























2. 软件启动
1) 点击任务栏【开始】菜单,选择所有程序,打开高清拍摄仪,图标如图 1 所示: 或者在桌面找到高清拍摄仪图标,双击打开桌面图标
图1 2) 将高清拍摄仪用 USB 线连接到电脑上,进入软件主界面如图 2 所
b) 照相机控制
图8 曝光度的设置对拍摄图像的清晰度至关重要,过度的曝光和曝光不充分都影响到拍摄 的图像;软件默认摄像头是自动曝光,因此当使用深色底板时可能会产生过度曝光, 此时需要用户手动去调节。
① 去掉自动曝光选项 ② 调节滑块,看成像区域内的预览效果,效果不佳可以继续调节滑块直至可视区
矫正影像采集效果图 第 12 页
4.7 拍摄类型
图像类型有 3 种,分别为彩色、灰度和黑白,此设置影响到拍摄出来的图片效果
图像类型说明: 【彩色】:拍摄出来的图片是彩色的
① 对不矫正和矫正只需勾选即设置成功,点击拍摄即可 ② 对自定义勾选后,在视频预览区内点击鼠标并拖拽至目标区域被框选。若对截选
区域不满意,仍可点击某一边框,拖拽移动该边框线上的蓝色小矩形即可对截选 区域进行细微调整,如图 14
第 11 页
图 14
、 不矫正影像采集效果





二、医疗行业应用解决方案1. 病历管理:良田高拍仪可以用于扫描和数字化病历,提高病历管理的效率和准确性。

2. 医学影像处理:通过良田高拍仪的高清图像采集功能,可以实现医学影像的采集和处理,提高医学诊断的准确性。

3. 电子病历签名:良田高拍仪可以用于电子病历的签名,提高电子病历的安全性和可信度。

三、教育行业应用解决方案1. 教材扫描:良田高拍仪可以用于扫描教材,实现教材的数字化,方便教师和学生的使用。

2. 试卷批阅:通过良田高拍仪的图像采集功能,可以实现试卷的快速批阅和评分,提高教学效率。

3. 学生作品展示:良田高拍仪可以用于学生作品的拍摄和展示,方便教师和学生进行评价和交流。

四、制造业应用解决方案1. 零部件检测:良田高拍仪可以用于零部件的检测和质量控制,提高产品的质量和可靠性。

2. 产品组装指导:通过良田高拍仪的图像采集功能,可以实现产品组装指导的图文展示,提高工人的操作准确性和效率。

3. 缺陷检测:良田高拍仪可以用于产品缺陷的检测,提高产品的质量和市场竞争力。

五、零售行业应用解决方案1. 商品展示:良田高拍仪可以用于商品的拍摄和展示,提高商品的吸引力和销售效果。

2. 商品条码扫描:通过良田高拍仪的条码扫描功能,可以实现商品条码的快速识别和数据采集。

3. 库存管理:良田高拍仪可以用于库存的盘点和管理,提高库存管理的准确性和效率。

六、安防行业应用解决方案1. 视频监控:良田高拍仪可以用于视频监控系统的图像采集,提高监控的清晰度和画质。

2. 人脸识别:通过良田高拍仪的高清图像采集功能,可以实现人脸识别技术的应用,提高安防系统的准确性和可靠性。

3. 出入口管理:良田高拍仪可以用于出入口管理系统的图像采集和识别,提高出入口管理的效率和安全性。



高拍仪是一种可随身携带的便捷式扫描仪,无论是纸张文件、彩色图片还是三维物体,都能够轻 松完成扫描并将扫描图片存盘。高拍仪采用独特的可折叠式设计,外观简洁大方、高贵稳重。在使用 高拍仪进行文件或物体的扫描时,文件或物体不需要与高拍仪进行接触,故不会出现传统扫描仪的卡 纸现象,高画质的文件影像显示与储存能够满足您对文件管理的需求。拥有了高拍仪,您就能享受比 一般传统扫描仪更多更好的功能。
第四章 高拍仪常见问题及使用技巧.............................................................................................................. 29 第五章 故障及解决方法、注意事项.............................................................................................................. 31 附 OCR 文字识别安装方式 ................................................................................................................................. 35
1.4.1 主要功能
(1) A4 文件扫描与存盘 高拍仪采用 USB2.0 接口,传输速度可达到 480Mbps,硬件 200\300\500 万像素传感器配备高 解析镜头,提供高质量扫描,最大扫描尺寸可达 A3 幅面(幅面根据型号而定),图片处理中提供裁 剪、100KB 限制功能,节省档案储存空间。 (2) 扫描身份证 最新软件增加了扫描身份证,同时扫描正反 2 页在一张 A4 纸上。具体操作方法为:点击“身份 证”,此时工作在身份证扫描模式,然后按照正常程序扫描正面再扫描反面,第二页扫描结束后,软 件会自动将刚才扫描的 2 页合成到一张 A4 纸上,在右侧缩略图中亦可以看到。 (3) 实物扫描功能 高拍仪的扫描感应组件部分,配合机械设计,能方便进行实体对象扫描,并可以将其数据存盘。 可实现连续扫描,时间间隔自行设定。 (4) 实物投影机功能 高拍仪为一直立式扫描设计,实体对象可置于扫描镜头下,实时捕捉实物图像,配合软件可直接 投影到屏幕上。 (5) 传真机功能 通过高拍仪所扫描的图像文件,可由网络传真实时传真至目的地。扫描文件后,请登录网页 注册用户名后登录传真平台加载扫描附件,填写传真号码,即可进行网络无纸传真。 (6) 影像录像功能 高拍仪除了提供纸张文件和实物的扫描功能外,还随机提供了实时录像功能,操作简单,录像时 间长短可随意控制。 (7) 复印机功能 能快速地获取纸张、物体等的影像图片文件,并可由黑白或彩色打印机实时打印,同时提供文件 影像影印功能。可自由设定图像的大小及旋转角度等,并可以进行书本翻拍等工作。 (8) 电子邮件功能 经高拍仪扫描存盘的图像文件可通过邮箱以电子邮件的方式发送。

S600 用户手册.pdf_1697476651.985484说明书

S600 用户手册.pdf_1697476651.985484说明书

9-3S600 User ManualTaking Continuous PicturesVideoCam allows you to take nine continuous pictures. By default, VideoCam takes one single picture. Therefore, you need to change the setting first.1. After you start VideoCam, tap on the screen.2. Tap Camera.3. In Shooting Mode, select Continuous Shooting and tap OK.4. Take pictures according to the procedure described in the “Taking a Picture” section earlier in thischapter.After the pictures are captured, the screen displays the thumbnail view of these continuous pictures.The time interval for the continuous pictures is 0.7 second.• The Camera mode indicator glows in yellow when you using the Camera feature.• You cannot use the Record key in the Camera mode.• You cannot use the Camera and DV features at the same time.9.2 Using the DVThe VideoCam program also allows you to record videos.1. Press the Camera/DV key on the side of the Pocket PC Phone, or tap → Programs → VideoCam,to enter the Camera mode.2. By default, the screen is displayed in the landscape mode.Tap to switch to the DV mode. You can use one hand to hold the Pocket PC Phone’s bottom foreasy operations. Be careful not to let your fingers cover the camera lens.3. Frame the subject to be photographed in the viewing window. When it is ready, press the Camera/DVkey on the side of the Pocket PC Phone to start recording. Press the Camera/DV key again to stop recording.The Pocket PC will preview the first picture of the video on the screen shortly. You can:• Tap to save the video and continue recording.• Tap to send the video in an e-mail.• Tap to delete the video.• Tap to switch to MyAlbum.(You can also press the Left/Right key to switch between the four icons.)By default, the new video is stored in the My Pocket PC\FLASH\My Album folder of the Pocket PC in five seconds. The video is stored in the MPEG4/3GP format, and its filename starts with DV00001 and goes on in the ascending order until the Pocket PC is out of storage space.4. To view the video you recorded, tap to switch to MyAlbum. (See Chapter 10 for information onMyAlbum.)• The DV mode indicator glows in orange when you using the DV feature.• If you answer a call in the DV mode, then the video will be saved and VideoCam closed. If youreject the call, the screen will remain the same.DV modeSwitches to Camera modeS600 User Manual 9-49.3 Changing VideoCam Settings In the Camera/DV mode, you can tap on the screen to access the setting items.Standard SettingsOn the Setting screen, tap Standard .ItemDescription Backlight for PreviewSets whether to turn on the backlight for picture/video preview.Preview Image or VideoSets whether to keep the preview for five seconds before the next shooting.Glitter Frequency While using VideoCam, please setup Glitter Frequency according to your environment for improving the preview quality of the VideoCam.Camera SettingsOn the Setting screen, tap Camera .ItemDescription Scene ModeSelects the desired scene mode: Standard, Nightshot, Portrait, Grayscale, Sepia, or Document.ResolutionSelects the desired image resolution: 1280*1024 (High), 640*480 (Normal), 320*240 (Basic), or 176*144 (Compact).Self-TimerSets the time lag between releasing the shutter and shooting the picture. The options are 5 sec, 10 sec or 15 sec.FlashTurns on or off the flash.White BalanceChanges the setting for white balance.Shooting ModeSelects the single or continuous shooting.Filename recountResets the filename counter, starting from DSC00001.FolderSelects the storage location for the picture.9-5S600 User ManualDigital Video SettingsOn the Setting screen, tap Digital Video.Item DescriptionScene Mode Selects the desired scene mode: Standard, Nightshot, Grayscale or Sepia. Resolution Selects the desired image resolution: Large, High Quality; Large, Long Time;Small, High Quality; Small, Long Time.Self-Timer Sets the time lag between releasing the shutter and shooting the picture. Theoptions are 5 sec, 10 sec or 15 sec.Format Selects the desired video format: MP4:MPEG4+ACC, MP4:MPEG4+AMR,3GP:MPEG4+AMR, or 3GP:H.263+AMR.Silent Shooting Allows you to record only images without sounds.Filename recount Resets the filename counter, starting from DV00001.Image size setting Allows you to set the size limit for recorded videos.FolderSelects the storage location for the videos.Chapter 10Using MyAlbum10.1 Starting MyAlbum10.2 Opening a Picture or Video10.3 Editing Pictures10.4 Using the FaceMagic Feature10.5 Using Effects10.6 Tools Options10.7 View Modes10-2S600 User Manual10.1 Starting MyAlbumThe MyAlbum program is very useful for viewing picture and video files. The supported formats include: .bmp, .png, .wpng, .jpeg, .gif, .3gp and .mpeg4.To start MyAlbum, you can:⏹ Tap → Programs → MyAlbum .⏹ Tap in the Camera/DV mode.The startup screen of MyAlbum displays the file list.The top of the screen displays the name of the current folder (the default setting is the My Pocket PC\FLASH\My Album folder) and the sorting method (the default setting is Name ). The middle of the screen displays the information about the picture: the preview of the pictures on the left; the filename, resolution, saving time, file format and file size on the right.In this mode, you can tap on the command bar to switch to the Camera/DV mode.• You can tap the options on the command bar for advanced features. See the later sections in the chapter.10.2 Opening a Picture or VideoTo have a closer view of a picture or video, tap the specific thumbnail view in the Report mode of MyAlbum.Below is the screen of an opened picture:Total number of filesNumber of current fileS600 User Manual10-3In this mode, you can:⏹ Press the Left/Right key to browse for the previous/next file of the current folder, press the Up/Down key to zoom in/out of the image.⏹ Tap to zoom in on the picture.⏹ Tap to zoom out on the picture.⏹ Tap to zoom the picture to best fit the screen.⏹ Tap to rotate the picture at 90 degrees.⏹ Tap to switch to full screen.⏹ Tap to return to the Report mode.• You can tap the options on the command bar for advanced features. See the later sections in the chapter.10.3 Editing PicturesTap Edit on the command bar to cut, copy, paste, rename or deletethe selected or opened file.10.4 Using the FaceMagic FeatureTap Face → FaceMagic on the command bar allows you to createspecial changes on the person’s expression. On the positioning screen, tap Reset , and follow the screen tips to perform positioningon the person’s face.After positioning, tap FaceMagic → Morph (as an example). Thescreen displays the expression items and the adjustment bar for you to customize and create special effects.You can also tap FaceMagic → Comic or Avatar for more specialexpression effects.10-4S600 User Manual10.5 Using EffectsTap Effect on the command bar to create special effects on the selected or opened picture. The picture with effects will be saved as a new file with “-1” added to the filename.Painting1. Tap Effect → Painting.2. You can paint on the picture.Or, tap A to add text on the picture. Tap the screen, and a editing cursor will appear. You can start to enter the texts and change the text’s font, font size and color.3. Press the OK key or tap OK to save the changes as a new file.Effect1. Tap Effect → Effect.2. Tap the desired effect: Normal, Black/White, Sepia, Emboss,Blue or Mosaic.3. Press the OK key or tap OK to save the changes as a new file.Selecting Normal will not save the picture as a new file.Frame1. Tap Effect → Frame.2. Tap the desired picture frame from the option bar at the bottomof the screen. The screen will display the applied picture forviewing immediately. You can tap the arrows on both sides ofthe option bar for more frame options.3. Press the OK key or tap OKto save the changes as a new file.S600 User Manual10-5Stamp1. Tap Effect → Stamp .2. Tap the desired stamp from the option bar at the bottom of the screen. The screen will display the applied picture for viewing immediately. You can tap the arrows on both sides of the option bar for more stamp options.3. Press the OK key or tap OK to save the changes as a new file.Adjustment1. Tap Effect → Adjustment .2. Tap the list to select the item for adjustment: Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Smart Color, Portrait, Landscape and Document.3. Adjust the value by tapping and draging on the adjustment bar. Tap Edit → Apply to apply the change.Tap Default restores the default values.4. Tap OK to save the changes.Note1. Tap Effect → Note .2. You can enter note text in the box, or tap the recording button to create a recording as a note. The added text or recording will be saved as a stand-alone file.3. Tap OK to save the note.4. The in the list mode indicates that a note has been added tothe picture.10-6S600 User Manual10.6 Tools OptionsTap Tools on the command bar to:⏹MMSSend an MMS message including the selected picture.⏹E-MailSend an email message including the selected picture.⏹IRUses the infrared to beam information.⏹WallpaperSets the selected picture as the theme picture on the Today screen.10.7 View ModesMyAlbum provides four view modes for viewing picture and video files.⏹Large mode⏹Middle mode⏹Small mode⏹Report mode (default mode)Chapter 11 Media Content11.1 Starting Media Content11.2 Media Content Items11-2S600 User Manual11.1 Starting Media ContentA Media hot key is located on your Pocket PC Phone. Press this key to access Media Content for games, music, Album, Windows Media Player, Java program and wallpaper setting function.The main page of Media Content is shown to the right.11.2 Media Content ItemsGAMEOn the main page of Media Content, tap GAME to quickly access the game list.Tap the desired item to start playing the game.For information on games, see Section 12.12.MUSICOn the main page of Media Content, tap MUSIC to quickly access the contents in the My Pocket PC\FLASH\My Music folder.Tap the desired item for playback. Your Pocket PC Phone will use Windows Media Player to play the selected item.For information on Windows Media Player, see Section 12.5.S600 User Manual11-3ALBUMOn the main page of Media Content, tap ALBUM to quickly startMyAlbum.For information on MyAlbum, see Chapter 10.MEDIA PLAYEROn the main page of Media Content, tap MEDIA PLAYER toquickly start Windows Media Player.For information on Windows Media Player, see Section 12.5.JAVAOn the main page of Media Content, tap JA V A to quickly start theJava program.For information on Java, see Section 12.7.11-4S600 User ManualWALLPAPEROn the main page of Media Content, tap WALLPAPER to quickly access the setting items of the Today screen.⏹Tap Appearance to change the theme picture of the Todayscreen.⏹Tap Items to set the items to be diaplayed on the Todayscreen. You can also set the time for the Pocket PC Phone to automatically return to the Today screen after a period of inactivity (3 hours by default).For information on Settings, see Chapter 6.Chapter 12 More Programs12.1 Microsoft ActiveSync12.2 Pocket Word12.3 Pocket Excel12.4 MSN Messenger12.5 Windows Media Player12.6 Pictures12.7 JA V A12.8 File Explorer12.9 Calculator12.10 Pocket MSN12.11 IE Favorites12.12 Games12-2S600 User Manual12.1 Microsoft ActiveSyncWith Microsoft ActiveSync on both your desktop computer and Pocket PC Phone, you can exchange information between a desktop computer or server and your Pocket PC Phone. To synchronize your Pocket PC Phone with your desktop computer, you must install ActiveSync on the desktop computer. Using ActiveSync, you can:⏹ Synchronize information between your Pocket PC Phone and desktop computer or server so that you have the latest information in all locations.⏹ Change synchronization settings and synchronization schedule.⏹ Copy files between your Pocket PC Phone and desktop computer.⏹ Back up and restore device information.⏹ Add/remove programs to/from your Pocket PC Phone.Installing Microsoft ActiveSyncAn Microsoft Companion CD is supplied with your Pocket PC Phone. You need to use the CD to install ActiveSync on the desktop computer before perfoming synchronization.Follow this procedure:1. Turn on the desktop computer.2. Insert the Companion CD into the CD-ROM drive of the desktop computer.3. On the first screen, click the arrow to enter the main screen and click Start Here .4. On the next screen, click Install ActiveSync 3.x on the left column.5. On the next screen, click Install to start installation.6. When prompted, connect one end of the USB cable to the converter, and then connect the converter to the USB port on the bottom of your Pocket PC Phone.7. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the USB port of the desktop computer.8. The Add New Hardware Wizard should automatically install the USB driver. (If you need to specify the location of the driver, click Browse and select the CD-ROM drive containing the Companion CD.)9. Follow the on-screen instructions to establish a partnership between your Pocket PC Phone and your desktop computer. Select the types of information for synchronization. After your first synchroniza-tion, the data you have stored on your desktop computer such as Calendar, Contacts and Tasks arecopied to your Pocket PC Phone. → → →→ → • If you do not establish a standard partnership with the desktop computer, then you cannot perform synchronization between two devices, and you will need to select a desired partnershipevery time you connect to the desktop computer.S600 User Manual12-3Connecting to Your Desktop ComputerYou can connect your Pocket PC Phone to a desktop computer in several ways:⏹ Use the USB cable or an optional cradle.⏹ Use the IR port in place of using a cable. (For complete instructions on connecting to your desktop computer by infrared, see the ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.)⏹ Use a network or dial-up connection.Synchronizing with Your Desktop Computer1. Connect your Pocket PC Phone to your desktop computer.2. On your Pocket PC Phone, tap → ActiveSync .3. Tap to start synchronization.Setting up Remote SynchronizationSynchronizing Remotely with a Desktop Computer1. Make sure that the desktop computer is powered on.2. Connect to the corporate network. (See Chapter 13 for more information.)3. On the Pocket PC Phone, tap → ActiveSync .4. Tap Tools → Options → PC .5. In When syncing remotely with a PC , select your computername in the Use this PC list.6. Select one or both of the items: Use mobile schedule to sync with this PC and Sync with this PC during manual sync .7. Tap OK.12-4S600 User ManualSynchronizing Remotely with a Server1. Make sure that the server is powered on.2. Connect to the Internet. (See Chapter 13 for more information.)3. On the Pocket PC Phone, tap → ActiveSync .4. Tap Tools → Options → Server .5. Select the types of information, such as Calendar, Contacts, or Inbox, that you want to synchronize with the server.6. To change synchronization settings, such as the amount synchronized, select the type of information and tap Settings . Note that there are no synchronization settings for Contacts.7. In Sync with this server , enter the name of the Microsoft Exchange server to which you want to connect.8. Tap Options → Connection .9. Enter your user name, password, and domain name. If you want to perform automatic synchronization, select Save password .10. Tap OK .Synchronizing AutomaticallyWith ActiveSync, you can schedule automatic synchronization between your Pocket PC Phone and a server every time when an item arrives or is changed at the server. Your Pocket PC Phone is informed of that event and synchronizes automatically to retrieve those items, making your device always ing ActiveSync, you can schedule synchronization of your device on two separate schedules.⏹ Use the peak times schedule to synchronize during working hours or other times when you have higher mail volumes.⏹ Use the off-peak schedule to synchronize during times when you have lower mail volumes.⏹ When you are roaming, you can synchronize manually to reduce roaming charges, or you can synchronize using the mobile schedules.To set up the schedule for automatic synchronization:1. Make sure not to connect your Pocket PC Phone to the desktop computer.2. On the Pocket PC Phone, tap → ActiveSync .3. Tap Tools → Options → Mobile Schedule .4. To synchronize periodically during peak times, select the frequency of synchronization in the Peak times list.To synchronize periodically during off-peak times, select the frequency of synchronization in the Off-peak times list. To synchronize while roaming, select a frequency in the Roaming list.5. To set the days and hours for peak times, tap Peak Times .6. Tap OK.。



第 6 页 共 36 页
如果不想安装在默认的路径下,请选择『浏览』按钮选择您的安装路径,按『确定』后, 点击『下一步』按钮继续安装。
第 7 页 共 36 页
第四章 高拍仪常见问题及使用技巧 ...................................................27 第五章 故障及解决方法、注意事项 ...................................................32 第六章 图片格式相关知识 ...................................................................33
z 产品损坏是因自然灾害等不可抗拒的灾害所造成。 z 产品损坏是因人为因素造成。 z 产品损坏是因用户对于产品使用不当造成。 z 因其它软件安装及设定所造成的使用问题及故障。 z 电脑病毒所造成的问题及故障。 z 如自行撕换原厂保修序号贴纸或无序号贴纸者,将取消其保修权益且不予提供
维修服务。 5、因以上非保修范围的因素产生的不良品,将依本公司规定标准收费,与保修期限无关。 6、本产品保修范围仅用于产品本体,不含连带耗材保修责任。 7、产品送修期间,本公司对于购买者的既得利益及实现预知可能发生的损害情形,本公
满足的需求 (1) 作为便捷式的拍摄仪,可随处进行纸制文件或其他实物的快速数字化扫描。 (2) 作为摄像头,可进行视频摄像。 (3) 结合计算机与打印机实现复印功能。
1.5 联系方式
地址:广东省深圳市南山区科技园清华信息港综合楼 208。 网站: 电话:+86-755-27049706 传真:0755-26014824



多媒体高拍仪使用说明书目录一、产品简介1.1产品外观 (3)1.2产品主要功能特点 (3)1.3产品规格 (4)二、产品安装2.1 高拍仪结构 (5)2.2高拍仪折叠与展开 (5)2.3 高拍仪垂直高度 (6)2.4 高拍仪水平角度 (6)2.5 高拍仪镜头旋转角度 (7)2.6 硬件连接 (7)2.7 软件安装 (8)2.8 软件功能介绍 (10)一、产品简介1.1产品外观1.2产品主要功能特点高拍仪是一款可随身携带的便捷式多功能拍摄仪,无论是纸张文件、彩色图片还是三维物体,都能够轻松完成扫描并将扫描图片存盘。




1.3产品规格类别型号影像系统传感器CMOS 500万分辨率800*600,1280*720,1920*1080,2592*1944 对焦手动光圈自动白平衡自动拍摄尺寸A3、A4图片格式JPEG、GIF、BMP、TIF、PDF等数码处理文本增强支持画面降噪支持亮度调整支持饱和度调整支持曝光值调整支持锐度调整支持色彩调整支持增益调整支持图像旋转支持图像冻结支持其他辅助灯光LED平板灯电源接口USB/DC电源供电切换接口类型USB 2.0以上参数如有变动,恕不另行通知,详细资料请联系我们二、产品安装2.1高拍仪结构2.2高拍仪折叠与展开将高拍仪主臂和拍摄臂依次展开90度2.3高拍仪垂直高度2.4高拍仪水平角度2.5高拍仪镜头旋转角度注意:高拍仪旋转到指定位置后不能用力过大,否则有可能损坏产品2.6硬件连接本产品由通用串行总线端口(USB)与计算机连接,在随机配件中有USB 数据线,将计算机打开,USB数据线的一端连接到高拍仪,另一端连接到计算机的USB接口,连接完成后,系统会自动找到新的硬件设备。






二、工业检测领域应用解决方案1. PCB板检测:良田高拍仪可以快速扫描PCB板,实时检测电路板的质量问题,如焊接不良、元件缺失等。


2. 金属材料表面缺陷检测:利用高拍仪的高分辨率和高速度,可以对金属材料表面进行全面扫描,快速检测出缺陷,如划痕、气泡等。


三、医学影像领域应用解决方案1. X光片数字化扫描:良田高拍仪可以将传统的X光片进行数字化扫描,将图像转化为数字文件,方便医生进行远程诊断和存档。


2. 荧光显微镜图像采集:在荧光显微镜下,高拍仪可以实时采集细胞和组织的荧光图像,通过图像处理技术,可以对细胞结构和功能进行分析,为科研工作者提供重要的实验数据。

四、文化保护领域应用解决方案1. 古籍数字化扫描:良田高拍仪可以对古籍进行高分辨率的数字化扫描,将珍贵的文化遗产保存为数字文件,方便研究和传承。


2. 文物三维重建:结合高拍仪和三维扫描技术,可以对文物进行三维重建,还原文物的原貌。


五、教育培训领域应用解决方案1. 教学实验图像采集:良田高拍仪可以用于采集教学实验的图像,通过投影仪将实验过程实时展示给学生,提高教学效果。


2. 学生作品展示:学生可以利用高拍仪拍摄自己的作品,如手工制品、绘画作品等,通过投影仪将作品展示给全班同学。





二、优势1. 高精度图像采集:良田高拍仪采用先进的图像传感器和图像处理技术,能够实现高分辨率、高清晰度的图像采集,确保图像质量优秀。

2. 快速扫描速度:良田高拍仪具备快速扫描功能,能够在短时间内完成大量图像的采集,提高工作效率。

3. 灵活的操作方式:良田高拍仪支持多种操作方式,包括手动操作、自动化操作以及远程控制操作,满足不同应用场景的需求。

4. 强大的数据处理能力:良田高拍仪内置强大的图像处理芯片,能够对采集到的图像进行实时处理和分析,提取所需信息。

5. 可靠的稳定性:良田高拍仪采用高品质的零部件和严格的质量控制流程,保证设备的稳定性和可靠性。

三、应用案例1. 电子制造行业在电子制造行业中,良田高拍仪可用于电路板检测。


2. 汽车制造行业在汽车制造行业中,良田高拍仪可用于零部件检测。


3. 医疗保健行业在医疗保健行业中,良田高拍仪可用于医疗影像的采集和分析。


四、技术支持1. 售前咨询:良田高拍仪提供专业的售前咨询服务,帮助客户选择适合自己应用需求的设备,并提供技术建议和方案。

2. 售后服务:良田高拍仪提供全面的售后服务,包括设备安装调试、操作培训、维修保养等,确保设备的正常运行和客户的满意度。

3. 技术支持:良田高拍仪拥有一支专业的技术支持团队,能够及时响应客户的技术问题,并提供解决方案和技术指导。


● 本产品在环境光线充足的条件下使用效果更佳。 ● 本产品在使用时,建议选用较稳定 USB 接口,如果是台式机,最好使用后置 USB2.0 接口。
第一章 产品简介
1.1 包装内容
(1) 智卓高拍仪一台 (2) 智卓硬文稿台一个(可选) (3) 产品光盘(内容含驱动程序,操作说明和应用程序)一个 (4) USB2.0 数据连接线一条 (5) 音频连接线一条(可选) (6) 产品使用手册一本 (7) 保修卡一张 (8) 合格证一张 以上包装配件若有遗失不全,请您向经销商或本公司联系,以确保您的权益。
1.2 产品外观
ZZS500 系列扫描示意图
ZZS600 系列扫描示意图
1.3 推荐配置
(1) 硬件:Pentium 4 或同等级 CPU 或以上, 512MB 或以上内存,光驱。 (2) 使用 USB 2.0 接口。 (3) 操作系统:Windows 2003、Windows XP、Windows 7。 (4) 使用前请安装 ZZS500 高拍仪专用软件,如需进行 OCR 文字识别,必须安装完整版 office
时,刚才扫描的多张纸即做成了一个 PDF 文档保存在 PHOTO 文件夹中,在右侧缩略图中也可以打 开。或者如需直接拍摄 PDF 文件,请在“扫描”菜单中选择“扫描设置”中将格式改成 PDF 即可。
1.4 产品主要特点、功能、参数和用途
ZZS500 和 ZZS600 系列高速扫描仪是由我公司自主研发,并获得国家发明专利的高科技创新产 品(外观专利、软件专利),他能够将各类纸质文件和立体实物高速扫描并保存到电脑,他具有效果佳、 底色均匀、镜头调节方式简便、带 LED 灯源、带 MIC、可随身携带、造型新颖等优点。



良田高拍仪使用手册第一章产品简介 (2)1.1包装内容 (2)1.2推荐配置 (2)1.3产品主要功能、规格、特点和用途 (2)1.4联系方式 (7)第二章系统安装 (7)2.1 高拍仪软件安装 (7)第三章应用软件操作界面说明 (13)3.1视频操作界面 (13)3.2 图像操作界面 (16)3.3 字符识别操作界面 (19)3.4菜单栏说明 (20)第四章高拍仪常见问题及使用技巧 (23)第五章故障及解决方法、注意事项 (24)第一章产品简介1.1包装内容(1)高拍仪(2)高拍仪专用文稿台(3)产品光盘(内容含驱动程序,操作说明和应用程序)(4)USB2.0连接线(5)产品使用说明(6)保修卡以上包装配件若有遗失不全,请您向经销商或本公司联系,以确保您的权益。

1.2推荐配置(1)硬件:Pentium 4或同等级CPU或以上,256MB或以上内存,光驱;(2)USB端口:计算机须具有符合USB2.0协议的USB接口;(3)操作系统:Windows XP /Windows 2003 / Windows VISTA/ Windows 7;(4)预装软件:Microsoft Office 2003完整版(必须)。









高拍仪使用说明书软件下载地址:请按照型号下载对应软件广州新弘科电子科技有限公司目录一、产品简介 (3)1.1产品示意图 (3)1.2产品接口说明 (3)1.3产品参数 (4)1.4包装清单 (4)二、软件安装 (5)三、使用前准备 (10)四、软件功能介绍 (11)4.1图像预览 (11)4.2图像裁切 (12)4.3多页合并PDF (12)4.4自动扫描 (13)4.5文件命名 (14)4.6设置拍照声音 (14)4.7文件保存路径 (14)4.8调节“JPG”格式文件输出大小 (16)4.9设置浮水印 (16)4.10证件扫描 (16)4.11条码识别 (16)4.12视频录制 (17)4.13OCR识别 (17)五、设备使用一般故障排除 (17)一、产品简介1.1产品示意图序号名称备注说明1摄像头高清自动对焦摄像头2补光灯LED高亮度、正白光、节能灯3横杆高强度铝合横杆可折叠,折叠角度90度4竖杆高强度铝合金竖杆5底座6触摸开关支持补光灯三档亮度调节7软垫黑色软垫是展平裁切等功能的基础,使用前请一定按照规范铺好,参见使用前准备1.2产品接口说明1)Type-C:接适配器(本产品标配使用5V-2A,Type-C接口适配器)2)Type-B:连接电脑3)Type-A:扩展USB2.01.3产品参数传感器高清COMS传感器(5152*3864)扫描幅面>A3,(480mm*360mm)±10mm视频编码格式MJPG图片格式JPG、BMP、PNG、TIF、PDF视频格式MP4、WMV、AVI硬件配置高清COMS传感器、USB2.0扩展特色功能OCR文字识别、裁边、多页合并PDF、自动检测翻页、扫描智能纠偏系统支持Windows XP/Win7/Win8/Win10建议最低配置i3系列CPU+4GB内存1.4包装清单名称规格数量主设备主机1USB数据线A公+B公,1.5米1电源适配器交流输入:100-240V AC50/60Hz0.2A Max直流输出:5V/2A1软垫500*510*3(单位:mm)1说明书1合格证1二、软件安装1)登录封面提供的网址,点击下载中心选择产品对应的型号下载软件。



100dpi 分辨率进行扫描已绰绰有余,而用于印刷 的的分辨率一般为 300 至 400dpi,因此要想将作 品通过扫描印刷出版,至少需要用到 300dpi 以上 的分辨率,当然若能使用 600dpi 则更佳。如果想 将扫描后的作品通过打印机打印出来,则必须综 合考虑打印机的分辨率才能决定。根据实际使用 经验,一台打印分辨率为 1440dpi 的打印机,大约 只需以 360dpi 分辨率扫描图像即可得到不错的 打印效果。这是因为打印机与扫描仪的原理和分
首先,扫描文档时需使用黑白模式,同时也 要注意这种模式下的 Threshold 值(阈值,表示一 个参数范围,大于或小于这个范围都不能产生效 应),这是决定何种程度的黑色可被扫描仪视为 黑点,这样可以简便地将文字的黑与背景干扰的 黑分辨出来,如果调整得当,可加快扫描速度。这 个值的调整可以在扫描图像的色调值 (tonevalue)统计直方图(Histogram)中,先区分 出两个或以上的波峰,然后将 Threshold 在两者
限于扫描仪的原理,扫描得到的图像或多或 少会出现失真或变形。因此,好的原稿对得到高 品质的扫描效果是格外重要的,而品质不佳的原 稿,即使通过软件处理可以改善扫描效果,但终 究属亡羊补牢的做法。至于那些污损严重的图像, 无论如何处理也无法得到期待的效果,因此,一 定要尽量使用品质出色的原稿扫描。对一些尺寸 较小的稿件,应尽量放置在扫描仪中央,这样可 以减少变形的产生。
为了将图像客观真实地反映出来,必须保证 光线能够平稳地照到待扫描的稿件上,笔者建议 大家在扫描前可以先打开扫描仪预热 5 至 10 分
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


