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1. have/get a pain in…某处疼痛

2. have a headache 头痛

3. as soon as…一……就……

4. feel like doing sth. 想要干某事

5. stop…from doing sth. 阻止……干某事

6. fall asleep 入睡

7. again and again再三地,反复地

8. wake up 醒来,叫醒

9. instead of 代替

10. look over 检查

11. take exercise运动

12. had better(not) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事

13. at the weekend 在周末

14. on time 按时

15. out of从……向外

1. all by oneself 独立,单独

2. lots of=a lot of 许多

3. no longer/more=not…any longer/more 不再

4. get back 回来,取回

5. sooner or later迟早

6. run away 逃跑

7. eat up 吃光,吃完

8. run after 追赶

9. take sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物

10. take(good) care of…=look after…(well) (好好)照顾,照料

11. think of 考虑到,想起

12. keep a diary 坚持写日记

13. leave one by oneself 把某人单独留下

14. harder and harder 越来越厉害

15. turn on打开(电灯、收音机、煤气等)

16. turn off 关

深吸一口气take a deep breath

屏息;憋住气hold one's breath

上气不接下气out of breath

刷牙 brush one's teeth

突然哭起来burst into tears

突然一阵大笑 a burst of laughter

要不是but for

呼救声 a call for help

保持镇静(别慌) keep calm

保持安静(别吵) keep quiet

保持不动(别动) keep still

保持沉默(别说话) keep silent

夏令营 a summer camp

去野营go camping

情不自禁…cannot help doing 打牌play cards

照顾,保管take care of

医疗护理medical care

假若那样的话in that case

以防万一in case

下倾盆大雨rain cats and dogs 猜你感兴趣:






