系统设置-时钟设置 用户通过时钟设置可以对智能网关的时间进行设置和修改。
绑定设置界面可以查看、添加、删除绑定,修改绑定信息。在使用网关前,请将您的网关 网关设备控制查询界面如下,可以对终端节点的开关状态进行场景控制、独立控制和开关
编辑绑定:点击列表中“操作”列中的“编辑”,可以编辑绑定的楼层、房间和节点名称,其 场景控制:点击“场景控制”按钮,可进行场景控制,实现多个终端节点的开关组合。
B K-9322网关是中小家庭智能化中实现满足各种智能终端控制的核心设备,它支持在 windows、Android、iOS 系统上访问。目前网关V2.6版本及以上均支持云服务,通过扫二维码 轻松实现远程访问和控制。 通过浏览器打开网关,地址192.168.1.6。系统设置如下:外部应用服务器地址:,保存即可,然后就可以通过“威云”进行外网远程控制网关。
关键字: 终端节点:可以被智能网关遥控的每路灯光、每路插座、每路窗帘等 绑定:建立智能网关与终端节点间的安全连接。 独立控制:控制单个终端节点的开关状态。 场景:被遥控的多个终端节点的开关状态的组合。如娱乐场景中可设定客厅背光灯打开窗帘关 闭,电视打开等。
安装访问步骤 INTERNET智能网关,在整个INTERNET网络所处位置如下:
JENET®5G/4G智能工业网关适用网关型号:JENET-5G-JA00-LU|JENET-4G-JA00-DEJENET网关远程运维指导手册版本:V1.0文档声明目录1.功能介绍 (1)2.远程运维配置流程 (1)2.1.网关注册前准备工作 (1)2.2.配置网关LAN IP地址 (2)2.3.配置网关连接外网方式 (3)方式 (4)2.4.网关校时 (6)2.5.网关注册 (7)2.6.添加下挂设备 (8)2.7.运维电脑配置 (10)2.7.1.客户端安装 (10)2.7.2.登录客户端 (11)2.7.3.NMS客户端信息 (12)2.8.远程运维 (12)2.8.1.远程运维PLC (12)2.8.2.远程访问网关 (15)3.附录 (15)3.1.网络管理 (15)3.1.1.WAN有线 (15)3.1.2.Wi-Fi (17)1.功能介绍JENET®5G/4G智能工业网关结合捷创NMS客户端可以实现对网关、PLC等设备的远程运维,减少设备维护成本,节约人力、物力成本,提高设备维护人员工作效率2.远程运维配置流程2.1.网关注册前准备工作进行设备注册前需要完成以下工作:①系统管理员已在NMS系统录入网关序列号②已经有注册账号,账号由系统管理员提供注意:网关序列号录入、账号注册,请联系捷创技术支持人员2.2.配置网关LAN IP地址使用网关时请进行相关配置满足以下条件:①电脑网线连接网关进行配置时,电脑以太网卡与网关LAN口IP地址在同一网段②修改网关LAN口IP地址与PLC在同一网段网关出厂设置状态下:参数值描述LAN口IP地址192.168.0.1网关LAN口IP地址HTTP端口80网关默认HTTP访问端口号用户名admin网关登录用户名密码admin网关登录密码通过以下步骤可以修改网关IP地址步骤一:登录网关①浏览器输入网关IP 地址进行登录②输入用户名、密码进行登录,出厂默认用户名/密码为:admin/admin 步骤二:修改网关LAN 口IP 地址修改网关LAN 口IP 地址,与所连接设备(PLC 等)的IP 地址在同一个网段,例如PLC的IP 地址为192.168.1.xx,将网关LAN 口IP 地址修改为1网段即可①在“网络管理”中选择“LAN”②设置网关IP 地址、子网掩码、默认网关等信息③网关出厂默认开启DHCP 服务器功能,设置完成后,点击“确认”注意:网关修改LAN 口IP 地址后,请用修改后的IP 地址登录,注意电脑本地网卡IP 2.3.配置网关连接外网方式①网关支持WAN、4G/5G、Wi-Fi(网关有Wi-Fi 功能)的方式连接外网,用户可以根据实际需求选择,此处采用4G 方式②其他方式请参考手册附录“网络管理”详细说明地址与网关IP 地址保持同一网段2.3.1.4G方式注意:此小节详细说明4G的配置方式步骤一:登录网关,进入“网络管理”页面,选择“4G”进行配置①在“网络管理”中选择“4G”②在“4G配置”中点击“启用”③APN设置(4G公网卡一般不需要设置,如需要设置请联系运营商)④在“网络信息”中可以查看4G网络连接状态步骤三:选择网络出接口网关出厂设置默认出接口为“5G”(LU系列)或“4G”(DE系列),根据实际网络连接方式选择网络出接口,本手册中采用4G连接方式,所以将出接口设置为“4G”①在“网络管理”中选择“网络监控”②出接口选择“4G”,点击“确认”步骤四:测试网关是否可以访问外网①在“网络调试”选项中选择“PING”功能②Ping外网域名进行网络访问测试,本例中使用域名③配置好后点击“开始PING测试”④成功返回后,证明网关可以成功访问外网注意:网关出厂的系统时间为初始化时间,如果未进行校时会造成设备注册失败!步骤一:登录网关,进入“系统管理”>>“时间设置”页面步骤二:选择时区和校时方式①选择时区②设置校时方式,设置后点击“确认”建议先进行“手动校时”(与电脑时间同步),再设置成“NTP校时”,默认NTP服务器为阿里云NTP服务器(公网环境下会自动校时)步骤一:登录网关,进入“设备注册”页面步骤二:开始设备注册①点击“启用”设备注册②点击“启用OpenVpn”③配置注册服务器信息配置项值描述服务器地址124.70.217.98:18080VPN服务器地址用户名*****************向捷创管理员申请密码xxxxxx向捷创管理员申请④配置完成后,点击“确定”步骤三:等待一段时间,设备获取到虚拟IP,表示设备注册成功2.6.添加下挂设备步骤一:登录进到网关,进入“数据采集”页面步骤二:添加下挂设备①选择“+添加”,添加设备②根据设备(PLC)信息完成配置③点击“确认”步骤三:获取PLC 的虚拟IP 地址添加完下挂设备后,会生成PLC 的虚拟IP 地址,记录下此IP 地址,在进行PLC 远程运维时需要用到此虚拟IP参数值描述名称自定义只支持字母、数字接入方式以太网选择“以太网”接口名称192.168.1.12下挂设备的IP地址协议名称保持为空即可描述自定义设备描述2.7.运维电脑配置2.7.1.客户端安装该软件支持windows server2012datacenter、windows server2016datacenter、windows server2019datacenter、window7、windows10等系统一键安装解压安装后,双击安装软件a)首次安装软件,提示安装“Tap-Windows Adapte V9”虚拟网卡,点击“是”,按照安装向导提示进行安装b)安装NMS Client软件,根据安装向导完成安装2.7.2.登录客户端保证电脑可以为访问外网,双击打开安装好的NMS客户端,输入系统管理员提供的“用户名”和“密码”,点击“登录”2.7.3.NMS客户端信息登录成功后,左侧为账号下的设备列表,根据网关序列号找到上述激活的网关,选择网关可从右侧面板获取到网关以及下挂设备的虚拟IP等信息①网关序列号②网关信息③下挂设备(PLC)信息2.8.远程运维2.8.1.远程运维PLC以S7-1200为例,其他品牌PLC同理,编程软件和PLC之间通过虚拟IP建立连接步骤一:打开西门子PLC编程软件步骤二:菜单中选择“在线”>>“扩展在线”①在菜单栏中选择“在线”>>“扩展在线”②PG/PC接口选择虚拟网卡“TAP-Windows Adapter V9”③地址栏输入PLC虚拟IP地址步骤三:转至在线与PLC建立连接后,选择“转至在线”即可步骤四:程序上载/下载PLC转至在线状态后,即可进行程序的上载和下载2.8.2.远程访问网关可以通过访问网关的虚拟IP远程访问网关,实现网关的远程配置3.附录3.1.网络管理3.1.1.WAN有线注意:此小节详细说明WAN的配置方式步骤一:登录网关,进入“网络管理”页面,选择“WAN”进行配置①选择“WAN”②WAN类型设置为“WAN”③上网方式设置为“自动获取”(支持静态IP设置),设置完成后点击“确认”步骤二:选择网络出接口网关出厂设置默认出接口为5G(LU系列)或4G(DE系列),此处将出接口设置为“WAN”①在“网络管理”中选择“网络监控”②出接口选择“WAN”,点击“确认”步骤四:测试网关是否可以访问外网①在“网络调试”选项中选择“PING”功能②Ping外网域名进行网络访问测试,本例中使用域名③配置好后点击“开始PING测试”④成功返回后,证明网关可以成功访问外网3.1.2.Wi-Fi注意:此小节详细说明Wi-Fi的配置方式步骤一:登录网关,进入“网络管理”页面,选择“WiFi”进行配置①选择“WiFi配置”②点击“启用”,启用Wi-Fi功能③工作模式设置为“Station”,点击“确认”步骤二:选择“Station配置”①点击“扫描”,扫描WiFi网络②选择要连接的WiFi③输入WiFi密码,点击“确认”步骤三:选择网络出接口网关出厂设置默认出接口为5G(LU系列)或4G(DE系列),根据实际网络连接方式选择网络出接口,此处将出接口设置为“WiFi Station”①在“网络管理”中选择“网络监控”②出接口选择“WIFI Station”,点击“确认”步骤四:测试网关是否可以访问外网JENET®5G/4G 智能工业网关19①在“网络调试”选项中选择“PING”功能②Ping 外网域名进行网络访问测试,本例中使用域名 ③配置好后点击“开始PING 测试”④成功返回后,证明网关可以成功访问外网。
-1-HINET 智能网关数据采集教程接下来视频以“西门子200smart ”为例,讲解如何采集PLC的数据。
流程如下:-2-第一步:网关正常联网,网关和PLC 硬件连接网关连接WIFI 上网,西门子200smart 连接网关LAN口通信第二步:进网关后台,配置网关1、安装驱动包(南向驱动)点击“软件中心-驱动包管理”,点击【刷新列表】-【可用软件包】,根据PLC安装相应的驱动包,西门子200smart选择siemens_s7_tcp_rw_driver最新版,点击【安装】。
注意:or为只读,rw表示可读可写,需要远程控制变量则选择rw的驱动包-3--4--5-2、安装传输包(北向驱动)点击“软件中心-传输包管理”,点击【可用软件包】,选择思普云传输包super_json_tcp_cloud 最新版,点击【安装】。
-6--7-3、设置采集通道点击“工控数据-通道管理”,勾选通道开关,设备驱动选择西门子驱动包super_json_tcp_cloud ,数据中心选择思普云(手动输入无效)。
注意:远程控制密码必须为8位数-8--9-4、修改网关LAN 口IP点击【通讯设置】-【LAN 设置】,修改IPV4地址,网关IP 需要与PLC IP 在同网段,点击【保存应用】。
电脑需添加与网关同网段IP ,返回网关后台—【重启网关】。
-10--11-第三步:配置思普云浏览器输入 打开思普云登录界面,输入思普云账号密码点击【登录。
】1、添加产品点击产品设备-产品管理,点击【新增】,红框为必填项,产品名称、产品PLC 品牌、PLC触发模式采集周普通模式采集周存储模式采集周-12-类别系列、协议名称期(ms )期(ms )期(ms )自定义根据PLC 选择打开实时数据界面时按触摸模式采集周期采集数据,设置1000ms 表示1秒采集一次。
Configuration Note ContentsTable of Contents1Introduction (7)2Backing up Configuration (9)2.1Backing up Device Configuration through Web Interface (9)2.2Backing up Device Configuration through CLI (10)2.2.1Backing Up Configuration on a Data-enabled Device (10)2.2.2Backing Up Configuration on a Voice-enabled Device (10)2.3Backing Up EMS Configuration Before Upgrade (12)2.3.1Changing Scheduled Backup Time (12)2.3.2Collecting EMS Logs (13)3Restoring Configuration (15)3.1Restoring Device Configuration through Web Interface (15)3.2Restoring Device Configuration through CLI (16)3.2.1Restoring Configuration on a Data-enabled Device (16)3.2.2Restoring Configuration on a Voice-enabled Device (16)3.3Restoring EMS Configuration After Upgrade (18)Version 7.2 3 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsConfiguration File Backup & Restore ProcedureThis page is intentionally left blank.Configuration Note 4 Document #: LTRT-39624Configuration Note NoticesNoticeInformation contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, AudioCodes cannot guarantee accuracy of printed material after the Date Published nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Before consulting this document, check the corresponding Release Notes regarding feature preconditions and/or specific support in this release. In cases where there are discrepancies between this document and the Release Notes, the information in the Release Notes supersedes that in this document. Updates to this document and other documents as well as software files can be downloaded by registered customers at /downloads.© Copyright 2017 AudioCodes Ltd. All rights reserved.This document is subject to change without notice.Date Published: February-08-2017Trademarks©2017 AudioCodes Ltd. All rights reserved. AudioCodes, AC, HD VoIP, HD VoIP SoundsBetter, IPmedia, Mediant, MediaPack, What’s Inside Matters, OSN, SmartTAP, UserManagement Pack, VMAS, VoIPerfect, VoIPerfectHD, Your Gateway To VoIP, 3GX,VocaNom, AudioCodes One Voice and CloudBond are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of AudioCodes Limited. All other products or trademarks are property of theirrespective owners. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.WEEE EU DirectivePursuant to the WEEE EU Directive, electronic and electrical waste must not be disposedof with unsorted waste. Please contact your local recycling authority for disposal of thisproduct.Customer SupportCustomer technical support and services are provided by AudioCodes or by an authorizedAudioCodes Service Partner. For more information on how to buy technical support forAudioCodes products and for contact information, please visit our Web site at/support.Abbreviations and TerminologyEach abbreviation, unless widely used, is spelled out in full when first used.Document Revision RecordVersion 7.2 5 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsConfiguration File Backup & Restore ProcedureDocumentation FeedbackAudioCodes continually strives to produce high quality documentation. If you have anycomments (suggestions or errors) regarding this document, please fill out theDocumentation Feedback form on our Web site at /downloads.Configuration Note 6 Document #: LTRT-39624Configuration Note 1. Introduction1 IntroductionThis document describes the procedures for backing up and restoring your device'sconfiguration settings.It is important to back up your configuration on a regular basis in case you need to restoreconfiguration if, for example, any of the following scenarios occurs:⏹Your device has a hardware fault that requires it to be replaced entirely.⏹ A hardware component on the device is faulty (e.g., CPU).⏹Firmware upgrade failure⏹Undesired configuration upgrade or failure.Note:•It is your responsibility to save the backup configuration files after every configurationchange made on the device.•It is your responsibility to back up your existing configuration and firmware files to a safe location on your network before upgrading the device.Version 7.2 7 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsConfiguration File Backup & Restore ProcedureThis page is intentionally left blank.Configuration Note 8 Document #: LTRT-39624Version 7.2 9 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCs Configuration Note2. Backing up Configuration 2 Backing up ConfigurationYou can save a copy of the device's current configuration settings as a file on a local PC server. This can be used as a backup file for your configuration. The saved file includes only parameters that were modified and parameters with other than default values.You can also save (create) the current configuration as a configuration file on the device's flash memory and send it to a user-defined URL of a remote server (TFTP or HTTP/S) or to a USB device. The configuration settings in the file are based only on CLI commands. For more information, refer to the CLI Reference Manual .This chapter describes how to backup the configuration through one of the following management interfaces:⏹Web interface (see Section 2.1) ⏹CLI (see Section 2.2) ⏹EMS (see Section 2.3)Note:• Make sure you have a backup copy of all auxiliary files (e.g., CPT and Dial Plan files) before you upload them to the device.• If you do not have a backup of the device’s cmp file on your PC, you must open a service request to receive it.• In case of outage due to hardware upgrade or replacement or disaster, use theBootP tool to connect directly to the device from a PC. A trained technician should be present on the local site for performing this task.• If you do not have the BootP tool on your site, open a service request it to receive it.2.1Backing up Device Configuration through WebInterfaceThe Web interface allows you to back up the device's configuration as an ini file or a CLI-based file (CLI script) in a folder on the PC client running the Web interface.To back up the configuration:1. Open the Configuration File page:•Toolbar: From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Configuration File . • Navigation tree: Setup menu > Administration tab > Maintenance folder >Configuration File .Figure 2-1: Backing up Configuration through Web InterfaceConfiguration Note 10 Document #: LTRT-39624 Configuration File Backup & Restore Procedure2. Click one of the following buttons:•Save INI File: saves the configuration as an ini file. • Save CLI Script File: saves the configuration as a CLI-based file.2.2 Backing up Device Configuration through CLIThe CLI allows you to back up the device's configuration as a CLI-based file (CLI command settings). You can back up the CLI-based file to any of the following locations:⏹Remote server (HTTP, HTTPS or TFTP) ⏹USB stickNote: The USB stick is only applicable to devices that provide USB support.The procedures below describes how to back up the devices configuration using CLI on a data-enabled and voice-enabled device. 2.2.1 Backing Up Configuration on a Data-enabled DeviceThis section describes how to back up the devices configuration on a data-enabled device. To back up the configuration using CLI on a data-enabled device:1.Establish a CLI serial connection with the device (e.g., Telnet). 2. Log in to the CLI.Username: AdminPassword: < Password >3. Access the Enable mode.> enablePassword: < Enable mode password >4.Enter the following command:# copy cli-script to { < URL > | usb :///< File Name > }source data interface <interface type> <interface id> 2.2.2 Backing Up Configuration on a Voice-enabled DeviceThis section describes how to back up the devices configuration on a voice-enabled device.To back up the configuration using CLI on a voice-enabled device:1.Establish a CLI serial connection with the device (e.g., Telnet). 2.Log in to the CLI.Username: AdminPassword: < Password >3. Access the Enable mode.> enablePassword: < Enable mode password >Configuration Note 2. Backing up Configuration4. Enter the following command:# copy cli-script to { < URL > | usb:///< File Name > }Arguments DescriptionURL When copying to a URL, the destination URL can be one of thefollowing:•HTTP•HTTPS•TFTPusb:///< File Name> Backs up the configuration to the USB stick connected to the device.source Specifies the source CPU to copy from (default data).interface Specifies the source interface to bind to.source-address Specifies the source address.Interface Type Interface ID gigabitethernet GigabitEthernet interface slot andport (VLAN ID is optional)[SLOT/PORT.VLANID] cellular Cellular interface ID 0/0Gr-e Tunnel GRE ID [1-255]ipip Tunnel IPIP ID [1-255]l2tp L2TP ID [0-99]pppoe PPPoE interface ID [1-3]pptp PPTP ID [0-99]vlan Vlan ID [1-3999]loopback Loopback ID [1-5]bvi Bridge interface [1-255]Version 7.2 11 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsConfiguration Note 12 Document #: LTRT-39624Configuration File Backup & Restore Procedure2.3 Backing Up EMS Configuration Before UpgradeBefore upgrading the EMS server, it is highly recommended to backup the EMS server database. There are two main backup processes that run on the EMS server: ⏹Weekly backup: runs once a week at a pre-configured date & time (default is Saturday 02:00). In this process, the whole database is backed up into several “RMAN” files that are located in /data/NBIF/emsBackup/RmanBackup directory. In addition, many other configuration and software files are backed up to a TAR file in the /data/NBIF/emsBackup directory. In general, this TAR file contains the entire/data/NBIF directory’s content (except 'emsBackup' directory), EMS Software Manager content and server_xxx directory’s content.To change the weekly backup’s time and date, see Section 2.3.1 below. ⏹Daily backup: runs daily except on the scheduled week day (see above). The daily backup process backs up the last 24 hours. There are no changes in the TAR file in this process.Warning: The Backup process does not backup configurations performed using EMS Server Manager, such as networking and security.It is highly recommended to maintain all backup files on an external machine.These files can be transferred outside the server directly from their default location by SCP or SFTP client using 'acems' user. These backup files are as follows: ⏹ /data/NBIF/emsBackup/emsServerBackup_<time&date>.tar file⏹All files in /data/NBIF/emsBackup/RmanBackup directory (including control.ctl and init.ora files)2.3.1 Changing Scheduled Backup TimeThis step describes how to reschedule the backup time.To reschedule backup time:1. From the Application Maintenance menu, choose Change Schedule Backup Time .2. Choose the day of the week that you wish to perform the backup.3. Copy all files in /data/NBIF/emsBackup/RmanBackup/ directory to an external machine.4.Copy /data/NBIF/emsBackup/emsServerBackup_<time&date>.tar file to an external machine.Where <time&date> is only an example; replace this path with your filename.Configuration Note 2. Backing up Configuration2.3.2 Collecting EMS LogsIt is recommended to collect EMS logs before upgrading or re-configuring the EMS server.This enables you to restore the MG treeTo collect logs:1. From the EMS Server Management root menu, choose Collect Logs, and then pressEnter; the EMS server commences the log collection process:Figure 2-2: EMS Server Manager – Collect LogsThis process can take a few minutes. Once the file generation has completed, a messageis displayed on the screen informing you that a Diagnostic tar file has been created and thelocation of the tar file:Figure 2-3: TAR File LocationVersion 7.2 13 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsConfiguration File Backup & Restore Procedure2. The MGs Topology list containing all the devices in the MG Tree is found in thefollowing file:/data/NBIF/topology/MGsTopologyList.csvAn example of this file is shown in the figure below:Figure 2-4: MGs Topology ListConfiguration Note 14 Document #: LTRT-39624Version 7.2 15 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsConfiguration Note3. Restoring Configuration 3 Restoring ConfigurationYou can restore the configuration through one of the following management interfaces: ⏹ Web interface (see below) ⏹ CLI (see Section 3.2) ⏹EMS (see Section 3.3)Warning:• When restoring an ini file, the device resets for the settings to take effect. • When loading an ini file using the Configuration File page, parameters notincluded in the ini file are reset to default settings.3.1Restoring Device Configuration through Web InterfaceThe Web interface allows you to restore the device's configuration as an ini file or aCLI-based file (CLI script) from the folder on the PC client running the Web interface, by uploading an ini file or CLI-based file.Warning: When restoring an ini file using the Configuration File page, parameters excluded from the ini file return to default settings . If you want to keep the device's current configuration settings and apply the settings specified in the ini file, load the file through the Auxiliary Files page.To restore the configuration file:1.Open the Configuration File page: • Toolbar: From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Configuration File . •Navigation tree:Setupmenu > Administration tab > Maintenance folder > Configuration File .Figure 3-1: Loading INI File using Configuration File Page2.Click one of the following buttons: • Load INI File: restores the configuration from the ini file.•Load CLI Script File: restores the configuration from the CLI-based file.Configuration Note 16 Document #: LTRT-39624Configuration File Backup & Restore Procedure3.2 Restoring Device Configuration through CLIThe CLI allows you to restore the device's configuration as a CLI-based file (CLI command settings). You can restore the CLI-based file from any of the following locations: ⏹ Remote server (HTTP, HTTPS or TFTP) ⏹ USB stickNote: The USB stick is only applicable to devices that provide USB support.The procedures below describe how to restore the devices configuration using CLI on the following platforms: ⏹ Data-enabled device (see Section 3.2.1) ⏹Voice-enabled device (see Section 3.2.2) 3.2.1 Restoring Configuration on a Data-enabled DeviceThis section describes how to restore the devices configuration on a data-enabled device.To restore the configuration using CLI on a data-enabled device:1. Establish a CLI serial connection with the device (e.g., Telnet).2.Log in to the CLI. Username: AdminPassword: < Password >3.Access the Enable mode. > enablePassword: < Enable mode password >4.Enter the following command:# copy cli-script from { < URL > | usb :///< File Name > }source data interface <interface type> <interface id>3.2.2 Restoring Configuration on a Voice-enabled DeviceThis section describes how to restore the devices configuration on a voice-enabled device.To restore the configuration using CLI on a voice-enabled device:1. Establish a CLI serial connection with the device (e.g., Telnet).2.Log in to the CLI. Username: AdminPassword: < Password >3.Access the Enable mode. > enablePassword: < Enable mode password >Configuration Note 3. Restoring Configuration4. Enter the following command:# copy cli-script from { < URL > | usb:///< File Name > }Arguments DescriptionURL When copying to a URL, the destination URL can be one of thefollowing:•HTTP•HTTPS•TFTPusb:///< File Name> Backs up the configuration to the USB stick connected to the device.source Specifies the source CPU to copy from (default data).interface Specifies the source interface to bind to.source-address Specifies the source address.Interface Type Interface ID gigabitethernet GigabitEthernet interface slot andport (VLAN ID is optional)[SLOT/PORT.VLANID] cellular Cellular interface ID 0/0Gr-e Tunnel GRE ID [1-255]ipip Tunnel IPIP ID [1-255]l2tp L2TP ID [0-99]pppoe PPPoE interface ID [1-3]pptp PPTP ID [0-99]vlan Vlan ID [1-3999]loopback Loopback ID [1-5]bvi Bridge interface [1-255]Version 7.2 17 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsConfiguration File Backup & Restore Procedure3.3 Restoring EMS Configuration After UpgradeThis section describes how to restore the EMS server after it has been upgraded. This canbe done on the original machine from which the backup files were created or on any othermachine.Note:•If you’re running the restore process on a different machine, its disk sizeshould be the same as the original machine from which the backup files were Array taken.•Restore actions can be performed only with backup files which werepreviously created in the same EMS version.•If you are restoring to a new machine, make sure that you have purchased anew license file machine ID. AudioCodes customer support will assist you toobtain a new license prior to the restore process.To restore the EMS server:1. Install (or upgrade) EMS to the same version from which the backup files werecreated. The Linux version must also be identical between the source and targetmachines.2. Use the EMS Server Management utility to perform all the requiredconfigurations, such as Networking and Security, as was previously configuredon the source machine.3. Make sure all server processes are up in EMS Server Manager / Status menuand the server functions properly.4. Copy all backup files to /data/NBIF directory by SCP or SFTP client using the'acems' user.5. In EMS Server Manager, go to the Application Maintenance menu and select theRestore option.6. Follow the instructions during the process.7. After the restore process has completed, you will be asked to reboot themachine.8. If you installed custom certificates prior to the restore, you must reinstall thesecertificates.Configuration Note 18 Document #: LTRT-39624Configuration Note 3. Restoring ConfigurationThis page is intentionally left blank.Version 7.2 19 Mediant Series Gateways & SBCsInternational HeadquartersContact us: /info Website: Document #: LTRT-39624。
宏达信诺 HXGE 系列智能网关 软件手册说明书
目录目录 (2)第一章软件手册概述 (5)第二章系统架构及应用场景 (5)2.1. 系统架构 (6)2.2. 基于插件体系的服务架构 (6)2.3. 目前所支持的行业插件列表 (7)2.4. 常用物联网架构 (13)第三章软件目录介绍 (17)3.1. WINDOWS应用程序EXE的功能 (17)3.2. 文件夹说明 (18)第四章快速入门流程 (18)4.1. 采集系统在WINDOWS上运行 (19)4.2. 采集系统在LINUX网关上运行 (19)第五章使用HXGEBuild进行工程开发 (19)5.1. 工程管理 (20)5.1.1. 工程组 (22)5.1.2. 工程 (23)5.1.3. 工程模板 (25)5.2. 配置采集服务 (26)5.2.1. 采集的结构 (26)5.2.2. 创建通道 (27)5.2.3. 创建设备 (31)5.2.4. 创建数据标签 (34)5.2.5. 通道复制 (45)5.2.6. 设备复制 (46)5.3. 配置数据服务 (47)5.3.1. 创建数据服务通道 (48)5.3.2. 创建数据服务标签 (49)5.4. 使用系统变量 (54)5.5. 上传下载 (55)5.5.1 搜索要维护的网关 (56)5.6. 其他辅助功能 (65)5.6.1. 系统参数 (65)5.6.2. 本地运行 (65)5.6.3. 远程监视 (66)第六章使用HXGEView远程监视 (67)6.1. 搜索在线的网关IP (67)6.2. 添加节点 (68)6.3. 更新状态 (68)6.4. 删除节点 (68)6.5. 监视设备信息 (68)6.5.1. 查看采集通道属性 (69)6.5.2. 查看采集通道报文 (69)6.5.3. 查看采集设备数据 (70)6.5.4. 查看数据服务通道报文 (70)6.5.5. 常用工具 (71)6.5.6. 数值设定操作 (73)6.5.7. 查看日志 (73)第一章软件手册概述本手册旨在让使用者详细了解、掌握HXGE系列产品的软件操作方法,其产品系列包括物联网网关产品、工业级正向隔离网闸产品、电力双机热备通讯管理机,以及其他定制性的基于协议转换的软硬件产品。
对设备显示器数据进展采集近些年在“工业4.0”,“智能制造”,“工业互联网”的大背景下,工业现场设备层的数据采集逐渐成为一个热门话题,实现工业 4.0,需要高度的工业化、自动化基础,是漫长的征程。
实现远程监控、能耗管理、信息化配置、以及接入各种EMS配合传统的资源对接,重点来了,工控行业数据该怎么采集以及注意的事项!工业数据采集过程,包含多类工业设备接入、多种工业通信网络协议解析、多源工业数据格式转换、实时工业数据存储与预处理等多个环节,为实现多源设备、异构系统、运营环境、人等要素信息的实时高效采集,需要大量 IT、OT 与 CT 核心关键技术支撑。
工业数据采集常用工业通信网络技术主要有工业现场总线、工业以太网、工业光纤网络、TSN、NB-IoT、4G/5G 等,总体上可16分为有线和无线通信网络技术。
有线通信网络技术主要包括现场总线、工业以太网、工业光纤网络、TSN 等,现阶段工业现场设备数据采集主要采用有线通信网络技术,以保证信息实时采集和上传,对生产过程实时监控的需求。
当出现产品改进或者技术变更时,您可以通过中兴通讯技术支持网站 查询有关信息。
本资料著作权属中兴通讯股份有限公司所有。未经著作权人书面许可,任何单位或个人不得 以任何方式摘录、复制或翻译。
“ZTE”和“ZTE中兴”是中兴通讯股份有限公司的注册商标。中兴通讯产品的名称和标志 是中兴通讯的专有标志或注册商标。在本手册中提及的其他产品或公司的名称可能是其各自 所有者的商标或商名。在未经中兴通讯或第三方商标或商名所有者事先书面同意的情况下, 本手册不以任何方式授予阅读者任何使用本手册上出现的任何标记的许可或权利。
2.1 产品简介 ....................................................... 4 2.2 应用环境 ....................................................... 4 2.3 产品功能 ....................................................... 4 2.4 上面板 ......................................................... 5 2.5 前面板 ......................................................... 5 2.6 后面板 ......................................................... 6 2.7 系统需求 ....................................................... 7 3 产品安装 ...................................................... 8 3.1 设备连接 ....................................................... 8 4 设置准备 ...................................................... 9 4.1 出厂默认值 ..................................................... 9 4.2 检查设备连接配置................................................ 9 4.3 登录/退出 ...................................................... 9 5 设备状态 ...................................................... 10 5.1 查看设备信息 ................................................... 10 5.2 查看网络接口信息................................................ 10 5.3 查看用户接口信息................................................ 11 5.4 查看VoIP状态信息................................................ 13 6 网络配置 ...................................................... 14 6.1 配置WAN连接类型................................................. 14 6.2 WLAN配置 ....................................................... 21 6.3 地址管理配置 ................................................... 26 6.4 路由管理配置 ................................................... 28 7 安全配置 ...................................................... 30 7.1 配置防火墙 ..................................................... 30 7.2 配置IP地址过滤 ................................................. 30 7.3 配置MAC地址过滤................................................. 32 7.4 配置URL地址过滤................................................. 33 8 应用配置 ...................................................... 34 8.1 VoIP配置 ....................................................... 34 8.2 配置DDNS ........................................................... 42 8.3 配置DMZ Host ........................... 43 8.4 配置UPnP ........................................................... 43
智能网关(R206A)使用说明书智能网关使用说明书——适用机型:R206A适用IPK版本0.0.0.98及以上版本目录一、声明 (3)二、实物外观 (4)三、简介 (4)四、产品特性 (5)五、产品快速安装方法 (5)1、R206A的端口说明 (5)2、硬件连接 (6)3、上电 (6)4、设备重启 (6)5、WPS功能 (6)6、指示灯 (6)7、UPS备用电源 (6)六、设置R206A智能家居无线集成控制盒 (7)1、连接设置 (7)2、设置您的计算机(以Win XP操作系统为例) (7)3、登录R206A的管理界面 (9)4、网络设置 (12)5、无线网络设置 (18)6、防火墙 (25)7、系统管理 (27)8、桥接设置 (36)七、LoRa智能家居模块设置说明 (40)1、设备列表 (40)2、设备管理 (42)3、客户端用户管理 (43)5、备份还原用户数据 (45)6、数据导入 (47)6、系统设置 (47)八、相关产品 (48)九、维护与保养 (48)一、声明在未经大洋事先书面许可的情况下,严禁以任何形式复制、传递、分发和存储本文档中的任何内容。
1. 凭此卡享受保修期内的免费保修及保修期外的优惠性的服务。
➢ 提供用户要求的协议。 ➢ 下行接口:1路2.4GHz或490MHz,组成星型或MESH型的网络。
➢ 支持MODBUS协议、i.XL协议. ➢ 提供用户要求的协议。
➢ RS485接口:读取多个数字传感器的数据。 ➢ 对读取传感器的数据进行协议转换,处理、存储,转发。
➢ 对数字传感器进行供电。
➢ 读取带RS485接口的设备。 ➢ 通讯接口:ETHNET、WI-FI、GPRS、2.4GHz、490MHz。 ➢ 通讯协议:MODBUS RTU、MODBUS TCP、645、104、101、
➢ 机房、机站动力、环境监控系统。 ➢ 低压配电监控系统。 ➢ 电能数据监控系统。 ➢ 工厂机器设备、生产线运行状态监控系统。
➢ 生产信息采集系统。
➢ 传感节点数量庞大的系统。
WAN / Intranet /
➢ 调制方式:DSSS,GFSK。 ➢ 频率:490MHz (470~510MHz)ISM频段。 ➢ 发射功率:≤27dBm( 500mW);可选 100mW、2000mW)。 ➢ 接收灵敏度:-119dBm。 ➢ 理想传输距离:5Km。
INTERNET智能网关说明介绍 系统设置-修改登录口令
尊敬的用户,真诚感谢您选用本公司产品,为了方便您的安装与使用,请您使用前仔细阅 为了您的使用安全,请在智能网关使用前,修改登录口令。
INTERNET智能网关融合Internet技术和Z-ginger网络技术,让客户随时随地 都能对设备进行管理和控制,查询设备状态,尽享舒适生活。
系统设置-时钟设置 用户通过时钟设置可以对智能网关的时间进行设置和修改。
Mini APP终端控制 设置完成后,
特殊设置-面板名称 用户可以在面板名称这一项可以为LCD智能控制面板修改场景或设备的名称和图标。 该界面能发送英文名称和拼音还有其他语言的名称,除了英文和拼音,如需中文或其他语言名 称请与我公司联系。
具体绑定方法: 1.进入设备设置下的绑定设置界面,添加新设备,根据不同的设备修改不同的名称和楼层。 2.长按终端节点开关键,持续5秒,听到长音“嘀”后松手,终端节点进入绑定请求。对于调 光开关的产品,绑定调光路的开状态时,注意长按将灯光调到最暗,不松手,持续5秒,听到 长音“嘀”后松手,终端节点进入绑定请求。 3.在网关新建绑定界面,按“开始绑定处理”按钮,网关进入绑定应答。 4.如果网关新建绑定界面,显示“绑定成功”。那么整个绑定成功。进入网关控制界面即可控 制终端节点。 5.如果网关新建绑定界面,显示“绑定失败”。表示绑定不成功,请重新操作。
阅读对象本手册主要适用于以下工作人员:●配置与管理人员●技术支持与维护人员●操作员本手册约定本手册中对各类标志约定如下:类别表示意义图片说明格式<> 带尖括号<>表示按钮名,如单击<确认>“”带双引号“”表示窗口名,如弹出框选择“5G接口”>> 多级菜单用>>隔开,如配置向导>>WAN设置各类标志提醒操作中应注意的事项,不当的操作可能会导致数据丢失或者设备损坏。
目录一、概述 (1)二、网关设备连接 (2)2.1设备上电 (2)2.2天线连接 (3)2.3 SIM卡连接 (4)2.4 设备连接 (5)2.5 设备登录 (6)三、网关设备联网 (7)3.1联网 (7)3.2机联网(摄像头、AGV、PLC等) (11)四、激活操作 (16)五、网管平台操作 (17)六、数据采集 (20)6.1 Modbus_RTU协议 (20)6.2 Modbus_TCP协议 (24)6.3 EthernetIP协议 (27)6.4 Melsec_3e协议 (30)6.5 S7_ethernet协议 (33)6.6 Fins_ethernet协议 (36)七、点位表配置 (39)7.1 添加点位 (39)7.2 导入点位表 (40)八、数据上报 (43)8.1 OPC UA Server (43)8.2 Process DB (44)九、常见问题及解决办法 (45)十、联系方式 (46)一、概述通过本应用手册,帮助客户快速使用JENET 5G工业网关,包括联网、机联网、设备激活、数据采集、点位配置等。
HINET工业智能网关功能参数及选型一、产品简介HINET 智能网关是一个集成多种互联网通讯技术,面向工业领域的设备通讯终端产品。
其包含的 3G、4G、WIFI、有线网络等多种互联网接入方式,可以适应各种网络应用环境,提供随处可得的安全通讯链路。
HINET 智能网关采用全工业化硬件设计平台,结合先进的软件功能,使得企业能够在最小的投资范围内快速建设规模化的工业设备通讯网络,为客户提供包含数据、语音、视频在内的多业务通道。
二、基本功能1、实现工业现场设备远程控制;2、实现设备固件远程升级,程序上下载;3、实现工业现场PLC远程编程、调试;4、实现工业现场触摸屏远程控制;5、实现工业现场组态画面远程映射;6、实现西门子、三菱等PLC等主流协议硬件解析;7、可灵活接入各种设备管理平台;8、可同时与多台PLC或触摸屏远程通讯;9、 PLC远程监控,PLC远程调试,PLC远程上下载,PLC远程控制,PLC数据采集,PLC远程通讯。
三、产品特点1、多样的通讯接口:支持多台设备同时接入,最多支持对 254 台设备进行远程操作;可同时支持 3 种不同 PLC 的数据采集和协议解析,可兼容RS232\以太网等接口PLC;2、超强的环境适应能力:多通讯方式结合,结合WIFI、以太网、全网通3G/4G 联网多种通讯方式,适应各种工业环境;3、极高的安全性:采用VPN over P2P远程安全通讯方式,结合RSA加密算法确保通讯安全,严防数据泄漏;4、极强的稳定性:支持断线重连,异常恢复、系统自监控,确保设备实时在线,确保监控系统正常运行;5、配置简单,无需固定 IP,无需动态域名,即插即用;6、极简易的安装方式:体积小巧,导轨安装。
四、产品参数2、以太网通讯参数 五、网关选型目前 HINET 智能网关主要有两个型号,一个是 HINET M111N ,一个是 HIENT M111T 。
Energenie MiHome 网关用户手册说明书
User ManualEnergenie MiHome GatewayThe Gateway provides the communications between all your MiHome devices and the internet.2Out of the box1.Gateway 2.PSU adapter 3.MicroUSB cable 4.Ethernet patch cableVisit Scan this QR code with yoursmartphone QR App to takeyou directly there.1. 2. 3. 4.3Quick StartIf yo u don’t want to read the full manual!∙ Connect your Gateway to your home router by pluggingone end of the Ethernet cable into the socket on the Gateway and the other end into one of your router’s free Ethernet sockets.∙ Plug the PSU into an adjacent free mains wall socket and switch on.∙ Plug the microUSB cable into the Gateway and the PSU. ∙ The gateway should now be powered and connectautomatically via your router to the internet. This is indicated by the light on the front illuminating orange then steady green. It may take up to 20 seconds for this to happen. The light will also blip briefly red as message traffic is being exchanged.∙Manage your Gateway and MiHome devices using one of the methods as follows:4Using a Smartphone App (Android/iPhone) ∙ Download the MiHome smartphone from theappropriate store eg Play Store or Apple Store andinstall and then open it.∙ Follow the on-screen instructions that will take you through the Gateway set up process.Using a Browser and the Internet Server ∙ Go to the server by selecting the web address in your chosen browser. Here you can create an account.∙Then go to Manage Devices and Register your Gateway device using the 10 digit key code on the back of your Gateway.5Manual of OperationTo operate the Gateway you will need a router with internet connection with at least one free Ethernet connection, such as your Wi-Fi home router.Connect the Gateway to one of your router’s free Ethernet sockets via the Ethernet cable.Plug the Gateway power supply adapter into any powered mains wall socket and connect it to the microUSB socket in the Gateway housing using the supplied cable.The gateway should now be powered and connectautomatically via your router to the internet. This is indicated by the light on the front illuminating orange then steady green. It may take up to 20 seconds for this to happen. The light will also blip briefly red as message traffic is being exchanged. You can then install your Gateway either from a PC or smart device browser or via the MiHome App on your iPhone or Android smartphone.6Configuring the Gateway for the first timeusing a Smartphone App (iPhone/Android)Download the MiHome App from the Play Store or Apple Store and install and then open it. Follow the on screen instructions that will take you through the Gateway set up process. Configuring the Gateway for the first time using a Web BrowserOpen a web browser on a PC or other smart device such as a tablet and go to location: 1. Select Create an Account from the options at the top.2. Create your account using your email address and asuitable password.3. Select Manage Devices from the options at the top4. Click on the Add a Gateway button.5. Type in a suitable name.6. Choose device type as Radio Gateway .77. Type in the authorisation code which is the case-sensitive 10 digit code located on the label underneath the Gateway.Your Gateway should now be displayed in the Managed Devices window.Software UpgradeA message may appear advising that an update to firmware is available.Please select the manage device tab in the panel for the Gateway and select the recommended if requested.Then initiate the upgrade by clicking on the firware update button. This may take a while. When complete the Gateway will restart itself and automatically go though the process of reconnecting to the server.8Connecting Your Devicesif you have succeeded in connecting it to the server andcreated an account. The following devices can be paired with the Gateway:∙Control adapter ∙Monitor adapter ∙ Control & Monitor adapterFurther devices will become available in due course.Reception Range9Please ensure that your devices are in range of the Gateway when you pair them. We suggest 10 metres or so as unobscured by furniture or walls etc. as possible.Please note that after pairing, your adapters may be moved to different locations. You should be able to control them at a range of at least 25 metres in open air. Less, if behind furniture or a wall etc.If you are having trouble with the range, move your devices closer to the Gateway or move an obstruction that may be affecting the signal.To place you Gateway in a more suitable location than near your router, you can use a domestic Power-line system. Note that the pairing process for all 3 adapter types is different so please follow the instructions carefully.10 Pairing a Control-only AdapterVia a Browser:Hold down the button on the front ofthe housing of the adapter for 5seconds or more. You should see thered light on the adapter housing startflashing at 1 second intervals.Select the option to pair a newsocket and choose the ControlSocket to be paired.If pairing is successful, the red light on the adapter should then briefly flash for half a second. You will then be asked toconfirm that the pairing was successful or cancel if you did not see the light on the adapter flashing quickly. Once you have confirmed pairing, you should see the device come up on the screen as being paired.Via the App on your smartphone:11Follow the instruction to pair a Control adapter.Pairing a Monitor AdapterVia a Browser:Select the option to pair a new deviceand choose the Monitor adapter to beregistered.Follow the instructions to hold downthe button on the front of the housingof the adapter until you see the devicecome up on the screen as beingpaired.Via the App on your smartphone:Follow the instruction to pair a Monitor adapter12Pairing a Control and Monitor AdapterVia a Browser:Select the option to pair a new deviceand choose the Control and Monitoradapter to be registered.Follow the instructions to hold downthe button on the front of the housingof the adapter for 5 seconds or more.You should see the red light on theadapter housing start flashing at 1second intervals. If pairing is successful the red light should then briefly flash for half a second and you should see the device come up on the screen as being paired.Via the App on your smartphone:Follow the instruction to pair a Control and Monitor adapter13Using the DashboardYou can view and control your paired device by selecting the Dashboard option on your App or via the browser.14Gateway SpecificationInput voltage:5VDC Input current: 150mAPower connection: MicroUSB (Power only)Ethernet connection: RJ45, cat5e patch cableRadio Frequency: 433MHz Band Tx duty cycle: <10%Router Port: 9998Server URL:Important Note: The Gateway can get warm to the touchduring normal operation. This is normal and does not affect the operation or lifetime of the device.15Troubleshooting1. If your Gateway fails to connect initially and you seethe light on the front displaying orange, please trypower cycling the Gateway to see if it then will connect and display a predominantly green light.2. Please ensure that you do not plug your adapters intoadjacent sockets in a wall socket or extension lead. There should be several metres distance betweenindividual adapters.3. Any local source of radio noise may effect operation ofthe system. This may include poorly regulated fans or other devices running electric motors, noisy power supplies or other low quality electrical and electronic equipment including LED lights.4. If your attempt to pair an adapter and it fails please tryagain. Occasionally the signals between devices may be subject to noise or other outside interference which is common for radio systems of this nature.165. The range of communication between your Gatewayand linked devices will be affected by anything inbetween that may obscure the signal such as furniture, walls, ceilings, windows, doors etc.6. The Gateway can be cleared of any knowledge ofattached devices by pressing the button on the front of the housing for 10 seconds while the power is on. The Gateway will then need to be set up again from the Server or App.7. You can Reset the Gateway to clear any softwareupgrades. Using a paperclip, or similar, press the reset switch located in the small hole on the front of thehousing and then switch the power supply to thegateway on. Hold the switch down for at least 10seconds. The light should then flash for a second on a successful reset. After this reset the Gateway should maintain its knowledge of connected devices andcontinue as before. If for any reason this does not17happen you may need to un-pair the devices from the Gateway at the server or App and re-pair them.8. If you attempting to operate with a firewall, it may beblocking access to the internet. Please speak to your network controller to ensure the Gateway is giveninternet access.For further help please look online at/troubleshooting or contact us at**********************.uk18Status lightsThe light on the front of the Gateway will indicate useful status information using a traffic-light set of colours:19Declaration of ConformitySandal Plc trading as Energenie declare under our sole responsibility as importer that the product:Model: MIHO001 is CE marked and is in accordance with the following Directive(s):2014/53/ECR&TTE Directive (Article 3.1b and 3.2) 2002/96/ECWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive2011/65/EU Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive RecastThe unit complies with all essential requirements of the above referenced specifications and directives and has been issued a CE mark as per directive 93/98/EEC.The Technical Construction File required is maintained at the company headquarters at 5 Harold Close, The Pinnacles, Harlow, Essex, England, CM19 5TH.20CautionAlthough the adapter devices are 13amp approved, it is not recommended to use your Control adapter or Adapter Plus devices with any appliance pulling a large current for an extended period, such as a heater or a device with a powerful motor such as a power tool or washing machine.Please be aware that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.Energenie and MiHome are brand names of Sandal Plc. Registered Office: Claremont House, Deans Court, Bicester, Oxon, OX26 6BW21Other NoticesTHIS DEVICE AND ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE ARE NOT DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED OR INTENDED FOR USE OR RESALE FOR THEOPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, THE NAVIGATION, CONTROL OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS FOR AIRCRAFT OR OTHERTRANSPORTATION, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, LIFE SUPPORT OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, WEAPONS SYSTEMS, OR ANY OTHER APPLICATION IN A HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENT, OR REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE, OR IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF PRODUCTS COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (COLLECTIVELY, "HIGH RISK APPLICATIONS"). YOU AGREE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NO LICENSE TO, AND SHALL NOT (AND SHALL NOT ALLOW A THIRD PARTY TO) USE THE PRODUCT IN ANY HIGH RISK APPLICATIONS, AND WHERE PERMITTED BY LAW SANDAL PLC SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY REGARDING, AND ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF, HIGH RISK APPLICATIONS.Copyright Notice© 2015 Sandal Plc.User ManualPart no: MIHO00122。
HONET 综合业务接入网FA16 灵活接入设备 用户手册
目 录
第 1 章 系统概述 .....................................................................................................................1-1
业业业业业 接接接 租用用用用用
64Kbit/s V.35/V.24 双双租
ONU 2B+D/30B+D
图1-1 FA16 系统的总体结构
1.1.1 光纤线路终端 OLT
OLT(Optical Line Terminal)属于接入网的业务节点侧设备。 OLT 通过 E1 接口与交换机相连,使用 V5.2 接口协议。另外,FA16 系统还 有一个可选设备信令转换架 STE。 在 LE 侧不能提供 V5 接口时需选用此设备。 STE 与 LE 之间通过 No.7 或 No.1 信令连接,STE 与 OLT 之间通过 V5 协议 连接。 OLT 可以通过 E1 接口与 DDN 网相连,以中继方式接入 DDN 网。
1.1 FA16 总体结构
FA16 在设备上主要由光纤线路终端(OLT:Optical Line Terminal)、光纤网络 单元(ONU:Optical Network Unit)、光传输系统和接入网网管系统(AN-NMS: Access Network Management System)组成(当采用 V 系列 ONU 时,可以 没有 OLT)。完成接入网的业务接入、传输和网络管理三大部分。结构如图 1-1所示:
零海拔 LTE-X4 4G 全网通网关用户手册说明书
GoIP 4G全网通系列(LTE-X4)用户手册v1.011综述1.1简介GoIP/LTE-X4是LTE网关(LTE即俗称的4G网络)。
在中国大陆,三大运营商的2/3/4G 全部兼容。
1.2 协议✔TCP/IP V4(IPV6 自动适应)✔ITU-T H.323 V4 标准✔H.2250 V4 标准✔H.245 V7 标准✔H.235 标准(MD5,HMAC-SHA1)✔ITU-T G.711 Alaw/ULaw, G.729A, G.729AB, G.723.1语音编码✔RFC1889 实时数字传输协议✔防火墙穿透技术✔SIP V2.0 标准✔STUN✔以太网拨号标准(PPPoE)✔因特网信息控制协议(ICMP)✔超文本传送协议(HTTP)✔动态主机配置协议(DHCP)✔域名系统(DNS)✔专有relay协议(加密VoIP信令和媒体流)1.2硬件特性✔支持热拔插✔ ARM高速处理器✔ IEEE 802.3 标准、连接LAN 和PC 两个10/100 兆以太网口✔频段支持,见下表:/wiki/LTE_frequency_bands查询频段的覆盖范围:https://1.4 包装内容小心避免损坏设备或包装盒,请尽量保留包装盒以免日后设备出现问题需要寄回维修时可以使用。
包装内的物品清单如下:1.主机一部2.电源适配器一个3.CAT5网线一根4.天线若干2安装2.1 安装天线将天线螺母依次安装至主机天线接口。
家庭⽹关终端管理系统_操作⼿册_联创家庭⽹关终端管理系统(ITMS)操作⼿册⽂档信息⽂档变更记录审核批准⽬录⽬录 (3)1⽂档说明 (6)2系统管理 (1)2.1概述-⽤户、⾓⾊和权限 (1)2.2安全策略管理 (1)2.3⽤户管理 (1)2.3.1新建系统⽤户 (2)2.3.2系统⽤户列表 (3)2.4⾓⾊/权限管理 (3)2.4.1系统⾓⾊列表 (4)2.4.2⾓⾊与菜单关联管理 (5)2.5系统设置 (5)2.5.1修改登陆密码 (5)2.5.2定义快捷菜单 (6)2.6⽇志管理 (7)2.6.1⽇志查询 (7)2.6.2在线⽤户列表 (8)2.6.3登陆⽇志 (8)3资源管理 (10)3.1设备资源 (10)3.1.1家庭⽹关设备操作 (10)3.1.2家庭⽹关设备查询 (13) 3.1.3家庭⽹关设备列表 (13) 3.1.4家庭⽹关设备统计 (14) 3.1.5设备绑定情况列表 (15) 3.1.6设备账号对应列表 (15) 3.1.7未确认设备查询 (16) 3.1.8⽤户设备解绑 (16)3.2⽤户资源 (17)3.2.1家庭⽹关⽤户操作 (17) 3.2.2家庭⽹关⽤户列表 (19) 3.2.3家庭⽹关⽤户添加 (19) 3.2.4未绑定家庭⽹关⽤户 (20) 3.3基础资源 (21)3.3.1局向资源 (21)3.3.2区域资源 (22)3.3.3设备版本 (23)3.3.4属地资源 (24)3.3.5⼩区资源 (25)3.3.6设备⼚商 (25)3.4⽂件服务器 (28)3.4.1⽂件服务器查询 (28)4故障诊断 (29)4.1设备诊断 (29)4.1.1Ping诊断 (30)4.1.2ATMF5LOOP测试 (31) 4.1.3DSL测试 (33)4.1.4设备基本信息 (35)4.1.5故障诊断预配置检查 (40) 4.1.6设备诊断 (43)4.2系统命令 (48)4.2.1重启 (48)4.2.2恢复出⼚设置 (49)5业务管理 (49)5.1⼯单管理 (50)5.1.1BSS业务查询 (50)5.1.2iTV策略配置统计 (52)5.1.3iTV策略批量配置 (52)5.1.4iTV配置下发 (53)5.1.5变更上⽹⽅式 (54)5.1.6策略配置查询 (54)5.1.7策略配置历史查询 (55)5.1.8家庭⽹关⼯单视图 (55)5.1.9⼿⼯业务下发 (56)5.2现场安装 (56)5.2.1家庭⽹关⼿⼯安装 (57)5.2.2设备序列号烧制 (57)5.2.3现场安装统计 (58)5.2.4现场安装信息查询 (58)5.3业务查询 (59)5.3.1⾃主绑定查询 (59)5.3.2DSLAM侧MAC帐号查询 (60)6报表系统 (60)6.1报表统计 (60)6.2设备统计 (61)6.2.1不活跃设备统计 (61)6.2.2设备按版本统计 (61)6.2.3设备按⼚商统计 (62)6.2.4设备交互统计 (63)6.2.5最新版本统计 (64)6.3业务统计 (64)6.3.1iTV业务统计 (64)6.3.2⽼⽤户多PVC/VLAN部署考核 (65) 6.3.3新⽤户多PVC/VLAN部署考核 (66) 6.4客户统计 (66)6.4.1家庭⽹关按绑定率统计 (66)6.4.2⾃助绑定统计 (67)6.5其他 (68)6.5.1软件升级统计 (68)6.5.2设备上报账号⽇志查询 (69)6.5.3⽤户绑定⽅式统计 (69)7参数配置 (71)7.1参数属性管理 (71)7.1.1参数属性上报 (71)7.1.2配置⽤户可写属性 (72)7.2参数实例管理 (73)7.2.1参数实例管理 (73)7.2.2配置⽂件查询 (75)7.2.3批量下发配置 (76)7.2.4上传配置⽂件 (76)7.2.5设备配置恢复 (78)7.3配置⽇志管理 (80)7.3.1上传⽇志⽂件 (80)7.4设备维护视图 (82)7.4.1设备维护视图 (82)8软件升级 (82)8.1软件升级管理 (83)8.1.1软件简单升级 (83)8.1.2批量软件升级 (83)8.1.3⽂件备份升级 (84)8.2软件版本管理 (85)8.2.1版本实时查询 (85)8.2.2软件版本列表 (86)8.3版本⽂件管理 (87)8.3.1版本⽂件查询 (87)8.3.2版本⽂件添加 (88)1 ⽂档说明本⽂档为ITMS系统操作⼿册。
HiNet 智能网关与控制器端的连接
HiNet 智能网关与控制器的连接HiNet智能网关与控制器端的连接有两种方式,一种是以太网连接方式,一种是串口连接方式,具体如下:1、HiNet智能网关LAN口的设置,实现HiNet智能网关与PLC等控制器的网络通讯;2、HiNet智能网关COM口的设置,实现HiNet智能网关与PLC等控制器的串口通讯(该处串口主要针对MODBUS通讯协议的控制器)。
HiNet 智能网关与控制器的连接1、以太网通讯方式,LAN口设置LAN口的设置主要是实现网关与PLC等以太网控制器的通讯。
配置方法如下:a、使用直通网线将HiNet智能网关的LAN口与电脑相连;b、给电脑添加192.168.1.X网段IP地址(网关默认IP为192.168.1.1);c、在IE浏览器中输入192.168.1.1;d、出现登陆页面后,输入用户名和密码(默认用户名及密码均为 admin);e、点击“网络”并点击LAN口配置下的“修改”f、修改LAN口IP,使其与PLC等控制器保持同网段注意:此处需保持IPV4网关空置2、串口通讯方式,COM口设置根据HiNet智能网关的不同型号,分别支持RS232,RS485,RS422等串口通讯接口。
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HINET 智能网关是一个集成多种互联网通讯技术,面向工业领域的设备通讯终端产品。
其包含的 3G、4G、WIFI、有线网络等多种互联网接入方式,可以适应各种网络应用环境,提供随处可得的安全通讯链路。
HINET 智能网关采用全工业化硬件设计平台,结合先进的软件功能,使得企业能够在最小的投资范围内快速建设规模化的工业设备通讯网络,为客户提供包含数据、语音、视频在内的多业务通道。
9、 PLC远程监控,PLC远程调试,PLC远程上下载,PLC远程控制,PLC数据采集,PLC远程通讯。
1、多样的通讯接口:支持多台设备同时接入,最多支持对 254 台设备进行远程操作;可同时支持 3 种不同 PLC 的数据采集和协议解析,可兼容RS232\以太网等接口PLC;
2、超强的环境适应能力:多通讯方式结合,结合WIFI、以太网、全网通3G/4G 联网多种通讯方式,适应各种工业环境;
3、极高的安全性:采用VPN over P2P远程安全通讯方式,结合RSA加密算法确保通讯安全,严防数据泄漏;
5、配置简单,无需固定 IP,无需动态域名,即插即用;
目前 HINET 智能网关主要有两个型号,一个是 HINET M111N,一个是 HIENT M111T。
M111N 和 M111T 功能类似都可以实现 PLC 等控制器的远程编程和数据采集,唯一的不同点在于M111N 不具备 4G 联网功能,而 M111T 具备全网通 4G 联网功能,M111T 的网络适应性更强。
PLC 远程编程/数据采集PLC 远程编程/数据采集有线/WIFI 4G/有线/WIFI
2 路 RS232 串口 2 路 RS232 串口
2 路以太网口 2 路以太网口
DC 24V DC 24V
1、HINET 智能网关、网线、电脑、PLC 等;
2、给网关提供 DC 24V 电源供电;
3、网关 LAN 口用网线接电脑(可经过交换机);
4、使用 GPRS(无线网络)或以太网或 4G 联网方式上网;
5、网关用串口线或以太网线连接 PLC。