
Edwards XDS35i和XDS35i Enhanced滚动泵系列产品介绍说明书

Edwards XDS35i和XDS35i Enhanced滚动泵系列产品介绍说明书

XDS35i and XDS35i Enhanced FamilyThe XDS35i family of scroll pumps offer proven dry, clean vacuum solutions for a wide range of applications, with smart drive technology to look after the pump and provide world wide performance.Now, a combination of the patented double start scroll form technology and by-pass valves have enabledEdwards to offer the XDS35i Enhanced range of pumps to complement our original family. Take another step.With reduced peak power requirements at roughing pressures and continuous higher roughing speeds these enhanced pumps enable the user to take another step in terms of the performance envelope to address those special applications where roughing performance or the ability to evacuate a large volume is important.XDS35i and XDS35i Enhanced pumps are available as standard pumps with gas ballast, versions of the pump with no Gas Ballast (well suited for rare gas recirculation and gas recovery applications) and the C versions of the pumps featuring Chemraz® internal valves and stainless steel fittings for extra protection from the pumped media. XDS35i DRY SCROLL PUMPSBearing shieldensures separation between process gases and bearing lubrication to ensure clean vacuum and no possibility of contamination to lubrication from process gases, which prolongs bearing life.Smart motor drivemeans consistent performance globally, pump overload protection and remote start/stop capability.High flow gas ballast featureallows pumping of vapours including water vapour at up to 240 gh -1.Simple single sided scroll designallows maintenance to be done in minutes for low cost of ownership and maximum up-time.Take another stepthe Enhanced versions offer up to 20% lower peak powerrequirements during initial pump down which means it has the ability to pump down large volume chambers with no loss of performance and has up to 25% more pumping speed at these roughing pressures which helps on higher frequency cycling applications as well.Features and benefitsPRODUCT DATA SHEETSilencerVibration isolators (packof 4)EMEA UK +44 1444 253 000(local rate) 08459 212223Belgium +32 2 300 0730France +33 1 4121 1256Germany 0800 000 1456Italy + 39 02 48 4471Israel+ 972 8 681 0633ASIA PACIFIC China +86 400 111 9618India +91 20 4075 2222Japan +81 47 458 8836Korea +82 31 716 7070Singapore +65 6546 8408Taiwan +886 3758 1000AMERICAS USA +1 800 848 9800 Brazil+55 11 3952 5000 Publication Number: 3601 0458 01© Edwards Limited 2018. All rights reserved Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Whilst we make every effort to ensure that weaccurately describe our products and services, we give no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided in this datasheet.Edwards Ltd, registered in England and Wales No. 6124750, registered office: Innovation Drive,Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TW, UK.GLOBAL CONTACTSA. NW40B. NW25BA333 (13.11)180 (7.09)130 (5.12)50 (1.97)476 (18.74)353 (13.90)212 (8.35)Ø187 (0.28)396 (15.59)223 (8.78)240 (9.45)304 (11.97)DimensionsPerformanceXDS35i0200400600800100012001400160018002000051015202530354045500.0010.010.11101001000P o w e r (W )P u m p i n g s p e e d (m 3/h r )Pressure (mbar)PUMPING SPEED AND POWERXDS35i speedXDS35i E speedXDS35i E powerXDS35i powerThe graph shows typical pump performanceNote that peak power for XDS35i is supplied for a short period of time before the intelligent drive reduces the power and speed XDS35i Enhanced, with its bypass valves, is not limited and will pump down continuously at full speed。



Bran Lubbe DS15隔膜计量泵出力不足原因分析及处理发布时间:2021-04-16T04:59:11.655Z 来源:《建筑学研究前沿》2021年2期作者:顾加良黎有坤[导读] 分析该类型隔膜计量泵在运行中出力不足的原因,提出相关的解决办法,供该类型计量泵的日常维护和故障抢修时参考。

海南核电有限公司海南昌江 572733摘要:本文通过介绍Bran Lubbe(布朗卢比)DS15隔膜计量泵的工作原理,分析该类型隔膜计量泵在运行中出力不足的原因,提出相关的解决办法,供该类型计量泵的日常维护和故障抢修时参考。

关键词:布朗卢比隔膜计量泵出力不足原因0引言某电厂辅助电锅炉使用的加药泵为德国布朗卢比(Bran Lubbe)DS15隔膜计量泵。




1 Bran Lubbe DS15隔膜计量泵概述及工作原理计量泵由驱动端和液力端两大部分组成。









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德国布朗卢比PowerMon 中文操作手册

德国布朗卢比PowerMon 中文操作手册






目录1 介绍 (4)1.1 本手册的惯例 (4)2 安全建议 (5)3 运行操作 (6)3.1 概述 (6)3.2 触摸屏 (6)3.2.1初始化 (7)3.2.2PowerMon的结构和布局 (8)3.3结果 (8)3.3.1表格 (9)3.3.2图表 (10)3.3.3 信息 (10)3.4菜单 (11)3.4.1 系统 (11)3.4.2 传感器列表 (12)3.4.3 参数列表 (17)3.4.4应用 (17)3.4.5 服务 (23)3.4.6 帮助 (34)3.5 操作模式 (35)3.5.1 测量模式 (36)3.5.2 校准模式 (36)3.5.3停止模式 (36)3.5.4 错误模式 (37)4 报错信息 (38)4.1 概述 (38)4.2 报错信息概述 (38)1 介绍Bran+Luebbe公司的PowerMon系列分析仪表是新一代完全自动化的在线分析仪表的。


桑德皮珀泵 250至600 gpm 手册说明书

桑德皮珀泵 250至600 gpm 手册说明书

S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.78675 YEAR LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY5 Year Guarantee for defects in material or workmanship. See /content/warranty-certificationsfor complete warranty, including terms and conditions, limitations and E ONLY GENUINE SANDPIPER PARTS All certification, standards, guarantees & warrantiesoriginally supplied with this pump will be invalidated by the use of service parts not identified as “Genuine SANDPIPER Parts.”CAPACITY GPMLPM2503003504004505000P S IAIR CONSUMPTION IN SCFMAIR PRESSURE IN PSI200150100501400153045607590105120135150165550B A R 891060010(17)1• No-lube, no-stall designSOLIDS-HANDLING• Up to .25 in. (6.3mm)HDB1½ / HDB40 METALLIC BALL VALVE PUMP ISO 9001 Certified I SO 14001 CertifiedII IIWEIGHTS• Aluminum 75 lbs. (34kg)• Cast Iron 104 lbs. (47kg)• Stainless Steel 107 lbs. (48kg)S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.7867DIMENSIONSHDB1 1/2 & HDB40, Side PortedDimensions are ± .13" (3mm). Figures in parenthesis = millimeters15.503949.962532.235713.88352.19510.63270DISCHARGE PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]SUCTION PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]9.152328.712216.8117311.002791.1830VERTICAL SUCTION12.06306VERTICAL DISCHARGE14.843777.67195AIR INLET 3/4" NPT8.632199.002294.501144.321104X .47 [12] MOUNTING HOLESAIR EXHAUST 1" NPTHDB1 1/2 & HDB40, Down PortedDimensions are ± .13" (3mm). Figures in parenthesis = millimeters15.814026.271599.9625323.3259210.64270 DISCHARGE PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]SUCTION PORT1 1/2" NPT [1 1/2" BSP TAPERED]14.5036811.5929412.04306 16.26413.18517.28439VERTICAL DISCHARGE5.22132VERTICAL SUCTION17.7245010.55268VERTICAL PORTINGAIR INLET 3/4" NPT12.5031710.50267 8.6421914.5036810.642708X .44 [11]MOUNTING HOLESS A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O M Warren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.7867Material Profile:Operating Temperatures:Max.Min.CONDUCTIVE ACETAL: Tough, impact resistant, ductile. Good abrasion resistance and low friction surface. Generally inert, with good chemical resistance except for strong acids and oxidizing agents.190°F 88°C-20°F -29°CEPDM: Shows very good water and chemical resistance. Has poor resistance to oils and solvents, but is fair in ketones and alcohols.280°F 138°C -40°F -40°C F KM (FLUOROCARBON): Shows good resistance to a wide range of oils and solvents; especially all aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, acids, animal and vegetable oils. Hot water or hot aqueous solutions (over 70°F(21°C)) will attack FKM.350°F 177°C-40°F -40°CHYTREL ®: Good on acids, bases, amines and glycols at room temperatures only.220°F 104°C -20°F -29°C NEOPRENE: All purpose. Resistance to vegetable oils. Gener-ally not affected by moderate chemicals, fats, greases and many oils and solvents. Generally attacked by strong oxidizing acids, ketones, esters and nitro hydrocarbons and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons.200°F 93°C-10°F -23°CNITRILE: General purpose, oil-resistant. Shows good solvent, oil, water and hydraulic fluid resistance. Should not be used with highly polar solvents like acetone and MEK, ozone, chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro hydrocarbons.190°F 88°C -10°F -23°CNYLON: 6/6 High strength and toughness over a wide tem-perature range. Moderate to good resistance to fuels, oils and chemicals.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°CPOLYPROPYLENE: A thermoplastic polymer. Moderate tensile and flex strength. Resists stong acids and alkali. Attacked by chlorine, fuming nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°C PVDF: (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) A durable fluoroplastic with excellent chemical resistance. Excellent for UV applications. High tensile strength and impact resistance.250°F 121°C 0°F -18°C SANTOPRENE ®: Injection molded thermoplastic elastomer with no fabric layer. Long mechanical flex life. Excellent abrasion resistance.275°F 135°C -40°F -40°C UHMW PE: A thermoplastic that is highly resistant to a broad range of chemicals. Exhibits outstanding abrasion and impact resistance, along with environmental stress-cracking resistance.180°F 82°C -35°F -37°C URETHANE: Shows good resistance to abrasives. Has poor resistance to most solvents and oils.150°F 66°C 32°F 0°C VIRGIN PTFE: (PFA/TFE) Chemically inert, virtually impervious. Very few chemicals are known to chemically react with PTFE; molten alkali metals, turbulent liquid or gaseous fluorine and a few fluoro-chemicals such as chlorine trifluoride or oxygen difluoride which readily liberate free fluorine at elevated temperatures.220°F 104°C-35°F -37°CMaximum and Minimum Temperatures are the limits for which these materials can be operated. Temperatures coupled with pressure affect the longevity of diaphragm pump components. Maximum life should not be expected at the extreme limits of the temperature ranges.Metals:ALLOY C: Equal to ASTM494 CW-12M-1 specification for nickel and nickel alloy.STAINLESS STEEL: Equal to or exceeding ASTM specification A743 CF-8M for corro-sion resistant iron chromium, iron chromium nickel and nickel based alloy castings for general applications. Commonly referred to as 316 Stainless Steel in the pump industry.For specific applications, always consult the Chemical Resistance Chart.CAUTION! Operating temperature limitations are as follows:EXPLANATION OF PUMP NOMENCLATUREPUMP SERIESHD Heavy DutyPUMP DESIGNBSolid BallPUMP SIZE & OPTIONS1 1/2”P1 Intrinsically Safe ATEX Compliant Pulse OutputSB S tainleSS -B raSS Sleeve and Spool Set DISCHARGE PORTING POSITIOND Down Ported S SideDIAPHRAGM CHECK VALVE MATERIALSB NitrileCFKM with PTFEMATERIALSF FDA Accepted White NitrileGN Neoprene Backup with PTFE Overlay and PTFE Check Balls GR Hytrel Backup w/ PTFE Overlay/PTFE Balls GZ PTFE/Nitrile Bonded One-Piece/PTFE Balls H EPDM with PTFE I EPDM N Neoprene R HytrelS SantopreneU Santoprene with PTFE V FKMDESIGN LEVEL7CONSTRUCTIONA Aluminum Wetted, Aluminum AirCI Cast Iron Wetted, Aluminum Air II Cast Iron Wetted, Cast Iron AirSI Stainless Steel Wetted, Cast Iron Air SS Stainless Steel Wetted, Aluminum Air HC Alloy-C Wetted, Aluminum Air HIAlloy-C Wetted, Cast Iron AirNOTE: See service manual for ATEX details.SP_DS_TemplateDataSheet_0118____ _____ __ ___ __ __Pump Pump Pump Size Discharge Diaphragm/ Design ConstructionSeriesDesignand Options Porting Valve LevelHD X XXXXXX, XX XXX X XXModel #:(fill in from pump nameplate)Your Model #:HD II 2II 2。

Goulds Vertical Turbine Pumps 产品说明书

Goulds Vertical Turbine Pumps 产品说明书

An ITT Brand Vertical Turbine Pumps2Flexibility by Design:Three Pump Models, One Common Bowl Assembly The three different pump models in the vertical turbine line have one thing in common – the hydraulic design of the pump bowl assembly. Using state-of-the-art techniques in turbine pump design, Goulds vertical turbine line covers a wide range of hydraulic conditions to meet virtually every pumping service in the industry with optimum efficiency.Goulds flexibility of design allows the use of a wide range of materials and design features to meet the customrequirements of the user. No matter what the requirements, Goulds can design and manufacture the pump to best satisfy them, specifically and thoroughly.Models VIT, VIC & VISThis bulletin is designed to assist the user in selecting the best pump for the conditions required; however, any questions will be answered promptly by calling the Goulds sales office or representative in your area.Goulds Vertical Turbine Pumps Pump Bowl AssemblyThe bowl assembly is the heart of the vertical turbinepump. The impeller and diffuser type casing are designed to deliver the head and capacity that your system requires in the most efficient way possible. The fact that the vertical turbine pump can be multi-staged allows maximum flexibility both in the initial pump selection and in the event that future system modifications require a change in the pump rating.A variety of material options allows the selection of a pump best suited for even the most severe services. The many bowl assembly options available ensure that the vertical turbine pump satisfies the users’ needs for safe, efficient, reliable and maintenance-free operation. Standard Design Features• Suction Bell - Allows smooth entry of liquid into first stage impeller eye, minimizes foundation opening.• Suction Bell Bearing - Provided for shaft stability. • Sand Collar - Prevents solids from enteringsuction bearing.• Impeller - Semi-open or enclosed forappropriate service.• Pump Shaft - Heavy duty 416SS standard, otheralloys available for strength and corrosion resistance. • Flanged Bowls - Registered fits ensure positivealignment, ease of maintenance.•Diffuser Bowl - Available in variety of cast materials.• Sleeve Type Bearing - Provided at each stage toassure stable operation.• Keyed Impellers - Standard for API applications,18” and larger sizes; furnished on all pumps fortemperatures above 180° F (82° C) and on cryogenicservices. Regardless of size, keyed impellers provideease of maintenance and positive locking underfluctuating load and temperature conditions.Vertical Turbine Pumps3Vertical Turbine Pumps5Flanged ColumnOpen Lineshaft BearingFlanged column / product lubricated lineshaft isrecommended for ease of maintenance. Renewable shaftsleeve or hard facing of shaft available for longer life.Threaded Lineshaft CouplingThreaded lineshaft coupling is commonly used for lowerhorsepower pumps. It is more economical.Enclosed LineshaftThe lineshaft is protected by water flushing the enclosing tube bearing on corrosive / abrasive services. Oil lubricated lineshaft available on long settings.Alignment is attained by register fit between theflange faces.Keyed LineshaftKeyed lineshaft coupling is recommended for motors larger than 700 HP . It provides ease of maintenance.Column sections are provided with flanged ends incorporating registered fits for ease of alignment during assembly to ensure concentricity. Our standard bearing retainers are welded into the column section.6Discharge HeadsDischarge HeadsThe discharge head functions to change the direction of flow from vertical to horizontal and to couple the pump tothe system piping in addition to supporting and aligning the driver. Discharge head accommodates all types of driver configurations. Optional sub-base can be supplied. Goulds offers three basic types for maximum flexibility.VIC DISCHARGE HEADVIC can also be supplied with the pump suction in the can.BELOW GROUND DISCHARGE HEAD Use whenever VIT pump is required to adapt to an underground discharge system.• Finite Element Analysis is typically recommended on thisconfiguration to evaluate the pump’s dynamic behavior and capability to withstand the loads • Robust design as a result of the cantilever load distribution applied to the foundation and anchor bolts• Customized design to minimize the foundation openingVIT DISCHARGE HEADSuitable for all service conditions such as high or low temperature or corrosive services. Various materials available. Segmented elbow available for efficiency improvement. Access ports for easy access to seals andcouplings. Base flange can be machined to match ANSI tankflange.FAN AIR COOLED THRUST POT • Cast steel body meeting API standard• 25,000-hour L10 bearing life • Two or three bearing configurations• Momentary up-thrust capability• Inpro seals - prevent oil contamination• Vibration and temperature monitoring are standard provisions• Oil lubricated thrust bearings & permanently-lubricated radial bearingsVertical Turbine Pumps7Seals & CouplingsAdjustable Coupling (Type A)For vertical solid shaft driver, impeller adjustment made by using adjustable plate in the coupling.Adjustable CouplingAdjustable Spacer Coupling (Type AS)Same function as Type A coupling with addition of spacer. Spacer may be removed for mechanical seal maintenance without removing the driver.Adjustab CouplingPacked Box With or Without Sleeve Open LineshaftWhenever packing lubrication leakage can be tolerated and the discharge pressure does not exceed 150 psi, a packed box may be used. Optional headshaft sleeve or shaft hardfacing available to protect shaft.Water Flush or Oil Lubricated Enclosed LineshaftWater flush tube connection is supplied when pressurized water is introduced into the enclosing tube for bearing protection on abrasive services.Single SealMost popular method — used for low to medium pressures. Cartridge style for ease of installation and maintenance.Dual SealsTwo seals mounted in-line. Chamber between seals can be filled with a buffer liquid and may be fitted with a pressure sensitive annunciating device for safety.Model VITVertical Industrial Turbine Pump Array For higher flows refer to high capacity section• Flows to 70,000 GPM (15,900 m3/Hr)• Heads to 3,500 feet (1,060 m)• Pressures to 2,500 psi (76kg/cm²)• Bowl sizes from 6” to 55” (152.4 mm to 1,400 mm) • Temperatures to 500° F (260° C)• Horsepower to 5,000 HP (3,730 KW)Design Advantages• Fabricated discharge head and flanged column• Flanged bowl construction• 416SS shafting• Alloy construction with external flush of critical wear areas available for corrosive/abrasive services• Built-in alignment and simple piping for less costly installation and ease of maintenance / reduceddowntimeApplications• Cooling Water• Seawater and River Water Intake• Industrial Process Pumps• Utility Circulating Water• Condenser Circulating Water Pumps• Fire Service• Reclaimed Water8Cross Sectional VIT (Product Lube)TYPICAL MARKETS SERVED• Power Generation• Oil & Gas• Mining• Municipal• General Industry • ChemicalMotorMotor Key(Supplied By Motor Vendor)Hub - MotorRing - RetainingPlate - AdjustingHub - PumpPump KeyGland / SplitPackingStuffing BoxHeadshaftHeadCapscrew - Col / HeadColumn - TopCapscrew - Col / ColHex NutColumn - IntermediateLineshaftBearing - LineshaftColumn - BottomCoupling - LineshaftPumpshaftCapscrew - Col / BowlBearing - BowlCapscrew - Bowl / BellBowlSuction BellStrainer (Basket Type)CapscrewMotor / SupportMotor SupportCoupling GuardStud / NutCapscrew Support / HeadGasketBearingBy-Pass Line Assembly(Tube & Fitting)Mounting HolesBy-Pass Return To SumpSoc. HD. CapscrewThrust RingKey - ImpellerImpellerWear Ring - BowlWear Ring - ImpBearing - SuctionPipe PlugVertical Turbine Pumps9Vertical Turbine Pumps10Cross SectionalVIT (Enclosed Lineshaft) TYPICAL MARKETS SERVED• Mining • Oil & Gas • Municipal• Power Generation • General Industry • ChemicalVIT ClosedMotorMotor Key(Supplied By Motor Vendor) Hub - Motor Ring - RetainingSoc HD Capscrew Plate - Adjusting Hex Nut Hub - Pump Pump KeyPipe Plug HeadTube NippleCapscrew Col / HD HeadshaftColumn - TopTube - Encl. Bearing - TubeColumn - Intermediate Capscrew - Col / Col Hex NutLineshaftColumn - Bottom Dish BowlPumpshaftCapscrew - Bowl / Disch Bowl Bearing - ThrottleCapscrew - Bowl / BowlBowlCapscrew - Bowl / Bell Capscrew - Strainer Strainer (Basket Type) Suction BellCapscrew Motor / SupportMotor Support Coupling GuardCapscrew Support / HeadTension PlateOil Lube Water FlushMounting HolesSoc HD CapscrewThrust Ring Key - ImpellerImpellerWear Ring - Bowl Wear Ring - ImpSand Collar Bearing - SuctionPipe PlugModel VIC Vertical Industrial Can-Type Pump Array • Flows to 70,000 GPM (15,900 m3/Hr)• Heads to 3,500 feet (1,060 m)• Pressures to 2,500 psi (76kg/cm²)• Bowl sizes from 6” to 55” (152.4 mm to 1,400 mm)• Temperatures to 500° F (260° C)• Horsepower to 5,000 HP (3,730 KW)Design Advantages• Fabricated discharge head and flanged column• Flanged bowl construction• 416SS shafting• In-Line suction and discharge simplifies installation• Optional suction in can for site piping flexibility• Inherent design features on Model VIC allow efficientoperation at any NPSH available• Alloy construction for corrosive / abrasive servicesApplications• Pipeline Booster• Product Transfer, Refinery Blending• Injection Secondary Recovery• Chemical Transfer• Boiler Feed• Condensate• Cryogenics• LNG Transfer• Light Hydrocarbons• Water ServicesVertical Turbine Pumps11Vertical Turbine Pumps12Cross SectionalVICTYPICAL MARKETS SERVED • Power Generation • Chemical • Mining• General IndustryVIC CommercialCapscrew Motor / SupportMotor Support Coupling GuardGlandSoc HD Capscrew - Gland / Housing Soc HD Capscrew - Housing / HeadCapscrew - Support / HeadO-Ring - Housing / Head Bearing - Seal HousingMounting HolesCapscrew - ImpellerThrust Ring Key - ImpellerImpellerWear Ring - Bowl (Optional) Wear Ring - Imp (Optional)Optional Taper Lock Bearing - SuctionMotorMotor Key(Supplied By Motor Vendor) Hub - Driver Ring - RetainingSoc HD Capscrew / Hex NutSpacerSoc. HD. Capscrew / Hex Nut Plate - Adjusting Key - Pump Hub - PumpO-Ring - Gland / Housing Housing - Seal HeadSeal Flush Plan 13 HeadshaftCapscrew - Head / BarrelO-ringCapscrew - Col / Head Column - TopCapscrew - Col / ColHex NutIntegral Bearing Retainer Column - IntermediateLineshaftOptional Loose RetainerBearing - LineshaftColumn - BottomCoupling - LineshaftPumpshaftCapscrew Col / Bowl Bearing - Bowl Bowl - TopCapscrew - Bowl / BowlBowlCapscrew - Bowl / Bell Suction Bell BarrelVIC CommercialVertical Turbine Pumps13Cross SectionalMotor horsepower margin Motor design required to API 541Motor thrust bearing life at rated conditionMotor thrust bearing life at maximum loadsMotor thrust bearing location Motor to be VSSCoupling will be balanced as assemblySpecial coupling as requiredSocket welded or flanged piping plan required (tubing also available)NDE of nozzle weldsNozzle load 1 x API (standard)For other than steel construction VPO will advise nozzle loadsPost weld heat treatment may be Required on carbon steel fabs Separate sub-base as requiredOne piece shaft as required (as length permits)Corrosion resistant bolting (typical)TESTING NOTES(Per API-610 Latest Edition)If vibration test is required, pump is to be fully tested with job motor.CMTR’s are only required if required by customer.Observed testing is considered witness.Customer is to define inspection requirements.Customer is to define NDE requirements.Hydro testing as required.Performance testing as required.MotorHorizontal alignment Screws as required 1/16” Thread Clearance on 1-1/2”and GreaterAuxiliary sealing required for condensate applicationFigure 25; studs and nuts at sealing housingMechanical seal required Mechanical seal to API 682Additional seal and gland vent tapPressure boundary components stress levelUnless otherwise specified the suction region may be designedfor maximum suction pressure1/8” Corrosion allowanceIf specified can mounting flange may be requiredBearing spacing as requiredWelded retainersKeyed impellers (standard)Impeller dynamically balanced to 8W/NBowl wear ring requiredSet screw or tack weld wear rings Different hardness required (by material)VIT (Per API-610)TYPICAL MARKETS SERVED • Oil & Gas • Chemicals• Pipeline Transfer • MiningModel VISVertical Industrial Turbine Pump Array • Flows to 70,000 GPM (15,900 m3/Hr)• Heads to 3,500 feet (1,060 m)• Pressures to 2500 psi (76kg/cm²)• Bowl sizes from 6” to 55” (152.4 mm to 1,400 mm)Design Advantages• Ideal for deep set applications where use of lineshaft pumps is impractical• Complete unit is installed underground, resulting in quiet operation and space saving• Long life / low maintenance − no lubrication,alignmentApplications• Irrigation• Service Water• Deep Well• Sea Water Lift14Vertical Turbine Pumps15Cross SectionalVISTYPICAL MARKETS SERVED • General Industry • Oil & GasVISDischargeSuctionDischarge Adapter Bearing - Suction AdapterSand Collar BowlBearing - Bowl Optional Taper Lock Impeller Wear Ring - BowlPumpshaft Screen SuctionBearing - Suction Adapter Coupling Suction AdapterOptional ShroudSubmersible MotorHydraulic Coverage16Vertical Turbine Pumps17High Capacity PumpsModel WC-GPDESIGN FEATURES FOR OPTIMUM EFFICIENCY , RELIABILITY AND COST SAVINGS• Hydraulic selection at best efficiency point usingadvanced 3-D tools with parametric design. Each pump is designed for optimum hydraulic and mechanicalconditions for the required application. The suction bell provides flared inlet controls to accelerate the fluid to the desired inlet velocity. Outer wall on the bowls provides structural integrity and the flanges with precise rabbet fits are located at each end for positive alignment. The contour of the diffuser/bowl provides accurate fit to the impeller for optimum operating efficiency.• Cantilever rotor design with no tail bearings. Extra long length bearing or double bearing for added stability in the upper bearing above the first stage impeller. No auxiliary lubrication system needed. The process fluid ensures proper lubrication at all times for increased life expectancy. Elimination of the tail bearing provides lower NPSHR values and improved fluid inlet conditions for hydraulic performance.• Computational fluid dynamic analysis is available todetermine the sump flow conditions at the pump inlet for superior performance.• Using a thermal casting solidification simulation program, Goulds Pumps is able to design optimum castings to meet specific customer conditions, providing better design standards in the market. • Shaft sleeves optional. Provides renewable bushings.Prevents wear of shaft itself. Materials can be providedto resist abrasion which are not available in shafting insome cases. Recommended on large shafts due to the shaft replacement cost and lead times.• Pull-out design is optional. This option provides an effective way to maintain the equipment and replace wear components without the need to remove the complete pump and disconnect the flanges from the main pipe. The removable component is only the rotor for optimum reliability and to reduce costs during maintenance.18High Capacity PumpsModel WC-GPDESIGN FEATURES FOR OPTIMUM EFFICIENCY , RELIABILITY AND COST SAVINGS• Innovative O-Head design using finite element analysis provides maximum equipment reliability throughout its operating hydraulic range without high vibrations from structural resonance frequency. In addition, lateral and torsional rotor analysis addresses unstable rotor dynamics.• Thrust pot design is optional. It is designed to carry the pump down thrust generated by the rotor weight and the hydraulic action of the pump during operation. Thrust pots are ideally on units equipped with IEC motors where their thrust capacity is basically zerobeyond the motor weight. Thrust pots are designed for easy dismantling without the need to remove the unit driver. Additional advantages include capacity of the thrust pot to withstand a large range of thrust forces, meeting international standards for bearingtemperature and extended life, in addition to being aircooled for most of the applications.• The hydraulic balance achieved on the rotor does not have balance holes in the impeller like other brands on the market. Reducing the down thrust of the pump will reduce the cost of the driver by reducing the size of the thrust bearing in the motor, which makes the Goulds Pumps design more competitive.• Below-grade discharge elbow is optional, and the structural analysis design considers the overturning forces with respect to the anchor bolt location and pump centerline. This results in robust components to prevent equipment deformation. Discharge heads are designed to withhold certain discharge hydraulic and mechanical forces. It is always recommended to minimize these external forces by supporting the system independently. Do not use the rotating equipment as a piping anchor.Vertical Turbine Pumps19High Capacity & Higher Head PumpsModel WC-GPVertical circulating water pumps or wet pit columnpumps are classified as VS1 pumps for power generation condenser cooling, recirculation and desalination sea water intake, and as VS3 pumps for flood protection, storm water disposal, waste treatment plants, industrial services, and sump drainage.High capacity pumps having a CCW (counter clockwise) rotation when viewing the equipment from the top meet Hydraulic Industry Standards and are in full compliance. These high capacity pumps can be designed in multistage with a HEAVY DUTY configuration for a wide range of heads and extended service life, and are ideal when the installation requires minimum floor space.Pumps ship completely assembled to the job site as long as they fit within freight dimension limitations. Pumps are shipped in sub-assemblies when the complete assembly exceeds the capacity of the transportation.T D H - M e t e r sCapacity in 1,000 cubic Meters Per Hour105017345180100200Capacity in 1,000 U.S. GPM3005T D H - M e t e r sCapacity in 1,000 cubic Meters Per Hour1661371077646。



























Bran+Luebbe 流量泵性能数据.pdf_1705907714.67829说明书

Bran+Luebbe 流量泵性能数据.pdf_1705907714.67829说明书

Bran+Luebbe®Datos de rendimientoCaudal: entre aproximadamente 12 y 1200 l/h Presión:máxima 103 bares (1500 psi)Viscosidad del fluido: máxima 1000 cPTemperaturas del fluido: Temperaturas ambiente: Motor:-10 a +93 °C para la cabeza de metal -10 a +50 °C para la cabeza de plastico -10 a +50 °C 0,75 a 1,5 kW, en función del tamano de la carcasa de 80 hasta 90V oltaje tension conforme a los requisitos localesAplicaciones•Tratamiento de aguas industriales y aguas residuales •Tratamiento de agua de alimentación de la caldera •Dosificación de productos químicos •Dosificación de aditivos para petróleo y gasCaracterísticas estándar•Conformidad con la norma API 675•Doble diafragma de accionamiento hidráulico de PTFE •Monitorización del estado del diafragma con manómetro •Válvulas de retención de doble bola o válvula cónica con resorte (en función del tamaño de la bomba)•Conexiones: NPT (metálica) o extremos de acoplamiento (plástico)•Partes en contacto con el producto en acero inoxidable 316L o plástico •Ajuste manual del cursor lineal de 0 a 100%•Motor compatible con zona explosiva •Sistema de pintura estándar•Bombas con cabezales de plástico, con válvulas de bola y conexiones adecuadasCAUDAL (l/h)P R E S I ÓN (b a r g )1101001.00010.000100.0001101001.000Opciones•Conexiones de brida•Motor compatible con zona explosiva •Motor de velocidad variable, rango 1: 5•Ajuste de carrera electrónicoSedes globalesBRASILSPX FLOW TECHNOLOGYDO BRASIL LTDAAlameda T erracota,250 Way T ower - Room 804São Caetano do Sul, SP, 09531-190BrasilT eléfono:+55 11 2127-8278Correo-e: ********************COLOMBIASPX LATIN AMERICA CORPORATIONCOLOMBIAN BRANCHCalle 113 # 7-45 T eleport Business Park.T orre B. Of. 1018.Bogotá, 110111ColombiaT eléfono:+57 (1) 746 4565Correo-e: ********************CHILESPX CHILE LIMITADARicardo Lyon 222 Of. 1701.Providencia, Santiago, 7510125ChileTeléfono: +56 22 8969330Correo-e:********************MÉXICOSPX FLOW TECHNOLOGY MÉXICO,S.A. DE C.V.Parque de Granada 71-101Col. Parques de la HerraduraHuixquilucan 52786MéxicoT eléfono:+52 (55) 5293 9030Correo-e: ********************SPX FLOW, Inc. se reserva el derecho de incorporar los cambios más recientes en lo que respecta a diseño y materiales sin previo aviso ni obligación de ningún tipo.Las características de diseño, los materiales de construcción y los datos relativos a las dimensiones, según lo descrito en este boletín, son meramente informativosy no deberán tomarse como referencia a menos que se confirmen por escrito. Póngase en contacto con su representante local de ventas para conocer la disponibilidad del producto en su zona. Para obtener más información, visite BL_CEREX-K_ES Versión: 10/2020Los símbolos de color verde « » y « » son marcas comerciales de SPX FLOW, Inc.COPYRIGHT © 2020 SPX FLOW, Inc.。



ITT flygt飞力泵ITT goulds泵ITT Lowara罗瓦拉泵ITT Bell & Gossett泵ITT Robot罗伯特泵SEEPEX西派克泵ALLDOS安度实泵Silverson高剪切混合器Ebara荏原泵Grundfos格兰富泵弗尔德VERDER 泵ABEL 泵易威奇iwaki(イワキ) 泵GSD川源泵WANNER万纳尔Hydra-cell多柱塞高压隔膜泵DAB德宝泵WILO威乐泵CALPEDA科沛达泵CA T高压泵ESPA亚士霸泵TSURUMI鹤见泵walrus华乐士泵Wilden威尔顿泵ARO英格索兰泵Ingersoll-Rand 英格索兰空气压缩机Giant巨人泵胜达因MASO SINE泵米顿罗milton roy泵胜达因sundyne 泵普罗名特Prominent泵seko计量泵普旭BUSCH真空泵固瑞克Graco HUSKY气动隔膜泵马拉松Marathon气动隔膜泵马拉松Marathon气动隔膜泵胜佰德Sandpiper泵日机装NIKKISO 泵德国Lutz插桶泵斯坦德STANDARD桶泵博格BORGER凸轮泵威马Versa-Matic气动隔膜泵阿法拉伐Toftejorg BLABO罐清洗系统帕斯菲达Pulsafeeder计量泵威肯Viking齿轮泵华伦力Warren Rupp气动隔膜泵Johnson凸轮泵可肯Corken滑片泵, 压缩机Bladgon气动隔膜泵LC流量计Magnus齿轮泵Wright圆周柱塞泵BLOV AC ClEANER气动真空吸尘器莫依诺MOYNO泵和顺hoelschertechnic粉碎机LITTLE-GIANT小巨人泵lewa里瓦泵OBL计量泵Masoneilan梅索尼兰调节阀Burkert宝帝阀Nash纳士真空泵压缩机里其乐托玛斯Rietschle Thomassmith-blair管路连接系统瓦诺Vano泵爱德华EDW ARDS 泵莱克勒Lechler喷嘴ALCO 阀门SPECK泵CASHCO阀SOR索尔压力开关HOKE仪表阀门及管件Orbit球阀TESCOM阀门AUTOCLA VE阀门Apollo球阀Circle Seal Controls阀O'BRIEN伴热管线CIRCOR阀门COOPER CAMERON V ALVES(CCV)阀门Goodwin双板止回阀GRAYLOC管道系统装置贝克BECKER真空泵费亚泰克Friatec阀门泵FELUWA软管隔膜柱塞泵CCI THERMAL西西阿尔电加热费戈斯ferguson泵Bornemann鲍诺曼泵福力德Fluid-o-Tech泵磨锐ensival-moret泵NETZSCH耐驰NEMO奈莫螺杆泵凯士比KSB泵阀福斯flowserve泵阀Richter磁力泵ROTAN内啮合齿轮泵泵泰克尼姆tecnium泵艾格尔argal化工泵DOSEURO道茨计量泵Sulzer苏尔寿工业泵SA VINO BARBERA泵埃理奥特ELLIOTT压缩机威顿vanton泵Durameter计量泵金子KANEKO电磁阀ASCO通用电磁阀罗斯蒙特ROSEMOUNT测量仪表SAAB雷达液位计凯泰克K-TEK测量仪表阿牛巴Annubar流量计阿特拉斯·科普柯ATLAS COPCO压缩机JOHNSON泵马格maag泵斯可金格SCHERZINGER泵ALLWEILER阿尔维勒泵houttuin泵IMO泵warren泵ZENITH泵ZENITH泵Tushaco泵约翰克兰johncrane密封海密梯克hermetic屏蔽泵豪顿howden压缩机BAND-IT紧固产品美卓自动化metsoautomation阀门阿法拉伐Alfa Laval春鼎TRUNDEAN机械弗鲁克FLUKO实验室搅拌机|高剪切分散乳化机|分散机|乳化机|均质机|粉碎机|混合机|捷流分散混合机|固液混合系统莱宝LEYBOLD真空泵埃杜尔edur溶气泵。

Membrane pump

Membrane pump
专利名称:Membrane pump 发明人:BOUGAMONT, JEAN-LOUIS,DUMONT,
PIERRE,LOMPECH, HERVE 申请号:EP 954 01865.1 申请日:19950809 公开号:EP 06964 80B1 公开日:19991103
申请人:S O F A B SOCIETE ANONYME,SOFAB,S O F A B SOCIETE ANONYME 地址:FR 国籍:FR 代理机构:Busnel, Jean-Benoît 更多信息请下载全文后查看
摘要:The pump has a body (1) with a inlet (11) discharging into a measuring chamber (12). The measuring chamber has an inlet valve (20) and a piston (3) with a plunger (30) which has an axial jet (31). The jet enlarges in its lower part into a corolla (32) receiving a flexible membrane lining (4). The jet internal channel (31a) leads to an outlet valve (40). The outlet valve is part of a singe membrane constituted from a lower U collar (42), assembled on the corolla of the plunger. At the top is fastened an external cylindrical sealing skirt (43) and the piston back, in its rest position, extends an annular flange (44) at the membrane junction on the body. At the upper narrow end of the conical outlet valve a cut-out (4) in the membrane is edged by a lip opening onto the outlet orifice.



Product Overview 2019 Innovative Vacuum Pumps, Systems and Components for Diverse ApplicationsTable of contents:PageLeybold - Consulting, Sales and Service (4)Forevacuum pumps Oil sealed vacuum pumps:Rotary vane pumps SOGEVAC B/BI/D/DI (4)Rotary vane pumps SOGEVAC NEO D (5)Rotary vane pumps TRI VAC B, E and T (5)Dry compressing vacuum pumps:Scroll pumps SCROLLVAC SC 30, SC 60 and SCROLLVAC plus (6)Multiple stage roots pumps ECODRY plus (6)Claw pumps CLAWVAC (6)Screw pumps VARODRY (7)Screw pumps and systems LEYVAC (7)Screw pumps and systems DRYVAC (8)Power saving unit for DRYVAC screw pumps (8)Screw pumps and systems SCREWLINE (9)Roots pumps:RUVAC WA(U)/WS(U) (9)RUVAC WH(U) (10)High vacuum pumps Fluid entrainment pumps:Oil booster pumps OB (10)Oil diffusion pumps DIP, DIJ and LEYBOJET (11)Energy-efficiency control for diffusion pumps and OB pumps (11)Turbomolecular pumps:TURBOVAC i/iX with Hybrid bearing system (12)Magnetically levitated MAGintegra (12)Cryogenic pumps and refrigerator cold heads:Refrigerator cryo pumps COOLVAC (13)Refrigerator cold heads COOLPOWER (13)Ion pumps, accessories and controller:TiTan™ Ion pumps (14)2 Table of contentsTable of contents:Page Vacuum measurement and control Vacuum gauges and pressure gauges, vacuum controller GRAPHIX (15)Leak detectors Leak detectors PHOENIX 4 (16)Mass spectrometers Residual gas analyzers LEYSPEC (16)Pump systems Vacuum Systems / Engineering (17)Multistage forevacuum systems (RUTA) (17)Central vacuum systems CVS with oil-sealed SOGEVAC pumps (18)Central vacuum systems VACUBE with oil-sealed screw pumps (18)High vacuum pump systems TURBOLAB (19)Experimentation and coating systems UNIVEX (19)Calibration systems CS (20)Innovative pump and system management (20)Valves LEYCON valves (21)Components Flange systems, connecting elements and components (21)Oils, greases and pump fluids LEYBONOL vacuum oils, pump fluids and special lubricants (22)Academy, Seminars Leybold Academy (22)Maintenance and Repair Spare parts, wear parts and repair materials (23)Services After Sales Support (23)Online Shop (23)Table of contents 3Product Overview 2019Global SupportOil Sealed Vacuum Pumps4 Leybold worldwide consulting and sales, forevacuum pumps SOGEVAC B/BI/D/DI Single-stage rotary vane pumpsEffective investment, long service life. No oil loss, low power consumption.Your Expectations:- Industrial rough vacuum generator- Favorable price-to-performance ratio- High reliability- ATEX explosion protection, optionallyOur Solution:- Pumping speed 10 to 1,200 m 3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 5 · 10-2 mbar- O 2-compatible versions - Separate standard product line for the food and packaging applications - Flexible pump design- Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EULeybold Consulting, sales and serviceYour partner for vacuum engineering. Benefit from our worldwide support.Your Expectations:- First-class consulting- Excellent product quality at optimized price-to-performance ratio Our Solution:- Worldwide sales and service network- Highly qualified and committed staff- Comprehensive consulting services- Customer specific application support- Highly reliable, top quality solutions- Competitive pricing- Certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001/9002- After sales, application and production supportForevacuum pumps 5SOGEVAC NEO D Medium vacuum rotary vane pumpsNo oil loss thanks to integrated exhaust filter. Effective investment. Maintenance free, up to 3 years in clean applications.Your Expectations:- Low cost medium vacuum pumps- No oil loss at exhaust- Longest possible maintenance intervals- Monitoring possibilities- Broad portfolio, also for special demands (e.g. O 2, ATEX)Our Solution:- P umping speed 16 to 76 m 3/h,all sizes available for single or 3 phase power supply - Ultimate pressure ≤ 8 x 10-3 mbar- Integrated exhaust filtration. Patented and best in class. - Use of long lifetime oils and dynamic shaft seals- O 2-compatible versions - Certified according to ATEX 2014/34/EU versions Cat 2 or 3- Flexible pump design for accessories retrofit or dedicated customer variantsTRIVAC B, E and T Dual-stage rotary vane pumpsA well-proven vacuum pump for long-term operation lasting for years. Broad range of accessories.Your Expectations:- Rugged vacuum generator- High reliability- ATEX explosion protection, optionalOur Solution:- Pumping speedTRIVAC B: 4 to 65 m 3/hTRIVAC E: 2.5 m 3/hTRIVAC T: 4 to 30 m 3/h- Ultimate pressureTRIVAC B: 10-4 mbarTRIVAC E: 2 x 10-3 mbarTRIVAC T: 5 x 10-3 mbar- For medium and high vacuum applications- Economic OEM product range (TRIVAC T)- Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EU (TRIVAC B)6 - Lowest noise level in class- Air-cooled pump- Oil and particle-free operationSCROLLVAC SC / plusOil-free scroll pumpsDry, universal solution, low operating costs.Your Expectations:- Oil-free vacuum pump- Quiet, low vibration operation- Long maintenance intervalsOur Solution:- Pumping speed 5 to 60 m3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Robust, low-maintenance design- High pumping speed even at 1000 mbarCLAWVACOil free claw pumpsCompact rough vacuum pump for demanding industrial applications includinghandling of particle and vapor contaminated gases. Trouble-free and cost-saving.Your Expectations:- Robust, oil-free vacuum pump for clean vacuum generation- Long maintenance intervalsOur Solution:- Pumping speed 65 to 300 m3/h- No oil migration into process, no oil contamination to the environment- Extremely efficient air cooling, low heat emission. No cooling water required.- Corrosion resistant stainless steel clawsForevacuum pumps 7- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Hermetically sealed pump- Direct connection of RUVAC Roots pumps via adapterVARODRY Dry compressing screw pumpsCompact, rugged oil-free vacuum pumps for general industrial applications. Your Expectations:- Industrial vacuum generator- Low investment and operating costs- High reliability and long system uptimesOur Solution:- Pumping speed 65 and 100 m 3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Fully air-cooled design, no need for water cooling- Minimum maintenance demands- Most robust pump design8 Forevacuum pumps DRYVACDry compressing screw pumps and systemsRugged, compact vacuum solutions with smart monitoring and control system for coating, photovoltaic and process industry applications.Your Expectations:- Maximum system availability- Low cost of ownership- Minimum footprint- Self protection of the pump and easy communication Our Solution:DRYVAC Energy Saver Power saving unit for DV 450 / DV 650 and DS systemsForevacuum pumps 9Roots Vacuum Pumps RUVAC WA(U)/WS(U)Roots blowers Long-lasting and reliable. Easy connection to any forevacuum pump.Your Expectations:- Pumping speed increase at low pressures- Simple to use- Oil-free pumping of the gas- ATEX explosion protectionOur Solution:- Pumping speed range from 250 to 4,000 m 3/h- Reliable and robust- Available with flanged motor or with hermetically sealed drive motor - Suitable for 100% O 2 applications - Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EUSCREWLINE Dry compressing screw pumpsExtremely robust for harshest industrial applications, simple on-site maintenance.Your Expectations:- High pumping speed- Easy to clean- Air cooled- ATEX explosion protection (Cat. 2i)Our Solution:- Pumping speed 250 and 630 m 3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Expandable to pump systems by adding Roots pumps - Monitoring system- Easy to disassemble pump chamber for rapid cleaning - Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EU10 Forevacuum pumps, oil diffusion pumpsFluid Entrainment Pumps Oil Booster OBOil vapor jet pumps Long maintenance intervals, wear-free. High safety standard.Your Expectations:- High vacuum- Very high critical backing pressure capability- High pumping speed- Safe and economic- CE compliant electronics power supplyOur Solution:- Pumping speed: 6,000 to 18,000 l/s- Operating range: < 10-1 to 10-4 mbar- Stable pumping speed in low pressure ranges- No wear by revolving parts- Small footprint- Simple operationRUVAC WH(U)Roots blowers An innovative product line, efficient and cost-effective for use in modern Process Industry applications.Your Expectations:- Flexible pumping speed through frequency converter operation - Rapid pumpdown times- Compact design- Oil-free pumping of gases- System compatibility- Low current consumptionOur Solution:- Pumping speed from 720 to 9,800 m 3/h (with frequency converter)- Excellent performance and consumption specifications - Hermetically sealed drive motor- Small footprint- Innovative bypass valve- Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EU, partially also according to ATEX Cat 2i- Direct connection of large forevacuum pumps via adapterOil diffusion pumps, controller for diffusion pumps 11Product Overview 2019Fluid Entrainment Pumps Controller for Fluid Entrainment PumpsPower Efficiency Control Control unit for oil diffusion pumps and OB pumpsDIP / DIJ / LEYBOJET Oil diffusion pumpsLong maintenance intervals, wear-free, high safety standards.Your Expectations:- Stable high vacuum- High critical backing pressure capability- High pumping speed- Safe and economic- CE compliant electronics power supply- Pumping speed:DIP: 3,000 to 50,000 l/sDIJ: 2,800 to 28,000 l/sLEYBOJET: 12,000 l/s- Operating range:DIP: < 10-2 to 10-7 mbarDIJ: < 10-2 to 10-7 mbarLEYBOJET: < 10-2 to 10-5 mbar- Optimum pumping speed in the pressure range < 10-4 mbar (DIP, DIJ) and 10-2 to 10-3 mbar (LEYBOJET)- No wear by revolving parts- Simple operation- Suited for application in sputtering processes (LEYBOJET)- Innovative power efficiency controller (ROI < 2 years)Product Overview 2019Turbomolecular Pumps 12High vacuum pumpsTURBOVAC MAGiNTEGRA Turbomolecular pumps, magnetically levitatedTURBOVAC i/iX Turbomolecular pumps with hybrid bearing technologyInnovative and flexible product range with outstanding performance data and integrated electronics.Your Expectations:- Clean high and ultrahigh vacuum generation- Long service life- Ease of installation and operation- Reliable usage under the most varied applications and operation conditions Our Solution:High and ultra-high vacuum components 13Product Overview 2019Cryo Pumps, Cold Heads COOLVACRefrigerator cryo pumpsHigh water vapor pumping capability, long maintenance intervals, installation in any orientation.Your Expectations:- Hydrocarbon-free vacuum- High and ultrahigh vacuum generationOur Solution:- P umping speed up to 60,000 l/sec- D N ISO, CF and ANSI flange versions- T wo cryo pump versions for manual and for fully automatic system control and regeneration available- P ump controller mounted on pump for fully automatically controlled iCLOur Solution:- Ultimate temperatures:two-stage models down to 8 Ksingle-stage models down to 25 K- High refrigerating capacity from the smallest volume:up to 18 W @ 20 K and up to 110 W @ 80 K for double stage coolers up to 250 W @ 80 K for single stage coolers possible - Resistant to particles and deposits- Simple operation by key-press- No need for liquid helium and liquid nitrogen14High and ultra-high vacuum componentsTiTan ™ Ion pumpsA full range of vibration-free and maintenance-free ion pumps, Titan sublimation pumps and NEG getter pumps to achieve best final pressures in the ultra-high vacuum.Your Expectations:- High pumping speed at excellent final pressure- Hydrocarbon-free vacuum- Long operating timeOur Solution:Product Overview 2019Ion PumpsTiTan™ and DIGITEL™are registered trademarks ofGAMMA VACUUM, USAProduct Overview 2019Vacuum Gauges,Vacuum ControllersMeasuring InstrumentsVacuum gauges and pressure gaugesReliable monitoring and control for all vacuum processes.Your Expectations:- Gauge systems for every application- Precise pressure measurement of gases and vapors- Reproducibility across a wide pressure rangeOur Solution:-Measurement with active and passive sensors in a pressure range from 10-12 toVacuum controllerVacuum gauges, vacuum controller 15Product Overview 2019Leak Detectors Residual Gas Analyzers PHOENIX 4Leak detectors The PHOENIX 4 product range sets new standards in Helium leak detection. Our product portfolio provides the perfect matching unit for every application.Your Expectations:- Non-destructive components testing for quality assurance - Reliable technology- Highest measurement reliability and accuracy- Professional consulting and support16 Leak detection systems and leak detectors, mass spectrometersResidual gas analyzers selectable gases, degassing function after start or venting- Compact in size and mountable in any orientation for enhanced flexibility - Bake out temperatures of up to 300°C for gas analysis in harsh environmentsProduct Overview 2019Vacuum Solutions / EngineeringVacuum solutions / engineering 17Vacuum SystemsEngineering Vacuum solutions and systems of all kinds from the leading worldwide supplier. Benefit from our 168 years of experience.Your Expectations:- Comprehensive consulting service- Customer specific application support - Design and manufacturing of custom vacuum solutions - High flexibility and reliability- Efficient solutionsMultistage forevacuum systems18 Central vacuum systemsProduct Overview 2019Central Vacuum SystemsCVS Central vacuum stationsModular systems for improved operational reliability in frequent varying vacuum consumptions. Delivery of turnkey ready-to-operate and tested units.Your Expectations:- Industrial grade vacuum generator- For covering demands of numerous small vacuum consumers individually and simultaneously- Excellent vacuum performance data- Modular design for customizing to customer specific processes - Plug and play system set up- Long maintenance intervalsHigh vacuum systems 19Product Overview 2019High Vacuum Pump SystemsUNIVEX Experimentation and coating systemsEasy operation and accessibility of vacuum chambers. Manual or automatic process control and documentation.Your Expectations:- Flexible laboratory systems for vacuum coating- Systems for university and industrial research- Results transferable to large scale systems or serial production - High reproducibility degreeOur Solution:- Multipurpose systems for the production of functional layers - Modular system configuration, wide range of accessories - Customized system solutions- Variable chamber sizesTURBOLAB High vacuum pump systemsPlug-and-play high vacuum pump systems based on well-proven components. Different configurations available cover individual vacuum demands.Your Expectations:- High vacuum pump systems for industry and research- Oil-sealed or dry compressing forevacuum pumps for a hydro-carbon-free vacuum possible- Compact and user-friendly solutionOur Solution:- Pumping speed 78 - 400 l/s provided by the TURBOVAC i pump range - Ultimate vacuum down to 10-10 mbar- Completely preassembled units with turbomolecular pump, TPU display power unit, frequency converter and forevacuum pump - Easy to relocate pumps out and away from the frame - Backlight display in the innovative TPU power unit- Covering a wide range of applications with a full range of high vacuum and dry or wet forevacuum pumps- Integrated data logger and webserver for system control, monitoring and configuration- Connection of up to six accessories and two gauges - Benchmark design, reliability and functionalityProduct Overview 2019Calibration Systems Controllers for Vacuum Systems 20Calibration systems, vacuum systems control solutions Calibration Systems CS Custom vacuum calibration systemsProcess reliability by regular checks, adjustments and recalibration of vacuum gauges and sensors.Your Expectations:- Checking the characteristics of vacuum gauges- Precise calibration of vacuum gauges in accordance with DAkkS (national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany)- Ensure reproducible parametersOur Solution:- Universal calibration systems with a special vacuum chamber, turbo- molecular pump system, vacuum gauges and additional components depending on the calibration pressure (heating jacket, separate pump system for admitting gas, et al.)- Control and data acquisition of system parameters via digital I/O interfaces or bus systems, Ethernet, Profibus, RS 232, WiFi, GSM, for example - Implementation of custom software programming- Simple digital display via touch panel up to visualization on mobile devices (via apps)Product Overview 2019ValvesFittings Valves, fittings 21- ISO-K flanges in sizes DN 63 to DN 630- CF flanges in sizes DN 16 to DN 250LEYCON Valves in different design types and driving modesReliable valve technology, widely used in a broad range of applications.Your Expectations:- Reliable leak tightness- High number of actuations- Simple to fit and remove- Delivery from a single sourceOur Solution:- Manually actuated valves- Valves with electromagnetic/electropneumatic drive - Gate valves- All-metal valves for UHV systemsProduct Overview 2019Vacuum Oils and Pump FluidsLeybold Academy 22 Vacuum oils and pump fluids, vacuum training center- Advanced seminars- Leak detection seminars- Personnel qualification seminars according DIN EN ISO 9712 for NDT methode leak detection level LT1 and LT 2- Practical seminars- Customized seminars, tailored to your individual needsLEYBONOL Vacuum oil, pump fluids and special lubricantsBroad product portfolio for every application in practical container sizes.Guaranteed, constant quality for a long pump lifetime.Your Expectations:- High quality lubricant with long lifetime- Excellent vacuum performance- Reliable pump fluids for diffusion pumpsOur Solution:- Special vacuum oil for highest demands, qualifiedaccording to proven standards- Mineral, Ester, PAO special synthetic and PFPE oils for exchange intervals up to 3 years in clean applicationsProduct Overview 2019Spare Parts After Sales Support, Online ShopAfter Sales Support life cycle- Tailor-made service concepts and contracts- Maintenance and repair, on-site or at a Leybold Service Center - Commissioning and training- Exchange and backup pool- Calibration of measurement systemsSpare Parts Genuine wear parts and consumablesOriginal spare parts for long and trouble-free operation.Your Expectations:- Guaranteed availability- Highest manufacturer quality- Short delivery timesOur Solution:- Range for all commonly requested spare and wearing parts, widely available in practice-oriented parts kits- Spare parts are subject to the same rigorous quality requirements which apply to our pumpsOnline Shop Leybold Services. Easy, competent, reliable.Your contact – wherever you are。


一汽丰田废水监测:镍离子2套 泰州熊英金属制品:六价铬 南京熊猫集团:氟化物 上海京瓷电子公司:总氰化物 长春黄金研究院:总氰化物
1 2
镍离子分析仪 0.383 0.395
总镍分析仪 0.825 0.812
ICP分析仪 0.816 0.825
六、金属仪表主要应用情况及案例 介绍

2009年开始在国内销售 国内已有几十家用户、近百套仪表 覆盖电镀、金属制品、机械零部件、电子、矿产、 工业废水处理厂行业等 涵盖了镍离子、总镍、铜离子、总铜、六价铬、 总铬、氰化物、总氰化物、氟化物等参数


4 5 6 平均值
0.389 0.398 0.392 0.389
0.808 0.798 0.807 0.811
0.821 0.809 0.822 0.818
ICP分析仪分 析的是总镍含量
仪表没有消解装置,只 仪表自身带有消解 能分析水样中离子形态 装置,可以分析水 的镍 样中各种形态的镍, 包括离子态的镍以及 络合态的镍
0.094 0.086 0.097 0.9050
1 2
氰化物分析仪 0.128 0.125
总氰化物分析仪 0.325 0.312
实验室分析 0.316 0.325
4 5 6 平均值
布朗卢比在线水质分析仪 与同类仪表的比较优势



OptiLobe Rotary Lobe Pump The’OptiLobe’pump range has a universal gearbox design whichgives the flexibility of mounting pumps with the inlet and outlet ports ineither a vertical or horizontal plane by simply changing the foot position.A stainless steel gear canister and electro-less nickel plated bearinghousing provides a clean,paint free corrosion resistant external finish.Pump head ConstructionThe OptiLobe pump range has sanitary design full bore inlet and outletports to International Standards,maximising inlet and outlet portefficiency and NPSH characteristics.Pumps are fitted with tri-loberotors rated to130°C facilitating use with CIP processes.Materials of ConstructionGear canister -304stainless steel.Bearing housing -electroless nickel plated cast iron.Shafts -duplex stainless steel.Pumphead -product wetted components in 316L .Product wetted elastomers of EPDM,FPM all FDA conforming.WeightPump ModelBare Shaft Pump (kg)2220.52321.53233.53334.542604363Shaft Seal Options-EasyFittype single or single flush/quench mechanical seals.All sealing options are fully front loading and fully interchangeable.Specialised seal setting of the mechanical seal is not required as the seal is dimensionally set on assembly.This feature further enhances fast and efficient on-site seal interchangeability.Materials for Mechanical SealsCarbon/Stainless Steel,Carbon/Silicon Carbide or Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide.Pump SizingIn order to correctly size a rotary lobe pump some essential information is required.Provision of this information listed below enables our Customer Support personnel to obtain the optimum pump selection.Product/Fluid Data-Fluid to be pumped -Viscosity -SG/Density-Pumping temperature,minimum,normal and maximum-Cleaning in Place temperature(s),minimum,normal and maximumPerformance Data-Flow rate,minimum,normal and maximum-Discharge head/pressure (closest to pump outlet)-Suction conditionStandard Specification Options-Specification of inlet and outlet ports (Screwed male to DIN11851to BS 4825,SMS,ISS/IDF ,RJT and Tri-clamp).-Complete pump unit comprising:Pump +Baseplate (mild or stainless steel)+coupling with guard +Geared electric motor suitable for (or supplied with)frequency speed control or manual variable speed drive (advise motor enclosure and electrical supply)Working PrincipleThe positive displacement of the OptiLobe pump is provided by non-contacting,contra rotating tri-lobe rotors within a fully swept pump chamber.All OptiLobe pumps are capable of bi-rotational flow without modification.Fig.1Flows/Pressures/ConnectionsOptiLobe Model Displacement Inlet and OutletConnectionSizeDifferential PressureMaximumSpeedLitres/rev Imp gall/100revUS gall/100revmm in bar psi rev/min220.17 3.74 4.4940 1.581151000 230.21 4.62 5.5540 1.581151000 320.327.048.4550281151000 330.408.8010.5750281151000 420.6414.0816.9165 2.581151000 430.8218.0421.6680381151000DimensionsHorizontally portedNominal Connection Size Pump modelA B C D E F G HB HT J K L MN P R S T U 2240961202161520508415632627535139609016212412234096120216152050841563262864413960901621241232501201362511524509218040830435157649519215012335012013625115245092180408316471576495192150124265130159294203055106212408370511611001452351801443801381592942030551062124083866016110014523518014All dimensions in mm.Vertically portedNominal Connection SizesPump modelA B C D E F G J K L M NP R S T U V 22409612021615205032627535139609016212412191234096120216152050326286441396090162124121913250120136256152450408304351576495192150122303350120136256152450408316471576495192150122304265130159289203055408370511611001452351801427043801381592972030554083866016110014523518014270All dimensions in mm.ESE00527EN 0802The information contained herein is correct at the time of issue,but may be subject to change without prior notice.How to contact Alfa Laval Contact details for all countriesare continually updated on our website.Please visit to access the information direct.。



Description of Included ModelsSafety ListingsSeries 700B AC Powered PumpsModel FR700B Pump ShownModel NumberDescriptionShipping Weight FR700 Heavy Duty AC Utility Pump with manual nozzle and 3/4" X 12' hose.48lbs 21.3kgsFR701 Heavy Duty AC Utility Pump with manual nozzle, 3/4" X 12' hose and Model 807C meter installed.52lbs 23.6kgsApproval Organization MarkOrganization DescriptionFile Number Guide NumberUnderwriters Laboratories Inc ., a nationally recognized independent organization for testing of products to ensure public safety. Recognized and accepted in USA,Canada and other countries .MH7817 RCRXIndicates compliance with applicable European standards and the motor is rated as explosion proof under those standards.N/A N/AAustralian Certification Program , Certified under the Australian Certification Program under Aus EX 3620 as Series 700 (230 V, 76 LPM, heavy duty)N/A N/AAvailable OptionsAccessoriesPerformanceOption DescriptionAdjustment to Shipping Weight (lbs.) Adjustment toShipping Weight (kgs.)A Upgrade to automatic nozzle from standard manual nozzle.2.0 0.9 E Unit supplied with 220 VAC - 50 Hz motor - - G Unit supplied with 220 VAC - 50/60 Hz motor- - LUnit equipped with meter registering liters in place of standard gallon meter.--Part NumberDescription4200F9111 Nozzle Spout Hook (for automatic nozzles)FRH07512 Buna-N hose 3/4" X 12' with static wire, 3/4" ferrules1210KTF7019 Hydrosorb filter kit - 1200KTG9075 cast Iron 3/4" adaptor with F810HM0 filter6U075Manual unleaded nozzle with 3/4" inletNO75UAV10 Automatic unleaded nozzle with 3/4" inlet 700F2170 2" O.D. X 1" I.D. tank adapter700KTF8598 Automatic nozzle retainer kit712KTF9114 Universal nozzle boot & nozzle retainer, mounting plate to be attached to FR700B orFR701B pump, LESS vapor hose, vapor nozzle, valve & fittingsTH13Pedestal Kit - Base, pedestal column & coupler for 1" pipe, less suction pipe and union 1200KTF7018Particulate Filter Kit - 1200KTG9075 cast iron 3/4" adapter with F180PM0 filter700KTF7024 Hydrosorb Filter Kit - 1200KTG9075 cast iron 3/4" adapter with F180PM0 filter forModel FR700F180PC1 Clear Bowl, 10 micron prticulate filter w/ drain valveF1810PM1 Metal canister 10 Micron particulate filter w/ drain valve. Fits 1200KTG9075 filter headMaximum outlet pressure 20 PSI (1.52 BAR)Maximum flow rate (1)20 GPM (75.7 LPM)Maximum Recommended Viscosity of Pumped FluidDiesel Fuel1 Nominal flow rate at nominal voltage using a standard hose and manual nozzle with low viscosity fluid.* Consult factory for extreme temperature applications outside this range.** The lift in feet is equivalent to the vertical distance from the surface of the fluid in the tank to the inlet of the pump, PLUS the friction losses through the vertical and horizontal runs of pipe, all elbows and other fittings. The system should be designed to require a minimum amount of suction lift.Flow CurveFluid CompatibilityThe 700B Series pumps are compatible with the following fluids:Diesel, Gasoline, Kerosene, Mineral Spirits, Heptane, and Hexane.The 700B Series pumps are NOT compatible with the following fluids:Acetone, Ammonia, Benzene, Bleach, Hydrochloric Acid,Water, Ink, Tolulene, Aviation Gas, Jet FuelMaximum ambient operating temperature 150 °F (66 °C)*Minimum ambient operating temperature -15 °F (-26 °C)*Minimum Dry Vacuum 12 Inches of mercuryMinimum Suction Lift**15 Feet for Diesel. For gasoline see below.***A.FR700 with 3/4 " X 12' hose and manual nozzle.B. FR701 with 3/4" X 12' hose, manual nozzle and 900 meter.C. FR701 with 12' of 3/4" hoseand automatic nozzle.Nominal flow curve based on 3 feet suction lift. Actual flow ratesobtained may vary.If in doubt about the compatibility of a specific fluid, contact the supplier of the fluid to checkfor any adverse reaction to the following wetted materials.Cast Iron Steel Stainless SteelBronze/Iron Carbon PolyesterSpauldite Fluorocarbon Buna NZinc Plated Steel Ceramic AluminumPPS(FR701B only)DimensionsRepairRefer to Owner's Operation & Safety Manual shipped with the pump and/or available for reference and printing in the eLibraryMotors that need repair should be taken to an authorized repair shop for service. Pumps must bethoroughly flushed and drained before being taken in for service.MaintenanceTo keep the pump running at its best, periodically perform the following procedures:1.Check strainer for dirt accumulation. To clean strainer, remove strainer cover (800F4360) and pull outscreen (700F2665).2.Remove rotor cover (700G7063) and inspect vanes (700F2716). Vanes should be replaced afterextensive wear to prevent damage to pump.3.Check hose (700F3135) and nozzle (6U075) for wear or damage. Bad hoses or nozzles are potentialsafety hazards.For FR701 see meter's Owner's Operation & Safety Manual for additional recommendedmaintenance procedures.Frequently Asked Questions1. My pump only pumps for a few minutes and then stops. What is happening?Generally "short cycling" indicates the motor is drawing too much current from the power source forsome reason, and the thermal relay is opening to protect the insulation from the resulting heat build up.If this is what is happening, the thermal relay will reset after 10 to 20 minutes and the motor will again operate. The causes of high current are many. The pump is designed for low viscosity fluid, like diesel or gasoline, and will overheat if used to pump oil orother higher viscosity fluids. The inlet filter screen could be clogged. Bearings could be defectiveresulting in a drag on the armature shaft rotation.See the Troubleshooting Guide in your Owner's Manual packed with your unit or the copy available in the eLibrary for things to check.2. There is fluid leaking out of the small hole in the bottom of the pump body. How do I stop it?This small hole is described as the "weep hole" and is positioned to drain fluid that has leaked passed the dynamic seal between the pump and the motor. It is important that the leak be corrected as soon as possible to avoid damage to the front motor bearing. A new shaft seal will be needed to stop the leak.See the Troubleshooting Guide in your Owner's Manual packed with your unit or the copy available in the eLibrary for things to check.3. What can I do to avoid my pump losing prime when it sets for a time?Maintaining "prime" or keeping fluid in the inlet piping of your pumping system requires that no air leak into that piping. You can depend on there being a check valve in your pump preventing air from entering your system through the nozzle, should it be opened while the pump is off. If your pump is consistently losing prime, check all joints and fittings paying particular attention to the suction tube to pumpconnection, and the various covers and plugs in the pump itself. Teflon® type sealing tape or a sealing compound noted as resistant to fuels is recommended at all threaded pipe connections.4. When it gets hot outside my pump will not pump gasoline but my diesel pump works great,what is going on?A suction pump works by developing a vacuum above the fluid being pumped and depends on atmospheric pressure to force the fluid into that vacuum. The higher the fluid is being raised, the more vacuum is required. If the fluid turns to a gas at a lower vacuum than that required to raise the fluid out of the container, the system is said to be vapor locked. In other words, rather than enough vacuum being developed by the pump to raise the fluid, the pump is instead vaporizing the gasoline and only gas vapor is being pumped. Diesel has a very low vapor pressure at even relatively high temperatures so there is no danger of vapor locking at practical temperatures. Gasoline is blended to have different vapor pressures to aid in winter starting (high vapor pressure) or avoid vapor locking in the summer (lower vapor pressure). The unit of measure used in the industry for this characteristic is Reid's Vapor Pressure. Having winter gas (high Reid's Vapor Pressure), still available in your tank in a hot spring, is a common cause of vapor locking pumps.Once the situation exists, there are a limited number of options. Decrease the "lift" needed to raise the gasoline by filling the tank to the top is the easiest and quickest. This has the added benefit of mixing in a new blend of gasoline with a lower vapor pressure which will average the blended Reid's Vapor Pressure down. Another option is to decrease the temperature by shading and/or cooling the piping and pump in some fashion. In an emergency spraying water on the piping could drop the system temperature sufficiently to allow gasoline to be pumped. Use extreme caution when spraying water around electrical connections and components to avoid the shock hazard.In new systems make sure the suction pump is installed at the lowest position possible as that decreases the lift, and always install the pump and piping out of the hot sun if at all possible. Know what the Reid's Vapor pressure is of the gasoline you buy. Your supplier has, or can get, that characteristic of the gasoline for you. The Reid's vapor pressure should be 9 to 8, or lower, in the summer and 11 to 12 in the winter.。

Watson-Marlow Bredel 科学用泵产品说明书

Watson-Marlow Bredel 科学用泵产品说明书

and operate. Each pump is flexible and can be quickly adjusted to perform your exact instruction.Quality has always been a feature of Watson-Marlow pumps and the Sci-Q range enhances this with features like brushless DC drives and precision gearboxes. Reliability, accuracy and long life ensure best value for your 60070ml /mi n –10.4l i t r e /m i n 5000.02ml /mi n –3.5l i t r e /m i n 401µl /m in–730ml /m i n3002µl /m in–2.2l i t 2000.6µl /m i n–22m l /m i n1001µl /m i n–53m l /m i nD i s p e n s i n g0.54m l /m i n –8.5l i tr e/m i nBrushless DC motor means zero Choice of control options – manual,8MC X•••18MC •••4MC X•••14MC•••314D2•••••314X•••••314D•••••13D2•••••313X•••••313D•••••323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323U32323323U32323323U32323323U32624Di/Lhas the same long life as Marprene but complies with USP Class VI,resistance, long life and very high burst pressures. Chem-Sure is USP Class VI performance and low gas permeability. FDA approved for use with food and isPhysical compatibilityTemperatureThe chart shows the temperature range of each tubing type when suction and delivery pressures are negligible. Operating temperatures ofBioprene, Marprene, Chem-Sure, Sta-Pure and silicone tubing are limited to 80C, but all may be autoclaved up to 135C.-4F32F70F105F140F175FMarprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-Pure-20C0C20C40C60C80CPressureChoose the smallest bore size of tubing which will give the required flow rate.Marprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-PureLow Pressure capability HighSuctionAs with pressure, choose the smallest bore of tube which will produce the required flow rate. Equally important, however, is therestitutional power of the tubing material:Marprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-PureLow Restitutional Power HighPermeabilityMarprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-PureHigh Permeability Low 26Tube life102R tube life range (hours)No pressure. 32rpm. Clockwise rotation. 4.8mm (3/16") bore silicone tubing.Platinum silicone900313 and 314 pumphead tube life range (hours)No pressure. 110rpm. 6.4mm bore tubing.Marprene/Bioprene 10000Platinum silicone 230Sta-Pure10000520R pumphead tube life range (hours): clockwise rotationNo pressure. 220rpm. Clockwise rotation. 6.4mm bore tubing, except Marprene which was 4.8mm bore.Marprene/Bioprene 10000Neoprene 40Platinum silicone 200Chem-Sure 6000Sta-Pure 10000PVC90620R tube life range (hours)Conditions: Zero pressure. 100rpm. Clockwise rotation. 12.7mm bore tubing.Marprene/Bioprene 6000Neoprene 60Platinum silicone 230Chem-Sure 5000Sta-Pure 6000PVC9005001000500010000ViscosityThe flow rates given in this catalogue are valid for fluids with viscosities in the range 1 to 100 centipoise.Increased fluid viscosity will result in decreased flow rate. Choose a tubing with as large a wall thickness as possible, which could, for instance, mean using a 600 series pump which user greater wall thickness tubing, rather than a 500 series pump. Following this guidance will allow fluids with viscosities up to 2500centipoise to be satisfactorily handled.Contact Watson-Marlow or its local distributor for advice on specific applications.27T u b e l i f e•Flow rates from 1µl to 610 ml/min•Precision multi-roller pumpheads for accurate flows •Single channel 102R pumphead for use with Silicone or Marprene tubing•Digital and analogue process signal control •Flow rates from 10 µl/min to 4.4 litre/min•Manual, analogue and digital RS232/RS485 control•ATEX rated, three phase and pneumatic drives •Seven pumpheads options including low-pulse high accuracy 505L• Dosing and dispensing pump for +/- 0.5% accuracy•Flow rates from 50ml/min to 18.3 litre/min •Manual, auto and digital control•Close coupled pumps for the three phaseoperation including pneumatic and ATEX options •One minute maintenance LoadSure elements •Flow rates from 1.6 litre/min to 2,000 litre/ hour •Single or twin channel operation•Driven roller pumphead extends tube life•LoadSure elements ensure correct tube loading every time •Fixed or variable speed drives•Flow rates 2 litre/min to 8,000 litre/hour•Full Clean-In-Place and Steam-In-Place capability •Extensive motor/gearbox control options•Flow rates to 0.3 litre/min 80 cubic metres/hour •Reinforced hoses enable pressures up to 16 bar •Fixed and mechanically or electronically variable speed drives including ATEX versions•Flow rates from 1µl/min to 53ml/min •Rapid and simple tube loading•Manual, auto and digital TTL control100200300600700800500SPX520S /R623S /R 825323E /D205S /C A101F /RS P 10 a n d 15400401U /D 1S P 25704U /R E a n d 704S /R E 624S /R E 520U /R 401U /D M 3323S /D 205U /C A101U /R •Flow rates from 0.6µl/min to 22ml/min per channel •Precise flow control for each individual channel •Manual, auto and digital TTL controlWatson-Marlow Bredel pumps bring you…NEWSingle or multi-channel benchtop pumps with manual, remote,analogue, RS232 control and accurate dispensing.NEWSuperb range of IP31 and IP66 rated pumps for science and industry as well as fixed and variablespeed close-coupled pumps.IP55 mid-flow process pumps with full clean-in-place and steam-in-place capability.Industrial cased and baseplate mounted pumps for use withcontinuous tubing or new LoadSure elements. Three phase motors, ATEX rated drives or pneumatic.High-flow hygienic pumping using USP Class VI Bioprene tubing or STA-PURE tubing.High flow high-pressure industrial pumps with unique patented direct coupled design. Duplex and CIP models available.Low flow single channel pumps.Fixed and manual/auto control variable speed.Near pulseless, multi-channel cassette pumps with up to 32 channels.NEWUltra-compact scientific pumps for low flow single or multi-channel applications.2bar2bar 2bar 2bar 2bar 4bar 2bar 7bar 16bar840•Accurate and repeatable flow rates•Contamination free pumping - ideal for shear-sensitive fluids, viscous sludges or slurries, and aggressive acids and caustics•Flow rates from 0.01µl/min to 33 litre/min •Single and multi-channel pumpheads•Synchronous, DC, induction, shaded-pole or stepper motors•Optional Eurocard pcb enables full controllabilityOEM100300A wide range of instrument quality and industrial OEM pumpheads for fitting to users own drives, or with faceplate-mounted motor options.12bar•Twelve tubing materials in bore sizes 0.13mm to 25.4mm•Autoclavable Marprene, Bioprene, STA-PURE, Chem-Sure and Pumpsil Silicone (platinum-cured) with LaserTraceability •Four hose materials including Natural Rubber, Nitrile NBR,Hypalon and EPDM from 10mm to 100mmTubing HosesM a r p r e n e B i o p r e n e Extensive range of tubing ensures chemical compatibility. USP Class VI and FDA approvals. Precision machined, re-inforced hosesprovide flow stability and excellent suction performance.•Easy to install, operate and maintain •Virtually maintenance free - no expensive seals, valves, diaphragms or rotors to leak,clog or corrode•Flow rates from 2µl/min to 3 litre/min•High visibility digital display with membrane keypad •Single channel or up to ten separate channels •Zero maintenance brushless DC motors•New 323Dz general purpose dispensing pump704U /R a n d 704S /RS P X 32701F /R701P B /R624U /R E624D i /L621F /R621V I /R E621F X /R E520D u /R520S N /R 2520U N /R 2520D u N /R 2521F /R 2403U /R 1403U /U L 2405U /R 1405U /L403U /V M 2621D V /R E521V I /R 2621P /R E 520D i /L 403U /V M 4S P X 40•Designed for continuous duty - 24 hours/7 days •Pumps act as their own check-valves400500S i l i c o n eS t a -P u r e600P V C700N e o p r e n eF l u o r e lC h e m -S u r eH o s e s•Self-priming up to 9 metres (30 feet) and dry running •Reversible flow directionS P X 50S P X 65S P X 80S P X 100S P X D U P L E X 323U /D323D u /D323D z /D314M CDrive F Fixed speed S Manual control variable speed U Manual/auto control variable speed Du Digital/analogue control variable speed Dz Dispenser Di Precision dispenser, RS232 control VI Varmeca controlled FX Fixed speed duplex drive DF ATEX EExd T4 fixed speed P PneumaticDVB ATEX Exd T4, mechanical variable speed PB Pneumatic, baseplate mounted SN/UN/DuN (N) denotes IP66 protectionPumphead R Single channel pumphead R2Single channel pumphead for 2.4mm wall tubing RE Single channel pumphead for LoadSure elements CA High precision multi-channel cassette pumphead D1Single channel, four roller pumphead D Single channel, three or four roller, 'flip-top' pumphead DM2-3Three channel pumphead for three bridge manifold tubing R1Single channel, four roller pumphead L2Two channel, four roller pumphead L Precision 'low pulse' pumpheadVM2-4Precision low flow multi-channel pumphead for two bridge manifold tubingCode descriptionseg: 101U /R = Manual/auto control variable speed with single channel pumphead403U /R701F /R E701P B /R E700 E l e m e n t K i tWolf Laboratories LimitedTel:01759301142Fax:****************************.ukUse the above details to contact us if this literature doesn't answer all yourquestions.Pricing on any accessories shown can be found by keying the part numberinto the search box on our website.The specifications listed in this brochure are subject to change by the manufacturer and therefore cannot be guaranteed to be correct. If there are aspects of the specification that must be guaranteed, please provide these to our sales team so that details can be confirmed.。

Bran+Luebbe CEREX P双膜进水注射器说明书

Bran+Luebbe CEREX P双膜进水注射器说明书

Bran+Luebbe®Performance dataFlow rate: between approx. 1 and 300 l/h Pressure: max 103 bar (1500 psi)Fluid viscosity: max 500 cPFluid temperatures: -10 to +93 °C for metallic housing -10 to +50 °C for plastic housing Ambient temperatures: -10 to +50 °CMotor: 0.55 kW, 2 pole or 0.37 kW, 4 poleframe size 71voltage as per local requirementsApplications•Industrial water and waste water treatment•Boiler feed water treatment•Chemicals dosing•Oil & Gas additives dosingStandard Features•API 675 compliance•Hydraulically actuated plastic double PTFE diaphragm •Diaphragm condition monitoring with pressure gauge •Double ball check valves•Connections: T ube fitting, NPT or flange depending on pump size•Liquid-wetted material available as 316L type or plastic •Manual linear stroke adjustment from 0 to 100%•Motor suiting safe area•Standard paint systemOptions•Flange connections•Motor suiting hazardous area•Variable speed motors for turndown 1:5F LOW RATE(l/h)PRESSURE110100 1.00010.000110100Global LocationsAU S TR A LIAS PX F LOW T E C H N OLO GY300 Wellington Road, Mulgrave Victoria3170Phone: +61 3 9589 9222E-Mail: *********************C H I NAS PX F LOW T E C H N OLO GY C H I N A5F Treasury building1568 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai Phone: +86 - 21 - 220 858 58+86 - 13 - 817 310 890E-Mail:********************I N D I AS PX FLOW TE C H N OLO GY I N D IA PV T. LTD.G-72/73 RIICO Industrial Area Mansarovar, Jaipur - 302020, Phone: +91 141 3086600E-Mail:********************************KOR E AS PX F LOW T E C H N OLO GY#14, 14F (Y eouido-dong, KT Building)Y eoui-daero, Y eongdeungpo-gu Seoul, 07320Phone: +82 (2) 6297 4006E-Mail:********************S I N G A P OR ES PX F LOW T E C H N OLO GY20 Pioneer Crescent #06-01West Park BizCentral Singapore 628555Phone: +65 6264 4366E-Mail:************************A F R I CAS PX FLOW TE C H N OLO GY A F R I CAGrowthpoint Business Park Building 12b(ii), T onetti Street Midrand, Johannesburg South AfricaPhone: +27 11 207 3700SPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligations.Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit .The green “” and “” are trademarks of SPX FLOW, Inc.BL_CEREX-P_GB Version: 07-2020COPYRIGHT © 2020 SPX FLOW, Inc.。

Flowserve 公司及产品介绍

Flowserve 公司及产品介绍
Centrifugal Pumps 离心泵
Content of Annex 目录
Annex 1: y Introduction Flowserve 公司介绍 Product Description and Installation List 产品介绍及装机记录
Centrifugal Pumps 离心泵
Annex 1: Flowserve Company Introduction Flowserve 公司介绍
Flowserve Pumps History福斯泵业历史
Learn about the distinguished history of Flowserve pumps which spans more than two centuries 了解福斯泵两个多世纪的悠久历史
第一条福斯泵生产线是在工业革命早期建立的。在Thomas Newcommen和John Cawley工作的基 础上,James Watt 在 1769 年完善了蒸汽发动机。20 多年后,他们的后来者 Briton Thomas Simpson 利用蒸汽动力实现了公共用水工程的蒸汽机泵。随后,于 1790 年,Simpson and Thompson Co.(Worthington Simpson 的前身)在伦敦成立。
Adam Cameron of New York, who founded the Cameron Steam Pump Works in 1860, was another pioneer in reciprocating steam pump engines. Like Worthington, Cameron’s first products were used to power merchant marine and U.S. naval vessels. Before long, Cameron pumps were being applied in water resources, oil pipeline and refining, and boiler feed.



Read these instructions and the instructions covering operation of the pumpdrive unit. Do not operate the gas engine (if so equipped) until you have put oil in the engine. Do not run the pump dry. Always fill the pump with water or the fluid being pumped before starting the drive unit to avoid premature pump seal failure.The gas engine (if so equipped) is shipped with no oil in it. Consult your engine owners manual for specific oil recommendations and maintenance procedures. For engine warranty service contact your local engine dealer.Make certain that all hose and pipe connections are air tight. An air leak in the suction line may prevent priming and will reduce the capacity of the pump. Always place the pump as close to the liquid to be pumpedasas possible. Keep the suction line short and with few bends. Keep the pump and engine on a level foundation. A poor foundation and a heavy suction hose (made heavier when “primed” full of liquid) could result in a pump “down the hole”. It is not necessary to drain the pump body after use, unless there is a danger of freezing.There are important instructions regarding the preparation of the engine for long periods without use. (Reference the engine instruc-tion manual.) Under these conditions, drain the pump. Leave all plugs (fill and drain) out of the pump. Always store the pump unit in a heated, dry building.When pumping dirty water or liquids containing solids, always use a pump strainer on the end of the suction line.There are no points on the pump that need lubrication. The pumppump seal is cooled and lubricated by the fluid being pumped.WARNING! Do Not use with Flammable Liquids.Do not pump flammable liquids or other hazardous liquids with this pump. Failure to follow this warning can result in explosion, serious bodily injury or death. For safe operation read and follow the safety precautions in the following owners manual. Note: Engine warranty service available at authorized Briggs & Stratton and Honda dealers.1½", 2" & 3" Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump Instruction ManualD ISASSEMBLY I NSTRUCTIONS :1. Remove the 10 body screws (12720), lock washers (V07018) and nuts (V07019) from the pump assembly. Remove the body from the pump assembly.2. Remove the check valve (12705) from the volute (12702A). Remove the one upper volute screw (12900) and the two smaller volute screws (12725) from the volute. Remove the volute from the remaining pump assembly.For 3" PUMPRemove the check valve (12705) from the volute (13702). Remove the one upper volute screw(12900) and the two smaller volute screws (12725) from the volute. Remove the volute from the remaining pump assembly.3. Remove the impeller bolt (12765A) from the impeller (12771A/12772). Remove the impeller bolt gasket (12774VA) from the impeller.For 3" PUMPRemove the impeller bolt (12765A) from theimpeller (13772). Remove the impeller bolt gasket(12774VA) from the impeller.1224. Screw the supplied 7/16-14 hex head cap screw into the impeller snout. As the bolt is tightened the impeller will be pried off of the shaft of the drive unit. Remove the 7/16-14 screw once the impeller has been removed from the drive unit.If the pump impeller is going to be reused the ceramic seal half (12713) should be removed from the impeller at this time. The impeller key (12902A) located behind the ceramic seal half should be replaced at this time also.5. Remove the four bracket screws (12715A), rear bracket washers (12901), and screw head O-rings (12717) from the rear bracket using a ½" socket. With the four bracket screws removed the rear bracket can now be removed from the drive unit.6. Remove the carbon seal half from the rear bracket. This may be done by using a round object such as a wrench socket and tapping it gently with a hammer. The seal is very fragile so take care not to crack the seal if it will be reused. With the pump completely disassembled; clean all of the reusable parts thoroughly, removing any traces of old gasket material and trapped or dried liquids that were run through the pump.At this time, it may be necessary to polish the drive unit shaft to remove any corrosion that may haveformed.456A SSEMBLY I NSTRUCTIONS1. Install the pump slinger (12706) on to the drive unit shaft. The slinger should be slid all the way back on the shaft of the drive unit so that the slinger covers the step on the drive unit shaft as shown.3. Place the seal O-ring (12710) behind the lip of the carbon seal half. The carbon seal half (12713) should now be installed into the rear bracket as shown at right.3. To install the carbon seal half into the rear bracket use a tool such as a 1 ½" pipe nipple or arbor press to give even pressure on the metal flange of the seal housing during installation. Gently press the seal into position until it bottoms.4. Clean the threads of the bracket screws (12715A) thoroughly. Once clean, install the four flat washers (12901) and four screw head O-rings (12717) onto each of the bracket screws.11345. Install the rear bracket onto the drive unit using the bracket screw assemblies from the previous step. The handle of the rear bracket should be to the top of the drive unit. Tighten the screws securely.6. Verify that the impeller hex nut (12775A) is located at the bottom of the impeller snout, itshould be installed now. A very light press fit may be required to install the nut into its cavity.Install the ceramic seal half into the impeller. The seal half is pressed into the hub of theimpeller by using an arbor press or similar tool that will provide a uniform press fit. The outside diameter of the rubber boot may be sparingly coated with silicone to ease installation. Be absolutely sure that the ceramic seal half is bottomed out and installed squarely. If theinstallation is not square, seal wobble will occur leading to premature seal failure. Care must be used when handling the seal to not scratch the seal surface.7. Place the impeller key (12902A) in the slot located inside the impeller snout. The impeller (12771A/12772) is now ready to be slid onto the drive unit shaft.8. Secure the impeller to the drive unit shaft with the impeller bolt gasket (12774VA) and impeller bolt (12765A). Tighten the impeller bolt until snug.For 3" PUMPPlace the impeller key (12902A) in the slot located inside the impeller snout. The impeller (13772) is now ready to be slid onto the drive unit shaft. Secure the impeller to the drive unit shaft with the impeller bolt gasket (12774VA) and impeller bolt (12765A). Tighten the impeller bolt until snug.57bracket as shown.10. Install the volute (12702A) onto the rearbracket using the three volute screws (1-(12900), 20(12725)). Install the check valve (12705) onto the snout of the volute. The drive unit should be turned over a few times to check for clearance between the impeller and volute. A small amount of drag between the impeller and volute will cause no problem, however, if the drive unit will not turn over because of the lack of clearance a bracket shim may have to be used.For 3" PUMPInstall the volute (13702) onto the rearbracket using the three volute screws (1-(12900), 20(12725)). Install the check valve (12705) onto the snout of the volute. The drive unit should be turned over a few times to check for clearance between the impeller and volute. A small amount of drag between the impeller and volute will cause no problem, however, if the drive unit will not turn over because of the lack of clearance a bracket shim may have to be used.101011. Place the pump body O-ring (12719A) around the outside flange of the rear bracket. The O-ring may be sparingly lubricated with silicone to ease installation of the pump body in the next step.12. Install the pump body (12712) as shown below with the outlet flange facing up. Install the 10 body screws (12720), 10 lock washers (V07018), and 10 nuts (V07019) to secure the pump body to the rear bracket. Tighten the bolts securely all the way around.For 3" PUMP12. Install the pump body (13712) with theoutlet flange facing up. Install the 10 body screws (12720), 10 lock washers (V07018), and 10 nuts (V07019) to secure the pump body to the rear bracket. Tighten the bolts securely all the way around.The pump is now ready for operation.1112(Viton & Buna Seals available upon request.。

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ProCam Metering Pumps
Econonical, reliable and powerful are the keywords for the ProCam metering pump range which is used for metering and blending of liquids in low or medium duty applications with double diaphragm or plunger pmps.
NOVADOS Metering Pumps
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Accessories / Automation
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