WONDER TW21880GE-B 来电显示型无线电话 说明书
![WONDER TW21880GE-B 来电显示型无线电话 说明书](
(初 次 使 用 時,請 務 必 詳 閱)
為避免錯誤來電或被盜用,當手機放回座機上充電時,本機會自動對碼。 更 換 手 機 電 池 或 重 裝 電 源 線 時 , 需 將 手 機 放 回 座 機2 0秒 以 上 , 以 便 對 碼 。
1 0 .換 頁 鍵 1 1 .靜 音 鍵 1 2 .座 機(充 電 座) 1 3 .暫 停/設 時 鍵 1 4 . (呼 叫 鍵) 1 5 .使 用/充 電 中
指示燈 1 6 .數 字 鍵 1 7 .暫 切/刪 除 鍵 1 8 .退 出 鍵 1 9 .設 定/貴 賓 鍵 2 0 .座 機 天 線
當 接 收 來 電 訊 息 時 , 會 自 動 更 新 日 期 、 時 間 。 若 為D T M F系 統 , 則 須 自 行 設 定 時 間 。 意
對 比 度 的 設 定 ※對比度共有5級可調
在待機狀態下,按住 設定/貴賓鍵 不放約3秒,進入功能設定選項,顯示幕顯示
"。按 ▲鍵 或 ▼鍵 選擇顯示幕的對比度,選擇完畢,再按 設定/貴賓鍵
合 交通部電信總局 格 審定合格
來 電 顯 示 的 服 務,是 由 您 所 在 地 的 電 信 局 所 提 供!便 於 您 選 擇 接 聽 或 追 查 惡 意 電 話,在 無 人 接 聽 時,能 將 來 電 號 碼 及 時 間 紀 錄 下 來, 供您查閱使用。 如 您 裝 好 話 機,仍 無 法 顯 示 來 電 號 碼,請 向 所 在 地 電 信 局 申 請 。
WONDER TE27850GE-A数位式无线电话机 说明书
![WONDER TE27850GE-A数位式无线电话机 说明书](
TW27850GE-A數位式無線電話機使用說明書V 1.1鈴聲音量調整 ............ 4 鈴聲音樂選擇 ............ 5 通話音量調整 ............ 5 按鍵音的開啟/關閉 ... 5 自動接聽設定 ............ 5 接聽電話 .................. 6 撥打電話 .................. 6 預覽撥號 .................. 6 暫停功能 .................. 6 暫切功能 .................. 6 靜音功能 .................. 7 呼叫功能 .................. 7 鍵盤閉鎖功能 ............ 7 暫切時間設定 ............ 7 來電顯示格式選擇 ...... 7 來電記憶使用 ............ 8 撥出記憶使用 ............ 8 電話簿功能 ............... 9 更改手機密碼 ............ 9 刪除手機所有記憶 ...... 10 恢復手機出廠值 ......... 10 更改座機密碼 ............ 10 恢復座機出廠值 ......... 10 擴充手機 .................. 11 註銷手機 .................. 11 忘記密碼 (11)呼叫手機 ........................ 12 呼叫所有手機(群呼) ...... 12 內線對講 ........................ 12 外線轉接 ........................ 12 外線通話時內線臨時對講 ... 13 三方會談 ........................ 13 子機對講時外線插撥 ......... 13(六)規格/來電顯示服務須知 ... 14(七)簡易保養 ........................ 15(八)常見故障排除 (16)11.可增購符合本產牌通訊協定的手機,一部座機可擴充至4支手機。
GE28112子机和座机面板按健:TALK—开机SPKR—兔提REDIAL—重拨DEL—清除MEM—存储PROG—功能MUTE—静音–CID/VOL+--来电显示查询(VOL)—音量大小PAGE—呼叫对讲ANNOUNCE—录音ERASE—清除MEMO—家庭留言REVIW—上一条SKIP—下一条PLAY/STOP—播放/停止ANSWER ON/OFF—录音开关DAY/CHECK—改变时间HOUR—小时MIN—分钟电话使用功能:1.拨打电话:按下TALK开机健,听到拨号音后按下你所以拨打的号码,即可接通,通话完毕按下TALK键关闭即可.2.重拨:按下TALK通话健听到拨号音后,按一次REDIAL重拨健即可(注:只能重拨最后一组)3.存储号码:按一次MEM存储健,先输入储存的位置号码(0—10)再按一次MEM健,再次输入姓名(注:用英文输入)再按一次MEM键,再次输入号码,输入完毕再按一次MEM键确认即可,如要查询:先按一次MEM键然后用子机上的左右查询键翻阅即可.4.查看来电:在待机状态下直接按来电显示查询健即可,如要回拨此号码直接按TALK开机健即可.5.功能界面扩展诠释:按PROG功能健进入后用上下翻查健选择到HANDSETSETUP再按功能键PROG进入.1.SET LANGUAGE设置语言用功能健进进入,数字1-3选择即可(1为英语,2为法语,3为西班牙语)2.HANDSETNAME设置子机名称,进入后英文输入名字即可.3.RINGER TONE设置铃声种类,进入后按下下翻查键调节,最后按功能健确定退出.4.RINGER VOLUME设置铃声音量大小.5.VIP MELODY贵宾号码存储6.KEY TONE设置按健音开关1,ON表示开2,OFF表示关闭7.MESSAGE ALERT 设置留言提示音开关8.RING SELECT 设置录音响铃次数(3-6次)9.SECURITY CODE设置远程徭控听录音的密码10.AREA CODE 设置本地区号11.REGISTRATION 重设(对马,子机登入对马时用)12.DEREGISTRATION 为清除子机13.DEFAULITSETTING 子机设定恢复出厂状态录音功能设置:(座机操作):1.录制提示语:按住ANNOUNCE录音健不放,约两秒钟,听到‖嘀‖声后开始说话:比如:你好,你拨打的是我们家里的录音电话,现在主人不在,有事请留言,谢谢.‖说完后松手即可,如果要重录,再次重复上面的操作即可,满意为止.2.家庭录音:(此功能是为家人设计,如你要外出,给家人留言用)你可以按信MEMO不放,听到‖嘟‖一声后开始说话,完毕松手即可,如是家人回家看见显示窗有留言,直接按PLAY/STOP播放即可.3.清除留言;当你在听取留言时,如果要删除,在听取留言时直接按下ERASE清除键即可删除.如果你信箱里有多条留言,如果一条条的删除比较麻烦,这时你可以总清除,在待机状态下,按住ERASE 清除键不放,约2秒钟,即可全部删除,4.录音开关如果你不要录音功能,在座机的右侧ANSWER ON/OFF健,按一次显示窗显示‖---―说明关闭,在按一次为开启.5播放录音如显示窗显示有数字,数字代表有几条留言,在待机状态下按PLAY/STOP播放停止健即可,如果要跳跃或重听按REVIEW为上一条,SKIP为下一条,6调整时间(注.时间在中国走不准,因为电压频率不一样)按住座机右侧DAY/CHECK改变时间,调整星期几,按住HOUR为调整小时,调正确的时候在松手,按住MIN健为调整分钟,调整正确后松手即可.6.对码设置-本机售出均对好发货请勿自行对码,如需特别需要请向本店客服索要7.对讲功能:先按INT健然后再按1或2健,就表示和1子机或2子机对讲,当另一个子机响的时候再按另一子机的TALK就要以对讲了,通用28111 28112 DECT 6.0 无绳电话说明书一、话机设置(以下操作请在电话机处于待机状态下进行)房间监视:(此功能仅使用额外的手机上)按mute/program键进入主菜单,使用☐或❑键找到ROOM MONITOR选项;再按mute/program键进入ROOM MONITOR编辑,屏幕会显示ROOM MONITOR EXTENSION?;使用0~9数字键输入您想要被监控的手机名称或号码,被监控的手机会自动打开麦克风,而另一监控手机打开免提功能,自动监听来自被监控手机收集的声音。
Sennheiser G3 无线电话系列产品说明说明书
![Sennheiser G3 无线电话系列产品说明说明书](
ew 100 Setsew 112 G3 Presentation Setew 122 G3 Presentation Set ew 152 G3 Headsetew 172 G3 Instrument Setew 135/145/165 G3 Vocal SetsThe ew 122 G3 is a wireless microphone set. The ew 122 G3 consists of thesame components as ew 112 G3 but with ME 4 clip-on cardioid microphone.The compact clip-on microphone rejects noises coming from the side which means less risk of feedback.The ew 152 G3 is a wireless microphone set. The ew 152 G3 consists of the same components as ew 112 G3 but with ME 3 headworn cardioid microphone.The included condenser headworn microphone is easy to wear, has great pop protection and produces powerful sound.FEATURESSturdy metal housing (transmitterand receiver)42 MHz bandwidth: 1,680 tunable UHF frequencies for interference-free reception Enhanced frequency bank system with up to 12 compatible frequenciesHigh-quality true diversity reception Automatic frequency scan feature searches for available frequencies Pilot tone squelch for eliminating RF interference when transmitter is turned offEnhanced AF frequency rangeIncreased range for audio sensitivityWireless synchronization of transmitters via infrared interfaceIlluminated graphic display (transmitter and receiver)Auto-Lock function avoids accidental changing of settingsHDX compander for crystal-clear sound Transmitter feature battery indicatation in 4 steps, also shown on receiver display Programmable Mute function Integrated Equalizer and Sound c heck mode Contacts for recharging BA 2015 accupack directly in the transmitterWide range of accessories adapts the system to any requirementThe ew 112 G3 is a wireless microphone set, consisting of a True Diversityreceiver, a bodypack transmitter with ME 2 clip-on omni-directional microphone plus accessories. It is versatile for every style of presentations.A wireless link from receiver to the transmitter allows synchronization of frequencies for easy setup. Backlit graphic displays make them easy to read under all lighting conditions.The ew 135 G3 is a wireless microphone set, consisting of a True Diversityreceiver, a handheld transmitter with e 835 microphone head plus accessories. It is versatile for every style of music and presentations. A wireless link from receiver to the transmitter allows synchronization of frequencies for easy setup. Backlit graphic displays make them easy to read under all lighting conditions.The ew 145 G3 consists of the same components as ew 135 G3but with an e 845 microphone head.The ew 165 G3 consists of the same components as ew 135 G3but with an e 865 microphone head.FEATURESew 135 G3/ew 145 G3/ ew 165 G3 Vocal SetsSee above mentioned list of features plus Handheld transmitter with easy-exchangeable microphone heads from evolution seriesThe ew 172 G3 is a wireless instrument set, consisting of a True Diversityreceiver, a bodypack transmitter with CI 1 jack cable plus accessories. It is versatile for picking up instruments.The system features a virtual cable emulator to get sound response just like a cable, a built-in guitar tuner and an EQ. The frequency respon-se starts at 25 Hz for natural bass reproduction.ARCHITECT’S SPECIFICATIONSew 112 G3 Presentation SetComplete plug & play wireless microphone set with clip-on microphone (permanent polarized, omni-directional) for multi-purpose application. The devices shall have metal housings for rugged use. 42 MHz bandwidth with 1,680 tunable frequencies. 20 banks with up to 12 compatible frequencies, 1 bank for individual selectable frequencies. Scan function and wireless synchronization to the transmitter for easy setup. HDX compander delivers high-quality sound performance. The transmitter shall have a sensitivity range of 48 dB. The receiver offers a maximum output level of +18 dBu (+6 dB gain). True Diversity and pilot tone squelch for interference-free reception.The transmitter shall have a programmable Mute switch (RF on/off, AF on/off, disabled)Charging contacts on transmitter for recharging BA 2015 accu pack directly in the transmitter shall be available. 3-step battery + Low-Battery indication on transmitter and receiver shall give reliable information on operation time. Menu operation, auto-lock function and illuminated graphic displays on transmitter and receiver for user-friendly operation.A RF Mute function on transmitter and receiver allows offline settings. An equalizer and soundcheck mode is integrated in the receiver.A wide range of clip-on and headworn microphones and accessories shall be available for the system. The wireless microphone system shall feature a true-diversity receiver with 42 MHz of available tuning bandwidth with a total of 1,680 frequencies accessible in 25 kHz steps. The wireless microphone receiver must feature one balanced XLR output with a max. output of +18 dBu, and one unbalanced ¼” output with a max. output of +12 dBu. The wireless microphone receiver must feature two BNC antenna inputs, one for each receiver module in the true diversity system.The wireless microphone receiver must feature an automatic frequency scanning function that utilizes twenty (20) banks of pre-coor-dinated frequencies that are free of intermodulation interference. The wireless microphone receiver must also feature a user bank in order to store user defined frequencies. The wireless microphone transmitter must operate on two 1.5 V AA battery cells. The wireless microphone transmitter must have access to 1,680 frequencies tuned in 25 kHz steps across a defined 42 MHz bandwidth. The wireless microphone transmitter must feature a backlit display that displays frequency information, AF level, battery level. The wireless micro-phone transmitter must transmit a pilot-tone squelch. The wireless microphone transmitter must have a specified RF output power of 30 mW. The wireless microphone receiver must accept 12 V DC power via BNC antenna inputs.ew 122 G3 Presentation SetComplete plug & play wireless microphone set with clip-on microphone (condenser, cardioid) from Sennheiser evolution series for multi-purpose application. Further discription see paragraph ew 112 G3.ew 152 G3 Head SetComplete plug & play wireless microphone set with headworn microphone (permanent polarized, cardioid) for hands-free application. Further discription see paragraph ew 112 G3.ew 172 G3 Head SetComplete plug & play wireless instrument set from Sennheiser evolution series for multi-purpose application.Further discription see paragraph ew 112 G3.ew 135 G3 Vocal SetComplete plug & play wireless microphone set with easy-exchangeable e 835 microphone head (dynamic, cardioid) from Sennheiser evolution series for multi-purpose application. Further discription see paragraph ew 112 G3.ew 145 G3 Vocal SetComplete plug & play wireless microphone set with easy-exchangeable e 845 microphone head (dynamic, super-cardioid) from Sennheiser evolution series for multi-purpose application. Further discription see paragraph ew 112 G3.ew 165 G3 Vocal SetComplete plug & play wireless microphone set with easy-exchangeable e 865 microphone head (electret-condenser, super-cardioid) from Sennheiser evolution series for multi-purpose application. Further discription see paragraph ew 112 G3.SySTEMRF frequency range ................................................ 516…865 MHz1,785....1,800 MHzTransmission/receiving frequencies ................... 512.....1,865 MHz: 1,6801,785....1,800 MHz: 1,500Presets (12)Switching bandwidth ............................................. 512.....1,865 MHz: 42 MHz1,785....1,800 MHz: 15 MHzCompander ...............................................................HDXFrequency response ...............................................25…18,000 HzSignal-to-noise ratio ..............................................> 110 dB(A)THD, total harmonic distortion ............................< 0,9 %RECEIVERSTrue diversityAntenna connector .................................................2 x BNC, 50 OAudio output level (balanced) .............................XLR: +18 dBu maxAudio output level (unbalanced) ........................Jack: +12 dBu maxDimensions ...............................................................202 x 212 x 43 mmWeight .......................................................................~ 900gTRANSMITTERRF output power .....................................................typ. 30 mW battery AA (Mignon)Power supply............................................................2 x AA batteriesOperating time ........................................................typ. 8hInput voltage range mic ........................................1.8 V effInput voltage range line ........................................3 V effDimensions ...............................................................82 x 64 x 24 mmWeight .......................................................................~ 160gContinued on page 5Microphones (SK 100)ME 2ME 3-ew ME 4Microphone type .............................condenser condenser condenserSensitivity .........................................20 mV/Pa 1.6 mV/Pa40 mV/PaPick-up pattern ................................omni-directional cardioid cardioidMax. SPL ............................................130 dB SPL150 dB SPL120 dB SPL Microphone heads (SKM 100)MMD 835-1MMD 845-1MMK 865-1Radio microphone type .................dynamic dynamic condenserSensitivity ......................................... 2.1 mV/Pa 1.6 mV/Pa 1.6 mV/PaPick-up pattern ................................cardioid super-cardioid cardioid/super-cardioid,switchableMax. SPL ............................................154 dB SPL154 dB SPL152 dB SPL Frequency response .......................80.....18,000 Hz80.....18,000 Hz80.....18,000 HzDELIVERY INCLUDES for ew 112 / ew 122 / ew 152 / ew 172 G31 EM 100 G3 rack-mount receiver1 SK 100 G3 bodypack transmitter1 ME2 clip-on microphone (omni-directional) (ew 112) or1 ME 4 clip-on microphone (cardioide) (ew 122) or1 ME 3-ew headset microphone (cardioid) (ew 152) or1 CI instrument cable (ew 172)1 NT2 power supply unit2 Antennas2 Stacking elements2 AA batteries1 Instruction ManualDELIVERY INCLUDES for ew 135 / ew 145 / ew 165 G31 S KM 100-835 G3 handheld transmitterwith cardioid dynamic head or1 S KM 100-845 G3 handheld transmitterwith super-cardioid dynamic head or1 S KM 100-865 G3 handheld transmitterwith super-cardioid condenser head1 EM 100 G3 rack receiver1 MZQ 1 microphone clip1 NT2 power supply unit2 Antennas2 Stacking elements2 AA batteries1 Instruction ManualPOLAR PATTERN0510152025dB30°30°60°60°90°90°120°150°120°150°0°180°125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz 16000 HzME 3-ewME 4-ewMMD 835-1MME 865-1MMD 845-10510152025dB30°30°60°60°90°90°120°150°120°150°0°180°125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz 16000 Hz0510152025dB30°30°60°60°90°90°120°150°120°150°0°180°125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz 16000 Hz0510152025dB30°30°60°60°90°90°120°150°120°150°0°180°125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz 16000 Hz0510152025dB30°30°60°60°90°90°120°150°120°150°0°180°125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz2000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz 16000 Hzew 112 G3 Presentation Set Cat. No. ew 112 G3-A-EU 516...558 MHz 503100 ew 112 G3-A-US 516...558 MHz 503169 ew 112 G3-A-UK 516...558 MHz 503170 ew 112 G3-G-EU 566...608 MHz 503171 ew 112 G3-G-US 566...608 MHz 503172 ew 112 G3-G-UK 566...608 MHz 503173 ew 112 G3-B-EU 626...668 MHz 503174 ew 112 G3-B-US 626...668 MHz 503175 ew 112 G3-B-UK 626...668 MHz 503176 ew 112 G3-C-EU 734...776 MHz 503177 ew 112 G3-C-US 734...776 MHz 503178 ew 112 G3-C-UK 734...776 MHz 503179 ew 112 G3-D-EU 780...822 MHz 503180 ew 112 G3-D-EU-X 780...822 MHz 503181 ew 112 G3-D-UK 780...822 MHz 503182 ew 112 G3-E-EU 823...865 MHz 503183 ew 112 G3-E-EU-X 823...865 MHz 503184 ew 112 G3-E-UK 823...865 MHz 503185 ew 112 G3-GB 606…648 MHz 504638 ew 112 G3-1G8 1,785…1,800 MHz504900 ew 122 G3 Presentation Set Cat. No. ew 122 G3-A-EU 516...558 MHz 503101 ew 122 G3-A-US 516...558 MHz 503187 ew 122 G3-A-UK 516...558 MHz 503188 ew 122 G3-G-EU 566...608 MHz 503189 ew 122 G3-G-US 566...608 MHz 503190 ew 122 G3-G-UK 566...608 MHz 503191 ew 122 G3-B-EU 626...668 MHz 503192 ew 122 G3-B-US 626...668 MHz 503193 ew 122 G3-B-UK 626...668 MHz 503194 ew 122 G3-C-EU 734...776 MHz 503195 ew 122 G3-C-US 734...776 MHz 503196 ew 122 G3-C-UK 734...776 MHz 503197 ew 122 G3-D-EU 780...822 MHz 503198 ew 122 G3-D-EU-X 780...822 MHz 503199 ew 122 G3-D-UK 780...822 MHz 503200 ew 122 G3-E-EU 823...865 MHz 503201 ew 122 G3-E-EU-X 823...865 MHz 503202 ew 122 G3-E-UK 823...865 MHz 503203 ew 122 G3-GB 606…648 MHz 504639 ew 122 G3-1G8 1,785…1,800 MHz504901ew 152 G3 Presentation Set Cat. No.ew 152 G3-A-EU 516...558 MHz 503102ew 152 G3-A-US 516...558 MHz 503205ew 152 G3-A-UK 516...558 MHz 503206ew 152 G3-G-EU 566...608 MHz 503207ew 152 G3-G-US 566...608 MHz 503208ew 152 G3-G-UK 566...608 MHz 503209ew 152 G3-B-EU 626...668 MHz 503210ew 152 G3-B-US 626...668 MHz 503211ew 152 G3-B-UK 626...668 MHz 503212ew 152 G3-C-EU 734...776 MHz 503213ew 152 G3-C-US 734...776 MHz 503214ew 152 G3-C-UK 734...776 MHz 503215ew 152 G3-D-EU 780...822 MHz 503216ew 152 G3-D-EU-X 780...822 MHz 503217ew 152 G3-D-UK 780...822 MHz 503218ew 152 G3-E-EU 823...865 MHz 503219ew 152 G3-E-EU-X 823...865 MHz 503220ew 152 G3-E-UK 823...865 MHz 503221ew 152 G3-GB 606…648 MHz 504640ew 152 G3-1G8 1,785…1,800 MHz504902ew 172 G3 Instrument Set Cat. No.ew 172 G3-A-EU 516...558 MHz 503103ew 172 G3-A-US 516...558 MHz 503223ew 172 G3-G-EU 566...608 MHz 503224ew 172 G3-G-US 566...608 MHz 503225ew 172 G3-B-EU 626...668 MHz 503226ew 172 G3-B-US 626...668 MHz 503227ew 172 G3-C-EU 734...776 MHz 503228ew 172 G3-C-US 734...776 MHz 503229ew 172 G3-D-EU 780...822 MHz 503230ew 152 G3-D-EU-X 780...822 MHz 503231ew 172 G3-D-UK 780...822 MHz 503332ew 172 G3-E-EU 823...865 MHz 503233ew 172 G3-E-EU-X 823...865 MHz 503234ew 172 G3-E-UK 823...865 MHz 503235ew 152 G3-GB 606…648 MHz 504641ew 152 G3-1G8 1,785…1,800 MHz504903Continued on page 10ew 135 G3 Vocal Set Cat. No. ew 135 G3-A-EU 516...558 MHz 503104 ew 135 G3-A-US 516...558 MHz 503237 ew 135 G3-A-UK 516...558 MHz 503238 ew 135 G3-G-EU 566...608 MHz 503239 ew 135 G3-G-US 566...608 MHz 503240 ew 135 G3-G-UK 566...608 MHz 503241 ew 135 G3-B-EU 626...668 MHz 503242 ew 135 G3-B-US 626...668 MHz 503243 ew 135 G3-B-UK 626...668 MHz 503244 ew 135 G3-C-EU 734...776 MHz 503245 ew 135 G3-C-US 734...776 MHz 503246 ew 135 G3-C-UK 734...776 MHz 503247 ew 135 G3-D-EU 780...822 MHz 503248 ew 135 G3-D-EU-X 780...822 MHz 503249 ew 135 G3-D-UK 780...822 MHz 503250 ew 135 G3-E-EU 823...865 MHz 503251 ew 135 G3-E-EU-X 823...865 MHz 503252 ew 135 G3-E-UK 823...865 MHz 503253 ew 135 G3-GB 606…648 MHz 504642 ew 135 G3-1G8 1,785…1,800 MHz504904 ew 145 G3 Vocal Set Cat. No. ew 145 G3-A-EU 516...558 MHz 503105 ew 145 G3-A-US 516...558 MHz 503255 ew 145 G3-G-EU 566...608 MHz 503256 ew 145 G3-G-US 566...608 MHz 503257 ew 145 G3-B-EU 626...668 MHz 503258 ew 145 G3-B-US 626...668 MHz 503259 ew 145 G3-C-EU 734...776 MHz 503260 ew 145 G3-C-US 734...776 MHz 503261 ew 145 G3-D-EU 780...822 MHz 503262 ew 145 G3-D-EU-X 780...822 MHz 503263 ew 145 G3-D-UK 780...822 MHz 503264 ew 145 G3-E-EU 823...865 MHz 503265 ew 145 G3-E-EU-X 823...865 MHz 503266 ew 145 G3-E-UK 823...865 MHz 503267 ew 145 G3-GB 606…648 MHz 504643 ew 145 G3-1G8 1,785…1,800 MHz504905ew 165 G3 Vocal Set Cat. No. ew 165 G3-A-EU 516...558 MHz 503106 ew 165 G3-A-US 516...558 MHz 503269 ew 165 G3-G-EU 566...608 MHz 503270 ew 165 G3-G-US 566...608 MHz 503271 ew 165 G3-B-EU 626...668 MHz 503272 ew 165 G3-B-US 626...668 MHz 503273 ew 165 G3-C-EU 734...776 MHz 503274 ew 165 G3-C-US 734...776 MHz 503275 ew 165 G3-D-EU 780...822 MHz 503276 ew 165 G3-D-EU-X 780...822 MHz 503277 ew 165 G3-D-UK 780...822 MHz 503278 ew 165 G3-E-EU 823...865 MHz 503279 ew 165 G3-E-EU-X 823...865 MHz 503280 ew 165 G3-E-UK 823...865 MHz 503281 ew 165 G3-GB 606…648 MHz 504644 ew 165 G3-1G8 1,785…1,800 MHz504906RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIESCat. No. Earworn microphones, 3.5 mm jack plugomni:black Ear Set 1-ew504232 beige Ear Set 1-ew-3 504233cardioid:black Ear Set 4-ew504236 beige Ear Set 4-ew-3504237Clip-on microphones, 3.5 mm jack plug omni:black MKE 1-ew502876 white MKE 1-ew-1502877 brown MKE 1-ew-2502878 beige MKE 1-ew-3502879 black MKE 2-ew Gold009831 beige MKE 2-ew-3 Gold 009832 black MKE 40-ew500527Headmicrophones thin connection cable, 3.5 mm jack plugomni:black HSP 2-ew009866 beige HSP 2-ew-3009872 cardioid:black HSP 4-ew009867 beige HSP 4-ew-3009873Headmicrophones thin connection cable, 3.5 mm jack plug, shorter microphone boom and smaller neckbandomni:black HSP 2-ew-M500693 beige HSP 2-ew-3-M500692 cardioid:black HSP 4-ew-M500699 beige HSP 4-ew-3-M500698Antenna Splitter for 1800 MHz – ASA 1-1G8504914 Antenna Booster for 1800 MHz – AB 3-1G8504915 Directional Antenna for 1800 MHz – AD 1800504916 19“ RackMount Kit – GA 3503167 Antenna Front Mount Kit – AM 2009912 Power supply for one L 2015NT 1-1-EU (EU version, 230 V) 503158 NT 1-1-UK (UK version, 230 V) 503874 NT 1-1-US (US version, 120 V) 503873 Power supply for up to three L 2015NT 3-1-EU (EU version, 230 V) 503159 NT 3-1-UK (UK version, 230 V) 503877 NT 3-1-US (US version, 120 V) 503876 GA 3 – Rack-mount kit 503167 AM 2 – Antenna Mount kit 009912 CC 3 – System Case 503168 L 2015 – Charging unit 009828 BA 2015 – Rechargeable battery pack 009950Cat. No. ASA 1 – Active antenna splitter 503165 A 1031 – Antenna 004645 A 2003 – Passive directional antenna 003658 AB 3 – Antenna booster 021822 ME 4 – Clip-on microphone, cardioid, black 503156 CI 1 – Instrument cable 503163 ew 135 / ew 145 / ew 165 G3 Vocal SetsMMD 835-1 – evolution microphone head 502575 MMD 845-1 – evolution microphone head 502576 MME 865-1 – evolution microphone head 502581 MZW 1 – Windshield 004839 KEN 2 – Identification rings 530195 LA 2 – Charging adapter forhandheld microphones 503162 CC 3 – System case 503168Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany 0 4 / 1 3 S e n n h e i s e r i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f S e n n h e i s e r e l e c t r o n i c G m b H & C o . K G . w w w . s e n n h e i s e r . c o m . C o p y r i g h t ©0 4 / 2 0 1 3 . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .ew 100 SetsContact your local Service Partner:。
GE MASTR II Station Card产品说明书
![GE MASTR II Station Card产品说明书](
1 A10 test point 1 A9 test point
1 A8 test point
test point B1 1 test point B2 1
test point B3 1 test point B4 1
test point B5 1 test point B6 1
1 D14 test point 1 D13 test point
1 D12 test point 1 D11 test point
1 D10 test point 1 D9 test point
1 D8 test point
Consult the GE MASTR-II Station Manual for signals not listed.
NHRC-M2SC (GE MASTR II Station Card)
Size Document Number
JP4Biblioteka 12JP3
Motorola Solutions eVerge 数字无线通信设备说明书
![Motorola Solutions eVerge 数字无线通信设备说明书](
EVX-5300/5400 SERIESDIGITAL MOBILE RADIOSBackOption Board ExpandabilityEVX-Link and EVX-5300EVX-5400EVX-5300F A C TO RY W A R R A N TY 3Y E A RAdditional Features^ 6 Programmable keys^8-Character alpha numeric display (EVX-5400) ^Programmable tri-color LED ^Minimum volume control ^RSSI Indicator (EVX-5400)^Direct channel entry (EVX-5400) ^Lone worker alert ^ARTS ™ & ARTS II ™ ^Emergency alert ^DTMF Speed dial ^Priority scan ^Follow-me scan ^Dual watch^Public address / horn alert^D-Sub 15-pin accessory connector^Radio-to-radio cloningAnalog Mode Features^Voice compander ^Whisper mode^CTCSS/DCS encode/decode ^MDC-1200® encode/decode ^2-Tone encode/decode ^5-Tone encode/decode^DTMF Telephone Interconnect/ANI ^DTMF Paging^Remote stun/kill/revive (5-tone)Digital Mode Features^Basic privacy ^Enhanced privacy^Text messaging (EVX-5400) ^All call, Group call, Individual call ^Direct/Dual Capacity Mode ^Transmit Interrupt ^Site Search ^Escalert^Remote monitor ^PTT ID encode ^Mixed mode scan^One touch access (EVX-5400)^128 Record contact list (EVX-5400)Accessories^MH-67A8J: Standard microphone^MH-75A8J: Keypad microphone (16 keys) ^MD-12A8J: Desktop microphone ^MLS-100: External speaker, 12W ^LF-6: DC Line filter^RMK-5400: Remote Mount Kit*25 kHz will not be available on new equipment in the U.S.A. after 1/1/2013. Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.VERTEX STANDARD is a trademark of Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©Vertex Standard LMR, Inc. 2016.NSS_5300/5400_04/2016EVX-5300/5400 SERIESSPECIFICATION SHEET - NORTH AMERICA。
子机和座机面板按键:TALK—开机speaker—免提redial—重拨delete—清除memory—存储program—功能设定mute—静音caller id-volume--来电号码查询、上下翻查page—呼叫对讲announce—自动应答提示音erase—清除memory—家庭留言review—上一条skip—下一条play/stop—播放/停止answer on/off—自动应答录音开关day/check—改变时间hour—设定小时min—设定分钟电话使用说明:✓拨打电话:普通方式拨打:按下TALK开机键,听到拨号音后按下你所以拨打的号码,即可接通,通话完毕按下TALK键关闭即可。
✓功能界面扩展诠释:按program功能键进入后用上下翻查键选择到HANDSET SETUP 再按功能键program进入。
Voyager Legend CS Bluetooth 无线头戴话筒系统用户指南说明书
![Voyager Legend CS Bluetooth 无线头戴话筒系统用户指南说明书](
Voyager Legend® CS Bluetooth Headset SystemUser guideWelcomeCongratulations on purchasing your new Plantronics product. This guide contains instructionsfor setting up and using your Voyager Legend CS Wireless Headset System.Please refer to the separate safety instructions for important product safety information priorto installation or use of the product.BaseHeadsetTelephone interface cablePower supplyEar tipsSome models may also include:HL10 lifter USB Charge cableWhat's in the boxBase81Call/mute LED6Handset lifter/EHS cable jack2Power on/pairing LED7Telephone interface cable3Charging LED8Listening volume dial*4Pairing button9Speaking volume dial*5Power jack10Configuration switch**For installation setupHeadset1Volume +/- button4Call button2Power button5Mute microphone/voice command button3Snap-fit magnetic charge connectionBase and headset basicsSold separately.2571Portable charge case 2Desktop charge stand 3AC charger 4USB charge cable*5Car charge adapter 6Micro USB charge adapter 7Ear tip kit (available in S, M, L)8HL10 lifter* Automatically lifts handset and returns it to the cradle. Enables remote callcontrol with your headset.9Electronic hookswitch cable (EHS cable) Electronically and automatically takes your deskphone handset off the hook. Enables remote call control with your headset.*Included with some models.AccessoriesReplace the ear tip for a better fit.To wear the headset on your other ear, rotate the boom upwards then twist it around so the ear tip is on the other side before lowering the boom.FitChange the ear tipWear on the left or rightPlug one end of the power supply into the power jack on the back of the base and the other endinto a working power outlet. The Power On LED will be solid white.Place the headset in the charging cradle. The charging LED on the base will flash blue whencharging and turn solid blue when the headset is fully charged. Charge for at least 20 minutesprior to the first use. A full charge takes 90 minutes.=There are three setup options for connecting the Voyager Legend CS to your desk phone.Select one of the following and continue.•Desk phone (standard)•Desk phone + HL10 Lifter (sold separately)•Desk phone + EHS cable (sold separately)Connect Your Desk PhoneConnect the powerCharge the headsetConnect and configureyour desk phoneNOTE If you will be using a standard desk phone setup or a desk phone with an HL10 lifter, see below.If you will be using the desk phone with an EHS cable, refer to Desk phone plus EHS cable section in this guide. For further installation information refer to the EHS Getting Started guide that came with your EHS cable or go to /accessories.1Connect one end of the telephone interface cable to the back of the base.2Disconnect the handset coil cord from the desk phone and re-connect it to the telephone interface cable junction box.3Connect the remaining end of the telephone interface cable into the open handset port on thedesk phone.NOTE Your desk phone handset will continue to work; it's just hooked up differently.NOTE If your phone has a built-in headset port, you should only use the headset port if you will not beusing the HL10 lifter. In this configuration, you must first press both the headset button on your phone and the call control button on the headset to answer or end calls.1If your desk phone has a volume control, set it to mid-range.2Look at the bottom of your base and make sure the default settings are correct. Set your desk phone's volume as well.Set the listening volume dialand the speaking volume dial to 2.Set the configuration switch to A.Set the desk phone volume to mid-range.Desk phone (standard)Check configuration andmake a test call3Remove the handset from the desk phone cradle.4While wearing your headset, press the call button on the headset.5If you do not hear a dial tone, adjust the configuration switch (A-G) until you do.NOTE For most phones, these factory settings will sound best.6Dial a test call from the desk phone. If needed, fine-tune the volume with the headset volume controls. You can also adjust the desk phone speaking and listening volumes on the bottom of the base.First follow the steps above for Desk phone (standard).1Firmly press the handset lifter power cord into the handset lifter jack.2While wearing your headset, slide the handset lifter arm under the handset until the lifter base touches the side of the phone.Desk phone plus HL103Slide the lifter up to where it nearly touches the handset earpiece.4Press the call button on your headset to activate the lifter.5If you hear a dial tone the lifter is set correctly and needs no adjustment.6Remove the protective strips from the 3 mounting tapes on the underside of the lifter.7Gently place the lifter on the desk phone in the pre-determined position.8Press firmly to adhere.Connect the end of the EHS cable to the base and the other end of the desk phone as described in the EHS Quick Start Guide.NOTE For further installation information refer to the EHS Quick Start Guide that came with your EHS cable or at /accessories.Desk phone plus EHScableThe minimum recommended separation between your desk phone and the base is 6 inches.The minimum recommended separation between the base and computer is 12 inches. Incorrectposition can cause noise and interference problems.Position your baseHeadset controlsvoiceCall buttonVolume buttonHeadset LED (indicator light)Power buttonMagnetic charge portMute buttonVoice button(mobile phone use only)Play/Pause button(mobile phone use only)With a single full charge, the Voyager Legend CS will provide up to 7 hours of talk time and upto 11 days of standby time.Toggle the Volume button (show icon) up (+) or down (-) during a call to adjust the volume.While not on a call you can toggle the Volume button (show icon) to adjust the volume level forvoice prompts and notifications.The wireless range for the Voyager Legend headset is 10 m from the desktop base or yourmobile phone. Audio quality can be expected to deteriorate after 10 m and wirelessconnectivity eventually stop when range limits are exceeded.When you leave the operating range of the base or mobile phone, a voice prompt willannounce:•"Phone 1 Disconnected"; any audio is terminatedNOTE Note: If both desk phone and mobile phone are connected to the headset, "Phone 1Disconnected" and "Phone 2 Disconnected" will be announced as connections are lost Headset OverviewTalk timeAdjust the volumeOut of range indicationsWhen you return to the operating range of the base or mobile phone, a voice prompt will announce:•"Phone 1 Connected"; audio restored if activeNOTE Note: If both desk phone and mobile phone are connected to the headset, "Phone 1 Connected" and "Phone 2 Connected" will be announced as connections are restored.30 minutes of talk time remaining (this alert only occurs during an active call)Double high tone every 15minutes"Battery Low" repeats every 30minutes10 minutes of talk time remaining Triple high tone every 30seconds"Recharge Headset" every 3minutesLow battery warningsBase LEDs1 Call Status LED Idle = UnlitIncoming call = fast blue flashOn call = solid blueCall (headset mic) muted = slow blue flash2 Power On/Pairing LED Power off = unlitPowered = solid blue (headset paired/connected)Powered = solid red (headset not paired ordisconnected)In pairing mode = red/blue flashingPairing successful = solid blue3 Headset Battery LED (when docked)Full battery, charging stopped = solid blueHigh, charging = 3 blue flashes every 10 secondsMedium, charging = 2 blue flashes every 10secondsLow, charging = 2 red flashes every 10 secondsCritical, charging = 3 red flashes every 10 secondsThe headset and base that came in the box are already paired to each other. However, if you wish to use a new headset or need to restore subscription to your current headset, the units can be paired to each other by doing the following.1Press and hold the Bluetooth pairing button until the power LED (middle) flashes RED/BLUE.2Switch on your headset and do either of the following:•Tap the Voice button and say "Pairing Mode"•Press and hold the call button until you hear "Pairing"The power LED will turn solid blue once paired.Pair your headset to your phone or another device, such as a tablet.1Switch on your headset then choose:•Tap the Voice button •2While the headset LEDs are flashing red and blue, activate Bluetooth ® on your phone and set itto search for new devices.3Select "PLT_Legend".4If your phone asks for a passcode, enter four zeros (0000) for the passcode or accept the connection.Pairing your base to yourheadsetBluetooth pairing buttonPairing headsetPair phone or tablet5Once successfully paired, LEDs stop flashing red and blue. The LED will remain solid blue and you will hear "pairing successful".NOTE To enable caller name announcement, allow access to your contacts if your phone prompts you.12Remove the handset from the cradle; you will hear the dial tone.This step will be automatic if you install a handset lifer or EHS cable accessory. For a complete list of accessories, visit /accessories 3Dial the number using your desk phone.412If not wearing the headset, place the headset on your ear; the call will be answered automatically.3Remove the handset from the cradle. Your call is now active.This step will be automatic if you install a handset lifer or EHS cable accessory. For a complete list of accessories, visit /accessoriesUse the Call Reject function on your desk phone, if supported.1MUTE ON: During a call, press the Mute button and you will hear the "mute on" voice prompt which indicates that the headset microphone is muted. The mute reminder is repeated every 15minutes alternating between the voice prompt and a tone.2MUTE OFF: During a call while muted, press the Mute button and you will hear "mute off",which unmutes the headset microphone.12Note: Your desk phone may also have second call management features which are better suited to specific second call management needs.Call Controls - Desk PhonePlace a callAnswer a callReject a call (desk phone)End a call Mute a callAnswer a second incoming call12Dial the number using mobile phone.312If wearing the headset and prompted, "Incoming call, answer or Ignore", say "Answer", or 3If not wearing your headset, place the headset on your ear; the call will be answered automatically.12Say "Ignore" when prompted, or3Use the Call Reject function of your mobile phone, if supported.1MUTE ON: During a call, press the Mute button and you will hear the "mute on" voice prompt which indicates that the headset microphone is muted. The mute reminder is repeated every 15minutes alternating between the voice prompt and a tone.2MUTE OFF: During a call while muted, press the Mute button and you will hear "mute off",which unmutes the headset microphone.12call, then say "answer" when prompted to answer the second call.NOTE Your mobile phone may also have second call management features.Call Controls - Mobile PhonePlace a callAnswer a callReject a callEnd a call Mute a callAnswer a second incoming callCustomise your headsetYour headset understands and speaks in English. You can change the language and othersettings online.MyHeadset™ Updater tool enables you to:•Receive firmware updates•Change language for voice alerts and commands (English U.K., French, German and Spanish.Voice alerts are also available in Cantonese and Mandarin.)•Change regional phone number for Vocalyst service•Turn voice commands on/off•Turn Smart Sensors™on/off•Turn high quality audio (A2DP) streaming on/off•Turn "mute off" voice alert on/offYour Voyager Legend headset can play media files (music, podcasts, navigation, etc.) from any A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile for Bluetooth)-enabled mobile device.Your Voyager Legend Bluetooth headset has a 10 meter effective range. Voice prompts from your headset will alert you if you lose connection with your base or mobile phone.You can be on a call using a computer softphone application and receive a mobile phone call.The ringtone for the mobile phone call is heard in the headset. Tapping the call button on the headset will end the computer softphone call. Tapping the call button again will answer the mobile phone call.NOTE Answering the call on your mobile phone sends the audio to the mobile phone and leaves the computer softphone call active on the headset.You can be on a mobile phone and receive a call on your computer softphone. The ringtone for the computer softphone call is heard in the headset during the call.Tapping the call button on the headset ends the mobile phone call. Tapping the call button again answers the computer softphone call.If you receive a computer softphone call and mobile call at the same time, tapping the call button will pick up the call that came in first.Your headset speaks English.•"Battery low/medium/high"•"Connection switched"•"Headset connected"•"Not connected"•"Mute on/off"•"Pairing"•"Pairing successful"•"Power on/off"•"Recharge headset"•"Redial"Tap the Voice button can I say?” tells you the full list of available commands. You can change the voice command language by visiting and downloading the MyHeadset ™ Updater tool. The available languages are English (US and UK), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. Voice commands for Cantonese, Danish and Norwegian must be spoken in English.•"Am I connected?"•"Answer"•"Call information"•"Call Vocalyst"FeaturesListen to audio via A2DPTransmission rangeSimultaneous call handling behaviour (PCMobile)Voice alerts Voice alerts listVoice commandsVoice commands list•"Cancel"•"Check battery"•"Ignore"•"Pair mode"•"Redial"•"What can I say"NOTEThe voice-dial feature is not a headset voice command and only works with supporting phones.To disable the "answer/ignore" voice commands:1Switch on the headset.2Press and hold the Voice button until you hear a double tone.3Repeat to reactivate the voice answer commands.Disable the answer/ignorevoice commandsTalk time performance is significantly degraded even after a full recharge.Battery is wearing out. Contact us at / support .I can’t hear a dial tone in the headset.Make sure your headset is charged.Make sure your headset is subscribed to base. See Subscription button.Press the call control button on your headset.If using a lifter, make sure the lifter is lifting the handset high enough to operate the hookswitch; set to a higher setting if necessary.Adjust the configuration switch on the base until a dial tone is heard. operate the hookswitch; set to a higher setting if necessary.Fine-tune the listening volume on the headset.If the volume is still too low, adjust the listening volume dial on the base.I hear static.Make sure there are at least 12 inches between your base andyour computer, and 6 inches between your base and yourtelephone. You may hear static as your headset is going out ofrange; move closer to the base.The sound is distorted.Lower the speaking volume dial or listening volume dial on thebase. For most telephones, the correct setting is position 2.If your desk phone has a volume control, lower until thedistortion disappears.If the distortion is still present, adjust the headset volume controlto lower the headset speaker volume. If the distortion persists,lower the listening volume dial on the base.Make sure there is at least 12 inches between your base and yourcomputer, and at least 6 inches between your base and yourtelephone.I hear echo in the headset.Lower the listening volume dial and speaking volume dial on thebase. For most telephones, the correct setting is position 2.If the audio level is too low in this position, adjust the headsetvolume control to increase the headset speaker volume.If your speaking volume is too low for your listener in thisposition, adjust the position of the headset to make sure themicrophone is a finger’s width from the corner of your mouth.Adjust the configuration switch. The most commonly usedposition is “A”.People I talk to can hear a buzz in the background.Move the base further away from your phone.If the base power supply is plugged into a power strip, plug it into the wall directly.The handset lifter is installed but does not lift the handset.Ensure the handset lifter power cord is firmly pushed into the handset lifter jack on the base.TroubleshootingHeadsetDesk phoneNEED MORE HELP?/support Plantronics, Inc.Plantronics BV345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States South Point Building C Scorpius 1402132 LR Hoofddorp© 2013 © 2013 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Plantronics and Voyager Legend are trademarks or registered trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Plantronics, Inc. is under licence. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Patents: US 8,208,673; D617,316; D681,003; 681,014; D681,002; D662,089; BR 3020120011493; CN ZL201230489876.9; ZL201230059196.3; EM 002109637-0001; 002109637-0002; 002109637-0003; 001315261-0001; IN 243252; TW D151481; Patents Pending201137-07 (09.13)。
telephone number. The sleek device is a cost- efficient alternative to existing landline service
Battery Backup (Optional) – 1500 NiMH
and comes equipped with dual band fixed wireless with GPS.
STEP 3: Installing the power adapter on the Home Phone Connect
Under normal usage, the device relies on the external power adapter for its power supply. Insert one end of the power adapter into the DC input port, and plug the unit into an AC wall outlet.
Partial Charge
Blinking Red
Low Charge
Both Blue
One Blue
One Blinking Blue Weak
The device is on
* Note: Never place a USB-based device into the USB port of the Home Phone Connect under any circumstances. Doing so may damage the device and negate its warranty. The port was designed for diagnostic purposes only; it is not intended for customer use.
imagination at work
GE 数码相机
A 系列 : A1456W
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为防止火灾或电击危险,切勿使本相机及所属附件遭 受雨淋或受潮。
对于美国客户 经测试符合FCC标准 供家庭或办公使用 FCC声明
本设备符合FCC规则第15部分的要求。其操作遵循下面 两个条件:(1)本设备不会产生有害干扰,(2)本设备必须 承受任何接收到的干扰,包括可能导致意外操作的干 扰。
此符号[划叉的轮式垃圾箱 WEEE Annex IV]标志 表示在欧盟国家单独回收的废旧电气和电子装 置。请勿将本设备作为家庭垃圾丢弃。请使用您 所在国家(地区)的回收系统正确废弃本产品。
型号名称: 商标名称: 责任方: 地址: 客服热线: A1456W GE General Imaging Co. 1411 W. 190th Street, Suite 550, Gardena, CA 90248, USA +1-800-730-6597
使用模式. ............................................................ 24
液晶屏幕显示. ..............................................................24 静态拍摄模式显示. ............................................24 拍摄模式下的荧幕图示. ..................................26 播放模式下的荧幕显示. ..................................27 ASCN模式. .......................................................................28 风景模式. ................................................................28 人像模式. ................................................................28 夜景人像. ................................................................29 逆光人像. ................................................................29 夜景模式. ................................................................29 近拍模式. ................................................................29 自动模式. ................................................................29 全景合成模式. ..............................................................30 场景选择模式 (SCN). .................................................31 风景. ...........................................................................32 运动. ...........................................................................32 海滩. ...........................................................................32 夕阳. ...........................................................................32
∙通用版GE电话使用说明∙转载到我的日志分享给好友 2008-01-28 00:17:48 分类: 个人日记浏览(1207) 评论(0)∙21018 21028 25833 25831简易使用说明书1、TALK键开关机键2、SPKR键免提键3、DEL 键删除来电号码,长按此键可以删除所有来电号码4、FORMAE 转换来电工作制式5、CID/VOL 待机状态下翻查来电显示,通话状态下为音量调节按钮6、PAGE 呼叫子机键,按此键在按另外一个手机的数字键可以呼叫或者对讲通话7、REDIAL 重拨键8、MEM 储存键9、FLASH 闪断键,通话中可以直接挂断对方的通话10、MATE 通话静音键11、MUCE/PROG 菜单键功能试调:1、语言选择:按PROG键进入菜单系统,往下翻好HANPSETSETAP在按PROG进入设置。
显示SET LANGUAGE按PROG显示A、ENG英语B、FRA法文C、ESP西班牙语,选择适合自己的语言,再按PROG确认。
按PROG键进入菜单系统,翻查到RINGERVOLUM按POR G进入,可以选择铃声的关闭、大小。
出廠時的缺省主密碼是 1234(4位)或者123456(6位)。
出廠時的缺省程式設計密碼是 9713(4位)或者971300(6位)。
例:設置起始防區為4防區[*]-[9]-[3]設置鍵盤1輸入[*]-[9]-[3]-[程式設計密碼] ,Service燈閃爍。
3設好後,按[*]確認[*]-[9]-[6]設置系統日期1 輸入[*]-[9]-[6]-[主密碼] ,Service 燈閃爍。
2 輸入[星期(1位,1=星期日)]-[月(十位)]-[月(個位)]-[日(十位)]-[日(個位)]-[年(十位)]-[年(個位)]例:設置系統日期為[*]-[9]-[7]設置系統時鐘1 輸入[*]-[9]-[7]-[主密碼] ,Service燈閃爍。
2輸入[小時(十位)]-[小時(個位)]-[分(十位)]-[分(個位)]例:設置系統時間為18:00 : [00]更改使用者密碼 1 輸入[*]-[5]-[主密碼] ,Ready 燈閃爍。
2 輸入2位用戶編號,(必須兩位數,象用戶碼3是“03”),Ready 燈常亮。
3 輸入新的使用者密碼後,若Ready 燈閃爍,表示輸入有效;若鍵盤響3聲,則表示輸入無效。
4 如果還要更改其它使用者密碼,則返回到第2步,繼續修改。
5改完後,Ready 燈仍然閃爍,按[#]鍵退出修改。
例:更改01使用者的密碼1234為5555, 增加使用者02的密碼為8888 :[01]設置用戶許可權 1 輸入[*]-[6]-[主密碼],Ready 燈閃爍。
2 2位用戶編號,Ready 燈常亮,Instant 燈閃爍。
Ericsson GE Mobile Communications MDX 手机基站操作手册说明书
![Ericsson GE Mobile Communications MDX 手机基站操作手册说明书](
LBI-38976Mobile CommunicationsMDXOperator's ManualCopyright © September 1993, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.INTRODUCTIONFigure 1 - Base Station Controls and IndicatorsThe front panel of the Ericsson GE Desk Top Station, as shown in Figure 1, includes the front of an MDX conventional/ EDACS™radio, as well as a Control Panel. The Station is assembled as a standard Station with or without one of the combinations of options. The control panel is illustrated for each combination:•Standard Desk Top Station, Without Options - The standard Station has only a single RED LED to indicate when the power supply is ON (see Figure 2).The power supply ON/OFF switch is mounted on the rear of the Station housing.Figure 2 - Control Panel With Single LED Power Indicator •Standard Station with Remote Option - In addition to the LED POWER indicator, there is a REMOTE ON/OFF switch, an INTERCOM ON/OFF/Momentary switch and a VOLUME control (see Figure 3).Figure 3 - Control Panel With Remote OptionOPERATION OF THE STANDARD STATION WITHOUT OPTIONSOperation of the Standard Station without any option begins with turning ON the POWER switch. The POWER switch is located on the rear of the power supply, accessible at the rear of the Desk Top Station housing. The POWER indicator lights, showing that the power supply is ON. The radio is not ON yet. The Power Supply provides power to the Station cooling fan. The fan operation is temperature controlled. Internal cabinet temperature determines when the fan runs. The radio has its own ON/OFF POWER Switch.The radio uses the Station Speaker mounted behind the front cap of the Station. The radio's internal speaker is not used. The radio must be programmed for a variable volume control.Further operation of the Station is that of the MDX radio. Refer to the applicable Operator's Manual for more detailed information. STATION WITH REMOTE OPTIONThe DC/Tone Remote Options permit use of ERICSSON GE's RCN-1000 Remote Control Consoles with the Desk Top Station. Any of these options require that the Station have a DC or Tone Remote Board with a Remote Interface Board. These options provide for a two or four wire interface to the consoles for these functions:•Transmit, Receive and Intercom Audio•Transmit Keying (PTT) Control•Channel Guard MonitorOPERATION OF THE STATION WITH REMOTE OPTIONOperation of the Desk Top Station is described for four combinations of the INTERCOM switch and the REMOTE switch positions. These two switches control the various audio paths between remote and local microphones, the radio, and remote and local speakers.With this switch arrangement, intercom communication is possible between the Desk Top Station and the Remote Console.Also, the Remote Console can key the radio transmitter and hear the receiver's audio output.When the Desk Mic PTT is keyed, there is no connection to the radio transmitter. If the radio receiver is squelched, the speaker at the Remote Console hears the audio as an intercom conversation.Should the radio receiver be unsquelched, receiver audio is heard on both the Desk Top speaker and the Remote Console speaker, with priority over the intercom message from the Desk Mic to the Remote speaker.The audio from the microphone at the Remote Console is heard on the Desk Top Station speaker. The Remote Console's INTERCOM switch must be OFF to key the station's radio transmitter.The audio from the unsquelched radio receiver is heard on both the Station speaker and the Remote Console speaker.Intercom messages from the Remote Consoles are muted when radio messages are being received, or when the Desk Top Station operator is using the Desk Mic PTT.2.Desk Top Intercom Switch ON, Remote Switch OFFThis arrangement offers intercom service only. Neither the Desk Top Station nor the Remote Console microphone can be used to key the radio transmitter. The radio receiver's audio can be heard on the Station speaker, but not on the Remote Console speaker.A message from the Desk Mic is heard on the Remote speaker.An intercom message from the Remote Mic can be heard on the Station speaker, but only if the Desk Mic is not active. The Desk Mic has priority over the Remote Console microphone in the intercom connection.These switch settings are for remote control of the radio, without an intercom connection.When the Desk Mic is keyed, the radio transmitter is keyed and the Remote Console is able to monitor the transmission.The Remote Console microphone is connected to the radio transmitter if the Remote Console Mic is keyed and the Desk Mic is not keyed. Also, the Remote Console Mic is connected to the Station speaker if the radio receiver is squelched and the Desk Mic is not keyed (so that the "Desk Mic Audio to Line Path" is inactive).The radio receiver audio is connected to the Remote Console speaker if the receiver is unsquelched. The P.A. output from the receiver is unconditionally connected to the Station speaker, but is subject to the radio's internal squelch.4.Desk Top Intercom Switch OFF, Remote Switch OFFThis arrangement is for operating the Desk Top Station as a radio.The Desk Mic is connected only to the radio transmitter, when the Desk Mic is keyed.The radio receiver's P.A. audio output is connected only to the Station speaker.A summary of the audio path connections for the four combinations of INTERCOM and REMOTE Switches is given in the Table Remote and Intercom Audio Interface Summary.The VOLUME Control is a rotary potentiometer on the Desk Top Station Control Panel which controls the level of the audio signal fed to the Station speaker as determined by the choice of INTERCOM and REMOTE switch positions.The volume control on the mobile must be variable for the local control station only.With the MDX remote radio, the rotary VOLUME control adjusts both the receiver and the intercom audio levels. The radio volume control buttons are disabled by a PC programming option so that the receiver audio volume level is fixed and the internally adjusted "Intercom Level" adjusts the intercom audio relative to the receiver audio. This arrangement allows all Alert Tones generated by the radio to pass to the Remote Consoles at a suitable level independent of the Desk Top Station rotary VOLUME control. Refer to applicable Operator's Manual for specific information on setting the audio level of the particular radio installed.KEYPAD/FREQUENCY SELECT BOARD OPTIONThe Keypad Option is compatible with the MDX radio (see Figures 4 & 5). When the desktop station is equipped with the Keypad/Remote board, the unit is capable of placing individual calls to other mobiles on the system as well as making interconnect calls. The board also allows operation with a five (5) function remote RC-1000 controller when tone remote control board 19A704686P8 is installed in the station.KEYPAD OPERATIONTo Make An Individual Call From The Keypad1.Push the MENU button on the radio to select the special callmode2.Enter the unit ID of the radio to be called using the keypad. Theallowed range is from 1 to 16382 (this range may be restricted by the PC programmer).3.Key the desk microphone to call the individual unit. The radiowill transmit and receive only to the individual radio in this mode and no other units in the fleet can hear the call. The individual unit ID will be displayed on the radio as long as the call is in progress.4.Push either the CLR button on the radio or the pound (#) key onthe keypad to end the call and return to normal operation.To Make A Telephone Interconnect Call From The Keypad:1.Push the MENU button on the radio to select the special callmode.2.Enter the desired phone number using the keypad.3.Push the star (*) key on the keypad and wait for the radio to dialthe number.4.Key the desk microphone PTT switch to talk and release it tolisten.5.Push either the CLR button on the radio or the pound (#) key onthe keypad to end the call and return to normal operation.Figure 4 - Control Panel with Remote Options and KeypadFigure 5 - Control Panel With Remote and Keypad OptionsEDACS REMOTE OPERATIONThe RCN-1000 Remote Controller is capable of selecting up to five (5) predefined radio system/group/special call combinations. The presets are programmed into the radio by the PC Programmer.The remotes and desktop station can operate as an intercom by setting the INTERCOM switch to ON or M.Remotes can be disabled by setting the station REMOTE switch to OFF.To Place A Call From The Remote:1.Select the desired SF function switch on the RCN-1000. TheLED next to the function switch will illuminate.2.Key the microphone PTT switch and wait for a short beepbefore beginning to speak. Release the PTT when you'refinished.3.Adjust the volume as needed while receiving a call.TABLE - REMOTE & INTERCOM AUDIO INTERFACE SUMMARYPrinted in U.S.A.。
ICG ePhone 蓝牙无线电话说明书
![ICG ePhone 蓝牙无线电话说明书](
Product InformationBluetooth Headset Connectivity 500 Entry Address Book Vibrant 256k Color Display Expandable up to 4 handsets per base station SIP Ethernet and 2-Wire Analog CapabilitiesThe ICG ePhone sets a new standard in cabin communications with a sleek, ultra-modern, high performance cordless phone that caters to those with the most sophisticated tastes. With cutting-edge communications and innovative features for more convenience, the ICG ePhone allows you to do so much more than just make a phone call.Choose between the Bluetooth headset connection or the hands-free feature to experience communication freedom in brilliant sound quality. Maximize the ePhone features and synchronize the names and numbers of your contacts to the large 500 entry address book. Let the ePhone’s innovative user interface on the vibrant 256k color display guide you -- it makes selecting features from the icon-based menu second nature.This reliable, high class phone is also expandable to up to 4 handsets per basestation with each base station supporting up the three simultaneous calls.The ePhone’s versatile cradle options can be mounted into a side ledge or to abulkhead depending upon installation requirements. The device also offers bothSIP Ethernet and 2-Wire analog connections.For all these reasons and many more, the ePhone is an obvious choice for acabin handset that stands out in both form and function.ePhone Handset w/ Bulkhead CradleINNOVATIVE COMMUNICATIONS. SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY.Eff June 2014 Rev EMOUNTING OPTIONS1) Docking Station – Vertical or horizontal recessed mounting installations in a side ledge or cabinet (display side out)2) Bulkhead Cradle - Vertical or horizontal mounting for bulkhead or flat surface installations (display side out)ORDERING INFORMATIONePhone Handset ICG PN: 962100Base Station ICG PN: 962101 Docking Station ICG PN: 962102Bulkhead CradleICG PN: 962106HARDWAREThe ePhone system has three components: • ePhone Handset • Base Station• Cradle (See Mounting Options)FEATURES• DECT 6.0 (1.9 GHz) digital technology for superior voice clarity and range• High Efficiency Handset - providing 200 hours of standby and 15 hours of talk time• Large color display: 2.2 inches, 240 x 320 Pixels, 256K color • vCard upload via Bluetooth up to 500 entries • Illuminated display and keypad• Call hold, conference, call transfer and intercom • Online phone book, transfer amongst phones• Personalized corporate background / screensaver on handset • Expandable up to 4 handsets per base station• Active noise reductionBase Station Bulkhead Cradle Docking StationePhone HandsetMAIN OFFICE:230 Pickett’s LineNewport News, VA 23603 USA (757) 947-1030 (757) 947-1035 fax www.icg.aeroSALES OFFICE:4570 Westgrove Drive, Suite 270Addison, TX 75001 USA (214) 206-3434 (214) 206-3438 fax **************MILITARY/GOVERNMENT:230 Pickett’s LineNewport News, VA 23603 USA (757) 947-1030 ext. 124(757) 947-1035 fax ***************©2014 ICG All Rights Reserved.。
WelcomeQuick start guide123Connect Install EnjoyWhat’s in the boxHandset Base station Power supply for base station2 AAA rechargeable batteries Battery door Line cordQuick Start Guide Warranty cardUser Guide The line adaptor may not be attached to the line cord. In this case, you have to connect the line adaptor to the line cord first before plugging the line cord to the line socket.In multihandset packs, you will find one or more additional handsets, chargers with power supply units and additional rechargeable batteries.WARNING Always use the cables and batteries that came with your phone.1.Place the base station in a central location near the telephone line socket and electricity sockets.2.Connect the line cord and the power cable to the proper connector at the back of the base station.3.Connect the other end of the line cord to the telephone line socket and the other end of the power cable to the electricity socket.Connect the power supply 1.2.Connect the line cord to the line socket BA1ConnectConnect the base station Set date and time1.Press m .2.Scroll : to Clock & Alarm and press OK .3.Press OK to select Set Date/Time .4.Enter current time (HH:MM) and current date (DD/MM/YY) and press OK .Now, you are ready to use your phone.Insert batteriesCharge handset for 24 hours 2Install Insert batteries and charge3EnjoyMake a callEnter the phone number and press r .ORPress r and enter the phone number.Answer a callWhen the phone rings, press r key.End a call Press e key.Adjust earpiece volume during a callPress : to select from V olume 1 to V olume 5.Store a contact in the phonebook1.Press m , scroll : to Phonebook and press OK , press OK again to select New Entry .2.Enter the name of the contact (maximum 12 characters) and press OK .3.Enter the number (maximum 24 digits) and press OK .4.Enter the SMS box number and press OK (only for UK).(The default SMS Box is 9. To modify, press BACK and then enter the number (0 to 9).)5.Scroll : to a group (<No Group>, <Group A>, <Group B>, <Group C>) and press OK to confirm.A long confirmation beep tone is emitted.Access the phonebook1.Press d in standby mode or press m , scroll : to Phonebook and press OK , scroll : to List Entry and press OK .2.Press : to browse the phonebook.Set the ring melody1.Press m , scroll : to Personal Set and press OK , press OK to select Handset Tones , scroll :to Ring Melody and press OK .2.Scroll : to your desired melody to play the melody.3.Press OK to set your ring melody.A confirmation beep is emitted and the screen returns to previous menu.m Enter the main menu from stand-by mode.Select the function displayed on the handset screen directly above it.>Go to redial list from stand-by mode.Select the function displayed on the handset screen directly above it.Activate mute function during a call.r Answer an incoming external or internal call.Insert R for operator services when on the line.e Hang up a call.Long press from menu browing to return to stand-by mode, short press to return to previous menu.Long press in stand-by mode to switch off the handset, short press to switch on the handset again.u Access call log from stand-by mode.Scroll up a menu list or go to the previous phonebook or call log record.Increase earpiece volume during a call.Go to the previous character in editing mode.d Access phonebook from stand-by mode.Scroll down a menu list or go to the next phonebook or call log record.Decrease earpiece volume during a call.Go to the next character in editing mode.c Initiate an internal call.v Answer an incoming call in handsfree mode.Activate and deactivate the loudspeaker during a call.#Dial # in stand-by mode.Long press to mute the ringer in stand-by mode.Insert a pause in dialling mode.Switch between upper and lower case in editing mode.*Dial * in stand-by mode.Long press to activate and deactivate keypad lock.Switch the handset On/OffPress and hold e key for 5 seconds to switch off the handset in stand-by mode.Short press e key to switch on the handset again.Keypad lock/unlockPress and hold * key for 2 seconds to lock and unlock keypad in stand-by mode.Paging 1.Press c key on the base until the handset starts to ring.2.Once the handset is retrieved, press e to end the paging.3111 265 27381TroubleshootingFor more information, please refer to p.48 of SE430 user manual and p.56 of SE435 user manual. Need help?User ManualRefer to the User Manual that is supplied with your SE430/435.Online helpProblemSolution • No dialling tone • Check the connections• Charge the batteries for at least 24 hours• Use the line cable provided• Poor audio quality • Move closer to the base station• Move the base station at least one metre away from any electrical appliances• The icon is blinking • Register the handset to the base station• Move closer to the base station• Caller Line Identification (CLI) service does not work • Check your subscription with your network operator。
Poly Edge E100 IP办公电话说明书
![Poly Edge E100 IP办公电话说明书](
POLY EDGE E100 IP DESK PHONEIt’s time for a desk phone that makes hybrid work easy. The Poly Edge E100 with two-line keys offers more ways to connect, plus unbelievable audio, in a seriously sharp package. These phones bring together Poly’s famous noise reduction technology and a cutting-edge design for the perfect user experience. The Poly Edge E100 is packed with features you didn’t even know you needed, like text-to-speech and antimicrobial protection. No matter what size your business, this is the phone that upgrades your office with style, bringing your organization into the future.• 2-line keys supporting up to 8-lines, features and contacts.• Signature Poly HD voice.• Poly NoiseBlockAI and Poly Acoustic Fence technologies.• Bright 2.8” color IPS LCD display.• Text-to-speech and new accessibility options.CUTTING-EDGE EXPERIENCEBENEFITS• Improved accessibility with text-to-speech feature, screen color adjustments for color blindness and bigger font settings.• Stay informed with style with the light bar status indicator.• Your phones stay cleaner for longer with integrated Microban® antimicrobial protection.• Let the phone compliment your office layout with a 2-position stand and wall mount hardware included.POLY EDGE E100 SPECIFICATIONSLINES / FEATURE KEYS• 2-line keys supporting up to 8-line key assignments for lines, contacts, and features supported with pagination • 4 context-sensitive “soft” keys• 4-way navigation key cluster with center “Select” key• Home and back feature keys• Pagination key for additional lines/ contacts• Volume + / - control keys• Hold and Transfer keys• Headset select key• Speakerphone select key• Mute key (illuminated when muted) USER INTERFACE FEATURES• Color 2.8” IPS LCD display (320x240 pixel resolution)• Voicemail support1• WebKit-based browser• Two position desk stand with wall mount option included• Unicode UTF-8 character support• One USB Type-C ports (2.0 compliant) for media, storage applications and headset connectivity• Lightbar status indicator (RGB with color mixing)• NFC Support• Multilingual user interface including2 Arabic (UAE), Chinese (Traditional/ Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (Canada/ US/UK), French (France/Canadian), German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Swedish AUDIO FEATURES• Poly HD Voice technology delivers lifelike voice quality for each audio path: handset, hands-free speakerphone, and optional headset • Poly Acoustic Clarity technologyprovides full duplex conversations,acoustic echo cancellation, andbackground noise suppression• Poly Acoustic Fence technologyeliminates background noise when usinga handset or wired headset• Poly NoiseBlockAI technology removesmost background noise when using thespeakerphone• Poly Computer Audio Connector appinstalled on your PC (Windows only)enables selecting your phone for PCaudio in/out to use the phones handset,optional headset and handsfreespeakerphone with PC applications• Frequency response—150 Hz-14 kHz forhandset, optional headset and handsfreespeakerphone modes• Codecs: G.711 (A-law and μ-law),G.729AB, G.722 (HD Voice), G.722.1,iLBC, OPUS• TIA-920 wideband audio, type 1compliant (IEEE 1329 full duplex)• Individual volume settings with visualfeedback for each audio path• Voice activity detection• Comfort noise generation• DTMF tone generation (RFC 2833 andin-band)• Low delay audio packet transmission• Adaptive jitter buffers• Packet loss concealmentHEADSET AND HANDSET COMPATIBILITY• Dedicated RJ-9 headset port• Hearing aid compatibility to ITU-T P.370and TIA 504A standards• Compliant with ADA Section 508Subpart B 1194.23 (all)• Hearing aid compatible (HAC) handsetfor magnetic coupling to hearing aids• Compatible with commercially availableTTY adapter equipment• USB headset support (USB Type-C)CALL HANDLING FEATURES¹• Enhanced Feature Keys makepowerful feature shortcuts online keyappearances or soft keys• Shared call/bridged line appearance• Busy Lamp Field (BLF)• Flexible line appearance (1 or more-line keys can be assigned for each lineextension)• Distinctive incoming call treatment/ callwaiting• Call timer and call waiting• Call transfer, hold, divert (forward),park, pickup• Called, calling, connected partyinformation• Local 3-way audio conferencing• 1-touch speed dial, redial• Remote missed call notification• Do not disturb function• Reverse Number Lookup via LDAP• Calling Party Identification (RFC8225classifications—Trusted, Unknown,SPAM)• Electronic hook switch capable• Local configurable digit map/dial planOPEN APPLICATION PLATFORM• WebKit-enabled full browser thatsupports HTML5, CSS, SSL security, andJavaScript• Supports Polycom Apps SDK and APIfor third-party business and personalapplications• NFC-enabled Edge E series phones allowthird-party applications to read serialnumber and other device informationthat can be useful in applicationdevelopment such as guest login forphone hoteling1• Corporate directory access using LDAP• Visual Conference ManagementNETWORK AND PROVISIONING• SIP Protocol Support• SDP• IETF SIP (RFC 3261 and companion RFCs)• Two-port gigabit Ethernet switch10/100/1000Base-TX across LAN and PC ports-Conforms to IEEE802.3-2005 (Clause40) for Physical media attachment-Conforms to IEEE802.3-2002 (Clause28) for link partner auto-negotiation • Manual or dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) network setup• Time and date synchronization using SNTP• FTP/FTPS/TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS server based central provisioning for mass deployments• Provisioning and call server redundancy supported1• QoS Support–IEEE 802.1p/Q tagging (VLAN), Layer 3 TOS, and DHCP• VLAN—CDP, DHCP VLAN discovery, LLDP-MED for VLAN discovery• Network Address Translation (NAT) — support for static configuration and • “Keep-Alive” SIP signaling• RTCP and RTP support• Event logging• Syslog• Hardware diagnostics• Status and statistics reporting• IPv4, IPv6, dual stack (IPv4/IPv6) mode • TCP• UDP• DNS-SRVSECURITY• 802.1X Authentication and EAPOL Media encryption via SRTP• Transport Layer Security (TLS)• Encrypted configuration files• Digest authentication• Password login• Support for URL syntax with password for boot server address• HTTPS secure provisioning• Support for signed software executables POWER• Built-in auto sensing IEEE 802.3af Powerover Ethernet (Class 3) 13 W (Max)• External Universal AC/DC Adapter(optional) 5VDC @ 3A (15W)• ENERGY STAR® ratedREGULATORY APPROVALS³• FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B• ICES-003 Class B• EN55032 Class B• CISPR32 Class B• VCCI Class B• EN55024• EN61000-3-2; EN61000-3-3• UK - UKCA• NZ Telepermit• UAE TRA• Eurasian Customs Union EAC• Brazil ANATEL• Australia RCM• South Africa ICASA• Saudi Arabia CITC• Indonesia SDPPI• S.Korea KC• Mexico NOM ANCE• RoHS Compliant• CE Mark• TAA• SAFETY• UL62368-1• CAN/CSA C22.2 No 62368-1-14• EN 60950-1/62368-1• IEC 60950-1/62368-1• AS/NZS 60950.1/62368.1OPERATING CONDITIONS• Temperature: 0 to 40°C (+32 to 104° F)• Relative humidity: 5% to 95%,noncondensingSTORAGE TEMPERATURE• -40 to +70° C (-40 to +160° F)POLY EDGE E100 PHONE COMES WITH• Console with Microban® Antimicrobialprotection• Handset with Microban® Antimicrobialprotection• Handset cord• Network (LAN) cable—CAT-5E• Desk Stand• Wall mount hardware included• Setup SheetPOLY EDGE E100 UNIT BOX DIMENSIONS(L X W X D) / WEIGHT• Box dimension: 22.3 x 25.5 x 8.3 (cm);8.8 x 10 x 3.5 (inches)• Box weight: 0.88kg/ 1.95lbs (withproduct, accessories, and documents)MASTER CARTON QUANTITY• 10PART NUMBERS - PHONES• 2200-86980-025POLY EDGE E100 IP PHONECOUNTRY OF ORIGIN• ChinaPART NUMBERS - ACCESSORIES• 2200-49925-001EDGE E, CCX350, PSU, 5V/3A, NA/JP• 2200-49926-015EDGE E, CCX350, PSU, 5V/3A, BZ/KR/CN/AR• 2200-49926-125EDGE E, CCX350, PSU, 5V/3A, EU/ANZ/UK/INWARRANTY• 1-year limited warranty1 M ost software-enabled features andcapabilities must be supported by the server.Please contact your IP PBX/Softswitchvendor or service provider for a list ofsupported features.2 Planned localizations3 Planned compliances©2022 Poly. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The Bluetooth trademark is owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use LEARN MOREFor more information on Poly Edge E100 visit /edge-e100-e200。
通用GE (28223EE2-A) DECT6.0双子机数字无绳说明书
![通用GE (28223EE2-A) DECT6.0双子机数字无绳说明书](
GE通用DECT 6.0技术数字无绳电话一、安装电话(电池安装)二、安装电话(座机连线示意图)三、电话设置手机显示手机数字和用户名1、确定您的电话关闭(不是在通话状态)。
2、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮进入主菜单。
4、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮进入显示器菜单,弹出子菜单。
2、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮进入主菜单。
3、按音量按钮(或)选择ALARM CLOCK.4、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮菜单。
屏幕会显示ON > OFF5、按音量按钮(或)选择ON或OFF。
按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)确认。
6、如果选择ON,屏幕会显示SET ALARM TIME。
7、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮显示>ONCE OR DAILY并选择ONCE或DAILY。
8、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮保存选择。
2、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮进入主菜单。
3、按音量按钮(或)选择INITIAL SETUP。
4、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮确认。
六、手柄设置从手机设定菜单:1、按音量按钮(或)选择HANDSET NAME2、按静音/程序(mute/menu OK)按钮进入菜单。
屏幕显示HANDSET NAME3、使用数字键输入名字(15个字符),例如:Bill.smith,按两下2,按三下4键,按三下5两次,然后再按四下7键,再按一下6键,按三下4键,按一下8键,最后按两下4键。
Motorola Mag One 无线通信设备用户手册说明书
![Motorola Mag One 无线通信设备用户手册说明书](
P R O D U C T S A F E T Y A N D R F E X P O S U R E C O M P L I A N C EA T T E N T I O N !T h i s r a d i o i s r e s t r i c t e d t o o c c u p a t i o n a l u s e o n l y t o s a t i s f y F C C R F e n e r g y e x p o s u r er e q u i r e m e n t s . B e f o r e u s i n g t h i s p r o d u c t , r e a d t h e R F e n e r g y a w a r e n e s s i n f o r m a t i o n a n d o p e r a t i n gi n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e P r o d u c t S a f e t y a n d R F E x p o s u r e b o o k l e t e n c l o s e d w i t h y o u r r a d i o (M o t o r o l a P u b l i c a t i o n p a r t n u m b e r 6881095C 98) t o e n s u r e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h R F e n e r g y e x p o s u r e l i m i t s .F o r a l i s t o f M o t o r o l a -a p p r o v e d a n t e n n a s , b a t t e r i e s , a n d o t h e r a c c e s s o r i e s , v i s i t t h e f o l l o w i n g w e bs i t e w h i c h l i s t s a p p r o v e d a c c e s s o r i e s : h t t p ://w w w .m o t o r o l a .c o m /g o v e r n m e n t a n d e n t e r p r i s eM a g O n e ™ b y M o t o r o l a i s r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e U .S . P a t e n t a n d T r a d e m a r k O f f i c e .A l l o t h e r p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e n a m e s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r o w n r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s .© M o t o r o l a , I n c . 2005, 2006, 20071301 E . A l g o n q u i n R d .,S c h a u m b u r g , I L 60196-1078, U .S .A .P r i n t e d i n C h i n a . 02/07. A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .*6881098C 61*6881098C 61-DAttaching and Removing the AntennaTo Remove Antenna 2.Rotate the antenna clockwise until tight.1.Turn the antenna in a counter-clockwise direction until it disengages from the radio.To Remove Battery 2.Secure the latch at the bottom of the radio.1.Unlatch the battery clasp at the bottom of the radio.2.Gently lift the hilt of the battery nearest to the battery latch away from the housing.3.Slide battery downwards to remove.Attaching and Removing the Belt ClipTo Remove Belt Clip 1.Align mounting rails of the radio with the grooves of the belt clip.2.Slide the belt clip downwards until it clicks into place.1.Lift the release tab.2.Slide the belt clip upwards.1.Turn off your radio and the A/C power supply to your charger (if they are on).2.Place your radio in the charger pocket.3.Turn on the charger’s A/C power supply.4.While charging your radio, the charger’s LED shows a steady red light. The radio should be charged at least 16 hours initially before decreasing charging time to 12 hours.5.Turn off the charger’s A/C power supply, and remove the radio from the charger pocket.6.For more details, refer to your Tri-Chem Charger User Guide (6871916T01).Audio Alert TonesTone Name Tone Cadence DescriptionIn Chirp Tone Programmable buttons are pressed.Out Chirp Tone Programmable buttons are pressed.Bad Key Chirp Tone Invalid programmable button function (i.e. pressing programmable button while button lock is activated.)Talk Prohibit Tone Continuous tone is heard if PTT is pressed when transmit is not allowed.Low Battery Alert Tone Repeating tone heard if battery level is low.PriorityChannel Alert ToneReceived priority channel in Priority Scan mode.Low ToneHigh ToneLED IndicatorsColour State IndicationRed Illuminated Radio is transmitting.Blinking Battery voltage is low.Green Illuminated Radio is receiving with PL/DPL disabled.Blinking Radio is in active scanning mode.OrangeIlluminated Radio is receiving with PL/DPL enabled.BlinkingAn error has occured.Accessories*Caution: Your radio does not support the VOX feature. Please set the accessory switch to ‘PTT’. If the accessory switch is set to ‘VOX’, your radio transmits constantly and never receives.Types Part No.DescriptionAntenna PMAD4051_R Mag One 150-174MHz Antenna PMAE4020_R Mag One 450-470MHz Antenna Audio AccessoryPMMN4008_Remote Speaker MicrophonePMLN4442_Earbud with in-line mic and PTT/VOX * Switch PMLN4443_Ear Receiver with in-line mic and PTT/VOX * Switch PMLN4445_Ultra Lightweight Headset with In-line PTT/VOX * Switch PMLN4294_Earbud with Microphone & PTT Combined PMLN4605_Clear Acoustic KitPMLN4606_2-Wire Surveillance Kit with Clear Acoustic Tube PMLN4658 _D-shell Earset with Boom Mic with PTT/VOX * Switch BatteryPMNN4071_R Mag One NiMH 1200mAH PMNN4075_R Mag One Li-Ion 1500mAH Carry AccessoryPMLN4743_Mag One Spring Belt Clip PMLN4741_Mag One Soft Leather Carry Case PMLN4742_Mag One Hard Leather Carry Case Charger PMLN5041_R Mag One Tri-Chem SUC BasePMLN5048_R Mag One Tri-Chem SUC with Switching PS US PlugEPNN9288_Switching Power Supply with AC Cord, US plug, 90–264 VACProgrammable Buttons•The following functions can be assigned as short press (press and release) or long press (press and hold for 1 second) in the programmable buttons.† In Chirp Tone* Out Chirp Tone•Your radio’s default functions are described below. If re-programmed, enter the new functions .ButtonFunctionHigh/Low Power Selects desired power level to High † or Low *.Volume Set Allows you to check the audio and alert tone volume level.Monitor Allows you to monitor the current channel for activity; disables squelch.Sticky Monitor *The radio monitors continually until you press this button again.ScanStarts * or Stops † channel scan.Nuisance Channel Delete †Removes unwanted channel(s) temporarily from scan list during scan.Repeater/Talkaround Toggles radio between functioning in Repeater mode † or Talkaround mode *.PL/DPL Enables †/Disables * radio from requiring matching PL/DPL to receive messages.Button Lock Locks * or unlocks † all buttons except PTT, Channel Knob and On/Off/Volume Knob .Battery Save Mode Toggles between functioning with Battery Saver ON * or Battery Saver OFF †.SquelchSelects desired squelch level: Normal † or Tight *.Press TypeProgrammable Button 1Programmable Button 2DefaultRe-programmedDefault Re-programmedShort Press Monitor ScanLong Press Sticky MonitorNuisance Channel Delete。
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通用28111 DECT 6.0 无绳电话说明书一、话机设置(以下操作请在电话机处于待机状态下进行)房间监视:(此功能仅使用额外的手机上)按mute/program键进入主菜单,使用☐或❑键找到ROOM MONITOR 选项;再按mute/program键进入ROOM MONITOR编辑,屏幕会显示ROOM MONITOR EXTENSION?;使用0~9数字键输入您想要被监控的手机名称或号码,被监控的手机会自动打开麦克风,而另一监控手机打开免提功能,自动监听来自被监控手机收集的声音。
语言设置:按mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到SET LANGUAGE选项,再按mute/program键进入第二级菜单,使用☐或❑选择语言1ENG(英文)2FRA(法文)3ESP(西班牙文),或直按1~3键选择,再按mute/program 确认。
铃声类型:按mute/program键,使用☐或❑键找到RINGER TONE选项;再按一下mute/program键进入第二级菜单,使用☐或❑选择铃声(20种),按mute/program键确认。
铃声音量:按mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到RINGER VOLUME选项,再按mute/program键进入第二级菜单,使用☐或❑选择铃声高低1HI(高)2LO(低)3OFF(关闭),或直按1~3键选择,再按mute/program确认。
方式二,按一下#pause/ringer键,屏幕显示SET RINGER 1HI 2LO 3OFF, 使用☐或❑选择铃声高低或直按1~3键选择,再按#pause/ringer确认。
存储VIP铃声:(让您为特别的人设置特别的铃声)按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到VIP MELODY选项,再按mute/program键,屏幕会显示VIP一号位的记录,如果没有,则屏幕显示**EMPTY**;按☐或❑键选择VIP铃声要存的位置(共10个),按mute/program键屏幕显示SELECT MELODY,按❑或☐键浏览电话簿并选择要设置VIP铃声的号码;再按mute/program键确认后,屏幕显示VIP MELODY 01;按❑或☐键选择铃声,按mute/program确认。
浏览VIP铃声设置和删除VIP铃声设置:按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到VIP MELODY选项,再按mute/program键,此时屏幕显示第一个VIP记录,使用❑或☐键找到您想要的VIP记录;删除VIP铃声设置,按一下delete键,屏幕显示DELETE VIP#?,再按delete键确认,屏幕则显示DELETE VIP#?。
按键声音开关设置:按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到KEY TONE选项,再按mute/program键,屏幕显示SET KEY TONE ❝ 1ON(开)2OFF(关),使用❑或☐键或直接按1、2数字键进行选择,再按mute/program 键确认。
安全码设置:(仅适带答录系统的话机)按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到SECURITY CODE选项,再按mute/program键进入第二级菜单,使用数字键输入三位数的安全码,输入完毕后按mute/program键确认。
区号设置:按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到AREA CODE选项,再按mute/program键进入第二级菜单,屏幕显示SET AREA CODE ---,使用数字键(0~9)输入三位数,再按mute/program键确认(注:若想恢复默认设置---,则按住delete键,直到屏幕显示SET AREA CODE才释放。
)音频(Tone)/脉冲(Pulse)设置:按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到TONE PULSE选项,再按mute/program 键,屏幕显示TONE/PULSE ❝ 1TONE(音频)2PULSE(脉冲),使用❑或☐键或直接按1、2数字键进行选择,再按mute/program键确认。
注册手机(所有手机必须与主机进行对频、注册才能使用):按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到REGISTRATION选项,再按mute/program键,屏幕显示REGISTRATION 1YES(是)2NO(不),使用❑或☐键或直接按1、2数字键进行选择,再按mute/program键,屏幕显示HOLD BASE PAGE FOR 5 SECONDS,THEN PRESS HANDSET PROGRAM,后按住主机的PAGE键直到主机的指示灯一开始闪烁才放开,再按手机的mute/program键后,REGISTERING显示在屏幕上,当屏幕显示HANDSET X REGISTERED表示注册成功,X代表手机的第几个数目。
(进行此项操作时,请确保手机位于主机的附近)解除注册:(使手机失效)按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到DEREGISTRATION选项,再按mute/program 键,屏幕显示DEREGISTRATION 1YES(是)❝2NO(不),使用❑或☐键或直接按1、2数字键进行选择,如果不想解除注册,请选择NO,若想解除,再按YES,后按mute/program键,屏幕会显示MOVE NEAR TO BASE2秒后,后显示CONFIRM? 1YES 2NO; 使用❑或☐键或直接按1、2数字键进行选择,选择YES,再按mute/program 键确认解除。
解除全部手机:按住主机上的PAGE键直到指示灯开始闪烁;再一次按住主机上的PAGE键直到指示灯快速闪烁;再按一下PAGE键,则所有的手机则会显示HANDSET NEEDS REGISTRATION。
恢复出厂设置:按一下mute/program键,使用❑或☐键找到DEFAULT SETTING选项,再按mute/program键,屏幕显示DEFAULT SETTING 1YES(是)2NO(不),使用❑或☐键或直接按1、2数字键进行选择,再按mute/program键确认二、电话操作拨打电话:方式一,按一下TALK/CALL BACK或SPEAKER(免提)键,后拨号;方式二,先拨号码,再按一下TALK/CALL BACK或SPEAKER键后自动拨号;方式三,按❑或☐上下翻页键找到您想拨的来电记录,后按TALK/CALL BACK或SPEAKER键;通话结束后,按TALK/CALL BACK或SPEAKER键挂机。
重拨号码:按一下TALK/CALL BACK键,如果您想快速拨上一次拨过的号码,则按redial键,再按TALK/CALL BACK键后自动拨出;若您想快速拨来电的号码,则先按一下redial键后,再使用❑或☐键找到您想拨的来电号码,再按TALK/CALL BACK键后自动拨出;拨号后,若遇到忙音,则再按一下redial键后本机会快速拨出此号码。
搜索功能:1、手机搜索(仅应用2部手机以上):确认手机处于待机状态,按一下手机的int键,屏幕会显示PAGING EXTENSION?,再直接按(1~5)数字键,选择您要呼叫的手机号码数,5代表呼叫所有手机;取消手机搜索,则按*TONE/exit,int,或TALK/CALL BACK键,或是按被呼叫机的*TONE/exit键。
2、主机搜索:按一下主机的PAGE 键,所有已注册的手机都会响两分钟,取消主机搜索,则再按一下PAGE键,或是按每个手机上的TALK/CALL BACK 或*TONE/exit键。
静音(Mute 此项功能保证在线的对方听不到您的谈话,但您可以听对方的声音):通话中,按一下mute/program键,屏幕显示MUTE ON.再按一下mute/program键取消静音功能,回到双方交谈。
免打扰(DND 此项功能使已注册的所有手机的铃声设置为静音):在待机状态下,按一下主机上的do not disturb键,则DND指示灯会亮,再按一下do not disturb键取消此项功能。
三、内部对讲操作内部呼叫:确认手机处于待机状态,按一下手机的int键,屏幕会显示PAGING EXTENSION?,再直接按(1~5)数字键,选择您要呼叫的手机号码数,5代表呼叫所有手机;取消呼叫,则按一下int键或*TONE/exit键;若被呼叫的手机在两分钟没有接听,内部呼叫会自动关闭。
接听内部呼叫:手机响铃后,按一下int键或TALK/CALL BACK键接听呼叫,通话结束,按*TONE/exit 或是int 键。
内外三方会谈:(当您正与外线通话时,此时想加入另一个子机进入会谈中,就可以使用这个功能)与外线通话期间,按一下int键,屏幕显示LINE ON HOLD EXTENSION?,使用数字键选择您想要加入会谈的子机号,此时你会听到搜索音,PAGING显示在屏幕上,而被呼叫的手机则显示PAGING FROM…,按一下被呼叫手机的int或TALK/CALL BACK键接听内部呼叫;接通被呼叫子机后,则按呼叫手机的conf/format键开始内外三方会谈,两个子机都会显示CONFERENCE;(注意:当一个子机正与外线通话,此时按另一个子机的TALK/CALL BACK键,则这个子机会直接进入三方会谈模式。
)内部转接外线(当您接外线来电,可以把这个来电转到其他子机,让其他子机的主人接听电话)接通外线时,按一下int键,保持外线在线状态,使用数字键呼叫子机,当子机接通后,则按一下TALK/CALL BACK键把外线转到子机上;假如子机在30秒内没有应答,呼叫的手机就会响铃,而呼叫的手机在20秒内没有应答,则本机就会自动挂机。
回拨来电号码:确认手机处于待机状态,使用❑或☐键找到您想回拨的来电号码,再按TALK/CALL BAC K或SPEAKER。