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Harvard University
Yale University
Princeton University
the effects of religion on American movies
• A common phenomenon we always see in the American movie is that the hero often considers himself as a savior. So as the country. The United States often invade other countries in the name of helping and improving. All of these come from their religion, Puritanism(清教主 义). Furthermore, it contributed to the hegemony (霸权主义)of the United States to some degree.
Iron Man
James Bond
the effects of religion on election
• As usual, candidates for
election to political offices
do well to indicate some
IN GOD WE TRUST !我们相 信上帝!
In American army,there are always some clergy .
the effects of religion on education
• Development of education in America was much influenced by religion in the early stages before and after independene.85% of American primary and middle school students are in the mission schools . Harvard, Yale, Princeton and many other famous American university founded by the church.
and thereby given salvation and the promise of eternal life.
Why do so many Americans take an oath devoutly religious beliefs?
• In the United States ,most believers think that only fear of God‘s people in the world will behave themselves, be honest and respectful of life; In this sense, Americans believe in God, fear God, the God’s deterrent power restrain their behavior .
Chinese traditional religion
• Confucianism was regarded as an ethic-political system in ancient China. As opted as the orthodox thinking system for more than 2000 years in Western Han Dynasty (206 BC - 24 AD), Confucianism has exerted a profound influence on the civilization of China. Its greatest contribution to the Chinese nation is that it has shaped and moulded the Chinese character and national soul as well as establishing the complete system of knowledge.
religious loyalty. As
President, Richard Nixon
had the evangelist Billy
Graham appear beside him
on suitable occasions,
Hubert Humphrey
campaigned for “the
brother of man under the
Various American presidents have often stated the importance of religion. On 20 February 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower stated that "Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first, the most basic, expression of Americanism." President Gerald Ford agreed with and repeated this statement in 1974.
fatherhood of God”
From left, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard
Nixon, Billy Graham and Spiro Agnew at
the inaugural podium in 1969.
Chinese Religion
• China is a multi-religious country, and Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity are the main religions in the country. Incomplete statistics show that there are more than 100 million religious followers in China with over 85 000 religious sites, over 3000 religious groups and some 74 religious colleges. Chinese people enjoy the freedom of religious belief according to law, and regular religious activities are protected by the Constitution.
hold that Jesus‘ coming was the fulfillment of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament(旧约). The core Christian belief is that, through the
death and resurrection of Jesus, sinful humans are reconciled to God
• Jesus resurrected from the dead in physical form • Hell is a place of punishment • Jesus will return to the earth
Religious influence on the United States
• most clergymen run their churches in a way which fits in with the ideas of their congregations. People go to church and it helps them to feel that they have a place in a community.
Palestinian territory in a mid-century and break away from Judaism as an independent religion in135 years. In Christianity,Jesus was considered
as the Son of God and the Messiah or Christ. According to the Gospels(福音书), Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born from the Virgin Mary(圣母玛利亚). Christians believe that, as the Messiah (弥赛亚),Jesus wk.baidu.comas anointed as ruler and savior of humanity, and
37.3%) • Judaism (1.2% to 2.2%) 犹太教 • Islam (0.6% to 2.6%) 伊斯兰教 • Buddhism (0.5% to 0.9%) 佛教 • Hinduism (0.4%) 印度教 • Other (1.4% )
Christianity is rooted in Judaism(犹太教) and founded by Jesus in the
Basic Christian Beliefs
• There is only one God • God is three in one or a Trinity • God is love • God is the creator of everything that exists • The Holy Spirit is God • Jesus is fully God and fully man • All people have sinned • Death came into the world through Adam's sin • Salvation is a free gift of God • Jesus died for the sins of each and every person in the world • The Bible is the "inspired" or "God-breathed," Word of God
religious culture
In China
in America
• Gallup International indicates that 41% of American citizens report they regularly attend religious services, compared to 15% of French citizens, 10% of UK citizens, and 7.5% of Australian citizens.
• the church is a place where people can meet others with whom they would like to make friends. Religion, for most people ,is important mainly as means of getting together with others in a context which is so little defined.That its values, expressing merely general good will can be easily shared.
First,let’s talk about Christianity in the United States.
Main religious preferences of Americans
• Christianity: (60% to 76.0%) • Unaffiliated, including atheist or agnostic (15.0% to