
【篇⼀】交流的英语⼝语怎么说 交流 [jiāoliú] exchange interflow 详细释义 源⾃:《外教社·柯林斯汉英⼤词典》Collins外教社 交错地流淌 to flow simultaneously 涕泪交流 cry and snivel 相互供给 to exchange 交流经验 exchange experience ⽂化交流 cultural exchange 思想交流 exchange of ideas 城乡物资交流 interflow of goods between urban and rural areas 双向交流 two-way communication 科技信息交流 exchange of scientific and technological information 技术和⼈才的合理交流 fair exchange of technology and talent 扩⼤对外交流 expand foreign exchanges 【电】 alternating current 交流电路 AC circuit【篇⼆】交流的英语⼝语怎么说 我们公司要加强国际间的经贸合作与交流。
Our company should strengthen international economic and trade cooperation and exchanges. 我们要同世界各国积极开展经济⽂化交流。
We should actively carry out economic and cultural exchanges with other countries in the world. 期末,⽼师们互相交流⼯作经验。

店铺整理了咖啡店常用的英语对话,欢迎阅读! 咖啡店常用的英语对话一A:Good morning.早上好!B:Good morning.早上好!A:What's the matter with you?请问哪里不舒服?B:I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly had.我发高烧,感觉糟透了。
A:How long has this been going on?这种情况持续多久了?B:Since last night. And as a matter of fact I have just moved to this city.从昨晚开始的。
A:OK. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender,address and things like that.好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。
B:No problem. Which department should I register with, Miss?没问题。
医生请问我应该挂哪科?A:I suppose that you'd better go to the medical department.我认为您最好挂内科。
B:(Two minutes later) Here is the registration card(两分钟后)给你。
A:Thank you. The registration fee is two yuan谢谢。


小编精心收集了关于电话英语沟通对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于电话英语沟通对话1是关于我的账单的问题I need to talk about my billA:Hello. Can I help you?您好。
我能帮您什么?B:I need to talk with someone about my bill.是关于我的账单的问题。
A:Okay. Hold on the line. James will be with you in just a moment.好的。
C:Hi, this is James in customer sevice. What can I do for you?您好,我是客户服务部的詹姆斯。
我能为您做什么?A:Hi, James. The bill I received yesterday for my home cable TV service is wrong.你好,詹姆斯。
C:What’s your account number?您的账号是什么?A:200508.200508.C:Okay. The regular monthly charge should be $65.每月的费用应该是65美元。
A:Right. But yesterday I got a bill for $85.对的,但是账单上是85美元。
C:The cable TV company charged you an extra $20 becauseof your late payments for the last two months.有线电视公司额外收了您20美元,是因为您前两个月的账单付晚了。

对外交流常用英语口语一、问候〔Greetings〕Hello! / Hi!你好!Good morning / afternoon / evening!早上〔下午/晚上〕好!How are you?你好吗?Fine, thanks. And you?很好,,你呢?Good to see you again.很高兴又见到你。
I'm so glad you could come.你能来我很高兴。
This is a pleasant surprise.真没想到会遇见你。
Long time no see.好久不见了。
If you don't mind my saying so, your smile is quite charming. 如果您不介意我这么说的话,您的微笑很迷人。
See you later.待会儿见。
I look forward to seeing you in China soon.希望你不久能到中国去!Please give my best regards to your family.请向你们全家致意。
二、介绍〔Introduction〕What's your family name?你姓什么?My family name is Li.我姓。
May I know your name?请问你尊姓大名?Could you introduce me to her?你能把我介绍给她吗?Let me introduce my friend to you.让我介绍一下我的朋友。
This is Tom. He's my classmate.这是汤姆。
Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。
Do you know Mr. Jones?你认识琼斯先生吗?I've heard so much about you.久仰,久仰。
Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。

Kate: I really hope to reach an agreement with you today. I don爷t want to bargain too much. So, what is your basic requirement? Paul: My basic requirement is the order be sent to us free of charge no matter how much commission the broker takes. Kate: Is that irrevocable? If the commission rate is too high, we can爷t agree to that. Paul: Well, I can make a concession. If the rate is less than 10%, you will send the order free of charge. Kate: It doesn爷t sound acceptable. If the rate is less than 6%, we爷ll waive the delivery fee. That爷s my bottom line. Paul: Oh, that爷ll exceed our budgeted cost. Anyway, let爷s call it a deal. 凯特: 今天我真的很想和你达成协议, 不想过多地讨价还价。你的最低要求是什么? 不管中介提成多少佣金。 保罗: 我最低要求是你们免费送货, 凯特: 你的要求是不能改变的吗?如果佣金率太高, 我们就不能答应你的要求。 你们就免费送货。 保罗: 嗯, 我可以做一点让步。如果佣金率低于 10%, 凯特: 这个我接受不了。如果佣金率低于 6%, 我们就免去运费。这是我的底线了。 保罗: 哦, 那样会超过我们预算支出的。不管怎么样, 还是成交吧!

关于工作时间的日常商务英语口语:1.T i m e i s h i g h l y e l a s t i c.时间的弹性是很强的。
2.H o wm a n y h o u r s d o y o u w o r k a w e e k?你们一周要工作多少小时?3.I r e a l l y l i k e m y w o r k s c h e d u l e.我真的挺喜欢我的工作日程的。
4.D o y o u w o r k f l e x i b l e h o u r s?你们实行弹性工作制度吗?5.C a n I c h o o s e my o w n h o u r s?我可以自己选择工作时间吗?6.I w i s h I c o u l d w o r k f l e x i b l e h o u r s.我也希望可以自己选择工作时间。
7.I’m a n a c c o u n t a n t,s o I h a v e t o w o r k r e g u l a r b u s i n e s s h o u r s.我是一名会计,必须得按正常工作时间表上班。
8.T h e y a r e w a s t i n g t h e i r w o r k i n g h o u r s.他们在消磨工作时间。
9.D o n’t l e t f r i e n d s o r f a m i l y i n t e r r u p t y o u o n y o u r w o r k t i m e.不要让你的朋友和家人在你的工作时间打扰你。
10.H o wm a n y h o l i d a y s d o y o u g e t a y e a r?你一年有多少假期?11.I f y o u w o r k a t w e e k e n d s,y o u w i l l b e p a i d d o u b l e-t i m e.如果你在周末上班,薪金会是双倍的。

小编精心收集了关于电话英语面试口语,供大家欣赏学习!关于电话英语面试口语11. Lianfu Company. May I help you?这里是联富公司,请问找谁?2. Hello, this is David Jones.你好,这里是戴维琼斯百货公司。
3. Hello, operator?Get me 5732, please.喂,总机吗?请接5732。
4. Please put me through to the Personnel Department.请给我接通人事部。
5. Line engaged.占线。
6. Hold the line, please.请等一等。
7. You are in connection. Please go ahead.接通了,请讲话。
8. Personnel Department Mr. Zhang speaking. What can I do for you?这里是人事部,我是张先生,您有什么事?9. Wrong number.打错了。
10. I'm interested in the job you advertised in yesterday's newspaper.我想问一下你们登在昨天报纸上的招聘广告中的职位。
11. Is it still vacant?这个空缺还有吗?12. Do you still have that vacancy?你们还有空缺职位吗?13. I'm asking about your advertisement for a cashier in today's newspaper.我想咨询一下你们在今天的报纸上招聘出纳员的广告。
14. Hello, I'm calling in answer to your advertisement in yesterday's Yang Cheng Evening News for an English telephone operator.你好,我打电话来是想应聘你们昨天在《羊城晚报》登广告招聘的英语话务员一职。

以下是⽆忧考整理的商务英语⼝语900句,欢迎阅读!1.商务英语⼝语900句 1. We will inform you of the weight, measurements, number of cases, cost of the drawings and other documents seven days before delivering the documents to the airplane. 我⽅将在把⽂件数据送到机杨的7天前,通知贵⽅箱⼦的重量、尺码和数量以及图纸和其它⽂件数据的费⽤。
2. Drawings and technical documents will be sent to you by registered airmail. 图纸和技术数据将通过挂号邮件的⽅式寄达贵⽅。
3. Expenses for the technology transfer shall be fair and reasonable. 技术的转让费应该公平合理。
4. The royalty rate shall not be higher than the standard international rate. 专利权使⽤费不应⾼于国际标准。
5. The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties. 技术转让费将以专利使⽤费的形式来⽀付。
6. The royalty rate shall be 15% of the net sales value of the products. 专利权使⽤费是产品凈销售价值的15%。
7. The royalty rate shall be calculated on the net sales of the products turned out with transferred technology. 专利权使⽤费率将根据⽤转让技术⽣产出的产品净销售来计算。

打招呼与问候•Hello. 你好。
•Hi! 嗨!•How are you? 你好吗?•I’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。
•Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
•Good morning! 早上好!•Good afternoon! 下午好!•Good evening! 晚上好!•How have you been? 最近怎么样?介绍自己与他人•My name is [name]. 我叫[name]。
•What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?•This is my friend, [name]. 这是我的朋友,[name]。
•Nice to meet you, [name]. 很高兴见到你,[name]。
•Where are you from? 你来自哪里?•I’m from [country/city]. 我来自[国家/城市]。
•What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作?•I’m a [occupation]. 我是一名[职业]。
礼貌用语•Please. 请。
•Thank you. 谢谢。
•You’re welcome. 不客气。
•Excuse me. 对不起/请问。
•I’m sorry. 我很抱歉。
•May I ask a question? 我可以问个问题吗?•Sure! 当然可以!日常交流•How can I help you? 我可以帮你什么忙?•Can you speak more slowly? 你能说慢一点吗?•I don’t understand. 我不明白。
•Could you repeat that, please? 你能再重复一遍吗?•What do you mean? 你是什么意思?•That’s a good idea. 那是个好主意。

外贸英语口语情景对话J: Thank you. Im here because I admire your companys fame. Your leather shoes have a very high reputation. So, Im thinking to establish trade relations with you.约翰:谢谢。
W: We are willing to cooperate with you. Our products are of high quality and each product is through strict inspection. Would you like to see our catalogue and samples first王:我们很愿意和你们合作。
你要先看一下我们的产品目录和样本吗J: OK. Thank you. Your shoes all seem very beautiful.约翰:好的,谢谢。
W: Of course. Each of our products is elaborate, and they are not only beautiful in design, but also durable in use.王:那是当然。
J: Thats great. If the price is reasonable, Id like to buy some for trial in our market. But I have to consult my manager. Can we discuss the details of purchase tomorrow约翰:太好了。

二、面试题目一、基础知识测试(共20题,每题5分,合计100分)1. 请简述跨文化沟通的定义及其重要性。
2. 举例说明文化差异在沟通中的具体表现。
3. 跨文化沟通中常见的障碍有哪些?4. 如何克服跨文化沟通中的语言障碍?5. 跨文化沟通中,如何尊重不同文化背景的价值观?6. 请列举三种跨文化沟通的策略。
7. 跨文化团队协作中,如何建立信任?8. 跨文化团队协作中,如何发挥个人优势?9. 跨文化团队协作中,如何处理冲突?10. 跨文化团队协作中,如何实现有效沟通?11. 请简述跨文化团队协作的优势。
12. 请简述跨文化团队协作的挑战。
13. 跨文化团队协作中,如何发挥领导力?14. 跨文化团队协作中,如何进行团队建设?15. 跨文化团队协作中,如何进行绩效评估?16. 请简述跨文化团队协作的三个阶段。
17. 跨文化团队协作中,如何促进团队成员之间的合作?18. 跨文化团队协作中,如何激发团队成员的潜力?19. 跨文化团队协作中,如何处理文化差异带来的压力?20. 请简述跨文化团队协作的成功案例。
二、案例分析(共4题,每题25分,合计100分)1. 案例一:某跨国公司在中国市场推出新产品,但由于文化差异,产品在推广过程中遭遇困境。
2. 案例二:某国际团队在中国进行项目合作,由于文化差异,团队成员在沟通和协作过程中产生矛盾。
3. 案例三:某跨国公司在招聘过程中,由于文化差异,面试官对候选人的评价产生偏差。
4. 案例四:某国际团队在项目执行过程中,由于文化差异,团队成员在进度安排和资源分配上产生分歧。

下面店铺为大家带来生活常用口语对话,欢迎大家学习!表达开心的口语对话:1. I know you're just trying to comfort me. But I’m really happy to hear that.我知道你是在安慰我。
A: How are you going to celebrate your birthday, honey?A:亲爱的,你的生日打算怎么过?B: I really don t want to celebrate it. I m getting older with each birthday!B:真不想过生日。
A: Come on! You still look like you're twenty.A:看你说的。
B: I know you're just trying to comfort me. But I,m really happy to hear that.B:我知道你是在安慰我。
2. Right now, you see him through rose-colored glasses.现在你是情人眼里出西施,觉得他什么都好。
A: What has made you so happy?A:什么事使你这么开心?B: I think I'm in love.B:我想我坠入情网了。
A:Are you? Who’s the lucky guy?A:是吗?谁这么幸运?B: His name is William.B:他叫威廉。

精⼼收集了关于英语⼝语对话⼩短⽂,供⼤家欣赏学习!【篇⼀】关于英语⼝语对话⼩短⽂精选 Franklin: Mom, I need to talk to you. 妈,我想跟你聊聊。
Mom: Sure, honey. What is it? 当然了,宝贝。
怎么了? Franklin: I got a role in school Christmas play. 我在学校圣诞节的演出得到了⼀个⾓⾊。
Mom: Congratulations, son. What’s bad about it? Isn’t it that you always want to do? 恭喜你,⼉⼦。
有什么问题吗?这不是你⼀直想做的事情吗? Franklin: I’m cool with the acting part except for the Christmas song. I can’t sing. 表演部分我很喜欢。
Mom: Who told that? Of course you can sing. 谁说的?你当然能唱了。
Franklin: Mom, the thing is I don’t like singing at all. Plus I am tone-deaf. 妈,问题是我跟不就不喜欢唱歌。
Mom: That’s not entirely true. You are not that bad. You can rap a little bit. Let’s make it work this time, ok? 也不全这样啊。
我们努⼒让这次成功,好不好?【篇⼆】关于英语⼝语对话⼩短⽂精选 Mom: Who wants a bedtime story? 谁想听睡前故事? Son: Me. Mom, could you make it more fun this time? For Christmas? 我。


下面为大家带来生活常用口语对话,欢迎大家学习!表达歉意的口语对话:1.1 must make an apology for losing my temper.我发了火,我必须为此道歉。
A:I've come to apologize for what I said yesterday.A:我是来向你道歉的,请原谅我昨天说的话。
B:Don’t think any more about it.B:请不必放在心上。
A:I must make an apology for losing my temper.A:我发了火,我必须为此道歉。
B:It’s really not necessary. I know your intention was good.B:真的没这个必要,我知道你的本意是好的。
A:I’m relieved to hear that. Anyway, it’s my fault.A:你这么说我轻松多了,但不管怎么样还是我的错。
2. Please forgive me. You have my word, I’ll spend some time with you on the weekend.请原谅我。
A:Mike, I’m afraid I can’t come back home for dinner tonight.A:迈克,我恐怕今晚不能回家吃晚饭了。
B:Not back home for dinner again? That’s the third time this week!B:又不回家吃晚饭?这个星期你已经是第三次这样了!A:I’m sorry. Our company has just opened. There are always too many things to handle. You know that.A:对不起。

下面店铺为大家带来生活常用口语对话,欢迎大家学习!提出邀请的口语对话:1. I've promised Mark to go to the gym. Can we make it tomorrow,我已经答应马克去健身房了。
明天怎样呢?A: How about eating out for a drink with me tonight?A:今晚和我出去喝杯酒怎么样?B:Tonight? I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve promised Mark to go to the gym. Can we make it tomorrow?B:今晚?恐怕不行。
明天怎样呢?A:No problem. Let’s say 6:30 p.m. at the Royal Restaurant, OK?A:没问题。
我们晚上6:30在皇家饭店见,好吗?B: All right. See you tomorrow night.B:好的。
2. How nice of him. I’ll be delighted to go. But what time would be convenient?他太客气了。
我很高兴参加,什么时候方便呢?A: Mr. Carter has asked me to come over to invite you to the banquet held in your honor at the Shangri-La Hotel at 7:00 this evening. Here’s an invitation for you.A:卡特先生要我来此请您参加今晚7点在香格里拉饭店为您举行的宴会。

下面店铺为大家带来生活常用口语对话,欢迎大家学习!有关介绍的口语对话:1. I’ve heard a lot about you, but I didn't expect to meet you today. Hi! Thomas,I’d like you to meet a friend of mine, John.嗨!托马斯,我给你介绍一下我的朋友约翰。
How do you do, John?你好,约翰。
How do you do,Thomas?你好,托马斯。
I’ve heard a lot about you, but I didn’t expect to meet you today.久仰大名。
All good,I hope. Anyway, I'm very pleased to meet you.我希望说的都是好话。
Me too.见到你我也很高兴。
Why not go and have a cup of coffee and get to know each other better?我们何不去喝杯咖啡,这样可以相互更了解一些。
2. Well, hope you will enjoy your first day! Just ask me if you need any help.那么,祝你第一天工作愉快!如果你需要帮忙,尽管来找我A: Good morning! I am a new comer in our office.A:早上好!我是新来的员工。
B: Good morning! Welcome to our office!B:早上好!欢迎来我们这里工作!A: Nice to meet you! My name is Grace Williams.A:很高兴认识你!我是格雷丝威廉姆斯。

【关键字】精品展会谈判交流英语句型A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.A: Let's meet each other half way.- 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。
- 如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了。
- 那咱们就各让一步吧。
A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.A: I see. Thank you.- 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛长,比去年几乎高出20%。
- 那是因为原材料的价格上涨了。
- 我知道了,多谢。
A: How many do you intend to order?B: I want to order 900 dozen.A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.- 这种产品你们想订多少?- 我们想订900打。
- 目前我们至多只能提供600打。
A: We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.A: I see.- 这些大米我们检验过了,重量不够,我们感到奇怪。

这些简单而常见的短语可以帮助我们更流利地用英语与他人交流,让我们开始吧!打招呼1.Hello!(你好!) - 这是最基本的打招呼方式,可以用于任何场合。
2.Hi there!(嗨!) - 一种比较随意的打招呼形式。
3.Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上好/下午好/晚上好!) - 根据时间的不同,选择合适的问候语。
4.How are you?(你好吗?) - 询问对方的近况。
介绍自己1.My name is [name].(我叫[name]。
) - 用来介绍自己的名字。
2.I’m from [country].(我来自[国家]。
) - 介绍自己的国家。
3.I’m a student/teacher/doctor.(我是学生/老师/医生。
) - 表达自己的职业或身份。
询问情况1.How are you doing?(你最近怎么样?) - 询问对方的近况。
2.What’s new?(有什么新鲜事吗?) - 询问对方是否有新的事情发生。
表达喜好1.I like [something].(我喜欢[某物]。
) - 表达自己的喜好。
2.I love [something].(我爱[某物]。
) - 表达更强烈的喜欢。
3.I’m not a fan of [something].(我不是[某物]的粉丝。
) - 表达自己不喜欢的事物。
请求帮助1.Can you help me?(你能帮帮我吗?) - 请求对方帮助。
2.Could you please repeat that?(你可以再重复一遍吗?) - 请求对方重复说话。
结尾问候1.Have a great day!(祝你有个美好的一天!) - 送别和祝福对方。
2.Take care!(保重!) - 表达关心和祝福。
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对外交流常用英语口语一、问候(Greetings)Hello! / Hi!你好!Good morning / afternoon / evening!早上(下午/晚上)好!How are you?你好吗?Fine, thanks. And you?很好,谢谢,你呢?Good to see you again.很高兴又见到你。
I'm so glad you could come.你能来我很高兴。
This is a pleasant surprise.真没想到会遇见你。
Long time no see.好久不见了。
If you don't mind my saying so, your smile is quite charming. 如果您不介意我这么说的话,您的微笑很迷人。
See you later.待会儿见。
I look forward to seeing you in China soon.希望你不久能到中国去!Please give my best regards to your family.请向你们全家致意。
二、介绍(Introduction)What's your family name?你姓什么?My family name is Li.我姓李。
May I know your name?请问你尊姓大名?Could you introduce me to her?你能把我介绍给她吗?Let me introduce my friend to you.让我介绍一下我的朋友。
This is Tom. He's my classmate.这是汤姆。
Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。
Do you know Mr. Jones?你认识琼斯先生吗?I've heard so much about you.久仰,久仰。
Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。
My name is Wang Xiaoya. This is my first time to your country.我叫王小丫。
Happy to know you. Just call me Xiao Li or Little Li.认识你很高兴,就叫我小李吧。
This is Mr. Wang, director of Hubei Provincial Water Resources Bureau. 这是湖北省水利厅厅长,王先生。
I think we have met before.我想我们以前见过的。
Yes, I think we have, haven't we?是的,我想我们彼此见过,不是吗?三、机场(Airport)How can I get to the airport?我怎样才能到机场?Are there any planes to New York today?今天有飞往纽约的飞机吗?What's the flight number?航班号是什么?How long does this flight take?要飞多久?Do I have to change planes at Paris?我得在巴黎换机吗?Two tourist class tickets for CAAC flight 244 tomorrow, please.请买两张明天的中国民航244班机经济舱机票。
I need an economy class, threeday return.我要一张三天回程的经济舱来回票。
How much is the round trip?往返票要多少钱?I'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation.我想再确认一下我预定的机票。
Can I carry this suitcase with me on board?我可以随身携带这衣箱上机吗?What time am I supposed to check in?我该什么时候办理登机手续?Must all my luggage be weighed?我的行李必须全部过磅吗?I like aisle seats.我喜欢靠走廊的位置。
四、移民局和海关(Immigration & Customs)Here is my passport.这是我的护照。
I'm here for a business tour.我到贵国进行商务考察。
Where should I go through the custom?我该在哪里办理海关手续?Would you please check my luggage?请检查我的行李好吗?All this luggage is mine.这些行李都是我的。
I've got nothing to declare.我没有什么东西要报关。
Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use?个人用品我得赋税吗?Would you please fill in this form for me?请你帮我填写这张表格好吗?I don't know what is dutiable.我不知道什么东西要缴税。
I've got some cigarettes for my own use.我有些自己用的香烟。
五、旅馆(Hotel)Are there any beds vacant?有空床位吗?I'd like a room for tonight.今晚我想租一间房。
I'd keep a room for one week.我想要一间房住一周。
A single room with a bath, if possible.如果可能,要一间带浴室的单人房。
Have you a larger room?你们有大一点的房间吗?Do you have two connecting double rooms?你有两间相连的双人房吗?How much is the room for the night?这房间住一晚上要多少钱?Meals included?伙食包括在内吗?Is there a dining room in the hotel?旅馆里有餐厅吗?What time do you serve meals?你们什么时候开饭?Can I make a long distance call from my room?我可以从房间里打长途电话吗?I want to check out now. My name is Li Ming.我想结帐了。
I'm leaving tomorrow. I'd like to have bill ready this evening.我明早离开,请在今天晚上把帐单准备好。
六、公务活动(Official affairs)Could you tell me something about the development and utilization of water resources in your country?你能介绍一下你们国家在水资源开发利用方面的情况吗?When was this power station built? How about its installed capacity?这个电站是什么时候建的?装机容量是多少?Yes, forest plays an important role not only in avoiding global warming but also in preserving biodiversity.是的,森林的作用的确很重要,不仅可以避免全球变暖,还保护了生物多样性。
I'd like to know more detailed data.我想了解更详细的数据。
Could you elaborate on that?那个问题请您详细阐述一下。
Can I keep these materials?这些资料是给我的吗?Do you have Chinese version?有中文版的吗?Let's pose for a group photo.我们来摆好姿势合影一张。
Could you tell me the website of your company ?能告诉我你们公司的网址吗?Can I have your telephone number and email address?能留下您的电话和邮箱地址吗?七、问路(Asking the way)Excuse me, I wonder if you could help me. I'm looking for the Museum. 对不起,不知您能否帮助我。
Could you please tell me the way to this hotel?请问去这家旅馆怎么走?Could you take me to Chinese Embassy?可以送我去中国大使馆吗?Please take me to this address.请送我到这个地址。
Could you tell me where Washington Street is?你能告诉我华盛顿大街在哪里吗?How far is it to the post office?到邮局去有多远?Should I go this way, or that way?我应从这边走,还是从那边走?Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is?你能告诉我离这儿最近的医院在哪里?Which direction is it to the university?到大学去朝哪个方向走?Can you direct me to the airport?你能告诉我去机场怎么走吗?Can you tell me how to get to the shopping center?去购物中心怎么走?八、餐馆(Restaurant)Excuse me, is there any one sitting here? 对不起,这儿有人坐吗?Is this table free?这张桌子空着吗?Do you have a table for five?你有供五人用餐的桌子吗?Show me the menu, please.请把菜单给我看。