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Abstract:This paper mainly introduces a kind of liquid particle counter of experiments. Particle counter is a measure of liquid insoluble grain the concentration of the star, can use the volume of particles (quality) and the volume of liquid (quality) than said. In experiments with volume we board said. This paper mainly design developing a liquid particle counter, using laser light red point like do, according to the Mie scattering theory, collect certain angle within the scope of the scattering light, again through the photoelectric transforma- tion and calculated measured liquid size distribution. The reasonable design of the light path and the corresponding software, measuring the size for 5 um, 10 um, 25 um, 76 um standard sample particle results basic right. This experiment to the main innovation points: first, with a burning gathered scattering light, with a detectors receiving, replaced the annular detector, reduce the costs. Second, to collect certain Angle within the scope of the scattering the light, use this Angle within the scope of the light intensity to the particle size and light said strong relationship between, avoid to use the space probes collect more than large Angle scattering light, reduce the cost and reduce the size
of the instrument.
Key word: Mie scattering, laser particle size analyzer, particle counter
Mie散射理论是德国科学家Gustav Mie于1908年,用麦克斯韦的经典波动光学理论,加上适当的边界条件,解出了任意直径,任意折射率的均匀球型颗粒的散射光强角度分布的严格数学解。目前市场上的各种光散射测径仪器的基本原理就是基于Mie散射理论及其近似解[2]。
1.1 Mie散射基本公式
如图1.1所示,一束入射波长为 ,强度为0I的平面线偏光沿Z轴正向传播,照射在颗粒上,其电场振动方向与X轴平行
图1.1 散射示意图
设位于坐标原点的球型散射颗粒的直径为d ,相对折射率为m 。根据Mie 散射理论,散射光场某点P 的散射光强可写为:
202c o s i s i n i r
4I r I +=,, (2.1.1) 式中r 为点P 到散射颗粒的距离、θ为散射角。()()θθ21i i 和称为散射强度函数,分别表示平行与垂直于散射面(由r 和z 定义的平面)的强度分量,可用散射振幅函数分别表为:
11S i θθ= (2.1.2)
22S i θθ= (2.1.3)
按Mie 散射理论,散射振幅函数表达式为
{()()}θπθπαθcos cos 1n n 1
n 2S 1n 1n n n n b +++=∑
= (2.1.4)
()()(){()}θπθπθcos cos 1
2S 12n n n n n b a n n n +++=∑
= (2.1.5)
式中n α、n b 为Mie 散射系数,表达式为:
--=αψαξαψαξαψαψαψαψαψαξαψαξψαψψαψαm m m m m m b m m ma m ma n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n '
' (2.1.6) 其中,α为颗粒尺寸参数:λπαd =、()()2
12⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=+πψz z J z n n 、()()()2
12122⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=+πξz z H z n n
Z 表示αm 或α。()z J
n 2
、()()z H n 21
2+分别表示半整阶的贝赛尔函数和第二类汉克函数。 '
n ξψ、表示n ψ和n ξ分别对各自变量的微商。 式中n π、n τ为散射角函数,表达式为:
()()θθθπcos sin 1
cos 1n n P =
(2.1.7) ()()θθ
θτcos cos 1
n n P d d = (2.1.8)
()。为一阶缔合勒让德函数θcos 1n P
由此可以看出,为求得Mei 散射光强()θ1i 和()θ2i ,关键在于求出其散射系 数n n b 、α以及散射角函数n n τπ、。 1.2 Mie 散射的近似
Mei 散射的计算较繁杂,然而Mei 理论在大粒子和小粒子段的近似表达式却相对比较简单。在实际应用中,基于Mie 散射近似理论的颗粒测量方法获得了较大的成功。
一般情况把米氏理论进行了两种近似简化处理,当颗粒的粒径d 寸远小于入射光波长λ时,可看作瑞利散射;当颗粒粒径d 远大于波长λ时,又可简化为夫琅和费衍射。一般根据Van de Hulst 参数P 来判定使用哪种近似计:当P <0.3时,可作为瑞利散射处理;当P>>30,适用和费衍射理论;当P≈1,则必须采用米氏理论分析(其中λπ/12-=m d p ,m 是颗粒的折射率)[3]。
P <0.3时,近似为瑞利散射,其光强表达式如下:
202cos sin 4i i r
I I += []
022*******cos cos sin 214I m m r D ϕθϕλ
⎤⎢⎣⎡+-= (2.2.1)