

21世纪大学英语4 1-6单元词汇题 (带翻译意思)

21世纪大学英语4 1-6单元词汇题  (带翻译意思)

Unit 1chat v.聊天;闲聊acknowledge vt. 承认;答谢motivate vt. 刺激;使有动机characteristic a dj. 典型的;n. 特征;特性;despite prep. 尽管,不管influence n.影响;感化;vt. 影响;改变cite vt. 引用;传讯想起;表彰obstacle n. 障碍,干扰;妨害物intrinsic adj. 本质的,固有的criteria n. 标准,条件(criterion的复数)obsession n. 痴迷;困扰innate adj. 先天的;固有的;contribution n . 贡献;捐献;投稿contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的;submit vt. 使服从;主张;vi. 提交;服从morale n. 士气,斗志1.I’m just coming around to have a friendly chat with you. How are you doing?我只是过来和你有一个友好的聊天。

近来怎么样?2.When you’re writing a paper,you must acknowledge the sources of the statements you have quoted to support your argument.当你写论文,你必须承认你引用来支持你的论点陈述的来源。

3.As the saying goes.“where there is a will,there is a way.” People who want to make things better can do so if only they are strongly motivated .俗话说。



4.The expression of intense feelings in a smile and yet profound way is recognised asa characteristic of Emily Dickinson’s poetry.强烈的感情在一个微笑的表情,而深刻的方式被认为是艾米丽.狄金森的诗歌特征。



全新版大学英语综合教程4第六单元答案全新版大学英语综合教程4第六单元答案全新版大学英语综合教程4第六单元主体讲的`是生活节奏,下面是店铺分享的课后答案,希望能帮到大家!Unit 6 Text ALanguage Sense Enhancement11. 1) understanding2) Within the confines3)reasonably4) by nature5) limitless possibilities6) our aim7) fewer desires8) play by themselves9) vet boundaries10) orLanguage FocusVocabularyI.10. 1) appliances2) comparative3) multiply4) distribution5) prosperity6) decorate7) famine8) large quantities of / a large quantity of9) streamline10) fax11) pointed the way to12) bewildered11. 1) eat into2) cling to3) stand out/ stood out4) wears away5) set about6) switch off7) will be turned loose8) poured in12. 1) is forecast to be below average next year, which at the moment is 4 percent.2) to enter the building and find the baby girl proved futile as rescuers were driven out by the heart and flames.3) was urged to divert some of its attention from expanding production and get more involved with issues of market demand.4) can really eat heavily into your profits when you are selling suits at $900 and resses at $2,000.5) has toiled endlessly over the exercise machine for the last twenty years in order to keep her body in shape.4. 1) reaction to, discontent, provoked2) Convention, evading tax, the confines of3) a burden, are always on the go/ seem forever on the go, to copeII. Confusable words1.13) nervousness14) tension15) stress, stress16) tension2.1) honorary2) Honorable3) honorable4) honorary5) honorable6) Honorary 下载文档。



Unit 6Text comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the autho r’s purpose of writing.A.II. Judge. according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F. Refer to Paragraphs 1.It is true that the flag the narrator hangs draws little attention in Paris, but the reason is not that Parisians or Frenchmen are not interested in flag-hanging in general. Rather, the Independence Day is an occasion special for Americans only and, understandably, the French show little interest in the day or the celebrating flag.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 2.3. F. Refer to Paragraph 3. The author’s children have had little chance of learning the history of the U.S. at school, and the parents as native Americans are the only ones who could have taught them about it. This, however, is not true of children in general in France.4. F. Refer to Paragraph 4. They do not conceal the dark side of the American society but try to keep their children from the follies of the American society like school shootings.5. T. Refer to Paragraph 9-11.6. F. Refer to Paragraph 12. Globalization is both beneficial and detrimental. It helps to blur the clear-cut divide between cultures on the one hand but makes children less than fully immersed in a foreign world on the other.III. Answer the following questions.1. For one thing, flag-hanging is the only thing he can do in Paris to celebrate the Independence Day, which is part of his national heritage. For another, he intends to use it as a special occasion for teaching his children about the American history and as a reminder of their native American identity.2. The children seldom mix languages up because they have acquired French through the school instructions and English through their family life withEnglish-speaking parents. And they seem to know when to use which.3. Refer to paragraphs 4-8. The benefits of raising children in a foreign culture, as the writer suggests, include acquiring a foreign language and culture and avoiding being exposed to the problems of the native culture.4. It is difficult, according to the author, to make the children understand and identify the virtues of their native culture without living in it. Family instructions are not satisfactorily effective and have to be complemented by other means such asre-entering into the native culture and taking children to historical places.5. Because he grew up in a foreign culture and he knows it is quite an issue to know how to raise children in a foreign culture without losing their native identity. He understands that the issue involves the efforts on the part of the parents.6. Globalization is like a double-edged sword to the growth of children in a foreign culture. On the one hand, it helps to reduce differences between the foreign culture and the native culture, and facilitates the physical and spiritual re-entry into the native culture. On the other hand, it unfortunately makes it more difficult than ever for children to be fully immersed in the foreign culture.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken form the text.1. July 4 is one of the times I, as a native American, feel instinctively uneasy about the great gaps in our children’s understanding of their American identity, and thus I am motivated to do something to fill the gaps.2. And living away from our native country does not matter much.3. When I lived in France as an expatriated child, the French kids were dressed in the unique French style, thus looking quite different from their counterparts in other countries.4. Full immersion in a truly foreign world no longer seems possible in Western countries, and I think this is a deplorable impact of globalization upon the growth of children in a foreign country.Structural analysis of the textThe author of this text follows a “specific-general” pattern in his discussion, i.e. he first talks about what it means to his children to hang the national flag of their native land in a foreign country on July 4th every year and then expresses his view on the importance for expatriated people in general to keep their cultural identity, especially when the whole world is undergoing a process of globalization. The specific points can be found in his discussion of the costs and benefits of raising children in a foreign culture in Paragraphs 4-9 while the general conclusion can be found in paragraphs10-12, especially paragraph 12.Vocabulary exercisesI. Replace the underlined words in the sentences with appropriate forms of words chosen from the text.1. pursue2. resonates3. confronted4. clichés5. had suppressed6. has confirmedII. Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. fluency2. enrollment3. accessible4. obtainable5. personification6.enlightened7.globalization8. promptingIII . Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text .1. took pride in2. was immersed in3. resonating with4. had…been exposed to5. in his mind’s eye6. a glimpse of7.convey…to8. turned …toIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. literature2. joined3. motionless4. more than5. quickly6. desiresGrammar exercisesI. Note the use of the words in italics.Where and when are relative adverbs, introducing relative clauses.II. Complete the following sentences, using where, when or why.1.why2. where3. when4. where5. where6.where7.why8. when III. Rewrite the following sentences, omitting either the antecedent or the relative adverb if possible.1.Sam knows where we are meeting.2./(The omission of the village may cause a loss of information since it carriesspecific message. If we omit where, then we need to insert in after born.)3.Four in the afternoon is the time he always reads./ Four in the afternoon is whenhe always reads.4./(Similar to Sentence 2)5.I don’t know the exact time I should meet him.6.Why he resigned is still unknown.IV. Rank the following sentences according to their degree of formality.More formal—less formal:2 3 1V. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentences.1. He failed in part because of his carelessness.Why exactly she hated him I don’t know, but I think it was in part because he had insulted her.2.There were times when I didn’t know what to do.Can you suggest a time when it will be convenient to meet?3.The beaten enemy had not other choice than to surrender.It’s none other than the manager himself.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets .1. The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.2. I saw, in my mind’s eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her son’s death.3. His walk reminds me of the way his father used to walk.4. I mixed the dates up and arrived on a wrong day.5. Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter was accepted by oxford University.6. Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for being filtered by the government or the media.7. The Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters over in this presidential election.8. After he inherited his father’s estate, he was immersed in all kinds of pleasure.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.美国人热情友好,不像许多外国人想象的那样浮于表面。



英语翻译Unit one Nine to fivepassage1大学毕业找工作的第一要义:别躺在沙发上做梦今年夏天,超过65 万的大学生毕业离校,其中有许多人根本不知道怎么找工作.在当今金融危机的背景下,做父母的该如何激励他们?1七月,你看着英俊的21岁的儿子穿上学士袍,戴上四方帽,骄傲地握着大学荣誉学位证书,拍毕业照.这时,记忆中每年支付几千英镑,好让儿子吃好、并能偶尔参加聚会的记忆开始消退.但现在,你又不得不再考虑钱的问题.2等到暑假快要结束,全国各地的学生正在为新学期做准备的时候,你却发现大学毕业的儿子还歪躺在沙发上看电视.除此之外,他只是偶尔发发短信,浏览社交Facebook,或者去酒吧喝酒.这位属于"千禧一代〞的年轻人一夜之间变成了"抱怨一代〞的成员.他能找到工作吗?3这就是成千上万家庭所面临的状况:今年夏天,超过65万的大学生毕业,在当今金融危机的背景下,他们中的大多数人不知道自己下一步该做什么.父母只会唠叨,而儿女们则毫无缘由地变成了叛逆者.他们知道自己该找份工作,但却不知道如何去找.4来自米德尔塞克斯郡的杰克·古德温今年夏天从诺丁汉大学政治学系毕业,获得二级一等荣誉学士学位.他走进大学就业服务中心,但又径直走了出来,因为他看见很多人在那里排长队.跟他一起住的另外5个男孩子也都跟他一样,进去又出来了.找工作的压力不大,虽然他所认识的大多数女生都有更明确的计划.5他说:"我申请政治学研究工作,但被拒绝了.他们给的年薪是1.8万镑,交完房租后所剩无几,也就够买一罐豆子,可他们还要有工作经历或硕士学位的人.然后我又申请参加快速晋升人才培养计划,并通过了笔试.但在面试时,他们说我‘太冷漠’了,谈吐‘太像专家政治论者’.我觉得自己不可能那样,但我显然就是那样的.〞6打那以后,他整个夏天都在"隐身〞.他能够轻松地复述出电视剧《交通警察》中的若干片段.他白天看电视的时间太长,已经到了影响健康的地步.跟朋友谈起自己漫无目标的日子时,他才发现他们的处境和自己一样.其中一位朋友在父母的逼迫下去超市上货,其余的则都是朝九晚五地"无所事事〞,晚上则去酒吧喝酒打发时间.要么,干脆就在酒吧工作?这样还可以挣些酒钱."我不想在酒吧工作.我上的是综合学校,我拼命读书才考上了一所好大学.到了大学,我又埋头苦读, 才取得一个好学位.可现在我却跟那些没上过大学的做无聊的酒吧侍应的朋友处在同一个水平线上.我觉得自己好像兜了一圈,又回到了原来的起点.〞7他的母亲杰奎琳·古德温替他辩护.她坚持认为她的儿子已经尽力找工作了.但由于她自己中学毕业后一直都在工作,所以她和她的丈夫发现,建议儿子如何继续找工作是件很棘手的事情.她说:"我一直都不得不工作.而现在的年轻人很难做到这一点,因为如果你有了学位,学位就会为你提供新的机会,至少你自己会这么想.〞8虽然目前她对儿子的态度还比较温和,但是她心里很清楚,去南美度三星期的假之后,他的休假就该结束了.他可能还得付房租,并分担家庭开支.9 她说:"在某个时候孩子们总要长大成人.我们已经帮他交了大学的学费,所以他也该给我们一点点回报了.南美度假就是一个分水岭,他回来以后如果找不到工作,那就圣诞节打零工好了.〞10心理治疗师盖尔·林登费尔德是《情感康复策略》的作者.她说古德温夫妇的做法是很恰当的.从大学到工作的转换对父母和孩子来说都很艰难,关键是父母要在支持理解孩子和不溺爱孩子之间找到一个平衡点.11"父母的主要任务就是支持孩子,如果他们教导孩子该如何做,那么就会引起矛盾.但如果有熟人,一定要找他们想办法,〞她说."很多父母心太软了.必须限制孩子的零花钱,要求他们交房租, 或分担日常生活或养宠物的开销.父母要维持正常的生活,不要让孩子随便用你们的银行账户或者榨干你们的情感能量.〞12为孩子支付职业咨询费、面试交通费或书费是好事,但不能催得太紧.林登费尔德建议:虽说父母不能太宽容,但是如果孩子找工作遇到了挫折,父母应该体谅他们,宽容他们几天甚至几周——这取决于他们受打击的程度.等他们缓过来之后,父母就该坚决要求孩子继续求职.13男孩更容易窝在家里.林登费尔德相信男人比母亲和姐妹更容易帮助儿子、侄子或朋友的儿子.她说,由于男人和女人处理挫折的方式不同,所以男孩需要跟男人谈话才能渡过难关.14林登费尔德强烈支持去酒吧打工:那是克服毕业冷漠症的一剂良方.这工作好不好要取决于你如何看待它.就是在酒吧打工的时候,林登费尔德找到了她的第一份当航拍助手的工作.她说在酒吧工作是拓展人际关系的绝好机会,肯定比赖在家里看电视更容易找到工作.15她说:"在超市上货也一样.如果干得好,你就会被人发现的.如果你聪明、活泼,礼貌待客,你很快就会升职.所以,把它看作是机会.那些最终成功的人士很多都有在超市上货的经历.〞16你的儿女可能不会干好莱坞影星们干过的活,比如像乌比·戈德堡那样去停尸房给死人化妆,或者像布鲁斯·威利斯那样在核电站当警卫,但即便是布拉德·皮特也曾经不得不穿上宽大的小鸡模样的服装站在快餐连锁店El Pollo Loco的门口招揽生意.他们中没有一个人因为这些经历而变得更加穷困.Passage 2依我看1 依我看,现实生活并没有人们想象的那么好.我们上了12年的中小学,又上了3年的大学,这期间老师们一直在没完没了地谈论在备受呵护的学生生活之外的那个广阔天地里的各种机会,可我遇到的又是什么呢?2 无论我怎么想保持心情愉快,可麻烦事总是接踵而来:有时是和人发生矛盾〔尤其是跟男孩子——他们什么时候才能长大?〕,但通常是为钱发愁.这个地方什么东西都很贵!人人都想从我身上赚点钱:税务局要收个人所得税,银行经理要我偿清学生贷款,房东催我交房租、燃气费、水费、电费,手机账单也不断地寄来.所有这些还没算上吃饭的钱.更可气的是,不知从哪里冒出一个自作聪明的家伙给我打,问我要不要买养老金.照这样下去,我甚至都支撑不到年底, 更别提活到60岁领养老金了.3 我那时还不想出去工作.我的意思是,我并不是个逃避现实社会的人,但我知道自己未来某一天可能不得不逃避现实.许多人认为"生活不是野餐〞,"没有免费的午餐〞.但既然我拿到了优等生文凭,我想我应该继续攻读硕士学位.实际上,我已经看中了伦敦政治经济学院的课程.这是一所顶尖的学校,能给我的履历表增添一段光彩的经历.但当我跟妈妈谈起这件事时,她说她没法继续供我上学了.我大概能理解她的心情,但并不仅仅是因为我学的是经济学.15年来,为了能让我上学,她含辛茹苦.这些年来,父亲大部分时间都不在家.就算在家,他也没钱.他把钱都拿去赌狗、喝酒了.所以我听了妈妈的话,向命运低下了头.4 依我看,不管人们说什么,幸运的是世上还有很多好心人.迈克就是其中的一个.大学毕业时,我想如果我回家,妈妈就会觉得她有责任照顾我.所以,我就收拾行李去伦敦找工作.我想找金融和投资方面的职位,因为你知道这样我就可以用上我的专业知识.可是那时候已经没有这样的工作了,但我又不愿意做复印文件、端茶倒水之类的乏味的办公室工作.5 在伦敦,无论走到什么地方,你都能找到一个好酒吧.有一天,我意识到这个城市没有人会雇我,于是我走进位于利德贺街的索尔兹伯里酒吧去喝酒,顺便吃点东西.店主迈克正在店里,他一只手倒酒,一只手做三明治,同时还洗酒杯.他真的好像有三只手.他好像也认识所有的客人,叫得出常客的名字.他跟他们打招呼,帮他们调好酒,并问一句:"今天还喝这个,是吧?〞我觉得他看起来蛮酷的,他在做着他最擅长的事情:为那些口渴的顾客服务,没人能比得上他.所以我就走上前去问他要不要雇人.6 好吧,长话短说,某个周五的午餐时间我开始在那个酒吧打工.这份工作要求很高,但我喜欢.顾客好像觉得我很有趣,这也让我感觉好一些.有位穿西服的中年常客总要半杯苦啤酒和一份火腿泡菜三明治,面包皮要削掉.他叫托尼.我一看见他进来,尽量不等他开口就准备好他的午餐.他也是一个好心人.7 依我看,一个人没钱的时候花钱最容易.我开始琢磨怎么花第一个月的薪水了.我住的公寓房租很贵,我挣的钱刚够支付第一个月的大笔账单,但是我估计还能剩点钱好好犒劳一下自己.我想,何不买张CD或买盆花草装点一下房间?8 发工资的那天正好是我的生日,除了迈克和托尼,我在伦敦就没有别的朋友了.如果你知道我那时还没有男朋友,你就会理解我为什么为自己感到难过了.我给自己定了些鲜花,让卖花的人附上一张卡片,上面写道:"给你我所有的爱.无名氏〞.我生日那天最精彩的瞬间将会是送花人送我花时大惑不解的眼神.9 那周晚些时候,托尼像往常一样来了,在酒吧里坐下."你怎么了?今天怎么不见你笑啦?〞我跟他聊天……嗯,差不多什么都跟他说了:钱、硕士学位、生日,一切的一切.他很同情我.10 托尼离开搁脚凳、走过去和另外几个人说话.别忘了:索尔兹伯里酒吧位于金融城的中心,所以这里所有的顾客都从事银行、保险或证券工作.第二天,他拿着价值两万英镑的几张支票来到酒吧,对我说:"这是给你的创业贷款,你唯一的贷款担保就是我对你的信任,相信有一天你赚了钱会把钱还给我们.如果你还不了钱,那就太糟了,不过对你来说,也算是做过金融生意了.但是,我相信你还得了.〞11 我没说话,我怕我自己要哭了.世上怎么会有这么好的人?12 那些花怎么处理?我叫花店改送到妈妈那里去了,我生日那天鲜花正好送到.她才应该得到这些鲜花,不是吗?13 依我看,回顾这些年的经历,我发现人一辈子只需要一两次的机缘就能成功.就算其余时候都在吃苦受累也不要紧,那是值得的.14 在索尔兹伯里酒吧干了一年之后,我去了伦敦政治经济学院深造.拿到硕士学位之后,我在一家投资银行找到了一份工作.我把那两万英镑投进了证券市场,在20##金融崩盘之前卖掉了所有的股票.我把托尼和其他投资者的钱还了,付给他们10%的年息,并成立了自己的公司.公司的生意好得出乎意料,至今还红红火火.15 托尼给我写了一封感谢信.他出了车祸,现在不能走路了.我还给他的钱正好可以用来改造房子.房子改造后他就可以坐着轮椅在家里自由活动了.下面是他信里写的话:16 "我从事银行业35年来最好的投资就是给你的这笔贷款,你连本带利地偿还了贷款,我对你的信任和你的诚实都获得了百倍的回报.依我看,在人身上投资能带来你所期望的最好的回报.〞17 依我看,他说得对.你说呢?英译汉Google has spent years analyzing who succeeds at the pany. They have moved away from a focus on GPAs, brand-name schools, and interview brain teasers <智力测验题>. Google’s Senior Vice President of People Operations, Laszlo Bock, suggests that credentials are no longer sufficient for success. Bock points out that graduates of top schools can lack intellectual humility and that succeeding in academia isn’t always a sign of being able to do a job.Successful bright young graduates rarely experience failure, and they find that their academic careers have not prepared them to fail gracefully in the real world. Google recognizes the importance of intellectual humility in its applicants. The pany looks for the ability to step back and embrace other peop le’s ideas when those ideas are better. Bock says the No.1 thing he is looking for is general cognitive ability. It is learning ability. It is the ability to process information on the fly.谷歌公司就什么人能在该公司取得成功这个问题做了多年的研究,研究关注的焦点不再是绩点、名牌大学、面试智力测验题.谷歌人力运营部高级副总裁拉斯洛·博克认为,想取得成功,只拥有学历证书是不够的.博克指出,顶尖高校的毕业生可能缺少智力上的谦逊,并且学业上的成功并不意味着工作能力强.聪明的年轻学霸毕业生很少经历失败,他们会发现,在现实生活中,学业生涯并没有使自己做好大方接受失败的准备.谷歌认识到应聘者具有智力上的谦逊是十分重要的,他们所寻找的是一种能退一步思考、接受别人更好想法的能力.博克说他想寻找的首要素质就是常规的认知能力.那是一种学习的能力,是在繁忙的工作中处理信息的能力.汉译英"创客〞指勇于创新,努力将自己的创意变为现实的人.这个词译自英文单词maker,源于美国麻省理工学院〔Massachusetts Institute of Technology〕微观装配实验室〔fabrication laboratory〕的课题.该课题以客户为中心,以创新为理念,由个人设计、制造满足个人需要的智能设备,参与该课题的学生即"创客〞.在中国,"创客〞特指具有创新理念、自主创业的人.中国的"创客〞即包括发明新设备的科技达人,也包括软件开发者、艺术家、设计师等诸多领域的优秀代表.Chuangke is a term that refers to innovative people who make an effort to turn their cuttingedge ideas into reality. The term is translated from the English word maker, which is derived from the fabrication laboratory project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US. It is a consumer-centred project, emphasizing innovation and designed to empower individuals to develop and produce smart devices to suit personal needs. The students participating in the project arecalled "makers〞. In China, Chuangke refers to those who start their own businesses with innovative ideas. Chinese makers include tech-savvy people who dedicate themselves to creating new devices and distinguished innovators in various fields, such as software developers, artists and designers.Unit2passage1危险!书可能会改变你的人生Danger! Books may change your life1刘易斯·卡罗尔书中的爱丽丝不小心掉进了兔子洞里,但她在那里发现了一个神奇的仙境.当我们打开一本书时,我们也会像爱丽丝那样走进一个全新的世界.我们能从一个年长者的角度,或通过一个孩子的眼睛来观察生活;我们可以周游世界,遍访现实生活中从没想过要访问的国家和文化;我们可以体验未曾经历过的事情,这些事情也许令人困惑,也许引人入胜;可能是不愉快的,也可能是令人痛苦的,但无论如何都至少能把我们从现实世界中解放出来.2 英国诗人威廉·柯珀〔1731–1800〕说:"变化是生活的调味品,它让生活变得有滋有味.〞虽然他没有说在什么地方以与怎样才能找到变化,但我们知道他说得对.我们知道我们生活在一个充满变化与差异的世界里,我们知道人们的生活各不相同,过日子的方式也不尽相同,人们做不同的工作,有不同的信仰,持不同的观点,有不同的风俗习惯,操不同的语言.通常,我们不知道这些差异的大小,但一旦发生了不平常的事情并引起了我们的注意,这种变化或差异与其说是机会,毋宁说是威胁.3 读书让我们能够安全地享受和庆贺这种变化与差异,并为我们提供成长的机会.在家里安详平和的环境中与他人的生活互动,这是阅读小说才享有的特权.我们甚至感觉到——哪怕只是在一瞬间——我们和其他文化读者的共同点或许要多于我们和家门口随便碰到的一个人的共同点.我们学会把目光移出我们周围的环境,投向天边,去领略一下异域风光.4 如果我们怀疑读书是否能给我们力量的话,我们就应该自己去一趟当地的图书馆或书店,或者,如果我们足够幸运的话,可以读一读家里书架上的书.我们会惊奇于古今小说的标题所创造出来的壮观景象:约翰·斯坦贝克的《愤怒的葡萄》、约翰·欧文的《第四只手》、亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴的《癌病房》、欧内斯特·海明威的《丧钟为谁而鸣》、格雷厄姆·格林的《哈瓦那特派员》、奥黛丽·尼芬格的《时间旅行者的妻子》、保罗·托迪的《到也门钓鲑鱼》.一旦开始阅读,我们就应该思考一下我们在书中读到的别样人生.5 每一本书都有自己的语言、方言、词汇和语法.我们不见得总能理解其中的每一个字、每一句话,但不管我们是痴迷其中,还是觉得被排斥在外,我们的情感被调动起来了.尽管在地理上有一定的距离,但其他民族、其他文化未必就离我们那么遥远.在书里我们可能遇见生活在不同气候、有不同信仰、属于不同种族的人.即便是住在同一条街上的邻居,我们也可能对其一无所知,而只能通过阅读结识.6 小时候,在我们刚刚能听懂别人说话的时候书就对我们的生活方式产生了很大的影响.从父母读的睡前故事一直到成年后家中摆满书的客厅,书界定了我们的人生.英国作家E. M.福斯特〔1879–1970〕暗示书对我们具有另一种更加神秘的支配力.他写道:"我认为能影响我们的书籍是那些我们已经准备要读的书,而且这些书在我们已经选定的道路上走得比我们更远一些.〞合适的书好像自己就会在恰当的时候找到我们,出现在我们面前,而不是我们去寻找那本书.7 美国修士、牧师与作家托马斯·默顿〔1915–1968〕曾经被记者一连串地问了7个问题:说出你最近读完的3本书;你正在读的3本书;你打算要读的书;对你有影响的书,并解释一下理由;一本你觉得每人都要读的书,并解释一下理由.关于对他有影响的书,他列出了威廉·布莱克的诗集、古希腊思想家和作家写的各种戏剧以与一些##作品.当被问与这些书为何会影响他时,他回答说:"这些书——还有其他类似的书籍——帮助我找到了人生的真谛.销售就是一切的文化培育了人们无止境的需求和消极被动,生活充满了困惑和空虚,而书籍则把我从这种困惑和空虚中解脱了出来.〞8 那么,你又会如何回答这些问题呢?9 1947年,克里夫顿·费迪曼发明了"全垒打书籍〞这个词.当一个棒球手打出一个全垒打时,因为击球有力、打得远,他有时间跑完整个棒球场内的四个垒,不仅自己得分,而且还能帮其他各个垒的跑垒者得分,这是棒球赛里最有趣和最开心的事情.同样,一本"全垒打书籍〞指的不是儿童第一次读书的经历,而是指他第一次读到一本给他带来极大愉悦和满足感的书以至于让他爱不释手的经历.对世界上数以亿计的儿童来说,"全垒打书籍〞的最典型的例子就是《哈利·波特》系列故事.10 作为作为成年人,我们总在寻找自己的"全垒打书籍〞,不仅是第一次,而是一次又一次地寻找.所有曾经一口气读完一本小说的人都会记得那种令人期待的愉悦和满足感,并会焦急、固执、有时甚至疯狂地寻求重复体验这种感觉.我们想周游另一个世界、想与不同的人见面、想经历别样的人生并自我反省,我们无法遏制这样的渴求.11 危险!书可能会改变你的人生.这就是读书的力量.Passage 2它们是活生生的,而且它们在跟我说话1 我坐在一间小屋子里,屋子的一面墙边排满了书.这是我头一次有闲工夫和一堆书这样的东西打交道.所有的书加起来最多不超过500本,但大多数是我自己挑的.自打我开始写作生涯以来,我第一次得到我一直渴望拥有的这么多书.事实上,我过去的大多数工作都不依靠图书馆,我把这看成是优势,而不是劣势.2 我想到的与读书相关的头一件事就是夺书大战.请注意,不是拥有它们,而是要把它们搞到手.从我对书着迷开始,我就面对着重重困难.公共图书馆里我要借的书总是被借出去了,当然,我又没钱买书.我那时只有十八九岁,要想得到社区图书馆的批准借阅类似斯特林堡写的《痴人的忏悔》这样"不道德〞的书是不可能的.在那个年代,年轻人禁读的书都根据其违背道德的程度被标记了星星——一颗星、两颗星、三颗星.我猜想,这种做法至今依然存在.我也希望如此,因为我知道,没有任何别的方法比这种愚蠢的分类和禁止更能吊起读者的胃口.3 我经常思考一个问题,那就是是什么让一本书有了生命力?我觉得答案很简单:一本书之所以有生命力,是因为读者满怀激情地推荐它.这是人的基本冲动,什么都阻挡不了.不管愤世嫉俗者和遁世者持何种观点,我相信人们总是会尽力分享自己感触最深的经验.4 书是人类最为珍爱的几样东西之一.人越好,就越愿意与他人分享自己的珍藏.搁置在书架上、无人翻阅的书就像是废弃的弹药.书和钱一样要流通起来,要最大限度地流通起来!尤其是书,因为书所代表的东西比钱要多得多.书不仅是朋友,它还可以帮你结交朋友.当你在精神上、心灵上拥有一本书的时候,你的人生就变得丰富多彩.而当你把书转给别人的时候,你的人生就更加丰富.5 说到这里,我有一种抑制不住的冲动想给大家提出一条无端的忠告.那就是:读书尽量少而精,而不是越多越好!唉,不要怀疑我嫉妒那些在书堆里埋头读书的人.我私下里也确实想尽力读完所有一直想读的书.但是,我知道这并不重要,我现在知道我读过的书中只有不到十分之一是我需要读的.人生中最难办到的事情莫过于学会只做对自己有益的事情,这是至关重要的.6 我是经过慎重考虑才提出这条宝贵的忠告的,有一个高招可以检验它是否有效.当你碰到一本你想读或觉得该读的书的时候,先把书搁下,放几天再说.但你要多琢磨这本书,仔细琢磨书名和作者的名字.想想如果让你来写这本书,你会写些什么.认真地问问自己是否有必要把这本书纳入自己的知识库或娱乐储备.尽力想象一下,放弃这份额外的乐趣或启迪对你将意味着什么?之后,如果你觉得你必须读这本书,那么观察一下你在"啃〞这本书的时候是否表现出非凡的洞察力.同时你也观察一下:即使这本书很诱人,它也许并没有给你带来什么新的东西.只要坦诚对己,你就会发现:只要抑制住自己的冲动,你的境界就提高了.7 不容置疑的是,大多数书都互相重复,在文体或内容上让人感到具有独创性的书实在是少之又少.在整个文学库藏中,只有极少数作品——或许不到50本——是独具一格的.在最近出版的一部自传体小说中,布莱斯·桑德拉尔指出,雷·德·古尔蒙之所以能够选择并通读文学领域中一切值得读的书籍,就是因为他知识渊博,并且了解书的这种重复性.桑德拉尔本人就是一个博览群书的人,没有人会怀疑这一点.他阅读了大部分作家的原作.不仅如此,一旦他喜欢上一个作家,他就会阅读这个作家写的每一本书,包括他的书信以与所有有关他的书籍.我猜想,在当今世界上,几乎没有人能像他一样,不仅读得广、读得精,而且还著述颇丰.可以说这一切都是在业余时间完成的.因为桑德拉尔是一个十足的行动家,一个四处跋涉的冒险家和探险家,一个懂得如何"肆意浪费〞时间的人.从某种意义上说,他是文学界的凯撒大帝.英译汉E-books have changed the way we read, in ways both good and bad. On the plus side, people are reading more books. Amazon’s Kindle e-reader and the Google Book Search service have now made a huge number of books available. According to data from Amazon, the convenience of access offered by the Kindle has resulted in users buying significantly more books than they did before owning the device. However, although people are reading more, they may be doing so with less focus. Amazon has released a version of the Kindle app for reading its e-books on an iPhone, which means it will be much easier for readers to be distracted from their e-books as they switch to surfing the Internet and checking email and social media updates. As people read with less attention, they will no longer find themselves immersed in their books — one of the great joys of reading.电子书改变了我们的阅读方式,这种改变既有好的一面也有坏的一面.从好的方面说,人们现在读书的量在增多.随着亚马逊Kindle 电子阅读器和谷歌图书搜索服务的出现,人们现在可以读到海量的图书.亚马逊的数据表明,Kindle 用户在拥有Kindle 电子阅读器之后购书量显著上升,因为用Kindle 购书更加便捷了.虽然人们的读书量在增多,但读书专注度却在下降.亚马逊发布了一款Kindle 应用程序供人们在苹果手机上阅读Kindle 电子书,这意味着读者看电。

新编大学英语4(第二版)Unit 1-Unit 6单元 课文翻译及课后答案详解

新编大学英语4(第二版)Unit 1-Unit 6单元 课文翻译及课后答案详解

课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4)Unit 1享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀?1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。


那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢?2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。




3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。








4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。






‖5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。




Unit1Section A课文翻译爱情与逻辑:谬误的故事1 在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会。



2 但她漂亮而且富有,也没有把头发染成奇怪的颜色或是化很浓的妆。



3 “光彩照人”,她已经是了。


4 在一起外出度过了美好的一天之后,我驱车来到了高速公路旁一座小山上一棵古老的大橡树下。





5 “逻辑学。

”6 “好酷啊,”她一边嚼着口香糖一边说。

7 “逻辑学的原理,”我说道,“即清晰思考的主要原则。



”8 “好啊,”她表示同意。

9 “‘绝对判断’是指在证据不足的情况下所作出的推断。


”10 她点头表示赞同。

11 我看得出她没弄明白。

“波莉,” 我解释说,“这个推断太过简单化了。



”12 “接下来是‘草率结论’。


”13 “是吗?”波莉吃惊地说。

“没有人吗?”14 “这也是一种逻辑谬误,”我说,“这一结论太草率了,因为能够支持这一结论的例证太少了。



Unit 6 Book 4Listen and RespondP170Task One1. The passage mainly tells us that we will improve our quality of life if we lookhonestly at the reality of the situation and see the positive side of it.2. The speaker says we cannot control diseases, injuries or the weatherbecause they are unpredictable and we are powerless to change them.However, human beings can change the outer aspects of their lives by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, as William James says.3. Example one: When one of your co-workers asks you how you’re doingwith your work, the positive answer would be “I feel great”, which makes your co-worker feel good.Example two: When you have a big work project to be completed and you face a deadline. There are two ways to look at the situation. If you worry about all the work still left for you to do, you will feel disappointed and frustrated. If you tell yourself that half of it is already done, and you are certainly better off than when you first started the project, you will feel confident that you can finish it ahead of the deadline.Task Two1. project2. deadline3. left4. better off5. half-empty6. choice7. situation8. positive9. Self-motivated10. opportunityEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionP1861. (1) commonplace (2) enduring (3) dim(4) command, (5) imperfection (6) intensive,(7) abandon (8) finite (9) mean(10) weaving (11) additional (12) aspiration(13) gratitude (14) endless (15) faithful(16) committed2. (1) live on (2) dawned upon (3) live by,(4) is invested with (5) hold fast to (6) all too(7) step aside (8) set out (9) to and fro(10) work at.Increasing Your Word PowerP1881. 1) take effective measures2) a new kind of explosive3) the only alternative4) defensive weapons5) an impressive speech6) a comparative study of Chinese and western cultures7) take the initiative to donate blood8) a creative musician9) a distant relative10) a constructive proposalP1901. 1) to 2) for 3) for 4) to5) in 6) with 7) between 8) to9) of 10) for 11) of 12) for2. 1) Emma is an expert in organic farming.2) There is a greater demand for cars these days.3) the computer has had a great impact on our modern life.4) Henry has a talent for making people laugh.5) Many people in this country are demanding a reduction in taxes.6) I really have confidence in my best friend, and I can turn to him for helpwhen in an emergency.ClozeP191(1) wither (2) sense (3) faithful (4) commit(5) aspirations (6) gratitude (7) dawns (8) accumulated (9) nourishment (10) preoccupied (11) flowers (12) tendered(13) weave (14) elevateTranslationP1921.(1) The ambassador to the U.N was invested with full authority to deal with allthe foreign affairs concerning his country on behalf of his government.(2) All the way on the train I had been preoccupied with the result of the term examination until the conductor reminded me of the arrival of my destination.(3) Although her husband’s name did not appear on the list of the people who got killed in the traffic accident, she kept walking to and fro, anxious to see him back home sooner.(4) I was setting out to translate the contract into English when it dawned upon me that both parties involved were Chinese companies.(5) At the party, people sang and danced with abandon, totally forgetting the troubles in their lives.(6) With the great aspirations to become an astronaut, Jackson committed himself to the 2-year strenous consititution training.(7) His paintings, drawing on timeless fairy stories, exemplified the Europeans’taste of that period.(8) The bus driver didn’t want to take any responsibility for the accident and so he took every means to put the blame on the passengers on board.(9) He not only risked his own life to save the old man from the burning house but made some room in his own house for him to settle down.(10) From childhood, she tried to live by the teachings of her parents and gradually accumulated a set of standards of conduct.2.What is truth? Truth is the correct reflection of people’s knowledge about the objective world and its laws. Truth makes people full of hope and life full of brilliance and glory. Therefore, many people regard the pursuit of truth as the ultimate goal of their lives. In human history, many people devoted their lives to the pursuit of truth and made outstanding contributions to mankind.Truth is both absolute and relative. We say that truth is absolute because truth can objectively reflect the essentials of things. However, any truth is but people’s correct understanding of ethe development of things at a certain stage. Therefore, truth is relative and develops constantly.Sometimes, the brilliance of truth may dim but it will never die out. For some people, truth may seem beyond their reach. In fact, it is close at hand. We can find truth as long as we keep pursuing it heart and soul.Theme-Related WritingP194Sample Essay: Attitudes Towards LifePeople hold different attitudes towards life. Some take a positive attitude and they always appreciate the beauty of life with zeal and gratitude. Some take a negative attitude towards life and any slight trouble in life may seem like the end of the world to them.A positive attitude ensures a happy, successful and healthy life. With a positive attitude, people find it easy to accept changes and overcome obstackles while maintaining peace of mind. Besides, a positive attitude boosts their self-esteem, lifts their morale and helps thime fulfill their commitmentsboth in their career and in their everyday life. Moreover, medical research shows that positive thinking can improve the immune system and strengthen the body’s resistance to diseases.There are several ways to develop a positive attitude towards life. One needs to think positively, read uplifting stories, hang around with optimistic people, give up jealousy, and participate in meaningful activities. By building a positive attitude towards life, one can enjoy a happy, successful and healthy life.。

现代大学英语4 unit 6 the telephone

现代大学英语4 unit 6 the telephone
How do the products of modern technology, say, the telephone, the computer, the Internet, iPad, or iPhone, etc. affect our life?
Author—Anwar F. Accawi
• Before the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990), the country enjoyed a period of relative calm and prosperity, driven by the tourism, agriculture, and banking sectors of the economy. It is considered the banking capital of the Levant (累 范特) and was widely known as the "Switzerland of the East" due to its financial power and diversity. Lebanon also attracted large numbers of tourists to the point that the capital Beirut became widely referred to as the "Paris of Western Asia".
… time didn’t mean much to anybody, except maybe to those who were dying. (para. 1)
The villagers didn’t think time was important until perhaps when they were dying.



大学体验英语四(综合教程)Unit 6Psychological HealthListen and TalkLead inAre you feeling really sad, tired, and worried most of the time? Are these feelings lasting more than a few days? If yes, you may have depression. Depression is a (S1) medical illness that (S2) the brain.You may want to know why you feel "depressed.”There may be (S3) causes. Depression may happen because of (S4) in your brain. Depression runs in some (S5) . This (S6) that someone in your family such as a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, sister or brother may have depression. Sometimes (S7) events or losses such as deaths can lead to depression. Sometimes the cause of depression is not clear.Don’t wait. Talk to your doctor about how you're feeling (S8) . If you don’t have a doctor, check your local phone book. (S9) . Call one near you and ask for help. (S10) . Ask your doctor which type is best for you. Some people need both treatments to feel better.Key:(S1) serious; (S2) involves; (S3) several; (S4) changes; (S5) families; (S6) means; (S7) painful; (S8) Get a medical checkup to rule out any other illnesses that might be causing signs of depression. (S9) Go to the government services pages and look for "health clinics” or "community health cente rs.” (S10) There are two common types of treatment for depression: medicine and "talk” therapy.Passage A: Is It Healthy to Be a Football Supporter?2. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.1. Psychologists often describe die-hard fans as ______.A) those who suffer fewer bouts of depression than others.B) those who are considered to be disturbingly different from othersC) those who demonstrate a fierce and unbreakable bondD) those who never search for self-esteem by identifying with a team2. To the die-hard fans, a football match ______.A) is a fight to protect their city or countryB) is a light-hearted display of athletic prowessC) is the best way to gain respect from their rivalsD) is a good chance for them to show their enthusiasm for football3. Which of the following statements is WRONG about the die-hard fans?A) They tend to blame their team’s failures in a biased referee.B) They get more psychologically aroused at games.C) They are likely to abandon a team when it’s doing badly.D) They spend more money on tickets and merchandise.4. Why do some fans remain loyal through thick and thin despite the repeated failure of their teams?A) Because they are much more optimistic about their favorite teams.B) Because they tend to blame their team’s failures on bad luck.C) Because they have higher self-esteem than those uninterested in sports.D) Because they desire to belong to a group or a society.5. The author thinks that ______.A) being a die-hard football fan can be good for your healthB) football makes many families break downC) all human beings share the basic psychological need to belongD) die-hard fans suffer from a kind of psychological disease6. T he word "void”in the last sentence means _______.A) family bondB) psychological need to belongC) religious groupD) self-satisfaction7. We may conclude from the passage that the author’s attitude towards the football fans is ______.A) positiveB) negativeC) indifferentD) neutralAnswer: 1.B, 2.A, 3.C, 4.D, 5.C, 6.B, 7.A3 Answer the following questions with the information from the passage.1. What kind of people do psychologists portray die-hard fans as?Lonely misfits searching for self-esteem by identifying with a team.2. Compared to people who never watch a football match, what does the study mentioned in Para.3 suggests about the football fans?They suffer fewer bouts of depression and alienation3. Why does the author say that the fans’ connection to a team is fickle?(Because they say) "We won" (when) describing (the team’s) victory, and "they lost" (when) describing (its) defeat.4. "Highly-identified” fans tend to blame their team’s failure on a biased referee or on bad luck,rather than _____________.on their team’s mistakes or the other team's skill.5. Is a deep attachment to a team healthy according to the passage?Yes in most cases.plete the summary of the text. The first letter of the missing word has been given to you.Die-hard football fans are often 1) p as lonely misfits, but a study has 2) r that football fans suffer fewer bouts of 3) d and alienation than people who never watch the 4) g . The research shows that through football matches, fans can win 5) a not for their own achievements, but through their 6) c to a team that wins. More surprising is that they have higher self-esteem than people 7) u in sports. Some ardent fans remain 8) l to their teams through thick and thin, and this can be explained by the desire to belong to a group or a society. All human beings 9) i football fans ?share the basic 10) p need of belonging.Anwser: 1.portrayed 2.revealed 3.depression 4.game 5.admiration6.connection7.uninterested8.loyal9.including 10.psychological5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.primitive attachment arouse achievement abandonsharp confrontation crucial intense soar1. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great ___ .2. Improved consumer confidence is ___ to an economic recovery.3. It is a ___ instinct to flee a place of danger.4. Later, some of his findings ___ much popular interest in his book.5. Psychologists believe that separation from the parents during the sensitive ___ period from birth to three may scar a child’s personality and predispose it to emotional problems in later life.6. The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a military ___ .7. The introduction of computerized information systems has ___ changed management control in many companies.8. Most of the students have already felt the pressure of ___ inflation.9. Dozens of homes have had to be ___ as the sea has crept farther and farther inland.10. The ___ study of German helps Mark know more about German culture and customs. Answer: 1. achievement 2. crucial 3. demonstrate 4. aroused 5. attachment6. confrontation7. sharply8. soaring9. abandoned 10. intense6. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.1. Go ahead with it, and we will stand by you ___ .2. Last Sunday evening we went to the school playground to ___ the school football team.3. The new evidence ___ my argument that they took advantage of the chance. .4. The garden has ___ our family for a long time.5. For 12 years, we've sought to ___ this ultimate threat of disaster.A nswer:1. through thick and thin 2. root for 3. backed up 4. belonged to 5. stave off7.The following games related words occur in this passage. Find 5 pairs of near synonyms and 2 pairs of near antonyms.conflict psychological clash mental depressionlight-harted feeling sad back up harmful self-worthintense support self-esteem helpfulSynonyms1 ________________________ is similar in meaning to ________________________.2 ________________________ is similar in meaning to ________________________.3 ________________________ is similar in meaning to ________________________.4 ________________________ is similar in meaning to ________________________.5 ________________________ is similar in meaning to ________________________. Artonyms1 ________________________ is nearly opposite in meaning to ________________________.2 ________________________ is nearly opposite in meaning to ________________________. Synonyms Antonyms1 conflict; clash 1 light-hearted; intense2 mental; psychological 2 helpful; harmful3 feeling sad; depression4 self-esteem; self-worth5 back up; support8. Translate the following sentences into English.1.她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发现的时期。

新世纪大学英语综合教程4第四册unit 6

新世纪大学英语综合教程4第四册unit 6
3. means to me. 2. ( )
(A) I always seek advice and feedback. (B) I never seek advice and feedback. (C) Sometimes I seek advice and feedback.
Attitude Test 3. ( ) (A) I never give up something I enjoy now, for
opportunities. 10. ( ) (A) I go all out when I am working on something. (B) I hold back somewhat when I am working on
something. (C) I never go all out when I am working on
Attitude Test
9. ( ) (A) Change always brings me new opportunities. (B) Change never brings me new opportunities. (C) Change sometimes brings me new
from it and try again. (C) Sometimes setbacks or rejection causes me
to quit, other times I try again.
Attitude Test
5. ( ) (A) I believe I will be successful. (B) I believe I will never be successful. (C) Maybe I will be successful, maybe I will not. 6. ( ) (A) I am always fully prepared for the things I do. (B) I am never prepared for the things I do. (C) Sometimes I am prepared and other times I

新标准大学英语综合教程4 第六单元 unit test 答案

新标准大学英语综合教程4 第六单元 unit test 答案

Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.1.Our office building luckily had a(n) auxi l i ar ypower supply to use when the electricitywent out.Your answer Correct answerauxiliary auxiliary2.There's not much of a(n) or i ent at i onfor the year's best movie, but there are a few goodones.Your answer Correct answerorientation selection3.Unfortunately, she's had a(n) degener at i oand her cancer has reappeared.Your answer Correct answerdegeneration relapse4. Soldiers in the military quickly learn that their superior officers are often not veryt ol er antof differing opinions.Your answer Correct answertolerant tolerant5.During wartime, there's usually a surge in nat i onal i smas people rally together tosupport a common cause.Your answer Correct answernationalism nationalism6.I've never had a friend quite so l oyalas my dog Rex.Your answer Correct answer loyal loyal7.Mr. Sanford, I love your daughter and I'd like to ask for your permission to pr oposetoher.Your answer Correct answerpropose propose8.We hired a company to come in and er adi cat ethe mice from our basement.Your answer Correct answer eradicate eradicate9.The teacher slowly lost control of her students and let the class r el apseinto achaos of voices.Your answer Correct answerrelapse degenerate 10. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately to one of theuni f or m edpolice officers.Your answer Correct answeruniformed uniformed11.I tend to live by the m ot t o"Work hard, play hard."Your answer Correct answer motto motto12.The law states that people younger than 21 cannot drink beer, wine, or l i quor.Your answer Correct answerliquor liquor13. sel ect i onof public opinion, increasing anddecreasing in popularity every day.Your answer Correct answerselection tyranny14.Last Saturday, we stood in line for an hour to get a cone from the ice cream vendor.Your answer Correct answer vendor vendor15.College students usually begin their first year with t yr annyactivities so they arefamiliar with their new environment.Your answer Correct answertyranny orientation16. H i st or i ansusually disagree about who they think the greatest world leader of all time is.Your answer Correct answerHistorians Historians17.If you'd like to di sput ethe charges, please call the phone number for complaints. Your answer Correct answerdispute dispute18.The r enownedphysicist earned even more recognition when he won the Nobel Prize.Your answer Correct answerrenowned renowned19.Do you have anyi nsi ghtinto why your employees are behaving so poorly? Your answer Correct answerinsight insight20. After ten long years of holding a grudge against him, I think it's finally time to makeam ends.amends amends Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.Why did you interview for that job i nthe first place?Your answer Correct answer in in22.Oh my goodness, these photos date backto my college days.Your answer Correct answer back back23.After our dog destroyed the living room couch, we packed him upto obedienceschool.Your answer Correct answerup off24.As soon as five o'clock rolled around, Maria took of fand went home.Your answer Correct answer off off25.The book can be summed upin one word: boring.Your answer Correct answer up up26.Can you get me outof this assignment?Your answer Correct answer out out27.The researchers were onthe brink of a major discovery.on on28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit outthis game.Your answer Correct answer out out29.The spare bedroom doubles asmy home office.Your answer Correct answer as as30.The presidents talked about, am ongother things, the peace treaty between theircountries.Your answer Correct answeramong amongPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It is truly (31)shabbythat people nowadays don't know nearly enough aboutancient civilizations. In the Western world, the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome gave rise to thepopular idea of (32)dem ocr acythat is central to many modern governments.Democratic governments sometimes are derided as a(n) (33)f al l acyin today'sworld—many people don't feel as if they truly have a meaningful voice. However, there were cities (particularly in Greece) where the democratic ideal was born and every citizen truly had a powerful voice.Remarkably, we know this is the case because many documents have survived. Historians canverify their (34)m i ghtby dating the paper, so we can (35)unhesi t at i ngl ydeclare that they are legitimate. Linguists are able to (36)deci pherthe ancientlanguages used in the documents, and we are therefore able to benefit from the wisdom inscribed onthose pages. In addition, researchers can use (37)ar chaeol ogyto uncover the physicalremains of ancient villages. We have discovered that homes were a uniform size and most people lived as relative equals.I find it truly (38)l am ent abl eto hear people say that there's nothing we can learnfrom history. Even if only a small (39)f r agm entof the wisdom of ancient Greecesurvived until today, we would be better off. Indeed, it is an amazing thing to realize that our(40)dest i nyas a people, our future, depends on our knowledge and understandingof our past.Your answer Correct answer(31) shabby lamentable(32) democracy democracy(33) fallacy fallacy(34) might authenticity(35) unhesitatingly unhesitatingly(36) decipher decipher(37) archaeology archaeology(38) lamentable offensive(39) fragment fragment(40) destiny destinyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Museums, as places of cultural significance, find their roots in the classical world. Ancient Greece and Rome constructed and valued "museums," though they were largely centers of philosophical thought, rather than repositories of valuable objects. Nevertheless, the ancient world still had public collections of objects which resembled the modern concept of a museum. Greek temples and Roman forums often displayed gold and silver offerings, sculptures, and paintings.During the 15th century, the modern concept of museums came into fashion in Europe. During the following few centuries, museums such as the Ashmolean Museum, the Vatican museums, the British Museum, and the Louvre were founded and opened. The first modern museums began as private collections of wealthy individuals who amassed extensive collections and then exhibited them for public viewing. The modern museum has been described as "a product of Renaissance humanism,eighteenth-century enlightenment, and nineteenth-century democracy." These first museums were, however, rarely accessible to the public beyond the upper classes.Until the 18th century, museums were chiefly concerned with collecting the beautiful and the curious, and this was often done for personal interests. During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, museums and cultural institutions proliferated throughout Europe and the United States. It was during this intense period of proliferation that the concept of the museum as something more than just a storehouse for invaluable treasures was developed. Museums began to dedicate themselves to collection, conservation, preservation, and research. Natural history, science, and art museums became scholarly centers of academic research and thought. Once museums and other cultural institutions became public, exhibition became a much more predominant concern. Preexisting museum goals (e.g., collection, conservation, and preservation) suddenly became the means to procure interesting and desirable exhibitions.Museums in the United States developed slowly. Charles Wilson Peale founded his natural history museum in the late 18th century in Philadelphia, and he is considered the first great American museum director. In 1846, James Smithson made a bequest to the United States "for the increase and diffusion ofknowledge" which led to the development of the Smithsonian Institution. The United States finally made its mark on the development of the modern museum in 1870 with the founding of the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Throughout the 20th century, museums and other cultural institutions began to focus on education. American museums, especially, are devoted to public education in their specific areas of expertise. Many such organizations have also transformed themselves into cultural centers with performing arts, music, and film presentations.41. Which of the following museums was the first to open?A. Metropolitan Museum of Art.B. Smithsonian Institution.C. British Museum.D. Peale's Natural History Museum.42. With which of the following statements would the author of this passage NOT agree?A. Museums in the classical world were very similar to museums in the 19th century.B. The modern museum developed over several hundred years.C. Modern museums have many priorities other than collecting.D. The earliest museums were only accessible to the wealthy.43. According to this passage, the modern concept of museums dates back to _____.A. the classical worldB. the 15th centuryC. the 18th centuryD. the 20th century44. This passage is best described as _____.A. a first-person memoirB. a dramatic dialogueC. a persuasive essayD. a historical survey45. Modern museums tend to focus on all of the following EXCEPT _____.A. conservationB. philosophical thoughtC. preservationD. educationts, music, and film presentations.。



Business EthicsNHCE-BIV-Unit 6 MENUI. ObjectivesII. PreviewIII. Leading-inIV. Section A-TextV. Answers to ExercisesVI. Extensive TasksVII. Testing YourselfVIII. HomeworkNHCE-BIV-Unit 6 I: ObjectivesMENU ObjectivesStudents would:• 1. be able to successfully finish listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks related to the theme –Honesty, with the help of theme vocabulary.• 2. improve the accuracy of their spoken and written output, thanks to theme words and expressions.• 3. improve the fluency of their spoken output during the completion of the chains of tasks.1.Brainstorming:Enjoy the picture and try to discussthe honest conducts in our life.MENU2. Group Discussion1) The disadvantages of cheating on the exam.2) If you are a person supervising an important test and find someone cheating on the spot, what will you do?3) If you are the headmaster, what will you do to teach your students to be honest.MENUNHCE-BIV-Unit 6 I: Objectives 3. How to be honest!1) You words must go with your action!言行一致。



Unit 6Text comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the autho r’s purpose of writing.A.II. Judge. according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F. Refer to Paragraphs 1.It is true that the flag the narrator hangs draws little attention in Paris, but the reason is not that Parisians or Frenchmen are not interested in flag-hanging in general. Rather, the Independence Day is an occasion special for Americans only and, understandably, the French show little interest in the day or the celebrating flag.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 2.3. F. Refer to Paragraph 3. The author’s children have had little chance of learning the history of the U.S. at school, and the parents as native Americans are the only ones who could have taught them about it. This, however, is not true of children in general in France.4. F. Refer to Paragraph 4. They do not conceal the dark side of the American society but try to keep their children from the follies of the American society like school shootings.5. T. Refer to Paragraph 9-11.6. F. Refer to Paragraph 12. Globalization is both beneficial and detrimental. It helps to blur the clear-cut divide between cultures on the one hand but makes children less than fully immersed in a foreign world on the other.III. Answer the following questions.1. For one thing, flag-hanging is the only thing he can do in Paris to celebrate the Independence Day, which is part of his national heritage. For another, he intends to use it as a special occasion for teaching his children about the American history and as a reminder of their native American identity.2. The children seldom mix languages up because they have acquired French through the school instructions and English through their family life withEnglish-speaking parents. And they seem to know when to use which.3. Refer to paragraphs 4-8. The benefits of raising children in a foreign culture, as the writer suggests, include acquiring a foreign language and culture and avoiding being exposed to the problems of the native culture.4. It is difficult, according to the author, to make the children understand and identify the virtues of their native culture without living in it. Family instructions are not satisfactorily effective and have to be complemented by other means such asre-entering into the native culture and taking children to historical places.5. Because he grew up in a foreign culture and he knows it is quite an issue to know how to raise children in a foreign culture without losing their native identity. He understands that the issue involves the efforts on the part of the parents.6. Globalization is like a double-edged sword to the growth of children in a foreign culture. On the one hand, it helps to reduce differences between the foreign culture and the native culture, and facilitates the physical and spiritual re-entry into the native culture. On the other hand, it unfortunately makes it more difficult than ever for children to be fully immersed in the foreign culture.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken form the text.1. July 4 is one of the times I, as a native American, feel instinctively uneasy about the great gaps in our children’s understanding of their American identity, and thus I am motivated to do something to fill the gaps.2. And living away from our native country does not matter much.3. When I lived in France as an expatriated child, the French kids were dressed in the unique French style, thus looking quite different from their counterparts in other countries.4. Full immersion in a truly foreign world no longer seems possible in Western countries, and I think this is a deplorable impact of globalization upon the growth of children in a foreign country.Structural analysis of the textThe author of this text follows a “specific-general” pattern in his discussion, i.e. he first talks about what it means to his children to hang the national flag of their native land in a foreign country on July 4th every year and then expresses his view on the importance for expatriated people in general to keep their cultural identity, especially when the whole world is undergoing a process of globalization. The specific points can be found in his discussion of the costs and benefits of raising children in a foreign culture in Paragraphs 4-9 while the general conclusion can be found in paragraphs10-12, especially paragraph 12.Vocabulary exercisesI. Replace the underlined words in the sentences with appropriate forms of words chosen from the text.1. pursue2. resonates3. confronted4. clichés5. had suppressed6. has confirmedII. Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. fluency2. enrollment3. accessible4. obtainable5. personification6.enlightened7.globalization8. promptingIII . Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text .1. took pride in2. was immersed in3. resonating with4. had…been exposed to5. in his mind’s eye6. a glimpse of7.convey…to8. turned …toIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. literature2. joined3. motionless4. more than5. quickly6. desiresGrammar exercisesI. Note the use of the words in italics.Where and when are relative adverbs, introducing relative clauses.II. Complete the following sentences, using where, when or why.1.why2. where3. when4. where5. where6.where7.why8. when III. Rewrite the following sentences, omitting either the antecedent or the relative adverb if possible.1.Sam knows where we are meeting.2./(The omission of the village may cause a loss of information since it carriesspecific message. If we omit where, then we need to insert in after born.)3.Four in the afternoon is the time he always reads./ Four in the afternoon is whenhe always reads.4./(Similar to Sentence 2)5.I don’t know the exact time I should meet him.6.Why he resigned is still unknown.IV. Rank the following sentences according to their degree of formality.More formal—less formal:2 3 1V. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentences.1. He failed in part because of his carelessness.Why exactly she hated him I don’t know, but I think it was in part because he had insulted her.2.There were times when I didn’t know what to do.Can you suggest a time when it will be convenient to meet?3.The beaten enemy had not other choice than to surrender.It’s none other than the manager himself.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets .1. The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.2. I saw, in my mind’s eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her son’s death.3. His walk reminds me of the way his father used to walk.4. I mixed the dates up and arrived on a wrong day.5. Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter was accepted by oxford University.6. Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for being filtered by the government or the media.7. The Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters over in this presidential election.8. After he inherited his father’s estate, he was immersed in all kinds of pleasure.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.美国人热情友好,不像许多外国人想象的那样浮于外表。



Is your score between 24 - 35?
• You are living life in the fast lane, rushing around and trying to take part in many different activities and projects at the same time. You tend to be impatient, excessively time-conscious, and find relaxation difficult. This might help you be productive, but your relationships and health could suffer as a consequence. Try to overcome feelings of impatience by distracting yourself when stuck in queues. For example, listen to your favourite music or chat to others. Also, try spending some time in the slow lane .
1. What is the crux of the problem the author points out? 2. What is remedy for the stress according to the author’s opinion?
True or False (F ) 1. It is convenient to say we are all lacking in time. It is too general to say we are all lacking in time. 2. About 50 percent of people will tell you they never have ( ) enough time to get things done. F About 50 percent of unemployed or retired people will tell you they never have enough time to get things done.



UNIT 6Ⅰ、短对话Directions:In this section, you'll hear some short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.1、A. Science fiction movies.B. Horror movies.C. Adventures.D. Romances.2、 A. She should stop admiring the lives of celebrities.B. She should learn from the lives of celebrities.C. She should have more confidence in life.D. She should develop a new hobby or skill.3、 A. Because his work experience met the course requirements.B. Because his tutor didn’t approve his choice.C. Because he found it hard to fulfill the course requirements.D. Because he needed more practical experience for the course.4、 A. Because she likes to read books at her own pace.B. Because she likes to add books to her own library.C. Because she doesn’t like reading in the library.D. Because she likes to collect rather than read books.5、 A. There is no agreement on the amount of violence.B. Police dramas have a positive influence on children.C. Parents complain there is too much violence on TV.D. Parents want their children to view heroes as role models.6、 A. The late fee.B. The rental rate.C. The purchase price.D. The Internet charge.7、 A. Much relieved.B. Rather guilty.C. Greatly troubled.D. Somewhat better.8、 A. He will sell his house to make a living.B. He can no longer bear his marriage.C. He wants to remember his previous marriage.D. He wants to forget his life with his ex-wife.Ⅱ、长对话Directions:In this section, you'll hear some long conversations. At the end of each conversation, some questions will be asked. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.9、A. Play video games.B. See an action movie.C. Watch a new comedy.D. See the new theater.10、A. They give him a lot of fun.B. They help him solve problems.C. They are healthier than action movies.D. They are less violent than action movies.11、A. It presents no risk to his health.B. It is harmful to their relationship.C. It stops him from having fun.D. It takes his time away from other things.12、A. It has a great location.B. It sells delicious popcorn.C. It shows lots of great movies.D. It has a special sound system.13、A. His daughter cared too little about making money.B. His daughter used his credit card for an emergency.C. His daughter spent too much with his credit card.D. His daughter knew little about what she really needed.14、A. Spent $400 dealing with an emergency.B. Posted new fashion colors and styles on her blog.C. Read some blogs to learn about new fashions.D. Looked for information on the new spring colors.15、A. It keeps her updated about her blog readers.B. It helps her learn about new fashion trends.C. It gives her a chance to travel around the world.D. It satisfies her fans to keep up with the new trends.16、A. Learn to manage her money with a budget.B. Create a blog for her father on a new website.C. Take courses that can teach her how to budget.D. Go to the movies or out for coffee with friends.Ⅲ、长文章Directions:In this section, you’ll hear some passages. At the end of each passage, you'll hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.17、A. Those who went to fight in World War II.B. Those who came of age in the 1970s.C. Those who grew up at the end of the 20th century.D. Those who invested in the stock market in the 1950s.18、A. Reading others’ blogs and texts.B. Sharing their creative works online.C. Learning from new creative websites.D. Searching for new hand-held devices.19、A. Because they have made great contribution to the electronic age.B. Because they are average people who like to do everything by themselves.C. Because they demand the same rights of being heard as famous authors and artists.D. Because they are passionate followers of established authors, musicians and filmmakers.20、A. Use of hand-held devices for blogging and texting.B. Help of experts who are ready to share their skills.C. New media which are readily accessible online.D. Program packages which are easy to get and use.Ⅳ、介副词填空Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions or adverbs. Fill in each blank with only ONE word.He was determined to emancipate his people 21、the control of the colonizers and establish an independent country.The heel of his right shoe always wears 22、 more severely than the left one as he prefers to use the right leg more often.His job was to weld certain parts 23、 automobiles, which required him to keep standing on the assembly line for hours.The young man decided to live 24、 the grid and lead a simple life as an effort to advocate environmental protection.The residents of the city protested to the mayor, urging him to permit the voters to have a say 25、 important matters in city construction.Aiming at winning the support of the suburban middle-class voters, the candidates for the local committee started to cater 26、 their needs.When the drama teacher found out that her district was planning to lay 27、art teachers and kill training programs for amateur performers, she stepped up to save them.History has proved that the ruler who was dependent only upon his power without finding “the way to the people” was destined 28、failure.With an intensive training of five months, this course aims to develop the reading skills to extract information 29、 texts.The research center predicted that the worldwide airline industry would only scrape 30、really thin profit margins this year due to high fuel prices. Ⅴ、词汇与结构Directions:For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence.31、Living off the ________ might sound fashionable, but in fact it requires great ability of managing one’s life under unpredictable conditions.A. gripB. gridC. grindD. grab32、Computers are smart enough to play chess or ________ speech, but a general theory of machine intelligence still remains beyond our reach.A. ascribeB. prescribeC. describeD. transcribe33、When he used the Internet for the first time, he felt he entered a completely ________ and exciting world he’d never visited before by just clicking the mouse.A. apartB. alertC. awareD. alien34、I will do nothing but ________ you all not to take thought for your own properties,but to care about the greatest improvement of the soul.A. persuadeB. persuadingC. to persuadeD. persuaded35、In the joint session of the US Congress, the ________ took a different stand from the Democrats as they strongly supported building at least a limited national defense.A. republicB. academiciansC. academicD. Republicans36、The old entrepreneur didn’t ________ any of his employees during that serious recession, which won him high respect in local communities.A. lay onB. lay outC. lay offD. lay away37、The boys brought with them drums and guitars, and determined to make a ________ at the school party that day.A. rocketB. rockC. racketD. crack38、Kate’s $370-per-week unemployment payments started coming in, and we saw that we could just ________ on them if we squeezed out every penny.A. stand outB. scrape byC. catch upD. pass by39、Of course, not all gifted children are ________ to be a scientist in the future, but this does not mean that the spirit of science is of no use to them.A. definedB. remindedC. refinedD. destined40、Blinking helps ________ the surface of the eye with tears, washing away dust and other irritants and keeping the sight clear.A. indicateB. fabricateC. illuminateD. lubricateⅥ、阅读理解Directions:Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Few ideas from social science have dug their way into the public imagination like Dunbar’s Number, the famous finding that we humans can’t cope with a social circle much larger than 150 people. The average size of modern hunter-gatherer communities, it’s been calculated, is 148.8. The average size of army companies through history, from the Romans to the USSR, hovers around 150. And the average number of people to whom Britons send Christmas cards, according to a 2003 study, is 153.5. No wonder so many panic-merchants worry that online social networks will destroy society. To accumulate 1,000 Facebook friends, Dunbar’s Number suggests, is to violate a law as old as humanity itself.In fact, the panic-merchants are wrong: Social networks don’t replace offline friendships. Nonetheless, Dunbar’s work does suggest something troubling about modern friendship. For centuries – and especially since the Industrial Revolution – we’ve been uprooting ourselves from the communities in which we were born. Until recently, on arriving in a new place, you’d inevitably lose your ties with the one you’d left; you’d be forced to invest fully in a new social circle. These days, however, thanks to email and Skype, you need never cut those ties. You never leave your old life behind, so your emotional investments are scattered.One consequence is that the people in your circle of 150 are far less likely to know each other. Or, as Dunbar writes, “Our social networks are no longer as densely interconnected as they once were.” Anyone who’s ever fled small-town life mightrespond: Thank God for that. After all, there won’t be people who are always snooping (窥探) on your business.Yet it turns out that when close friends know each other, good things happen. For example, Dunbar’s research shows that people are more altruistic (利他的) toward each other in dense social networks. Why are densely linked friends better friends? In a dense network, an act of friendship is two things at once: an expression of an individual bond, and another stitch in a bigger social fabric.Now you have a good reason to introduce your friends to each other. True, they’ll probably gossip about you at some point, but then that strengthens the social fabric, too.41、According to the passage, Dunbar’s Number is ____________.A. a method to calculate the average size of modern human communitiesB. a public opinion on the potential influence of online social networksC. a theory that states the limit of the size of one’s social circleD. a scientific concept that once influenced human society in history42、The word “panic-merchants” (Para. 1) refers to people ____________.A. who have an intense fear of meeting others through online social networksB. who worry about the big size of social circles created by online networkingC. who are afraid of the lack of privacy on social networking websitesD. who disbelieve the power of densely connected social networks43、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Social networks are more scattered today than before the Industrial Revolution.B. Social networks are smaller today because people spend more time online.C. Social networks become denser today due to the extensive use of the Internet.D. Social networks bear stronger emotional bonds today than centuries ago.44、According to the author, one bad thing about a dense social network is that ____________.A. one’s business is hard to developB. one’s privacy can be easily invadedC. one has few chances to meet new friendsD. one has to cut ties with friends in distant places45、What is the author’s overall attitude toward dense social networks?A. Indifferent.B. Unclear.C. Negative.D. Positive.The term “off the grid” refers to living in a self-sufficient manner without reliance on one or more public utilities. On 13 April 2006, USA Today reported that there were some 180,000 families living off-grid in America, a figure that has jumped 33 percent a year for a decade. Because many third-world citizens have never had the chance to go on the grid, current estimates are that 1.7 billion people live off-grid worldwide.Off-the-grid homes do not rely on municipal water supply, natural gas, electrical power grid or similar utility services. A true “off the grid” house is able to operate independently of all traditional public services. Electrical power can be generated on-site with renewable sources such as solar, wind or geothermal (地热的) energy; with a generator and adequate fuel reserves; or simply done without. Such electricity system is called a stand-alone power system. On-site water sources can include a well, stream, or lake. Depending on the water source, this may include pumps and / or filtration. Rainwater can also be harvested.In his book How to Live Off-grid, Nick Rosen lists seven reasons for going off-grid. The top two are saving money, and reducing the carbon footprint. Another is survivalism, which means preparing for emergencies such as disruptions in social or political order. Others include preparing for the collapse of the oil economy and bringing life back to the countryside.Going off-grid can be done to lower the environmental impact of living, as the typically limited amount of on-site renewable energy available is an incentive to reduce its use. But if energy usage is not reduced, going off-grid actually has a larger environmental impact against using the grid, due to the lower efficiencies of the components. It is often done to residential buildings only occasionally occupied, such as vacation cabins, to avoid high initial costs of traditional utility connections. Other persons choose to live in houses where the cost of outside utilities is prohibitive, or of such a distance away as to be impractical.46、What does the passage say about people living in third-world countries?A. About 1.7 billion of them are currently living off-grid.B. Many of them have no access to modern public utilities.C. Their homes are getting more dependent on public utilities.D. The number of them living off-grid is increasing by 33 percent a year.47、A house that is truly off the grid is able to operate ____________.A. without using any on-site renewable energyB. without using any water filtration equipmentC. without relying on traditional public utilitiesD. without relying on independent power supply48、Which of the following is NOT a reason for going off-grid given by Nick Rosen?A. Expanding public services.B. Reviving the countryside.C. Reducing carbon emission.D. Preparing for political instability.49、According to the passage, what may be a negative effect of living off-grid?A. It may discourage people from paying for traditional utility connections.B. It may limit the amount of on-site renewable energy available for the house.C. It may increase the cost of residential buildings only occasionally occupied.D. It may do harm to the environment due to lower efficiencies of energy usage.50、What is the author’s attitude toward “off the grid” life?A. Positive.B. Neutral.C. Negative.D. Indifferent.This is what I have noticed in sports club: In every class at my club, every single attendee is female. They are old, they are young; some are fit, and some are not. But, save for one of the instructors, they are all women. Conversely, just about every man in the club (including me) works out by himself, usually on the machines or free weights.This is not something accidental. As it relates to the sexes, there must be some insights into human behavior. But what? Could it be that women feel more comfortable in groups than men? If so, why? And in what way do men feel more comfortable? Why do we prefer exercising alone?Digging deeper, I wonder if these distinctive behaviors are markers for both genders. Men have always identified with the lone wolf. Look at the heroes in the movies. We have the Marlboro Man, even the Terminator. Men find something timeless and appealing to the lonely heroes, always. Clint Eastwood and Rambo acted alone. The darker the persona (角色) the more men relate. They become heroes when they save others and solve serious problems – all by themselves. Necessarily, then, this would have women identifying with groups, like The Real Housewives of …However, men also play on teams. We can relate to a band of brothers and fight on battlefields together. So, why is it that women almost universally work out in groups and men don’t?I believe it has more to do with each gender’s willingness to ask for help. In other words, the same psychology that makes so many men reluctant to ask for directions is also what keeps them out of those gym classes. Ironically, it is a defect of character, but the role of problem solver is too deep-rooted in their masculinity for them to behave otherwise. Subconsciously considering themselves capable of solving problems individually, men would regard it feminine to ask for help from others, especially at the gym, where their physical manhood is on display. In general, women don’t have this problem. They take comfort in unity or are at least motivated by that unity.51、The author notices in the sports club that ___________.A. women like to go to the sports club, no matter how old they areB. in sports classes men are instructors while women are attendeesC. women like sports classes, while men prefer working aloneD. both sexes like working in groups though with different activities52、The author mentions some roles in movies for the purpose of ___________.A. proving that men identify with darker personaB. arguing that men dislike working out aloneC. illustrating famous actors’ performance skillsD. showing that men admire independent heroes53、What does the word “universally” (Para. 4) probably mean in the passage?A. Necessarily.B. Everywhere.C. Consciously.D. Never.54、According to the author, why are men reluctant to work in groups in sports club?A. Because they want to show their physical manhood.B. Because they like to seek for unity and help elsewhere.C. Because they prefer dealing with various machines.D. Because they are reluctant to communicate with others.55、What is the author’s main point in the passage?A. Working in a team is always a good chance to show physical strength.B. Women are considered the weaker gender as they always need others’ help.C. Men like to work alone because independence facilitates problem solving.D. The pursuit of masculinity accounts for some distinctive behaviors of men.The road signs have been changed – no longer “Men at Work” but “People Working.” Forty-four percent of all employed Americans are women, and the percentage continues to rise. Are the gains being made by women in the workplace coming at the expense of men?The answer is clear. Unless total employment in the nation expands more rapidly than it has, men are going to continue to lose out in the job race to women. But the process by which the change is taking place is complex, and the explanation goes beyond the political and legal pressures that are part of “women’s pursuit for equal rights.”There have been changes in the character of work that have motivated hiring of women. In the insurance industry, for example, the positions of adjusters (理算师) and examiners were once largely held by men, who went out and inspected cases reported. Today, the work consists mainly of sitting at a computer terminal, entering insurance claims. Women now hold 65 percent of these jobs, up from 27 percent in 1970. That happened in the meat-packing industry, too, where automatic machines for moving sides of beef have eased the need for so much lifting. Since 1970, the proportion of packing house butchers who are women has increased by more than one-third.The proportion of women among graduate students has also been increasing dramatically, providing stiff competition for young men who, a generation earlier, might have been all but certain of executive or professional careers.Of course, discrimination against women continues. Yet the trend toward the displacement of male workers goes on. According to the United States Labor Department, two-thirds of the growth in the labor force between now and 2015 will be accounted for by women.In a nation that prides itself on a commitment to equality of opportunity, women’s progress in the workplace can only be seen as inevitable and fair. That should not, however, blind us to the major impact this change will have, not only in terms of jobs but in terms of the society as a whole, unsettling the balance of relationships in the family and raising new problems concerning male self-esteem.56、It is suggested in the passage that ___________.A. the total employment in the US is expanding more rapidly than it hasB. men may lose their advantages in the US job market in the futureC. women are becoming more conscious of their rights in the workplaceD. political pressures may force women to lose many job opportunities57、What does the example of the meat-packing industry show?A. Insurance claims have been mainly processed on the computer since the 1970s.B. Women have great talent for using automatic machines to handle heavy lifting.C. Changes in the nature of work have triggered companies to employ more women.D. American meat-packing industry prefers to hire men to do the job of meat cutting.58、What may happen as a result of the increasing proportion of female graduate students?A. Growth in the US labor force may turn slower than in previous years.B. Discrimination against women in the workplace may be hard to change.C. Competition for employment between women may become more intense.D. The number of women taking up executive or professional jobs may increase.59、Which of the following does the author most likely agree?A. People should applaud the trend toward higher proportions of female workers.B. Equality of opportunity is impossible to realize without men’s commitment.C. The public is blind to the impacts of the changes in the American labor force.D. Displacement of male workers can be prevented if more work is done on computer.60、What is the author probably going to discuss next?A. Importance of balanced relationships in the family.B. Negative effects of women’s progress in employment.C. Legal measures to ensure equality of opportunity.D. Good ways to maintain male self-esteem in the workplace.。



(完整版)现代⼤学英语精读Book4Unit6课⽂Book 4-Unit 5Text AThe TelephoneAnwar F. Accawi1.When I was growing up in Magdaluna, a small Lebanese village in theterraced, rocky mountains east of Sidon, time didn't mean much toanybody, except maybe to those whowere dying. In those days, there was no real need for a calendar or awatch to keep track of the hours, days, months, and years. We knewwhat to do and when to do it, just as the Iraqi geese knew when to flynorth, driven by the hot wind that blew in from the desert. The onlytimepiece we had need of then was the sun. It rose and set, and theseasons rolled by and we sowed seed and harvested and ate and playedand married our cousins and had babies who got whooping cough andchickenpox—and those children who survived grew up and marriedtheir cousins and had babies who got whooping cough and chickenpox.We lived and loved and toiled and died without ever needing to knowwhat year it was, or even the timeof day.2.It wasn't that we had no system for keeping track of time and of the importantevents in ourlives. But ours was a natural or, rather, a divine — calendar, because itwas framed by acts of God: earthquakes and droughts and floods andlocusts and pestilences. Simple as our calendar was, it worked just finefor us.3.Take, for example, the birth date of Teta Im Khalil, the oldestwoman in Magdaluna and all the surrounding villages. When Iasked Grandma, "How old is Teta Im Khalil?"4.Grandma had to think for a moment; then she said, "I've been toldthat Teta was born shortly after the big snow that caused the roof onthe mayor's house to cave in."5."And when was that?" I asked.6."Oh, about the time we had the big earthquake that cracked the wall in the eastroom."7.Well, that was enough for me. You couldn't be more accurate than that, now, could you?8.And that's the way it was in our little village for as far back as anybody could remember. One of the most unusual of the dates was when a whirlwind struck during which fish and oranges fell from the sky.Incredible as it may sound, the story of the fish and oranges was true, because men who would not lie even to save their own souls told andretold that story untilit was incorporated into Magdaluna's calendar.9.The year of the fish-bearing whirlpool was not the last remarkable year. Many others followed in which strange and wonderful things happened. There was, for instance, the yearof the drought, when the heavens were shut for months and the springfrom which the entire village got its drinking water slowed to a trickle.The spring was about a mile from the village, in a ravine that opened atone end into a small, flat clearing covered with fine gray dust and hard, marble-sized goat droppings. In the year of the drought, that littleclearingwas always packed full of noisy kids with big brown eyes and sticky hands, and their mothers —sinewy, overworked young women with cracked, brown heels. The children ran around playing tag or hide-and-seek while the women talked, shooed flies, and awaited their turns to fillup their jars with drinking water to bring home to their napping menand wet babies. There were days when we had to wait from sunup untillate afternoon just to fill a small clay jar with precious, cool water.10.S ometimes, amid the long wait and the heat and the flies and the smellof goat dung, tempers flared, and the younger women, anxious abouttheir babies, argued over whose turnit was to fill up her jar. And sometimes the arguments escalated intofull-blown, knockdown-dragout fights; the women would grab eachother by the hair and curse and scream and spit and call each othernames that made my ears tingle. We little brown boys who went withour mothers to fetch water loved these fights, because we got to see the women's legs and their colored panties as they grappled and rolledaround in the dust. Oncein a while, we got lucky and saw much more, because some of thewomen wore nothing at all under their long dresses. God, how I usedto look forward to those fights. I remember the rush, the excitement,the sun dancing on the dust clouds as a dress ripped and a youngwhite breast was revealed, then quickly hidden. In my calendar, thatyear of drought will always be one of the best years of my childhood.11.B ut, in another way, the year of the drought was also one of the worstof my life, because that was the year that Abu Raja, the retired cook,decided it was time Magdaluna got its own telephone. Every civilizedvillage needed a telephone, he said, and Magdaluna was not going toget anywhere until it had one. A telephone would link us with theoutside world. A fewmen—like the retired Turkish-army drill sergeant, and the vineyard keeper —did all they could to talk Abu Raja out of having a telephone brought to the village. But they were outshouted and ignored and finally shunned by the other villagers for resisting progress and trying to keep a good thing from coming to Magdaluna.12. O ne warm day in early fall, many of the villagers were out in theirfields repairing walls or gathering wood for the winter when the shoutwent out that the telephone-company truckhad arrived at Abu Raja's dikkan, or country store. When the truckcame into view, everybody dropped what they were doing and ran toAbu Raja's house to see what was happening.13.I t did not take long for the whole village to assemble at Abu Raja'sdikkan. Some of the rich villagers walked right into the store andstood at the elbows of the two important-lookingmen from the telephone company, who proceeded with utmost gravity, like priests at Communion, to wire up the telephone. The poorer villagers stoodoutside and listened carefully to the details relayed to them by the not-so-poor people who stood in the doorway and could see inside.14."The bald man is cutting the blue wire," someone said.15."He is sticking the wire into the hole in the bottom of the black box," someoneelse added.16."The telephone man with the mustache is connecting two pieces ofwire. Now he is twisting the ends together," a third voice chimed in.17.B ecause I was small, I wriggled my way through the dense forest oflegs to get a firsthand look at the action. Breathless, I watched asthe men in blue put together a black machinethat supposedly would make it possible to talk with uncles, aunts, andcousins who lived more than two days' ride away.18.I t was shortly after sunset when the man with the mustache announced thatthe telephonewas ready to use. He explained that all Abu Raja had to do was lift thereceiver, turn the crank on the black box a few times, and wait for anoperator to take his call. Abu Raja grabbed the receiver and turned thecrank forcefully. Within moments, he was talking withhis brother in Beirut. He didn't even have to raise his voice or shout to be heard.19.A nd the telephone, as it turned out, was bad news. With its coming, the face ofthe villagebegan to change. One of the fast effects was the shifting of the village'scenter. Before the telephone's arrival, the men of the village used togather regularly at the house of Im Kaleem, a short, middle-aged widowwith jet-black hair and a raspy voice that could be heard all over thevillage, even when she was only whispering. She was a devout Catholicand also the village whore. The men met at her house to argue aboutpolitics and drink coffee and play cards or backgammon. Im Kaleemwas not a true prostitute, however, because she did not charge for herservices —not even for the coffee and tea that she served the men. Shedid not need the money; her son, who was overseas in Africa, sent hermoney regularly. Im Kaleem loved all the men she entertained, and theyloved her, every one of them. In a way, she was married to all the menin the village. Everybody knew it but nobody objected. Actually I suspect the women did not mind their husbands'visits to Im Kaleem. Oh, theywrung their hands and complained to one another about their men'sunfaithfulness, but secretly they were relieved, because Im Kaleem tooksome of the pressure off them and kept the men outof their hair while they attended to their endless chores. Im Kaleem wasalso a kind of confessor and troubleshooter, talking sense to those menwho were having family problems, especially the younger ones.20.B efore the telephone came to Magdaluna, Im Kaleem's house was bustling atjust about anytime of day, especially at night, when the loud voices of the men talking, laughing, and arguing could be heard in the streetbelow —a reassuring, homey sound. Her house was an island of comfort, an oasis for the weary village men, exhausted from having so little to do.21.B ut it wasn't long before many of those men —the younger ones especially—started spending more of their days and evenings at AbuRaja's dikkan. There, they would eat and drink and talk and playcheckers and backgammon, and then lean their chairs back against thewall —the signal that they were ready to toss back and forth, like a ball,the latest rumors going around the village. And they were alwayslooking up from their games and drinks and talk to glance at the phonein the corner, as if expecting it to ring any minute and bring news thatwould change their lives and deliver them from their aimless existence.In the meantime,they smoked cheap, hand-rolled cigarettes, dug dirt out from undertheir fingernails with big pocketknives, and drank lukewarm sodasthat they called Kacula, Seffen-Ub, and Bebsi.22. T he telephone was also bad news for me personally. It took away mylucrative business —a source of much-needed income. Before, I used tohang around Im Kaleem's courtyard and play marbles with the otherkids, waiting for some man to call down from a window and askme to run to the store for cigarettes or liquor, or to deliver a message to his wife, such as what he wanted for supper. There was always something in it for me: aten or even a twenty-five-piaster piece. On a good day, I ran nine or tenof those errands, which assured a steady supply of marbles that Iusually lost to other boys. But as the days went by fewer and fewer mencame to Im Kaleem's, and more and more congregated at Abu Raja's towait bythe telephone. In the evenings, the laughter and noise of the mentrailed off and finally stopped.23.A t Abu Raja's dikkan, the calls did eventually come, as expected, andmen and women started leaving the village the way a hailstorm begins:first one, then two, then bunches.24.T he army took them. Jobs in the cities lured them. And ships andairplanes carried them to such faraway places as Australia and Braziland New Zealand. My friend Kameel, his cousin Habeeb, and theircousins and my cousins all went away to become ditch diggers andmechanics and butcher-shop boys and deli owners who wore dirtyaprons sixteen hours a day, all looking for a better life than the onethey had left behind. Within a year, only the sick, the old, and themaimed were left in the village. Magdaluna became a skeleton of itsformer self, desolate and forsaken, like the tombs, a place to get away from.25.F inally, the telephone took my family away, too. My father got a callfrom an old army buddy who told him that an oil company in southern Lebanon was hiring interpreters and instructors. My father applied for a job and got it, and we moved to Sidon, where I went to aPresbyterian missionary school and graduated in 1962. Three yearslater, having won a scholarship, I left Lebanon for the United States.Like the others who left Magdaluna before me, I am still looking for that better life. (2121 words)。



Unit 6 RisksUseful InformationRisk is the probability of losing something of value. Since we value life above other things, the greatest risk for most people is the risk of death. Yet life itself, to the best of our knowledge, is ultimately limited. Th e key word here is “ultimately”. Since we hope to live a lot longer, we easily overlook the routine and long-range risks associated with being human, and concentrate instead on other sorts of risks. We rarely think about the chances of death, disability, or disaster, or try to predict the times of their occurrence. Walking across the street in many cities is more dangerous than riding an airplane across an ocean, but many people give no thought to the former and have great fear of the latter. People eagerly do dangerous things for recreation that they would rarely do at work, such as scaling a steep mountain or skiing rapidly down it. Young people are especially willing to take foolish chances for the sheer joy of doing so, or because they discount the probability of adverse outcomes. Yet they should probably be much more careful than their elders, since they have longer life expectancies remaining and thus have more at stake.Other things we value include health, safety, money, property, relationships and happiness. There are risks attached to the loss of any of these. Hypochondriacs exaggerate the risks of ill health or injury. Ironically the precautions taken to promote health and safety may add to a hypochondriac’s perception of the risks involved. A wise investor takes calculated risks with money, and tries to choose reasonable risks over unreasonable ones. A compulsive gambler, on the other hand, is so addicted to risk that there is little thought of the loss that inevitably follows from gambling indefinitely against the odds. So risk itself may at times be perceived as a reward.Optimists and pessimists have opposite attitudes toward risk. Extreme optimists always expect the best. Therefore they try to maximize gain. More cautious optimists may try to maximize the minimum gain. Extreme pessimists always expect the worst. Therefore they come to expect the maximum loss. More moderate pessimists may try to maximize the minimum loss. The science of cost-benefit analysis studies these and other strategies for managing risk. So does actuarial science (保险计算科学), with special emphasis on the risks of death, injury, or illness.One way to manage risk in ordinary life is through rational planning. By considering alternatives and balancing the greatest or most likely risks against the greatest or most likely rewards, we can often make better decisions and give greater consideration to long-term outcomes. By always having a contingency plan in case our main plan fails, we can usually avoid catastrophes. But planning takes effort, and we must balance this effort against the pleasure of doing things spontaneously because they are not very important or not very risky, and plan other things carefully because they are very important or very risky.Part OnePREPARATION1. Risks in Jobs1Note: Students may have different ideas in grouping these jobs. That’s natural.2. Which activity is riskier?STEP ONEThe following is a list of the activities from the riskiest to the safest:rock climbing→skydiving →driving a motorcycle→being a 65-year-old man→skiing→flying in an airplane→ driving a car→ working on a farmSTEP THREE—I prefer to do rock-climbing. I know it’s a risky sport but I really want to challenge myself and see how I can use my muscles and brain to do a tough job. You may ask why I like this risky sport while there are so many safer ones to test my strength and determination.I was born in a mountain area and I’ve been enjoying mountain climbing since mychildhood. I always feel excited while climbing a mountain, and rock-climbing is even more exciting. It’s true rock-climbing is full of dangers, but life itself is full of dangers too. With modern equipment and our brains, we can prevent serious accidents and minor injuries won’t hurt us too much.—I don’t think I would like any of the activities listed. Actually I don’t like sports. As far back as I can recall, my childhood was spent in hospital. In other words, I was in poor health for a long time. When other children in the neighborhood began their training in sports, I had to go to hospital and take medicine to survive. In that case, I wasn’t allowed to play outdoors most of the time. In addition to my physical weakness, I’m cautious by nature. I don’t like to take any risks in my life. Anyway, I’m an excellent chess player. My father taught me how to play chess and bought several books about chess to improve my skill. So chess is something I enjoy most.3. Why Would People Like to Take Risks?Sample:2I am really impressed by these quotes. They tell us that life is full of risks. As Ali put it, he who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. So taking risks is an essential part of growth and progress. If we look at some famous people we know, obviously they are all good risk takers.In addition to making achievements, some people take risks to enjoy a new experience and to challenge themselves. They want to look like a courageous guy or a strong person. Taking risks will make them feel more confident and competent. They also want to enjoy the excitement in risk taking because their lives are otherwise too peaceful and comfortable.Part TwoREADING-CENTERED ACTIVITIESIn-Class ReadingPre-ReadingSampleThe three riskiest things I do in a normal day: ride my bicycle in heavy traffic; run down stairs; do scientific experiments.Passage ReadingWords, Phrases and Grammatical Points1. risk关于risk的词组有很多:at risk处于危险之中e.g. I) The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.II) Heart disease can be avoided if people at risk take medical advice.at the risk of冒……的危险e.g. I) He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.II) At the risk of offending you, I must tell you that I disapprove of your behavior.run the risk of冒……的危险e.g.I) I don’t want to run the risk of meeting George.II) I was afraid to run the risk of betting on the game.take a risk/risks冒险做可能失败或危险的事e.g. I) You are taking a big risk driving so fast.II) But he must be cautious; he must take no unnecessary risks.2. “And from these threats come questions that we must pose to ourselves…” (l. 6)1) This sentence means that these threats give rise to questions that we must ask ourselves.当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组,谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动作动词时,句子通常全部倒装。



Old Father Time Becomes a TerrorRichard Tomkins1Once upon a time, technoloqv, we thought, would make our lives easier・ Machines were expected to do our work for us, leaving us with ever-increasing auantities of time to waste away on idleness and pleasure.时间老人成了可怕的老人理查徳•汤姆金斯从前,我们以为技术发展会使我们的生活变得更安逸。


UJ)I±I2But in stead of liberati ng us, tech no logy has en slaved us. In novati ons are occurri ng at a bewilderi ng rate: as many now arrive in a year as once arrived in a millerinium. And as each invention arrives, it eats further into our time・但技术发展没有把我们解放出来,而是使我们成为奴隶。



巴]④I3The motorcar, for example, promised unimaginable levels of personal mobillity. But now, traffic in cities moves more slowly than it did in the days of the horse-drawn carriage, and we waste our lives stuck in traffic jams.比如,汽车曾使我们希與个人出行会方便得让人难以想象。

新视野大学英语4Unit 6课文翻译

新视野大学英语4Unit 6课文翻译

新视野大学英语4Unit 6课文翻译新视野4Unit 6课文主题是Criminal Acts,也就是犯罪行为。



















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Old Father Time Becomes a TerrorRichard Tomkins1 Once upon a time, technology, we thought, would make our lives easier. Machines were expected to do our work for us, leaving us with ever-increasing quantities of time to waste away on idleness and pleasure.时间老人成了可怕的老人理查德·汤姆金斯从前,我们以为技术发展会使我们的生活变得更安逸。


2 But instead of liberating us, technology has enslaved us. Innovations are occurring at a bewildering rate: as many now arrive in a year as once arrived in a millennium. And as each invention arrives, it eats further into our time.但技术发展没有把我们解放出来,而是使我们成为奴隶。



3 The motorcar, for example, promised unimaginable levels of personal mobility. But now, traffic in cities moves more slowly than it did in the days of the horse-drawn carriage, and we waste our lives stuck in traffic jams.比如,汽车曾使我们希望个人出行会方便得让人难以想象。


4 The aircraft promised new horizons, too. The trouble is, it delivered them. Its very existence createda demand for time-consuming journeys that we would never previously have dreamed of undertaking -- the transatlantic shopping expedition, for example, or the trip to a convention on the other side of the world.飞机也曾有可能为我们拓展新天地。



5 In most cases, technology has not saved time, but enabled us to do more things. In the home, washing machines promised to free women from having to toil over the laundry. In reality, they encouraged us to change our clothes daily instead of weekly, creating seven times as much washing and ironing. Similarly, the weekly bath has been replaced by the daily shower, multiplying the hours spent on personal grooming.在大多数情况下,技术发展并未节省时间,而是使我们得以做更多的事。




6 Meanwhile, technology has not only allowed work to spread into our leisure time -- thelaptop-on-the-beach syndrome -- but added the new burden of dealing with faxes, e-mails and voicemails. It has also provided us with the opportunity to spend hours fixing software glitches on our personal computers or filling our heads with useless information from the Internet.与此同时,技术发展不仅听任工作侵入我们的闲暇时间――带着便携式电脑去海滩综合症――而且添加了收发传真、电子邮件和语音邮件这些新的负担。


7 Technology apart, the Internet points the way to a second reason why we feel so time-pressed: the information explosion.除去技术发展,因特网指出了我们为何感到时间如此紧迫的第二个原因:信息爆炸。

8 A couple of centuries ago, nearly all the world's accumulated learning could be contained in the heads of a few philosophers. Today, those heads could not hope to accommodate more than a tiny fraction of the information generated in a single day.几个世纪以前,人类积累的几乎所有知识都能装在若干哲人的大脑之中。


9 News, facts and opinions pour in from every corner of the world. The television set offers 150 channels. There are millions of Internet sites. Magazines, books and CD-ROMs proliferate.各种消息、事实和见解从世界各个角落大量涌入。




10 "In the whole world of scholarship, there were only a handful of scientific journals in the 18th century, and the publication of a book was an event," says Edward Wilson, honorary curator in entomology at Harvard University's museum of comparative zoology. "Now, I find myself subscribing to 60 or 70 journals or magazines just to keep me up with what amounts to a minute proportion of the expanding frontiers of scholarship."“在18世纪,整个国际学术界总共只有屈指可数的几家科学刊物,出版一本书是件了不起的大事,”哈佛大学比较动物学博物馆昆虫馆名誉馆长爱德华·威尔逊说。


”11 There is another reason for our increased time stress levels, too: rising prosperity. As ever-larger quantities of goods and services are produced, they have to be consumed. Driven on by advertising, we do our best to oblige: we buy more, travel more and play more, but we struggle to keep up. So we suffer from what Wilson calls discontent with super abundance -- the confusion of endless choice.我们产生日益加重的时间紧迫感还有一个原因:日渐繁荣富足。




12 Of course, not everyone is overstressed. "It's a convenient shorthand to say we're all time-starved, but we have to remember that it only applies to, say, half the population," says Michael Willmott, director of the Future Foundation, a London research company.当然,并非人人感到时间过度紧迫。
