

Old Father Time Becomes a Terror

Richard Tomkins

1 Once upon a time, technology, we thought, would make our lives easier. Machines were expected to do our work for us, leaving us with ever-increasing quantities of time to waste away on idleness and pleasure.




2 But instead of liberating us, technology has enslaved us. Innovations are occurring at a bewildering rate: as many now arrive in a year as once arrived in a millennium. And as each invention arrives, it eats further into our time.


3 The motorcar, for example, promised unimaginable levels of personal mobility. But now, traffic in cities moves more slowly than it did in the days of the horse-drawn carriage, and we waste our lives stuck in traffic jams.


4 The aircraft promised new horizons, too. The trouble is, it delivered them. Its very existence created

a demand for time-consuming journeys that we would never previously have dreamed of undertaking -- the transatlantic shopping expedition, for example, or the trip to a convention on the other side of the world.


5 In most cases, technology has not saved time, but enabled us to do more things. In the home, washing machines promised to free women from having to toil over the laundry. In reality, they encouraged us to change our clothes daily instead of weekly, creating seven times as much washing and ironing. Similarly, the weekly bath has been replaced by the daily shower, multiplying the hours spent on personal grooming.


6 Meanwhile, technology has not only allowed work to spread into our leisure time -- the

laptop-on-the-beach syndrome -- but added the new burden of dealing with faxes, e-mails and voicemails. It has also provided us with the opportunity to spend hours fixing software glitches on our personal computers or filling our heads with useless information from the Internet.


7 Technology apart, the Internet points the way to a second reason why we feel so time-pressed: the information explosion.


8 A couple of centuries ago, nearly all the world's accumulated learning could be contained in the heads of a few philosophers. Today, those heads could not hope to accommodate more than a tiny fraction of the information generated in a single day.


9 News, facts and opinions pour in from every corner of the world. The television set offers 150 channels. There are millions of Internet sites. Magazines, books and CD-ROMs proliferate.


10 "In the whole world of scholarship, there were only a handful of scientific journals in the 18th century, and the publication of a book was an event," says Edward Wilson, honorary curator in entomology at Harvard University's museum of comparative zoology. "Now, I find myself subscribing to 60 or 70 journals or magazines just to keep me up with what amounts to a minute proportion of the expanding frontiers of scholarship."


11 There is another reason for our increased time stress levels, too: rising prosperity. As ever-larger quantities of goods and services are produced, they have to be consumed. Driven on by advertising, we do our best to oblige: we buy more, travel more and play more, but we struggle to keep up. So we suffer from what Wilson calls discontent with super abundance -- the confusion of endless choice.


12 Of course, not everyone is overstressed. "It's a convenient shorthand to say we're all time-starved, but we have to remember that it only applies to, say, half the population," says Michael Willmott, director of the Future Foundation, a London research company.


13 "You've got people retiring early, you've got the unemployed, you've got other people maybe only peripherally involved in the economy who don't have this situation at all. If you're unemployed, your problem is that you've got too much time, not too little."


14 Paul Edwards, chairman of the London-based Henley Centre forecasting group, points out that the feeling of pressures can also be exaggerated, or self-imposed. "Everyone talks about it so much that about 50 percent of unemployed or retired people will tell you they never have enough time to get things done," he says. "It's almost got to the point where there's stress envy. If you're not stressed, you're not succeeding. Everyone wants to have a little bit of this stress to show they're an important person."


15 There is another aspect to all of this too. Hour-by-hour logs kept by thousands of volunteers over the decades have shown that, in the U.K. , working hours have risen only slightly in the last 10 years, and in the U.S., they have actually fallen -- even for those in professional and executive jobs, where the perceptions of stress are highest.


16 In the U.S., John Robinson, professor of sociology at the University of Maryland, and Geoffrey Godbey, professor of leisure studies at Penn State University found that, since the mid-1960s, the average American had gained five hours a week in free time -- that is, time left after working, sleeping, commuting, caring for children and doing the chores.


17 The gains, however, were unevenly distributed. The people who benefited the most were singles and empty-nesters. Those who gained the least -- less than an hour -- were working couples with

pre-school children, perhaps reflecting the trend for parents to spend more time nurturing their offspring.


18 There is, of course, a gender issue here, too. Advances in household appliances may have

encouraged women to take paying jobs: but as we have already noted, technology did not end household chores. As a result, we see appalling inequalities in the distribution of free time between the sexes. According to the Henley Centre, working fathers in the U. K. average 48 hours of free time a week. Working mothers get 14.


19 Inequalities apart, the perception of the time famine is widespread, and has provoked a variety of reactions. One is an attempt to gain the largest possible amount of satisfaction from the smallest possible investment of time. People today want fast food, sound bytes and instant gratification. And they become upset when time is wasted.


20 "People talk about quality time. They want perfect moments," says the Henley Centre's Edwards. "If you take your kids to a movie and McDonald's and it's not perfect, you've wasted an afternoon, and it's a sense that you've lost something precious. If you lose some money you can earn some more, but if you waste time you can never get it back."


21 People are also trying to buy time. Anything that helps streamline our lives is a growth market. One example is what Americans call concierge services -- domestic help, childcare, gardening and decorating. And on-line retailers are seeing big increases in sales -- though not, as yet, profits.


22 A third reaction to time famine has been the growth of the work-life debate. You hear more about people taking early retirement or giving up high pressure jobs in favour of occupations with shorter working hours. And bodies such as Britain's National Work-Life Forum have sprung up, urging employers to end the long-hours culture among managers and to adopt family-friendly working policies.


23 The trouble with all these reactions is that liberating time -- whether by making better use of it, buying it from others or reducing the amount spent at work -- is futile if the hours gained are immediately diverted to other purposes.


24 As Godbey points out, the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it. "It's the kid in the candy store," he says. "There's just so many good things to do. The array of choices is stunning. Our free time is increasing, but not as fast as our sense of the necessary."


25 A more successful remedy may lie in understanding the problem rather than evading it.


26 Before the industrial revolution, people lived in small communities with limited communications. Within the confines of their village, they could reasonably expect to know everything that was to be known, see everything that was to be seen, and do everything that was to be done.


27 Today, being curious by nature, we are still trying to do the same. But the global village is a world of limitless possibilities, and we can never achieve our aim.


28 It is not more time we need: it is fewer desires. We need to switch off the cell-phone and leave the children to play by themselves. We need to buy less, read less and travel less. We need to set boundaries for ourselves, or be doomed to mounting despair.



第六单元(1)购物疗法,还是购物痴迷症? 琳达从百货商店出来,手里拿着五六个购物袋。她乐得合不拢嘴,就跟《欲望都市》中的女主角卡丽一模一样。只不过她不住在纽约,而是住在英国伦敦。“我一看到喜欢的东西就非买不可,”她说,“把各种颜色的全都买下来,但最让我痴迷的还是鞋子。” 在曼彻斯特的家中,凯特在卧室里存放了24袋衣服,这些衣服的标签还没摘掉。她承认:“我常常穿同一身衣服上班,所以我的同事根本就想不到我在家里还藏着这么多衣服。” 住在伦敦的卡里纳每星期要光顾商场五六次。“递上信用卡的时候,我无比兴奋,”她说。“购物时,那种地位显赫、身价不凡的感觉真是无与伦比。” 那么,她们的行为是购物疗法,还是购物痴迷症?大多数人有时也喜欢购物,但是,如果一个人迷恋购物,不惜负债甚至倾家荡产,那就不是一件好事了。购物痴迷症的征兆是:新鞋不上脚,新衣不开包。 心理学家认为,购物痴迷症是购物成瘾,通过治疗可以得到缓解。它的症状包括逃避现实、行为失控、幻想自由或三者兼而有之。当然,诱惑无处不在,你如果没有时间去商场购物,还可以通过很多其他的办法将购物进行到底,如电视居家购物,商品目录邮购和网上购物。 那么,购物痴迷症会造成什么后果呢?入不敷出、羞愧难当、后悔不迭。 研究表明,购物痴迷症是一个全球性问题,90%的购物狂是女性。据估计,全球共有10%的女性受到这个问题的困扰,平均每人负债8000英镑。购物痴迷症的初发期通常是在女性20出头的时候,那时她们刚刚找到第一份工作,挣到第一笔钱。在随后的几年中,她们的债务渐渐地越积越多。男人也会购物成瘾,不过他们不买衣服,而是买车、买工具和电子产品。 那么我们为什么会如此迷恋购物呢?其中一个原因是,购物看上去是一件充满诱惑而又激动人心的事情。据估计,关注时尚的维多利亚?贝克汉姆每年要花费100,000英镑购物。在《欲望都市》中扮演卡丽的萨拉?杰西卡?帕克坦言,她拥有100双马诺洛·布兰尼克牌的鞋子,每双的价格少则300美元,多则1000美元。在2006年的德国世界杯期间,所谓的WAGs(足球明星的太太和女友们)名声大噪,因为她们其中的六个人竟然在一小时之内就花掉了57,000 英镑买衣服和鞋子。 另一个原因是,很多18至24岁的年轻人通过购物缓解压力。有时候,在孤独、焦虑、愤怒或缺乏关爱等情绪的驱使下,一个典型的购物狂会通过购物来安慰自己,向世人证明“她配得上这些东西。”更深层的原因是,现在人们很容易就能申请到信用卡。在20 世纪70年代之前,买东西都是用现金,而且女性不能以自己的名义借钱。如今,拥有一张信用卡已是平常事,就是负债也没有什么大不了的。而且,刷卡的时候不觉得是在花钱。 那么,如果你认为自己是一个购物狂,你怎么办呢?首先,你要承认自己出了问题,然后找出你如此迷恋购物的原因:是因为你的生活中缺少了什么别的东西吗?是你的人际关系需要关注,还是你的婚姻状况不佳?你的父母是否更看中物质财富,而不是情感?然后,你必须找到其他的能给你带来快乐的活动。最后,如果你确实需要购物,那就先列一个清单,只买你需要的,不要买别的东西。用现金付账,销毁所有的信用卡,只保留一张应急,并将它托给朋友保管。 琳达、凯特和卡里纳并不是特例,像世界各地的许多女人一样,她们的故事有一个幸福的开端,却在绝望中结束。像所有的上瘾者一样,购物成瘾的人需要有足够的耐心才能走完康复之路。 (2)如何与男朋友一起逛商场 你知道逛商场与买东西不是一回事,可你的男朋友却不知道。 女人喜欢逛商场,她们逛商场的方式就像我们过去猎取食物一样。过去,我们喜欢花一


大学体验英语四(综合教程) Unit 6Psychological Health Listen and Talk Lead in Are you feeling really sad, tired, and worried most of the time Are these feelings lasting more than a few days If yes, you may have depression. Depression is a (S1) medical illness that (S2) the brain. You may want to know why you feel "depressed.”There may be (S3) causes. Depression may happen because of (S4) in your brain. Depression runs in some (S5) . This (S6) that someone in your family such as a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, sister or brother may have depression. Sometimes (S7) events or losses such as deaths can lead to depression. Sometimes the cause of depression is not clear. Don’t wait. Talk to your doctor about how you're feeling (S8) . If you don’t have a doctor, check your local phone book. (S9) . Call one near you and ask for help. (S10) . Ask your doctor which type is best for you. Some people need both treatments to feel better. Key:(S1) serious; (S2) involves; (S3) several; (S4) changes; (S5) families; (S6) means; (S7) painful; (S8) Get a medical checkup to rule out any other illnesses that might be causing signs of depression. (S9) Go to the government services pages and look for "health clinics” or "community health centers.” (S10) There are two common types of treatment for depression: medicine and "talk” therapy. Passage A: Is It Healthy to Be a Football Supporter 2. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage. 1. Psychologists often describe die-hard fans as ______. A) those who suffer fewer bouts of depression than others. B) those who are considered to be disturbingly different from others C) those who demonstrate a fierce and unbreakable bond D) those who never search for self-esteem by identifying with a team 2. To the die-hard fans, a football match ______. A) is a fight to protect their city or country B) is a light-hearted display of athletic prowess C) is the best way to gain respect from their rivals D) is a good chance for them to show their enthusiasm for football 3. Which of the following statements is WRONG about the die-hard fans A) They tend to blame their team’s failures in a biased referee. B) They get more psychologically aroused at games. C) They are likely to abandon a team when it’s doing badly. D) They spend more money on tickets and merchandise. 4. Why do some fans remain loyal through thick and thin despite the repeated failure of their teams A) Because they are much more optimistic about their favorite teams. B) Because they tend to blame their team’s failures on bad luck.


编号:01 姓名:冯飞凤学号:2012517375 注:以下例句皆为原创。 新视野大学英语(4)第一单元 一、agent ['e?d??nt] N. 1. [C] 经纪人sb. whose job is to help an actor, artist, etc. find work 例句:1.A best-selling writer needs a good agent. 畅销书作家需要好的经纪人。 2.My agent has a new script for me to look at. 我的经纪人有一个新剧本要我看一看。 2.[C]作用者,原动力,动因; 作用剂 a person or thing that works to produce a result 例句:1.Soap is a cleansing agent. 肥皂是一种清洁剂。 2.Rain and sun are the agents which help plants to grow. 雨水和阳光是促进植物生长的原动力。 短语:travel agent 1.旅行社;旅行代理人,旅行代办人someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers

例句:1.You can do it from the comfort of your home office when you opt to become a travel agent. 如果你选择成为旅行社代理人的时候,你就可以在家里舒服的完成这些工作。 2.TravelAgent: All right. Well, letme checkwhatflightsare available that are goingout this afternoon. 旅行社代理人:好吧,噢,我先来看看今天下午出发的航班都有哪些。 二、hasten ['he?sn] Vt. 1.加快;加速make sth. happen sooner or more quickly 例句:1.An electric typewriter would hasten the work . 电动打字机会加速这项工作。 2. The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his. 女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。 3.Please hasten them to send the sample. 不要告别得那样匆忙。 2.act or move at high speed催促;使赶快,使赶紧 例句:1.Father hastened our going. 父亲催促我们快去。 同义词:hurry匆忙

现代大学英语精读第六册 的第四课和第九课课文 原文

Nettles Our farm was small-nine acres. It was small enough for me to have explored every part of it. Each of the trees on the place had an attitude and a presence-the elm looked serene and the oak threatening, the maples friendly, the hawthorn old and crabby. Even the pits on the river flats had their flats had their distinct character. The girls as well as the boys were divided into two sides. Each girl had her own pile of balls and was working for paticular soldiers, and when a soldier fell wounded he would call out a girl’s name, so that she could drag him away and dress his wounds as quickly as possible. I made weapons for Mike, and mine ws the name he called. There was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion. When Mike was wounded he never opened his eyes. He lay limp and still while I pressed slimy large leaves to his forehead and throat and-pulling out his shirt-to his pale tender stomach, with its sweet and vulnerable belly button. One morning, of course, the job was all finished, the well capped, the pump reinstated, the fresh water marvelled at. And the truck did not come. There were two fewer chairs at the table for the noon meal. Mike and I had barely looked at each other during those meals. He liked to put ketcup on his bread. His father talked to my father, and the talk was mostly about well, accidents, water tables. A serious man. All work, my father said. Yet- he-Mike’s father-ended nearly every speech with a laugh. The laugh had a lonely boom in it, as if he were still down the well. Sunny and I had been friends in Vancouver years before. Our pregnancies had dovetailed, so that we had managed with one set of maternity clothes. In my kitchen or in hers, once a week or so, distracted by our children and sometimes reeling for lack of sleep, we stoked ourselves up on strong coffee and cigarettes and launched out on a rampage of talk about our marriages, our personal deficiencies, our interesting and discreditable motives, and our forgone ambitions. We read Jung at the same time and tried to keep track of our dreams. During that time of life that is supposed to be a reproductive daze, with the woman’s mind all swamped by maternal juices, we were still compelled to discuss Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and “The Cocktail Party”. He had slept in the guest bedroom the night before but tonight he’d moved downstairs to the fold-out sofa in the front room. Sunny had given him fresh sheets rather than unmarking and making up again the bed he had left for me. Lying in those same sheets did not make for a peaceful night. I knew that he wouldn’t come to see, no matter how small the risk was. It would be a sleazy thing to do, in the house of his friends. And how could he be sure that it was what I wanted? Or that it was what he really wanted? Even I was not sure of it. Up till now, I had always been able to think of myself as a woman who was faithful to the person who she was sleeping with at any given time. My sleep was shallow, my dreams monotonously lustful, with irritating and unpleasant subplots. All night-or at least whenener I woke up-the crickets wre singing outside my windows. At first I thought it was birds. I had lived in cities long enough to have forgotten how crickets can make a perfect waterfall of noise. The bushes right at the edge of the grass looked impenetrable, but close up there were little openings, the narrow paths that animals or people looking for golf balls had made. The ground sloped slightly downward, and we could see a bit of the river. The water was steel gray, and lookedto be rolling. Between it and us there was a meadow of weeds, all in bloom-goldenrod, jewelweed with its red-and-yellow bells, and what I thought were flowering nettles with pinkish-


1. People can have a yard sale to sell things they don't want. 2. In online auctions, it's better for people to sell small items. 3. People can search the categories to find things they want to buy. 4. People need to make a bid for the item they want to buy in an online auction. 5. The top bid for the camera is $50. 6. The auction for the camera will end in 16 hours. 7. Jessica's job is to help people sell things online. How to sell online Your answer Suggested answer . 1 An eBay seller is someone who ______. (a) sells cars, pianos, bikes, furniture and dresses in an online auction (b) helps people sell anything in an online auction (c) sells things by newspaper ads, garage or yard sales, or online (d) helps people buy things online


Unit 1 一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。 轻轻松松赚大钱 “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”)“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。 “我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。 “看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。 孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 “好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。“你过得怎么样?”我问道。 “棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。” “又一辆卡车?” “今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” 我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 “不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。 “六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” “西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办?” “你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。“他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。” 第二天中午,我回到旅馆,看到一份紧急留言,要我马上给妻子回电话。她的声音高得很不自然,而且有些颤抖。家里又运到了好几卡车的广告插页。“有百货公司的,廉价商店的,杂货店的,食品店的,汽车行的,等等。有些像整本杂志那么厚。我们这里有数十万页,说不定是几百万页的广告!我们家整个房子从东墙到西墙,从南墙到北墙统统堆满了广告,一堆又一堆,比你大儿子还要高。现在只剩下一点点空间,刚够一个人走进去,从十一种插页中各取一份,卷在一起,套上橡皮筋,再塞进一只塑料袋内。我们的塑料袋足够供应全美所有的外卖餐厅!”她越讲声音越响,几乎震耳欲聋。“这么多的广告必须在星期日早晨七点以前统统送出去。”


第一单元 Now that her grateful mother-in-law is back at home ,with no signs of infection from the switchblade surgery , Colleen says ,”We are so thankful that in this age of lawsuits , Dr.Boll was willing to put himself on the line . He just stepped up and did what had to be done.” 1. She almost (choked) to death in the thick fumes. 2. The woman hurried to the bank, only to find that she had left her bankbook at home. She became (frantic). 3. The situation for the flood victims was quite dangerous. (Drastic) action had to be taken at once. 4. Fortunately, the drowned boy was (resuscitated) by first aid. 5. The old lady tripped over a stairway and became (unconscious). She was rushed to hospital. 6. Many people can have their vision restored by undergoing a (surgical) operation. 7. Because of government (intervention) in the mortgage market, interest rates remain near their lowest levels in decades. 8. Last night two burglars (broke into) my office and stole one of the computers. 9. They have (taken over) our firm by buying up our shares. 10. Will there be any difference between the mental and the (manual) labor in the future? 1. Luck does not always (come into play) (起作用) in examinations. It is your hard work that matters. 2. With the treatment, (the color returned) (面色恢复) to the woman's cheeks. 3. He got a nice dictionary (out of nowhere) (不知从哪里). It was really a great help. 4. My car (wouldn't start) (怎么也发动不起来) this morning. 5. The patient recovered from the surgery with (no signs of infection) (没有感染的迹象). 第二单元 The young man went away disappointed later that day. He never returned .Many a night Sylyia heard the echo of his whistle haunting the forest. She forgot even her sorrow at the sharp report of his gun and the sight of thrushes and sparrows dropping silent to the ground, their songs hushed and their pretty feathers stained and wet with blood. 1. The splendid parade on the 60th National Day filled the Chinese people with great (admiration).

新标准大学英语综合教程1 第六单元

Your answer Correct answer 1. comparable comparable 2. bankrupt bankrupt 3. temptation temptation 4. excursion excursion 5. exception exception 6. recovery recovery 1. when you buy clothes, there are often two labels, one which shows the price and the other, the make and other information. Your answer Correct answer labels labels 2. When researchers claim something is a fact, it's because it's true. Your answer Correct answer claiming claim 3. Someone who is fashion-conscious likes to wear clothes which are very up-to-date. Your answer Correct answer fashion-conscious fashion-conscious 4. To do something with ease means doing it without any difficulties. Your answer Correct answer ease ease 5. Something which is the norm is usual or expected. Your answer Correct answer norm norm 1. When the three main symptoms of shopaholism are put together, it becomes an addiction. combination Your replacement: Your answer Correct answer combination combined 2. A rough guess at the amount of what Victoria Beckham spends on clothes every year is £100,000. estimate Your replacement: Your answer Correct answer estimate estimation 3. You may have a (an) false impression of freedom when you're a shopaholic. illusion Your replacement: Your answer Correct answer illusion illusion 4. Most people today consider it normal being in debt. acceptable Your replacement: Your answer Correct answer acceptable accept

大学英语精读 第三版 第四册课文翻译

大学英语精读(第三版)第四册课文翻译 第一单元 两个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。 轻轻松松赚大钱 约翰·G·哈贝尔 “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”)“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。 “我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。 “看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。 孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 “好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。”你过得怎么样”我问道。 “棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。”

“又一辆卡车” “今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” 我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 “不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。 “六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” “西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办” “你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。”他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。” 第二天中午,我回到旅馆,看到一份紧急留言,要我马上给妻子回电话。她的声音高而颤抖,很不自然。家里又运到了好几卡车的广告插页。“有百货公司的,廉价商店的,杂货店的,食品店的,汽车行的,等等。有些像整本杂志那么厚。我们这里有数十万页,说不定是几百万页的广告!我们家整个房子从东墙到西墙,从南墙到北墙统统堆满了广告,一堆又一堆,比你大儿子还要高。现在只剩下一点点空间,刚够一个人走进去,从十一种插页中各取一份,卷在一起,套上橡皮筋,再塞进一只塑料袋内。我们的塑料袋足够供应全美所有的外卖餐厅!”她越讲声音越响,几乎震耳欲聋。”这么多的广告必须在星期日早晨七点以前统统送出


Unit1 Twocollege-ageboPs,unawarethatmakingmonePusuallPinvolveshardwork,aretemptedbPanadvertis ementthatpromisesthemaneasPwaPtoearnalotofmoneP.TheboPssoonlearnthatifsomethingseemstog oodtobetrue,itprobablPis. 一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。BIGBUCKSTHEEASPWAP轻轻松松赚大钱"Pououghttolookintothis,"Isuggestedtoourtwocollege-agesons."ItmightbeawaPtoavoidtheindignitP ofhavingtoaskformonePallthetime."Ihandedthemsomemagazinesinaplasticbagsomeonebadhungon ourdoorknob.AmessageprintedonthebagofferedleisurelP,lucrativework("BigBuckstheEasPWaP!")o fdeliveringmoresuchbags. “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”) "Idon'tmindtheindignitP,"theolderoneanswered.“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。"Icanlivewithit,"hisbrotheragreed.“我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。"Butitpainsme,"Isaid,"tofindthatPoubothhavebeenpanhandlingsolongthatitnolongerembarrassesPou."“看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。TheboPssaidthePwouldlookintothemagazine-deliverPthing.Pleased,Ilefttownonabusinesstrip.BPmi dnightIwascomfortablPsettledinahotelroomfarfromhome.Thephonerang.ItwasmPwife.Shewantedt oknowhowmPdaPhadgone.孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 "Great!"Ienthused."HowwasPourdaP?"Iinquired.“好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。“你过得怎么样?”我问道。 "Super!"Shesnapped."Justsuper!Andit'sonlPgettingstarted.Anothertruckjustpulledupoutfront."“棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。”"Anothertruck?"“又一辆卡车?” "Thethirdonethisevening.ThefirstdeliveredfourthousandMontgomerPWards.Thesecondbroughtfour thousandSears,Roebucks.Idon'tknowwhatthisonehas,butI'msureitwillbefourthousandofsomething.S incePouareresponsible,IthoughtPoumightliketoknowwhat'shappening.“今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” WhatIwasbeingblamedfor,itturnedout,wasanewspaperstrikewhichmadeitnecessarPtohand-deliverth eadvertisinginsertsthatnormallPareincludedwiththeSundaPpaper.ThecompanPhadpromisedourboPs $600fordeliveringtheseinsertsto4,000housesbPSundaPmorning.我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 "Pieceofcake!"ouroldercollegesonhadshouted.“不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。"SiGhundredbucks!"Hisbrotherhadechoed,"Andwecandothejobintwohours!"“六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” "BoththeSearsandWardadsarefournewspaper-sizepages,"mPwifeinformedme."TherearethirtP-twot housandpagesofadvertisingonourporch.Evenaswespeak,twobigguPsarecarrPingarmloadsofpaperup thewalk.Whatdowedoaboutallthis?"“西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办?”"JusttelltheboPstogetbusP,"Iinstructed."TheP'recollegemen.TheP'lldowhatthePhavetodo."“你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。“他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。”AtnoonthefollowingdaPIreturnedtothehotelandfoundanurgentmessagetotelephonemPwife.Hervoic
