电动滑板车 electric scooter
电动滑板车检验流程英文回答:The inspection process for electric scooters involves several steps to ensure the safety and functionality of the vehicle. Here is a breakdown of the inspection process:1. Visual Inspection: The first step is to visually inspect the electric scooter for any visible damages or defects. This includes checking for any cracks, dents, or loose parts. For example, I would check the handlebars for any signs of damage or the wheels for any flat spots.2. Battery Inspection: The next step is to inspect the battery of the electric scooter. This involves checking the battery connections, ensuring they are secure and free from corrosion. I would also check the battery voltage to ensure it is within the acceptable range.3. Brake Inspection: One of the most important aspectsof the inspection process is checking the brakes. This involves testing the brake system to ensure it is functioning properly. For example, I would squeeze the brake lever and check if the brakes engage smoothly and bring the scooter to a stop without any issues.4. Lights and Signals Inspection: Another crucial aspect is inspecting the lights and signals of the electric scooter. This includes checking the headlights, taillights, turn signals, and brake lights. I would turn on the lights and signals and ensure they are all working correctly.5. Speed and Acceleration Test: To ensure the scooteris operating at the appropriate speed, a speed and acceleration test is conducted. This involves riding the scooter and checking if it reaches the maximum speed specified by the manufacturer. Additionally, I would check the acceleration to ensure it is smooth and consistent.6. Stability and Balance Test: Another important aspect is testing the stability and balance of the electric scooter. This involves riding the scooter on differentsurfaces and checking if it maintains stability and balance. For example, I would ride the scooter on a bumpy road tosee if it handles the vibrations well and remains stable.7. Noise and Vibration Test: Lastly, a noise and vibration test is conducted to check for any unusual sounds or vibrations. This involves riding the scooter andlistening for any abnormal noises or feeling for any excessive vibrations. For instance, I would pay attentionto any rattling sounds or vibrations coming from the scooter.Overall, the inspection process for electric scooters involves a thorough examination of various components to ensure the safety and functionality of the vehicle.中文回答:电动滑板车的检验流程包括多个步骤,以确保车辆的安全性和功能性。
儿童启蒙英语单词以下是一些常见的儿童启蒙英语单词、音标和汉语解释:1. apple [ˈæpl] 苹果2. baby [ˈbeɪbi] 宝宝3. cat [kæt] 猫4. dog [dɔg] 狗5. elephant [ˈɛlɪfənt] 大象6. fish [fɪʃ] 鱼7. girl [ɡɜrl] 女孩8. hat [hæt] 帽子9. ice cream [aɪs krim] 冰淇淋10. juice [dʒus] 果汁11. key [kiː] 钥匙12. lion [ˈlaɪən] 狮子13. monkey [ˈmʌŋki] 猴子14. nose [noʊz] 鼻子15. orange [ˈɔrɪndʒ] 橙子16. pig [pɪɡ] 猪17. queen [kwiːn] 女王18. rabbit [ˈræbɪt] 兔子19. sun [sʌn] 太阳20. tiger [ˈtaɪɡər] 老虎21. umbrella [ʌmˈbrɛlə] 雨伞22. violin [ˌvaɪəˈlɪn] 小提琴23. whale [weɪl] 鲸鱼24. xylophone [ˈzaɪləˌfoʊn] 木琴25. yogurt [ˈjoʊɡərt] 酸奶26. zebra [ˈziːbrə] 斑马工程车系列:1. Excavator [ɪkˈskæveɪtər] - 挖掘机2. Bulldozer [ˈbʊldoʊzər] - 推土机3. Crane [kreɪn] - 起重机4. Dump truck [dʌmp trʌk] - 自卸车5. Mixer truck [ˈmɪksər trʌk] - 混凝土搅拌车6. Crane truck [kreɪn trʌk] - 起重机卡车7. Backhoe loader [ˈbækhoʊ ˈloʊdər] - 推土铲运装载机8. Road roller [roʊd ˈroʊlər] - 压路机9. Paver [ˈpeɪvər] - 铺路机10. Grader [ˈɡreɪdər] - 平地机11. Forklift [ˈfɔrklɪft] - 叉车12. Skid steer loader [skɪd stɪr ˈloʊdər] - 小型装载机13. Articulated truck [ɑrˈtɪkjəˌleɪtɪd trʌk] - 铰接式卡车14. Scraper [ˈskreɪpər] - 刮地机15. Asphalt paver [ˈæsfælt ˈpeɪvər] - 沥青铺路机16. Compactor [kəmˈpæktər] - 压实机17. Concrete pump [ˈkɑŋkriːt pʌmp] - 混凝土泵车18. Auger [ˈɔːɡər] - 螺旋钻19. Trencher [ˈtrɛntʃər] - 开沟机20. Cherry picker [ˈtʃɛri ˈpɪkər] - 升降平台车21. Digger [ˈdɪɡər] - 挖掘机22. Scraper tractor [ˈskreɪpər ˈtræktər] - 刮土机23. Crawler crane [ˈkrɔːlər kreɪn] - 履带式起重机24. Telescopic handler [tɛlɪˈskɑːpɪk ˈhændlər] - 伸缩臂叉车25. Mobile crane [ˈmoʊbəl kreɪn] - 移动式起重机26. Tower crane [ˈtaʊər kreɪn] - 塔式起重机27. Concrete mixer [ˈkɑŋkriːt ˈmɪksər] - 混凝土搅拌机28. Wagon drill [ˈwæɡən drɪl] - 皮卡钻机29. Rock breaker [rɑk ˈbreɪkər] - 破碎机30. Motor grader [ˈmoʊtər ˈɡreɪdər] - 摩托平地机31. Boom lift [bum lɪft] - 平臂升降机32. Compaction roller [kəmˈpækʃən ˈroʊlər] - 压实辊33. Wheel loader [wil ˈloʊdər] - 轮式装载机34. Hydraulic excavator [haɪˈdrɔːlɪk ɪkˈskæveɪtər] - 液压挖掘机35. Scraper hauler [ˈskreɪpər ˈhɔ交通工具:1. Car [kɑːr] 汽车2. Bus [bʌs] 公共汽车3. Train [treɪn] 火车4. Bicycle [ˈbaɪsɪkl] 自行车5. Motorcycle [ˈmoʊtərsaɪkl] 摩托车6. Truck [trʌk] 卡车7. Taxi [ˈtæksi] 出租车8. Plane [pleɪn] 飞机9. Helicopter [ˈhɛlɪˌkɑptər] 直升机10. Ship [ʃɪp] 船11. Boat [boʊt] 小船12. Yacht [jɑt] 游艇13. Scooter [ˈskutər] 滑板车14. Skateboard [ˈskeɪtbɔːrd] 滑板15. Roller skates [ˈroʊlər skeɪts] 溜冰鞋16. Rollerblades [ˈroʊlərbleɪdz] 直排轮滑鞋17. Subway [ˈsʌbˌweɪ] 地铁18. Tram [træm] 有轨电车19. Ferry [ˈfɛri] 渡船20. Cable car [ˈkeɪbəl kɑːr] 缆车21. Monorail [ˈmɑːnoʊˌreɪl] 单轨列车22. Jet ski [ˈdʒɛt skiː] 水上摩托23. Hot air balloon [hɑt ɛr bəˈlun] 热气球24. RV (recreational vehicle) [ˌriː ˈviː] 房车25. Tuk-tuk [ˈtʌk tʌk] 嘟嘟车26. Segway [ˈsɛɡweɪ] 赛格威27. Rickshaw [ˈrɪkʃɔː] 人力车28. Skate [skeɪt] 冰鞋29. Jet [dʒɛt] 喷气式飞机30. Spacecraft [ˈspeɪsˌkræft] 航天飞船31. Rocket [ˈrɑkɪt] 火箭32. Zeppelin [ˈzɛpəlɪn] 齐柏林飞艇33. Submarine [ˈsʌbməˌrin] 潜水艇34. Bulldozer [ˈbʊlˌdoʊzər] 推土机35. Excavator [ˈɛksˌkeɪvətər] 挖掘机36. Crane [kreɪn] 起重机37. Tractor [ˈtræktər] 拖拉机38. Ambulance [ˈæmbjələns] 救护车39. Fire truck [ˈfaɪər trʌk] 消防车40. Police car [pəˈlis kɑːr] 警车41. Garbage truck [ˈɡɑrbɪdʒ trʌk] 垃圾车42. Delivery van [dɪˈlɪvəri væn] 送货车43. Motorhome [ˈmoʊtərˌhoʊm] 房车44. Electric scooter [ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈskutər] 电动滑板车45. Segway scooter [ˈsɛɡweɪ ˈskutər] 赛格威1. 爸爸(daddy) - [ˈdædi] - 父亲2. 妈妈(mommy/mum) - [ˈmɒmi] - 母亲3. 儿子(son) - [sʌn] - 男孩子4. 女儿(daughter) - [ˈdɔːtər] - 女孩子5. 祖父(grandfather/grandpa) - [ˈɡrændˌfɑːðər/ˈɡrændˌpɑː] - 父亲的父亲6. 祖母(grandmother/grandma) - [ˈɡrændˌmʌðər/ˈɡrændˌmɑː] - 父亲的母亲7. 外祖父(maternal grandfather) - [məˈtɜːrnəl ˈɡrændˌfɑːðər] - 母亲的父亲8. 外祖母(maternal grandmother) - [məˈtɜːrnəl ˈɡrændˌmʌðər] - 母亲的母亲9. 叔叔(uncle) - [ˈʌŋkəl] - 父亲的兄弟或母亲的兄弟10. 阿姨(aunt) - [ænt] - 父亲的姐妹或母亲的姐妹11. 堂兄/堂弟(cousin) - [ˈkʌzn] - 父亲的兄弟/姐妹的孩子12. 堂姐/堂妹(cousin) - [ˈkʌzn] - 父亲的姐妹/姐妹的孩子13. 姥爷(maternal grandfather) - [məˈtɜːrnəl ˈɡrændˌfɑːðər] - 母亲的父亲14. 姥姥(maternal grandmother) - [məˈtɜːrnəl ˈɡrændˌmʌðər] - 母亲的母亲15. 孙子(grandson) - [ˈɡræn(d)ˌsʌn] - 儿子的儿子16. 孙女(granddaughter) - [ˈɡræn(d)ˌdɔːtər] - 儿子的女儿。
电动滑板车通用技术标准==============1. 引言------本技术标准旨在为电动滑板车的设计、制造和检验提供统一的标准,以确保其安全、可靠和环保。
2. 范围----本技术标准适用于电动滑板车的通用技术要求,包括但不限于电池、电机、控制器、充电器、车架、轮胎、制动系统等部件。
3. 规范性引用文件----------在制定本技术标准时,以下文件对于电动滑板车的通用技术要求进行了规范性引用:* GB/T 2900.41-2008 电工术语电动车辆* GB/T 24158-2009 电动摩托车和电动轻便摩托车通用技术条件* GB/T 2828.1-2012 计数抽样检验程序第1部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划* GB/T 29422-2012 电动车辆用电池管理系统技术要求* GB/T 31484-2015 电动汽车用动力蓄电池安全要求及试验方法* GB/T 31485-2015 电动汽车用动力电池管理系统技术要求* GB/T 34667-2017 电动自行车安全技术规范* GB/T 35691-2017 电动汽车用驱动电机系统可靠性试验方法* HG/T 5189-2017 电动自行车用蓄电池及充电器安全性能技术规范4. 术语和定义--------在本技术标准中,以下术语和定义适用于电动滑板车:* 电动滑板车(Electric Scooter):一种以电力为动力,具有人力驱动功能的滑板车。
* 电池(Battery):为电动滑板车提供能源的设备,一般由多个电池单元组成。
* 电机(Motor):驱动电动滑板车行驶的设备。
* 控制器(Controller):用于控制电机和电池工作的设备。
* 充电器(Charger):为电池提供电能补给的设备。
* 车架(Frame):支撑电动滑板车车身结构的架子。
* 轮胎(Tyre):安装在车轮上,提供摩擦力,使电动滑板车行驶的橡胶制品。
HT-T4 折叠式电动滑板车用户手册说明书
HT-T4 User Manual Foldable Electric Scooter
Thanks for choosing our product. Have fun with this electric scooter.
1. The Device & Accessories .........................................02 2. Functions .............................................................03 3. Assembling ..............................................................04 4. Charging ................................................................05 5. Driving Instructions.................................................05 6. Safety Recommendations .........................................07 7. Folding & Transportation ........................................12 8. Daily Maintenance and Storage............................................13 9. Model Specifications ...............................................16 10. Presence of toxic and harmful substances ...............................18 11. Warranty ...............................................................17
电动滑板车检验流程英文回答:The inspection process for electric scooters typically involves several steps to ensure the safety and compliance of the vehicle. Here is a general outline of the inspection process:1. Visual Inspection: The inspector will first visually examine the electric scooter for any visible damages, such as cracks, dents, or loose parts. They will also check if all the required components are present, including lights, reflectors, brakes, and mirrors.2. Functional Testing: The inspector will then test the functionality of various components, such as the lights, horn, brakes, and throttle. They will check if these components are working properly and meet the required standards.3. Battery Inspection: The battery is a crucial component of an electric scooter. The inspector will check the battery for any leaks, damages, or signs of wear. They may also test the battery's capacity and charging performance.4. Safety Testing: The inspector will conduct safety tests to ensure that the electric scooter meets the necessary safety standards. This may include testing the brakes for sufficient stopping power, checking thestability of the scooter, and verifying the effectiveness of the lights and reflectors.5. Documentation and Registration: Once the inspection is complete and the electric scooter passes all the necessary tests, the inspector will provide a certificate of inspection. This certificate is usually required for the registration and legal operation of the electric scooter.It is important to note that the specific inspection process may vary depending on the country or region. Some jurisdictions may have additional requirements or specifictests for electric scooters.中文回答:电动滑板车的检验流程通常包括几个步骤,以确保车辆的安全性和合规性。
Q\企业编号-年代号电动滑板车检验规程Rules for the inspection of electric scooter发布实施电动滑板车检验规程1 范围本标准规定了电动滑板车的抽样、检验和检验结果的判定;本标准适用于电动滑板车的检验;2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款,凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单不包括勘误的内容或修订版均不适用于本标准,但鼓励根据本标准达成协议的研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本,凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准;GB/T 技术抽样检验程序,第1部分:按接收质量限AQL检索的逐批检验抽样计划GB3565-1993自行车安全要求GB17761-1999电动自行车通用技术条件3术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准;电动滑板车 electric scooter以蓄电池为动力能源,由直流电机驱动,不能人力骑行,用于休闲、娱乐、代步的低速车辆;检验批 inspection lot为实施抽样检验儿汇集的、同合同、同类型在基本相同的生产条件下生产的单位产品,称为检验批,简称批;3.3抽查检验 random inspection随机抽取检验批所进行的交收检验;4检验检验方式检验分为型式试验和抽查检验;抽样4.2.1抽样条件4.2.1.1型式试验型式试验样本的抽取可在批的形成中或形成后,所抽取的样本应能代表周期的制造水平;抽查检验抽查检验样本的抽取应在批形成之后;4.2.2抽样方案4.2.2.1型式试验型式试验的样品为4辆,样品从需检验的产品中随机抽取; 抽查复验4.2.2. 抽样方案和抽查水平按GB/一次正常抽样方案的规定执行,检查水平为特殊检查水平S-3;4.2.2. 接收质量限AQLaA类不合格:不允许;bB类不合格:AQL=;cC类不合格:AQL=15;型式试验4.3.1有下列情况之一时,应进行型式试验:a首次进口或出口时:b当产品结构、材料、工艺或主要配件变更,可能对产品的性能产生影响时;c质量不稳定,连续3次抽查检验不合格;抽查检验抽查检验项目、质量要求、检验方法及不合格分类见表1;表1 检验项目、质量要求、检验方法及不合格分类表1 检验项目、质量要求、检验方法及不合格分类检验结果的判定4.5.1型式试验4.5.1.1 型式试验结果符合下列要求的,判定为合格:aA类检验项目应全部达到本标准要求;bB类检验项目应有九项包含九项达到本标准要求;cC类检验项目应有六项包含六项达到本标准要求;d上述b 、c两项不合格项整改后经检验全部合格; 抽查检验4.5.2.1 若发现有A类不合格项,则判定该批不合格; 若B类和C类不合格品分别小于或等于相应的合格判定数A,则判定该批合格,否则为不合格;5 检验后的处置型式试验5.1.1 型式试验合格型式试验合格后,该型式试验所代表的产品可提交抽查检验;5.1.2 型式试验不合格若型式试验不合格,该型式试验所代表的产品应暂停提交抽查检验,直到经整改消除不合格原因后重新提交型式试验合格;重新提交型式试验时,可仅对不合格项目及整改过程中可能受到损害的项目进行型式试验;抽查检验5.2.1 进口产品对于不合格批,应出具检验证书;5.2.2出口产品5.2.2.1 对于合格批,应将发现的不合格品替换为合格品; 对于不合格批,经返工整理后允许重新检验一次;6 其它在正常仓储条件下,检验有效期为12个月;。
1. SegwaySegway是一种电动平衡车,它由两个轮子和一个平台组成。
2. HoverboardHoverboard是一种类似滑板车的交通工具,它有两个轮子和一个平台。
3. Electric scooterElectric scooter是一种电动滑板车,它可以通过电池供电,非常适合在城市中短距离出行。
4. E-bikeE-bike是一种电动自行车,它可以通过电池供电,并且可以通过踩踏来辅助电动。
5. Electric skateboardElectric skateboard是一种电动滑板车,它可以通过电池供电,并且可以通过身体的倾斜来控制前进、后退和转向。
6. Electric unicycleElectric unicycle是一种电动独轮车,它由一个轮子和一个平台组成。
7. Electric motorcycleElectric motorcycle是一种电动摩托车,它可以通过电池供电。
8. Electric carElectric car是一种电动汽车,它可以通过电池供电。
GXL 折叠式电动滑板车使用说明书
GXLFOLDING ELECTRIC SCOOTERUSER MANUALCongratulations On Your Purchase!This user manual will help you assemble and operate your new electric scooter. Be sure to read ALL OF THE INFORMATION in this manual before riding.NOTE TO ALL RIDERS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE: It’s very important that you get parental permission before riding your electric scooter.ALWAYS wear a helmet when riding your electric scooter.Make sure your scooter has a full battery before taking it out to ride.Always be aware of local road laws, and follow them.Do not ride the scooter under the influence of drugs or alcohol.Always respect pedestrians.Do not ride under wet conditions. The scooter may slide from under your feet causing injury. Wet conditions may damage the electronics and void thewarranty.Don’t Ride Until You Read This:1. Avoid water - The scooter is not waterproof. The electronics may be damaged due to water and water damage is not covered by our warranty. Riding in wet conditions is also very dangerous and may result in injury.2. Abuse - We do not cover physical damage due to negligent care and extreme riding.3. Whenever you ride the Gotrax scooter, you risk severe injury or even death from loss of control, collisions, and falls. Use caution and ride at your own risk.4. Do not modify the product from the manufacturer’s original design.5. Keep hands and all body parts away from moving parts while operating the scooter.6. Before riding - be sure to check the scooter over and make sure the scooter is operating correctly before each use.7. Before riding - be sure to check that the braking system is functioning properly; also be sure to check that all safety labels are in place and you understand the safety warnings.8. Before riding - be sure that any and all axle guards, chain guards, or other covers or guards supplied by the manufacturer are in place and in serviceable condition.9. Before riding - be sure to check that the tires are in good condition, inflated properly, and have sufficient tread remaining.10. Never exceed the 220 lb (100 kg) maximum load rating.11. The electric scooter should never be used by children under the age of 13.12. Maximum Speed- Your electric scooter goes the maximum speed of 15.5 mph.Warning MessageYou should find each of these items in your box:1. Electric Scooter2. Console & Handlebars3. Approved Power Adapter / Charging Unit4. Allen Wrench5. Screws6. Tire Pump Extender7. Safety PinRemove all packaging material, then inspect each item for anyaccidental damage that may have occurred during shipping. Unpack1234576The electric scooter comes partially assembled.Headlight Tiller Rear ReflectorFender BuckleRear BrakeFolding SystemKickstand Brake (left thumb throttle)HookCharger PortConsoleAccelerator (right thumb throttle)Hub MotorDisc BrakeGet To Know Your ScooterPress down on the rear fender, separate the folding hook and fender buckle, then lift the tiller upright (as shown in the figure). Once the scooter is locked in the upright position, verify by gently trying to fold.UNFOLD SCOOTER & LOCK IN UPRIGHT POSITION Use the Allen wrench to loosen the screws located at the hook and detach. Once you’ve removed the hook and screws, make sure to remove the cover from the top of the tiller. LOOSEN SCREWS & DETACH. REMOVE COVER Place the console into the top of the tiller. Once the console is attached, use the Allen wrench to attach the hook back to the tiller with the two screws.PLACE CONSOLE INTO TILLER& REATTACHAssemble Your Scooter3Charge Your ScooterBefore using the scooter, you must fully charge the battery.1. Open the rubber charging port cover.2. Insert the charging plug into the port.3. The charger box will have a green light when fully charged and a red light when charging.4. When you are done charging be sure to cover the charging port to keep it clear of dust and debris.5. Charging Time: 4 hoursCharging Requirement: Make sure to charge your scooter in conditions that do not exceed 104 degrees Fahrenheit or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.To power the scooter on , press and hold the red buttonfor 1 second. To power the scooter off , press and hold the red buttonfor 5 seconds. To power the headlight on or off , press the red button for1 second while the scooter is powered on. To change between 1st and 2nd gear , press the redbutton for 2 seconds. The display screen on the console will switch from the number 1 for 1st gear and the number 2 for 2nd gear.The console on the Scooter displays speed in MPH , Battery life, and what gear the scooter is currently in. Scooter Console FunctionsRiding Tips1. You will want to start riding your scooter with one foot on the platform and one foot on the ground. Use your foot on the ground to push off and at the same time, press the throttle button to begin movement.2. Press the brake-throttle to slow down or stop. For quicker stopping step on the rear fender foot brake.3. The scooter performs best when on a smooth surface e.g. carparks, smooth roads, footpaths, & bike lanes.4. Always clean your scooter (wheels, platform, etc.), it’s a machine and it needs to be maintained.5. Do not press the throttle while walking with the scooter beside you.6. Be aware of the terrain you are riding on, watch out for curbs and obstacles!7. Use the red button to change between gears as you would on a bike, cycle through them according to the terrain and elevation. First gear equals more torque for going uphill, Second gear is more speed for straight aways.8. Cruise Control: To activate the cruise control press the right-hand throttle down for 10 seconds. To deactivate the cruise control press either the right-hand throttle or brake button to deactivate the cruise control.9. CAUTION: The left paddle control on the console controls the motor’s Electro-Magnetic brake. This brake is energized by the operation of the motor and will NOT be 100% effective until the motor has been in operation for 30 seconds.Before folding the scooter, make sure that the scooter is powered off and remove the safety pin.Pull the tiller towards the back wheel, as shown in the figures. Insert the hook on the tiller into the loop on the rear fender buckle. You may hear a click which indicates that you were successful in folding and locking the scooter.Putting Your Scooter Away/Folding123Maintenance & RepairIf you regularly clean and maintain your electric scooter, it will extend its life. Cleaning and storage: If the scooter is dirty, wipe it clean with a soft damp cloth. Brake Adjustments & Service: If you notice you need brake adjustments or any service on your scooter, contact our customer service team and we will adjust and repair your scooter. Do not repair your scooter yourself, this can void your warranty and you risk damaging the scooter.Tires: If you notice that the tire pressure is low, please fill to the recommended PSI on the side of the tire. Recommended PSI: 50DO NOT use alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, or other corrosive chemical solvents to clean the scooter. It can severely damage the appearance and structure of the scooter. Please do not use a pressure washer as it may also cause damage to the electronics.Storage: When you’re not using your scooter store in a dry and cool location. Avoid storing your scooter outdoors because sun exposure can damage its appearance and may cause wear on the life of the battery and tires.Tightening the Tiller: If you notice that the tiller is loose or wiggles while riding, you can tighten the screws. Open the plastic cover, and use the Allen wrench to tighten the screws.1. Unfolding: Lift the tiller in the upright position and insert the safety lock. Rotate the safety lock clockwise to tighten the safety lock before you ride!Safety Lock Instructions2. Folding: Rotate the Safety Lock counterclockwise to pull out the safety lock. Fold the scooter and then insert the safety lock and rotate clockwise to lock the safety lock again.The hole is locatednext to the redlever on the bottomof the scooter.Arrow points to the Safety Pin (pictured).Insert the Safety Pin.Twist the Safety Pin into the hole and secure it. Make sure it twists firmly in place.Only use the approved Gotrax power adapter to charge your scooter, others may cause risk of fire & equipment may be damaged.Improper disposal of used batteries may seriously pollute the environment. Please comply with local disposal regulations.Make sure to store your scooter and power adapter in conditions that do not exceed 122 degrees fahrenheit or below -4 degrees fahrenheit.Warning - Risk of Fire - No User Serviceable Parts, The prolonged exposure to UV Rays, Rain and the Elements may damage the enclosed materials, store indoors when not in use.Battery InformationWe frequently update our user manuals at , and reserve the rights to update and change manuals online.Please contact our customer service team if you are experiencing problems or need more detailed information. They can be reached at For warranty information, please visit us at .Troubleshooting WarrantyGOLABS, INC 2201 Luna Rd. Carrollton, TX 75006。
电子滑板车工作原理电子滑板车(Electric Scooter),也称为电动滑板车或电动平衡车,是一种个人代步工具,通过电能驱动,采用平衡控制技术实现前后左右的平稳行驶。
一、组成部件电子滑板车由以下几个主要组成部件构成:1. 主板:主板是电子滑板车的控制中心,负责接收并处理来自其他组件的信号,控制滑板车的运动。
2. 电池组:电池组提供电能,为电子滑板车提供动力。
3. 电机:电机是电子滑板车的动力来源,通过将电能转化为机械能,驱动滑板车的轮胎运动。
4. 控制器:控制器与电池组、电机和主板之间进行连接,负责调节电池组输出的电能,控制电机的转速和转向。
5. 轮胎和悬挂系统:电子滑板车通常采用气胎或实心胎,悬挂系统提供更好的减震效果,增加行驶的稳定性。
6. 传感器:传感器用于感知滑板车的倾斜角度和方向变化,将这些信号传递给主板,实现平衡控制。
二、工作原理电子滑板车的工作原理可以简要概括为以下几个步骤:1. 加速和减速控制:用户通过踩下或松开滑板车上的油门,控制电机的转速。
2. 平衡控制:电子滑板车通过搭载的倾斜传感器和陀螺仪感知滑板车的倾斜角度和前后摇晃的变化。
3. 转向操作:为了实现转向操作,电子滑板车通常采用前后轮的差速控制方式。
4. 制动系统:电子滑板车通常采用电子制动或机械制动系统。
Abbildungen des Produkts, des Zubehörs und der Benutzeroberfläche in der Benutzerhandbuch dienen nur als Referenz. Die tatsächlichen Produkte und Funktionen können aufgrund von Produktverbesserungen variieren.Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf Ein detailliertes elektronisches Handbuch finden Sie unter /global/service/userguideOriginal instructions Mi Electric Scooter Essential BenutzerhandbuchDDHBC11NEBDDHBC05NEBDDHBC08NEBK010P0847-A0SchraubenBenutzerhandbuchPackungsinhaltT-InbusschlüsselWichtige InformationenSpezifikationenVentilaufsatzverlängerungNetzteil12Ziehen Sie die Schrauben auf beiden Seiten des Vorbaus mit einem T-Inbusschlüssel fest.3Klappen Sie den Lenkervorbau nach oben, stellen Sie ihn fest und stellen Sie den Ständer auf.Befestigen Sie den Lenker am Vorbau.Der Roller ist vollständig geladen, wenn das LED am Ladegerätvon Rot (Laden) auf Grün (Erhaltungsladen) schaltet.1Öffnen Sie den Gummiverschluss.2Stecken Sie den Ladeadapter in denLadeanschluss.3Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker, wenn der Ladevorgang abgeschlossen ist.4Schließen Sie den Gummiverschluss.1243Mit der Mi Home-/Xiaomi Home-App verbindenOhne Aktivierung piept der Roller nach demEinschalten fortwährend und die Geschwindigkeit ist auf 10 km/h begrenzt.Scannen Sie den QR-Code, um die App herunterzuladen und zu installieren.Öffnen Sie die Mi Home-/Xiaomi Home-App.*In Europa (außer in Russland) wird die App unter dem Namen Xiaomi Home-App geführt. Der auf Ihrem Gerät angezeigte Name der App sollte standardmäßig verwendet werden.Tippen Sie auf das …+“ oben rechts und befolgen Sie dieAnweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um Ihr Gerät hinzuzufügen.56Hinweis: Die Version der App wurde möglicherweise aktualisiert. Befolgen Sie bitte die Anweisungen zur aktuellen App-Version.Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm in der App, um Ihren Roller vor dem ersten Gebrauch zu aktivieren.Das Piepen verstummt erst, wenn der Roller aktiviert wird.2 1Warnung: Tragen Sie einen Helm, Ellbogenschützerund Knieschoner.Steigen Sie mit einem Fuß auf die Fußplatte, und stoßen Sie sich mit dem anderen Fuß vorsichtig ab.Fahren34 Ab einer Leerlaufgeschwindigkeit von 5 km/h greiftder Gashebel.Losen Sie den Gashebel; betatigen Sie denBremshebel, um abrupt abzubremsen.56Lehnen Sie sich bei einer Kurve in Lenkrichtung, unddrehen Sie den Lenker leicht in die gewünschte Richtung.S tellen Sie den Ständer beim Parken ab.Achten Sie auf Sicherheitsrisiken.SicherheitshinweisHalten Sie stets Abstand zu Hindernissen.Fahren Sie nicht schneller als 5 bis 10 km/h über Drempel,Schwellen, unebene Straßen oder andere unebene Oberflächen.Achten Sie darauf, sich nicht den Kopf an Türrahmen, Aufzügen und anderen Hindernissen über ihrem Kopf zu stoßen.Betätigen Sie niemals den Gashebel, während Sieneben dem Roller her laufen.Ändern Sie bei hoher Geschwindigkeit nicht plötzlich die Fahrtrichtung.Hängen Sie keine Taschen oder andere schwere Gegenstände an den Lenker.Fahren Sie nicht mit einem Fuß.Führen Sie keine gefährlichen Manöver durch.Beschleunigen Sie nicht beim Bergabfahren und bremsen Sie rechtzeitig ab, um Ihr Tempo zu drosseln. Steigen Sie vor steilen Steigungen ab und schieben Sie den Roller.Fahren Sie nicht bei Regen. Fahren Sie nicht durch Pfützen oder sonstige (Wasser-)Hindernisse.Nehmen Sie keine Mitfahrer mit, insbesonderekeine Kinder.Führen Sie keine gefährlichen Manöver durch.Lassen Sie beim Fahren nicht den Lenker los.Fahren Sie keinesfalls Treppen hoch oder runter und versuchen Sie nicht, Hindernisse zu überspringen.Hinweis: Wenn kein Passwort festgelegt wurde, kann der Roller mit der App Mi Home/Xiaomi Home über irgendein Mobiltelefon entriegelt werden. Sorgen Sie dafür, schnellstmöglich nach Erhalt des Rollers über die App ein Passwort festzulegen. Falls Sie das Passwort vergessen haben, finden Sie unter Hilfe. Alternativ kontaktieren Sie Ihren Kundendienst.Verriegeln Ihres RollersPasswort festlegenSperrenWenn der Roller verriegelt ist, wird der Motor blockiert, und die Scheinwerfer werden automatisch ausgeschaltet. Auf dem Bedienfeld wird ein Symbol angezeigt.Hier tippen> "Weitere Einstellungen"> "Passwort festlegen"Importeur:Beryko s.r.o.Na Roudné 1162/76, 301 00 Plzeň www.beryko.cz。
Portable Electric ScooterElectric two wheelsA new era in urban mobilityThe most economical vehicle in historyUSER MANUALThank you for purchasing our products PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE USER MANUAL AND WARRANTY BOOK BEFORE USINGWARNINGWhenever you ride the E-Twow electric two wheel scooter you risk serious injury from collisions, falls or loss of control. To ride safely, YOU MUST READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS IN THIS MANUAL.Check local laws and regulations to see where and how you may use your E-Twow scooter legally. Obey to all applicable laws for vehicles and pedestrians.This manual includes basic operational instructions for the E-Twow scooter. It cannot cover all situations where injury or death may occur. OPERATORS MUST USE GOOD JUDGMENT AND COMMON SENSE TO DETECT AND AVOID HAZARDS AND DANGERS that they may encounter when riding the E-Twow. By using the E-Twow scooter, you accept of the inherent risks of operating this product.FAILURE TO USE COMMON SENSE AND GOOD JUDGMENT AND HEED THESE WARNINGS CAN CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND WITH APPROPRIATE AND SERIOUS ATTENTION TO SAFE OPERATION. USE CAUTION AT ALL TIMES.CONTENTSMAIN PARTS 4SAFETY 5PRODUCTS 7 Folding stages 7 Folding steps 8 Unfolding steps 9OPERATION 10 Introduction of Handlebar parts 10 Operation Instruction 10 Display Factory settings 12RIDING OPERATION 13 Ready 13 Start 13 Brake 13 Cruise control 14 Zero start 14BATTERY AND CHARGER 15 Battery 15 Charger 15 Charge Description 15MAINTENANCE 16 Lubricating 16 Battery 16 Placement and daily care 16GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING 17 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET 18MAIN PARTS1. Handlebar 6. Folding hook2. UBHI (Display, etc) 7. Battery charging jack3. LED headlight 8. Folding lever4. Hooter 9. Lock bolt5. Lock lever 10. Rear brakeSAFETY1. The product is for adults only (above 18 years), limited for one adult. Pleasedo not carry two adults at the same time. Is not suitable for minors.2. Always inspect the scooter prior to use. Properly inspecting and maintainingyour product can reduce the risk of injury.3. Please wear your safety helmet and other protective equipment whenriding. Use an approved bicycle or skateboard helmet that fits properly with the chin strap in place and protects the back of your head. Local legislations may require riders of two wheels products to wear a helmet and other protective gear. Never ride the scooter barefoot or in open-toed shoes or high-heels.4. Do not ride in traffic lane or unsafe roads and do not break localregulations.5. Please exercise in wide areas, and ride after skilled manipulation, do notride in traffic lane.6. Do not make any dangerous actions when riding or riding with one hand.Keep your feet on the scooter.7. Do not attempt to ride the scooter on stairs that are above 3 cm, it mayoverturn causing injuries and/or damages to the rider and/or scooter.8. Highest speed is 30 Km/h. For your safety, please limit the speed to 20Km/h. Please try to avoid using it at night, if needed, please limit the speed within 15 Km/h or less and turn the headlights on.9. Do not use the scooter when the outside temperature is lower than 0ºC.10. Please slow down or get off from the scooter when riding in poor roadconditions.11. Do not ride the scooter in oily or icy surface terrain.12. Please adjust the handlebar according to your height to ensure a saferiding.13. To avoid damages of the electrical parts of the vehicle please do notimmerse the scooter in the water with the depth of more than 4 cm and do not wash it with water under pressure.14. For protection please do not ride the scooter in bad weather such as heavyrain and high winds.15. Do not drink alcohol and drive E-Twow scooter.PRODUCTSFolding stagesA – unfoldedB - folded handlebarsC - fully foldedFolding steps1. Open the lock lever, in the direction of arrow, as shown in figure (a).2. Press the red button, figure (b), at the same time press down handlebars as shown in figure (c) and push the lock lever to the lock position.3. Hold the handlebar with both hands, push buttons (1) shown in Figure (d). Pull out the handlebar grips (figure d), up to the maximum and fold downwards to maximum like in figure B, from previous page.4.Push the handlebar forward when you press the folding lever in the direction of the arrow in the figure (f).5.Continue folding the scooter until the folding hook reaches the opening located on the rear brake.Unfolding steps1. Press the rear brake in the direction of the arrow in the figure (a) until the folding hook release from the opening located on the rear brake. Then, lift the handlebar until it reaches the working position and the locking bolt comes into place, like in figure (b).2. Raise the two handles of the handlebar until they automatically return to the work position, figure (c).3. Push the lock lever in the direction of the arrow in Figure (d) and lift handlebars to desired height. Now press button shown in Figure (e) and fix it in one of the two holes, as desired.a b cd eOPERATION1. Introduction of Handlebar parts1. Thumb Accelerator2. Thumb Electronic Magnetic Brake3. Switch Button4. Setting Button5. On/Off Light Button6. Horn Button7. Led Headlight8. Handlebar Fold Button9. Display2. Operating Instructionsa. ON/OFFPress the switch for 1 sec, and the display will light indicating the power is on. Press for 3 seconds if you want to turn it off. It will turn off if you don't use it for 3 minutes.b. Speed controlPress the right thumb accelerator to control the speed (1-30km/h).1234975886c. Breaking ControlPress the left thumb and the electronic magnetic brake will operate. The greater pressure you put, the greater breaking force will be.d. Horne. HornTurn on the power, when pressing the horn button it will hoot.f. LED HeadlightIn manual mode: Press the On/Off Light button when needed and there will be a sign in display indicates the light is turn on. Press the button again when you do not need the light.The scooter is equiped with a sensor light that detects the need of light. The light will turn on automaticaly (auto light mode) if the sensor detects poor ambiental light.For example: when is cloudy weather and the auto light mode is on, the light turns on. If the daylight is proper, the auto light mode detects the light and the headlights will go off after 5 seconds.On auto light mode, the display is also lighted depending on the ambiental light. If the scooter is on auto light mode, you can go to manual mode by pushing the On/Off Light Button.g. Mileage ShowWhen power off, it shows time.When the display is powered on, It displays three modes: total, trip and time. You can change it by pressing the settings button. In 'trip'mode, press the setting button (S) for 3 seconds and it will clear the trip.h. EmergencyIn an emergency, it’s recommended to use the foot brake.3. Display Factory SettingTo access the menu P0 and P1 please press at the same time the switch and setting buttons. Pressing the setting button helps you switch between P0 and P1.Both menus have other two submenus : 0 and 1, as follows:P00 (a) - displays the speed in km/h and temperature in Celsius degreesP01 (b) – displays the speed in mile/h and the temperature in Farenheit degrees P10 (c) – lights are set on manual modeP11(d) – lights are set on auto modeYou can switch between menus 0 and 1 in P0 or P1 by pressing the on/off button.When you press the setting button (S) at last and the settings will be finished.a) b)c) d)RIDING OPERATIONReady1. Choose a suitable venue for riding.2. Expand the scooter in accordance with the description.3. Adjust the T-pipe to the suitable height according to your height.Start1. Press the power button to turn on the power.2. Stand one foot on the scooter and leave another foot on the ground.3. Gently press down on the right thumb accelerator, the scooter will immediately move forward slowly. Place the foot which is on the ground on the scooter. With big finger of your right hand press the right thumb accelerator, the greater pressure you put, the faster it will go.Brake1. Under normal circumstances, pressing the left thumb electronic magnetic brake, the scooter will be immediately de-energized and then it will brake. The greater pressure you put, the greater breaking force will be.2. E-Twow also has a rear foot brake that triggers the motor brake immediately in addition to a friction brake on the back wheel. So whatever the situation is, if the first system is deactivated you can still use the foot10 – Light sensor11 – Speed 12 – Battery 13 – Temperature14 – Displays the total and trip distance 15 - From left to right: total, tripbrake.The electronic brake activates kinetic energy recovery system.Cruise controlYou can set up the speed as you want during the driving, and the scooter will start moving on the same speed afterwards. Press the acceleration right thumb and keep the same speed for 5 seconds and the cruise control will automatically enter. You can switch the function off easily as well.Zero startThis function is for safety . When you want to ride the scooter, you should use your foot to slide it for a little distance, then press the right thumb accelerator, the scooter will go ahead. When you don't use the scooter, if you press the right thumb accelerator by mistake, the scooter can't go ahead.BATTERY AND CHARGEREach E-Twow electric scooter is equipped with a special lithium polymer battery and special smart charger. These accessories that come with each scooter have a dedicated number, please do not use the chargers from other brands. If the battery or charger will be damaged owing to these, our company will not be responsible.BatteryWhen you get the E-Twow electric scooter for the first time, please charge the battery fully before using.The battery can be charged at any time, in order to ensure that the battery has power, during which the battery will not charge for any damage.Warning: do not use batteries from other brands, it will not work with E-Twow scooter.Please charge the battery once every three months if stop using the scooter. Water immersion, collisions, and other abnormal factors will lead to battery damage, which is not covered under warranty.ChargerThe company provides dedicated charger which has a charging protection function, when the battery is 100% charged, the charger will automatically stop charging. Charging time is no more than 3 hours.Water immersion, collisions, and other abnormal factors will lead to charger damage, which is not covered under warranty.Charge DescriptionOpen the charging hole rubber protective cover, put the charger connector into the charging hole.Connect the charger plug into the power socket.It means it is charging when charger light is red, charger light turns green when the battery is fully charged.MAINTENANCELubricatingPlease add a small amount of grease or lubricants to handle folded position every six months.Please check scooter every three months if the screws are loose it up.BatteryThe lithium polymer batteries provided by our company can be recharged at least 500 times, the normal use can reach more than 1,000 times.Placement and daily careDo not expose the scooter under the sun or wet places for too long time. Please keep the scooter clean and dry.For cleaning use a damp cloth and a mild detergent.GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTINGChecklistWhen the products have any problems, please refer to the following methods.1. LED display black screenReason: Exposure under the sun for too long.Solution: Place it in shadow and it will return to normal after a period.2. Values from the display do not fit the actual values. Reason:Parameters are set incorrectly or missing.Solution: Please reset the display to the factory settings.3. No information on digital displayReason: Bad battery contacts or the battery is dead.Solution: Turn off the power then restart again, if the problem still occurs, please contact your local reseller.In case that the product still does not operate normally, please contact your local vendor or reseller.PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET。
玩电动滑板车 英文作文
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I love playing with my electric scooter. It's such a thrilling experience to ride around the neighborhood, feeling the wind in my hair and the adrenaline rushing through my veins. The freedom and excitement that comes with riding an electric scooter is truly unparalleled.The first time I hopped on my electric scooter, I was immediately hooked. The smooth acceleration and effortless gliding made me feel like I was flying. It's a completely different sensation compared to riding a regular scooter or bike. With just a push of a button, I can zoom down the streets at top speed, leaving everyone else in my dust.One of the best things about my electric scooter is its portability. It's lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry around. I can fold it up and take it with me wherever I go, whether it's to the park, the beach, or even on public transportation. It's the perfect companion for exploring new places and having adventures.Another great feature of my electric scooter is its long battery life. I can ride for hours without having to worry about running out of power. It's incredibly convenient, especially when I want to go on long rides or explore areas that are far from home. I never have to cut my adventure short because of a dead battery.Safety is always a top priority when it comes to riding any type of vehicle, and my electric scooter is no exception. It's equipped with a powerful braking system and bright LED lights, ensuring that I can stop quickly and be seen by others, even in low-light conditions. I always wear a helmet and follow traffic rules to ensure my safety and the safety of those around me.Riding my electric scooter not only brings me joy and excitement, but it also helps reduce my carbon footprint.It's an eco-friendly mode of transportation that doesn't emit any harmful gases or contribute to air pollution. I feel good knowing that I'm doing my part to protect the environment while having fun.In conclusion, playing with my electric scooter is an exhilarating experience that brings me joy, freedom, and a sense of adventure. It's a versatile and portable mode of transportation that allows me to explore new places and have thrilling rides. With its long battery life and safety features, I can ride with confidence and peace of mind. Plus, it's an eco-friendly option that helps protect the environment. Riding my electric scooter is truly a one-of-a-kind experience that I wouldn't trade for anything else.。
一、平衡车简介平衡车,又称电动滑板车、电动平衡车,英文名为"Electric Scooter"或"Self-balancing Scooter"。
二、平衡车英语词汇1.电池- Battery2.充电器- Charger3.控制器- Controller4.电机- Motor5.轮胎- Tire6.刹车- Brake7.把手- Handlebar8.踏板- Pedal9.速度- Speed10.续航里程- Range三、平衡车使用技巧1.站立姿势:保持身体重心稳定,两脚分别放在踏板上,微微前倾,用手抓住把手,保持与车身平行。
八年级英语环保出行方式单选题40题1.We can go to school by _____.A.carB.busC.planeD.ship答案:B。
解析:bus 是环保出行方式之一,公共汽车可以搭载很多人,减少道路上的车辆数量,从而减少污染。
car、plane 和ship 相对来说不是很环保,car 会排放尾气污染空气,plane 和ship 消耗大量能源且排放较多污染物。
2._____ is a green way to travel.A.BikeB.MotorcycleC.TaxiD.Truck答案:A。
解析:bike 即自行车,是一种环保的出行方式,不会产生尾气污染。
motorcycle、taxi 和truck 都会排放污染物或者消耗较多能源。
3.For short distances, we can choose to go by _____.A.trainB.subwayC.foot答案:C。
解析:on foot 是步行的意思,对于短距离来说是很环保的出行方式。
train 和subway 虽然比较环保,但对于短距离可能不太方便。
boat 在一些情况下可能不是最环保的出行方式。
4._____ is good for the environment.A.HelicopterB.ScooterC.Electric bikeD.Gasoline car答案:C。
解析:electric bike 即电动自行车,相对环保,不会像gasoline car 那样排放大量尾气。
helicopter 消耗大量能源且噪声大。
scooter 可能不如electric bike 环保。
5.We should use _____ to reduce pollution.A.bicycleB.sports carC.luxury sedanD.off-road vehicle答案:A。
解析:bicycle 自行车是环保的出行工具,可以减少污染。
四年级英语交通工具选择单选题30题1. I go to school very fast. I can take many students together. What am I?A. carB. busC. bike答案:B。
2. My father rides it to work every day. It has two wheels. What is it?A. motorcycleB. carC. bike答案:C。
motorcycle虽然也有两个轮子,但在日常语境中,更多人会选择bike 这种较为普遍、环保且健身的交通工具用于日常上班骑行,所以答案是bike。
3. It is small and can run on the road. Only a few people can sit in it. What is it?A. vanB. busC. car答案:C。
4. I often see it on the street. It has four wheels and is very long. It can carry a lot of people. What is it?A. truckB. busC. car答案:B。
bus 有四个轮子且车身长,可以承载很多人,符合题意,所以答案是bus。
(1) Electric bicycle 电动自行车
The electric bike assists you when you ride uphill.
(2) Electric moped
= Electric scooter
Electric mopeds are useful when riding short distances.
(3) Electric scooter 电动滑板车
Electric scooter既可以指电动车,也可以指电动滑板车。
I like riding the electric scooter because it's faster than if I was riding a regular
(4) Electric car 电动汽车
Electric cars cause less air pollution than gas cars.
(5) Electric cart 电瓶车
He used the electric cart to take the guests from the parking lot to the hotel.
有关电瓶车的英语作文Electric Scooters: A Sustainable and Convenient Mode of TransportationElectric scooters, also known as e-scooters, have become increasingly popular in recent years as a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation. These compact,battery-powered vehicles offer a range of benefits, from reduced carbon emissions to easy maneuverability in urban environments.One of the primary advantages of electric scooters is their environmental impact. Compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, e-scooters produce no direct emissions, making them a more sustainable choice for short-distance travel. This aligns with the growing global emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions andmitigating the effects of climate change. By opting for electric scooters, individuals can contribute to a cleaner and greener future.Moreover, electric scooters are designed to be highly energy-efficient. They typically have a range of 15-30miles on a single charge, depending on the model andbattery capacity, which is often sufficient for daily commutes or short trips around the city. This efficiency translates to lower energy consumption and reduced reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to the overall sustainability of e-scooter usage.In addition to their environmental benefits, electric scooters offer a convenient and practical mode of transportation, particularly in urban areas. Their compact size and maneuverability allow them to navigate through congested traffic and tight spaces with ease, making them an ideal choice for navigating crowded city streets. This convenience is further enhanced by the availability of shared e-scooter services, where users can easily access and rent scooters on-demand, eliminating the need for personal ownership.Another advantage of electric scooters is their affordability. Compared to the high upfront costs of purchasing a traditional vehicle, e-scooters generally have a lower initial investment, making them accessible to a wider range of users. Furthermore, the operating costs ofelectric scooters, such as electricity for charging and maintenance, are typically lower than the fuel and maintenance expenses associated with gasoline-powered vehicles.However, the widespread adoption of electric scooters also presents some challenges that need to be addressed. Safety concerns, particularly regarding the integration of e-scooters with other modes of transportation, have been a topic of discussion. Proper infrastructure, such as designated lanes or paths, and clear regulations governing the use of e-scooters are essential to ensure the safety of both riders and other road users.Additionally, the disposal and recycling of e-scooter batteries pose environmental concerns that need to be addressed. As the demand for electric scooters increases, the proper management of these batteries at the end oftheir lifespan becomes crucial to minimize the environmental impact.Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of electric scooters in terms of sustainability, convenience, and affordability make them a promising solution for urbantransportation. As technology continues to advance and infrastructure adapts to accommodate these emerging modes of mobility, the widespread adoption of electric scooters can contribute to a more sustainable and efficient transportation ecosystem.电动滑板车:可持续和便捷的交通方式电动滑板车,也称为电动滑板车,近年来越来越受欢迎,作为一种便捷和环保的交通方式。
vesc代码解读摘要:1.引言2.VESC 的背景和概述3.VESC 代码结构概述4.VESC 代码主要功能模块介绍5.VESC 代码的优化和实践6.总结正文:【引言】VESC(Vehicle Electric Scooter Controller)是一款开源的电动车控制器,广泛应用于电动滑板车、电动自行车等。
本文将详细解读VESC 代码,帮助大家更好地了解其工作原理和功能。
【VESC 的背景和概述】VESC 控制器由美国公司Ninebot 开发,并于2015 年开源。
VESC 支持多种通信协议,如CAN、I2C 和UART,便于与其他设备进行数据交互。
【VESC 代码结构概述】VESC 代码主要由以下几个部分组成:1.底层驱动:负责与硬件交互,如电池、电机等。
【VESC 代码主要功能模块介绍】1.电池管理系统(BMS):监控电池状态,如电压、电流、温度等,保证电池安全可靠地运行。
3.充电器:支持多种充电模式,如定频、CC/CV 等,满足不同类型电池的充电需求。
【VESC 代码的优化和实践】1.优化代码结构:合理划分功能模块,减少冗余代码,提高代码可读性和可维护性。
2.采用先进的控制算法:如模糊控制、PID 控制等,提高控制精度和响应速度。
【总结】VESC 代码作为一款开源电动车控制器,具有良好的性能和可靠性。
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电动滑板车 electric scooter
China's top two cities have banned electric scooters from roads amid safety concerns, despite the growing popularity of the new modes of transportation, for which there are no national safety standards.
电动滑板车的英文表达是electric scooter。
按照我国道路交通安全法等相关法律法规,电动滑板车、平衡车(two-wheeled self-balancing scooter)并不属于机动车(motor vehicles),不能在城市机动车道路上行驶。
另一方面,电动滑板车等新兴“交通工具”目前未有国家安全标准(national safety standards),大多没有经过严格测试,存在安全隐患(safety hazard)。
对于依靠使用者重心变化前进或停止的电动平衡车,在公共道路上更容易受到大量不可控因素(uncontrollable factors)的影响,对使用者自身和周围行人造成明显的安全威胁。