法律文本翻译第十一章 法律文本正、误译例析[精]


法律解释学第十一章 目的性扩张与目的性限缩[精]

法律解释学第十一章 目的性扩张与目的性限缩[精]

• 所谓目的性限缩,是指对法律条文文义所涵盖的 某一案型,依立法目的本不应涵盖,为贯彻立法 目的,而将该案型排除法律条文适用范围之外的 漏洞填补方法。
• 目的性限缩以法律漏洞的存在为前提。 • 目的性限缩以法律目的作为漏洞填补的基础和依据。 • 目的性限缩已损及法律条文的核心文义。 • 目的性限缩的结果是将不符立法目的案型排除于法律
• 目的性扩张的概念 • 目的性扩张的特征 • 目的性扩张的案例
二、 目的性限缩
• 目的性限缩的概念 • 目的性限缩的特征 • 目的性限缩的案例
• 所谓目的性扩张,是指对法律条文文义所 未涵盖的某一案型,由于立法者的疏忽, 未将之包括在内,为贯彻立法目的,而将 该类案型包括在该法律适用范围之内的漏 洞填补方法。
• 孩子的祖父母、外祖父母等其他近亲属有无探望权?
• 《合同法》第七十四条 因债务人放弃其到期债权或者 无偿转让财产,对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以请求 人民法院撤销债务人的行为。债务人以明显不合理的低 价转让财产,对债权人造成损害,并且受让人知道该情 形的,债权人也可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。 撤销权的行使范围以债权人的债权为限。债权人行使撤 销权的必要费用,由债务人负担。
第十一章 目的性扩张与目的性限缩
• 1999年2月8日,香港达利丰集团为购买韩国某公司的钢材,向 荷兰万贝银行申请开立金额为95万美元的信用证。同年3月14日, 信用证项下的5千吨钢材运抵汕头港。1994年4月15日,万贝银 行垫付信用证贷款而获得该批货物的正本提单一式三份。此后, 达利丰集团及该批货物的需求人汕头某外经公司一直未向万贝银 行赎取提单。1999年9月9日,因该批货物自运输工具申报进境 之日起超过3个月未向海关申报,汕头海关提取了该批货物,并 委托汕头经济特区拍卖行拍卖,拍卖所得价款人民币900万元, 扣除仓储费、港务费、拍卖佣金、关税、增值税等费用后,剩余 货款人民币584万元。万贝银行获悉后,于1999年10月20日要 求汕头海关发还拍卖所剩余款。2000年5月12日,汕头海关以 “万贝银行不是‘收货人’,没有资格申请领取货款”为由,驳 回了万贝银行的要求。万贝银行为此提起行政诉讼。


如果本合同的条款或与本合同有关的执行文件,在合同签订以后, 根据适用的法律,任何方面被确定无效,(1)其他条款的有效 性不受影响,将继续完全有效,(2)那个无效的条款,由最接 近于表示该无效条款真正意图的有效条款来代替。
• 2. 句子结构复杂 • 英语法律文本的句子结构通常很复杂,一个句子就是一个
Assist (help) 帮助,
partake (take part) 参加,
render (give) 给予,
forthwith (immediately) 立即,
assign (transfer) 转让,
require (ask) 要求,
amend (revise) 修改
notify (inform) 通知,
在实施上述事项时,双方同意,保证人将按照甲方已经订立 的协议,或此后参照已经订立的协议可能订立的新协议所 明示或暗示的条款向乙方履行付款义务。根据本保证书, 保证人的付款义务不得解除,但本保证书里提出的付款义 务已充分履行的情况除外。
3. 英语法律文体中喜欢使用正式词语,不使用同样意义的其 他文本里常见的词语。 在英语法律文本中经常见如下正式词语:
刚才提到的 20. Thereon = on that thing just mentioned 就刚才提到的 21. Thereto = to that 对那,与那 22. Thereunder = in accordance with the thing mentioned 按照那
As implementing the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that the Guarantor guarantees that the obligations will be paid to Party B in accordance with the terms and provisions of any agreement, expressed or implied, which has been or may hereafter be made or entered into by Party A in reference thereto. The obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall not be discharged except by payment in full of the obligations as herein provided.







(二)经常使用古英语和中世纪英语词汇,甚至还有很多外来语词汇例如:Aforementioned,Alack,Hereinafter,Howbeit,Nowise,Verily,Withal 等等这些词汇均来源于古英语和中世纪英语,还有例如abinitio(意思是fromthebeginning),adhoc(意思是forthispurpose),alibi(意思是elsewhere),caveat(意思是awarning)等等这些词汇都是拉丁语单词和短语,但是这些词汇却出现在英文法律文件之中。




5. "例外(但书)"的翻译 1)……但《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定禁止结婚的除 外. …, with the exception of those prohibited from marriage under the provisions of the "Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China". 2) 合营企业也可以按不超过营业额百分之五的比例缴 纳土地使用费,但须经市土地局核定. Joint-ventures may also, subject to approval by the Land Bureau, pay land use fee at a rate of not more than 5 percent of their turnover. 3) 除国家另有规定外,参照本条例执行. Unless otherwise provided for by the People's Republic of China, the present regulations shall apply.
1. 用词精当 注意同义词在不同译文中的差别,保持词义在上下 文中的一致,使语句严谨,例如: Unless it is legally or physically impossible, the contractor shall execute and complete the works and remedy the defects therein in strict accordance with the contract to the satisfaction of the engineer. 除法律或外界条件不允许的情况之外,承包商应严 格按合同施工和竣工,并改正工作中的任何缺陷, 达到工程师满意的程度. 分析:"physical"在哲学上与"mental"相对,表示"物质 的","自然的".但如果译为"物质的"容易产 生歧义,可能与具体的物质材料联系起来.这里译 为"外界条件",即人为以外的条件.

大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向 )第十一章 法律翻译

大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向 )第十一章 法律翻译
(包括但不限于),without prejudice to(在不违背……的 原则下),not to be considered as the starting of a new

Without prejudice to section 5, the following shall be treated as properly executed… 在不违背第 5 条规定的原则下,以下所言须视为正式签立 ……
damages (损坏), null and void (无效) , sign and
issue ( 签 发 ) , customs fees and duties ( 关 税 ) ,
1.1.7 情态动词

因此,在法律英语中,情态动词(Modal Auxiliary)shall, may,
1.1.3 正式的书面语

马丁 . 朱斯( Martin Joes)按照语言使用的正式程度
提出了五种变体,它们是:1)庄重文体(the frozen
style);2)正式文体(the formal style);3)商议 文体( the consultative style ); 4 )随便文体( the causal style);5)亲密文体(the intimate style)。 法律英语由于法律文件的权威性和规范性,因而成为

为了体现法律语言的严谨性和规范性,避免 引起歧义,准确无误地表述各种法律文件, 法律英语的句子结构通常比较复杂,长句较 多,包含多种从句和短语等修饰成分,如定 语从句、状语从句、分词、动名词、介词短 语和不定式等。


定选 择 性权 利 表示 允 许 ,ma o”设 定 禁止 性 义 “ ynt
务 。 A od m i o s “h l,S a — i oe a vis a bg u sa ” h l mp s n u l l
o lg to t a t b t b i ain o c , u ma b c n u e wi p e y e o f sd t h r—

动 和 信 息 网 出 版 的 写 作 手 册 即 Wrigfedy i n—r n l t i D cmet 以及 美 国 国家 档 案和记 录管 理局 出 版 的 ou ns ,
写作 手 册 D a ig L g ou e t 也专 门对 sa rfn ea D c m ns t l hl l
i b i g n g tv i pe miso s e n e ai e s r s in, no a e u r — t r q ie
汉语 “ ” 得 主要满 足情 感上 的需 要 、 志上 的需 意
可取 的 。汉 语 中 的“ 当 ” 应 和英 文 中 的 sa 均 是立 hl l
l i r u e o 【 布莱克法律英语词典》 y s e i dt ”《 , qr .3 】 是公认 的权 威性 法 律英 语词 典 ,它 对 sal hl的定 义具 有 极
强 的解 释力 ,从 词 典 的英文 解释来 看 ,h l 法律 sa 在 l 文本 的涵 义相对 确定 ,即表 示义 务 且具 有强 制性 。 在实践 中发现 , 英语 国家 的立法 性规 范 和非立 法 性
lwe b s me a eul Ame i a d a tr— i t o d y o c r f rc n rfe s s o
文应有的确定力。本文 以《 中华人民共和国民法通 则》 为个案来分 析“ 当” 应 一词 在法 律条文 中的翻

法律文本翻译第十二章 常用法律文本翻译示例[精]

法律文本翻译第十二章 常用法律文本翻译示例[精]

• partnership agreement (合伙契约); • supply agreement (供货合同); • written contract (书面协议); • ad referendum contract (暂定合同); • agency contract (代理合同); • barter contract (易货合同); • blank form contract (空白合同); • compensation trade contact (补偿贸易合同 ); • cross license contract (互换许可证合同 ); • exclusive license contract( 排他许可证合同); • Firm sale contact (有效销售合同 ); • Formal contract (正式合同 ); • Forward contract (期货合同); • Illegal contract (非法合同); • Indirect contract (间接合同 ); • Installment contract (分期合同); • contract of employment (雇佣合同 ); • contract of carriage (运输合同); • contract of arbitration(仲裁合同 ); contract for goods (订货合同 );
协议); • agreement on loan facilities up to a given amount(商定借款协议 ); • agreement fixing price(共同定价协议); • agreement on import licensing procedure (进口许可证手续协议 ); • agreement on reinsurance (分保协议); • agreement to resell (转售协议 ); • bilateral agreement (双边协议); • bilateral trade agreement (双边贸易协议); • commercial agreement (商业协定); • compensation trade agreement (补偿贸易协议); • distributorship agreement (销售协议); • exclusive distributorship agreement (排他销售协议); • guarantee agreement (担保协议); • international trade agreement (国际贸易协议); • joint venture agreement (合营协议); • licensing agreement (许可证协议); • loan agreement (贷款协议); • management agreement (经营管理协议); • multilateral trade agreement (多边贸易协议); • operating agreement (经营协议);

Legal Translation 法律翻译概述

Legal Translation 法律翻译概述

• Example:
选出或者罢免人民检察长,须报上级人民检察院检察长提 请该级人民代表大会常务委员会批准。
The election or recall of chief procurators of people's procurators shall be reported to the chief procurators of the people's procuratorates at the next higher level for submission to the standing commitees of the people's congresses at the corresponding level for approval.
Pragmatic feature—语用特征
法律法规的主要作用之一是规范法律主体的行为,调节法 律主体之间人际关系。这种规范调节作用主要是通过具有 法律效果的言语行为(即法律言语行为)来实现的。因此, 作为言语行为实施者的立法者和司法者的法律能力和语言 能力主要特点之一就是准确、得体地使用法律言语行为, 以便能够传达其所意图的法律效果。这里的得体就是准确 使用法律言语行为而言的,不是Brown & Levinson (1987) 等人所谓的礼貌得体这一日常交际原则。法律也是人与人 较量的工具,较量双方都使用法律作为武器为自己服务。 其中一方必然会想方设法钻法律的漏洞以维护自己的非正 当权益。为了不给这种人钻空子,立法者所使用的表述法 律内涵的法律英语必须准确严谨。法律英语表述的准确性 对司法者的断案、判决而言至关重要。
法律语言还有一特征就是使用近义词或者同义词的并 列结构。所谓的近义词或者同义词的并列结构是指两个或 两个以上意义相近或相同的词用并列连词and、or 或用连接 起来而构成的并列结构。这种表达的目的是使意思更加准确, 最大可能地避免歧义和疏漏,同时可使所传递信息的语气更 加强烈。例如:“明知校舍或教学设施有危险,而不采取措 施 或不及时报告,致使……”,“……不得买卖、出租、抵押、 或以其他形式非法转让”。同时,这些近义词也可分为重叠 意 义近义词和递进意义近义词。如:



第十一课财产法第一部分简介The law of property财产法是美国法律体系中的核心制度之一,它在自由市场经济中为计划活动提供了必要的确定性和稳定性。




The disscussion will讨论将转向既作为公共职能机制的管理者和在机构内部时常独立者的政府角色,它试图更进一步自己的政策目标,对后一种角色的全面讨论将留到后面的土地使用模式之处。


I will than discuss我将讨论在这一制度中律师的角色。





The modern real estate现在不动产律师履行者许多独立但内部有关联的活动。






If the lawyer如果律师在不动产交易中为一个主要参与者(土地所有者,开发商,出借者)服务,他的作用便是缔结合同、条约和那些描述双方商业意图及定义双方基于合意或法律所期待的行为的文件。

法律英语核心教程 (第一册)unit-11

法律英语核心教程  (第一册)unit-11

Unit 11Criminal LawTextⅠCrime and PunishmentDictionary Workoffence, omission, prosecute, compensate, concurrently, plead, felony, incarceration, mala in se, mala prohibita, inherently, fornication, sodomy, heritage, espouse (v.), notwithstanding, perpetrator, justifiable, proclaim, adhere toPre-reading Questions1.What is a crime?2.How many classifications of the crime are there as far as you know?3.What is the relationship between criminal law and punishment?Definition1For many countries one of the most serious domestic problem is crime. What is a crime? How to give it a definition?It varies from country to country and from time to time. A crime or offence is an illegal act, omission or event, whether or not it is also a tort, a breach of contract or a breach of trust, the principal consequence of which is that the offender, if he is detected and it is decided to prosecute, is prosecuted by or in the name of the State, and if he is found guilty is liable to be punished whether or not he is also ordered to compensate his victim.2 A wrong is a breach of a rule; it may be moral or legal according to whether the rule is one of morality or law. Legal wrongs may be civil or criminal, and this distinction depends upon that between civil and criminal law. The civil law is primarily concerned with the rights and duties of individuals among themselves, whereas the criminal law defines the duties which a person owes to society, but a legal wrong may be both civil and criminal.3Sometimes, the same conduct may be both a civil wrong and a crime. There are many cases in which one who commits a tort is also guilty of a crime. Assaults and collisions between vehicles are two out of numerous examples. Where a crime is also a civil wrong, criminal and civil proceedings may usually take place concurrently and the one is normally no bar to the other.4The only exception to this rule of any general importance is that, where criminal proceedings are taken in a magistrates’ court in respect of a common assault or battery by or on behalf of the party aggrieved, the defendant is released from all other proceedings, civil or criminal, for the same cause, if he obtains the magistrates’ certificate of the dismissal of the complaint or undergoes the punishment inflicted upon him. A certificate of dismissal must be issued if the magistrates decide that the offence is not proved, or if proved is so trifling as not to merit any punishment. Thepower to dismiss a case even though the offence is proved, which is peculiar to the above off ences, depends on there having been a hearing “on the merits” and this will not have occurred if the accused pleaded guilty.Criminal Law Classifications5Criminal law classifies crimes according to various criteria, including (1) the nature and degree of p enalty attached, (2) the nature and degree of “evil” involved, and (3) the kind of social harm.Felony, Misdemeanor, and Violation6 The past influences present criminal law. The great legal historian Frederic William Maitland maintained that the reasons for old classifications may have long since died, but their ghost ruel us from the grave. He meant that even when classifications have outlived their usefulness, they influence present practice. The classification that divides crimes into felonies and misdemeanors represents one example of the past ruling us from the grave. Historically, felonies were crimes punishable by death. Present law divides felonies into capital felonies and ordinary felonies. Therefore, the category includes both serial killers such as Ted Bundy at one extreme and individuals who steal £500 at the other. The breadth of its scope makes the classification largely meaningless in any sociological sense. It serves mainly as an administrative device to determine who gets the death penalty, life imprisonment, or incarceration in a state prison.7 Misdemeanors include crimes punishable either by fines or up to one year in jail. Common misdemeanors include simple assaults and battery, prostitution, and disorderly conduct. Most jurisdictions divide misdemeanors into gross misdemeanors.A third category of crime is violation. Traffic offenses fall into this group..Mala in se and Mala Prohibita8Another legal classification sorts crimes according to their perceived “evil.” This old arrangement overlaps the felony, misdemeanor, and violation categories and defines some crimes as inherently bad (the Latin mala in se). Crimes such as murder and rape fall into this category. Other behavior constitutes a crime only because the law says so (the Latin mala prohibita). Parking in a “no parking” zone is malum prohibitum.9This classification reflects American criminal law’s roots in the religious and moral codes of England and colonial America. Although frequently viewed as a preoccupation of the New England Puritans, the Anglicans of Virginia, Pennsylvania Quakers, and Maryland Catholics also infused criminal law with a moral component. The major felonies and “morals” offenses, fornication, prostitution, sodomy, gambling, and public drunkenness, descend from this religious and moral heritage.10In practice, no bright line separates mala in se and mala prohibita offenses. In fact, research demonstrates that despite legal theories espousing the distinction, and notwithstanding talk of an ethical core in the criminal law, perpetrators consider manycrimes formally classified mala in se “justifiable”-that is, a means to put right a keenly felt wrong. They believe their conduct may have been “technically” a crime, but definitely not evil. Despite these findings, legal theorists cling to the distinction.Crime, Law and Punishment11 “N o crime without law and no punishment without law” proclaim two ancient maxims governing formal criminal justice. Formally, modern criminal law adheres to these maxims in the firmly fixed principle of legality that underlies the substantive criminal law, that is, the law that defines what constitutes a crime. The principle of legality also applies to the law of criminal procedure, the law that prescribes how the government enforces the substantive criminal law, in such constitutional commands as “no deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law” and the guarantee of equal protection of the laws.12In practice, much reprehensible conduct, some of which causes considerable harm, occurs in every society. Neither all of that conduct nor all of that harm constitutes a crime. The law determines the distinction between unethical, immoral injury that justifies non-criminal legal action and criminal conduct and harm. To qualify as crimes, conduct or harm must satisfy five requirements; (1) A specific law prohibits the conduct and/or harm. (2) The law prescribes a penalty for the prohibited conduct and/or harm. (3) The particular law conforms to the general purposes and principles of criminal law. (4) The government must adhere to the rules of procedure in administering and enforcing the criminal law. (5) The punishment prescribed and actually administered accords with the Constitution’s prohibition against cruel an d unusual punishment.(1089words) Cross Jones &Card, Introduction to Criminal Law, 11th edition, Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd.; Joel Samaha, Criminal Justice, 2nd edition, West Publishing CompanyNotes_________________________1.capital felony: Crime punishable by death or life imprisonment.可判死刑或终生监禁的重罪。



法律文书要求语言准确无误,表达严谨,避免歧义和 模糊。
法律文书的语言风格通常比较正式和庄重,用词规范、 语气严肃。
法律文书应尽量使用简洁、明了的语言,避免冗长和 复杂的表达。
同一法律概念在不同国家或地区 可能存在不同的表述,导致翻译 时难以找到准确对等词汇。
法律领域术语更新 快
随着社会发展,法律领域的新概 念和术语不断涌现,需要及时更 新和统一。
目前法律翻译领域的术语翻译缺 乏统一规范,导致同一术语在不 同文献中的翻译不一致。
不同文化背景下的语言习惯可能影响法律条 文的准确传达,例如,中文表达更注重意合 ,英文更注重形合。
不同国家的法律体系存在差异,导致法律概念和术 语的内涵和外延有所不同,给翻译带来挑战。
不同文化背景下的社会价值观可能影响法律 条文的解读和执行,例如,对权利和义务的 认知和平衡。
注意合同中的法律术语和表述,避免 产生歧义和误解。
法律法规翻译案例:某国家公司 法
案例分析:法律法规的翻译要求 准确、严谨,确保法律条文的原
翻译技巧:采用直译和音译相结 合的方式,保持原文的法律效力 。
注意事项:注意法律法规中的专 业术语和表述,避免产生歧义和



法律文书汉译英一. 法律翻译的基本原则对于法律翻译,译者不宜片面追求形式上的对等,要求译文的词类、语序和句子结构与原文基本保持一致。




















Syntax of law
1. complex sentences otherwise… subject to… without prejudice to… provided that… notwithstanding… where clause who clause 2. passive voice
法律文本的翻译 Translation of Legal Document
It is not possible to gain an insight into the nature of any institution of human life without an inquiry into the purposes or functions which the particular institution is designed to accomplish. Nobody can intelligently discuss problems of government and arrive at a considered judgment with respect to the policies which should be promoted by public officials or agencies without first forming an opinion as to the general aims and ends for which governments are established. This is equally true for the institution of law, at least in the secular, political sense with which we are concerned. We treat law as a particular kind of governmental institution. From this perspective, we assert that no official within the institution of law—no judge, attorney or other person with official duties in the administration of law—can adequately discharge his or her duties unless familiar with the general purposes which the law is supposed to perform for society.
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– 分析:“转移”一词英译本译为“shift”,“shift”在英文中确有“转 移”之意,但在法律英语中,风险的转移应为“passage”(其动词形式 为“pass”),如:INCOTERMS1990 (《1990年国际贸易术语解释通则》) 第21条: The risk for loss of or damage to the goods, as well as the obligation to bear the costs relation to the goods passes form the seller to the buyer when the seller has fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods.
第十一章 法律文本正、误译例析
教学 目 标 例句剖析
TEACHING AIMS 教学目标 • 学习本章之后,需掌握以下知识点:
• 1.能正确指出法律文本翻译的正误 • 2.能够对法律文本正误译进行一定分析 • 3.能对法律文本的误议进行纠正
– 分析:英文本中“重大过失”一词译为“major fault”。英文中major 有“重大”意, fault有“过失”意,于是作者便将“重大过失”译 成“major fault”,这恰好犯了翻译工作的大忌——想当然。事实上, 法律英语中,“重大过失”应该译为“gross negligence”。
• 8. 第八章,涉外民事关系的法律适用 • 译文:Chapter 8, Application of Law in Civil Relations with Foreigners • 分析:此译对“涉外民事关系”的翻译不正确, 按民法原理,民事法律关系包括三要
• 分析:在这同一句话中“履行债务”即有两种完全不同的译 法,“meet the liabilities”与“discharge the debts”。在英语中 “债务”有三个词汇对应,分别是“debt”、“liabilities”与 “obligation”,但它们之间又存在明显区别,绝不可轻易混淆。 “Debts”主要指借款性质的债务,“liabilities”则强调的是责 任,如“liabilities for breach of contract”(违约责任), “liabilities for tort”(侵权责任)。与“debt”和“liabilities”相比, “obligation”更抽象,因此其内涵远广于前二者,《合同法》 中的债务一词的意思显然不局限于借款性质的债务与责任性 质的债务,所以,债务一词应该译为“obligation”。相应地, “履行债务”一词应译为“fulfill the obligation”。
• 1、当事人约定由债务人向第三个人履行债务的,债务人未向 第三人履行债务或履行债务不符合约定……
• 译文:where the parties agree that the debtor shall discharge the debts to a third party
• and the debtor fails to do so or fails to meet its liabilities as contracted……。
– 3. பைடு நூலகம்赠与人故意或者重大过失致使赠与的财产毁损、灭失的,赠与人 应当承担损害赔偿责任。
– 译文:Where the gift property is damaged or lost due to any intentional misconduct or major fault of the donor, he shall be liable for damages.
– 2、出卖人按照约定未交付有关标的物的单证和资料的,不影响标的 物毁损、灭失风险的转移。
– 译文:Failure by the seller to deliver the documents and materials relating to the subject matter in accordance with the contract does not affect shift of the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter.
素,即主体,客体与内容。主体指民事法律关系的参加者或当事人。客体指主体之间 据以建立民事法律关系的对象性事物。内容是民事权利与民事义务。所以涉及民事法 律关系也相应分为三类:主体涉外型,客体涉外型与内容涉外型。而此处译文仅译出 了主体涉外型,大大缩小了原文的外延!另外,若查阅一下“最高人民法院《关于贯 彻执行<中华人民共和国民法通则>若干问题的意见》(试行)之178条,也可准确把握” 涉外民事关系之含义。或再查《汉英法律词典》亦可得到正确译文为“Civil relations with foreign elements.” 9. 代管有争议的,没有以上规定的人或以上规定的人无能力代管的,由人民法院指定 的人代管。 • 译文:In case of a dispute over custody,if the persons stipulated above are incapable of taking such custody,the property shall be placed in the custody of a person appointed by the people' court. 分析: 原条文是关于由法院指定失踪人的财产代管人,该条的假定部分“代管有争议 的,没有以上规定的人或以上规定的人无能力代管的”是三种并列的选择条件,其用 语明确无歧义;而其译文却显得句法混乱,一头雾水。其一,若in case of与if并列,则 至少应在if前加or才算明确;其二,译文中“if”后面的两个条件句似乎是为了解释前面 的“dispute”,而原文却是并列的选择关系;其三,把in case of (介词短语)与if (连词)并 列使用,英语中实属罕见。 可见,译者对原文的结构理解有偏差。建议改译为 “Where a dispute arouses over a custody, or the persons stipulated herein above are unavailable or are incapable of the custody…”这样译文结构就清晰顺畅了。