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Jack Bauer虽然是个超级英雄,但是他的信仰跟我们中的大多数没什么两样,他关注的是人性,他拥有的是博爱。前总统Palmer始终相信Jack,即使其他人都担心万一Jack 被他国政府逮捕后会泄露国家机密而决定“牺牲”Jack;Palmer和Jack两人之间的交流似乎只有电话,他们的交谈也从不寒暄。他们互相之间的理解是一切的基础,令人回味无穷。

(On the phone)

Jack: This is Bauer.

Mr. Palmer: Jack, are you still at CTU

Jack:Yes, sir. Tony Almeida’s just about to debrief me.

Mr. Palmer:Listen to me very carefully. Do not turn yourself in. The man they sent to take you into custody has orders to kill you.

Jack: Orders from who

Mr. Palmer:Someone in Logan’s camp. They think the Chinese will break you.

Jack: Logan authorize this

Mr. Palmer:Not directly, but he won’t do anything to stop it. Now, listen to me. Get out of there now.

Jack: Thank you, sir.

(Tony and Dale are commanded to arrest Jack who is on the run.) Tony: You killed him.

Dale: He was shooting at us.

Tony: He was aiming wide. He was laying down cover fire. If he wanted to hit us, he’d have hit us.

Chloe: Oh, my god, Jack.

Tony: You killed him, you son of a bitch! You killed him!

Bill: Get him out of here! Take him to the situation room.

(Others leave)

Chloe: Oh, God, Jack.

Tony: Give me the epinephrine.

Chloe:I hope it’s not too late. He really looks dead.

Michelle: That was the idea, Chloe.

Chloe: How fast is it supposed to take effect

Tony: Come on, Jack! Damn!

Chloe: Tony...

Tony:Come on, Jack! Damn it! (Tony is doing external chest compressions on Jack.) Can you hear me You know where you are

Jack: Yeah.

Tony: All right, Chloe, I need you to run interference with the local coroner until we can switch bodies. Make sure their database synchs up with Jack’s information.

Chloe:That won’t cover the autopsy.

Tony: There’s not going to be an autopsy. They wanted Jack dead. Now he’s dead.

(Slipping away from CTU)

Tony:All right, we’re clear.

Michelle: Are you sure you’re OK, Jack

Jack:Yeah, I’m fine. Tony, you can drop me off anywhere up there. Tony:All right. We’ve secured your new identity. It should help you get across the border.

Jack: OK. Did you get me a clean phone

Michelle: Yeah. It has a scramble filter. You can talk up to one minute undetected.

Mr. Palmer: Palmer.

Jack:Mr. President, it’s Jack Bauer.

Mr. Palmer: You threaded the eye of the needle.

Jack:I had some help, sir. I wanted to thank you for advising me of this situation. Mr. President, you saved my life.

Mr. Palmer:I’m only sorry it came to this.

Jack: Me, too, sir. I just wanted to let you know that I was out. Mr. Palmer:I’m glad. This is probably the last time we’ll ever speak. Jack, you do understand, when you hang up, for all intents and purposes, Jack Bauer’s dead.

Jack:I understand that, sir. Mr. President, it’s been an honor.

Mr. Palmer: Same for me, my friend.























