

华为,S5300,交换机 产品文档 PDF

华为,S5300,交换机 产品文档  PDF
• S5300支持VRRP虚拟路由冗余协议,构建VRRP备份组,保持通讯的连续性和可靠性,有效保障网络稳定。 支持在设备上配置多条等价路由的方式实现上行路由的冗余备份,当主上行路由发生故障时自动切换到 下一个备份路由上去,实现上行路由的多级备份。
• S5300提供多种安全保护功能。支持DOS(Denial of Service)类防攻击、网络的防攻击、用户的防攻击等 功能。其中DOS类防攻击主要包括SYN Flood、Land、Smurf、ICMP Flood。网络的防攻击主要是指STP的 BPDU/Root攻击。用户的防攻击涉及DHCP仿冒攻击、中间人攻击、IP/MAC Spoofing 攻击、DHCP request flood、改变CHADDR值的DOS攻击等等。
单个设备故障需要替换时可实现“新增设备”的热插拔,从而减少了业务中断对客户的影响;相对于框 式交换机来说,智能堆叠在性能和端口密度方面突破了硬件架构的限制。而对管理来说,堆叠后的数台 设备在逻辑上可认为是一台,减轻了网络管理和配置的工作量。
• S5300支持增强型灵活QinQ功能,确保灵活的外层VLAN标签功能,同时不占用ACL资源,充分满足多业务 承载的要求。
Product Brochure S5300系列全千兆交换机
• S53HI系列支持基本的MPLS和VLL功能,可作为高质量企业专线接入设备,也可助力运营商打造高品质 MPLS到边缘的网络,是业界为数不多的高性价比盒式MPLS交换机。
• S5300有多款设备支持POE功能,遵循IEEE802.3af及802.3at (POE+)标准。可通过以太网对所连接的标准PD 设备(如IP Phone、WLAN AP、Bluetooth AP等终端)供电,单端口供电能力可高达30w。有效地简化了终 端设备的电源布线和管理成本;同时还可通过配置实现按时、按需进行供电。



V100R007C00版本提供4款网管设备,包括S1700-28GFR-4P、S170052GFR-4P 、S1700-28FR-2T2P、 S1700-28FR-2T2P和一款非网管设备S1700-
V100R007C01版本提供3款非网管设备,包括S1700-52R-2T2P、S1700-24、 S1700-8。
S57/S37 S17/27/37 楼层 1 S1700 S57/S37 S17/27/37 S17/27/37
楼层 3
楼层 2
S77&93&9700 :核心层,大容量、高密度、高可靠性, SPU 单板可以支持F W / N A T / L o ad Balance/IPSEC/ Netstream 功能。 S6700 :服务器接入及数据中心场景,万兆接入、高 密度。 S27&37&5700 :接入汇聚层,大容量、高密度、高性价比,可构建高可靠的环网拓扑。 S1700 : SMB 市场,机架型、桌面型, D u m p 型、Smart 型。
S1700 SNMP全网管系列交换机概览
百兆SNMP全网管 硬件规格
• 24*10/100Base-T,2*千兆RJ45 上行口和2*千兆
•企业网接入层 •可为中小型企业灵活的组网; •具有出色的扩展性,可为中小
SFP上行口 • 交换容量/转发速率:12.8Gbps/9.6Mpps • 尺寸:442*220*43.6mm
S1700-28FR-2T2P S1700-52R-2T2P S1700-28FR-2T2P



Realize Your Potential华为技术有限公司Huawei S9300系列交换机详版彩页01 Huawei S9300系列交换机Huawei S9300系列是华为公司面向融合多业务的网络架构而推出的新一代高端智能T比特核心路由交换机。

该产品基于华为公司智能多层交换的技术理念,在提供稳定、可靠、安全的高性能L2/L3层交换服务S9303 S9306 S9312S9310产品特点S9300敏捷交换机,让网络更敏捷地为业务服务• S9300 敏捷单板内置高速灵活的以太网络处理器ENP,针对以太网专属设计。



通过微码编程实现新业务,客户无需更换新的硬件,快速灵活,6个月即可上线,而传统AS I C 芯片采用固定的转发架构和转发流程,新业务无法快速部署,需要等待1~3年的硬件支持。

• 凭借敏捷单板,S9300支持统一用户管理功能,屏蔽了接入层设备能力和接入方式的差异,支持802.1X/ MAC/Portal等多种认证方式,支持对用户进行分组/分域/分时的管理,用户、业务可视可控,实现了从“以设备管理为中心”到“以用户管理为中心”的飞跃。

• 凭借敏捷单板,S9300支持iPCA网络包守恒算法,改变了传统利用模拟流量做故障定位的检测模型,可对任意业务流随时随地逐点检测网络质量,无需额外开销;可在短时间内立刻检测业务闪断性故障,检测直接精准到故障端口,实现从“粗放式运维”到“精准化运维”的大转变。

• 凭借敏捷单板,S9300支持1588v2和同步以太,满足网络设备间的高精度时间同步,相比GPS的时间不同方案,提升安全的同时降低成本。

创新的CSS集群技术• S9300可通过集群卡连接和业务口连接两种方式实现虚拟化。




各种华为交换机型号华为S5700-24TP-SI(AC):产品类型:千兆以太⽹交换机应⽤层级:三层传输速率:10/100/1000Mbps端⼝数量:28个背板带宽:256GbpsVLAN:⽀持4K个VLAN ⽀持⽹络管理:⽀持堆叠⽀持MFF包转发率:36MppsMAC地址表:16K⽹络标准:IEEE 802.3,IEEE 8端⼝结构:⾮模块化交换⽅式:存储-转发华为S2700-26TP-SI(AC)产品类型:智能交换机应⽤层级:⼆层传输速率:10/100Mbps端⼝数量:26个背板带宽:32GbpsVLAN:⽀持IEEE 802.1Q(V⽹络管理:⽀持堆叠⽀持⾃动包转发率:6.6MppsMAC地址表:8K⽹络标准:IEEE 802.3,IEEE 8端⼝结构:⾮模块化交换⽅式:存储-转发华为Quidway S2326TP-EI(AC)产品类型:运营级接⼊交换机应⽤层级:⼆层传输速率:10/100Mbps端⼝数量:26个背板带宽:32GbpsVLAN:⽀持基于MAC地址的V⽹络管理:⽀持堆叠⽀持⾃动包转发率:6.6MppsMAC地址表:8K⽹络标准:IEEE 802.3,IEEE 8端⼝结构:⾮模块化交换⽅式:存储-转发华为S3700-28TP-SI(AC)产品类型:快速以太⽹交换机应⽤层级:三层传输速率:10/100Mbps端⼝数量:28背板带宽:64GbpsVLAN:⽀持4K个VLAN ⽀持⽹络管理:⽀持MFF ⽀持Telne包转发率:9.6MppsMAC地址表:16K⽹络标准:IEEE 802.3,IEEE 8端⼝结构:⾮模块化交换⽅式:存储-转发型号识别LI(Lite software Image)表⽰设备为弱特性版本。

SI (Standard software Image)表⽰设备为标准版本,包含基础特性。

EI(Enhanced software Image)表⽰设备为增强版本,包含某些⾼级特性。

华为 CloudEngine S6730系列交换机 产品手册

华为 CloudEngine S6730系列交换机 产品手册

华为 CloudEngine S6730系列交换机 技术主打胶片部门:园区网络营销支持组作者:王宙00255706日期:2020年12月28日CloudEngine S6730系列交换机产品学习参考一线数通产品经理、机关、MO、渠道CloudEngine S6730全系列交换机产品定位、命名规则、款型全景及亮点特性交换机V200R020C00V1.22020-12-28王宙基于LSW V2R20C00版本刷新,新增10G/25G款型软硬件功能。




V1.12020-1-15王宙老的S系列产品已逐步EOM,材料不再进行刷新,将CloudEngine S系列新品独立出来开展刷新。

V1.02019-11-22王宙基于R19C00版本整理刷新CloudEngine S6730&S67系列交换机文档,聚焦产品硬件、及亮点特性介绍。

文档信息、修订记录目录1园区LAN网络趋势2CloudEngine S6730系列产品概览3CloudEngine S6730系列产品硬件介绍4CloudEngine S6730全系列产品亮点特性 5CloudEngine S6730 25GE系列亮点介绍数字化转型2.0时代,园区承载网络面临全新挑战Wi-Fi 6高清视频会议4K/8K 视频/流媒体AR/VRWi-Fi 6单用户带宽>80Mbps单用户带宽>30Mbps单用户带宽>50Mbps单AP带宽>3000MbpsGE/10GE是园区网络当前主流带宽,25GE/100GE正加速商用IDC:随着企业带宽需求的增长和关键业务对延迟的要求越来越低,网络对更高速度的需求将在未来几年刺激市场的增长。


高速端口正逐步替代低速端口, 25GE端口涨幅惊人,产品正加速进入市场。

2018Q12018Q22018Q32018Q42019Q12019Q22019Q32019Q42020Q12020Q2120%100%80%60%40%20%0%-20%-40%-60%-80%-100%150%端口数量同比增幅IDC全球以太网交换机市场份额报告_端口维度统计出货量同比变更收入同比变更100GE 51.2%32.8%40GE 8.1%27.2%25GE 62.2%39.0%10GE 23.1% 6.1%GE3.9%7.4%接入带宽正从GE向10GE演进汇聚及带宽正从10GE/40GE向25GE/100GE演进业务驱动大中小型园区升级,承载网络带宽进一步提升•接入+汇聚+核心三层组网,可选VxLAN •有线及Wi-Fi用户接入和管控•接入+核心 两层组网•有线及Wi-Fi用户接入和管控有线GE/10GE/25GE10GE/40GE/100GE核心接入Wi-Fi有线GE/10/25GEWi-Fi核心汇聚接入CSSiStackVxLAN (可选)WACWAC10GE/40GE/100GE目录1园区LAN网络趋势2CloudEngine S6730系列产品概览3CloudEngine S6730系列产品硬件介绍4CloudEngine S6730全系列产品亮点特性5CloudEngine S6730 25GE系列亮点介绍S67到CloudEngine S67系列交换机演进路径S6720-SIS6720-SI(MultiGE)CloudEngine S5732-H24UM2CCS6720-HICloudEngine S6730-HS6720-LI CloudEngine S6730-SS6720-EI•上行支持40GE/100GE,可以通过软件License控制上行端口类型•采用可编程网络处理器,硬件能力提升,交换容量及转发性能提升•表项规格(ARP/FIBv4/MAC/Multicast IPv4/Netstream)普遍增大•新增高密25G端口系列产品CloudEngineS5732-H48UM2CC•上行支持6*40GE,上行带宽提升3倍•采用可编程网络处理器,硬件能力提升,交换容量及转发性能提升•表项规格(ARP/FIBv4/MAC/Multicast IPv4/ACL)普遍增大•支持VXLAN和Netstream等敏捷功能•支持硬件OAM/BFD功能•上行支持2*100GE,支持8*25GE/2*40GE插卡•采用可编程网络处理器,硬件能力提升,转发性能提升1倍•表项规格(MAC/FIB/ACL)普遍增大•支持随板AC、VXLAN、Netstream等敏捷功能功能•支持安全启动及MACSec等安全功能CloudEngine S系列交换机全景图CloudEngine S5735-S/L CloudEngineS5730-H/SCloudEngineS12700E-4CloudEngineS12700E-12CloudEngineS12700E-8CloudEngineS7700CloudEngineS6730-H/SCloudEngine S系列盒式交换机命名规则A 品牌名称(1位)固定SB 网络定位(1位)8:核心交换机; 6:汇聚交换机 ;5:接入交换机C 市场定位(1位)7:企业网市场;3:运营商市场D 交换机系列(2位)十位表示更新换代,如10/20/50;个位表示个别规格升级,如01/02/03E 行业标识位(1,2位)默认无;有EC表示电商专用型号;有S表示分销专用型号;F 系列型号(1位)H:高级版本 S:标准版本 L:精简版G 下行端口数(2位)表示下行端口数量H 下行端口类型(2位)D:400G C:100G Q:40G Y:25G X:10G光 M:10G电 N:2.5G/5G电 S:千兆光 T:千兆电;F:百兆电 P:千兆电支持POE;U:千兆电支持POE++; UM:MultiGE支持POE++ I 上行端口数量(1位)上行端口数量J 上行端口类型(2位)D:400G C:100G Q:40G Y:25G X:万兆光 S:千兆光 T:千兆电 TP:Combo口 K 插卡位(1位)空:不支持插卡; C:支持上行插卡L 专用位(1位)默认无,专用系列 如 M表示 监控,I表示 宽温一体机M电源指示位A:AC电源 D:-48V电源 ; 可插卡电源此位为空C l o u d E n g i n e S 6700E C -H 48T 4Y C -M A产品系列端口组合关键特征AG B F I H J MC D E KLCloudEngine S6730系列产品概览产品定位:l 大中企业园区网络汇聚层交换机,支持10GE/25GE接入,40GE/100GE上行,有效降低网络收敛比;l 中小企业园区网络核心层交换机,协助企业构建接入+核心两层极简组网,接入通过25G到核心;常用组网:l 无线园区:Wi-Fi 6 AP+ S5732-H MultiGE交换机+ S6730-Hl弹性承载: S5732-H MultiGE交换机(RTU升级) + S6730-H (RTU升级*) + S12700E (RTU升级)CloudEngine S6730-H25GE系列CloudEngine S6730-H10GE系列CloudEngine S6730-S系列CloudEngine S6730系列产品主要功能差异概览功能项CloudEngine S6730-H 10GE系列CloudEngine S6730-HCloudEngine S6730-S25GE系列S6730-H24X6C S6730-H48X6C S6730-H24X4Y4C S6730-H28Y4C S6730-S24X6Q 硬件架构紧凑型,220mm深可编程硬件可靠堆叠可拔插风扇冗余可拔插电源冗余运维Netconf/YANGTelemetryNetstreamiPCAPTP:1588v2安全ECAMACSecAP管理WAC用户管理NAC业务随行虚拟化VXLANSVFMPLSCloudEngine S6730系列产品主要规格差异备注:*斜杠前为设备交换容量,斜杠后为芯片交换容量规格仅供参考,具体产品款型的规格以官网彩页及规格查询工具为准。





数据中心交换机CloudEngine 12800数据中心交换机CloudEngine 12800〔简称CE12800〕系列交换机是华为公司面向数据中心和高端园区网络推出的新一代高性能核心交换机。




关键特性弹性、虚拟、敏捷、高品质数据中心核心交换机弹性:64Tbps交换容量,可平滑升级到320Tbps;单设备支持192个100GE,384个40GE,或1536个10GE;虚拟:1:16核心虚拟化,512节点TRILL组网,EVN支持跨数据中心资源共享;敏捷:作为Overlay虚拟化网络〔VXLAN/NVGRE〕的高性能硬件网关,支撑高达16M 多租户的数据中心运营,OPS和ENP实现双平面可编程,网络按需定制;品质:专利的严格前后风道设计,线卡网板风道独立,提高散热效率;多种绿色节能创新技术,降低机房能耗。

技术规格CloudEngine 7800数据中心交换机CloudEngine 7800数据中心交换机关键特性40GE会聚交换机全40GE交换机,1U高设备支持32个40GE接口,可灵活拆分为10GE接口;支持iStack堆叠技术,实现机架内、机架间以及跨区域超长距的高性能堆叠,构建可扩展、易管理的数据中心网络平台;支持IETF标准协议TRILL,构建512节点的大二层网络,实现虚拟机大范围在线迁移。

支持nCenter虚拟机感知,通过高速Radius接口快速下发网络策略,实现策略随行;作为Overlay虚拟化网络〔VXLAN/NVGRE〕的高性能硬件网关,支撑高达16M多租户的数据中心运营;OPS提供丰富的Open API编程接口,用户可通过Open API开发和部署专用网络管理策略,实现网络按需定制。
























华为网络产品一、路由器1、AR G3系列企业路由器i.AR3200 系列企业路由器产品简介:AR3200系列企业路由器是华为公司推出的新一代网络产品,其秉承了华为在数据通信、无线通信、PON接入及软交换领域的深厚积累,并依托于自主知识产权的VRP平台,提供包括有线和无线的Internet接入、专线接入,PBX、融合通信及安全等功能,广泛部署于大中型园区网出口、大中型企业总部或分支等场景。

产品规格;ii.AR2200 系列企业路由器产品简介:AR2200系列企业路由器是华为公司推出的面向中型企业总部或大中型企业分支等以宽带、专线接入、语音和安全场景为主的路由器产品,采用多核CPU、独立分布式交换网可满足不同企业用户的的业务需求。



产品规格:3、NE系列高端路由器:i.Huawei NetEngine5000E 集群路由器产品简介:NetEngine 5000E集群路由器(以下简称NE5000E)是华为公司面向互联网骨干节点、城域网核心节点、数据互联中心节点以及Internet承载节点推出的超级核心路由器产品。


NE5000E 硬件上包括两部分,集群中央框CCC(Cluster Central Chassis)和转发线卡框CLC(Cluster Line Chassis)。


华为Quidway S2300系列交换机产品规格说明书

华为Quidway S2300系列交换机产品规格说明书

Product SpecificationsS2300-EI S2300-SIItem S2309TP S2309TP-PWRS2318TPS2326TPS2326TP-PWRS2352PS2309TPS2318TPS2326TPForwarding capacity 2.7Mpps2.7Mpps5.4Mpps6.6Mpps6.6Mpps13.2Mpps2.7Mpps5.4Mpps6.6MppsInterface switching capacity 3.6Gbps3.6Gbps7.2Gbps8.8Gbps8.8Gbps17.6Gbps3.6Gbps7.2Gbps8.8GbpsInterface description S2309TP-EI/SI/PWR-EI:eight 10/100Base-TX interfaces, one Combo interface (10/100/1000Base-Tor 100/1000Base-X)S2318TP-EI/SI:sixteen 10/100Base-TX interfaces, two Combo interfaces (10/100/1000Base-T or 100/1000Base-X)S2326TP-EI/SI/PWR-EI:twenty-four 10/100Base-TX interfaces, two Combo interfaces (10/100/1000Base-T or 100/1000Base-X)S2352P-EI:forty-eight 10/100Base-TX interfaces, two 100/1000Base-X SFP interfaces, and two 1000Base-X SFP interfacesSupports the 8K MAC address tableAdds or removes a MAC address entry manuallySets the aging time of MAC addressesSupports the limit to MAC address learning on an interfaceSupports blackhole MAC addresses NAMAC address tableDisables MAC address learning on an interface or in an aggregation group Disables MAC address learning on an interfaceSupports a maximum of 4K VLANs defined in IEEE 802.1Q Supports interface-based VLANsVLAN features Supports MAC address-based VLANsSupports basic QinQSupports 1:1 VLAN switchingSupports N:1 VLAN switchingN/ASupports four queues with different priorities on each interface Supports the algorithms of SP, WRR, and SP+WRRSupports packet queuing based on the 802.1p priority of packetsQoS Supports the interface limit and flow limitSupports traffic classification based on the source MAC address, destination MAC address,source IP address, destination IP address, Layer 4 interface,IP protocol type, VLAN, Ethernet protocol type, and CoS Supports the marking and redirection of packets based on flowsN/AS2300-EI S2300-SIItem S2309TP S2309TP-PWRS2318TPS2326TPS2326TP-PWRS2352PS2309TPS2318TPS2326TPMulticast Supports IGMPv1/v2/v3 snoopingSupports multicast load balancing on trunk interfacesLimits the rate of multicast packets and collects traffic statistics on interfaces Supports IPv6 hostsConfigures static routesIPv6 featuresSupports IPv6 ACLsSupports MLD snoopingNA Supports 1:1 mirroring or N:1 interface mirroringInterfacemirroring Supports flow mirroring N/A Supports IEEE 802.1x and limits the maximum number ofusers on each portSupports dynamic ARP inspectionSupports IP source guardN/ANetwork security Supports AAA authentication such as RADIUS authentication and HWTACACS+ authenticationSupports the binding of the IP address, MAC address, and interfaceSupports the interface limitSupports interface isolation and securitySupports packet filteringSupports MAC address filteringSupports suppression of multicast, broadcast, and unknown unicast packetsLimits the number of learnt MAC addressesSupports CPU protectionLightning protection All service interfaces support 6 KV lightning protection or even 15 KV lightning protection if additional lightning arresters are installedManagement Supports the automatic configuration Configures command lines Supports the configuration of Telnet Supports SNMPv1/v2/v3 Supports RMONSupports HGMPv2Supports SSHv2Support WEB NMSEnvironmentalrequirementsTemperature: 0°C to 50°C Relative humidity: 10% to 90% (non-condensing)Power supply AC:Rated voltage: 100 V to 240 V AC; 50/60 Hz Maximum voltage: 90 V to 264 V AC; 50/60 HzS2300-EIS2300-SI ItemS2309TPS2309TP-PW RS2318TPS2326TPS2326TP-PW RS2352PS2309TPS2318TPS2326TPDC:Rated voltage: –48 V to –60 V DC Maximum voltage: –36 V to –72 V DCN/ADimensions (width x depth x height))S2309TP-EI/SI :250×180×43.6 S2309TP-PWR-EI :320x220x43.6S2318TP-EI/SI,S2326TP-EI/SI :442×220×43.6 S2326TP-PWR-EI :442×420 ×43.6 S2352P-EI :442×220×43.6Weight<1.4kg <2.5kg <2.4kg <2.4kg <4kg (exclusi ve of thepower supply module )<3kg <1.4kg <2.4kg <2.4kgPowerconsumption>7.5W 154W Output PoE power supply: 124W >8.2W >8.6W 160W Output PoEpower supply:124W>20W >7.5W >9W >7.8W。



S5700-EI系列增强型千兆以太交换机S5700-EI 系列增强型千兆以太交换机产品概述1华为企业Sx700系列交换机产品特点更多的端口组合• S5700-EI支持多种上行扩展插卡,提供高密度的GE/10GE上行接口。

其中S5710-EI系列具有4 个固定10GE SFP+端口,通过上行扩展插卡可实现64×GE+4×10GE,48×GE+8×10GE,或56×GE+6×10GE等不同端口组合,充分满足不同用户对带宽升级的实际需求,保护用户投资。

完善的VPN隧道• S5700-EI支持Multi-VPN-Instance CE(MCE)功能。


• S5710-EI支持MPLS L3VPN、MPLS L2VPN(VPWS\VPLS)、MPLS-TE、MPLS QoS等功能,可作为高质量企业专线接入设备,是业界为数不多的高性价比盒式MPLS交换机。

灵活的以太组网• S5700-EI不仅支持传统的STP/RSTP/MSTP生成树协议,还支持华为自主创新的SEP 智能以太保护技术和业界最新的以太环网标准ERPS。



2华为企业Sx700系列交换机• S5700-EI支持SmartLink和VRRP功能。

S5700-EI通过多条链路接入到多台汇聚交换机上,SmartLink/ VRRP实现了上行链路的备份,极大地提升了接入侧设备的可靠性。

• S5700-EI支持多种连接故障快速检测功能。



Huawei S5730-SI Series SwitchesProduct BrochureHuawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductS5730-SI Series Switches 1Product Features and HighlightsPowerful service processing capability and multiple security control mechanisms•The S5730-SI supports many Layer 2/Layer 3 multicast protocols such as PIM SM, PIM DM, PIM SSM,MLD, and IGMP snooping, to support multi-terminal high-definition video surveillance and videoconferencing services.•The S5730-SI supports multiple Layer 3 features including OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, and VRRP, meetingenterprises' requirements on access and aggregation service bearing, and enabling a variety of voice,video, and data applications.•The S5730-SI supports MAC address authentication, 802.1x authentication, and Portal authentication, and implements dynamic delivery of policies (VLAN, QoS, and ACL) to users.•The S5730-SI provides a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS and user-targeted attacks. DoSattacks are targeted at switches and include SYN flood, Land, Smurf, and ICMP flood attacks. User-targeted attacks include bogus DHCP server attacks, IP/MAC address spoofing, DHCP request flood, andchange of the DHCP CHADDR value.•The S5730-SI sets up and maintains a DHCP snooping binding table, and discards the packets that donot match the table entries. You can specify DHCP snooping trusted and untrusted ports to ensure thatusers connect only to the authorized DHCP server.•The S5730-SI supports strict ARP learning, which protects a network against ARP spoofing attacks toensure normal network access.Easy O&M•The S5730-SI supports Super Virtual Fabric (SVF), which virtualizes the "Core/aggregation + Access switch +AP" structure into a logical device. The S5730-SI provides the simplest network management solutionin the industry to simplify device management. It allows plug-and-play access switches and APs.Inaddition, the S5730-SI supports service configuration templates. The templates are configured on coredevices and automatically delivered to access devices, enabling centralized control, simplified serviceconfiguration, and flexible configuration modification. The S5730-SI functions as a client in an SVFsystem.•The S5730-SI supports zero-touch deployment, replacement of faulty devices without additionalconfiguration, USB-based deployment, batch configuration, and batch remote upgrade. The capabilitiesfacilitate device deployment, upgrade, service provisioning, and other management and maintenanceoperations, and also greatly reduce O&M costs. The S5730-SI can be managed using SNMP v1/v2c/v3,CLI, web-based network management system, or SSH v2.0. Additionally, it supports RMON, multiple loghosts, port traffic statistics collection, and network quality analysis, which facilitate network optimizationand reconstruction.•The S5730-SI supports the Sampled Flow (sFlow) function. It uses a method defined in the sFlowstandard to sample traffic passing through it and sends sampled traffic to the collector in real time.The collected traffic statistics are used to generate statistical reports, helping enterprises maintain theirnetworks.Multiple reliability mechanisms•The S5730-SI supports iStack. This technology can virtualize up to nine physical switches intoone logical switch. Member switches in a stack implement redundancy backup to improve devicereliability and use inter-device link aggregation to improve link reliability. iStack provides high networkscalability. You can increase a stack's ports, bandwidth, and processing capacity by simply addingmember switches. iStack also simplifies device configuration and management. After a stack is set up,multiple physical switches are virtualized into one logical device.You can log in to any member switch inthe stack to manage all the member switches in the stack.•The S5730-SI is equipped with two removable power modules that can work in 1+1 redundancy backup mode. Mixed installation of AC and DC power modules is supported, allowing for flexible configurationof AC or DC power modules according to service requirements.•In addition to traditional STP, RSTP, and MSTP, the S5730-SI supports Huawei-developed Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) technology and the latest Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) standard. SEP is aring protection protocol specific to the Ethernet link layer, and applies to various ring networktopologies, such as open ring topology, closed ring topology, and cascading ring topology. This protocol Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product2Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product Product Specifications•The S5730-SI supports Smart Link. One S5730-SI switch can connect to multiple aggregation switchesthrough multiple links, implementing backup of uplinks and significantly improving reliability of accessdevices.•The S5730-SI supports Ethernet OAM (IEEE 802.3ah/802.1ag) to detect link faults quickly. Mature IPv6 technologies•The S5730-SI uses the mature, stable VRP platform and supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, IPv6 RIPng, and IPv6over IPv4 tunnels (including manual, 6-to-4, and ISATAP tunnels). With these IPv6 features, the S5730-SIcan be deployed on a pure IPv4 network, a pure IPv6 network, or a shared IPv4/IPv6 network, helping achieve IPv4-to-IPv6 transition.3Open Programmability System (OPS)•Open Programmability System (OPS) is an open programmable system based on the Python language. ITadministrators can program the O&M functions of a switch through Python scripts to quickly innovatefunctions and implement intelligent O&M.is reliable, easy to maintain, and implements fast protection switching within 50 ms. ERPS is defined in ITU-T G.8032. It implements millisecond-level protection switching based on traditional Ethernet MAC andbridging functions.Perpetual Po E•When a PoE switch is rebooted by running the reboot command or the software version is upgraded, thepower supply to PDs is not interrupted. This capability ensures that PDs are not powered off during theswitch reboot.Fast PoE•S5730-48C/68C-PWR-SI switches can supply power to PDs within 10s after they are powered on. This isdifferent from common switches that generally take 1 to 3 minutes to start to supply power to PDs. When a PoE switch reboots due to a power failure, the PoE switch continues to supply power to the PDsimmediately after being powered on without waiting until it finishes reboot. This greatly shortens thepower failure time of PDs.Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductService Features4Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product5Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductThe S5730-SI provides various security features including ARP security, IP security, IP source guard, and user access control policies such as NAC and ACLs, to control access of user terminals.In addition, the switch supports the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) to provide multi-link access for servers, improving link bandwidth and reliability.In terms of device management, the S5730-SI provides EasyOperation and USB-based deployment, which facilitates device deployment and management.Large-sized enterprise Campus networksThe S5730-SI provides various terminal security management features, and supports functions such as PoE, voice VLAN, and QoS. The switch can be used for desktop access and provides gigabit access speed.Applications 6S5730Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product The S5730-SI switches can be located at the aggregation layer to build a high-performance, reliable enterprise campus network.On an enterprise network or campus network, the S5730-SI switches connect to access switches through gigabit or 10 gigabit interfaces, provide high performance and large switching capacity, and connect to core switches through 10 gigabit optical interfaces. The network provides 10 Gbit/s rate for the backbone layer and 100 Mbit/s access rate for terminals, meeting requirements for high bandwidth and multi-service.The S5730-SI provides SEP and RRPP to implement millisecond-level protection switchover. The switches form a stack system by using iStack technology to implement the distributed forwarding structure and fast fault recovery. The stack system increases the number of user interfaces and improves packet processing capability. The member switches can be managed in a uniform manner to facilitate network management and maintenance.Small- and Middle-Sized Enterprise Campus Network 7S5730Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductOrdering InformationThe following table lists ordering information of the S5730-S I series switches.Other than that,the S5730-SI switches can be used as the core switches of a small-sized enterprise campus network, which have powerful aggregation and routing capabilities. The S5730-SI switches use iStack to ensure high reliability. The switches provide various access control policies to achieve centralized user management and simplify configuration.Small-Sized Enterprise Campus NetworkAccessSwitchFor more information, visit /en or contact your local Huawei sales office.8Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2017. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademark Notice, HUAWEI, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.General DisclaimerThe information in this document may contain predictive statements including,without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results,future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors thatcould cause actual results and developments to differ materially from thoseexpressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information isprovided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor anacceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.。



Huawei S6720-LI Series SwitchesProduct BrochureHuawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductS6720-LI Series SwitchesProduct Overview1Product Features and HighlightsHigh-Density 10GE Access and 40GE Uplink• To provide sufficient bandwidth for users, more and more servers use 10G network adapters. The S6720-LI has the highest density of 10GE ports and largest switching capacity among counterpart switches.Each S6720-LI provides up to 32 line-rate 10GE ports and two line-rate QSFP+ ports.• Ports of the S6720-LI support GE access and 10GE access and can identify optical module types,maximizing the return on investment and allowing users to flexibly deploy services.Comprehensive Security Control Policies• The S6720-LI provides multiple security measures to defend against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, as well as attacks against networks or users. DoS attacks include SYN flood, Land, Smurf, and ICMP floodattacks. Attacks to networks refer to STP BPDU/root attacks. Attacks to users include bogus DHCP serverattacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, IP/MAC spoofing attacks, and DHCP request flood attacks. DoSattacks that change the CHADDR field in DHCP packets are also attacks against users.• The S6720-LI supports DHCP snooping, which generates user binding entries. DHCP snooping discards invalid packets that do not match any binding entries, such as ARP spoofing packets and IP spoofingpackets. This prevents hackers from using ARP packets to initiate attacks on campus networks. DHCPsnooping trusted ports can be specified to ensure that users connect only to the authorized DHCP server.• The S6720-LI supports strict ARP learning. This feature prevents ARP spoofing attackers from exhausting ARP entries so that users can connect to the Internet normally. The S6720-LI supports IP source check toprevent DoS attacks caused by MAC address spoofing, IP address spoofing, and MAC/IP spoofing.• The S6720-LI supports centralized MAC address authentication and 802.1X authentication. Itauthenticates users based on statically or dynamically bound user information such as the user name, IPaddress, MAC address, VLAN ID, port number, and flag indicating whether antivirus software is installed.VLANs, QoS policies, and ACLs can be applied to users dynamically.• The S6720-LI can limit the number of MAC addresses learned on a port to prevent attackers fromexhausting MAC address entries by using bogus source MAC addresses. This function minimizes packetflooding that occurs when MAC addresses of users cannot be found in the MAC address table.Comprehensive Reliability Mechanisms• The S6720-LI supports MSTP multi-process that enhances the existing STP, RSTP, and MSTPimplementation. This function increases the number of MSTIs supported on a network. It also supportsenhanced Ethernet reliability technologies such as Smart Link and RRPP, which implement millisecond-level protection switchover and ensure network reliability. Smart Link and RRPP both support multi-instance to implement load balancing among links, improving bandwidth use efficiency.• The S6720-LI supports enhanced trunk (E-trunk). A CE can be dual-homed to two PEs through Eth-Trunk links. This implements inter-device link aggregation and link load balancing, and greatly improvesreliability of access devices.• The S6720-LI supports the Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) protocol, a ring network protocol applied to the link layer of an Ethernet network. SEP can be used on open ring networks and provides millisecond-level switchover to ensure nonstop services. SEP features simplicity, high reliability, fast switchover, easymaintenance, and flexible topology, facilitating network planning and management.• The S6720-LI supports G.8032, also called Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS). ERPS is based on traditional Ethernet MAC and bridging functions. It uses the mature Ethernet OAM and Ring AutomaticProtection Switching (Ring APS or R-APS) technologies to implement millisecond-level protectionswitchover on Ethernet. ERPS supports multiple services and provides flexible networking, reducing theOPEX and CAPEX.• The S6720-LI supports VRRP. Two S6720-LIs can form a VRRP group to ensure nonstop and reliablecommunication. Multiple equal-cost routes to an upstream device can be configured on the S6720-LI toprovide route redundancy. When an active route is unreachable, traffic is switched to a backup route.Various QoS Control Mechanisms• The S6720-LI implements complex traffic classification based on packet information such as the 5-tuple, IP preference, ToS, DSCP, IP protocol type, ICMP type, TCP source port, VLAN ID, Ethernet protocol type,and CoS. ACLs can be applied to inbound or outbound direction to filter packets. The S6720-LI supportsa flow-based two-rate three-color CAR. Each port supports eight priority queues and multiple queuescheduling algorithms such as WRR, DRR, PQ, WRR+PQ, and DRR+PQ. All of these ensure the quality ofvoice, video, and data services.Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product2Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product Product SpecificationsHigh Scalability• The S6720-LI supports intelligent stack (iStack) and virtualizes multiple switches into one logical switch.A port of the S6720-LI can be configured as a stack port using a command for flexible stack deployment. The distance between stacked switches is further increased when the switches are connected with optical fibers. Compared with a single device, iStack has advantages on scalability, reliability, performance, and overall architecture. A new switch can join a stack to increase the system capacity or replace a faultymember switch without interrupting services. Compared with stacking of modular switches, the iStackfunction can increase system capacity and port density with no restriction of the hardware architecture.Multiple devices in a stack can be considered as one logical device. These switches can be managedusing a single IP address, which greatly reduces system expansion and O&M costs.Convenient Management• The S6720-LI supports automatic configuration, plug-and-play, deployment using a USB flash drive, and batch remote upgrade. These capabilities simplify device management and maintenance, and greatly reduce maintenance costs.• The S6720-LI supports SNMPv1/v2/v3 and provides flexible methods for managing and maintainingdevices, such as CLI and Web NMS. The NQA function helps users with network planning and upgrades. In addition, the S6720-LI supports NTP , SSH v2, HWTACACS, RMON, log hosts, and port-based trafficstatistics.• The S6720-LI supports GVRP , which dynamically distributes, registers, and propagates VLAN attributes to reduce the manual configuration workloads of network administrators and ensure correct VLAN configuration.• The S6720-LI supports MUX VLAN that isolates Layer 2 traffic between ports in a VLAN. MUX VLANdefines principal VLANs and subordinate VLANs. Subordinate VLANs can communicate with the MUXVLAN but cannot communicate with each other. This function prevents communication betweennetwork devices connected to certain ports or port groups but allows the devices to communicate withthe default gateway. MUX VLAN is usually used on an enterprise intranet to isolate user ports from each other but allow them to communicate with server ports.• Complying with IEEE 802.3ah and 802.1ag, the S6720-LI supports point-to-point Ethernet faultmanagement and can detect faults in the last mile of an Ethernet link to users. Ethernet OAM improvesthe Ethernet network management and maintenance capabilities and ensures a stable network.Various IPv6 Features• The S6720-LI supports various IPv6 routing protocols including RIPng and OSPFv3. It uses the IPv6Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) to manage packets exchanged between neighbors. It also providesthe Path MTU Discovery (PMTU) mechanism to select a proper MTU on the path from the source to the destination, optimizing network resources and obtaining the maximum throughput.3Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product 4Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product5Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductNetworking and ApplicationsData Center NetworksAs shown in the following figure, the S12700 agile switches function as core switches in a data center and use firewall and load balancer cards to ensure security and perform load balancing. The S6720-LIs function as access switches and provide high-density 10GE ports to connect to 10G servers.Campus NetworksThe S6720-LI series switches can be used as access or aggregation switches on small- and medium-sized campus networks and provide high-density line-rate 10GE ports, rich service features, and comprehensivesecurity mechanism. All of those make the S6720-LI cost effective on campus networks.CarrierProductionArea Test Area Office Area ManagementArea InterconnectionArea S6720-LI6Ordering InformationProduct DescriptionS6720-16X-LI-16S-AC (16 10GE SFP+, AC power supply)S6720S-16X-LI-16S-AC (16 10GE SFP+, AC power supply)S6720-26Q-LI-24S-AC (24 10GE SFP+, 2 40GE QSFP+, A C power supply) S6720S-26Q-LI-24S-AC (24 10GE SFP+, 2 40GE QSFP+, A C power supply)Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademark Notice, HUAWEI, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.General DisclaimerThe information in this document may contain predictive statements including,without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results,future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors thatcould cause actual results and developments to differ materially from thoseexpressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information isprovided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor anacceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.。



效抵御感应雷击过电压,所有端口均可以满足6KV 的防雷能力。在实际应用中,相对于常规设计, 即使在恶劣的应用环境下,甚至无法实现有效接 地的场景,也可以大大降低设备的雷击损坏率。
• S3300有多款设备支持POE功能,遵循IEEE802.3af 及802.3at (POE+)标准。可通过以太网对所连 接的标准PD设备(如IP Phone、WLAN AP、 Bluetooth AP等终端)供电,单端口供电能力可
Snooping 的信任端口特性还可以保证DHCP
Server 的合法性。
• S3300支持Multi-VPN-Instance CE(MCE) 功能,实
• S3300支持ARP表项严格学习功能,可以防止因 • S33HI支持智能以太保护SEP(Smart Ethernet
• S3300支持集中式MAC地址认证和802.1x 认证, 支持用户账号、IP、MAC、VLAN、端口、客户端 是否安装病毒防范等用户标识元素的绑定,同时 实现用户策略(VLAN、Qos、ACL)的动态下发。
• S3300支持基于端口的源MAC地址学习限制功能, 有效防止用户源MAC欺骗冲击设备MAC表项,导 致正常用户无法学到MAC表而泛洪的问题等。
• S3300系列交换机硬件支持IPv4/IPv6双栈和IPv6 over IPv4隧道(包括手工Tunnel,6to4 Tunnel, ISATAP Tunnel),三层线速转发。既可以用于纯 IPv4或IPv6网络,也可以用于IPv4到IPv6共存的网 络,组网方式灵活,充分满足当前网络从IPv4向 IPv6过渡的需求。

华为 CloudEngine S6730-H 系列交换机 产品手册

华为 CloudEngine S6730-H 系列交换机 产品手册

彩页产品概述CloudEngine S6730-H系列交换机,是新一代企业级核心和汇聚层交换机,具备高性能、高可靠、云管理和智能运维能力。



CloudEngine S6730-H系列交换机,是华为面向园区网络推出的10G、25G、40G和100G以太网交换机,丰富的端口类型满足多样化的网络带宽需求。







产品型号和外观CloudEngine S6730-H48X6CCloudEngine S6730-H24X4Y4C产品特性和优势让网络更敏捷地为业务服务●该系列交换机内置高速灵活的处理器芯片,针对以太网专属设计,凭借其灵活的报文处理及流量控制能力,深入贴近业务,满足现在及未来的各种挑战,助力客户构建弹性扩展的网络。







满足以太网 多业务承载 和接入需 S2700系列 要,助力企 为盒式设 业用户搭建 备,提供标 以太智能百 面向未来的 准版(SI) 园区交换机 兆接入交换 IT网络。 和增强版 机 可以作为企 (EI)两种 业接入交换 产品型号 机实现百兆 到桌面,千 兆上行。
S3700系列 交换机为盒 三层以太交 式产品设 换机 备,提供标 园区交换机 标准版支持 准版(SI) 二层和基本 和增强版 三层 (EI)
园区网核 S12700系列 园区交换机 园区网核心 心,பைடு நூலகம்校园网 目前提供 /数据中心
产品规格参数 支持8个10/100Mbps自适应以太网 电口 支持24个10/100Mbps自适应以太网 电口 支持24个10/100Mbps自适应以太网 电口 支持24个10/100Mbps自适应以太网 电口,支持4个GE SPF独立光口 支持48个10/100Mbps自适应以太网 电口,支持2个GE电口和2个GE光口 .支持8个10/100Base-TX,1个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .支持8个10/100Base-TX,1个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .支持8个10/100Base-TX,1个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .支持8个10/100Base-TX,1个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .支持16个10/100Base-TX,2个千 兆Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .支持16个10/100Base-TX,2个千 兆Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个千兆 Combo口(10/100/1000Base-T或 .48个10/100Base-TX,2个 100/1000Base-X SFP,2个 .48个10/100Base-TX,2个 100/1000Base-X SFP,2个 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个 1000Base-X SFP,2个千兆Combo口 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个 1000Base-X SFP,2个千兆Combo口 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个 1000Base-X SFP,2个千兆Combo口 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个 1000Base-X SFP,2个千兆Combo口 .24个10/100Base-TX,2个 1000Base-X SFP,2个千兆Combo口 .48个10/100Base-TX,2个 100/1000Base-X SFP,2个 .48个10/100Base-TX,2个 100/1000Base-X SFP,2个 .48个10/100Base-TX,2个 100/1000Base-X SFP,2个 .24个10/100/1000Base-T以太网d 端口,4个复用的 SFP千兆端口 .24个10/100/1000Base-T以太网d 端口,4个复用的 SFP千兆端口 .24个10/100/1000Base-T以太网d 端口,4个复用的 SFP千兆端口 .24个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端 口,4个复用的 SFP千兆端口 .24个10/100/1000Base-T,上行支 持4*1000Base-X SFP、2*10GE .24个10/100/1000Base-X,4个复 用的10/100/1000Base-T千兆端口 .48个10/100/1000Base-T以太网 口,4个复用的SFP千兆端口 .48个10/100/1000Base-T以太网 口,4个复用的SFP千兆端口 .48个10/100/1000Base-T以太网 口,4个复用的SFP千兆端口 .48个100/1000Base-T,上行支持 4*1000Base-X SFP、2*10GE SFP+ .48个100/1000Base-T,上行支持 4*1000Base-X SFP、2*10GE SFP+ .48个10/100/1000Base-T,上行支 持4*1000Base-X SFP、2*10GE .48个10/100/1000Base-T,上行支 持4*1000Base-X SFP、2*10GE .48个GE SFP/10GE SFP+端口 .可插拔双电源 .48个GE SFP/10 GE SFP+端口 .可插拔双电源 8个 10/100 8个 10/100 8个 10/100 8个 10/100 16个 10/100 16个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 10/100 24个 100/10 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 48个 10/100 24个GE SFP/10 48个GE SFP/10 端口 8口 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 16口 24口 48口 尺寸 160*1 34*30 320*2 08*43 330*2 08*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 250*1 80*43 250*1 80*43 250*1 80*43 320*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*2 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 442*4 20*43 供电 AC AC AC AC AC AC DC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC DC AC AC AC AC DC DC AC AC AC DC AC DC AC AC AC/DC AC/DC AC DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC 层级 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 二层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层 三层



Huawei S5700-EI Series SwitchesProduct BrochureThe S5700-EI series gigabit enterprise switches (S5700-EI) are next-generation energy-saving switchesdeveloped by Huawei to meet the demand for high-bandwidth access and Ethernet multi-servicemaintain, reducing workloads for network planning, construction, and maintenance. The S5700-EI usesS5700-EI Series Gigabit Enterprise Switches Product OverviewProduct Appearance•Switching capacity: 416Gbps2-2Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product•Switching capacity: 416GbpsProduct Features and highlightsPowerful support for services•The S5700-EI supports IGMP v1/v2/v3 snooping, IGMP filter, IGMP fast leave, and IGMP proxy. It supportsline-speed replication of multicast packets between VLANs, multicast load balancing among member interfaces of a trunk, and controllable multicast, meeting requirements for IPTV services and othermulticast services.•The S5700-EI provides the Multi-VPN-Instance CE (MCE) function to isolate users in different VPNs on a device, ensuring data security and reducing costs.•The S5710-EI supports multiple MPLS & VPN features, including Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) or Resource Reservation Protocol for Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE), MPLS TE, VLL, VPLS, and MPLS L3VPN. Comprehensive reliability mechanisms•Besides STP, RSTP, and MSTP, the S5700-EI supports enhanced Ethernet reliability technologies such asSmart Link and RRPP (Rapid Ring Protection Protocol), which implement millisecond-level protection switchover and ensure network reliability. It also provides Smart Link multi-instance and RRPP multi-instance to implement load balancing among links, optimizing bandwidth usage.Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product2-3•The S5700-EI supports enhanced trunk (E-Trunk) that enables a CE to be dual-homed to two PEs (S5700s).E-Trunk greatly enhances link reliability between devices and implements link aggregation betweendevices. This improves reliability of access devices.•The S5700-EI supports the Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) protocol, a ring network protocol applied tothe link layer on an Ethernet network. SEP can be used on open ring networks and can be deployed onupper-layer aggregation devices to provide fast switchover, ensuring non-stop transmission of services.SEP features simplicity, high reliability, fast switchover, easy maintenance, and flexible topology, facilitatingnetwork planning and management.•The S5700-EI supports Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS), also referred to as G.8032. As the latestring network protocol, ERPS was developed based on traditional Ethernet MAC and bridging functionsand uses mature Ethernet OAM function and a Ring Automatic Protection Switching (R-APS) mechanismto implement millisecond-level protection switching. ERPS supports various services and allows flexiblenetworking, helping customers build a network with lower OPEX and CAPEX.•The S5700-EI supports redundant power supplies, and can use an AC power supply and a DC powersimultaneously. Users can choose a single power supply or use two power supplies to ensure devicereliability.•The S5700-EI supports VRRP, and can set up VRRP groups with other Layer 3 switches. VRRP providesredundant routes to ensure stable and reliable communication. Multiple equal-cost routes to an uplinkdevice can be configured on the S5700-EI to provide route redundancy. When an active route isunreachable, traffic is switched to a backup route.•The S5700-EI supports Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) and provides millisecond-level detectionfor protocols such as OSPF, IS-IS, VRRP, and PIM to improve network reliability. The S5700-EI complies withIEEE 802.3ah and 802.1ag. IEEE 802.3ah defines the mechanism for detecting faults on direct links overthe Ethernet in the first mile, and 802.1ag defines the mechanism for end-to-end service fault detection.The S5700-EI supports Y.1731. Besides fast end-to-end service fault detection, the S5700-EI can use theperformance measurement tools defined in Y.1731 to monitor network performance, providing accuratedata about network quality.Well-designed QoS policies and security mechanisms•The S5700-EI implements complex traffic classification based on packet information such as the 5-tuple,IP precedence, ToS, DSCP, IP protocol type, ICMP type, TCP/UDP port number, VLAN ID, Ethernet protocoltype. ACLs can be applied to inbound or outbound direction on an interface. The S5700-EI supportsa flow-based two-rate three-color CAR. Each port supports eight priority queues and multiple queuescheduling algorithms such as WRR, DRR, SP, WRR+SP, and DRR+SP. All of these ensure the quality ofvoice, video, and data services.Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product•The S5700-EI provides multiple security measures to defend against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks,and attacks against networks or users. DoS attack types include SYN Flood attacks, Land attacks, Smurf attacks, and ICMP Flood attacks. Attacks to networks refer to STP BPDU/root attacks. Attacks to users include bogus DHCP server attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, IP/MAC spoofing attacks, DHCP requestflood attacks. DoS attacks that change the CHADDR field in DHCP packets are also attacks against users.•The S5700-EI supports DHCP snooping, which discards invalid packets that do not match any binding entries, such as ARP spoofing packets and IP spoofing packets. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacksto campus networks that hackers initiate by using ARP packets. The interface connected to a DHCP server can be configured as a trusted interface to protect the system against bogus DHCP server attacks.•The S5700-EI supports strict ARP learning, which prevents ARP spoofing attacks that will exhaust ARP entries. It also provides IP source check to prevent DoS attacks caused by MAC address spoofing, IP address spoofing, and MAC/IP spoofing.•The S5700-EI supports 802.1x authentication, MAC address authentication, and combined authentication on a per port basis, as well as Portal authentication on a per VLANIF interface basis. The S5700-EI also supports NAC. The S5700-EI authenticates users based on statically or dynamically bound user information such as the user name, IP address, MAC address, VLAN ID, access interface, and flag indicating whether antivirus software is installed. VLANs, QoS policies, and ACLs can be applied to users dynamically.•The S5700-EI can limit the number of MAC addresses learned on an interface to prevent attackers from exhausting MAC address entries by using bogus source MAC addresses. This function minimizes packetflooding that occurs when MAC addresses of users cannot be found in the MAC address table.Fine-grained traffic management•The S5710-EI supports NetStream. The NetStream module supports V5, V8, and V9 packet formats and provides various traffic analysis functions, such as real-time traffic sampling, dynamic report generation, traffic attribute analysis, and traffic exception report. The Netstream module enables administrators to monitor network status in real time and provides applications and analysis functions including potential fault detection, effective fault rectification, fast problem handling, and security monitoring, to help customers optimize network structure and adjust resource deployment.•The S5700-EI supports the Sampled Flow (sFlow) function, which uses a sampling mechanism to obtain statistics about traffic forwarded on a network and sends the statistics to the Collector in real time. The Collector analyzes traffic statistics to help customers manage network traffic efficiently. The S5700-EI integrates the sFlow Agent module and uses hardware for traffic monitoring. Unlike traffic monitoring through port mirroring, sFlow does not degrade network performance during traffic monitoring.Easy deployment and maintenance free•The S5700-EI supports automatic configuration, plug-and-play, and batch remote upgrade. These capabilities simplify device management and maintenance and reduce maintenance costs. The S5700-EI supports SNMP v1/v2c/v3 and provides flexible methods for managing devices. Users can manageHuawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Productthe S5700-EI using the CLI and Web NMS. The NQA function helps users with network planning andupgrading. In addition, the S5700-EI supports NTP, SSH v2, HWTACACS+, RMON, log hosts, and port-based traffic statistics.•EasyDeploy: The Commander collects information about the topology of the client connecting to theCommander and saves client startup information based on the topology. The client can be replacedwithout configuration. Configuration and scripts can be delivered to the client in batches. In addition, theconfiguration delivery result can be queried. The Commander can collect and display power consumptionon the entire network.•The S5700-EI supports the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP), which dynamically distributes,registers, and propagates VLAN attributes to reduce manual configuration workloads of networkadministrators and to ensure correct VLAN configuration. In a complex network topology, GVRP simplifiesVLAN configuration and reduces network communication faults caused by incorrect VLAN configuration.•The S5700-EI supports MUX VLAN. MUX VLAN isolates Layer 2 traffic between interfaces in a VLAN.Interfaces in a subordinate separate VLAN can communicate with ports in the principal VLAN but cannotcommunicate with each other. MUX VLAN is usually used on an enterprise intranet to isolate userinterfaces from each other but allow them to communicate with server interfaces. This function preventscommunication between network devices connected to certain interfaces or interface groups but allowsthe devices to communicate with the default gateway.PoE function•The S5700-EI PWR can use PoE power supplies with different power levels to provide -48V DC power forPowered Devices (PDs) such as IP phones, WLAN APs, and Bluetooth APs. In its role as Power SourcingEquipment (PSE), the S5700-EI PWR complies with IEEE 802.3af and 802.3at (PoE+) and can work with PDsthat are incompatible with 802.3af or 802.3at. Each port provides a maximum of 30 W power, complyingwith IEEE 802.3at. The PoE+ function increases the maximum power of each port and implements intelligentpower management for high-power consumption applications. This facilitates the use of PDs. PoE portscan work in power-saving mode. The S5700-EI PWR provides improved PoE solutions. Users can configurewhether and when a PoE port supplies power.High scalability•The S5700-EI supports intelligent stacking (iStack). Multiple S5700-EI switches can be connected withstack cables to set up a stack, which functions as a virtual switch. A stack consists of a master switch,a backup switch, and several slave switches. The backup switch takes over services when the masterswitch fails, reducing service interruption time. Stacks support intelligent upgrade so that users do notneed to change the software version of a switch when adding it to a stack. The iStack function allowsusers to connect multiple switches with stack cables to expand system capacity. These switches can bemanaged using a single IP address, which greatly reduces the costs of system expansion, operation, andmaintenance. Compared with traditional networking technologies, iStack has advantages in scalability,reliability, and system architecture.Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductVarious IPv6 features•The S5700-EI supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stack and can migrate from an IPv4 network to an IPv6 network.S5700-EI hardware supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels (including manual tunnels, 6to4tunnels, and ISATAP tunnels), and Layer 3 line-speed forwarding. The S5700-EI can be deployed on IPv4networks, IPv6 networks, or networks that run both IPv4 and IPv6. This makes networking flexible andenables easy migration from IPv4 to IPv6.Product Specifications2-7Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductHuawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch Product*:The S5700 switches of the EI series are collectively called S5700-EI. S5710-EI is a sub-series switches of S5700-EI .2-9Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductOn Large-sized Enterprise NetworksThe S5700-EI can function as an access device on a large-sized enterprise network or an aggregation device on a small-sized or medium-sized campus network. It supports link aggregation and dual-homing to improve network reliability.In Data CentersThe S5700-EI can be used in a data center. It connects to gigabit servers and aggregates traffic from the servers to uplink devices through trunk links. If multiple servers are available, an S5700-EI stack can be used to facilitate network maintenance and improve network reliability.InternetWANApplicationsHuawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductFor more information, visit or contact your local Huawei sales office.S5710-28C-EI(24xEthernet 10/100/1000 ports,4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 or SFP ,4x10 GigSFP+, without power module)S5710-28C-PWR-EI-AC(24xEthernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports,4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 orSFP ,4x10 Gig SFP+, with 580W AC power)S5710-52C-EI(48xEthernet 10/100/1000 ports,4x10 Gig SFP+, with 2 interface slots, without powermodule)S5710-52C-PWR-EI(48xEthernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 4x10 Gig SFP+, with 2 interface slots, withoutpower module)8xGig SFP interface card(used in S5710-EI series)8xEthernet 10/100/1000 ports interface card(used in S5710-EI series)4xGig SFP interface card(including 4xGig SFP optical interface, extend channel card)(used in S5700-EI series)2x10GE SFP+ interface card(used in S5710-EI series)2x10GE SFP+ interface card(used in S5700-SI and S5700-EI series)4x10GE SFP+ optical interface card(including 4x10GE SFP+ interface, extend channel card)(used in S5700-SIand S5700-EI series)Ethernet Stack Interface Card(Including stack card,100cm stack cable)Ethernet Stack Interface Card(Including stack card,300cm stack cable)150W AC Power Module150W DC Power Module500W AC PoE Power Module580W AC PoE Power Module 1150W AC PoE Power Module Product List2-11Huawei Enterprise Sx700 Series Switch ProductCopyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2015. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademark Notice, HUAWEI, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.General DisclaimerThe information in this document may contain predictive statements including,without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results,future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors thatcould cause actual results and developments to differ materially from thoseexpressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information isprovided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor anacceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.。

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产品定位: 产品定位:
中型网络LAN 中型网络LAN骨干路由交换机 LAN骨干路由交换机 大型网络的汇聚层交换机 高密度LAN LAN的用户接入交换机 高密度LAN的用户接入交换机
模块化、分布式处理 模块化、 8个槽位, 6个通用I/O槽 I/O槽 个槽位, 个通用I/O 最大支持 48GE 或 288FE 提供2 提供2+1个电源冗余备份 支持所有单板在线热插拔 支持Salience 支持Salience™ 系列 路由引擎 Salience™ 支持华为VRP 3.x网络操作系统 支持华为VRP™ 3.x网络操作系统 VRP™
Data Server
Email, FTP, Proxy Cache Servers
Radius Servers
S6503 S6506 S6506R
64G备板容量 备板容量 32G 交换容量 4个槽位 个槽位 144FE/28GE iSalience™ I路由引擎 路由引擎
4S8016内置 内置NAT业务板以 业务板以NAPT方式支持公网和 内置 业务板以 方式支持公网和 私网地址的转换,有效解决 地址紧缺的问题 私网地址的转换,有效解决IP地址紧缺的问题 4NAT策略可以支持城域网公网 私网地址混合规划, 策略可以支持城域网公网/私网地址混合规划 策略可以支持城域网公网 私网地址混合规划, 解决外置式NAT无法支持的混合策略 无法支持的混合策略 解决外置式
4 支持 个VLAN 支持4K个 4 支持 支持64K MAC地址,支持 地址, 地址 支持802.3x流控 流控 4 每接口板支持 个流分类 每接口板支持5K个流分类 4 支持端口捆绑
支持8FE/板,4GE/板端口捆绑,方便组网 板 板端口捆绑, 支持 板端口捆绑
4 支持端口镜像 4 支持 支持Spanning Tree生成树协议 生成树协议
4NAT支持 支持ICMP、FTP、OICQ等ALG处理 支持 、 、 等 处理
4单块 单块NAT板支持并发会话数 板支持并发会话数150k,每秒新会话数 单块 板支持并发会话数 , 16K会话 秒 会话/秒 会话 4NAT板数量按照 板数量按照NAT容量灵活配置,支持 容量灵活配置, 板数量按照 容量灵活配置 支持NAT板 板 间负荷分担和热备份功能
换 换 网 网
主 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 板 板 控 口 口 口 口 口 口 口 口 板 板 板 板 板 板 板 板 板
整机容量: 整机容量: 背板容量:256G 背板容量: 交换容量: 交换容量:128G 整机处理能力: 整机处理能力:96MPPS,全线速转发 ,
接口特性: 接口特性: 16个业务插槽,整机支持: 个业务插槽, 个业务插槽 整机支持: 64GE/512FE/128POS155/32POS622/16POS2.5G 16/32端口 端口10/100M自适应以太网电接口线路板 端口 自适应以太网电接口线路板 4端口千兆以太网电口线路板 端口千兆以太网电口线路板 16端口百兆以太网单 多模光纤接口线路板 端口百兆以太网单/多模光纤接口线路板 端口百兆以太网单 4端口千兆以太网单 多模光纤接口线路板 端口千兆以太网单/多模光纤接口线路板 端口千兆以太网单 4端口 端口GBIC接口线路板 端口 接口线路板 4/8端口 端口155M POS单/多模光接口线路板 单 多模光接口线路板 端口 2端口 端口622M POS单/多模光接口线路板 端口 单 多模光接口线路板 1端口 端口2.5G POS单/多模光接口线路板 端口 单 多模光接口线路板
128G备板容量 备板容量 64G 交换容量 7个槽位 个槽位 288FE/48GE Salience™ I路由引擎 路由引擎
128G备板容量 备板容量 64G交换容量 交换容量 8个槽位 个槽位 288FE/48GE Salience™ II路由引擎 路由引擎
产品定位: 产品定位:
华为3Com Quidway 端到端的可管理、全线速、全业务智能交换解决 端到端的可管理、全线速、 华为 方案体系结构, 过集群、堆叠、 方案体系结构,通过集群、堆叠、HGMP、QoS、安全技术、内容分布、 、 、安全技术、内容分布、 MPLS提供优良的可管理特性及业务,充分满足语音、数据、视频业务 提供优良的可管理特性及业务, 提供优良的可管理特性及业务 充分满足语音、数据、 的综合传送。 的综合传送。
Quidway S8505/8512 Quidway S6503/6506 千兆核心多层交换机 Quidway S8016 千兆核心多层交换机 万兆核心多层交换机
Quidway S5516 Quidway S20082008/B/ 2016/2016B/ 2026/2026B/2403H 边缘接入以太网交换机 QuidwayS3026/3026E/3026F S3050/3526/3526E/3526F 快速以太网接入交换机 千兆路由交换机
主控交换 槽位1 槽位 槽位2 槽位 槽位3 槽位 槽位4 槽位 槽位5 槽位 2G 6G 6G 6G 6G 6G 主控交换 槽位1 槽位 槽位2 槽位 槽位3 槽位 槽位4 槽位 槽位5 槽位 槽位6 槽位 8G 8G /0G 8/6/4/2/0G
S6503路由交换机 产品定位: 产品定位:
中小企业LAN 中小企业LAN骨干路由交换机 LAN骨干路由交换机 大型网络的汇聚层交换机 高级商务楼宇配线间交换机
模块化、分布式处理 模块化、 4个槽位,3个通用I/O槽 I/O槽 个槽位, 个通用I/O 最大支持 28GE 或 4GE+144FE 提供1 提供1+1个电源冗余备份 支持所有单板在线热插拔 支持iSalience 支持iSalience™ I 交换路由引擎 iSalience™ 支持华为VRP 3.x网络操作系统 支持华为VRP™ 3.x网络操作系统 VRP™
中型网络LAN 中型网络LAN骨干路由交换机 LAN骨干路由交换机 大型网络的汇聚层交换机 高密度LAN LAN的用户接入交换机 高密度LAN的用户接入交换机
模块化、分布式处理 模块化、 7个槽位,6个通用I/O槽 I/O槽 个槽位, 个通用I/O 最大支持 48GE 或 288FE 提供2 提供2+1个电源冗余备份 支持所有单板在线热插拔 支持Salience I™ 支持Salience I™ 系列 路由引擎 支持华为VRP 3.x网络操作系统 支持华为VRP™ 3.x网络操作系统 VRP™
四层负载均衡: 4四层负载均衡:根据用户访问服务会话请求的四层信 端口号),确定服务器组, ),确定服务器组 息(IP+端口号),确定服务器组,并根据服务器组的 负载均衡策略, 负载均衡策略,选择合适的服务器进行处理 七层负载均衡:基于内容的负载均衡, 4五~七层负载均衡:基于内容的负载均衡,将不同内 容分布到不同的服务器组 负载均衡: 4FTP负载均衡:保证数据通道和控制通道由同一服务 器处理 内容重定向: 4内容重定向:将用户访问Internet Web站点的HTTP 点本地内容缓存服务器上, 报文重定向到POP点本地内容缓存服务器上,加速用 户访问速度, 户访问速度,减少主干网流量 DNS Servers 健康性检测:及时查看后台服务器, 4健康性检测:及时查看后台服务器,发现死机或提供 某项服务失败时,将该服务器从服务器组中移出,使客 某项服务失败时,将该服务器从服务器组中移出, 户请求发往健康的服务器,该项功能即称为健康性检测。 户请求发往健康的服务器,该项功能即称为健康性检测。 具有定时检测和立即检测方式, S8016具有定时检测和立即检测方式,支持PING、 TCP、HTTP等检测
Quidway S6506
独有的资源智能调度技术克服了已有技术中槽位上行带宽分配不够灵活的 缺点,可以在交换机上动态分配上行带宽: 缺点,可以在交换机上动态分配上行带宽:在为大流量的业务板提供无阻塞 的业务的同时将上行带宽分配到更多的槽位上面, 的业务的同时将上行带宽分配到更多的槽位上面,满足小业务流量槽位的要 求。
主 控 板 接 口 板 接 口 板 接 口 板 接 接 口 交 交口 板 板 接 口 板 接 口 板 接 口 板
接口类型丰富,可灵活配置 、 、 接口类型丰富,可灵活配置GE、FE、POS 155M/622M/2.5G等接口 等接口 业务处理板和接口板槽位兼容任意混插 电源风扇冗余热备份 整机在EMC、环境、安规、震动各项指标均通过国标以及 整机在 、环境、安规、 欧洲标准 4
19英寸标准机架(1.8M/2.2M机柜可选) 英寸标准机架( 机柜可选 英寸标准机架 机柜可选) 20槽位插框,16个通用接口槽位 槽位插框, 个通用接口槽位 槽位插框 单板硬件:主控板、交换网板、接口处理板 转 单板硬件:主控板、交换网板、接口处理板(转 发、MPLS/VPN)、业务处理板 、业务处理板(NAT)、WEB 、 SWITCH处理板 处理板 主控、 主控、交换网板冗余热备份设计 支持交/直流供电 支持交 直流供电
使设备更好地避免环路, 使设备更好地避免环路,收敛时间更短
4 丰富的路由协议:静态路由、RIP1/2、OSPF、RIP2、 丰富的路由协议:静态路由、 、 、 、 IS-IS和BGP4等; 和 等 4 完备的路由策略:支持路由过滤、路由聚合、路由再 完备的路由策略:支持路由过滤、路由聚合、 分配等; 分配等; 4 支持路由分担:per packet/per destination,3条等 支持路由分担: , 条等 价路由; 价路由; 4 采用路由拓扑驱动技术,依据最长匹配的逐包转发方 采用路由拓扑驱动技术, 快速处理复杂路由; 式,快速处理复杂路由; 4 支持IGMP v1/v2、PIM-SM、PIM-DM等组播协议。 支持 、 、 - 等组播协议。 等组播协议