


• while phonologists are interested in the patterning of such sounds and the rules that underlie such variations.
• Phonological analysis relies on the principle that certain sounds cause changes in the meaning of a word or phrase, whereas other sounds do not.
2. Phonetics & phonology
• 3) Phoneticians are concerned with how sounds differ in the way they are pronounced. Eg. how these two [t]s differ in the way they are pronounced in the word “tea” & “too” ;
• The minimal pairs test • The phoneme theory • Allophonic variations
• pit VS bit
2.2 Phonemic contrast音位对立
• If the phonetically similar sounds are two distinctive phonemes, e.g./p/ & /b/ in “pit”& “bit”, they are said to form a phonemic contrast.
• A simple methodology to demonstrate this is to take a word, replace one sound by another, and see whether a different meaning results.

Lecture Six

Lecture Six

Bound morphemes in detail

Bound morphemes cannot stand alone. In a word, they must be attached to the root. All bound morphemes are affixes and all affixes in English are bound morphemes.

Lexical morphemes can stand alone and are a set of ordinary nouns, adjectives and verbs which carry the „content‟ of messages.
– E.g. boy, man, house, tiger, sad, long, yellow, sincere, open, look, follow, break

Circumfixes: affixes attached to the root or stem both initially and finally (do not appear in English either)
They appear in Chicksaw (a language spoken in Oklahoma)


A sentence is not the smallest linguistic form as it consists of other smaller linguistic forms called words. However, when we examine the English word „unfriendly‟, it is not difficult to find that the word consists of three even smaller word-like linguistic elements: un+friend+ly 3 separate morphemes

英语语言学课件Chapter 6 The Sound Patterns of Language

英语语言学课件Chapter 6 The Sound Patterns of Language
• [i] in seed and seen [i] in seen nasalised
Minimal Pairs and Sets
• Phonemic distinctions in a L can be tested via pairs and set of words
• Pat and bat are identical in form except for a contrast in one phoneme, occurring in the same position, minimal pair. More accurately described as minimal pair in the phonology of English
• Substitute one sound for another in a word and there is change of meaning, two sounds represent different phonemes
• Chart in Chpt 5 a mapping of English phonemes • /p/ -voice, +bilabial, +stop • /k/ -voice, +velar, +stop • Sounds have features in common would behave
• Feat, fit, fat, fate, fought, foot • Big, pig, rig, fig, dig, wig
• Constraints on the sequence or position of English phonemes


• Such rules concern the pronunciation of specific morphemes.
• Thus the plural morphophonemic rules apply to the plural morpheme specifically, not to all morphemes in English.
Chapter 6 The Sound Patterns of Language
Hale Waihona Puke honology vs. Phonetics
• The study of how speech sounds form patterns is phonology
• The study of speech sounds is called phonetics
Additional example
• The patterns of Plural morph II: house /haus/ thief / i:f/ belief/bili:f/ foot /fu:t/ passer-by/pas bai/
• Morpheme of past tense • The phonological presentation
The Pronunciation of Morphemes
• Plural form of English
how to pronounce the plural morpheme?
• Allomorphs of plural morpheme
• To define the distribution of allomorphs by minimal pair
• The science of phonetics attempts to describe all of the sounds used in all languages of the world.

lecture 6

lecture 6

⏹Conceptual metaphorTraditionally, metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another by saying that one is the other, as in “He is a tiger”. It is a property of words, and is used for some artistic and rhetorical propose.In the cognitive linguistic view, metaphor is a property of concepts, and it is a powerful cognitive tool for our conceptualization of abstract categories.According to cognitive linguistics, metaphor is defined as understanding one conceptual domain or cognitive domain in terms of another conceptual domain. The conceptual domain from which we draw metaphorical expressions to understand another conceptual domain is called source domain, while the conceptual domain that is understood this way is called target domain. Metaphor can be diagrammed as follows:CONCEPTUAL DOMAIN (A) IS CONCEPTUAL DOMAIN (B)TARGET DOMAIN SOURCE DOMAINHe is a tiger.In cognitive linguistics metaphor is called conceptual metaphor because it is a property of concepts. Some examples of conceptual metaphor are in the following:◆LOVE IS A JOURNEYLook how far we’ve come.We’ll just have to go our separate ways.We can’t turn back now.Our marriage is on the rocks.We’ve gotten off the track.This relationship is foundering.◆IDEAS ARE FOODThere are too many facts here for me to digest them all.I just can’t swallow that claim.That’s food for thought.He devoured the book.◆AN ARGUMENT IS WARY our claims are indefensible.They attacked every weak point in our argument.I’ve never won an argument with him.Y ou disagree? Okay, shoot!If you use that strategy, he’ll wipe you out.He shot down all of my arguments.⏹Metonymy◆Definition: The word "metonymy" derives from a Greek word meaning"change of name". As a figure of speech, metonymy is very common ineveryday language. Like metaphor, it is a figurative use of language,involving the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. Unlikemetaphor,the ground of the substitution in metonymy is not similarity, but association, i. e., the two unlike things do not have common quality but are closely associated. When we speak of one, the other will come up to our mindMetonymy involves the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. For example,the name of a referent is substituted by the name of an attribute or entity related in some semantic way or by spatial proximity or by other reasons,✧Crown / sceptre-一king or queen✧bottle--alcoholic drinks✧sword--war and destruction✧the camp---the troops⏹Sources of Metonymy◆Body part◆Name of a person◆Name of a clear sign of an object or a person◆Name of a place◆Instrument or container◆Trade mark or brand◆Location✧The pen is mightier than the sword.✧Gray hairs should be respected.✧He is too fond of the bottles.✧I have never read James Joyce.✧She is far from the cradle.✧What is learned in the cradle is carried into the grave.✧His purse would not allow him that luxury.✧Y esterday I saw a pipe smoking John Bull astride a bicycle.✧We pay Uncle Sam with our taxes.✧That old goat thinks he is a real Romeo.★Differences between metaphor and metonymyMetaphor can be converted into simile,while metonymy can not;Metaphor appeals to the readers’imagination for similarity between the two different objects,while metonymy appeals to the reader's imagination for the association of ideas it provokes.✧All the world is a stage.✧She is a peacock.✧The kettle is boiling.✧He likes to read Hemingway.⏹Conceptual metonymyAccording to the classical definition, metonymy is a figure of speech in which one word is substituted for another on the basis of some material, causal, or conceptual relation. Some typical substitutions include author for work, place for a characteristic product of that place, object for possessor, abstract features for concrete entities, etc. Some examples are:(1)Have you ever read Shakespeare?(2)Wary wants Burgundy (red or white wine from the Burgundy area of France).(3)The crown objects to the proposal.(4)I want my love to be with me all the time.In the cognitive view of figurative language, the role of metaphor is paid attention to but not that of metonymy, in the construction of abstract categories. However, metonymy does play a very important part in the structures of emotion categories. For example, we have a general metonymic principle: THE BODILY SYMPTOMS OF AN EMOTION STAND FOR THE EMOTION. For example: drop in temperature for FEAR, erect posture for PRIDE, and jumping up and down for JOY. Obviously these physiological phenomena help us conceptualize these emotions.★The similarities between metonymy and metaphorboth are regarded as being conceptual in natureboth can be conventionalizedboth are means of extending the resources of a languageboth can be explained as mapping processes★The difference between metonymy and metaphormetaphor involves a mapping across different conceptual or cognitive domains while metonymy is a mapping within one conceptual domain.Metonymy (from a cognitive view) is a cognitive process in which one cognitive category, the source, provides mental access to another cognitive category, the target, within the same cognitive domain, or idealized cognitive model (ICM). The understanding of metonymy can be represented as the following figure:Generally speaking, the most commonly used conceptual metonymies are as follows:◆THE PRODUCER FOR THE PRODUCT (THE AUTHOR FOR THE WORK)✧She loves Picasso.✧Does he have any Hemingway in his collection?✧I’m reading Mark Twain.◆THE PLACE FOR THE EVENT✧America doesn’t want another Pearl Harbor.✧Watergate changed American politics.◆THE PLACE FOR THE INSTITUTION✧Washington is negotiating with Beijing.✧Wall Street is in a panic.✧Hollywood is putting out terrible movies.◆THE CONTROLLER FOR THE CONTROLLED✧Nixon bombed Hanoi.✧Ozawa gave a terrible concert last night.◆AN OBJECT USED FOR THE USER✧The sax has the flu today.✧We need a better glove at the third base.⏹Synecdoche◆Definition: A figure by which a more comprehensive term is used for a lesscomprehensive or vice versa; as whole for part or part for whole,genus forspecies or species for genus,etc.A figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole,the whole for a part,the species for the genus,the genus for the species,or the name of the material for the thing made.◆V arious types of Synecdoche:The part for the whole:The whole for the part:The abstract for the concrete,or the concrete for the abstractThe species for the genus,or the genus for the speciesName of the material for the thing made:◆Distinction between Metonymy and SynecdocheWith synecdoche,the relationship between the two things involved is part-and-whole: that is,one thing is a part of the other. whereas,with metonymy, the two things involved are completely different.✧Her heart ruled her head.✧He paid the workers$5 per head.。



➢ closed-class words -- open-class words
New members of word class: ➢ particles: pass by; make up; to do; not ➢ auxiliaries: I don't do it; is he coming? he has
PP. 53-54 No. 3
4.2 English words
➢Presentation session
Word formation in English
➢ Practice: Point out the devices of word formation for
each of the following:
(1) a traditional festival (2) freezing cold (3) in the next century
4.3 English clauses and sentences
➢ A clause in English is one unit of organization that contains a subject-predication structure. A simple sentence is a clause. Alternatively:
➢ / :/: mid, central, tense, long, unrounded
Major contents
4.1 English morphemes 4.2 English words 4.3 English clauses and sentences 4.4 Collocations, idioms, and constructions in English


b) word-superiority effect “词优效应”
Higher processing levels have a direct, “top-down” influence on lower levels.
Lexical knowledge can affect the perception of phonemes. There is interactivity in the form of lexical effects on the perception of sub-lexical units.
Augustus: What business is that of yours? However, if you will take the trouble to read the society papers for this week, you will see that I am engaged to the Honourable Lucy Popham, youngest daughter of. . .
Context: We recognize a word more readily when the preceding words provide an appropriate context for it.
Lexical ambiguity
All the meanings related to the word are accessed.
Language acquisition (L1 / L2) Language comprehension Language production Language disorders 语言障碍 Language and Thought语言与思维 Neurocognition神经认知


Five types of deixis
1. Person deixis: me, you, him, them. 2. Time deixis: now, then, tonight, last week. 3. Space/spatial/place deixis: here, there, and
6.2.2 Deixis
Deixis (指示), which means “pointing” via language, the interpretation of many words and expressions by reference to the situational context of tc form used to do this “pointing” is called a deictic expression, or indexical.
(3) A: Can I borrow your dictionary? B: Yeah, it’s on the table.
antecedent, anaphor or anaphoric expression.
indirect anaphor or bridging reference : (4) I walked into the room. The windows
A melamed [小学教师, Hebrew teacher] discovering that he had left his comfortable slippers back in the house, sent a student after them with a note for his wife.

语言学教程 chapter6 PPT

语言学教程 chapter6 PPT
University of Chicago Press.
含义: An image-schema is a “skeletal” mental
representation of a recurrent pattern of embodied (especially spatial or kinesthetic) experience. 意象图式是在对事物之间基本关系的认知的基 础上所构成的认知结构
Involves repetitious events and event series. Its structure includes the following:
A starting point A progression through successive events
without backtracking A return to the initial state
Cognition is the way we think.
Cognitive linguistics is the scientific study of the relation between the way we communicate and the way we think.
It is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it.
a physical or metaphorical core and edge, and
degrees of distance from the core.


Language and society
The scope of sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics is one branch of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live.
English, of course, is quite able to make the same distinctions: fine snow, dry snow, soft snow, and so on, but in Eskimos this sort of distinction is lexicalized---made by means of individual words.
As society is reflected in language in this way, social change can produce a corresponding linguistic change.
This has happened in the case of Russian. During the period from 1860 to the present day the structure of the Russian kinship system has undergone a very radical change as a result of several important events:

英语语言学 lecture six讲课教案

英语语言学 lecture six讲课教案

英语语言学l e c t u r es i xReview the chapter of syntaxthese are a few questions on some of points in the chapter of lexicon.Do you think whether the relationship between morpheme and phoneme is one-to-one?How about the relation between morpheme and sememe?What are included in bound morpheme?Syntactic structure句法syntax 研究句子结构,揭示构成某一语言句子的内在规则。


线性顺序与层次结构linear order and hierarchical structure英语句子是按一定顺序排列的。



这种关系也就是syntagmatic relation or positional relation\ chain relationIn the way of classification according to the word order, there are totally six possible types of language. They are SVO, VSO, SOV, OVS, OSV, VOS.各种语言的句子顺序是不同的。


Why is it important to know the relations a sign has with others, such as syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations?As the relation between a signifier and its signified is arbitrary, the value of a sign cannot be determined by itself. To know the identity of a sign, the linguist will have to know the signs it is used together with and those it is substitutable for. The former relation is known as syntagmatic and the latter paradigmatic.The structural linguists regard linguistic units as interrelated with each other in a structure, not as isolated bits.What is the relation of substitutability? And relation of co-ocurrence?语言是交际的工具,人们在交际中说出的最短的话语至少是一个句子,这样才能表达比较完整的思想。

英语语言学 lecture six

英语语言学 lecture six

Review the chapter of syntaxthese are a few questions on some of points in the chapter of lexicon.Do you think whether the relationship between morpheme and phoneme is one-to-one?How about the relation between morpheme and sememe?What are included in bound morpheme?Syntactic structure句法syntax 研究句子结构,揭示构成某一语言句子的内在规则。


线性顺序与层次结构linear order and hierarchical structure英语句子是按一定顺序排列的。



这种关系也就是syntagmatic relation or positional relation\ chain relationIn the way of classification according to the word order, there are totally six possible types of language. They are SVO, VSO, SOV, OVS, OSV, VOS.各种语言的句子顺序是不同的。


Why is it important to know the relations a sign has with others, such as syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations?As the relation between a signifier and its signified is arbitrary, the value of a sign cannot be determined by itself. To know the identity of a sign, the linguist will have to know the signs it is used together with and those it is substitutable for. The former relation is known as syntagmatic and the latter paradigmatic.The structural linguists regard linguistic units as interrelated with each other in a structure, not as isolated bits.What is the relation of substitutability? And relation of co-ocurrence?语言是交际的工具,人们在交际中说出的最短的话语至少是一个句子,这样才能表达比较完整的思想。

英语语言学课件Chapter 6 The Sound Patterns of Language

英语语言学课件Chapter 6 The Sound Patterns of Language

• When two phonemes occur in sequence and some aspect of one phoneme is taken or ‘copied’ by the other,
phonologically in some similar way • /v/ +voice, +labiodental, +fricative • /pl-/ and /kl-/ common in Eng, /vl-/ not common
Phones ad Allophones
• Phoneme is abstract unit or sound-type • Phones are different versions of that sound type
• Arabic does not have contrast btwn these two sounds
• Fan-van, bet-bat, site-side
Minimal Pairs and Sets
• When a group of words can be differentiated, each one from the others, by changing one phoneme (always in the same position), then we have a Minimal Set
regularly produced in actual speech • Phones will appear in [ ] • Versions of one phoneme is allophones of that
phoneme • [t] in tar is normally pronounced with a stronger

lecture 6 语流(I)

lecture 6 语流(I)

Consonant Clusters
• 语流:流畅的语流是以词组为单位。 • 辅音连缀:两个或两个以上的辅音 相邻称 作辅音连缀。辅音连缀出现在词首、词中 和词尾,或出现在短语中间。广义上,不 完全爆破,失爆也是一种辅音连缀。
词首辅音连缀 P85
• 1. • 辅音 必须轻而短促,而第二个辅音长而响亮,声音由 弱到强,由轻到响,由短到长,但后面的爆破音 应该减少送气(爆破减弱产生音变) • 2.
• • • • • • • • • 1. 词末辅音和词首元音 Put it on Take it off 2. 词末元音和词首元音 Go on How old 3. 词末不发音的r+元音开始的单词 Here and there For ever
Connected speech by BBC TAE 1-3
Pronunciation Schwa
• Schwa is the most common sound in the English language. It occurs only in unstressed syllables and getting it correct helps spoken English to sound more natural and fluent. Any vowel letter can be pronounced as schwa and the pronunciation of a vowel letter can change depending on whether the syllable in which it occurs is stressed or not. • The phonemic symbol for schwa is:

新托福突破口TPO(1-30 纸质版)听力分类总结(用于横听及总结)

新托福突破口TPO(1-30 纸质版)听力分类总结(用于横听及总结)

Art TPO1TPO3TPO3TPO7TPO8TPO9艺术Lecture1Lecture2Lecture3 Lecture1Lecture2Lecture1TPO16TPO17TPO18TPO19TPO22TPO24Lecture4Lecture1Lecture2Lecture4Lecture4Lecture2Anthropology TPO1TPO7TPO22人类学Lecture3Lecture3Lecture1Psychology TPO2TPO10TPO14TPO15TPO30心理学Lecture1Lecture4Lecture1Lecture1Lecture1Philosophy TPO2TPO28哲学Lecture3Lecture1Biology TPO1TPO2TPO4TPO6TPO7TPO8生物学Lecture4Lecture2Lecture1Lecture2Lecture2Lecture1TPO15TPO16TPO17TPO18TPO19TPO20Lecture4Lecture3Lecture4Lecture4Lecture3Lecture4TPO25TPO25TPO26纸质TPO4TPO27TPO27Lecture1Lecture4Lecture2Lecture2Lecture1Lecture3Astronomy TPO2TPO3TPO5TPO13TPO14TPO18天文学Lecture4Lecture4Lecture2Lecture4Lecture3Lecture1纸质TPO5TPO30Lecture3Lecture3Geology TPO1TPO4TPO6TPO7TPO9TPO15地质学Lecture2Lecture3Lecture4Lecture4Lecture3Lecture2Environmental TPO3TPO9TPO10TPO11TPO12TPO13环境科学Lecture1Lecture2Lecture3 Lecture3Lecture4Lecture2Business TPO6TPO11TPO12TPO26纸质TPO4商业Lecture1Lecture4Lecture2Lecture1Lecture1Chemistry TPO5TPO8化学Lecture3Lecture4Architecture TPO11TPO13TPO29建筑Lecture2Lecture1Lecture2History TPO8TPO10TPO17TPO18TPO21TPO25历史Lecture3Lecture2Lecture3 Lecture3 Lecture4Lecture2Archaeology TPO14TPO23TPO14TPO28TPO29考古学Lecture4Lecture1Lecture3 Lecture4Lecture3Linguistics TPO9TPO19TPO20语言学Lecture4Lecture1Lecture1Literature TPO4TPO5TPO6TPO20文学Lecture2Lecture4Lecture3 Lecture3杂类U.S. Governme TPO4Sociology TPO5Choreography T PO23美国政府Lecture4社会学Lecture1舞蹈Lecture4Structural Engine TPO29结构工程学Lecture4无老师题:很多筒子们在准备新托福考试的时候,都感觉一方面自己的能力确实是有问题,但是同太高,使得很多考生都应付不来,无老师这次幸得一份图片版新托福突破口TPO听力部分的分类总结,特地放出横听。



• Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. • 火箭已经发现为宇宙探索的应用。 • 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。
4 Types of Conversion
1. Conversion into Verbs 2. Conversion into nouns 3. Conversion into adjectives 4. Conversion into adverbs
• My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable.
• 我认为,一代人对下一代人常常抱怨,这一点是 在所难免的。 • One of the leading newspapers called for the severest punishment of all who had been concerned in the conspiracy. • 一家主要报纸要求严惩所有与该阴谋有关的人。 • We are looking forward to the early arrival of our guests. • 我们期待客人早日到来。
• Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitutions and laws. • 其他政府职能则由各个州来承担,各州 都有自己的宪法和法律。 • He looked on the Convention as a fair and faithful representation of the people. • 他认为这次大会公正忠实地代表了人民。



as a self-contained, intrinsic system; in the study of language, any extra-linguistic factor was to be kept out of consideration. This is the spirit in which traditional phonology studied the sounds of language, traditional syntax studied the structure of sentences, and traditional semantics studied the meaning. The meaning of language was considered as something intrinsic, and inherent ,i.e., a property attached to language itself. Therefore, meanings of words, meanings of sentences were all
studied in an isolated manner, detached from the context in which they were used. If we take the meaning of word “dog” as an example, linguists or semanticists were quite happy with its definition as “a domesticated, canine mammal, etc.” And they would also be happy to explain the meaning of the sentence “The dog is barking” as the predication consisting of the argument“DOG” and the predicate “BARK”.What the sentence is used for in real situations of communication was excluded from their investigation; they felt


More bigness is less smallness. Wider is less narrow.
c. conversives/relational opposites: denoting not only the oppositeness of meaning, but also an interdependence of meaning(意义的相互依存,即换位反义词).
The property they do not share is present in one and absent in the other. Thus, in order to be opposite, two words must be semantically similar or in the same semantic category, such as “gender” or “height”. Antonyms are really synonyms—of a special kind.
Courseware 3
English Lexicology
Instructor: Chen Jinrong
Lecture Six
Semantic Relations(II)
I. Antonymy
As a rule, man is a fool; When it’s hot, he wants it cool; When it’s cool, he wants it hot; Always wanting what is not.
Different collocations have different antonyms.
fresh-stale bread/newspaper fresh-foul/stuffy air
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Eg: all her many good ideas; all the five boys, both of my parents, twice the time, every two weeks
first …… 观:观点 beautiful nice…… 形:形状 big round…… big在round前面 龄:年龄,新旧程度 old…… 色:颜色 red…… 国:国家 Chinese…… 材:材质 wooden……
WTO is _____. A. an abbreviation B. an acronym C. a blending word D. a backformation word


An abnormal type of word-formation where a
shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined
affix from a longer form already in the language.
all, both, half, double, twice, three times Central-determiners: a, an, the, this, that, these, those, every, each, some, any, no, either, my, your Post-determiners: one, two,…, first, second, next, last, past, many, little


The Two
l way of formation 派生方法

Derivation 派生类

unconscious, national, anti-war, enlarge, superman…

Compound 复合类

N N V V Adj

class unchanged
N N V V Adj Adj

Daybreak, playboy, haircut

compounds compounds
Brainwash, lipread, babysit

Eg: editor(edit); peddler(peddle); laser(lase)

creation 类推构词
Eg: work—worked (wrought); slay—slayed (slew)

shift 词类转换

He walked carefully so as not to wet his shoes. Life is full of ups and downs. I pocket the money quickly. But me no buts.

the taking over of words from other languages Greek: electricity, atom French: entail, mortgage Spanish: macho, grandee Latin: adjacent, inferior German: quartz, plunder several types of processes (a) loanwords借词: au pair互惠的,换工的 (b) loanblend 混合借词: China-town唐人街 (c) loanshift 转移借词:bridge桥牌 (d) loan translation翻译借词:black humor

缩写词(clipping 截断法)
A new word is created by the following methods Cutting the final part: fanatic(fan), advertisement(ad) Cutting the initial part: aeroplane(plane), omnibus(bus) Cutting both the initial part and final parts accordingly: influenza(flu), refrigerator(fridge)

finiteness, aspect
Walk/walks/walking/walked Change/changes/changing/changed Student/student’s Tom/Tom’s Fat/fatter/fattest Nice/nicer/nicest

Maneating, heartfelt, dutyfree

Into, throughout

in different ways
Some appear as a single word, such as wardrobe

Some others are joined with a hyphen “-”, such
Word Word
formation: two ways formation: lexical change
group and phrase

inflectional way of formation 屈折变化

Inflection indicates grammatical relations by adding inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and case; the adding of inflectional affixes will not change the grammatical class of the stems. Number: desk/desks book/books church/churches
and economic activities, such as Kodak 柯达,
Coke, nylon 尼龙…


Blending is a process in which two words are blended by joining together the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by only joining the initial parts of the two words. smog烟雾 (smoke+fog); boatel水上旅馆 (boat+hotel); brunch早午餐(breakfast+lunch); telecast Telex (teleprinter+exchange); anacom模拟计算机 (analog+computer); digicom

ice-cream, sunrise, paper bag, cloakroom,
cupboard, bookstore, lap-top…

class changed
V Adj N Adj N strengthen delightful assistant readable happiness nonsmoker, anti-war, ex-wife, dislike, unlock, mislead, immature, irregular



Acronym is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword. Eg: CIA, EEC, WTO, UNESCO This process is also widely used in shortening extremely long words of word groups in science, technology, and other special fields. Eg: AIDS, SARS, Radar, VAT
Atom is a word of ____ origin. A. Latin B. Greek C. Arabic D. Spanish 2. English has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words from other languages EXCEPT ____. A. French B. Korean C. Latin D. Greek 3. Which of the following words is built by abbreviation? A. smog B. fridge C. motel D. edit