

H3C 标杆的神器产品概述 V1.5

H3C 标杆的神器产品概述 V1.5

标杆的神器产品概述V1.0 目录目录第1章产品简介 ....................................................................................................................... 1-1第2章产品特点 ....................................................................................................................... 2-12.1 故障排查智能化.................................................................................................................. 2-12.2 开局维护自动化.................................................................................................................. 2-12.2.1 技术公告扫描........................................................................................................... 2-12.2.2 安全配置审查........................................................................................................... 2-12.2.3 诊断信息分析........................................................................................................... 2-12.2.4 实时日志接收........................................................................................................... 2-22.2.5 日志文件下载........................................................................................................... 2-22.2.6 配置备份.................................................................................................................. 2-22.2.7 版本升级.................................................................................................................. 2-22.3 常用工具一体化.................................................................................................................. 2-22.3.1 控制台...................................................................................................................... 2-22.3.2 根叔的云图 .............................................................................................................. 2-22.3.3 工具宝箱.................................................................................................................. 2-3第3章特性参数 ....................................................................................................................... 3-43.1 功能特性列表 ..................................................................................................................... 3-4第4章典型应用 ....................................................................................................................... 4-14.1 标杆的神器Telnet/SSH登录方式下的部署方式................................................................. 4-14.2 标杆的神器Console口连接方式下的部署方式 .................................................................. 4-1第5章支持环境 ....................................................................................................................... 5-15.1 支持环境............................................................................................................................. 5-1第1章产品简介标杆的神器是H3C公司推出的网络设备运维工具,提供八大功能模块(设备管理、故障排查、开局助手、维护大全、控制台、工具宝箱、根叔云图、云端同步),用于实现客户侧设备的日常管理、故障排查、信息交互、配置备份、版本升级、日志备份、诊断信息分析、技术公告扫描、安全配置审查等的统一管理和执行,同时集成网络运维常用工具软件及相关网络资料,全面实现故障排查智能化、常用工具一体化、开局维护自动化,为客户设备维护提供完善的解决方案。

Vista MultiPost Therapy Collar 说明书

Vista MultiPost Therapy Collar 说明书

© 2017 Aspen Medical Products. All Rights Reserved. Pat. /patents.AC0196D revised 01/18READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE. Proper training in the use of this device should take place before it is applied. These directions are guidelines only and are not offered as medical recommendations.THIS PRODUCT IS INTENDED FOR APPLICATION BY LICENSED HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONERS AS DIRECTED BY A PHYSICIAN OR OTHER QUALIFIED MEDICAL AUTHORITY. PERMANENT INJURY MAY RESULT FROM USE OTHER THAN AS DIRECTED BY A PHYSICIAN OR OTHER MEDICAL AUTHORITY. ASPEN MEDICAL PRODUCTS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF ANY APPLICATION OF THIS PRODUCT. PLEASE SEE THE LIMITED WARRANTY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION IN THIS REGARD.LIMITED WARRANTYAspen Medical Products, Irvine, CA 92618, warrants to the user who originally purchases this product that it is free from defects in material and workmanship. The sole obligation of Aspen Medical Products in the event of breach of warranty shall be to repair or replace the defective product or part(s).Aspen Medical Products shall have no obligation under this limited warranty in the event:(a) The product was not purchased from Aspen Medical Products or through its authorized channels of distribution;(b) The product is altered;(c) Any parts not supplied by Aspen Medical Products are inserted into the product; or(d) The product is not used in accordance with the Aspen Medical Products Instructions for Use.THE FOREGOING IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REM EDY FOR FAILURE IN SERVICE OF, OR DEFECT IN, THE PRODUCT. ASPEN MEDICAL PRODUCTS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER THIS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY FOR ANY DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM AGES. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IM PLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, AND ALL OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ON THE PART OF ASPEN MEDICAL PRODUCTS FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS, WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED BY ASPEN MEDICAL PRODUCTS.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.Warning: To ensure proper use, please review all material.A listing of authorized distributors in your area is available upon request.。

Epilog Fusion ECC 产品说明书

Epilog Fusion ECC 产品说明书

Section 4: Installing the ECC (Epilog Control Center)In This SectionInstalling the ECCThe ECC (Epilog Control Center) provides Job Management features as well aslaser control and laser machine configuration options. The ECC is not required tooperate the laser, but it provides many user features that make operating yourFusion easy.To install the ECC, insertthe Epilog install disk intoyour computer’s diskdrive. It should Auto-Startand the following windowshould appear:If the following screen appears, click on Run fusion_driver.exe and then the install screen will appear.Click on Epilog Control Center Installation. You will need to choose between the 32-bit and 64-bit driver based on your computer’s operating system.Click on Install.The next screen will prompt you to allow Windows to install the software. Click Yes.Select Repair and then NextClick on FinishAfter installing the ECC connect your computer to the laser using either the USBconnection or the Ethernet connection. The following combinations can be used.USB only connection – Both the print driver and the ECC operate simultaneouslythrough the USB connection.Ethernet only connection – The Print driver can be used with the Ethernetconnection, but the Job Management portion of the ECC does not work with theEthernet connection. However, the Control tab and the Configuration tab in theECC are operational and very useful with the Ethernet connection.Combination Ethernet and USB – If you choose, you can connect both the USBand Ethernet connections. This allows you to print through the Ethernetconnection and use the ECC through the USB connection.To install the ECC use the following instructions:Insert the Epilog install disk into your computer’s disk drive.USB PortA USB cable is included in the accessory kit. The USB port is located at the rearof the machine. USB cables have different connectors on each end. Turn the laserOff, then connect this end to the laser and connect the other end into any availableUSB port at the back of your computer. After connecting the USB cable, turn thelaser back on.Ethernet PortThe Ethernet Port is a standard 10BaseT connection. A crossover cable (included in the accessories kit) is used. The Ethernet port is located at the back of the machine. Your Epilog laser has all of the versatility of a Network capable peripheral. As such, there are many different ways that the laser can be connected to a computer or a network. A direct connection using a crossover cable is the only method that will be described in this manual. Plug the cable into the Ethernet port on the laser and then plug the other end into the Ethernet port on the back of your computer.If you are going to print to the Fusion through the Ethernet connection you will want to set the IP Address in the Fusion using the Configuration tab of the ECC. This part was described in the previous section of this manual so you do not need to perform this function again if you have already completed this step. To set the IP Address in the Fusion make sure your Fusion is powered on then go to your computer and open the ECC to the Configuration tab.You can also set the IP Address from the Fusion keyboard. Instructions are provided in the section “Using the Front Control Panel” later in this manual.Type the IP Address youwant to use along with theSubnet Mask. The Gatewaycan remain blank.Click “ Set” to change thesetting in the Fusion.With the IP Address setting established you are ready to print to the Fusion from the Dashboard print driver:The next step is to set up and print a test job:Use Ctrl P, or go to File | Print to print to the laser. Choose the Fusion driver, and then click on Preferences:Set your laser parameters for the test job and then press Okay. For this test job the laser parameters are not overly important. We are just making sure the computer and laser are talking to each other and that a job can be sent and will start running.Section 5: Installing the Epilog Dashboard Print DriverIn This SectionInstalling the Dashboard Print Driver Using an USB ConnectionInstalling the Dashboard Print Driver Using an Ethernet ConnectionThe Epilog Dashboard is the print driver that allows your computer to talk to yourEpilog laser system when either the USB or Ethernet Crossover cables areconnected. The driver is included in the accessories kit on a CD-ROM or on ourweb site - . Install the Dashboard by following theprocedures on the following pages.There are two ways of installing the Epilog Dashboard.Most users will want to install the driver with using the USB connection.B connection.a)The process for Windows XP or Vista is easy and straightforward.b) The process for Windows 7 or 8 takes additional steps.2.Ethernet connection.The Fusion offers both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers. Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7and Windows 8 can be used.Section 5: Installing the Epilog DashboardPrint DriverInstalling the Dashboard Driver Using the USB Connection using XP or VistaTo install the Dashboard print driver using the USB connections with WindowsXP or Vista, follow these instructions:1.Connect your laser system to your computer using the USB cable that camewith your machine.2.Power up your Fusion system.3.Insert the Epilog driver disk into your computer’s hard drive.4.Your computer will prompt you to install the driver.5.Follow the prompts.Installing the Dashboard Driver Using the USB Connection using Windows 7 or 8The process of installing a USB printer when using Windows 7 or 8 is morecomplicated than when using XP or Vista. Windows 7 and 8 will notautomatically walk you through the installation process so it is important tofollow the instructions below.Please follow these instructions closely! Using adifferent process to install the Dashboard driverusing a different process is likely to fail if youare using Windows 7 or 8.1.Insert the Epilog driver install disk into your computer. One of thefollowing screens will appear. For the USB installation, you will want to close then. We do not want the computer to automatically try and install the driver. Manually installing the driver will be much more successful.2.Connect the USB cable to your computer and your Fusion.3.After closing the Window above and connecting the USB cable, power onyour Fusion laser system. It will take about a minute for the Fusion to initialize. After it initializes it will start the process of installing the driver.You will see activity on the USB icon in your system tray (lower right corner of your computer screen).The activity will show a small window in the lower right corner that indicates installation was successful. This is only partially true.After a short wait you will see another small window that indicates the installation was not successful. This is what we hope to see and will lead us to the next step in the process.If your computer is connected to the Internet, it will take a few minutes for your computer to display these windows. Please be patient during this process and let the computer finish trying to install the drivers. Interrupting the computer at this point will require us to restart the process.4.After the failure notification, go to the Windows start button (lower leftcorner of your computer screen). Click on Devices and Printers.5.First, right click on the Fusion icon. Then click on Properties.6.Select the Hardware tab.7.Select the device EpilogEngraverFusion. Then click on Properties.8.Click on Change Settings.9.Click on the Driver tab.10.Click on Update Driver11.Click on Browse my Computer for driver softwaree the Browse button to direct your computer to your disk drive thatcontains the Epilog driver disk that you inserted earlier in this process.For this document we show the DVD RW drive as the drive where the disk is located.Once you have the proper disk drive showing click on the Next button.The progress window will appear.13.You will then be asked if you want to install this driver: Click on Install thisDriver Anyway14.Your Epilog Fusion Dashboard print driver has been successfully installedon the USB port.15. Click on Close in the next window and then Close again.You will then see your Fusion driver in the Devices and Printers page. Click on the red X in the upper right corner of this page.That’s it! You are ready to print to your Fusion.16.Installing the Dashboard Driver Using an Ethernet Connection and a Crossover CableIf you using an Ethernet connection to print to the Fusion the first steps will showhow to set up your computer to talk to the Fusion before the driver is installed.The process includes the following steps:1.Setting the Ethernet IP Address on the laser,2.Setting up the computer’s TCP/IP Address, and3.Dashboard Driver Installation.Note: The following instructions work only for a direct connection from thecomputer to the Epilog laser using a Crossover cable. This procedure does notwork with a hub or a server. For Ethernet connections that require a hub, server,or multiple machines/computers, please consult with your network administrator.Hardware RequirementsA 10Base-T or 10/100Base T Ethernet network card installed in yourcomputer. All brand name computers that have been built in the lastcouple of years should have come standard with an Ethernet card installed.A crossover cable connecting your computer to the laser (included in youraccessories kit).Step 1 Setting the Ethernet IP Address on the LaserThe easiest way to set the IP Address on the Fusion is to first install the ECC and make the change from the Configuration tab.You can set the IP Address from the Fusion keyboard on the front of the machine, however it is more convenient to use the ECC. See the section on “Using the Front Control Panel” for keyboard instructions.Type the IPAddress you wantto use – we haveused in the SubnetMask of255.255.255.000.The Gateway canremain blank.Clicking “ Set” willenable these settingin the Fusionelectronics.Step 2: Setting up the Computer’s TCP/IP AddressOnce you have set the IP Address on the laser you will need to set the TCP/IP Address in your computer.1.From the Start menu at the bottom of your computer monitor screen selectStart | Control Panel | Network Connections.2.There are additional instructions for different Windows versions in theAppendix at the back of this manual if your Windows version is differentthan the one shown below.Right mouse click on theLocal Area Connectionsicon, then click onProperties.3.Highlight the Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) V4.4.Then click on Properties.5.The window below will appear. Select Use the following IP address radiobutton.6.Type in the following (leave everything else blank on this page).IP Address 192 168 3 3Subnet Mask 255 255 255 0Default Gateway Leave blankThis number is not an error --the last digit ofthe IP address in this window must bedifferent than the IP address set in theFusion.7.Click the OK button in this window and then click on the Close button inthe next window.8.Your computer is now set to print through a crossover cable to the Ethernetport on the laser.Step 3: Installing the Dashboard Driver for an Ethernet Connection:Insert the Epilog Laser CD into your computer’s disk device. It should Auto-Start and the following window should appear:If the following screen appears, click on Run fusion_driver.exe and then the install screen will appear.Click on Dashboard Driver Install.Click on Add Local Printer:Click on Create New Port and then click on the dropdown menu and select Standard TCP/IP PortEnter the IP Address you want to use. Most Epilog users will use that is what we use in this document. Whatever number you use, it must be the same number you assigned to the IP Address in the Fusion laser.After typing in the IP Address, click on Next.Wait while the computer identifies the port.Select Custom and then Settings, then click on NextSelect LPR and type in Laser into the Queue Name. Then, Click on OK.Set Protocol to LPR. Thisis a very important step.Your download time willbe greatly increased ifLPR is not selected.After clicking OK above you will return to the window below. Click on Next.Click on Have DiskClick on BrowseFind the disk drive with the Epilog install disk and click on OpenSelect the driver folder and then click on OpenClick on the EpilogWinALLFusion file and then click on OpenClick on OKClick on NextYou can rename your printer here. We have not changed it for this document. We have not changed it for this document, but many users like to associate the driver name with the IP Address they are using. Especially if there is more than one laser connected to a single computer. Click on Next.Click on Finish and the driver has been installed! You are ready to print.。







%Objective:To summarize the incompatibility of omeprazole sodium for injection. Methods:Domestic literatures form 2004 to 2013 about incompatibility between omeprazole sodium for injection and other drugs were summarized and analyzed.Results:Omeprazole sodium for injection was incompatible with 88 drugs. Adding other drugs into omeprazole sodium for injection could result in the change of the external appearance of solution.The pH value,temperature and light could affect the stability of omeprazole sodium for injection. Conclusion:Omeprazole sodium for injection is incompatible with many drugs. It should be added into 0.9% NS in clinical infusion, and the infusion should be finished within 12h.【期刊名称】《北方药学》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】2页(P90-91)【关键词】注射用奥美拉唑钠;配伍禁忌【作者】陈奕伸;梁嘉碧;卓飞霞【作者单位】广东省中山大学附属第五医院珠海 519000;广东省中山大学附属第五医院珠海 519000;广东省中山大学附属第五医院珠海 519000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R942奥美拉唑是苯并咪唑类化合物,是包含两种活性对映体的消旋体。

Fusion Portrait Medium Tilt Mount 产品说明书

Fusion Portrait Medium Tilt Mount 产品说明书

I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N SFUSION PORTRAIT MEDIUM TILT MOUNTMTMP1UMTMP1U Installation Instructions2DISCLAIMERMilestone AV Technologies, and its affiliated corporations and subsidiaries (collectively “Milestone”), intend to make thismanual accurate and complete. However, Milestone makes no claim that the information contained herein covers all details,conditions or variations, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in connection with the installation or use of this product. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice or obligation of any kind. Milestone makes no representation of warranty, expressed or implied,regarding the information contained herein. Milestone assumes no responsibility for accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the information contained in this document.Chief® is a registered trademark of Milestone AV Technologies.All rights reserved.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS!WARNING: A WARNING alerts you to the possibility ofserious injury or death if you do not follow the instructions.CAUTION: A CAUTION alerts you to the possibility ofdamage or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the corresponding instructions.WARNING:Failure to read, thoroughly understand, andfollow all instructions can result in serious personal injury,damage to equipment, or voiding of factory warranty! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure all components are properly assembled and installed using the instructions provided.WARNING:Failure to provide adequate structural strengthfor this component can result in serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the structure to which this component is attached can support five times the combined weight of all equipment.Reinforce the structure as required before installing the component. The wall to which the mount is being attached may have a maximum drywall thickness of 5/8” (1.6cm) for wood studs.WARNING:Exceeding the weight capacity can result inserious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the combined weight of all components attached to the MTMP1U does not exceed 125 lbs (56.7 kg) when mounted to a single 2" x 4" wood stud;OR 200 lbs (90.7 kg) when mounted to dual 2" x 4" wood studs or concrete.WARNING:Use this mounting system only for its intendeduse as described in these instructions. Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer.WARNING:Never operate this mounting system if it isdamaged. Return the mounting system to a service center for examination and repair.WARNING:Do not use this product outdoors.IMPORTANT ! :The MTMP1U mounts are designed to bemounted to:• a bare 8" concrete or 8"x8"x16" concrete block wall, or •a 2" x 4" wood stud (16" on-center) wall covered by drywall with maximum thickness of 5/8":--SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS--Installation Instructions MTMP1U DIMENSIONS3MTMP1U Installation Instructions4LEGENDApretar elemento de fijación Befestigungsteil festziehen Apertar fixador Serrare il fissaggio Bevestiging vastdraaien Serrez les fixations Aflojar elemento de fijación Befestigungsteil lösen Desapertar fixador Allentare il fissaggio Bevestiging losdraaien Desserrez les fixations Llave de cabeza hexagonal Sechskantschlüssel Chave de cabeça sextavada Chiave esagonale Zeskantsleutel Clé à tête hexagonaleMarcar con lápiz Stiftmarkierung Marcar com lápis Segno a matita Potloodmerkteken Marquage au crayon Perforar Bohrloch Fazer furo Praticare un foro Gat boren Percez un trou A mano Von Hand Com a mão A mano Met de hand À la mainInstallation Instructions MTMP1U TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATIONPARTS5MTMP1U Installation Instructions6INSTALLATIONThe MTMP1U mounts are designed to be mounted to a bare 8"concrete or 8"x8"x16" concrete block wall; or 2" x 4" wood studs (16" on center) wall covered by drywall of 5/8" maximumthickness. The MTMP1U has brackets which allow the TV to be tilted.Locate Mounting SiteWARNING:IMPROPER INSTALLATION CAN LEAD TOMOUNT FALLING CAUSING SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT! It is the installers responsibility to make certain the structure to which the mount is being attached is capable of supporting five times the combined weight of all components located on the mount, not to exceed 125 lbs (56.7 kg) for mounting to a single 2" x 4" wood stud; OR 200 lbs (90.7 kg) for mounting to dual 2" x 4" wood studs or concrete.NOTE:Proceed to either the Installing to a Wood Stud Wallsection or the Installing to a Concrete Wall section.Installing to a Wood Stud Wall1.Determine the center of the TV screen, and where it shouldbe located on the wall.WARNING:The MTMP1U is designed to be mounted toeither one or two 2" x 4" wood studs (16" on center).2.Locate the closest studs to the left and right of the selected location.3.Line up the notches on mount (Z) with center of screen marking to determine vertical center. (See Figure 1)Figure 14.Measure up 8" (203.2mm) from the center point to mark location of the upper mounting slots. (See Figure 1)ing a level, mark the wall on each stud to attach the mount through the upper mounting slots. (See Figure 2)6.Drill one 7/32" (5.5mm) pilot hole in each stud.7.Partially install two 5/16 x 2-1/2" flanged lag bolts (N) into pilot holes but do not tighten to wall.8.Hang mount (Z), aligning upper mounting slots over lag bolts and adjust side-to-side for proper location.9.Place one slotted washer (Q) over each flanged lag bolt.(See Figure 2)10.Tighten lag bolts to secure mount (Z) to wall at upperFigure 211.Mark the attachment points for the lower mounting slots,making sure the attachment points are located on the studs.(See Figure 10)12.Drill 7/32" (5.5mm) pilot holes at markings for lowermounting holes. (See Figure 10)e two 5/16 x 2-1/2" flanged lag bolts (N) and two 5/16"slotted washers (Q) to attach the mount to the wall through the lower mounting holes. (See Figure 10)14.Slide rails to approximate center of screen location.15.Proceed to Locking Rails section.Installation Instructions MTMP1U7Installing to a Concrete Wall1.Determine the center of the TV screen, and where it should be located on the wall.2.Line up the notches on mount (Z) with center of screen marking to determine vertical center. (See Figure 1)3.Measure up 8" (203.2mm) from the center point to mark location of the upper mounting slots. (See Figure 1)4.Using a level, mark the wall through both upper mounting slots. (See Figure 3)Figure 35.Drill one 3/8" x 3-1/2" (9.5mm x 88.9mm) pilot hole at each marking.6.Install an anchor (P) into each pilot hole using a hammer,making sure that the anchor is flush with the wall.7.Partially install two 5/16 x 2-1/2" flanged lag bolts (N) into pilot holes but do not tighten to wall.8.Hang mount (Z), aligning upper mounting slots over lag bolts and adjust side-to-side for proper location.9.Place one slotted washer (Q) over each flanged lag bolt.(See Figure 3)10.Mark the attachment points for the lower mounting slots.(See Figure 3)11.Drill 3/8" x 3-1/2" (9.5mm x 88.9mm) pilot holes at markingsfor lower mounting holes. (See Figure 3)12.Install an anchor (P) into each pilot hole using a hammer,making sure that the anchor is flush with the e two 5/16 x 2-1/2" flanged lag bolts (N) and two 5/16"slotted washers (Q) to attach the mount to the wall through the lower mounting holes. (See Figure 3)14.Tighten all lag bolts to secure mount (Z) to wall.15.Slide rails to approximate center of screen location.Locking Rails (Optional)1.Lock rails into place using four 1/4-20 x 3/4" set screws (T)on mount (Z) and the 1/8" hex key (R). (See Figure 4)NOTE:To easily install upper set screw against upper rail,place set screw (T) onto hex key (R), and feed up into hole while turning to tighten.WARNING:DISPLAY FALLING CAUSING SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT! Using screws of improper size may damage your display. Properly sized screws will easily and completely thread into display mounting holes. If spacers are required, be sure to use longer screws of the same diameter.2.Select correct screws, nesting spacers (if necessary) anduniversal washers from the hardware bag (A-M) and attach brackets to back of screen. (See Figure 5) IMPORTANT ! : (Dual Stud Installation Only) fasteners are used to attach brackets to back of screen, the weight of the screen may NOT exceed 150 lbs (68.0 kg).NOTE:The nesting spacers (MA) may be used separately, or put two together in different configurations to createFigure 6Figure 7(Single)8Installation InstructionsMTMP1U93.If necessary, the interface bracket knobs may be switched to allow the brackets to be reversed. (See Figure 8)a. Remove display from mount.b. Remove brackets from display.c. Hold the right interface bracket horizontally, tightlygripping it so that spacers do not move.d. Remove the knob, washer and screw.e. Replace the knob, washer and screw in the oppositeorder, with the knob on the inside of the bracket.f. Switch the right interface bracket to the left side of thewall mount.g. Repeat Steps 3c through 3f with the left upright bracket.Figure 8Attaching Display to Wall MountNOTE:NEVER place both interface brackets (X and Y) to oneside of the wall mount center line! (See Figure 9)NOTE:Do NOT allow both interface brackets (X and Y) to belocated on same side of wall mount. (See Figure 9)Figure 9Both interface brackets must NEVER be located to one side of the wall mount brackets!MTMP1UInstallation Instructions101.Hang screen onto the top rail of the mount (Z).(See Figure 10)•Move latch on top of interface bracket to OPEN positionand hang top hook of interface brackets (X and Y) onto the top rail of the mount (Z). (See Figure 10)NOTE:The screen initially installs into the "service mode" toallow easy cable access.Figure 102.Adjust screen and rails to desired viewing position.3.Route cables between wall and rails.CAUTION:PINCH POINTS! Keep fingers, hands andcables out of pinch point areas.4.Pull downward on the pull cords and swing inward toward wall, latching interface brackets to lower rail and fastening bottom of screen to the mount. (See Figure 10)5.Attach end of pull cord (a magnet) to mount so it does not extend beyond bottom of screen. (See Figure 10)AdjustmentsHorizontal Adjustment1.The wall mount may be adjusted side to side at the point(s)of attachment. (See Figure 11)2.The screen may be adjusted along rails side to side.NOTE:NEVER place both interface brackets (X and Y) to one side of the wall mount center line! (See Figure 9)NOTE:Do NOT allow both interface brackets (X and Y) to belocated on same side of wall mount. (See Figure 9)3.Move latch on top of interface brackets to CLOSED position. (See Figure 13)Roll/Height Adjustment of Wall MountNOTE:The height adjust of the wall mount allows adjustmentof + 1/2".1.Turn to right (tighten) to raise side of screen. (See Figure 12)2.Turn to left (loosen) to lower side of the screen.Installation Instructions MTMP1UTiltThe interface brackets (X and Y) allow from -5° to 12° tilt, andcan be locked at 0°, 6° and 12°.1.Loosen the interface bracket knob.2.Adjust tilt as required. (See Figure 13)3.The tilt may be locked at 0°, 6° or 12° using one 1/4-20 x 1"round head carriage bolt (V) and one 1/4-20 hex nut (W) perinterface bracket. (See Figure 13)4.Tighten interface bracket knob.Locking Interface Brackets (Optional)1.Lock interface brackets onto mount rails using one3/8-16 x 3/4" set screw (U) on each interface bracket. (SeeFigure 14)1.Add padlock (not included) to interface bracket to completeMTMP1U Installation InstructionsChief, a products division of Milestone AV Technologies8800-002655 Rev032015 Milestone AV Technologies 01/15USA/International A6436 City West Parkway, Eden Prairie, MN 55344P800.582.6480 / 952.225.6000F877.894.6918 / 952.894.6918Europe A Franklinstraat 14, 6003 DK Weert, NetherlandsP+31 (0) 495 580 852F+31 (0) 495 580 845Asia Pacific A Office No. 918 on 9/F, Shatin Galleria18-24 Shan Mei StreetFotan, Shatin, Hong KongP852 2145 4099F852 2145 4477。



静脉泵推注生长抑素治疗上消化道出血患者的护理观察发布时间:2021-11-12T05:49:39.900Z 来源:《中国医学人文》2021年25期作者:谢亚丽[导读] 目的研讨静脉泵推注生长抑素治疗上消化道出血患者的护理观察。




结果治疗后,B组A组和患者的住院时间和止血时间分别为(6.82±2.79)d(15.81±5.19)h,(10.74±5.79)d(23.72±5.73)h , B组和A组患者治疗总有效率为97.87%(46/47,其中显效35例,有效11例,无效1例),82.97%(39/47,其中显效11例,有效28例,无效8例),B组和A组患者不良反应的总发生率分别为为4.25%(2/47,其中呕吐1例,头晕1例),23.40%(11/47,其中呕吐4例,头晕4例,皮疹3例),且均具有统计学意义P<0.05;结论:静脉泵推注生长抑素治疗,可有效改善患者的临床指标,治疗效果显著。

[Abstract] Objective To study the nursing observation of patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding treated by intravenous infusion of somatostatin. Methods 94 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding were randomly selected from our hospital (from January 2018 to January 2019) to study. According to the computer random method, 47 patients were divided into group A (47 cases) and pantoprazole sodium was injected intravenously. Group B (47 cases) were treated with somatostatin by intravenous pump. Then the clinical indicators (length of stay and hemostasis time), treatment effect and the incidence of adverse reactions of the two groups were compared. Results after treatment, the hospitalization time and hemostasis time of group A and group B were (6. 82 1 ± 2.79)d(15.81 ± 5.19)h,(10.74 ± 5.79)d(23.72 ± The total effective rate of group B and group A was 97.87% (46 / 47, 35 cases were markedly effective, 11 cases were effective and 1 case was ineffective), 82.97% (39 / 47, 11 cases were markedly effective, 28 cases were effective and 8 cases were ineffective). The total incidence of adverse reactions in group B and group A was 4.25% (2 / 47, 1 case was vomiting and 1 case was dizziness), 23.40% (11 / 47, 4 cases were vomiting, 4 cases were dizziness and 3 cases were rash), And all had statistical significance, P < 0.05; Conclusion: intravenous infusion of somatostatin treatment, can effectively improve the clinical indicators of patients, the treatment effect is significant.【关键词】静脉泵推注生长抑素治疗;上消化道出血;护理观察;上消化道出血是一种常见的疾病,多是指人体的食管、胃、十二指肠等发生出血性病变,主要表现为:呕血和黑便,病情严重的患者同时可伴有贫血、心悸、乏力,体温升高等症状[1]。



Digital Fusion 粒子工具教学一(1) 粒子工具教学一( )来源:火星时代 作者:YIFAN 发布时间:2009-10-12 20:15:52 网友评论 0 条粒子工具是 Digital Fusion3.1 以后版本新增的视觉效果系统, 使用粒子工具能够创建逐如风 沙、雪爆、火陷以及光子鱼雷等极具振憾性的粒子效果,Digital Fusion 创建的粒子效果为 真实的三维粒子,可以输出 Z 通道,并且能够非常方便地与 3D 图像进行 Z 深度合成。

使用 Digital Fusion 的粒子系统可以真实地模拟现实世界的自然现象,比如烟雾、火陷 和大气层,并且能够夸张地创建非现实世界的东西,比如 X 星系或漫天飞舞的未知生物, 每个粒子效果都由众多的粒子颗粒组成,比如烟雾中的每一粒烟尘,风暴中的每一颗沙粒, 每个粒子颗粒都有自己的位置、角度和尺寸,不过单个的粒子颗粒不允许被直接控制,粒子 工具要控制的是一个粒子群体。

在 Digital Fusion3.1 中,每个粒子效果至少拥有一个 pEmitter(粒子发射器)工具,它决定 了粒子的基本形状、规模、角度和行为,其他的粒子工具则用来修改发射器发出的粒子,比 如发射器生成了一个烟雾粒子, 为了使烟雾看起来更真实, 我们需要使用其他的粒子工具对 其进行调整,因为现实世界中的烟雾至少应该具备两个特征:脱离地球引力向上升起;随风 力的方向和大小而飘浮,这些通过粒子工具能够轻易地实现。

Digital Fusion 粒子工具教学一(2) 粒子工具教学一( )来源:火星时代 作者:YIFAN 发布时间:2009-10-12 20:15:52 网友评论 0 条Digital Fusion 总共提供了 17 个粒子工具,每个粒子工具都可以调整粒子的位置、速度、规 模或其参数选项,通过这些工具的组合和共同作用最终生成一个完美的粒子效果在这些粒子工具中,只有 pRender(粒子渲染)工具能够渲染粒子,其他粒子工具只用来 调整和输出粒子数据,一个粒子效果的流程必须具备 pEmitter(粒子发射器)和 pRender (粒子渲染) 这两个工具, 其他的粒子工具都必须链接到 pEmitter 粒子发射器) pRender ( 和 (粒子渲染)之间,用来修改或调整粒子效果,粒子工具自成一套体系,除 pRender(粒 子渲染)工具外,其他任何粒子工具都不能链接到常规工具的流程中,常规工具也不能链接 到粒子工具的流程中。



PH值 2.5-4.5 3.2-5.5 4.5-7.0 5.0-7.0 7.5-8.5
10.5 9.6
药物随着配置溶液的种类不同,出现不同 的渗透压值。
渗透压>600 mOsm/L的药物可在24小时内 造成化学性静脉炎
INS标准: 渗透压超过600 mOsm/L的均需 经过中心静脉输注
3. 以下治疗不适宜应用外周静脉-中长导管: 输注药 物及溶液的PH<5或PH>9、渗透压>600Osm/L或葡萄 糖浓度>10%。
4. 在治疗过程中,医务人员、患者及照顾者能对导管 进行维护。
5. 根据治疗方案选择最小型号导管
1. 输液治疗时间持续4周以上 2. 短期或长期的、持续或间断的输注抗肿瘤药物、发
9. 置管部位不应接触丙酮、乙醚等有机溶剂, 不宜在穿刺 部位使用抗菌油膏。
1. PN(肠外营养)宜由经培训的医务人员在层流室或超净台内配置 ;宜现用现配, 应在24小时内输注完毕。
2. 抽出的液体、开启的静脉输入用无菌液体须注明时间, 超过2小时 后不得使用;
3. 启封抽吸的各种溶酶超过24小时不得使用, 最好采用小包装。 4. 药物应在1小时内使用或丢弃。
• 腐蚀性药物不应使用一次性头皮钢针 • PH值低于5或高于9的药物 • 渗透压大于600 oMsm/L 的液体
外周静脉 留置针
• 短期静脉输液治疗 • 输全血或血制品的患者 • 老人、儿童、躁动不安患者
• 中长期静脉输液治疗,可用于 任何药物输注
输液港 • PORT可用于任何性质的药物输


每个医护人员尝试外周静脉短导管穿刺的次数不应超过2次,总的尝试次 数不得超过4次 在置入经外周穿刺的中央静脉导管(PICC)前且当临床指示需评估水肿和可能 发生深静脉血栓形成(DVT)时,应测量上臂围(臂围差值2CM考虑血栓 ) 。 在肘窝上方10厘米的位置进行该测量;评估位置和其他特征,例如凹陷或非 凹陷性水肿
血液pH值为7.35-7.45 pH<7.0为酸性、<4.1为强酸性、pH>9.0为强碱性 超过正常范围的药物均会损伤静脉内膜 pH<4.1在无充分血流下明显静脉内膜组织改变,发生静脉
炎 pH6.0-8.0内膜刺激小 pH> 8.0使内膜粗糙后,血栓形成可能性
经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(PICC) 标准:
当输注药物的PH值<5或>9,渗透性>600 mOsm / L,葡萄糖浓度超 过10%,肠外营养,输入刺激性的药物或连续输注发疱剂时均应使用PICC 导管。 只有耐高压的导管才能高压注射造影剂。 任何一名护士只允许不超过两次的PICC穿刺尝试。 导管头端送达正确的位置标准:位于上腔静脉与右心房交界处和下腔静 脉下 1/3 处为理想的导管头位置。 行X线胸片确认PICC导管尖端的位置后方能开始静脉治疗。
血管可视化 标准:
要确保患者安全性,医护人员应该能胜任使用血管可视化技术进 行血管通路装置(VAD)的放 置。
对于静脉采血困难的患者,使用超声波检查法引导置入中线导管 当对成年人和儿童进行中心血管通路装置置放时,使用超声波检 查法引导以提高置管成功率, 降低针穿刺的次数,并降低置管并发 症发生率
并按常规通过导管留取血培养标本。 每次连接之前用75%、碘伏采用机械法用力进行擦拭至少15S。

MVE Fusion Quick Reference Guide

MVE Fusion Quick Reference Guide

MVE Fusion SeriesQuick Reference GuideTable of ContentsNOTE: MVE Fusion cryogen freezer should be installed by Chart Personal or an authorized MVE Distributor per the MVE Fusion Technical Manual, PN 20994124.Product IdentificationSafety............................................................................................................................................................3 Display / Control Panel...............................................................................................................................7 Back Panel / Electrical / Physical Connections .......................................................................................8 Dewar Plumbing Connections. (9)Setup/Filling Procedure ............................................................................................................................9 Calibration of Temperature Probe...........................................................................................................14 Alarms and Definitions. (15)Contact Information (15)SafetyREAD BEFORE OPERATING THIS EQUIPMENTLiquid nitrogen (LN2) is used in MVE Fusion Freezers as a refrigerant. Understanding and following certain safety precautions is extremely important when handling LN2 and cryogenic containers (Dewars).Liquid Nitrogen PropertiesNitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. Gaseous nitrogen makes up about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere by volume. Once collected and isolated, nitrogen can be liquefied.Liquid Nitrogen SafetyTransferring LN2 and operating the MVE Fusion should be done in accordance with the manufacturer / supplier instructions. It is important that all safety precautions recommended by the manufacturer be followed.Nitrogen vapor is a potential asphyxiant as it displaces Oxygen (O2)in confined spaces. Rapid suffocation can occur without warning inan Oxygen-deficient atmosphere (less than 19.5% O2). ChartCryogenic Freezers must be installed and operated in well-ventilatedareas.DO NOT vent container in confined spaces.DO NOT enter confined spaces where excess nitrogen gas may be present.If exposure has occurred move to ventilated area or fresh air. If breathing is difficult, supplement oxygen may be required. If notbreathing, give artificial respiration. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICALATTENTION.Contact with liquid nitrogen or uninsulated equipment containingnitrogen can result in cold contact burns or tissue damage.Nitrogen vapor can cause damage to skin or eyes.In case of frostbite, warm area with warm water not exceeding 105°F (40°C) and SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.Never place LN2 in a sealed container without a pressure reliefdevice. The expansion ratio of liquid nitrogen to gaseous nitrogenis 1 to 700 (1 cubic foot of liquid nitrogen becomes 700 cubic feet ofgaseous nitrogen when evaporated).The two most important safety aspects to consider when handling LN2 are adequate ventilation and eye and skin protection. Although nitrogen gas is non-toxic, it is dangerous in that the gas will displace oxygen in a normal breathing atmosphere. Liquid products are of even greater threat since a small amount of liquid evaporates into a large amount of gas. Therefore, it is imperative that cryogenic supply and storage Dewars be stored and operated in well-ventilated areas. Persons transferring LN2 should make every effort to protect the eyes and skin from accidental contact with liquid or cold vapor. Chart MVE recommends the following protective clothing and accessories when transferring LN2 or handling hoses, valves, and plumbing components:Cryogenic gloves (loose fitting)Full-face shield or chemical splash gogglesCryogenic apronLong sleeve shirt and cuffless pantsClosed toe shoes (no sandals)Equipment UsageCryogenic containers must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer/supplier instructions. Cryogenic Dewars must be kept in a well-ventilated area protected from weather and away from heat sources. In applications that use a modular liquid cylinder as a source of LN2, the supply will need to be replenished at regular intervals to ensure proper operation of the freezer.Recommended First AidEvery site that stores and uses LN2 should have an appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) present. The MSDS may be obtained from the manufacturer/distributor. The MSDS will specify the symptoms of overexposure and first aid to be used. Here is a typical summary. If symptoms of asphyxia such as headache, drowsiness, dizziness, excitation, excess salivation, vomiting, or unconsciousness are observed, remove to fresh air. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration. CALL A PHSYICIAN IMMEDIATELY.If breathing is difficult, supplemental oxygen maybe required. If exposure to cryogenic liquids or cold vapor occurs, restore tissue to normal, body temperature (37°C) as rapidly as possible, and then protect the injured tissue from further damage and infection.Rapid warming of the affected areas is best achieved by bathing it in warm water. The temperature of the water used should not exceed 40°C. Under no circumstances should the frozen part be rubbed either before or after warming. If the eyes are involved, flush them thoroughly with warm water for at least 15 minutes. In case of massive exposure, remove clothing while showering with warm water. The patient should not drink alcohol or smoke. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY.This manual includes the following symbols.Table 1: the symbols and their descriptionsWARNING: Do not modify this equipment without authorization of the manufacturer.Display / Control PanelTable 1: Front Panel IdentificationBack Panel / Electrical / Physical Connections4 32 1 6 5 7Fusion Dewar Plumbing ConnectionsProcedure for the First Fill1. Do not power on the Fusion until all steps are followed.2. Make sure to have two, 230-liter liquid nitrogen cylinders at 22-35PSI for the first fill.3. Load racks and empty boxes or alternate inventory systems into the MVE Fusion.NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT TO ADD RACKS AND BOXES BEFORE FILLING.CAUTION: Venting may occur which will result in a loss of cryogen inside the pressure vessel if warm racks are installed after the Fusion’s first fill and/or if more than 1, 2, or 3 warm racks are installed during its subsequent operation. Be prepared to have a 230-liter liquid nitrogen cylinder @ 22-35psi to refill pressure vessel if this occurs.Vent ValvePressure Relief ValveFill ValveSee the rack Layout below for reference.4.Connect one 230 cylinder full of cryogen (LN2) to the Fusions inlet valve using the suppliedtransfer hose with the cane oriented in the vertical position, so the pressure relief valve can vent downwards.NOTE: One temperature probe will be factory installed in the backside of the Fusion Dewar.Another aftermarket temperature sensor can be installed in the secondary sensor tube.CAUTION: If an aftermarket temperature sensor is not installed in the secondary sensortube, the tube should remain plugged with the factory installed plug.5. Shut off the two isolation valves located underneath the shroud on both sides of theliquefier.6. Open the supply tank liquid valve.7. Open the fill valve on the back of the Fusion.Open fill valve8.Open the vent valve on the back of the Fusion. This will create a pressure differentialsufficient to push the LN2 from the supply tank into the freezer. The vent valve will remain open until the Fusion freezer is filled with LN2.9.As the Fusion freezer and its contents are at room temperature for the first fill/charge, fillthe internal sample storage area with 20-30 liters of LN2 through the neck of the tank using the second LN2 supply tank with another transfer hose having a phase separator (Notsupplied).10.Connect A/C electrical power to MVE Fusion power receptacle at the rear.11.After filling the sample storage area with 20-30 liters of LN2 through the neck, install the lidassuring that the lid lock thru hole located in the lid aligns with the lid lock tab located on the Dewar neck.12.Once LN2 begins to flow steadily out of the vent valve muffler, first shut off the Fusions ventvalve, then shut off its fill valve. Lastly, shut off the fill valve on the LN2 supply tank.13.Open both Isolation valves.NOTE: The inner pressure should fill in about 35 to 45 minutes (using a supply source of 22-35PSIG)14.The freezer’s pressure relief valve will begin releasing gaseous nitrogen as the liquid boils offand the pressure builds (above 50 PSIG) inside of the storage tank. As the internal chamber and storage racks come down to temperature the “relief” events will decrease.15. Once all the steps above have been completed the MVE Fusion can be powered on byflipping the main power switch to the on position followed by flipping the BB Enable/Disable (backup battery) switch to the on position. The Fusion’s main screen will automatically turn on. Below shows the default LCD startup order. No programming is required for the first fill.MVE Fusion Default Password: Fusion011* 2*3* 4*16.To turn off the MVE Fusion freezer simply flip the main power and the backup batteryswitches located on the back of the Fusion to the off position.Calibration of Temperature ProbeThe factory installed RTD temperature probe used on the MVE Fusion has been calibrated at the factory using a two-point, low temperature range calibration method. This calibration method provides a level of accuracy of +/- 1.8°F (+/- 1°C) when operating at altitudes between 1000ft to 1500ft (305m to 457m). Further calibration should not be required unless desired by the end user. Refer to the MVE Fusion Technical Manual for information on calibration methods and procedures.Alarms and DescriptionsIf any alarms occur please contact your authorized MVE Distributor or Customer / Technical ServiceChart Customer / Technical Service:Phone: (800) 482-2473 Fax: (888) 932-2473NOTES:21205647 Rev D Chart Inc. reserves the right to discontinue its products, or change the prices, materials, equipment, quality, descriptions, specifications and/or processes to its products at any time without prior notice and with no further obligation or consequence. All rights not expressly stated herein are reserved by us, as applicable. Copyright © 2017 Chart Industries。



目录目录 (2)版权声明 (13)前言 PREFACE (14)关于本手册 (14)其他相关文档 (14)第一章 ME非编软件概述 (15)第一节 ME软件功能特性 (15)系统&GUI (16)采集输出 (16)资源管理 (16)编辑制作 (17)特技处理 (17)音频处理 (18)字幕制作 (18)第二节 ME基本操作方式 (19)1、鼠标操作 (19)2、键盘操作 (20)3、键盘/鼠标混合操作 (20)第二章 系统设置 (21)第一节 项目参数设置 (22)2.1.1 通用设置 (22)2.1.2 采集设置 (23)2.1.3 合成设置 (24)2.1.4 项目设置方案管理 (24)第二节 用户喜好设置 (25)2.2.1 通用设置 (26) 通用 (26) 故事板设置 (28)2.2.2 音频设置 (32)2.2.3 热键设置 (33)2.2.4 界面和工具栏设置 (34) 界面设置 (34) 工具栏设置 (35)第三节 系统视音频参数预制 (36)第四节 视音频参数设置 (38)2.4.1 编辑设置 (38)2.4.2 播放设置 (39)2.4.3 编解码设置 (40)2.4.4 D3D设置 (41)2.4.5 运行设置 (43)2.4.6 回显设置 (44)2.4.7 系统设置 (45)2.4.8 I/O卡设置 (46)第三章 输入 (48)第一节 视音频采集 (48)3.1.1 认识视音频采集界面 (49) 预览窗部分 (49) VTR部分 (50) 基本信息 (51) 输入信息 (53) 高级设置 (56) 控制部分 (58)3.1.2 视音频采集操作 (58)、采集基本流程 (58)、硬采集 (59)、打点采集 (60)、批采集 (61) 直接采集素材元数据 (62)第二节 1394采集 (63)第三节 文件采集 (64)3.3.1 认识文件采集界面 (64)预览窗部分 (65) 控制部分 (66) 基本信息 (67)3.3.2 文件采集操作 (68)第四节 图文采集 (69)3.4.1 认识图文采集界面 (69)3.4.2 图文采集操作 (70)第五节 DVD采集 (71)3.5.1 认识DVD采集界面 (71) 路径设置 (71) DVD属性 (71) 回显窗 (71) 操作控制 (71) 基本信息设置 (72) 高级设置 (73) 任务列表 (73)3.5.2 DVD采集操作 (73)第六节 CD抓轨 (74)3.6.1 认识CD抓轨界面 (74) 音轨列表 (74) 基本信息设置 (75) 高级设置 (75) 操作控制 (75)3.6.2 CD抓轨操作 (76)第七节 音频转码器 (77)3.7.1 认识界面 (77)3.7.2 音频转码器操作 (78)第八节 重采集 (78)3.8.1 素材重采集(VTR) (79) 认识素材重采集界面 (79) 素材重采集操作 (80)3.8.2 故事板重采集(VTR) (81)3.8.3 故事板重采集(文件) (82)第九节 导入素材 (83)第四章 资源管理 (85)第一节 基本概念 (86)第二节 资源管理器主界面 (88)4.2.1 功能按钮 (89)4.2.2 标签页 (90) 媒体库 (90) 特技模板库 (93) 字幕模板库 (97)第三节 资源管理器基本操作 (99)4.3.1 项目操作 (99)新建项目 (99)打开项目 (99)删除项目 (100)引用项目 (100)最近编辑的项目 (100)关闭项目 (100)4.3.2 素材浏览 (100) 将素材调入素材调整窗 (101) 编辑模式下浏览素材 (101)4.3.3 选中资源 (101)4.3.4 资源导入 (102) 导入素材 (102) 从CLIP文件导入素材 (104) 从EDL文件导入故事板 (105) 导入特技模板 (105) 导入字幕模板 (106) 项目导入 (107)4.3.5 资源导出 (108) 素材导出 (108) 故事板导出 (109) 特技模板导出 (109) 字幕模板导出 (110)项目导出 (110)4.3.6 资源过滤 (112)4.3.7 资源查找 (113) 查找工具 (113) 查找并打开最近编辑的故事板 (113)4.3.8 资源排序 (114)4.3.9 资源复制/剪切/粘贴 (114)4.3.10 资源删除 (115)4.3.11 查看资源属性 (115) 素材属性窗 (115) 故事板属性窗 (118)4.3.12 回收站 (119)4.3.13 收藏夹 (119)第四节 资源管理器操作注意事项 (120)4.4.1删除素材 (120)删除素材的影响 (120)软件保护机制 (120)4.4.2释放数据文件 (121)释放文件的影响 (121)软件保护机制 (121)4.4.3删除故事板 (122)删除故事板的影响 (122)软件保护机制 (122)4.4.4清空回收站 (122)清空回收站的影响 (122)软件保护机制 (122)4.4.5删除项目 (123)删除项目的影响 (123)软件保护机制 (123)4.4.6 Windows删除 (123) Windows删除的影响 (123)软件保护机制 (124)第五章 编辑制作 (125)第一节 编辑基础知识 (125)第二节 编辑工作窗介绍 (127)5.2.1 回放窗 (128) 素材调整窗 (129) 故事板播放窗 (135)5.2.2 故事板编辑窗 (138) 编辑窗标签页 (138) 编辑窗工具栏 (139) 编辑窗下方工具栏 (142) 编辑窗轨道首工具栏 (144) 时间线编辑区 (149)第三节 编辑操作 (150)5.3.1 故事板文件操作 (150)、新建故事板 (150)、打开故事板 (151)、保存/另存/全部保存 (151)、关闭/全部关闭 (152)、即时备份 (152)5.3.2 标记点的使用 (153)添加标记点 (153)跳转标记点 (154)删除标记点 (155)5.3.3 素材的剪辑 (155) 在素材调整窗中剪辑素材 (155)5.3.4 故事板的撤销和恢复 (157)5.4.5 向轨道上添加素材 (157) 确认覆盖/插入模式 (157) 直接从资源管理器拖拽素材到编辑轨 (158) 三点编辑 (158) 四点编辑 (159) 粘贴素材到故事板 (160) 粘贴时码块至故事板 (161)5.4.6 轨道素材的编辑 (161) 选中轨道上的素材 (161) 轨道上素材的移动 (162) V1V2轨道成组素材的交换 (162) 轨道上素材的删除和抽取 (163) 轨道上素材的有效与无效 (163) 轨道上释放素材 (164) 调整素材的播放长度 (165) 素材倒放 (165) 素材的静帧 (165) 素材的速度调整 (165) 替换轨道素材 (167)5.4.7 时间线操作 (168) 时间线的移动 (168) 对轨道素材操作后的时间线设置 (169) 时间线吸力功能 (169) JKL编辑 (169)5.4.8 故事板操作 (170) 设置故事板工作区 (170) 故事板合成和并轨操作 (170) 同时多个故事板操作 (172) 虚拟素材 (172) 故事板嵌套 (173) 故事板导入、导出 (174) 故事板版本管理 (175) 帧匹配 (176)5.4.9 故事板实时性与合成操作 (177) 实时性的概念 (177) 判断故事板实时性的方法 (177) 故事板合成操作 (179)第六章 Trim编辑 (181)第一节 进入Trim编辑模式 (182)第二节 退出Trim编辑模式 (182)第三节 Trim模式下的监看监听 (182)第四节 Trim调整基本操作 (183)第五节 Trim操作的种类 (184)6.5.1 Trim操作对象的确定 (184)6.5.2双窗口Trim (184)6.5.3四窗口Trim (185)第六节 选择要操作的素材边缘 (186)6.6.1选择方式: (186)6.6.2双窗口2素材 (186)6.6.3双窗口单素材 (187)6.6.4四窗口3素材 (188)6.6.5四窗口2素材 (189)第七章 多镜头编辑 (191)第一节 进入多镜头编辑 (192)第二节 退出多镜头编辑 (192)第三节 预览窗操作 (192)第四节 回放窗操作 (193)第五节 编辑操作 (194)第六节 轨道操作 (195)第八章 特技 (196)第一节 基础知识 (196)8.1.1 视频特技(滤镜) (196)、素材特技的添加 (197)、总特技轨特技的添加 (197)、附加FX轨特技的添加 (198)、附加KEY轨特技的添加 (198)8.1.2 转场特技 (199)、V2间添加轨间转场特技 (200)及以上轨道添加轨内转场特技 (202)通过对上层素材添加特技实现转场效果 (202) 通过附加FX轨添加过渡特技 (203)8.1.3 特技的优先级 (203)8.1.4 特技的基本操作 (204)删除特技 (204)拷贝和粘贴特技 (204)激活/禁用特技 (205)4. 轨内特技的基本操作 (205)8.1.5 特技的有效范围 (207)8.1.6 自定义特技 (208)8.1.7 关键帧 (209)增加关键帧 (209)选择关键帧 (210)删除关键帧 (210)移动关键帧 (210)拷贝和粘贴关键帧 (210)复位关键帧 (211)设置关键帧过渡属性 (211)8.1.8 特技属性值调整 (213)第二节 特技窗 (216)8.2.1 功能按钮区 (216)8.2.2 特技列表区 (217) 已加特技列表 (218) 所有特技列表区 (218)8.2.3 特技调整区 (218)8.2.4 关键帧控制调整区 (219)第三节 特技的制作方法 (220)8.3.1、制作特技的一般步骤 (220)8.3.2、通过实例学习特技制作方法 (220)第四节 视频示波器 (225)8.4.1 矢量图 (226)8.4.2 波形图 (227)8.4.3 直方图 (227)8.4.4 分列图 (228)第九章 字幕 (229)第一节 基础知识 (229)9.1.1 字幕制作中的基本概念 (230)9.1.2 启动字幕系统的方法 (230)第二节 界面简介 (232)9.2.1 系统菜单 (232) 文件 (233) 工具箱 (233) 屏幕 (234) 查看 (234) 滤镜 (234) 系统管理 (234) 帮助 (235)9.2.2 工具条 (235)9.2.3 播放控制工具条 (235)9.2.4 素材编辑器窗口 (237)9.2.5 属性框窗口 (238)第三节 图元公用属性设置方法 (238)9.3.1.调色板的设置 (239)单色: (239)渐变色 (240)模板渐变色 (243)纹理 (243)遮罩 (244)光效 (244)材质 (244)9.3.2.公共属性参数设置 (244)面的设置: (245)立体边设置 (245)阴影设置 (246)周边设置 (246)周边立体边、周边阴影 (246)9.3.3.高级设置 (247)3.1正光、侧光设置 (247)3.2遮罩设置 (247)3.3材质设置 (247)3.4特殊效果设置 (247)9.3.4.图元通用属性 (249)第四节 字幕文件制作 (249)9.4.1图元制作 (249)标题字 (249)艺术字 (251) 多边形 (254) 椭圆 (254) 图像文件 (255) 动画 (256) 曲线的制作 (257)手绘曲线 (259) 标板 (259)9.4.2 工程文件 (261)9.4.3 滚屏文件 (264)实例制作 (265)滚屏文件特有属性 (268)滚屏文件特有属性 (269)滚屏编辑中标题字的专有属性 (269)9.4.4 对白文件 (270)添加对白文本 (270) 调整文本的字体属性 (271) 调整对白文件的播出位置 (271) 为对白文件添加特技 (272) 对白文件逐字特技的制作 (272)第五节 字幕文件的故事板调整 (273)9.5.1 在轨道上修改字幕文件 (273) 项目文件的修改 (274) 滚屏文件的修改 (275) 唱词文件的修改 (275)9.5.2 调节字幕素材清屏属性(Ctrl+T) (276) 项目文件的调整 (276) 滚屏文件的调整 (277) 唱词文件的调整 (278)9.5.3 故事板上拍唱词 (278) 工具按钮介绍 (279) 唱词拍点的记录 (280)第十章 音频 (281)第一节:音频表 (282)第二节 故事板音频处理 (283)10.2.1 音频Gain曲线调整方式 (283) Gain曲线调整的方法 (284) Gain曲线调整的关键点操作 (285)10.2.2 音频特技调整 (286) 进入特技调整界面 (286) 添加音频特技 (287) 音频特技的调整 (287)10.2.3 基于波形的音频调整 (291)第三节 音效制作 (292)10.3.1 打开及关闭音频特效制作模块 (292) 打开音频特效制作模块 (292) 关闭音频特效制作模块 (293) 保存 (294)10.3.2 界面介绍 (294) 主界面介绍 (294) 工具栏 (295) 编辑区 (296) 播放控制区 (297) 素材信息设置区 (297)10.3.3 基本操作 (298) 音频调节基本操作 (298) 特技操作 (302)10.3.4 特技 (303) 大洋特技 (303) DirectX特技和VST特技 (308)10.3.5 周边功能 (308) 音频发生器 (309) 格式转换 (310) 频谱分析 (311) 相位分析 (311) 视频窗口 (312) 快捷键设置 (312) VU表设置 (312) 驱动设置 (313)第四节 调音台和自动化录制 (313)10.4.1 调音台基础知识 (313)10.4.2 通道与轨道的对应关系 (315)10.4.3 调音台基本操作 (316)第五节 故事板配音 (316)10.5.1 配音的准备工作 (317)10.5.2 配音界面介绍 (317)10.5.3 配音操作说明 (319)第十一章 节目输出 (320)第一节 故事板输出到磁带 (320)11.1.1 认识输出到磁带的界面 (321)11.1.2 输出到磁带的操作 (322)第二节 输出到1394设备 (323)第三节 故事板输出到文件 (324)第四节 故事板输出到素材 (325)11.4.1 认识输出到素材界面 (326) 预览窗部分 (326) 控制部分 (326) 基本信息 (327) 高级设置 (328)11.4.2 输出到素材的操作 (328)第五节 多故事板输出到素材 (329)第六节 故事板输出到TGA序列 (330)第七节 导出单帧 (330)第八节 大洋FTP上传工具 (331)11.8.1 打开大洋FTP上传工具窗 (331)11.8.2 建立FTP站点 (332)11.8.3 连接站点 (333)11.8.4 加载上传任务 (334)11.8.5 上传过程 (334)11.8.6 网络中断自动连接 (334)11.8.7 任务处理 (335)11.8.8 多线程上传 (335)第十二章 松下P2设备的应用 (336)第一节 连接P2设备 (337)12.1.1 物理连接 (337)12.1.2 驱动安装 (337)第二节 导入界面介绍 (341)12.2.1 P2卡目录 (341)12.2.2 素材列表 (342)12.2.3 P2原始信息 (342)12.2.4 浏览控制 (343)12.2.5 导入控制 (344) 导入方式设置 (344) 导入信息设置 (344) 列表区 (345) 导入控制按钮 (345)第三节 导入P2素材 (345)第四节 故事板输出到P2 (346)附录1:系统默认快捷键列表 (348)1 系统快捷键 (348)2 镜头素材调整 (348)3 故事板编辑窗 (349)4 双窗口编辑 (352)8 四窗口编辑 (353)9 故事板播放窗口 (353)10 素材调整窗 (354)11 多镜头编辑 (355)12 音频Gain调整 (356)14 图文采集 (357)15 故事板输出到素材 (358)16 素材重采集(VTR) (359)17 故事板重采集(VTR) (360)18 故事板输出到磁带(VTR) (361)19 故事板配音 (363)20 视音频采集 (364)24 CD抓轨 (365)25 音频转码 (366)26 文件采集 (367)27 故事板重采集(文件) (368)附录2:LC系列板卡控制面板说明 (370)1、General (371)2、Advance(LC400独有) (375)3、About (376)版权声明本手册版权由北京中科大洋科技发展股份有限公司所有,作为ME非线性编辑软件产品的组成部分,所有正式版本的ME系列产品均包含本手册。

Vaddio WallVIEW CCU 300 产品说明书

Vaddio WallVIEW CCU 300 产品说明书

W A L L V I E W™C C U300W I T H H S D S™Featuring the Vaddio™ Quick-Connect™ CCUThe Vaddio WallVIEW CCU 300 is built around theSony® BRC-300 standard definition pan/tilt/zoomcamera. With three 1/4.7 CCDs, the BRC-300 is an idealchoice for a wide range of video applications. WallVIEWCCU 300 allows the user to adjust color, gain and irisfunctions on the camera (see Figure 1). These controlsallow the camera to deliver a more accuraterepresentation of the image that is being captured. Theother added advantages include the ability to color matchmultiple cameras and make necessary changes to irisand gain quickly and easily. Settings may be stored byusing two Scene buttons for various lighting conditions.The WallVIEW CCU uses high speed differential signaling(HSDS), an active video transmission system, to deliverhigh quality video over standard Cat. 5 cabling.Adjustments allow the video to be extended up to 500feet from the Quick-Connect CCU with virtually no loss invideo quality.Overall, the WallVIEW CCU 300 is superb for a wide range of standard definition shooting applications. It is also highly suitable for applications where adjusting the color and brightness levels of one or multiple cameras is critical, such as houses of worship, corporate boardrooms, live event production and distance-learning applications.W HAT’S I NCLUDED•Sony BRC-300 High Definition PTZ Camera (1/4.7 Type, CCDs with 12x zoom lens) •EZCamera Interface Module CCU (EZIM) •Vaddio EZIM SD Break-out Cable•Vaddio Quick-Connect CCU (QCCU) 1-RU Rack Mount Interface•Sony IR Remote•EZCamera Control Adapter (RJ-45 to DB-9) •36V PowerRite™ Power Supply•Vaddio Thin Profile Wall Mount 300• Mounting Hardware• DocumentationT ECHNICAL F EATURESCCU ControlsCCU controls on the product include: Red & Blue Gain; Aperture; Auto & Manual Iris; Gain; Auto & One Push White Balance; and Scene Store A & B buttons. TallyA tally port is located on the back of the 1 RU interface. When connected, the Quick-Connect CCU’s tally light on the front panel illuminates when the camera is live. In addition, the camera’s built-in tally light will also illuminate when the camera is live.Gen Lock Over CAT-5The WallVIEW CCU 300 delivers Gen Lock signal over CAT-5 cabling, which eliminates the need to run an additional coax cable to the camera.EZCamera Interface Module (EZIM)The EZCamera Interface Module CCU is a small camera interface module that mounts to the back of the wall mount and is a universal interface for several SD PTZ cameras available today. The EZIM uses a multi-pin connector and cable assemblies for maximum flexibility.Figure 1: (top) Quick-Connect CCU 1 RU rackmount interface; (bottom) WallVIEW CCU 300System with Camera, EZIM and Wall Mount©2008 Vaddio – All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Vaddio, EZIM, HSDS,T ECHNICAL F EATURES (C ONTINUED )Luminance Gain AdjustmentA luminance gain control (Y-Gain) is also provided which allows for enhanced control and fine tuning of the video signals when longer Cat. 5 cabling runs are required.Superior Power RegulationThe WallVIEW Universal PRO 300 uses the PowerRite 36V power supply, which is the key to providing the electrical current that the larger PTZ camera motors, like the BRC-H700 or BRC-300, require to operate properly.Complete SystemThe WallVIEW CCU 300 comes complete and includes everything the installer needs to accomplish a professional installation. Three Cat. 5 cable runs for Power, Video and Control are required to complete the installation.T ECHNICAL D RAWINGSFigure 2: Quick-Connect CCU (QCCU) interface front panel and rear panel diagrams with functional callouts. For PowerRite 36VDC 2A PowerPOWER RJ-45 Cat. 5 cable dedicated to supply powerto cameraCONTROL RJ-45 Cat. 5 cable, which passes RS-232 commandsthrough CCU to the PTZ camera CAM SELECT is an 8-position dip switch that allows the user to select which camera is connected to the QCCUVideo Adjustments for Y-Gain andDistance (up to 500’) and SD Outputs (Simultaneous SDfor Z700) on BNC ConnectorsRJ-45 for or SDVideo Signals Tally & Gen Lock Inputs to for sending Tally andGen Lock signals to the BRC series cameras over Cat. 5 cable.Tally Light indicates whencamera is liveTwo-Line LCD Screen displays when CCU Control is active, and the value of the parameter that is being adjusted CCU Control transfers RS-232 control between an external controller (i.e. ProductionVIEW)and QCCUScenes A & B allow manual settings of color, iris and other parameters to be stored in QCCURed & Blue Gain knobs for adjusting the camera’s color levelsAuto White Balance (AWB) and One Push White Balance (OPWB) allow the user to select either of these modes Aperture allows sharpness of thevideo image to be adjusted Auto and Manual Irissettings for light intakeGain adjustment for camera light sensitivityS YSTEM C ONNECTIVITYFigure 4:Basic system connectivity of a WallVIEW CCU 300 System and ProductionVIEW Super Joystick Controller Vaddio ProductionVIEW™Super JoystickRJ-45 Connectors for Video,Power, Control and GenLock Gain adjustment (foruse on BRC PTZ cameras) DB-25 Connector for Camera Break-out Cable Mounting Flange for securing the EZIM to camera mountsEZIM ISO View 432Connector List 1 S-Video OUT (4-Pin Mini Din)2 RS-232 IN (8-Pin Mini Din)3 Composite Video OUT (BNC)4 Gen Lock IN (BNC)5 POWER (EIAJ4)BRC-300 on Wall Mount, EZIM Mounted Underneath CameraFigure 3: EZCamera Interface Module CCU (EZIM) with three (3) RJ-45 connectors for POWER, RS-232 IN / GEN LOCK andVIDEO, Top View (left) and Isometric View (right) 5T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSPart Numbers WallVIEW CCU 300 999-6207-000 (NTSC)WallVIEW CCU 300 999-6207-001 (PAL)Image Device 1/4.7 type CCD x 3Effective Picture Elements 0.69 MegapixelsLens 12x Optical Zoom (48x with digital zoom)Focal Length f=3.6 to 43.2mmHorizontal Viewing Angle 3.3 to 37.8 degrees (4:3 mode), 4.0 to 45.4 degrees (16:9 mode)Video S/N Ratio 50 dBPan/Tilt Angle -170 to +170 degrees (Pan), -30 to +90 degrees (Tilt)Connectors Power Connector: 5.5mm OD x 2.5mm IDPower RJ-45: Supplies 36V to EZCamera Interface Module RegulatorControl In RJ-45: Accepts RS-232 from ProductionVIEW or other non-daisy-chain control systemsControl Out RJ-45: Passes RS-232 and Sync video feed to camera EZIMTally: 2-Pin Phoenix type spring cage connectorVideo Inputs: BNC Connector for SyncVideo Outputs: BNC Connectors for SD video (Y-C and Composite)Video RJ-45: Transports video from camera EZIMCamera Select Switch Selection switch for camera that will be operated with the CCUVideo Adjustments Y-Gain (luminance gain) for fine tuning over longer cable distancesDistance Compensation: 100’, 200’, 300’, 400’+Cat. 5 Cable Distance Up to 500’ (152.4m)Power Supply 36 VDC, 2 AmpDimensions 1-RU Rack Mount - 1.75” H x 19” W x 6” D (4.45 cm x 4.26 cm x 15.24 cm)Connectors Three (3) RJ-45 ConnectorsOne DB-25 for Power, Video, Control & Gen Lock (n/a for 300 camera)Cable Assembly For Sony 300 Camera: DB-25M to BNC x2/8-Pin Mini Din/EIAJ4 Power ConnectorPower Regulator Supplies 12VDC to CamerasDimensions 3” H x 4.5” W x 1.2” D (7.6 cm x 11.4 cm x 3 cm)Materials 12-Gauge CRS with Black Powder Coat PaintDimensions 8” H x 8.5” W x 11.5” D (20.3 cm x 21.6 cm x 29.2 cm)Weight 5.6 lbs. (2.5kg)。



奥美拉唑治疗上消化道出血120例疗效观察发表时间:2014-05-06T14:09:37.843Z 来源:《医药前沿》2014年第5期供稿作者:周付年[导读] 根据本组治疗观察,上消化道出血的治疗以奥美拉唑疗效最佳。

周付年(江苏省兴化市沈伦中心卫生院内科 225700)【摘要】目的观察奥美拉唑治疗上消化道出血的疗效。




【关键词】奥美拉唑上消化道出血效果显著【中图分类号】R542 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2014)05-0126-02 【Abstract】Objective To observe the effect of omeprazole in treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage induced. Methods in our hospital in 120 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, endoscopic diagnosis, acute erosive hemorrhagic gastritis 30 cases, duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage in 60 cases, gastric ulcer withhemorrhage in 30 cases. Divided into 3 groups, group A intravenous infusion of omeprazole 40mg, 2 times /d, group B intravenous famotidine 20mg, 2 /d, group Cintravenous drip of tranexamic acid 0.4g, \d 2. Conclusion omeprazole in treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage effect. 【keywords】 omeprazole upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage is very effective上消化道出血是指屈氏韧带以上的消化道,包括食管、胃、十二指肠或胰胆等病变引起的出血,胃空肠吻合术后的空肠病变出血亦属这一范围。









Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of continuous low dose of micro pump infusion of omeprazole in the treatment of neonatal stress ulcer effect and safety. Methods Neonatal stress ulcer in 92 cases were divided into two groups,were given omeprazole intravenous infusion therapy (46 cases in the control group)and low dose omeprazole sustained micro pump infusion therapy (the observation group 46 cases),evaluated the therapeutic effect. Results The observation group with the treatment efficiency (100%)and the control group (97.8%)compared with no significant difference (P > 0.05). The observation group with bleeding time,melena stop time were lower than the control group,the difference was significant (P0.05)。



・392・医学临床研究2021年3月第38卷第3期J Clin Res.Mar.2021,Vol38・N q3・论著・冷沉淀血浆输注治疗急性消化道大出血的止血效果及其对T 细胞亚群水平的影响任姣雪1邓蕾厂(1.榆林市第一医院重症医学科,陕西榆林719000,2.安康市中心医院血液内科,陕西安康725000)[摘要]【目的】探讨冷沉淀血浆输注治疗急性消化道大出血的止血效果及其对T细胞亚群水平的影响。









[关键词]胃肠出血治疗;急性病;消化系统/血液供给;血液成分输血/方法;止血Hemostatic Effect of Cryoprecipitated Plasma Infusion on Acute Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage andIts Effect on'1cell Subsets REN J iao~j:ue,DENG Lei(Intensive Care Unit,Yulin FirstHospital^Shannjci,719000China)[Abstract【ObjectiveJTo investigate the hemostatic effect of cryoprecipitated plasma infusion in the treatmentof acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage and its influence on the level of T cell subsets.I Methods!A total of140pa­tients with acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage admitted to our hospital from December2015to December2018weredivided into the observation group(n=70)and the control group(n=70)according to random number tablemethod.Both groups were given routine symptomatic treatment.The control group was infused with fresh frozenplasma»while the observation group was given cryoprecipitated plasma infusion.The clinical hemostatic effect ofthe two groups was compared,and the red blood cell volume and hospital stay of the two groups were recorded.Blood samples were collected before and after treatment.T cell subsets including CD3+,CD4,CD8,CD4+/CD8•were measured by flow cytometry.The incidence of adverse reactions was recorded.[ResultsjThe total ef­fective rate of the observation group(95.71%)was significantly higher than that of the control group(85.71%)(P<0.05).The amount of erythrocyte transfusion in the observation group was significantly lower than that in thecontrol group,and the time of hemostasis and hospitalization was significantly shorter than that in the controlgroup(P<0.05).After treatment,CD3.CD4+,CD4/CD8'in both groups were significantly lower thanthose before treatment,and CD81was higher than that before treatment(P V0.05).After treatment,CD3+, *in the observation group were still significantly higher than those in the control group,andCD4',CD4+/CD8CD8was significantly lower than those in the control group(P<C0.05).There was no significant difference in theincidence of non-hemolytic fever,allergy and hemosiderinosis between the two groups(P>0.05).【Conclusion】Cryoprecipitated plasma infusion can reduce the amount of red blood cells after transfusion,shorten the time of he­mostasis and hospital stay,reduce post transfusion immunosuppression,without increasing the rate of adverse re-通讯作者.E-mail:nnuu8671@actions*with high safety and significant overall efficacy.[Key words]Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/TH;Acute Disease;Digestive System/BS;Blood Compo-nent Transfusion/MT;Hemostasis[中图分类号]R573.2[文献标识码]A[doi:10.3969/j.issn.l671-7171.2021.03.02叮[文章编号]1671-7171(2021)03-0392-04急性消化道大出血是一种危急重症,病死率较高。


一般发生在发病72h之后。休克发生的72h是至关重要的转折点,如果经 治疗72小时仍持续存在SIRS及CLI上升,器官损伤进一步加重,休克未达到逆 转,则发生第三次打击,即发生总体通透性增加综合症(GIPS),表现为脑水 肿、肺水肿、肠道水肿、肾水肿、外周水肿,ARDS、腹腔综合间隔室征 (ACS)、ARF等。此时如果能使液体得到有效的清除,病情仍可好转,患者 存活,否则休克无法逆转,患者死亡。本阶段液体补充对机体是有害的,所 有液体治疗策略为晚期目标导向性液体清除,其治疗目标是发病一周至少连 续2d达到液体负衡。
当 CVP<8mmHg时继续原速输液
当 CVP ≥ 8mmHg、MAP ≥ 65mmHg时检测ScvO2> 70% 达标
当 CVP ≥ 8mmHg、MAP < 65mHg时进入程序8
去甲肾上腺素 0.03—1.5μg/(kg .min),为首选药物
肾上腺素 0.2—0.4μg/(kg .min)在必要时加用或替代去甲肾上腺素
6. 血气检查 当 血气PH<7.15时加用碳酸氢钠
第二步:2-6小时内启动和完成 7. 在监测下进行的液体复苏 测 CVP、MAP 1次/ 1h 当 低血压和/或血乳酸>4 mmol/L时,至少输液 30ml/kg ,成人6h内约2000—
3000ml或以上,NS或5%GNS为主。需大量输液者部分可用白蛋白。(老年及 心功不全者,在密切观察生命体征及各种检测参数下酌情减量,并可提前应 用正性肌力药物——笔者注)。



40Clinical Research, Jan. 2020, Vol. 28, No. 01基金项目:北京医卫健康公益基金会医学科学研究基金资助项目(B184018);重庆市卫计委面上项目(ZY201702048)。




·临床治疗·艾司奥美拉唑钠(艾速平)治疗ANVUGIB的临床疗效观察刘作素1,潘咏涛2,王丽3,池祥波3,陈耀凯3,欧阳净3,荣黎3*(1.重庆大学医院 普通内科,重庆 400044;2.重庆金山科技(集团)有限公司 医学部,重庆 401120;3.重庆市公共卫生医疗救治中心 消化内科,重庆 400036)摘要:目的 观察国产质子泵抑制剂艾司奥美拉唑钠(艾速平)治疗急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血患者的临床疗效。

方法 将本院2017年10月-2018年12月经内镜检查证实为急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的92例患者纳入研究对象。



结果 试验组的治疗总有效率(97.8%)较高,与对照组(95.7%)相比,无显著差异(P>0.05);而不良反应发生率两者均较低(P>0.05),均未出现严重不良反应。

结论 与原研药耐信相比,国产艾速平同样能有效控制急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血,改善临床疗效指标,也具备较高的安全性,而价格相对偏低,值得临床应用。

关键词:消化道出血;质子泵抑制剂;疗效观察中图分类号:R573.2文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096―1278(2020)01―0040―03Clinical Observation on the Treatment of ANVUGIB withEsomeprazole SodiumLIU Zuosu1, PAN Yongtao2 ,WANG Li3, CHI Xiangbo3, CHEN Yaokai3, OUYANG Jing3, RONG Li3* (1.Hospital of Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China; 2.Medical Department, Chongqing Jinshan Technology(group) co., LTD., 401120; 3.Chongqing Public Health Medical Treatment Center, Chongqing, 400036, China)ABSTRACT:Objective To observe the clinical effect of domestic proton pump inhibitor esomeprazole sodium (esmeprazole) in the treatment of acute non-varicose upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods 92 patients with acute non-varicose upper gastrointestinal bleeding confirmed by endoscopic examination from October 2017 to December 2018 in our hospital were included in the study. The inductees were randomly divided into two groups. The experimental group was given azepine and the control group was given nexium, both of which were 40 mg, intravenous infusion within 30 min, q12h, and a course of treatment for 5 days. The efficacy, hemostatic effect (effective rate) and adverse drug reactions of the two groups were observed. Results The total effective rate (97.8%) was higher in the experimental group than in the control group (95.7%) (P>0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions was both low (P>0.05), and no serious adverse reactions occurred. Conclusion Compared with the Nexium of the original study, domestic azsupin can also effectively control acute non-varicose upper gastrointestinal bleeding, improve the clinical efficacy indicators, and have higher safety, while the price is relatively low, which is worthy of clinical promotion and application.KEYWORDS: gastrointestinal bleeding;proton pump inhibitor;Clinical efficacy急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血(acute NonVarices upper gastrointestinal bleeding, ANVUGIB)是消化科常见急症,人群年发病率可达5~15/10 000,给社会带来了一定的经济负担[1]。

CO2 Fusion 3-Jaw Chuck Rotary Attachment 产品说明书

CO2 Fusion 3-Jaw Chuck Rotary Attachment 产品说明书

3-Jaw Chuck Rotary Attachment for FusionThe 3-Jaw chuck style rotary is an extremely versatile tool for marking and engraving cylindrical objects. It comes with a variety of interchangeable components that make it easy to hold different sized and shaped cylinders.There are two basic setups:1)3-Jaw Chuck2)Fixture platesThis photo shows the basic setup with the 3-jawchuck on the left and the centering fixture on theright.This photo shows the 3-Jaw style rotary attachmentwith the large fixture plates installed.Fixture plates and additional components:1)Small fixture plates (2 each)2)Large fixture plates (2 each)3)Idle-side centering fixture (1 each)4)Plate spindle (1 each)5)Plate fixture thumb screws (2 each)6)3-Jaw tightening pins (2 each)7)3” Lens for CO2 Fusion only. Always install this 3” lenswhenever using the 3-Jaw chuck style rotary in the CO2 Fusion. Usethe standard 2” lens for all non-3-Jaw chuck rotary jobs.CO2 FusionThe CO2 Fusion 3-Jaw rotary attachment requires the use a 3” lens. The crash bar on the standard 2” lens on the CO2 Fusion interferes with the rotary attachment and cannot be used.The FiberMark Fusion does not need a different lens because it already incorporates a 5” lens as standard equipment.Remove the standard 2” lens. The 2” lensincorporates the crash bar and the air assisttube.Install the 3” lens. The 3” lens does notinclude the crash bar or air assist tube.Installation of the rotary attachment –1)Lower the engraving table to its lowest point.2)Turn off power to the Fusion.Important! It is important that you power down the machine beforeinserting the rotary connector at the table. The Fusion laser system will notrecognize the rotary attachment until the system is rebooted and you coulddamage the electronics if the rotary is installed while the laser system ispowered on.3)Place the rotary attachment so that the baseplate butts up tight against theleft-side and upper rulers.4)Insert both connectors into the receptacles on the right side of themachine.5)Once the rotary attachment is plugged in you can power up the Fusion.6)When the Fusion powers up with the rotary attachment installed the carriagemoves to the rotary Home position, which is directly above the 3-Jaw chuck.Initial Setup (Setting Home - First time use only).New installations may need to establish the Rotary Home Position.The following instructions show how to set a Home position for the 3-Jaw rotary attachment. For most users this is not necessary because they set a new Home position for every rotary job they run using the Center-Center engraving feature in the driver. Center-Center engraving is explained later in these instructions. The concept of why Center-Center is used is hard to explain, but rest assured that it will become obvious on your very first 3-Jaw chuck rotary job.Install the rotary and power up the system. The system will go through its standard power up sequence. The carriage will come to rest directly over the rotary instead of in the upper left corner and the table will move to its lowest position.Turn on the red dot pointer (you will need to raise the table to focus the red dot pointer). The red dot will show you the location of your Home position. For proper operation most users set the Home position at the edge of either the clamp or the jaws. However, depending on your specific application it can be set anywhere you want it to be. Our experience shows that most users prefer the edge of the jaws.Your X-Home position defines the left edge of your page in your graphics software.To establish the Rotary Home setting at the edge of the jaws we will use the red dot pointer to show us where our Home position is andthen how much we need to adjust our settings.1. Turn on the red dot pointer from the Fusion keypad.2. Go to Jog on the Fusion keyboard.3. Use the Joystick to move the carriage so that the red dot pointer is at thefront edge of the jaws or the clamp. Make sure the red dot is also centered front to back. This exercise is easier to perform if you have a cylinder in place.4. The LCD on the keypad shows a digital readout of the location of the reddot pointer. The number displayed on the left is the X-Axis, the number onEdge of jaw. Edge of chuck.the right is the Y-axis. Write down these two numbers including the plusor minus sign associated with each.5.Go to Config on the Fusion keypad.6.Tilt the Joystick down to scroll to the X R Home menu. New installationswill show a value of 0.000.7.Center-Click the Joystick. A flashing cursor will appear below the numberdisplayed. Tilt the Joystick up or down to increment or decrement thenumber so that it matches the number you recorded above for the red dotpointer X-axis value.8.Press the Go button to Save the setting.9.Now, tilt the Joystick down to scroll to the Y R Home menu. Newinstallations will show a value of 0.000.10.Center-Click the Joystick. A flashing cursor will appear below the numberdisplayed. Tilt the Joystick to increment or decrement the number so thatit matches the number you recorded above for the red dot pointer Y-axisvalue.11.Press the Go button to Save the setting.12.Tilt the Joystick up to scroll back to the Restore XY Home menu item.13.Center-Click to save the new X and Y values. The carriage will now moveback and to the left to establish a new Home position. Your red dot pointershould now be located at its new location.Once you have set and saved the X and Y rotary Home position you should nothave to set it again, but you can always use the procedure above to adjust yourHome position.Additional notes about setting a Home position on the Rotary AttachmentMany users do not worry about establishing a formal Home position on the clamping style rotary. Many users find that each new rotary job uses an entirely different clamping method than the last and setting a fixed Home position just isn’t important. Instead, they use the Center-Center feature in the driver and establish a new home position for each job. This is easy to do.1)Clamp your cylinder into the rotary attachment.2)Focus on your cylinder.3)Turn on the Red dot pointer.4)Use the Jog feature to move the red dot to a point along your cylinder that defines thecenter point of your mark.5)Single center-click to set that point as your home position.6)Use the Center-Center feature in thedriver when you are ready to print.For more information on the Center-Center feature please refer to Using theDriver section in your owner’s manual.Using the Rotary AttachmentImportant notes about the 3-Jaw rotary:There are speed limitations in Vector mode based on cylinder diameter. Thedriver will display the maximum speed setting that can be used for a givendiameter. Your Power setting will need to be adjusted according to the speed.The 3-Jaw style rotary was designed to rotate cylinders that range in size from0.040” (12.7 mm) to approximately 7” (76.2 mm) in diameter. However, from apractical point-of-view, it is difficult to produce a legible mark on cylinders thatare smaller than .080” (2 mm).Measure your CylinderMeasure your cylinder. The cylinder diameter willbe used in the print driver.Adjust the rotary for cylinder lengthDepress the blue anodized idle-side handle to move thesupport mechanism left or right to accommodatedifferent length cylinders. There are photos later in thissection that show the different configurations availablefor the Y-Axis idle side support.Clamp your CylinderInsert your cylinder into the 3-jaw chuck and tighten the chuck so the cylinder is held firmly in place.You will need to use the two tightening pins that are provided with the chuck in order to clamp the cylinder tightly into place.Cylinders can be held from the outside diameter or the inside diameter.The chuck jaws can beflipped from Standard mode to Wide mode (180 degrees) to accommodate larger radius cylinders.Pay particular attention to aligning the numbers as shown on the diagram when flipping the jaws! Failure to align the correct jaw in the correct slot will result in uneven spacing of the jaws when they are tightened.Notice that there is a stamped number on each side of each jaw and next to each slot. For wide-radiusturning, simply remove jaws 1 and 3, flip them, and then insert jaw 1 into slot 3 and jaw 3 into slot 1.CamJ aw SlotRemove jaw 2, flip it and return it to slot 2. The jaws do not need to be inserted all the way just yet. You will need to rotate the cam to capture the jaws in ascending order (1,2,3). Rotate the cam so that it catches jaw 1 first, then jaw 2, then jaw 3.3-Jaw chuck diameter capacities:The 3-jaw chuck allows four different ways to hold your object based on cylinder diameter and whether you are holding it from the inside or outside diameter.Set the Cylinder Diameter in the DriverWith the rotary installed, the diameter set, and the cylinder held tightly in place,you are ready to print.Select the 3-JawChuck option in thedriver.for smallcylinderslimits thespeed inVector mode only.Larger diametercylinders do not havespeed limitations. FocusWith your cylinder in place onthe rotary attachment, place thefocus gage on the lens carriageand then scroll to Focus mode onthe Fusion keyboard. Thecarriage will move back afterone second so that the focus gageis centered over your cylinder.When you are finished focusing press the Reset button on the Keypad. The lenscarriage will go back to its standard rotary Home position. You are now ready tostart the job.Additional notes about focusing with the rotary.The 3-Jaw chuck style rotary was designed to use manual focusing only. WhileAuto focus can be used, it is impractical for everyday use.When you are in Focus mode the entire x-beam and carriage can be moved byhand. Normally, users will move only the carriage to a point along the long axis tofocus. It is uncommon, but occasionally users will move the entire x-beam backand forth by hand. Use caution when moving the x-beam!After you have finished focusing, pressing any button on the keypad will reset thecarriage back to its standard rotary Home position.The standard sub-menu items are available in Rotary Focus mode:GO 0MOVEOUTSET 0RESTOREArtwork SetupSet up a custom page size in your engraving software that will accommodate thelength and circumference of your cylinder. To set up your page in Corel, measurethe length of the cylinder you are engraving. Use this as the minimum size of thehorizontal dimension of your page. Measure the diameter of the cylinder andmultiply this number by Pi (3.1416) to determine the circumference of thecylinder. Use the circumference as the minimum size of the vertical dimension ofyour page.The actual size of the page is not ov erly important. If you have a cylinder that’s5.23 inches long with a circumference of 2.35 inches, use a page that’s slightlylarger, say, 6” x 3”.the top of the artwork is as close to the top ofthe page as you can comfortably place it.Any white space between the top of the pageand your artwork is considered part of the printjob and your cylinder will rotate that amountuntil it reaches the first point of engraving.Rotary Removal1)Turn off power to the laser.2)Open the door.3)Depress the release tabs on the connectors and unplug the connectors.4)Remove the rotary attachment.Using the Fixture plates and additional rotary componentsThe 3-Jaw chuck rotary comes with additional attachments that make it easy to hold different sized and shaped cylinders. The photos below show different configurations that can be used to hold a wide variety of cylinders. The components can be mixed and matched. There is no single “correct” method of holding a cylinder.Attaching the Fixture Plate to the ChuckSecure a large or small fixture plate to the spindleusing one of the plate thumb screws.The fixture plate will look like the photo when thespindle is assembled.Slide the spindle into the chuck. Make sure the spindleis fully inserted into the chuck, then secure it using thechuck tightening pins.Be sure to check that your home position is where youneed it once the fixture plate has been installed.Attaching the Idle-Side Centering FixtureThe idle-side centering fixture is used to holdsmall diameter cylinders in place. It can beremoved if the fixture plates are required forlarger diameter cylinders. Remove or install itusing the supplied hex wrench. Attaching the Idle-Side Fixture PlatesThe fixture plates can be used on both the chuckside of the rotary as well as the idle-side. Attachthe plate by placing it on the idle-side spindle andsecuring with a thumb screw.The splines on all the fixture plates can bereversed to accommodate parts using theinside diameter (ID) or outside diameter(OD). To reverse the spline orientation, pullthe spring-loaded splines away from theplate and rotate them 180 degrees.This photo shows the small idle-side plate fixture.The small plate fixture can accommodate sizes upto 1” in diameter.Different Configurations for Fixturing CylindersThis photo shows a typical example of a part thatmight be used with the 3-jaw chuck on the leftside and the small idle-side plate fixture on theright.This configuration is used when the cylinderdiameter on the right side is too large for thecentering fixture.This photo shows a typical example of a largerpart that requires a fixture plate on both the leftand the right sides. Notice that the left side fixtureplate is held in place with the 3-jaw chuck.This photo shows the standard 3-jaw chuck on theleft side and the idle-side centering fixture on theright. The idle-side centering fixture canaccommodate sizes up to 1” in diameter.The centering fixture is used to support smalldiameter parts that sag when held in place usingonly the 3-jaw chuck.Some parts do not need the idle-side centeringfixture for support and can be held using only the3-jaw chuck.Quick Start Guide:1)Lower the table far enough to accommodate the rotary attachment.2)Turn off the machine.3)Plug in the rotary attachment and position it in the upper left corner of the table.4)Power up your laser.5)Set up your artwork.6)Print, and go to the Preferences window to set your laser parametersa.Select Center-Center engraving mode.b.Deselect Auto Focus.c.Select the 3-Jaw chuck option.d.Input your cylinder diameter.e.Set your Speed, Power, and other laser parameters.f.Send the job to the laser.7)Focus - Most users prefer to manually focus when using the 3-Jaw style rotary.a.Press the Focus key on the keypad.b.One second after pressing the Focus key the carriage will move back and to theright which places the manual focus gage directly over your cylinder.e the Joystick to move the table up and down to focus on your cylinder.d.You can move the carriage by hand to focus anywhere along the length of yourcylinder. You can also move the entire X-beam front and back by hand when therotary is installed. Use caution when moving the beam by hand.e.Press any menu key to exit Focus. The carriage and beam will move back to theirHome position.8)Set Home – Press the Jog function on the keypad.a.Turn on the red dot pointer.e the Joystick to move the pointer to the point on your cylinder where you wantyour Home position to be located.c.Center-click the Joystick to set a Home position.d.If desired, Double Center-click to bring up the standard Jog submenu.9)Close the top access door.10)Press the Go key to start your job.。

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奥美要做的是,寻找一种方法,帮助策划时,能产出在多传播渠道 都能有效运用的解决方案,而不是囿于单一渠道。
Fusion 第4阶段
·发展可在多渠道有效运用的解决方案(而不是囿于单一渠道) ·发想都是建基于真正的商业问题 ·想法都是源于我们期望消费者有什么样的行为 · 着眼于如何让传播生效,而不是要传播“说”什么
趋势2: 消费者再也不是乖乖听话的狗,他们更像灵活自主的猫
奥美法兰克福公司的Thomas Strerath提出,消费者已经从狗变成了 猫。它们不再驯服地向主人跑去;他们变得反复无常,捉摸不透且 有攻击性,而且要引起他们的注意必须得先哄他们高兴。
原因是什么?首先是媒体的分割化。上世纪70年代,在很多西方市 场,一支电视广告只要播放一次,即可触及80%的人口。那样的好 日子已经一去不复返了。现在没有任何一种传播渠道能为营销人员 带来如此大量的关注。其次,技术的迸发性发展,如暂停播放、客 制和广告回避等技术,让消费者处于掌控地位。他们可以过滤媒体, 而且,确切的说,自己创造媒体。
Fusion 已在全世界试运行过,客户都很喜欢。
该系统最早是在 2010 年 3 月召开的伊斯坦布尔会上被提出,之后做了大量 的修订和简化。来自世界各地,不同传播技能的专才,对 Fusion 系统都 贡献了很多的想法。
Fusion 已经就绪,将在全球分阶段推行。
从360度营销到10度营销? 360度营销对奥美的贡献比很多其他策略都大。就象一个交响乐团, 我们能让世界上所有的乐器都奏出美妙的乐曲,也因而享有盛名。在 上世纪90年代,奥美深谙全面品牌管理的重要性,发展了独具特色的 360度品牌管家,显示了先见之明。为了能贯彻此策略,我们成立并 发展了各种传播技能的公司,而我们的同行则忙于并购,把不同的专 业部门拼凑在一起。
360度损益表 广告 公关 直效营销 行动营销
趋势1 : 财务已经进驻营销,从此会一直影响着营销决定
广告费用已大幅飘升一在某些市场,电视广告费比0年前贵了5o % 。 此外,高层主管对营销持怀疑态度,且知之甚少(世界500强中,不 到10%的公司在董事会中设首席营销官一职) ,而组织里最积极倡导 营销的人很少有足够的时间和恒心来争取更多的营销投入。首席营 销官的平均任期只有26 个月 。因而传统的代理商必须为他们收到的 每一元钱给出充分理由,其结果是过去10年中,行业的利润大幅下 降。很多客户自己制定传播策略,或聘请顾问,代理商沦为被动的 接单者,而非提出方向的人。我们面临的威胁是变为商品化的低成 本供应商。
趋势3: 太多太复杂
正如信贷紧缩等现象所揭示的,许多现代的体系已复杂得无法了解。 营销也是如此。新技术和新渠道纷至沓来;人们迫切利用这些新技 术和新渠道,催生了隐藏风险和不负责任构想的复杂规划。信息的 不确定性和无序是营销策划的常态;若没有正确引导。 不确定和无序对代理商本身来说也是个问题。上世纪50 年代,有独 家代理商浓口今,多数客户雇用不少代理商,它们各有专长与强项 (和弱点)。光是要不加重复地协调,安排这些公司,已是十分不 易。坦率地说,如果所有的专家来自同一机构,事情会好办得多。
· 为所有的利益相关者提供浓缩在一页上的思考规划重点,一目了然参考
趋势4: 单一传播渠道的独大,已是过去式了
代理商再也无法选择将广告(特别是电视广告)作为所有传播的起 点。传统上,创意点子经常在广告形成,然后再搬到其他传播渠道 来运用,并不考虑其各个传播技能固有的做法、所需的知识和能力。 换句话说,将电视广告的主画面交给直效行销代理商,由其转化为 邮寄广告或在线广告条幅,或交给零售营销代理商,做成摇晃标贴。 这意味着表面上的整合得以实现(最好的情况下)—印刷的颜色一 样,并通过了“墙壁测试”,但事实上并未达到深层或策略性的整 合。
流 式 视 频
电 子 游 戏
博 客
公 共 交 通
专 业 人 士
插 页 杂 志
电 视
电 影 院 电 影
摇 晃 标 贴
活 动 赞 助
目 录
奥美:向新架构迈进 奥美的新架构有助于实现我们的10度营销的理念。
体 育 活 动 赞 助
品牌 大创 意
互 联 网 搜 索 互 联 网 广 告
报 纸
医 生 办 公 室
奥美已将四个专业传播技能公司进行了整合—数字上的体现是大家归 于同一损益表,而实际上有些办公室一直是这样运营的。 我们生活在一个“后数码”时代,数码不再是一个独立的传播技能。 数码无所不在,应掺入各个传播技能领域里。 四个专业传播技能作为支柱,顶上的横梁称为“策略服务”。这个企 划、分析和咨询的组合,正越来越成为公司的先锋。RED(红色)的 任务是,通过为客户组织的最高层提供指引和建议,为各专业技能赢 取新机会和新项目。 四个支柱之下是共享的基础部门,由维持我们正常营运的人事、财务、 IT和其他关键部门及实务部门组成。
对此复杂环境进行管理,为我们提供了一个极好的机会。只有大的 传播集团才可能同时是品牌广告、搜索营销、客服中心优化、零售 行动营销和顾客关系管理等方面的专家。在比以往更需要专家的同 时,客户更重视传播策划人员的作用。谁能比一个在各个传播专业 都拥有专家的集团更好地发挥这个作用? 奥类要做的是,寻找一种方法,将现代传播策略的所有复杂性整合 成一个能直接推出市场的简单规划。
4 . 在其他传播渠道,传统广告点子或方案很多时候无法运用 5 . 拥有太多的资料与数据,但却不甚了解哪些有效
Fusion 这一奥美的新作业系统,是为了回应上述五项挑战而开发的。 其目的是通过提供五种简单工具(也即一种共同语言),让各个传播技 能团队一起协作,从而协助大家发展真正的整合营销解决方案。 在各专业技能团队,我们都有一流的策划能力。但是,想一下,如果日 常也可以进行跨传播技能的规划,吧最好的融合在一起,结果会怎样? 这就是 Fusion 。
在其他传播渠道、传统广告点子或 方案时很多时候无法运用
4 解决 方案
5 传播 有效 性
DO行动简报 TM
简单明了地定义清楚创意挑战, 源自一个核心:我们期待传播 引起消费者怎样的行为
拥有太多的资料与数据,但却不甚 了解哪些有效
对应商业目标,评估各种传播 的效应
1 . 对客户生意的问题,缺乏共识 2 . 打动消费者变得比以往任何时候更加复杂困难 3 . 围绕一个共同的计划来整合多种传播技能、多家代理和各种本位主义,
Fusion 第1 阶段
·涵盖客户自已也许未能考虑到的策略性领域(提升奥美的价值) ·给予客户和代理商明确的目标(没有各方同意的目标,努力就没有方向)
趋势5: 资料和数据的泛滥
如今营销人员可得到的资料数据比以往都多,但我们在区分获得 有用数据的方法和衡量指标方面却能力不足。没有经过必要的培 训、运用专业的分析技能来选择性评估要关注的指标,大量的数 据往往更容易引起混乱。有能力衡量某些指标并不意味就应该衡 量这些指标。 在衡量无关的指标方面,我们已经成了专家。在广告的黄金时代, 很难清楚地表明广告与销售之间的关系。知名度、形象属性等这 类型的中间指标代替了实实在在的硬指标。时至今日,这些衡量 指标还在继续使用,尽管很多对应目标来说,是多余或不合适的。 事实上,Bain公司发现,致使品牌经理未能迅速采用数码营销渠道 的五大障碍之一是他们不能将这些渠道与其组织惯于使用的中间 指标衔接起来。讽刺的是,很多此类数码接触点与销售其实是更 易有相关性的。 关键是,我们必须能提供分析能力和权威性,来脱离这种混乱。 奥类要做的是,寻找一种方法,定义至关紧要的衡量拾标。
流 式 音 频
时至今日,我们在全面管理品牌方面仍具有独特优势。然而,擅长于 操作360度管理并不意味着我们时刻要做这样的传播。我们有演奏各 种乐器的专业人才,但并不代表我们要永远使用所有的乐器,否则美 妙的音乐也可以成为刺耳的噪音。 事实上,多数客户不想要也支付不起360度推广活动。他们更想知道 能真正推进其业务发展的关键10度是什么,同样重要的是,他们想知 道这10度如何整合,使得协同效果大于各部分的单纯相加。 Fusion的核心目标是找出这关键的10度及掌握它们是如何契合的。
Fusion 第2阶段
奥美要做的是,寻找一种新方法,了解人们如何做消费决定的细微 之处,并了解品牌如何跟上。
·将商业问题从人性的角度思考(使策略植根于真实、鲜活的体验) ·完整地考虑整个购买过程(而不只是传统的“老式”广告能触及的范围) ·将问题界定在“消费者需要什么?" (消除对传播渠道的偏见)
Colin Mitchell 与 Ben Richards
奥美的目标是要成为营销服务公司的未来风向标。为实现此宏愿,我们必须将广告、 直效行销、公关和行动营销的技能整合,同时又保证其各自的独特性和专业性。 Fusion将成为我们共同的作业系统。所有地区和所有传播技能公司都将共享此系统。 而且,它确实是来自奥美各方位伟大思考的结晶。 过去五年里,营销所面临的变革比此前50年的都要多。我们坚信奥美Fusion 是个 有能力改变行业规则的体系;它将使我们得以塑造行业的未来,并帮助我们实现奥 美的五年计划。
杨铭皓 奥美全球CEO
奥美Fusion TM的一页摘要
我们面对的挑战 Fusion各阶段 1 商业 企图 2 顾客 体验 3 传播 结构 Fusion产出