

吸附式干燥机 使用手册说明书

吸附式干燥机 使用手册说明书







一、目录二、安全事项说明2.1 你不可以做什么2.2 担保和赔偿责任2.3 持续运行的安全措施2.4 电能的危险性2.5 吸附剂的危险性2.6 在维护、检修和修理工作中的危险性2.7 对操作者的要求三、设备说明3.1 设备的部件3.2 工作原理流程3.3 运输和安装四、开机/停机/卸压五、故障信息和故障排除六、维护和检修附件: 吸附式干燥机控制器说明二、安全事项说明2.1 你不可以做什么不要对设备作任何结构上的改变——对设备作结构上的改变只能由制造商进行。




2.2 担保和赔偿责任由以下一种或多种情况引起的人身伤害和物件损坏不承担索赔要求。

□不适当地使用或操作设备□技术上不正确的安装,起动,运行和维护□当缺陷确实存在时对设备的操作□违背操作手册所给予的运输、储存、安装、运动和维护方面的规定□主动承担对对设备结构上的变更□对已损耗的设备元件未作适当检测□未作恰当的修理□使用非原厂零件2.3 持续运行的安全措施设备安全工作和无故障运行的一个基本的先决条件是熟知和遵守本说明的工作,操作和安全管理,而且还需遵循所有工厂的内部管理。



2、 动作时序图
















杭州超滤净化设备有限公司使用说明书无热再生吸附式干燥机型号:HAD-04—HAD-300 ……………………………………………………………………………、、……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………请在开机前认真阅读本说明书,并且切实按要求去做;这会给您今后得工作带来长久得方便。



希望本产品在您得工作给您带来便利,谢谢您得支持与合作!目录------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品简介●原理…………………………………………………………、、、2●技术要求……………………………………………………、…2●型号规格及技术参数……………………………………、…、、4安装与维护……………………………………、、…………、、5设备操作………………………………………………………、6●工艺过程…………………………………………………、…、、6●参数设置……………………………………………………、、、6●开机与关机…………………………………………………、、、7故障分析与排除……………………………………………、、、8电气与自动控制——XJK-XG1F无热再生吸附式干燥机控制器使用说明…、、、10●主要功能……………………………………………………、、、10●技术指标……………………………………………………、、、11●使用方法……………………………………………………、、、11●动作时序图……………………………………………………、12●接线方式……………………………………………………、、、12 附录:1 设备首次操作使用方法2电器原理图产品简介●原理HAD系列无热再生吸附式压缩空气干燥机就是一种利用多孔性固体物质表面得分子力来吸取气体中得水份,从而获得较低露点温度、干燥、洁净气体得净化设备。



一、压缩热再生吸附式干燥机的产品简介压缩热再生吸附式干燥机最显著的优点, 是因为它充分地利用了空压机高温排气的热量使吸附干燥剂加热再生,取消了微热再生吸附式干燥机的电加热器,节省了对电力能源的消耗,耗电仅为0.25kW 每小时。

1、 工作原理高温、失饱和的湿空气由压缩机排出后直接进入干燥机,它先进入干燥机的一塔对干燥剂其进行加热,150分钟后,被加热的塔由旁通阀旁通,高温、失饱和的湿空气直接进入后冷却器冷却,再经过气水分离器、液态水份被分离后,再进入另一塔进行干 燥吸附,经过干燥的压缩空气由出口排出,进入使用管网;而由干燥机的出口引一部分气流经过节流孔,完成对再生塔的冷吹,这一小部分气流最后通过消音器排放到大气中。



压缩热再生吸附式干燥机最显著的优点,是因为它充分地利用了空压机高温排气的热量使吸附干燥剂加热再生,取消了微热再生吸附式干燥机的电加热器,节省了对电力能源的消耗,耗电仅为0.25kW 每小时。




2、流程图详解压缩热再生吸附式压缩空气干燥机工艺流程图:1、A 塔冷吹气排气气动蝶阀2、B 塔冷吹气排气气动蝶阀3、A 塔进气气动蝶阀(常开)4、B 塔进气气动蝶阀(常开)5、A 塔再生气出气气动蝶阀6、B 塔再生气出气气动蝶阀7、A 塔再生气进气气动蝶阀 8、B 塔再生气进气气动蝶阀9、A 塔冷吹气进气气动蝶阀 10、B 塔冷吹气进气气动蝶阀11、A 塔出气气动蝶阀(常开) 12、B 塔出气气动蝶阀(常开)13、缓冲气气动蝶阀 14、冷吹气节流孔15、加热筒(根据工况设置) 16、冷吹气调节阀17、切换气动蝶阀加热再生阶段:空气进口-阀7-A 塔加热再生-阀5-后冷油分吸附阶段:后冷油分-阀4-B 塔吸附-阀12-空气出口吸附阶段:空气进口-阀17-后冷油分-阀4-B 塔吸附-阀12-空气出口冷吹阶段:空气出口-阀16-电加热器-限流孔板14-阀9-A 塔冷吹-阀1-再生排气出口(三)压缩热再生吸附式干燥机动作时序图空气出口耗气量:3%后冷却器自动排水阀分离器空气进口冷吹阶段A 塔B 塔再生气排出口123546791113810121415平均耗气量<1.25%1617空气出口耗气量:0%(加热阶段不耗气)后冷却器自动排水阀分离器空气进口加热阶段A 塔B 塔再生气排出口1235467911138101214151617。



微热再生吸附式干燥机说明书(2009-04-28 19:52:29)标签:微热再生干燥机吸附式干燥机吸干机说明书分类:吸附式干燥机说明书1.工作原理概述JHL型微热再生吸干机是根据变压、变温吸附原理,充分利用吸附剂在高压、低温下吸附,低压、高温下脱附的特性,提高单位质量内的吸附剂的吸附量,从而达到深度干燥压缩空气的目的。







吸附塔B内有上半个周期吸附下来的水分,再生气带走这些水分并经再生阀RB 和消声器MF排空,此为加热再生阶段。










目录安全总则 (2)1.0概述 (3)1.1原理 (3)1.2工作流程 (4)2.0型号及主要技术参数 (5)3.0安装 (6)3.1位置 (6)3.2配管 (6)3.3电源及配线 (6)4.0运行 (6)4.1调整再生气流阀 (6)4.2确定循环周期 (7)4.3开机与关机 (7)5.0电器控制 (7)6.0维护、保养与检修 (9)6.1吸附剂更换 (9)6.2确保吸附剂干燥性 (9)6.3控制气过滤器——滤芯更换 (9)7.0常见故障及处理方法 (11)安全总则1、微热再生型吸附式压缩空气干燥器是带有压力容器的设备,因此工作压力绝不能超过铭牌上标明的最高工作压力。


3 、在进行任何电气检修工作前,务必切断电源。





1.2 工作流程中小立方流程图2.0主要技术参数进气温度:≤45℃进气压力:0.7~1.4MPa进气含油量:≤0.1PPM ;1.4放空阀2.3进气阀; 5.6消声器7.8进气分配器; 9.10吸附桶11.12出气分配器; 13.14再生阀15.17左.右塔压力表; 16再生压力表 18节流孔板; 19再生气调节阀 20.21出气阀; 22加热器23温控探头再生气耗量:7% 成品气露点:≤-20--40℃工作周期:10-60min3.0安装3.1位置3.1.1微热再生型吸附式干燥器应安装在四周通风良好、空气洁净的建筑物内。

ADH NETCOM 自动空气干燥器 DC 双冗余电源模块更换说明说明书

ADH NETCOM 自动空气干燥器 DC 双冗余电源模块更换说明说明书

NETCOM®MODEL ADHAUTOMATIC AIR DEHYDRATOR WITH ETHERNETADH® NETCOM™ AUTOMATIC AIR DEHYDRATOR DC DUAL REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLY MODULEREPLACEMENT PROCEDUREReplacement Kit Part Number 24095Document Part Number 24107SAFETY INFORMATION AND WARNINGSAbnormal Odor or SmokeIn the event of smoke or a burning orabnormal odor, immediately interruptpower to the ADH NETCOM with thePOWER switch at the rear of the unit,unplug the unit, or turn off the circuitbreaker controlling the outlet. Notethat only the AC model of the ADHNETCOM has an ON / OFF switch.Lethal Voltages PresentLethal voltages are present inside theADH NETCOM. Service should beperformed by qualified personnelonly. There are no user serviceablecomponents inside the chassis.PneumaticsEach of the air pumps inside the ADHNETCOM automatic air dehydrator iscapable of generating as much as 24psig (1,655mbar). Other attached dryair sources may be capable ofgenerating even higher pressures.Proper safety practice requirestreating all pneumatic componentswith care. Always vent the system toatmospheric pressure before servicingpneumatic components.Rack MountingBefore and after rack mounting theADH NETCOM, ensure that the rackis stable. Mounting of the ADHNETCOM into a rack should be suchthat a hazardous condition is notcreated due to uneven mechanicalloading. Verify that adequate airflow and power source capacity isavailable to the unit. Ensure that theADH NETCOM maximum operatingtemperature of 130°F (55°C) will notbe compromised by othercomponents in the rack. Ensurereliable earthing of the ADHNETCOM.ADH NETCOM DC DUALREDUNDANTPOWER SUPPLY MODULEREPLACEMENT PROCEDUREThis procedure addresses the removal and replacement of the DC Dual Redundant Power Supply Module in an ADH NETCOM Automatic Air Dehydrator with DC Dual Redundant Power. It is recommended to read the entire procedure prior to beginning work.INVENTORY LISTIdentify the following items in this kit prior to beginning work. TOOLS REQUIREDThe following tools are needed to perform this procedure:•5/16” Nut driver•Small flat blade screwdriver•Needle nose pliersItem NumberPartNumberItemQuantityItemDescription1 23224 1 DC Dual Redundant Power Supply Module 224107 1 Instruction Manual (this document)DC DUAL REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLY MODULEREMOVAL AND REPLACEMENTTo replace the DC Dual Redundant Power Supply Module (23224) in an ADH NETCOM with DC Dual Redundant Power,perform the steps below. Refer to Figure 1.Figure 1. THE ADH NETCOMAUTOMATIC AIR DEHYDRATORDC DUAL REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLYMODULE.NOTE:As its name implies and as shown in Figure 1, the DC Dual Redundant Power Supply Module is comprised of two halves, wired to each other in parallel. Follow this procedure as written, disconnecting then connecting only those electrical leads specified in this procedure. Do not disconnect any of the wires connecting either half of the supply module to the other half as doing so will adversely impact the function, integrity, and electrical continuity of the redundant supply module.1.Shut off DC unit power by shutting offthe external power supply. Ifpossible, move the dehydrator to awork table.2.Remove both top machine panels.Retain the mounting hardware.3.From the far right side of the leftbank of supply module electricalleads, disconnect the white/red andwhite/black striped leads. Refer toNumber 1 of Figure 2. To disconnectthe lead, unscrew the set screw aboveit, then gently remove the lead fromthe terminal. Remove both the white/red and the white/black striped leads.4.From the far right side of the rightbank of supply module electricalleads, disconnect the red/white andblack/white striped leads. Refer toNumber 2 of Figure 2. To disconnectthe lead, unscrew the set screw aboveit, then gently remove the lead fromthe terminal. Remove both the red/white and the black/white stripedleads.Figure 2. DC DUAL REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLY MODULE LEFT-SIDE TERMINALS.Disconnect each lead by loosening each set screw,then gently removing the lead.1 25.From the far left side of the PC board terminal block, disconnect the red and black electrical leads. Refer to Figure 3. To disconnect the lead,push in on the orange release tab under the lead, then gently remove the lead from the terminal. Remove both the red and black leads.Figure 3. THE PC BOARD TERMINALBLOCK. Unlike the first two pairs of electrical leads in steps 3 and 4, disconnect the black and red electrical leads in step 5 from the PC board terminalblock.Press in on the orange release tab under the lead,then gently disconnect the lead. Repeat for the other lead.6.Using the nut driver, remove the two nuts and lock washers securing the existing power supply module to the chassis and remove the module.Refer to Figure 4.Retain the mounting hardware.Figure 4. POWER SUPPLY MODULE MOUNTING HARDWARE (2 places).7.Install the new power supply module onto the Pem ® studs from which the original supply module was removed.Secure in place using the two sets of nuts and lock washers removed in step 6.Torque to 10 in/lb.8.Connect the pair of solid red and black leads running from the new power supply module to the two terminals on the far left side of the PC board terminal block from which the original leads were disconnected in step 5.Refer back to Figure 3. Connect the leads with the black lead on the left and the red lead on the right.9.Connect the red/white and black/white striped leads from the cable bundle to the two far right terminals on the righ side of the new power supply module from which the original leads were disconnected in step 4.Refer back to Figure 2. Connect the leads with the red/white lead on the left and the black/white lead on the right and secure in place by tightening the set screw from above.10.Connect the white/red and white/black striped leads from the cable bundle to the two far right terminals on the lef side of the new power supply module from which the original leads were disconnected in step 3.Refer back to Figure 2. Connect the leads with the white/red lead on the left and the white/black lead on the right and secure in place by tightening the set screw from above.11.Reinstall the machine top panels using the hardware removed in step 2.12.Restore machine power.QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS For technical help, questions, or comments concerning this or any ETI, Inc., product, contact the Customer Service Department between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST.DISCLAIMERETI, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied with respect to the contents of this publication or the products that it describes, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. ETI, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes and improvements to the products described in this publication without the obligation of ETI, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions, changes or improvements. No part of this manual may be reproduced or translated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written consent of ETI, Inc.The ETI logo, We Manage Heat, and ADH are registered trademarks of ETI, Inc. NETCOM is a trademarknc. NETCOM isCopyright © 2012 ETI, Inc. All rights reserved.。





希望本产品在您的工作给您带来便利,谢谢您的支持与合作!目录------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 产品简介●原理 (2)●技术要求 (2)●型号规格及技术参数 (4)安装与保护 (5)设备操作 (6)●工艺进程 (6)●参数设置 (6)●开机与关机 (7)故障分析与排除 (8)电气与自动操纵——XJK-XG1F无热再生吸附式干燥机操纵器利用说明 (10)●要紧功能 (10)●技术指标 (11)●利用方式 (11)●动作时序图 (12)●接线方式 (12)附录:1 设备第一次操作利用方式2 电器原理图产品简介●原理HAD系列无热再生吸附式紧缩空气干燥机是一种利用多孔性固体物质表面的分子力来吸取气体中的水分,从而取得较低露点温度、干燥、干净气体的净化设备。





工作方式 两 吸 附 筒 交 替 连 续 工 作 控制方式 微 机 程 序 控 制
把冷冻干燥机与吸附干燥器这两种不同类型的 压缩空气干燥设备“组合”安装在一个底盘或 箱体里,就成了所谓的“组合式干燥器”。
程序控制器 行吸附干燥,A塔进行吹
进气温度 0~45℃ 干燥剂
进气含油量 ≤ 0.1PPM 再生方式 无热再生
工活作性压力氧化0铝.6~或1.0分M P 子a筛 工作T方=式10两 分吸 附 钟筒 交 替 连 续 工 作
单击此处添 加大标题内 容
应用“微热”再生干燥器应注意什么? “微热”再生干燥器以“变压吸附“原理对吸附剂进行脱附。但由
于对再生气进行了加热。在吸附剂再生后期还必须对其进行吹冷, 所以它是长周期工作的干燥器(半个工作周期长达1-3个小时)。 它的吸附剂“比充填量”比无热再生干燥要小,因此单位质吸附剂 所吸附的水分比无热干燥器要多得多,这会对露点指标带来负面影 响。 选择“组合式干燥器”要注意那些问题? 选择“组合式干燥器“有两大目的,即为了获得露点更低的压缩空 气或节约再生能耗,因为有价格不菲的冷冻干燥机作前置预处理, 上述两大目的总能达到其中的一项。 就情况论“分机连接“比”两机合一“至少存在下列好处:①用必 要长度的直管道将两个相连,可使压缩空气系统的压力损失降至最 低;②两机分连可改善前置冷干机所需要的散热通风条件;③能提 供并满足设备运行所必须的操作和检修空间;④可以互不干扰地分 别在两机工况调整到最佳状况;⑤可以方便地在适宜位置加装各类; ⑥可根据需要在一个系统里获得2-3种露点不同的压缩空气——这 一点对某些客户很有实际意义。



123456Emptying condensationEmpty container after each drying operation!1.Pull out condensate container keeping it horizontal.2.Pour out condensation.3.Always push container in fully until it clicks into place.If Í (Container) flashes in the display panel a What to do if..., Page 10.Cleaning the fluff filterClean the fluff filter after each drying operation.1.Open the door, remove fluff from door/door area.2.Pull out and fold open the fluff filter.3.Remove the fluff (by wiping the filter with your hand).If the fluff filter is very dirty or blocked, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.4.Close and reinsert the fluff filter.Switching off the dryerTurn the programme selector to Off .Do not leave laundry in the dryer.Removing the laundryThe automatic anti-crease function causes the drum to move at specific intervals, the washing remains loose and fluffy for an hour (two hours if the additional S Reduced Ironing function is also selected-depending on model ).... and adapt to individual requirementsNever start the dryer if it is damaged!Inform your after-sales service.Inspecting thedryer Sorting and loading laundryRemove all items from pockets.Check for cigarette lighters.The drum must be empty prior to loading.See programme overview on page 7.See also separate instructions for “Woollens basket” (depending on model)Your new dryerCongratulations - You have chosen a modern, high-quality Bosch Intended usePreparing for installation, see Page 8Selecting and adjusting the programmeDryingCondensate container Control panelʋfor domestic use only,ʋonly to be used for drying fabrics that have beenwashed with water.Keep children younger than 3 years old away from the dryer.Do not let children make the cleaning andmaintenance work on the dryer without supervision.Do not leave children unsupervised near the dryer.Keep pets away from the dryer.The dryer can be operated by children 8 years old and older, by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities and by persons with insufficient experience or knowledge if they are supervised or have been instructed in its use by a responsible adult.This appliance is intended for use up to a maximum height of 4000 metres above sea level.Select the drying programme ...123Make sure your hands are dry. Hold the plug only.Connecting themains plugDryingInformation on laundry ...Labelling of fabricsFollow the manufacturer's care information.(c Drying at normal temperature.'c Drying at low temperature a also select V (Low Heat).)c Do not machine dry.Observe safety instructions without fail a Page 11!Do not tumble-dry the following fabrics for example:–Impermeable fabrics (e.g. rubber-coated fabrics).–Delicate materials (silk or curtains made from synthetic material) a they may crease.–Laundry contaminated with oil.Drying tips–To ensure a consistent result, sort the laundry by fabric type and drying programme.–Always dry very small items (e.g. baby socks) together with large items of laundry (e.g. hand towel).–Close zips, hooks and eyelets, and button up covers. Tie fabric belts, apron strings, etc. together.–Do not over-dry easy-care laundry a risk of creasing! Allow laundry to finish drying in the air.–Do not dry woolens in the dryer, only use to freshen them up a Page 7, Woollens finish Programme (depending on model).–Do not iron laundry immediately after drying, fold items up and leave for a while a the remaining moisture will then be distributed evenly.–The drying result depends on the type of water used during washing. a Fine adjustment of the drying result a Page 5/6.–Machine-knitted fabrics (e.g. T-shirts or jerseys) often shrink the first time they are dried a do not use the Extra Dry programme.–Starched laundry is not always suitable for dryers a starch leaves behind a coating that adversely affects the drying operation.–Use the correct dosage of fabric softener as per the manufacturer's instructions when washing the laundry to be dried.–Use the timer programme for small loads a this improves the drying result.Environmental protection / Energy-saving tips–Before drying, spin the laundry thoroughly in the washing machine a the higher the spin speed the shorter the drying time will be (consumes less energy), also spin easy-care laundry.–Put in, but do not exceed, the maximum recommended quantity of laundry a programme overview a Page 7.–Make sure the room is well ventilated during drying.–Do not obstruct or seal up the air inlet.–Keep the air cooler clean a Page 6 “Care and cleaning”.Fine adjustment of the drying resultAdjustment of the levels of dryness1 x to the rightPress and hold V (Low Heat) and turn 5 x to the rightPress V (Low Heat) until the required level is reached Turn to OffTurn toOff DrumAll buttons are sensitive and only need to be touched lightly.Only operate the dryer with the fluff filter inserted!Air inletFluff filterDrum interior light (depending on model)Maintenance flapProgramme end once lights up in the display. Interrupt programme removing or adding laundry.The drying cycle can be interrupted for a brief period so that laundry may be added or removed. The programme selected must then be resumed and completed.Never switch the dryer off before the drying process has ended.Drum and door may be hot!1.Open door, the drying process is interrupted.2.Load or remove laundry and close door.3.If required, select a new programme and additional functions.4.Press the (Start /Stop) button.Programme selectorDisplay panelService indicatorsÍ (Container)n (Clean) Clean the fluff filter and/or air cooler under running water. a Page 4/6.Fineadjustment of the drying resultThe drying result (e.g. Cupboard Dry) can be adjusted over three levels (1 - max. 3) and Super 40’ programmespresetting = 0. After one of these programmes has been finely adjusted, the setting is retained for the others. Further information a Page 5/6.0, 1, 2, 3 Fine adjustment of the drying resultCare and cleaningDryer housing, control panel, air cooler, moisture sensors–Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.–Do not use harsh cleaning agents and solvents.–Remove detergent and cleaning agent residue immediately.Clean the protective filter 5 - 6 times a yearor if n (Clean) flashes after cleaning the fluff filter.Air cooler / Protective filterWhen cleaning, only remove the protective filter. Clean the air cooler behind the protective filter once a year.–Allow the dryer to cool.–Residual water may leak out, so place an absorbent towel underneath the maintenance door.1.Unlock the maintenance door.2.Open the maintenance door fully.3.Turn both locking levers towards each another.4.Pull out the protective filter/air cooler.Do not damage the protective filter or air cooler.Clean with warm water only. Do not use any hard or sharp-edged objects.5.Clean the protective filter/air cooler thoroughly,Allow to drip dry.6.Clean the seals.7.Re-insert the protective filter/air cooler,with the handle facing down.8.Turn back both locking levers.9.Close the maintenance door until the lock clicks into place.Moisture sensorsThe dryer is fitted with stainless steel moisture sensors. The sensors measure the level of moisture in the laundry. After a long period of operation, a fine layer of limescale may form on the sensors.1.Open the door and clean the moisture sensors with a damp spongewhich has a rough surface.Do not use steel wool or abrasive materials.Drying , Iron Dry , Cupboard Dry , Anti-Crease/End are displayed in sequence.Short signal when changing from level 3 to 0, otherwise long signal.Only when switched off!Press the (Start/Stop) button*f o r L C o t t o n s a n d I E as y -C a r e p r o g r a m m e s o n l y .**D r y n e s s l e v e l s c a n b e s e l e c t e d i n d i v i d u a l l y a E x t r a D r y , +c C u p b o a r d D r y a n d | I r o n D r y (d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l ).D e g r e e o f d r y n e s s c a n b e f i n e l y a d j u s t e d ; m u l t i -l a y e r e d t ex t i l e s r e q u i r e a l o n g e r d r y i n g t i m e t h a n s i n g l e -l a y e r e d i t e m s o f c l o t h i n g . R e c o m m e n d a t i o n : D r y s e p a r a t e l y .Page 11.Connect to an AC earthed socket. If in doubt have the socket checked by an expert.The mains voltage and the voltage shown on the rating plate (a Page 9) must correspond.The connected load and necessary fuse protection are specified on the rating plate.Note the fuse protection of the socket.Make sure that the air inlet remains unobstructedClean and level press and hold selection then turn 3 x to the rightturn to Offsetamperageoff flashesDo not operate the dryer if there is a danger of frost.en Instruction manualDryerWTE84102ME12Remove all items from pockets.Check for cigarette lighters.The drum must be empty prior to loading.See programme overview on page 7.See also separate instructions for “Woollens ba (depending on model)domestic appliance.The condensation dryer is distinguished by its economical energy consumption.Every dryer which leaves our factory is carefully checked to ensure that it functions correctly and is in perfect condition.Should you have any questions, our after-sales service will be pleased to help.Disposal in an environmentally-responsible manner This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (waste electrical and electronic equipment - WEEE). The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU.For further information about our products, accessories, spare parts and services, please visit: All buttons are need to be touProgramme selector34Emptying condensationEmpty container after each drying operation!1.Pull out condensate container keeping it horizontal.2.Pour out condensation.3.Always push container in fully until it clicks into place.If Í (Container) flashes in the display panel a What to do if..., Page 10.Cleaning the fluff filterClean the fluff filter after each drying operation.1.Open the door, remove fluff from door/door area.2.Pull out and fold open the fluff filter.3.Remove the fluff (by wiping the filter with your hand).If the fluff filter is very dirty or blocked, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.4.Close and reinsert the fluff filter.Switching off the dryerTurn the programme selector to Off .Do not leave laundry in the dryer.Removing the laundryThe automatic anti-crease function causes the drum to move at specific intervals, the washing remains loose and fluffy for an hour (two hours if the additional S Reduced Ironing function is also selected-depending on model ).idual requirementsspecting thedryeroading laundryasket”he programmeDryingCondensate container Control paneldrying programme ...123nnecting the mains plugDryingDrume sensitive and only uched lightly.the dryer with nserted!Air inletFluff filterDrum interior light (depending on model)Maintenance flapProgramme end once lights up in the display. Interrupt programme removing or adding laundry.The drying cycle can be interrupted for a brief period so that laundry may be added or removed. The programme selected must then be resumed and completed.Never switch the dryer off before the drying process has ended.Drum and door may be hot!1.Open door, the drying process is interrupted.2.Load or remove laundry and close door.(Start/Stop) buttonInformation on laundry ...Labelling of fabricsFollow the manufacturer's care information.(c Drying at normal temperature.'c Drying at low temperature a also select V(Low Heat).)c Do not machine dry.Observe safety instructions without fail a Page 11!Do not tumble-dry the following fabrics for example:–Impermeable fabrics (e.g. rubber-coated fabrics).–Delicate materials (silk or curtains made from synthetic material) a they may crease.–Laundry contaminated with oil.Drying tips–To ensure a consistent result, sort the laundry by fabric type and drying programme.–Always dry very small items (e.g. baby socks) together with large items of laundry(e.g. hand towel).–Close zips, hooks and eyelets, and button up covers. Tie fabric belts, apron strings, etc.together.–Do not over-dry easy-care laundry a risk of creasing! Allow laundry to finish drying inthe air.–Do not dry woolens in the dryer, only use to freshen them up a Page 7, Woollens finish Programme (depending on model).–Do not iron laundry immediately after drying, fold items up and leave for a whilea the remaining moisture will then be distributed evenly.–The drying result depends on the type of water used during washing. a Fine adjustment of the drying result a Page 5/6.–Machine-knitted fabrics (e.g. T-shirts or jerseys) often shrink the first time they are drieda do not use the Extra Dry programme.–Starched laundry is not always suitable for dryers a starch leaves behind a coating that adversely affects the drying operation.–Use the correct dosage of fabric softener as per the manufacturer's instructions whenwashing the laundry to be dried.–Use the timer programme for small loads a this improves the drying result.Environmental protection / Energy-saving tips–Before drying, spin the laundry thoroughly in the washing machine a the higher the spin speed the shorter the drying time will be (consumes less energy), also spin easy-carelaundry.–Put in, but do not exceed, the maximum recommended quantity of laundry a programme overview a Page 7.–Make sure the room is well ventilated during drying.–Do not obstruct or seal up the air inlet.–Keep the air cooler clean a Page 6 “Care and cleaning”.Fine adjustment of the drying resultAdjustment of the levels of dryness1 x to the right Press and hold V(Low Heat)and turn 5 x to the right Press V(Low Heat) until the required level is reachedTurn to Off Turn toOffFine adjustment of the drying resultCare and cleaningDryer housing, control panel, air cooler, moisture sensors–Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.–Do not use harsh cleaning agents and solvents.–Remove detergent and cleaning agent residue immediately.Clean the protective filter 5 - 6 times a yearor if n(Clean) flashes after cleaning the fluff filter.Air cooler / Protective filterWhen cleaning, only remove the protective filter. Clean the air coolerbehind the protective filter once a year.–Allow the dryer to cool.–Residual water may leak out, so place an absorbent towelunderneath the maintenance door.1.Unlock the maintenance door.2.Open the maintenance door fully.3.Turn both locking levers towards each another.4.Pull out the protective filter/air cooler.Do not damage the protective filter or air cooler.Clean with warm water only. Do not use any hard or sharp-edgedobjects.5.Clean the protective filter/air cooler thoroughly,Allow to drip dry.6.Clean the seals.7.Re-insert the protective filter/air cooler,with the handle facing down.8.Turn back both locking levers.9.Close the maintenance door until the lock clicks into place.Moisture sensorsThe dryer is fitted with stainless steel moisture sensors. The sensorsmeasure the level of moisture in the laundry. After a long period ofoperation, a fine layer of limescale may form on the sensors.1.Open the door and clean the moisture sensors with a damp spongewhich has a rough surface.Do not use steel wool or abrasive materials.Drying, Iron Dry, Cupboard Dry, Anti-Crease/Endare displayed in sequence.Short signal when changing from level 3 to 0,otherwise long signal.Only when switched off!56*f o r L C o t t o n s a n d I E a s y -C a r e p r o g r a m m e s o n l y .**D r y n e s s l e v e l s c a n b e s e l e c t e d i n d i v i d u a l l y a E x t r a D r y , +c C u p b o a r d D r y a n d | I r o n D r y (d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l ).D e g r e e o f d r y n e s s c a n b e f i n e l y a d j u s t e d ; m u l t i -l a y e r e d t e x t i l e s r e q u i r e a l o n g e r d r y i n g t i m e t h a n s i n g l e -l a y e r e d i t e m s o f c l o t h i n g . R e c o m m e n d a t i o n : D r y s e p a r a t e l y .Page 11.Connect to an AC earthed socket. If in doubt have the socket checked by an expert.The mains voltage and the voltage shown on the rating plate (a Page 9) must correspond.The connected load and necessary fuse protection are specified on the rating plate.Note the fuse protection of the socket.Make sure that the air inlet remains unobstructedClean and level press and hold selection then turn 3 x to the rightturn to Offsetamperageoff flashesDo not operate the dryer if there is a danger of frost.en Instruction manualDryerWTE84102ME。






本说明书适用于1路,加热器工作电源为AC 380V,带远程控制。

二、主要功能1. 根据用户设定的时间参数控制 A 、B两个吸附塔工作。

2. 工作时间倒计时显示。

3. 加热器温度检测及显示。









2.设置参数说明共有14个参数,见下表:注:1. 10号参数(正/反阀模式)设为0时,表示反阀(两常开、两常闭阀结构)工作。







日常维护要点:Daily maintenance:1.新设备投入运行一个月后,应检查并填补一次吸附剂,视实际情况(6-12月)全部更换吸附剂。

The absorbent should be checked and added after one month operation of the new equipment. The absorbent should be completely changed after 6-12 months, depending on the actual situation of the equipment.2.定期清洗、吹扫电磁切换阀,并检查阀门运动情况。

The electro-magnetic switch should be regularly cleaned, and the valve should be checked.3.前置过滤器上的自动排水器应定期清洗,确保滤筒体内不积液体。

To make sure that liquid will not be trapped in the cylinder, the automatic water drainer on the pre-filter should be regularly cleaned.4.前置过滤器滤芯寿命为8000H,到时(或滤芯压力降达0.07MPa时)就更换滤芯。

The life time of the core of the pre-filter is 8000 hours, the core should be changed after 8000 hours (or when the pressure drop reaches 0.07MPa).5.定期检查管线接头、法兰、阀门有无泄气现象。

Regularly check the joints, flange and valves for leakage.6.干燥器停用期间,请半闭好所有阀门,防止泄漏,以免吸附剂受潮。









参数号参数名称设置范围设定值单位1 吸附时间1—255 60 分钟2 再生延时时间1—512 20 秒3 再生时间1—255 57 分钟4 加热延时时间1—5125 秒5 加热时间1—255 40 分钟6 加热温度值1—512 90 ℃7 保温范围1—30 10 ℃8 温度修正值﹣9—﹢9 0 ℃9 均压时间0—512 60 秒二、工艺流程简述利用变压吸附与变温吸附再生循环,使压缩空气交替流经A、B两个充满吸附剂的罐,即在常温、高蒸汽分压下吸附(工作),较高温低蒸汽分压下解吸(再生)。



压缩空气经过过滤器除去液态油水和固体颗粒后,进入A 罐。

ADH NETCOM自动干燥机说明书

ADH NETCOM自动干燥机说明书

The ADH NETCOM automatic dehydrator supplieslow pressure dry air to keep waveguide andcoaxial cable dry. Output pressure is fieldconfigurable between 0.10 psig and 7.50 psig (7mbar - 517mbar) in 0.01 psig (0.67mbar) increments. Factory default pressure is 0.5 psig (34.5mbar). Operational monitoring and alarms are software based making them highly configurable in the field. Future software features can be installed while in service over the internet or local Ethernet network.The ADH NETCOM automatic dehydrator isEthernet network ready. Units can be configured and monitored using either built-in SNMP support or the web interface. Legacy system support is provided via RS-422/485 or RS-232 interfaces. Three programmable alarm relays are also included. User display shows output pressure, duty cycle, temperature, compressor hours and air drying canister status.The ADH NETCOM automatic dehydrator uses a brushless dual-diaphragm pump for long life. Dehydrator operates with exceptionally low noise and vibration levels. The air drying canisters use aluminum oxide desiccant for high efficiency. The humidity sensor signals for regeneration based upon current dew point rather than at fixedtime intervals for additional energy savings and long desiccant life.The ADH NETCOM automatic dehydratorrequires only 5-1/4" (3-U) of rack space and is just 12.25" (304.8mm) deep. Mounting hardware allows for flexible installation options including dual- andDESCRIPTION single-post rack mounting and wall mounting.The standard unit weighs just 16 lbs (7.26 kg).The ADH NETCOM automatic dehydrator operates from 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. Optional units are also available at ±20-75 VDC. The dehydrator consumes a maximum of 150 watts during regeneration and about 40 watts otherwise. Heat dissipated is up to 512 BTU/hr during regeneration and about 136 BTU/hr otherwise. The ADH NETCOM creates an exceptionally low heat load for an automatic dehydrator.A panel with display allows for IP configuration and status monitoring w ith or without network connection .For complete information describing application, installation and features, please contact ETI Customer Service or visit .Provides dry pressurized air to ensure signal quality of antenna waveguide and dielectric coaxial cable Highly configurable to meet the needs of wide ranging applicationsField programmable operating pressure range from 0.10 psig to 7.50 psig (7mbar to 517mbar)Brushless dual-diaphragm compressor for long life Future-proof software based features allow updates and upgrades while in serviceRemote monitoring and control by Internet••••••Configurable Master/Slave operationsEthernet, RS-422/485, RS-232 and alarm relay outputs for compatibility with nearly any systemD isplay allows for IP configuration and status monitoring with or without network connection.Simple power connections for 100-240 VAC or ±20-75 VDC Small, light weight chassis with multiple mounting options makes installation easyLow energy use minimizes lifetime operational costs Quiet operation ••••••FEATURES & BENEFITSAUTOMATIC AIR DEHYDRATOR WITH ETHERNET COMMUNICATIONSMODEL ADHNETCOMThe ETI logo, We Manage Heat, and ADH are registered trademarks of ETI. NETCOM is a trademark ETI. Copyright © 2012 ETI. All rights reserved.ETI’s two year limited warranty covering defects in workmanship and materials applies. Contact Customer Service for complete warranty information.LIMITED WARRANTYETI makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of this publication or the products that it describes, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. ETI reserves the right to revise this publication, and to make changes and improvements to the products described in this publication, without the obligation of ETI to notify any person or organization of such revisions, changes or improvements.DISCLAIMERENCLOSURE Dimensions Weight MountingPOWERSupply voltage Maximum current Power usageHeat dissipationCONTROL Protocols Maximum pressure Minimum pressure Low pressure alarm level High pressure alarm levelAlarm relaysDuty cycle alarmMaster/Slave configurationSPECIFICATIONSORDER NUMBER 255262552725524DESCRIPTION ADH NETCOM , ACADH NETCOM , DC ADH NETCOM , NEMAADH NETCOM, NEMA, MIL-SPEC, TYPE 1ADH NETCOM, NEMA, MIL-SPEC, TYPE 2ordering informationGENERAL Area of use ApprovalsRegeneration Method Maximum dew pointAutomatic, demand-40˚ F/C17" × 12.25" × 5-1/4" (432mm × 311.15mm × 133mm) 16 lbs (7.26 kg)Dual-post rack, flush mountedSingle-post rack, center mounted Wall mounted100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz | ±20-75 VDC 1.0 Amps at 100 V 40 W typical, 150 W max136 BTU/hr typical @40 W, 512 BTU/hr max @150 WHTTP (Web Interface), SNMP , UDP , TFTP ,TCP Configurable Range: 0.20 psig - 7.5 psig (14mbar - 517mbar), Default: 0.50 psig (34.5mbar) Configurable Range: 0.10 psig - 7.4 psig (7mbar - 510mbar), Default: 0.30 psig (21mbar)User Configurable, Default: 0.15 psig (10mbar) User Configurable, Default: 1.5 psig (103.5mbar)Contact Type - Form C, SPDT, reverse acting Ratings - 0.25 Amps @ 60 VUser Configurable, Defaults - Alarm Relay 1: Summary Alarm, Alarm Relay 2: Low PressureAlarm, Alarm Relay 3: Over Pressure AlarmUser Configurable, Default: 50%User Configurable, Default: Standard/SlaveType 1950Information Technology EquipmentAlso evaluated by Underwriters Laboratories Inc®In accordance with IEC Publication 60950ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temperature Storage temperatureOUTPUTFlow rateMaximum pressure Internal safety relief valve Display unitsDischarge port32°F to 131°F +/-2°F (0°C to 55°C +/-1°C) -40°F to 140°F (−40°C to 60°C)25.4 scfh (12 lpm)7.5 psig (517mbar)8 psig (552mbar)SI (millibars); English (psig), default 1/8" NPT3/8" or 1/4" hose barb (both included)2552325525NETCOM MODEL ADH MOUNTING OPTIONSWall Mount Rack Mount。


1) 无热再生吸附式干燥机的使用组合:
1. 通过在开机时检查消声器排气是否畅通
2. 通过手动的方法检查排气阀是否正常工作
吸附时间=300sec; 均压时间=0sec;
延时再生时间=5sec ;再生时间=240sec;
吸附时间=300sec; 均压时间=5sec;



瓶中的气体排净。这时应观察气路中的气压表上的压力, 当气瓶压力排净后,气压表压力应为零。 3)将与空压机、储气瓶连通的管路拆下,取下空气干燥器 总成。
在拆解干燥器时必须确认干燥器内是否存在压缩空气 方法是: 1 、使用拆解干燥器专用工具,将干燥器总成固定在专用 工具上。 2、在进气接口上用工具将进气孔捅一下,看是否有空气 排出。 3 、将干燥器上部的储气罐丝堵慢慢卸松,排放储气罐内 的余气。 4、逐步将干燥器拆解,更换损坏的零部件。
1、把车停稳后,关闭发动机,并用掩木将轮胎掩好。 2、在拆干燥器总成之前,一定要确认储气瓶内无气压。 3 、在没有确认管路中是否有气压时,绝不能断开含有气 压的任一管路。 4、更换部件时,应使用与原始设备同型号的零件、 部件。并保证干燥器的完整性 在拆解干燥器前必须将储气瓶中的气体放净: 方法是: 1)将发动机熄火 2)将安装在储气瓶上的放空阀门慢慢打开,使储气
1 、使用石油醚或相同的熔剂,彻底清洗干燥器的所有金 属部件。 2 、检查干燥器内部和外部所有金属件是否有点蚀、爆裂、 严重腐蚀。 3 、检查端盖上的孔和净化阀壳有无深度划痕以及沟槽, 确认净化阀壳体和端盖通道是通畅。 4、检查端盖上的螺纹,确认完好、密封。 5、检查净化阀壳体、孔和阀座是否过度磨损和变形。 6、检查净化阀活塞座是否过度磨损。 7 、检查空气管路是否有腐蚀,更换所有的“ O” 型密封圈。
1、根据储气瓶和干燥器排出的水或排污情况,若储气瓶 中排出的水较多。或干燥器排污口排出的油污较多时, 需对干燥器进行保养。 2、空压机窜气较大,修理和更换空压机后,对空气干燥 器进行清洗,并更换干燥器罐或干燥剂。 3、干燥器使用一段时间后,在设定的压力(0.85-0.90 Mpa)时,自动排污装置不能自动排污时,应对干 燥器进行检查 4、进入冬季前(9 月初),应对干燥器进行解体检查, 更换内部干燥剂罐。
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