



英语小作文朗诵比赛方案Title: Embracing Diversity: A Journey Through Words。

Introduction:Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow participants, I stand before you today to share a journey—a journey through the intricate tapestry of language and culture. Today, I invite you to embark with me on a voyage where words weave together to celebrate diversity, foster understanding, and ignite compassion.Body:1. Diversity in Language:Language, the cornerstone of human communication, serves as a gateway to diverse cultures and perspectives. From the lyrical cadence of Mandarin to the rhythmic flow of Spanish, each language carries with it a unique melody,a distinct flavor of expression. Embracing linguistic diversity enriches our understanding of the world, bridging divides and fostering unity amidst differences.2. The Power of Words:Words possess a transformative power—a power to uplift, to inspire, and to ignite change. In a world often fraught with division, our choice of words becomes paramount. Through our words, we have the ability to build bridges or erect barriers, to sow seeds of empathy or cultivate seedsof discord. Let us wield this power with responsibility and empathy, recognizing the profound impact our words can have on those around us.3. Cultivating Empathy Through Literature:Literature serves as a mirror reflecting the myriad facets of human experience. Through the pages of a novel or the verses of a poem, we are transported into the lives of others, gaining insight into their joys, sorrows, and aspirations. It is through literature that we cultivateempathy, transcending boundaries of nationality, race, and creed. As we immerse ourselves in diverse literary traditions, we expand our capacity for compassion and understanding.4. Nurturing Inclusive Spaces:In our quest for unity amidst diversity, it is imperative that we create inclusive spaces where every voice is heard and valued. Whether in classrooms, workplaces, or communities, let us strive to foster environments where individuals from all walks of life feel welcomed and respected. By embracing diverse perspectives and experiences, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the collective tapestry of humanity.Conclusion:As I conclude my reflections, I am reminded of the words of Nelson Mandela, who once said, "It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it." Indeed, the journey towards a more inclusive andcompassionate world begins with each one of us. Let us, therefore, continue to celebrate diversity, to cherish the richness of language and culture, and to strive towards a future where understanding and empathy reign supreme. Thank you.。






二、活动目的1. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,激发学习热情。

2. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力,增强学生的自信心。

3. 锻炼学生的团队合作精神,培养学生的组织协调能力。

4. 促进英语教师教学水平的提高,推动英语教学改革的深入。

三、活动主题“展示英语风采,弘扬中华文化”四、活动时间2022年10月15日(星期六)下午2:00-5:00五、活动地点学校报告厅六、参赛对象我校八年级全体学生七、比赛形式1. 个人朗诵:参赛选手自选一篇英语文章或诗歌,进行朗诵。

2. 团体朗诵:由4-6名同学组成一个团队,共同完成一篇英语文章或诗歌的朗诵。

八、比赛流程1. 报名阶段(2022年9月15日-9月30日)- 学生根据比赛要求,自行选择朗诵材料,并填写报名表。

- 英语教师对报名材料进行审核,确定参赛选手。

2. 准备阶段(2022年10月1日-10月10日)- 参赛选手根据所选材料,进行朗诵练习。

- 英语教师对参赛选手进行指导,帮助学生提高朗诵水平。

3. 比赛阶段(2022年10月15日)- 个人朗诵比赛:参赛选手按照抽签顺序进行朗诵,评委现场打分。

- 团体朗诵比赛:参赛团队按照抽签顺序进行朗诵,评委现场打分。

4. 颁奖仪式(2022年10月16日)- 评选出个人朗诵比赛和团体朗诵比赛的优胜者。

- 举行颁奖仪式,为获奖选手颁发奖品和证书。

九、比赛规则1. 个人朗诵:- 朗诵时间控制在3-5分钟。

- 朗诵内容要求积极向上,富有感染力。

- 语音、语调、语速要准确、自然。

2. 团体朗诵:- 朗诵时间控制在5-8分钟。

- 团队成员需分工明确,配合默契。

- 朗诵内容要求富有创意,体现团队合作精神。





通过这个活动,我们的目标包括:1. 提升参与者的英语朗读技巧和表达能力。

2. 激发大家对英语学习的热情。

3. 增进同事之间的互动与合作。

4. 培养大家的自信心,锻炼公众演讲的能力。



三、现状分析1. 员工英语水平根据我们公司最近的调查,员工的英语水平差异挺大的。



2. 组织文化我们的公司一直鼓励员工参与各种活动,团队氛围非常融洽,大家的交流也很频繁。


四、实施步骤1. 活动准备1.1 确定活动时间- 初赛:2023年11月1日- 决赛:2023年11月15日1.2 确定活动地点比赛可以在我们公司的会议室或多功能厅进行,环境要安静,适合朗读。

1.3 报名方式通过公司内部的邮箱或公告板发布活动通知,设置报名截止日期,并限制报名人数为50人,确保活动顺利进行。

1.4 材料准备- 朗读材料:准备多种不同难度的朗读材料,让每位参与者都能找到适合自己的内容。

- 评审表:设计一个评审标准,涵盖发音、语调、流利度和情感表达等方面。

2. 比赛流程2.1 初赛- 每位参与者朗读1-2分钟的材料,初赛预计持续3小时。


- 评委将对每组参与者进行打分,选出前20名进入决赛。

2.2 决赛- 决赛时间设定为2小时,每位选手需朗读3分钟的材料。




二、参赛对象:全校大、中专生三、主办单位:韶关学院韶州师范分院英语系四、包办单位:韶关学院韶州师范分院英语系学生疏会五、报名时间: 3 月 28 日—3 月 29 日(学生能够到各班学习委员处报名,亦可活动目在 28、29 正午 12:00—12:30 和下午 5:00 —5:30 在二楼饭堂门口和学生宿舍门口报名点报名)六、竞赛时间:初赛: 4 月 10 日礼拜二夜晚 7:30决赛:4 月 25 日礼拜三夜晚 7:30七、竞赛地址:初赛:综合楼 504 和 604决赛:南苑小礼堂八、竞赛形式:以个人形式参赛,分专业组和非专业组初赛:选手朗读一篇自选资料(短文或诗歌),时间在 2 分钟之内1决赛:选手随机抽取一篇待选资料进行朗读,时间在 2 分钟之内九、评分标准:(1)语音语调 20 分(2)朗读内容 30 分(3)流利程度 20 分(4)感情 20 分(5)综合成效 10 分十、活动流程初赛:1、先期准备(1)3 月 27 日正午 12:30 在综合楼 504 召开各班学习委员会议,介绍竞赛,并通知各班学习委员在 3 月 29 日以前收齐报名表。

(2)3 月 27 日,安排做事在早读时期到各班宣传英文朗读竞赛(3)3 月 27 日—28 日,张贴宣传海报,安排做事在二楼饭堂门口和学生宿舍门口进行摆摊(正午 12:00—12:30 ,下午 5:00 —5:30 ),进一步宣传英文朗读竞赛,并接受同学们的报名。

(4)3 月 29 日,统计好报名人数,并提早打电话告诉参赛选手参加参赛者会议的时间和地址(综合楼 604,3 月 30 日正午 12:30)(5)3 月 30 日正午 12:30 在综合楼 604 召开参赛者会议,讲清相关竞赛的注意事项,并让选手进行抽签决定上场次序(6)3 月 31 日,在系里精选两名主持人,并对其进行培训2(7)4 月 1 日,邀请英语系老师作为评委(8)4 月 5 日,申请工作证,场所(9)4 月 6 日,制作号码牌和统分纸,并准备好所需物件2、当日工作(1)工作安排综合楼 504:迎宾:婷婷摄影:雪婷签到和发号码牌:粹胐计时和统分:曾芳、菁云催场:红印保持纪律:杏金、儿萍、综合楼 604:迎宾:子哲签到和发号码牌:桥珍催场:嘉谊保持纪律:晓燕、海兰摄影:镇君计时和统分:尧珍、丽棉(2) 所有做事提早抵达,并部署好会场(3)现场活动流程a 评委入场b 主持人介绍评委和评分标准3c选手挨次上场:自我介绍( 1 分钟)朗读自选资料( 2 分钟)d 每 5 名选手宣告一次得分状况e 最后一名选手竞赛完成,邀请评委做整体评论3、后期工作(1)整理进入决赛的选手名单,并于次日宣告名单(2)清理睬场(3)所有做事对初赛做总结(4)赶快送还物件并致谢决赛1、先期准备(1)4 月 13 日,召开决赛者会议,讲清一些竞赛的注意事项,并抽签决定决赛当晚的竞赛次序和朗读资料(2)4 月 16 日,邀请贵宾(校领导、系主任、校团委代表、各系学生疏会代表、社联代表、广播站代表、师苑蓓蕾代表)(3)4 月 17 日,邀请评委(英语系的老师)(4)4 月 18 日,制作号码牌和统分纸(5)4 月 19 日,申请工作证、场所及电教(6)准备决赛所需要的资料2、当日工作(1)工作安排迎宾:镇君、子哲4签到和发号码牌:粹胐、桥珍催场:婷婷、菁云保持纪律:杏金、晓燕、红印、丽棉摄影:雪婷、海兰计时和统分:曾芳、尧珍、儿萍控制音响设施、灯光,负责道具:伟玲、凤英(2)所有做事提早抵达现场,部署好现场(3)现场活动流程a 评委及贵宾入场b 主持人致开场词c 主持人介绍出席贵宾和评委d 英语系主任上场致词e 主持人宣告竞赛规则和评分标准f 每 5 名选手宣告一次得分状况g 竞赛进行到一半时,将进互动环节(已竞赛完的选手登台进行 1 分钟的才艺展现进行拉票)以缓解紧张氛围h 最后一名选手朗读完成后,剩下未才艺展现的选手进行才艺展现拉票i 主持人宣告获奖选手名单,j 把未获奖的同学请登台,经过刚才的才艺展现让现场观众投票,评出最正确风范奖l 评委为获奖的选手颁发证书和奖品5m主持人致谢幕词3、后期工作(1)清理睬场(2)所有做事对英文朗读竞赛进行总结(3)赶快送还物件并致谢(4)递交活动简讯,并宣告获奖名单十一、竞赛注意事项1、选手一定按次序上场2、所有竞赛选手一定在竞赛开始前 15 分钟到竞赛场所签到3、选手因故迟到可临时将参赛次序今后排,如在竞赛结束时该选手仍旧未出席,则视为放弃4、参赛选手朗读时间不得少于 1 分钟,总时间不得超出 4 分钟十二、奖项设置(奖项设置视参赛总人数而定)奖品为证书和笔录本专业组:一等奖 1 名二等奖 2 名三等奖 4 名非专业组:一等奖 1 名二等奖 2 名三等奖 2 名最正确风范奖的奖品为笔录本十三、资本估算1、矿泉水:2 元× 25 瓶=50元2、细针:12 元(4 盒)3、南苑小礼堂部署资料:卡纸 10 张× 0.5=5 元6气球 3 包× 10 元=30 元彩带 3 卷× 8 元=24 元发光粉 5 元/ 包初步资本估算 126元十四、申请物件1、工作证若干个2、综合楼 504 和 604(初赛),南苑小礼堂(决赛)3、麦克风、音响设施4、 12 本证书和 13 本笔录本(初定)5、透明胶、双面胶英语系学生疏会冯粹胐2012 年 3 月 7 日7。




















策划书 外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书

策划书 外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书

策划书外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书英文回答:As a seasoned event planner, I'm thrilled to take on the task of organizing an unforgettable foreign language poetry recitation competition. The competition will provide a platform for students to showcase their linguistic prowess, foster appreciation for diverse cultures, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the power of words.To ensure a successful event, I will meticulously plan every aspect, from venue selection to participant recruitment, promotional campaigns, and judging criteria. The competition will be open to students of various language backgrounds, encouraging inclusivity and promoting a sense of global community.For effective promotion, I will leverage bothtraditional and digital marketing channels. Social media platforms, campus newsletters, and local newspapers will beutilized to spread the word and generate excitement. I will also collaborate with language departments and student organizations to reach a wider audience.The competition will be structured in a way that allows all participants to shine. Preliminary rounds will provide ample opportunities for students to showcase their talent, while the final round will feature the most exceptional performers. A prestigious panel of judges, composed of renowned language experts and literary enthusiasts, will evaluate the participants based on their pronunciation, intonation, expression, and overall stage presence.Prizes will be awarded to the top performers, recognizing their achievements and motivating them to continue their pursuit of linguistic excellence. Inaddition to trophies and certificates, winners may also receive opportunities to perform at prestigious events or receive scholarships to further their studies.The foreign language poetry recitation competition will not only be an exciting event but also an invaluableeducational experience. By immersing themselves in the beauty and nuances of foreign languages, students will develop a greater appreciation for different cultures and gain a deeper understanding of their own. The competition will ignite a passion for language learning, encouraging students to continue their journey of linguistic discovery.中文回答:作为一名资深活动策划人,我十分荣幸地接受组织一场难忘的外语诗歌朗诵比赛的任务。



英文朗诵活动策划方案范文Introduction:English recitation is an important activity for students to improve their language proficiency and develop their speaking skills. This proposal aims to organize an engaging and competitive English recitation competition for students. The competition will provide participants with an opportunity to showcase their talents and enhance their confidence in public speaking.Objective:1. To foster an interest in the English language and encourage students to improve their fluency and pronunciation.2. To enhance students' confidence in public speaking and boost their overall communication skills.3. To create a platform where students can showcase their talents and encourage healthy competition among participants.Target Audience:The English recitation competition will target students from middle school and high school (grades 7-12) who are interested in English language learning and want to enhance their public speaking skills.Date and Venue:The competition will be held on [date] at [venue]. [Venue] was chosen because of its spacious auditorium, adequate seating capacity, and excellent audio-visual facilities, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both participants and audience members.Competition Format:1. Solo Category: Each participant will present a self-selected English poem, speech, or excerpt from a literary work, lasting between 3-5 minutes.2. Group Category: Groups of 3-5 participants will present a dramatic interpretation of a selected English scene or dialogue from a popular play or movie, lasting between 5-8 minutes.3. Judging Criteria: Participants will be evaluated based on pronunciation, fluency, intonation, expression, body language, and overall presentation skills.Promotion and Registration:1. Flyers and Posters: Eye-catching flyers and posters will be distributed in schools, community centers, and online platforms to attract potential participants.2. Online Registration: Participants can register online via a dedicated website or through email. The registration process will include collecting necessary information such as name, school, grade, contact details, and the chosen piece for recitation.3. Social Media Promotion: A social media campaign will be launched to create buzz and reach a wider audience. Regular updates about the competition, including highlights of previous competitions and participant testimonials, will be shared on various platforms.Prizes and Certificates:1. Individual Category: Certificates and trophies will be awarded to the winners of the 1st,2nd, and 3rd places.2. Group Category: Certificates and a group trophy will be awarded to the winners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.3. All participants will receive participation certificates, encouraging them to continue their journey in language learning.Event Management and Logistics:1. Volunteers: A team of dedicated volunteers will be recruited to assist with event management, registration, stage setup, and other logistical tasks.2. Stage Setup: The stage will be decorated with banners, backdrops, and lighting effects to create an engaging and professional atmosphere.3. Sound and Lighting: A professional sound system will be arranged to ensure clear audibility of participants. Adequate stage lighting will be provided to enhance the visual impact.Judges and Evaluation Process:1. Panel of Judges: A panel of experienced English teachers and professionals in public speaking will be invited to judge the competition.2. Evaluation Process: Judges will use a standardized rubric to evaluate participants' performances. Scores will be compiled, and winners will be determined based on the highest overall scores.Conclusion:The English recitation competition aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their language skills and boost their confidence in public speaking. With careful planning,effective promotion, and a well-organized event, we believe this competition will be an enriching experience for all participants.。









(5)所有参赛选手必须在比赛开始前15分钟到比赛场地签到2、评分标准:1、发音 40分以标准英国英语或美国英语为准,语言准确(发音清晰,音调、音高合适,选词用词准确、相关)。

语言流利(连读、词重音、句重音、语调、节奏等准确、适中)2、对朗诵文章的熟悉程度,能背诵者满分 15分3、仪态仪表 15分衣着整洁,仪态端庄大方,举止自然、得体,上下场致意答谢。

4、语言技巧 20分幽默感(不能是哑剧式的幽默或调侃,不能使用道具),注意手势、眼神接触与身体语言,自信,有感情与气势;适当使用修辞手段(比喻,类比等)5、总体印象 10分九、活动具体流程安排如下:一)、比赛赛制安排1.前期宣传:为了尽可能让大家参加,少先队和英语老师,班主任要做好宣传工作2.初赛:根据报名情况安排初赛,各年级每班取3名进入比赛3.决赛:评出一等奖2名、二等奖4名、三等奖8名、优秀奖10名、二)、比赛流程:2.决赛环节:①.评委及嘉宾入场;②.主持人致开幕词③.主持人宣布比赛规则、评分标准,并介绍到场评委④.每5名选手公布一次得分情况,评委做简单点评⑤.每10名选手进行才艺表演(唱歌、相声等)⑥.最后一名选手朗诵完毕后,邀评委总体点评并宣布进决赛人员⑦.主持人致闭幕词。



大学英语朗诵比赛策划书方案文档2篇Plan document of College English Reading Competition编订:JinTai College大学英语朗诵比赛策划书方案文档2篇小泰温馨提示:策划书是对某个未来的活动或者事件进行策划,是目标规划的文字书及实现目标的指路灯。
























三、活动主题:if you think you can ,you can!四、活动时间:2011年11月21日晚7:00五、活动地点:人文楼多媒体教室五、活动对象:经管学院11级新生六、活动原则:公平、公开、公正、求知、求实、求精七、活动流程:1、主持人开场白,宣布比赛主题及评分细则,介绍评委及嘉宾,宣布比赛开始。













策划书 外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书

策划书 外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书

策划书外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书英文回答:As the organizer of the foreign language poetry recitation competition, I am excited to present thedetailed plan for this event. The purpose of this competition is to provide a platform for language enthusiasts to showcase their talent in reciting poetry in a foreign language, and to promote cultural exchange and appreciation of foreign languages and literature.First and foremost, we will need to determine the languages that will be included in the competition. We want to offer a diverse range of languages to attract participants with different language backgrounds. For example, we can include languages such as Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic. This will not only make the competition more inclusive, but also provide the audience with a rich and varied experience.Next, we need to establish the criteria for judging the recitations. It is important to consider factors such as pronunciation, intonation, emotion, and overall performance. For instance, a participant who recites a Spanish poem with perfect pronunciation and conveys the emotions effectively should receive high marks. 。



英文朗诵活动策划方案模板1. Introduction:The purpose of this speech competition is to provide a platform for individuals to showcase their public speaking skills and improve their overall communication abilities. This event aims to create an encouraging and inclusive environment where participants can express their thoughts and ideas effectively.2. Objectives:- To promote effective communication skills and public speaking abilities- To encourage creativity and critical thinking- To enhance participants' confidence and self-expression- To foster a sense of community and friendly competition3. Event Details:a) Date and Time:The speech competition will be held on [Date] from [Start Time] to [End Time]. It is important to schedule the event on a weekend or during a holiday to ensure maximum participation.b) Venue:The event will take place in the [Venue Name], which offers a spacious hall with the necessary audio-visual equipment and seating arrangement for participants and audience members.c) Competition Format:- Each participant will be given [Time Limit] to deliver their speech.- The competition will consist of multiple rounds, including eliminatory and final rounds. - In the eliminatory rounds, the participants will be judged by a panel of experts based on their content, delivery, and overall performance.- The finalists will be selected based on their scores from the eliminatory rounds for the final round. The ultimate winner will be determined in the final round.d) Eligibility:The speech competition is open to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Participants can be students, professionals, or members of the community who are interested in showcasing their public speaking skills.e) Registration:Participants will be required to register online through a dedicated registration portal or in person at a designated location. The registration will open [X weeks] prior to the event to allow participants enough time to prepare their speeches.f) Theme:The competition can have a specific theme or allow participants to choose a topic of their choice. The theme can be related to social issues, personal development, current affairs, or any other relevant topics that encourage critical thinking and creativity.g) Judging Criteria:The participants will be judged based on the following criteria:- Content: The relevance and depth of the topic, well-structured arguments, and supporting evidence.- Delivery: The participant's voice modulation, body language, eye contact, and overall stage presence.- Impact: The ability to engage the audience, convey emotions effectively, and leave a lasting impression.4. Prizes and Recognition:a) Prizes:- The winners of the competition will receive cash prizes, trophies, or certificates to acknowledge their achievements.- Additionally, all participants will receive certificates of participation to recognize their efforts.b) Recognition:- The winners of the competition will be given the opportunity to showcase their speeches at other public events or social gatherings, providing them with additional exposure and recognition.5. Promotion and Publicity:a) Social Media Marketing:- Create dedicated social media pages and groups for the event, where regular updates, participant profiles, and promotional materials can be shared.- Share engaging videos and snippets of previous competitions to generate excitement among potential participants and encourage them to register.b) Flyers and Posters:- Design visually appealing flyers and posters to be displayed in educational institutes, community centers, and public spaces to attract participants.c) Word of Mouth:- Encourage participants and judges from the previous editions to spread the word about the competition to their networks, creating a positive buzz around the event.6. Preparation and Support:a) Workshops and Training:- Organize pre-competition workshops or training sessions to help participants hone their public speaking skills, improve their content delivery, and build confidence.b) Mentoring Program:- Pair experienced public speakers with the participants to provide one-on-one guidance and support during the preparation phase.c) Rehearsal Sessions:- Arrange mock rehearsal sessions where participants can practice their speeches in front of fellow participants and receive feedback from trainers or mentors.7. Conclusion:The speech competition provides a platform for individuals to develop their public speaking skills, enhance their confidence, and connect with like-minded individuals. By following the outlined plan, the event can foster a supportive and encouraging environment while maintaining a high standard of competition.。



初中英语朗诵比赛方案范文The English recitation competition is a fantastic opportunity for middle school students to showcase their language skills and express their passion for English literature. The event aims to enhance students' pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension while fostering a love for reading and public speaking.The competition will be divided into two rounds: the preliminary and the final. In the preliminary round, participants will be asked to recite a short passage of their choice, demonstrating their ability to convey the emotionsand nuances of the text. The judges will evaluate their performance based on clarity, tone, and overall presentation.For the final round, the remaining competitors will be given a surprise text to recite on the spot. This will test their adaptability and their ability to connect with the audience through their voice and body language. It's a chance for students to truly shine and captivate the audience with their performance.Participants are encouraged to choose texts that resonate with them and allow them to express their personality.Whether it's a classic poem, a dramatic monologue, or an inspiring speech, the key is to convey the message with confidence and emotion.Prizes will be awarded to the top three performers, with certificates and small gifts to acknowledge their efforts and achievements. This competition is not just about winning;it's about the journey of self-expression and the joy of sharing one's voice with others.The English recitation competition is a celebration of language and a platform for students to step out of their comfort zones. It's an event that promises to be both challenging and rewarding, leaving a lasting impression onall who participate.。










八、前期准备:1. 比赛前:召开工作会议,进行工作分工2. 申请比赛场地,安排比赛时间地点。

3. 做好比赛前期宣传工作,通知下发到每个班的宣传委员,同时辅以海报等形式进行比赛活动的宣传工作,最大程度让每个人都知道这个比赛,积极参与进来。

4. 报名工作,各班确定好参赛人信息6. 邀请嘉宾,评委。

7. 提前两天统计报名名单及所需配乐,配乐以mp3格式上交。


十、决赛程序:1. 比赛活动前1小时工作人员进入比赛场地,,明确比赛进程和责任划分、注意事项,并布置比赛场地,布置好比赛用桌。

2. 评委及嘉宾入场3. 嘉宾致辞4. 比赛环节:A. 开场表演B. 主持人宣布比赛规则比赛开始5、比赛内容A、选手须在诗歌朗诵前30秒完成自我介绍B、朗诵时间2到4分钟,计时员计时,超时举手示意5. 统计结果,主持人宣布结果;6.颁奖评分规则:1. 满分为100分;a) 作品内容健康向上,中心明确,紧扣活动主题;(30分)b) 自我介绍(10分)c) 朗诵富有感染力,辅助性动作表达合理并增强了表达效果;50分)d) 服饰大方得体,仪态自然庄重;(10分)2. 每位参赛选手朗诵结束后,评委即亮分,工作人员进行分数统计;3. 选手最后得分:评委评分中去掉一个最高分,一个最低分,取平均分,选手的最终得分将在下一个选手比赛结束后公布;4. 朗诵内容:温情或是激昂类诗歌,散文. 朗诵时间:2分钟至4分钟。



“XX杯——双学位专场”英文朗诵大赛策划书主办:XXXXX学院、XXXXX学院团委承办:XXXXX学院学生会年月“XX杯——双学位专场”英文朗诵大赛一、活动主题:I am an excellent poet.二、活动背景:我校以“专业+外语”为教学特色,具有雄厚的语言教师资源以及浓厚的语言学习氛围。


















三、活动时间及地点时间:[具体日期]地点:[详细地址]四、参赛对象全校学生五、比赛流程1. 报名阶段([报名时间])学生可通过线下或线上方式报名参加比赛,填写个人信息和朗诵作品信息。

2. 预赛阶段([预赛时间])根据报名情况,组织预赛选拔,评选出优秀选手进入决赛。

3. 决赛阶段([决赛时间])入围决赛的选手进行现场朗诵比赛,评委打分评选出一、二、三等奖及优秀奖。

4. 颁奖仪式(决赛结束后)举行颁奖仪式,为获奖选手颁发证书和奖品。

六、比赛规则1. 朗诵作品要求内容积极向上,主题鲜明,具有一定的思想性和艺术性。

2. 朗诵语言为外语,可选择诗歌、散文、小说等体裁。

3. 预赛阶段每位选手朗诵时间控制在[时长]以内,决赛阶段每位选手朗诵时间控制在[时长]以内。

4. 比赛采取评委现场打分制,满分 100 分,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,取平均分为选手最终得分。

5. 评委根据选手的语音语调、朗诵技巧、情感表达等方面进行综合评判。

七、奖项设置1. 一等奖[X]名2. 二等奖[X]名3. 三等奖[X]名4. 优秀奖若干名八、宣传推广1. 在学校官网、公众号、微博等平台发布比赛通知和宣传海报。

2. 组织校内宣传队伍,进行线下宣传,如在教学楼、食堂等地张贴海报、发放传单等。

3. 邀请学校广播台、电视台等媒体进行报道。

九、活动预算1. 奖品费用:[具体金额]2. 宣传费用:[具体金额]3. 其他费用:[具体金额]十、注意事项1. 参赛选手需提前[时长]到达比赛现场签到,迟到将视为弃权。

2. 比赛期间请保持安静,不得喧哗或随意走动。

3. 尊重评委评判结果,如有异议可在赛后申诉。

4. 活动期间注意安全,确保比赛顺利进行。








四、比赛时间初赛:2022年X月X日决赛:2022年X月X日五、比赛地点初赛:各年级教室决赛:学校多功能厅六、比赛形式1. 初赛:各年级自行组织,选拔出本年级的参赛选手。

2. 决赛:分为个人赛和团体赛。



七、比赛规则1. 参赛选手需自备英语朗诵作品,要求内容积极向上,富有感染力。

2. 选手在朗诵过程中,要求发音准确、语调自然、表情丰富。

3. 个人赛选手需脱稿朗诵,团体赛选手可带稿件。

4. 评委根据选手的发音、语调、表情、内容等方面进行评分。

5. 每位选手表演结束后,评委进行现场评分。

6. 比赛结果按照得分高低进行排名。


九、奖项设置1. 个人赛奖项设置:一等奖:1名二等奖:2名三等奖:3名优秀奖:若干名2. 团体赛奖项设置:一等奖:1名二等奖:2名三等奖:3名优秀奖:若干名十、宣传与报名1. 比赛前期,通过校园广播、宣传栏、班级微信群等形式进行宣传。

2. 学生报名方式:各年级班主任负责组织报名,并填写报名表。

3. 报名截止日期:2022年X月X日十一、比赛组织1. 比赛由学校英语教研组负责组织实施。

2. 各年级班主任负责组织本年级选手参赛。

3. 评委负责对选手进行现场评分。

4. 比赛结束后,及时公布比赛结果,并进行颁奖。

十二、注意事项1. 参赛选手需提前准备好朗诵作品,并确保作品内容健康、积极。

策划书 外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书

策划书 外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书

策划书外语诗歌朗诵比赛策划书英文回答:As a budding event planner, I am thrilled to present my meticulously crafted proposal for an enchanting Foreign Poetry Recitation Competition. This captivating event aims to ignite a profound appreciation for the beauty and power of foreign languages through the expressive art of poetry.Concept and Objectives。

This competition will provide a platform for students to showcase their linguistic prowess and artistic talents by reciting foreign poetry with eloquence and emotion. It will cultivate their language skills, enhance theircultural awareness, and foster a lifelong love for the written word.Target Audience。

The competition is open to students of all ages and levels of foreign language proficiency, fosteringinclusivity and nurturing a diverse pool of participants. By embracing various foreign languages, we celebrate the richness of different cultures and perspectives.Event Structure。



五四英语朗诵比赛策划书范文Unveiling the Spirit of Youth: A Blueprint for the May Fourth English Recitation CompetitionEmbark on a journey through the vibrant tapestry of language as we unveil the Spirit of Youth through the May Fourth English Recitation Competition. This event is not just a contest; it's a celebration of the linguistic prowess and the indomitable spirit of our young talents. As we mark the centennial of the May Fourth Movement, we pay homage to the intellectual fervor and the quest for modernity that defined a generation.Our competition aims to ignite the passion for English among students, encouraging them to express their thoughts and ideas in a global language, while also reflecting on the historical significance of the May Fourth Movement. Participants will be invited to recite pieces that resonate with the themes of patriotism, progress, and the pursuit of knowledge, thereby connecting the past with the present in a harmonious dialogue.The event will be structured to include preliminary rounds, where entrants will demonstrate their fluency and understanding of the English language through recitations of selected texts. The semi-finals will challenge competitors to delve deeper, showcasing their interpretative skills and emotional depth. The grand finale will see the top contendersdeliver their most compelling performances, vying for the coveted title.We will ensure a fair and transparent judging process,with a panel of esteemed judges who are experts in the fieldof language and literature. The criteria for evaluation will encompass pronunciation, intonation, expression, and theability to convey the essence of the text.In addition to the prestige of winning, participants will also have the opportunity to receive constructive feedback, enhancing their language skills and broadening their horizons. The May Fourth English Recitation Competition is more than an event; it's a platform for growth, a catalyst for change, and a testament to the enduring legacy of the May Fourth Movement.Join us as we celebrate the fusion of language and history, and witness the emergence of voices that will carry the torch of knowledge and progress into the future. Let the stage be set, the words be spoken, and the spirit of youth be heard loud and clear.。












倡导Don’t be shy. I’m the best.“敢用英语、能用英语”。




五、实施安排:(一)合理评价有效激励(1)年级“朗诵之星”评比“朗诵之星”的评选要求:A 每个年级选一篇课文。

B 语音、语调准确,清晰,比较地道、纯正;C 可以和partner 合作,有感情地进行诵读;凡是符合以上三个要求的其中两个就可以被评为班级“朗诵之星”,给予奖状。












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英语朗诵比赛策划书1 一、活动目的:




