


是一位大 法官的女儿。 1719年,菲尔丁进入伦敦贵族学校伊顿公学 读书,对古希腊罗马文化产生了浓厚兴趣。 1728年,在表姐和另一个女演员的帮助下, 他的剧本《带着各种假面具的爱情》在伦敦 上演。同年赴荷兰莱顿大学专攻语言学,后 因父亲再娶、失去资助而辍学回国。 回国后决心以创作戏剧自立谋生。1729-1737 年间,共创作和改编了25个剧本,很快以戏 剧家闻名。
菲尔丁共创作5部长篇小说,其代表作 是《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》。这部小 说在叙述角度、结构、人物塑造等方面 都富有创造性,同时继承和发扬了英国 幽默讽刺文学的传统,被视为英国小说 发展史上的里程碑。基于他在小说创作 实践和理论方面对英国小说传统的始创 性建树,他被称为“英国小说之父”。
小说就被送进了文学的大雅之堂,被置于与 神圣的古典体裁并驾齐驱的崇高地位上。仅 就这一点而言,菲尔丁的“散文体喜剧(滑 稽)史诗”理论在小说确立其重要文学地位 的过程中便具有不可低估的意义。
2、他反对“传奇”和“传奇作家”,说他 们创造的人物故事全是凭空臆造的,是胡诌。 他把自己的小说称为“真实的历史”,自称 为“历史家”,如他小说的名字。
虚伪道德的化身。他遵守一切规定的行为准 则,随时随地不忘自己的道德和责任,但所 有的一切都是做给别人看,骨子里他完全被 自私的企图所推动。他是造成汤姆所遭遇的 一切不幸的隐秘或公开的罪人。诡计破产后 又匍匐在汤姆脚下请求宽恕。 布立非是卑鄙无耻、诡计多端、自私冷酷的 家伙,一个彻头彻尾的流氓恶棍。 这个人物因被描写得太坏而显得不真实。
1、“谜”一般的结构设置、流浪汉小说的结构, 以及框架式结构完美地结合在一起 —— 同时 受戏剧《俄狄浦斯王》与小说《堂 · 吉诃德》 结构的影响。(作品除了男女主人公的生活、 命运及种种冒险奇遇外,还穿插了许多次要 人物、事件与逸闻掌故,为男女主人公绘制 了一幅巨大的社会背景。) 2、小说每章之前均有序言,用以发表作者对各 种问题的看法,各章节中还插入许多论说与 旁白,作者在叙事过程中不断进行道德和社 会批判,促使读者进行理性思考,起到了深 化主题的作用。 3、“散文滑稽史诗”。




亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding)是18世纪英国文学史上著名的小说家和剧作家。















他的作品,如《汤姆·琼斯的历险》(The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling)和《约瑟夫·安德鲁斯的历险》(The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews),以其真实、生动和幽默引起了广大读者的关注。




• born in an old aristocratic (贵 族)family and studied for six years at the famous Eton(伊 顿) school and took a degree at the University of Leyden(雷顿) in Holland.
Fielding’s Novels
• (1)“The love of several masks’’ 《几种假面具下的爱 情》 (1728) • (2) Joseph Andrews 《约瑟夫˙安德鲁斯的经历》 (1742) • (3) Jonathan Wild the Great 《大伟人乔纳森˙魏尔德 》(1743) • (4) Tom Jones 《汤姆˙琼斯》(1749) • (5)Amelia 《阿米丽亚》(1751) • (6)Lisbon navigation Diary《里斯本航海日记》 (1754)
• This was followed by another novel, The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great. • In 1749, appeared his masterpiece, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, • two years later: his last novel, Amelia. In his novels, Fielding continued to expose and fight against social evils of his time. • His later years were devoted to the duties as a magistrate. He worked very hard. His health failed. • In 1754 he died in Lisbon, Portugal.



Jonathan Wild the Great
a figure from actual life, an English highwayman
1、satire 2、symbolism
the chapter, “On Hat”—the English political system
hats Newgate prison debtors thieves contest suppression principles England tax-payers greedy politicians election of the Tories and the Whigs change in the ministry
some 40 Analysis characters
good-natured frank and open kind, disinterested(无私的) imprudence(轻率的) Tom Jones
ideal, Blifil Bridget good qualities, Sophia gaiety(快乐), candour(坦率), brave,courage Jack-of-all-trades simple, faithful barbarian(残暴的人) Partridge good-natured, autocrat (专横的人) a little whimsical
3、菲尔丁指出,“散文体滑稽史诗”比起喜剧来 “更加广阔,更加包罗万象;其中事件的范围更 加广大,人物的种类也更加繁多”。——《约 瑟·安德鲁传》序言。他显然与笛福、理查生不 同,更加意识到小说的特点应是反映广阔繁复的 社会生活,而不应仅仅局限在个人的经历、命运 和感受上。他的这种小说被认为是“无所不包的 小说”,正因为如此,菲尔丁才一反18世纪小说 既已形成的风气,不采用第一人称而运用第三人 称来进行叙述,大胆而自信地采取了“全知全在” 的立场和外视角观点。这样,就得以从外在视点 对时空幅度极为广阔的社会生活作大规模的展现。



作者简介亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,1707-1754)英国第一个伟大的小说家,英国小说得以定型的奠基人。




















英国文学Henry Filding

英国文学Henry Filding

Analysis of The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling
• masterpiece • vivid ,truthful panoramic picture of 18th-century England. • the sympathy for poor and the oppressed. • i. The Story • Squire Allworthy a new-born baby →Tom • Allworthy’s sister got married →Blifil • the sister died • Tom is brought up by Allworthy together with Blifil
Henry Fielding 亨利· 菲尔丁 (1707—1754)
王佳佳 隋晓慧 王盼 崔新艳 田霜 王功荣 王晓蓉 刘伟
Henry Fielding (1707—1754) Life Experience
the greatest novelist of the 18th century and one of the most artistic that English literature has produce. a versatile:a novelist,a dramatist,an essayist,a political pamphleteer,a learned authority on law, an able and efficient magistrate and a political economist • Father of English Novel
Analysis of its content




















Prepared by Tony Sun
Prepared by Tony Sun
Joseph Andrews

A story inspired by the success of Richardson’s novel, Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded;
2013-7-20 Prepared by Tony Sun 11
What is Fielding’s best work?

The History of Tom Jones: a Foundling
Prepared by Tony Sun
The story of Tom Jones
Prepared by Tony Sun 10
The story of Fielding’s Joseph Andrews

After he is packed out of his mistress’s house, Joseph sets out on foot for the village, where his sweetheart, Fanny, lives. He is knocked down and stripped by robbers, and is carried to an inn, where he is found by Parson Adams. The pair travel together and meet with many ridiculous adventures. But finally the story brings Joseph, Fanny, Adams and Lady Booby all together. Lady Booby still threatens poor Joseph with her disgusting advances. The story ends in Joseph’s marriage with Fanny and the young couple’s happiness.



汤姆·琼斯 主人公琼斯是一个热情洋溢的有血有肉的人。 他活泼好动,朝气蓬勃,尽管轻率、鲁莽容易 冲动,但是内心诚挚、豪爽、仁慈、胸怀坦荡, 极富同情心,体现了健全、善良、真诚的“人 性”,合乎“自然道德”。忍无可忍时也会不 顾宗教道德而坚决抵抗。
是个善于看风使舵、诡计多端的伪君子。 在长辈面前,他总是表现得百般恭顺,彬彬有 礼。表面看来,他的一切举动都是出乎最好的 动机,而实际上却完全是由于自私自利的妒忌。 野心、贪财、追逐名利,表面笃信宗教,实为 披着清教主义外衣的利己主义伪君子。一贯打 击汤姆·琼斯,是地道的小人,伪善道德的典 型。
小说的艺术特色: 1.“人物众多”是《汤姆·琼斯》的一个新的、
极其重要的特征。《汤姆·琼斯》共写了四十 九个人物,菲尔丁对一些主要人物的刻画是极 其深刻的。他通过人物在社会关系、语言、行 动和日常生活细节上所流露出来的思想感情去 表现人物的性格。在菲尔丁所描绘的人物画廊 里,人人性格鲜明,每个人无论从外表方面或 在他们的行为语言上,都具有自己的特色而绝 不雷同。他们多是既有高度概括性(共性), 又有自己特征(个性)的典型。
《汤姆·琼斯》在情节的组织方面表现了作者 的高度的艺术技巧。《汤姆·琼斯》虽然情节 复杂,人物众多,但作者布局精巧,层次井然, 有条不紊。在故事的发展中,人物出现越多, 情节越趋紧凑。小说中除了以琼斯和苏菲娅先 后离家出走的情节为中心,描写形形色色的冒 险事件外,也描叙了一些附带的故事和人物。 如教友会教徒的铁石心肠,山中隐士的悲观厌 世,吉卜赛人的生活,菲茨派屈里克夫妇的关 系,本勒夫人的家庭和奈庭盖尔父子的矛盾等 等。这些故事和人物都与主要的情节构成一个 有机的整体。
这部“滑稽史诗”的基本主题是善与恶的斗争。 正面人物琼斯、苏菲娅、奥尔华绥象征着善良 和美德;布力菲、贝娜斯登夫人和各式各样的 市侩象征着罪恶。在这部作品里,菲尔丁通过 汤姆·琼斯和苏菲娅为争取婚姻自由和幸福, 对布力菲为代表的资本主义社会和剥削阶级进 行不屈不挠斗争的故事,暴露了英国资产阶级 的腐朽、虚伪、唯利是图的本质,讽刺了英国 社会的伪君子、假圣人和市侩们。

7 henry fielding

7 henry fielding

Novel of Incidents
• Novel of Incidents mainly reveals the actions of the characters or events, not the characters. The plots are loose but flowing. The novel focuses on the funny and adventurous events. 揭示人物或事件 的动作。情节松散但流畅。注重有趣的和 冒险的事件。如,Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾 逊· 克鲁索漂流记》
(2) Richardson and Pamela: 理查森和帕梅拉 an epistle[i„pisl] novel书信体
(3) The most outstanding character:
• The most outstanding character is Parson 牧师 Adams亚当斯. He is poor, honest old parson. He is high-minded, simplehearted and ardently热心的 devoted to ideals. He is ready to help the weak and the oppressed. He is a man extraordinary 非凡的knowledge, but he is very forgetful 疏忽,健忘.
III. Some Features of Fielding’s Novels
• (1) Lighter打火机 kind of satire: Humorous satire, which is meant to be instructive and corrective教育性的,矫正的. (2) Grim冷酷的 satire: which is used to lash 冲击讽刺 the cardinal 主要的evils of the corrupt 腐败的ruling classes.



乡绅:渥尔维斯 (汤姆的养父)
乡绅的姐姐:布莱格特 布莱格特的丈夫:布利菲尔 男婴:汤姆 (主人公)
乡绅的外甥:小布利菲尔 邻居乡绅的女儿:索菲娅 索菲娅的父亲:魏斯顿
◆ 《阿米莉亚》(1751 )是菲尔丁的第四部也是最后一部小说, 是他最心爱的。作品出版后反应冷淡,菲尔丁就此不作小说。 小说中批判了社会的不平等,特权人物为所欲为,美德被任意 践踏,法律也帮助富人,穷人处处受压迫和凌辱。 ◆ 菲尔丁对小说理论也有很大的贡献,他首先确定了小说在文学 形式中的地位,在《约瑟夫•安德鲁传》序言里,他把自己的小 说称为“散文滑稽史诗”。在《汤姆•琼斯》各章绪论中,他阐 述了自己的小说理论。他认为小说最接近史诗,除了没有韵律, 有史诗的一切特征:“故事、情节、人物、感想和文体。”他 的小说具有滑稽可笑的特点,但也不同于喜剧,“它的情节所 涉及的更宽,包罗的更大,内容包含着的事件范围更广,它所 介绍的人物更是多种多样。”在人物塑造上,他强调“典型”。 在情节方面,他强调必然性与或然性的结合。他特别注意小说 的结构,认为要详略得不。故事引人入胜,要具有内部的统一 性。他在小说中确立起全知全能的叙述形式,钭叙述语言与人 物语言区别开来,使英国小说不再是简单的叙述而成为一种有 意趣的文体。
《汤姆.琼斯》 全名《弃儿汤姆.琼斯的故事》 (1749 ),是菲尔丁的代表作, 也常被看作英国18 世纪小说的 最杰出巨著。 《汤姆.琼斯》因为它出色的结构 备受称赞。小说篇幅宏大,有 乡村、路上、伦敦三部分,描 绘乡村、城市生活的全景、各 色男女肖像,但线索清晰. 故 事连续、引人入胜。汤姆的身 世之谜成为强烈的悬念,直到 结尾才解开。结尾是出人意料 的,但以前的伏笔又是令人信 服的。小说的语言也清晰、灵 活、机智。

Henry Fielding 亨利 菲尔丁

Henry Fielding 亨利 菲尔丁

Remarkable language
Tom Jones 汤姆∙琼斯
Plot summary
A wealthy gentleman Allworthy finds a baby boy on his bed one ter,he discovers that a maidservant,Jenny Jones,is his mother and the boy is given the name of Tom Jones.Allworthy's sister Bridget marries Captain Blifil and have a son.Allworthy's nephew Blifil and Tom are raised together.But the young Blifil,who is one year younger than Tom,is Tom's enemy.Years later both of them rival over the attention of Sophia Western.Because of Blifil's treachery(背 信弃义),Tom is expelled from the house.
During 1729-1737,worked as a playwright and a theater manager In 1737 when the political censorship of the Licensing Act 《喜剧审查法案》went into effect, his theatrical career came to an end
Writing technique in Tom Jones



作者简介亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,1707-1754)英国第一个伟大的小说家,英国小说得以定型的奠基人。






















(一)内容 (二)人物
包罗了18世纪英国一切方面生活的社会讽刺 小说,规模宏大,共18章。 汤姆·琼斯(弃儿)——索非亚(邻居) 奥尔华绥(乡绅)——布立非(外甥、弟弟) 乡间——路上——城市 主题思想主要是批判贵族社会中的伪善文明, 肯定合乎启蒙学派民主观念的“自然道德”。 通过汤姆和布立非两个形象的对比集中表现 这一思想。 小说道德寓意的核心是“德性”高贵原则。
是菲尔丁的第一部小说。 第一部分,戏拟理查生的《帕美拉》——家庭小说 第二部分,摹仿塞万提斯的风格——路上小说。通 过安德鲁、女友芳妮和牧师亚当斯密的冒险奇遇, 小说描写了社会上各色各样的人物:地主、强盗、 小客栈老板、乡绅、牧师、小贩、管家、侍仆等, 勾勒出一幅18世纪英国社会风俗画。亚当斯密是一 个堂·吉诃德式的人物,天真淳朴,心地善良,有 正义感,但不谙世态人情,不时闹笑话,惹出许多 麻烦。但他竭尽全力帮助安德鲁和芳妮这一对穷仆 人结成眷属;面对社会上的邪恶绝不屈服,保持了 自己的人格与尊严。这是作家的理想人物。
小说就被送进了文学的大雅之堂,被置于与 神圣的古典体裁并驾齐驱的崇高地位上。仅 就这一点而言,菲尔丁的“散文体喜剧(滑 稽)史诗”理论在小说确立其重要文学地位 的过程中便具有不可低估的意义。
2、他反对“传奇”和“传奇作家”,说他 们创造的人物故事全是凭空臆造的,是胡诌。 他把自己的小说称为“真实的历史”,自称 为“历史家”,如他小说的名字。
菲尔丁患有严重的痛风,发作频繁,严重折磨着 他的健康,他忍着病痛进行创作。 1740年,发表戏拟理查生的《帕米拉》的小说 《夏美勒》。 1743年出版以强盗头子魏尔德为原型的小说《大 伟人江奈生魏尔德传》:无论是上等生活还是下 等生活中,“伟人”都被视为楷模。如果窃贼魏 尔德被视为“伟人”,那么首相沃尔浦爵士这样 的“伟人”就无异于“窃贼”了。 1749年,代表作《汤姆·琼斯》出版。 1751年,发表最后一部长篇小说《阿米莉亚》。 1754年因痛风病逝于葡萄牙里斯本,终年47岁。



Henry began writing plays again, many of them ridiculing the society and politics of the time. Probably his best play, completed in 1731, was 'The Tragedy of Tragedies; or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great'. It was a spoof of heroic stage plays that took themselves too seriously.
Fielding’s Novels
(1) Joseph Andrews 《约瑟夫˙安德鲁斯的经历》(1742) (2) Jonathan Wild the Great 《大伟人乔纳森˙魏尔德》(1743) (3) Tom Jones 《汤姆˙琼斯》(1749) (4)Amelia 《阿米丽亚》(1751)

His early life

He was the son of General Edmund Fielding, His mother, Sarah Gould Fielding, was the daughter of a judge on the King's Bench who had been reappointed to the Queen's Bench His mother died just before his 11th birthday. His father having married again.

Fielding as a Playwright



Brief Introduction about the author
In 1752 he returned to political writing as publisher of the periodical The Covent Garden Journal. However, illness forced him to relinquish his post as magistrate in 1753.
Achievement in English novel
Fielding adopted “ the third-person
narration,” in which the author
the the
His language is easy, unlabored (自然的, 流利的)and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous. His sentences are always distinguished by logic and rhythm, and his structure carefully planned towards an inevitable ending. His works are also noted for lively, dramatic dialogues and other theatrical devices such as suspense, coincidence and unexpectedness.
Achievement in English novel
菲尔丁被认作是“英国小说之父”,因为他对现代 小说形式建立的贡献。他是在理论和实践上第一个 开始的十八世纪的所有小说家,特别是写了“散文 体喜剧史诗”,给了现代小说以结构和方式。在他 之前,小说相关的故事理查德逊的《帕梅拉》为代 表的书信形式(一系列的信件),或者是或者是通 过主要人物的讲述,例如笛福的《鲁宾逊漂流记》 的传奇式流浪冒险的形式。但是菲尔丁采纳“第三 人称叙述“,在这里面作者变为“无所不知的神” 。他所有的人物都思考思想,因此他能够不仅展现 他们外部的行为,而且也展现他们头脑的内部作品 。在他的故事中,他试图保持古典作品的史诗形式 ,但是同时对像他的现实展现。他的语言是容易的 ,流利的和熟悉的,但是极度灵活和有力的。他的 句子是以罗技和韵律为标记,他的结构仔细地指向 必然的结尾。他的作品也是以灵活的,戏剧的对话 和其他的例如悬念,一致而出乎意外。



Henry Fielding (1707-1754)British writer, playwright and journalist, founder of the English Realistic school in literature with Samuel Richardson. Fielding's career as a dramatist has been shadowed by his career as a novelist. His aim as a novelist was to write comic epic poems in prose - he once described himself as "great, tattered bard.""When I'm not thanked at all, I'm thanked enough;I've done my duty, and I've done no more."(from Tom Thumb the Great, 1730)Henry Fielding was born at Sharpham Park, Somerset. He was by birth a gentleman, close allied to the aristocracy. His father was a nephew of the 3th Earl of Denbigha, and mother was from a prominent family of lawyers. Fielding grew up on his parents farm at East Stour, Dotset. His mother died when Fielding was eleven, and when his father remarried, Henry was sent to Eton. He studied at Eton College (1719-1724), where he learned to love ancient Greek and Roman literature.Encouraged by his cousin, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Fielding started his career as a writer in London. In 1728 he wrote two plays, of which LOVE IN SEVERAL MASQUES was successfully performed at Drury Lane. In the same year he went to the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, enlarging his knowledge of classical literature. After returning to England, he devoted himself to writing for the stage. Fielding also became a manager of the Little Theatre in the Haymarket. In 1730 he had four plays produced, among them TOM THUMB, which is his most famous and popular drama. According to a story, it made Swift laugh for the second time in his life. In 1736 Fielding took over the management of the New Theatre, writing for it among others the satirical comedy PASQUIN. For several years Fielding's life was happy and prosperous.However, Fielding's sharp burlesques satirizing the government gained the attention of the prime minister Sir Robert Walpole and Fielding's career in theater was ended by Theatrical Licensing Act - directed primarily at him. In search for an alternative career he became editor of the magazine Champion, an opposition journal. After studies of law Fielding was called in 1740 to the bar. Because of increasing illness - he suffered from gout and asthma - Fielding was unable to pursue his legal career with any consistency.Between the years 1729 and 1737 Fielding wrote 25 plays but he acclaimed critical notice with his novels. The best known are THE HISTORY OF TOM JONES, A FOUNDLING (1749), in which the tangled comedies of coincidence are offset by the neat, architectonic structure of the story, and THE HISTORY OF THE ADVENTURES OF JOSEPH ANDREWS (1742), a parody of Richardson's Pamela (1740). Although Fielding wrote in Tom Jones "That monstrous animal, a husband and wife", he married in 1734 Charlotte Cradock, who became his model for Sophia Western in Tom Jones and for the heroine of AMELIA, the author's last novel. It was written according to Fielding "to promote the cause of virtue and to expose some of the most glaring evils, as well public as private, which at present infect the country..." In the story an army officer is imprisoned. His virtuous wife resists all temptations and stays faithful to him. With Charlotte Fielding enjoyed ten years of happiness until her death in 1744. Fielding's improvidence led tolong periods of considerable poverty, but he was greatly assisted at various periods of his life by his friend R. Allen, who was the model for Allworthy in Tom Jones."What is commonly called love, namely the desire of satisfying a voracious appetite with a certain quantity of delicate white human flesh." (from Tom Jones)In 1747 Fielding caused some scandal by marrying his wife's maid and friend Mary Daniel - he was condemned by every snob in England. Actually she was about to bear his child, and Fielding wished to save her from disgrace. After Walpole had been replaced by another prime minister, Fielding came to the defense of the Establishment. As a reward for his governmental journalism he was made justice of the peace for the City of Westminster in 1748 and for the county of Middlesex in 1749. Together with his half brother Sir John Fielding, he established a new tradition of justice and suppression of crime in London, organizing a detective force that later developed into Scotland Yard. Fielding's writings became more socially orientated - he opposed among others public hangings. From the court in Bow Street he continued his struggle against corruption and and saw successfully implemented a plan for breaking up the criminal gangs who were then flourishing in London.When the author's health was failing and he was forced to use crutches, he went with his wife and one of his daughters to Portugal to recuperate. Fielding died on October 8, 1754 in Lisbon. His travel book, THE JOURNAL OF A VOY AGE TO LISBON, appeared posthumously in 1755.The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling was enthusiastically revived by the general public, if not by Richardson, Dr. Johnson and other literary figures. Coleridge declared that the plot of Tom Jones was one of the three perfect plots in all literature, the others were Ben Jonson's Alchemist and Sophocles's Oedipus Rex. In its 'Preface' Fielding stated: "The excellence of the entertainment consists less in the subject than in the author's skill in well dressing it up... we shall represent human nature at first to keep appetite of our reader, in that more plain and simple manner in which it is found in the country, and shall hereafter hash and ragout it with all the high French and Italian seasoning of affectation and vice which courts and cities afford." - Much of the action unfolds against the backdrop of the 1745 Jacobite rebellion. The introductory chapters that preface each of the novel's 18 books cultivate the reader in a way that was then unprecedented in English fiction. The kindly, prosperous Mr Allworthy finds a baby boy on his bed. He adopts the child, naming it Tom Jones. Allworthy suspects that Jenny Jones, a maid-servant to the wife of the schoolmaster Partridge, is the mother. Jenny leaves with Partridge the neighborhood. Allworthy's sister Bridget marries Captain Blifil, they have a son. Tom and the young and mean-spirited Blifil are raised together. Years later a rivalry over the attention of Sophia Western arises between them. Because of an affair with the gamekeeper's daughter Molly Seagrim, and because of Blifil's treachery, Tom is expelled from the house. He experiences adventures in the picaresque section of the novel, drifts into an affair with Lady Ballaston, nearly kills his opponent in a duel, and is imprisoned. Meanwhile Sophia flees to London to escape the marriage with Blifil. Jenny Jones turns up to reveal that Bridget is the mother of Tom, and Blifil's cruelties to Tom over the years are exposed - Blifil knew the truth of Tom's birth. Tom marries Sophia, who forgives him for his infidelities, and Tom becomes the heir of Allworthy. Ford Madox Ford's comment on the work was: "Obviously, marital bliss is possible to the wives of the worst of rakes and to the rakes themselves. But toconvince us that that is the lot of one or other of his characters the writer must take much more trouble... and write much better." (from The March of Literature, 1938)Note: After novel established itself as a certain literary form in Britain, were novels often described as The Adventures of... Examples: The Life and Adventures of Mr Duncan Campbell by Daniel Defoe (1720); The Adventures of Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding (1742); The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-44) by Charles Dickens, The Adventures of Philip by W.M. Thackeray (1861-62), The Adventures of Harry Richmond (1871) by George Meredith - For further reading: biographies by W.L. Cross (3 vols, 1918) and F.H. Duddon (2 vols, 1952. - Fielding and the Nature of the Novel by Robert Alter (1968); Henry Fielding: The Critical Heritage, ed. by R. Paulson and T. Lockwood (1969); Henry Fielding: Justice Observed, ed. by K.G. Simpson (1986); Imagining the Penitentiary by John Bender (1987); Henry Fielding: A Life by Martin C. Battestin and Ruthe R. Battestin (1989); Natural Masques: Gender and Indentity in Fielding's Plays and Novels by Jill Campbell (1995); Critical Essays on Henry Fielding, ed. by Albert J. Rivero (1998); Henry Fielding: A Literary Life by Harold E. Pagliaro (1998); The Author's Inheritance: Henry Fielding, Jane Austen and the Establishment of the Novel by Joy Alyson Parker (1998)Selected works:LOVE IN SEVERAL MASQUES, 1728THE TRAGEDY OF TRAGEDIES: OR, THE THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOM THUMB THE GREAT, 1730THE COFFEE-HOUSE POLITICIAN, 1730THE MODERN HUSBAND, 1732DON QUIXOTE IN ENGLAND, 1734PASQUIN, 1937THE HISTORICAL REGISTER, 1737AN APOLOGY FOR THE LIFE OF MRS. SHAMELA ANDREWS, 1741THE HISTORY OF THE ADVENTURES OF JOSEPH ANDREWS, 1742 - Joseph Andrews - film 1976, dir. by Tony Richardson, starring Peter Firth, Ann-MargretTHE HISTORY OF MR. JONA THAN WILD THE GREA T, 1743A JOURNEY FROM THIS WORLD TO THE NEXT, 1743THE HISTORY OF TOM JONES, A FOUNDLING, 1749 - Tom Jones - film 1963. dir. by Tony Richardson, written by John Osborne, starring Albert Finney, Susannah YorkAMELIA, 1751PROPOSAL FOR MAKING EFFECTIVE PROVISION FOR THE POOR, 1753THE JOURNAL OF A VOY AGE TO LISBON, 1755WORKS, 1766COLLECTED WORKS, 1882, 1902, 1967。





亨利菲尔丁的简介亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,1707年4月22日-1754年10月8日)18世纪最杰出的英国小说家,戏剧家。







亨利菲尔丁的代表作汤姆·琼斯全名《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》(1749 ),是菲尔丁的代表作,也常被看作英国18 世纪小说的最杰出巨著。











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• "Tom Jones" plot organization performance in the author's highly art. "Tom Jones" although plot complex numerous, but the author, characters, delicate, hierarchy in layout in an orderly way. In the story, character, increasing the plot appears compact. • 《汤姆· 琼斯》在情节的组织方面 表现了作者的高度的艺术技巧。《 汤姆· 琼斯》虽然情节复杂,人物 众多,但作者布局精巧,层次井然, 有条丌紊。在故事的发展中,人物 出现越多,情节越趋紧凑。
Novel appreciation
• Novels in addition to Jones and SuFei ya successively runaways plot as the center, describes all kinds of sporting events outside, also describes some incidental story and characters. If the pitiless 1691Christians in the mountains of the recluse, pessimistic, gypsy life ,the relationship between the couples, the low man's relationship with Neville court family father to contradictions etc. Gail These stories and characters and the main plot constitute an organic whole. • 小说中除了以琼斯和苏菲娅先后离家出走的情节为中 心,描写形形色色的冒险事件外,也描叙了一些附带 的故事和人物。如教友会教徒的铁石心肠,山中隐士 的悲观厌世,吉卜赛人的生活,菲茨派屈里克夫妇的 关系,本勒夫人的家庭和奈庭盖尔父子的矛盾等等。 这些故事和人物都不主要的情节构成一个有机的整体。
• This was followed by another novel, The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great. • In 1749, appeared his masterpiece, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, • two years later: his last novel, Amelia. In his novels, Fielding continued to expose and fight against social evils of his time. • His later years were devoted to the duties as a magistrate. He worked very hard. His health failed. • In 1754 he died in Lisbon, Portugal.
Fielding as a Playwright
• (1)The Welsh Opera 《威尔斯歌剧》 (1731) • (2)Don Quixote in England 《唐· 吉诃德在英国》 (1734) • (3)Pasqin 《巴斯昆》 (1736) • (4)The Historical Register for the Year 1736 • 《一七三六年历史记事》 (1737) • Fielding’s dramatic theory and practice were in conformity with the theory of “a return to nature” and the principle that the stage should be “a school of morality” in the Enlightenment (启蒙运动)period.
• His plays was applauded by the public but hated by the government. • In 1737 when the political censorship of the Licensing Act went into effect, his theatrical career came to an end. • He began to take up law and was admitted to the Bar at the Middle Temple in 1740. • He was made a judge in 1748. • Then Fielding began his novel writing by attacking Richardson. • In 1742 he published his first novel The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews
• born in an old aristocratic (贵 族)family and studied for six years at the famous Eton(伊 顿) school and took a degree at the University of Leyden(雷顿) in Holland.
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• His style is easy, unlabored and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous. • His sentences are always distinguished by logic and musical rhythm; • the structures are always well balanced and carefully planned. • His language is remarkable.
• He first tried his luck at play writing and turned out 26 plays during 9 years (172937), and became the most successful playwright of the time. • He wrote plays, farces 滑稽剧and buffooneries 滑稽for the stage with political and social satire. • Fielding mercilessly exposed the corruption, hypocrisy and cruelty of the officials.
胡玉妍 2011级地理科学本
An introduction to Fielding
• the greatest novelist of the 18th century and is one of the most artistic that English literature has produced. • a versatile man : a novelist, a dramatist(26 plays), an essayist, a political pamphleteer, a learned authority on law and an able and efficient magistrate and a political economist
"Tom Jones" is Fielding the most mature artistic masterpie ce, is also a landmark British novel history masterpie ce.
Tom Jones
Tom Jones original is a bastard,and was a local gentleman accept for adopted son.After he grows up he prefer outstanding, Drew much gentleman glad. But he's so bold and unconstrained, romantic, adventure, first, a daughter of plantation owners with neighboring Sophia lover, is played when third party has a fervent than Phil intervention - cousin, two people's jealousness borne. Tom and he was flirting with shepherdess say love... The boring life, and strict rules and gossip, make Tom think can no longer stay in the country, he is ambitious to decide to go to London gets a career. 汤姆· 琼斯原是一个私生子,后被当地一绅士收为养子。 他长大后才貌出众,颇得绅士欢喜。但他性情豪放,向 往浪漫、冒险的生活,先是跟邻近一庄园主的女儿索菲 娅相好,正打得火热时却有个第三者——表弟比菲尔介 入,两人争风吃醋。汤姆于是又跟牧羊女调情说爱了 ……无聊的生活、严厉的家规加上流言蜚语,使汤姆觉 得再也丌能呆在乡下了,他野心勃勃地决定到伦敦去大 干一番事业。