


Module 1

Unit 1


1 Open.

2 Skydiving, rock climbing, bungee jumping.

3—4 Students’ own answers.




1 (c)

2 (b)

3 (e)

4 (a)

5 (f)

6 (d)


1 He told them that land diving was an ancient custom for the Pentecost islanders.

2 There were two reasons: one was that the dirt was turned over until it was very soft, and the other was that the divers attached long vines to the tower and tied them round their ankles to break their fall.

3 No, nobody died.

4 He opened his eyes while diving.

5 For about 30 years.

6 Falling can feel like extreme happiness.

7 Why have people become so addicted to the sensation of falling since the 1960s especially?

8 People want to experience risk.

9 The first is that more adolescents were looking for something to do than at any other time in history; the second is that the nature of gravity makes falling the easiest and cheapest way to seek for sensation.

Unit 2


1 (c)

2 (e)

3 (b) 4(d) 5 (a)


1 F

2 F

3 T

4 T

5 T


1 how you think about yourself

2 you may have good luck

3 are those who worry more

4 Follow the four principles for a month

5 said they felt luckier

Unit 3


Picture 1 longing for a bouquet.

Picture 2 economise and save.

Picture 3 Whom are these flowers from?




1 (b)

2 (c)

3 (b)

4 (a)

5 (c)

Unit 4


1 (d)

2 (b)

3 (c)

4 (f)

5 (e)

6 (a)




1 They should listen to what the students complain about.

2 Grades, or, how well they are doing.

3 Teachers and parents are quite naturally urging them to do their best or try harder, which brings them much pressure.

4 Students need to relax and enjoy themselves, to keep fit, to learn how to make things, to sing, to draw.

5 They can more easily handle the pressure of studying in the classroom.

Module 2

Unit 1


1 Yang Liwei, astronaut

2 Ding Lei, founder of Internet company

3 Yao Ming, basketball player

4 Deng Yaping, table tennis player

5 Wu Xiaoli, TV presenter


1 F (Yang Liwei’s first flight into space was in 2003.)

2 F (Yang Liwei became a fighter pilot before he started his training as an astronaut.)

3 T

4 F (Yao Ming is one of the tallest basketball players in the world.)

5 F (Ding Lei’s Internet company is called Netease.)

6 F (Ding Lei’s Internet company was founded in 1997)

7 F (When Deng Yaping retired she had won four Olympic gold medals.)

8 F (Deng Yaping started playing table tennis at the age of five.)

9 F (Sally Wu is the deputy head of Phoenix Info Channel.)

10 T


Paragraph 1

Trainee: (As a member of a group of 14 trainees …) n.

Survival: (He also had to learn survival skills …) adj.

Cope: (He also had to learn survival skills so as to cope with …) v.

Paragraph 2

Currently: (Born in 1980 in Shanghai, Yao Ming currently …) adv.

V owed: (In the 2004 Olympic Games, he vowed …) v.

Paragraph 3

Regional: (… worked for China Telecom as a technical engineer and regional project manager.) adj.

Influential: (In 1999 Ding Lei was named one of the ten most influential Internet figures in China.) adj.

Paragraph 4

Considered: (… after she was considered to be too short.) v.

Numerous: (She went on to win numerous championships …) adj.

Management: (She is involved in sports management …) n.

Paragraph 5

Citation: (… including a citation as …) n.


Admits: (… and admits to reading …) n.

Viewer: (… she has been familiar to millions of viewers …) n.


1 adjective, difficult

2 adverb, at the moment

3 verb, to work for a social or political result

4 verb, remove

5 verb, not accepted

Unit 2

2 Nepal—India—Pakistan—Iran—Turkey—Greece—Europe—Africa—South America —Canada—Hong Kong—Taiwan—back to China


1 CW?

2 PV

3 C

4 C

5 PV

6 C

7 PV

8 C

9 PV 10 PV


(a)hotel employee

(b)set off

(c)settle down

(d)save up

(e)road accident

(f)give the wrong impression

(g)sheer effort

(h)grand tour

(i)stand a chance

(j)Foreign Ministry


(a)5 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4 (e) 2

Unit 3


1 He lived in the 12th and 13th centuries.

2 A man of extraordinary achievement, an empire ruler.

3 He ruled the Mongols andturned it from a tribe into a huge empire.

4 Students’ own answers.


1 Yet by the time of his death in 1227, Genghis Khan ... ruled an empire that was twice the size of the Roman Empire, and four times the size of the empire of Alexander the Great.

2 He created order by introducing strict laws. No woman was to be sold into marriage. To steal an animal, or to eat in front of another without offering them food, was punishable by death.

3 They ate mainly meat, milk and yogurt, so needed no supplies of grain to make bread.

4 The army took all the goods it could find —silk, carpets, perfume, wine, gold, everything the world had to offer.


1 (a)

2 (d)

3 (c)

4 (c)

5 (d)


1 These exhibitions were about Genghis Khan, ruler of the Mongol Empire.

2 Who exactly was Genghis Khan? And why is he considered to be so important?

3 By the time of his death, he ruled an empire that was twice the size of the Roman Empire, and four times the size of the Empire of Alexander the Great.

4 Temujin united his people by rewarding those who served him well and creating order through strict laws.

5 Two examples of Temujin’s “military tactics”: (1) His campaigns were lightning fast,

and the army either terrified or tricked cities into surrendering. (2) He was quick in learning from his enemies, and used their weapons against them.

6 Examples:They were used to riding for hours on end with very little food. They ate mainly meat, milk and yogurt, so needed no supplies of grain to make bread. They were herdsmen, and took their animals with them wherever they went. The armies were very well organised and could out-think their enemies as well as out fight them. They pretended to be beaten, let their enemies pursue them, and then attacked when they were exhausted. They could move in the coldest part of the year.

7 Success in war changed the Mongols. They learned some arts of peace from some of their prisoners, and they became consumers. The empire grew to satisfy their needs.

8 in a book named The Secret History of the Mongols.

Unit 4


1, 2, 4, 5, 7 are descried in the passage.


1 Two.

2 They looked at him coldly.

3 They were soldiers of the revolution.

4 Zhou Enlai’s headquarters turned out to be a bombproof hut (half cave) surrounded by many others exactly like it.

5 He suggested Snow a trip of 92 days.

6 Zhou left Snow with an impression of a cool, logical mind, and charm.


1 operator

2 uniform

3 ignore

4 comrade

5 hut

6 slender

7 magnetism

8 charm

Module 3

Unit 1


1 (g)

2 (d)

3 (e)

4 (a)

5 (f)

6 (c)

7 (b)


1 cloak

2 emerge

3 squat

4 manner

5 beehive

6 shelter

7 pound

8 melon

9 rod

10 parchment

11 curiosity

12 relief


1 (c)

2 (a)

3 (b)

4 (a)

5 (d)

6 (d)

7 (b)

8 (c)

Unit 2


1 The Venice Carnival

2 Visit Santa Claus in Lapland

3 La Tomatina

4 Cheese Rolling


1 The Venice Carnival.

2 Cheese Rolling.

3 Cheese Rolling.

4 La Tomatina.

5 The Venice Carnival.

6 Visit Santa Claus in Lapland.

7 Visit Santa Claus in Lapland.

8 La Tomatina. Because there’s a great tomato war on the street.


1 (b)

2 (a)

3 (b)

4 (c)

5 (c)

6 (b)

7 (c)

8 (c)

9 (a)

Unit 3




1 The English problem is the hooligan problem.

2 Because the fans were drunk even though it was not lunchtime.

3 An Italian asked, “Why do you English behave like this? Is it because you are an island race? Is it because you don’t feel European?”

4 The most accurate answer should be that that is how part of the English population has always been. It is the way they make their identity known.

5 “They quickly grow angry and they take a long time to calm down”.

6 A football match then was more like a battle than a game.


1 press

2 pick a fight

3 stagger

4 tragic

5 riot

6 identity

7 taste

8 laid down

9 challenge

10 uneasy

Unit 4


1 (g)

2 (b)

3 (h)

4 (e)

5 (a)

6 (f)


1 F

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 T

6 T

7 F

8 T


1 (d)

2 (c)

3 (d)

4 (b)

5 (b)

6 (a)

7 (c)

8 (c)

Module 4

Unit 1


1 (c)

2 easy

2 参考答案

1 dealing with new technology

2 new items of technology

3 keep intouch with the outside world and keep their mind active

4 play Internet computer games


1 gain

2 keep in touch

3 button

4 transform

5 user-friendly

6 elderly

7 rural community

8 baffle

9 cope with

10 upset


1 (b)

2 (a)

3 (a)

4 (b)

5 (a)

6 (a)

7 (d)

Unit 2


1 F

2 T

3 T

4 F

5 T

6 F


1 (d)

2 (d)

3 (a)

4 (d)

5 (c)

6 (c)

7 (a)

8 (b)

9 (b) 10 (c)


1 Because she spent too much money on a designer bag as a struggling college student.

2 No.

3 Because teens are willing to spend money on brand-name things.

4 Because of their naivety.

5 She spends her money on something worthwhile.

6 She used to be influenced by brand names, but as she grows old, she changes her attitude.

Unit 3


1 peckish

2 professional

3 tempting

4 try

5 lifestyle

6 chore

7 wind down

8 trend

9 outlet

10 fast food

11 concern


1 (d)

2 (b)

3 (f)

4 (a)

5 (e)

6 (c)

Unit 4


1 shopaholics

2 shopaphobics

3 clothing scrooges

4 quality shoppers

5 bargain hunters

HJ: shopaholic + quality shopper; DC: bargain hunter; LB: shopaphobic + quality shopper; GF: clothing scrooge


1 A shopaholic is someone who enjoys going to shops or enjoys buying things. A shopaphobic is someone who hates shopping and tries to avoid it unless absolutely necessary.

2 They feel alone and depressed, and buy things in order to feel better.

3 Too much money are spent and a massive debt may be built.

4 Because they hate spending much money on clothes.

5 Because she thinks the items on sale is usually badly made or horrible colours.

6 Abroad.

7 Good quality clothes.

8 She usually only ever wears something three times.


1 (c)

2 (b)

3 (d)

4 (d)

5 (b)

6 (a)

7 (b)

8 (b)

9 (a) 10 (c)

Module 5

Unit 1




1 (b)

2 (d)

3 (b)

4 (b)

5 (d)

6 (a)

7 (c)


1 He’s 2.54 metres tall.

2 He suffers from a rare medical condition that his body produces too much growth hormone.

3 He lives in a small single-storey house with four rooms.

4 Because he could no longer ride his bicycle simply because he was too heavy.

5 He recently broke a leg.

6 He travels by sitting on the floor in a bus.

7 His mother.

8 He will not get married.

Unit 2


1 P

2 D

3 C

4 C

5 P

6 D


1 (a)

2 (c)

3 (b)

4 (d)

5 (d)

6 (c)

7 (a)

8 (c)


1 D is Italian.

2 D’s 15 years old.

3 It takes about 15 minutes.

4 In 1990.

5 Because he couldn’t understand a single word of what the customers were saying.

6 His uncle.

7 Greece.

8 He went for another interview last week.

9 Last week.

10 The dog is by the door.

Unit 3


(a), (b), (c), (f), (h), (i), (j), (k)


1 responsibility

2 give … a good service

3 alarm call

4 stack

5 on-call

6 time-consuming

7 (heart) sink

8 stress level

9 case

10 urgent


1 If the phone rings after seven, she has to drop everything else to deal with urgent calls.

2 She feels her stress levels rise.

3 About 2,5000.

4 She has meetings with other doctors in the local primary care group or bosses from the health authority.

5 She has to fill in forms with each taking 20 minutes to complete.

6 It is time-consuming and her heart sinks in front of the paperwork.

7 It lasts two hours.

8 She is on-call again and then go home with paperwork left over to complete.

9 Until 20:00.

10 She often has 20 or 30 blood test results in a day and each one has to be examined carefully.

Unit 4


Paragraph 1—6 Paragraph 6—9

Paragraph 2—3 Paragraph 7—4

Paragraph 3—10 Paragraph 8—7

Paragraph 4—1 Paragraph 9—8

Paragraph 5—5 Paragraph 10—2


1 a wide range of

2 aspect

3 vary

4 current affairs

5 deadline

6 run

7 take on

8 freelance

9 common


1 For example, in the first category there are consumer magazines, national newspapers, local newspapers, newsletters and business-to-business magazines.

2 National newspapers pay the most, but tend to take on journalists who already have experience working on a regional or local newspaper.

3 Once you have experience, one of the best ways to high-paid employment is to be freelance rather than work for a company.

4 These vary greatly. For example … create the pages.

5 Obviously you need to be able to write in a clear style, which can be easily understood. You also have to have good grammar, spelling and punctuation.

6 … but as with any other occupation, there is a lot of hard work and routine activity.

7 however, age is no barrier …

8 it’s unlikely that newspapers will disappear altogether …

9 …and also work under pressure to get the story ready for its deadline, as all publication involves strict time limits.

10 Nowadays IT skills and knowledge of computer is an advantage.

Module 6

Unit 1




1 habitat

2 ban

3 border on

4 ensure

5 disturb

6 species

7 priority

8 boom



1 The Baima people – a minority tribal group of some 1,400 people who for

centuries have lived in northern Sichuan and southern Gansu provinces –

have long depended on the forests as their main source of income.


2 Several are now in the process of developing a small tourism industry as

their lands are rich in forests and natural landscapes, and borders on the home of the giant panda. ___C_____

3 Xiang Shujia, in particular, is becoming a popular bed and breakfast

centre for tourists heading to Wangla ng to see China’s iconic wildlife

species close up. ___C____

4 As our jeep stops in the courtyard of one of the brightly coloured wooden

houses, we are greeted by village leader Li Qin and young Baima girls

dressed in traditional costumes with white feathers in their hair.


5 Today, adventure travel and the environment seem to be a way for young

people to seek personal development, something which was never an

option in their parents’ or grandparents’ day. ________C___

Unit 2


1 taking public transport

2 driving private cars

3 cycling

4 walking


1 (d)

2 (a)

3 (b)

4 (c)

5 (d)

6 (c)

7 (d)

8 (c)


LM: So as far as I’m concerned, four wheels beat two wheels any day.

DG: Surely, though, when it comes to shorter journeys in the city centre, using a bike has all the advantages.

CK: The experience in many other places is that if public transport is cheap and rapid, then people will use it.


1 it saves him a lot of time; is a lot more convenient; travel anywhere in the city

2 the roads will be completely snarled up with traffic; pollution will be added; cheap; free; helps people to keep fit

3 more relaxing; faster; the city life will start to become impossible; cheap and rapid, people will use it


1 When the weather was bad.

2 It’s about 40 minutes.

3 LM doesn’t mind sitting in the car in a traffic jam.

4 Travelling by car is convenient and much easier.

5 When it comes to shorter journeys in the city centre, using a bike has all the advantages.

6 Parking will be the problem.

7 People are being encouraged to return to public transport.

8 They are travelling longer and longer distances to get to work.

9 We might have to restrict the use of private cars in city centres.

Unit 3


(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2




1 construction

2 urban

3 shift

4 living standards

5 rural

6 economy

7 annual income

8 floating population

9 demographic

10 pressure (on something)


1 The shift from the countryside to the wealthy urban centre is being repeated around the country.

2 The city is drawing millions of rural labourers to its vast construction boom and high wages.

3 Chongqing now claims to be the world’s biggest city area.

4 At least three other urban centres have populations of more than 10 million.


1 No, it isn’t.

2 Rural labourers are coming to the city because of the construction boom and high wages in big cities.

3 It has become the world’s biggest city area after extending its boundaries.

4 They have populations of more than 10 million, bigger than London.

Unit 4


Paragraph 1—(c)

Paragraph 2—(a)

Paragraph 3—(e)

Paragraph 4—(b)

Paragraph 5—(d)


1 (d)

2 (a)

3 (b)

4 (d)

5 (c)

6 (b)

7 (c)

8 (a)

9 (b) 10 (c)


Russian scientists chose dogs as the most suitable animal to send into space because they felt that dogs would be able to endure the long periods of inactivity better than other animals. When they first started sending dogs into space, they took small unwanted dogs from the streets of Moscow and sent them to research centres where they were trained to stand still for long periods and also to wear pressurized suits and helmets. During the year 1951-1952, nine dogs made successful high altitude flights and three of them flew two missions.

Module 7

Unit 1


Passage A

Paragraph 1—(e)

Paragraph 2—(a)

Passage B

Paragraph 1—(b)

Paragraph 2—(a)

Paragraph 3—(c)


Passage A

1 Earthquakes happen along fault lines in the earth’s crust.

2 No.

3 An earthquake usually lasts less than a minute.

4 Simple or poor constructions will fall down.

Passage B

1 A man in a horse and cart and a bus.

2 Three.

3 The entire front of the four-storey house was pushed outwards like a door and fell across the street.

4 The man was thrown across the cart.

5 They were running into the street in great horror.


(a) 3

(b) 6

(c) 2

(d) 4

(e) 1

(f) 5

Unit 2


Paragraph 1—2 Paragraph 4—3

Paragraph 2—1 Paragraph 5—6

Paragraph 3—4 Paragraph 6—5


1 (b)

2 (b)

3 (c)

4 (b)

5 (d)

6 (b)


on the move now

over-use of water in the area

misuse or over-use of the land

from deserts can have a dramatic effect on weather systems

new water sources

the management of water supplies

trees and grasses

plants, less water

swallow up


1 Clearly the desert is on the move. This is the process experts call desertification.

2 Too many wells are dug. Moreover, there is not enough water or rain to fill reservoirs.

3 The soil dries out and is then blown away.As a result, the grazing land is destroyed.

4 Ultimately, it’s not only the farmers and villagers who suffer.

5 The fact is, a great deal of work is already under way.

6 The lesson to be learnt lies beneath the sand. For example, more than three hundred ancient cities were swallowed up by the desert hundreds of years ago.

Unit 3




1 The conventional idea is that all animal intelligence really just results from the animals’ blind repetition of a particular behaviour.

2 The monkeys touched the pictures on the screen in order, i.e., one square, two trees, three ovals and four flowers. When they did in order, they were given a banana-flavoured treat. If they made a mistake, the screen went black for a few seconds and then a new experiment began with new pictures.

3 Counting.


1 the monkey

2 the conventional idea

3 the animal

4 the traditional scientific view

5 picture

6 the fact that the monkeys could perform a sequence of cognitive tasks without any verbal instructions

7 the monkeys could perform the task of first touching the picture containing the smaller number of objects and next touching the picture with larger number

8 the two scientists, Brannon and Terrace

9 picture

10 the experimentsthe two scientists designed for mathematical ability of animals Unit 4


1 The flood happened in Boscastle, a small village in the wast of England.

2 Yes. Many houses were severely damaged.

3 No, nobody was killed.

4 Because it stands in a deep valley where two rivers meet, and a third river also flows through the village. Moreover, the surrounding hills are rocky and there was nowhere for the water to go.


1 (d)

2 (c)

3 (a)

4 (d)

5 (a)

6 (d)

7 (d)

8 (c)

9 (a) 10 (d)


1 surprisingly

2 what’s worse

3 so

4 at first

5 to tell the truth

6 regarding

7 but

8 the truth is


(a) 4

(b) 3

(c) 5

(d) 1

(e) 6

(f) 2

Module 8

Unit 1


1 Writer B.

2 Writer A.

3 Writer B.

4 Writer A.

5 Both.


1 (b)

2 (c)

3 (d)

4 (d)

5 (d)

6 (a)

7 (b)

8 (b) 4

(a) 4

(b) 3

(c) 2

(d) 1


1 The film critics.

2 For the spectators of the film.

3 It’s mostly opinion.


1 O

2 F

3 O

4 O

5 O

Unit 2


Paragraph 1—(f) Paragraph 5—(a) Paragraph 2—(e) Paragraph 6—(h) Paragraph 3—(i) Paragraph 7—(d) Paragraph 4—(b) Paragraph 8—(c)


1 guide

2 treat sb badly

3 nasty

4 mythology

5 rags-to-riches

6 protect sb from

7 boarding school

8 visible

9 spots

10 combine


1 They love their cruel and stupid son and treat Harry Potter badly.

2 Harry slowly realizes that he too is a wizard with magic powers.

3 The problem is that he cannot really use these powers in the world of the humans.

4 Perhaps many children feel that they themselves are special.

5 And there is another part of Harry’s story, the traditional boarding school.

6 The school seems to have been left behind in the 1930s.

Unit 3


Part A (d)

Part B (a)


1 skylark

2 ruin

3 out of the way

4 duty

5 reckless

6 bustle about


1 (a)

2 (d)

3 (a)

4 (d)

5 (b)

Unit 4


(a), (b), (c), (e), (h), (i)


1 (d)

2 (b)

3 (b)

4 (a)

5 (c)

6 (c)

7 (d)

8 (d)

9 (d) 10 (d)


1 T

2 F

3 T

4 F

5 T


1 O

2 O

3 F

Module 9

Unit 1


Tanita Tikaram Ramon Tikaram Paragraph 1—(c) Paragraph 1—(d) Paragraph 2—(a) Paragraph 2—(c) Paragraph 3—(d) Paragraph 3—(b) Paragraph 4—(b) Paragraph 4—(a)


1 sibling

2 rebellious

3 jolly

4 shock

5 innocence

6 upbringing

7 outgoing

8 introverted

9 mock

10 impressed


1 To entertain.

2 In a magazine.

3 First person narrative.

4 Informal.


1 children

2 protect

3 fight other people for me

4 keep

5 very interested in

6 active and involved with other people

7 worried and upset

8 it gave me confidence

Unit 2




1 (c)

2 (a)

3 (a)

4 (d)

5 (c)

6 (d)

7 (d)

8 (c)
