

A 开环 B 闭环 C 半闭环 D 前馈
(A)5.无刷直流电动机的换相状态由以下什么因素决定。 A 转子的位置 B 位置传感器的安装位置 C 电机的电流 D 电机的电压
(5 分)
PULSE+与 CW+,PULSE-与 CW-,DIR+与 CCW+,DIR-与 CCW-对应同一个接口,按控制
填空题:(每空 1 分,共 20 分) 1.伺服系统主要研究内容是机械运动过程中涉及的力学、机械学、动力驱动、伺服参数 检测和控制等方面的理论和技术问题。 2.伺服系统的作用是接收来自控制装置的指令信号,驱动移动部件跟随指令运动,并保 证动作的快速和准确。 3.半闭环伺服控制系统是指系统检测装置检测的不是系统最终的输出量,而是与系统输 出具有对应关系的量来构成反馈。 4.光栅由光源、透镜、光栅和光敏元件构成,其中光栅包括:标尺光栅和指示光栅。 5.步进电机的角位移量和指令脉冲的个数成正比,转向与通电相序有关。它没有累积误 差,具有良好的跟随性。 6.无刷直流电动机是由电动机本体、转子位置传感器和电子开关线路三部分组成。 7.在伺服系统中,常用于速度检测的元件有直流测速机、交流测速机和光电编码器等。 8.霍尔效应用于位置识别就是将电流恒定,则输出霍尔电压唯一随 B 变化。 9.变频调速常分为基频以下调速和基频以上调速两个调速范围,其中,前者属恒转矩调 速,后者属恒功率调速。 10.Clarke 变换是将三相平面坐标系向两相平面直角坐标系进行的转换。 11.交流伺服驱动器的输入电源包括:主回路电源和控制回路电源两部分。 12.相位比较伺服系统常用的检测元件是旋转变压器和感应同步器。 13.脉冲比较伺服系统中脉冲的比较通常采用可逆计数器。 14.目前步进电机环形分配器有硬件环形分配器和软件环形分配器两种形式。 15.感应同步器的信号处理有鉴相型和鉴幅型两种方式。

支撑 知识
1)直流PWM伺服单元 2)交流S系列伺服单元 3)交流α系列伺服单元SVU、SVUC 4)交流α系列伺服单元SVM 5)交流αi系列伺服单元SVM 6)交流β系列伺服单元 7)交流βi系列伺服单元
1) 电源模块的状态
2) 标准进给驱动模块
FANUC进给伺服系统参数的设定及初始化操作 SIEMENS 611U数字式交流伺服驱动器初始化
任务一 FANUC进给伺服系统的连接
某企业进行机床数控改造,完成结构改造后,车间要 求连接数控车床的进给伺服系统。FANUC LTD和FANUC 0i MateTB系统数控车床进给伺服装置的连接工作任务单如下。
任务一 步进装置连接及参数设定
(2)STEP1、STEP2。设置电动机每转的步数。驱动器 WD3-007可将电动机的步数分别设置为500、1 000、5 000、10 000步。用户可以通过驱动器正面板上的两个拨码开关STEP1、 STEP2设置电动机的步数,见表3-13。
任务一 步进装置连接及参数设定
(1)指令接口 与CNC连接
(2)指令接口 与CNC连接
(3)以经济区 划为主、兼顾行政区 划设置分支机构
(3)CURR.RED。设定半流功能。半流功能是指电动机带 电静止100 ms后,驱动器输出电流降为额定输出电流的60%,用 来防止电动机发热。当拨码开关CURR.RED设置为“OFF”时, 有半流功能;当设置成“ON”时,无半流功能。

合,当驱动器工作异常时继电器断开。继电器允许最高输入电压和电 流
是:35VDC,10mA≤I≤200mA,电阻性负载。如用该继电器,要把他串 联
到CNC旳某输入端。当驱动器正常工作时继电器闭合,外部24VDC经过 继
图10 步进电机矩角特征
在负载转矩ML=0旳条件下,步进电动机由静止状态忽然开启,不丢步地进入正常 运营状态所允许旳最高开启频率,称为开启频率或突跳频率,超出此值就不能正
(四). 电机运转不规则,正反转地摇晃
1. 指令脉冲频率与电机发生共振; 2. 外部干扰。
(五). 电机定位不准
1. 加减速时间太小; 2. 存在干扰噪声; 3. 系统屏蔽不良。
(六) . 电机过热:
1. 工作环境过于恶劣,环境温度过高; 2. 参数选择不当,如电流过大,超出相电流; 3. 电压过高。
其中 Z-转子齿数,N-运营拍数。
步进电机每走一步,转子实际旳角位移与设计旳步距角存在有步距 误差。连续走若干步时,上述误差形成累积值。转子转过一圈后,回 至上一转旳稳定位置,所以步进电机步距旳误差不会长久积累。步进 电机步距旳积累误差,是指一转范围内步距积累误差旳最大值,步距 误差和积累误差一般用度、分或者步距角旳百分比表达。影响步距误 差和积累误差旳主要原因有: 齿与磁极旳分度精度;铁心迭压及装配 精度;各相矩角特征之间差别旳大小;气隙旳不均匀程度等。

单位 V A A mA
KHz Ώ欧母 KV,1 分钟
约 0.34Kg
辅助模式 脉冲接口
2 2 3 4 5~6 7 8~9 10~12 13~16 17 17 17 17 17
Vinca motor
法兰尺寸 电机类型 相数 电机长度
相电流 引出线数
8 出线
4 出线 6 出线
KHz Ώ欧母 KV,1 分钟
约 0.34Kg
双脉冲:CW 脉冲+CCW 脉冲
86BH2A65-408 86BH2A80-404 86BH2A118-308 86BH2A156-658 安装尺寸图

其微步细分数有16种,最大步数为51200Pulse/rev ;其工作峰值电流范围为1.26A -5.2A ,输出电流共有8档,电流的分辨率约为0.5A ;具有自动半流,过压、欠压和过流保护等功能。
本驱动器为直流供电,建议工作电压范围为36VDC -68VDC ,电压不超过75VDC ,不低于20VDC 。
驱动器功能操作说明 微步细分数设定 由SW5-SW8四个拨码开关来设定驱动器微步细分数,其共有15档微步细分。
输出电流设定 由SW1-SW3三个拨码开关来设定驱动器输出电流,其输出电流共有8档。
自动半流功能 用户可通过SW4来设定驱动器的自动半流功能。
off 表示静态电流设为动态电流的一半,on表示静态电流与动态电流相同。
信号接口 PUL +和PUL -为控制脉冲信号正端和负端;DIR +和DIR -为方向信号正端和负端;ENA +和ENA -为使能信号的正端和负端。
电机接口 A +和A -接步进电机A 相绕组的正负端;B +和B -接步进电机B 相绕组的正负端。
当A 、B两相绕组调换时,可使电机方向反向。
电源接口采用直流电源供电,工作电压范围建议为36-68VDC ,电源功率大于150W ,电压不超过75VDC和不低于20VDC 。

四. 步进电机的主要特性:
(一) 步距角和步距误差:
转子每步转过的空间机械角度,即步距角β为 β=360°/Z*N
混合式步进电机结合了反应式步进电机和永磁式步进电机的优点, 采用永久磁铁提高电动机的转矩,采用细密的极齿来减小步距角, 是目前数控机床上应用最多的步进电动机。
1. 快速步进电动机 2. 功率步进电动机
快速步进电动机连续工作频率高,而输出转矩小。功率步进电动机的 输出转矩比较大,数控机床一般采用功率步进电动机。
从电流的极性上可分为: 1.单极性步进电机; 2.双极性步进电机
1.二相步进电机; 2.三相步进电机; 3.四相步进电机; 4.五相步进电机; 5.六相步进电机;
1.旋转步进电机。 2.直线步进电机。 3.平面步进电机。
三.步进电机的驱动电路、控制方式及接线图 (一). 驱动电路:
其中 Z-转子齿数,N-运行拍数。
步进电机每走一步,转子实际的角位移与设计的步距角存在有步距 误差。连续走若干步时,上述误差形成累积值。转子转过一圈后,回 至上一转的稳定位置,因此步进电机步距的误差不会长期积累。步进 电机步距的积累误差,是指一转范围内步距积累误差的最大值,步距 误差和积累误差通常用度、分或者步距角的百分比表示。影响步距误 差和积累误差的主要因素有: 齿与磁极的分度精度;铁心迭压及装配 精度;各相矩角特性之间差别的大小;气隙的不均匀程度等。
Shenzhen Baishan Mechatronics DM278M步进电机驱动器用户手册说明书

Fully Digital StepperMotor DriverDM278MUser ManualShenzhen Baishan Mechatronics Co,.Ltd Address:B6F,T3building,South District,Hi-tech Industrial Park,Shenzhen,518057,ChinaTEL:86-755-26502228FAX:86-755-26502238 E-mail:***********Website:●Important Notice●Please make sure to read this user manual before operating this machine.Please do NOT use it unless you fully understand the correct operation,safety information and etc.1.Electric Shock Prevention!Danger●If connect wire or repair,please make sure to cut off the power and confirm the voltage by using a circuit tester first.●Stepper motor driver and stepper motor must be reliably grounded.●The wire connection and repair work need to be operated byprofessional technician.●The driver and stepper motor must be well installed before grounding. Otherwise it may lead to electric shock.2.Fire Prevention!Caution●Please do NOT use any inflammable substance to install the driver.Or it may lead to a fire.●Please cut off the power if any error occurs.Heavy current can cause a fire.3.Transportation&Installation!Caution●Please use appropriate way to transport the machine according to the weight.●Please do NOT pile the drivers over specified quantity.●Please do NOT pull motor wire/spindle to move the motor.●Please install the machine according to the technical information.●Please keep proper space between driver and other machines.●Please do NOT mix any tiny screws,metal shavings and other combustible substance in driver internal.●The driver is precision machine,please prevent it from falling orstrongly impact.***********-1-Chapter One Function&Configuration1.1General IntroductionDM278M is2-phase stepper motor driver based on32-bit DSP control.It is fully digital new product configured by advanced DSP control chip and2-phase IPM module.The adoption of this new idea together with integrated design makes great improvement of technology and integration level.And the volume and weight is reduced.What is more,it brings a qualitative leap of dynamic processing performance compared to traditional driver.The procedure of production and debug is greatly simplified too.Since DSP provides high processing speed and rich resources,the driver not only can replace traditional stepper motor driver which is based on single chip or CPLD,but also can satisfy the customers who have special requirements.(e.g.,requirements about acceleration/deceleration)Additionally,DM278M supports RS-485port communication.The user can set the parameters,control internal pulse and programsingle-axis control mode in PC which is installed driving software.1.2Model Name DesignDM Fully Digital Universal Driver2Mating2-Phase Stepper Motor7Output Current:1.2A-7.0A RMS8Input Voltage:DC24-80VX X=M:Standard Driver with Basic FunctionX=N:Can be customized-2-***********1.3Driver SpecificationsPower●Voltage、FrequencySingle-phase DC24-80VPower●AllowableFluctuation ofVoltageWithin±15%Power●AllowableFluctuation ofFrequencyWithin±5%Control Mode Sine Wave PWM control,current control Dynamic Brake Built-inProtection Function Over current,overload,driver overheating,phase short circuitMax PulseFrequency Input200KppsMicro Steps Max60000pulse/RCooling Method Air coolingTemperature0℃~+55℃Storage:-20℃~+65℃Humidity Less than90%RHSurroundingEnvironmentIndoor,no corrosive gas,flammable gas,and dust Above Sea Level Less than1000mVibration 5.0m/s²Weight0.75Kg1.4Function TableThe following is function table of stepping motor driver.Details please refer to each specific chapter.Function NoteSelf-test function Driver tests self status when powered up.Micro steps change High/low subdivision can be changed freely. (Refer to parameter BS02,BS03)Command pulsechoosing(single/doublepulse mode)Two pulse input modes for optional. Smoothing speed Guarantee motor run smoothly when external***********-3-***********-4-1.5Drivers &Mating MotorsThe following chart is about driver and mating stepper motor model.DriverModelStepper Motor Model Note DM278M BS57HB51-03,BS57HB56-03,BS57HB76-03,BS86HB65-04,BS86HB80-04,BS86HB118-06Standard Driver DM278N BS57HB51-03,BS57HB56-03,BS57HB76-03,BS86HB65-04,BS86HB80-04,BS86HB118-06CustomizedDriverChapter Two Installation!Caution●Please do NOT pile the drivers over the specified quantity.●Please do NOT use any inflammables to install the driver,otherwise it may cause a fire.●Please properly storage and use the driver under specified surrounding conditions.●Please keep proper space between driver and other machines.●Please do NOT mix any screws,metal shavings and other combustible substance in driver internal.●The driver is precision machine,please prevent it from falling or strongly impact.2.1Environmental ConditionEnvironment ConditionTemperature 0℃~+55℃(not frozen)storage:-20℃~+65℃(not frozen)Humidity Less than90%RH(not coagulated)Surrounding Indoor(no sun)no corrosive gas,flammable gas,and dustASL Above sea level less than1000mVibration 5.0m/s²2.2Installing Space&Dimension!Caution●Please comply with the instructions of installing direction.Otherwise it may cause fault.●Please keep proper space between the drivers and inner wall of control cabinet.Otherwise it may cause fault.***********-5-(1)Installing Dimension(unit:mm)-6-***********(2)Notes for Placing Two Drivers(Unit:mm)The users need to keep enough spaces between the driver and internal wall of control cabinet.And please install a fan to control thecabinet temperature under surrounding temperature.***********-7-Chapter Three Signal&Wiring3.1I/O SignalsAll input signals are optically isolated.To guarantee the reliable running of the built-in high-speed optocoupler,the driving current to control the signal is required to be15mA at least.And the driver has been set in the optocoupler current limit resistor.When the input voltage is beyond5V,please limit the current by connecting resistance R if necessary.-8-**********************-9-Current-limiting Resistance Value:When controller/actuator signal outputs voltage:+5V :R1=0,R2=0+12V :R1=510Ω,R2=820Ω;+24V:R1=1.2K Ω,R2=1.8K Ω。

3:过载过流过温自动保护功能,充分保护您的电脑与周边设备4: 双极性恒流斩波驱动,电机低速无爬行现象,噪音小,无共振区。
6: 2路输出控制,可扩展第五轴或控制2路外部设备。
7: 四路输入控制,可设置限位,急停,分中,对刀等。
电气性能(环境温度Tj=25℃时):输入电源12 - 36V直流电源供电输出电流3A(峰值3.5A)驱动方式双极恒流PWM驱动输出。
细分设定表:信号波形和时序动力输出接口功能接口标示明细图在试机前请注意以下事项1,试机时先以12V电压试机,42步进请用12-16V/DC电源,57步进请选用16-24V/DC电源,86步进选24-36V/DC电源2,确定步进马达的功率和电流(型号)3,确定步进马达的接线二》各引脚定义1》并口控制定义如下:PIN9 PIN14 PIN7 PIN1 PIN2 PIN3 PIN8 PIN6 PIN4 PIN5 PIN16 PIN17主轴电机X允许X方向X脉冲Y允许Y方向Y脉冲Z允许Z方向Z脉冲输出1输出22》手控1~PIN15定义如下(按图片右上为P1左上P15)P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P15 P14 P13 P12 P11 P10 P9 X X主X Y Z Z Z Y Z Y Y急GN5V/脉冲使能轴方向使能方向脉冲使能限位限位方向脉冲停 D VDD3》限位1~PIN9定义如下(按图片右上为P1左上P9)X轴限位Y轴限位Z轴限位急停输入1 输入2 输入3 输入4对应并口P10 对应并口P11 对应并口P12 对应并口P134》输出接口定义(以图片上为1下为17)P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17正地XA+ XA- XB+XB- YA+YA- YB+YB- ZA+ZA- ZB+ ZB- MO/V+GNDMO-电源请接12~36V 8A(可根据步进电机工作电流选配)以上开关电源,接到图上标明电源输入的接口。
百電 RT-7000 標籤機 使用手冊说明书

⚫按壓制滾輪釋放壓制滾輪⚫將膠帶放到機器上⚫把膠帶固定住◼調整膠帶固定壓板、使膠帶能夠很順利的轉動◼若是膠帶外徑比較大,可以拉出底部膠帶固定架⚫將膠帶放在膠帶輸送管上面⚫按FWD鍵,使膠帶能夠從輸出端順利的送出膠帶◼如果使用黏性較大的膠帶,先把膠帶前端拉出一小截,放入膠帶輸入口並持續按著FWD鍵幾秒鐘,可以輔助膠帶送出⚫調整並固定膠帶於適當位置,將壓制滾輪完全的蓋上⚫按START鍵當你按START鍵,機器就會照之前所設定的長度送出一片膠帶,此時可把此片膠帶撕掉此時機器就處於待機狀態,並可以開始使用注意:1)當要取出膠帶時都要使用夾子2)每次要置入膠帶時,都要把有黏性的那一面朝下3)退出膠帶時,將膠帶往後拉並按住REV按鈕即可設定膠帶長度⚫確認顯示螢幕上顯示著裁切長度,通常會顯示出英文字母”A,b,C,d,E,F”⚫設定裁切長度◼按+ / - 按鈕來設定所需要的長度,最短可到5mm最大可到999mm ⚫注意◼依照膠帶的種類與條件,切出來的長度有時會與顯示的長度有些許差異◼如果持續裁切較短的膠帶可認會導致卡帶會無法切出的現象◼建議先多次的調整測試,以確保正確的使用設定模式手動模式⚫先確定藍色的LED燈是關著的如果藍色燈是閃爍或著亮著的狀態,按一下即可以關掉⚫按START鍵一次,機器會依照你所設定的長度送出膠帶並切斷⚫再按一次START鍵,即可以取得下一截膠帶次”SELECT BUTTON”鍵將會出現”P”字樣⚫此時可按+/-按鈕來設定所需要的數量⚫也可按⚫按”START”鍵,機器就會送出一段測試用膠帶◼在手動模式下,預設完所要的數量後,再按START鍵,膠帶會送出一片待取出後會送出另一片◼在自動模式下,預設完所要的數量後,再按STRAT鍵,膠帶會自動地一片接著一片送出◼顯示螢幕上的數字會呈現倒數狀態,例如99→98→97…等◼結束時,螢幕上會顯示數字”0”同時,機器會發出”嗶”一聲◼結束後,機器會回歸到初所預設的數量停,此時就必須重開電源!使用易捲曲膠帶⚫按一下壓制滾輪並打開壓制滾輪組⚫展開滾輪固定鎖槓,使滾輪不能轉動⚫關閉壓制滾輪組◼膠帶的長度張力會依據膠帶的種類與其他條件而改變,如有需要,請在使用之前多加測試使用較窄的膠/同時使用二卷膠帶⚫使用寬度小於15mm的膠帶時或是使用2卷膠帶時,可在本體上放分隔板⚫裁切長度小於10mm的膠帶時,可在分隔板上放導板◼從本體底部的下分隔板◼按一下壓制滾輪釋放紐,並打開壓制滾輪組◼將分隔板插入本體◼利用膠帶座調整桿夾住並固定兩卷膠帶其他功能三段式可調檔板-為防止較長的膠帶掉落或協助沒有黏性的膠帶使用站立架-協助本體朝往前傾斜站立更換刀座⚫無論什麼時候更換刀片,都必須更換整組刀片元件,步驟如下◼關掉電源◼按一下刀座釋放鈕,取出整個刀座◼放入新的刀座,往用力往下壓直到有”卡”聲,使刀座固定保養使用完非常黏的膠帶時,殘膠會附在刀片上,請取出刀座清理◼關掉電源◼按一下刀座釋放鈕,取出整個刀座清潔本體時,請勿使用酒精或松香油,用棉布沾一些清潔劑擦拭即可。
Festo EMMS-ST步进电机产品说明书

Stepper motors EMMS-STe /rFesto core product rangeCovers 80% of your automation tasks q Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 24 hours In stock at 13 Service Centres worldwide More than 2200 productsWorldwide:Superb:Easy:Always in stockFesto quality at an attractive priceSimplified procurement and warehousingw Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 5 days Assembled for you at 4 Service Centres worldwide Up to 6 × 1012 variants per product familyJust look for the star!Stepper motors EMMS-ST Key features Everything from a single sourceMotors aPage 4• Conforms to standard IEC 60034• 2-phase hybrid technology • Optionally integrated encoder (closed loop)• Sinusoidal current injection • Optionally with holding brake • Degree of protection: IP54Gear unit EMGA-SST aPage 13• Planetary gear unit• Gear ratio i = 3, 5, 8, 12• Life-time lubrication • Degree of protection: IP54Servo drive CMMT-ST aInternet: cmmt-st• Servo drive for operating stepper motors and brushless direct current motors• Options for point-to-point and inter-polating motion and for precise positioning• Primary voltage from 24 ... 48 V DC • Position controller• Speed controller• Force controller• Range of control functions• Interfaces:– EtherCAT– PROFINET RT/IRT– EtherNet/IPPower supply units CACN aInternet: cacn• Sturdy mechanical system• Input voltage range 100 … 240 V AC • Output voltage 24, 48 V DC• Output current 5, 10, 20 AMotor and encoder cables NEBM aPage 13• Can be used in a wide temperature range• Screened cables• Suitable for energy chains• Degree of protection IP65Axial kits EAMM aInternet: eamm• Specific kits for all electromechani-cal axes from FestoPROFIBUS®, DeviceNet® and CANopen® are registered trademarks of their respective trademark holders in certain countries.2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Stepper motors EMMS-STType codes32023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Stepper motors EMMS-STData sheet42481.817400.5231.8 ±5%1.75 ±15%3.30.08 2/0.0952)2071) Theoretical max. rotational speed while idling at nominal voltageWith brake2)1) Theoretical max. rotational speed while idling at nominal voltage2) With brake4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Stepper motors EMMS-ST Data sheet1) Theoretical max. rotational speed while idling at nominal voltageWith brake2)1) For information about the area of use, see the EC declaration of conformity: /sp a Certificates.If the devices are subject to usage restrictions in residential, commercial or light-industrial environments, further measures for the reduction of the emitted interference may be necessary.5 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Stepper motors EMMS-STData sheetEncoder connection6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/0872023/08 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...Stepper motors EMMS-STData sheetTorque M as a function of rotational speed n EMMS-ST-28EMMS-ST-42n [1/min]M [N m ]101001000600000. V DC 48 V DCH- -NoteTypical motor characteristic curves (typical production tolerances ±20%) with nominal voltage and optimal motor controller.8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Stepper motors EMMS-STData sheetTorque M as a function of rotational speed n EMMS-ST-87-SEMMS-ST-87-MEMMS-ST-87-L24 V DC 48 V DCH- -NoteTypical motor characteristic curves (typical production tolerances ±20%) with nominal voltage and optimal motor controller.Stepper motors EMMS-ST Data sheet9 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Stepper motors EMMS-STData sheet10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Stepper motors EMMS-ST Data sheet11 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Stepper motors EMMS-STData sheetFesto core product range q Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 24 hoursw Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 5 days12d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Stepper motors EMMS-ST Accessories1) Maximum 25 m. Available in 0.1 m increments.Festo core product range q Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 24 hoursw Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 5 days13 2023/08 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Stepper motors EMMS-STAccessories1) Maximum 25 m. Available in 0.1 m increments.1) Maximum 25 m. Available in 0.1 m increments.Festo core product range q Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 24 hoursw Generally ready for dispatch from the factory within 5 days14d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Festo - Your Partner in AutomationConnect with us/socialmedia 1Festo Inc.2Festo Pneumatic 3Festo Corporation 4Regional Service Center 5300 Explorer DriveMississauga, ON L4W 5G4CanadaAv. Ceylán 3,Col. Tequesquináhuac 54020 Tlalnepantla, Estado de México1377 Motor Parkway Suite 310Islandia, NY 117497777 Columbia Road Mason, OH 45040Festo Customer Interaction CenterTel:187****3786Fax:187****3786Email:*****************************Multinational Contact Center 01 800 337 8669***********************Festo Customer Interaction Center180****3786180****3786*****************************S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e。

实训名称步进电机控制一、实训目的1.掌握步进电机控制系统的接线、调试、操作二、实训设备序号名称型号与规格数量备注1实训装置THHAJS-1 12实训挂箱B10 13导线3号若干45通讯编程电缆SC-90 1 三菱6实训指导书THHAJS-1 17计算机(带编程软件) 1 自备三、面板图+四、控制要求1.总体控制要求:如面板图所示,利用可编程控制器输出信号控制步进电机运行。
五、功能指令使用及程序流程图六、端口分配及接线图1.端口分配及功能表 序号 PLC 地址(PLC 端子)电气符号(面板端子) 功能说明1 X00 SD 启动开关2 X01 MA 手动3 X02 V1 速度14 X03 V2 速度25 X04 V3 速度36 X05 MZ 正转7 X06 MF 反转8 X07 SE 单步 9Y00 A A 相 10 Y01 B B 相 11 Y02 C C 相 12 Y03DD 相 13 面板V+ 接电源+24V电源正端 14主机COM 、COM0、COM1、COM2接电源GND电源负端2.PLC 外部接线图七、操作步骤1. 检查实训设备中器材及调试程序。

绿色LED RDY:正常指示,无故障时亮;
红色LED ALM1:制动异常;ALM2:欠压;ALM3:超压;

二、型号含义110 BYG 5 5 0 1 WB特殊型或派生号,以字母表示,无此项时为基本型(Z为增强型,WB为五边型,D为双轴伸,其它为派生型)规格号:1号转子齿数:50齿相数:5相混合式步进电机(FHB为方形混合式步进电机)机座号:外径φ110mm三、产品系列及性能参数1.方形电机系列2.圆形电机系列注:1、打 * 者为正在开发的新产品,可供期货;型号后有“Z”者为增强型。

INSTALLATION MANUAL Made in the USABD-SS-200-JT4STEP SLIDER Front Bracket Middle Bracket Rear BracketStep 2Starting on the driver side, locate the three body bolts on the underside of the vehicle. Back the three body bolts about 1/4” to allow free movement of the washer up and down.**Breaker bar may be required to loosen the body bolts. SEE BELOW IN STEP THREE FOR TIPS FROM MECHANICSStep 3**TIP FROM A MECHANIC*** As you start loosening, as soon as you hear the bolt pop or feel it bind, re-verse direction 1/4 to 1/2 turn to clear the threads. This will make it easier as you progress. —————————————-With each body bolt loose, slide each bracket between the bolt head and the washer in their correct positions. Installthe rear bracket at a slight angle and the middle bracket in straight.Rear—Tall BracketMiddle—Flat Bracket**In some cases the washer doesn’t allow enough gap you will have to use a small file or Dremel tool to remove the two-three threads closest to the washer. This can be achieved by either using a file while the bolt is still in the hole or you can remove it completely.Step 1Start on the drivers side.Remove two front pinch seam bolts us-ing a 10mm socket and wrench. Leave the holes open.Keep the hardware as you will re-install it in the final stepStep 4Install the front bracket at a 45 degree angle to the jeep, with the bracket between the head and washer,and twist straight so the bracket faces towards the side of the jeep.Front—Short BracketStep 6 - Extension Piece PrepPull the motor wire out from the hos-between the last bolt and step sliderbracket mounting holes.piece and the main body.Bolt the extension piece together to therear of the main body using 4 5/16”bolts with washers and nuts.Tighten the bolts down to 18 ft lbs orhand tightWe recommend assembling the rearextension piece to the body ON AFLAT SURFACE so the face of thestep slider body is even on the top andfront of the step slider.There will be a very small gap betweenthe extension piece and main body.This is normal.Step 5 – Bump Strap InstallInstall bump strap onto the side of thevehicle where the bend just under thedoor is located:Test fit the bumper strap by lining upthe strap straight across the jeep bend.Install the front bump strap about 1/2”inch below the bend on the body fromthe jeep body notch to the font of thevehicle.The rear (shorter) bump strap will beinstalled matching the same line overthe notch, BUT when installing allowthe rear portion of the bump strap to beabout 5/8” off the bend to accommo-date the heavier bend around the rearquarter panel.**If you ’ve ordered the rocker guard(AX -SS -RG -JT4) the bump strap willnot be installed. 1/2”Mount step sliders on the driver side ofthe vehicle.Line up the step with the pinch seamholes and slide the step studs throughthe pinch seam. The brackets mountedearlier should slide above the bodyThere should be some play in thebrackets to allow up and downmovement to slide above the body.Once mounted, the step should hang onto the pinch seam by itself.The step should line up with the gusset.**Do NOT apply weight to the step yetas it is unsecured) Step 8Start to secure Step Slider to the pinch seam using the 1/4” 20 nuts with a flat silver washer and the 5/16” nuts with a flat silver washer.FROM FRONT TO REAR the bolts are: 1/4” - 205/16 “5/16”5/16”1/4”–205/16”EXTENSION PIECE1/4” - 205/16”Install the 1/4”-20 nuts and washers.Install the 5/16” nuts and washersTighten down a couple turns to where the nuts do not fall off. They will be tightened down fully in a later step.5/8”ed, tighten down pinch seam nuts: Use a 1/2” socket or box end ratchet-ing wrench on the 5/16” - 18 nuts . Use a 7/16” socket or box end ratchet-ing wrench on the 1/4 - 20 nuts .Torque 5/16” nuts to 18 ft. lbs.Torque1/4” nuts to 9 ft. lbs.Install 12 5/16” - 18 x 1” with a hex head bolts with yellow SAE washers into the bracket through the slots on the underside of the step slider. Install bolts halfway.**If you purchased the optional skid plate, install at this time using those same bolts. The skid plate will use those same holes and bolts.Step 11Tighten down 5/16” hex hex using a 1/2” socket and wrench.Torque to 18 ft. lbs.**For a quicker install, use a torx gun with an adapter for a 1/2” socket. Step 12Tighten down body bolts last. Torque to 80 ft. lbs.Repeat steps 1-11 on the passenger sideStep 14Remove fuse from harness.Attach RED—POSITIVE and the BLACK—NEGATIVE.Recommended Harness Install: Run the wiring harness BEHIND the plastic guard that is in the back of the engine bay. You will have to loosen the silver nuts to allow more move-ment of the plastic channel.Use a plastic pry bar to create a slightly bigger space to run the ends of the wir-ing harness through.Secure wiring into place using zip ties.**AT THE END OF THE INSTALL, FILL THE PLUG HOLE WITH SILICONE TO PREVENT LEAKING Step 13Remove floor mats from the jeep. Loosen driver side kick panels. The front panel will remain attached with two bolts as you will slide the wires under the panel.Loosen seat belt rocker panel allow access for wires.Step 17With the box removed, pull back the carpet on the driver side rear door to access the plug.Using a prybar or flat spatula, slowly pull the cover up to expose the plug. The tape is extremely sticky and will be pushed back into place to cover the hole once the install is done.Remove floor plug closest to the door on the driver side. This may require you to go under the vehicle and, using a hammer and a wide piece of metal / screwdriver, hit it until it breaks the adhesive loose and comes out. Repeat on the passenger side.Route the wires to their appropriate locations.Run the power wire connectors along the driver side of the vehicle, securing it under the panels you loosened earlier towards the driver side of the vehicle. Run the 18 pin connector under the carpet, up the first hole, across the car-pet, and down the furthest hole, leavingthe connector above the carpet. Keep the Y section closer to the passengerside slightly as shown in the picture. Run the passenger side connections through the opening and down the plug on the passenger side.**OPTIONAL: Run the full harness under the carpet and make a slit to pull the connector up through the carpet. **If your jeep came equipped with the normal storage area, run the wires to your discretion keeping them away from major pinch points.REMOVE the storage box underneath the rear seats to allow wiring harness install by removing the 4 bolts under the rubber guard.Step 18Step 20Drop the motor connectors through the plugs on both sides of the vehicle.**If installing the light kit, drop the connectors through the plug also. On the passenger side, you will have to install the pins back into the connector plugs.For ease of install the connectors bod-ies will have colored lines and wires where you need to install the appropri-ate connector.If that is missing, the connector bodies have the openings labeled with A & B. Insert the pints into the appropriate opening and push in until you hear a click, fold the back down until it clicks into place over the wiresOnce dropped through the body, plug the motor wires into the motor and secure. Refer to diagram below and page 2 for sensor location and wire color. Clean the surface below the door latch using alcohol wipes. Remove the sticky back from the sensor and install it directly centered below the latch touching the metal latch with the top of the sensor. Remove the sticky back from the wire cover and install by pushing the cover against the sensor and pushing a little bit against the metal at a time to ensure the rubber cover gets a good adhesive grip against the door jam.Plug sensors into harness. Route sensor to door jam. Install on each door under the latch as shown.Step 22—Install Master Switch Bracket Remove the OBD2 port screw using an 8mm socket.Insert screw through large hole on the master switch bracket, and then back through the OBD2 port bracket, and install back into place to hand tight. Install ground wire between the bolt and OBD2 plate.Pull the wires through the bracket.Plug the blue female connector into the silver male ends and the red female connector into the bronze male end. Push the button back into the bracket Install the ground wire to a location on the body of the jeep or right behind the bracket.Install magnets using the adhesive back 1/4” below the bottom screw below the latchStep 23Once all sensors are installed and the wiring has been run, plug the small wiring harness into the large harness.Secure power wires by looping them and hiding the excess (if any) behind the front kick panel in the driver side.Step 25Once all wiring is done and secured, lay the carpet back down.Install the rear cargo box back into place.The wiring harness should run behind this box along with the circuit boardbox. This should be installed vertically behind the jeep box.Step24—Replacing all parts removed in prior stepsReplace the sticky tape removed earlier.Run the wires towards the kick panels before re -applying tape to ensure wires are safe.Step 26Replace the two 10 mm head bolts that you removed in the first steps.Replace kick panels and ensure wires are run behind / secured in the panels.Step 27PRODUCT INFORMATION:LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY FOR STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTSLIMITED TWELVE (12) MONTH WARRANTY FOR FINISH AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTSRock-Slide Engineering, LLC (“R-SE”) warrants to the original purchaser that (a) the structural and mechanical components of the Step Sliders will be free of defects in material and workmanship for the lifetime of the Step Sliders (the “product”), and (b) the finish (powder coat) and the electrical components (including the motor) will be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the original date of purchase. This warranty applies only to the original retail purchaser. Warranty is void if product was not purchased directly from R- SE or from an authorized R-SE retailer or reseller. This warranty applies only with regard to the original instal-lationof the product to the original vehicle. This warranty does not cover removal or reinstallation of the product.To exercise this warranty and receive any warranty service, the original purchaser must provide R-SE with proof of purchase and date of purchase that is acceptable to R-SE, such as a copy of the original purchaser’s purchase receipt. The original purchaser must return the defective product to R-SE along with a description of the problem, a copy of the original purchase receipt, the original bill of sale and all contact information (name, address, telephone number and email address). To begin the warranty process, the original purchaser must email R-SE’s warranty department.During this warranty term, and upon the original purchaser’s valid exercise of this warranty, R-SE shall, at its option, repair or furnish a replacement product in the event the original product is deemed by R-SE to be defective. R-SE’s sole liability shall be for repairing or replacing the product, but R-SE may refund the purchase price at its sole discretion and option. The original purchaser is responsible for prepayment of all shipping and/or transportation charges with respect to the exercise of this warranty. The product may change without notice. In the event of a product change, R-SE has no obligation to upgrade or modify any older generation product.THE WARRANTY SET FORTH HEREIN IS THE ONLY WARRANTY COVERING THE PRODUCT. NO OTHER WARRANTY EXISTS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No retailer, reseller, dealer, agent or employee is authorized to make any modifi-cations, extensions, amendments or additions to this warranty.This warranty shall be void in its entirety if R-SE determines that the product installation was modified, changed, altered, customized or in any way used other than as instructed. Installation of the product without strictly adhering to the installation instructions shall void this warranty. Installation must be on the proper vehicle or warranty is void.R-SE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, UNDER ANY LE-GAL THEORY AND/OR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER. IN ANY EVENT, ANY DAMAGES IN ANY SITUA-TION SHALL BE LIQUITADED DAMAGES AND MAY NOT EXCEED THE RETAIL PRICE OF THE PRODUCT. R-SE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING FROM THE USE OF OR INA-BILITY TO DETERMINE THE USE OF THE PRODUCT. THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER IS RESPONSIBLE TO DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR ITS INTENDED USE, PRIOR TO USING THE PRODUCT, AND THE ORIGINAL PUR-CHASER ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK IN CONNECTION THEREWITH.PATENT INFORMATION:This product is covered by multiple US issued patents.PAT US 9,771,024 B2PAT US 8,833,781B2PAT US D718,1955Have feedback, thoughts, or suggestions?Please email us!We would be happy to make our instructions easier to read and value your feedback.*********************************GENERAL MAINTENENCEMANUALMade in the USADeploy the steps, pressure wash the bodies clean including internals, then apply a multipurpose lubricant to each of the areas as shown.You will need to lubricate the pivot points that are circled in red shown above.Lubricate the heim joints and aluminum blocks as shown below.We recommend you do it monthly or after any offroad adventure, including during winter months.To ensure your step sliders function properly, some maintenance is required!Here are several options on lubrication that are carried at the local auto stores in most areas。
2000-2001 Oriental Motor 步进电机一般目录 RFK说明书

RFKGENERAL CATALOGFeatures ·····························································B-164Specifications ·····················································B-167Speed vs.Torque Characteristics ························B-168Dimensions ·························································B-169List of Motor and Driver Combinations ···············B-170Wiring Diagram ···················································B-171Description of Input/Output Signals ····················B-1725-PHASE STEPPING MOTOR AND MICROSTEP DRIVER PACKAGERFKEASY WIRING PLC DIRECT RE -GENER -ATION PACK-AGEDCINPUTThe RFK uses 5-phase microstepping, the most advanced stepping motor drive technology available. It takes the basic 5-phase steppingmotor angle of 0.72˚ and divides it electrically into smaller step angles, providing up to 125,000 steps per revolution.ⅢMicrostepping Divides Steps Into as many as 250 UnitsNanoStep RFK enables step angles to be set independently on two resolution selection switches (16 resolutions, dividing into as many as 250 parts), it allows switching of the step angles by manipulating the external input step angle.Changing resolution can occur without any error when the motor is at rest .ⅢCompact DriverThe gate array and dual surface mount technologies utilized in this New Pentagon microstep driver have resulted in a driver that is only W 1.57in. (40mm) ϫ H 4.72in. (120mm) ϫ D 3.35in. (85mm).ⅢPhoenix ConnectorsPhoenix connectors are used for easy and secure attachment of the driver's input/output signal lines, motor lead wires and input power line.ⅢWhat is ?is a series of stepping motor and driver package that combines high-performance 5-phase microstep drivers with high-torque/low-vibration 5-phase stepping motors. They provide smoother and more precise operation than any stepping motor previously available.Ⅲ5-phase Microstep Drive TechnologyThe primary features of stepping motors are the ability to obtain precise positioning and the simplicity of design. They achieve this by rotating and stopping at step angle increments that aredetermined by the pole structure of the rotor and stator. Rotating in step angle increments, however, also produces changes in rotor speed and resonance at certain speeds that can cause vibration.Microstep driving provides a finer degree of control of the basic motor step angle by regulating the current sent to the motor coils,resulting in slow speeds, low-vibration and low-noise operation.●Since the basic motor step angle (0.72˚/full step) can be divided into proportions ranging from 1/1 to 1/250, smooth operation in fine increments is possible.●T echnology that changes the motor drive current smoothly suppresses motor vibration and makes operation quieter.ⅢRFK SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONA high-torque 5-phase stepping motor and driver are combined to make high-precision positioning with open loop control possible.ⅢACCESSORIES (Sold separately)RFK dedicated drivers include many functions for easy-of-use.Switches between 1-pulse input and 2-pulse input.ⅢPRODUCT NUMBER CODEA : Single ShaftB :Double Shaft4:1.65in. (42mm) sq.6:2.36in. (60mm) sq.USA VersionUse this value to compare motor torque performance. When using the motor with the included driver, the driver's "Automatic Current Cutback"function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.●The power source input current value represents the maximum current. (The input current varies according to the pulse frequency.)Note:Do not measure insulation resistance or perform the dielectric strength test while the motor and driver are connected for RFK54Ⅺtype.ⅢSPEED vs. TORQUE CHARACTERISTICSfs: Maximum Starting Pulse RateD r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2Speed [r/min ]))T o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ]D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2 Speed [r/min ])) RFK543BARFK564AA RFK564BARFK544AA RFK544BA RFK545AA RFK545BA RFK566AA RFK566BARFK569AA RFK569BANote:●Pay attention to heat dissipation from the motor and driver. The motor will produce a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions. Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 212˚F (100˚C).●When using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver's "Automatic Current Cutback" function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 50%.D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2Speed [r/min ]))T o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ]D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2 Speed [r/min ])) o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ]D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2Speed [r/min ])) o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ]D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2 Speed [r/min ]))ⅢDIMENSIONS Scale 1/4, Unit = inch (mm)●MotorRFK543AA (Single shaft)Motor Model: PK543AUA Weight 0.56lb. (Mass 0.25kg)RFK543BA (Double shaft)Motor Model: PK543BUA Weight 0.56lb. (Mass 0.25kg)RFK564AA (Single shaft)Motor Model: PK564AUA Weight 1.33lb. (Mass 0.6kg)RFK564BA (Double shaft)Motor Model: PK564BUA Weight 1.33lb. (Mass 0.6kg)RFK544AA (Single shaft)Motor Model: PK544AUA Weight 0.67lb. (Mass 0.3kg)RFK544BA (Double shaft)Motor Model: PK544BUA Weight 0.67lb. (Mass 0.3kg)RFK566AA (Single shaft)Motor Model: PK566AUA Weight 1.77lb. (Mass 0.8kg)RFK566BA (Double shaft)Motor Model: PK566BUA Weight 1.77lb. (Mass 0.8kg)RFK545AA (Single shaft)Motor Model: PK545AUA Weight 0.89lb. (Mass 0.4kg)RFK545BA (Double shaft)Motor Model: PK545BUA Weight 0.89lb. (Mass 0.4kg)RFK569AA (Single shaft)Motor Model: PK569AUA Weight 2.87lb. (Mass 1.3kg)RFK569BA (Double shaft)Motor Model: PK569BUA Weight 2.87lb. (Mass 1.3kg)●These external appearance drawings are for double shaft models.For a single shaft, ignore the colored areas.See page B-36 for information on motor installation..1968 D I A .0.012)0NO. 4-40UNC✽.59Ϯ.01(15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.✽.59Ϯ.01(15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.✽.59Ϯ.01(15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.●DriverDriver: DFR1507A Weight: 0.8lb. (Mass 0.36kg)DFR1514ASee page B-38 for information on driver installation.Enter A(single shaft) or B(double shaft) in the Ⅺwithin the model numbers.ⅢWIRING DIAGRAMⅢPower SupplyUse a power supply that can supply sufficient input current.When power supply capacity is insufficient, a decrease in motor output can cause the following malfunctions:●Motor does not rotate properly at high-speed (insufficient torque)●Motor startup and stopping is slow.Note:●When voltage is above DC 5V, connect external resistance R 1 and keep the input current below 20mA.●If the current exceeds 10mA, connect external resistance R 2.●Use twisted-pair wire of 3.1ϫ10Ϫ4in 2(0.2mm 2) or thicker and 6.6 feet (2m) or less in length for the signal line.●Use wire 7.8ϫ10Ϫ4in 2(0.5mm 2) or thicker for motor lines (when extended) and power supply lines, and use 1.2ϫ10Ϫ3in 2(0.75mm 2) or thicker for the wire for the grounding line.●Use spot grounding for the grounding of the driver and external controller. ●Signal lines should be kept at least 3.94 inch (10cm) away from power lines (power supply lines and motor lines). Do not bind the signal line and power line together.Use open collector transistors (sink type) for the signal output sections of the controller.ⅢDESCRIPTION OF INPUT/OUTPUT SIGNALS1. Pulse InputⅢInput circuit and sample connectionThe shaded area indicates when the photocoupler diode is ON. The motor moves when the photocoupler state changes from ON to OFF as indicated by the arrow.1. 1-Pulse Input Mode Pulse Signal"Pulse" signal is input to the pulse signal terminal. When thephotocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step. The direction of rotation is determined by the following rotation direction signal.Rotation Direction SignalThe "Rotation Direction" signal is input to the rotation direction signal input terminal. A "photocoupler ON" signal input commands a clockwise direction rotation. A "photocoupler OFF" signal input commands a counterclockwise direction rotation.2. 2-Pulse Input Mode CW Pulse SignalWhen the photocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step in the clockwise W Pulse SignalWhen the photocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step in the counterclockwise direction.CW and CCW refer to clockwise and counterclockwise direction respectively, from a reference point of facing the motor output shaft.2. A.W. OFF (All Windings Off) InputⅢInput circuit and sample connectionKeep the voltage between DC 5V and DC 24V.When voltage is equal to DC 5V, external resistance (R) is not necessary. When voltage is above DC 5V, connect external resistance (R) and keep the input current below 20mA.When the "All Windings Off" signal is in the "photocoupler ON" state, the current to the motor is cut off and motor torque is reduced to zero. The motor output shaft can then be rotated freely by hand.When the "All Windings Off" signal is in the "photocoupler OFF" state, the motor holding torque is proportional to the current set by the current adjustment rotary switches. During motor operation be sure to keep the signal in the "photocoupler OFF" state.This signal is used when moving the motor by external force or manual home position is desired. If this function is not needed, it is not necessary to connect this terminal.Switching the "All Windings Off" signal from "photocoupler ON" to"photocoupler OFF" does not alter the excitation sequence.When the motor shaft is manually adjusted with the "All Windings Off"signal input, the shaft will shift up to ע3.6˚ from the position set after the "All Windings Off" signal is released.Keep the voltage between DC 5V and DC 24V.When voltage is equal to DC 5V, external resistance (R) is not necessary. When voltage is above DC 5V, connect external resistance (R) and keep the input current below 20mA.ⅢPulse Signal Characteristics1µs Pulse SignalHome Position SetSignal ReleaseAll Windings OffSignalPhotocoupler ON Photocoupler OFF●The pulse voltage is 4~5V in the "photocoupler ON" state, and 0~0.5V in the "photocoupler OFF" state.●Input pulse signals should have a pulse width over 1µs, pulse rise/fall below 2µs,and a pulse duty below 50%.●Keep the pulse signal at "photocoupler OFF" when no pulse is being input.●The minimum interval time when changing rotation direction is 10µs.This value varies greatly depending on the motor type, pulse frequency, and load inertia. It may be necessary to increase this time interval.●In 1-pulse input mode, leave the pulse signal at rest ("photocoupler OFF") when changing rotation directions.ⅢManual Setting of the Home PositionInput the "All Windings Off" signal, set the motor to the desired position,then release the "All Windings Off" signal.Input Pulse characteristicsB-1732000-2001 ORIENTAL MOTOR GENERAL CATALOG3. R/S (Resolution Select Switching) InputⅢInput circuit and sample connectionKeep the voltage between DC 5V and DC 24V.When voltage is equal to DC 5V, external resistance (R) is not necessary. When voltage is above DC 5V, connect external resistance (R) and keep the input current below 20mA.When the "Resolution Select" signal is in the "photocoupler ON" state, the step angle set by resolution select switch RS1 is selected, and when the "Resolution Select" signal is in the "photocoupler OFF" state, the step angle set by resolution select switch RS2 is selected.This signal can be used to change the motor speed or amount of rotation without altering the input pulses.CW Rotation 0.072˚12 pulsesCCW Rotation 0.72˚1 pulse0.72˚4. TIMING (Excitation Timing)ⅢOutput Circuit and Sample ConnectionKeep the voltage between DC 5V and DC 24V.Keep the current below 10mA. If the current exceeds 10mA, connect external Resistance (R).CW PulseCCW Pulse Excitation Timing OutputNote:Input the "Resolution Select" signal when the driver power is off, or whenpulse signals are not being input. If the "Resolution Select" signal is input at other times, the excitation timing signal output may not function properly.The "Excitation Timing" signal is output to indicate when the motor excitation (current flowing through the winding) is in the initial stage (step "0" at power up).The "Excitation Timing" signal can be used to increase the accuracy of home position detection by setting the mechanical home position of your equipment (for example, a photo-sensor ) to coincide with the excitation sequence initial stage (step "0").The motor excitation stage changes simultaneously with pulse input, and returns to the initial stage for each 7.2˚ rotation of the motor output shaft.When power is turned ON, the excitation sequence is reset to step "0".The "Excitation Timing" signal is output once for each number of pulses equivalent to 7.2˚ divided by the step angle setting.Example: At a step angle setting of 0.72˚/step (Division of 1): The signalis output once every 10 pulsesAt a step angle setting of 0.072˚/step (Division of 10): The signal is output once every 100 pulsesWhen using the "Excitation Timing" signal, set the number of input pulses and the step angle in combinations which allow the motor shaft to stop at positions which are multiples of 7.2˚.When using the "Resolution Select" signal to change the step angle, be aware that depending on the number of pulses and step angle setting, there are conditions,such as those shown below, in which the "Excitation Timing" signal will not be output.B-1742000-2001 ORIENTAL MOTOR GENERAL CATALOG。

一 与外部驱动器及IO (输入输出)接线图 (4)
二 用户管理操作 (5)
三 系统参数设置 (7)
四 IO (输入输出)设置 (8)
五 系统自检操作 (10)
六 手动操作
七编程操作 (15)
八自动执行 (17)
九指令详解 (19)
十电子齿轮计算及公式 (21)
十一编程案例 (24)
十二常见问题及处理 (28)
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目录第一章驱动器1.1 驱动器概述 (1)1.1.1 安全事项…………………………………………………………………………1.1.2 驱动器连线注意事项……………………………………………………………1.1.3 驱动器的特点……………………………………………………………………1.2 驱动器WD3-007 (1)1.2.1 电气参数…………………………………………………………………………1.2.2 WD3-007的主要特点……………………………………………………………1.2.3 连线及参数设置…………………………………………………………………1.2.4 控制信号接口……………………………………………………………………1.2.5 功能选择…………………………………………………………………………1.2.6 功率接口…………………………………………………………………………1.2.7 安装………………………………………………………………………………1.2.8 故障诊断…………………………………………………………………………1.2.9 故障排除…………………………………………………………………………1.3 驱动器WD3-008、WDM3-008 (1)1.3.1 电气参数…………………………………………………………………………1.3.2 WD3-008、WDM3-008的主要特点………………………………………………1.3.3 连线及参数设置…………………………………………………………………1.3.4 控制信号接口……………………………………………………………………1.3.5 功能选择…………………………………………………………………………1.3.6 功率接口…………………………………………………………………………1.3.7 安装………………………………………………………………………………1.3.8 故障诊断…………………………………………………………………………1.3.9 故障排除…………………………………………………………………………1.4 驱动器D921…………………………………………………………………………1.4.1 电气参数…………………………………………………………………………1.4.2 D921的主要特点…………………………………………………………………1.4.3 连线及参数设置…………………………………………………………………1.4.4 控制信号接口……………………………………………………………………1.4.5 功能选择…………………………………………………………………………1.4.6 功率接口…………………………………………………………………………1.4.7 状态指示…………………………………………………………………………1.4.8 安装………………………………………………………………………………1.4.9 故障诊断与排除…………………………………………………………………第二章百格拉公司的三相混合式步进电机………………………………………………………2.1 基本概念………………………………………………………………………………2.2 特殊的机械结构………………………………………………………………………2.3 先进的步进电机控制理论……………………………………………………………2.4 三相混合式步进电机的特点…………………………………………………………2.5 电机参数表……………………………………………………………………………2.6 电机安装尺寸…………………………………………………………………………2.7 抱闸电机………………………………………………………………………………2.8 矩频特性曲线…………………………………………………………………………2.9 电机转数与电机相电流的关系………………………………………………………2.10 电机温升………………………………………………………………………………2.11 采购选型………………………………………………………………………………第一章驱动器百格拉三相混合式步进电机系统采用了与传统的两相和五相混合式步进电机系统截然不同的控制方式,它特有的优点使人们重新认识到步进电机在许多应用中可以取代甚至优于交流伺服电机。
1.1 驱动器概述本节讲述所有百格拉步进驱动器的公共特点及要求,必须严格遵守!1.1.1 安全事项1.1.1.1 安全说明·驱动器只能由专业技术人员安装和操作。
·避免电磁干扰。 注意事项·信号电缆和电机电缆必须带屏蔽、分别走线,距离越大抗干扰的效果越好。
·信号电缆电压对地最高不许超过60VDC。 危险!!!·驱动器必须在下电三分钟后,才能再次接线、安装和参数设置!·严禁带电对电机和驱动器进行任何参数设置和测量!·驱动器未接电机前,严禁通电!·驱动器的输入电压必须满足要求!·通电前,要确保电源电缆、电机电缆、信号电缆连接的正确性!注意:不遵守安全说明和注意事项会降低驱动器的性能,甚至造成损坏,后果由用户自己负责!注意:严禁用户打开驱动器,打开的驱动器将失去保修资格!1.1.2 驱动器连线注意事项1.1.2.1 接地上位机(如PLC、CNC等),电机和驱动器的壳体必须用横截面大于4平方毫米的铜线与机器接地,地线必须在驱动器PE端子上拧紧,另一端固定在开关柜壳体地线上。
所有接地线均采用星形接法(通过一个公共接地点接地)。 安装环境驱动器要安装在开关柜中(壁挂式)。
当粉尘中含导电物质时(如车削铸件),整个电箱要密封,严防粉尘侵入驱动器!未满足环境要求而造成驱动器损坏,用户自己负责! 控制信号·上位机控制信号为5V时可以直接输入到驱动器。
1.1.3 驱动器的特点驱动器的种类很多,这里主要介绍常用的三种型号:D921、WD3-007、WD3-008,其共同特点如下:·交流伺服工作原理,交流伺服运行特性,三相正弦电流驱动输出。
1.2 驱动器WD3-007该驱动器主要驱动2Nm ~ 12Nm三相混合式步进电机,输入电压220VAC,控制信号电压5VDC,与百格拉电机配套性能最佳。
1.2.2 WD3-007的主要特点·交流伺服工作原理,交流伺服运行特性,三相正弦电流驱动输出。