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1. 掌握土的压缩性与压缩性指标确定方法;
4.1 概述(outline)
It is well recognized that the deformations will be induced in ground soil under self-weight or net contact pressure. The load-induced soil deformations can be divided into volumetric deformation and deviatoric deformation (namely, angular distortion or deformation in shape). The volumetric deformation is mainly caused by the normal stress, which compact the soil, resulting in soil contraction instead of soil failure. The deviatoric deformation is caused by the shear stress. When the shear stress is large enough, shear failure of the soil will be induced and soil deformation will develop continuously. Usually shear failure over a large area is not allowed to happen in the ground.
(2)孔隙水和孔隙气体的压缩,孔隙气体的溶解;孔隙水和孔隙气体的排出。由于纯水的弹模约为2×106kPa,固体颗粒的弹模为9×l 07kPa,土粒本身和孔隙中水的压缩量,在工程压力(100~600kPa)范围内,不到土体总压缩量的1/400,因此常可略不计。所以,土体压缩主要来自孔隙水和土中孔隙气体的排出。孔隙中水和气体向外排出要有一个时间过程。因此土的压缩亦要一段时间才能完成。把这一与时间有关的压缩过程称为固结。
反映土的压缩性的指标主要有压缩系数、压缩模量、压缩指数和变形模量。土的压缩性的高低,常用压缩性指标定量表示,压缩性指标,通常由工程地质勘察取天然结构的原状土样进行. Characteristic of soil compression
(1)Compression of soil is mainly due to the decrease of void volume.
(2)The compression for a clay increases with the times (consolidation)
Ground soil will deform vertically due to structure load. The contents on studying structure settlement include
1 The absolute settlement (final settlement)
2 Relationship between settlement and time. Introducing terzaghi’s 1D consolidation theory Reasons of volumetric reduction of soil mass
1 The compressive deformation of the soil particles.
2 The compressive deformation of the pore water and air. The partial discharge of the pore water and air.
The consolidation process of saturated soils is in effect a process of discharge of the pore water and corresponding reduction of the pore volume. For saturated sands, pore water is apt to discharge under pressure due to high permeability; hence the consolidation process completes in a short length of time. For saturated clays, pore water discharges slowly under pressure due to low permeability; hence the consolidation process completes in a long length of time.
To calculate the deformation of the soil mass, it is necessary to know the compression indexes. These indexes can be obtained from laboratory compression test (consolidation test) and field load tests.
4.2 土的压缩性(soil compressibility charateristic)
4.2.1 固结试验及压缩性指标(Oedometer test, Consolidation test and Compression indexes) 侧限压缩试验亦称固结试验。所谓侧限就是使土样在竖向压力作用下只能发生竖向变形,而无侧向变形。
Compression test with zero lateral strain is also called Oedometer test. In test, there is vertical deformation but no lateral deformation under vertical load.
The characteristic of a soil during one-dimensional compression can be determined by means of the oedometer test (see Fig.4-1). The test specimen (2 cm high and a diameter to height ratio of 2.5) is in the form of a disc, held inside a metal ring and lying between two porous stones. The upper porous stone, which can move inside the ring with a small clearance, is fixed below a metal loading cap through which pressure can be applied to the specimen. The whole assembly sits in an open cell of water to which the pore water in the specimen has free access. The ring confining the specimen may be either fixed (clamped to the body of the cell) or floating (being free to move vertically): the inside of the ring should have a smooth polished surface to reduce side friction. The confining ring imposes a condition of zero lateral strain on the specimen, the ratio of lateral to vertical effective stress being K0, the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest. The compression of the specimen under pressure is measured by means of a dial gauge operating on the loading cap. Usually the specimen is gradually loaded, and the load grades are often set as p=50kPa,100kPa,200kPa,300kPa, 400kPa。It should be noted that the relationship between the void ratio and the effective pressure shown in fig. is not fixed for the same soil. It depends on the magnitude of the applied load and the length of the loading period in the standard oedometer test, each load is normally maintained for a period of 24 hours for a 2 cm thick clay to complete the compression.
如下图,为求得土样稳定后的孔隙比,利用土粒子体积不变和土截面不变的两个条件,可得出:The soil compression characteristic has been discussed in the last section. This section discusses further the calculation method of the magnitude of the soil compression under an effective stress increment. In the current engineering practice, the widely used method for calculating the foundation settlement is the one-dimensional consolidation method, which is established based on the calculation formulae of soil compression under zero lateral strain condition, namely unidirectional compression. The basic assumptions made for obtaining the calculation formulae are:
(1)Soil compression is fully the result of the deformation of soil skeleton due to reduction in pore volume.
The compression of soil particle is omitted;
(2)Deformation is only in the vertical direction, without
lateral strain;
(3)Stress is uniformly distributed along the height of the soil
Fig. shows a saturated soil specimen after compression at
effective stress p1. assume the height of the soil specimen is h,
the volume of soil particle V s, the corresponding void ratio
e1,then the pore volume is v s and the total volume V1 is(1+e1) V s.
if the effective stress is increased to p2 equal to (p1+△p),the
height of the soil specimen after compression is H2,
As shown in the below figures, because the volume of soil
particle and the soil cross section do not change, the void ratio
after compression can be calculated as follows: