

华农-《管理学试卷》(样题)2016-17学年第 2学期

华农-《管理学试卷》(样题)2016-17学年第 2学期

装订线华南农业大学期末考试试卷(样题)2016-2017学年第2学期考试科目:管理学原理考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业题号一二三四五……总分得分评阅人一、选择题(本大题共22小题,每小题1分,共22分)1、以下属于中层管理者的职位是:()A.系主任B.人事主管C.工厂厂长D.财务总监2、下列能区别管理职位和非管理职位的是()A.工资金额的多少B.是否协调他人的工作C.是否组织新的项目D.是否拥有技术技能3、管理者需要的三种关键的管理技能不包括:()A.技术技能B.人际技能C.组织技能D.概念技能4、()提出了14项管理原则,并认为这些管理原则广泛适用于任何管理系统。

A.玛丽.福莱特B.马克斯.韦伯C.亚当.斯密D.亨利.法约尔5、霍桑研究对( )管理理念产生了巨大的影响。

A.高层管理承诺的重要性B. 组织中个人行为的重要性C.组织中科学原则的重要性D. 组织通过多种方式运用官僚等级原则6、强文化由( )表征A.强烈坚持并广泛共享的基本价值观B. 优先权和价值的高度多样化C.管理万能论D.管理象征论7、价值观属于组织外部环境中的:()A.经济部分B.人口部分C.法律部分D.社会文化部分得分8、()强调道德的强制约束,使社会环境变好而不是变坏。

A、社会责任B、社会义务C、社会响应D、问题强度9、如果管理者决定成本、速度和扩张的能力是预期决定购买一台新影印机相关的标准,那么该管理者处于决策制定的( )阶段。




华南农业大学期末考试试卷A华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2006学年第一学期考试科目:数据库原理与方法考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业2004 题号一二三四五六七总分得分评阅人________________________________________________________________ _____________ Instructions to candidates:1. This paper consists of 7 questions.2. Answer all questions on the answer sheets.3. Hand in the answer sheets, and this paper can be taken away.Question 1: (20 marks) Define the following terms. Each term is worth 2 marks.a. DBMSb. Metadatac. Entity-relationship data modeld. Candidate Keye. DDL and DMLf. ACIDg. Deadlockh. Concurrency schedulei. Timestampj. LogQuestion 2: (21 marks) Consider a factory managementdatabase including the following data objects:●factory: Each factory has a name, a location, and a factory director name. Afactory has workshops and depositories.●workshop: Each workshop has a unique id, a wor kshop director, a locationand a telephone number. Accessories and products are manufactured in theworkshops.●depository:Each depository has a unique id, a depository director and atelephone number. Accessories and products are stored in the depository.●accessory: Each accessory has a unique id, a weight and a price.●product: Each product has a unique id and a price.●worker: Each worker has a unique id, a name, an age, a type of work.Start_date indicates the date of starting to work in a workshop, andemployee_length indicates the length of working in a workshop;The system requirements are:● A factory has more than one workshop and more than one depository.● A workshop has more than one workers and each worker only works forone workshop.● A works hop can make various accessories and products. The number ofaccessories and the number of products manufactured in each workshop isrecorded respectively.● A depositor stores various accessories and products. The number ofaccessories and the number of products stored in each depositor is recordedrespectively.●Each accessory can be manufactured by more than one workshop. Similarly,each product also can be manufactured by more than one workshop.● A product can be made by various accessories and a kind of accessory canbe used to make various products. The number of accessories each productis made by should be recorded.a. Draw an E-R diagram design for this database. [7 marks]b. Represent this database design as a set of relation schemas. Select a primary key for each relation (this can be indicated by underlining the selected attributes) and indicate foreign key for each relation as follows:product_accessory (product_id, accessory_id, accessory_numbers)-- FK product_id reference product-- FK accessory_id reference accessory[14 marks] Question 3(15 marks) Consider a teaching database including student number(S#), course number(C#), grade(G), teacher number(TN), department of teacher(D). The database has the following information:●student number and course number represent student and course respectively.●for each course a student enrolls, he receives a grade.●each course can only be taught by one teacher, but a teacher can teach multiplecourses.●each teacher only can work for one department.a. Define the set of non trivial functional dependencies. [6 marks]b. Suppose all the five attributes form a relation R, indicate in which normal form the relation is.[3 marks]c. Give a lossless, dependency-preserving decomposition in to 3NF of schema R. [6 marks] Question 4 :(12 marks) Consider the following relational schema:Employee (empno, name, office, age)Books (isbn, title, authors, publisher)Loan (empno, isbn, year)Write the following queries in relational algebra. All queries carry equal marks.a. Find the empno of employees who have borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill.b. Find the name and age of employees who have borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill.c. Find the name and office of employees who have borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill since 2000.d. Assume each employee only can borrow one book. Find the empno of employees who have not borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill.Question 5: (16 marks) Consider the following schema of a sales database: market(mno, street, city)item(ino, iname, color)sales(mno, ino, price)The market relation provides a list of markets with market number(mno), street and city where the market lies. The mno is unique for each market. The item relation provides a list of items with item number(ino), item name(iname) and the color. The ino is unique for each item. The sales relation lists for the price of each item in each market. The key of this relation is mno and ino.Write the following queries in SQL. All queries carry equal marks.a. Find the average price of the item with ino ‘abc2164’which is sold in Guangzhou and color is red.b. Find the mnos of the markets which hold the items ’pc100’ and ‘jk375’.c. Find the inos, inames, and colors of the items which are sold in market ‘rs225’but not in market ’az507’.d. Find the ino, the highest price and the lowest price of each item whose highestprice is greater than its lowest price by 100.Question 6: (8 marks) Let R = (A, B, C), and let r1 and r2 both be relations on schema R, give an expression in SQL that is equivalent to each of the following queries.a. r 1 ∪ r 2b. r 1 ∩ r 2c. r 1 - r 2d. ∏AB (r 1) ∏BC (r 2)Question 7: (8 marks) Figure 1 indicates the log of serial transactions. A is recorded when time is T c and the system failure occurs when time is T f . When the system recovers from the crash, the undo and redo operations should be applied.T cT fcheck point system failureT 1T 2T 3T 4Figure 1: the log of serial transactionsa. Construct the undo-list and redo-list.b. Explain the difference of undo and redo operation.华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷-Answer Sheets)2006学年第一学期考试科目:数据库原理与方法考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业2004 题号一二三四五六七总分得分评阅人Question 1:a. DBMSb. Metadatac. Entity-relationship data modeld.Candidate Keye. DDL and DMLf. ACIDg. Deadlockh.Concurrency schedulei. Timestampj. Log。



2022年华南农业大学珠江学院财务管理专业《管理学》科目期末试卷A(有答案)一、选择题1、罗宾斯(Stephen P.Robbins)概括了管理的四项职能,法约尔(Henri Fayol)则概括了管理的五项职能。


A.领导 B.协调 C.控制 D.组织2、20世纪以前,有两个重要的事件促进了管理研究的发展,其中一个是()。

A.亚当·斯密出版《国富论》B.泰勒出版《科学管理原理》C.文艺复兴 D.霍桑实验3、在管理方格(managerial grid)理论中,任务型管理是指如下哪种情形?()A.对人和工作两个维度都非常关注B.更关注人C.对人和工作两个维度都不是特别关注D.更关注工作4、公司产品设计部接受了一项紧急任务,该任务的完成需要进行严密的控制,同时又要争取时间和速度。

在这种情况下,最适合采用哪种沟通网络?()A.Y式沟通网络 B.全通道式沟通网络C.轮式沟通网络 D.环式沟通网络5、当一个管理者组织制订公司战略以寻求企业进一步发展时,他扮演的管理角色是明茨伯格所说的()。

A.领导者 B.发言人C.企业家D.混乱驾驭者6、以下哪一个不是激发组织创新力的因素?()A.结构因素 B.人力资源因素C.技术因素 D.文化因素7、“奖金”在双因素理论中称为()。





华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2023年第一学期 (2)

华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2023年第一学期 (2)

华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2023年第一学期1. 选择题(共40分,每题2分)1.1 单项选择题1.下列哪个元素是植物体内含量最多的()。

A. 碳 B. 氢 C. 氧 D. 硫2.水稻的主要生长期是()。

A. 温度 B. 光照 C. 湿度D. 土壤水分3.光合作用的产物不包括()。

A. 葡萄糖 B. 氧气 C. 二氧化碳 D. 水4.土壤水分和光照对作物生长的影响是()。

A. 相互独立的 B. 相同的 C. 互相制约的 D. 没有影响5.硝酸盐是植物的重要氮源,以下哪种是通过固氮菌转化为硝酸盐的()。

A. 氨气 B. 硝酸 C. 硫酸 D. 亚硝酸盐1.2 多项选择题1.下列哪些物质是植物体内的宏量元素()。

A. 钾 B. 镁 C. 锰 D. 铁 E. 氮2.光周期对植物的影响包括()。

A. 生殖生长的抑制B. 花芽分化的促进C. 光合作用的增强D. 叶片色素的合成E. 营养物质的吸收2. 填空题(共20分)1.植物的光合作用公式为()。





3. 简答题(共40分)1.简述植物的光合作用原理。







4. 论述题(共40分)请你简要论述农业科技在现代农业中的重要性,并举例说明。



《管理学基础》期末考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 管理的主要目的是()A. 提高组织效率B. 实现组织目标C. 提高员工满意度D. 提高组织竞争力答案:B2. 以下哪项不是管理的基本职能?()A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 财务答案:D3. 管理者最重要的能力是()A. 技术能力B. 人际关系能力C. 概念能力D. 决策能力答案:C4. 以下哪种领导风格属于变革型领导?()A. 指导型B. 支持型C. 指令型D. 激励型答案:D5. 目标管理的核心思想是()A. 以人为本B. 结果导向C. 过程管理D. 全面质量管理答案:B6. 以下哪个组织结构属于矩阵型结构?()A. 直线型B. 职能型C. 事业部型D. 矩阵型答案:D7. 以下哪个属于外部环境分析的方法?()A. SWOT分析B. PEST分析C. 五力模型D. 价值链分析答案:B8. 以下哪个不属于激励理论?()A. 马斯洛需求层次理论B. 双因素理论C. 期望理论D. 领导行为理论答案:D9. 企业核心竞争力主要体现在()A. 产品质量B. 技术创新C. 品牌价值D. 人力资源答案:B10. 以下哪个不属于企业战略层次?()A. 总体战略B. 业务战略C. 功能战略D. 市场战略答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 管理的四大基本职能是:计划、组织、领导、______。

答案:控制2. 根据赫兹伯格的双因素理论,影响员工满意度的因素称为______。

答案:激励因素3. 按照组织结构的不同,可以分为直线型、职能型、事业部型和______。

答案:矩阵型4. 根据马斯洛需求层次理论,人的需求可以分为生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、尊重需求和______。

答案:自我实现需求5. 期望理论认为,激励力等于效价乘以______。

答案:期望值6. 企业核心竞争力主要体现在技术创新、品牌价值、市场网络和______。

答案:人力资源7. 企业总体战略的核心内容是确定企业的______。



管理学基础期末试题a卷及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 管理学中的“计划”是指:A. 组织内部的行政命令B. 制定目标并确定达成目标的步骤C. 组织成员的日常工作安排D. 组织外部的合同协议答案:B2. 以下哪项不是泰勒的科学管理理论的主要内容?A. 工作分析B. 工作简化C. 工作丰富化D. 工作效率答案:C3. 组织文化的功能不包括:A. 导向功能B. 凝聚功能C. 激励功能D. 约束功能答案:C4. 以下哪个选项不属于决策的基本原则?A. 目标原则B. 可行性原则C. 风险最小化原则D. 个人偏好原则答案:D5. 以下哪个不是马斯洛需求层次理论中的一个层次?A. 生理需求B. 安全需求C. 社交需求D. 权力需求答案:D6. 以下哪个选项是现代组织结构的典型特征?A. 严格的等级制度B. 高度的集权化C. 扁平化D. 功能专业化答案:C7. 领导的特质理论认为:A. 领导能力是天生的B. 领导能力是后天培养的C. 领导能力是环境决定的D. 领导能力是个人选择的结果答案:A8. 以下哪个不是有效沟通的障碍?A. 信息过载B. 语言障碍C. 信息不明确D. 信息反馈答案:D9. 以下哪个是控制过程的第一步?A. 确定标准B. 测量实际表现C. 比较实际与标准D. 采取纠正措施答案:A10. 以下哪个是管理的基本原则?A. 效率原则B. 公平原则C. 创新原则D. 所有选项都是答案:D二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述管理的四大职能及其相互关系。




2. 描述SWOT分析的四个组成部分及其在管理决策中的作用。



华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷) 2009-2010学年第2学期考试科目:管理学考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间: 120 分钟学号姓名年级专业 09工业工程()班装题号一二三四总分得分评阅人订一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)得分 1、()在《国富论》中主张组织和社会将从劳动分工中获益。

线 A.泰罗 B.韦伯C.亚当.斯密D.法约尔 2、用科学方法定义工作的“最好方法”是由()开创的。

A. 泰罗 B.韦伯 C.亚当.斯密 D.法约尔 3、()提出了14条管理原则,并认为这些原则广泛适用于任何管理系统。

A.玛丽.福莱特B.韦伯C.亚当.斯密D.法约尔 4、()是一种组织形式,其特征依据劳动分工原则,具有清楚定义的层次,详细的规则和规章制度以及非个人关系。

A.官僚行政组织 B.学习系统 C.矩阵C.电子企业 5、霍桑研究考察的是()。

A.这些工人的安全需求 B.被替代的家庭工作人员的心理需求 C.照明水平对工人生产率的影响D.公司的高层管理人员追求受下属尊重的需求6、如果组织将管理者看成是万能的,那么组织将管理者视为()。

A.对组织成果的影响有限的人 B.对组织成败直接负责的人 C.受外部环境因素的较大影响的人 D.以雇员为代价,为股东、客户和公众的利益创造价值的人 7、具有强文化的公司通常应该()。

A.主要关注细节或具体事物 B.关注结果,比如客户服务的好坏 1C.与强企业精神相联系D.与高组织绩效相联系 8、企业发现自己生产的玩具存在安全隐患时,主动停止了该产品生产的做法反映的是()。

A.社会责任 B.社会义务 C.社会响应D.问题强度 9、当公司向第三世界国家销售不利于健康的、焦油含量较高的香烟时,具较高自我强度的管理者可能会()。

A.认为香烟不利于健康,公司不应该销售,并积极劝阻公司停止出售这种香烟 B.认为香烟不利于健康,公司不应该销售,但是不采取措施劝阻公司停止出售这种香烟 C.不说出自己的想法,只是随便地建议公司停止出售这种香烟 D.不采取任何措施改变公司的现行做法,尽管也认为这种香烟不利于健康10、一位工作表现很出色的基层主管在被提升为中层主管、进而高层主管后,尽管工作比以往更卖力,绩效却一直甚差。

资料:年华南农业大学期末考试试卷( A 卷)

资料:年华南农业大学期末考试试卷( A 卷)

华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷)2017-2018学年第二学期 考试科目: 宏观经济学 考试类型: 闭卷考试时间: 120 分钟学号 姓名 年级专业一、 单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. 下列哪一项不计入GDP ?( )A .出口到国外的一批货物B .政府发放的救济金C .经济人收取的二手房佣金D .保险公司收到的保险费 2. 政府购买支出增加10亿美元,会使IS 曲线( )。

A .右移10亿美元B .左移10亿美元C .右移支出乘数乘以10亿美元D .左移支出乘数乘以10亿美元 3. 下列哪种情况中增加货币供给不会影响均衡收入?( )A .LM 陡峭而IS 曲线平缓B .LM 垂直而IS 陡峭C .LM 平缓而IS 垂直D .LM 和IS 一样平缓 4. 某人因为水泥行业不景气而失业,这种失业属于( )A .摩擦性失业B .结构性失业 C. 周期性失业 D .永久性失业 5. 应付需求拉上的通货膨胀的方法是( )。

A .人力政策B .收入政策C .财政政策D .三种政策均可6. 如果银行必须把存款中的10%作为准备金,居民户和企业想把存款中的20%作为现金持有,则货币乘数是( ) A .2.8 B .3.3 C .4 D .107. 利率与收入的组合点出现在IS 曲线的右上方,LM 曲线的左上方,则( )A .投资小于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给B .投资大于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给C.投资小于储蓄,且货币需求大于货币供给D.投资大于储蓄,且货币需求大于货币供给8.挤出效应发生于()A. 货币供给减少使利率提高,挤出了对利率敏感的私人部门支出B. 私人部门增税,减少了私人部门的可支配收入和支出C. 所得税的减少,提高了利率,挤出了对利率敏感的私人部门支出D. 政府支出减少,引起了消费支出的下降9.总供给曲线右移可能是因为()。




2022年华南农业大学工商管理专业《管理学》科目期末试卷A(有答案)一、选择题1、依据情景领导理论,当下属有能力但无意愿干领导希望他们干的工作时,以下哪种领导风格最为合适?()A.告知 B.推销 C.参与 D.授权2、当企业发现自己生产的产品存在安全隐患时,主动召回该产品是在实践()。

A.社会响应 B.道德准则C.社会义务 D.社会责任3、罗宾斯(Stephen P.Robbins)概括了管理的四项职能,法约尔(Henri Fayol)则概括了管理的五项职能。


A.领导 B.协调 C.控制 D.组织4、关于计划的实际效果,许多管理学家都进行过仔细研究,其基本结论是()。


在这种情况下,最适合采用哪种沟通网络?()A.Y式沟通网络 B.全通道式沟通网络C.轮式沟通网络 D.环式沟通网络6、管理中与激励问题有关的公平理论是由()提出的。

A.马斯洛B.麦格雷戈C.赫茨伯格D.亚当斯7、下列选项中哪个不属于“组织”(organization)所共同具有的三个特性?()A.明确的目的或目标 B.精细的结构C.文化 D.人员8、如下选项中哪个不属于影响计划工作的权变因素?()A.组织的层次B.权力的大小C.环境的不确定性D.未来投入的持续时间9、在组织设计中,用来描述组织中各项工作标准化以及员工行为受规则和程序约束程度的变量或要素是()。

A.工作专门化 B.正规化C.管理跨度D.部门化10、在不确定情况下,除了有限信息的影响之外,另一个影响决策结果的因素是()。

A.风险性 B.环境的复杂性C.决策者心理定位 D.决策的时间压力二、名词解释11、效率12、有限理性决策13、利益相关者14、组织变革15、管理方格理论16、工作专门化与部门化17、差别化战略18、矩阵型结构三、简答题19、解释非正式(社会)网络在团队管理中发挥的作用。








A.业务处理 B.运行控制 C.管理控制 D.战略计划2.制造资源计划(MRPII)理论相对于闭环物料需求计划理论解决了问题A. 物料的相对需求B. 能力需求计划C.资金流及成本核算D. 整个供应链资源配置3.下列哪些特性描述不属于JIT(准时制生产)方式特点。

A. 致力于追求零库存B. 严格执行预定生产计划C. 充分发挥工人主观能动性D.强调供应链合作与优化4.在数据库的规范化理论中,第三范式意味着,关系中消除了所有非主属性对主属性的。

A. 传递依赖B. 局部依赖C. 不完全依赖D. 有条件依赖5.下列特性不属于浏览器/服务器(B/S)计算模式相对于客户机/服务器计算模式的优点。

A. 系统升级维护更加方便B. 系统可移植性好C. 系统安全性更好D. 降低了客户端硬件性能要求6.诺兰模型描述了。

A. 企业成长过程中信息系统建设规律B. 企业过程与数据类之间的“产生”和“利用”关系C. 系统分析过程中建立的逻辑模型D. 系统设计过程中建立的物理模型7.不是原型法开发系统过程特点的是A. 循环往复的反馈B. 开发周期短C. 能较好满足需求D. 整体性强8.软件项目的进度管理有许多方法,不仅能表达子任务的依赖关系,还可以找出关键任务。

A. 关键时间表B. 甘特图C. 网络图D. 时标网状图9.面向对象的基本思想是通过建立和客观实际相对应的对象,并通过这些对象的组合来创建具体应用。


A. 数据结构的封装体B. 数据以及在其上操作的封装体C. 程序功能模块的封装体D. 一组有关事件的封装体10. 发展CASE的目的是提高。



华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷) (答案)2005学年第2学期考试科目:无土栽培原理与技术/Principles and Techniques of Hydroponics 考试类型:(第一部分开卷,第二部分闭卷) 考试时间: 120 分钟第一部分:一、名词解释(每题3分,共9分):1. Soilless Culture / HydroponicsSoilless culture/ hydroponics is the planting method with nutrient solution other than natural soil, to provide nutrients, water and oxygen.2. Stock of Nutrient Solution FormulaThe concentration of nutrient solution is made up according to the stipulated amount of the formulation.3. Mixed MediumMixed medium is the medium mixed with two or more than two media according to the proportion.二、填空(每题2分,共12分):1. The theoretical basis of soilless culture is the theory of mineral nutrition . The key content of this theory is mineral is the major sources of plant nutrition .2. There are 17 essential nutrient elements for plant growth. A nutrient solution usually contains 12/13 essential elements, they are N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Mo, Cl .3. Functions of solid media are fixing and Supporting plants , water retention , aeration and buffering effect .4. Management of nutrient solution usually includes the control of concentration ,pH , DO and temperature of the nutrient solution.5. The Electric Conductivity of nutrient solution is usual less than 4~5 mS/cm , otherwise plants will suffer from salinity stress .6. Mini hydroponics units can be used in family , school ,hotel , etc.三、选择题(将唯一正确答案的编号填入括号中,每空1分,共10分):1. The yield of lettuce in hydroponics is about ( B ) (A. 300~400Kg; B. 3 000~4 000Kg; C. 30 000~40 000Kg) per 0.067 ha (1 mu) per crop. Soilless culture system itself ( B ) (A. has; B. hasn’t) the function to plant vegetables contrary to the seasons.2. The major nitrogen source of most nutrient solutions is ( A ) (A. NO3--N;B. NH4+-N;C. NH2-N). Because they are ( B ) (A. physiologically acid salts;B. physiologically alkaline salts;C. organic salts). When they are absorbed by plants, the pH value of the nutrient solution will ( B )(A. decrease; B. increase).3. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of ( B ) (A. rockwool; B. peat;C. sand;D. gravel) is highest (among the four media). This medium belongs to ( A ) (A. active medium; B. inactive medium; C. mixed medium).4. The circulatory system of nutrient solution in hydroponics usually use( D )(A. iron tube; B. aluminium tube; C. copper tube; D. plastic tube).5. ( A ) (A. Methyl alcohol; B. Potassium permanganate; C. Calcium hypochlorite) can be used to sterilized organic media, such as ( C ) (A. foamed plastics; B. rockwool; C. coconut husk; D. pearlite).四、问答题(每题10分,共20分):1. Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Deep Flow Technique (DFT).2. What are the principles for composition of nutrient formulation?Answer:1. The advantages of Deep Flow Technique (DFT) are:(1) Total capacity of the solution is large, and the constitute and concentration are stable.(2) The air problem can be dissolved with the roots suspending above the solution and the solution flows frequently.(3) The culture equipment can be built easily and can be used for a long time.(4) Many kinds of plants can be grew well in DFT.(5) The utilization ratio of nutrient solution is about 90%~95%.The disadvantages of Deep Flow Technique (DFT) are:(1) Some diseases can spread rapidly through the system.(2) Initial capital cost is higher.(3) Demands high-level technology of management.2. The principles for composition of nutrient formulation are:1)Nutrient solution must contain all essential nutrient elements.2)All of the compounds must be in the form that can be absorbed by plant roots.3)Amount and ratio of the compounds should be in accordance with the demandsof plant growth.4)Total concentration and pH value of the compounds should meet the demandsfor plant growth.5)The compounds must keep up the efficiency for a long time during the period ofplant growth.6)The change in pH value caused by the absorption of major compounds by plantsshould be minimum and the physiological acidity should be kept stable.第二部分:一、名词解释(每题3分,共9分):1. 表观吸收成分组成浓度/ Apparent absorption constitute concentration表观吸收成分组成浓度(n/w)是植物对各种养分的吸收量(n, mmol)和吸收消耗的水量(w, L)的比值,单位为mmol/L。

华南农业大学期末考试-试卷( A 卷)

华南农业大学期末考试-试卷( A 卷)

华南农业大学期末考试试卷( A 卷)2006学年第二学期考试科目:计算机网络(选修)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业一、选择题(1分* 30 = 30分)1、一座大楼内的一个计算机网络系统,属于()A、VPNB、LANC、MAND、W AN2、不同的交换方式具有不同的性能。


A、线路交换B、报文交换C、分组交换D、信元交换3、通信系统必须具备的三个基本要素是()A、终端、电缆、计算机B、信号发生器、通信线路、信号接收设备C、信源、通信媒体、信宿D、终端、通信设施、接收设备4、OSI/RM 的三个主要概念是。

A、体系结构、模型、交换B、子网、分层、元语C、服务、接口、协议D、W AN、MAN、LAN5、随着电信和信息技术的发展,国际上出现了所谓“三网融合”的趋势,下列不属于三网之一的是( )。




A、数据B、硬件C、软件D、上述所有10、什么是R S - 2 3 2 ?A、一个标准的串行接口B、一个高速的串行接口C、一个ISDN接口D、一个ATM交换机11、采用串行线路连接到网络时,如果希望能够支持动态分配IP地址,那么数据链路协议应该采用( )协议。



华南农业大学期末考试试卷-----------------------作者:-----------------------日期:华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷)一、 填空题(每题2分,10题共20分)1. 通常取晶闸管的断态重复峰值电压 UDRM 和反向重复峰值电压 URRM 中 较小的标值作为该器件的额定电压。


2. 晶闸管额定电流为100A ,通过半波交流电时,电流的波形系数为K f =1.57,电流的有效值计算为/2m I ,则通过电流最大值m I 为 314 A 。

3. 单相全波可控整流电路中,晶闸管承受的最大反向电压为 1.41 U 2 。

三相半波可控整流电路中,晶闸管承受的最大反向电压为 2.45U 2 。

(电源相电压为U 2)4. 要使三相全控桥式整流电路正常工作,对晶闸管触发方法有两种,一是用 宽脉冲 触发;二是用 双窄脉冲 触发。

5. 单相交流调压电阻性负载电路的移相范围在 0度~ 180度 内,在阻感性负载时移相范围在 功率因素角 ~ 180度 内。

6. 交流调压电路和交流调功电路异同点: 电路结构相同,控制方式不同,(交流调压电路采用移相触发对一个周期内导通角控制,调功电路对导通周波数与阻断周波数的比值进行控制) 。

7. 电压型逆变电路中的反馈二极管的作用是 给交流侧向直流侧反馈的无功能量提供通道 。

8. 变流电路的换流方式有 器件换流 、 电网换流 、 负载换流 、 强迫换流 等四种。

9. 180°导电型三相桥式逆变电路,晶闸管换相是在 同一相上下两个桥臂 元件之间进行;而120º导电型三相桥式逆变电路,晶闸管换相是在 上桥臂或者下桥臂组内 上的元件之间进行的。

10. PWM 逆变电路的控制方法有 计算法 、调制法和 规则采样法 三种。

其中调制法又可分为 同步调制法 、 异步调制法 两种。





A.公司层战略 B.事业层战略 C.职能层战略 D.技术运作层战略3、依据情景领导理论,当下属有能力但无意愿干领导希望他们干的工作时,以下哪种领导风格最为合适?()A.告知 B.推销 C.参与 D.授权4、当态度之间以及态度与行为之间存在任何不协调或不一致时,我们称之为()。

A.态度紊乱 B.认知失调C.知觉混乱D.晕轮效应5、在工作设计上,通过增加计划和评估责任而使工作纵向拓展,增加工作的深度。


A.工作扩大化 B.工作丰富化C.工作多元化 D.工作纵深化6、下列选项中哪个不属于“组织”(organization)所共同具有的三个特性?()A.明确的目的或目标 B.精细的结构C.文化 D.人员7、组织行为学尤其关注的是()。





华南农业 大学期末考试试卷(A 卷B 卷)

华南农业 大学期末考试试卷(A 卷B 卷)

华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷/B 卷)学年第一学期考试科目: 动物生理学考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间: 120 分钟一、名词解释(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)1、内环境稳态(internal environment homeostasis )组成内环境的各种理化因素的变化都保持在一个较小范围2、动作电位(active potential )可兴奋细胞受到刺激而兴奋时,在静息电位的基础上膜两侧的电位发生快速而 可逆的倒转和复原的过程。

3、代偿间歇(compensatory pause )在一次期前收缩之后,常有一段较长的心脏舒张期,称为代偿性间歇。

4、氧离曲线(oxygen dissociation curve )PO2与H b 氧饱和度的关系曲线5、气候适应(climatic adaptation )经过几代自然选择和人工选择,动物的遗传特性发生变化,不仅本身对当地的 温度环境表现良好的适应能力,而且能传给后代。

6、收缩总合(summation contraction )在实验条件下,肌肉受到一连串刺激,若后一刺激落在前一刺激所引起的收缩 的舒张期内,则肌肉不再舒张,而出现一个比前一次收缩幅度更高的收缩称为 收缩的总和。

7、受体(receptor )1得分细胞膜或细胞膜内能与某些化学物质(神经递质或化学激素)发生特异性结合 并诱发产生生物学效应的特殊生物分子 8、神经内分泌(neuroendocrine )由神经细胞(1)分泌激素类物质(1)。

1、下面不属于血浆蛋白的是 A. 白蛋白;B. 球蛋白;C. 粘蛋白;D. 纤维蛋白原。

2、静息电位的大小接近于______ A. K 平衡电位; C. Na 平衡电位;B. K平衡电位和N a 平衡电位之和; D. K 平衡电位和N a 平衡电位之差。

3、关于胃酸的生理作用的叙述,那一项是错误的______ A. 能激活胃蛋白酶原,供给胃蛋白酶所需的酸性环境; B. 可使食物中的蛋白质变性而易于分解; C. 可杀死随食物进入胃内的细菌; D. 可促进维生素B 12的吸收。



华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷) 2009-2010学年第2学期考试科目:管理学考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间: 120 分钟学号姓名年级专业 09工业工程()班装题号一二三四总分得分评阅人订一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)得分 1、()在《国富论》中主张组织和社会将从劳动分工中获益. 线 A.泰罗 B.韦伯 C.亚当.斯密 D.法约尔 2、用科学方法定义工作的“最好方法”是由()开创的. A. 泰罗 B.韦伯 C.亚当。

斯密 D。

法约尔 3、( )提出了14条管理原则,并认为这些原则广泛适用于任何管理系统. A.玛丽.福莱特 B.韦伯 C.亚当.斯密 D.法约尔 4、()是一种组织形式,其特征依据劳动分工原则,具有清楚定义的层次,详细的规则和规章制度以及非个人关系。


官僚行政组织 B。

学习系统 C。

矩阵 C。

电子企业 5、霍桑研究考察的是( )。

A.这些工人的安全需求 B.被替代的家庭工作人员的心理需求 C。

照明水平对工人生产率的影响D.公司的高层管理人员追求受下属尊重的需求 6、如果组织将管理者看成是万能的,那么组织将管理者视为()。

A.对组织成果的影响有限的人B.对组织成败直接负责的人 C。


以雇员为代价,为股东、客户和公众的利益创造价值的人 7、具有强文化的公司通常应该()。



关注结果,比如客户服务的好坏 1C.与强企业精神相联系 D。




社会义务 C.社会响应 D.问题强度 9、当公司向第三世界国家销售不利于健康的、焦油含量较高的香烟时,具较高自我强度的管理者可能会( )。


认为香烟不利于健康,公司不应该销售,并积极劝阻公司停止出售这种香烟 B。




华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷)2011-2012学年第 1 学期 考试科目: 管理学考试类型:(闭卷)考试 考试时间: 120 分钟学号 姓名 年级专业 10信管( )班注意:所有试题的答案请写在答题纸上,非答题纸上作答一律无效。



)1、欧洲最伟大的管理学先驱“现代经营管理之父”,提出了十四条原则,并认为这些原则广泛适用于任何管理系统,他是( )。

A.亚当.斯密B.马克斯.韦伯C.亨利.法约尔D.泰罗2、( )是一种组织形式,其特征是依据劳动分工原则,具有清楚定义的层次,详细的规则和规章制度以及非个人关系。

A.官僚行政组织B.学习型组织C.电子企业D.矩阵-项目结构3、根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,下列( )的主导需要可能是安全需要。

A.总经理B.刚参加工作的大学生C.工厂一线操作工人D.失业人员4、根据麦格雷戈的理论,有些人希望有正规化的组织与规章条例来要求自己的工作,而不愿参与问题的决策,这种人欢迎以( )指导管理工作。

A.X 理论B.Y 理论C.超Y 理论D.Z 理论5、拥有强文化的组织通常( )。

A.主要关注细节或具体事务B.关注结果,比如客户服务的好坏C.与高员工满意度相联系D.与高组织绩效相联系6、企业提高产品的品质标准以达到法律规定的最低水平是在实践( )。

A.社会责任B.社会响应C.社会义务D.问题强度7、道德的( )认为应完全按照结果或后果制定道德决策。





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华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2008学年第一学期考试科目:管理学基础考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业[Pay attention: please write your answers in the answer sheet][注意:请把答案填写在答题纸上]I.True/False(1 point per statement, total 10 points)1.The four processes of management are completely independent and should be treated as separate activities. 2.Scientific management theorists believed there was "one best way" for a job to be done.3.Development of alternatives is the step between identification of decision criteria and allocation of weights to criteria.4.Individuals who prefer the team role of explorer-promoter are patient and usually have the control skills to ensure that the ideas are followed through in detail.5.If an individual is low in the authority hierarchy, he/she is also not close to the power core.6.Mintzberg found that managers—regardless of the type of organization or the level in the organization—perform similar roles.7.The norming stage of team development is one of intragroup conflict.8.In order to fulfill the grand strategy, managers will seek to position their units so that they can gain a relative advantage over their competition.9.According to Herzberg, working conditions and salary are examples of hygiene factors.10.The method of monitoring, comparing and correcting is what we called controlling process.II.Choose the only one correct answer for each question (2 point per question, total 40 points)1. Which of the following is not one of the six elements of structure?a) work specializationb) chain of commandc) span of controld) technology2. If a college cuts the cost by using mostly part-time teachers and at the same time fails to adequately educate its students, it can be said to be doing the wrong things well. In other words, the college is_____:a) efficient and effectiveb) efficient but not effectivec) effective but not efficientd) neither efficient nor effective3. _____ is the term used to describe the hypotheses of the scientific management theorists and the general administrative theorists.a)Contingency approachb)Human resourcesc)Human relationsd)Classical approach4. Michael Porter proposed that management must select a(n) _____ ,which will give its unit a distinct advantage by capitalizing on the strengths of the organization and the industry it is in.a)growth opportunityb)competitive strategyc)organizational chartd)vision5. An office supply firm that has three departments based upon retail, wholesale, and governmental customers is using which of the following types of departmentalization?a) functionalb) productc) customerd) geographic6. Mary Parker Follet was a social philosopher who taught that organizations should be based on _____ rather than _____.a)individualism; group ethicb)ethics; profitsc)efficiency; profitsd)group ethic; individualism7. Which of the following is not a result of work that has become too specialized?a)fatigueb)low productivityc)poor qualityd)lower turnover8. Creative College is opening a satellite(卫星)campus to accommodate working adults. Creative College is pursuing a(n) _____ strategy.a)acquisitionb)retrenchmentc)growthd)combination9. The management theory jungle was developed by_____.a)Maslowb)Herzbergc)Ouchid)Koontz10. Jim has the ability to "dock"(扣去) paychecks of employees who arrive at work past 9:05 AM. What kind of power does Jim possess?a)coercive powerb)legitimate powerc)expert powerd)referent power11. Linda has spent the day trying to determine what the role of their company. Goals were then developed based on their vision of the company's mission. Linda spent her day on the _____ process.a) planningb) organizingc) leadingd) controlling12. Which of the following is a hidden aspect of organizational behavior?a)strategiesb)technologyc)group normsd)formal authority13. Deborah's work team does its own hiring and scheduling and is even responsible for evaluating each other's performance. Deborah is part of a _____ team.a)self-managedb)virtualc)problem-solvingd)cross-functional14. Harry's Company apparently has overgrown its market. It can no longer compete successfully due to its size and formalization. Thus it is reducing its size in order to once again become competitive. This is known as which of the following strategies?a)growthb)stabilityc)retrenchmentd)combination15. Who developed Theory X and Theory Y?a)McGregorb)Maslowc)McClellandd)Herzberg16. Jill has been teaching for 18 years. Each day she arrives at work smiling and ready to teach another room full of students. She loves her job. This describes which of the following?a)job satisfactionb)job involvementc)organizational developmentd)organizational commitment17. When we describe people in terms such as quiet, introvert, aggressive or loyal, we are addressing _____.a)attitudesb)behaviorsc)needs and wantsd)personality traits18. A structure that is high in specialization, formalization, and centralization is a(n) _____.a)strategic organizationb)mechanistic organizationc)organic organizationd)matrix organization19. The managers who work most closely with the operatives are known as_____.a)top managementb)middle managementc)first-line managersd)operative managers20. Maslow's hierarchy of needs proposes that an individual begins by satisfying _____ needs.a)self-actualizationb)esteemc)physiologicald)safetyⅢNotion explanation. (4 points each notion, total 20 points)1.MBO2.Hawthorne effect3.Boundaryless organization4.Social loafing5.BenchmarkingIV Medium-length answer. (10 points each question, total 20 points)1.What are differences between functional and divisional structures? Give an example for these two types ofbureaucratic structure.2.What are Mintzberg’s managerial roles? Cite examples of activities managers you know would do whenperforming these roles.V Reading comprehension. (Choose the only one correct answer for each question. 2 point per question, total 10 points)Nike is the number one sports brand in the World. The market for sports shoes and garments(服装) is very competitive. Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is often quoted as saying that ‘Business is war without b ullets.’The war is especially intense(激烈) in today’s economic declination. Over the past years, Nike has gained its success partly from the competency at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. However, the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market. Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. They then manufacture wherever they can produce high quality product at the lowest possible price. Interestingly, consumers that wear Nike product do not always buy it to participate in sport. Some would argue that in youth culture especially, Nike is a fashion(时尚) brand. Nike actively sponsors(赞助) activities such as the World Cup (soccer) and The Olympics to gain reputation in emerging markets such as China.1. Nike heavily depends upon the footwear market to make profit would be classified as which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity2. The fact that the market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive would be which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity3. Nike continues to bring evolving and innovative product range would be classified as which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity4. Nike is a fashion brand among youngsters would be classified as which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity5. The economic declination is a_____ factor for Nike.a) positiveb) neutralc) negatived) normal华南农业大学期末考试答题纸(A卷)2008学年第一学期考试科目:管理学基础考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业II.Choose the only one correct answer for each question (2 points each question, total 40 points). Notion explanation. (4 points each notion, total 20 points)6.MBOManagement by objectives (2 points)Four elements: jointly determined objectives; explicit time period; specific objectives; periodically review (0.5 each)7.Hawthorne effectSocial norms or standards are the key determinants of individual behavior in a group. (4 points)8.Boundaryless organizationAn organization that is not defined or limited by boundaries or categories imposed by traditional structures; attempt to eliminate vertical, horizontal, and inter-organizational barriers. (4 points)9.Social loafingThe tendency of an individual in a group to decrease his or her effort because responsibility and individual achievement cannot be measured. (4 points)10.BenchmarkingSearching for best practices among competitors and noncompetitors. (4 points)IV Medium-length answer. (10 points each question, total 20 points)3.What are differences between functional and divisional structures? Give an example for these two types ofbureaucratic structure.Functional structure refers to an organization in which similar and related occupational specialties are grouped together. (1 point)The strength lies in the advantages that accrue from work specialization. Results in economies of scale, minimizes duplication, satisfy employees etc. (2 points)but people tend to lose sight of the best interests of the organization as a whole; no one function is totally responsible for the results. (2 points)A company divides its department into accounting, hr, producing, marketing employed the functional structure. (2 point)Divisional structure is made up of self-contained units. (1 point)It focuses on results, frees the headquarters staff from being concerned with operating details; but the major disadvantage lies in the duplication of activities and resources. (2 points)Companies like GE and PepsiCo have the divisional structure. (1 point)4.What are Mintzberg’s managerial roles? Cite examples of activities managers you know would do whenperforming these roles.Interpersonal—roles consist of being the figurehead for the organization, assuming the leadership role, and acting as a liaison for the organization. Examples (3 points)Informational—roles consist of being a monitor of current information which is then dispersed to employees needing that information; also involves being the spokesperson for the organization. Examples (3 points) Decisional—roles consist of being an entrepreneur for the organization, handling disturbances, allocating resources, and negotiating. Examples (4 points)V Reading comprehension. (Choose the only one correct answer for each question. 2 point per question,1. FTFFT FTTTTddcdc dbbcbH.FTTTF FTFTTAcbabcd3. FTFTF TFFFTccbcc dcbdc aadbc dacacdba5.TTFFF TFFTTDABDC CACAD C1.What is the difference between line authority and staff authority?Line authority entitles a manager to direct the work of an employee. Staff authority functions to support, assist, advise, and generally reduce some of the informational burdens of those with line authority.pare and contrast authority and power.●Authority comes from the position, not the person.●Power is the ability of an individual to influence decisions, which may not be reflected in their levelof authority. French and Raven suggested five bases of power: reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert.●Authority is a two dimensional concept while the power is a three-dimensional one. One shouldmove up in the hierarchy to gain higher authority, but in order to be more powerful, managers could move up or move inward to have closer relationship with those people representing the power core.3.set an example to clarify each of five types of departmentalization that are available. Departmentalization types examples (departments in certain organization)Functional marketing, HR, R&D, financing etc.Product food, clothes, home appliances, etc.Customer personal clients, government, VIP etc.Geographic Great China, North America, EUProcess validation, registration, payment, etc.4.What is a matrix structure? What is its primary strength? What are its major disadvantages?●Matrix structure—an organization in which specialists from functional departments are assigned towork on one or more projects led by a project manager.●Primary strength—can facilitate coordination of a multiple set of complex and interdependentprojects, while still retaining the economies that result from keeping functional specialists groupedtogether.●Major disadvantages—creates confusion and has a propensity to sponsor power struggles.pare functional and divisional structure.Both are bureaucratic design of organizations.●Functional structure groups similar or related occupational specialties together. While divisionalstructure is self-contained, composed of autonomous units or divisions, with managers having fully responsibility for a product or service.●Advantages of functional structure accrue from work specialization. 1. putting like specialtiestogether results in economies of scale, minimizes duplication of personnel and equipment; 2. itmakes employees comfortable and satisfied since they have same interests.Chief advantage of divisional structure is that it focuses on results, also it frees the headquarters staff from operating details so that they can focus on long-term strategic planning.●Weaknesses of functional structure: organizational interests might be lost in pursuit of functionalgoals; no one function is totally responsible for results; members become insulated and have littleunderstanding about peers in other functions.The major disadvantage of divisional structure is the duplication of activities and resources.。
