached beyond my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and 45_____ her.

Love sometimes flows beyond human borders and removes the fear that keep us

46_______ .when we offer to serve another,we grow to live in a larger and more 47_____ world.

36. A. losing B. changing C. taking D. giving

37. A. No problem B. No way C. No need D. No doubt

38. A. escaped B. killed C. affected D. injured

39. A. know B. say C. realize D. recognize

40. A. offering B. needing C. stopping D. trying

41. A. girl B. neighbour C. passenger D. stranger

42. A. when B. although C. since D. as

43. A. refuse B. wonder C. cry D. did

44. A. life B. money C. time D. energy

45. A. eat B. miss C. love D. feed

46. A. separate B. independent C. silent D. upset

47. A. developing B. rewarding C. changing D. tiring

Section C (12 marks)

Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

Though it may seem hard to believe,the bird the officer uses is the same bird often seen 48 public parks- the pigeon. Pigeons have 49 wonderful sense of direction 50 can find their way home over long distances. Indeed, pigeons have been known to fly home as far away 51 1800 kilometers. That is 52 pigeons have been used since ancient times to carry the news

or even the mail. 53 , it was in war 54 they found their greatest use. During both World War Ⅰ and Ⅱ, pigeons were employed 55 armies to carry messages to and from the front lines ,saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories.

Part III Reading Comprehension (30marks)

Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


Many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything that they want to know. Th e teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.

It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to memorize(记住)some facts or a formula(公式). It is usually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in maths. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo,didn’t get an ything from school,but they were all so successful. They invented so many things for mankind.

The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments. Above all (最重要的是), they knew how to use their brains.

56. Many people go to school for an education. But some others go to school for

A.learning skills

B.learning subjects

C. enjoying themselves

D. getting an education

57. Which of the following might the author disagree?

A.Teachers should show their students how to learn.

B. Teachers should teach their students how to read and how to think.

C. Teachers should teach their students everything that students want to know.

D. Students should learn much more outside school by themselves.

58. According to the passage, the most important thing a teacher should do is________.

A. to teach his students everything he knows

B. to know everything

C. to teach the students how to think

D. to teach the students how to study by themselves

59. Using a formula in working out a maths problem is memorizing it.

A. much easier than

B. more difficult than

C.as easy as

D.as difficult as

60. The scientists were successful mainly because .

A.they read books that were not taught at school.

B.they worked all their lives.

C.they wasted not a single moment.

D.they knew how to use their brains.


An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon caught up with by a young motorcycle policeman. As he started to make out the ticket, the woman behind the wheel said proudly, “Before you go any further, young man, I think you should know that the mayor of this city is a good friend of mine.” The officer did not say a word, but kept writing. “I am also a friend of chief of police Barens,” continued the woman, getting more angry each moment. Still he kept on writing. “Young man,” she persisted, “I know Judge Lawson and State Senator (参议员) Patton.” Handing the ticket to the woman, the officer asked pleasantly , “Tell me, do you know Bill Bronson.”

“Why, no,” she answered.

“Well, that is the man you should have known,” he said, heading back to his motorcycle, “I am Bill Bronson.”

61. The policeman stopped the car because_____

A. it was an expensive car

B. the driver was a proud lady

C. the driver was driving beyond the speed limit

D. the driver was going to make trouble for the police

62. The woman was getting more angry each moment because _____.

A. the policeman didn’t know her friends

B. the policeman didn’t accept her kindness

C. the policeman was going to punish her

D. she didn’t know the policeman’s name

63. The policeman was _______.

A. an honourable fellow

B. a stupid fellow

C. an impolite man

D. a shy man

64. The woman was _______.

A. kind-hearted

B. a person who depended on someone else to finish her work

C.trying to frighten the policeman on the strength of her friends’ powerful positions

D. introducing her good fr iends’names to the young officer

65. The policeman _______.

A. had no sense of humor

B. had a sense of humor

C. had no sense of duty

D. was senseless


A 50-year-old American came back to his school. The teachers asked him to give a talk to

the small boys and girls there. The talk was about the love of their great country. All the little

ones were sitting in a large meeting-room. The old officer went up and began speaking. He

said “Boys and girls I studied in this school forty years ago. When I was at your age, we were

not as happy as you are today. Think about it and answer me, why are you so happy now?”

No sound came from the children. The old man waited for a long time. Then a short boy in

the front put up his small dirty hand. “Good boy! Please answer me dear” said the officer.

With a big smile on his face, the boy stood up and said, “If you speak long enough, we wont’t have to have maths and biology lessons this morning.”

66. The old man came back to the school______.

A. to listen to a talk

B. to have lessons

C. to give a talk

D. to see the children

67. The old officer found that the children at that school were______ ever before.

A. as good as

B. as well as

C. as happy as

D. much happier than

68. How many years did the old officer graduate from this school?

A. Fifty years

B. Forty years

C. Fifty-five years

D. Thirty years

69. The short boy in the front_______ .

A. didn’t understand the questions and answered it in a wrong way

B. spoke the truth

C. wanted to make others laugh

D. wanted to make the officer angry

70. According to the story, we know that________ .

A. the short boy didn’t like studyin g his lessons

B. all the children liked the talk

C.the short boy liked the talk very much

D. some children liked to listen to funny talk


Part Ⅳ Writing (45 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

Directions:Complete the following sentences according to the requirement.

71.Who the next manager of the football team would be was still a question.(改成it作形式主语句子,不改变原意)

72. You look beautiful (和你十年前一样)

73.None of the characters were developed from drawings of objects. (改为部分否定句)

74. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds.(翻译成中文)

75. It is believed that Loulan was gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.(改成含不定式的简单句)

Section B (10 marks)

Directions:Read the following sentences and fill in each blank with one word or phrase you’ve learnt in your present textbook according to the initial letter or Chinese meaning given.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each blank.

76. A few seconds later, a hand r________ out and grasped her arm.

77. C________ to what many people assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.

78. The Normans defeated England and took c________ of the country in 1066.

79. Generally, a certain language keeps on changing mostly in its vocabulary and p________.

80. At the age of 15, Braille created a system with patterns of six raised dots r________ each letter.

81. As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps ________ (正在靠近).

82. I, a blind man, am always anxious when I come to a ________ (十字路口).

83. The book is too difficult! I am afraid I won’t be able to read it. Do you have a copy that has been (简化).

84. Old English consisted of a ________ (混合体) of the languages spoken by the Celtics, the

Angles, the Saxons and the Norwegians.

85.The internet has an increasing (影响) on our lives. Many people all over the world

use it every day.

Section C (10 marks)

Directions:Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

In the 19the century people from all over the country came here to find gold. Many people become very rich now. They bought all the ground near the bank of the river. They dug big holes in it, trying to find more gold.

Mike Judeson was one of those who came to find gold. He bought nearly the last piece of the ground. It was a long way from the river, so no one else wanted to buy it. But Mike paid all his money for it. He worked hard month after month, bu t didn’t find any gold.

Then one night, just before he was going to give it up, it began to rain. It rained fro several days and nights. When the rain stopped at last, Mike came out of his small wooden

house to see his piece of ground. It didn’t look the same. The holes were not there any more, and a lot of small plants grew everywhere.

“Perhaps there is no gold here.” Mike said. “But this ground is rich. I can grow flowers and sell them for money. The women in this town are rich now. They have beautiful houses and they will put flowers in their houses. If I can grow good flowers here, I can make money, too.” So he did. And soon his piece of ground was covered with beautiful flowers. Later he was able to buy more fields until he owned all the ground near the river.

“I was the only man who found true gold here.” he often said. “The others took their gold out of the ground and went away. But my gold is still here.”

86. Why did people dig holes at the bank of the river?(no more than 6 words 3 marks )

87. What did Mike find after the rain stopped?(no more than 2 words 2 mark)

88. What did Mike decide to do then?(no more than 5 words 3 marks)

89. Who would mainly buy Mike’s flowers?(no more than 5 words 2 marks)Section D (15 marks)

Directions:Write an English composition according to the instructions given below.

90. 某英文杂志新设“我的家乡”专栏向读者征文,请按下面提供的要点写一篇120个词左右的短文,介绍你的家乡过去的情况和现在的变化,向该杂志投稿。短文标题已给出。

My Hometown

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________



71.It was still a question who the next manager would be .

72.as you were ten years ago


76. reached 77. Contrary 78. control 79. pronunciation 80. representing 81. approaching 82. crossroads 83. simplified 84 mixture 85. influence


86.(because they wanted ) to find gold.

87. small plants.

88. to grow and sell flowers.

89 (The) Women (in the town).



2013年湖南省普通高中学业水平考试英语试卷(真题) 本试卷分听力技能、知识运用、阅读技能、写作技能四个部分,共7页。时量120 分钟,满分100分。 第一部分听力技能(共两节。满分20分) 做听力技能时,请先在试卷上作答。听力技能结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将第1至16小题的答案转涂到答题卡上。将第17至20小题的答案转写到答题卡上。 第一节听力理解(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) 听下面9段对话,每段对话后有一个或一个以上小题,从体重所给的A. B. C 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 例听下面一段对话,回答第1小题。 I. How much is the shirt? A £. B £. C. £ 答案是C。 听下面一段对话,回答第1小题。 1. What time is it now? A. 2:30. B. 3:30. C. 4:30 听下面一段对话,回答第2小题。 2. What are they talking about? A The date. B. A plan C. The weather 听下面一段对话,回答第3小题。 3. What is the man going to do in the summer vacation? A. To join a club. B. To stay home. C. To visit New York. 听下面一段对话,回答第4小题。 4. What is the man doing now? A Doing homework. B Going shopping C. Turning on the TV


英语试卷 第1页(共20页) 英语试卷 第2页(共20页) 绝密★启用前 湖南省衡阳市2018年初中学业水平考试 英 语 (满分100分,考试时间120分钟) A 卷(15分) Ⅰ.听力技能(共一个部分,15小题,计15分) 对话理解。根据你所听到的对话,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项回答问题。听下面五段对话,每听完一段对话,回答一个小题。 1. Can Jenney play the guitar? A. Yes, she can B. No, she can 't C. I don 't know 2. How can Li Hong improve her English? A. By writing more B. By listening more C. By reading more 3. What are they talking about? A. The rivers B. The weather C. The earth 4. Who runs fastest of the three? A. Mike B. Jack C. Bill 5. When will Linda probably come to the party? A. At 8:30 p.m. B. At 8:00 p.m. C. At 7:30 p.m. 听第六段对话,回答第6-7小题。 6. How many times has Dick been to the West Lake Park? A. Once B. Twice C. Never 7. Where will they go? A. To the West Lake Park B. To Nanhu Park C. To Pinghu Park 听第七段对话,回答第8-9小题。 8. When is Mike 's birthday? A. April 13th B. April 17th C. May 4th 9. What birthday present will the two speakers send Mike? A. A watch B. A football C. A basketball 听第八段对话,回答第10-12小题。 10. Where is the man 's wife? A. In Changsha B. In Beijing C. In Shanghai 11. Who will look after Tom? A. His mother B. His father C. The woman 12. What do we know about the woman? A. She likes children B. She still works C. She is a teacher 听第九段对话,回答第13-15小题。 13. Why did the woman come back to the store? A. Because she left her bag in the store B. Because she forgot to pay for the pears C. Because she got the wrong bag with her 14. How many pears did the woman buy? A. Three B. Four C. Six 15. What did the man do at last? A. He paid for the pears for the woman B. He changed the bag for the woman C. He returned the bag to the woman Ⅱ.阅读技能(共五个部分,30小题,计50分) (A ) 完形填空。通读短文,掌握大意,然后从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择正确答案填空。(共10小题,计10分) Numbers in different countries may have different meanings. In China, some people think that some numbers bring them 16 . Take "8" for example, the Chinese pronunciation of the number "8" has almost the 17 sound as that of the Chinese character "发[fa:]", which means making a fortune. So, many Chinese people spend a lot of 18 to get their telephone numbers or car numbers to include this number "8". They believe without 19 doubt that the number will bring them money. 20 , others don 't believe that numbers have anything to do with good luck. They think such an idea is only an ignorant (愚昧的) and superstitious (迷信的) belief. A number is one thing, and good luck is 21 . They will ask, " 22 can you ever have any good luck simply because of some lucky numbers, even if you don 't work hard, don 't have good opportunities and don 't get along well with the people around you?" As for me, I 23 with the latter (后者). Clearly, lucky numbers are only a kind of superstition. Perhaps it holds true for some cases, but often it does not. Numbers can 24 bring good luck to a person at all and our fortune is in our own hands. So, everyone can have a good fortune only if he tries his best. Let 's always remember "Opportunities are only for the 25 mind" and "No pains, no gains." 16. A. good luck B. had luck C. failure 17. A. different B. same C. similar 18 .A. time B. money C. things ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


一. 选择题(每小题5分共45分) 1.设集合{ }{},4,3,2,3,2,1==B A 则=?B A ( ) A. {1,2,3,4} B.{1,2,3} C.{2,3,4} D.{1,4} 2.已知向量a = (1,—1),b = (2,x).若a ·b = 1,则x =( ) (A) —1 (B) —12 (C) 12 (D)1 3.一个几何体的三视图形状都相同,大小均等,那么这个几何体不可以是( ) A 球 B 三棱锥 C 正方体 D 圆柱 4.复数11i =+( ) (A) 1122i - (B)1122 i + (C) 1i - (D) 1i + 5.设a ∈R ,则“a =1”是“直线l 1:ax+2y=0与直线l 2 :x+(a+1)y+4=0平行的( ) A 充分不必要条件 B 必要不充分条件 C 充分必要条件 D 既不充分也不必要条件 6. 将两个数12,8==b a 交换,使8,12==b a ,下面语句正确的是 ( ) A.a b b a == B. c a a b b c === C. b a a b == D. a b b c c a === 7.将圆x 2+y 2 -2x-4y+1=0平分的直线是( ) (A )x+y-1=0 (B ) x+y+3=0 (C )x-y+1=0 (D )x-y+3=0 8.函数y=12 x 2-㏑x 的单调递减区间为( ) (A )(-1,1] (B )(0,1] (C.)[1,+∞) (D )(0,+∞) 9. 若正数x ,y 满足x+3y=5xy ,则3x+4y 的最小值是( ) A. 245 B. 285 C.5 D.6 二.填空题(每小题5分共30分) 10.在△ABC 中,已知∠BAC=60°,∠ABC=45°,3=BC ,则AC=_______。 11. 阅读右图所示的程序框图,运行相应的程序,输出s 值等于___________


湖南省邵阳县石齐学校2020-2021学年八年级数学上期末复 习检测数学试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.小明用30元钱买笔记本和练习本共30本,已知每个笔记本4元,每个练习本4角,那么他最多能买笔记本( )本. A .7 B .6 C .5 D .4 2.某种商品每件的标价是330元,按标价的八折销售时,仍可获利10%,则这种商品每件的进价为 A .240元 B .250元 C .280元 D .300元 3.如图,AB ⊥AC 于A ,BD ⊥CD 于D ,若AC =DB ,则下列结论中不正确的是( ) A .∠A =∠D B .∠AB C =∠DCB C .OB =O D D .OA =OD 4.如图,有一只棱长为20厘米的正方形盒子,一只蚂蚁从A 点出发,沿着正方体木箱的外表面爬行到C ′D ′的中点P 的最短路线长为( ) A .厘米 B .50厘米 C .厘米 D .30厘米 5.当01x <<时,x 、 1 x 、2x 的大小顺序是( ) A . 21 x x x << B .2 1x x x << C .2 1x x x << D .2 1x x x << 6.下列计算或化简正确的是( ) A .= B =

C3 =-D3 = 7.不等式组 330 1 x x +> ? ? -≤- ? 的解集在数轴上表示为() A. B. C.D.8.在△ABC中,∠A是锐角,那么△ABC是() A.锐角三角形B.直角三角形C.钝角三角形D.不能确定9.25的算术平方根是() A.5 B.-5 C.±5 D.1 25 10,则x的取值范围是() A.x≤1B.x≥1C.x>0 D.x>﹣1 二、填空题 11.一次函数y=kx+2,当x=3时,y=﹣7,则k的值等于________;当x=________时,y=5. 12.若函数y=(k+3)x|k|﹣2+4是一次函数,则函数解析式是________. 13.一木工师傅现有两根木条,木条的长分别为40 cm和30 cm,他要选择第三根木条,将它们钉成一个三角形木架.设第三根木条长为x cm,则x的取值范围是 _______. 14.使不等式x﹣5>4x﹣1成立的值中最大整数是 ________. 15.化简 2 x x x11x + -- 的结果为_____. 16有意义,则x的取值范围是:__________________________。17.如图,在3×3的正方形网格(每个小正方形的边长均为1)中有四个格点A,B,C,D,以其中一点为原点,网格线所在直线为坐标轴(水平线为横轴),建立平面直角坐标系,使其余三个点中存在两个点关于一条坐标轴对称.


2020年湖南省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟试卷二(长郡版) 英语 本试卷包括阅读技能、知识运用、写作技能三个部分。全卷共41小题。考试时间90分钟,卷面满分100分。 第一部分阅读技能(共两节,满分45分) 第一节阅读理解(共12小题;每小题3分,满分36分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B.C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Post your problems on the blog and get other bloggers'advice! My problem is my parents.They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy,keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes.They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night!What should I do? Helen,USA My best friend has suddenly become an ex-friend and I don't know why! Last week we phoned each other every day and emailed too.But at school on Monday she didn't look at me or speak to me.I don't know what I've done. Gimbya,India Hi,Helen,I think you should do what your parents ask.You should respect them.It's their house you live in and their money you spend.. Emily,New Zealand Why do you think you're the only one with parents like that?All parents are the same.They don't understand that fashions have changed in the last 30years! Tom,America I feel sorry for you,Gimbya.My best friend did the same to me and I still don't know the reason.Could you ask another friend to speak to her for you? George,France Helen,why should your parents do all the housework?You should help around the house.I think it's OK for students to wear school uniforms. Teenagers should look like teenagers. Simon,Scotland Don't worry about it so much!Phone your friend up as usual and she won't be able to ignore(忽视)you. Everything will be fine. Aisha,Nigeria 1.Helen's problem is about her_________. A.classmates B.study C.parents D.room 2.__________has the same problem as Gimbya. A.George B.Aisha C.Helen D.Ali 3._________don't agree with Helen.They think she should change her idea. A.Tom and Emily B.Emily and Simon C.Simon and Tom D.Aisha and George 4.An ex-friend is a person who______. A.gets along well with others B.helps you when you have any problem C.is ready to ask you for help all the time D.is no longer a good friend as before B Zheng He was one of China's most famous explorers.Towards the end of the fourteenth


1 2020年长沙市初中学业水平考试试卷英语 注意事项: 1、答题前,请考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号、考室和座位号; 2、必须在答题卡上答题,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效; 3、答题时,请考生注意各大题题号后面的答题提示; 4、请勿折叠答题卡,保持字体工整、笔迹清晰、卡面清洁; 5、答题卡上不得使用涂改液、涂改胶和贴纸; 6、本学科试卷中听力材料以中速朗读两遍。 试卷分为四个部分,共8页,75小题,时量120分钟,满分120分。 I .听力技能(两部分,共20小题,计20分) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共5小题,计5分) 1.Where did Jim go last weekend? A .The science park. B .The countryside. C .The city library. 2.How often does the boy play basketball? A .Every day. B .Twice a week. C .Twice a month. 3.What ’s the weather like today? A .Rainy. B .Sunny. C .Snowy. 4.When will Mary have a picnic? A .On Friday. B .On Saturday. C .On Sunday. 5.What color does the girl like best? A .Green. B .Blue. C .Yellow. 第二节 听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2-3个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(共15小题,计15分) 听第六段对话,回答第6、7小题。 6.What will the man do next? A .Leave right away. B .Stay for dinner. C .Catch a train. 7.How long will it take the man to get to the station? A .Half an hour. B .One hour. C .One and a half hours. 听第七段对话,回答第8、9小题。 8.When will they go for a trip? A .In June. B .In July. C .In August. 9.How long will they stay there? A .For five days. B .For a week. C .For a month. 听第八段对话,回答第10、11小题。 10.What is the second gift for Cathy? A .A skirt. B .A car. C .A computer. 11.What ’s the probable relationship between the speakers? A .Husband and wife. B .Boss and secretary. C .Father and daughter. 听第九段对话,回答第12至14小题。 12.What is John doing at the moment? 姓名 准考证号


2021届湖南省邵阳县石齐学校九年级上期中考(直通班)语 文试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题 1.下列加横线字的读音或成语的书写全都正确的一项是() A.襁褓(qiáng)陨落(yǔn)差使(chāi)断章取意 B.寒噤(jìnɡ)田圃(pǔ)旁骛(wù)重蹈覆辙 C.风骚(sāo)褶皱(zhě)静谧(bì)消声匿迹 D.磐石(pán)一抔(póu)黄土妖娆(ráo)自知之明 2.下列各句中加横线的成语使用恰当的一句是() A.学生要有敢于向老师不耻下问的勇气。 B.王明同学在街上与他的小学老师萍水相逢了。 C.在竹海面前,如果我要画它,实在束手无策。 D.锋芒毕露的的青年物理学家邓稼先从此销声匿迹了。 3.下列对病句的修改有误的一项是() A.到了退休年龄的他,精力和身体都还很充沛。(搭配不当,把“充沛”改为“健壮”。)B.进入初中后,他一直始终参加书法班的学习。(重复累赘,删掉“始终”一词。)C.这篇通讯报道了一位共产党员为民谋福利而鞠躬尽瘁。(缺少成份,在句末添加“的事迹”。) D.我们只有保持良好的心态,认真复习,就能在考场上正常发挥,取得好成绩。(关联词语使用不当,把“就”改为“才”。) 4.依次填入下面句子横线处的词语最恰当的一项是 ( ) (1)日本大地震导致核电站泄漏的影响还在继续,此事也给全球核电产业敲响了“安全警钟”。 (2)假如,你不小心冒犯了别人,而对方,那么,感激就会像幽幽的花香在你的四周弥漫。 (3)落叶何其微小,然而,正是它们的存在,为大树提供了生命所的养分。世间,本无大小,高山与溪流,同样是生命的孕育地。 (4)联军打击利比亚的行为警示我们,国家的独立自主、繁荣富强,必须要有强大的国防力量,的内部环境,以及居安思危的思想作保证。 A.事件一笑了之必须安安稳稳 B.变故置之不理必要安贫乐道 C.事故一笑了之必需安定团结 D.事态置之不理需要一团和气


2014年湖南省普通高中学业水平考试英语试卷(真题) 本试卷分听力技能、知识运用、阅读技能、写作技能四个部分,共7页。时量120 分钟,满分100分。 第一部分听力技能(共两节。满分20分) 做听力技能时,请先在试卷上作答。听力技能结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将第1至16小题的答案转涂到答题卡上。将第17至20小题的答案转写到答题卡上。 第一节听力理解(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) 听下面9段对话,每段对话后有一个或一个以上小题,从题中所给的A. B. C 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 例听下面一段对话,回答第1小题。 I. How much is the shirt? A £ 19.13. B £9.18. C. £ 9.15 答案是C。 1. What makes Tim upset? A. The chemistry test. B. The physics test. C. The maths test. 听下面一段对话,回答第2小题/ 2. Where is the man going? A. To the teacher’s office. B. To the bus stop. C. To the hotel. 听下面一段对话,回答第3小题。 3. Whom will the man buy a T-shirt for? A. His mother. B. His father. C. His brother. 听下面一段对话,回答第4小题。 4. How many children are there in Ann’s family? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 听下面一段对话,回答第5小题。 5. When will the two speakers meet? A. At 9.30 a.m. B. At 9.00 a.m. C. At 8.30 a.m. 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 6. What is the weather like tomorrow? A. Foggy. B. Windy. C. Sunny. 7. How does the woman know the weather? A. By watching TV. B. By listening to the radio. C. By reading newspapers. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。 8. Which country is the new student from? A . America. B. China. C. Italy. 9. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Workmates. B. Strangers. C. Classmates. 10. Who wants to go to China? A. The boy. B. The girl. C. The new student. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。 11. Which subject does the woman want to improve? A. Her English. B. Her Spanish. C. Her French


湖南省张家界市2020年普通初中学业水平考试试卷 英语 第一部分听力 做题时,请先将答案标在试题卷上,录音内容结束后,你有两分钟的时间填写答题卷。 第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,每小题有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 1. What does Lucy like drinking? A. Tea. B. Water. C. Juice. 2. What color may the woman choose? A. White. B. Red. C. Pink. 3. How will they get there? A. Take a taxi. B. Take a bus. C. Take a car. 4. Where is Tom going? A. To the park. B. To the lake. C. To the cinema. 5. When will they go shopping? A. On Sunday. B. On Monday. C. On Saturday. 第二节 听下面两段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. How is the weather? A. It is sunny. B. It is cloudy. C. It is windy. 7. Who will do outdoor activities tomorrow? A. The two girls. B. The two speakers. C. The boy and Annie. 听第7段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。


2019学年湖南邵阳县石齐学校七年级上学期期中语文 试卷【含答案及解析】 姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________ 题号一二三四五六七八总分得分 一、选择题 1. 下面加横线的字读音正确的一项是( ________ ) A.陶冶(zhì)_________ 伶仃(dīng)___________ 瑟(shè)缩 ___________ 苦心孤诣(yì) B.辍(chuò)学_________ 蹒(pán)跚______________ 浩瀚(hàn) _________ 猝(cù)不及防 C.绚(xùn)丽___________ 冗(rǒng)长___________ 哽咽(yàn) ___________ 乳臭(xiù)未干 D.嘈(záo)杂_________ 诽(fěi)谤______________ 水浒(wǔ)_________ 如醉如痴(chī) 2. 选出没有错别字的一项(_________ ) A.斩露头角粗糙俗不可奈 ___________ B.名正言顺滑稽________ 言简意赅 C.戏谑________________ 含辛如苦名付其实_______________________ D.嘲笑________________ 消声匿迹________ 盛气临人 3. 下列句中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是(_________ ) A.庸俗的作品总是让有品味的读者感到索然无味 B.不积极主动地创造条件,总是怨天尤人,是永远不会获得成功的。 C.舞台上精彩的表演让观众望洋兴叹,掌声不断。 D.他的提示让我恍然大悟,很快就解答出了这道题目。 4. 下列各句中没有语病的一句是() A.我们要认真地把教室布置得干干净净。 B.为了防止这类交通事故不再发生,我们加强了交通安全的教育和管理。


湖南省中考英语试题含答案 英语 (满分120分,考试时间120分钟) I‘听力技能(共三个部分,20小题,计25分) A‘对话理解。根据你听到的对话,从A‘B‘C三个选项中选择最佳选项(共10小题,计10分) 听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,回答一个小题。 1‘What did Jack buy yesterday? A‘A football‘B‘A basketball‘C‘A volleyball‘ 2‘How is the weather? A‘Snowy‘B‘Windy‘C‘Rainy 3‘What subject are they talking about? A‘Chinese‘B‘English‘C‘Math‘ 4‘Where are the two speakers? A‘In a bookstore B‘In a library C‘In a cinema‘ 5‘Why was Tom late? A‘Because his bike was broken‘ B‘Because he had an accident‘ C‘Because he got up late‘ 听第六段对话,回答6‘7小题。 6‘When is Rose free? A‘This afternoon‘B‘This morning‘C‘This evening‘ 7‘What festival is it today? A‘The Spring Festival‘B‘The lantern Festival‘C‘The Dragon Boat Festival‘ 听第七段对话,回答8-10小题。 8‘What did the two speakers do just now? A‘They watched a football match‘B‘They visited a museum‘C‘They watched a movie‘ 9‘Where are they going next? A‘To a post o ffice‘B‘To a restaurant‘C‘To a bank‘ 10‘What will they have? A‘Pizza‘B‘Hamburgers C‘Chinese food B)笔录要点。根据你听到的内容,填写下面表格,每空一词。(共5小题,计5分) A Famous Student How old is he? 11‘________years old‘ What’s the name of the program? The best 12‘________of Our School‘ In 13‘________‘ When did he take part in the program? What did he wear? A pair of 14‘________jeans‘

人教版语文高一 湖南省邵阳县石齐学校2012至2013学年高一下学期期中考试语文试题

总分:150分时量:120分钟 出题:刘绍华审题:邓志飞 一.基础知识运用(每小题3分,共18分) 1.下列词句中加粗线的注音正确的是() A.畏葸(xǐ)罗绮(qǐ)敕(chì)造沧海一粟(sù) B. 广袤(mào) 脚踝(huái) 逡(quān)巡六艺经传(zhuàn) C. 孝悌(tì)盥(guàn)手句读(dòu)锲(qì)而不舍 D. 洿(wū)池戌(xù)守胆怯(què)奄(yǎn)奄一息 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是() A .寒暄溯漠嘻闹遍体鳞伤 B .缅甸烦燥模糊寥寥无几 C.饿莩筵席逍遥截然不同 D.遐想神采熨帖振聋发馈 3.下列句子中加粗线的成语使用恰当的一句是() A.林黛玉虽然比起大观园中其他的女性更有才气,但她的孤芳自赏,目无下尘,使她最终在与薛宝钗的爱情比拼中败下阵来。 B.市人事局在招聘干部工作中增加了新内容,以防止一些身无长物的人蒙混过关,这种做法有利于选拔真正的人才,得到社会的认可。 C. 针对去年中考成绩只采用等级排序造成家长诚惶诚恐,无从应对的情况,市教育局决定 今年中考同时公布考试的等级排序和原始分。 D.享有“歌神”盛誉的香港歌手张学友广州演唱会盛况空前,他那极具磁性的歌声如空谷足音般美妙。 4.下列语句有语病的一项是() A.近二十年来,动物的游戏行为引起了研究者的极大兴趣,成为行为研究中最有争议的领域。 B.从宏观上来看,人类所关心的大多数问题都可以说是无关紧要的,甚至是微不足道的。C.鸟类和人类从凤蝶产卵到成虫的时代一直都在跟凤蝶作对。

D.使我感到欣慰的是,仪器成功产生了比地磁场强2万多倍,而这正是加速一束电子所必需的。 5.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是( ) (1).《琵琶行》这朵诗苑奇葩是唐代大诗人白居易的杰作,千余年来,凡读此 诗的人无不拍案叫绝,究竟原因何在? (2).当此之时,严武病逝成都,杜甫痛失挚友,孤苦无依,被迫于哀朽之年,抱病弱之躯,漂泊江湖,异乡,兼以政治上屡遭排挤,心境自然凄苦异常。 (3).李白擅长夸张,如“高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮如雪”一句,时间上的故意缩短,形象地表露出迟暮之年的到来,不知不觉,竟在早晚之间。 A.面世作客经过 B.问世作客通过 C.面世做客通过 D.问世做客经过 6、依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是() 一个爱笑的人,是一个阳光的人;________。________。________,________。________。 这一张张笑脸,犹如友谊的春风,吹向世界。 ①一张张笑脸,充分体现了我们的自信,我们的宽容,我们的友善 ②让五千年文明中国的魅力,让中国人的友善如花绽放 ③一个爱笑的民族,是一个阳光的民族 ④那种发自内心的微笑,犹如“吹面不寒杨柳风” ⑤阳光,来自积极的心态,源自宽容的胸怀 A.③⑤④②①B.⑤④②①③C.④②①③⑤D.②①③⑤④ 二.阅读下面一段文字,完成6—8题。(9分) 网络文学的现实意义 马季 最近,有关部门对网络文学进行盘点,获得以下共识:一是代际缩短引发的写作方式的变化。早期网络写作与传统写作虽然存在观念差异,思维方式与审美习惯仍然趋同,但随着社会生活发生巨大变化,新一代网络写手基本脱离了传统思维模式,写作方式也相应产生较


第二部分阅读技能(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分) 21. How long will the exhibition last A. Five days. B. Seven days. C. Nine days. D. Eleven days.

22. What will you get for free every day if you’r e among the first 500 A. A magazine. B. A ticket for a magic show. C. A great bargain. D. A chance to join in games. 23. If you come with your family at 3 ., you’ll enjoy the programme________. A. Games and Quizzes. B. Lucky Draw C. Drama on Fun with jokes D. Story Telling 24. For more information about the exhibition, you can_______. A. call the organizer B. write to the company C. visit the website D. e-mail the publisher B Chen Zijiang is a paper-cutting expert whom I interviewed for my article on Chinese Art. Paper-cutting is something that he learned to do from an early age. “It is a Chinese folk art with a long history,” Mr. Chen told me, “Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty!”He added that by the Southern Song Dynasty, paper-cutting had become an important part of everyday life. Mr. Chen went on to explain that there are three types of paper cuts which people still make today: paper cuts for decoration, for religious purposes and for design patterns. Paper cuts used for decoration are often seen on windows and gates. They are often put up during holidays to bring good luck. They are also used on presents. For example, a present for parents whose child has recently been born might show a paper cut of children. Paper cuts which show the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate
