口译材料unit 10

Vocabulary Work
航线:domestic line; 展位:booth; 通车里程:highway mileage; 欧陆古典风格:European architectures; 名列前茅:come out in front; 精简机构:simplify the institutions; 吞吐量:handling capacity; 得天独厚:have advantages in; 网上预订:online booking; 人性化:people-oriented; 黄海之滨:a pearl on the Yellow Sea coast; 依山傍海:against the mountain and overlook the sea
Note-taking (1)
China Internation Food Industry Economic and Trade Fair 中国国际食品产业经贸展 pragmatic and high efficiency 务实和高效
item exhibition 产品展览 business negotiation 商务谈判 investment attraction吸引投资 information exchange 信息交流
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
The other business segments facilitate trade from the world to Greater China, and trade within China, using Chinese-language.
参考译文:在过去的20年中,我们已经提供80亿美元资助了 中国西部省份的100多个项目。

II. Phrase Interpreting
1.细分市场 2.营销预算 3.销售服务网络 4.市场需求 5.品牌认可/认同 6.上市公司
7.销售渠道 8.兼并与收购,并购 9.销售综合方法(销售策略) 10.销路
① China's potential market, once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital, will produce many opportunities and great vigor for development.
market opportunity for the novelty of a choice of flavors. Since our company
already has a good image, I don't see many weaknesses. No other company
商务英语口译 Unit 10 Development of Science and Technology

simultaneously [ saiməl„teiniəsli ] adv. 同时地
He steered me to a table and sat me down in a chair. 他把我领到一张桌子前,让我在椅子上坐下
snappily [ „snæpili ] adv. 时髦地;生气勃勃地; 厉声地
She was wearing a snappy little red number. 她身著一款时髦的红色连衣裙。
Unit 10 科技发展 Development of Science and Technology
1. New Lecture 2. Useful Expressions 3. Exercises
By learning this unit, you are supposed to be able to: 1. Have a knowledge of new scientific development.
dimensional [ di„menʃənəl, dai- ] adj. 空间的; 尺寸的
A square is two-dimensional and a cube is threedimensional. 正方形是二维的(平面的), 而正六面体则是三维的(立体的).
cram [ kræ m ] vt. 填满,塞满
reinvent [ ,ri:in'vent ] vt. 重新使用;彻底改造; 重复发明
口译UNIT 10 第十单元教案

UNIT 10 第十单元Analysis of Passages语篇分析Unit Objective (单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand cohnesion and connection.☆ master the techniques of descriptions and expression.Warm-up (准备)1. Two students are requested to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpreters of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2. Instructor is to present a piece of news of the week.Theory of Interpretation X (口译理论十)Instructor is to explain the First part, “Reading Prelude” of Unit 10 of the textbook. Students have been asked to read this part before the class.1.语篇的两个基本特征:衔接和连贯衔接(Cohnesion):照应、省略和替代、连接词语、词汇衔接。
Memoria Technica (记忆法)1. Listen to the following passage, and try to catch the key words and details, then retell them in your own words:Jane AustenJane Austen (1775-1817), a British novelist, famous for her witty studies of early-19th-century English society. She is also a prominent figure in British literature. She is gifted beyond words. Her novel Pride and Prejudice was once listed as one of the ten most famous novels in the world .//Jane was born on 16 December 1775, at her father‟s rectory at Steventon in Hampshire, the seventh in a family of eight children. Her father, George Austen, was a handsome, affectionate, sweet-tempered, firm character and ability to work hard.//Jane Austen‟s grandfather belonged to the middle class‟s lower levels: he was a Tonbridge surgeon, a comparatively poor man. Moreover, both of her grandparents died when her father was still a boy . //However, her father‟s education was paid by one of his rich uncles. Because of his hard-working, he earned his scholarship to St. John‟s College, Oxford. // He took orders as a priest in the Church of England in 1760; he returned to Kent to take up the job of second master at his old school. //Three years later he went back to his Oxford College as assistant Chaplain. In 1764, he married Cassandra Leign, Jane‟s grandmother then .//2. Students listen to the following passage once and reproduce the main idea and as many details as they can in English.Cost to Go to HarvardTo get into the top colleges like Harvard, Brown and Stanford, you need good grades, and even better SAT scores, right? Well, not if you happen to be the son or daughter of a wealthy donor or a celebrity. And there are some other back-door policies that may surprise you. Pulitzer prize winning journalist Daniel Golden wrote all about it in his new book "The Price of Admission : How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges. Mr. Golden is the Deputy Bureau Chief in Boston for the Wall Street Journal, and he joins us now from that city.Thanks Dan for joining us.Thanks for having me.Un, now, we've heard about legacy applications all the time, you know, the, the kid of , you know, some /alumni of a college always get into the front of lines, so to speak, but you seem to be saying that it's worse than that, and more widespread than that? Knock it down for us.Yeah, the, the preference for the rich, err, children of the rich is not limited to alumni children. There is also a, a college admissions euphemism called "Development Preference," which is a preference for children of politicians or celebrities or corporate executives who you might ex, expect to give a lot of money if their children are accepted. Then, there‟s all the "Athlete Preferences" that favor kids that play blue-blood sports, you know, squash, sailing ,err, women's crew ,or men's crew, too, equestrian events, even Polo, err, athletes in those prep school sportsget, get preference as well.Err just to take the other side for a minute. Say I am a wealthy donor, I am not, but let's just say. (ok) I am, I am a wealthy donor, right, you know, my kid is, say, a B student, but you know, boy, I love my kid, I am a great parent, I am out there batting for my kid. You know, apparently, colleges pay, even though tuition is 30,000 dollars, the college actually pays 40,000 for a kid to really educate them. What's wrong with me giving, well I think a million dollars is the going rate, my kids get in and that money helps all the other students?Well, first of all , it's , it's, it‟s fundamentally unjust, I mean, these colleges are nonprofit. They're supposed to be err, educating the diamonds in the rough, and, and fulfilling goals of, you know, upward mobility and, and equal opportunity. So for every kid they allow in, like your son, the B-student, they're passing over 8 or 10A-students with tremendou s test scores who just don‟t have the money to pay up , so there is the unfairness there. The other thing is that, err, they can raise money in other ways besides, err, lowering their admission standards. Err, in my book, I document how Caltech and some other schools, they raise plenty of money, they have sizeable endowments, and yet, they don't use these preferences, they don't give an edge to alumni children, or children of corporate executives who can give them a lot of money. They assess students strictly on merit, and yet, they're able to raise money. So , it's not a, it's a false dilemma to say the only way they can raise money is by giving a break to ah, B or C students who happen to be rich.Is it really the case, Daniel, that president Bush's daughter Lauren applied the Princeton, sent the application in a month late, a month late, and was accepted? And I see my friends' kids applying to school ,they're sweating bullets, prep testing for SATs, begging, pleading , doing everything they can, trying to make themselves. And here she is, just sort of throwing it in a month late and getting in. That's outrageous.Yeah, that's right, I mean, she, she did apply late, and that's not an isolated instance, I mean, the, the children of the very rich and powerful, they have completely different admissions experience. Err, for example, they are much more likely to have an interview directly with the admissions dean, err rather than with a staffer. The president of university might show up to escort them around/ campus. Ah, if they are waitlisted, they often get preference taken over the way off / the waitlist. Harvard even has something called "the Z list" where it puts children of alumni and, and big donors where they are waitlisted, although sometimes they have assurance they‟ll be eventually accepted, and that at the end of the year after everybody goes home, and, and the rejected students can't complain any more,they‟re quietly accepted, not for that September, but the September after , after they take a gap year. So ,there's all kinds of mechanisms that colleges use systematically to favor, err, wealthy children.Ok, speaking of "the Z-list " at Harvard. You (Yes) went to Harvard.Yes, I did.Err, when …(Were you on the Z-list, Dan?)… Yeah, when did you getinterested in this school? Was there something at Harvard maybe that made you start thinking something was going on?Well, maybe to a certain extent it was in my subconscious when I was at Harvard because I was not a legacy or a kid of preference, I was not a member of the elite social clubs. So I noticed there was a world / I wasn‟t really a part of . But, it just, err, evolved, you know , years later , just a few years ago , for my reporting for the Wall Street Journal on the Michigan affirmative action case where, you know, white students were suing the University of Michigan saying , "Hey, we got rejected, and we should've been accepted, because we have better records than ah, black students who got in ". and I started looking at affirmative action for some of the privileged white students at, at Michigan and many other elite universities. (Hmm) And, err, we're running out of time here, but, I wanna get to, who gets hurt in this kind of, of process and situati on? I mean, we‟ve, we‟ve talked about various stratum...various ethnic groups. Who gets hurt in this?Well, the biggest victims are the kids who are not connected and particularly Asian-American students. I interviewed one young woman, Asian-American, got, you know, tremendous SAT scores, 15 something out of 1600 . I said "congratulations" and she said "no, no, we call that an Asian fail. If you don't have 1600 (Hmm) and you're Asian, (Hmm) you‟re not getting in the Ivy League …cause there‟s so many tremendous Asian-American candidates, and then also outstanding middle class and working class, err, white students who don't have a connection. You know, these colleges say, we take one out of ten, but if you don't have a connection, you put your odds probably one in 20, one in 30, one in 40. You know , it's a very uneven ,err, unfair system that they're, they're applying to.Stenography (口译笔记)实战操练一:Part 2 of the Unit 10, Exercise 1.实战操练二:Stenographic practice on the following speeches:肖建中,丽水学院党委书记:以发展为主题,以改革为动力,抓住机遇,开拓创新,把丽水学院建成具有较高办学水平、鲜明地、特色的本科院校,为浙江省特别是丽水市经济社会的跨越式发展作出新贡献。
实用经贸英语口译Unit (10)

foreign investment reform and opening up economic restructuring fixed-asset investment solar electricity micro control state revenue per capita GDP free trade zone special economic zone
经贸政策 Economic and Trade Policies
Unit 10
Part I 背景阅读 Background Reading
International Competition Policy and the WTO
Singapore Ministerial and the Doha Declaration
5.中国人民的生活还不富裕,中国的发展还面临着不少 突出的矛盾和问题。 Chinese people are yet to live a well-off life and China still faces daunting challenges in its development endeavor.
6. A successful transition to a more balanced and stable global economy will require very substantial changes to economic policy and financial regulation around the world.
Doha Declaration(多哈宣言)

In the East, people expect the boss to instruct and lead at all times, and staff will wait for that instruction and thus be heavily dependent on the boss. This means that people lower down the organization tend to take less initiative and ownership. This is a behaviour that might be viewed by some Western managers as avoiding responsibility.
A: 有人说, 一年一度的奥斯卡金像奖没什么 特别的,它只不过是一场游戏罢了。请问您怎 么看? B: To some extent, yes. It is a game, a grand happy game by Americans and in the American way. When it is finished, you needn't think about it any longer. It may benefit many people and boost their celebrity. For example, if an actor wins an Oscar, he or she will be able to sign five films the next year, each valued more than 10 million US dollars. All these are concrete things, but these aside, it is only a game, nothing special.

Section I 英汉互译防止公司倒闭:prevent companies from closing失业率上升:rising unemployment推动消费:push consumption养家糊口:support oneself and his families结构转变:go through structural change进行结构改革:undertake structural reform从别的地方寻求人才:seek out people from elsewherealleviate individual hardship: 减轻个人困难sb. is unemployed: 失业了remain marketable: 不至在市场上一无用处key priority: 当务之急capsize: (公司)倒闭external demand: 外部需求domestic demand: 国内需求only have a moderate effect: 效果有限adjust the policies: 调整政策fundamentally: 从根本上讲productivity: 生产力fundamental principle: 基本型原则deviate from…: 偏离homeless: 无家可归healthcare: 医疗保险adapt to a different situation: 适应新的环境provide a nice ambience for the restaurants: 为饭店提供良好的格调hard things: 硬性的东西a solid part: 坚实的部分system efficiency: 系统效率R&D: 研发V enice: 威尼斯Florence: 佛罗伦萨renaissance: 文艺复兴city-state: 城市国家nimble: 敏捷的Section II 口译课文是本次会议的重要议题:is high on the meeting’s agenda实现了…:succeeded in doing sth.计划经济体制:planned economy封闭半封闭经济:closed and semi-closed economy社会主义市场经济:a socialist market economy从…转变为…:transform itself from…to…温饱不足:lack of basic living necessities总体小康:moderate prosperity政治体制、文化体制和社会体制改革:political, cultural and social reforms走上了正确的发展道路:embark on a correct path of development符合中国国情:be suited to China’s particular conditions顺应时代潮流:be in keeping with the trend of the times坦率地:frankly底子薄:have a weak economic foundation生产力不发达:underdeveloped productivity没有改变:remain unchanged经济总体规模:the overall size of the economy人均GDP:per capita GDP排在世界100位之后:be ranked behind over 100 countries城乡、地区之间发展不平衡:uneven development between urban and rural areas and among different regions问题和矛盾非常复杂:intertwined problems and difficulties社会转型:social transformation经济的总体形势好:the economy is on the whole in good shape经济持续、快速发展:sustained and rapid economic growth人民生活不断改善:rising living standards不平衡:imbalance不可持续:lack of sustainability结构性矛盾突出:acute structural tension发展方式粗放:inefficient pattern of growth资源匮乏:depletion of resources环境恶化:environmental degradation物价上涨压力增加:mounting pressure on price体制性、机制性障碍:structural and institutional obstacles科学发展观:the scientific thinking on development全面、协调、可持续的发展道路:a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable path of development以人为本:put people’s interests first资源节约型、环境友好型社会:a resources-conserving and environment friendly society基本国策:basic national policy节能降耗、污染减排:save energy and reduce energy and resources consumption and pollution discharge约束性目标:obligatory targets国民经济和社会发展规划:national economic and social development plan有信心、有决心:have the confidence and resolve to do…通过不懈努力:through unremitting effort应对气候变化:tackle climate change减缓气候变化:mitigate climate change改善民生:improve the livelihood of the people各项工作的落脚点:the ultimate goal of all our endeavors全面推进和谐社会建设:build a harmonious society in all aspects以…为重点:the focus of our effort is to…解决民生问题:address the problems concerning people’s livelihood 科学发展、和谐发展:scientific and harmonious development加强法治建设:strengthen the rule of law社会公平正义:social equity and justice发展势头:development momentum在前进的道路上:on our way ahead战胜困难:surmount the difficultiesCapitol: (美国)国会大厦renew the commitment: 重申承诺guiding ideal: 理念liberty for all: 人人享有自由set forth=put forward:提出advance the ideal: 推进这一理念an active force for the good in the world: 世界上做善事的一支生力军the state of the union: 美国国情be blessed: …是幸运的the expansion of opportunity: 机会增多Congress: (美国)国会steward: 管理fellow citizens: 同胞provide tax relief to sb.: 减轻税负income tax: 所得税overcome a recession: 克服经济衰退prosecute corporate criminals: 起诉企业罪犯homeownership: 住房拥有率the rising generation: 正在成长的一代No Child Left Behind Act: 不让一个孩子掉队法案score: 考试成绩minority students: 少数族裔学生high school diploma: 高中文凭job-training system: 职业培训制度community college: 社区学院make health-care more affordable: 提高人们的医保承受能力access to good coverage: 享受医保的机会tax credit: 抵税优惠needless cost: 不必要的支出medical liability: 医疗赔偿责任affordable: 价格合理的environmentally responsible energy: 有利于环保的能源alternative energy: 替代能源modernized electricity grid: 现代化电网nuclear energy: 核能Clear Skies legislation: 洁净天空法案power-plant: 发电站leading-edge technology: 尖端技术hydrogen-fueled cars: 氢燃料汽车renewable energy: 可再生能源ethanol: 乙醇proposal: 提案abolition of slavery: 废弃奴隶制fulfill the dream: 实现梦想fascism: 法西斯主义the road of providence: 天定之途uneven: 崎岖不平Section V 口译操练(第四部分:篇章口译)布达拉宫广场:Potala Square雅鲁藏布江:Y arlung Zangbo River纵情歌唱:gurgle delightfully中央代表团:the delegation from the central government隆重庆祝:hold the grand celebration to mark…和平解放:the peaceful liberation of…怀着喜悦的心情:with joy and elation党中央:the CPC Central Committee高瞻远瞩:be far-sighted果断的决定:a resolute decision具有划时代意义的转折点:an epoch-making turning point 标志着:symbolize永远:once and for all摆脱了…的羁绊:cast off the yoke of…帝国主义侵略:imperialist aggression中华民族的大团结:the great unity of the Chinese nation祖国统一:the great reunification of the Chinese nation开创了一个新时代:usher in a new era落后:backwardness进步:progress富裕:affluence贫穷:poverty短暂的瞬间:a wink of the eye无可比拟的:unrivaled创造了前所未有的奇迹:worked unprecedented miracles走上了社会主义道路:embark on a socialist road封建农奴制:feudal serfdom压榨:suppress and exploit农奴:serf最起码的人权:the minimum of human rights翻身做主人:stand up and become masters of one’s own fate 掌握自己的命运:control one’s own destiny社会主义改造:socialist transformation社会生产力:social productive forces解放生产力:emancipate the productive forces基础设施从无到有:build up infrastructure from scratch与…形成鲜明对照:stand in sharp contrast to…民不聊生的悲惨状况:the plight of the destitute people社会主义精神文明建设:the socialist spiritual civilization社会全面进步:society has moved forward in an all-round way社会事业:social undertaking蓬勃发展:develop vigorously继承和发扬:inherit and carry forward团结:solidarity民族、宗教政策:policies on ethnic and religious affairs民族区域自治制度:the system of regional autonomy of ethnic minorities 宗教信仰自由:the freedom of religious belief边防:border defense同心同德:with one heartnew breeze: 清新的风refreshed by freedom: 沐浴在自由之中break new ground: 开辟新天地thick fog: 浓雾the mist will lift: 浓雾散去free speech, free elections: 言论自由、选举自由the exercise of free will: 自由发挥意志unhampered by the nation: 不受国家限制talk late into the night: 讨论到深夜wrest justice from the kings: 向君主讨回正义summon: 唤起roam: 四处流浪normalcy: 正常的生活条件addiction: 癖好drugs: 毒品demoralization: 道德败坏slum: 贫民窟public money: 政府拨款bring down the deficit: 减少赤字allocate sth. differently: 另作调配prudent: 谨慎turn to…: 求助于goodness: 美德may as well: 应该deadly bacterium: 致命的细菌cocaine: 可卡因smuggle: 走私flaw: 弊病scourge: 灾祸boundless: 广阔无边的high drama: 情节紧张的戏剧trumpet: 喇叭unfold: 展开stately: 庄严的generosity: 宽宏大度。
实用口译Unit 10 Coping Tactics

此次竞赛活动有两个目的:其一,旨在 青年中提倡礼貌、优美、活泼和典雅的仪
Omit those unimportant information, i.e. modifiers, category words, etc.
Explanation 二胡 气功 尿素 acculturation
Find a general or superordinate word, then elaborate on its specific features, functions, etc.
Explain those difficult words, i.e. jargons, culturally-loaded words, etc.
mutual benefit and win-win progress
accommodation of sb’s concerns
tariff concessions
Part III Text Interpreting Review
double-dip hovering at a high level sovereign debt exchange rate bulk commodities stabilize and turn for the better stimulus measures restructure growth pattern
Four Strategies
Simplification 泰山壮观的自然风光和历史名胜激发了
历代文人雅士书法家为之舞文弄墨,创作 了无数经典作品。
新编经贸英语口译教程第十单元 保险业务

(3) In the United States, a third of Americans believe their system needs to be completely overhauled, while 50 percent feel that basic changes need to be made.(彻底 改革)
Sentence Interpretation
(1) Travelers whose holidays are spoiled by bad weather could be compensated.(破坏)
(2) Holiday-makers would be informed by telephone, text message or email if they have the right for compensation. (游客)
Unit 10 Insurance Business
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sentence Interpretation Interpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C) Passage Interpretation (C-E) Extra Exercises
insurance agent 保险公司代理人
• • • • • • • • • • Insurer 保险人 insurance underwriter保险承保人 insurance applicant 投保人 insurant, the insured受保人 insurance slip投保单 to cover (effect, arrange) insurance投保 insurance broker保险经纪 insurance instruction投保通知 risk insured, risk covered承保险项 Policy-holder保险客户

Vocabulary Work
生态农业建设 the development of eco-agriculture 森林覆盖率 forest acreage 水土流失 soil erosion 生物多样性 biodiversity 脊椎动物 vertebrate 自然保护区 nature reserves 珍稀濒危物种 rare and endangered species 繁育基地 rescue and breeding bases 基因保存中心 genetic reserves 履行国际义务 fulfill the international obligations
10-2:环境保护 Environment Protection
我们欣慰的看到,越来越多的珍稀濒危的野生动物 和植物在人工照料下保持了稳定的种群,有的已成 功回归自然。
We are relieved by the fact that stable populations for rare and endangered species of wild fauna and flora are maintained under human watch. Some of the endangered species have been successfully reintroduced to nature.
Vocabulary Work
诺贝尔文学奖 the Nobel Prize for Literature 坚信真理和正义的存在 convince that truth and justice are prevalent
基础口译unit 10-1

第二天一早,孩子们给父母拜年。父母会给孩子一 个红色的信封,里面装上点钱。根据中国的文化, 红色代表着吉祥如意,常用于喜庆场合,例如春节 或是传统的婚礼。
The next morning, parents will greet their parents. And parents will in turn give their children a red envelope with some money in it. According to Chinese culture, red is a symbol of good luck. It is often used for happy occasions, such as spring festival and traditional wedding.
大家好,今天是我们中国的农历新年。 今年是马年。非常高兴给在座的各位 介绍中国的一些传统风俗。
Hello, everyone. Today is Chinese lunar new year. This year is the year of horse. It is with great pleasure that I can introduce some of our traditional customs to everyone present.
In the month before and after spring festival, people are busy buying all kinds of presents and clothes. Many people rush back home for a family reunion. Transportation thus becomes very busy.
Unit 10 说服性口译

Unit 10 Interpreting Persuasive Speeches 说服性口译10--1 Acquiring a Second Culture 第二文化Vocabulary1、含义signification/meaning2、价值观values3、信仰beliefs4、日常活动daily activities5、从广义上说in the broad sense 从狭义上说in the narrow sense6、物质/精神文化material/spiritual culture7、蕴蓄implicit 内在的反:explicit 外在的,直率的8、礼仪规范etiquette(礼节) patterns9、言谈举止言谈:the way one speaks 举止:deportment/behavior10、大相径庭be vastly different from11、方兴未艾sth is gathering momentum and is there to stay12、道家学说Taorism13、挖掘文化内涵tap/excavate/mine the cultural quin’tessence(精粹,精华)14、发挥纽带作用play an important role as a linking in/between典型句型1文化是指一个民族的整体生活方式。
Culture means the total way of life of a people. This simple definition implies that culture refers to the customs, traditions, social habits, values, beliefs, language, way of thinking and daily activities.典型句型2从广义上说,有两种文化,即物质文化和精神文化。
口译与听力句子练习unit 10

1. Johnson's appeal is to people in all walks of life.约翰逊广受各界人士欢迎。
2. Sometimes even our best laid plans don't work out the way we'd hoped.有时候我们最精心制定的计划也未必按照我们所希望的方式实现。
3. Despite the world’s population being almost equally divided betwe en urban and rural dwellers, the vast majority without access to water and sanitation live in rural areas.尽管世界上城市和农村的人口数量大致相当,但绝大多数没有获得水和卫生设施的人口生活在农村地区。
4. Greater government efforts need to be made to protect this highly vulnerable group of victims.政府需做出更大努力,保护这一非常易受伤害的群体。
5. Only when you can break free, can a whole new world open up to you.只有当你打破常规,那么一个全新的世界将向你敞开。
6. All our dreams can come true , if we have the courage to pursue them.我们所有的梦想都能成为现实,只要我们有勇气去追求。
7. I have no say in big family affairs.在重大家庭事务中我没有发言权。
I am deeply honored to be invited to attend this momentous occasion.9. 倾听你的上司和你信任的同事的意见,让他们帮忙分析事情错在哪里,你以后该如何避免再犯这些错误。
口译材料unit 10

Part II 实践与实战10、1 Extreme Sports 极限运动口译教程P76音频位置:实践与实战10、1In the past, young sportspeople would play hockey or baseball、Today, they want risk and excitement –the closer to the edge the better、They snowboard over cliffs and mountain-bike down steep mountains、They wind-surf near hurricanes, go white-water rafting through rapids, and bungee-jump from towers、Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports、A city kid who didn’t have the money to buy expensive sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun、But now it has become a whole new area of sport, requiring specialized equipment and high levels of skill、There’s even a special Olympics for extreme sports, called the Winter X-Games, which include snow mountain-biking and ice-climbing、An Extreme Games competition is held each summer in Rhode Island、It features sports such as sky-surfing, where people jump from airplanes with surfboards attached to their feet、What makes extreme sports so popular? I think the main reason is that people love the thrill、City people in particular want to be outdoors on weekends and do something challenging、With the new equipment available today people can take greater risks without getting hurt、And the risk itself is part of the appeal、Once you have been mountain biking or snow-boarding, it’s impossible to go back to cycling or skiing、They are just too boring、Extreme sports are certainly not for everyone、Most people still prefer to play baseball or basketball or watch sports on TV、But extreme sports are definitely gaining in popularity、These fresh and exciting sports could well be the wave of the future、10、1 Extreme Sports 极限运动译文过去,爱好体育的年轻人玩的就是曲棍球或棒球,如今她们追求的就是冒险与刺激――越接近极限越好。

高口口译E-C Unit 10.Everyday Diet 日常饮食Passage 1Fruits and vegetables occupy a prominent place in the daily diet of indivi duals. Well-balanced menus should include items that originate in horticul turists Greenhaus Orchards and other fields, like orange juice, apples, jel ly,corn ,pickles and tomatos etc. Approximately 30% of all the food cons umed by the world are produced by horticulturists.Even the flowers placed on the tables are the results of horticulturists eff orts.Horticulture provides effectively plenties of food for the human beings. Horticultural crops represent at least 20% of the total agricultural produc tion.The annual income from teh production,processing and utilization is at least 15 Billion Dollars.We can not estimate accurately the values of c rops from home gardening.occupy a prominent place in...在...中占据重要的位置well-balanced daily diet 平衡的日常饮食sth deprived from.../sth originate in... 来自于...的pickle 腌菜approximately大约the results of sbs efforts 来自于...的努力成果annual income 年收入the income from production, processing, utiliza tion of...生产,加工,利用estimate exactly 精确估算...Passage 2We added capsaicin, the fiery chemical in red peppers to either breakfas t or the pre-load appetizer at lunch,then measured who muh people ate afterwards. In a test of 13 women we found the adding red pepper to br eakfast markedly cut the hunger between that meal and lunch, and tend ed to pare down the number of calories they ate at midday. When we t est ten men, we found the appetizer spiked with red pepper held down t heir calories intake at the lunch or in a snack.We believe, that the red p epper can act as a nonpharmacological stimulant, boosting the activitz of sympathetic nerve system.when that happen you feel less hungry.capsaicin 辣椒素火辣的物质fiery chemicalspreload-appetizer 加餐cut the hunger 减少饥饿感pare down the number of calories 减少卡路里pare down expenses减少开支pare down the houshold expenses to the minimium 将家庭开支减少到最低appetizer spiked with red pepper 加了红辣椒的开胃餐at midday 在中午held down the calories intake 减少卡路里的摄取act down as... serve as ... 作为...non-pharmacological stimulant 非药物兴奋剂boost the activity of...促进...的活动the sympathetic nerve system 交感神经系统Passage 3My bigest hope for the coming future is that there will be a reaction aga inst diets and food fads though frankly i cant see it happening.My New Year wish would be the word Lite disappear from the english la nguage. Or better still for the diets in books sold at airport to prove to b e fatal so that their authors got sued for millions dollar in american court s.Such diets are pernicious.we are already seeing the malnourished childre n in even wealthy LA suburbs And the cases of child anorexia and eatin g problems are increasingly linked to the parental neuroses rather than media imags.Perhaps we'll learn in the future thatif you want to lose wei ght, you simply need to eat less and that in general food is good for yo u.If you eat sensibly, you can stay healthy.Your appetitide can seem a wild creature inside you, demanding to be f ed. It doesnt even speak the same language you do. The words with w hich you are familiar, fat and thin , mean onthing to insistant hunger.So how do we tame the monster You could drug it with obesity medicait on , but with side effects as insomnia headaches and high-blood pressur e.You could try to overcome it with willpower,namely saying no the high-calories food, but end up feeling deprived.You could cage by following a more cruel and artificial eating regimen called diet to defeat your appeti teOr you can dosth natural proved to workDont try to beat your appetite, satisfy it instead. I think satiety, the feelin g of fullness is the missing ingredient in the weight management. What creats satiety, mainly volume, the simple bulk of the food.If you consume low energy density meals,lots of substance but relatively few calories, you will redily satisfy your appetite without gaining weight. Cooking has already be a leisure activity in Britian, look at all those tele vision programs.I do think we are eating out more and more in restaura nts., as a regular event more in the French style than for some special occassion. And i hope good cooking in Britian will spread to all levels.Its already happening to an extent through pubs, though there is still a lon g way to go.good food in Britian is curretnly not very democratic.As for what we eat,well, some of the science-fictions books that predicat e that we would all be slurping japanese noodles have proved to be not too far from the truth.I think we will see pan-Eurasian foods more popul ar in the near future.Will GM food win acceptance? There will be move ments of genes between species that could not be crossed by conventio nal breeding methods.Thats not to say that food produced by conventional agriculture will disa ppear, but simply that food-buying patterns will ploralize There will be a niche Market for conventional foodstuffs just as there is for organic food. It may even be that GM(genetically modified) food will become food of p references because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of reduced pesticide use.No doubt there will be some mistakes with GM c rops too.But they shouldnt put us off progress.reaction against ...反对。
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Part II 实践与实战Extreme Sports 极限运动口译教程P76音频位置:实践与实战In the past, young sportspeople would play hockey or baseball. Today, they want risk and excitement –the closer to the edge the better. They snowboard over cliffs and mountain-bike down steep mountains. They wind-surf near hurricanes, go white-water rafting through rapids, and bungee-jump from towers.Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports. A city kid who didn’t have the money to buy expensive sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun. But now it has become a whole new area of sport, requiring specialized equipment and high levels of skill. There’s even a special Olympics for extreme sports, called the Winter X-Games, which include snow mountain-biking and ice-climbing. An Extreme Games competition is held each summer in Rhode Island. It features sports such as sky-surfing, where people jump from airplanes with surfboards attached to their feet.What makes extreme sports so popular I think the main reason is that people love the thrill. City people in particular want to be outdoors on weekends and do something challenging. With the new equipment available today people can take greater risks without getting hurt. And the risk itself is part of the appeal. Once you have been mountain biking or snow-boarding, it’s impossible to go back to cycling or skiing. They are just too boring.Extreme sports are certainly not for everyone. Most people still prefer to play baseball or basketball or watch sports on TV. But extreme sports are definitely gaining in popularity. These fresh and exciting sports could well be the wave of the future.Extreme Sports 极限运动译文过去,爱好体育的年轻人玩的是曲棍球或棒球,如今他们追求的是冒险和刺激――越接近极限越好。
体育比赛赛前新闻发布会译文Thank you all for attending the press conference on the international marathon. First of all, I will brief you on the following features of this year’s competition, and then I would like to answer questions raised by friends from media.First, the international marathon is a world class competition. So far, it has been confirmed that 17 foreign marathon runners have signed up for it. They come from seven countries including Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Brazil, Ethiopia and North Korea. We have also invited 120 Chinese athletes who have attended other nationwide marathon championships and qualification competitions for the Olympic marathon. With the participation of those athletes from home and abroad, we are expecting a fierce, exhilarating and thrilling competition.Second, this year the race course has been readjusted based on last year’s results, to make it flatter and more conductive to better performance. Most of the route lies along Island Ring Road and its large-scale landscaped squares, providing beautiful scenery and fresh air. The route is acclaimed to be the most pleasant one for marathons.Third, the whole competition will be covered by aerial view. CCTV, Xiamen TV Station and 15 other provincial TV stations will be conducting live broadcast.Fourth, electronic chips will be used for timing, so as to ensure the accuracy of the result.Fifth, prize money is higher than that of last year. It is now one million dollars, rather than last year’s 500,000 dollars, for a World Record Award; 30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 25,000dollars, for Men’s Champion; and 30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 20,000 dollars for Women’s Champion. In addition, prize money for athletes ranking second to eighth has also increased.That’s all for my briefing. Now the floor is open for questions.体育与商业:阿迪达斯的品牌战略口译基础P45音频位置:实践与实战杨澜:海纳先生,非常感谢您来到我们的节目。