跨文化商务交际-unit 2Understanding Business Communication

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2. How can a businessman become competent in cross-cultural communication?
Intercultural communication competence
Intercultural communication competence
Intercultural communication competence is considered, very broadly, as an impression that behavior is appropriate and effective in a given context.
1. Unlike the hard data from measurable issues, culture is soft and slippery, you can’t really grasp culture in your two hands and understand what you've got.
Intercultural Competence
Knowledge refers to the cognitive information that an individual needs to have about the people, the context, and the norms of appropriateness that operate in that particular culture.
Cultural elements in verbal and non-verbal communication have the greatest impact on intercultural business communication in such aspects as : business writing, etiquette and protocol, negotiation, marketing, ethics and organization.
Appropriateness means that the valued rules, norms, and expectancy of the relationship are not violated significantly.
Effectiveness is the accomplishment of valued goals or rewards relative to costs and alternatives.
Unit 2 Understanding Business Communication
Text1 Becoming an Effective Business Communicator
Pre-reading questions
1. What is the relation between culture and international business?
The three facets: 1. social psychology 2. applied linguistics 3. sociology
Impact on intercultural business communication
Impact on intercultural business communication
Intercultural Competence
Actions refers to the actual performance of those behaviors that are considered appropriate and effective.
Intercultural communication competence by Yong Yun Kim
【译文】文化是柔性的、变化不定的,不像 有些问题可以通过测量获得确实的数据。 人们不可能用双手真正地捕捉到它,甚至 不一定了解自身所接触到的文化。
文化就是人化,即人类通过思考所造成的一切。具体讲,文化 是人类存续发展中对外在物质世界和自身精神世界的不断作用 及其引起的变化。文化变迁就是指由于族群社会内部的发展或 由于不同族群之间的接触而引起的一个族群文化的改变,可以 分为无意识的变迁和有意识的变迁。一个社会内部和外部的变 动都会促使其文化系统发生适应性变化,从而引发新的需要。 创新、传播、涵化是文化变迁的过程和途径。文化变迁的模式 的各个环节之间并非是单向的因果关系,而是相互作用的一种关 系。文化的变迁是随社会的变迁而变迁的。从文化内部因素来 看,文化的接触和传播、新的发明和发现、价值观的冲突等是 变迁的主要原因。从文化的外部条件来看,社会关系和结构的 变动、人口和自然环境的变化等是变迁的主要原因。所谓文化 变迁,指的是文化的跳跃性发展,或文化的突发性变化。从总的历 史发展趋势来讲,文化变迁是一个渐行不息的长程,既有对传 统的萃取与摈弃,又有对外来文化的批判与吸收。
Intercultural Competence
Motivation includes the overall set of emotional associations that individuals have and exhibit during the actual intercultural communicative episode.
Intercultural Competence
Intercultural Competence
Intercultural competence also requires 1. sufficient knowledge 2. motivation 3. skilled actions
by the communicator as he or she interacts with the focal person.