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3、Parents should not physically punish their children


Introduction :When it comes to children education ,parents usually expect too much for their children .And some of them choose to physically punish their children when children fail to live up to parents’expectations or do something wrong .According to National Family Violence Surveys and a number of research studies ,over 90 percent of parents use some form of punishment that involves physical punishment to discipline their children .This method of educating children has triggered a heated discussion among people .Have you ever be punished physically by your parents? Have ever think about physically punish your children in the future? Should parents physically punish their children ? We support that parents should not physically punish their children .

1、It is not conductive to children’s mental health .According to a study published in the Journal

of Applied Development Psychology ,physical punishment can lead to mental problems .Physical punishment on a child may result in long-term psychological impacts ,such as depression ,low self-esteem, lack of confidence or even suicide ,which will leave a lastinginfluence on children’s hearts.A child expert in the United States did an experiment to test children aged two to nine, and found that children who had been beaten had lower levels of intellectual development than those who had not been beaten. Hitting a child also hurts a child's self-esteem. A child began to establish self-image and self-esteem consciousnessthrough her perception of others to her views. Parents are the most important people in the children's world when children develop their self-concept. Children who have been beaten by their parents will naturally assume that the people who love them most in the world will not necessarily love them, which will hinder the healthy development of their children's self-esteem.

2、Children's ability to imitate learning is very strong.Children began to consciously imitate from

the age of 2. Children's behavior is mostly imitate from others especially from their parents .

What parents do will unconsciously influence children.When parents physically punish children ,whether they are aware of it or not ,they are teaching that child violence and hitting someone else is okey.When children get along with others is not satisfactory, when encountered certain adverse stimuli, it is easy to do attack behavior. According to Dr.Phill Jones claims ,children who were smacked in the childhood are more likely to bully, use drugs and get involved in violent crime. A study conducted by EizabethGershoff suggested a strong link between physically punished children and unusual children behaviors, like antisocial behaviors, increased aggression and reduced IQ levels .In this case ,a child who was punished physically can easily turns into a violent parent in the future .


It is impossible for a child not to make mistakes , parents should be patient to teach their children rather than beat children. There are many ways to teach children when they do something wrong. Parents should be patience to listen to children. If the children do not listen to parents and do something wrong ,parents should calm down first, and then try to listen to their children
