



1R9100双频RTK 高精度定位接收机数据手册Apr, 2020修订记录免责声明本文档提供有关深圳市西博电子有限公司产品的信息。







2目录1产品介绍 (4)1.1 概述 (4)1.2 关键指标 (5)2.电气特性 (6)2.1电气极大值 (6)2.2运行条件 (6)3产品功能 (7)3.1 多模卫星星座 (7)3.2 增强系统 (7)3.3 快速在线标定 (8)3.4 自由安装 (9)3.5 导航数据率 (9)3.6 MEMS传感器原始数据输出 (9)4.外形尺寸 (10)5. 传输及接口 (9)6. 订购信息 (10)31产品介绍1.1 概述R9100多模双频高精度GNSS/MEMS 组合导航接收机,是深圳市西博电子有限公司推出的基于六自由度MEMS 传感器与双频RTK 卫星导航紧密结合的组合导航系统,RTK算法与组合导航算法高效运行于片上处理器,是一款低功耗、小体积、高精度、无需接入里程计辅助、具备城市峡谷和长时间隧道,100%导航可用性的厘米级组合导航产品。

R9100采用先进的MEMS 惯性传感器与载波差分(RTK)卫星导航组合导航技术,充分利用了卫星导航的载波相位信息与惯性器件(三轴陀螺与三轴加速度计)的相对角运动与线运动测量功能,使用多维扩展卡尔曼滤波技术及其它特定算法实现了在微小器件上的三维高精度导航测姿功能。



• 由于弹射架设计、安装问题,飞机俯仰角不为15度时,地面站人员 可采集、设臵当前的俯仰角作为初始状态,采集后升降舵应处于
• 弹射起飞前,由操作手手动控制,启动发动机,发动机状态调整完成 后,油门放臵怠速位,并切自驾;起飞指令下达后,发动机逐步增加
航线 设置
飞前 检查
弹射 对齐
启动 发动 机
切换 自驾
下达 起飞 指令
弹射 释放
达到 起飞 空速
爬升 模式
飞行 模式
起飞类型 爬升模式时间
• 弹射起飞
• 爬升模式持续的时间
• 1(100%)或最大油门
• 爬升模式时使用的油门
常见固定翼布局舵面配置 • 飞翼布局 • V尾布局 • 倒V尾布局 左升降副翼、右升降副翼 左方向升降舵、右方向升降舵 左倒V方向升降舵、右倒V方向升降舵
降落伞控制舵机 • 降落伞(停车联动)打开降落伞之前,将首先关闭发动机,再延 时若干秒后开伞。延时时间可配臵。 • 降落伞(停车不联动)打开降落伞时,将不管发动机是否关闭, 直接开伞。
校准方法 • 缓慢、水平、平稳旋转飞机,约一分钟一圈。
自驾 仪位 置安 装设 置
天线 安装 设置
动静 压传 感器 安装 检查
AD接 口连 接
IO接 口配 置
遥控 器校 准检 查
舵机 舵面 配置 检查
磁罗 盘校 准
控制 器参 数配 置



R&S PR100 频谱仪详细操作指导1、绪论本文介绍了R&S PR100频谱仪的前面板和顶面板的操作控制以及显示功能。



2、前面板PR100的前面板主要分为两部分,如下图所示:1、 屏幕2、 菜单指示3 、菜单键4、 功能键5 、一键操作键6、 开关键7 、数字键和单位键8、 输入控制键9、 旋钮和上下左右选择键10、 存储键上部分是显示屏,显示的是实时频谱图、瀑布图等:在图形头部显示的是解调时的参数,如带宽BW、解调模式MOD、检波方式LEVEL、自动频率控制AFC、天线增益A TT、手动增益控制MGC;在图形底部是功能键的子菜单,如DISP显示键的子菜单有:显示模式选择Display Mode、显示参数设置Range、峰值Peak、调节中频带宽Zoom、标记频点Maker、全屏显示Full Screen、差分模式显示Diff Mode。




设置显示颜色 按 CONF 键 按 GENERAL 键 设定屏幕颜色的子菜单将会打开。 使用旋钮或者光标键选取你要的设置然后按 ENTER 确认。
国家-具体设置 R&S. PR100 支持多种语言文字,能够显示你选择的语言文字。热键文字总是用英语显示的 该缺省值(出厂设置)是英语。
⒊ 正如工业制成品情况一样,物质导出一个过敏反应的物质比如铝,不能被排除。如果你发展
⒋ 依靠在该功能,确信产物比如正向读出无线电设备能产生一升高的电平的电磁辐射。因为未
来的生活要求增强防护,孕妇应该经过合适手段进行保护。 带着起搏器的人也可以被电磁辐射危
中频输出口 非稳定的 21.4MHz 中频信号通过 IF OUT BNC 接口输出。
USB 接口 该仪器包括一个 USB 2.0 接口来输出 SD 卡上的数据。
LAN 接口 该仪器包括一个 10/100LAN 接口来迅速输出 SD 卡上的数据或者进行遥控。
仪器硬件安全 在一个工作站 R&S. PR100 的硬件安全可以通过在仪表外壳安装一个 Kensington 锁来实现。
⒌ 操作该产品要求有专业训练和强烈的精神集中。残疾人不应该使用该产品除非确定他们的
⒍ 在接通该产品之前,必须保证它的标称电压符合交流电源的标称电压。如果设置为不同的电
⒛ 使用合适的手段来避免由于侵蚀造成的过压保护。不然操作人员可能遭受触电危险。
21. R&S 公司产品不防水,除非另作说明(参见安全守则⒈)。 如果这个没有被考虑,就有触电



手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
PScan / 全景扫描
由于 FFT计算比模拟接收机或频谱仪更快
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 24
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
频率扫描&记忆扫描 数据记录
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 19
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 20
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100

性能简介 手持式天线R&S®HE300

频率扫描&记忆扫描 数据记录
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 2

性能简介 手持式天线R&S®HE300
数字音频模式 音频数据格式

2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 33

台式全波段接收机 IC-R8500 中文使用说明书

台式全波段接收机 IC-R8500 中文使用说明书

台式全目录第一章面板介绍 3 第二章连接及安装9 第三章频率设置9 第四章接收功能10 第五章记忆信道12 第六章扫描16 第七章定时关机功能20 第八章模式设置【SET MODE】20 第九章连接器信息22 第十章控制命令22 第十一章维护22 第十二章附选件安装22 第十三章故障介绍23 第十四章指标23 第十五章附选件介绍24前言使用机器前请详细阅读本说明书,并保管好本说明书。







第一章面板介绍一、前面板1.电源开关【POWER】2.定时关机/设置开关【SLEEP/SET】设定关机时间* 可选择30、60、90、120分钟或OFF* “SLEEP”显示在功能显示屏上,表示已设定关机时间按此键1秒,进入快速设定状态* 使用【M-CH】旋钮和主旋钮分别来选择设定项目和内容3.录音遥控插座【REC REMOTE】:连接录音机上的遥控口,用予遥控录音。

4.录音机插口【REC OUT】:输出音频信号,接到录音机输入端。

5.耳机插口【PHONES】:阻抗为4—16Ω插入耳机后,喇叭无输出可用立体声耳机,但只有单声道6.接收方式键【WFW】/【FM】/【AM】/【SSB/CW】按下选择操作接收方式* 有下列几种方式:【FM】---FM ,窄FM【AM】---AM,窄AM,宽AM【SSB/CW】-USB,LSB,CW,任意的窄CW选SSB/CW接收方式,按【SSB/CW】键1秒,调拍频振荡器(BFO)频率。

7.消噪/ AFC开关【NB/ AFC】触发消噪或自动频率控制功能。

KMC MEDIA CENTER KMC100 多媒体接收器用户手册说明书

KMC MEDIA CENTER KMC100 多媒体接收器用户手册说明书

KMC100KMCMEDIA CENTEROwner’s Manual2Owner’s ManualMedia CenterMulti-Media Receiver w/ USB, Bluetooth and SiriusXM-Ready™Thank you for purchasing the KMC100 Media Center. We recommendreading through the entire manual for detailed instructions on how to installand operate the unit. For support please call: 1-800-844-2774Purchase Date:Serial Number:SiriusXM Radio ID:(SiriusXM® Connect Tuner sold separately)ITEMS INCLUDED:(1) KMC100 (1) Trim Ring (1) Wiring Harness (1) UV Cover(1) Mounting Gasket (1) Owner’s ManualFCC Compliance StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide more reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.Operation is subjected to the following two conditions: (1) This device maynot cause harmful interference, and (2) the device must accept any interference re-ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turn-ing the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compli -ance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.The equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.CEOperation temperature: (-25°C~55°C )Bluetooth: 2402-2480MHzBluetooth transmitter power: 4.33dBmHereby declares that this equipment is in compliance with essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.All radio frequencies can be used in all EU member safe without restrictions.3Installation Overview1- RGB Black +12v 2- RGB Red GND 3- RGB Green GND 4- RGB Blue GND1. Main Harness 13. Front RCA Output 14. Rear RCA Output15. Subwoofer RCA Output 16. Zone 2 RCA Output5.5”4The button layout below will give you a quick overview of the button functionality.BUTTONS:1 - Source 2 - Favorites 3 - Menu4 - Back/Return5 - Seek/Tune Down6 - Play/Pause7 - Seek/Tune Up8 - Volume KnobFunction: How To:Power On Hold the Source (1) button for 2 seconds.Power Off Hold the Source (1) button for 2 seconds.Volume Up Turn the knob (8) clockwise.Volume Down Turn the knob (8) counter-clockwise.Seek Up Press Seek Up (7) once.Seek Down Press Seek Down (5) once.Tune Up Hold down Seek Up (7).Tune Down Hold down Seek Down (5).Enter/Select Press the Knob (8) inward once.Pause/Play Press Play/Pause (6) once.Mute Press Play/Pause (6) once.Back Press Back (4) once.12384567DISPLAYKMC100 Settings MENUTo enter the Settings Menu : Hold the MENU (3) button for 2 seconds.Rotate the knob to scroll between menu items and press enter on knob to select.Available Settings are:Day/Night:The Day/Night feature allows you to change the color scheme from Day Mode to Night Mode. The unit is defaulted to auto switch when your lights are turned on. In order for the unit to automatically switch between day and night modes, the orange illumination wire must be connected. You can also set the unit to stay in either Day mode or Night mode by rotating the knob and selecting the desired setting.Dimmer:The Dimmer allows you to adjust the brightness of the screen, and buttons. You can adjust the brightness from 0 to +12.Low Battery Alert:The Low Battery Alert setting allows you to turn ON /OFF the Low Battery Alert. When set to ON, if the unit drops below 10.5V , the unit will display a visual and audible alert warning that your batteries need charged.Tuner:Allows you to change the region for the tuner.Your available options: USA , EUROPE5KMC100 Settings MENU Cont.Zone 2:The Zone 2 feature gives you the ability to have a secondary volume control. Within Zone 2 there are 4 additional settings:High Pass Crossover:Adjusts the high-pass crossover for internal channels and Front, Rear, Zone 2 RCA outputs.Your available options: OFF , 50Hz, 80Hz, 120Hz.Loudness:Turns the loudness setting ON/OFF .Voltmeter:Turns the voltmeter display ON /OFF .ON/OFF:Allows you to turn the 2nd Zone volume control ON and OFF .NAMING:Allows you to change the Zone 2 name.Your available options: Zone 2, Tower, Transom, Cockpit, Interior.Control:Allows you to select which connection is controlled by the Zone 2 volume.a. Internal Power- Zone 2 internal channels are controlled by Zone 2 volume. Zone 2 RCA is controlled by Zone 1 volume.b. Preamp- Zone 2 RCA is controlled by the Zone 2 volume. Zone 2 internal channels are controlled by Zone 1 volume.c. Both- Zone 2 internal channels and Zone 2 RCA are controlled by Zone 2 volume.Absolute/Relative:The Absolute and Relative setting for Zone 2 change the behavior of the Zone 2 volume control with regard to the main zone volume.a. Relative- When the main zone volume is increased or decreased, Zone 2 volume will adjust up or down accordingly.b. Absolute- When the main zone volume is increased or decreased, Zone 2 volume will remain at the same level until adjusted independently.SourcesTo change any of the sources, press the Source button on the KMC100. Rotating the knob left or right will scroll through the available sources and pressing enter will select the source.FM Source:AM Source:Weatherband (WX) Source:USB Source:Function: How To: Seek Up: Press the Seek Up (7) button once. Seek Down: Press the Seek Down (5) button once. Tune Up: Hold the Tune Up (7) button for 2 seconds. Then press (7) once. Tune Down: Hold the Tune Down (5) button for 2 seconds. Then press (5) once. Mute: Press the Play/Pause button.Function: How To: Seek Up: Press the Seek Up (7) button once. Seek Down: Press the Seek Down (5) button once. Tune Up: Hold the Tune Up (7) button for 2 seconds. Then press (7) once. Tune Down: Hold the Tune Down (5) button for 2 seconds. Then press (5) once. Mute: Press the Play/Pause button.Function: How To: Seek Up: Press the Seek Up (7) button once. Seek Down: Press the Seek Down (5) button once. Tune Up: Hold the Tune Up (7) button for 2 seconds. Then press (7) once. Tune Down: Hold the Tune Down (5) button for 2 seconds. Then press (5) once. Mute: Press the Play/Pause button.Function: How To: Next Track: Press the Seek Up (7) button once. Previous Track: Press the Seek Down (5) button once. Fast Forward: Hold the Tune Up (7) button. Rewind: Hold the Tune Down (5) button. Pause: Press the Play/Pause button.AUX Input Source:Function: How To: Mute: Press the Play/Pause button. Bluetooth Source:Function: How To: Next Track: Press the Seek Up (7) button once. Previous Track: Press the Seek Down (5) button once. Pause: Press the Play/Pause button. Bluetooth Device Name: Media Center. There is no password required.SiriusXM Source:Function: How To: Channel Up: Press the Seek Up (7) button once. Channel Down: Press the Seek Down (5) button once. Fast Browse Up: Hold the Tune Up (7) button. Fast Browse Down: Hold the Tune Down (5) button. Mute: Press the Play/Pause button.The SiriusXM source allows you to access SiriusXM satellite radio. SiriusXM Connect Tuner and subscription required and sold separately.67FAVORITESCamera/Video InputThe Favorites button will allow you to view and set your favorite station from the following sources: FM - AM - WX - SXM 16 favorites can be set.This feature allows you to connect an external camera or video source and view it though the KMC100. A reverse trigger is provided to activate the camera when putting the vehicle in reverse or you may select the video input manually. The reverse trigger is a +12v trigger.Setting a Favorite1. Select the station you wish to add to the favorites list.2. Press the Favorites button and select the Favorites preset you wish to set.3. Press and Hold the knob (8) button for 2 seconds to set.Entering Video Input Manually1. Press and Hold the Favorites button to display the connected device on the screen.2. Press and Hold the Favorites button to exit the video input mode.Audio SettingsAudio Settings Cont.Audio Menu: Press the knob for 2 seconds from any source screen to enter the Audio Settings Menu. Rotating the knob left and right will scroll between the available settings. Pressing the knob will select highlighted setting.Equalizer: When the EQ is ON, Bass, Mid & Treble controls are not accessible. The KMC100 has the following preset options for the EQ:OFF - ROCK - POP - JAZZ - CUSTOM. Rotating the knob left and right to scroll between the options and press knob (8) to select. To en-able Bass, Mid & Treble controls, EQ must be set to OFF .Bass: Rotate the knob left and right to adjust the Bass. Pressing enter will confirm setting. Adjustment is from -6 to +6.Mid: Rotate the knob left and right to adjust the Midrange. Pressing enter will confirm setting. Adjustment is from -6 to +6.Treble: Rotate the knob left and right to adjust the Treble. Pressing enter will confirm setting. Adjustment is from -6 to +6.Balance: Rotate the knob left and right to adjust the Balance. Pressing enter will confirm setting. Adjustment is from Left 6 to Right 6.Fader: Rotate the knob left and right to adjust the Fader. Pressing knob (8) will confirm setting. Adjustment is from Front 6 to Rear 6.Sub: Rotate the knob left and right to adjust the Subwoofer level. Pressing enter will confirm setting. Adjustment is from 0 to +12.When using the CUSTOM EQ you can adjust the following frequencies:50Hz - 125Hz - 250Hz - 500Hz - 1kHz - 3kHz - 8kHzIn each of these frequencies you can adjust the values from -6 to 6.Source Specific Menus Source Specific Menus Cont.Press and release the Menu button while in the following sources will bring up Source Specific Menu items: WX - USB - BT - AUX - SiriusXM. Rotate the knob to adjust the settings and press enter to confirm.WX Menu:Auto-Alert On and OFF - this feature will automatically interrupt any source and tune to Weatherband for an alert message.USB Menu:BROWSE: Displays all files/folders available for playback. Rotate the knob to scroll through the items and press knob (8) to begin playback of selected track.REPEAT: Allows you to select Repeat for Current Playlist or Repeat Off. SHUFFLE: Allows you to turn Shuffle tracks for Current Playlist,All Tracks or Off.DME: Digital Music Enhancer. This feature will enhance the sound quality of compressed music files. Setting is ON/OFF.BLUETOOTH Menu:ENTER PAIRING MODE: Places the device in to pairing mode.Device Name: Media CenterIn order to pair your phone to the Media Center you must:1. Make sure the Bluetooth is turned “ON”, on your device.2. Search for “Media Center”.3. Connect/ Trust the device to begin streaming music.(No password required)Select Device: Allows you to view all paired devices and select the device you wish to use for playback.Disconnect Current Device: Disconnects the current paired device and connects to the next device on the list.Delete Device: Allows you to view all paired devices and select the device you wish to delete.Delete All Devices: Deletes all stored Bluetooth® devices from memory and puts the unit into pairing mode.8SiriusXM® Radio OperationOnly SiriusXM® brings you more of what you love to listen to, all in one place. Get over140 channels, including commercial-free music plus the best sports, news, talk, comedy and entertainment. Welcome to the world of satellite radio. A SiriusXM Connect Tuner and Subscription are required. For more information, visit Activating your SiriusXM SubscriptionAfter installing your SiriusXM Connect Tuner and antenna, power on your KMC100 and select SiriusXM mode. You should be able to hear the SiriusXM preview channel on Channel 1. If you cannot hear the preview channels, please check the installation instructions to make sure your SiriusXM Connect Tuner is properly installed.After you can hear the Preview channel, tune to Channel 0 to find the Radio ID of your tuner. In addition, the Radio ID is located on the bottom of the SiriusXM Connect Tuner. You will need this number to activate your subscription. Write the number down for reference.Note: the SiriusXM Radio ID does not include the letters I, O, S or F.In the USA, you can activate online or by calling SiriusXM Listener care:• Visit /activatenow• Call SiriusXM Listener Care at 1-866-635-2349For Canadian Subscriptions, please contact:• Visit• Call XM customer Care at 1-877-438-9677When your radio detects that the tuner has received the activation message, your radio will display: “Subscription Updated”. Once subscribed, you can tune to channels in your subscription plan. Note, the activation process usually takes 10 to 15 minutes, but may take up to an hour. Your radio will need to be powered on and receiving the SiriusXM signal to receive the activation message.910SiriusXM Radio Operation Cont.Alternate tuning options and settingsPress MENU and rotate the knob to select an alternate tuning method or system setting below:Channel Browse: Allows users to browse SiriusXM channels before selec-tion. Rotating the knob left and right will scroll through the channel lineup. Pressing enter will select highlighted channel and begin playback.Category Browse: Allows users to browse SiriusXM categories. Rotating the knob left and right will scroll through the different categories. Pressing the knob (8) on the highlighted category will show a list of available channels within that category. Pressing the knob (8) again will select the highlighted channel and begin playback.DIRECT TUNING: Allows you to manually enter in the channel number you wish to tune to. Rotate the volume knob to adjust the digit, then press the knob (8) to select the next digit. Once the channel number has been entered, the unit will tune to that channel and begin playback.RESET: Allows you to Reset the KMC100 to the SiriusXM factory defaults. Parental Controls will be disabled and lock code restored to the default.PARENTAL CONTROLS: Allows you to limit access to SiriusXM channels with mature content. When enabled, the Parental Control feature requires you to enter a passcode to tune to the locked RMATION: Displays SiriusXM Radio ID.SiriusXM Parental Controls Cont.ENABLE PARENTAL CONTROLS: After choosing to enable the parental controls, you will be prompted to enter a 4-Digit passcode: Default Pass-code is 0000. Rotate the volume knob to adjust the digit, then press the knob (8) to select the next digit.MANAGE PASSWORD: With the password set, you will also be given the option to MANAGE your password, which allows you to change/reset the current passcode.DISABLE PARENTAL CONTROLS: Select Disable Parental Controls, to remove all mature channel restrictions.SiriusXM Connect Tuner and Subscription sold Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. All rights reserved.The following checklist will help you remedy problems you may encounter with your unit. Before going through the checklist below, checkthe connection and operating procedures. If the problem is not solved, please contact your local KICKER retailer or call 1-800-844-2774.GeneralNo power is being supplied to the unit- Check to ensure 12V is being supplied to the red wire and the black wire has a good ground.-Press the Source button.No Sound- Check to ensure amplifiers (if applicable) are on.- Check to ensure fader is in the middle (0) position.The buttons will not function- Perform Master Reset by holding the Play/Pause button down for 10 seconds.Radio ReceptionStations cannot be received- Check Antenna for proper connection.- The broadcast signal is too weak.- Ensure Tuner in Settings Menu is setto proper region.RDSRDS Information is not displayed- The current station is not an RDS station.- RDS data has not been received.USB playbackYou cannot play back items via a USB hub.- This unit cannot recognize USB devices via a USB hub.A USB device takes longer to play back.- The USB device contains files with a complicated tree structure or contains a large amount of files.The sound is intermittent.- The sound may be intermittent at a high-bit-rate of more than 320 kbps.11For SiriusXM Radio operation:Check Antenna- The radio has detected a fault with the SiriusXM antenna. The antenna cable may be either disconnected or damaged.- Verify that the antenna cable is connected to the SiriusXM Connect Tuner.- Inspect the antenna cable for damage and kinks. Replace the antenna if the cable is damaged. SiriusXM products are available at your local retailer or online at Check Tuner- The radio is having difficulty communicating with the SiriusXM Connect Tuner.- The tuner may be disconnected or damaged.- Verify that the SiriusXM Connect Tuner cable is securely connected to the radio.No Signal- The SiriusXM Connect Tuner is having difficulty receiving the SiriusXM satellite signal.- Verify that your vehicle is outdoors with a clear view of the sky.- Verify that the SiriusXM antenna is mounted on the outside of the vehicle.- Move the SiriusXM antenna away from any obstructions.- Inspect the antenna cable for damage and kinks.- Consult the SiriusXM Connect Tuner installation manual for more information on antenna installation. Replace the antenna if the cable is damaged. SiriusXM products are available at your local retailer or online at Subscription Updated- The radio has detected a change in your SiriusXM subscription status. Press the knob (8) to clear the message. Visit www. or call 866-635-2349 if you have questions about your subscription.Channel Not Available- The channel you have requested is not a valid SiriusXM channel or the channel that you were listening to is no longer available. You may also see this message briefly when first connecting a new SiriusXM Connect Tuner.- Visit for more information about the SiriusXM channel lineup.Channel Not Subscribed- The channel that you have requested is not included in your SiriusXM subscription package or the channel that you were listeningto is no longer included in your SiriusXM subscription package.- Visit or call 866-635-2349 if you have questions about your subscription package or would like to subscribe to this channel.Channel Locked- The channel that you have requested is Locked by the radio Parental Control feature. See page 10 for more information on the Parental Con-trol feature and how to access locked channels. Default Passcode is 0000.12WARRANTYElectronics Limited Warranty (including KICKER Accessories)When purchased from an Authorized KICKER Dealer, CPS warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use fora period of ONE (1) YEAR from date of original purchase with receipt. If this product is identified as “Refurbished” or “B Goods”, the warranty is limited toa period of THREE (3) MONTHS from the date of original purchase. In all cases you must have the original receipt. Should service be necessary under this warranty for any reason due to manufacturing defect or malfunction during the warranty period, CPS will repair or replace (at its discretion) the defective merchandise with equivalent merchandise. Warranty replacements may have cosmetic scratches and blemishes. Discontinued products may be replacedwith more current equivalent products. Warranty is valid only for the original purchaser and is not extended to owners of the product subsequent to theoriginal purchaser. Any applicable implied warranties are limited in duration to a period of the express warranty as provided herein beginning with the date ofthe original purchase at retail, and no warranties, whether express or implied, shall apply to this product thereafter.© 2019 CPS Distributors, Inc.6024 Parretta Dr. Kansas City, MO 64120800-844-2774131415。

JBL Legend CP100 智能手机接收器说明书

JBL Legend CP100 智能手机接收器说明书
Use in vehicles with anything other than a 12-volt charging system could result in accident, fire, or electic shock. If you are not sure if your vehicle uses a 12-volt system, check with your dealer.
Legend CP100
smartphone receiver
THANK YOU for purchasing the JBL® CP100 smartphone receiver. So we can better serve you should you require warranty service, please retain your original sales receipt and register your receiver online at .
Wire color
Rear left speaker + Dark green
Rear left speaker – Green/black
Rear right speaker + Violet
Rear right speaker – Violet/black
Front-panel buttons
• In addition to power and signal connections, you must connect to your parking brake lead, as certain functions will only operate with the parking brake engaged.



ZigBee传输距离900-MHz 和2.4-GHz 频段短距离无线设备的设计人员需要了解,公式中的参数对传输距离的影响以及这些参数如何影响传输距离,同时还要能将这些参数应用到公式中,用于统计计算出室内和户外环境下的路径损耗及传输距离。


通常,这些应用使用专用频段或以标准协议为基础的频段,例如:900-MHz 和 2.4-GHz 的ISM(工业/科学/医学)频段ZigBee。













自由空间传播模型会做出这样的预测,接收信号强度“衰减”为发送器-接收机间隔距离的函数,强度衰减升至N 次幂——“幂律函数”。

接收机天线所接收到的自由空间功率与发射天线隔开一段距离,Friis 自由空间方程式把此段距离定义为:(1)在这个方程式中,PT为发送器功率;PR(d) 为接收功率,并为发射-接收间隔距离d 的一个函数;GT为发送器天线增益;GR为接收机天线增益;d 为发送器和接收机之间的间隔距离,单位为米;λ 为波长,单位为米。



粤科TMS 联系人:王劲18680586683


1) 简易的设定及操作而可控制 ● 仅选择传感器及驱动器可自动运转 ● 一次按钮操作而可变换马达可正逆转 ● 可设定显示韩文及英文 ● 采用3.2 inch Full Color TFT-LCD
2) 加强保护功能 ● 限位传感器感应时从报警接点输出 ● 为防止操作错误具锁住(LOCK)功能
控制信号 AUTO / MANU / CENTER运转状态
24V 脉冲信号 (90W)
监测系统是否正常运转 极限感知 过载
继电器连接 (Dry contect)
AC100V~AC240V ±10%, 50/60Hz (Free volts)
-10~50℃ (完成韩国产业规格电器·电子环境实验测试, KS C 0210 / KS C 0220 / KS C 0221 / KS C 0227)
9 COM2 10 OUT 11 IN 12 CENT 13 AUTO 14 MANU 15 FG
+12V 16 GND 17
SIG1 18
SIG2 19
-12V 20
+12V 23
PR-DPA-100 (马达EPC控制器)
2. 操作部分说明
1) 前面操作部分
1. 屏幕
ग沖壟ङ 枪瞾嵢畲ࣜ洢穢ࣝ
儖ࣜ壊 ࣶ ࣱ࣬ࣜ࣡ गऀऑ࣯࣬ङ
for Line

R&S PR100监测接收机介绍

R&S PR100监测接收机介绍

R&S®PR100 便携式接收机从9 kHz 到7.5 GHz进行现场无线电监测无线电监测与测向数据手册| 01.0R&S®PR100顶视图:紧凑设备的方便操作配有R&S®HE300有源方向性天线的R&S®PR100:天线具有三个模块,覆盖从20 MHz 到7.5 GHz 的频率范围(使用HF 选件模块后可扩展到9 kHz )。



此外,R&S®PR100 还适用于很多其他应用。

R&S®PR100可工作于9 kHz 到7.5 GHz 的宽频率范围内。










从9 kHz 到7.5 GHz 整个频率范围的快速全景扫描150 Hz 到500 kHz 带宽的解调和10 MHz 中频频谱6.5" 彩色屏幕显示频谱和瀑布图测量数据存储于接收机内的SD 卡LAN 接口,用于远程控制和数据输出人体工程学设计,坚固耐用,适合便携使用重量仅为3.5 kg (含电池)通过R&S®HE300有源方向性天线进行发射定位J J J J J J JJR&S®PR100便携式接收机应用和关键特点应用干扰检测以及专业无线电网络中的定位对诸如故障电子设备造成的无线电干扰的可靠检测快速有效的消除干扰源,例如在机场的干扰监测用户专用的无线电服务通过不同的扫描模式监测各种无线电服务在指定频段内监测合法机构的发射紧急信号的跟踪通过R&S®HE300有源方向性天线定位紧急呼叫源复杂地形内定位的单音功能简易爆炸装置(IED )的定位对待机状态的简易爆炸装置(IED )的检测使用R&S®HE300有源方向性天线定位简易爆炸装置 (IED)微型发射机的移动跟踪窃听器的探测,例如用于会议室中通过R&S®HE300有源方向性天线进行窃听器的跟踪定位J J J J J J J J J J 关键特点面向未来的投资接收机极宽的频率范围和出色的性能使其投资必将在未来证明物有所值R&S®PR100能够对当前和未来的无线电服务信号进行接收和处理高接收灵敏度,高信号分辨率R&S®PR100使用最先进的数字信号处理技术,能够以高灵敏度接收信号,并且能够检测极弱的信号而不降低处理速度与传统模拟接收机相比,在灵敏度和信号分辨率方面拥有更加优越的性能通过解调进行信息检索模拟调制信号可以在接收机内进行直接解调,并通过耳机或内置扬声器进行监听数字调制信号通过I/Q 解调转换为基带信号,存储在接收机中或通过局域网(LAN )输出可对数字调制信号进行离线分析,例如使用罗德与施瓦茨的R&S®GX430软件脉冲信号和雷达发射的检测R&S®PR100能够捕获窄脉宽脉冲,例如雷达发射接收机的宽中频特性使其能够显示用于分析短脉冲信号的中频频谱集监测接收机和移动数据存储于一身收集到的信息写入接收机的内置SD 卡,无需其他设备监测期间记录的数据可以随后进行离线分析通过远程控制高效操作R&S®PR100可以通过LAN 接口(SCPI 命令到IEEE488.2)完全远程控制实现对接收机高效的远程操作,例如在无人职守的监测站中直观方便的操作直观的菜单结构和极方便的操作使用户可以迅速熟悉设备在6.5"彩色显示屏上显示接收的信号,并可以方便地进行分析针对移动应用的电池重量仅为3.5 kg (含电池)仅用一块电池即可连续工作四个小时J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J干扰检测及专业无线电网络中的定位R&S®PR100的紧凑设计和广泛的专业功能使其成为追踪各种无线电干扰的理想选择对诸如故障电子设备造成的无线电干扰的可靠检测R&S®PR100配备了专门的功能来完成此类任务,例如可选择的测量时间以及连续或周期的电平输出。




一、概述OVT/DVB-TSS-2000数字卫星接收机是一款专业的数字卫星接收机,应用于数字卫星信号的接收和转发,且带有DVB标准ASI接口输出TS流,可广泛应用于各种模拟或数字CATV 前端系统中。

二、功能特点●完全符合DVB和MPEG-2标准●支持专业的视频/音频输出接口,且带有标准ASI串行的TS流输出接口●支持DiSEqc1.2多语言功能●支持多种可编程的卫星和转发器信息●频道记忆●前面板按键和红外线遥控用户界面●操作菜单可锁定保护●多种编辑功能(包括电视或无线电广播,组,频道名称,PID参数,卫星名称和类型) ●提供屏幕频道信息的电子节目指南●多个卫星的频道记忆功能●256色的图形用户界面三、基本原理OVT/DVB-TSS-2000数字卫星接收机基本原理如下面框图所示:其大致工作原理为:卫星接收机将接收的卫星信号接行解调,然后由解码单元进行解码,再经过一些接口电路得到可以播放的模拟视频/音频信号,同时将解调后的信号经过数字逻辑处理单元进行处理打包,再进行专业的数字接口转换电路,得到ASI接口的TS流输出。






1.2后面板1.TS流输出(ASI OUT)DVB标准ASI接口TS流输出2.高频头输入(LNB IN 13/18V 最大500mA)卫星信号输入口,用同轴电缆连接高频头(LNB)。

3.高频头输出(LNB OUT)卫星信号环出口,可连接其它的卫星信号接收设备。






ZigBee传输距离900-MHz 和2.4-GHz 频段短距离无线设备的设计人员需要了解,公式中的参数对传输距离的影响以及这些参数如何影响传输距离,同时还要能将这些参数应用到公式中,用于统计计算出室内和户外环境下的路径损耗及传输距离。


通常,这些应用使用专用频段或以标准协议为基础的频段,例如:900-MHz 和 2.4-GHz 的ISM(工业/科学/医学)频段ZigBee。













自由空间传播模型会做出这样的预测,接收信号强度“衰减”为发送器-接收机间隔距离的函数,强度衰减升至N 次幂——“幂律函数”。

接收机天线所接收到的自由空间功率与发射天线隔开一段距离,Friis 自由空间方程式把此段距离定义为:(1)在这个方程式中,PT为发送器功率;PR(d) 为接收功率,并为发射-接收间隔距离d 的一个函数;GT为发送器天线增益;GR为接收机天线增益;d 为发送器和接收机之间的间隔距离,单位为米;λ 为波长,单位为米。



监测检测浅析无线电便携式P R100接收机的远程控制技术文丨国家无线电监测中心陕西监测站潘琳董亚文赵延安摘耍:P R100接收机足II丨徳丨R&S公司生产的-款便携式无线电接收机,该设济提供/基于 C/C++语言的A P I接U,以供幵发人员对M进行二次幵发。

本义洋细叙述r P R100接收机:次幵发 的通信协议、指令格忒和数拋流特征,同时测试了 P R100接收机多个重要参数之M的>5系,为实现 PR100设备的远杩挖制提供j T技术指导和数据支搾。

关键词:P R100接收机二次幵发TCP/I P协议UDP/I P协议数据流0引言P R100接收机设计紧凑,重量轻,支持电池运行。

该设备配备H E400手持定向天线,将移动性和操作的便利性结合在一起,形成一个紧凑的接收系统,便于无线电技术人员外出携带n_21。

同时,R&S公司提供了该接收机的A P I接口,工程人员可通过T C P/I P协议和U D P/I P 协议对P R100设备进行远程控制|31。

P R100接收机根据 T C P/I P协议读取控制命令帧,解析设备参数,自动调整 界面显示内容。

同时,利用U D P/I P协议向工控机输出全 景频谱数据流、中频数据流或指定频点频谱数据流等数据,开发人员可利用这些数据流开展信号检测、识别和定位等 工作。

本文详述P R100设备的二次开发过程,为技术人 员开发P R100接收机提供技术方案。

图1P R10U接收机发送的数据帧格式图数据点数、输出带宽与频率分辨率有关。

故幵发人员将 P R100设备可设置的所有分辨率一一进行测试,记录每 一个分辨率值以及对应的帧数据点数和输出带宽(见表 1)。

表1测试数据表明,随着分辨率值变小,数据点数 会增加。

P R100接收机二次开发时,技术人员可参考表1综合考虑时效性和精确性,选择合适的分辨率值。

1 P S C A N模式工控机通过T C P/I P协议向P R100接收机发送全景 频谱数据流(P S C A N)的控制命令,具体指令参见文献 [3]。

JBL Legend CP100智能手机音频接收器快速入门指南说明书

JBL Legend CP100智能手机音频接收器快速入门指南说明书

This quick start guide will introduce you to the basics of the JBL Legend CP100 smartphone receiver. Please refer to your owner’s manual for amore in-depth look at installation and functions.8. Using Bluetooth for hands-free callingQuick Start GuideJBL Legend CP100To pair your phone and receiver using Bluetooth, tap the “Phone” button and press “Yes”. Then pull up the pairing screen on your phone and select the CP100. You can now receive calls, and make calls by using the onscreen dialer or selecting a contact.Bluetooth is not available whenusing Apple CarPlay or Android Auto.Quick Start GuideJBL Legend CP1009. Playing music via USBTo play digital music stored on a USB thumb drive, plug the drive into the USB port, and tap the “Media” button. You can thenbrowse your music by artist, album, genre, and playlist.Quick Start GuideJBL Legend CP10010. AM/FM radioFrom the home screen, tap FM or AM. You can then find stations by direct tune, auto scan, or manual search. Press the double arrow key once to tune manually; hold the double arrow key to engage seek tuning. You can save up to 10 presets. To set one, press and hold 1. Installation Wiring connection guideQuick Start GuideTo install the Legend CP100, you’ll need to buy or fabricate a vehicle-specific mounting bracket.Function Wire color Function Wire colorACC power Red Front left speaker +White Constant power Yellow Front left speaker –White/black Ground Black Front right speaker + Gray12v outY ellow/black Front right speaker –Gray/black Rear left speaker +Dark green Parking brake Light green Rear left speaker –Green/black Reverse signal Violet/white Rear right speaker +VioletOptional rear camera Yellow RCA Rear right speaker –Violet/blackQuick Start GuideBluetooth ® microphone control adapter inputinput(iPhone, Android, andextension cables sold separately)Front and rear preamp outputs for optional external amplifier(s)2. Rear panel connectionsQuick Start GuideJBL Legend CP100The home screen is your base of operations. From it, you can tap the screen to select:Phone to make and receive hands-free phone calls Media to play MP3 files from USB, or engage Apple CarPlay or Android Auto from your compatible phone FM to listen to FM radio broadcastsAMto listen to AM radio broadcasts Settings to adjust system settings5. Home screenQuick Start GuideQuick Start GuideJBL Legend CP100JBL Legend CP100After installation, or if you’ve discon-nected and recon-nected your car’s battery, you’ll first need to program the date and time by tapping the arrows on the screen.Tap “Settings” on the home screen to change languages,activate day/night mode, change the date/time, adjust audio settings, and connect to your Bluetooth devices.4. Setting upQuick Start GuideJBL Legend CP1006. Using Apple CarPlay To engage Apple CarPlay, you simply need to plug your compatible iPhone 5 or iPhone 6 into the USB input and tap the Apple CarPlay button that appears on the home screen. From there, you can use the touchscreen or your voice to control select Apple apps.Tap the JBL icon to return to the home screen.To engage Android Auto, you just plug your compatibleAndroid Phone into the USB input and tap the Android Auto button that appears on the home screen. You can then use the touchscreen or your voice to control select apps. This feature might require you to download Android Auto from the Google Play™ store.7. Using Android Auto Display Size: 6.75"LCD type: TFT active matrixPixels : 1,152,000 [800 x 480 x 3 (RGB)]Illumination: LEDPowerGeneral Power Requirement: 14.4V DC (11–16V allowable)Operating Temperature: -20°C to 85°C (-4°F to 185°F)Power Output: 20W RMS x4 (Primary amplifier ratings per CEA-2006 standardPower output measured at 4 Ohms and < 1 % THD+N)S/N ratio: 107 dBa (reference: 1W into 4 ohms)AM TunerTuning: 530 – 1,170 kHz Sensitivity: 25 uV/20 dB USBUSB Standard: USB 1.1/2.0Max Current Supply: 1.0 A USB Class: MSC (Mass Storage Class)File System: FAT 16/32, NTFS File Playback: MP3BluetoothVersion: Bluetooth 4.0Output Power: +4 dBm Max. (Power class 2)Rear View Camera: Composite video Quick Start Guide JBL Legend CP100SpecificationsQuick Start GuideJBL Legend CP1001. Power button turns the receiver on and off2. Volume button paises and lowers the volume level3. P ush-to-talk button lets you engage Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay ® voice control functions3. Front-panel buttons123This quick start guide will introduce you to the basics of the JBL Legend CP100 smartphone receiver. Please refer to your owner’s manual for amore in-depth look at installation and functions.8. Using Bluetooth for hands-free callingQuick Start GuideJBL Legend CP100To pair your phoneand receiver using Bluetooth, tap the “Phone” button and press “Yes”. Then pull up the pairing screen on your phone and select the CP100. You can now receive calls, and make calls by using the onscreen dialer or selecting a contact.Bluetooth is not available whenusing Apple CarPlay or Android Auto.Quick Start GuideJBL Legend CP1009. Playing music via USBTo play digital music stored on a USB thumb drive, plug the drive into the USB port, and tap the “Media” button. You can thenbrowse your music by artist, album, genre, and playlist.Quick Start GuideJBL Legend CP10010. AM/FM radioFrom the home screen, tap FM or AM. You can then find stations by direct tune, auto scan, or manual search. Press the double arrow key once to tune manually; hold the double arrow key to engage seek tuning. You can save up to 10 presets. To set one, press and hold 1. Installation Wiring connection guideGuide de demarrage rapideGuide de demarrage rapideGuide de demarrage rapideGuide de demarrage rapideGuide de demarrage rapideGuide de demarrage rapideGuide de demarrage rapideGuide de demarrage rapideTo install the Legend CP100, you’ll need to buy or fabricate a vehicle-specific mounting bracket.Function Wire color Function Wire colorACC power Red Front left speaker +White Constant power Yellow Front left speaker –White/black Ground Black Front right speaker + Gray12v outY ellow/black Front right speaker –Gray/black Rear left speaker +Dark green Parking brake Light green Rear left speaker –Green/black Reverse signal Violet/white Rear right speaker +VioletOptional rear camera Yellow RCA Rear right speaker –Violet/blackBluetooth ® microphone control adapter inputinput(iPhone, Android, andextension cables sold separately)Front and rear preamp outputs for optional external amplifier(s)2. Rear panel connectionsJBL Legend CP100The home screen is your base of operations. From it, you can tap the screen to select:Phone to make and receive hands-free phone calls Media to play MP3 files from USB, or engage Apple CarPlay or Android Auto from your compatible phoneFM to listen to FM radio broadcasts AM to listen to AM radio broadcasts Settings to adjust system settings5. Home screenJBL Legend CP100After installation, or if you’ve discon-nected and recon-nected your car’s battery, you’ll first need to program the date and time by tapping the arrows on the screen.Tap “Settings” on the home screen to changelanguages, activate day/night mode, change the date/time, adjust audio settings, and connect to your Bluetooth devices.4. Setting upJBL Legend CP1006. Using Apple CarPlay To engage Apple CarPlay, you simply need to plug your compatible iPhone 5 or iPhone 6 into the USB input and tap the Apple CarPlay button that appears on the home screen. From there, you can use the touchscreen or your voice to control select Apple apps.Tap the JBL icon to return to the home screen.JBL Legend CP100To engage Android Auto, you just plug your compatibleAndroid Phone into the USB input and tap the Android Auto button that appears on the home screen. You can then use the touchscreen or your voice to control select apps. This feature might require you to download Android Auto from the Google Play™ store.7. Using Android Auto Display Size: 6.75"LCD type: TFT active matrixPixels : 1,152,000 [800 x 480 x 3 (RGB)]Illumination: LEDPowerGeneral Power Requirement: 14.4V DC (11–16V allowable)Operating Temperature: -20°C to 85°C (-4°F to 185°F)Power Output: 20W RMS x4 (Primary amplifier ratings per CEA-2006 standardPower output measured at 4 Ohms and < 1 % THD+N)S/N ratio: 107 dBa (reference: 1W into 4 ohms)AM TunerTuning: 530 – 1,170 kHz Sensitivity: 25 uV/20 dB USBUSB Standard: USB 1.1/2.0Max Current Supply: 1.0 A USB Class: MSC (Mass Storage Class)File System: FAT 16/32, NTFS File Playback: MP3BluetoothVersion: Bluetooth 4.0Output Power: +4 dBm Max. (Power class 2)Rear View Camera: Composite video Quick Start Guide JBL Legend CP100SpecificationsJBL Legend CP1001. Power button turns the receiver on and off2. Volume button paises and lowers the volume level3. P ush-to-talk button lets you engage Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay ® voice control functions3. Front-panel buttons123。












(2)打开卫星接收机电源,按“菜单”键选择“修改本振频率”,再按“确认”键,输入新的本振频率(对于C波段节目为5150MHz; 对于Ku波段节目为11300MHz),按“确认”键确认。








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频率扫描&记忆扫描 数据记录
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 26
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
FScan /频率扫描
信道间隔 每个信道驻留时间
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手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 7
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
数字音频模式 音频数据格式
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2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 8
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手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
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解调带宽 静噪设置
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手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
FScan / 频率扫描
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 28
PScan / 全景扫描
最小 125 Hz
最高分辨率和灵敏度 最大 100 kHz 最高扫描速度 高达 2.0 GHz/s
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性能简介 手持式天线R&S®HE300
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
MScan /存储扫描
信道间隔 每个信道驻留时间
解调带宽 静噪设置
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手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
MScan / 存储扫描
频率 / 存储信道
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性能简介 手持式天线R&S®HE300

频率扫描&记忆扫描 数据记录
实时带宽 不是扫描方式
通过FFT计算频谱 (快速付立叶变换)
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 21
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
最小 10 kHz 中频带宽设置
最大10 MHz 最大实时频谱观察
手持式天线 R&S® HE300
9 kHz 到 20 MHz
20 MHz 到 200 MHz
200 MHz 到 500 MHz
500 MHz 到 7.5 GHz
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手持式监测天线 R&S® HE300
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
频率范围:9 kHz 到 7.5 GHz 实时带宽可达 10 MHz 解调带宽可达 500 kHz 15 个 150 Hz 到 500 kHz 的中频滤波器 集成预选器 带有瀑布图的射频和中频频谱 6.5“ VGA 彩色显示 可在设备内部或在 SD 卡中进行信号记录
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 22
接收机灵敏度 接收机灵敏度定义了接收机可以接收到的并仍能正常工作的最低 信号强度。灵敏度是一个功率电平,通常用dBm表示(一般是一个较 大的负dBm数)。
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2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 13

性能简介 手持式天线R&S®HE300

频率扫描&记忆扫描 数据记录
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 14
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
PScan / 全景扫描
由于 FFT计算比模拟接收机或频谱仪更快
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手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 17
手持式监测天线 R&S® HE300
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 18

性能简介 手持式天线R&S®HE300

频率扫描&记忆扫描 数据记录
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2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 20
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
重量轻达 3.5 kg 低功耗设计—— 电池可连续供电4小时
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 5
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
在极宽的频率范围内探测信号 频谱监测 追踪并发现目标, 例如:用手持式天线 R&S® HE300定位窃听器 对干扰信号的查找 用于事后分析的信号记录, 包括数字传输业务 监听信号
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2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 32
F3(Param)配置记录介质和音频记录。 可选择下列各项参数:
参数 记录存储 记录存储大小 存储模式 可选项 RAM/SD卡 8、16、32、64 MB 说明 记录的目标存储器 用于记录的RAM 容量 仅与 RAM 相关 连续记录;RAM 用作环形缓冲区

频率范围: 9 kHz 至 7.5 GHz 4 个天线单元, 易于更换 内置可切换的前置放大器
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手持式监测天线 R&S® HE300
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 11
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
Байду номын сангаас
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 12
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100

频率扫描&记忆扫描 数据记录
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 3
手持式监测接收机R&S® PR100
2012/11 |手持式监测接收机R&S®PR100 | 张博轩 | 4