Chapter One Introduction商法翻译!! 2
国际商法概念International business law is the body of rules and norms that regulates business activities carried outside the legal boundaries of states. In particular, it regulates the business transactions of private persons internationally, and the relationship of international commercial organizations.国际商法是调整跨国商事活动的法律规范的总称。
它调整的是国际私人商事交易关系和国际商事组织间的关系.Chapter one 第一章Introduction to International Business Law (国际商法总论)III Sources of international business law国际商业法的渊源A. National law 国内法The most important source.Take China as an example:The Contract LawTrademark Law 商标法Chinese-Foreign joint Venture (Cooperative) Law,中外合资企业(合作)法律The Civil Procedure Law民事诉讼法Arbitration Law仲裁法律B. International treaties and conventions国际条约和惯例Differences between treaties and convention:The most important international conventions:The United nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods (CISG,联合国国际货物销售合同公约)Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading (the Hague rules,海牙规则)The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Paris Convention,巴黎公约 )Understanding on the Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU,争端解决规则与程序谅解)C .International model law国际通则Definition定义: rules and norms worked out and passed by some international organizations for the free choice by nations.Influence:1. model for national and international legislature;国家与国际立法机构模型2. a means of interpreting and supplementing existing uniform law;3. rules governing the contract (situations?);4. a substitute for the domestic lawD. International trade customs and usages国际贸易惯例Definition(定义): the general rules and practices in international trade activities that have become generally adopted through unvarying habit and common use. (used to be oral but later compiled into written rules)Influence: not law, but plays an important role.1. as binding rules by agreed upon by the parties to the contract.2. as interpreting or filling the gaps in the contract.(only for usages the parties agreed to be bound or that derive from their past dealings, or the usages the party knew or ought to have known and that are regularly observed in the industry or trade involved.Chapter Two 第二章Forms of international Business 国际商事方式I Some International Trade TheoriesB. Absolute Advantage 绝对优势Adam Smith 亚当.斯密绝对优势理论(Theory of Absolute Advantage),又称绝对成本说(Theory of Absolute Cost)、地域分工说(Theory of Territorial Division of Labor)。
国际商法英文版:1 Chapter 1 Intl Business Law
International Persons Individual Rights Under International Law Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems
International Business Law
Topics for this chapter:
conferences, and provisions repeated over and over again in bilateral treaties
Sources of International Law(国际法的渊源)
1. Treaties or conventions(条 约或公约)
Court of Appeals overturned the order. Held that a court could request compliance by a
foreign sovereign as a matter of comity, but could not order compliance. Comity requires that we respect other countries’ sovereignty and law so that they will respect ours.
International Business LawAn Introduction to International Business Law国际商法导论I.The Concept and Sources of International Business Law国际商法的概念和渊源I.1 Concept of the International Business Law: What is International Business Law? 国际商法的概念: 什么是国际商法?International Business Law is the sum total of laws of regulating the various relationships between international business transaction and the business organizations. 国际商法是调整国际商事交易和商业组织的各种关系的法律规范的总和。
The regulating objects and ranges of international business law are broader than that of the traditional business law. 国际商法的调整对象和范围比传统的商法更为广泛。
The traditional business law mainly includes the contents of the business law of act, the company law(UK)/the law of corporation(USA), the law of bills, the law of maritime commerce, the law of insurance, etc.. 传统的商法主要包括商行为法、公司法、票据法、海商法、保险法等内容。
•Informal: No special form is required.
(3)valid,void, ) voidable contracts
有效合同、 有效合同、无效 合同、 合同、可撤销合同
•Valid: with legal effect •Void: without legal effect
Legal Sources
• United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods/1988,1,1 , , 【CISG】 】
联合国国际货物 销售(买卖 买卖)合同公约 销售 买卖 合同公约
• Principles of International Commercial Contracts 1994/2004 【PICC】 】
Section 2 Offer
a. relevant concepts
(1) offer )
a definite proposal by one party to enter into a contract with other party.
•Offeror 要约方/要约人 要约方 要约人 •Offeree 受要约方/受要约人 受要约方 受要约人
国际商事合同通则 (2004/1994) )
• The objective of the UNIDROIT Principles is to establish a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are to be applied.
Indeed, it follows as a natural consequence of the practical power model that legal sanction is not necessary for a Chinese enterprise to have a valid legal existence, by which I mean an existence that is acknowledged as affecting legal rights of various parties. An enterprise can "exist" if a government agency says it exists and has the capacity to make its fiat respected in part or all of the system. There are no rules about which government agency has the power to create what kind of enterprise, and there is no settled way to resolve disputes about such power.” (pp. 21-22)
-- State-owned Enterprises: the Law on Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People (passed in 1986 but not in effect until 1988) -- Collectively-owned Enterprises: State Council: Regulations on Rural Collectively-Owned Enterprises (1990); Regulations on Urban Collectively-Owned Enterprises (1991); NPC Standing Committee: the law on township and village enterprises (1996) -- Private Enterprises: State Council: the Provisional Regulations on Private Enterprises (1988) -- Individual household firms (个体户) and Leaseholding Farm Households (农村承包经营户): the General Principles of Civil Law (1986) -- Foreign-invested Enterprises
International Business Law国际商法课程教案YUAN TIANForeign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentHeilongjiang UniversityChapter OneIntroduction to International Business LawI. Teaching ObjectivesOn completion of this Chapter, students should be able to:1.Get to know the objectives and feature of this course;2.Get to know the basic relationship among such elements as:➢International;➢Business;➢Law3.Grasp the basic requirements of legal English learning.4.Get to know the features of international law;5.Get to know the sources of international law.II. The Points to Be Highlighted1. The relationship among the key elements as “international”, “business” and “law”2. The understanding of the nature of lawIII. T eaching Approaches and FacilitiesApproaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Task-based approach4. Communicative approach5. Questions and answers……Facilities: PPT demonstration in the media classroom; on-line researchIV. Background Information1. Economic globalization, in recent years, has been one of the hottest focuses in the world. Although it is extremely difficult to define economic globalization, many economists and business experts believe that no business can be purely domestic, and the realities of the modern world make all business international.2. The causes of these developments are numerous:(1) Incredible advances in efficiency of communication;(2) Extraordinary reductions in transport costs;(3) Growing prevalence of instant tele-and-cyber-transactions;(4) Treaty and other norms causing reduction of governmental barriers to trade;(5) The blessing of relative peace in the world.V. Teaching Procedures and Contents1. Introduce the outline of this Chapter:This Chapter will discuss:❖WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL LAW?❖SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW✧International conventions;✧International custom;✧General principles of law;✧Judicial decisions;✧Teachings of publicists.❖THE SCOPE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW❖COMPARISON OF MUNICIPAL LEGAL SYSTEMS✧Romano-Germanic Civil Law;✧Anglo-American Common Law;✧Islamic Law2. WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL LA W?❖Defined: The body of rules and norms that regulates activities carried on outside the legal boundaries of nationsIt regulates three international relationships:1) Those between states and states.2) Those between states and persons.3) Those between persons and persons.❖The differences between public international law and private international law❖Is International Law Really Law?1) Because nations and individuals regard international law as law, it is law.2) Comity: The practice, or courtesy, between nations of treating each other with goodwill and civility.3) Comity is not law because countries do not regard it as something they are required to respect.3. SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW❖Defined: Those things which international tribunals rely upon in determining the content of international law; ❖Treaties and Conventions:1) Definitions:✧Treaties are agreements between one or more nations.✧Conventions are agreements sponsored by international organizations.2) Reasons for binding effect:✧Shared sense of commitment✧Because one country fears that if it does not respect its promises, other countries will not respect theirpromises3) Rules governing treaties:✧Traditionally customary;✧Now codified in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (in force since 1980).❖Custom1) Defined: Rules that have been around for a long time or which are generally accepted.Caveat: Customary rules are constantly changing.2) Establishing the existence of a customary law: Must show two elements —one behavioral and one psychological:✧Usus(Latin for: usage): Is the consistent and recurring action (or lack of action if the custom is one ofnoninvolvement) by states.✧Opinio juris et necessitatis (Latin for: Of the opinion that the rule is proper and required): The custom mustbe regarded by states observing it as one that they must obligatorily follow.3) Exceptions to the application of custom:✧Persistent objector: A state that persistently objects to a practice during its formative stages will neverbecome a party to it.✧A state allowed by the international community to deviate from a customary practice.❖General PrinciplesGeneral principles of law are common to both (or all) the state parties to a dispute.4. COMPARISONS OF MUNICIPAL LEGAL SYSTEMS❖Legal “families”1) Romano-Germanic Civil Law.2) Anglo-American Common Law.3) Islamic Law.❖The Romano-Germanic Civil Law SystemThe Oldest and most influential of the legal familiesA. French Civil Code1) French Civil Code (Code Napoleon) of 1804✧The right to possess private property;✧The freedom to contract;✧The autonomy of the patriarchal family.2) Differences from the German Code:✧Written in a short period of time.✧Its style and form are one that is straightforward, easy to read, and understandable to everyone.3) Differences from the English common law: It contains flexible general rules rather than detailed provisions.B. German Civil Code of 1896.1)Characteristics of the German Code:✧Incredibly precise and technical.✧Special terminology is used.2) Differences from the French Code: It is meant exclusively for the use of trained experts (not lay readers).C. Countries with Civil Law systems distinguish between the civil law and public Law.1) Public law evolved separately from the movement for codification of civil or private law.✧Public law is constitutional and administrative law.✧Public law is treated in a variety of ways in the civil law countries.❖The Anglo-American Common Law System1) Historical origins:In 1066, the Normans conquered England and William the Conqueror began to centralize the governmental administration of his new kingdom.The name “common law” is derived from the theory that the king’s courts represented the common custom of the realm, as opposed to the local customary law practiced in the county and manorial courts.2) The “common law” must be distinguished from the law which evolved out of:✧Equity: A principle of justice de veloped by the king’s chaplain, or chancellor, to provide parties with aremedy when none was available in the king’s courts.✧Admiralty (the laws governing sailors) and other specialized jurisdictions.❖The Islamic Law System——Known as Shari’a.1) Sources in the order of their importance:✧The Koran.✧The Sunnah or decisions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.✧The writings of Islamic scholars who derived rules by analogy from the principles established in theKoran and the Sunnah.✧The consensus of the legal community.2) Note that the Shari’a is primarily a moral code.✧It is principally concerned with ethics.✧In this respect, it contains many principles in common with the civil law and the common law.✧It is much less concerned with promoting commerce and international relations than the secular legalsystems.VI. Assignments1. Translation Exercises:Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice lists the sources that the Court is permitted touse.The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply:(a) International conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting states;(b) International custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law;(c) The general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;(d) Subject to the provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law.2. Case study—The Lotus in 1927A collision occurred on the high seas between a French steamer and a Turkish collier in which some Turkish crew members and passengers lost their lives. When the French ship docked in a Turkish port, the Turkish government began criminal proceedings against the French officers on watch at the time of the collision. The French appealed to the permanent Courts of International Justice arguing that Turkey had violated international law, because, France said, only the flag state has jurisdiction over criminal incidents on the high seas.The PCIJ said that the few cases France cited for this proposition “merely show that states had often, in practice, abstained from instituting criminal proceedings, and not that they recognized themselves as being obliged to do so; for only if such abstentions were based on their being conscious of a duty to abstain would it be possible to speak of an international custom.”Conclusion: Turkey was allowed to continue with its criminal prosecution.VII. Reference MaterialInternational business law (Text, Cases, and Readings) Ray AugustInternational Business Law and Its Environment by Richard Schaffer, Beverley EarleInternational Business Law: A Transactional Approach by Larry DiMatteo and Lucien J. DhoogeChapter TwoThe Multinational EnterpriseI. Teaching ObjectivesOn completion of this Chapter, students should be able to:1.know the basic forms of International business;2.better understand the structures of multinational enterprises.3.grasp the basic attributes of a multinational organization;4.learn to differentiate national multinational corporation from international multinational corporation;5.get familiar with basic international regulations and home state regulations of multinational enterprises6.get familiar with basic international regulations;7.grasp the host state regulations of multinational enterprises.II. The Points to Be Highlighted1. The difference between the national Multinational Corporation and the international Multinational Corporation.2. The basic attributes of a multinational organization.III. T eaching Approaches and FacilitiesApproaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Task-based approach4. Communicative approach5. Questions and answers……Facilities: PPT demonstration in the media classroom; on-line researchIV. Background InformationPre-lecture illustrationGet familiar with the outline of this Chapter:❖THE BUSINESS FORM❖THE MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATION❖INTERNATIONAL REGULATION OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES❖HOME STA TE REGULATION OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES❖HOST STATE REGULATION OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISESV. Teaching Procedures and ContentsSection 1 THE BUSINESS FORM1. Multinational Nature●Depending on place of creation:Home or parent organizations—located within a single state;Multiple parents located in multiple states.● A matter of municipal law2. Business Forms in Civil Law States1) Company: An association of persons or of capital organized for the purpose of carrying on a commercial, industrial, or similar enterprise.2) Partnership: A company of two or more persons who co-own and manage a business and who are each liable to the full extent of their personal assets for its debts.✧Limited partnership: A company of two or more persons, at least one of whom has unlimited personalliability for the debts of the business and at least one other who is an investor having limited liability.✧Silent partnership: A secret relationship between two or more persons, one of whom carries on abusiness in his name alone without revealing the participation of the other who has limited personal liability.✧Partnership limited by shares: A company of one or more general partners who have unlimited personalliability for the debts of the company and limited participation by investors in the form of shares. The company is taxed as a corporation.3) Corporation: A company of capital whose owners have limited personal liability.✧Stock corporation: A corporation that can raise money in the public marketplace through the sale offreely transferable shares. Its financial statements have to be disclosed to the public.✧Limited liability company: A corporation owned by members that does not issue negotiable sharecertificates and is subject to minimal public disclosure laws.3. Business Forms in Common Law States1) Company: An association of persons organized for the purpose of carrying on a commercial, industrial, or similar enterprise.2) Partnership: An association of two or more persons who co-own and manage a business for profit and who are each liable to the full extent of their personal assets for its debts.✧Limited partnership: A partnership consisting of one or more general partners who manage the businessand who are each liable to the full extent of their personal assets for its debts and one or more limited partners whose liability is limited to the funds they invest.✧Secret partnership: A partnership in which the participation of one or more persons as partners is notdisclosed to the public by any of the partners. All of the partners have unlimited personal liability.3) Joint stock company: An unincorporated association of persons whose ownership interests are represented by transferable shares. The shareholders have unlimited personal liability.4) Business trust: A business arrangement in which the owners of a property, known as beneficiaries, transfer legal title to that property to a trustee who then manages it for them.✧The beneficiaries hold transferable trust certificates entitling them to the income generated by theproperty and a residual equitable share at the time the trust is terminated.✧The trustee has unlimited personal liability while the beneficiaries have limited personal liability.5) Corporation: A separate juridical entity owned by shareholders who may have limited, unlimited, or no liability.✧Public corporation: A corporation that can raise money in the public marketplace through the sale offreely transferable shares. Its financial statements have to be disclosed to the public.✧Private corporation: A corporation that may not ask the public to subscribe to its shares, bonds, or othersecurities and which is subject to less stringent public disclosure laws than a public corporation.✧Limited liability company: An unincorporated business association.4. The Importance of the Separate Legal Identity of Companies1) Juridical entities (such as companies) have legal identities separate from that of their owners.2) Significance:✧ The liability of the owners is limited to their investment in the company.✧ The owners are neither managers nor agents nor representatives of the company.✧ The rights and benefits accruing to the company belong to the company and not its owners.✧ The property rights of a company can only be claimed by that company.Section 2 THE MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATION1. Parent Company1) The Non-multinational.✧ Defined: A domestic firm functioning in the international marketplace through a foreign agent.✧ Note: Neither the principal nor the agent are truly multinational enterprises because neither operatesoutside of its home state.2) The National Multinational✧ Defined: A firm in one country — the “parent” — that operates in other countries through branches andsubsidiaries.3) The International Multinational✧ Two or more parent companies located in different states operate through jointly owned subsidiaries inseveral states.✧ Public Trans-nationals.✧ Defined: A government-controlled multinational enterprise created by treaty between two or morestates.2. The Subordinate Structure1) Subordinates subject to direct control of the parent:2) Representative office: A foreign contact point where interested parties can obtain information about a particular firm.✧ It does not do any business on its own.3) Agent: An individual who is employed as an independent representative of a firm.✧Agents are subject to the supervision of the parent firm (or principal).✧Their authority is limited to what the parent delegates to them.4) Branch: A larger unit of the parent company which involves not only the placement of individuals in a particular locale, but also the establishment of a facility, such as an assembly plant, mining operation, or service office.✧The authority of branch personnel is limited to what the parent has delegated.5) Disadvantages of these subordinates:✧The parent has to assume all of the risk of investing abroad.✧ A foreign firm (or its agent or its branch) is often taxed at higher rates than local firms.✧Many developing states require local participation in order for a foreign firm to either invest or expandits local investment.3. Firms not subject to the direct control of the parent1) Subsidiary: An independently organized and incorporated company.✧The subsidiary’s company status insulates the par ent from unlimited liability.✧Locally organized companies are commonly entitled to certain tax benefits that foreign branches are not.2) Joint venture: An association of persons or companies who are involved in “a collaboration for more than a transitory period.”✧Business form: May be any type of business form (e.g., an association, a partnership, a limitedpartnership, a secret partnership, or a limited liability company).✧The investors share the risk.✧Entry into foreign markets is usually easier for a multinational that is affiliated with a local jointventurer.3) Holding company: A subsidiary company that in turn owns other subsidiaries.✧Reason for setting up holding companies:⏹To establish a consolidated management team for a group of subsidiaries or subsidiaries owned bydifferent parents.⏹For tax advantages.✧Business form: Most commonly a holding company is organized as a limited liability company whoseshares are held by its parent or parents.Section 3 INTERNATIONAL REGULATION OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES1. Several International Organization have Promulgated Rules of Ethical Behavior for Multinational Enterprises, including:✧Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).✧International Labor Organization (ILO).✧International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).2. These are only Suggested RulesBinding international codes do not exist as yet.Section 4 HOME STATE REGULATION OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES1. Introduction✧The most important forms of home state regulation are:1) Regulation of competition.2) Regulation of injuries caused by defective products.3) Prohibition of sharp business practices.4) Regulation of securities.5) Regulation of labor and employment.6) The establishment of accounting standards.7) Taxation.✧Some of these rules are applied extraterritorially by home state, most notably:1) Regulation of competition.2) Regulation of injuries caused by defective products.3) Prohibition of sharp business practices.2. Unfair Competition Laws1) United States Unfair Competition Laws.✧Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 is the principal US law regulating anti-competitive behavior.✧Clayton Act of 1914 Defines certain specific acts that constitute unfair business competition, including:◆Exclusive dealing agreements and tying clauses.◆Mergers that result in a monopoly.◆Interlocking directorates.✧Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 makes price discrimination illegal.2) Extraterritorial Application of US Antitrust Laws.✧Statutorily authorized: The Sherman Act declares that it applies to conduct affecting “trade or commerceamong the several states, or with foreign nations.”✧Judicially imposed limits on the extraterritorial application of the US antitrust laws.✧Personal Jurisdiction Requirements:✧Applicable state “long arm statutes.”: Due process forbids a court from assuming personal jurisdictionunless a defendant has “minimum contacts” with the forum state.3) Subject matter jurisdiction requirement.✧The courts have created two tests for determining when they have subject matter jurisdiction in anAmerican antitrust case.⏹Effects test: Companies carrying on business outside of the US will come within the subject matterjurisdiction of a US court if their business activity is:◆Intended to affect US commerce.◆Not de minimis.⏹Balancing Test (or “choice of law” test): Defined: A court should balance the interests of the statesconcerned in determining if subject matter jurisdiction exists.◆This is now the prevalent test in the US.3. Regulation of Anticompetitive Behavior in the European Union1) The European Community Treaty contains two provisions regulating business competition.✧Article 85 prohibits normal arm’s length competitor s from entering into agreements or carrying onconcerted practices which either prevent, restrain, or distort trade.✧Article 86 forbids businesses with a dominant position in their marketplace from taking improperadvantage of their position to the detriment of consumers.2) Compliance: EU Commission is solely responsible for enforcing Articles 85 and 86.3) Extraterritorial application of the EU’s business competition rules.✧EU Commission and the EU Court of Justice have adopted (in essence) the US “effects test.”✧EU effects test: The EU business competition rules apply to foreign firms to the extent that the firm’sactivities have an effect on trade or commerce within the EU.4. Opposition to the Extraterritorial Application of Unfair Competition Laws1) Blocking Statutes: Typically have three features:✧They limit the extent to which a US plaintiff can obtain evidence or seek production of commercialdocuments outside of the US for use in investigations or proceedings in the US.✧They make it difficult for a successful plaintiff to enforce a US judgment outside the US.✧By virtue of a “clawback” provision, they allow defendants to bring suit in their home country torecover the punitive damages they paid in the US.✧Judicial Injunctions are sometimes granted by courts to prohibit one of their nationals from initiating anantitrust suit in the US against another of their nationals.5. Product Liability Laws1) Purpose of product liability laws: To discourage manufacturers from putting defective products into the marketplace.2) Product Liability Theories.✧Breach of contract.✧Negligence.✧Strict liability.Most states use only the first two; Common law countries use all three; EU now relies principally on the last.3) Extraterritorial Application of Product Liability Laws✧The country that has been most willing to apply its product liability laws extraterritorially: The US.✧Considerations of US courts in determining whether they can exercise jurisdiction in a product liabilitycase:⏹Personal jurisdiction.⏹Forum non conveniens.6. Sharp Practices1) Defined: Dishonest business dealings meant to obtain a benefit for a firm regardless of the means used.✧Examples: Misrepresentation and bribery.2) Governing law: Municipal (local) law.3) Extraterritorial application of sharp practices law.✧The country that has been most willing to apply its sharp practices laws extraterritorially: The US.✧US legislation: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977.✧Caveat: They may only be charged with a violation of the FCPA after the company has first beencharged and convicted of the same violation.✧Forbid bribes to:⏹Foreign government officials.⏹Foreign political party officials.⏹Candidates for foreign political office.Section 5 PIERCING THE COMPANY VEIL1. Defined:Ignoring the corporate structure of a company (i.e., “piercing the company veil”) and exposing the shareholders to personal liability.2. Four circumstances where this is done:1) The Controlled Company: The corporate status of a controlled company will be ignored if both:✧Its financing and management are so closely connected to its parent that it does not have anyindependent decision-making authority; and✧It is induced to enter into a transaction beneficial to the parent but detrimental to it and to third parties.2) The Alter Ego Company: The company veil will be pierced if the company is not treated by its shareholders as a separate juridical entity (i.e., it is treated as the alter ego of the shareholders).✧The commingling of corporate and personal assets.✧The use of company assets by shareholders for their own personal benefit.✧The failure to hold and record minutes of board of directors’ meetings.3) Undercapitaliza tion: A company’s veil will be set aside if, at the time it was formed, it was provided with insufficient capital to meet its prospective debts or potential liabilities.4) Personal Assumption of Liability: Shareholders who have personally guaranteed the obligations of a company can, of course, be made to answer for those obligations.VI. Assignments1. Critical thinking on Business FormsCurly owns part of the Nyuck-Nyuck wise Guys, a major league baseball team. Curly becomes disgusted with the whole business of baseball when the team makes a $50-million, five-year deal with a free agent, Mr. Potatohead. Without telling the other owners, Curly purports to transfer his interest in the team to Shemp. (Curly is one of several hundred owners.) On the issue of whether Curly’s interest is in fact transferable, does it matter whether the team is partnership or a corporation?●If it’s a corporation, Shemp probably is an owner.Freely transferable ownership for a corporation unless subject to a written restriction on transfer (close corporation)●If it’s a partnership, Shemp isn’t an owner.A partnership interest is only transferable with the remaining partners’ approval unless t he partnership contract provides otherwise; without it, the transferee cannot become a full partner (e.g., he cannot vote.)VII. Reference MaterialPrinciples of International Business Transactions (The Concise Hornbook Series) (Hornbook Series Student Edition) by Ralph H. Folsom, Michael W. Gordon, and John A. SpanogleFundamentals of International Business Transactions by Ronald BrandThe Law & Business of International Project Finance by Scott L. HoffmanChapter ThreeCISGI. Teaching ObjectivesOn completion of this Chapter, students should be able to:1.Get familiar with the application scope of CISG and relevant background knowledge;2.Get a general idea about the basic theory of contract under common law system.3.Grasp the basic principles applicable to the interpretation of CISG;4.Learn to distinguish offer from acceptance in the theory of contracts;5.Get familiar with the general standards of contract performance. Grasp the function of agency relationship incorporation law.II. The Points to Be Highlighted1.Applying the contract theory to practical issues solving;2.Specify the application scope of CISGIII. T eaching Approaches and FacilitiesApproaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Task-based approach4. Communicative approach5. Questions and answers……Facilities: PPT demonstration in the media classroom; on-line researchIV. Background Information1. In an international transaction, at least one party is likely to have its rights decided under the law of a foreign country because two parties to the sales contract must be governed by the law of only one country. What is more important, there are many differences between national laws.2. As a result, the function and nature of sales law are viewed differently in different legal systems. Each system has its individual rules for deciding the validity of a contract for interpreting its terms, and for defining the remedies available to a party upon a breach.3. Thus, when a firm enters a contract governed by foreign law, it is undertaking an added risk. Obviously, the conflicts of laws of different countries are big impediments to both parties to a sales contract.V. Teaching Procedures and ContentsGet familiar with the outline of this Chapter:❖UNITED NATION’S CONVENTION ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS (CISG)。
国际商法课件( English )(1)
▪ 3. The meaning of “commerand, during the communication of the countries, people formed some trade practice and customs which were commonly obeyed. By the end of 19th C and at the beginning of 20th C international business law appears.
Chapter One Introduction to International Business Law
▪ I. Definition of International Business Law ▪ II. Sources of International Business Law ▪ III. History of International Business Law ▪ IV. Characteristics and Principles of
▪ (2) the parties have their nationalities from different countries;
▪ (3) the commercial activities are performed in a State or District outside the Country or Countries of one or more parties;
目录第一章你的客户想经商 (1)第二章公司是什么 (10)第三章决定是否和如何注册 (16)第四章公司结构 (20)第五章你想成立一个封闭式公司吗? (30)第六章管理者与董事职责 (37)第七章融资 (47)第八章股东权利 (55)第九章资本与分配 (62)第十章股东诉讼 (70)第十一章合并、收购和解散 (78)第一章你的客户想经商P1一个律师被一个想经商的客户保留下来。
目录第一章你的客户想经商 (1)第二章公司是什么 (10)第三章决定是否和如何注册 (16)第四章公司结构 (20)第五章你想成立一个封闭式公司吗? (30)第六章管理者与董事职责 (37)第七章融资 (47)第八章股东权利 (55)第九章资本与分配 (62)第十章股东诉讼 (70)第十一章合并、收购和解散 (78)第一章你的客户想经商P1一个律师被一个想经商的客户保留下来。
国际商法PartI Introduction
2) Differences between the two main legal families
(1) source of law 法源: • in common law system, case law (判例法)as the primary source but also with a number of statutes; • in civil law system, only statutes(成文法).
Contract by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (国际统一私法协会国际商 事合同通则, UNIDROIT PICC )
(3) International trade customs and usages
5. Islamic legal family/Sharia Law伊斯兰法系
Sharia law is the legal framework within which the public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islam. Sharia deals with all aspects of day-to-
• Anglo-American Law Family 英 美 法 系 ( the common law family, the case law family): England, America, India etc. • Islamic Law Family 伊斯兰法系: Islamic countries.
《国际商法》教学大纲课程编号100183A课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课□专业必修课 专业选修课□学科基础课总学时:48讲课学时:48实验(上机)学时:0学分:3适用对象:国际经济与贸易/商务英语先修课程:无一、教学目标本课程属于首都经济贸易法学院对外院系开设的专业选修课,旨在培养具有国际视野,熟悉国际商事交易程序和相关法律规则的高层次、复合型应用人才。
Chapter One Introduction商法翻译!! 2
Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论1. International business law1。
国际商业法2. internationality2。
国际性3. International treaties and conventions3。
国际条约和公约4. International Trade Customs and Usages4。
国际贸易惯例5. the principle of party autonomy5。
当事人意思自治原则6. UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) (1980)6。
联合国国际货物销售合同公约(公约)的货物(1980)《联合国国际销售合同公约》《联合国国际销售合同公约》7. Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Note of the United Nations 《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》7。
比尔的国际公约和国际本票联合国《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》8. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards8。
关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约》《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约》9. International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (2000) 《国际贸易术语解释通则》9。
国际贸易术语解释通则(2000)《国际贸易术语解释通则》10. Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP600) 《跟单信用证统一惯例》10。
国际船舶代理业务培训2007年07月大连海事大学主讲人:郭萍第一部分提单与相关的法律第一节提单(B i ll of Lading)一提单的概念和作用概念-----CMC Art71.作用:1承、托之间达成的海上货物运输合同的证明(evidence of contract of carriage of goods by sea)•为什么不是合同本身?•(1)合同应由双方签字,而B/L只由承运人单方签字;•(2)合同经签字时起,双方才具有合同关系,而在B/L 签发之前,承、托双方之间已经存在运输合同关系。
2承运人接收货物或者将货物装船的证明(receipt for taking over cargo or cargo on board)•CMC Art.77“除依照本法第七十五条的规定作出保留外,承运人或者代其签发提单的人签发的提单,是承运人已经按照提单所载状况收到货物或者货物已经装船的初步证据;承运人向善意受让提单的包括收货人在内的第三人提出的与提单所载状况不同的证据,不予承认。
”•承运人prima facie evidence托运人•承运人conclusive evidence收货人或善意第三人Art.75:不知条款:合理的根据怀疑提单记载的事项与实际不符,或者无适当的方法进行核对,并在提单上批注怀疑的根据或者无法核对.要注意:不知条款、根据货物特性而批注的“不负破碎责任”、“不负汗湿责任”等条款以及旧箱、旧桶等批注不构成不清洁批注。
3是承运人保证据以交付货物的凭证(delivery of cargo against)关于无单放货的司法实践•实践中存在大量的无单放货问题。
CMI下的运输法委Law””员会于2000年11月20日在“Issues of Transport Law中公布:无单放货的比例在班轮运输中达15%,租船运输达50%,某些重要商品如矿物、油类的交易中达100%。
5. A lawyer in common law starts with the actual case and compares it with the same or similar legal issues that have dealt with by courts in previously decided cases, and from these relevant precedents the binding legal rule is determined by means of induction.
由于国际商法具有私法性质, 由于国际商法具有私法性质,当事人自主 原则也适用国际商事交易。在某些情形下, 原则也适用国际商事交易。在某些情形下, 只有国际商事交易各方当事人自愿选择了 某条约, 某条约,该条约才能对他们之间的法律关 系具有约束力。 系具有约束力。
2. Some common-law principle proved too precious to change. For example, a long line of hard-won precedents defended the rights and liberties of citizens against the unjust use of government power. 事实证明一些普通法的原则如此弥足珍贵以 致不能更改。比如, 致不能更改。比如,一系列来之不易的先例 保护着公民的权利和自由免受政府滥用权力 的侵害。 的侵害。
法律风险来自于法律行为的不确定性和合同、 法律风险来自于法律行为的不确定性和合同、 法律、 法律、行政法规在适用性和解释上的不确定 法律风险可能引起合同的形式、 性。法律风险可能引起合同的形式、法律资 行为能力)、交易的合法性、 )、交易的合法性 格(行为能力)、交易的合法性、合同目的 落空等等诸如此类的问题, 落空等等诸如此类的问题,具体问题视组织 所处环境而定。 所处环境而定。
What shall I do, and how shall I behave, as a company, so as to comply with those regulations in order to do business more successfully without any such ramifications? ------------------------------------------------ NOW, these are the legal risks and business risks we will primarily deal with throughout this course.
mechanics of, covered by, IBL;
In this course, I will walk you through the
I will deal particularly with some important aspects of IBL, such as international trade law, and how to identify and prevent business as well as legal risks.
Scenario 1:
You decide to do business or invest in Country A that is on the list of trade embargo imposed by Country B, a country that exerts strict control over export & import, especially of technologies subject to the regulation of, like,
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Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论1. International business law1。
国际商业法2. internationality2。
国际性3. International treaties and conventions3。
国际条约和公约4. International Trade Customs and Usages4。
国际贸易惯例5. the principle of party autonomy5。
当事人意思自治原则6. UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) (1980)6。
联合国国际货物销售合同公约(公约)的货物(1980)《联合国国际销售合同公约》《联合国国际销售合同公约》7. Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Note of the United Nations 《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》7。
比尔的国际公约和国际本票联合国《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》8. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards8。
关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约》《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约》9. International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (2000) 《国际贸易术语解释通则》9。
国际贸易术语解释通则(2000)《国际贸易术语解释通则》10. Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP600) 《跟单信用证统一惯例》10。
统一惯例跟单信用证(证)《跟单信用证统一惯例》11. Civil law11。
民事法律mon law12常见的法律。
13. Equity Law13。
衡平法14. private law14。
私法15. public law15。
公共法16.stare decisis16.stare作品17. Statutory law17。
文法18. Supreme Court of the United States18。
美国最高法院Questions问题Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论1. What are the main sources of International Business Law, British and American Law, and the Continental Law? 1。
什么是主要来源的国际商业法,英国和美国的法律,和大陆法?2. What kind of cases can be brought before the federal court in the United States?2。
什么样的情况下可以带来了在联邦法院在美国?3. What are the main differences between the two legal systems?3。
什么是主要的差异两国之间的法律制度?Chapter Two Contract Law第二章合同法1. contractual capacity1。
订约能力2. consideration2。
考虑3. express contracts3。
明示合同4. implied-in-fact contracts 4。
事实默示合同5. quasi contract5。
准合同6. valid contract6。
有效的合同7. void contract7。
无效的合同8. voidable contract8。
可撤销合同9.unenforceable contract 9.unenforceable合同10. offer10。
提供的11. counteroffe11。
counteroffe12. post rule12。
邮政规则14. condition precedent 14。
先行条件15. condition subsequent 15。
随后条件16. breach of contract 16。
违反合同17. liquidated damages 17。
违约赔偿18. injunction18。
禁令19.specific performance19.specific性能20. expectation interest20。
期待利益21. reliance interest21。
信赖利益22. foreseeability22。
预见性23. statutes of limitations23。
限制法令Questions问题Chapter Two Contract Law第二章合同法1. What essential elements should a contract include, if you want to create a valid contract?1。
基本内容应包括一个合同,如果你想创建一个有效的合同?2. List the initial step to form a contract, and explain them.2。
3. Johnson said to Mehta, “I’ll sell you my stereo for $200.” Mehta replied, “I’ll buy it for $150.” Has a binding contract been formed? Why or why not?3。
”具有约束力的合同已经形成?为什么或为什么不?4. In the American Contract Law, what kind of person does not have legal and mental ability to enter into a binding contract?4。
在美国合同法中,什么样的人没有法律和心理能力进入一个合同?5. How does a contract differ from a mere social agreement?5。
如何做一个合同不同于纯粹社会协议?6. Why does the law protect minors in their dealings with adults?6。
为什么法律保护未成年人与成年人打交道的?7. Roberts was an important witness in a criminal case about to be tried. She was promised $5,000 not to testify. Shethen sued to collect the $5,000. Will Roberts succeed?7。
罗伯茨会成功吗?8. Sargent orally agreed to purchase a piece of land from Bobston. To confirm the agreement, Sargent wrote a letter to Bobson that contained all the terms of the transaction and was signed by Sargent. When Sargent refused to pay, pleading the statute of frauds as his defense. Is Hill liable?8。
是山承担责任?9. Under the common law, what are the three ways in which a contract can be discharged by impossibility?9。
在普通法下,什么是三种方式,合同可以解除不可能?10. List the different remedies that courts possibly award to the plaintiffs in a British and American legal system country?10。
列出不同的补救措施,法院可能对原告在英美法系国家?11. Write the main terms of a contract in English.11。
Chapter Three Sales Law三章销售法1. CISG (Contracts for International Sale of goods)1。
公约(国际货物销售合同)2. delivery of the goods2。
交付货物3. delivery of documents3。
传送文件4. time of delivery4。
交货时间5.conformity of the goods 品质担保5.conformity的货物品质担保6.assurance of the ownership of the goods(权利担保)6.assurance的货物所有权(权利担保)7. payment of the price7。
支付价款8. taking delivery of the goods8。
交付货物9. fundamental breach9。
根本违约10. burden of proof 举证责任10。
举证责任举证责任11. reduce the price11。
降低价格12. suspension of performance12。
悬浮性能13. passing of risk13。
风险转移Questions问题Chapter Three Sales Law三章销售法1. Does CISG govern the followlling contract?1。
就公约管辖followlling合同?1) A Chinese company X made a contract with a German company Y for sale of peanuts.1)中国公司签订了合同,与德国公司负责销售花生。