ZXQ系列电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)使用说明书DOC NO:201109ZXQ2003ZXQ2004BZXQ2004ZXQ2004C目录一、概述 (2)二、主要技术指标 (2)三、 定位器面板....................................................3 四、 接线方式.........................................................5 五、 设定操作方法.................................................6 六、 错误代码列表 (9)附录:其它标定操作(出厂后如需此项操作,请在厂家指导下使用) (9)如顾客所购买的是本公司Z 型(机电一体)执行器,内部定位器无需对执行器转角标定,接线无误即可正常使用。
ZXQ 系列电动阀门智能定位器是以工业单片机为核心的智能信号采集控制系统,体积小巧,可选择安装在电动执行器的接线盒内或以DIN 导轨方式固定在外,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4~20mA DC 信号(其它输入信号类型可在出厂前定制),与电位器反馈的电动执行器配套对各种阀门或装置进行精确定位操作,能对电动执行器的转角(或位移)进行自由标定,同时输出4~20mA DC 的执行器转角位置(或位移)反馈转换信号,可精确设定执行器转角位置的下限限位值和上限限位值,定位器采用3个按键操作,9个LED 灯可直接显示定位器模态,4位数码LED 通过按键切换显示阀位实际开度值、阀位设定开度值、定位器壳内温度,操作方便。
● 控制精度:0.1%~3.0%(通过U4参数可调)● 可接电动执行器反馈信号:电位器500Ω~10K Ω ● 可接收外部控制信号(DC ):4~20mA (1~5V 、0~10V 、开关量等出厂前定制) ● 输入阻抗:250Ω;● 通过修改U1参数可设定:①DRTA/正动作,RVSA/逆动作模态 ②输入信号中断时“中断”模态—OPEN(开)、STOP(停)、SHUT(闭) ● 可选:可控硅输出(AC ,1000V ,25A )● 输出执行器位置信号:低漂移输出4~20mA DC 对应执行器全闭至全开,信号完全与输入隔离(光电隔离),输出负载≤500Ω ● 环境温度:0~80℃,相对湿度:≤90%RH●有超温保护功能: 定位器壳内温度≥70℃时,定位器停止对执行器的开闭控制●外形尺寸:ZXQ2003→77mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×51mm(高/厚);ZXQ2004→74 mm(底面长)×57mm(底面宽)×45mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004B→119mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004C→62mm(底面长)×48mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)●可通过按键自由标定输入信号所对应执行器的动作区间(一般标定为电动执行器全闭、全开位置)●可设定最大阀位限制值与最小阀位限制值●密码锁,防止误操作●防执行器频繁启动功能●带故障报警代码指示功能(E-0X)●按输入信号和执行器转角位置进行智能步距调整精确定位■■■1参照下图定位器接线端子和定位器外壳上的接线图连接好电动执行器和电源连线,注意连接时的极性,为减少电机干扰,应将电动执行器的电机控制线和反馈信号线分开走线;定位器的弱电信号线应尽量短些,若必须使用较长的连线时,应采用屏蔽信号线,外屏蔽与控制柜外壳妥善接地。
MVP3300智能电气阀门定位器 Intelligent Electropneumatic valve Positioner用户手册User Manua1用户须知 (1)1.1安全指示 (1)1.2开箱清单 (1)1.3重要信息提示 (1)2概述 (1)2.1功能介绍 (2)2.2特点 (2)2.3防雷特性 (2)3技术参数 (3)4安装说明 (4)4.1外形尺寸 (4)4.2机构安装 (4)4.3气路连接 (7)4.4电气连接 (7)5调节操作 (9)5.1操作界面说明 (9)5.2用户菜单 (10)5.3初始化 (12)5.4诊断 (14)5.5报警 (14)5.6参数列表 (16)6参数解释 (17)7使用异常与维护保养 (21)7.1异常状况排除 (21)7.2维护保养 (22)8运输和贮存 (22)9订货须知 (23)9.1产品型号 (23)9.2其它可选项 (23)1用户须知1.1安全指示定位器先上电,后供气源;产品使用过程中,不要随意的触摸反馈连接装置;产品必须正确安装、正确操作和正确维护。
ZXQ系列电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)使用说明书DOC NO:201001ZXQ2003ZXQ2004ZXQ2004CZXQ2004B一、概述 (2)二、主要技术指标 (2)三、定位器面板 (3)四、接线方式 (5)五、设定操作方法 (6)六、错误代码列表 (9)附录:其它标定操作(出厂后如需此项操作,请在厂家指导下使用) (9)备注:执行器过热保护、执行器传动齿轮间隙大、电位计传动齿轮间隙大、电位计质量等都会响应为堵转测控程序,所以出现此故障,请先排查执行器问题。
Valtek XL Series高性能控制阀位器说明书
![Valtek XL Series高性能控制阀位器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8801812bce84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb7362828.png)
FeaturesSimple signal conversion with interchangeable modulesCorrosion-resistant cover and baseIndependent zero and span adjustmentsTwo-sided cam for easy field reversibility common with Beta series positionerSplit ranges can be easily adjustedEasy calibration Output 1Output 2Adjustable gain for preciseprocess tuningSupply PortThe Valtek ® XL series, two-stage positioner offers fast and sensitive dynamic response characteristics to meet extremely demanding control objectives. The positioner is available with either an electro-pneumatic (I/P) transducer module for milliamp current control signals or a pneumatic module for air control signals.Designed for high performance, this positioner is com-pact, field reversible and ruggedly built for reliability in severe industrial environments. The XL positioner uses common mounting brackets and follower arms with theBeta Series and 80R positioners; therefore, the posi-tioner can be mounted on either Valtek linear or rotary actuators without additional hardware. Two and three-way split ranges are available without special feedback springs.Mounting kits are avialable to install the XL positioner on other manufacturers’ actuators for improved perfor-mance.Figure 1: Features of XL Series Positioner with Pneumatic or Electro-pneumatic ModulesIntroductionGround ScrewFigure 2: XL Series Positioner Mounted on Valtek Linear ActuatorFigure 3: XL Series Positioner Mounted on Fisher 657 ActuatorCalibration is easy using the XL positioner due to minimal interaction between zero and span. Also, the positioner’s simplicity, modular design and few parts, make maintenance quick and easy.In addition to offering premium performance to meet demanding control needs, the XL positioner is also adaptable for various applications and can be used on both single- and double-acting valve actuators. (See Figure 2 and 3.) The XL positioner with NT 3000 I/P transducer module is universally certified for intrinsi-cally safe and explosion proof applications. (See Table II for a complete listing.)When an application demands extremely fast strokes and fine control, the XL Series positioner is clearly thebest, dependable solution.AdvantagesOperationFigure 4: XL Positioner Schematic for Air-to-OpenThe positioner operates as follows: An increase in the instrument signal forces the instrument signal capsule and flapper downward. The detecting nozzle now re-leases air and the pressure decreases on top of the pilot valve capsule. The pressure differential moves the pilot valve capsule upward, opening the upper supply seat and allowing supply pressure to port 1. This opens the exhaust seat on port 2, causing the actuator piston to move upward.The upward motion of the piston is transmitted back to the positioner through the feedback linkage and cam resulting in the spring being stretched proportionally to the valve position. The piston continues to stroke up-ward until the force in the feedback spring increases sufficiently to counter the force generated by the instru-ment signal capsule. At this point, the balance beam and spool begin to return to their equilibrium position.As the valve spool ports start to close, the air flow rate to the actuator is decreased.After the piston has reached the required position, the feedback spring tension force will equal the force gen-erated in the instrument signal capsule. The flapper and instrument signal capsule will remain in their equilibrium positions with no air flowing to the actuator until a change in the instrument signal is made.A decrease in signal reverses the action, causing down-ward movement of the actuator piston and stem.The XL positioner is a two-stage, force-balanced instru-ment. Figure 4 shows an XL positioner with either an electro-pneumatic or pneumatic module, installed on a double-acting actuator for air-to-open action. Position-ing is based on a balance of two forces: one proportional to the instrument signal and the other proportional to the stem position.The current signal for the NT 3000 I/P module is first converted to a 3-15 psi air signal, while the 3-15 psi air signal for the pneumatic model is passed directly into the positioner. The transducer receives an electric cur-rent input signal and converts it to an output proportional to the input. The supply pressure is filtered and regu-lated in the transducer by a filter element and an internal regulator.The output of the transducer is controlled by a feedback loop consisting of a pressure sensor, electromagnetic pressure modulator and circuit board. The pressure modulator consists of a stiff flapper that is attracted by the electromagnet to a nozzle. The nozzle-flapper spac-ing determines the transducer output. Based on the difference between the input and the output measured by the pressure sensor, the circuit board sends a current to the pressure modulator that adjusts the nozzle-flapper spacing to provide the correct output pressure to the positioner. For more information, refer to the NT 3000 I/P Transducer Module technical bulletinPerformance Test Results®stroke. Results may vary depending on valve system configuration. *F.S. = Full Scale.Dimensions with Electro-pneumatic (I/P) Transducer(inches / mm )Back ViewTop ViewFront View 17Dimensions with Pneumatic (P/P) ModuleFlowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation and maintenance of Flowserve products.The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications presented in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any of its worldwide operations or offices. For more information, contact:For more information about Flowserve and its products,contact or call USA 972 443 6500Manufacturing Facilities 1350 N. Mt. Springs Prkwy.Springville, UT 84663Phone 801 489 8611Facsimile 801 489 3719Alläe du Quartz 1CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds SwitzerlandTelephone (41) 32 925 9700Facsimile (41) 32 926 5422Quick Response Centers 5114 Railroad StreetDeer Park, TX 77536 USA Telephone 281 479 9500Facsimile 281 479 8511104 Chelsea ParkwayBoothwyn, PA 19061 USA Telephone 610 497 8600Facsimile 610 497 66801300 Parkway View Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15205 USA Telephone 412 787 8803Facsimile 412 787 1944Flowserve and Valtek are registered trademarks of Flowserve Corporation.Top View Back ViewOutput 2(1/4-inch NPT)Output 1(1/4-inch NPT)Instrument (1/4-inch NPT)。
ZXQ系列电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)使用说明书DOC NO:201109ZXQ2003ZXQ2004BZXQ2004ZXQ2004C目录一、概述 (2)二、主要技术指标 (2)三、 定位器面板....................................................3 四、 接线方式.........................................................5 五、 设定操作方法.................................................6 六、 错误代码列表 (9)附录:其它标定操作(出厂后如需此项操作,请在厂家指导下使用) (9)如顾客所购买的是本公司Z 型(机电一体)执行器,内部定位器无需对执行器转角标定,接线无误即可正常使用。
ZXQ 系列电动阀门智能定位器是以工业单片机为核心的智能信号采集控制系统,体积小巧,可选择安装在电动执行器的接线盒内或以DIN 导轨方式固定在外,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4~20mA DC 信号(其它输入信号类型可在出厂前定制),与电位器反馈的电动执行器配套对各种阀门或装置进行精确定位操作,能对电动执行器的转角(或位移)进行自由标定,同时输出4~20mA DC 的执行器转角位置(或位移)反馈转换信号,可精确设定执行器转角位置的下限限位值和上限限位值,定位器采用3个按键操作,9个LED 灯可直接显示定位器模态,4位数码LED 通过按键切换显示阀位实际开度值、阀位设定开度值、定位器壳内温度,操作方便。
● 控制精度:0.1%~3.0%(通过U4参数可调)● 可接电动执行器反馈信号:电位器500Ω~10K Ω ● 可接收外部控制信号(DC ):4~20mA (1~5V 、0~10V 、开关量等出厂前定制) ● 输入阻抗:250Ω;● 通过修改U1参数可设定:①DRTA/正动作,RVSA/逆动作模态 ②输入信号中断时“中断”模态—OPEN(开)、STOP(停)、SHUT(闭) ● 可选:可控硅输出(AC ,1000V ,25A )● 输出执行器位置信号:低漂移输出4~20mA DC 对应执行器全闭至全开,信号完全与输入隔离(光电隔离),输出负载≤500Ω ● 环境温度:0~80℃,相对湿度:≤90%RH●有超温保护功能: 定位器壳内温度≥70℃时,定位器停止对执行器的开闭控制●外形尺寸:ZXQ2003→77mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×51mm(高/厚);ZXQ2004→74 mm(底面长)×57mm(底面宽)×45mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004B→119mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004C→62mm(底面长)×48mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)●可通过按键自由标定输入信号所对应执行器的动作区间(一般标定为电动执行器全闭、全开位置)●可设定最大阀位限制值与最小阀位限制值●密码锁,防止误操作●防执行器频繁启动功能●带故障报警代码指示功能(E-0X)●按输入信号和执行器转角位置进行智能步距调整精确定位■■■1参照下图定位器接线端子和定位器外壳上的接线图连接好电动执行器和电源连线,注意连接时的极性,为减少电机干扰,应将电动执行器的电机控制线和反馈信号线分开走线;定位器的弱电信号线应尽量短些,若必须使用较长的连线时,应采用屏蔽信号线,外屏蔽与控制柜外壳妥善接地。
连接 开关频率 温度范围 防护等级
( P32 ) [ Hz ]
[ c]
1051002 1569900 4290000
S030 S028 S048
IP67 IP67 IP67
材料 ( P33 )
TURCK(图尔克)作为工业自动化领军企业已 有40多年的历史。凭借世界一流的设计、生产技术、 全系列的产品线、优异的质量和遍布全球的销售服务 网络,TURCK不仅能为用户提供及时专业的技术支 持与定制产品,还能确保直接在现场为世界各地的客 户提供优质的系统化解决方案。
秉承“信任、专业、忠诚、成功”的企业理念,TURCK(图尔克)总是力求为不同用户提供最切合需 要的优质产品与服务,通过为客户增值而致力于客户的成功发展。TURCK(图尔克)产品已广泛应用于世 界各国的不同行业,包括汽车制造、电力、食品饮料、石油化工、冶金、烟草、航空航天、机械、纺织、造 纸、印刷、包装、轨道交通、物流、水泥建材、造船、电线及电缆制造、采矿、市政等行业,成为深受用户 信赖的首选品牌。
电气规格 4线直流 NAMUR
可选接插件或电缆 进行阀控制
电气规格 4线直流 NAMUR 2线交直流
可拆卸端子排 用于与阀连接
2线交直流 AS-Interface®
电缆或接插件连接 可选第二个阀控制
无需附件: 按30 x 80 或 30 x 130孔距安装
显示界面(见图3.。在未初始化状 态中,按 用于充气,按 用于放气。
2.参数设定、初始化状态 不论在未初始化状态界面,还是在正常运营界面,顾客只需同步按下:
+ + 三个键3秒钟就能够进入到参数设定和初始化状态。
3.正常运营状态 参数设定、初始化成功后,定位器系统自动进入运营状态。
6.调整阀门定位器位置,使阀门定位器到达最高点和最低点时,反馈连杆 摆动角度不超出允许范围。
3.3 电气连接
图3-2-2 安装图
阐明:在进行电气连接前确 保全部旳可选择模块已安 装好。
注意:在进行电气安装时, 请参见有关原则,尤其在 危险旳环境中更要根据危 险
2.1 定位器旳单元构成
3.1 外型连接尺寸 3.2 安装 3.3 电气连接 3.4 气动连接 3.5 初始化及投入使用
4. 主要技术参数
在使用本定位器之前,请务必仔细阅读下面旳安全 注意事项。
2.执行器正/反作用设定。默以为正作用 设定措施与定位器类型设定相同。项号11为
正作用/反作用设定界面。按功能+向上键,系 统退出执行器正/反作用设定,进入阀门气开气 关设定界面。按功能 +向下键 进入10号菜单。 下列全部菜单旳转化以此类推,不再反复阐明。
正作用表达4—20mA相应于0—100%行程。 反作用表达4—20mA相应于100—0%行程。
单作用定位器压力测量模块涉及两个压力表,能够显示输入、输出 气体旳压力。
秦山---方家山核电调试二回路多数的流量调节阀阀位反馈调节CNPO 方家山调试队仪表组徐景虎2014/5/19调节阀阀位反馈调节指导说明书本文以FISHER调节阀美国爱默生TopWorx 阀门回讯器Valvetop阀门控制器TopWorx 阀为例准备工具:手操器475、万用表、扳手、螺丝刀、夹子、内六角。
操作步骤1.首先确认现场操作环境安全可以实施工作2.确认阀门本体完好,气源打开阀位反馈调节1)打开信号输入线盒盖和阀门回讯器Valvetop 盖子2)把手操器连接到信号输入接线端子上;万用表打到电流档,串在阀位反馈输出接线上3)手操器操作如下,依次进入每一个界面开关→HART→在线→Service Tools→Stroke→Not in Service →Step To Targe →输入所需开度数值(0--100)如图:阀位反馈调节手操器界面依次进入如下界面:阀位反馈调节阀位反馈调节阀位反馈调节阀位反馈调节阀位反馈调节阀位反馈调节完成以上步骤后开始进行阀门回讯器Valvetop的调节阀位反馈调节打开盖子后可以见到一个红色的常亮二极管灯,此时手册器已经给定数值0,阀门处于全关状态。
我们以正作用方式为例,如下:①按下G 8秒后松手此时红色灯为5-1闪烁,即先闪5次再闪1次再闪5次一次循环,此时电流变显示为2到3.5毫安左右,不必考虑。
阀位反馈调节②按下G 3秒,此时红灯循环闪烁3次,此时将手操器输入数值100,等待阀门稳定全开。
③按下G 3秒,此时此时正常状态红灯为常亮不会闪烁,电流变显示为20毫安。
AT Controls SS3线性 旋钮智能阀位器说明书
![AT Controls SS3线性 旋钮智能阀位器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8f8d80f3f424ccbff121dd36a32d7375a417c6ba.png)
CONTROLS ™SS3 Linear / Rotary Smart Valve PositionerSturdy explosion proof housingand smart performance withinnovative and ever-strongcoil drive even under harshworking environmentsFEATURESFlameproof IECEx / ATEX / KC Ex d IIC T6Easy and quick auto-calibrationDetecting RA (reverse acting) or DA (direct acting) automatically regardless of wrong air connections• Available to use for single or double acting without any special adjustments • Compact design allowing to be installed on small actuators• Providing error messages against performance failures• Possible to test the actuator with any fixed signal under a test mode Programmable characteristic curve with 17 pointsWide operating temperature range -22°F ~ +167°FImproved control of high-friction globe and ball valves by eliminatingovershoot and huntingLow air consumptionProviding a mounting bracket to meet IEC 60534-6-1 for linear valvesSupporting a NAMUR mounting pattern IEC 60534-6-2 (VDI/VDE 3845)• Profibus communication (in progress)• Fieldbus Foundation communication (in progress)SS3L (Linear Type) SS3R (Rotary Type)23*** Up to 200mm on request-40° C on requestIf 4-20 mA input signal is supplied, the micro processor compares input signal with position feedback and sends control signal to the I/P converting module. Pneumatic signal from the I/P converting module operates the valve and the valve stays at the desired position.4< Front View >Mounting to linear actuators to IEC 60534 6-1< Side View >< Feedback Lever Connection >Feedback Lever“A” Type‘U’ bolts for pillarNAMUR Type Mounting ( VDI/VDE 3845,IEC 60534-6-2 )Fork Lever Type Mounting Size Variation of Multi-Size Bracket 4) 130 x 30 x 20 (H)5) 130 x 30 x 30 (H)6) 130 x 30 x 50 (H)H : Rotary Actuator Shaft Height L : Length ( 80 or 130mm )1) 80 x 30 x 20 (H) ,2) 80 x 30 x 30 (H) ,3) 80 x 30 x 50 (H) ,ROTARY ACTUATORLHA c t ua t o r561 : Air supply2 : OUT 13 : OUT 24 : Display LCD 9 : Input signal (+, -)10 : Frame ground11 : Output signal (+, -)12 : Alarm limit 5 : Up key 6 : Down key 7 : Mode key 8 : Enter key 13 : Alarm limit14 : Electrical connections 15 : Ground16 : Feedback lever78Note that 24 VDC should be supplied for power.after auto-calibration process.< Transmitter Load Limitations >SS3Switch 1Switch 211 12 13 14 15 16NO NC COM NO NC COMOperating Temp.-30 ~ +80° CAmbient TemperaturePosition Transmitter Output Signal Power Supply Output Current LimitLinearity 4 - 20 mA, 2-wire 12 - 30 VDC 30 mA DC ±0.5% F.S -30 ~ 85° CMicro SwitchesType RatingSPDT10.1A @ 250 VAC9< Fork Lever Type >9955 International Blvd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 P: 513 - 247 - 5465 F: 513 - 247 - 5462 ******************** SS3-20140211A Division of AT ControlsCONTROLS™。
J Flow Controls TS900 Series智能阀门位器说明书
![J Flow Controls TS900 Series智能阀门位器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afac2a750a4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acec79c15.png)
®J Flow Controls TS900 SeriesFEATURES&BENEFITSQuick and easy auto calibrationLarge flow pilot valve (over 100LPM)HART communication (HART 7)Partial stroke test (PST) functionAlarm & self diagnostic functionBy-pass valve (A/M switch) installedLimit switch (mechanical or proximity type)MODEL1. Body cover2. Main PCB3. PCB bracket4. Potentiometer5. Main shaft6. Junction box cover7. Terminal block8. Feedback lever9. Body vent cover 10. Base body11. Pressure sensor (option)12. Torque motor 13. Air connection block 14. Pilot valve 15.Pilot valve coverSTRUCTURE451236789101112131415TS900LTS900RInput Signal 4-20mA DC Impedance500Ω at 20mA DC Supply Pressure 0.14~0.7MPaStroke10~150MM 0~90°Air Connection PT 1/4, NPT 1/4Gauge Connection PT 1/8, NPT 1/8ConduitG(PF) 1/2, NPT 1/2Explosion-proof type EX db IIC T5/T6II 2D Ex tb IIIC T185°F T212°FEnclosure IP66Ambient Temp.Standard type -22°F ~ 176°F Low temp type -40°F ~ 176°FExplosion proof -40°F ~ 176°F (T5) / -40°F ~ 158°F (T6)LCD operating-22°F ~ 185°F Linearity + 0.5% F.S.Sensitivity + 0.2% F.S.Hysteresis + 0.5% F.S.Repeatability + 0.3% F.S.Air Consumption Below 2.3LPM (Sup=0.14MPa)Required Air Quality Class 3 (ISO 8573-1)Flow Capacity Over 100LPM (Sup=0.14MPa)Material Aluminum die castWeight7.7 lbs Hart Version*HART 7Positiontransmitter*Connection type 2 Wire Supply voltage 9 ~ 30V DC Alarm switch*9 ~ 30V DCSPECIFICATIONSDIMENSIONS1.812.891.462.932.602.173.033.44P .C .D . Ø1.971.526.69* Options2-NPT 1/2conduit entryPT1/4 or NPT1/4supply connection3.441.571.06 6.04.911.382.174-M6x1.0P Dp.104-M8x1.25P Dp.1390°2.56.98 1.71 2.111.42PT1/4 or NPT1/4OUT2 air connectionPT1/4 or NPT1/4OUT1 air connectionJ Flow Controls® 4665 Interstate Drive Cincinnati, OH 45246 513-731-2900 While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or a guarantee of satisfactory results. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because J Flow Controls® is continually improving and upgrading its productdesign, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change without notice.HOW TO ORDER。
智能阀门定位器YT 3400系列使用说明书
![智能阀门定位器YT 3400系列使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2eeaf880650e52ea5418984d.png)
智能阀门定位器YT-3400系列使 用 说 明 书YTC V.1.04- 目 录(硬件)-说明书概要3安全注意事项和产品保证内容及保证期限3危险区域使用时注意事项3产品简介4主要特征和功能4铭牌内容和说明5型号标记方法6主要参数7内部结构8安装9注意事项9 YT-3400L 外形尺寸图9 YT-3400R 外形尺寸图10排水接头的位置调整10 YT-3400L的安装11 YT-3400L的安装例图 11利用支架安装YT-3400L11 YT-3400R的安装15 YT-3400R的安装例图15利用支架安装YT-3400R15气管连接18注意事项18使用的空压条件18接管的条件19执行机构和YT-3400气管的连接19单作用执行机构和气管的连接19双作用执行机构和气管的连接19电源连接20注意事项20电流输入信号端子的连接21反馈信号端子的连接21限位开关端子的连接22接地端子的连接22自动/手动开关23流量调节旋钮的使用方法23- 目 录 (软件)-自动设定和基本操作方法24按钮说明24正常运行模式(RUN模式)的说明25自动设定 (AUTO CAL)25自动设定1 (AUTO 1) 26自动设定2 (AUTO 2)26自动设定3 (AUTO 3) 26自动设定HF(AUTO HF)26 BIAS设定26 V_0设定26手动模式(MANUAL)27参数模式 (PARAM)27参数种类27死区(dEAdZONE)设定28 P 值设定(KP)28I 值设定(KI)29D 值设定(KD)29P_ 值设定(KP_)30 I_ 值设定(KI_)30 D_ 值设定(KD_)30 HF启动(HF Off / On)30手动设定模式 (HAND CAL)31手动设定模式的种类31阀门的零点和量程的设定31阀位输出信号的零点和量程设定32按行程百分比降低阀门量程(PE TRIM)33设定反馈信号的正/反输出信号(TR_NORM/REV)33 HART通讯的正/反输出设定(HT NORM / REVS)33阀门模式(VALVE)34动作方式的变更 (ACT)34流量特性的变更 (CHAR)34用户自定义流量特性的设定 (USER SET)35正作用阀门紧密关闭功能的设定 (TSHUT OP)35反作用阀门紧密关闭功能的设定 (TSHUT CL)36分程控制 (SPLIT)36用户自定义零点信号大小设定(CTS ZERO)37用户自定义量程信号设定(CTS END)37角度补偿模式(ITP OFF / ON)37查看模式(VIEW)38错误警告代码39主程序软件导航图40智 能 阀 门 定 位 器 YT-3400系列说明书概要感谢选用我公司产品。
用控制系统和电子控制装置操作,采用叠加在4~20 mA模拟控制信号上的HART通信信号。
连接I/A Series系统,采用FOXCOM数字通信,可以实现纯数字化操作。
性能特点• 自行校验的自动起动功能• 自诊断• HART或FOXCOM通信• 用本机按键、手持终端、计算机或I/A Series系统进行组态• 耗气量低• 8至120 mm(0.3至4.7 in)直行程• 最大至95°角行程• 气源压力最大至6 bar(90 psig)• 单作用或双作用执行机构• 机械行程指示• 反极性保护和联锁二极管• 直接安装在直行程执行机构上或者按照IEC 534第6部分(NAMUR)安装• 按照VDI/VDE 3845安装在角行程执行机构上• 外壳保护等级IP 65和NEMA 4X• 防爆等级:按CENELEC为EEx ia IIC T4,或者按FM和CSA为“本质安全”其他设备:•两个开关量控制输入“开/关”和“保持上次值”•阀位反馈4~20 mA•两个电气分隔的限位开关•独立于设备电子器件的内置电感限位开关附件:•气源和输出压力的压力指示表•增压器继电器仪器的修理和维护必须由具备资质的人员进行!目录章节:标题 ........................................................页码1 操作方法 (3)1.1 概述 (3)1.2 框图 (3)1.3 操作 (3)1.3.1 模拟方式 (3)1.3.2 数字方式 (4)1.3.3 软件 (4)2 铭牌 (5)3 设计 (6)3.1 气动附件 (7)4 安装在直行程执行机构上 (8)4.1 NAMUR安装(左面) (8)4.1.1 定位器的准备 (8)4.1.2 执行机构的准备 (8)4.1.3 安装定位器 (8)4.1.4 安装尺寸 (9)4.2 NAMUR安装(右面) (10)4.2.1 定位器的准备 (10)4.2.2 执行机构的准备 (10)4.2.3 安装定位器 (10)4.2.4 安装尺寸 (11)4.3 直接安装 (12)4.3.1 定位器的准备 (12)4.3.2 执行机构的准备 (12)4.3.3 安装定位器 (12)4.3.4 安装尺寸 (13)5 安装在角行程执行机构上 (14)5.1 安装型式 (14)5.1.1 定位器的准备 (14)5.1.2 执行机构的准备 (15)5.1.3 安装定位器 (15)6 气动件连接 (16)7 电气接线 (17)8 起动 (18)8.1 概述 ............................................................... 18 章节:标题.........................................................页码8.2 用本机按键进行设置 (18)8.2.1 定位器的操作模式 (18)用本机按键操作 (19)表2:菜单 (19)表3:参数/功能 (20)8.2.2 菜单描述 (22)8.3 设定行程指示表 (31)8.4 用手持终端、计算机或I/A series系统进行设置 (31)9 拆解 (31)10 故障诊断指导 (32)11 维护 (36)11.1 概述 (36)11.2 更换供气滤清器 (36)11.3 拆电子组件 (36)11.4 更换机械和气动组件 (37)11.4.1 更换放大器 (37)11.4.2 更换前置放大器 (37)11.4.3 更换IP组件 (37)11.4.4 更换反馈组件 (37)11.5 角度调校 (38)11.6 跨接片设定 (39)12 备选项 (40)12.1 “限位开关” (40)12.2 “另外添置的输入/输出” (41)12.3 “内置压力传感器” (41)附录13 系统组态 (42)13.1 采用HART通信 (43)13.2 采用FOXCOM通信(4~20 mA) (44)13.3 采用FOXCOM通信(数字式) (45)14 阶段图 (46)15 安全要求 (47)16 尺寸图 (48)2SRD991 MI EVE0105 A-(en)1 操作方法1.1 概述智能阀门定位器SRD9911和气动执行机构2构成一个控制回路,设定值为w (取自主控制器或控制系统),输出压力为y ,阀门3上执行机构的位置为x 。
quartz阀门回询开关说明书摘要:一、Quartz 阀门回询开关概述1.Quartz 阀门回询开关定义与作用2.Quartz 阀门回询开关的工作原理二、Quartz 阀门回询开关的安装与调试1.安装前的准备工作2.安装步骤及注意事项3.调试流程与方法三、Quartz 阀门回询开关的使用与维护1.使用操作流程2.常见故障处理3.维护保养方法四、Quartz 阀门回询开关的性能与优势1.性能特点2.优势与价值正文:Quartz 阀门回询开关说明书一、Quartz 阀门回询开关概述Quartz 阀门回询开关是一种用于控制流体介质流通的开关装置,具有精确控制、高效稳定等特点。
Quartz 阀门回询开关的主要作用是实现对流体介质的开启与关闭控制,以满足生产过程中对流量、压力、温度等参数的调节需求。
二、Quartz 阀门回询开关的安装与调试1.安装前的准备工作在安装Quartz 阀门回询开关前,需要对安装环境进行检查,确保环境清洁、无尘、无腐蚀性气体。
三、Quartz 阀门回询开关的使用与维护1.使用操作流程(1)开启电源,确保阀门回询开关处于接通状态。
上海荣德阀位反馈说明书上海荣德阀位反馈说明书目录1. 引言2. 阀位反馈的意义和作用3. 上海荣德阀位反馈的特点和优势4. 上海荣德阀位反馈的技术原理5. 上海荣德阀位反馈的应用领域6. 使用方法和注意事项7. 维护保养和故障排除8. 结束语9. 参考文献1. 引言阀位反馈是指通过某种技术手段,获取阀门的实时位置信息,并将该信息反馈给用户,以实现对阀门的远程控制和监控。
2. 阀位反馈的意义和作用阀位反馈具有以下意义和作用:(1)实时控制和监控:阀位反馈可以实时提供阀门的位置信息,帮助用户及时掌握阀门状态,实现对阀门的远程控制和监控。
3. 上海荣德阀位反馈的特点和优势上海荣德阀位反馈具有以下特点和优势:(1)高精度:采用高精度传感器和先进的信号处理技术,具有高精度的位置测量能力,保证了阀门位置的准确性。
4. 上海荣德阀位反馈的技术原理上海荣德阀位反馈的技术原理主要包括传感器测量、信号处理和数据传输三个部分。
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圣汉斯(集团)ST.HANS GROUP流体控制的创新LIMIT SWITCH BOX & PNEUMATIC MONITOR阀位回讯器及气动监控器LIMIT SWITCH BOX & PNEUMATIC MONITOR Wuxi AFL Flow Controls Equipment E/I Co.,Ltd.9B Deyuan Mansion,78# Wuai Road,Wuxi,Jiangsu,China 214031Tel:0086-510-82705481 82703795Fax:0086-510-82708976 E-mail:bobwu.afl@ST. HANS G roup is one of the earliest and biggest manufacturer groups in China which research, develop and produce pneumatic actuators, pneumatic monitors, solenoid valves, limit switch boxes, valve positioners and ect.As early as in 1993, we introduced USA advanced technology and successfully developed and produced ALPHA A series stainless steel pneumatic actuators with double acting and spring return.In 1999 and 2003, we again successfully developed and produced ALPHA B and ALPHA C series aluminum pneumatic actuators respectively. ST. HANS G roup can supply the torque range of pneumatic actuator from 8 Nm to 120,000Nm at 5.5 bar.In 2006 and 2008, based on the DCS and FCS technology requirements, ALS series Pneumatic monitors and AL series smart positioners have been successfully developed which let ST. HANS Group get into a new flat table of Flow Control Industry.ST. HANS Group own nine main manufacturers especially engaging in the production of the flow controls products and nine trade companies especially do the business in the excluding area distributing products on domestic and abroad. In 2007, this group has more than 400 employees. The output of actuators and turn over of the group has reached to 150,000 sets and USD30 million.All of us cherish the hope that our group will get success step by step through innovation working and contribute ourselves share to world flow control industry more and more through high value for money products.圣汉斯(集团)是国内流体控制行业中最早,最大的研发、生产基地之一。
2006年至2008年,为满足DCS 和 FCS 控制系统的智能化,通讯化要求,圣汉斯(集团)又相继开发生产了机械式电气、气气定位器,智能定位器,隔爆型多功能回讯器,低功率气动监控器和低功率电磁阀等高性能机电气一体化的控制设备和气动元件。
About us关于我们流 体 控 制的 创 新ALS系列限位开关(回讯器)是依据国际先进的工业艺术设计技术,IP气候防护标准,ISO5211标准和NAMUR标准,结合回转型控制阀的现场要求设计开发而成。
ALS系列回讯器的最高隔爆等级达到Ex d II CT6级。
ALS series limit switch boxes were designed through advance and state-of-the-art engineering technology which have the product to be solid, beautiful and with high-level quality. The all range of the products fully meets IP specifications and the bracket is designed in light of ISO5211 and NAMUR standard. There are mini type, big type and explosion proof type which include mechanical switches, proximity sensor and magnetic sensor in the range of ALS series products which cover all kind limit switch boxes.Compact and Beautiful Design, Polyester powder coated aluminum die-casting housing and hard anodized body of solenoid valve.Higher level weather proof (IP67) and / or explosion proof (ExdIIBT6 or ExdIICT6) both for solenoid valve and limit switch box in same time.Dual cable entries, 2xG 1/2 (Standard) and M20x1.5,NPT1/2(Optional)Multipoint terminal strip, standard 8 points and enough strips for connection (14 points for optional).Multiview visual Position Indicator, Secure waterproof, multi-angles visual valve positions involving top and side view. "Quick-Set" Cam, spring loaded splined cam. no need to adjust again after initial setting and easy setting without tool. Captive cover bolts, No worry to loose bolts while cover opens Easy mounting, NAMUR and ISO5211 adjustable bracket same as for 30*80-130 H20-30. standard is steel plate and stainless steel (optional)结构紧凑,外观优美。
高等级气候防护IP67,高等级隔爆ExdIIBT6 或 ExdIICT6双向电缆接口,标准2×G1/2,可选择M20×1.5, NPT1/2多端头接线,简洁安全。
多角度、多品种阀位视觉指示,左右侧视,俯视反馈凸轮快速设置,无须专用工具采用防脱螺钉,不用担心螺钉掉失采用可调标准支架,同时满足NAMUR and ISO5211 标准阀位回讯器介绍 Introduction主要特点 Main Features型号Model气候保护 Weather Proof 隔爆等级 Exclusion Proof 温度 Temperature Range 电缆接口 Cable Entry 接线端子 Terminal Strips 指示器 Position Indicator 机械微动开关Mechanical Switches 电传感器 Proximity Sensor 磁传感器 Magnet Sensor 位置变送器 Position TransmitterALS-200-8~125A125-250VACALS-300-8~14ALS-400Exd Ⅱ C T68~1215A125-250VACALS-500Exd Ⅱ B T68~10IP67-20℃~85℃0~90°Open-Yellow; Closed-RedDC 24V (10-30VDC), ≤150mA 5~240VAC/DC, ≤300mAFeedback 4-20mA2×1/2G(BSPP), NPT, BSPT, M20-1.52×3/4G(BSPP), NPT, BSPT ALS00M1Fwith 4-20mA Feedback (only for 300. 400)(带反馈)without FeedbackF NonM1M2M3M4M5P2P3Q2Q3D23456Mechanical Switches Mechanical Switches Mechanical Switches Mechanical Switches Mechanical SwitchesProximity Sensors (2wires)Proximity Sensors (3wires)Magnetic Sensors (2wires)Magnetic Sensors (3wires)Double sensor (for 200)(机械式2-SPST)(机械式2-SPDT)(机械式3-SPDT)(机械式4-SPDT)(机械式2-DPDT)(电感式NAMUR)(电感式ALPS 24)(2线制磁感式)(3线制磁感式)(马蹄形磁感开关)IP67 Mini typeIP67 Multi-function type IP67 + Exd II CT6IP67 + Exd II BT6Stainless steel Box IP67+Exd II CT6(迷你型IP67)(多功能型IP67)(C 级隔爆)(B 级隔爆)(不锈钢,C级隔爆)Brand Name for Limit Switch Box (阀位回讯器代码)3型号说明 Sizing information 技术规格 Specification流 体 控 制的 创 新结构与材料 Structure and Material件号No.12345678910111213141516件名Part Name 盖Box Cover 体Box Body 轴Shaft指示盖Indicator Cover 指示器Indicator微动开关Limit Switch 接线端子Terminal Strip凸轮Cam弹簧Spring 螺钉Cover Bolts 轴O型圈Shaft O-ring 盖O 型圈Housing O-ring指示器O型圈Indicator O-ring垫圈Bushing 接地螺钉Earth Lug E 型挡圈E-ring数量Qty.1111128-14214211212材质Material Aluminum Die Casting Aluminum Die CastingStainless Steel Polycarbonate ABS/PolycarbonateMechanical/Proximity/ Magnet sensor Polycarbonate, Tin Plated Brass, Stainless SteelPolycarbonate Stainless Steel Stainless SteelNBR NBR NBR Bronze Stainless Steel Stainless SteelALS-200ALS-300ALS-400ALS-500/60011111313555544441010101015888899921222166666333311111127777外型尺寸 DimensionALS200ALS300流体控制的创新ALS400ALS500ALS-200D马碲型磁感阀门回讯器能精确感知阀门的开、关状态并转换成电信号反馈给上位计算机。