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1 What are you going to do this weekend?

2We are going to have a basketball/soccer game against Class 3 on Sunday/Saturday.

3----I hope our team will win . -----Me,too.

4----Would you like to come and cheer us on? ---- Sure ,I’d love to.

5----Which sport do you prefer=like better, swimming or running?

---Neither( 两个都不). I prefer rowing

6 -----Do you cycle/skate/play table tennis much? ----Yes,quite a lot. No ,seldom.

6Are you going to join (加入) the school basketball/football/baseball/volleyball/swimming team?

7What’s your favorite sport?=Which sport do you like best?

8Who’s your favorite basketball player/ scientist/ musician/singer/actor-----?

9Do you know anything about Yao Ming?

10-----What are you going to be when you grow up?

-----I’m going to be a pilot/ scientist/musician/ postman/ doctor/ policeman/policewoman. 11She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day.

12She is good at running/jumping/swimming/playing tennis.

13There is going to be =will be a school sports meet next weekend.

14I am going to take part in (参加) the long jump and the high jump.

15---How often do you play football? ----Twice a week.

16--- How long do you play basketball each time? ----- For an hour.

17Playing soccer makes me happy, strong and healthy.

18Running is good for my legs,heart and lungs.

19Swimming helps to make my heart and lungs healthy.

20Walking is a good way to keep healthy=fit. Walking is a good way to relax myself.

21Exercising is good for our health. Smoking is bad for our health.

22They are going to play against China’s national team tomorrow.

23He is leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.

24It’s bad=it’s a pity that he isn’t going to stay for long.

1.2 背诵默写过关句子

1 ---Could you help,please?= Could you please give me a hand?---- Sure. I’d be glad to.

2 What is it? =What’s up?

3---Will you join us? ---I’d be glad to. =Of course I will.

4 I am not good at soccer.= I don’t do well in football =I do badly in football.

5 -----Would you mind teaching me to play tennis?/ Would you mind helping me?

------Not at all./Certainly not/ Of course not.

6 I’m sure you can do it. Let’s go and practice.

7 Keep trying. / Practice more and you will do better next time.

8 I kick /pass the ball to you.

9 ,---Sorry /I’m sorry /I’m sorry for what I said/I’m sorry for breaking your mobile phone.

----- It’s nothing. =Never mind.=Not at all=It doesn’t matter=That’s OK=That’s all right.

10----- Would you mind if I try it again.?=Do you mind me/my trying it again?

11 ----Would you mind not putting your bike here?-----Sorry,I’ll put it somewhere else.

12 ---Do you mind not throwing bottles/litter around? /(not spitting in public)
