【2】5 Robin Hood 罗宾汉

罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是一个著名的英国民间英雄,他的故事被广泛传播。

He escaped to Sherwood Forest with his loyal⑧ servants. They decided to
live as free men in the forest. They didn't want to be slaves of King John.
However, the King considered them outlaws.
When Robin and his men reached Sherwood Forest, they sat down to rest.
Robin Hood smiled at his loyal servants. Then he said to them,"My friends,
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训练素材:香港商务印书馆授权上海华东师范大学出版的 Black Cat 优质英语阶梯有声读
物 Level 1- Level 6 + VOA 慢速英语。
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Chapter 1: Robin Hood becomes an Outlaw
Robin Hood was born near the end of the 12th century. His real name was

罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是一位传说中的英国英雄,生活在12世纪的英格兰。
他带领着一群志同道合的伙伴,在舍伍德森林(Sherwood Forest)中与敌人周旋,用智慧与勇气打败了邪恶势力,为民众赢得了和平与正义。
1.劫富济贫:Robin Hood"s principle of "robbing the rich to help the poor"
2.英勇无畏:Courageous and fearless
3.正义感:Sense of justice
7.团结一心:Unity and cooperation
8.勇往直前:Forge ahead bravely

罗宾·伍德(Robin Hood)是个勇敢而聪明的年轻人,他原本是一位贵族,但因为王国的政治腐败和贪婪的贵族,他家的财产被没收,他被迫流亡到符和郡的茂密森林里。
Robin Hood《罗宾汉(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本

在法律压♥迫♥人♥民♥ 暴戾和不公横行的时代无法者总能为历史留下辉煌的一笔即将迈入十二世纪的英格兰即是如此诺丁汉谁能告诉我发生了什么事情Can somebody tell me what's going on?别傻了沃尔特让他回去睡觉Don't be foolish, walter. Get him back to bed.-把门锁上 -我还是这房♥子的主人- Bar the door. - I'm still the master of this house.查理起来Richard, up.谁在那儿Who is there?醒醒汤姆斯Wake up, thomas.开门Open the gates!混♥蛋♥Bastards.箭Arrow.灯笼The lantern.我看到了你们这些小混♥蛋♥I see you, you little bastards.我看到你们了I see you!窃贼蛆Thieving maggots.他们偷走了我们所有的谷物种子They've taken all our seed grain.我们拿什么来种地What are we going to do for planting?祈祷吧Pray.狮心王查理家财尽失名誉扫地在圣♥战♥十年后返回英格兰的路上烧杀抢掠在他的军队中有一名叫罗宾·朗斯特莱德的弓箭手这是他返回家乡帮助弱小抵御强权因此被剥夺法律权益成为了无法者的故事罗宾汉你们好Hello, there!法国恰卢斯要塞公元1199年给你伙计Here you go, lad.谢了罗宾Thank you, robin.罗宾Robin.弓箭手被命令集♥合♥The archers been called to ranks.真见鬼的会找时间老子肚子饿坏了Bloody typical. I'm starving.把这些藏好了Hide these well.我们晚上再吃We'll have them for supper instead.陛下Sire.水准备好了陛下Your bath, sire.看在上帝的份上洛克斯利你能让他们停下吗For the love of christ, loxley, would you stop them doing that! 他们这样是出于对您的敬爱陛下They love you, sire.我的头嗡嗡的吵死了My head. It's going like the bells of hell.就是那个吗Is that it?再拿下这个城♥堡♥ 我们就可以荣归故里了One more castle to sack, then we're home to england.查理国王万岁Hail king richard!放箭Release!推Push!弓箭手Hey, archer!别丢了小命Stay alive!晚上见I'll see you tonight.这次别忘了带钱小伙子Don't forget your money this time, little man. 我很乐于把它从你手上赢过来It will be my pleasure to take it off you.推Push!冲上去Move up!掩护国王掩护国王Cover the king! cover the king!盾牌准备Barricades prepare!让我们干掉这些法国佬Let us put these french to bed!翻起盾牌Raise the barricades!吉米Jimmy.沉着小心别浪费机会Calm and careful. Make it count.出击Go!救命啊Help!掩护Cover!现在跳Now.跑Go!回撤Move back!血染法国Blood for france!出击Go!马上就要被射成刺猬了Lt'll make a fine pin cushion!菲利普国王去死吧King philip's arse!狮心王所向披靡Look what they do for the lion heart!推Push!推Push!这会烧整个晚上伙计们别让他们给扑灭了That'll burn all night, lads. Don't let them put it out.我们冲锋陷阵最后论功赏的却是这些These pricks will smash through in第二天早上才轻轻松松冲进去的混球the morning, take all the credit.干的好小吉米Well done, jimmy boy.王宫伦敦塔约翰...John...女王陛下Your majesty.英国公主因为一个法国小妞An english princess shut out of her husband's bedchamber 被其丈夫拒之门外By a piece of french pastry!你不觉得羞愧吗Aren't you ashamed?该羞愧的是他The shame is surely his.那就进去告诉他Then go in and tell him.在他门前像孩子一样哭泣一点都不管用Mewling at his keyhole is neither one thing nor the other. 约翰John.上帝怎么回事...Oh, god! what in heaven...小姐抱歉Mademoiselle, you will excuse me.我的儿子需要我的建议My son has need of my advice.不我不需要不信你问她No, I don't. Ask her.母后拜托你不觉得这不合适吗Mother, please, have you no decency?我刚好在干I happen to be in a condition that任何母亲都不应该看的事情no mother should see her son in.唉结束了啊我也不想但那是我母后Yes, I know, but it's my mother.够了That's enough.再想想On second thoughts,我觉得你最好还是听我要说的话I think it better that you do hear what I have to say.但我不想让你出现在我的眼前Though I will not have you in my presence.母后Mother.我出现在这里的目的是从这不适当的娱乐中The purpose of my being in this room is to save the realm 拯救这个王国From the consequences of this unsuitable amusement.她叔叔就是那见鬼的法国国王Her uncle is the bloody king of france.没错-我叔叔是... -没你说话的份- My uncle is... - get down.她叔叔想让她回去Her uncle wants her back.菲利普正需要一个Philip wants an excuse to cross出兵越过海峡的借口The channel with an army.你却给了他那个理由And you have given him that excuse.回到你法定妻子的身边拯救英格兰Take up your lawful wife and save england.我的法定妻子木得像块砖My lawful wife is as barren as a brick.你真的想让我有那样的妻子吗Is that truly the wife you want for me?您以八个子女让您的丈夫荣耀You, who honored your husband with eight children即使现在当其他的子女都已逝去So that even now when death has taken the rest您还有一个国王和一个叫您母后的傀儡You have a king and the runt of the litter to call you "mother." 我宁愿你找侍女生私生子Better the bastard of a servant girl也好过和嫉妒英格兰的敌人的侄女上♥床♥ Than bed the niece of england's jealous enemy.我要和她上♥床♥并且娶她母后Or bed her and wed her, mother.我已经让教皇的人准备好废黜事宜了I've asked the pope's men to arrange an annulment.你认为教皇And do you think the pope相比法国国王会更喜欢英国傀儡吗Will favor england's royal runt over the king of france?他也许就是这样认为的因为我是亚奎丹的埃莉诺的儿子He might see his way for the son of eleanor of aquitaine.同时也是英格兰未来的国王And for the future king of england.狮心王查理已经至少四十了甚至更老Richard the lion heart is 40 years old, if not more.没有子嗣And no babies.我是未来的皇后I am a queen in the making.对没错Yes. Yes.看到了吗You see?她是我的埃莉诺She is my eleanor.现在明白了吗这游戏不靠运气Now, you do understand, this game is not about luck.靠的是记忆力和手法It's about the science of memory and a quick hand. 谁想带点鲜肉回家Who'd like to take a bit of fresh meat home?我们今早还捕了一只野鸡Caught this morning. We have a pheasant.三选一右边左边还是中间Three choices. Right, left or middle?中间Middle."中间" 他说选中间"the middle," he says. The middle.抱歉那些洋葱归我了伙计你输了I'm sorry about those onions, young man. You lose. 罗宾扔过来我这儿正好要洋葱调味Robin! over here, they're needed for the pot.绝对新鲜Feisty one!还有什么还有什么Aye, what else we got, what else we got?火会完成它的使命The fire will do its work.我们天一亮就进攻We break through at first light.不出意外我们三天之后就可以到家了With a fair wind, we can be home in three days.你要回诺丁汉吗You return to nottingham?我有妻子在那儿等着我I have a wife who waits for me.我有个老不死的母后I have a mother that won't die还有个巴不得我早死的弟弟And a brother who wishes me dead.我回去的第一件事就是把他们关起来First thing I'm going to do is lock them up.你的人♥民♥会很高兴看到你归来Your people will rejoice to see you return home.那也是我希望保持的现象And that is a condition I would like to keep them in. 和以前一样被历史铭记To be remembered as I was.我的军队更了解My army knows better.狮心是污秽的Lion heart is mangy.军队里的每个人都敬仰您陛下Every man in that army idolizes you, your majesty.别拍我马屁Don't mollycoddle me.我知道和国王做朋友有多难I understand how difficult it must be to befriend a king.好了洛克斯利让我们找点乐子开怀畅饮一下Come on, loxley. Let us find some ruffians, drink and laugh. 看看能不能找到一个诚实的人Let us see if we can find an honest man.好Yes.就这样Let's do that.伙计事实是这游戏不靠运气Well, that's the thing, little man. This is not a game of luck. 靠的是记忆力和手法It's about the science of memory and a quick hand.我有火眼金睛我会牢牢盯着你的I've got a quick eye. I'll be watching you.三选一Three choices.右边左边还是中间Right, left, or middle.我想我要选第四个I think I'll take a fourth choice.第四个吗A fourth? Hmm.我看了你很久了朗斯特莱德I've been watching you for a while now, longstride.这里根本没有豌豆There is no pea.这是个骗人的把戏This game is a trick!你换碗的时候You take out the pea when you're doing就把豌豆拿出去了your slidings and your turnings.我识破你的伎俩了I got you.别再碰它Don't touch it again.我来I'll do it!你输了You lose.你其实干得挺不错的You're doing better than you think.过这儿来罗宾Get in there, robin.跪下你们这些无知的混♥蛋♥ Kneel, you ignorant bastards!在国王面前跪下Kneel before the king!你们都退回去快All of you, move back, now.不不洛克斯利这些士兵只是在玩儿No, no, loxley. These men are soldiers at play. 怪罪他们我就成了罪人了Sinners after mine own heart.你们谁先挑起的Which one of you started the fight?是我陛下I did, sire.我挥的第一拳I threw the first punch.诚实的人Ah, honest man.你跟谁打And who're you fighting?他在跟我打陛下He was fighting me, your majesty.我认为他是个骗子I thought him to be a lesser man.但他证明了他不是He was showing me different.一个向对手表示尊敬的敌人An enemy that shows his respect.你们平身Stand up, the pair of you.不是你们Not you.勇敢诚实Brave and honest.但你会足够诚实到告诉一个国王Are you honest enough to tell a king他不愿意听的事情吗something that he does not want to hear?你对我的东征有何看法What is your opinion on my crusade?神会喜欢我的献祭吗Will god be pleased with my sacrifice?不他不会No, he won't.为什么这么说Why do you say that?阿卡里的大屠♥杀♥ 陛下The massacre at acre, sire.大声点Speak up!当您命令我们把两千五百穆♥斯♥林♥ When you had us herd 2,500 muslim men,男女和儿童赶到一起women, and children together,在我脚边手被绑着的那位女士The young woman at my feet, with her抬头看着我hands bound, she looked up at me.她眼神里没有恐惧没有怒气There wasn't fear in her eyes. There wasn't anger.只有怜悯There was only pity.因为她知道当您下令For she knew that when you gave the order我们砍下他们的头颅那刻起And our blades would descend upon their heads,我们就失去了神的护佑That, in that moment, we would be godless.我们所有人都会失去神的护佑Godless.诚实Honest,勇敢Brave但幼稚无比and naive.这就是英格兰子民There is your englishman.就在这儿Right there.-干的好罗宾 -你告诉他了- Well done, robin. - You showed him.最坏就是挨鞭刑了The whipping will be the worst of it.烙铁那才是最坏的The branding iron, that will be the worst.除非他们用绞刑Unless they hang us.不这才是最坏的No. No, this will be the worst of it.这也代表着结束And this will be the end of it.一旦从这儿逃出来我立马走人As soon as I get out of here, I'm gone.我不欠上帝或者这里的任何其他人哪怕是一分一秒的服役I don't owe god or any other man here one more minute of service. 枫丹白露法国塞纳河岸你的武器戈弗雷陛下Majesty.法国国王菲利普请坐你认识约翰亲王很长时间了吗是的用英语我们是同一个妈喂大的We go all the way back to the same breast.奶妈吗是的Indeed.我们一直以来都很亲密We've been close ever since.很好Good.因为英格兰在你朋友约翰的统治下Because england, under your friend john,是个失去了战斗灵魂的国度Is a country with no fighting spirit.我用一队厨子就能轻取伦敦I can take london with an army of cooks.但是查理正在归乡途中But richard is on his way home.在他的统治下英格兰会截然不同And under richard, england is a different animal altogether. 查理班师回朝会经过布罗塞利昂德森林Richard will return home through the forest of broceliande. 我们知道准确的地点We know the exact place.他总是走在军队的前面He always travels ahead of his army with只有一些被信赖的骑士跟着他only a few trusted knights around him.如果查理死了With richard dead,你很容易就可以策反贵族抵抗约翰的统治It will be easy for you to turn the country against john.没有比这更好的入侵机会了There'll never be a better moment to invade.但百足之虫死而不僵Even dying animals can be obstinate.杀了狮心王你会被重赏Kill the lion heart and you will be richly rewarded.为您效忠不是我要感激你撞Heave!撞Heave!吃饭了喝汤了撞Heave!为了英格兰For england!为了英格兰For england!我杀了国王快看我杀了国王我需要一名医生I need a physician here!医生快点A physician! quickly!掩护我们掩护我们快Give us cover! give us cover, now!掩护国王Cover him!掩护国王Cover the king.医生Physician!怎么了洛克斯利你不舒服吗Why, loxley? Are you not feeling well?医生Physician!酒Wine.怎么了What's this?-国王死了 -死了- The king is dead! - dead?死了Dead.那么吉米把钉子敲出去All right, then, jimmy. Knock the pegs out. 现在我们自己掌控命运We make our own fate from now on!我跟你一块I'll come with you.不你不行我们不收流浪狗No, you're not. We don't take strays.人越多越好The more the merrier.路上很危险他可能会有用The road will be dangerous. He might be useful.我们去哪Where we going?我们要赶在三千绝望的士兵之前To the coast and to a boat before到达岸边找到船只3,000 desperate soldiers get there渡过海峡的价格很快会上涨一百倍And the price for a channel crossing goes up a hundredfold.我们的军饷怎么办What about our wages?如果你觉得他活着的时候就已经很难获得军饷If you thought it was hard getting wages while he was alive,试试去让死去的国王付你钱Try getting paid by a dead king.好了伙计们迅速收拾行李All right, boys, collect your gear as quick as you can.诺丁汉我喜欢这个新教堂I like the new church.马里昂夫人Lady marion.你没来送行的话I would have been sorry to leave我会很遗憾的谢谢without your farewell. Thank you.很乐意为您践行坦克雷德神父I'm glad to speed you on your way, father tancred,但我来是为了找我们的新牧师But it was to seek out our new shepherd.您最近都没来参加我的周日礼拜和传教You have lately been missed at sunday worship and my sermons. 当我祈祷奇迹的时候我喜欢安静的教堂神父I like a quiet church, father, when I pray for a miracle.您的受众是妇女儿童和老人Your new flock is women, children and old folk.我们的男人在浴血奋战或受伤归来Our men have gone to war or returned broken.他们的孤儿在绿林中撒野Their orphans run wild in the greenwood.我们土地已经可以播种了但我们没有种子Our fields are ready for planting but we've no seed corn.而教堂的粮仓谷物丰硕And the church barn is full of grain.你不会是在期待教堂把它的谷物Surely, you do not expect the church种在你们的土地上吧To let its corn be used to plant your fields?这些粮食是约克的That grain is bound for york.我是修道士塔克I am friar tuck.坦克雷德神父被升迁到约克Father tancred is elevated to york我想他到那儿会提醒主教Where I know he will remind the bishop诺丁汉的人♥民♥...that the people of nottingham...主教不需要提醒诺丁汉的人♥民♥The bishop does not need reminding that the people of nottingham 恶有恶报忏悔种孽Should reap what they sow and repent of their sins.我祈祷的奇迹是The miracle I pray for is that the主教展现一些基♥督♥教的仁慈bishop show some christian charity.我说过神父我喜欢在安静的教堂祈祷As I said, father, I like a quiet church when I pray.佩珀哈罗的洛克斯利家族会找你麻烦的You will have trouble from the loxleys of peper harow.塔克你养蜂吗You keep bees, tuck?我养蜂蜂为我服务I keep them and they keep me.布罗塞利昂德森林法国停下Stop!有埋伏Ambush!找到国王要什么就拿什么狮心王在哪里查理你在哪里你是个骑士吗You're a knight?查理国王在哪里Where is king richard?我的天啊Oh, god.国王在哪儿Where is the king?-死了 -他死了- Dead. - Dead?真的吗Really?如果国王已死你们这是前往何处If the king's dead, where are you going?护送王冠Deliver the crown.查理的王冠Richard's crown.我们怎么去暗♥杀♥一个死掉的国王How do we assassinate a king who's already dead? 把王冠给我拿来在鞍囊里王冠快追把王冠追回来把马杀死Bring back the crown! kill the horse!你是英国人You are english.这么说也行When it suits me.你是谁Who are you?罗伯特·洛克斯利Robert loxley.那是国王的马That's the king's horse.吉米闪开Jimmy! move!吉米Jimmy!罗宾他们是法国人Robin, they're french.一定是个埋伏Ambush.发生了什么事快跑冲啊Go.约翰什么情况John.不知道No.他死了He's dead.救命Help.请把剑给我My sword.这剑对我意义重大Its value to me is great.原本是我父亲的剑It belonged to my father,他是诺丁汉的Sir walter loxley沃尔特·洛克斯利爵士Of nottingham.你听说过吗Do you know it?是的我听说过诺丁汉Aye, I've heard of nottingham.感谢老天Then the fate...感谢上苍眷顾The fates have smiled on me.请你务必将剑交到我父亲手中You must take the sword to my father.这会让我安息It will bring me peace.我当年盛怒之下未经他允许带离此剑I took it in anger and without his consent.你一定懂得You must understand the bond of love这种父子间的羁绊Between a father and his son.我父亲在我六岁时My father abandoned me to the world就把我遗弃了of men when I was six years old.我对父子之情不甚了解I know little of the love between father and son. 我请求你I beg you.朗斯特莱德Longstride,答应我Say you will.我答应你I will.你以血起誓了罗宾It's a pact sworn in blood, robin.埃伦只不过是划伤罢了仅此而已It's a scratch, allan, and that's all it is.罗宾Robin!洛克斯利原本要去海边和舰队会和Loxley was making for the coast to meet the ship. 王冠可以让我们顺利回家That crown could be our passage home.罗宾我们只是普通的弓箭手We're common archers, robin.如果带着王冠出现在国王的船上If we arrive at the king's ship with his crown,我们会被告谋杀we'll be accused of murder.你怎么肯定How do you know看到的那些骑士That the knights you see walking就一定是真的骑士呢about are actually knights at all?区分骑士和平民的唯一标志There is no difference between a knight就是着装And any other man aside from what he wears.我们乔装打扮即可All we need is about us.找来甲胄头盔剑Armor, helmets, swords,我们就可以伪装成骑宝马带金子上路的And we make england wealthy men英格兰富人With horses and gold.命运终于垂青我们了Fate has smiled upon us at last.而我绝不会放弃这大好良机And I, for one, shall not turn my back on her.把王冠摘下来威尔Take that crown off your head, will,装满金银财宝更有用些And fill it to the brim.主啊我们将此人的灵魂交给您保管We commit the soul of this boy to your keeping, lord. 当他到达永生之门时我们请求We would ask, when he arrives at the gates of eternity, 您能让他得以永生If you could let him in.歌♥利亚把地犁得很好但种什么呢Goliath's got the soil turning nicely. But for what?荨麻吗Nettles?荨麻汤和蒲公英沙拉Nettle soup and dandelion salad,我们至少可以活命That'll keep us alive.歌♥利亚这边来Come, goliath. This way.直到奇迹出现Until we get a miracle.这边This way.马里昂郡督来了Marion, sheriff.马里昂我在佩珀哈罗始终没有得到Marion, I've been at peper harow, waiting in vain沃尔特爵士的接见For sir walter to receive me.烦请转告我有别的事忙Kindly tell him I have better things不能在府上久候to do than haunt his threshold.舍伍德盗贼横行的时候你倒是悠哉悠哉That you have, while robbers are roaming free in sherwood. 那是郡督的职责你怎么不操心That's sheriff's business. Why don't you look to it?告诉那个老家伙下次我会破门而入Tell the old fool that next time, I'll break his door down.而且如果他太骄傲而不付...And if he's too proud to pay...不他不是太骄傲No, no, no, no. He's not too proud.他是太穷了He's too poor.以查理国王之名你们搜刮民脂In the name of king richard, you have stripped our wealth只顾出外征战To pay for foreign adventures.而在地方上还有教堂以仁慈的上帝之名Whilst at home, the church, in the name of the merciful god, 毫不留情地掠夺Has reaped, without mercy,我们赖以糊口的存粮The largest share of what we had set aside to feed ourselves. 我已经无从分辨郡督和主教之间Between a sheriff and a bishop, I wouldn't care to judge到底谁压榨老实的英国人更多Who's the greater curse on honest english folk.马里昂Marion,当你有办法能让我成为你的保护者的时候Why, oh, why do you make an enemy of me为什么还要选择与我为敌When you have the means to make me your protector? 你指什么办法What means?如果你现在就滚If you leave now,你还能活得长久些等我丈夫回来时I will lengthen your life by not telling my husband我不会把你来骚扰的事告诉他Of your visit when he returns home.你丈夫都十年没回来了Your husband? After 10 years?如果他还没死If he's not dead, he's rutting his way那一定是在北非海岸的温柔乡乐不思蜀了through the brothels of the barbary coast.只有你这种下流胚才会这样So speaks a man of experience.好好想想吧马里昂Well, think on it, marion.沃尔特爵士后继无人Sir walter is dying without an heir.他死后佩珀哈罗将归由国王所有Peper harow will fall to the crown,到时你就睡大街吧and you will be living in the hedgerow.你会后悔没来从我的You'll be glad to come to me then.法国北部沿海船长看那里Captain, there.先生应是12名骑士和国王一同登船Sir, we were told to expect 12 riders and the king.我们爱戴的国君已经去世Our beloved king is dead.吾王永恒Long live the king.请问阁下是And you are, sir?诺丁汉罗伯特·洛克斯利爵士你是Sir robert loxley of nottingham. And you?我是国王侍从I'm the king's equerry, sir.先生们上船吧Come aboard, gentlemen, before the马上要涨潮了tide floats her. It's coming in fast.划船啊壮士们在赶路壮士们And it's row, me bully boys we're in a hurry, boys长路漫漫We got a long way to go我们载歌♥载舞告别法国Where we'll sing and we'll dance and bid farewell to france 划船啊壮士们划船啊And row, me bully boys, row划船啊壮士们在赶路壮士们And it's row, me bully boys we're in a hurry boys长路漫漫We got a long way to go我们载歌♥载舞告别法国We'll sing and we'll dance and bid farewell to france划船啊勇士们划船啊And row, me bully boys, row羔羊变成雄狮早上有什么计划So what's the plan in the morning?船到伦敦前会在格雷夫森德停靠The boat stops at gravesend on the way to london.我们会将归还王冠的荣誉让给他们We'll leave the honor of returning the然后我们就离开crown to them, and we'll be gone.去哪里Where?去北方North.我喜欢Well, that suits me.划船啊壮士们划船啊Row, me bully boys, row但如今我们归航快看紧家里的姑娘们But now we're returning so lock up your daughters 奋起反抗再反抗直到羔羊变成雄狮我们载歌♥载舞告别法国We'll sing and we'll dance and bid farewell to france 划船啊壮士们划船啊And it's row, me bully boys, row泰晤士河出海口英格兰罗伯特爵士做好准备我们二十分钟后靠岸Make ready, sir robert. We dock in 20 minutes.到格雷夫森德了吗Gravesend?不大人在伦敦塔王宫处靠岸No, my lord. The palace docks, tower of london.威尔Will.约翰埃伦John. Allan.-我们到哪里了 -伦敦- Where are we? - London.我的老天Holy christ!咱们10分钟后靠岸We dock in 10 minutes.这件事一了结我们就跑路When this is done, be ready to ride.如果王太后或者别的什么皇亲国戚What if... what if loxley is known认得洛克斯利被识破了怎么办To the king's mother or brother or any of them?那我们就亡命天涯Then we'll be riding for our lives.耶稣圣母圣父圣人彼得保罗和玛丽Jesus, mary and joseph. Peter and paul and mary!我就知道会出事I knew it! I knew it!早安大人Good morning, my lord.值此悲伤之际我想嘱咐您几句Some words of advice on this tragic occasion.接下来要做的事不能出差错You appreciate everything must be done correctly,您要将王冠呈给埃莉诺王太后So you will present the crown to lady eleanor.右膝下跪You will go down on the right knee.告知国王死讯时不要直视她的眼睛Do not look in her eyes when you tell her the king is no more. 别人没起身时要一直跪着你听明白了吗And do not rise until all others rise. Do you understand?明白Yes.爱格妮思Agnes.拿我的蓝底金线裙来My blue and gold brocade.是王太后Yes, my lady.给王太后让路Part for the queen.给王太后让路Part for the queen.停Cease.怎么回事发生什么事情What's this? What's happening?查理从法国回来了King richard returns from france, my lord.洛克斯利骗了我们吗Did loxley deceive us?跪下Kneel.吾儿万岁Long life, my son.平身Rise now.先王已逝A king is dead.吾王万岁Long live the king.吾王万岁Long live the king!吾王万岁Long live the king!平身Rise.你是...You...我不认识你I don't know you.陛下我是诺丁汉罗伯特·洛克斯利爵士Robert loxley, sire, of nottingham.那欢迎来到王宫Welcome then.我哥哥是怎么死的And how did my brother die?回陛下先王战死沙场死得其所In battle, your majesty, as was his way.死得其所As was his way.你将消息带回国都You deserve a reward...去备马Let's get the horses.值得嘉奖...for bringing home the news.跪下Kneel.你是从诺丁汉来的吗Did you say you were from nottingham?是Yes.你的父亲沃尔特爵士Your father, sir walter,欠王室税款Owes tax to the crown.欠我钱My crown.告诉他治理国家开销惊人Tell him it's bloody expensive running a country 为国纳税人人有责And everyone's got to pay their way.这戒指就当是你偿还的第一笔欠款吧We'll start with this.给国王让路Make way for the king!让开Make way!陛下Your majesty.给国王让路Make way for the king!-让开 -戈弗雷- Make way! - Godfrey.戈弗雷我的老友见到你真好Godfrey, my friend. It's so good to see you.-旅行如何 -很好陛下- How were your travels? - Good, sire.你的脸怎么弄伤了What happened to your face?狩猎意外无须挂怀A hunting accident. It's nothing.-有些狰狞 -陛下- Frightening. - Your majesty.就说是决斗留下的姑娘们会对你更痴迷的Call it a dueling scar. The ladies will love you all the more. 向您阅女无数而致意陛下I bow to your knowledge of the ladies, sire.请起吧You can get up now.罗伯特爵士Sir robert.你也许听说过我You will know of me, perhaps.我是威廉姆·马歇尔I'm william marshal.我年轻时和你父亲情同手足Your father and I were young men together.告诉他我很快会去看他Tell him I'm coming to visit him soon,在春天的第一个夜晚On spring's first black night.我可能会需要他帮忙I may have need of him.好的我会转告他I will. I'll tell him.不管他是谁有什么背景他知道的太多了Whoever he is and whatever he is, he knows too much. 除掉他Get rid of him.大家跟上Come on, let's follow.交出你手里的东西Forfeit what you got.粮食钱财衣服Victuals, coin, clothing不然你就没命了Or your life.汤姆斯·库珀Thomas cooper.是你吗Is that you?汤姆斯你病了吗Are you sick, thomas?我们都病了We're all sick.-其他人在哪儿 -别告诉她- Where are the rest of you? Don't... - don't tell her.洛普会生气的Loop will be angry.不生气的是你妈妈No, it's your mother who's going to be angry.要么你们出来跟我走要么我过去Now, either you come with me, or I come with you.你们选吧You choose.快说他们在哪儿Well, come on then. Where are they?告诉我Answer me.4个人 5匹马其中一匹是灰白色的Four men, five horses, one gray.你见过他们吗Have you seen them?往那边走了That way.。

1. 罗宾汉(Robin Hood),罗宾汉是一个传说中的英雄人物,据说他是一位在英格兰中世纪时期活动的弓箭手和森林游侠。
2. 谢里伍德森林(Sherwood Forest),谢里伍德森林是罗宾汉和他的跟随者据说居住和活动的地方。
3. 纳特林斯(Nathaniel),纳特林斯是罗宾汉谣中的一个角色,他是罗宾汉的忠实追随者之一。
4. 红衣修女(Maid Marian),红衣修女是罗宾汉谣中的女主角之一,她是一个美丽善良的贵族女子。
5. 约翰王子(Prince John),约翰王子是罗宾汉谣中的反派角色,他是英格兰的统治者之一,同时也是罗宾汉的宿敌。

英美国家概括名词解释英国部分英美国家概括名词解释The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Unit 11.LondonLondon is the largest city located in the south of the country. It is dominant in Britain in all sorts of ways. It is the cultural and business center and the headquarters of the vast majority of Britain’s big companies. It is not only the financial center of the nation, but also one of the three major international financial centers in the world.2.Robin Hood罗宾汉,英国传说中的一位著名绿林好汉,在森林里盘踞,以劫富济贫杀贪官污吏为宗旨。
Robin Hood was a Saxon nobleman. As he could no longer put up with oppressions压迫from the Normans, he became an outlaw反叛者and hid himself with his band of “merry men” in the forest. From this secret place, he went out to rob from the rich to give the poor.3.Anglo-Saxons盎格鲁-撒克逊They were two groups of Germanic日耳曼peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century. They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.4.King Arthur 亚瑟国王,6世纪时英格兰统治者,圆桌骑士的领袖,有关他的传说很多。

侠盗罗宾汉,Robin,Hood读后感侠盗罗宾汉,Robin,Hood读后感侠盗罗宾汉,Robin,Hood读后感.His father had enemies .One of them as the Sheriff of Nottingham .Unfortunately ,His father as sent to jail and died in prison ,Robin mother as shocked and died ,so Robin live ith his uncle .There‟re 40 outlas men in the forest looking for their leader and Robin ant to join it ,and one of them said ho in the archery contest ill be their leader .Soon Robin get the first prize ,but he give the prize to Madam Marian ho as Rob childhoodfriend .Hoever ,one of them prove he that he on the petition .So Rob became their leader and changed his name into …Robin Hood ‟.man .Once ,the Sheriff invited Robin to his house .When Robin as in the house ,he sa Little John as ing into the room earing the uniform of one of the Sheriff‟smen .Nevertheless ,Robin believed at him that he as not a traitor .Little John disguised for the contest for staff fighting ,so he borroed a staff from one of the men in the crod ,then he beat the best staff .then the sheriff ant he to be one of his men and he approved it and he became lazy .One day he became hungry and came to kitchen ,and he have a fight ith the chef ,at last the chef joined Robin and Robin ,Little John and the chef returned to the forest .The next morning ,the sheriff ant to see the horned animal and came to the forest .And Robin invited sheriff for dinner and tell him to tell his soldier to ent home or ill be shot by robin‟s men .The Merry Men treated the sheriff politely and Robin started to speak thetruth to the sheriff “fear not ,e‟ll let you live .But you must promise not to harm any outla in Sherood forest.” And he accepted it .Finally Robin married ith Marian .After reading this story e kno that Robin as a thief but he only steal from the rich and give to the poor .And he didn‟t use any violence to resolve the crime of the sheriff .He have a clever brain and he as very brave and confidence .Generally speaking ,We can learn a lots things from Robin ,let‟s start from his brave ,hen the Merry Men asked him “you just have sord and archer ,ho can you defeat them ?” Robin said “that‟s right butit‟s lack of something important ,hat‟s more is the most ,it ‟s brave.” Courage is people have courage to dare to be the first spirit or temperament. Dare to be the first noteveryone has the temperament, only those ho have the courage of person, have the courage to dare to be the first person to be called a brave man.resolve the outlas men problems and stop the sheriff from his cruel .He also have a leadership ,He can lead the Merry Men ell and they ere very salute to him .His skillful fight against injustice and tyranny .His sense of justice makes him risk his neck in order to rescue one of his folloers .He never harms an honest man or oman and takes a cheerful vie of life by his love of nature and aestheticism.Thirdly ,is the most important that sometimes bad things is not also bad , likeRobin .He stole things from rich and give it to the poor , give a freedom for them .People says that e also can learn something from Little John .We can learn his loyalty .He never betray Robin and he did anything to help Robin fought against the Sheriff ,at lasthe became Robin‟s second mand .His loyalty made Robin trust and status in Robin‟s and Merry Men‟s Hearth .This is one of the greatest stories hat I‟ve ever read .The reason hy I love this story first ,I love Robin because he has many talents such as Boing .Furthermore ,the story make me think it‟s a real story ,even though e don‟t kno hether it‟s true or not . Tales of the athletic and brave Robin Hood are still being told today .篇四:《侠盗罗宾汉英文读后感》robin hood as a legendary english outla。
书虫robin hood的主要内容

书虫robin hood的主要内容书虫Robin Hood的主要内容《罗宾汉》是一本描写罗宾汉与他的好友们在谢尔伍德森林中的冒险故事的书。

1. 阿拉丁(Aladdin)阿拉丁是著名的阿拉伯童话故事中的主人公。
2. 杰基·肯尼迪(Jacqueline Kennedy)杰基·肯尼迪是美国历史上备受敬仰的第一夫人之一。
3. 弗兰肯斯坦(Frankenstein)弗兰肯斯坦是一个经典的恐怖小说角色,故事中由科学家维克多·弗兰肯斯坦创造。
4. 女巫(Witch)女巫是万圣节角色扮演中常见的角色之一。
5. 罗宾汉(Robin Hood)罗宾汉是一位古老的英雄人物,他以慷慨解囊和抢劫富人而帮助穷人而闻名。
Robin Hood侠盗罗宾汉

So his brother John becomes the king. King John is cruel and greedy. The poor people pay much money to King John. King John hates Robert and kills Robert’s father.
Now King John is looking for Robert. Robert and his servants hide in Sherwood Forest. Robert changes his name to Robin Hood. His friends call themselves the Merry Men and they always wear green clothes.
Robin and the Merry Men are very surprised. But soon they laugh and cheer. The next day they leave Sherwood Forest. King Richard becomes the king of England again. Robin and the Merry Men return to their homes.
Robin and the Merry Men take money from the rich people. Then they give the money to the poor people. Many people hear about Robin and the Merry Men. So they become famous. Many people respect them.
robin hood名词解释

robin hood名词解释
罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是一个传说中的角色,通常被描述为一

When Robin and his men reached Sherwood Forest, they sat down to rest. Robin Hood smiled at his loyal servants. Then he said to them, 'My friends, Sherwood Forest is our new home. Now we are free but we are outlaws. Everyone in the kingdom is against us!'
'Master, we are not afraid because you are with us,' said Much.
'Yes, I will stay with you, but you must do what I tell you. We must not become robbers. We must never harm the poor, the old, women or children. We must respect and protect them.
One day, the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham killed Robin's father, and took away his lands. Young Robin lost his father, his home, his lands and all his possessions.
Robin turned around and saw an enormous, young man. He was very tall.
He escaped to Sherwood Forest with his loyal servants. They decided to live as free men in the forest. They didn't want to be slaves of King John. However, the King considered them outlaws.
Robin Hood 平民英雄罗宾汉

Robin Hood statue
• Robin hood lived and presided over his band of followers in Sherwood forest. He was believed to be a perfect model of courage , generosity and justice, as well as of skill in archery. • The stories about robin hood and his “merry men” are similar in their popularity to the stories of the 108 famous outlaws in the Chinese classic novel Water Margin(水浒传 水浒传) 水浒传
四大中国经典名著 The Four Chinese Classics
Water Margin 水浒传
Journey to the West 西游记
The Dream of Red Mansions 红楼梦doms 三国演义
Robin Hood And His “Merry Man”
Robin Hood
Robin Hood is a British folk legend type hero. People always call him Huntington (汉丁顿伯爵 汉丁顿伯爵) Count (汉丁顿伯爵). From the beginning of 12 in the middle of the century, there are many legends about the exploits of Robin Hood. The stories of Robin Hood are based mainly on traditions, Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved protected the poor.
Robin Hood 罗宾汉

Part 1. Robin and his merry menRobin Hood was the best bowman in England, and he could fight very well with a sword. He was also very good with a quarterstaff. Robin Hood lived in England many years ago. He was a good, brave man and the common people loved him. Robin and his merry men took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. He lived in Sherwood Forest, near the town of Nottingham. In Robin Hood’s time, most of the common people were very poor. The Sheriff of Nottingham and the rich lord s and churchmen took money from the common people. The Sheriff of Nottingham hated Robin Hood and wanted to catch him. But Robin Hood was clever and brave and no one could catch him.One day, Robin was looking for deer in the forest. He saw some deer on the far side of a litter river. There was a bridge over the river, but it was only a meter wide, and a man was standing on it. He was a very big man, much more than two meters tall, and he had a strong quarterstaff.“Good morning, friend. I want to get to the other side of the river.” Robin Hood said.The tall man said nothing and he didn’t move.“We’ll fight for the bridges. The one who falls into the river is the loser. ”“Ha, ha, ha, ha! Yes!I love a fight. And I hope you love a bath.”They started to fight. The two men fought for an hour. Then at last Robin found an opening. His staff hit the big man on the head. Robin started to laugh --- too soon! The big man’s quarterstaff came down on Robin’s staff so hard that it broke. Robin’s foot went over the side of the bridge, and he fell into the river. Robin came out of the river, and he was laughing.“That was a good fight. You’re a strong man. Can I do anything for you?” he said.“You can help me to find Robin Hood. I want to be one of his men.”Robin Hood sound ed his horn…and Robin’s men were soon at the bridge.Will Scarlet said, “You’ve been in the water, Robin.”“Robin! Are you Robin Hood? Have I hit Robin Hood with my quarterstaff?” said the big man.Robin laughed again.“I like you – er –what is your name?”“My name is John Little.”“Little?” said Robin, laughing because John was so big.“I think we’ll call you Little John.”So Little John went with Robin Hood and his men.One beautiful June day, Robin was in the forest. He saw a man sitting beside a river. The man was very fat and he had an iron cap on his head. He was a friar, a kind of churchman, and his name was Friar Tuck. Robin had heard that Friar Tuck was a great bowman, and Robin wanted to meet him.Robin Hood called out, ”Carry me across the river, Friar Tuck, if you want to stay alive.”The friar took Robin on his back, and carried him across the river. When they reached the other side, Friar Tuck quickly drew his sword.“Now, young man, carry me back over the river, or you’ll be sorry.”Robin took Friar Tuck on his back, and carried him across the river. This time, it was Robin who drew his sword.“Carry me over the river, Friar Tuck, if you want to stay alive.”The friar took Robin on his back again. And then, in the deepest part, Friar Tuck threw Robin into the water and fell on top of him. Robin stood up in the middle of the river.“You’re a strong man. I want you to come with us to Sherwood Forest.”And that is how the outlaw s got their own friar.(就这样, ”歹徒”终于有了自己的修士)Part 2. Robin and Maid MarianRobin Hood was the son of the Earl of Huntingdon. As a boy, Robin lived in his father’s castle until his father was killed by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Not very far away from the Earl of Huntingdon’s castle, Lord Fitzwater had a castle. Between the two castles there was a forest. The Earl of Huntingdon’s son Robin and Lord Fitzwater’s daughter Marian often met in the forest. The boy and the girl became friends. Marian was a pretty girl, but she was also strong. She could use a bow nearly as well as Robin, and he had taught her to use a quarterstaff. It was a very sad day for Maid Marian when the Sheriff of Nottingham took the Earl of Huntingdon’s castle and made young Robin leave it. For a few years, she heard nothing about Robin. Then, one day, she heard two men talking about the outlaws of Sherwood Forest.“There are more than a hundred of them.” One man said.“They shoot the king’s deer, and they take money from the rich.”“Yes,” said his friend, ”but they give that money to the poor.”“And they never tak e anything from women or from poor people or good yeomen.”“They have a fine leader.”“His name is Robin Hood, and he is the friend of all good country people.”“They say that there is no better bowman in the country.”Maid Marian thought about their words.“It sounds like my Robin.”“I’ll go and see this Robin Hood.”She put a boy’s clothes on, with a green hood that hid her hair and most of her face. Then, with her bow and arrows and a strong quarterstaff, she left Lord Fitzwater’s castle. Nobody saw her go.A few days after that, Marian was in Sherwood Forest. She was very hungry, and she was glad to see a nice fat deer.“Boy!” said a loud voice. “What are you doing?”Away went the deer. The man had a big quarterstaff, but he was not carrying a bow, and he had no sword. She couldn’t see his face because he was wearing a big hood. He looked very strong, but Marian was angry with him.“You saw what I was doing, and you have driven my deer away.”“These are the King’s deer, boy !”“You mustn’t shoot them. Go away!”“I won’t go away.” said Marian.“I’m not afraid of you.”“I’m not afraid of any man who hides his face.”They began to fight. It was a good fight. The man was very strong, but it was clear that he didn’t want to hurt the “boy”. At last the man said,”Let’s stop.”“You’re very young, but you’re going to be a fine fighter.”“Will you come and be one of Robin Hood’s merry men?”Marian threw back her hood. The man stood quite still. Then he threw back his own hood.“Robin!” cried Marian.Robin Hood looked at the lovely face of the woman who, as young girl, had been his little friend. Robin Hood and Maid Marian came to Robin’s greenwood tree. Friar Tuck was there.“Maid Marian and I want you to marry us . Here. Now.”“Maid---? I don’t see a lady here.”Mai d Marian threw back her hood again. Friar Tuck saw a beautiful woman’s head above the boy’s clothes. And that is how Robin Hood and Maid Marian were married in the greenwood. They lived happily there for marry years.Part 3. Alan-a-DaleRobin Hood and Maid Marian were in the forest when a young man came along the road. The young man was good to see, in his new red clothes. His face was happy, and he was singing merrily. Next morning, Robin and Marian saw the same young man. He had thrown away his red clothes, he wasn’t singing, and his face was very sad. Robin spoke kindly to him.“Do you have any money that you don’t need?”Very sadly the young man said, “I have only ten pence and a gold ring.”“The ring was for a beautiful young woman.”“I was going to marry her today, but they have taken her away from me.”“They are going to marry her to rich old knight.”“I don’t want to live without her.”“Take my ten pence, and let me die.”“Tell me your name,” said Robin Hood.“My name is Alan-a-Dale.”“How far away is your lady-lover’s home, and where is the marriage to be?”“Her home is an hour’s walking from here.”“The marriage is to be at the church near her home in an hour.”Robin ran to the church with Alan-a-Dale and some of his men. Robin went inside the church and he took a harp with him. A fat churchman saw Robin in the church.“What are you doing here?” he asked Robin.“I’m a harper.” said Robin.“I’m the best harper in the north of England.”“Oh, welcome! I love harp music. What will you play for me?”Just then, a rich knight came into the church. He was old, and ugly, and fat. A very pretty young woman came and stood unhappily beside him.“This isn’t right!” cried Robin Hood.“This young woman mustn’t marry that old man.”“…But I came to make music. Listen.”But they didn’t hear Robin’s harp. They heard him sound his horn, three times. Robin’s men came running to the church with their bows and arrow s. The pretty young woman ran to Alan-a-Dale, and he held her in his arms.“Marry them.”Robin said to the chur chman.“It’s not right.” the churchman said.“By the laws of the church and by the laws of England, the people in church must be asked three times.”“Only then can a man and a woman be married.”Robin pulled off the churchman’s coat, and Little John put it on.“Now you are a churchman, Little John. Do what must be done.”Little John stood in front of the people in the church. He was a very big man, and the people began to laugh. So Alan-a-Dale was married to his lady-lover. And they all went back to the greenwood, to live free in the forest air.The Sheriff of Nottingham hated Robin Hood.“How can I catch him?” he thought.“I must think. –Ahh ha! He is the best bowman in the land.”“I’ll send out word that there will be shooting on a day in June, with fair p lay for the bowmen.”“The best bowman will get a gold arrow from me.”“Robin Hood will come and shoot because I have promised that there will be fair play. Andthen I’ll take him!”Robin Hood went to the tournament with one hundred and forty of his men. Ro bin’s men shot well, better than any of the bowmen from other places. But the best was Robin Hood. Every arrow from his bow hit the mark. The gold arrow was his, and he took it from the sheriff with many thanks. The sheriff held up his hand to his swordsmen, and they ran to take Robin. But then they stopped. More than a hundred bowmen, with arrows ready, stood out from among the people. There was a great fight, and many men were hurt. An arrow hit Little John’s knee and wound ed him badly.“Please, Robin.” h e said.“Don’t let the sheriff take me alive. Kill me with your sword, and leave me dead. ”“Never!” said Robin.And he carried Little John all the way back to Sherwood Forest.Part 3. The sheriff and the KingThe Sheriff of Nottingham was very angry because he could not catch Robin Hood. He rode to London to ask the king for help.“This Robin Hood is an outlaw. He and his men shoot your deer in the forest. They take money from lords and good churchmen.”“They are your enemies, and we must stop them. ““I will be in Nottingham. I will take Robin Hood myself.”A woman came to Robin Hood with some bad news. The sheriff had caught one of Robin’s friends, Sir Richard of the Lee. Robin and his men ran into Nottingham, and there, in front of them, they saw the Sheriff of Nottingham. All his soldiers were with him, and Sir Richard of the Lee.“Stop, proud Sheriff! Stop and speak to me!” shouted Robin.“I don’t speak to outlaws.” said the sheriff.And to the soldiers he said, “Take that man!”But the soldiers saw a hundred arrows in a hundred bows all around them, and not a man moved.“I have never run so far or so fast.” said Robin Hood.“And I tell you, sheriff,it is not to do you good.”An arrow flew from Robin’s bow, and the sheriff fell dead. And so Robin Hood killed the proud sheriff, the man who had killed Robin’s father.The king came to Nottingham with a great number of knights. He came to take Robin Hood. He stayed in Nottingham for many weeks, but nobody could find Robin Hood. Finally, the king made a plan to find him. He put on the clothes of a rich abbot with a big hat over his hood. His five best knights dressed as churchmen too. Then they rode to Sherwood Forest. They hadn’t gone far in the greenwood when they met Robin Hood.“Sir Abbot,” he said, “please stay for a time.”“Please give us some of your riches to give to poor people.”The king answered him: “I have only forty pieces of gold.”“But I bring a word from our lord the king.”“He asks you to come to Nottingham to have dinner with him.”“Thank yo u, Sir Abbot, for your words, and today you must have dinner with me under my greenwood tree.”The dinner was soon ready – good deer meat, fine bread, and good drink. After the meat, the good king took off his hood. Robin saw the king’s face.“My lord the King of England, now I know you!”“Will you pardon us?”“I pardon you if you will leave the greenwood – you and all your men – and come and live with me in London.”“I need men like you around me.”“I’ll come to London with you, and I’ll bring a hundred men.”“But if I’m not happy there, I’ll have to come back to the greenwood – and shoot more of your deer.”Robin stayed in London for a year. It was not a happy year for him. One by one, Robin’s men left London and went back to the forest. At the end of the year Robin Hood returned to Sherwood Forest. When Robin got to the greenwood, he heard the merry singing of the birds. He sounded his horn three times. Soon a hundred fine young men came through the trees.“Welcome!” they cried.“Welcome to our dear Robin Hood under the greenwood tree!”。
Robin Hood 罗宾汉

Robin Hood 罗宾汉(COPY / checking FINISHED)1 Robin Hood becomes an OutlawRobin Hood was born near the end of the 12th century. His real name was Robert. He was the son of the Earl of Huntingdon. At that time, England had many problems. King Richard was away on a crusade in the Holy 'Land ". He was away many years.His brother, John, became king. He was a cruel and greedy king. His men were arrogant and brutal. The poor people of England suffered a lot. They paid very high taxes to King John and his sheriffs. Many families died of hunger!Oneday, the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham killed Robin's father, and took away his lands. Young Robin lost his father, his home, his lands and all his possessions.He escaped to Sherwood Forest with his loyall servants. They decided to live as free men in the forest. They didn't want to be slaves of King John. However, the King considered them outlaws.When Robin and his men reached Sherwood Forest, they sat down to rest. Robin Hood smiled at his loyal servants. Then he said to them, 'Myfriends, Sherwood Forest is our new home. Now we are free but we are outlaws. Everyone in the kingdom is against us!''Master, we are not afraid because you are with us,' said Much. 'Yes, I will stay with you, but you must do what I tell you. We must not become robbers. We must never harm the poor, the old, wonmen or children. We must respect and protect them.'We take only from rich merchants, noblemen and fat churchmen! Here is my plan: when rich travellers come into Sherwood Forest, we invite them to eat with us. Then, they must pay for their food. They must give us half of everything they have! We then give this money to the poor. Do you promise to do what I tell you?''Yes, we do!' they cried.Robin and the outlaws lived in caverns in the forest. The caverns were a perfect hiding place. They were warm and dry in the winter. In the summer they were cool.They were happy in the forest. They all wore green clothes and carried bows and arrows. Robin had a horn' to give signals.Soon, other honest men joined the outlaws of Sherwood Forest: Nat, Will Scarlett and others. The outlaws were excellent archers. Robin Hood became the best archer in the region. In the forest, Robin and his men practised with their bows and arrows.1. Earl:伯爵2. crusade:圣战3. Holy Land:圣地耶路撒冷4. greedy:贪婪的5. arrogant:高傲的6. brutal:残忍的7. sheriggs:郡长8. loyal:忠诚9. against:反对10. harm:伤害11. caverns:大洞穴12. signals:信号13. archers:弓箭手14. practiced:练习2 Robin meets Little JohnOne day Robin came to a stream with a snull bridge. When he began to cross it, he heard a loud voice say, 'I want to cross the stream first' Robinturned around and saw an enormous, young man. He was very tall.'No, I was first!' answered Robin. 'Can you push me off the bridge?' asked the enormous man. He was holding a wooden staff.Robin cut a long branch from a tree and made a staff. Then he began to fight on the bridge. Robin was fast and light. But soon, the enormous man pushed Robin into the water. He was very strong. The enormous man laughed. Then he pulled Robin out of the water. Robin started to laugh too. 'You are an honest fighter!' said Robin. 'What is your name?''My name is John Little. I am an honest man. I fought with good King Richard's men in the Holy Land. I made King Richard's sword and the swords of his men. He is a great king. But his brother John is cruel and greedy! I don't want to serve King John. I am looking for Robin Hood. I want to join his outlaws.'Welcome to our merry company of outlaws! I am Robin Hood!'said Robin, smiling. 'A friend of King Richard is a friend of mine!'John Little was very surprised. Then the two men embraced and became good friends.'Now that you are an outlaw, you must change your name. Your new name is Little John.'Robin took Little John to the secret hiding place in the forest. The outlaws welcomed Little John with a big meal.Little John was an expert sword maker. Soon every outlaw had a newsword. The outlaws liked Little John because he was friendly and kind. At night, everyone sat around the fire and listened to his stories. He told them about his adventures in the Holy Land.1. stream:小河2. bridge:桥3. enormous:巨大的4. merry:快乐的5. company:同伴6. expert:技术高超的3 Friar Tuck joins the OutlawsWill Scarlett told Robin that a big, fat man lived in a cavern near a river in Sherwood Forest.One day Robin decided to meet him. He went to the river and saw a fat friar who was fishing. 'Good morning, young man,' said the friar.'Good day,' answered Robin Hood. 'You are fishing in an outlaw river. The fish you catch are mine. You can fish here today, but only ifyou carry me across the river.'The friar did not like what Robin said. So, he looked at him and said, 'I can carry you across the river. You are very thin! Can you carry me across the river?'Robin was surprised to hear this. 'Of course, I can carry you! I am thin, but I am very strong.' Robin lifted the enormous friar with great difficulty. Then he carried him across the river.'You are very heavy, frial. But I can carry you,' said Robin.At the other side of the river Robin said, 'Now you must carry me back.' The friar started to carry Robin Hood across the river. But when they arrived at the middle of the river, the friar stopped. He sniffed Robin and said, 'Goodness! You smell like an old rat! You need a good, cold bath!' And so, the friar threw Robin into the cold water. He laughed loudly and then pulled Robin to the river bank .Robin was angry at first. Then, he smiled and said, 'You were right. I needed a bath. I feel better now. My good friar, you are free to fish in this river when you want.''Let us shake hands" before I go away,' said the frial.'Oh, don't go away, ' said Robin. 'My name is Robin Hood.''What! You are Robin Hood?' asked the frial. He was very surprised.'Yes! Come and live with me and my outlaws. We are all good, honest men. We take from the rich and give to the pool. We want a friar becausewe need the word of God. What is your name?''I am Friar Michael Tuck of Fountains Abbey. I had a quarrel with my abbot ". He was very greedy and rich. He never helped the pool. He forgot God's teachings. When I told him this, he wanted to punish me. I escaped to the forest. Now I live a simple life.'If you want to live a simple life, and help the poor, then come to Sherwood Forest,' said Robin.The two men shook hands and promised to be friends for life.1. friar:修道士2. sniffed:闻3. bank:河岸4. Abbey:修道院5. quarrel:争吵6. abbot:男修道院院长7. teachings:教导8. promised:承诺4 Wanted: dead or alive!Some years passed, and there were more than 200 outlaws living in Sherwood Forest. Robin Hood was the hero of the poor. He continued robbing the rich to give to the poor. Robin Hood called this 'The Sherwood Tax'. All the rich travellers who passed through Sherwood Forest paid 'The Sherwood Taxi.The Sheriff of Nottingham sent an army of soldiers to Sherwood Forest to capture Robin Hood. But Robin and his outlaws were in the trees. They killed all the soldiers except one.Robin and his men were the best archers of the region. They knew the forest perfectly. They were never afraid of fighting the soldiers of the wicked Sheriff of Nottingham. It was impossible to stop Robin Hood. The Sheriff was furious because the people laughed at him. He was never able to capture Robin Hood. King John was furious too. His subjects loved King Richard and hated him.One day, King John stood on the castle walls. He spoke to all his people. He said, 'We must capture Robin Hood and his outlaws. They are our enemy. I can pay a hundred pieces of gold for Robin Hood, dead or alive! Bring me that outlaw!'From that day on, Robin's life was in great danger.1. tax:税2. capture:捕获3. perfectly:非常4. wicked:邪恶的5. subjects:臣民5 Robin meets Maid MarianWhen Robin Hood was a boy, his best friends were Marian Fitzwater and her brother, Marke. Robin played with them and taught them to use the bow and arrow. He also taught them to fight with the sword.Robin loved only Maid Marian, and she loved only him.One spring day Marian's father, Lord Robert Fitzwater of Malaset, said to her, 'Marian, you are a beautiful maid. Soon you must marry. There is a very rich nobleman who wants to marry you.''What is his name?' Marian asked.'His name is Sir Guy of Gisbourne, a good friend of the Sheriff ofNottingham.'When Marian heard this, she was very unhappy. This was terrible! She did not want to marry Sir Guy of Gisbourne. She loved Robin Hood and wanted to marry him.She decided to run away to join Robin Hood. She disguised herself as a knight. Then she took her horse and went to Sherwood Forest.Robin Hood was in the forest. He was coming from Nottingham, and was disguised as a beggar. They met in the forest. It was evening and it was almost dark. When Robin saw the knight, he asked, 'What are you doing in the forestl''What are you doing here, beggar man?' answered the knight.They did not recognise each other.'This is outlaw country. Go back! You can't stay here. We don't know you.' Robin said.'I cannot go back! I am not afraid of outlaws,' answered the knight, taking out a sword. 'I am ready to fight you!'And so the fight began. Both were experts with the sword. But Robin fell to the ground.The knight said, 'Now, take me to your leader. Take me to Robin Hood!' She took off her helmet and Robin was very surprised. It was his dear Marian! Robin took off his beggar clothes. Marian recognised Robin. She, too, was very surprised! Then, they kissed.There was great happiness in Sherwood Forest that evening. Marian and Robin were finally together. Friar Tuck married them after a few days. There was a big wedding celebration in the forest.Maid Marian was now part of Sherwood Forest. She was gentle and kind to all. Everyone loved her.1.Maid:女孩2.Disguised:伪装3.Took off:脱掉4.Married:证婚6 The Zheriffs RideRobin Hood's fame was everywhere. The people called him Saint Robin, and Robin, Sheriff of Sherwood Forest. A lot of new outlaws joined Robin Hood. They were loyal to him and followed him everywhere. The Sheriff's'- men did not want to go to Sherwood Forest to capture Robin Hood. They were afraid. The Sheriff of Nottingham wasvery angry. He wanted to capture Robin, dead or alive!'What is wrong with my men? They're afraid of Robin Hood. They are all stupid cowards ! I don't need anyone! I am going to Sherwood Forest alone! I'm not afraid of a legend.'The Sheriff left for Sherwood Forest alone. He entered the dark forest and saw no one for a long time. Suddenly, a group of outlaws jumped down front the treetops. They made a big circle around the Sheriff. Then they took out their swords. The Sheriff was terrified. His face became white.One outlaw said, 'Well, well! What do we have here? The Sheriff of Nottingham in person!''Oh, please, don't kill me!' said the cowardly Sheriff. 'I can give you everything I have!'The outlaws laughed at the Sheriff and said, 'Our master is waiting for you.''Robin Hood?' asked the Sheriff.'Yes! Robin Hood! You are invited to eat with us.''I'm not hungry. Let me go! I can give you money, gold, jewels! But please let me go!' the Sheriff said.'Start walking, you butcher,' said Will Scarlett. The outlaws took the Sheriff to Robin Hood.'Let's kill him!' the outlaws cried. 'Let's kill this fat butcher now!'Robin Hood looked at the Sheriff with disgust. He wanted to kill him too. But Marian stopped him. 'We are not butchers like this man,' said Marian. 'We are honest people.''Sit down and eat with us, Sheriff,' said Robin. 'After the meal, I have a surprise for you.'The Sheriff was not hungry. At the end of the meal, Robin said, 'Now give us everything you have - money, gold, jewels'Then, take off all your clothes. Get on your horse and return to Nottingham naked!'Robin, Marian and the outlaws laughed wildly. The Sheriff got on his horse and returned to Nottingham. He was very cold and very angry.'1 must capture that Robin Hood and destroy him!' shouted the Sheriff. When he reached Nottingham, the people saw him naked. Everyone looked at him. They pointed at him and laughed loudly. 'Long live Robin Hood, the Sheriff of Sherwood Forest!' they cried.1. cowards:胆小鬼2. in person:本人3. butcher:屠夫4. disgust:厌恶5. naked:裸体的6. wildly:失控的7. pointed at:指指点点7The Silver ArrowAfter his adventure in Sherwood Forest, the Sheriff of Nottingham said to his men, 'I must capture Robin Hood and destroy him. How can we capture him?' The Sheriff thought for some time. Then he said, I know how we can capture him. Let's have an archery competition here in Nottingham.The best archers of the region always come to the competition. The prize for the best archer is the famous silver arrow.' One of his men asked, 'But will Robin come to the competition?''Of course! Robin loves challenges !' said the Sheriff. 'He will come disguised and we must discover shim.'The Sheriff's messengers went everywhere and told everyone about the competition. One day Friar Tuck heard the news. He immediately told Robin and the outlaws. Robin said, 'I'm the best archer in the region. I can easily win the silver arrow!''Oh, Robin, don't go!' said Marian. 'It's a trap! The Sheriff wants to kill you!''Yes, Robin,' said Friar Tuck, 'it's a trap. It's dangerous for you to go.''I must go! I never refuse a challenge. I will disguise myself as a poor peasant. No one will recognise me.''Can we come to protect you?' asked Robin's men.'Yes, you can come disguised as peasants too. You can stay in the crowd . But be ready to fight, if necessary.'One morning in May, Robin and his outlaws went to the archery competition. When they arrived in Nottingham, the castle square was full of people. An archery competition was a special event. There were musicians, acrobats, children, lords, and ladies. There were colourful flags everywhere.All around the castle square, there were difficult targets. There were many excellent archers at the contest. They all tried to hit the targets. But the best archer was the peasant in the red cloak and hood. He hit all the most difficult targets. The crowd shouted with joy. He was the winner! The Sheriff was silent.He knew that the peasant with the red cloak and hood was Robin.'Guards! Stop that peasant in the red cloak!' cried the angry Sheriff. 'He is our enemy, Robin Hood, the outlaw.'The Sheriff's guards ran to capture Robin. But Robin's men attacked the guards. There was a lot of fighting. Robin and his men killed or injured lost of the Sheriff's men.Then they quickly left Nottingham and returned to Sherwood Forest. When they arrived, they celebrated their victory''.Silver:银制的Archery:射箭Competition:比赛Challenges:挑战Discover:发现Peasant:农民Crowd:人群Square:广场Acrobats:杂技演员Contest:比赛8 Alan a’DaleRobin and Marian were walking through the forest when they saw ayoung man sitting near a river. He was playing a lyre and singing a sad song.'Who are you and why are you singing this sad song?' asked Robin.'My name is Alan of Barnsdale, but people call me Alan a'Dale. I am very unhappy because I love a girl called Alice. She loves me too. But her father wants her to nurry a rich old baron. The marriage is tomorrow at Papplewick Church'. The young man was so unhappy that he started to cry.Robin and Marian looked at each other. Marian remembered her similar situation some time ago. Then Robin said, 'I want to help you, Alan a'Dale. I have a plan! Come with me!'Early the next morning, Robin sent his best archers to Papplewick. They hid inside the church and all around it.Robin, Friar Tuck and Alan a'Dale disguised themselves as simple peasants. Then they went to Papplewick. They entered the church and sat down.At midday, the bishop and the rich old baron entered the church. Then Alice arrived with her father. She wore a white dress and she had flowers in her hair. She was beautiful, but very sad and pale.When the bishop began the marriage ceremony, Robin stood up and said, 'My lord, an ugly old man cannot marry this beautiful young woman. Winter cannot marry spring!''What!' cried the bishop. 'Sit down and be silent!' 'There is no love between that old man and this young woman. You must not marry them.' The bishop was furious. He cried, 'Guards, arrest this peasant immediately!'At that moment, Robin's men stood up and pointed their bows and arrows at the guards. The guards did not move. The bishop ran out of the church.Alan a'Dale ran to Alice and embraced her. 'My sweet Alice, I want to marry you!' Alice was very happy and said, 'You are the only man I want to marry!'Friar Tuck married the happy couple at Papplewick Church.Then everyone returned to Sherwood Forest to enjoy the wedding banquet. Alan a'Dale and Alice lived in Sherwood Forest with Robin, Marian and the outlaws.1.Baron:男爵2.Similar:相似的3.Bishop:主教4.Pale:面色苍白5.Ceremony:仪式6.Pointed:瞄准7.Couple:夫妻8.Banquet:宴会9A Stranger in the ForestOne evening Robin was hunting in the forest. He saw a knight riding an old, tired horse. The knight wore the red cross of the Crusader.'Good evening, young man,' said the knight. 'What is the name of this forest?''This is Sherwood Forest, sir,' answered Robin.'I have come from the Holy Land. I was there for many years. I fought many wars against the Turks. Now I am very tired and hungry,' said the knight.Robin said, 'Brave knight, come and eat with me and my men. You can stay with us tonight.''Thank you for your offer. I am. happy to accept it.'The two men rode through the forest together. Robin told the strangerabout greedy King John and his wicked sheriff. He told him how the poor people suffered. He explained why he became an outlaw. The stranger listened carefully.There was a good meal of roast pork that evening. The stranger liked the merry company of Robin, Marian and the outlaws. He talked about his adventures in the Holy Land.At the end of the meal, Robin stood up and said, 'Let us drink to good King Richard, and to his return!'Everyone cheered and drank to good King Richard and to his return. Then the stranger stood up, took off his head-covering, and said, 'My friends, I must tell you the truth. I am not a knight. I am your King Richard, also called the Lionheart!'There was silence for a moment. The surprise was so great!Then everyone at the table cheered and cried, 'Welcome home, King Richard!'Everyone knelt down. Robin said, 'We thank God for King Richard's return.''I am a lucky king. I have loyal people,' said King Richard, with tears in his eyes. 'I know that my brother John and his men are dishonest and greedy. Now I am here to punish the bad and bring justice to all.'King Richard looked at everyone and said, 'You are not outlaws anymore. You are now free men and all friends of mine. Robin, the landsof Locksley are yours again! You can all leave Sherwood Forest and live as free men.' There was great excitement in the air.That night, King Richard slept in Sherwood Forest. The following morning he rode to Nottingham with Robin, Marian and his friends of Sherwood Forest.When the Sheriff saw them, he ran away and never returned!After the King's return, Robin, Marian and Little John went to Locksley. They lived a long and happy life. Some of the outlaws returned to their old homes and villages. Some went looking for adventure. Others became soldiers in the King's army.In everyone's heart, there was a beautiful memory of the years spent in Sherwood Forest.1. cross:十字架2. offer:提供帮助3. roast pork:烤肉4. knelt:跪下5. lucky:幸运6. dishonest:不诚实的7. excitement:兴奋8. memory:回忆。
Robin Hood罗宾汉

One of his legend
It is said that the famous Crusade in 12th or 13th century , King Richard of England captured, the usurper Prince John refused to redemption. And with his work hand in glove (狼狈为奸)with the Sheriff of Nottingham, took the opportunity to seize the loyal to King Richard Robinhood's territories, but also trying to encroach on his sweetheart Marianne. Robinhood was forced to hide in the forest of Sherwood. On this base, the leadership of a peasant uprising army everywhere to rob the rich and assist the poor, finally made a success of redemption Richard King and crushed the John's conspiracy .
Aother legend
It is also thought that about the year 1190, the British Wang Licha the lion heart led the British forces to take part in the Crusades, Robinhood also went on. But when the end of the war, when Robinhood returned home from the war, he found his estate and property has been Nottinghamshire sheriff to unwarranted charges confiscated. At this time, the British rule is by Prince John, he let the people suffer excessive taxes and levies. Therefore, Robinhood gathered a group of heroes of the Greenwood, by virtue of their resourcefulness and courage, lead them to rob the rich and then assist the poor, which is against the tyranny of king.

他生活在 12 世纪,以盗贼的身份对抗当时的贪官污吏,救助贫苦百姓,因此获得了“罗宾汉”的称号,成为了英国人心目中的侠盗。
在英语中,罗宾汉的表达方式有多种,可以直接称为"Robin Hood",也可以称为"The Prince of Thieves"(盗贼王子)或"The King of the Outlaws"(绿林好汉之王)。
罗宾汉的故事中有许多富有哲理和教育意义的好词好句,以下是一些例子:1."Robin Hood and Little John, up and down the hill, as fast as their legs could carry them."(罗宾汉和小约翰,上下山坡,快马加鞭。
)2."Robin Hood was before the King, with his bow in his hand."(罗宾汉在国王面前,手持弓箭。
)3."The Sheriff of Nottingham was in a terrible state of mind, for he had lost his prey."(诺丁汉郡守心情沮丧,因为他失去了猎物。
)4."Robin Hood and his merry men, they lived by their wits and their weapons."(罗宾汉和他的快乐伙伴们,他们靠智慧和武器生活。
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(以上内容摘自《徐老师原典英语自学法》(徐火辉著)第二章)Robin Hood by Sally M.StocktonChapter1:Robin Hood becomes an Outlaw (3)Chapter2:Robin meets Little John (5)Chapter3:Friar Tuck joins the Outlaws (7)Chapter4:Wanted:dead or alive! (9)Chapter5:Robin meets Maid Marian (10)Chapter6:The Sheriff's Ride (12)Chapter7:The Silver Arrow (14)Chapter8:Alan a'Dale (16)Chapter9:A Stranger in the Forest (18)Track1:The Crusades (20)Track2:Who Were The Crusaders? (22)Track3:King Richard,the Lionheart (23)Track4:King John and the Magna Carta (24)Chapter1:Robin Hood becomes an OutlawRobin Hood was born near the end of the12th century.His real name was Robert.He was the son of the Earl①of Huntingdon.At that time,England had many problems.King Richard was away on a crusade②in the Holy Land③.He was away many years.His brother,John,became king.He was a cruel and greedy④king.His men were arrogant⑤and brutal⑥.The poor people of England suffered a lot. They paid very high taxes to King John and his sheriffs⑦.Many families died of hunger!One day,the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham killed Robin's father,and took away his lands.Young Robin lost his father,his home,his lands and all his possessions.He escaped to Sherwood Forest with his loyal⑧servants.They decided to live as free men in the forest.They didn't want to be slaves of King John. However,the King considered them outlaws.When Robin and his men reached Sherwood Forest,they sat down to rest. Robin Hood smiled at his loyal servants.Then he said to them,"My friends, Sherwood Forest is our new home.Now we are free but we are outlaws. Everyone in the kingdom is against⑨us!'""Master,we are not afraid because you are with us,"said Much."Yes,I①Earl:伯爵。
③Holy Land:圣地耶路撒冷。
will stay with you,but you must do what I tell you.We must not become robbers.We must never harm①the poor,the old,women or children.We must respect and protect them.""We take only from rich merchants,noble men and fat churchmen!Here is my plan:when rich travellers come into Sherwood Forest,we invite them to eat with us.Then,they must pay for their food.They must give us half of everything they have!We then give this money to the poor.Do you promise to do what I tell you?""Yes,we do!"they cried.Robin and the outlaws lived in caverns②in the forest.The caverns were a perfect hiding place.They were warm and dry in the winter.In the summer they were cool.They were happy in the forest.They all wore green clothes and carried bows and arrows.Robin had a horn to give signals③.Soon,other honest men joined the outlaws of Sherwood Forest:Nat,Will Scarlett and others.The outlaws were excellent archers④.Robin Hood became the best archer in the region.In the forest,Robin and his men practised⑤with their bows and arrows.①harm:伤害。