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一.电气名词Electric items

二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备Equipments

四.保护、继电器Protection , relays 五.电气仪表Electric instruments

六.防雷Lightning protection

七.接地Grounding , earthing

八.室、所Room , Substation

九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair


十一.图名Drawings , diagrams


十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG

一.电气名词Electric items

交(直)流Alternating (direct) current

短路电流Short-circuit current

起始次暂态短路电流Initial subtransient short-circuit current

冲击电流Impulse current

稳态短路电流Steady state short-circuit current

临界电流Critical current

切断电流Rupturing current

熔断电流Blow-out current

故障电流Fault current 计算电流Calculating current

极限有限电流Limit effective current

过电流Over current

逆电流Inverse current

整定电流Setting current

额定电流Rated current

电流密度Current density

短路电流最大有效值Maximum effective value of short-circuit current

高压High-voltage , High-tension

低压Low-voltage , Low-tension

计算电压Calculating voltage

激磁电压Exciting voltage

冲击电压Impulse voltage

临界电压Critical voltage

残留电压Residual voltage

击穿电压Puncture voltage

脉动电压Pulsating voltage

供电电压Supply voltage

电力电压Power voltage

照明电压Lighting voltage

灯丝电压Filament voltage

额定电压Rated voltage

电压损失Voltage loss

过(欠)电压Over (under) voltage

线路电压Line voltage

电压降Voltage drop

工作电压Working voltage

一次电压Primary voltage

二次电压Secondary voltage

电源Electric source (power supply)

自控电压Power supply for process control 6kV控制闪光电源Flashing supply for 6kV control

工作电源Working power supply (electric source)

保安电源Emergency power supply (electric source)

直流稳压电源Stabilized D.C. source

控制电源Control supply

直流电源 D.C. source

交流电源 A.C. source

负荷计算Load calculation

设备容量Installed capacity

需要容量Electric demand

功率因数Power factor

安装高度Mounting height

耐电压Breakdown voltage

工频耐压High-voltage test with working frequency

表面闪络Surface flash-over

直流泄漏 D.C. leakage

体电阻率Volume resistivity

介质损失角Dielectric loss angle

击穿强度Puncture intensity

电压等级Voltage grade

比重Specific gravity


相序Phase sequence 瞬时Instantaneous

倾角Angle of inclination


正极Positive pole

负极Negative pole

截面(积) Cross section area

辅助电源Auxiliary source

遮断容量Interrupting capacity

载流量Current-carrying capacity

校正系数Correction factor

连续负荷Continuous load

长期载流量Continuous capacity

长时间额定值Longtime rating

电动机堵转电流Locked-rotor motor current 限定负荷Limited load

电感负荷Inductive load

感应电流Induced current

二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 母线Bus-bar

合闸电源母线Closing power source bus 闪光母线Flashing-bus

备用母线Spare bus

装在支柱上的插接式母线Post-supported plug-in bus way

装在吊钩上的插接式母线Hook-supported plug-in bus way

装在支架上的插接式母线Bracket-supported plug-in bus way

小母线Miniature bus
