我国各类企业 现有的管理人 员大多是从技 术人员或业务 人员转变而来 的,他们迫切 希望能熟悉必 要的最新的管 理理念,并迅 速带动了我国 的管理培训市 场。
中国IT业 四大 热门培训领域: 1、厂商认证培 训 2、通用型证书 培训 3、IT职业培训 4、 游戏法来培 训
0 物质报酬 影响力 追求意义 专精Fra bibliotek创意亲和
不注重安全的影响,可从事挑战性工 作
❖语言能力 ❖数理逻辑能力 ❖空间判断能力 ❖运动协调能力 ❖手工技能 ❖人际交往能力 ❖艺术能力
2.喜欢从事与人打交道 和热闹的职业
管理 教师 外交 记者 …… 公关人员 主持人 推销员 作家
我善于从事——与人打交道 充满变化并且 有新鲜感的职业。
研究人的行为和心 理
学生党支部宣 传委员
1`组建党员资料 柜(效果—良) 2`成立英语协会 (效果—良) 3`主持迎新学习 经验交流会
黑龙江省哈尔滨市师范大学附属中学2024-2025学年高三上学期期中考试数学试题一、单选题1.已知集合{}2|230A x x x =-+≤,(){}2ln 2B x y x==-,则A B = ()A .()1,3B.⎡-⎣C.⎡⎤⎣⎦D.(⎤⎦2.复数20252025i z =-在复平面内对应的点所在的象限为()A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限3.函数()2cos f x x x =+在区间π0,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最小值为()A .π2B .2C.π6D .π13+4.已知a是单位向量,则“||||1a b b +-= 是“//a b ”的()A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件5.已知函数()()e 1x a xf x -⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭在区间()1,0-上单调递增,则a 的取值范围是()A .[)0,+∞B .[)2,-+∞C .(],0-∞D .(],2-∞-6.已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若3614SS =,则1236S SS =+()A .43B .8C .9D .167.菱形ABCD 边长为2,P 为平面ABCD 内一动点,则()()PA PB PC PD +⋅+的最小值为()A .0B .2-C .2D .4-8.已知函数()f x 为偶函数,且满足()()1313f x f x -=+,当∈0,1,()31xf x =-,则()3log 32f 的值为().A .31B .5932C .4932D .21132二、多选题9.函数π()2sin()(1)3f x x ωω=+≤的图象如图所示,则下列说法中正确的是()A .1ω=B .函数的图象关于点π,03⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭对称C .将()y f x =向左平移π3个单位长度,得到函数()2cos()6πg x x =+D .若方程(2)f x m =在π0,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上有2个不相等的实数根,则m 的取值范围是2⎤⎦10.设正实数,m n 满足1m n +=,则()A .1mm n+的最小值为3B C的最小值为12D .33m n +的最小值为1411.已知函数1()(0)x f x x x =>,则下列说法中正确的是()A .方程1()()f x f x=有一个解B .若()()g x f x m =-有两个零点,则1e0e m <<C .若21()(log ())2a h x x f x =-存在极小值和极大值,则(1,e)a ∈D .若()0f xb -=有两个不同零点,2(())()0f x b x cx d --+≤恒成立,则2ln bc <<三、填空题12.中国冶炼块铁的起始年代虽然迟至公元前6世纪,约比西方晚900年,但是冶炼铸铁的技术却比欧洲早2000年.现将一个轴截面为正方形且侧面积为36π的实心圆柱铁锭冶炼熔化后,浇铸成一个底面积为81π的圆锥,则该圆锥的高度为.13.已知某种科技产品的利润率为P ,预计5年内与时间(t 月)满足函数关系式(t P ab =其中a b 、为非零常数).若经过12个月,利润率为10%,经过24个月,利润率为20%,那么当利润率达到50%以上,至少需要经过个月(用整数作答,参考数据:lg 20.3010)≈14.已知b 为单位向量,,a c 满足42a b c b ⋅=-=,则12a c - 的最小值为四、解答题15.在ABC V 中,a b c 、、分别为角、、A B C 所对的边,且22()b a a c c -=-(1)求角B .(2)若b = ABC 周长的最大值.16.已知数列{}n a 满足*3212122,N 22n n a a a n a n -++++=∈ (1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)在n a 和1n a +之间插入n 个数,使得这2n +个数依次构成公差为n d 的等差数列,求数列1n d ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭的前n 项和n T .17.行列式在数学中是一个函数,无论是在线性代数、多项式理论,还是在微积分学中(比如说换元积分法中),行列式作为基本的数学工具,都有着重要的应用.将形如11122122a a a a 的符号称二阶行列式,并规定二阶的行列式计算如下:1112112212212122a a a a a a a a =-,设函数22sin sin ()()π26cos()x xf x x x =∈+R .(1)求()f x 的对称轴方程及在[0,]π上的单调递增区间;(2)在锐角△ABC 中,已知()32f A =-,2133AD AB AC =+,cos 3B =,求tan BAD ∠.18.已知数列{}n a 满足13a =,11,33,n n n a n n a a n n +⎧+⎪=⎨⎪-⎩为奇数为偶数(N n *∈).(1)记232n n b a =-(N n *∈),证明:数列{}n b 为等比数列,并求{}n b 的通项公式;(2)求数列{}n a 的前2n 项和2n S ;(3)设12121n n n b c b +-=-(N n *∈),且数列{}n c 的前n 项和为n T ,求证:3ln 131n n n T n -<--(N n *∈).19.已知函数ln ()e sin ,(0,)x a f x x x -=-∈+∞.(1)当e a =时,求()y f x =在(0,(0))f 处的切线方程;(2)若32(())(())ln(1())0f x f x f x -++≥恒成立,求a 的范围;(3)若()f x 在(0,π)内有两个不同零点12,x x ,求证:12ππ2x x <+<.。
教学导航2024年1月下半月㊀㊀㊀问题驱动导向下的 二次函数 教学设计◉哈尔滨师范大学教师教育学院㊀宋㊀丹㊀㊀摘要:在新课改背景下,强调数学课程需凸显数学概念的核心地位,促使学生构建数学知识系统.本文深入探索数学概念形成和发展的过程,对 二次函数 一节进行教学设计,提高学生学习能力和解决数学问题的能力.关键词:二次函数;教学设计;知识系统㊀㊀弗赖登塔尔认为 数学是系统化了的常识 .数学知识内部以及数学与外部的联系非常重要,数学知识系统化使得数学教学有轮有廓,更利于学生数学综合能力的培养.要想更好地用系统论的方法对教学内容进行组织安排,教师应采用问题驱动教学法进行教学设计.以学生为主体㊁教师为主导,让学生围绕问题获取真知,促使学生更好地感悟数学概念本质,发展思维,激发学习数学的积极性.1教材分析二次函数是初中数学函数内容的主干知识,二次函数的学习不仅进一步加深学生对函数知识的掌握,也常与其他模块的数学知识进行综合应用,也为构建学生的数学知识体系奠定良好的基础[1].2学情分析二次函数是在一次函数后,继续进行深入学习的内容,且二次函数作为概念新授课,需要学生经历从特殊到一般抽象㊁概括并定义二次函数概念的过程,因此对学生的探索㊁推理能力有较高的要求.3教学目标(1)认识二次函数,认识二次项㊁一次项㊁常数项,列出二次函数关系式,并求出函数自变量的取值范围.(2)经历独立思考和小组合作,学会从知识的整体性出发多角度看待问题,体会数学知识中蕴含的科学精神.4教学设计环节1:情境引入,温故知新.如图1,河源新丰江音乐喷泉,号称 亚洲第一高喷泉 ,泉水在空中呈曲线运动落回地面,在水珠的运动曲线上,水珠距离地面的竖直高度h 与水珠的水平移动距离x 之间有什么关系[2]通过本节课的学习,图1我们一起解开这个谜题吧.设计意图:弗赖登塔尔认为,教育应该扎根于现实.利用喷泉作为探究对象,培养学生用数学语言描述问题的能力,促使学生用数学的眼光看世界.环节2:自主探究+引入概念.图2问题1㊀正方体的六个面是全等的正方形(如图2),设正方体的棱长为x ,表面积为y ,显然对于x 的每一个确定的值,y 都有唯一确定的值与之对应,即y 是x 的函数,它们的具体关系可以表示为.预设:y =6x 2(记为①).图3问题2㊀如图3所示,多边形所有对角线条数t 与多边形的边数n 是否具有函数关系师:如果多边形有n 条边,那么你能计算出这个多边形有多少个顶点么如果从一个顶点出发,你能作多少条对角线?预设:n ;n -3.追问:n 边形的对角线总数.预设:t =12n 2-32n (记为②).师:通过②式可以得到多边形对角线的条数t 与边数n 之间存在函数关系.在n 的取值范围内,对于每一个确定的n 值,都有唯一确定的t 值与之相对应,所以t 是n 的函数.问题3㊀某鞋袜工厂的一款新型球鞋今年的年产量是20件,计划今后两年提高生产量.如果设定每年在上一年的基础上增加x 倍,那么两年后球鞋的生产量y 将随x 的值而确定,你能确定y 是x 的函数吗?师:球鞋今年的生产量是20件,你能分别求出一232024年1月下半月㊀教学导航㊀㊀㊀㊀年后和两年后的产量吗并写出y与x之间的关系式.预设:20(1+x);20(1+x)2;y=20(1+x)2,即y=20x2+40x+20(记为③).师:通过③式,我们发现对于任一确定的x的值,都有唯一确定的y值与之对应,所以可以确定y是x 的函数.问题4㊀函数①②③有什么共同点(学生以小组形式进行讨论并总结.)追问1:请认真观察三个函数的解析式,并填表1.表1函数解析式自变量因变量y=6x2t=12n2-32ny=20x2+40x+20㊀㊀预设:表1中三个函数的自变量与因变量分别为x,y;n,t;x,y.追问2:这些函数有什么共同点?它们和以前学习的一次函数一样吗?能否写出它的一般形式?预设:每一个函数自变量的最高次数为2.二次函数的定义:一般地,形如y=a x2+b x+c (a,b,c是常数,aʂ0)的函数,叫做二次函数.问题5㊀二次函数有没有其他特殊表示形式呢(学生对二次函数的各项系数展开讨论,并进行总结.)二次函数的特殊形式:(1)当a,cʂ0,b=0时,y=a x2+c.(不存在一次项.)(2)当a,bʂ0,c=0时,y=a x2+b x.(不存在常数项.)(3)当aʂ0,b=0,c=0时,y=a x2.(只含二次项.)设计意图:章建跃提出 概念教学要让学生经历概括的过程 ,引导学生体会定义二次函数的过程,掌握二次函数的本质,培养学生数学抽象与概括能力.环节3:练习巩固,突破难点.例㊀下列函数中是二次函数的有.①y=2x2+2;㊀㊀㊀㊀②y=2x2+x(1-2x);③y=x2(1+x2)-1;④y=1x2+x2;⑤y=x(x+1);⑥y=x4+x2x2+1.(学生进行自主思考并回答问题.)预设:①⑤⑥.教师协助学生改正错误并总结运用定义判断一个函数是否为二次函数的步骤:(1)首先将函数解析式调整为等号左侧为因变量㊁右侧为自变量的表达式的形式;(2)判断函数解析式能否转化成整式;(3)判断自变量的最高次数是否为2;(4)判断二次项系数是否不等于0.设计意图:培养学生观察㊁辨别和发现问题的能力,以及合作探究意识和语言表达能力,提高学生计算和推理能力.环节4:总结反思.(1)我们是如何开展本节课的学习的?(2)什么是二次函数?二次函数解析式对系数㊁次数有什么要求设计意图:通过回顾㊁总结㊁检验学生的认知情况,培养概括能力;梳理本节课的探究思路和研究方法,明确本节课学习重点,突破二次函数学习难点,初步掌握函数的学习方法.5教学反思全美数学教育研究中心提出: 学生要在理解中学习. 本节课属于概念新授课,教师往往采取 重应用 轻讲解 的教学模式,但数学学习并不能采取 告知 的形式,否则学生会很难理解二次函数的 一一对应的函数关系 .因此,本文中采用问题驱动模式引导学生从现实问题中自主构建二次函数的概念,促进学生加深数学理解.教师结合学生已有的一次函数的基础,以问题驱动作为主线展开教学;利用探究式学习引导学生抽象㊁概括二次函数的定义;结合多个现实问题的解决,培养学生类比的数学思想;通过例题训练,强化知识的应用,提高学生数学辨别和运算能力;引导学生合作交流,总结学习二次函数的重要性,促进学生的数学系统性学习观念.史宁中教授指出,数学教学应该由 点 走向 团 ,从零散走向集合,这样的教学才不能称为应试之教.在本节课的教学设计中,始终贯彻建立数学知识系统的思想,在学生学习一次函数的经验基础上,类比一次函数与二次函数,使学生理解一一对应的现实意义,进而总结出二次函数的定义.参考文献:[1]何雯.多元表征与变式教学整合下的初中二次函数教学设计研究[D].太原:太原师范学院,2023.[2]潘小琴,冯长焕.基于A P O S理论的初中数学概念教学设计 以 二次函数的概念 教学为例[J].大学,2021(S2):34G36.Z33。
哈尔滨师范大学本科毕业论文题目:提高学生学习物理的能力实现物理教学的有效性姓名:闫武宏年级: 2012级专业:物理学学院:哈尔滨师范大学目录题目 (1)目录 (2)序言 (3)摘要 (4)英文摘要 (5)正文 (6)结束语 (11)致谢语 (12)参考文献 (13)序言随着时代的进步,科技的发展,社会需要更多的高素质的人才。
【关键词】有效性学习,新课标,习惯,兴趣,情感教学,创造性【Abstract】along with the progress of The Times, the development of science and technology, society requires more high quality talent. As the talent training, teacher's responsibility is the unshirkable responsibility. Today's education is not only the knowledge, training talents, more important is the ability and training talents of the mind. Education is the foundation. As a junior high school teacher, our key is whether the students can do. The first stage of junior middle school physics teaching is to study physics knowledge is to cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems of key stage. To improve the effectiveness of physics teaching is a complicated problem, teachers by changing students' learning way to guide students to study effectively, you must reasonably adopting the tactics of physics teaching. The author discusses the junior middle school physics teaching, and puts forward some effective measures, make the student learning. 【Keywords】effective learning of new curriculum, habits, interest, emotional teaching, and creativity提高学生学习物理的能力实现物理教学的有效性初中物理教学就是为了培养中学生不断追求真理和渴望获得知识的情感,初中物理老师应在物理教学中采取适当的教学策略,实现教学目标,提高学生的学习能力。
1.下列对材料相关内容的理解和分析,不正确的一项是( )
学科教学(语文) 学科教学(语文) 学科教学(语文) 学科教学(语文) 语言学及应用语言学 汉语言文字学 汉语言文字学 汉语言文字学 中国古代文学 中国古代文学 中国古代文学 中国古代文学 中国古代文学 中国古代文学 中国古代文学 中国现当代文学 中国现当代文学 中国现当代文学 中国现当代文学 中国现当代文学 中国现当代文学 中国现当代文学 比较文学与世界文学 比较文学与世界文学 学科教学(历史) 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国古代史 中国近现代史 中国近现代史 中国近现代史 中国近现代史 中国近现代史 中国近现代史 中国近现代史 中国近现代史 世界史 世界史 世界史 世界史 世界史 世界史 教育学原理 教育学原理 教育学原理 教育学原理 教育学原理 教育学原理
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ISP1582Hi-Speed Universal Serial Bus peripheral controllerRev. 03 — 25 August 2004Preliminary data1.General descriptionThe ISP1582 is a cost-optimized and feature-optimized Hi-Speed Universal SerialBus (USB) peripheral controller. It fully complies with Universal Serial BusSpecification Rev.2.0, supporting data transfer at high-speed (480Mbit/s) andfull-speed (12Mbit/s).The ISP1582 provides high-speed USB communication capacity to systems basedon microcontrollers or microprocessors. It communicates with a microcontroller ormicroprocessor of a system through a high-speed general-purpose parallel interface.The ISP1582 supports automatic detection of Hi-Speed USB system operation.Original USB fall-back mode allows the device to remain operational under full-speedconditions. It is designed as a generic USB peripheral controller so that it can fit intoall existing device classes, such as imaging class, mass storage devices,communication devices, printing devices and human interface devices.The internal generic Direct Memory Access (DMA) block allows easy integration intodata streaming applications.The modular approach to implementing a USB peripheral controller allows thedesigner to select the optimum system microcontroller from the wide variety available.The ability to reuse existing architecture and firmware investments shortens thedevelopment time, eliminates risk and reduces cost. The result is fast and efficientdevelopment of the most cost-effective USB peripheral solution.The ISP1582 is ideally suited for many types of peripherals, such as: printers,scanners, digital still cameras, USB-to-Ethernet links, cable and DSL modems. Thelow power consumption during suspend mode allows easy design of equipment thatis compliant to the ACPI™, OnNow™ and USB power management requirements.The ISP1582 also incorporates features such as SoftConnect™, a reducedfrequency crystal oscillator,and integrated termination resistors.These features allowsignificant cost savings in system design and easy implementation of advanced USBfunctionality into PC peripherals.2.Featuress Complies fully with:x Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev.2.0x Most Device Class specificationsx ACPI™, OnNow™ and USB power management requirements.s Supports data transfer at high-speed (480Mbit/s) and full-speed (12Mbit/s)s High performance USB peripheral controller with integrated Serial InterfaceEngine (SIE), Parallel Interface Engine (PIE), FIFO memory and data transceiver s Automatic Hi-Speed USB mode detection and Original USB fall-back modes Supports sharing modes Supports V BUS sensings High-speed DMA interfaces Fully autonomous and multiconfiguration DMA operations7 IN endpoints, 7 OUT endpoints and a fixed control IN/OUT endpoints Integrated physical 8kbytes of multiconfiguration FIFO memorys Endpoints with double buffering to increase throughput and ease real-time datatransfers Bus-independent interface with most microcontrollers and microprocessorss12MHz crystal oscillator with integrated PLL for low EMIs Software-controlled connection to the USB bus (SoftConnect™)s Low-power consumption in operation and power-down modes; suitable for use inbus-powered USB devicess Supports Session Request Protocol (SRP) that complies with On-The-GoSupplement to the USB Specification Rev.1.0as Internal power-on and low-voltage reset circuits; also supports software resets Operation over the extended USB bus voltage range (DP, DM and V BUS)s5V tolerant I/O pads at 3.3Vs Operating temperature range from−40°C to +85°Cs Available in HVQFN56 halogen-free and lead-free package.3.Applicationss Personal digital assistants Digital video cameras Digital still cameras3G mobile phones MP3 players Communication device, for example: router and modems Printers Scanner.4.AbbreviationsDMA —Direct Memory AccessEMI —ElectroMagnetic InterferenceFS —Full-speedGDMA —Generic DMAHS —High-speedMMU —Memory Management UnitNRZI —Non-Return-to-Zero InvertedOTG —On-The-GoPDA —Personal Digital AssistantPID —Packet IDentifierPIE —Parallel Interface EnginePIO —Parallel Input/OutputPLL —Phase-Locked LoopSE0 —Single-Ended zeroSIE —Serial Interface EngineSRP —Session Request ProtocolUSB —Universal Serial Bus.5.Ordering informationTable 1:Ordering informationType number PackageName Description VersionISP1582BS HVQFN56plastic thermal enhanced very thin quadflat package;no leads; 56terminals; body 8×8×0.85mmSOT684-1xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x xPhilips SemiconductorsISP1582Hi-Speed USB peripheral controller9397 750 13699© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V . 2004. All rights reserved.Preliminary data Rev. 03 — 25 August 20044 of 666.Block diagramFig 1.Block diagram.1.5k Ω12.0k ΩV CC004aaa199ISP1582MEMORY MANAGEMENTUNITINTEGRATEDRAM (8 KBYTES)SYSTEM CONTROLLERVOLT AGE REGULA TORSPOWER-ON RESETHI-SPEED USB TRANSCEIVERinternal resetSoftConnectanalog supplydigital supplyI/O pad supplyMICRO-CONTROLLER HANDLER MICRO-CONTROLLER INTERFACEOTG SRP MODULEDMA REGISTERSDMA HANDLERDMA INTERFACEPHILIPS SIE/PIEINTDATA [15:0]A [7:0]8DACK3.3 VV CC(1V8)SUSPENDWAKEUPAGNDDGND 3.3 VRD_N EOTV CC(I/O)161, 5278DREQDIORDIOW910111213, 26, 29, 4114CS_N WR_N 15161718 to 20,22 to 25,2721, 34, 4828, 5030 to 33,35 to 40,42 to 4712 MHzXTAL2XTAL1to/from USB DMDP V BUS4349525153, 5455566RPURREFRESET_N7.Pinning information7.1PinningFig 2.Pin configuration HVQFN56 (top view).Fig 3.Pin configuration HVQFN56 (bottom view).DATA0DATA1DATA2DATA10V CC(I/O)DATA4DATA5DATA6DATA7DATA8DATA9DGND D A T A 13D A T A 14C S _N RD _N W R _N A 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6D G N D A 7V C C (1V 8)S U S PE N DD A T A 15V C C (1V 8)V B U S X T A L 1X T A L 2D A T A 12D A T A 11V C CV C C (I /O )DATA3W A K E U P V C CDGNDV C C (I /O )A 0004aaa536ISP1582BS1314121110968455153494746485052545556262124254344282723222019171518164753293134333032353638403739214241INT DIOW DIOR DGND DREQDACK RESET_NEOT AGND DM RREF RPU AGND DP DGND DATA9DATA8DGND DATA6DATA5DATA4V CC(I/O)DATA3DATA2DATA1DATA0D G N DA 6AGNDDP DM RPU RREFAGND EOT RESET_NDACK DIOR DREQ DGND INT S U S P E N D W A K E U P V C C X T A L 1X T A L 2V B U S V C C (I /O )D A T A 15D A T A 14D A T A 13D A T A 12D A T A 11C S _NA 5V C C (I /O )A 3DIOW A 1A 2A 7V C C (1V 8)A 0A 4DATA7R D _NW R _NDATA10V C C (1V 8)V C C 004aaa377ISP1582BS2134569726201822242523211917161545504746282743444849515254565355118101242403738413936353331343213142930Bottom Viewterminal 1GND (exposed die pad)7.2Pin descriptionTable 2:Pin descriptionSymbol[1]Pin Type[2]DescriptionAGND1-analog groundRPU2A connect to the external pull-up resistor for pin DP; must beconnected to 3.3V via a 1.5kΩ resistorDP3A USB D+ line connection (analog)DM4A USB D− line connection (analog)AGND5-analog groundRREF6A connect to the external bias resistor; must be connected toground via a 12.0kΩ±1% resistorRESET_N7I reset input(500µs);a LOW level produces an asynchronousreset; connect to V CC for the power-on reset (internal PORcircuit)TTL; 5V tolerantEOT8I End-of-transfer input (programmable polarity); used in DMAslave mode only;when not in use,connect this pin to V CC(I/O)through a 10kΩ resistorinput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantDREQ9O DMA request (programmable polarity) output; when not inuse,connect this pin to ground through a10kΩresistor;seeT able54 and T able55TTL; 4ns slew-rate controlDACK10I DMA acknowledge input (programmable polarity); when notin use, connect this pin to V CC(I/O) through a 10kΩ resistor;see T able54 and T able55TTL; 5V tolerantDIOR11I DMA read strobe input(programmable polarity);when not inuse,connect this pin to V CC(I/O)through a10kΩresistor;seeT able54 and T able55TTL; 5V tolerantDIOW12I DMA write strobe input(programmable polarity);when not inuse,connect this pin to V CC(I/O)through a10kΩresistor;seeT able54 and T able55TTL; 5V tolerantDGND13-digital groundINT14O interrupt output; programmable polarity (active HIGH orLOW) and signaling (edge or level triggered)CMOS output; 8mA driveCS_N15I chip select inputinput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantRD_N16I read strobe inputinput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantWR_N17I write strobe inputinput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantTable 2:Pin description…continuedSymbol[1]Pin Type[2]DescriptionA018I bit0 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantA119I bit1 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantA220I bit2 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantV CC(I/O)[3]21-supply voltage; used to supply voltage to the I/O pads; seeSection8.14A322I bit3 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantA423I bit4 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantA524I bit5 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantA625I bit6 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantDGND26-digital groundA727I bit7 of the address businput pad; TTL; 5V tolerantV CC(1V8)[3]28-regulator output voltage(1.8V±0.15V);tapped out voltagefrom the internal regulator; this regulated voltage cannotdrive external devices; decouple this pin using a 0.1µFcapacitor; see Section8.14DGND29-digital groundDA T A030I/O bit0 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A131I/O bit1 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A232I/O bit2 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A333I/O bit3 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerantV CC(I/O)[3]34-supply voltage; used to supply voltage to the I/O pads; seeSection8.14DA T A435I/O bit4 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A536I/O bit5 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A637I/O bit6 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A738I/O bit7 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerantTable 2:Pin description…continuedSymbol[1]Pin Type[2]DescriptionDA T A839I/O bit8 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A940I/O bit9 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DGND41-digital groundDA T A1042I/O bit10 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A1143I/O bit11 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A1244I/O bit12 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A1345I/O bit13 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A1446I/O bit14 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerant DA T A1547I/O bit15 of bidirectional data busbidirectional pad; 4ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5V tolerantV CC(I/O)[3]48-supply voltage; used to supply voltage to the I/O pads; seeSection8.14V BUS49A USB bus power pin sensing input; used to detect whetherthe host is connected or not; it is an output for V BUS pulsingin OTG mode; when V BUS is not detected, pin RPU isinternally disconnected from pin DP in approximately 4ns;connect a 1µF electrolytic capacitor and a 1MΩ pull-downresistor to ground; see Section8.125V tolerantV CC(1V8)[3]50-regulator output voltage(1.8V±0.15V);tapped out voltagefrom the internal regulator; this regulated voltage can driveexternal devices up to 1mA; decouple this pin using 4.7µFand 0.1µF capacitors; see Section8.14XT AL251O crystal oscillator output (12MHz); connect a fundamentalparallel-resonant crystal; leave this pin open-circuit whenusing an external clock source on pin XT AL1; see T able83 XT AL152I crystal oscillator input (12MHz); connect a fundamentalparallel-resonant crystal or an external clock source(leavingpin XTAL2 unconnected); see T able83V CC[3]53-supply voltage (3.3V±0.3V); this pin supplies the internalvoltage regulator and the analog circuit; see Section8.14V CC[3]54-supply voltage (3.3V±0.3V); this pin supplies the internalvoltage regulator and the analog circuit; see Section8.14[1]Symbol names ending with underscore N (for example, NAME_N) represent active LOW signals.[2]All outputs and I/O pins can source 4mA.[3]Add a decoupling capacitor (0.1µF) to all the supply pins. For better EMI results, add a 0.01µF capacitor in parallel to the 0.1µF .WAKEUP55Iwake-up input;when this pin is at the HIGH level,the chip is prevented from getting into the suspend state and the chip wakes up from the suspend state; when not in use, connect this pin to ground through a 10k Ω resistor input pad; TTL; 5V tolerantSUSPEND 56Osuspend state indicator output; used as a power switch control output for powered-off application or as a resume signal to the CPU for powered-on application CMOS output; 8mA driveGNDexposed die pad-ground supply; down bonded to the exposed die pad (heatsink); to be connected to DGND during PCB layoutTable 2:Pin description …continued Symbol [1]Pin Type [2]Description8.Functional descriptionThe ISP1582 is a high-speed USB peripheral controller. It implements the Hi-SpeedUSB or the Original USB physical layer and the packet protocol layer.It maintains upto 16USB endpoints concurrently (control IN and control OUT, 7IN and 7OUTconfigurable) along with endpoint EP0 setup, which accesses the setup buffer. TheUSB Chapter9 protocol handling is executed by means of external firmware.For high-bandwidth data transfer, the integrated DMA handler can be invoked totransfer data to or from external memory or devices. The DMA interface can beconfigured by writing to the proper DMA registers (see Section9.4).The ISP1582 supports Hi-Speed USB and Original USB signaling. The USBsignaling speed is automatically detected.The ISP1582 has 8kbytes of internal FIFO memory, which is shared among theenabled USB endpoints.There are 7IN endpoints, 7OUT endpoints and 2control endpoints that are a fixed64bytes long. Any of the 7IN and 7OUT endpoints can be separately enabled ordisabled. The endpoint type (interrupt, isochronous or bulk) and packet size of theseendpoints can be individually configured depending on the requirements of theapplication. Optional double buffering increases the data throughput of these dataendpoints.The ISP1582 requires 3.3V power supply. It has 5V tolerant I/O pads whenoperating at V CC(I/O)=3.3V and an internal 1.8V regulator for powering the analogtransceiver.The ISP1582 operates on a 12MHz crystal oscillator. An integrated 40×PLL clockmultiplier generates the internal sampling clock of 480MHz.8.1DMA interface, DMA handler and DMA registersThe DMA block can be subdivided into two blocks: the DMA handler and the DMAinterface.The firmware writes to the DMA command register to start a DMA transfer (seeT able47).The command opcode determines whether a generic DMA or PIO transferwill start. The handler interfaces to the same FIFO (internal RAM) as used by theUSB core. On receiving the DMA command, the DMA handler directs the data fromthe endpoint FIFO to the external DMA device or from the external DMA device to theendpoint FIFO.The DMA interface configures the timing and the DMA handshake. Data can betransferred using either the DIOR and DIOW strobes or by the DACK and DREQhandshakes.The DMA configurations are set up by writing to the DMA Configurationregister (see T able52 and T able53).For a generic DMA interface, Generic DMA (GDMA) slave mode can be used.Remark:The DMA endpoint buffer length must be a multiple of 4bytes.For details on DMA registers, see Section9.4.8.2Hi-Speed USB transceiverThe analog transceiver directly interfaces to the USB cable through integratedtermination resistors. The high-speed transceiver requires an external resistor(12.0kΩ±1%) between pin RREF and ground to ensure an accurate current mirrorthat generates the Hi-Speed USB current drive.A full-speed transceiver is integrated as well. This makes the ISP1582 compliant to Hi-Speed USB and Original USB,supporting both the high-speed and full-speed physical layers.After automatic speed detection, the Philips Serial Interface Engine (SIE) sets the transceiver to use either high-speed or full-speed signaling.8.3MMU and integrated RAMThe Memory Management Unit (MMU) and the integrated RAM provide theconversion between the USB speed (full-speed: 12Mbit/s, high-speed: 480Mbit/s)and the microcontroller handler or the DMA handler. The data from the USB bus isstored in the integrated RAM,which is cleared only when the microcontroller has read or written all data from or to the corresponding endpoint buffer or when the DMAhandler has read or written all data from or to the endpoint buffer.The OUT endpoint buffer can also be cleared forcibly by setting bit CLBUF in the Control Functionregister. A total of 8kbytes RAM is available for buffering.8.4Microcontroller interface and microcontroller handlerThe microcontroller handler allows the external microcontroller or microprocessor to access the register set in the Philips SIE as well as the DMA handler. Theinitialization of the DMA configuration is done through the microcontroller handler.8.5OTG SRP moduleThe OTG supplement defines a Session Request Protocol (SRP), which allows aB-device to request the A-device to turn on V BUS and start a session. This protocolallows the A-device,which may be battery-powered,to conserve power by turning off V BUS when there is no bus activity while still providing a means for the B-device toinitiate bus activity.Any A-device, including a PC or laptop, can respond to SRP. Any B-device, includinga standard USB peripheral, can initiate SRP.The ISP1582 is a device that can initiate SRP.8.6Philips high-speed transceiver8.6.1Philips Parallel Interface Engine (PIE)In the high-speed (HS) transceiver, the Philips PIE interface uses a 16-bit parallelbidirectional data interface.The functions of the HS module also include bit-stuffing or destuffing and Non-Return-to-Zero Inverted (NRZI) encoding or decoding logic.8.6.2Peripheral circuitT o maintain a constant current driver for HS transmit circuits and to bias other analog circuits, an internal band gap reference circuit and an RREF resistor form thereference current. This circuit requires an external precision resistor (12.0kΩ±1%) connected to the analog ground.8.6.3HS detectionThe ISP1582 handles more than one electrical state—full-speed (FS) or high-speed (HS)—under the USB specification. When the USB cable is connected from theperipheral to the host controller, the ISP1582 defaults to the FS state until it sees abus reset from the host controller.During the bus reset, the peripheral initiates an HS chirp to detect whether the host controller supports Hi-Speed USB or Original USB. Chirping must be done with the pull-up resistor connected and the internal termination resistors disabled. If the HShandshake shows that there is an HS host connected, then the ISP1582 switches to the HS state.In the HS state, the ISP1582 should observe the bus for periodic activity. If the busremains inactive for 3ms, the peripheral switches to the FS state to check for aSingle-Ended Zero (SE0) condition on the USB bus. If an SE0 condition is detected for the designated time (100µs to 875µs; refer to section of the USBspecification Rev. 2.0), the ISP1582 switches to the HS chirp state to perform an HS detection handshake.Otherwise,the ISP1582remains in the FS state adhering to the bus-suspend specification.8.7Philips Serial Interface Engine (SIE)The Philips SIE implements the full USB protocol layer. It is completely hardwired for speed and needs no firmware intervention. The functions of this block include:synchronization pattern recognition, parallel or serial conversion, bit (de)stuffing,CRC checking or generation, Packet IDentifier (PID) verification or generation,address recognition, handshake evaluation or generation.8.8SoftConnectThe connection to the USB is established by pulling pin DP (for full-speed devices)HIGH through a 1.5kΩ pull-up resistor. In the ISP1582, an external 1.5kΩ pull-upresistor must be connected between pin RPU and 3.3V. Pin RPU connects thepull-up resistor to pin DP,when bit SOFTCT in the Mode register is set(see Table20 and T able21). After a hardware reset, the pull-up resistor is disconnected by default (bit SOFTCT=0). The USB bus reset does not change the value of bit SOFTCT.When the V BUS is not present, the SOFTCT bit must be set to logic0 to comply with the back-drive voltage.8.9System controllerThe system controller implements the USB power-down capabilities of the ISP1582.Registers are protected against data corruption during wake-up following a resume(from the suspend state) by locking the write access until an unlock code has beenwritten in the Unlock Device register (see Table73 and Table74).8.10Output pins statusT able3 illustrates the behavior of output pins when V CC(I/O) is supplied with V CC invarious operating conditions.Table 3:ISP1582 pin status[1]V CC V CC(I/O)State PinRESET_N INT_N SUSPEND DREQ DATA[15:0] 0V V CC dead[2]X X X X X0V V CC plug-out[3]X LOW HIGH high-Z input0V−>3.3V V CC plug-in[4]X LOW HIGH high-Z high-Z3.3V V CC reset LOW HIGH LOW high-Z high-Z3.3V V CC normal HIGH HIGH LOW high-Z high-Z[1]X: Don’t care.[2]Dead: The USB cable is plugged-out and V CC(I/O) is not available.[3]Plug-out: The USB cable is not present but V CC(I/O) is available.[4]Plug-in: The USB cable is being plugged-in and V CC(I/O) is available.8.11Interrupt8.11.1Interrupt output pinThe Interrupt Configuration register of the ISP1582 controls the behavior of the INToutput pin.The polarity and signaling mode of pin INT can be programmed by settingbits INTPOL and INTLVL of the Interrupt Configuration register (R/W: 10h); seeT able24. Bit GLINTENA of the Mode register (R/W: OCh) is used to enable pin INT.Default settings after reset are active LOW and level mode. When pulse mode isselected, a pulse of 60ns is generated when the OR-ed combination of all interruptbits changes from logic0 to logic1.Figure4 shows the relationship between the interrupt events and pin INT.Each of the indicated USB and DMA events is logged in a status bit of the Interruptregister and the DMA Interrupt Reason register, respectively. Corresponding bits inthe Interrupt Enable register and the DMA Interrupt Enable register determinewhether or not an event will generate an interrupt.Interrupts can be masked globally by means of bit GLINTENA of the Mode register;see T able21.Field CDBGMOD[1:0] of the Interrupt Configuration register controls the generationof the INT signals for the control pipe. Field DDBGMODIN[1:0] of the InterruptConfiguration register controls the generation of the INT signals for the IN pipe.FieldDDBGMODOUT[1:0]of the Interrupt Configuration register controls the generation ofthe INT signals for the OUT pipe; see Table25.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxPhilips SemiconductorsISP1582Hi-Speed USB peripheral controller9397 750 13699© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V . 2004. All rights reserved.Preliminary data Rev. 03 — 25 August 200414 of 66Fig 4.Interrupt logic.ORInterrupt register DMA Interrupt ReasonregisterDMA Interrupt EnableregisterInterrupt Enable registerDMA_XFER_OKEXT_EOT INT_EOT IE_DMA_XFER_OK IE_EXT_EOTIE_INT_EOT ORIEBRESET IESOFIEDMAIEP7RX IEP7TXBRESET SOFDMAEP7RX EP7TX..............................004aaa275LATCHGLINTENA INTPOLLE Interrupt ConfigurationregisterMode registerINTPULSE/LEVEL GENERATOR8.11.2Interrupt controlBit GLINTENA in the Mode register is a global enable/disable bit.The behavior of this bit is given in Figure 5.Event A: When an interrupt event occurs (for example, SOF interrupt) withbit GLINTENA set to logic 0, an interrupt will not be generated at pin INT. It will,however, be registered in the corresponding Interrupt register bit.Event B:When bit GLINTENA is set to logic 1,pin INT is asserted because bit SOF in the Interrupt register is already set.Event C: If the firmware sets bit GLINTENA to logic 0, pin INT will still be asserted.The bold dashed line shows the desired behavior of pin INT.Deassertion of pin INT can be achieved either by clearing all the Interrupt register or the DMA Interrupt Reason register, depending on the event.Remark:When clearing an interrupt event, perform write to all the bytes of the register.For more information on interrupt control, see Section 9.2.2,Section 9.2.5 and Section BUS sensingPin V BUS is one of the ways to wake up the clock when the ISP1582 is suspended with bit CLKAON set to logic 0 (clock off option).T o detect whether the host is connected or not,that is V BUS sensing,a 1M Ωresistor and a 1µF electrolytic capacitor must be added to damp the overshoot upon plug-in.Pin INT: HIGH =deassert; LOW =assert (individual interrupts are enabled).Fig 5.Behavior of bit GLINTENA.INT pin004aaa394GLINTENA = 0SOF assertedGLINTENA = 1SOF assertedGLINTENA = 0(during this time,an interrupt event occurs. For example, SOF asserted.)AB CFig 6.Resistor and electrolytic capacitor needed for V BUS sensing.1 M ΩISP1582004aaa440+1 µF49USB Connector8.13Power-on resetThe ISP1582 requires a minimum pulse width of 500µs.Pin RESET_N can be either connected to V CC (using the internal POR circuit) or externally controlled (by the microcontroller, ASIC, and so on). When V CC is directly connected to pin RESET_N, the internal pulse width t PORP will be typically 200ns.The power-on reset function can be explained by viewing the dips at t2-t3 and t4-t5on the V CC(POR) curve (Figure 9).t0 —The internal POR starts with a HIGH level.t1 —The detector will see the passing of the trip level and a delay element will add another t PORP before it drops to LOW.t2-t3 —The internal POR pulse will be generated whenever V CC(POR) drops below V trip for more than 11µs.t4-t5 —The dip is too short (<11µs) and the internal POR pulse will not react and will remain LOW.Figure 10 shows the availability of the clock with respect to the external POR.Fig 7.Oscilloscope reading:no resistorand capacitor in the network.Fig 8.Oscilloscope reading: withresistor and capacitor in the network.004aaa441004aaa442(1) PORP = power-on reset pulse.Fig 9.POR timing.004aaa389V BAT(POR)t0t1t2t3t4t5V triptPORPPORP (1)tPORP。
黑龙江省哈尔滨市师范大学附属中学2024-2025学年高一上学期期中考试数学试题一、单选题1.命题:2p x ∃>,20x >,则p ⌝是()A .2x ∃>,20x ≤B .2x ∀≤,20x ≤C .2x ∃≤,20x ≤D .2x ∀>,20x ≤2.已知集合{}2|2M y y x x ==-+,{}2|log N y y x ==,则M N = ()A .(0,1]B .(0,2]C .(,1]-∞D .[1,)+∞3.若函数2,0()25,0x x f x x x x ⎧≤⎪=⎨+->⎪⎩,则[(1)]f f -=()A .2-B .2C .4-D .44.下列函数中,既不是奇函数,也不是偶函数的是()A.y =B.)y x =C .122xxy =+D .e xy x =+5.函数()f x =的定义域为()A .1(,1)2B .1[,1)2C .1[,1]2D .1(,1]26.幂函数()()233mf x m m x =--在区间()0,∞+上单调递减,则下列说法正确的是()A .4m =B .4m =或1m =-C .()f x 是奇函数D .()f x 是偶函数7.已知函数()221f x x x =-,则不等式()()211f x f x -≤+的解集为()A .(]0,2B .[]0,2C .110,,222⎛⎫⎛⎤ ⎪ ⎥⎝⎭⎝⎦D .110,,222⎡⎫⎛⎤⋃⎪ ⎢⎥⎣⎭⎝⎦8.已知,x y 为正实数,且1x y +=,则321x y xy+-的最小值为()A.7B.3+C.D .6二、多选题9.给定函数()2f x x =-+,()g x =R x ∀∈,用()M x 表示()f x ,()g x 中的最大者,记为()(){}()max ,M x f x g x =,下列关于函数()M x 的说法正确的是()A .函数()M x 是偶函数B .函数()M x 的最大值是2C .函数()M x 在()0,1递增D .函数()M x 有四个单调区间10.已知函数()2lg ,021,0x x f x x x x ⎧>=⎨++≤⎩,若()()F x f x k =-有四个不同的零点1x ,2x ,3x ,4x 且1234x x x x <<<,则下列说法正确的是()A .01k <<B .122x x +=-C .341x x ⋅=D .3410x x +<11.高斯是德国著名的数学家,近代数学奠基者之一,享有“数学王子”的称号,他和阿基米德,牛顿并列为世界三大数学家,用其名字命名的“高斯函数”为:对于实数x ,符号表示不超过x 的最大整数,则=称为高斯函数,例如[]e 2=,[]1.82-=-,定义函数()[]f x x x =-,则下列说法正确的是()A .函数()f x 无最大值B .函数()f x 的最小值为1C .函数()f x 在(2,1)--上递增D .()()1f x f x +=三、填空题12.函数212()log (4)f x x =-的单调递增区间为.13.若不等式210ax ax +-<对一切R x ∈恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围是.14.矩形ABCD (AB AD >)的周长为24,把ABC V 沿AC 向ADC △折叠,AB 折过去后交CD 于点P .当AB =时,三角形ADP 的面积最大,最大值为.四、解答题15.计算下列各式的值:00.511620229-⎛⎫⎛⎫++⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(2)7log23log lg25lg47+-.16.设0a>且1a≠,函数()log1log(3)a ay x x=++-的图像过点()1,2.(1)求a的值及函数的定义域;(2)求函数在区间30,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最大值.17.如今中国已经成为全球最大的新能源汽车消费市场,并且建成了高效的协同产业体系,2024年上半年新能源汽车销售469万辆,同比增长29.7%.某企业计划引进新能源汽车生产设备,通过市场分析,每生产x(千辆)获利()W x(万元),关系如下:275(3),02()750,261x xW x xxx⎧+≤≤⎪=⎨<≤⎪+⎩,该公司预计2024年全年其他成本总投入为30x万元.由市场调研知,该种车销路畅通,供不应求.记2024年的全年利润为()f x(单位:万元).(1)求函数()f x的解析式;(2)当2024年产量为多少千辆时,该企业利润最大?最大利润是多少?请说明理由. 18.已知函数()()4121x xf x m=-+⋅-.(1)若0m=,求()f x在区间[]1,2-上的值域;(2)若方程()20f x+=有实根,求实数m的取值范围;(3)设函数()224112x xg x-+-⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,若对任意的[]11,2x∈-,总存在[]20,3x∈,使得()()12f xg x≥,求实数m的取值范围.19.对于函数(),y f x x I=∈,若存在0x I∈,使得()00f x x=,则称x为函数()y f x=的“不动点”;若存在0x I∈,使得()()00f f x x=,则称x为函数()y f x=的“稳定点”.记函数()y f x=的“不动点”和“稳定点”的集合分别为A和B,即{}(),A x f x x=={}(())B x f f x x==.(1)设函数()21f x x=+,求A和B;(2)证明:若()f x为连续的单调函数,则A B=;(3)若()()2R,R f x x a x a =+∈∈,存在a ,使得AB ,求实数a 的取值范围.。
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯
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xiexie! 38、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。——亚伯拉罕·林肯
36、“不可能”这个字(法语是一个字 ),只 在愚人 的字典 中找得 到。--拿 破仑。 37、不要生气要争气,不要看破要突 破,不 要嫉妒 要欣赏 ,不要 托延要 积极, 不要心 动要行 动。 38、勤奋,机会,乐观是成功的三要 素。(注 意:传 统观念 认为勤 奋和机 会是成 功的要 素,但 是经过 统计学 和成功 人士的 分析得 出,乐 观是成 功的第 三要素 。