

精品小学微课课件-小升初英语知识点精讲 序数词的用法

精品小学微课课件-小升初英语知识点精讲 序数词的用法

1.表示顺序 the + 序数词 2.表示日期 月 + the +序数词
1.经常与the连用; 2.表示“再一次”时与 a(an)连用;
选A。表示数量用基数词,表示顺序用序数 词。
I bought _____ second computer yesterday. A. a C 题目要表达的意思是“又买了一台电脑”,所以应该用不定冠 词a. A B. an C. the
Sarah is 12 years old. Today is her _________ birthday. A. twelve C Sarah12岁了,今天是她的第12个生日,应当用序数词twelfth, 因为前面有her修饰,所以不需要再加the. B B. twelfth C. the twelfth
Today is my ninth birthday!
the first picture
Picture One the third lesson Lesson Three 第三课 第一张图片
Oct. 4th 十月四日 一月一日
读作:October the fourth Jan. 1st
读作:January the first
the first picture January the first 序数词前经常加上the
序数词与a(an) 再一次: I want to read the book a third time. 这本书我想再读第三遍。
当序数词前有物主代词或名词所有格修 饰时,不用冠词。 his second book Peter’s third job 他的第二本书 彼得的第三份工作

序数词 教案

序数词 教案

序数词教案教案标题:序数词教案教案目标:1. 学生能够理解和正确使用序数词。

2. 学生能够在日常生活中准确描述和排序事物的顺序。

教学重点:1. 序数词的定义和用法。

2. 序数词的读法和写法。

教学准备:1. PPT演示文稿。

2. 白板和黑板。

3. 学生练习册和活动材料。

4. 序数词卡片。

教学过程:步骤一:导入1. 引入序数词的概念,例如:“今天我们要学习的是序数词,你们知道序数词是什么吗?它在我们的日常生活中有什么作用?”2. 通过展示图片或物品,让学生描述它们的顺序,并引导学生思考使用序数词来描述事物的顺序的必要性。

步骤二:讲解1. 使用PPT演示文稿,介绍序数词的定义和用法。


2. 通过示例展示不同的序数词的读法和写法,例如:“第一、第二、第三、第四、第十”等。

3. 强调序数词的规则变化,例如:“当序数词以1结尾时,通常要在数字后面加上-th,如:first、eleventh;以2结尾时,通常要在数字后面加上-nd,如:second、twelfth。

”步骤三:练习1. 分发练习册和活动材料,让学生完成相关的练习,如填空、排序、连线等,以巩固他们对序数词的理解和运用。

2. 制作一些序数词卡片,让学生分组进行游戏,比赛谁能最快地按照卡片上的序数词排列物品。

步骤四:拓展1. 引导学生运用所学的序数词知识,描述自己日常生活中的事物顺序或活动的顺序。

2. 给学生一些挑战性的问题,让他们尝试用序数词回答,如:“你家离学校的第几个街区?你家楼下的公交车站是第几个站?”等。

步骤五:总结1. 整理学生的学习成果,总结序数词的用法和规则。

2. 鼓励学生在日常生活中多加运用序数词,提高他们的语言表达能力。

教学延伸:1. 鼓励学生阅读有关顺序和排序的故事书或文章,帮助他们更好地理解和运用序数词。

2. 制作序数词的记忆卡片,让学生自主学习和复习。

评估方式:1. 教师观察学生在课堂上的表现和参与度。



小升初语法专题复习——基数词、序数词的用法一、知识点讲解:重点、考点:语法点总结:数词(一)定义与分类1. 数词是指表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。

2. 分为基数词和序数词。

(1)表示数目多少的数词叫基数词,如one, five, ten, thirty, sixtyfive 等。

(2)表示顺序的数词叫序数词,如first, sixth, tenth, twentyfirst 等。





【基数词与序数词的变化规则】1. 基数词表示数目,序数词表示顺序。

2. 基数词变成序数词的规律:One two three eight fivenine twelve twenty twenty one(二)基数词1.英语中没有“万”这个读数单位,要表示汉语中的“万”,英语需借用thousand一词,如“一万”用“十个千”表示(ten thousand),“十万”用“一百个千”表示(one hundred thousand)。

354读作three hundred and fiftyfour75,206读作seventyfive thousand two hundred and six2.基数词112是独立的词,1319都是以teen结尾的词,基数词2090整数词都是以ty结尾,都是非重读音节。

()What’s six and five? It’s _________.A. elevenB. twelveC. thirteen3.基数词2199都是由“几十”和“几”合起来构成,词中间加连字符,并分别重读。

如:21 twentyone, 23 twentythree, 34 thirtyfour, 45 fortyfive, 56 fiftysix, 99 ninetynine.()There are _________ students in our class.A. fiftyfourB. fifteen fourC. five ten fourD. fivetyfour4. 基数词101999,先读“几百”,再加and,再加末两位数。



序数词教案初中教学对象:初中学生教学目标:1. 让学生掌握序数词的构成规律和用法。

2. 培养学生正确运用序数词进行表达和交流的能力。

3. 提高学生对英语语法的认识和运用水平。

教学重点:1. 序数词的构成规律。

2. 序数词的用法和表达。

教学难点:1. 序数词的构成规律和记忆。

2. 序数词在实际语境中的运用。

教学准备:1. PPT课件。

2. 练习题。

教学过程:Step 1:导入(5分钟)1. 教师通过PPT展示一些生活中常见的顺序,如楼层、座位号等,引导学生思考并用中文表达这些顺序。

2. 学生分享自己的思考和表达方式。

Step 2:讲解序数词(15分钟)1. 教师介绍序数词的构成规律:从“one”到“nine”的序数词直接对应中文的数字词,从“ten”开始的序数词,在相应数字词后面加上“-ty”再加“-eth”。

2. 教师用PPT展示序数词的构成规律,并进行解释。

3. 学生跟随教师一起朗读和记忆序数词。

Step 3:练习(15分钟)1. 教师给出一些数字,要求学生将其转换为对应的序数词。

2. 学生独立完成练习,教师进行巡视指导。

3. 教师选取部分学生的答案进行讲解和纠正。

Step 4:应用(15分钟)1. 教师创设一些实际场景,如教室座位号、楼层等,要求学生用序数词进行表达。

2. 学生分组进行讨论,并在班级内分享自己的表达方式。

3. 教师对学生的表达进行评价和指导。

Step 5:总结与作业(5分钟)1. 教师对本节课的内容进行总结,强调序数词的构成规律和用法。

2. 布置作业:用序数词写一篇关于班级同学座位安排的文章。













教学过程:Step 1 导入新知(5分钟)1.教师用图片展示一、二、三这三个数字,并问学生这三个数字怎么读。



Step 2 学习新知(15分钟)1.教师用图片展示4-10的阿拉伯数字,并让学生口头回答。


3.教师重点讲解一、二、三序数词的特殊表达方式:first (一)、second(二)、third(三)。



Step 3 练习巩固(15分钟)1.教师以小组为单位进行游戏,让学生在规定时间内完成四、五、六、七、八、九、十序数词的编写。


Step 4 拓展延伸(15分钟)1.教师用课件展示一些特殊序数词的例子,如第一、第二十等,让学生尝试读出来。


Step 5 课堂小结(5分钟)1.教师回顾本节课所学内容,进行简单总结。


Step 6 课后作业:1.完成练习册上的相关习题。




初中序数词教案一、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握常用的序数词,包括1-100的序数词。

2. 让学生能够正确运用序数词进行表达,提高学生的语言运用能力。

3. 让学生了解序数词的构成规律,提高学生的语法水平。

二、教学内容:1. 序数词的定义及用法2. 序数词的构成规律3. 常用序数词的练习三、教学重点与难点:1. 重点:序数词的定义、用法及构成规律。

2. 难点:序数词的熟练运用。

四、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设定生活情境,让学生在实际语境中学习序数词。

2. 互动教学法:引导学生进行小组讨论,提高学生的参与度和积极性。

3. 游戏教学法:设计有趣的游戏,让学生在游戏中巩固序数词。

五、教学步骤:1. 导入新课:通过提问方式引导学生思考序数词的定义及用法。

2. 讲解序数词:详细讲解序数词的构成规律,让学生掌握序数词的编写方法。

3. 示例练习:给出一些示例,让学生跟读、模仿,加深对序数词的理解。

4. 小组讨论:让学生分组讨论,相互练习序数词,提高口语表达能力。

5. 游戏环节:设计有趣的游戏,如“数数接龙”,让学生在游戏中巩固序数词。

6. 课堂总结:对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调序数词的重要性和用法。

7. 课后作业:布置相关练习题,让学生课后巩固所学知识。

六、教学评价:1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、发言积极性等。

2. 练习反馈:检查学生课后作业的完成情况,了解学生的掌握程度。

3. 游戏环节:观察学生在游戏中的表现,检验学生的实际运用能力。







二、序数词的变化规律:1、基数词变序数词的口诀:一二三,特殊记;八去”t”, 九去”e”;五、十二中”ve”变”f”;整十去”y”为”i”再加”eth”;要是遇到两位数,只变个位就可以。



two__________ three__________ four__________ five__________eight__________ nine__________ twelve__________ twenty__________ thirty__________ forty__________ forty-one__________ two hundred_______二、用括号内所给数词的正确形式填空1.We are in Class__________(3).2.We have__________(12) months of the year, December is the__________(12)one.3.This is my__________(bag).4.My birthday is on December the __________(21).5.I have__________(3) books. I like the __________(3) book.三、单项选择()1.There are_________days in a year.A.three hundred and sixty fiveB. three hundred and sixty-fiveC.three hundreds and sixty five()2.David lives in_________.A. room 404B.Room 404C.404 room()3.Jim is in_________.A. class one, grade sixB.grade one, class sixC.Class One, Grade Six.()4.--What day is it today? --_________.A. JuneB. TuesdayC.It is hot.()5.There are_________students in this school.A.four hundred and fifty twoB. four hundreds fifty twoC.four hundred and fifty-two()6.December is_________and last month in a year.A.the twelvethB. twelveC. the twelfth()7.This is her_________birthday,I think.A. twentyB.twentiethC.the twentieth()8.There are _________days in a week.A. the sevenB. seventhC.seven()9.August is the_________ month in a year.A. seventhB. eighthC.fourth()10.There are_________minutes in an hour.A. sixtyB.sixteenC.six()11.--What’s six and one? --It’s _________.A.sevenB. fiveC.the seventh()12.My brother are in Grade_________.A. FiveB. FifthC. the fifth()13.There are two_________people on the playground.A. hundredB. hundredsC.hundreds of()14.--What’s in the time now? --It’s_________.A. Sixth o’clockB.half past sixC. sixth()15.Mr Black is the_________ to come school.A.the firstB.oneC. first快乐练习:一、对划线部分提问。





二、【知识讲解】知识点3——日期的表达知识点4——年龄的表达at the age of… 在.. 岁时…year(s) old … 岁in one’s fifties 在某人五十多岁时知识点6—— a/an用法区别知识点7——a/an用法易错点There is an “s” in the word school. There is an “m” in the word mud.三、【典例探究】【例题1】:There are _____ floors in my house and my bedroom is on the _____ floor.A. twelfth; ninthB. twelve; ninthC. twelve; ninethD. twelfth; nineth答案:B【解析】基数词+ns ,the +序数词+n(单数)【例题2】:Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize in her .A. eightiesB. eightyC. eightiethD. eightieths答案:A【解析】in sb's eighties表示在某人八十多岁时,故选择A。

【例题3】:—Where were you born,Michael?—I was born in a small village with only three _______ people.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundreds of答案:A【解析】对于hundred、thousand、million等量词,要记住“有数字无s和of,没有数字有s 必有of”,这个口诀需要学生背诵,这类习题也就拿下了。

序数词讲解与训练Microsoft Word 文档 (4)

序数词讲解与训练Microsoft Word 文档 (4)

数词讲解与训练(一序数词的常用法:序数词译为第…,序数词前一般要用定冠词the常考点:1. the second/third…+最高级The Y ellow River is the second longest river in China.2.sb’s +序数词+birthday 表示某人的多少岁生日We attended Jim’s fifteenth birthday party yesterday.3. a second/third…time a second/third…try/n表示又一次,再试一次,再一…等等Let me have a second try. Y ou foget to turn off the lights a second time. I have had a bowl of soup. I want a second bowl.4. 表示楼层He lives on the twelfth floor.5. 在every third year=every three years 等类似短语中注意不用the6.在分数中分母用序数词分子超过一序数词加s : a/one half a/one third three fourths/quarters three fifths 但是百分数不加s: twenty percent 另外分数百分数加of 跟名词整个短语由名词决定动词单复数7. 表示日期June 8 读作June the eighth or June eighth8. 0.5/1.5/2.5/3.5…小时的表达法half an hour one and a half hours =one hour and a halftwo and a half hours =two hours and a halfthree and a half hours =three hours and a half数词练习题:1. Bob bought five ______yesterday.A. five-jiaos stampB. five-jiaos stampsC. five-jiao stampsD. five jiao-stamp2. Mr. Smith has an______daughter.A. eight years oldB. eight-year-old C . eight year old D. eight-years-old3. Mary had learned _____English words by the end of last term.A. four hundredsB. four hundreds ofC. four hundred ofD. four hundred4. The computer of today can work ______than those early ones.A. hundred of times fasterB. a hundred time fasterC. hundreds of time fasterD.hundreds of times faster5. Y ou took up _____of an empty seat.A. three-fourthsB. third –fourthsC. three-four D three-fourth6. There are _____in this building. I live on______.A. nine floors, ninth floorB. nine floor, the nineth floorC. the nine floors, the ninth floorD.nine floors, the ninth floor7. We are going to learn______.A. the Lesson ThreeB. The Three LessonC. the Third LessonD.a Third Lesson8.Taiwan has been part of China since_____years ago.A.. hundredB.hundreds ofC. nine hundred ofD. nine hundreds of9. Sam, it is the ____time in ____days that you’ve made the same mistake.A. two, threeB. second, threeC. two; thirdD. second ;third10. Liu Xiang is an Olympic winner in the _____hurdles. We’re proud of him.A. 110-metersB. 110-meterC.110 meter11.Two days isn’t enough for me to finish the work. I need ____day.A. a thirdB. the thirdC. the otherD. other12. She is _______, but she looks young.A. in her fiftyB. at her fiftyC. in her fiftiesD. at her fifties13. There are more than two ____languages spoken in Nigeria.A. hundredB.hundreds ofC. hundredsD. hundred of14. Excuse me. Where is Mr. Green.’s office? Maybe he is on______floor.A.sevenB. the sevenC. the seventhD. seventh15. ____the students in the primary school is about three thousand, _____of them are girls.A. A number of; two thirdB. The number of ; two thirdsC. A number of ; two thirdsD. The number of ;two third16. I think_____of he materials I listen to at the beginning of theexam______easy.A. two thirds; isB. second three; areC. two thirds; areD.two third ;are17.About _____of the doctors in the hospital are women.A. three fifthsB. third fifthsC. third fifthD. three fifth18. We’ll have a _____holiday. What about going to the West Lake?A. three-dayB. three daysC. three-daysD. three-days’19. Would you like some fruit, madam?______,please.A. Three kilo applesB. Three kilo of applesC. Three kilos of applesD. Thr ee kilos’ apples20. These sets of rooms in this apartment building are suitable for a ______.A. family of threeB. three- people familyC. family of three peopleD.three people’s family21. There are _____days in a week.A. the seventhB. seventhC. the sevenD. seven22. Mr Green has lived in the ______hotel since he came to China.A.four-starsB.four -starC. four stars D four star’s23. I will stay in Beijing for______.A. one or two daysB. one and two daysC. one day or two daysD. the day or two24.In our city, ____middle school students want to work as a teacher inthe future.A. thousandB. thousand ofC. thousands ofD. two thousand of25. How much does it cost to build the school library?Four ____yuan.lionB. millionsC. millions ofD. million of答案:1-5 CBDDA6-10 DCBBB 11-15ACACB 16-20 CAACA 21-25DBACC。



小升初辅导教案(4)基数词“几十几”变成序数词时,将个位数变成序数词,十位数不变,如:eighty- four ——eighty-fourth。

(5)序数词的缩写形式,由阿拉伯数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母构成,如:first -1st,twenty-third——23rd难点突破表示时刻可以照表上数字读,如:8:15读作eight fifteeno还可以用另一种方法表达时间,表示“几点过几分”,用介词past,分数须在30分钟以内(包括30分钟),如:6:20读作twentypast six;表示“几点差几分”,用介词to,分数须在30分钟以上,如:4:58读作two to five。

自我测评1. 用英语读出下列内容(1) Room 504 (2) page 64 (3) Exercise 18 (4) Tel:67834152 (5) Feb 24th (6) Oct 1st2. 朗读下列问题并回答(1)What's your telephone number?(2)How old is your father?(3)When's your birthday?(4)What's the temperature today?(5)When is Children's Day?3. 用英语说出下列时间(1)8:40 (2)2:15 (3)4:00(4)7:35 (5)5:45 (6)10:054. 选择听到的内容( ) (1) A. 14 B. 40 C. 15( ) (2) A. 13th B. 30 C. 13( ) (3) A. 451 B. 415 C. 541( ) (4) A. 216 B. 260 G. 206 ( ) (5) A. 7413 B. 7530 C. 7430( ) (6) A. 58197234 B. 58912734 C. 58192743Keys: (1)B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) C (6) B6. 按从小到大的顺序排列下列数字(1) fifty-one eleven eighty sevenforty-nine twenty-three nineteen twenty-eight(2) twentieth ninth thirty-secondseventieth thirty-seventh fifty-first twelfth thirdKeys:(1) seveneleven nineteen twenty-three twenty-eight forty-nine fifty-one eighty(2) third ninth twelfth twentieth thirty-second thirty-seventh fifty-first seventieth7. 将下列词组译成英语(1) 二十个桃子___________ (2) 两杯水 ____________________(3) 三年级________________ (4) 一月九日__________________(5) 第八课_______________ (6) 一百只蝴蝶_______________Keys:(1) twenty peaches (2) two glasses of water (3) Grade Three(4) January, the ninth/the ninth of January (5) Lesson Eight(6) one hundred butterflies8. 选词填空(1) Is your birthday on December the ___ (thirty-one, thirty-first)?(2)__________ (nineteenth, nineteen) children in our class go to school by school bus.(3)___________________ My block has (twenty, twentieth) floors. I live on the (twelfth, twelve) floor.(4) Sandy is ________ (second, two) years old. He is ____ (eighty-fourth, eighty-four) centimeters tall.(5) —How much is the English dictionary?—It's _________ (fifty-eight, fifty-eighth) yuan.(6)_________________________________ It was cold and rainy yesterday. It was ______________________________ (four, fourth) degrees.There were (seven, seventh) millimeters of rain.Keys: (1) thirty-first (2) Nineteen (3) twenty, twelfth(4) two, eighty-four (5)fifty-eight (6)four, seven趣味阅读A poor dogDanny is a little pig. He is unhappy. Because he wants to leave home to see the world.It's a sunny day. Danny goes away when his parents are sleeping. On his way he meets an elephant, a peacock and a rabbit. At last, he gets to a lake. He looks at his reflection in the water and says, "I wish I have an elephant's nose, a peacock's tail and a rabbit's ears." After a while, Danny's wish comes true. He runs back excitedly.But his parents can't recognize Danny, "Go away, you're not our son." Danny goes to the lake again. "I just want to be a pig," He says sadly. Danny waits and waits. He becomes a pig again.Danny runs back quickly. His parents hug him and say, "This is our lovely baby."根据短文内容选择( ) (1) Danny meets ____ on the way.A. a peacock, a rabbit and a dogB. an elephant, a rabbit and a crocodileC. an elephant, a peacock and a rabbit( ) (2) Danny's wish comes true. He has got _ .A. a short noseB. two long earsC. a short tailKeys: (1) C (2) B (3) AⅠ. Look and write. (写出下列数字的序数词)1. 2 _____________2. 9 _____________3. 12 ____________4. 20 _____________5. 13 _____________6. 3 _____________7. 78 _____________8. 201 _____________( ) 4. There are___ people in the hall.A. three hundredsB. three hundreds ofC. three hundred( ) 5. Sandy is _____ years old. Today is his __ birthday.A. five .. . fiveB. five ... fifthC. fifth (iv)( ) 6. ______ of students in our class live in school.A. Two fifthB. Second fiveC. Two fifths( ) 7. Sunday is the _____ d ay of the week.A. seventhB. firstC. second( ) 8. There are ____ months in a year. December is the _ month of the year.A. twelve ... twelfthB. twelve . .. twelveC. twelve ... twelveth( ) 9. Tom was ____ to get to school and I was __ .A. first .. . ninthB. the first ... the ninthC. the second ... the nineth( ) 10. My block has ____ floors. I live on the ___ f loor.A. eighteen . . . eightB. eight ... eighteenthC. eighteen ... eighthKeys:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C趣味英语妙趣横生的大小写同一个单词,词首字母仅仅是大小写的差别,意思就完全不一样。



小升初英语总复习精讲精练之数词(二) 序数词&日期表达昨天我们巩固了数词的第一部分:基数词和时间的表达,今天我们继续梳理数词的第二部分:序数词和日期的表达。






汉语中我们表达日期都是从大到小排列,即“年—月—日”,而在英语中,日期的表达顺序是“月—日—年”,月份可以用缩写形式,具体的日期用序数词表达,如:2008年3月24日,用英语表达就是:Mar. 24th, 2008;再例如,2015年5月9日,英语表达就是:May 9th, 2015,切记月份首字母要大写。

在这里,我+单词后两位字母,如:6th, 9th,但是切记每个月的1号,21号,31号要写成1st ,21th,31th,每各月的2号,22号要写成2nd, 22nd,每个月的3号,23号要写成3rd, 23rd。

【精练】一、将下列基数词变为序数词1、one ______2、two______3、three ______4、eight_____5、five _______6、nine______7、twelve _____ 8、twenty____9、thirty-one ___ 10、hundred_____二、阅读短文,根据所给提示填空。

John’s mother wants to know howher son is getting along at school. __1__(一天),she asks, “John, how are you getting along at school ? What is your place ?” “___2___ (第二十一名).”“And how many students are there in your class ?” “__3___ (二十一个),mother.”Some weeks pass. ___4___ (一天),John brings home his test paper.“What’s your place in your class now ?”“___5___ (第二十名)now.”“Good. Then you are ___6___ (一个) place ahead.”“No, mother. ___7___ (其中之一) the students left our class. His family moved to another town!”【精练答案】一、1--5 first , second, third, eighth, fifth6--10 ninth, twelfth, twentieth,thirty-first, hundredth二、1--5 One day, The twenty-first,twenty-one, One day, The twentieth6--7 one, One of。



1. 数词是小升初考英语中重要的复习点和考点之一。






1. 序数词的书面表达和口头表达。

2. 序数词的写法。

Read it!数词定义:数词(Numeral),简称(num),是指表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。


序数词(Ordinal Numbers )表示顺序先后的词,如,The first, The second.在英语中,使用序数词时,序数词前无形容词性物主代词、名词所有格前面(详解下一专题),要加定冠词the,归纳:②非整十的基数词变为序数词,十位数用基数词不变,个位数变序数词,之间加连字符“-”。

(详见习题)例如:第21:twenty-first第88:eighty-eighth①hundred+th整百数词是以the+ 1~9 的基数词+hundredth构成。

例如:第100:a/ the one hundredth (也可写为the 100th)第500:the five hundredth整百序数词缩写时hundredth变为(1-9)数字+00th②非整百数的序数词数词可由“整百数+and+十位数/个位数序数词”构成。

整百与整十数(或个位数)之间用and, 整十数与个位数之间用连字符“-”。

例如:第153:one hundred and fifty-third第101:one hundred and first第308:three hundred and eighth5.thousand+th第1000 :a/one thousandth★注意:例如:第3000:the three thousandth 缩写为:the 3000th/the 3000th 整千序数词缩写时thousandth变为(1-9)数字+000th整千的写法Hundredth/thousandth非整千数的表达The+1-9的基数词+hundreds/thousands补充以下表格一.选择题(共25小题)1.The teachers' office is on_______floor.()A.second B.the two C.the second 2.The art room is on the___floor.()A.one B.first C.two 3.Monday is his________ birthday.()A.eleven B.eleventh C.nine 4.The dinosaur is much taller.()A.first B.one C.two 5.two(序数词)()A.second B.third C.first 6.three(序数词)()A.threeth B.third C.thirty 7.December the _____ is Christmas.()A.twenty﹣five B.twenty﹣fifthC.twentieth﹣five8.Is Sunday the _______ day of a week?()A.first B.once C.one 9.January is the____ month of a year.()A.second B.first C.one 10.﹣﹣Where is the library?﹣﹣It's on the____ floor.()A.one B.first C.two 11.August is the ____ month in a year.()A.fourth B.fifth C.eighth 12.My grandpa's birthday is on the _____ of October.()A.twelve B.twelfth C.twelveth13.January is the _______month of the year.()A.one B.first C.second 14.Mother's Day is on the Sunday in May.()A.two B.second C.twelve 15.The_____month(月)of the year is January.()A.one B.first C.second 16.March is the _______ month of a year.()A.fourth B.third C.fifth 17.Anne' s birthday is on the ____ of June.()A.five B.fiveth C.fifth 18.Monday is the ____________day of a week.()A.first B.second C.third 19.May is the_____month of the year.()A.fifth B.fourth C.third 20.November is the month of the year.()A.sixth B.eleventh C.eighth 21.December is the month of the year.()A.twelve B.twelfth C.eleventh 22.My house is on____floor.What about ?()A.seven;you B.the seventh;you C.seventh;yours D.the seventh;yours 23.Australia is the world's biggest country.()A.six B.sixty C.sixth 24.Mother's Day is on the _____ Sunday in May.()A.second B.third C.two 25.Sunday is the day of a week.()A.first B.one C.seven参考答案一.选择题(共25小题)1.C;2.B;3.B;4.A;5.A;6.B;7.B;8.A;9.B;10.B;11.C;12.B;13.B;14.B;15.B;16.B;17.C;18.B;19.A;20.B;21.B;22.D;23.C;24.A;25.A;。





案例步骤:1. 引入话题教师可以通过故事引入序数词的概念,让学生们了解序数词的作用。



2. 创设情境教师通过讲述故事《小熊的礼物》,让学生们了解序数词在生活中的应用。



3. 教学序数词教师带领学生们学习序数词,并通过实物、图片等形式进行教学。



第一、第二、第三、第四、第五……4. 情境练习教师创设情境,让学生们运用序数词进行练习。


请小朋友们拿出一张纸,写上自己的名字,然后按照顺序写下序数词,比如“第一是我,第二是张三,第三是李四……”5. 总结与巩固教师总结本节课的学习内容,并布置课后作业。



第2篇案例主题:认识序数词教学目标:1. 让学生认识并理解序数词的概念。

2. 让学生能够正确地使用序数词表达顺序。

3. 培养学生的逻辑思维能力和语言表达能力。

教学对象:小学三年级教学准备:1. 序数词卡片(第一、第二、第三等)。

2. 教学PPT或黑板。

3. 小组活动所需的材料。

教学过程:一、导入新课1. 教师出示一幅有多个物品的图片,如:一本书、一支笔、一个苹果。

2. 教师提问:“同学们,你们知道这些物品的顺序吗?”3. 引导学生回答:“第一本书、第二支笔、第三个苹果。

《序数词》 导学案

《序数词》 导学案


2、掌握 1 到 100 以内的常见序数词的正确拼写和用法。








(二)序数词的构成规则1、一般在基数词词尾加“th”例如:four(四)→ fourth(第四)six(六)→ sixth(第六)2、特殊变化(1)one(一)→ first(第一)two(二)→ second(第二)three(三)→ third(第三)(2)以 ve 结尾的基数词,变 ve 为 f,再加“th”例如:five(五)→ fifth(第五)twelve(十二)→ twelfth(第十二)(3)整十的基数词,变 y 为 ie,再加“th”例如:twenty(二十)→ twentieth(第二十)thirty(三十)→ thirtieth(第三十)(4)几十几的序数词,只把个位数变成序数词例如:twentyone(二十一)→ twentyfirst(第二十一)thirtytwo(三十二)→ thirtysecond(第三十二)(三)序数词的用法1、表示顺序例如:The first lesson is very easy(第一课很简单。

)He came in the second place(他得了第二名。

)2、表示日期例如:May 1st is International Workers' Day(五月一日是国际劳动节。

)3、表示楼层例如:We live on the fifth floor(我们住在五楼。

)4、表示分数例如:One third of the students are boys(三分之一的学生是男生。



龙文教育一对一个性化学案第一部分复习时态综合并完成下面练习A.单项选择题.1. She ______ down and soon falls asleep.A. liveB. lainC. laidD. lies2. They _____ the office in time very morning.A. reach toB. arrivedC. wentD. get to3. We shall go to Shanghai on business before you _____ back next week.A. will comeB. cameC. would comeD. come4. The plane ______ off.A.takesB. tookC. was takenD. is take5. I see her ____ the room this morning.A. to enterB. enteredC. enterD. enters6. The teacher asks us ______ to school on time.A. to comeB. comingC. comeD. comes7. There _____ an English film.A. will haveB. is going to haveC. is going to beD. Is8. The picture _______ nice.A. looksB. is lookedC. lookD. is lookingB.根据提示填单词.1.Mr Zheng (read) a book now.2. The rabbits (jump) now.3.. Look ! Tom and John (swim).4. My brother (make) a kite in his room now.5. Look! The bus (stop).6.He _________ (live) in Wuxi two years ago.7. The cat ________ (eat) a bird last night.8. We _______ (have) a party last Halloween.9. Nancy ________ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.10. I ________ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.11.Today is a sunny day. We ___________________ (have) a picnic this afternoon.12.My brother _______________ (go) to Shanghai next week.13.Tom often ______________(go) to school on foot. But today is rain.He ______________ (go) to school by bike.第二部分基数词序数词的讲解1. 基数词表示数目的词称为基数词。



小学升初中英语序数词讲解及练习题一. 序数词1. 基数词变序数词的规律:基变序,有规律。

一、二、三、特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d.(first, second, third)。

八减t,九去e,(eighth, ninth), f 来把ve替。


(twenty-first)序数词1st first2nd second3rd third4th fourth5th fifth6th sixth7th seventh8th eighth9th ninth10th tenth11th eleventh 12th twelfth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 29th twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth31st thirty-first 40th fortieth50th fiftieth60th sixtieth70th seventieth80th eightieth90th ninetieth100th hundredth2. 序数词的用途a. 用来表示时间例如:2008年2月28日可以表示为February 28th, 2007b. 用来表示顺序例如:He is always the first to come to school.他总是第一个来学校。

c. 用来表示楼层例如:He lives on the fourth floor.他住在四楼。

以下是表示月份的单词,同学们要牢记:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 数词的用法:一、表示事物的编号:如: the ninth part = part nine 第九部分the Fourth Lesson = Lesson Four 第四课 the sixth paragraph= paragraph six 第六段二、表示年月日:“年”用基数词,“日用序数词”。




一、二、三、特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d. (如:first, second, third)。

八减t,九去e,(如:eighth, ninth), f来把ve替。



1. one2.two3. six4.five5. nine6.twelve7.eight8.twenty-one②写出下列单词的基数词形式。

1.third2.fourth3.tenth4.twentieth5.nineteenth6.thirty-first _③根据句子意思填空。

1. Children’s Day(儿童节) is on the of June(六月).2. There are months(月)in a year(年).3. Teacher’s Day(教师节) is on the of September(九月).4. Three plus(加) six is .④选择填空。

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【小升初】序数词教案讲义及练习x 一.序数词(一)含义:表示_______多少的词。


_______特殊记,词尾分别tdd(_______ _______ _______) 。




one(序数词)_____ three(序数词)__________(三)考点:(1)节日①---When is the Children’s Day? ---It is June the__________.A.ninthB.secondC.eighthD.first②---When is our National Day? ----It’s _______.A.October 1stB.June 1stC.March 8th(2)星期①There are_____days in a week.Monday is the _____day of a week.A.seven;firstB.seven;oneC.seventh;twoD.seven;second②Saturday is the____day of a week.A.seventhB.sevenC.sixthD.six③There are____days in a week.Thursday is the____day of a week.A.seven;fourthB.seven;fifthC.seventh;five④There are___days in a week.Friday is the____day.A.seven;fifthB.seven;sixthC.seventh;fifthD.seventh;sixth补充:星期一____________ 星期二____________ 星期三______________ 星期四____________ 星期五_________ 星期六___________ 星期天________①---When will you return the book? ---On _________,I think.(星期四)② A week starts on _____and ends on______.A.Monday;SundayB.Monday;SaturdayC.Sunday;SaturdayD.Sunday;Friday 拓展:1)对星期的提问:What day is it today?2)在星期前用介词on eg:在周一____Monday(3)楼层①用所给词的适当形式填空My house is on the___________(two)floor.②My house has______floors and I live on ______floor.A.third;firstB.three;secondC.four;the firstD.three;the one(4)生日I’m _____years old and today is my______birthday.A.nine;ninethB.ninth;ninthC.nine;ninthD.nine;the ninth注意:如果序数词前有形容词性的物主代词,则不加the(5)月份There are______months in a year.September is the______month of the year.A.twelve;nineB.twelfth;ninthC.twelve;ninth补充:月份①---When did you leave the school for the Summer Holiday in China?---In________.A.MarchB.JulyC.MayD.December②A.AprilB.MarchC.JuneD.July拓展:1)日期的表达:日期的表达法通常用序数词,也可以用基数词eg:5月5日书面:5 May(英) 或May5th(美)口语:the fifth of May;May the fifth(英);May fifth(美)2)对日期的提问用:What’s the date today?3)在日期前用介词:oneg:在五月一日____May1st(6)课次Today we are going to learn Lesson_____. It’s______lesson.A First :one B.The first:one C. One:first D.One:the first经典习题一.写出与下列基数词的序数词1. one ___________2. two___________3. three___________4.four________5.five______6. eight__________7.nine ___________8.twelve____________9.twenty____________10.twenty-one______________二.单项选择1. “E” is_________letter of the English alphabet.A. the fifthB. firstC. fifthD.the first2.The_________day of June is Children’s Day.A.oneB.firstC.thirdD.the one3. She was born .A on July 23, 2001B in July 23,2001C in 2001, July 23D on 2001, July234.Today is my_______birthday.A.twelveB.twelvethC.twelfthD.the twelfth5.Thursday is _______day in a week.A.fourthB.fifthC.the fourthD.the fifth 三.根据意思填正确的单词1) There are _______days in a week.2) There are_______ months in a year.3) There are usually ____________ or___________days in one month except(除...之外) _______.4) There are _______seconds in one minute and _______ hours in one day.5) New Year's Day is the_______day of each year.四.英汉互译1. fifty books2. at 2 o’clock3.on Monday ______________ 4 .在3楼 5. the first day of June 6 .在11月8日__________7. the third student 8. thirty yuan9. 12:30 _____________________ 10.eleven to six_______________五. 在横线上用英语填入适当的数字。

1. seven+five=2. six+ =ten3. five +six=4. forty-=fifteen六. 阅读表格,选择正确的答案。

Mason’s Clothes Store1 How much are the pants?_______A. $4B. $11C. $62 How much are two sweaters and a hat?________A. $14B. $20C. $223 You can buy__________in Mason’s Clothes Store.A. black pantsB. blue sweatersC. red socks4 You like red and you only have $6. You can buy _________. .A. a sweaterB. a T-shirtC. a hat5 You have sixteen dollars. You can buy __________ . .A. three sweatersB. two sweatersC. three hats七.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空.每个单词只能选用一次David is 1.__________elephant expert(专家). He works with elephants in Africa. There 2._________ many baby elephants in Africa without a mother or father. David builds a home3._________ them. He works with some people to help baby elephants.When the baby elephants grow up, David and his team send 4.________back to the wild(野外). “Elephants are just like humans(人类). They often5._________back to see their family and the other baby elephants. They are so 6.__________.” David says.1. 2. 3._________________4. 5. 6._________________Ⅱ. 根据这篇短文内容,完成下面各题(共4分)1.What kind of elephants do David and his team help in Africa?They help the elephants who have no .(一空一词)2.Why does David say elephants are just like humans?Because .3.What will happen(发生) to those baby elephants without the help from David and his team?They will probably(可能) .。
